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How Women Are Treated in India
In many parts of the world females still have very little rights. Indeed, equality between men and women have been accepted by the majority of the
developed countries, but developing countries still struggle to see women as equals to men, and India is one of the worst. Currently, the Indian
National Congress Party is only 10% female, limiting the say women get. In India, women are definitely not seen as equals to men are being treated
like second rate citizens. It also really says something about the inequality in a country when its women are so used to being treated badly most of
them do not even recognize that they have rights. In India, men were always valued more than women, which is why an estimated ten million
female foetuses are aborted every year. The lack of females in areas leads to crimes like human trafficking for sexual reasons like giving birth to
more children. Old traditions and beliefs are the main reasons to why millions of female foetuses are aborted every year, but it is also the reason behind
bride burning, another serious issue in India.
Bride burning, also known as dowry death occurs quite frequently in India. It is when the husband or the in–laws decide that the dowry the bride offers
is not enough and demands more. If the bride refuses or is financially not able to increase her dowry, she is tortured until she either agrees or dies;
otherwise she is murdered by her "family". The husbands and the in–laws usually disguise the deaths as accidents or
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Dowry Controversy
There are diverse cultures around the world. Although, those varieties and contrast cultures, still there is one culture that is similar in many
countries, which is the dowry. A dowry is a property or money that one of the spouses is given to another family before they are getting married
some time a dowry might create conflict and causes people refuse to accept dowry. In my opinion, there are several reasons that make a dowry is
more beneficial than damaging and this essay will describe it.
Firstly, a dowry is showed the respect and responsible of other, especially a groom who desires to marry with his bride. For example, if a groom comes
from general family and does earn a lot of money, mostly he has to work harder, save and spend money
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Pauline Kolenda's Dowry System As A Dowry System
In addition to the decrement status of women, women also lose self–esteem due to this evil rooted custom "Dowry". Dowry doesn't only affect the
bride alone, but it extends to the family members because they have to arrange and fulfill the demands of groom's family including all the
responsibility of ceremony expenses. In her article "Marriage and Family – South Asia" Pauline Kolenda adds, "Most brides' families in the north
bore the greater part of the expenses of the feasting and the household goods and gifts, the most onerous expense being that for the bride's jewelry"
(72). When the bride's parents are forced to provide unexpected amount or gift as a dowry by a groom's family, it is obvious that a woman will feel
the burden on her family. In their article "Dowry System a Curse" Roshan Kumar Jha and Barsha Jha explain, "Earlier the system was prevalent only
among the wealthier families, but now, unfortunately, the greed for dowry has struck even the most ordinary families and has become an unspoken
requirement during marriages. As a result, the family members are in debt and the bride filled with guilt as a misfortune to the family. Moreover,
some cultures represent dowry as a right to demand as a compensate for a groom's education and liability even if the bride is more qualified than the
groom. This questions on a woman's self–respect of not being able to stand against the man based society. For an example, in his article "Dowry
System in India – Causes, Effects &
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Marriage and Dowry
Submitted by,
1. Introduction 2. What is Dowry? 3. History 4. Arranged Marriages and Dowry 5. The dowry system 6. Dowry System in India 7. What is Bride
burning? 8. Dowry law in India 9. Dowry death new ruling India 10. Rising number of dowry deaths in India 11. Marriage as a financial transaction 12.
Today, Indian society is surrounded with many problems such as unemployment, illiteracy, population growth, terrorism, etc. Among these problems, a
problem which is deep rooted in Indian society is the problem of dowry system. It has become the every day news item, no day passes away when we
don't hear news relating to dowry death more content...
One common penalty for the kidnapping and rape of an unmarried woman was that the abductor or rapist had to provide the woman's dowry. Until the
late 20th century this was sometimes called wreath money, or the breach of promise.
Providing dowries for poor women was regarded as a form of charity by wealthier parishioners. The custom of Christmas stockings springs from a
legend of St. Nicholas, in which he threw gold in the stockings of three poor sisters, thus providing for their dowries. St. Elizabeth of Portugal and
St. Martin de Porres were particularly noted for providing such dowries, and the Archconfraternity of the Annunciation, a Roman charity dedicated to
providing dowries, received the entire estate of Pope Urban VII. As the French crown provided dowries for many of the women persuaded to travel
to New France for marriages and settlement there, they were known as filles du roi (daughters of the king). In some parts of Europe, especially
Eastern Europe, land dowries were common. In the County of Bentheim, for instance, parents who had no sons might give a land dowry to their new
son–in–law. It was commonly given with the condition that he take the surname of his bride, in order to continue the family name.
The Portuguese crown gave two cities as dowry to the British Crown in 1661 when King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland
marriedCatherine of Braganza, a princess of Portugal. They were Mumbai (Bombay) in India and Tangier in Morocco. In
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Information System Essay
1. Introduction
It is generally accepted that information is a vital commodity for the successful operation of today's organizations. Nowadays modern business
organizations are using computerized information systems in order to obtain such information. However as the technology advances rapidly the main
issue is how can an organization should effectively use such an information system – which its management sometimes can be unpredictable – in order
to effectively help the whole organization structure to improve and take the most out of it.
This report will try to analyze intranet and its impact on the use of information in organizations, as well as what actions an organization might take to
make the most effective use of it.
2. What more content...
Server software: Today's Web servers come with a variety of servers ranging from HTML editors in search engines to application servers.
Client Software: Two main browsers here. Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Site Management Software: Web site management includes such things as uploading HTMLfiles, showing a graphical view of a site, checking for bad
links, etc.
Application development tools: The tools listed under this category have much in common with the site management tools. Both edit HMTL and
upload files to the server. The tools have built in support, usually drag and drop, for scripting.
Application servers: These servers use special tags within an HTML file to direct processing. They also can have hooks to call external programs to
handle processing that is not built into the server, and they also separate developer and server portions into separate packages.
Implementation approaches: Such as ASP, CGI, Java, Application servers.
4. Intranet architecture
There are several ways to build up an intranet. However some common characteristics of an intranet's architecture, in order for organizations to gain the
more out of it, are:
Integrating information design with business planning
Intranets should help employees to collaborate on business processes, such as product development or order fulfillment, which create value for a
company and its customers. Successful intranets allow employees from a variety of
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dowry Essay
Dowry is one of the most wicked, revolting, and condemnable practices that have been distressing the Indian society. This immorality is well
acquainted to people in forms of cash and valuables goods given by the bride's family to the groom's family along with the bride. The never–ending
insatiability of human being has arrived at an edge whereby it is no longer allowable. An immense numbers of women have been exterminated for not
presenting sufficient amount of dowry to the groom's family, luckily enough, if they are not killed then the bride's family and relatives have live a life
in which they have to face shame, humiliation and embarrassment from the ridiculed of the groom's family. Therefore, either way it is like a commit more content...
The parents wants to send them away from home with love and happiness which in this case comes in the forms of materials such as cash, gold, cars,
diamond and etc.
Another reason dowry exists is because of educational in equalities. The holy book of Sikhism says that women ad men are equals. In addition, it added
in the scripture that they should be treated with the same level of respect since men themselves came from a womb of a woman. So why not
provide to them the same rights and opportunities of education that males have, Indian people believe that women's place is at home and all they
have t o do in their life is sit home cook, do the laundry, and pamper the husband. Women are taken away their privileges to develop into clever and
successful individuals in life. Their life pattern is set that they must grow up learn to cook, know how to pray and get married. What about education?
Has the educational field loss its importance already? Parents of the girls doesn't do anything to make it better, and consequently when the time come
for the girl to get married her family may have to provide more dowry because of the reason that the girl is less educated than the boys. It might
sound silly on this white of paper, but this real life during the past fifty years ago.
Dowry is one of the most wicked, revolting, and condemnable practices that have been distressing the Indian society. This immorality is well
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A satirical website created in 2011 calculates the amount of dowry women need in order to marry the men of their choice. The website mocks India's
social evil, and it exposes some of the unhealthy factors families consider in order to arrive to "dowry rate." Some of the factors are caste, education
of the groom and even skin color. In India the custom of dowry is a very old tradition that originated in the 13th or 14th century, when women were not
given any share from paternal wealth and when women were regarded as the property of either their fathers or their husbands. At that time, dowry was
giving women some pre–mortem inheritance and some economic security. Traditionally it was a Stridhanam– daughter's wedding settlement, but in more content...
The passages suggest Roy's critique of the institution of dowry. Thus the excerpts bring value to the whole book itself and help Roy pursue her goal
of criticizing the Indian society through literature and show how outdated the concept of a dowry is. These passages have also an importance because
they challenge the society in a way that dowry, a widely used tradition by the people, is depicted as old–fashioned. Arundhati Roy depicts dowry as
old–fashioned when she describes the hotel "Heritage." Author says: "The furniture and knickknacks that came with the house were on display. A reed
umbrella, a wicker couch. A wooden dowry box. They were labeled with edifying placards that said TraditionalKerala Umbrella and Traditional Bridal
Dowry –box." (Roy 120) It is interesting how the dowry box is on the display as in the museum in order to show well known but old Indian tradition to
the tourists and guests. Roy's description of dowry in these three different situations lets the reader understand how Roy tries to progress dowry from
being used in Ammu's situation, to not being important as in Rahel's situation and later being an antique in the hotel.
Arundhati Roy uses different writing techniques in order to emphasize her criticism of the system and voice her opinions as a political activist. There
is no doubt that Roy cleverly uses diction and flow in order to more clearly depict to the reader her vision of dowry– as an old–fashioned concept , as
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dowry system in india
Dowry is derived from the ancient Hindu customs of 'kanyadan' and 'stridhan'. In 'kanyadan', the father of the bride offers the father of the groom
money or property, etc whereas for 'stridhan', the bride herself gets jewelry and clothes at the time of her marriage, usually from her relatives or
friends. In Varadakshina', the father of the bride presents the groom cash or kind. All of these could be done voluntarily and out of affection and love.
The Hindu marriage system is sacramental. According to this system, a marriage is forever and there is no scope for a separation. Among the various
ceremonies previously practiced, the ceremony in front of a 'godly' fire ('Yajna' in Sanskrit) has taken over, the old–fashioned system more
The cases of dowry torture are the highest accounting for 32.4% of crimes against women in the country.
The Dowry Prohibition Act, in force since 1st July 1961, was passed with the purpose of prohibiting the demanding, giving and taking of dowry.
In 1980, the Government setup a committee that recommended amendments in the Dowry Prohibition Act and also suggested expanding the definition
of dowry and instituting family courts and National Commission for women. Many parliamentary debates led to some amendments in 1983,1984 and
To stop the offences of cruelty by husband or his relatives on the wife, Section 498–A was added in the Indian Penal Code and Section 198–A in the
Criminal Procedure Code in the year 1983.
The Dowry Prohibition Act clearly stipulates that a person who gives or takes or helps in the giving or taking of dowry can be sentenced to jail for 5
years and fined Rs. 15,000/– or the amount of the value of dowry, whichever is more.
The Act also prohibits the giving and taking directly or indirectly any property or valuable security, any amount either in cash of kind, jewelry, articles,
properties, etc. in respect of a marriage.
The control is provided by stating a limit and names of people gifting and their relationship to the married couple to be signed by both sides of parents.
In 1986, the Act was amended again, empowering State governments
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Mr. Arsheed Ahmad Ganie PhD Research Scholar
Department of Political Science & Public Administration
Annamalai University.
In our Indian society there are numerous problems like superstitions, illiteracy, cast system and dowry system, etc. One of the biggest menaces of the
Indian society is the dowry system. This fact that it is condemned by every modern citizen of this country and yet it still flourishes at a very large
scale in our society is a testimony of how deeply rooted this system is in the Indian society. The system is prevalent in almost all parts of the country
while other social evils like untouchability and caste–system are falling into a decline, the evil of dowry system is assuming a gigantic form. The
enactment of the Dowry Prevention Act in 1961 by the Central Government has even failed to check its growth. The problem of dowry has become a
serious social evil among the upper castes and middle classes both in towns and villages. The rules of marriage, namely, caste endogamy and clan
exogamy, and anuloma (hypergamy) and pratiloma (hypogamy), have been misinterpreted and misused for maintaining the dowry system. This Article
highlights the major problems and remedies of dowry system in India.
Key Words: Dowry, Women, Illiteracy, Evil, Marriage, Major Problems, Violation.
Dowry refers to property or money that a bride brings to
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Around 1000 B.C.E. the early Aryan society created the caste system to separate classes. The Aryan's groups wanted little interaction with each other.
They believed that in their society they had four different hierarchical strata. These consisted of Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and the Shudra. The
Brahmans were the priests and were set high above the rest. Next followed the Kshatriya who were the warriors and officials. Then came the Vaisha,
and they were merchants and artisans. Finally came the Shudra; these people were peasants and laborers who were set towards the bottom of this
system. The people who either entered into the society later or violated rituals became known as outcastes. Outcastes were not included in the caste
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Jordan Lamb
October 13, 2010
Research Paper Outline
Bride Burning, Murders and Dowry Pressure in India
I. Women in India are exposed to heinous acts of abuse. A. Women in India have become victims of human rights abuse. B. Different components of
II. Extent of the Problem A. Statistical Analysis of the number ofDowry Related deaths B. Under Reporting of Cases C. Inconsistencies between
police reports and Victim Accounts D. Dowry Pressure leads to Suicide for some dowry harassed victims
III. Causative Dynamics in Bride Burning A. Rigidity of Divorce law B. Maintenance of Socioeconomic Status C. Unemployment and poverty of
Husband and In–laws a. Violence correlation to more content...
Not only do the women feel the pressures of dowry, but their parent's and families feel the brunt of the formidable pressure as well. Because of this,
parents view their daughters as a burden (Kishawr, 2005). Increasingly families in India have more of a desire to birth sons instead of daughters. Umar
(1998,) explains this dynamic further saying, "Indian social system give considerable importance to the birth of a male child. Unlike a daughter who
must change loyalties after marriage a son is considered to be a good investment and insurance for the future". In an instance where woman who is
already pressured by inadequate dowry, does not birth a son, she will oftentimes be murdered, and if not murdered, compelled to commit suicide. There
are several concerns that breed bride burning. In his vigilant study, Umar (1998) examines the causative factors leading to harassment, violence and
ultimately bride burning of Indian women in their matrimonial homes. He discusses three main causes of the issue, the rigidity of the divorce law,
maintenance of socioeconomic status for Indian families and economic inequality in relation to poverty of husband and In–laws. In India, marriage is
considered the foundation of social formation and is heavily based on Hindu religious traditions. According to Umar (1998), Shastric Hindu Law
considered marriage to be unbreakable and eternal. The belief that divorce is unacceptable stems from this religious tradition. There have however,
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Dowry System : Ancient India
Dowry system:
In ancient India, Dowry (known as Dahej in Hindi) is the payment in cash or some kind of gifts given to bridegroom 's family along with the bride.
Dowry was not a demand of the bridegroom or of anyone of his side. It was a voluntary gift of the bride 's father. But in the modern educated class,
dowry has become a demand of bridegroom so it has become impossible for the parents to give their daughters in marriage. Indeed, many accomplished
girls are unmarried only because their parents are unable to meet the heavy demand of the bridegroom's families.
Rituals and myths:
Nowadays dowry is a major factor when someone gets married. The bridegroom 's family proposes the huge amount of dowry. "No dowry, no
marriage," became a widespread fear. The price tag for the groom was now bigger and bolder. For Today's man and his family, women became the
ticket to shortcut riches through the system of dowry. There were number of things people desired to have in their own houses but couldn't afford;
they began using the opportunity of a son's marriage to get them. And if the bride 's family agrees it, the marriage program is organized. The
bridegroom can deny the marriage ceremony if he does not get the decided dowry. It is the worst aspect of this system. According to the statistics, "In
2010, 8391 dowry death cases were reported across India, meaning a bride was burned every 90 minutes, according to statistics recently released by
the National Crime
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Essay about Systems Theory
Systems approach is based on the fundamental principle that all aspects of a human problem should be treated together in a rational manner (Healy,
2005). I have divided this essay into relevant sections that cover an overview of systems ideas, general systems theory and ecological systems theory.
This assignment will also include Germain and Gittermans life model, and it will be related back to the case study that has been provided. Limitations of
systems theory will also be discussed.
Systems ideas is referring to three different types of systems, each created in a different era; general systems theory, ecosystem perspectives and
complex systems theory (Healy, 2005). Systems Ideas in social work originated with general systems more content...
Healy stated "the original proponents of general systems theory used biological terminology to explain client needs, situations and the purpose of
social work practice" (2005). The term that is applied for systems theory is for all systems in general. All systems have boundaries within which both
physical and mental energy is exchanged. There are two types of systems that this applies to. Closed systems have no interchange across the boundaries
whereas open systems have permeable boundaries or guidelines but there is also some room for movement, within reason.
With the second wave of systems theory came about the idea of the ecological perspective, named ecological systems theory. It is the combining of
general systems theory with an ecological approach. Ecological systems theory uses ideas that link together four different social systems that surround
an individual; these systems are known as, micro–systems, meso–systems, exo–systems and macro–systems (Healy, 2005). The ecological model is
used as a tool. These systems are very structured and use certain processes as guideline. Different processing concepts are used in systems theory. These
concepts explain how the system works. Input is the energy being fed into the system across boundaries. Throughput is how the energy is used within
the system and output is the
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Dowry System During The Medieval Times
Arranged marriages in India have been dominant since then and up until now; likewise is the existence of dowry system. Dowry system is an
ancient custom among two families involved in marriage and is now further customized into desperate business deals. Dowry has become a societal
evil which degrades women's respect and status. Hence, in a sociological perspective, this essay will showcase that the idea of asking or giving
wedding gifts against on one's willingness must be altered because it has become a means of economic fear among the bride's parents, bride–burning
and sexual infanticide.
Historically, dowry system started in prehistoric times, wherein the father give their daughters "in marriage as religious gifts" and that "dowry was
regarded as additional gifts"(Kumari, 1989, as cited in Rastogi & Therly, 2006, p. 68, para 1). During the medieval times at 13th–14th century, dowry
has prevailed through the hypergamous system of marriage among the upper–class families (Umar, 1998, as cited in Rastogi and Therly, 2006, p. 68).
Parents consider marrying their daughters to a man who is economically well–off to increase their power and prestige; which is why, they pay the man
at any cost to accept their daughter. Eventually, from the main context of giving gifts, it has become a groom entitlement; therefore, dowry has been
seen as a property brought to their house by the bride as a compensation of her additional financial burden to the groom's family. Anderson (2007a) has
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Area: Rights of women in India
Topic: A Theoretical Perspective on Dowry Deaths in India
a) To understand the concept of dowry as has originated and evolved in India. b) To conceptualize modern day consequences of dowry system. c)
To refer to various laws in India and find out reasons for ineffectuality. d) To analyze the trend lay down in this regard by way of various judicial
decisions. e) To critically analyze the reasons for divergence between the object of law with regard to dowry death and the practice evolved by judicial
Research questions: a) What is dowry? b) How has the concept of dowry evolved in India? c) What are the more content...
This is the shocking reality of the contemporary dowry marriage in India and the frightening experience faced by many young women. Each year,
thousands of these young women are murdered, through what has been dubbed "bride–burnings",[4] by husbands and in–laws seeking increased dowry
While the practice of dowry is commonly perceived by the international community as one of Indian custom and culture, in its current form it is more
accurately described as a social phenomenon believed to bestow a greater social status upon the recipient. Originally designed to be a gift given out of
affection at the time of a daughter's marriage, today the dowry system has turned into a perverted version of an ancient and respected custom. It has
now become an obligatory transaction that places a heavy impact on a family's financial and social status and a young wife's welfare. In the last four
decades, dowry negotiations between the families of brides and grooms have escalated into continuing demands even after the agreed–upon amount is
given. Even more disquieting are the increasing numbers and the ways in which young wives are killed when their husbands and in–laws are
dissatisfied with the amount of dowry given or when additional demands are not met. Frequently, as the violence and abuse escalates, if the young wife
is not murdered she is driven to commit
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Domestic Violence Against Women Essay
The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993) defines violence against women as "any act of gender–based
violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion
or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life." (UN General Assembly 1993).
It is violence in private life that comprises domestic violence against women. Also called Intimate Partner Abuse and Family Violence, it is a global
issue that cuts across all geographic, social, cultural and ethnic boundaries. But it was only in the last decade of the 20th century that it got recognition
as a serious public more content...
The life expectancy at birth for the population is 66 years, infant mortality is 62 per 1000 live births and the maternal mortality is 260 deaths per
100,000 live births ( UNDP 2011).
In addition to the globally prevalent forms of domestic violence , women in Pakistan also suffer from forms of violence carried out in the name of
tradition, culture and religion.
Honour killing is an old tradition which involves a male member of the family killing a female relative if she is suspected of tarnishing the family's
honour. In most cases the executor is the husband, the father or a brother( Minallah and Durrani, 2009).
Stove burning is a form of dowry killing prevalent in the province of Punjab, mostly in the urban areas. Married women are burned by the husband
or his family as a punishment for not providing a rich dowry, not producing a son, not allowing the husband another wife or as a result of long
running disputes. Acid throwing, particularly on the face, may be committed to avenge refusal of sexual advances and alleged disloyalty by a wife or
female partner. It is done to punish the wife for bringing dishonor to the husband.
Marriage( Nikaah) to Koran( The holy Book of Muslims) is an old custom where a girl is forced into celibacy to keep the family wealth intact. It is
more prevalent in the Sindh province among the wealthy feudal lords ( waderas).
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A Question of Dowry
7) A story written in the early to mid–1960s; published in Twenty–two Malaysian Stories: An Anthology of Writing in English, selected and edited by
Lloyd Fernando, Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd., Singapore, 1968, pp. 30–4. Corrections of some minor printing and other errors in the
published version have been incorporated here. . Siew–Yue Killingley 1965; . Heinemann 1968, the author retaining the right to include the work in
any collection exclusively of her own works two years after 1968. There was much excitement in Mrs. Ramachandran 's household. The daughter of
the house, Sivasothie, was going to be engaged. The festive air was laden with the spicy smell of curries and wadВЁВ¦s sizzled in the kwali saucepan. more content...
My father gave us four for my dowry, and our second son received three as his wife 's dowry. ' 'Come now, wife! ' remonstrated Mr. Ramachandran.
'Don 't you remember? We have only one piece of land left from your dowryВЎВЄwe sold the other three for our third and fourth sons ' weddings. You
asked me to do it yourself. As for Anandakrishna 's land, that belongs to him, and he 's already rented it out to some householders in order to get cash
for his eternal drinks. ' Afraid of further secrets being revealed to prying ears, and being anxious to save her family 's face, Mrs. Ramachandran motioned
to her husband to drop the subject. However, Mr. Ramachandran continued. 'About the land, I 'm afraid it is impossible to sell it at a quarter of its
former price. You see, water has been seeping out from some well for about ten years, and so the land is now too marshy for house–holding. Unless
we were to drain it, no one would buy it at our sum. ' 'Are you insulting my poor father? He give me a piece of sodden land? Impossible! Oh, if he had
known what sort of a son–in–law he was getting, he would have made a wiser decision. But I shall have a better son–in–law who 'll not depend on his
wife 's dowry. He 's a doctor, and he has his own income! ' With that she stalked out, after having locked the gold chain securely in its container again.
Mr. Ramachandran looked worried, but resigned. He always found himself at a loss for words when his wife was most eloquent.
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Dowry In Medieval Europe
Dowry was common throughout much of the ancient world, and also flourished in medieval Europe and the practice of dowries
apparently originated when a bride's parents gave her presents and sometimes, the groom's family paid for the bride, often
to compensate her family for the money spent raising her and today, traditional wedding observances are losing ground all
over the
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Historical Context : Women 's Rights
Historical Context:
Women in India have few choices, especially when it comes to marriage. In fact, most marriages are pre–arranged from a young age. In addition, India
has a long lasting cultural practice where women, and even young girls are traded for a form of dowry ("Rastogi", 2006). The dowry would serve as
compensation to the bride's father for the loose of control and labour of his daughter after marriage ("Rastogi", 2006). Essentially, the female is treated
as property. This ritual considered to a grooms entitlement, and has been largely linked to the oppression, abuse, andviolence against females
("Rastogi", 2006). Yet it is not uncommon for the groom's family to be unsatisfied with the dowry, especially at times if it is not fully upheld by the
bride's family. This is a large contributor the cruelty and sexual violence targeted to females in Indian society, and has also been linked dowry–deaths,
where either her husband or his family commits the murder of a bride. Past Indian governments have accepted the damaging effects of dowries towards
women and made it illegal through the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, yet the policy broadly defined the punishable aspect of the practice making it
difficult to enforce (Shenk, 2007). As a result of the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 failing in implementation, the Indian Government passed two
amendments in the 1980's. The changes increased the severity of punishment, and made the demand of a dowry illegal that
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How Women Are Treated In India

  • 1. How Women Are Treated in India In many parts of the world females still have very little rights. Indeed, equality between men and women have been accepted by the majority of the developed countries, but developing countries still struggle to see women as equals to men, and India is one of the worst. Currently, the Indian National Congress Party is only 10% female, limiting the say women get. In India, women are definitely not seen as equals to men are being treated like second rate citizens. It also really says something about the inequality in a country when its women are so used to being treated badly most of them do not even recognize that they have rights. In India, men were always valued more than women, which is why an estimated ten million female foetuses are aborted every year. The lack of females in areas leads to crimes like human trafficking for sexual reasons like giving birth to more children. Old traditions and beliefs are the main reasons to why millions of female foetuses are aborted every year, but it is also the reason behind bride burning, another serious issue in India. Bride burning, also known as dowry death occurs quite frequently in India. It is when the husband or the in–laws decide that the dowry the bride offers is not enough and demands more. If the bride refuses or is financially not able to increase her dowry, she is tortured until she either agrees or dies; otherwise she is murdered by her "family". The husbands and the in–laws usually disguise the deaths as accidents or Get more content on
  • 2. Dowry Controversy There are diverse cultures around the world. Although, those varieties and contrast cultures, still there is one culture that is similar in many countries, which is the dowry. A dowry is a property or money that one of the spouses is given to another family before they are getting married some time a dowry might create conflict and causes people refuse to accept dowry. In my opinion, there are several reasons that make a dowry is more beneficial than damaging and this essay will describe it. Firstly, a dowry is showed the respect and responsible of other, especially a groom who desires to marry with his bride. For example, if a groom comes from general family and does earn a lot of money, mostly he has to work harder, save and spend money Get more content on
  • 3. Pauline Kolenda's Dowry System As A Dowry System In addition to the decrement status of women, women also lose self–esteem due to this evil rooted custom "Dowry". Dowry doesn't only affect the bride alone, but it extends to the family members because they have to arrange and fulfill the demands of groom's family including all the responsibility of ceremony expenses. In her article "Marriage and Family – South Asia" Pauline Kolenda adds, "Most brides' families in the north bore the greater part of the expenses of the feasting and the household goods and gifts, the most onerous expense being that for the bride's jewelry" (72). When the bride's parents are forced to provide unexpected amount or gift as a dowry by a groom's family, it is obvious that a woman will feel the burden on her family. In their article "Dowry System a Curse" Roshan Kumar Jha and Barsha Jha explain, "Earlier the system was prevalent only among the wealthier families, but now, unfortunately, the greed for dowry has struck even the most ordinary families and has become an unspoken requirement during marriages. As a result, the family members are in debt and the bride filled with guilt as a misfortune to the family. Moreover, some cultures represent dowry as a right to demand as a compensate for a groom's education and liability even if the bride is more qualified than the groom. This questions on a woman's self–respect of not being able to stand against the man based society. For an example, in his article "Dowry System in India – Causes, Effects & Get more content on
  • 4. Marriage and Dowry SEMINAR REPORT DOWRY SYSTEM Submitted by, 1. Introduction 2. What is Dowry? 3. History 4. Arranged Marriages and Dowry 5. The dowry system 6. Dowry System in India 7. What is Bride burning? 8. Dowry law in India 9. Dowry death new ruling India 10. Rising number of dowry deaths in India 11. Marriage as a financial transaction 12. Conclusion Introduction Today, Indian society is surrounded with many problems such as unemployment, illiteracy, population growth, terrorism, etc. Among these problems, a problem which is deep rooted in Indian society is the problem of dowry system. It has become the every day news item, no day passes away when we don't hear news relating to dowry death more content... One common penalty for the kidnapping and rape of an unmarried woman was that the abductor or rapist had to provide the woman's dowry. Until the late 20th century this was sometimes called wreath money, or the breach of promise. Providing dowries for poor women was regarded as a form of charity by wealthier parishioners. The custom of Christmas stockings springs from a legend of St. Nicholas, in which he threw gold in the stockings of three poor sisters, thus providing for their dowries. St. Elizabeth of Portugal and St. Martin de Porres were particularly noted for providing such dowries, and the Archconfraternity of the Annunciation, a Roman charity dedicated to providing dowries, received the entire estate of Pope Urban VII. As the French crown provided dowries for many of the women persuaded to travel to New France for marriages and settlement there, they were known as filles du roi (daughters of the king). In some parts of Europe, especially Eastern Europe, land dowries were common. In the County of Bentheim, for instance, parents who had no sons might give a land dowry to their new son–in–law. It was commonly given with the condition that he take the surname of his bride, in order to continue the family name. The Portuguese crown gave two cities as dowry to the British Crown in 1661 when King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland marriedCatherine of Braganza, a princess of Portugal. They were Mumbai (Bombay) in India and Tangier in Morocco. In
  • 5. Get more content on
  • 6. Information System Essay 1. Introduction It is generally accepted that information is a vital commodity for the successful operation of today's organizations. Nowadays modern business organizations are using computerized information systems in order to obtain such information. However as the technology advances rapidly the main issue is how can an organization should effectively use such an information system – which its management sometimes can be unpredictable – in order to effectively help the whole organization structure to improve and take the most out of it. This report will try to analyze intranet and its impact on the use of information in organizations, as well as what actions an organization might take to make the most effective use of it. 2. What more content... Server software: Today's Web servers come with a variety of servers ranging from HTML editors in search engines to application servers. Client Software: Two main browsers here. Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Site Management Software: Web site management includes such things as uploading HTMLfiles, showing a graphical view of a site, checking for bad links, etc. Application development tools: The tools listed under this category have much in common with the site management tools. Both edit HMTL and upload files to the server. The tools have built in support, usually drag and drop, for scripting. Application servers: These servers use special tags within an HTML file to direct processing. They also can have hooks to call external programs to handle processing that is not built into the server, and they also separate developer and server portions into separate packages. Implementation approaches: Such as ASP, CGI, Java, Application servers. 4. Intranet architecture There are several ways to build up an intranet. However some common characteristics of an intranet's architecture, in order for organizations to gain the more out of it, are: Integrating information design with business planning
  • 7. Intranets should help employees to collaborate on business processes, such as product development or order fulfillment, which create value for a company and its customers. Successful intranets allow employees from a variety of Get more content on
  • 8. dowry Essay Dowry is one of the most wicked, revolting, and condemnable practices that have been distressing the Indian society. This immorality is well acquainted to people in forms of cash and valuables goods given by the bride's family to the groom's family along with the bride. The never–ending insatiability of human being has arrived at an edge whereby it is no longer allowable. An immense numbers of women have been exterminated for not presenting sufficient amount of dowry to the groom's family, luckily enough, if they are not killed then the bride's family and relatives have live a life in which they have to face shame, humiliation and embarrassment from the ridiculed of the groom's family. Therefore, either way it is like a commit more content... The parents wants to send them away from home with love and happiness which in this case comes in the forms of materials such as cash, gold, cars, diamond and etc. Another reason dowry exists is because of educational in equalities. The holy book of Sikhism says that women ad men are equals. In addition, it added in the scripture that they should be treated with the same level of respect since men themselves came from a womb of a woman. So why not provide to them the same rights and opportunities of education that males have, Indian people believe that women's place is at home and all they have t o do in their life is sit home cook, do the laundry, and pamper the husband. Women are taken away their privileges to develop into clever and successful individuals in life. Their life pattern is set that they must grow up learn to cook, know how to pray and get married. What about education? Has the educational field loss its importance already? Parents of the girls doesn't do anything to make it better, and consequently when the time come for the girl to get married her family may have to provide more dowry because of the reason that the girl is less educated than the boys. It might sound silly on this white of paper, but this real life during the past fifty years ago. Dowry is one of the most wicked, revolting, and condemnable practices that have been distressing the Indian society. This immorality is well Get more content on
  • 9. A satirical website created in 2011 calculates the amount of dowry women need in order to marry the men of their choice. The website mocks India's social evil, and it exposes some of the unhealthy factors families consider in order to arrive to "dowry rate." Some of the factors are caste, education of the groom and even skin color. In India the custom of dowry is a very old tradition that originated in the 13th or 14th century, when women were not given any share from paternal wealth and when women were regarded as the property of either their fathers or their husbands. At that time, dowry was giving women some pre–mortem inheritance and some economic security. Traditionally it was a Stridhanam– daughter's wedding settlement, but in more content... The passages suggest Roy's critique of the institution of dowry. Thus the excerpts bring value to the whole book itself and help Roy pursue her goal of criticizing the Indian society through literature and show how outdated the concept of a dowry is. These passages have also an importance because they challenge the society in a way that dowry, a widely used tradition by the people, is depicted as old–fashioned. Arundhati Roy depicts dowry as old–fashioned when she describes the hotel "Heritage." Author says: "The furniture and knickknacks that came with the house were on display. A reed umbrella, a wicker couch. A wooden dowry box. They were labeled with edifying placards that said TraditionalKerala Umbrella and Traditional Bridal Dowry –box." (Roy 120) It is interesting how the dowry box is on the display as in the museum in order to show well known but old Indian tradition to the tourists and guests. Roy's description of dowry in these three different situations lets the reader understand how Roy tries to progress dowry from being used in Ammu's situation, to not being important as in Rahel's situation and later being an antique in the hotel. Arundhati Roy uses different writing techniques in order to emphasize her criticism of the system and voice her opinions as a political activist. There is no doubt that Roy cleverly uses diction and flow in order to more clearly depict to the reader her vision of dowry– as an old–fashioned concept , as Get more content on
  • 10. dowry system in india Dowry is derived from the ancient Hindu customs of 'kanyadan' and 'stridhan'. In 'kanyadan', the father of the bride offers the father of the groom money or property, etc whereas for 'stridhan', the bride herself gets jewelry and clothes at the time of her marriage, usually from her relatives or friends. In Varadakshina', the father of the bride presents the groom cash or kind. All of these could be done voluntarily and out of affection and love. The Hindu marriage system is sacramental. According to this system, a marriage is forever and there is no scope for a separation. Among the various ceremonies previously practiced, the ceremony in front of a 'godly' fire ('Yajna' in Sanskrit) has taken over, the old–fashioned system more content... The cases of dowry torture are the highest accounting for 32.4% of crimes against women in the country. The Dowry Prohibition Act, in force since 1st July 1961, was passed with the purpose of prohibiting the demanding, giving and taking of dowry. In 1980, the Government setup a committee that recommended amendments in the Dowry Prohibition Act and also suggested expanding the definition of dowry and instituting family courts and National Commission for women. Many parliamentary debates led to some amendments in 1983,1984 and 1986. To stop the offences of cruelty by husband or his relatives on the wife, Section 498–A was added in the Indian Penal Code and Section 198–A in the Criminal Procedure Code in the year 1983. The Dowry Prohibition Act clearly stipulates that a person who gives or takes or helps in the giving or taking of dowry can be sentenced to jail for 5 years and fined Rs. 15,000/– or the amount of the value of dowry, whichever is more. The Act also prohibits the giving and taking directly or indirectly any property or valuable security, any amount either in cash of kind, jewelry, articles, properties, etc. in respect of a marriage. The control is provided by stating a limit and names of people gifting and their relationship to the married couple to be signed by both sides of parents.
  • 11. In 1986, the Act was amended again, empowering State governments Get more content on
  • 12. DOWRY SYSTEM: A MAJOR VIOLATION AGAINST WOMEN RIGHTS IN INDIA Mr. Arsheed Ahmad Ganie PhD Research Scholar Department of Political Science & Public Administration Annamalai University. Abstract In our Indian society there are numerous problems like superstitions, illiteracy, cast system and dowry system, etc. One of the biggest menaces of the Indian society is the dowry system. This fact that it is condemned by every modern citizen of this country and yet it still flourishes at a very large scale in our society is a testimony of how deeply rooted this system is in the Indian society. The system is prevalent in almost all parts of the country while other social evils like untouchability and caste–system are falling into a decline, the evil of dowry system is assuming a gigantic form. The enactment of the Dowry Prevention Act in 1961 by the Central Government has even failed to check its growth. The problem of dowry has become a serious social evil among the upper castes and middle classes both in towns and villages. The rules of marriage, namely, caste endogamy and clan exogamy, and anuloma (hypergamy) and pratiloma (hypogamy), have been misinterpreted and misused for maintaining the dowry system. This Article highlights the major problems and remedies of dowry system in India. Key Words: Dowry, Women, Illiteracy, Evil, Marriage, Major Problems, Violation. Introduction Dowry refers to property or money that a bride brings to Get more content on
  • 13. Around 1000 B.C.E. the early Aryan society created the caste system to separate classes. The Aryan's groups wanted little interaction with each other. They believed that in their society they had four different hierarchical strata. These consisted of Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and the Shudra. The Brahmans were the priests and were set high above the rest. Next followed the Kshatriya who were the warriors and officials. Then came the Vaisha, and they were merchants and artisans. Finally came the Shudra; these people were peasants and laborers who were set towards the bottom of this system. The people who either entered into the society later or violated rituals became known as outcastes. Outcastes were not included in the caste system. Get more content on
  • 14. Jordan Lamb October 13, 2010 Research Paper Outline Bride Burning, Murders and Dowry Pressure in India I. Women in India are exposed to heinous acts of abuse. A. Women in India have become victims of human rights abuse. B. Different components of Bride–Burning II. Extent of the Problem A. Statistical Analysis of the number ofDowry Related deaths B. Under Reporting of Cases C. Inconsistencies between police reports and Victim Accounts D. Dowry Pressure leads to Suicide for some dowry harassed victims III. Causative Dynamics in Bride Burning A. Rigidity of Divorce law B. Maintenance of Socioeconomic Status C. Unemployment and poverty of Husband and In–laws a. Violence correlation to more content... Not only do the women feel the pressures of dowry, but their parent's and families feel the brunt of the formidable pressure as well. Because of this, parents view their daughters as a burden (Kishawr, 2005). Increasingly families in India have more of a desire to birth sons instead of daughters. Umar (1998,) explains this dynamic further saying, "Indian social system give considerable importance to the birth of a male child. Unlike a daughter who must change loyalties after marriage a son is considered to be a good investment and insurance for the future". In an instance where woman who is already pressured by inadequate dowry, does not birth a son, she will oftentimes be murdered, and if not murdered, compelled to commit suicide. There are several concerns that breed bride burning. In his vigilant study, Umar (1998) examines the causative factors leading to harassment, violence and ultimately bride burning of Indian women in their matrimonial homes. He discusses three main causes of the issue, the rigidity of the divorce law, maintenance of socioeconomic status for Indian families and economic inequality in relation to poverty of husband and In–laws. In India, marriage is considered the foundation of social formation and is heavily based on Hindu religious traditions. According to Umar (1998), Shastric Hindu Law considered marriage to be unbreakable and eternal. The belief that divorce is unacceptable stems from this religious tradition. There have however, Get more content on
  • 15. Dowry System : Ancient India Dowry system: Introduction In ancient India, Dowry (known as Dahej in Hindi) is the payment in cash or some kind of gifts given to bridegroom 's family along with the bride. Dowry was not a demand of the bridegroom or of anyone of his side. It was a voluntary gift of the bride 's father. But in the modern educated class, dowry has become a demand of bridegroom so it has become impossible for the parents to give their daughters in marriage. Indeed, many accomplished girls are unmarried only because their parents are unable to meet the heavy demand of the bridegroom's families. Rituals and myths: Nowadays dowry is a major factor when someone gets married. The bridegroom 's family proposes the huge amount of dowry. "No dowry, no marriage," became a widespread fear. The price tag for the groom was now bigger and bolder. For Today's man and his family, women became the ticket to shortcut riches through the system of dowry. There were number of things people desired to have in their own houses but couldn't afford; they began using the opportunity of a son's marriage to get them. And if the bride 's family agrees it, the marriage program is organized. The bridegroom can deny the marriage ceremony if he does not get the decided dowry. It is the worst aspect of this system. According to the statistics, "In 2010, 8391 dowry death cases were reported across India, meaning a bride was burned every 90 minutes, according to statistics recently released by the National Crime Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Systems Theory Systems approach is based on the fundamental principle that all aspects of a human problem should be treated together in a rational manner (Healy, 2005). I have divided this essay into relevant sections that cover an overview of systems ideas, general systems theory and ecological systems theory. This assignment will also include Germain and Gittermans life model, and it will be related back to the case study that has been provided. Limitations of systems theory will also be discussed. Systems ideas is referring to three different types of systems, each created in a different era; general systems theory, ecosystem perspectives and complex systems theory (Healy, 2005). Systems Ideas in social work originated with general systems more content... Healy stated "the original proponents of general systems theory used biological terminology to explain client needs, situations and the purpose of social work practice" (2005). The term that is applied for systems theory is for all systems in general. All systems have boundaries within which both physical and mental energy is exchanged. There are two types of systems that this applies to. Closed systems have no interchange across the boundaries whereas open systems have permeable boundaries or guidelines but there is also some room for movement, within reason. With the second wave of systems theory came about the idea of the ecological perspective, named ecological systems theory. It is the combining of general systems theory with an ecological approach. Ecological systems theory uses ideas that link together four different social systems that surround an individual; these systems are known as, micro–systems, meso–systems, exo–systems and macro–systems (Healy, 2005). The ecological model is used as a tool. These systems are very structured and use certain processes as guideline. Different processing concepts are used in systems theory. These concepts explain how the system works. Input is the energy being fed into the system across boundaries. Throughput is how the energy is used within the system and output is the Get more content on
  • 17. Dowry System During The Medieval Times Arranged marriages in India have been dominant since then and up until now; likewise is the existence of dowry system. Dowry system is an ancient custom among two families involved in marriage and is now further customized into desperate business deals. Dowry has become a societal evil which degrades women's respect and status. Hence, in a sociological perspective, this essay will showcase that the idea of asking or giving wedding gifts against on one's willingness must be altered because it has become a means of economic fear among the bride's parents, bride–burning and sexual infanticide. Historically, dowry system started in prehistoric times, wherein the father give their daughters "in marriage as religious gifts" and that "dowry was regarded as additional gifts"(Kumari, 1989, as cited in Rastogi & Therly, 2006, p. 68, para 1). During the medieval times at 13th–14th century, dowry has prevailed through the hypergamous system of marriage among the upper–class families (Umar, 1998, as cited in Rastogi and Therly, 2006, p. 68). Parents consider marrying their daughters to a man who is economically well–off to increase their power and prestige; which is why, they pay the man at any cost to accept their daughter. Eventually, from the main context of giving gifts, it has become a groom entitlement; therefore, dowry has been seen as a property brought to their house by the bride as a compensation of her additional financial burden to the groom's family. Anderson (2007a) has Get more content on
  • 18. jectRESEARCH METHODLOGY Area: Rights of women in India Topic: A Theoretical Perspective on Dowry Deaths in India Objectives: a) To understand the concept of dowry as has originated and evolved in India. b) To conceptualize modern day consequences of dowry system. c) To refer to various laws in India and find out reasons for ineffectuality. d) To analyze the trend lay down in this regard by way of various judicial decisions. e) To critically analyze the reasons for divergence between the object of law with regard to dowry death and the practice evolved by judicial precedents. Research questions: a) What is dowry? b) How has the concept of dowry evolved in India? c) What are the more content... This is the shocking reality of the contemporary dowry marriage in India and the frightening experience faced by many young women. Each year, thousands of these young women are murdered, through what has been dubbed "bride–burnings",[4] by husbands and in–laws seeking increased dowry demands. While the practice of dowry is commonly perceived by the international community as one of Indian custom and culture, in its current form it is more accurately described as a social phenomenon believed to bestow a greater social status upon the recipient. Originally designed to be a gift given out of affection at the time of a daughter's marriage, today the dowry system has turned into a perverted version of an ancient and respected custom. It has now become an obligatory transaction that places a heavy impact on a family's financial and social status and a young wife's welfare. In the last four decades, dowry negotiations between the families of brides and grooms have escalated into continuing demands even after the agreed–upon amount is given. Even more disquieting are the increasing numbers and the ways in which young wives are killed when their husbands and in–laws are dissatisfied with the amount of dowry given or when additional demands are not met. Frequently, as the violence and abuse escalates, if the young wife is not murdered she is driven to commit Get more content on
  • 19. Domestic Violence Against Women Essay The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993) defines violence against women as "any act of gender–based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life." (UN General Assembly 1993). It is violence in private life that comprises domestic violence against women. Also called Intimate Partner Abuse and Family Violence, it is a global issue that cuts across all geographic, social, cultural and ethnic boundaries. But it was only in the last decade of the 20th century that it got recognition as a serious public more content... The life expectancy at birth for the population is 66 years, infant mortality is 62 per 1000 live births and the maternal mortality is 260 deaths per 100,000 live births ( UNDP 2011). In addition to the globally prevalent forms of domestic violence , women in Pakistan also suffer from forms of violence carried out in the name of tradition, culture and religion. Honour killing is an old tradition which involves a male member of the family killing a female relative if she is suspected of tarnishing the family's honour. In most cases the executor is the husband, the father or a brother( Minallah and Durrani, 2009). Stove burning is a form of dowry killing prevalent in the province of Punjab, mostly in the urban areas. Married women are burned by the husband or his family as a punishment for not providing a rich dowry, not producing a son, not allowing the husband another wife or as a result of long running disputes. Acid throwing, particularly on the face, may be committed to avenge refusal of sexual advances and alleged disloyalty by a wife or female partner. It is done to punish the wife for bringing dishonor to the husband. Marriage( Nikaah) to Koran( The holy Book of Muslims) is an old custom where a girl is forced into celibacy to keep the family wealth intact. It is more prevalent in the Sindh province among the wealthy feudal lords ( waderas). Get more content on
  • 20. A Question of Dowry A QUESTION OF DOWRY 7) A story written in the early to mid–1960s; published in Twenty–two Malaysian Stories: An Anthology of Writing in English, selected and edited by Lloyd Fernando, Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd., Singapore, 1968, pp. 30–4. Corrections of some minor printing and other errors in the published version have been incorporated here. . Siew–Yue Killingley 1965; . Heinemann 1968, the author retaining the right to include the work in any collection exclusively of her own works two years after 1968. There was much excitement in Mrs. Ramachandran 's household. The daughter of the house, Sivasothie, was going to be engaged. The festive air was laden with the spicy smell of curries and wadВЁВ¦s sizzled in the kwali saucepan. more content... My father gave us four for my dowry, and our second son received three as his wife 's dowry. ' 'Come now, wife! ' remonstrated Mr. Ramachandran. 'Don 't you remember? We have only one piece of land left from your dowryВЎВЄwe sold the other three for our third and fourth sons ' weddings. You asked me to do it yourself. As for Anandakrishna 's land, that belongs to him, and he 's already rented it out to some householders in order to get cash for his eternal drinks. ' Afraid of further secrets being revealed to prying ears, and being anxious to save her family 's face, Mrs. Ramachandran motioned to her husband to drop the subject. However, Mr. Ramachandran continued. 'About the land, I 'm afraid it is impossible to sell it at a quarter of its former price. You see, water has been seeping out from some well for about ten years, and so the land is now too marshy for house–holding. Unless we were to drain it, no one would buy it at our sum. ' 'Are you insulting my poor father? He give me a piece of sodden land? Impossible! Oh, if he had known what sort of a son–in–law he was getting, he would have made a wiser decision. But I shall have a better son–in–law who 'll not depend on his wife 's dowry. He 's a doctor, and he has his own income! ' With that she stalked out, after having locked the gold chain securely in its container again. Mr. Ramachandran looked worried, but resigned. He always found himself at a loss for words when his wife was most eloquent. Get more content on
  • 21. Dowry In Medieval Europe Dowry was common throughout much of the ancient world, and also flourished in medieval Europe and the practice of dowries apparently originated when a bride's parents gave her presents and sometimes, the groom's family paid for the bride, often to compensate her family for the money spent raising her and today, traditional wedding observances are losing ground all over the Get more content on
  • 22. Historical Context : Women 's Rights Historical Context: Women in India have few choices, especially when it comes to marriage. In fact, most marriages are pre–arranged from a young age. In addition, India has a long lasting cultural practice where women, and even young girls are traded for a form of dowry ("Rastogi", 2006). The dowry would serve as compensation to the bride's father for the loose of control and labour of his daughter after marriage ("Rastogi", 2006). Essentially, the female is treated as property. This ritual considered to a grooms entitlement, and has been largely linked to the oppression, abuse, andviolence against females ("Rastogi", 2006). Yet it is not uncommon for the groom's family to be unsatisfied with the dowry, especially at times if it is not fully upheld by the bride's family. This is a large contributor the cruelty and sexual violence targeted to females in Indian society, and has also been linked dowry–deaths, where either her husband or his family commits the murder of a bride. Past Indian governments have accepted the damaging effects of dowries towards women and made it illegal through the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, yet the policy broadly defined the punishable aspect of the practice making it difficult to enforce (Shenk, 2007). As a result of the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 failing in implementation, the Indian Government passed two amendments in the 1980's. The changes increased the severity of punishment, and made the demand of a dowry illegal that Get more content on