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The Renaissance
Renaissance ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Humanism ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
In 1817 the young French novelist Marie-Henri Beyle, better known by his pen name "Stendhal", was overcome by Florence's rich tapestry of art and history on a visit to the city.  He wrote in his diary,  I was in a sort of ecstasy, from the idea of being in Florence, close to the great men whose tombs I had seen. Absorbed in the contemplation of sublime beauty ... I reached the point where one encounters celestial sensations ... Everything spoke so vividly to my soul. Ah, if I could only forget. I had palpitations of the heart, what in Berlin they call 'nerves.' Life was drained from me. I walked with the fear of falling. In the 1970s, Doctor Graziella Magherini, chief psychiatrist at Florence's Santa Maria Nuova Hospital remembered Stendhal's affliction when she noticed that many tourists to the city were similarly overwhelmed and suffered panic attacks and bouts of madness. She named the condition  Stendhal's Syndrome
Florence  Flood of 1966 Rescuing Florence’s masterpieces after the flood of 1966 The Arno River flood of 1966 in Florence
Florence ,[object Object],[object Object],Florence Cathedral. Begun 1296 on original plan by Arnolfo di Cambio; redesigned 1357 and 1366 by Francesco Talenti, Andrea Orcagna, and Neri di Fioravanti; dome 1420--1436 by Filippo Brunelleschi; baptistery, late 11th--early 12th century; campanile ca. 1334--1350 by Giotto, Andrea Pisano, and Francesco Talenti. Height at bronze ball atop lantern, 350'.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Florence Baptistery
Lorenzo Ghiberti.  Sacrifice of Isaac , 1401-1402. Gilded bronze relief, 21" x 17". Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Filippo Brunelleschi.  Sacrifice of Isaac,  1401-1402. Gilded bronze relief, 21" x 17". Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence foreshortening -  a technique used to suggest that forms are sharply advancing or  receding
The  Gates of Paradise ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Lorenzo Ghiberti.  Gates of Paradise , east door, Florence Baptistery, 1425-52. Gilded bronze relief, height over 7'.
Lorenzo Ghiberti. Self-portrait from the  Gates of Paradise,  east doors of the baptistery, Florence. ca. 1445–1448. Lorenzo Ghiberti (c.1381-1455)
The Story of Adam and Eve East Doors of the Baptistery, ca. 1425-37 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Photograph of Ghiberti’s  Gates of Paradise , damaged after the 1966 flooding of the Arno River
Florence Cathedral  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Florence Cathedral. Begun 1296 on original plan by Arnolfo di Cambio; redesigned 1357 and 1366 by Francesco Talenti, Andrea Orcagna, and Neri di Fioravanti; dome 1420--1436 by Filippo Brunelleschi; baptistery, late 11th--early 12th century; campanile ca. 1334--1350 by Giotto, Andrea Pisano, and Francesco Talenti. Height at bronze ball atop lantern, 350'.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Brunelleschi, Top:  dome and lantern of Florence Cathedral, Dome 1420–1436; lantern, after 1446
Brunelleschi’s Dome ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],A procession wound its way through the city streets and entered the cathedral It was led by Pope Eugene IV, seven cardinals, thirty-seven bishops and untold numbers of church officials, civic leaders, artists, scholars and musicians
Once inside, the guests heard a new musical work, picking up the floral theme of the day,  Nuper rosarum flores   composed especially for the consecration  by French composer Guillaume Dufay Nuper rosarum flores,  Flowers of  the Roses ,  or  Il Duomo  motet
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Guillaume Dufay (c1400-1474)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Nuper rosarum flores
Nuper rosarum flores ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Music CD Track 7.1 (#6 on the Faculty drive) Dufay,  Nuper rosarum flores The whole space of the temple was filled with such  choruses of harmony, and such a concert of diverse instruments, that it seemed (not without reason) as though the symphonies and songs of the angels and of divine paradise had been sent forth from Heaven to whisper in our ears an unbelievable celestial  sweetness
Filippo Brunelleschi
Leon Battista Alberti Self portrait of Leon Battista Alberti (bronze plaque) c1436, National Gallery, Washington DC.
Principles of Brunelleschi’s  Linear, One-Point Perspective ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Perspective: 15th Century Techniques (length:  4:02)
Giorgio Vasari Vasari,  Self-portrait  (detail), Oil on canvas, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Masaccio.  Holy Trinity , c. 1425. Fresco, 21' 9" x 9' 4". Santa Maria Novella, Florence
Masaccio,  The Tribute Money,  Fresco, 8' 1¼"    19' 7", 1420s ,[object Object]
Masaccio,  Tribute Money,  from left side of the Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence Giotto.  Kiss of Judas (The Betrayal) ,  Arena Chapel , Padua, c. 1305.  Fresco
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Donatello.  David,  c. 1430-1440. Bronze, 5' 2 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
Donatello.  David,  details, c. 1430-1440. Bronze, 5' 2 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
Donatello. David, c. 1430-1440. Bronze, 5' 2 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Polykleitos,  Doryphoros (Spear Bearer),  c. 450-440 B.C.E. Marble copy of bronze original, 6' 11 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale Archeologico, Naples.
Medici Family
Michelozzo di Bartolommeo. Palazzo Medici-Ricardi, Florence. Begun 1444. Leon Battista Alberti. Palazzo Rucellai, Florence.  1446–1451.
Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510 )
Sandro Botticelli,  Primaver a Tempera on panel, 6' 8"    10' 4", early 1480s Botticelli,  Primavera , c. 1482, Tempera on wood, 203 x 314 cm, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Pico della Mirandola ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Reading 7.2  Pico della Mirandola,  Oration on the Dignity of Man  (1486)
Federigo da Montefeltro ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Piero della Francesca.  Federigo da Montefeltro , Duke of Urbino (after cleaning), after 1475. Oil and tempera on panel, 18 1/2" x 13". Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.
[object Object],[object Object],Baldassare Castiglione Raphael,  Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione , 1514-15, Oil on canvas, 82 x 67 cm, Musée du Louvre, Paris
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],The Book of the Courtier
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],The Book of the Courtier
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Reading 7.3a Baldassare Castiglione,  The Courtier,  Book 1
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],The Book of the Courtier
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],The Book of the Courtier Reading 7.3 b Baldassare Castiglione,  The Courtier,  Book 3
[object Object],[object Object],Laura Cereta
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Laura Cereta
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Reading 7.4 Laura Cereta,  Defense of Liberal Instruction for Women  (1488) In Defense of Liberal Instruction for Women
Reading 7.1 Song of Bacchus  or Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne,  from  Lorenzo de Medici:  Selected Poems and Prose Vasari,  Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent , Oil on wood, 90 x 72 cm, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence Lorenzo de Medici
Portrait of Girolamo Savonarola c. 1498, Oil on wood, 47 x 31 cm, Museo di San Marco, Florence
Leonardo da Vinci,  Self-Portrait,  c. 1512, Red chalk, 33.3 x 21.3 cm (13 1/8 x 8 3/8 in), Biblioteca Reale, Turin Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Leonardo da Vinci.  Vitruvian Man.   ca. 1485–1490. 13 1/2"    9 5/8"
[object Object],[object Object],Leonardo da Vinci.  Mona Lisa , c. 1503-1505. Oil on wood, 30 1/4" x 21". Louvre, Paris
Leonardo da Vinci.  Mona Lisa , detail, c. 1503-1505. Oil on wood, 30 1/4" x 21". Louvre, Paris
Leonardo da Vinci.  Mona Lisa , c. 1503-1505. Oil on wood, 30 1/4" x 21". Louvre, Paris Duchamp,  L..H.O.O.Q ., 1919, reproduction of Leonardo’s, Mona Lisa altered with pencil, 7 3/4x4 1/8”, Private Collection, Paris
Leonardo da Vinci,  The Last Supper , c. 1495-97. mural, 15' 1 1/8" x 28' 10 1/2". Refectory, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan
Perspective diagrams of Leonardo’s  Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci,  Last Supper , 1498,  pre-WWII photograph of the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan  Il refettorio di Santa Maria delle Grazie dopo il bombardamento dell'agosto 1943. E' possibile vedere chiaramente la crocifissione del Monfortano sulla parete corta non crollata. Il Cenacolo di Leonardo gli è esattamente di fronte, non visibile nella foto
Leonardo da Vinci’s  Christ  during three stages of restoration
Mary Beth Edelson,  Some Living American Women Artists,  1971, Offset print, 26" x 38"
French fashion house Girbaud’s ad showing female version of Leonardo’s Last Supper was censored by the French government (2006)
Rome at the Beginning  of the 15th Century ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Anonymous,  View of Rome Oil on canvas, ca. 1550
Vitruvius ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Leonardo,  Vitruvius Man ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],Donato Bramante,  Tempietto 1502
[object Object],[object Object],Donato Bramante,  Tempietto 1502
Diameter of the shaft defines the entire plan.  Each shaft is spaced four diameters from the next, and the colonnade they form is two diameters from the circular walls The frieze above the columns is decorated  with a relief relating to objects of the Christian liturgy  The  Tempietto  embodies Italian humanist architecture in the Renaissance in its: classical reference proportional coherence of its  parts Donato Bramante,  Tempietto 1502
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Raphael.  Pope Julius ll,  1511-1512. Oil on panel, 3' 6 1/2" x 2' 7 !/2". Uffizi, Florence
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Plans for Saint Peter’s, Rome by Donato Bramante.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Plans for Saint Peter’s, Rome by Michelangelo.
Girolamo Savonarola (1452-98) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Portrait of Girolamo Savonarola c. 1498, Oil on wood, 47 x 31 cm, Museo di San Marco, Florence
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Marcello Venusti,  Portrait of Michelangelo,  c1504-06, oil/panel, Uffizzi, Florence Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)
Michelangelo, David, 1501-1504. Marble, 14' h,Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence.
Donatello.  David , c. 1430-1440. Bronze, 5' 2 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Raphael.  Pope Julius ll,  1511-1512. Oil on panel, 3' 6 1/2" x 2' 7 !/2". Uffizi, Florence
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Michelangelo.  Creation of Adam,  Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome. 1510.
Michelangelo,  Laurentian Library Staircase Designed beginning 1524; completed 1559 ,[object Object],[object Object]
Raphael (Raffaelo Santi) (1483-1520) Raphael,  Self-Portrait
Raphael ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Raphael,  School of Athens Fresco, 19'    27', 1510-11
  1. Plato (portrait of Leonardo) 7. Heraclitus (portrait of Michelangelo) 2.  Aristotle 8. Pythagoras 3. Diogenes 9. Apollo 4. Euclid (portrait of Bramante) 10. Socrates 5. Ptolemy 11. Minerva 6. Raphael (self-portrait)
Raphael, detail of Plato (portrait of Leonardo) and Aristotle,  The School of Athens , 1510-11, fresco, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome
Raphael, detail of Heracleitus (features of Michelangelo)  The School of Athens , 1510-11, fresco, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome
Raphael, detail of Euclid (features of Bramante)  The School of Athens , 1510-11, fresco, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome
Raphael, detail of Zoroaster, Ptolemy, Raphael (wearing dark cap), Sodoma,  The School of Athens , 1510-11, fresco, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome
[object Object],Raphael’s tomb, Pantheon
Raphael,  Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de’ Medici and Luigi de’ Rossi Panel, 60½"    47", 1517 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Josquin des Pres (1440-1521) Flanders ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Score for the opening bars of Josquin des Prez’s  Pange Lingua Mass.  16th century. Music CD Track 7.2 (#7 on the Faculty drive) De Prez,  Pangue lingua Mass
Santi di Tito,  Niccolò Machiavelli ca. 1510 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Niccolo Machiavelli Reading 7.5a Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince , Chapter 14 (1513) Reading 7.5b Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince , Chapter 5 (1513)
The High Renaissance in Venice ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
View of the Doge’s Palace, with  Saint Mark’s Cathedral to the Left
Masters of the Venetian High Renaissance: Giorgione and Titian ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Giorgione giorgio da castelfranco (1478-1510) Giorgione, Copy of a lost  Self-Portrait ,  Paper on wood, 31,5 x 21,5 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Giorgione,  Tempest Oil on canvas, 31¼"    28¾", ca. 1509 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Pastoral Concert ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Giorgione,  Pastoral Concert Oil on canvas, 43¼"    54-3/8", ca. 1510
titian Tiziano Vecello (c1478-1576) Titian,  Self-Portrait,  c. 1562 Oil on canvas, 96 x 75 cm Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Titian,  Sacred and Profane Love Oil on canvas, 46½"    109-7/8", ca. 1514 Two female figures—nude is sacred love and luxuriously clothed is earthly or profane love—probably represent two aspects of the same woman.
Titian,  Reclining Nude  (Venus of Urbino) Oil on canvas, 47"    65", ca. 1538 More real woman than ethereal goddess, this “Venus” stares out at the viewer with matter-of-factness, suggesting she is totally comfortable with her nudity.
Veronese (Paolo Caliari) , c1575,  Portrait of Veronica Franco,  Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts Reading 7.6 Veronica Franco,  Terze Rime, Capitolio 13
Solomon and Sheba East Doors of the Baptistery, ca. 1425-37 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

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Hum Renaissance

  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. In 1817 the young French novelist Marie-Henri Beyle, better known by his pen name "Stendhal", was overcome by Florence's rich tapestry of art and history on a visit to the city. He wrote in his diary, I was in a sort of ecstasy, from the idea of being in Florence, close to the great men whose tombs I had seen. Absorbed in the contemplation of sublime beauty ... I reached the point where one encounters celestial sensations ... Everything spoke so vividly to my soul. Ah, if I could only forget. I had palpitations of the heart, what in Berlin they call 'nerves.' Life was drained from me. I walked with the fear of falling. In the 1970s, Doctor Graziella Magherini, chief psychiatrist at Florence's Santa Maria Nuova Hospital remembered Stendhal's affliction when she noticed that many tourists to the city were similarly overwhelmed and suffered panic attacks and bouts of madness. She named the condition Stendhal's Syndrome
  • 5. Florence Flood of 1966 Rescuing Florence’s masterpieces after the flood of 1966 The Arno River flood of 1966 in Florence
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. Lorenzo Ghiberti. Sacrifice of Isaac , 1401-1402. Gilded bronze relief, 21" x 17". Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Filippo Brunelleschi. Sacrifice of Isaac, 1401-1402. Gilded bronze relief, 21" x 17". Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence foreshortening - a technique used to suggest that forms are sharply advancing or receding
  • 9.
  • 10. Lorenzo Ghiberti. Self-portrait from the Gates of Paradise, east doors of the baptistery, Florence. ca. 1445–1448. Lorenzo Ghiberti (c.1381-1455)
  • 11.
  • 12. Photograph of Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise , damaged after the 1966 flooding of the Arno River
  • 13.
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  • 18. Once inside, the guests heard a new musical work, picking up the floral theme of the day, Nuper rosarum flores composed especially for the consecration by French composer Guillaume Dufay Nuper rosarum flores, Flowers of the Roses , or Il Duomo motet
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  • 22. Music CD Track 7.1 (#6 on the Faculty drive) Dufay, Nuper rosarum flores The whole space of the temple was filled with such choruses of harmony, and such a concert of diverse instruments, that it seemed (not without reason) as though the symphonies and songs of the angels and of divine paradise had been sent forth from Heaven to whisper in our ears an unbelievable celestial sweetness
  • 24. Leon Battista Alberti Self portrait of Leon Battista Alberti (bronze plaque) c1436, National Gallery, Washington DC.
  • 25.
  • 26. Perspective: 15th Century Techniques (length: 4:02)
  • 27. Giorgio Vasari Vasari, Self-portrait (detail), Oil on canvas, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
  • 28. Masaccio. Holy Trinity , c. 1425. Fresco, 21' 9" x 9' 4". Santa Maria Novella, Florence
  • 29.
  • 30. Masaccio, Tribute Money, from left side of the Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence Giotto. Kiss of Judas (The Betrayal) , Arena Chapel , Padua, c. 1305. Fresco
  • 31.
  • 32. Donatello. David, details, c. 1430-1440. Bronze, 5' 2 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
  • 33. Donatello. David, c. 1430-1440. Bronze, 5' 2 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer), c. 450-440 B.C.E. Marble copy of bronze original, 6' 11 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale Archeologico, Naples.
  • 35. Michelozzo di Bartolommeo. Palazzo Medici-Ricardi, Florence. Begun 1444. Leon Battista Alberti. Palazzo Rucellai, Florence. 1446–1451.
  • 37. Sandro Botticelli, Primaver a Tempera on panel, 6' 8"  10' 4", early 1480s Botticelli, Primavera , c. 1482, Tempera on wood, 203 x 314 cm, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
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  • 50. Reading 7.1 Song of Bacchus or Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne, from Lorenzo de Medici: Selected Poems and Prose Vasari, Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent , Oil on wood, 90 x 72 cm, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence Lorenzo de Medici
  • 51. Portrait of Girolamo Savonarola c. 1498, Oil on wood, 47 x 31 cm, Museo di San Marco, Florence
  • 52. Leonardo da Vinci, Self-Portrait, c. 1512, Red chalk, 33.3 x 21.3 cm (13 1/8 x 8 3/8 in), Biblioteca Reale, Turin Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
  • 53. Leonardo da Vinci. Vitruvian Man. ca. 1485–1490. 13 1/2"  9 5/8"
  • 54.
  • 55. Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa , detail, c. 1503-1505. Oil on wood, 30 1/4" x 21". Louvre, Paris
  • 56. Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa , c. 1503-1505. Oil on wood, 30 1/4" x 21". Louvre, Paris Duchamp, L..H.O.O.Q ., 1919, reproduction of Leonardo’s, Mona Lisa altered with pencil, 7 3/4x4 1/8”, Private Collection, Paris
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  • 59. Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper , c. 1495-97. mural, 15' 1 1/8" x 28' 10 1/2". Refectory, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan
  • 60. Perspective diagrams of Leonardo’s Last Supper
  • 61. Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper , 1498, pre-WWII photograph of the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan Il refettorio di Santa Maria delle Grazie dopo il bombardamento dell'agosto 1943. E' possibile vedere chiaramente la crocifissione del Monfortano sulla parete corta non crollata. Il Cenacolo di Leonardo gli è esattamente di fronte, non visibile nella foto
  • 62. Leonardo da Vinci’s Christ during three stages of restoration
  • 63. Mary Beth Edelson, Some Living American Women Artists, 1971, Offset print, 26" x 38"
  • 64. French fashion house Girbaud’s ad showing female version of Leonardo’s Last Supper was censored by the French government (2006)
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  • 66. Anonymous, View of Rome Oil on canvas, ca. 1550
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  • 71. Diameter of the shaft defines the entire plan. Each shaft is spaced four diameters from the next, and the colonnade they form is two diameters from the circular walls The frieze above the columns is decorated with a relief relating to objects of the Christian liturgy The Tempietto embodies Italian humanist architecture in the Renaissance in its: classical reference proportional coherence of its parts Donato Bramante, Tempietto 1502
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  • 78. Marcello Venusti, Portrait of Michelangelo, c1504-06, oil/panel, Uffizzi, Florence Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)
  • 79. Michelangelo, David, 1501-1504. Marble, 14' h,Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence.
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  • 83. Donatello. David , c. 1430-1440. Bronze, 5' 2 1/2" high. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
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  • 85. Raphael. Pope Julius ll, 1511-1512. Oil on panel, 3' 6 1/2" x 2' 7 !/2". Uffizi, Florence
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  • 90. Michelangelo. Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome. 1510.
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  • 92. Raphael (Raffaelo Santi) (1483-1520) Raphael, Self-Portrait
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  • 94. Raphael, School of Athens Fresco, 19'  27', 1510-11
  • 95.   1. Plato (portrait of Leonardo) 7. Heraclitus (portrait of Michelangelo) 2.  Aristotle 8. Pythagoras 3. Diogenes 9. Apollo 4. Euclid (portrait of Bramante) 10. Socrates 5. Ptolemy 11. Minerva 6. Raphael (self-portrait)
  • 96. Raphael, detail of Plato (portrait of Leonardo) and Aristotle, The School of Athens , 1510-11, fresco, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome
  • 97. Raphael, detail of Heracleitus (features of Michelangelo) The School of Athens , 1510-11, fresco, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome
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  • 99. Raphael, detail of Euclid (features of Bramante) The School of Athens , 1510-11, fresco, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome
  • 100. Raphael, detail of Zoroaster, Ptolemy, Raphael (wearing dark cap), Sodoma, The School of Athens , 1510-11, fresco, Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, Rome
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  • 104. Score for the opening bars of Josquin des Prez’s Pange Lingua Mass. 16th century. Music CD Track 7.2 (#7 on the Faculty drive) De Prez, Pangue lingua Mass
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  • 107. View of the Doge’s Palace, with Saint Mark’s Cathedral to the Left
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  • 109. Giorgione giorgio da castelfranco (1478-1510) Giorgione, Copy of a lost Self-Portrait , Paper on wood, 31,5 x 21,5 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
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  • 112. Giorgione, Pastoral Concert Oil on canvas, 43¼"  54-3/8", ca. 1510
  • 113. titian Tiziano Vecello (c1478-1576) Titian, Self-Portrait, c. 1562 Oil on canvas, 96 x 75 cm Staatliche Museen, Berlin
  • 114. Titian, Sacred and Profane Love Oil on canvas, 46½"  109-7/8", ca. 1514 Two female figures—nude is sacred love and luxuriously clothed is earthly or profane love—probably represent two aspects of the same woman.
  • 115. Titian, Reclining Nude (Venus of Urbino) Oil on canvas, 47"  65", ca. 1538 More real woman than ethereal goddess, this “Venus” stares out at the viewer with matter-of-factness, suggesting she is totally comfortable with her nudity.
  • 116. Veronese (Paolo Caliari) , c1575, Portrait of Veronica Franco, Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts Reading 7.6 Veronica Franco, Terze Rime, Capitolio 13
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