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How To Toe Assessment
Interview for Health Assessment Health assessments are essential for patients because it identifies any abnormalities or problems with the patient's
body. Nurses must be capable to perform a head to toe assessment and communicate with the patient if something foreign is identified in their
assessment. The assessment I performed had all of the key aspects, but had some errors that need improvement. This paper will identify some of my
errors, a plan to mend these errors, and promote gratitude for performing the health assessment. Identifying Errors When assessing and documenting
my health assessment on my patient, I documented some information incorrectly. One of my errors was where my patient fell in birth order of his
siblings. I did not identify... Show more content on ...
The Joint Commission states that miscommunication is the main cause for unforeseen situations that could lead to harm, injury, or death of a
patient (as citied in Noland & Carmack, 2015). For both of my errors, I think miscommunication was my failure. I failed ask my patient how old
he was compared to his siblings. I think I could fix this problem by asking the patient how old each of his siblings are or how he falls between his
siblings by age. I think this allows the patient to elaborate how old they are between their siblings. For my second error also being about
miscommunication, I think restatement and/or elaboration are solutions to my problem. I could have restated the question of how to you smoke to
how many packs a week would you say you smoke. The tool of elaboration could have been used by asking him to talk about his day and when this
habit is practice in his daily life. Therapeutic communication is an effective tool that can decrease my rick for error. "This skill takes practice but can be
learned with attention and awareness. It takes time to learn to listen for messages that might otherwise be unheard, but this careful listening contributes
greatly to a therapeutic relationship"(Jensen, 2015).The key to my miscommunication problems is clarifying and correcting them so the same errors do
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Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress Analysis
Relaxin inside the comfort of a home never lasts. Eventually life returns and that comfort along with more is lost. The novel Balzac and the Little
Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie published in 2000 tells a story of two boys within the re–education system of communist China where things seem
hopeless. The Narrator and Luo both meet the Little Seamstress but only Luo is able to entice the Little Seamstress. Luo kindles a relationship with
her throughout the novel. Luo regains hope within his life but ultimately the Little Seamstress decides to leave. Luo contemplates his decisions
regarding their relationship. Luo realizes that he opened the door for the Little Seamstress to leave for the city revealing that security fails to last. In
the process of learning about security, Luo starts off as hopeless regarding his own status within the reeducation system and little can comfort him.
Luo and the Narrator are truly alone in their spot of reeducation. Luo and the Narrator a caught in a worst case scenario for teens of bourgeois
families as they didn't get to complete high school also and more importantly their parents are enemies of the government. Luo's father specifically has
had many kids with varying wives which is despised by the government. While there is a slim chances for them eventually leaving reeducation, their
nightly solitude brings out their thoughts and real feelings. When Luo struggles to sleep, he will make himself a cigarette and "Sit and smoke in the
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Toe Arthritis Research Paper
Could Arthritis Be the Cause of Your Toe Pain?
8 symptoms that could mean you have arthritis in your toes.
Arthritis typically attacks joints in the knees, hips and hands, but it can occur in any part of the body that has joints, including your toes. There are
several different types of arthritis that can cause pain in the toes, from cartilage degeneration to tissue inflammation, but whatever the cause, symptoms
can be difficult to determine at first.
If you suffer from toe pain, here are a few hints that arthritis may be the culprit.
What Is Toe Arthritis?
Toe arthritis occurs as a result of the inflammation of the toe joint. The disease frequently attacks the big toe, but the other toes can be affected as well.
Past traumas or injuries, ... Show more content on ...
All forms of arthritis cause inflammation in the joint, which can result in noticeable swelling. The affected toes may begin to turn red and feel hot to
the touch which you may observe after sitting for a period of time or after you get out of bed in the morning. Swelling can also make it hard to put
your shoes on in the morning until you have walked around for a while and the swelling decreases.
4.Hear Popping and Cracking Noises
If you have ever heard someone crack their knuckles, then you know what cracking and popping noises sound like. You may begin to hear these
sounds or a grinding noise in your toes if you have arthritis. These sounds are caused by the deterioration of the cartilage that normally cushions the two
bones in a joint. As that cartilage begins to lessen, the bones will begin to rub against each other, resulting in those unpleasant sounds.
5.Notice a Change in Appearance
Toe arthritis may also be apparent if your toe looks bigger than normal or begins to rotate away from your foot. As cartilage deteriorates the bone
begins to grind against bone as the body creates more bone in an attempt to compensate for the lack of
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Hammer Toe Causes
Hammer toe is a treatable condition in which one or more toes become deformed and curl downward due to arthritis, a muscle imbalance, or ill–fitting
shoes. Other causes include tightened ligaments in the foot, a high foot arch, or nerve damage. Over 200,000 cases of hammer toe occur in the U.S.
each year. In some cases, newborn babies are born with this condition, but hammer toe usually develops over a long period of time. Symptoms A
common visual symptom of hammer toe is the downward bending of the affected toe along with the inability to flex or wiggle the toe. There is also a
certain amount of pain and discomfort associated with this condition when walking, putting on shoes, or moving the toe. A hard corn or callous may
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Morton's Toe Research Paper
Take off your shoes. Look down at your feet. Is your second toe longer than your big toe? If so, you have Morton's toe. Morton's toe is a skeletal
disorder, in which the first metatarsal is shorter than the second metatarsal. Metatarsals are the bones that attach to the toes or known as phalanges.
Individuals often mistake Morton's toe of the second toe being longer than the first, but it is actually the second metatarsal that is longer than the first
metatarsal; therefore, the second toe seems longer than the "big toe." Morton's toe was discovered and named by Dr. Dudley J. Morton who was a
"physician, orthopedic surgeon, researcher, and author" in the 1920's ( Fehrs). It could also be referred to as "Morton's Foot Syndrome" and "Greek
Foot."... Show more content on ...
It is congenital meaning it is present at birth. Also, Morton's toe may be caused when the first metatarsal bone is abnormally short compared to the
second metatarsal bone and when the first metatarsal bone has more motion, which means it is unstable. This instability is known as "Hypermobility of
the First Metatarsal Bone" (Schuler). Additionally, Morton's toe can be simply recognized without an X–ray. Some symptoms are more noticeable than
others. For instance, if one looks at his feet and notices that his second toe is longer than the first, he has Morton's toe. "If the space between your
first and second toe appears to be deeper, not wider, but deeper than the space between your second and third toes, you have Morton's Toe"
("Morton's Toe"). An individual can also detect Morton's toe by holding down his toes and finding bumps where the metatarsal bones end. He will
mark the location of the bumps and compare the lines. The first metatarsal bone is shortened if the line for the second toe is closer to the leg than the
line for the big toe ("Morton's Toe: Symptoms and Treatments"). Excess skin between the toes is another possible sign for Morton's toe. More
symptoms of Morton's toe include pain in areas of the foot to the neck, callus formation, and musculoskeletal
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Imagine Someone’S Toes Must Be Bound Except The Big Toe
Imagine someone's toes must be bound except the big toe against the soles of their feet. It hurts just to think about it, doesn 't it? Traditions can make
someone powerful by accomplishing them yet painful at the same time. Beauty traditions that girls go through bring pain. Family honor is also the
reason why girls uphold such traditions. In the novel Ties that Bind, Ties that Break by Lensey Namioka, she explains how young Chinese girls are
afflicted by pain by getting their feet bound. Being able to have bound feet are something those young girls have to bear. Also, "The journey by Inner
Light", by Meeta Kaur, she explain her journey to find her inner self both mentally and physically through her tradition. By following the ... Show more
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After getting their feet bound they will have a stronger family connection and unity because they have followed their beauty traditions. Making their
family pride is one of the most important moments of every young girl who will no longer be a "little girl". It will be the day that their daughter is
finally able to socialize with their community members. It is also, the day that the mother will be able to present her daughter to her friends and
celebrate this occasion with them. These family traditions are seen as reminders of events that have shaped family members before. Every family will
want their daughter to follow them and to bring honor to the family. Eventually upholding this tradition is very important, although it can be
emotionally harmful and physically unpleasant.
Upholding the honorable expectations of a beauty tradition result in physical as rebelling results in emotional pain. Ailin, has not had her feet bound
yet, but her second sister has bound feet.. Ailin, desperately wants to know about the pain of this beauty tradition. Therefore, she looks to her sister,
since she is the only one she can count on and tell her the truth. Her sister states, "We women all have to go through this ordeal: Mother,
Grandmother, Eldest sister, Mrs Liu, you 're amah. Life is hard on women. In a few years you'll also find out you'll be bleeding once a month"(
Namioka 21) As James Crites about the problem, writes "A bandage, is wrapped tightly
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Another Mid-Life Wife Story: "The Ruse"
Another Mid–Life Wife Story:
"The Ruse" Janice awoke that morning to the shower running and her not in it. One of her children migrated into her bedroom, stealing her shower.
"Darn it all!" she mumbled from beneath the covers, turning over abruptly defeated. There would be no hot shower this morning. The hot water
heater was about to die being stingy in producing hot water. Sleepily she thought about this day's agenda. ARG! I host Bunco this afternoon for the
Neighborhood Women's Association! Then she also realized she had a meeting with several clients, needed to get the car s tires rotated, take her
husband's suits to the cleaners, and pick up the cat from being neutered at the vet, put dinner in the crock pot, take Lia to ballet practice, and call her
mother to wish her a "Happy Birthday." "Did I call the florist to send flowers?"Janice thought. Rolling herself out of bed abruptly to check her phone,
she stubbed her foot on the laundry basket that didn't get put away from the day before and cuts her toe. Looking down and grimacing at sight of the
drizzling oozing red liquid now expelling from it –caused by those innocent little slots in the laundry basket– she exclaimed out loud, "I need a wife! I
can't keep up with everything!"
The house was mess. So was her life. Every minute of every day seemed so full. Her days were never ending with ball practice's, ballet classes, school
meetings, home meetings, and business meetings; this–that, and the other. She felt
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Yog The Benefits Of Yoga Vs. Yoga
Yoga has been with us for thousands of years, and how it can still be seen as a trend until now is indeed remarkable! As it has been practiced for
such a long period of time, it managed to keep on evolving in such a constant pace. For that fact, the commonly used forms of Yoga these days–which
commonly involves comfortable cushy mats, stretch pants and plenty of movements – are practically new. These developments do not tend to vitiate
the traditional physical focuses (asanas) of Yoga. Indeed, physical yoga will, for the very least develop strong, flexible bodies, best outcomes still
results from a yoga practice that is more than physical. Yoga practices should involve a calm, open mind and spiritual enlightenment at some point.
However, whichever reason one may put up in starting a yoga... Show more content on ...
While you are maintaining this pose, a few goals must be realized. Your spine must be kept long or extended at all times– this promote better back
alignment and strength which can help prevent lower back injury. The tripods planted on the ground should be maintained. The strength posed in this
particular form must promote come from these points – this promotes feet strength, better leg alignment that can prevent injuries and keeps you active
while in the pose. Breathe. Downward Dog This is hailed as the most common form in Yoga. But, this could be far more challenging than what
anyone may expect from it. This is also a form that stretches your hamstrings. This can also be a calf, spine and arm strengthener. You'll be making
use of your whole body, so you should get into it deliberately. Stand with your feet parallel and a hip distance on your mat. Just like the former for,
plant the tripod once again. Inhale and raise your hand to the sky. Exhale. Fold your hips forward until you are able to place your hands onto the
ground, and if necessary band your
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The Big Toe Analysis
There are a plethora of stories in the book that I am reading from Alvin Schwart Scary stories to tell in the Dark. I will compare and contrast.
In the beginning, of story one wich is call "The Big Toe." The story is about a boy that was digging a hole in his back yard when he stopped and
realized that there was a toe in the ground. The boy showed his mom the toe that he found. Some how the mom thought is was a great idea to eat the
toe with the soup. Then the dad came home from work had he craved the toe into three pieces. The dad gave one pice to his son and another to his
wife the last pice was for the dad. The family went to bed and fell asleep but the boy was in the middle of a deep sleep and awake. Then the boy heard
a voice coming
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A Short Story : The Story Of The Fire?
The community was surrounded by a twenty foot high wall made out of stone and brick. The top of the barricade was lined with barbed wire.
There was a massive blaze in the middle of the town. Behind the fire was a mansion that looked to be four or five stories tall. There was a small
barn to the right of the house. When they walked around the fire, Finn felt his fingers tingle, but his toes were still numb. The man led Finn around
to the side of the house and into the cellar. There was a ragged quilt on the dirt ground and the concrete walls were iced over. The men threw him
down the steps and into the underground room. For some reason it seemed to be warmer inside. There were two windows with bars on them close to
the ceiling. The glass... Show more content on ...
He had to try again, but he couldn't see past all of the blood. He grabbed the dangling toe and broke the rest of it off. He knew he couldn't scream and
wake the men up. He bit down on the cloth as hard as he could and moaned.The wounds were not bleeding as profusely because the negative seventeen
degree temperature slowed the blood flow. The wounds were bandaged and numb from the coldness and adrenaline running through Finn.
Finn sat on the dirt ground for a while wondering if he was going to be able to walk. He heard what sounded like footsteps, so he scooted himself
up against the wall. He listen closely and heard what sounded like breathing. The cellar door started shaking and then it slowly creaked open. Finn
saw Bear standing in the doorway with something in his mouth. The hound bounced down the stairs to Finn. He dropped a can onto the floor.
Finn picked it up and noticed there wasn't a label on it. He slowly open it and smelled the sweetness. It was a can of peaches. His mouth began to
water as he tilted the can up to his lips and drank the juice. He ate all the peaches within a minute. Finn wanted more. One can of peaches wasn't
going to ease his hunger. He began to stand up and wobbled around on his wounded feet. Finn couldn't feel the pain because his feet were still numb
from the coldness. He grabbed his boots that were still damp and cold. He wrapped his
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Idiopathic Toe Walking
Clinical Question
According to recent study performed at Karolinska Instituet in Sweden, there is hypothesis to control or treat idiopathic toe walking. This study
examines treatment for idiopathic toe walking with cast and botulinum toxin A (Engstrom, Bartunek, Tedross, Orefelt, Hagund
Gutierrez–Farewik, 2013). The purpose of this study was to conduct a randomized controlled test, testing the hypothesis whether the combination of
cast and botulinum toxin A is a possible treatment for idiopathictoe walking. In the patient population between ages five and fifteen, how does the use
of cast and botulinum toxin A compared with cast only intervention influence idiopathic toe walking over four weeks. The purpose of this paper is to
critically ... Show more content on ...
In order to adequately compare results, there should have been an additional group who received no treatments. This would have shown better scientific
results, because there needs to be comparison for those who didn't receive treatment to truly determine if it has been effective. One should also question
the dosage of botulinum A given to the participants. Within the article it was state twelve units per kilogram were given to each patient (Engstrom,
Bartunek, etc, 2013). But not every participant weighs the same amount. There should have been a standard amount given to each patient in order to
have more controlled
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Advantages Of Steel Toe
Steel toe boots are necessary for a man's wardrobe, especially for those who have challenging jobs. There are several advantages of having the best
steel toe boots. Primarily, they promote safety and durability while ensuring comfort at the same time. The main purpose of steel toe work boots is
protecting your feet and toes from the impact of heavy objects. Those who working in hazardous conditions, such as steel workers, construction, and
heavy machinery could be considered exposing to risks. Some employers require you wear this type of boots, whether it is for the purpose of insurance,
or just because, on the site, the job could subject you to possible dangers. Then the more protection you have, the less likely your feet will sustain injury.
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And they are designed to protect your feet from impact, compression and or injury on your job. However, there are some differences in the two.
Which one to select depending on where and how you will use them.
Composite toes are built out of materials such as Kevlar, plastic, carbon fibers, and rubber. They are much lighter than steel toes, due to the absence
of steel. And they also offer better electrical resistance and offer more insulation in cold weather. Moreover, they don't set off metal detectors. So if
you do work in a secured area, you can pass through security gates without setting off bells and whistles. A composite toe is perfect for non–metallic
However, since working environments like that are very rare, the most viable option is steel toe. From the name itself, this type of toecaps is made of
steel– at least the front part. Steel toes have been around protecting feet in the work field for many years. The plate situated over the toe area is
constructed of heavy–duty steel. Steel toes tend to be puncture resistant, shatterproof, and usually cost a lot less than a composite toe. But they are not
very insulated to sustain colder
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Personal Narrative: Jessah's Home
It was just a normal school day, Friday, January 22, 2016. I was excited for Jessah's party and I just wanted to go to Kaelyn's house because she was my
ride. The school day was going by really slow, but I got through it. I met Kaelyn at her locker at the end of the school day so we could leave. We went
out into the school parking lot to find her mom, Lisa. I started to get in the car when Lisa started driving away. I had a lot of stuff I was carrying so it
was going to take me longer than five seconds to get in the car. She heard Kaelyns door shut so she assumed I was already in. She started to drive
away, going probably two miles an hour. I yelled out, "I'M NOT IN!" I was only a little bit in so I hopped right out. I could feel my heart... Show more
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"Tell me how this happened," she said. I told her what I told everybody else.
"Well I can tell you right now that if you wouldn't have pulled your foot out from under the wheel and just let it keep rolling over, you probably
would've moved the bone & needed surgery. You're very lucky."
I continued to wear the boot until my next check up at U of M on February 12, 2016. The doctor said I could slowly start to wear regular shoes on
both feet. She didn't even recommend physical therapy because of how fast my foot healed but I still had to re–teach myself how to walk correctly. It
was more of psychological thing because I kept thinking it would hurt if I walked normal so I really just had to teach myself not to think that way. It
took me a little less than a week to start walking normal again and I was back playing soccer again the next month.
I guess what I learned from this experience is to, one, get in the car as soon as possible, two, if you're trying to get into a car and it starts moving, move
away from it as fast as you can, and three, don't be so stubborn with physical pain because it'll only cause you more physical pain and possibly worse
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Fun Guy Monologue
I will infect you huuummanns! Oh hello I am Fun–Guy I'm a Fungi I can cause many pains to your body and also give you sickness. I like to infect
places that are wet. The immune system will try to attack me but usually fails. Suckers you can't attack me. Ha! Now its time to infect. I am going to
try and cause a unlucky person athletes foot. Now that I am giving them a rash they are going to notice me and call a doctor for some anti–fungal
meds. Boy I sure do hate that stuff. As the person who is named John goes to the doctor I hear the doctor say" thats a pretty nasty fungus son." Yes, I the
fungus have finally made someone have "the nasties." Oh no, this is the time I should spread, Dr. Dreadful is giving John anti–fungal medication. I
have a plan. As he is thinking out loud the unsuspected pinky toe is listening. Once Fun–Guy finishes his evil plan Pinky Toe tells the doctors Pinky Toe
that Fun–Guy's plan is to jump on Dr. Dreadful when he gives John the meds. Dr. Dreadful has to wait for the anti–fungal meds to arrive and he sends
John home. The medicine has finally ... Show more content on ...
Fun–Guy was inhaled and he was thrown down the esophagus. He had been inhaled into Dewey's lungs. This was great news for Fun–Guy because he
had gotten into a human. After a few days Fun–Guy had caused serious problems to Dewey's chest. He heard Dewey shouting "dad this burn hurts so
bad and this rash is killing me." Now Fun–Guy knew that he had done his job and caused pain to innocent humans, but he was satisfied because he
had done his job. Now all he had to do was wait for Dewey to cough and he would be inhaled again. Now that Fun–Guy's job was done he was able to
start exploring the area he was in. He saw that it was very dark and musty. He reached around his moldy pockets and found a small flashlight. When
he turned it on he saw that he was in an area of plain pink. The area he was in was a very small and dull area inside of the left
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Cattle Lift Toe
The bones of your toes can not be separated from your heel bone, your heel bone is also related to your leg bone, and so on. This is the reason why
the pain in one bone is able to spread to other parts of the foot. Leg pain has several factors such as athlete's foot, bunions, heel spurs, arthritis, and
ingrown toenail. China believes that foot reflexology is what determines the health, lead to the development of many different detox footbaths.
Stretching leg is the first step that is recommended. Stretching the leg is not difficult to do, just membutuhkan5 minutes.
The Toe Raise
Lift the toes and stand with them. Make sure your pinky toe ride in the same way, as high as your big toe. Perform this step five times
Lift Toe
When you are still in Toe Raise, press your big toe toward the bottom and continue to press your little finger. Perform alternately. 5 for each foot....
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Train each side sebanyak10 times.
Ankle Stretch
Place an exercise ball and a stretchy loop at the foot of the table. Hook your feet so that you make the balls of your feet resting on the band. The next
step is to press the toes towards the bottom. You need to repeat this procedure 15 times.
Tennis Ball Rub
Stepping into a tennis ball along your feet gently. Do this for each leg and you need to make your toes directed at the knee. Raise your toes towards the
Toes and Fingers
Sitting with the position of your feet are in front, toes pointed up. Lean forward and lace your fingers with the other fingers, then reinstated. It is quite
difficult but it can be learned.
Other Foot Tips
It is recommended for your body to the ground, allowing you to completely eradicate your feet, improve balance, and also restore your mental
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Turf Toe Research Paper
Turf Toe With Rehab
Turf toe is an injury that affects the joint at the base of the big toe. It occurs when the toe is bent upward by force and extended beyond its normal
limits (hyperextension). The joint of the big toe is surrounded by tissues (ligaments and tendons) that help to keep it in place. If any of these tissues are
damaged, turf toe may result.
Turf toe is a common sports injury. It can be mild if the tissue was stretched. It may be more severe if the tissue was partially or completely torn. Early
treatment usually results in good recovery. In some cases, a person may continue to have some pain, joint stiffness, and reduced ability to push off from
the affected foot.
This injury is caused by extreme upward bending of the big toe ... Show more content on ...
You should feel a stretch on the top of your toes and foot.
5 Hold this position for __________ seconds.
Repeat __________ times. Complete this stretch __________ times per day.
Exercise B: Ankle Plantar Flexion
1 Sit with your right / left leg crossed over your opposite knee.
2 Use your opposite hand to pull the top of your foot and toes toward you. You should feel a gentle stretch on the top of your foot and your ankle.
3 Hold this position for __________ seconds.
Repeat __________ times. Complete __________ times per day.
These exercises build strength and endurance in your foot. Endurance is the ability to use your muscles for a long time, even after they get tired.
Exercise C: Towel Curls
1 Sit in a chair on a non–carpeted surface.
2 Place your foot on a towel, keeping your heel on the floor.
3 Pull the towel toward your heel only by curling your toes. Keep your heel on the floor.
4 If instructed by your health care provider, add ____________________ at the end of the towel.
Repeat __________ times. Complete this exercise __________ times per day.
ExitCareВ® Patient Information ©2012 ExitCare,
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Hammertoes Research Paper
Why Hammertoes Will Not Heal On Their Own
The feet are the foundation of the body. Often, people don't even realize how much they use and rely on them. Nevertheless, if foot problems occur,
the value of keeping feet healthy and happy is undoubtedly becomes an understatement. One's daily life, health, and the level of participation in
enjoyable activities, can all be greatly impacted by problems of the feet.
One issue that can arise is called "hammertoes." Simply judging by its name, it may be hard to take this foot problem seriously at first. However, it's
important not to be fooled. This buckling, or curling, of the toe joints is a progressive and often painful condition.
Although in the beginning stages, the buckled joints may be flexible and not the source of much discomfort, treatment for hammertoes from a
specialist should always be sought ... Show more content on ...
Hammertoes occur due to a muscle and tendon imbalance around the joint of the toe, causing the joint to curl and possibly become buckled in an
arched position. Although this does have an aesthetic impact of the foot's appearance, it really shouldn't viewed as a mere cosmetic concern. As a
structural deformity, hammertoes can often make walking difficult. They can also cause the development of painful corns, and lead to other
concerning foot problems.
People can get hammertoes for a variety of reasons. One leading cause is genetics. Those with inherited foot types, such as flat feet or high arches,
have feet that are less stable and are often predisposed to develop this deformity. Other factors that can lead to hammertoes include:
Wearing Shoes That Are Too Tight/Small: footwear that puts too much pressure on the toes or pushes them together, like pointy
–toed high heels, can
create the joint and ligament misalignment that causes hammertoes.
Ailments or Trauma: Those with foot nerve damage due to injury, or those who have diseases like arthritis or diabetes, are more at risk to get
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The Ballet Of The Italian Renaissance Essay
Ballet originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. Barre is
French for bar, and a "barre" has been used in ballet training as a support to help with balance while practicing traditional ballet technique.
Modern "barre" techniques can be traced back to Lotte Berk who, like Joseph Pilates, fled Germany because of the Nazis. (Lotte Berk fled to the UK
in 1938 because she was Jewish, while Pilates fled to New York City supposedly because the Nazis wanted to recruit him to train the uber German
Lotte Berk developed a fitness regime in the UK that incorporated barre and other dance–related and core strengthening exercises. Her technique was
popular in the sixties and seventies in New York city and other cities around the world. Since then other individuals and companies have developed
"barre" programs that use a ballet barre and incorporate different fitness concepts. Now there are many fitness franchises in the US that incorporate the
ballet barre.
How is Ellie Herman's Brooklyn Barre different from other Barre Methods?
While many of the current barre methods do exercises that may make your legs and tummy look good, they ultimately can damage the knee joints and
lumbar spine.
Neutral Pelvis v. Flat Back
Like classical Pilates and the Lotte Berk method, many of the current barre franchise regimes place the pelvis in a poster pelvic tilt instead of a neutral
pelvis. Why is this
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Twin-Personal Narrative
I am a statistic. I am the 1 in 285 Americans that has an identical twin. Although these are merely numbers, they mean a lot more than that to me. It
means I have a twin sister, Chloe, who has the same DNA as I do and looks exactly like me (or so I'm told). Our unique situation has led to a unique
relationship. From head to toe, Chloe and I look extremely similar. Her hair is long and blonde like mine, and our eyes are the same size and hazel
in color. Our shoulders are similar. Our arms are long in comparison to our bodies. We have the same shirt size and our waists are the exact same
measurement. We both have long legs, scattered with volleyball bruises. Our feet are exactly the same size. Although I know these likenesses to be
true, all ... Show more content on ...
If I'm wearing something that doesn't earn her approval, I immediately "have" to change. Whenever I say something that she thinks is obvious or
stupid when we're with a group of our friends, she often corrects me not long after. I don't even try to embellish my stories anymore, because Chloe
is quick to correct me with a "that never happened." Although she likes to point out what I'm doing wrong, she'll always defend me when
necessary. When someone insults me, she takes it personally, and vise versa. Once, in fifth grade, a girl on my bus reached over the green,
scratchy seat and hit me lightly on the head. It was a confusing experience, and now I realize it was probably for a dare, but Chloe was furious. She
glared at her and insulted her vehemently until she apologized, her face red. No one else could possibly know all the things that Chloe knows
about me. No one else knows I was deathly afraid of the dark in 4th grade and still don't like dark rooms to this day. No one else knows that she
sucked her thumb until she was eight. Because we know so much about one another, we can be completely real around each other. We tell each other
exactly how we feel all the time. We relate to other and always have something to discuss because we have the same friends and interests. We are there
for each other in every
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Dedicated To Zonahfandomforever
Cute chapter, I promise!! Dedicated to Zonahfandomforever She has shown support to this book from the beginning, also she has been supporting
my other book :). These dedications are sooo hard!!! Like I GENUINELY JUST LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! I wish I could write so fast so, I could do all
my dedications...if that made since at all! Don't worry if you have been supporting. Your turn is coming sooner than later. ;) T h i r d– (l i k e a l w a y
s) The day finally came... Jack, Zach, Jonah, and Daniel have been waiting for this day since the beginning. Corbyn well, Corbyn now could just
easily ship, his ships more. The boys all woke up early that morning to be finished by tonight. But, wow, getting ahead of myself here. This is... Show
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"Can you get an ice pack? Please" Jack asked sweetly looking at the taller male. "Fine" Daniel said getting up and walking out, mumbling about
how much of a drama queen Jack is. As the boys rounded the same corner, Daniel's chest made instant interaction with Zach's body, pushing the
drink out the small band member's hand and all over him. "AHHHHH!" Zach let out a murderous scream. Hot coffee. Was now sizzling as it
trickled down his body. "THIS IS WHY WE WEAR PANTS!!" Daniel yelled as he saw the boy's thighs reddening faster than it would've in jeans.
"Daniel! Zach! What is wrong?" Jonah asked as he walked downstairs to stop all the commotion. It was moving day, not everyone get sidetracked
day. Jonah only needed to take a look at the glass shards on the ground, Zach's stained shirt and red thighs, he knew what had happened. He was
holding Zach, bride style, as he marched the stairs to the bathroom. He set the dainty boy on the cold surface, Zach winced at the cold take took over
the botton half of his thighs. Yet the top was in searing pain. 'Why must I make my coffee so hot!' Zach thought as Jonah pulled out a first–aid kit.
Jonah may be the messiest, but he cares for the boys and wants to make sure, they are always safe. Jonah took out a numbing wipe, it is a towelette
with numbing cream on it that helps with burns and irritation to fresh injuries. He made sure to get all of the
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The Chrysalids Essay
Women have always had an impact on men! Mothers, sisters, aunts, friends, wives, or girlfriends are all part of this group of women, and can change
a man in many ways. Similarly in the book, 'The Chrysalids' the protagonist David Strorm deals with three important women in his life, that have a
huge impact on him. They all influence his character, and some help him through his journey, and some create problems for him. The three women,
Aunt Harriet (David's Aunt), Petra (David's full sister), and Sophie (David's childhood friend), have always helped out David, and supported through
harsh times, and thus they have affected David in a big way. Firstly, Aunt Harriet has a big influence on David, because David feels sorrow due to the
situation that his aunt is going through. Aunt Harriet is talking to David's father, "This is the third time. They'll take my baby away again like they
took the others. I can't stand that – not again. Henry will turn me out, I think. He'll find another wife, who can give him proper children. There'll be
nothing– nothing in the world for me – nothing. I came here hoping against hope for sympathy and help. Emily is the only person who can help me. I
– I can see now how foolish I was to hope at all..." (Wyndham 71, 72) David thinks about his mother, and how she reacts to this situation, which had a
negative impact on David. Later on David could not stop thinking about Aunt Harriet after the incidence, "For several nights I dreamed of Aunt Harriet
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Tole Bunion Progression
According to Dr. Joseph G. DiPrima–Fairport, NY's top podiatrist–when pressure is applied on the big toe joint, it causes the big toe to gradually lean
toward the second toe. As this happens, the bone structure on the foot starts to change, and this causes a bony bump, known as a bunion, to occur.
These bumps can be incredibly painful and might affect the person from wearing shoes or even walking. The good news is that with proper bunion
treatment pressure can be reduced on the big toe and help to correct foot deformities.
Along with treatment prescribed by your foot doctor, here are a few exercises that will help slow bunion progression, decrease symptoms, and increase
your foot's flexibility:
All Toe Stretches: Toe exercises are helpful
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Head to Toe Essay
The head to toe physical assessment is the first step of the nursing process and is a systemic approach of collecting objective (physical) and subjective
(mental) data on the patient that will help the nurse formulate nursing diagnoses and plan patient care. It is also used to confirm or question data that
was stated in the pt. previous history stated in the charts and to evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing interventions that were carried out on the
patient. The main focus of the head–to–toe assessment is to focus on what the patient is currently presenting with; the patient's responses to actual or
potential problems.
In preparing for the assessment, it is important to explain the purpose of the assessment, explaining why it is ... Show more content on
The head to toe physical assessment is to be performed in less than 10 minutes using a stethescope, pen light, your hands, and observational skills. It
comprises of four different techniques: IPPA inspection, palpation,percussion, and auscultation. This sequence, in apparent order, is used for al
systems except for the abdominal assessment, which requires auscultation before palpation and percussion. Inspection is visually examining the person,
focusing on one area of the body at a time. Palpation is using touch, feeling for texture, size, consistency, and location of body parts. Auscultation is
listening for sounds within the body, mainly listening the lungs, heart, as well as the abdomen with the use of a stethoscope. Percussion is tapping an
area of the body with the fingers and is usually a special assessment skill that the RN or physician uses, not a practical student nurse.
The nurse must initially evaluate the patient's charts for any bacterial precautions and fall risks. As the nurse walks into the patient's room, the nurse
begins by making sure the environment is clean and safe. The nurse would do this by gathering equipment, washing hands thoroughly, and wear gloves.
The nurse is then to greet the patient, introducing self, then let them know exactly what you came to do. The nurse should first ask the patient for his
or her name, birthdate, location of where the patient is currently at, and the reason as to what
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Hammer Toe Research Paper
Hammer Toe
Hammer toe is a change in the shape (deformity) of your second, third, or fourth toe. The deformity causes the middle joint of your toe to stay bent.
This causes pain, especially when wearing shoes. Hammer toe starts gradually. At first, the toe can be straightened. Gradually over time, the deformity
becomes stiff and permanent.
Early treatments to keep the toe straight may relieve pain. As the deformity becomes stiff and permanent, surgery may be needed to straighten the toe.
Hammer toe is caused by abnormal bending of the toe joint closest to your foot. It happens gradually over time. This pulls on the muscles and
connections (tendons) of the toe joint, making them weak and stiff. It is often related to wearing shoes ... Show more content on ...
Have a second toe that is longer than your big toe (first toe).
Injure your foot or toe.
Have arthritis.
Have a family history of hammer toe.
Have a nerve or muscle disorder.
The main symptoms of this condition are pain and deformity of the toe. The pain is worse when wearing shoes, walking, or running. Other symptoms
may include:
Corns or calluses over the bent part of the toe or between the toes.
Redness and a burning feeling on the toe.
An open sore that forms on the top of the toe.
Not being able to straighten the toe.
This condition is diagnosed based on your symptoms and a physical exam. During the exam, your health care provider will try to straighten your toe to
see how stiff the deformity is. You may also have tests, such as:
A blood test to check for rheumatoid arthritis.
An X–ray to show how severe the deformity is.
Treatment for this condition will depend on how stiff the deformity is. Surgery is often needed. However, sometimes a hammer toe can be straightened
without surgery. Treatments that do not involve surgery include:
Taping the toe into a straightened position.
Using pads and cushions to protect the toe
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Mrs. G Chen Psyche Alternate Ending
Mrs. G. Chen was just walking on a street. Actually, never mind. She was RUNNING down the street in North Korea, just barely escaping the old
ladies who were trying to lick her pinky toe, and also the hunky men who were trying to kick her and call her Ahjumma (a married middle–aged lady
in Korean), led by Kim Jong Un, despite her actually not being married, despite the fact that she has a Mrs. before her name (Don't ask me why!).
This wasn't some rare nogoodhorrificbadterriblenotsocomfortable day. This happened at least 3 times every day as far as I know, and today's was a
tame one compared to her other days.
"Get away you cake sniffer baka!" she screamed in Korean as she fell down a manhole. She kept running, but eventually fell down another ... Show
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"Ohhhhhhh. You're in America.", he said. Mrs. Chen gasped the loudest gasp anyone could possibly gasp. She then started to cry. "Oh no! I in
land Trump!" The boy looked very VERY confused and worried so he (for some reason) decided to tell her his name. "aHEM! My name is
MECHANICUS!", he proudly announced with a smirk on his face. Now, even though her English speaking is terrible, she knew English quite well,
and she may seem ditzy and clueless, but she wasn't unintelligent. In fact, she was one of the smartest ladies in her town. Knowing this, I don't
believe you should be surprised when she didn't believe him. "You LIE!", she scoffed, and thankfully, Mechanicus understood what she meant. He
looked very shocked and troubled. "WHAT!? Oh, come on! It says so on my nametag!", he exclaimed, as Mrs. G Chen just noticed the blue nametag
on his shirt. On it, said Mechanicus in the worst handwriting you could ever imagine. Just then, a teenage girl (Chen guessed she was 17) with a
radiant and bright dress, light skin, light brown hair, and very red lips came running to
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Toe Head To Toe Assessment
Head–to–toe assessments are completed when a person is getting a complete physical or the doctor wants to be thorough with any findings that
could relate to a potential concern. Starting with the top of the head, the provider works his way down analyzing each body part and asking
questions along the way. A provider must first start out observing the patient generally taking in whatever they can see with the naked eye before
going from body part to body part. Then the assessment starts at the very top of the head. Head & Face The shape and symmetry of the head is
examined. The head of the patient should be rounded and symmetrical. There are to be no knots or masses when palpated. If there are, this could
indicate an abnormality that should be
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Lateral Plantar Nerve Entrapment Research Paper
Lateral Plantar Nerve Entrapment With Rehab
Lateral plantar nerve entrapment is a condition that happens when the nerve that passes from the inside of your ankle to your foot (lateral plantar
nerve nerve) gets squeezed or compressed (entrapment). The nerve can get compressed between the muscles, bones, and connective tissue near the
bottom of your heel. The nerve supplies many of your toe muscles and gives feeling to the outer toes on the bottom of your foot.
Lateral plantar nerve entrapment causes heel and foot pain that gets worse with activity.
This condition is caused by compression of the lateral plantar nerve in the heel area. It can happen if your small foot muscles become larger from
running. It may also happen from swelling ... Show more content on ...
An electrical study of nerve function (electromyography or EMG).
Treatment may include:
Wearing a removable boot or splint for foot and ankle support.
Using a soft shoe insert (orthotic).
Using ice to reduce swelling.
Taking pain medicine.
Getting injections in the nerve area with medicine to reduce pain and swelling.
Starting range–of–motion and strengthening exercises (physical therapy).
Returning to full activity gradually. The timing will depend on the severity of your condition and your response to treatment.
You may need surgery to relieve the compression if other treatments have not helped. After surgery, you may need to wear a removable splint or boot
for support and eventually have physical therapy.
If You Have a Splint or Boot:
Wear it as told by your health care provider. Remove it only as told by your health care provider.
Loosen the splint or boot if your toes become numb and tingle, or if they turn cold and blue.
Do not let your splint or boot get wet if it is not waterproof.
Keep the splint or boot clean.
Managing Pain, Stiffness, and Swelling
If directed, apply ice to the injured area:
в—‹ Put ice in a plastic
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How Did Leonardo Da Vinci Sketch Of The Vitruvian Man
Problem: The famous and old Leonardo Da Vinci sketch called,"The Vitruvian Man", is very well–known and studied because of its ties to many of the
renaissance time periods ideas. It is a sketch showing the direct correlation of a human's height and arm span to the length and width of a square that
is congruent in area to a circle made of the man's naval cavity to fingertip the measurement. It signified two things, that humans could fit into any form
they choose whether it be a savage or a god; or that humans were the in the middle of the universe's chain of command. This symbol has been
representing the renaissance era since because of what it has been interpreted to represented. Knowing that there are some human body measurements
that are equivalent I've decided to study one set which are the thumb and big toe's length. There also could be a reason for some of our body parts to
be equivalent to each other; it could possibly be a physical adaptation for humans to survive in the wild. For example the height of a human and the arm
span could be equivelant to aid our performance at certain tasks such as swimming, or gathering food from trees. The relationship between our big
toes and thumbs could aid some tasks or just our overall normal abilities. Specifically our ability to grasp items could be ... Show more content on ...
Then I will first proceed to label the subjects 1–20 and write their gender in the first column of my table and their ethnicity in the second. Then i will
write their gender and carry on to the next step of my table, big toe measurements. I will have them line up from 1–20 and measure their right big toe
from their tip to their big toe joint; following that i will record all the data in my third column on my table. Lastly I will have them repeat the same
process except i will be measureing their right thumb from the tip to the MCP joint, and record the data in my last
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History and Physical Examination Case 8 Essay
HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION_______________________ Patient Name: Chapman Robert Kinsey Patient ID: 110589 Room No.:
322–B Date of Admission: 23 February –––Admitting Physician: Martha C. Eaton, MD, Geriatrics Chief Complaint: Admitted from Dr. Max Hirsch's
office due to deep ulcer on left toe. Admitting Diagnoses 1. Severe peripheral vascular disease, status post deep ulcer on lefttoe. Rule out thrombolysis.
The patient was admitted to a regular floor. Condition is serious. 2. ALLERGY TO PENICILLIN, which puts patient into anaphylacticshock. 3.
Continue with home medications. DETAILS OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Mr. Kinsey is an 87–year–old white gentleman with history of (1) Chronic atrial
fibrillation, on Coumadin. (2) Chronic deafness, ... Show more content on ...
PAST MEDICAL/SURGICAL HISTORY: As above. SOCIAL HISTORY: Status post heavy smoking, 50+
–pack–year history. He quit 10 years ago.
Status post alcohol abuse, quit 3 or 4 years ago. He lives by himself and no longer drives but has 2 daughters here in Miami who take him where he
needs to go. FAMILY HISTORY: Patient's wife died 14 years ago of COPD due to lifelong smoking. Brother has diabetes mellitus. Unremarkable
family history otherwise. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: No fever, no nausea, no vomiting. Patient has incontinence of bowel. No shortness of breath, no
chest pain, no palpitations. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Well
–developed, well–nourished white male who is alert and oriented x3. Wears bilateral
hearing aids. Afebrile with blood pressure 130/70. NECK: No carotid bruits. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: S1, S2 normal. No
murmur. No S3 or S4. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. No arterial bruits. No masses, no organomegaly. EXTREMITIES: No edema. No pulses present
in the lower extremities. The right great toe is absent. The left great toe shows a 2 x 1 cm deep ulcer with redness around the toe with pus extruding.
PLAN 1. Get consult with Dr. Beth Brian, Infectious Disease. 2. Follow up with Dr. Hirsch, Orthopedics. (Continued)
©2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a
license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a passwordprotected
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The Ever Growing Limb
The Ever Growing Limb Once upon a time there lived an unhappy shepherd who lived on Canal Rd right under the bridge that was always chilly. He
had no shoes, only socks. However, the unhappy shepherd a major problem with his big toe. It never seemed to stop growing. His motherless mother
who lived in a rich neighborhood put him out at the age of 65. She told him that it was about that time he move out and start a life of his own.
Shepherd the poor child, just could not imagine himself living anywhere with a toe that would never stop growing. He begged and pleaded to his
empathetic mother, but she turned the other cheek and still disregarded his request. "Look at this picture Shepherd. I would be an unfit mother by
letting you live here any longer." Fleeon, the mother said. "My toe! It 's my toe. That is keeping me here." Shepherd said with an aggressive tone.
Fleeon just could not see things from Shepherd 's view. "How heartless and imprudent are you? Am I not your son? Do you evenlove me? Just a little
bit?" Shepherd asked as tears began to roll down his chubby cheeks. It was getting late and Fleeon had to get ready for work in the morning. She
told Shepherd that it was time for him to leave. As Shepherd despondently walked back to the bridge, he saw a friend from middle school. They
were very close. Shepherd was afraid to approach him because of his toe that was steady growing. But Shepherd, being out in the cold for several days
and nights, could not pass up an
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Head To Toe Assessment
Thinking back to when I have done a health history I have luckily had good experiences. As a nurse I do not have much to compare to but I have
had a dew admissions where I have obtained a health history. For one I can remember the patient was not verbal. He was in his 60's and had
multiple CVA's. His 87 mother took care of him, along with his medications, doctors' office and any car he needed. She had great family support with
her other children so this made it a lot easier for her. At first when I received report from the ED that the patients mother would be providing the health
history and medication history I was worried but I was wrong. The patient's mother knew, off the top of her head, exactly what medication her son was
on. To... Show more content on ...
My patient's mother not only knew the medication but every single surgical and medical history this patient had, including the exact date and
year. I have never met a person almost in their 90's with such knowledge of someone else's health history. She a someone who makes a new
admission so smooth! Obtain accurate health information is the first step into treatment. I can already feel my assessment improving since being
in this class. I feel as if I am paying more attention to small detail as well as the proper way to do a head to toe assessment. I have found that I
forgot some of my skills since graduating nursing school. At times when we are doing an assessment it becomes just a routine and we forget the
small things. I am guilty of forgetting to take off patients socks. I did that until one day I went back later to assess their heels and found an ulcer.
That was the last time I ever forgot to take off someone's socks. I do feel we need things like the "I forgot to do that" moments to make us a better
nurse. I also pay attentions to others mistakes and an "ah ha" moments. At times we are not always going to be the ones who learn something but
rather we are going to learn through others mistakes The Jarvis books had great pictures to ensure I am
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Head To Toe Assessment
This assessment was challenging at first but It gets easier as I go along. It was challenging because EM is not very cooperative at times and have
to wait for him to finish his morning nap. EM has multiple medical diagnoses and at his age I was impressed that he didn't need assistance when
ambulating. He can turn and change position with no problems and able to hear my requests with ease. Doing the head to toe focused assessment was
my favorite part. The general head to toe assessment is very important because it assess the overall physical condition and status of EM. I checked the
most common part of the body that are susceptible to infection like the skin because of pressure ulcers. Checking the cardiovascular like pressing nail
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What Is Your Third Toe Essay
Are your toes bigger or littler? Which toe is the longest and which is the littlest? Are your feet restricted or wide? Every one of these attributes can
enlighten a great deal concerning your identity and even anticipate what can happen in your future. A few studies propose that the state of your feet
and toes uncovers a considerable measure about your identity, so continue perusing to discover what your toes say in regards to you.
Enormous Toe:
Take a gander at your huge toe. Is it any longer than the others? On the off chance that it will be it implies that you are extremely brilliant and inventive
and can simply consider imaginative approaches to tackle your issues. You can think outside about the container and are brimming with thoughts. On
the negative side, it might be troublesome for you to stay centered and can ... Show more content on ...
Nothing appears to drive you up the wall and you simply adore relaxing. Some may say that you're apathetic and lacking activity, however your
proverb is life is short so appreciate it while it endures.
Fourth Toe:
In the event that your fourth toe is long and straight your family dependably starts things out in your life. In case you're having issues in your own
life, with your accomplice, family and love life it will appear in a twisting in the fourth toe. Your greatest quality is the capacity to listen to other
individuals' issues and attempt and resolve them, yet your family's issues can firmly influence your bliss too.
On the off chance that your fourth toe is mauled you should attempt and loosen up a bit and not stress a lot over other people's issues. The issues in
your family can begin influencing your wellbeing so you have to quit stressing excessively.
On the off chance that your fourth toe is shorter you are not very centered around your family and your affection life, your principle concern lies
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Patient Background : Symptoms And Diagnosis
Patient Background:
Gender: Male
Age: 18 months
Height: unknown
Weight: unknown
Medical History:
Circumstances causing visit: Came into CRG for x–rays of his right hand to determine surgery options for removal of the extra digit.
Symptoms: no symptoms
Procedures ordered: 3 view hand x–ray which included PA, oblique, and lateral
Diagnosis: Polydactyl
Description of the Disease:
Classification: Congenital
Etiology: Mutations of chromosome 7. Rare genetic causes: Laurence–Moon–Bardet–Biedl Syndrome (LMBBS), Ellis–van Creveld syndrome, and
Acrocallosal syndrome.
Physiological Effects: Range of motor skills– completely immobile, limited dexterity, fully functional
Appearance on Radiograph:
Neither an additive or subtractive disease
Need to decrease in density due a pediatric hand but not because of pathology.
Any Special Accommodations made:
Technique: I decreased technique to 55 @ 1.5 for all views to accommodate for the decrease patient thickness.
Positioning: I had the patient's father hold him with both of them shielded. I told the father where and how I wanted his son's hand to be put on the
cassette and instructed him to try to keep his own finger out of the way of the anatomy. I also used a sponge for the oblique view to help with more
accurate positioning.
Alternative views: no alternative views.
Follow– up and Prognosis: Patient will have surgery to remove the extra digit since it has no function or purpose. Prognosis is a
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Head To Toe Assessment
After a full head–to–toe assessment revealed no other abnormalities other than two teeth on the verge of eruption, I would take the time to explain to
the mother that the child would not require antibiotics at this time. Education would be provided on the signs and symptoms of teething and how this
can appear similar to other infections. Teething is a natural occurring process that can lead parents to worry about more serious illnesses (Plutzer,
Spencer, & Keirse, 2010). Investigation further revealed that many health care workers could not pinpoint the signs and symptoms of teething. Children
can present with a low–grade fever, diarrhea, sleeplessness, pulling at ears from jaw pain, fussiness and increased drooling while teething. Research
has revealed how overprescribing antibiotic creates several adverse outcomes, including the development of multidrug resistant organisms, Clostridium
difficile infection, and increased costs of health care (Myung et al., 2015). The Consumer Report (2015) raised concern for the overuse of antibiotics
and how it leads to the loss of the ability to treat serious infections. Doctors,... Show more content on ...
Infants do not visit the dentist, so this is the only real opportunity to prepare families on what to expect. Providing parents with a printed dental chart
will help decrease some of the anxiety during the teething process (Plutzer, Spencer, & Keirse, 2010). Parents would benefit from a helpful list of
symptoms unlikely associated with teething, including a rash other than a facial rash, vomiting, decreased liquid intake, and temperature over 38.9C or
102F. The parents would be provided with specific instructions on who to contact if any of these signs and symptoms occur or any other
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How Hammer Toe Surgery Can Be Made More Successful?
How hammer toe surgery can be made more successful?
Description: hammer toe surgery is of varied types and until and unless you are aware of these types you will not be able to choose the right one that
can serve your specific purpose the best.
If you toe gets buckled, crooked or contracted, then in that case nothing can be the best option other than hammer toe surgery. This kind of toe condition
can be also termed as cross–over toe. This is really quite painful and sometimes the pain increases so much that it seems to be completely unbearable.
Excessive skin building up from a corn can be corn identified as hammer toe.
Thorough medical examination is needed so that it can be understood that whether there is any need of this surgery or not. The toe becomes swollen,
red warm and irritated and thus you will face a huge trouble in wearing shoes. In fact, you will never be able to wear any kind of stylish shoes as it is
being strictly restricted by the foot specialists.
If you are wearing wrong footwear since a long time, then your toes will get exposed towards this trouble. To be more precise, foot deformities occur
due to hammer–toe and before this trouble goes too high, it needs to be surgically treated so that you can get proper correction of your toes. In this
case, corns and bunions re quite common and on the other hand rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can also be invited as a result of this toe disease.
Simple treatments supporting surgeries of hammer toes
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Summary Of A Short Story
Having walked for a while, he came to the river bank that faced the farm. He made a whistle to call the fisherman, who was offloading people's
goods at the other bank. Asuo Panin waved at him and he hurried up. Asuo Panin owned the canoe, it was the biggest canoe ever in the community,
and as a matter of fact the fisherman always hired a conductor in addition. He sailed toward him in delight. Asuo Panin planted one foot in and then
the other, he sat on the bar at the extreme end, infront of the fisherman. He also wanted to have a word or two with him. The conductor assisted the
other people to onload their goods on board, he took the fare. "Adwuma dwumaoo," Asuo Panin greeted the fisherman. "Adwuma yОµ" he
responded, as turned to the other bank, the passengers chattered with each other and waved at Asuo Kitiwa's papa. "Agya, maakyeoo" they said in
an unpatterned manner. "Maakyeoo anuanom, apomuОµ" "Apomu yОµ" they sang "Maame ne akraa no Оµ?" "Nyame adom, obia ho yОµ, na
mo nso Оµ?" he retorted. "Adom ara kwa" "Nyame adaroma"one answered "Otwediampong nti" they replied beaming with smiles as they
chattered like birds. "Agya, bronya yi yОµ bОµ ba w'akura ho oo" a woman said as she held her baby well for the breast milk. "Yiee mo mra dodo,
bronya yi diОµ yОµ di wo akura ho nti ya mo mmra" Asuo Kitiwa papa said laughing "Apenten, come home for the bronya, ok" he said to the
fisherman. Everybody liked him, Asuo Kitiwa papa was full of generosity. Wherever he went people waved and called him especially the children.
Once he sees aged person, he goes to speak to them, for the males he always gave them money to buy local gin. He arrived at where they (male
oldfolks) normally sat, it was under a summerhut which had holes in the straw roofing."Eii Asuo Panin, na wo kН» saa, wo nka mmpanifoН»
ano?" they (male oldfolks) said when forgetfulness held him. He then beamed and gave them quarter a cowry to buy a keg of local gin for
themselves. The elders blessed him afterwards. On his way to the house, he saw a lady in a respectable dress, in her right hand were jute sacs of
goodies whiles the left held her daughter who had apprehened the hand of his elder brother of about 10 years. As they approach their house, a family
member cried
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Examples Of Composite Toe Boot
Composite Toe Boot : Definition and Usefulness
In the work boot world, there are generally two options to choose from; composite toe boots and steel toed boots. Both have various similarities and
differences but we will save the comparisons for another time. Today, we're here to talk about what a composite toeboot is and how it is best used
around the work site.
What is a Composite Toe Boot?
A composite toe boot (or "comp toe" if you want to be hip) is quickly becoming the industry standard compared to steel toe. While steel toe is made of
steel (no surprise there) composite toe boots are made of other, non–metal materials. Things like Kevlar, plastic or even fiberglass are all fair game.
For those that don't know, Kevlar is the material ... Show more content on ...
It's not every day that most people go through metal detectors but for some workers, it's the norm. It may seem like a minor thing but walking through
a metal detector without setting it off every time is an added benefit. That is exactly what happens with a composite toe boot. You can work in an
environment without fear of upsetting any nearby metal detectors. Again, if you don't work in an area where this is an issue, then perhaps it's not a big
deal. However, to others, it's these small features that make composite toe boots a better choice.
IS a composite boot toe right for you?
Now that you know the ins and outs of composite toe boots, is it the right choice for you? Of course, that all depends on the work environment. If
you work in a place where metal does more harm than good, then yes, composite toe boots are for you. While they may be a bit more expensive than
steel–toed, that will likely change in coming years as they become more popular. Your toes are an important body part to take care of. One injury
could keep you out of work for a long time. Hence, it's important to take foot safety seriously and a great way to do that is by wearing the proper
... Get more on ...
The Head to Toe Assessment
The Head to Toe Assessment
Principles of Assessment for RN's
Edward is a 45 year old male who is present today for his Annual Physical Examination. He is asymptomatic and has no complaints.
History: The patient has a history of Chicken Pox at 5 years old. He has been a smoker for 25 years and currently smokes 2 packs a day. He consumes
alcohol daily 2–4 glasses of wine. He reports of history of depression and anxiety 3 years ago after separating from his wife. His is not currently on any
medications. He also has a history of a positive TB skin test with no active disease. The patient spent 15 years in the military traveling overseas. He
had right rotator cuff surgery 10 years ago.
Objective: Head to toe Assessment: ... Show more content on ...
If I had an ophthalmoscope I would use it to inspect the Ocular fundus: red reflex, disc, vessels and retinal background which could give a preview to
diseases such as Glaucoma. There is some yellowing of the sclera
The extra ocular muscles which are stimulated by cranial nerves III,IV and VI and allow for voluntary movement of the eye was tested by holding a
pencil up and having Edward follow the movement of the pencil with his eyes. Cranial or eye muscle damage was not evident since he was able to
move the eye downward and inward straight and rotary movement (Jarvis, 2012). The external eye structures are intact with no lesions; there is no
drainage from the lacrimal gland.
There is no mass, lesions scaling, discharge or tenderness on palpation of the Pinna. The tympanic membrane would be inspected with an otoscope, if I
had one. I would expect the normal membrane to be gray, with no discharge. Whispers were heard bilaterally with no difficulty.
No external lesions noted, although he does have some facial acne. Cranial nerve VII seems to be intact since the cheeks, lips and eyebrows are
symmetric bilaterally. Nares are patent as evidenced by good air passage on both sides when the other side is closed. The internal mucosa is pink with
no lesions or tenderness. There is no tenderness in the maxillary sinuses.
Mouth and Throat
The mucosa and gingivae are pink, no lesions or bleeding.
... Get more on ...

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How To Toe Assessment

  • 1. How To Toe Assessment Interview for Health Assessment Health assessments are essential for patients because it identifies any abnormalities or problems with the patient's body. Nurses must be capable to perform a head to toe assessment and communicate with the patient if something foreign is identified in their assessment. The assessment I performed had all of the key aspects, but had some errors that need improvement. This paper will identify some of my errors, a plan to mend these errors, and promote gratitude for performing the health assessment. Identifying Errors When assessing and documenting my health assessment on my patient, I documented some information incorrectly. One of my errors was where my patient fell in birth order of his siblings. I did not identify... Show more content on ... The Joint Commission states that miscommunication is the main cause for unforeseen situations that could lead to harm, injury, or death of a patient (as citied in Noland & Carmack, 2015). For both of my errors, I think miscommunication was my failure. I failed ask my patient how old he was compared to his siblings. I think I could fix this problem by asking the patient how old each of his siblings are or how he falls between his siblings by age. I think this allows the patient to elaborate how old they are between their siblings. For my second error also being about miscommunication, I think restatement and/or elaboration are solutions to my problem. I could have restated the question of how to you smoke to how many packs a week would you say you smoke. The tool of elaboration could have been used by asking him to talk about his day and when this habit is practice in his daily life. Therapeutic communication is an effective tool that can decrease my rick for error. "This skill takes practice but can be learned with attention and awareness. It takes time to learn to listen for messages that might otherwise be unheard, but this careful listening contributes greatly to a therapeutic relationship"(Jensen, 2015).The key to my miscommunication problems is clarifying and correcting them so the same errors do not ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress Analysis Relaxin inside the comfort of a home never lasts. Eventually life returns and that comfort along with more is lost. The novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie published in 2000 tells a story of two boys within the re–education system of communist China where things seem hopeless. The Narrator and Luo both meet the Little Seamstress but only Luo is able to entice the Little Seamstress. Luo kindles a relationship with her throughout the novel. Luo regains hope within his life but ultimately the Little Seamstress decides to leave. Luo contemplates his decisions regarding their relationship. Luo realizes that he opened the door for the Little Seamstress to leave for the city revealing that security fails to last. In the process of learning about security, Luo starts off as hopeless regarding his own status within the reeducation system and little can comfort him. Luo and the Narrator are truly alone in their spot of reeducation. Luo and the Narrator a caught in a worst case scenario for teens of bourgeois families as they didn't get to complete high school also and more importantly their parents are enemies of the government. Luo's father specifically has had many kids with varying wives which is despised by the government. While there is a slim chances for them eventually leaving reeducation, their nightly solitude brings out their thoughts and real feelings. When Luo struggles to sleep, he will make himself a cigarette and "Sit and smoke in the dark." ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Toe Arthritis Research Paper Could Arthritis Be the Cause of Your Toe Pain? 8 symptoms that could mean you have arthritis in your toes. Arthritis typically attacks joints in the knees, hips and hands, but it can occur in any part of the body that has joints, including your toes. There are several different types of arthritis that can cause pain in the toes, from cartilage degeneration to tissue inflammation, but whatever the cause, symptoms can be difficult to determine at first. If you suffer from toe pain, here are a few hints that arthritis may be the culprit. What Is Toe Arthritis? Toe arthritis occurs as a result of the inflammation of the toe joint. The disease frequently attacks the big toe, but the other toes can be affected as well. Past traumas or injuries, ... Show more content on ... All forms of arthritis cause inflammation in the joint, which can result in noticeable swelling. The affected toes may begin to turn red and feel hot to the touch which you may observe after sitting for a period of time or after you get out of bed in the morning. Swelling can also make it hard to put your shoes on in the morning until you have walked around for a while and the swelling decreases. 4.Hear Popping and Cracking Noises If you have ever heard someone crack their knuckles, then you know what cracking and popping noises sound like. You may begin to hear these sounds or a grinding noise in your toes if you have arthritis. These sounds are caused by the deterioration of the cartilage that normally cushions the two bones in a joint. As that cartilage begins to lessen, the bones will begin to rub against each other, resulting in those unpleasant sounds. 5.Notice a Change in Appearance Toe arthritis may also be apparent if your toe looks bigger than normal or begins to rotate away from your foot. As cartilage deteriorates the bone begins to grind against bone as the body creates more bone in an attempt to compensate for the lack of
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  • 5. Hammer Toe Causes Hammer toe is a treatable condition in which one or more toes become deformed and curl downward due to arthritis, a muscle imbalance, or ill–fitting shoes. Other causes include tightened ligaments in the foot, a high foot arch, or nerve damage. Over 200,000 cases of hammer toe occur in the U.S. each year. In some cases, newborn babies are born with this condition, but hammer toe usually develops over a long period of time. Symptoms A common visual symptom of hammer toe is the downward bending of the affected toe along with the inability to flex or wiggle the toe. There is also a certain amount of pain and discomfort associated with this condition when walking, putting on shoes, or moving the toe. A hard corn or callous may develop ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Morton's Toe Research Paper Take off your shoes. Look down at your feet. Is your second toe longer than your big toe? If so, you have Morton's toe. Morton's toe is a skeletal disorder, in which the first metatarsal is shorter than the second metatarsal. Metatarsals are the bones that attach to the toes or known as phalanges. Individuals often mistake Morton's toe of the second toe being longer than the first, but it is actually the second metatarsal that is longer than the first metatarsal; therefore, the second toe seems longer than the "big toe." Morton's toe was discovered and named by Dr. Dudley J. Morton who was a "physician, orthopedic surgeon, researcher, and author" in the 1920's ( Fehrs). It could also be referred to as "Morton's Foot Syndrome" and "Greek Foot."... Show more content on ... It is congenital meaning it is present at birth. Also, Morton's toe may be caused when the first metatarsal bone is abnormally short compared to the second metatarsal bone and when the first metatarsal bone has more motion, which means it is unstable. This instability is known as "Hypermobility of the First Metatarsal Bone" (Schuler). Additionally, Morton's toe can be simply recognized without an X–ray. Some symptoms are more noticeable than others. For instance, if one looks at his feet and notices that his second toe is longer than the first, he has Morton's toe. "If the space between your first and second toe appears to be deeper, not wider, but deeper than the space between your second and third toes, you have Morton's Toe" ("Morton's Toe"). An individual can also detect Morton's toe by holding down his toes and finding bumps where the metatarsal bones end. He will mark the location of the bumps and compare the lines. The first metatarsal bone is shortened if the line for the second toe is closer to the leg than the line for the big toe ("Morton's Toe: Symptoms and Treatments"). Excess skin between the toes is another possible sign for Morton's toe. More symptoms of Morton's toe include pain in areas of the foot to the neck, callus formation, and musculoskeletal ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Imagine Someone’S Toes Must Be Bound Except The Big Toe Imagine someone's toes must be bound except the big toe against the soles of their feet. It hurts just to think about it, doesn 't it? Traditions can make someone powerful by accomplishing them yet painful at the same time. Beauty traditions that girls go through bring pain. Family honor is also the reason why girls uphold such traditions. In the novel Ties that Bind, Ties that Break by Lensey Namioka, she explains how young Chinese girls are afflicted by pain by getting their feet bound. Being able to have bound feet are something those young girls have to bear. Also, "The journey by Inner Light", by Meeta Kaur, she explain her journey to find her inner self both mentally and physically through her tradition. By following the ... Show more content on ... After getting their feet bound they will have a stronger family connection and unity because they have followed their beauty traditions. Making their family pride is one of the most important moments of every young girl who will no longer be a "little girl". It will be the day that their daughter is finally able to socialize with their community members. It is also, the day that the mother will be able to present her daughter to her friends and celebrate this occasion with them. These family traditions are seen as reminders of events that have shaped family members before. Every family will want their daughter to follow them and to bring honor to the family. Eventually upholding this tradition is very important, although it can be emotionally harmful and physically unpleasant. Upholding the honorable expectations of a beauty tradition result in physical as rebelling results in emotional pain. Ailin, has not had her feet bound yet, but her second sister has bound feet.. Ailin, desperately wants to know about the pain of this beauty tradition. Therefore, she looks to her sister, since she is the only one she can count on and tell her the truth. Her sister states, "We women all have to go through this ordeal: Mother, Grandmother, Eldest sister, Mrs Liu, you 're amah. Life is hard on women. In a few years you'll also find out you'll be bleeding once a month"( Namioka 21) As James Crites about the problem, writes "A bandage, is wrapped tightly ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Another Mid-Life Wife Story: "The Ruse" Another Mid–Life Wife Story: "The Ruse" Janice awoke that morning to the shower running and her not in it. One of her children migrated into her bedroom, stealing her shower. "Darn it all!" she mumbled from beneath the covers, turning over abruptly defeated. There would be no hot shower this morning. The hot water heater was about to die being stingy in producing hot water. Sleepily she thought about this day's agenda. ARG! I host Bunco this afternoon for the Neighborhood Women's Association! Then she also realized she had a meeting with several clients, needed to get the car s tires rotated, take her husband's suits to the cleaners, and pick up the cat from being neutered at the vet, put dinner in the crock pot, take Lia to ballet practice, and call her mother to wish her a "Happy Birthday." "Did I call the florist to send flowers?"Janice thought. Rolling herself out of bed abruptly to check her phone, she stubbed her foot on the laundry basket that didn't get put away from the day before and cuts her toe. Looking down and grimacing at sight of the drizzling oozing red liquid now expelling from it –caused by those innocent little slots in the laundry basket– she exclaimed out loud, "I need a wife! I can't keep up with everything!" The house was mess. So was her life. Every minute of every day seemed so full. Her days were never ending with ball practice's, ballet classes, school meetings, home meetings, and business meetings; this–that, and the other. She felt ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Yog The Benefits Of Yoga Vs. Yoga Yoga has been with us for thousands of years, and how it can still be seen as a trend until now is indeed remarkable! As it has been practiced for such a long period of time, it managed to keep on evolving in such a constant pace. For that fact, the commonly used forms of Yoga these days–which commonly involves comfortable cushy mats, stretch pants and plenty of movements – are practically new. These developments do not tend to vitiate the traditional physical focuses (asanas) of Yoga. Indeed, physical yoga will, for the very least develop strong, flexible bodies, best outcomes still results from a yoga practice that is more than physical. Yoga practices should involve a calm, open mind and spiritual enlightenment at some point. However, whichever reason one may put up in starting a yoga... Show more content on ... While you are maintaining this pose, a few goals must be realized. Your spine must be kept long or extended at all times– this promote better back alignment and strength which can help prevent lower back injury. The tripods planted on the ground should be maintained. The strength posed in this particular form must promote come from these points – this promotes feet strength, better leg alignment that can prevent injuries and keeps you active while in the pose. Breathe. Downward Dog This is hailed as the most common form in Yoga. But, this could be far more challenging than what anyone may expect from it. This is also a form that stretches your hamstrings. This can also be a calf, spine and arm strengthener. You'll be making use of your whole body, so you should get into it deliberately. Stand with your feet parallel and a hip distance on your mat. Just like the former for, plant the tripod once again. Inhale and raise your hand to the sky. Exhale. Fold your hips forward until you are able to place your hands onto the ground, and if necessary band your ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Big Toe Analysis There are a plethora of stories in the book that I am reading from Alvin Schwart Scary stories to tell in the Dark. I will compare and contrast. In the beginning, of story one wich is call "The Big Toe." The story is about a boy that was digging a hole in his back yard when he stopped and realized that there was a toe in the ground. The boy showed his mom the toe that he found. Some how the mom thought is was a great idea to eat the toe with the soup. Then the dad came home from work had he craved the toe into three pieces. The dad gave one pice to his son and another to his wife the last pice was for the dad. The family went to bed and fell asleep but the boy was in the middle of a deep sleep and awake. Then the boy heard a voice coming ... Get more on ...
  • 11. A Short Story : The Story Of The Fire? The community was surrounded by a twenty foot high wall made out of stone and brick. The top of the barricade was lined with barbed wire. There was a massive blaze in the middle of the town. Behind the fire was a mansion that looked to be four or five stories tall. There was a small barn to the right of the house. When they walked around the fire, Finn felt his fingers tingle, but his toes were still numb. The man led Finn around to the side of the house and into the cellar. There was a ragged quilt on the dirt ground and the concrete walls were iced over. The men threw him down the steps and into the underground room. For some reason it seemed to be warmer inside. There were two windows with bars on them close to the ceiling. The glass... Show more content on ... He had to try again, but he couldn't see past all of the blood. He grabbed the dangling toe and broke the rest of it off. He knew he couldn't scream and wake the men up. He bit down on the cloth as hard as he could and moaned.The wounds were not bleeding as profusely because the negative seventeen degree temperature slowed the blood flow. The wounds were bandaged and numb from the coldness and adrenaline running through Finn. Finn sat on the dirt ground for a while wondering if he was going to be able to walk. He heard what sounded like footsteps, so he scooted himself up against the wall. He listen closely and heard what sounded like breathing. The cellar door started shaking and then it slowly creaked open. Finn saw Bear standing in the doorway with something in his mouth. The hound bounced down the stairs to Finn. He dropped a can onto the floor. Finn picked it up and noticed there wasn't a label on it. He slowly open it and smelled the sweetness. It was a can of peaches. His mouth began to water as he tilted the can up to his lips and drank the juice. He ate all the peaches within a minute. Finn wanted more. One can of peaches wasn't going to ease his hunger. He began to stand up and wobbled around on his wounded feet. Finn couldn't feel the pain because his feet were still numb from the coldness. He grabbed his boots that were still damp and cold. He wrapped his ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Idiopathic Toe Walking Clinical Question According to recent study performed at Karolinska Instituet in Sweden, there is hypothesis to control or treat idiopathic toe walking. This study examines treatment for idiopathic toe walking with cast and botulinum toxin A (Engstrom, Bartunek, Tedross, Orefelt, Hagund –Akerlind, Gutierrez–Farewik, 2013). The purpose of this study was to conduct a randomized controlled test, testing the hypothesis whether the combination of cast and botulinum toxin A is a possible treatment for idiopathictoe walking. In the patient population between ages five and fifteen, how does the use of cast and botulinum toxin A compared with cast only intervention influence idiopathic toe walking over four weeks. The purpose of this paper is to critically ... Show more content on ... In order to adequately compare results, there should have been an additional group who received no treatments. This would have shown better scientific results, because there needs to be comparison for those who didn't receive treatment to truly determine if it has been effective. One should also question the dosage of botulinum A given to the participants. Within the article it was state twelve units per kilogram were given to each patient (Engstrom, Bartunek, etc, 2013). But not every participant weighs the same amount. There should have been a standard amount given to each patient in order to have more controlled ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Advantages Of Steel Toe Steel toe boots are necessary for a man's wardrobe, especially for those who have challenging jobs. There are several advantages of having the best steel toe boots. Primarily, they promote safety and durability while ensuring comfort at the same time. The main purpose of steel toe work boots is protecting your feet and toes from the impact of heavy objects. Those who working in hazardous conditions, such as steel workers, construction, and heavy machinery could be considered exposing to risks. Some employers require you wear this type of boots, whether it is for the purpose of insurance, or just because, on the site, the job could subject you to possible dangers. Then the more protection you have, the less likely your feet will sustain injury. ... Show more content on ... And they are designed to protect your feet from impact, compression and or injury on your job. However, there are some differences in the two. Which one to select depending on where and how you will use them. Composite toes are built out of materials such as Kevlar, plastic, carbon fibers, and rubber. They are much lighter than steel toes, due to the absence of steel. And they also offer better electrical resistance and offer more insulation in cold weather. Moreover, they don't set off metal detectors. So if you do work in a secured area, you can pass through security gates without setting off bells and whistles. A composite toe is perfect for non–metallic environments. However, since working environments like that are very rare, the most viable option is steel toe. From the name itself, this type of toecaps is made of steel– at least the front part. Steel toes have been around protecting feet in the work field for many years. The plate situated over the toe area is constructed of heavy–duty steel. Steel toes tend to be puncture resistant, shatterproof, and usually cost a lot less than a composite toe. But they are not very insulated to sustain colder ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Personal Narrative: Jessah's Home It was just a normal school day, Friday, January 22, 2016. I was excited for Jessah's party and I just wanted to go to Kaelyn's house because she was my ride. The school day was going by really slow, but I got through it. I met Kaelyn at her locker at the end of the school day so we could leave. We went out into the school parking lot to find her mom, Lisa. I started to get in the car when Lisa started driving away. I had a lot of stuff I was carrying so it was going to take me longer than five seconds to get in the car. She heard Kaelyns door shut so she assumed I was already in. She started to drive away, going probably two miles an hour. I yelled out, "I'M NOT IN!" I was only a little bit in so I hopped right out. I could feel my heart... Show more content on ... "Tell me how this happened," she said. I told her what I told everybody else. "Well I can tell you right now that if you wouldn't have pulled your foot out from under the wheel and just let it keep rolling over, you probably would've moved the bone & needed surgery. You're very lucky." I continued to wear the boot until my next check up at U of M on February 12, 2016. The doctor said I could slowly start to wear regular shoes on both feet. She didn't even recommend physical therapy because of how fast my foot healed but I still had to re–teach myself how to walk correctly. It was more of psychological thing because I kept thinking it would hurt if I walked normal so I really just had to teach myself not to think that way. It took me a little less than a week to start walking normal again and I was back playing soccer again the next month. I guess what I learned from this experience is to, one, get in the car as soon as possible, two, if you're trying to get into a car and it starts moving, move away from it as fast as you can, and three, don't be so stubborn with physical pain because it'll only cause you more physical pain and possibly worse ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Fun Guy Monologue I will infect you huuummanns! Oh hello I am Fun–Guy I'm a Fungi I can cause many pains to your body and also give you sickness. I like to infect places that are wet. The immune system will try to attack me but usually fails. Suckers you can't attack me. Ha! Now its time to infect. I am going to try and cause a unlucky person athletes foot. Now that I am giving them a rash they are going to notice me and call a doctor for some anti–fungal meds. Boy I sure do hate that stuff. As the person who is named John goes to the doctor I hear the doctor say" thats a pretty nasty fungus son." Yes, I the fungus have finally made someone have "the nasties." Oh no, this is the time I should spread, Dr. Dreadful is giving John anti–fungal medication. I have a plan. As he is thinking out loud the unsuspected pinky toe is listening. Once Fun–Guy finishes his evil plan Pinky Toe tells the doctors Pinky Toe that Fun–Guy's plan is to jump on Dr. Dreadful when he gives John the meds. Dr. Dreadful has to wait for the anti–fungal meds to arrive and he sends John home. The medicine has finally ... Show more content on ... Fun–Guy was inhaled and he was thrown down the esophagus. He had been inhaled into Dewey's lungs. This was great news for Fun–Guy because he had gotten into a human. After a few days Fun–Guy had caused serious problems to Dewey's chest. He heard Dewey shouting "dad this burn hurts so bad and this rash is killing me." Now Fun–Guy knew that he had done his job and caused pain to innocent humans, but he was satisfied because he had done his job. Now all he had to do was wait for Dewey to cough and he would be inhaled again. Now that Fun–Guy's job was done he was able to start exploring the area he was in. He saw that it was very dark and musty. He reached around his moldy pockets and found a small flashlight. When he turned it on he saw that he was in an area of plain pink. The area he was in was a very small and dull area inside of the left ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Cattle Lift Toe The bones of your toes can not be separated from your heel bone, your heel bone is also related to your leg bone, and so on. This is the reason why the pain in one bone is able to spread to other parts of the foot. Leg pain has several factors such as athlete's foot, bunions, heel spurs, arthritis, and ingrown toenail. China believes that foot reflexology is what determines the health, lead to the development of many different detox footbaths. stretching Stretching leg is the first step that is recommended. Stretching the leg is not difficult to do, just membutuhkan5 minutes. The Toe Raise Lift the toes and stand with them. Make sure your pinky toe ride in the same way, as high as your big toe. Perform this step five times Lift Toe When you are still in Toe Raise, press your big toe toward the bottom and continue to press your little finger. Perform alternately. 5 for each foot.... Show more content on ... Train each side sebanyak10 times. Ankle Stretch Place an exercise ball and a stretchy loop at the foot of the table. Hook your feet so that you make the balls of your feet resting on the band. The next step is to press the toes towards the bottom. You need to repeat this procedure 15 times. Tennis Ball Rub Stepping into a tennis ball along your feet gently. Do this for each leg and you need to make your toes directed at the knee. Raise your toes towards the bottom. Toes and Fingers
  • 17. Sitting with the position of your feet are in front, toes pointed up. Lean forward and lace your fingers with the other fingers, then reinstated. It is quite difficult but it can be learned. Other Foot Tips yoga It is recommended for your body to the ground, allowing you to completely eradicate your feet, improve balance, and also restore your mental ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Turf Toe Research Paper Turf Toe With Rehab Turf toe is an injury that affects the joint at the base of the big toe. It occurs when the toe is bent upward by force and extended beyond its normal limits (hyperextension). The joint of the big toe is surrounded by tissues (ligaments and tendons) that help to keep it in place. If any of these tissues are damaged, turf toe may result. Turf toe is a common sports injury. It can be mild if the tissue was stretched. It may be more severe if the tissue was partially or completely torn. Early treatment usually results in good recovery. In some cases, a person may continue to have some pain, joint stiffness, and reduced ability to push off from the affected foot. CAUSES This injury is caused by extreme upward bending of the big toe ... Show more content on ... You should feel a stretch on the top of your toes and foot. 5 Hold this position for __________ seconds. Repeat __________ times. Complete this stretch __________ times per day. Exercise B: Ankle Plantar Flexion 1 Sit with your right / left leg crossed over your opposite knee. 2 Use your opposite hand to pull the top of your foot and toes toward you. You should feel a gentle stretch on the top of your foot and your ankle. 3 Hold this position for __________ seconds. Repeat __________ times. Complete __________ times per day. STRENGTHENING EXERCISES These exercises build strength and endurance in your foot. Endurance is the ability to use your muscles for a long time, even after they get tired. Exercise C: Towel Curls 1 Sit in a chair on a non–carpeted surface. 2 Place your foot on a towel, keeping your heel on the floor. 3 Pull the towel toward your heel only by curling your toes. Keep your heel on the floor. 4 If instructed by your health care provider, add ____________________ at the end of the towel. Repeat __________ times. Complete this exercise __________ times per day.
  • 19. ExitCareВ® Patient Information ©2012 ExitCare, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Hammertoes Research Paper Why Hammertoes Will Not Heal On Their Own The feet are the foundation of the body. Often, people don't even realize how much they use and rely on them. Nevertheless, if foot problems occur, the value of keeping feet healthy and happy is undoubtedly becomes an understatement. One's daily life, health, and the level of participation in enjoyable activities, can all be greatly impacted by problems of the feet. One issue that can arise is called "hammertoes." Simply judging by its name, it may be hard to take this foot problem seriously at first. However, it's important not to be fooled. This buckling, or curling, of the toe joints is a progressive and often painful condition. Although in the beginning stages, the buckled joints may be flexible and not the source of much discomfort, treatment for hammertoes from a specialist should always be sought ... Show more content on ... Hammertoes occur due to a muscle and tendon imbalance around the joint of the toe, causing the joint to curl and possibly become buckled in an arched position. Although this does have an aesthetic impact of the foot's appearance, it really shouldn't viewed as a mere cosmetic concern. As a structural deformity, hammertoes can often make walking difficult. They can also cause the development of painful corns, and lead to other concerning foot problems. People can get hammertoes for a variety of reasons. One leading cause is genetics. Those with inherited foot types, such as flat feet or high arches, have feet that are less stable and are often predisposed to develop this deformity. Other factors that can lead to hammertoes include: Wearing Shoes That Are Too Tight/Small: footwear that puts too much pressure on the toes or pushes them together, like pointy –toed high heels, can create the joint and ligament misalignment that causes hammertoes. Ailments or Trauma: Those with foot nerve damage due to injury, or those who have diseases like arthritis or diabetes, are more at risk to get ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Ballet Of The Italian Renaissance Essay Ballet originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. Barre is French for bar, and a "barre" has been used in ballet training as a support to help with balance while practicing traditional ballet technique. Modern "barre" techniques can be traced back to Lotte Berk who, like Joseph Pilates, fled Germany because of the Nazis. (Lotte Berk fled to the UK in 1938 because she was Jewish, while Pilates fled to New York City supposedly because the Nazis wanted to recruit him to train the uber German body). Lotte Berk developed a fitness regime in the UK that incorporated barre and other dance–related and core strengthening exercises. Her technique was popular in the sixties and seventies in New York city and other cities around the world. Since then other individuals and companies have developed "barre" programs that use a ballet barre and incorporate different fitness concepts. Now there are many fitness franchises in the US that incorporate the ballet barre. How is Ellie Herman's Brooklyn Barre different from other Barre Methods? While many of the current barre methods do exercises that may make your legs and tummy look good, they ultimately can damage the knee joints and lumbar spine. Neutral Pelvis v. Flat Back Like classical Pilates and the Lotte Berk method, many of the current barre franchise regimes place the pelvis in a poster pelvic tilt instead of a neutral pelvis. Why is this ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Twin-Personal Narrative I am a statistic. I am the 1 in 285 Americans that has an identical twin. Although these are merely numbers, they mean a lot more than that to me. It means I have a twin sister, Chloe, who has the same DNA as I do and looks exactly like me (or so I'm told). Our unique situation has led to a unique relationship. From head to toe, Chloe and I look extremely similar. Her hair is long and blonde like mine, and our eyes are the same size and hazel in color. Our shoulders are similar. Our arms are long in comparison to our bodies. We have the same shirt size and our waists are the exact same measurement. We both have long legs, scattered with volleyball bruises. Our feet are exactly the same size. Although I know these likenesses to be true, all ... Show more content on ... If I'm wearing something that doesn't earn her approval, I immediately "have" to change. Whenever I say something that she thinks is obvious or stupid when we're with a group of our friends, she often corrects me not long after. I don't even try to embellish my stories anymore, because Chloe is quick to correct me with a "that never happened." Although she likes to point out what I'm doing wrong, she'll always defend me when necessary. When someone insults me, she takes it personally, and vise versa. Once, in fifth grade, a girl on my bus reached over the green, scratchy seat and hit me lightly on the head. It was a confusing experience, and now I realize it was probably for a dare, but Chloe was furious. She glared at her and insulted her vehemently until she apologized, her face red. No one else could possibly know all the things that Chloe knows about me. No one else knows I was deathly afraid of the dark in 4th grade and still don't like dark rooms to this day. No one else knows that she sucked her thumb until she was eight. Because we know so much about one another, we can be completely real around each other. We tell each other exactly how we feel all the time. We relate to other and always have something to discuss because we have the same friends and interests. We are there for each other in every ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Dedicated To Zonahfandomforever Cute chapter, I promise!! Dedicated to Zonahfandomforever She has shown support to this book from the beginning, also she has been supporting my other book :). These dedications are sooo hard!!! Like I GENUINELY JUST LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! I wish I could write so fast so, I could do all my dedications...if that made since at all! Don't worry if you have been supporting. Your turn is coming sooner than later. ;) T h i r d– (l i k e a l w a y s) The day finally came... Jack, Zach, Jonah, and Daniel have been waiting for this day since the beginning. Corbyn well, Corbyn now could just easily ship, his ships more. The boys all woke up early that morning to be finished by tonight. But, wow, getting ahead of myself here. This is... Show more content on ... "Can you get an ice pack? Please" Jack asked sweetly looking at the taller male. "Fine" Daniel said getting up and walking out, mumbling about how much of a drama queen Jack is. As the boys rounded the same corner, Daniel's chest made instant interaction with Zach's body, pushing the drink out the small band member's hand and all over him. "AHHHHH!" Zach let out a murderous scream. Hot coffee. Was now sizzling as it trickled down his body. "THIS IS WHY WE WEAR PANTS!!" Daniel yelled as he saw the boy's thighs reddening faster than it would've in jeans. "Daniel! Zach! What is wrong?" Jonah asked as he walked downstairs to stop all the commotion. It was moving day, not everyone get sidetracked day. Jonah only needed to take a look at the glass shards on the ground, Zach's stained shirt and red thighs, he knew what had happened. He was holding Zach, bride style, as he marched the stairs to the bathroom. He set the dainty boy on the cold surface, Zach winced at the cold take took over the botton half of his thighs. Yet the top was in searing pain. 'Why must I make my coffee so hot!' Zach thought as Jonah pulled out a first–aid kit. Jonah may be the messiest, but he cares for the boys and wants to make sure, they are always safe. Jonah took out a numbing wipe, it is a towelette with numbing cream on it that helps with burns and irritation to fresh injuries. He made sure to get all of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Chrysalids Essay Women have always had an impact on men! Mothers, sisters, aunts, friends, wives, or girlfriends are all part of this group of women, and can change a man in many ways. Similarly in the book, 'The Chrysalids' the protagonist David Strorm deals with three important women in his life, that have a huge impact on him. They all influence his character, and some help him through his journey, and some create problems for him. The three women, Aunt Harriet (David's Aunt), Petra (David's full sister), and Sophie (David's childhood friend), have always helped out David, and supported through harsh times, and thus they have affected David in a big way. Firstly, Aunt Harriet has a big influence on David, because David feels sorrow due to the situation that his aunt is going through. Aunt Harriet is talking to David's father, "This is the third time. They'll take my baby away again like they took the others. I can't stand that – not again. Henry will turn me out, I think. He'll find another wife, who can give him proper children. There'll be nothing– nothing in the world for me – nothing. I came here hoping against hope for sympathy and help. Emily is the only person who can help me. I – I can see now how foolish I was to hope at all..." (Wyndham 71, 72) David thinks about his mother, and how she reacts to this situation, which had a negative impact on David. Later on David could not stop thinking about Aunt Harriet after the incidence, "For several nights I dreamed of Aunt Harriet lying ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Tole Bunion Progression According to Dr. Joseph G. DiPrima–Fairport, NY's top podiatrist–when pressure is applied on the big toe joint, it causes the big toe to gradually lean toward the second toe. As this happens, the bone structure on the foot starts to change, and this causes a bony bump, known as a bunion, to occur. These bumps can be incredibly painful and might affect the person from wearing shoes or even walking. The good news is that with proper bunion treatment pressure can be reduced on the big toe and help to correct foot deformities. Along with treatment prescribed by your foot doctor, here are a few exercises that will help slow bunion progression, decrease symptoms, and increase your foot's flexibility: All Toe Stretches: Toe exercises are helpful ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Head to Toe Essay The head to toe physical assessment is the first step of the nursing process and is a systemic approach of collecting objective (physical) and subjective (mental) data on the patient that will help the nurse formulate nursing diagnoses and plan patient care. It is also used to confirm or question data that was stated in the pt. previous history stated in the charts and to evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing interventions that were carried out on the patient. The main focus of the head–to–toe assessment is to focus on what the patient is currently presenting with; the patient's responses to actual or potential problems. In preparing for the assessment, it is important to explain the purpose of the assessment, explaining why it is ... Show more content on ... The head to toe physical assessment is to be performed in less than 10 minutes using a stethescope, pen light, your hands, and observational skills. It comprises of four different techniques: IPPA inspection, palpation,percussion, and auscultation. This sequence, in apparent order, is used for al systems except for the abdominal assessment, which requires auscultation before palpation and percussion. Inspection is visually examining the person, focusing on one area of the body at a time. Palpation is using touch, feeling for texture, size, consistency, and location of body parts. Auscultation is listening for sounds within the body, mainly listening the lungs, heart, as well as the abdomen with the use of a stethoscope. Percussion is tapping an area of the body with the fingers and is usually a special assessment skill that the RN or physician uses, not a practical student nurse. The nurse must initially evaluate the patient's charts for any bacterial precautions and fall risks. As the nurse walks into the patient's room, the nurse begins by making sure the environment is clean and safe. The nurse would do this by gathering equipment, washing hands thoroughly, and wear gloves. The nurse is then to greet the patient, introducing self, then let them know exactly what you came to do. The nurse should first ask the patient for his or her name, birthdate, location of where the patient is currently at, and the reason as to what ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Hammer Toe Research Paper Hammer Toe Hammer toe is a change in the shape (deformity) of your second, third, or fourth toe. The deformity causes the middle joint of your toe to stay bent. This causes pain, especially when wearing shoes. Hammer toe starts gradually. At first, the toe can be straightened. Gradually over time, the deformity becomes stiff and permanent. Early treatments to keep the toe straight may relieve pain. As the deformity becomes stiff and permanent, surgery may be needed to straighten the toe. CAUSES Hammer toe is caused by abnormal bending of the toe joint closest to your foot. It happens gradually over time. This pulls on the muscles and connections (tendons) of the toe joint, making them weak and stiff. It is often related to wearing shoes ... Show more content on ... Have a second toe that is longer than your big toe (first toe). Injure your foot or toe. Have arthritis. Have a family history of hammer toe. Have a nerve or muscle disorder. SYMPTOMS The main symptoms of this condition are pain and deformity of the toe. The pain is worse when wearing shoes, walking, or running. Other symptoms may include: Corns or calluses over the bent part of the toe or between the toes. Redness and a burning feeling on the toe. An open sore that forms on the top of the toe. Not being able to straighten the toe. DIAGNOSIS This condition is diagnosed based on your symptoms and a physical exam. During the exam, your health care provider will try to straighten your toe to see how stiff the deformity is. You may also have tests, such as:
  • 28. A blood test to check for rheumatoid arthritis. An X–ray to show how severe the deformity is. TREATMENT Treatment for this condition will depend on how stiff the deformity is. Surgery is often needed. However, sometimes a hammer toe can be straightened without surgery. Treatments that do not involve surgery include: Taping the toe into a straightened position. Using pads and cushions to protect the toe ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Mrs. G Chen Psyche Alternate Ending Mrs. G. Chen was just walking on a street. Actually, never mind. She was RUNNING down the street in North Korea, just barely escaping the old ladies who were trying to lick her pinky toe, and also the hunky men who were trying to kick her and call her Ahjumma (a married middle–aged lady in Korean), led by Kim Jong Un, despite her actually not being married, despite the fact that she has a Mrs. before her name (Don't ask me why!). This wasn't some rare nogoodhorrificbadterriblenotsocomfortable day. This happened at least 3 times every day as far as I know, and today's was a tame one compared to her other days. "Get away you cake sniffer baka!" she screamed in Korean as she fell down a manhole. She kept running, but eventually fell down another ... Show more content on ... "Ohhhhhhh. You're in America.", he said. Mrs. Chen gasped the loudest gasp anyone could possibly gasp. She then started to cry. "Oh no! I in land Trump!" The boy looked very VERY confused and worried so he (for some reason) decided to tell her his name. "aHEM! My name is MECHANICUS!", he proudly announced with a smirk on his face. Now, even though her English speaking is terrible, she knew English quite well, and she may seem ditzy and clueless, but she wasn't unintelligent. In fact, she was one of the smartest ladies in her town. Knowing this, I don't believe you should be surprised when she didn't believe him. "You LIE!", she scoffed, and thankfully, Mechanicus understood what she meant. He looked very shocked and troubled. "WHAT!? Oh, come on! It says so on my nametag!", he exclaimed, as Mrs. G Chen just noticed the blue nametag on his shirt. On it, said Mechanicus in the worst handwriting you could ever imagine. Just then, a teenage girl (Chen guessed she was 17) with a radiant and bright dress, light skin, light brown hair, and very red lips came running to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Toe Head To Toe Assessment Head–to–toe assessments are completed when a person is getting a complete physical or the doctor wants to be thorough with any findings that could relate to a potential concern. Starting with the top of the head, the provider works his way down analyzing each body part and asking questions along the way. A provider must first start out observing the patient generally taking in whatever they can see with the naked eye before going from body part to body part. Then the assessment starts at the very top of the head. Head & Face The shape and symmetry of the head is examined. The head of the patient should be rounded and symmetrical. There are to be no knots or masses when palpated. If there are, this could indicate an abnormality that should be ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Lateral Plantar Nerve Entrapment Research Paper Lateral Plantar Nerve Entrapment With Rehab Lateral plantar nerve entrapment is a condition that happens when the nerve that passes from the inside of your ankle to your foot (lateral plantar nerve nerve) gets squeezed or compressed (entrapment). The nerve can get compressed between the muscles, bones, and connective tissue near the bottom of your heel. The nerve supplies many of your toe muscles and gives feeling to the outer toes on the bottom of your foot. Lateral plantar nerve entrapment causes heel and foot pain that gets worse with activity. CAUSES This condition is caused by compression of the lateral plantar nerve in the heel area. It can happen if your small foot muscles become larger from running. It may also happen from swelling ... Show more content on ... An electrical study of nerve function (electromyography or EMG). TREATMENT Treatment may include: Wearing a removable boot or splint for foot and ankle support. Using a soft shoe insert (orthotic). Using ice to reduce swelling. Taking pain medicine. Getting injections in the nerve area with medicine to reduce pain and swelling. Starting range–of–motion and strengthening exercises (physical therapy). Returning to full activity gradually. The timing will depend on the severity of your condition and your response to treatment. You may need surgery to relieve the compression if other treatments have not helped. After surgery, you may need to wear a removable splint or boot for support and eventually have physical therapy. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS If You Have a Splint or Boot: Wear it as told by your health care provider. Remove it only as told by your health care provider.
  • 32. Loosen the splint or boot if your toes become numb and tingle, or if they turn cold and blue. Do not let your splint or boot get wet if it is not waterproof. Keep the splint or boot clean. Managing Pain, Stiffness, and Swelling If directed, apply ice to the injured area: в—‹ Put ice in a plastic ... Get more on ...
  • 33. How Did Leonardo Da Vinci Sketch Of The Vitruvian Man Problem: The famous and old Leonardo Da Vinci sketch called,"The Vitruvian Man", is very well–known and studied because of its ties to many of the renaissance time periods ideas. It is a sketch showing the direct correlation of a human's height and arm span to the length and width of a square that is congruent in area to a circle made of the man's naval cavity to fingertip the measurement. It signified two things, that humans could fit into any form they choose whether it be a savage or a god; or that humans were the in the middle of the universe's chain of command. This symbol has been representing the renaissance era since because of what it has been interpreted to represented. Knowing that there are some human body measurements that are equivalent I've decided to study one set which are the thumb and big toe's length. There also could be a reason for some of our body parts to be equivalent to each other; it could possibly be a physical adaptation for humans to survive in the wild. For example the height of a human and the arm span could be equivelant to aid our performance at certain tasks such as swimming, or gathering food from trees. The relationship between our big toes and thumbs could aid some tasks or just our overall normal abilities. Specifically our ability to grasp items could be ... Show more content on ... Then I will first proceed to label the subjects 1–20 and write their gender in the first column of my table and their ethnicity in the second. Then i will write their gender and carry on to the next step of my table, big toe measurements. I will have them line up from 1–20 and measure their right big toe from their tip to their big toe joint; following that i will record all the data in my third column on my table. Lastly I will have them repeat the same process except i will be measureing their right thumb from the tip to the MCP joint, and record the data in my last ... Get more on ...
  • 34. History and Physical Examination Case 8 Essay HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION_______________________ Patient Name: Chapman Robert Kinsey Patient ID: 110589 Room No.: 322–B Date of Admission: 23 February –––Admitting Physician: Martha C. Eaton, MD, Geriatrics Chief Complaint: Admitted from Dr. Max Hirsch's office due to deep ulcer on left toe. Admitting Diagnoses 1. Severe peripheral vascular disease, status post deep ulcer on lefttoe. Rule out thrombolysis. The patient was admitted to a regular floor. Condition is serious. 2. ALLERGY TO PENICILLIN, which puts patient into anaphylacticshock. 3. Continue with home medications. DETAILS OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Mr. Kinsey is an 87–year–old white gentleman with history of (1) Chronic atrial fibrillation, on Coumadin. (2) Chronic deafness, ... Show more content on ... PAST MEDICAL/SURGICAL HISTORY: As above. SOCIAL HISTORY: Status post heavy smoking, 50+ –pack–year history. He quit 10 years ago. Status post alcohol abuse, quit 3 or 4 years ago. He lives by himself and no longer drives but has 2 daughters here in Miami who take him where he needs to go. FAMILY HISTORY: Patient's wife died 14 years ago of COPD due to lifelong smoking. Brother has diabetes mellitus. Unremarkable family history otherwise. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: No fever, no nausea, no vomiting. Patient has incontinence of bowel. No shortness of breath, no chest pain, no palpitations. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Well –developed, well–nourished white male who is alert and oriented x3. Wears bilateral hearing aids. Afebrile with blood pressure 130/70. NECK: No carotid bruits. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: S1, S2 normal. No murmur. No S3 or S4. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. No arterial bruits. No masses, no organomegaly. EXTREMITIES: No edema. No pulses present in the lower extremities. The right great toe is absent. The left great toe shows a 2 x 1 cm deep ulcer with redness around the toe with pus extruding. PLAN 1. Get consult with Dr. Beth Brian, Infectious Disease. 2. Follow up with Dr. Hirsch, Orthopedics. (Continued) ©2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a passwordprotected ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Ever Growing Limb The Ever Growing Limb Once upon a time there lived an unhappy shepherd who lived on Canal Rd right under the bridge that was always chilly. He had no shoes, only socks. However, the unhappy shepherd a major problem with his big toe. It never seemed to stop growing. His motherless mother who lived in a rich neighborhood put him out at the age of 65. She told him that it was about that time he move out and start a life of his own. Shepherd the poor child, just could not imagine himself living anywhere with a toe that would never stop growing. He begged and pleaded to his empathetic mother, but she turned the other cheek and still disregarded his request. "Look at this picture Shepherd. I would be an unfit mother by letting you live here any longer." Fleeon, the mother said. "My toe! It 's my toe. That is keeping me here." Shepherd said with an aggressive tone. Fleeon just could not see things from Shepherd 's view. "How heartless and imprudent are you? Am I not your son? Do you evenlove me? Just a little bit?" Shepherd asked as tears began to roll down his chubby cheeks. It was getting late and Fleeon had to get ready for work in the morning. She told Shepherd that it was time for him to leave. As Shepherd despondently walked back to the bridge, he saw a friend from middle school. They were very close. Shepherd was afraid to approach him because of his toe that was steady growing. But Shepherd, being out in the cold for several days and nights, could not pass up an ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Head To Toe Assessment Thinking back to when I have done a health history I have luckily had good experiences. As a nurse I do not have much to compare to but I have had a dew admissions where I have obtained a health history. For one I can remember the patient was not verbal. He was in his 60's and had multiple CVA's. His 87 mother took care of him, along with his medications, doctors' office and any car he needed. She had great family support with her other children so this made it a lot easier for her. At first when I received report from the ED that the patients mother would be providing the health history and medication history I was worried but I was wrong. The patient's mother knew, off the top of her head, exactly what medication her son was on. To... Show more content on ... My patient's mother not only knew the medication but every single surgical and medical history this patient had, including the exact date and year. I have never met a person almost in their 90's with such knowledge of someone else's health history. She a someone who makes a new admission so smooth! Obtain accurate health information is the first step into treatment. I can already feel my assessment improving since being in this class. I feel as if I am paying more attention to small detail as well as the proper way to do a head to toe assessment. I have found that I forgot some of my skills since graduating nursing school. At times when we are doing an assessment it becomes just a routine and we forget the small things. I am guilty of forgetting to take off patients socks. I did that until one day I went back later to assess their heels and found an ulcer. That was the last time I ever forgot to take off someone's socks. I do feel we need things like the "I forgot to do that" moments to make us a better nurse. I also pay attentions to others mistakes and an "ah ha" moments. At times we are not always going to be the ones who learn something but rather we are going to learn through others mistakes The Jarvis books had great pictures to ensure I am ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Head To Toe Assessment This assessment was challenging at first but It gets easier as I go along. It was challenging because EM is not very cooperative at times and have to wait for him to finish his morning nap. EM has multiple medical diagnoses and at his age I was impressed that he didn't need assistance when ambulating. He can turn and change position with no problems and able to hear my requests with ease. Doing the head to toe focused assessment was my favorite part. The general head to toe assessment is very important because it assess the overall physical condition and status of EM. I checked the most common part of the body that are susceptible to infection like the skin because of pressure ulcers. Checking the cardiovascular like pressing nail beds, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. What Is Your Third Toe Essay Are your toes bigger or littler? Which toe is the longest and which is the littlest? Are your feet restricted or wide? Every one of these attributes can enlighten a great deal concerning your identity and even anticipate what can happen in your future. A few studies propose that the state of your feet and toes uncovers a considerable measure about your identity, so continue perusing to discover what your toes say in regards to you. Enormous Toe: Take a gander at your huge toe. Is it any longer than the others? On the off chance that it will be it implies that you are extremely brilliant and inventive and can simply consider imaginative approaches to tackle your issues. You can think outside about the container and are brimming with thoughts. On the negative side, it might be troublesome for you to stay centered and can ... Show more content on ... Nothing appears to drive you up the wall and you simply adore relaxing. Some may say that you're apathetic and lacking activity, however your proverb is life is short so appreciate it while it endures. Fourth Toe: In the event that your fourth toe is long and straight your family dependably starts things out in your life. In case you're having issues in your own life, with your accomplice, family and love life it will appear in a twisting in the fourth toe. Your greatest quality is the capacity to listen to other individuals' issues and attempt and resolve them, yet your family's issues can firmly influence your bliss too. On the off chance that your fourth toe is mauled you should attempt and loosen up a bit and not stress a lot over other people's issues. The issues in your family can begin influencing your wellbeing so you have to quit stressing excessively. On the off chance that your fourth toe is shorter you are not very centered around your family and your affection life, your principle concern lies elsewhere. Little
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  • 40. Patient Background : Symptoms And Diagnosis Patient Background: Gender: Male Age: 18 months Height: unknown Weight: unknown Medical History: Circumstances causing visit: Came into CRG for x–rays of his right hand to determine surgery options for removal of the extra digit. Symptoms: no symptoms Procedures ordered: 3 view hand x–ray which included PA, oblique, and lateral Diagnosis: Polydactyl Description of the Disease: Classification: Congenital Etiology: Mutations of chromosome 7. Rare genetic causes: Laurence–Moon–Bardet–Biedl Syndrome (LMBBS), Ellis–van Creveld syndrome, and Acrocallosal syndrome. Physiological Effects: Range of motor skills– completely immobile, limited dexterity, fully functional Appearance on Radiograph: Location: Neither an additive or subtractive disease Need to decrease in density due a pediatric hand but not because of pathology. Any Special Accommodations made: Technique: I decreased technique to 55 @ 1.5 for all views to accommodate for the decrease patient thickness. Positioning: I had the patient's father hold him with both of them shielded. I told the father where and how I wanted his son's hand to be put on the cassette and instructed him to try to keep his own finger out of the way of the anatomy. I also used a sponge for the oblique view to help with more accurate positioning. Alternative views: no alternative views. Follow– up and Prognosis: Patient will have surgery to remove the extra digit since it has no function or purpose. Prognosis is a
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  • 42. Head To Toe Assessment After a full head–to–toe assessment revealed no other abnormalities other than two teeth on the verge of eruption, I would take the time to explain to the mother that the child would not require antibiotics at this time. Education would be provided on the signs and symptoms of teething and how this can appear similar to other infections. Teething is a natural occurring process that can lead parents to worry about more serious illnesses (Plutzer, Spencer, & Keirse, 2010). Investigation further revealed that many health care workers could not pinpoint the signs and symptoms of teething. Children can present with a low–grade fever, diarrhea, sleeplessness, pulling at ears from jaw pain, fussiness and increased drooling while teething. Research has revealed how overprescribing antibiotic creates several adverse outcomes, including the development of multidrug resistant organisms, Clostridium difficile infection, and increased costs of health care (Myung et al., 2015). The Consumer Report (2015) raised concern for the overuse of antibiotics and how it leads to the loss of the ability to treat serious infections. Doctors,... Show more content on ... Infants do not visit the dentist, so this is the only real opportunity to prepare families on what to expect. Providing parents with a printed dental chart will help decrease some of the anxiety during the teething process (Plutzer, Spencer, & Keirse, 2010). Parents would benefit from a helpful list of symptoms unlikely associated with teething, including a rash other than a facial rash, vomiting, decreased liquid intake, and temperature over 38.9C or 102F. The parents would be provided with specific instructions on who to contact if any of these signs and symptoms occur or any other ... Get more on ...
  • 43. How Hammer Toe Surgery Can Be Made More Successful? How hammer toe surgery can be made more successful? Description: hammer toe surgery is of varied types and until and unless you are aware of these types you will not be able to choose the right one that can serve your specific purpose the best. If you toe gets buckled, crooked or contracted, then in that case nothing can be the best option other than hammer toe surgery. This kind of toe condition can be also termed as cross–over toe. This is really quite painful and sometimes the pain increases so much that it seems to be completely unbearable. Excessive skin building up from a corn can be corn identified as hammer toe. Thorough medical examination is needed so that it can be understood that whether there is any need of this surgery or not. The toe becomes swollen, red warm and irritated and thus you will face a huge trouble in wearing shoes. In fact, you will never be able to wear any kind of stylish shoes as it is being strictly restricted by the foot specialists. If you are wearing wrong footwear since a long time, then your toes will get exposed towards this trouble. To be more precise, foot deformities occur due to hammer–toe and before this trouble goes too high, it needs to be surgically treated so that you can get proper correction of your toes. In this case, corns and bunions re quite common and on the other hand rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can also be invited as a result of this toe disease. Simple treatments supporting surgeries of hammer toes ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Summary Of A Short Story Having walked for a while, he came to the river bank that faced the farm. He made a whistle to call the fisherman, who was offloading people's goods at the other bank. Asuo Panin waved at him and he hurried up. Asuo Panin owned the canoe, it was the biggest canoe ever in the community, and as a matter of fact the fisherman always hired a conductor in addition. He sailed toward him in delight. Asuo Panin planted one foot in and then the other, he sat on the bar at the extreme end, infront of the fisherman. He also wanted to have a word or two with him. The conductor assisted the other people to onload their goods on board, he took the fare. "Adwuma dwumaoo," Asuo Panin greeted the fisherman. "Adwuma yОµ" he responded, as turned to the other bank, the passengers chattered with each other and waved at Asuo Kitiwa's papa. "Agya, maakyeoo" they said in an unpatterned manner. "Maakyeoo anuanom, apomuОµ" "Apomu yОµ" they sang "Maame ne akraa no Оµ?" "Nyame adom, obia ho yОµ, na mo nso Оµ?" he retorted. "Adom ara kwa" "Nyame adaroma"one answered "Otwediampong nti" they replied beaming with smiles as they chattered like birds. "Agya, bronya yi yОµ bОµ ba w'akura ho oo" a woman said as she held her baby well for the breast milk. "Yiee mo mra dodo, bronya yi diОµ yОµ di wo akura ho nti ya mo mmra" Asuo Kitiwa papa said laughing "Apenten, come home for the bronya, ok" he said to the fisherman. Everybody liked him, Asuo Kitiwa papa was full of generosity. Wherever he went people waved and called him especially the children. Once he sees aged person, he goes to speak to them, for the males he always gave them money to buy local gin. He arrived at where they (male oldfolks) normally sat, it was under a summerhut which had holes in the straw roofing."Eii Asuo Panin, na wo kН» saa, wo nka mmpanifoН» ano?" they (male oldfolks) said when forgetfulness held him. He then beamed and gave them quarter a cowry to buy a keg of local gin for themselves. The elders blessed him afterwards. On his way to the house, he saw a lady in a respectable dress, in her right hand were jute sacs of goodies whiles the left held her daughter who had apprehened the hand of his elder brother of about 10 years. As they approach their house, a family member cried ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Examples Of Composite Toe Boot Composite Toe Boot : Definition and Usefulness In the work boot world, there are generally two options to choose from; composite toe boots and steel toed boots. Both have various similarities and differences but we will save the comparisons for another time. Today, we're here to talk about what a composite toeboot is and how it is best used around the work site. What is a Composite Toe Boot? A composite toe boot (or "comp toe" if you want to be hip) is quickly becoming the industry standard compared to steel toe. While steel toe is made of steel (no surprise there) composite toe boots are made of other, non–metal materials. Things like Kevlar, plastic or even fiberglass are all fair game. For those that don't know, Kevlar is the material ... Show more content on ... It's not every day that most people go through metal detectors but for some workers, it's the norm. It may seem like a minor thing but walking through a metal detector without setting it off every time is an added benefit. That is exactly what happens with a composite toe boot. You can work in an environment without fear of upsetting any nearby metal detectors. Again, if you don't work in an area where this is an issue, then perhaps it's not a big deal. However, to others, it's these small features that make composite toe boots a better choice. IS a composite boot toe right for you? Now that you know the ins and outs of composite toe boots, is it the right choice for you? Of course, that all depends on the work environment. If you work in a place where metal does more harm than good, then yes, composite toe boots are for you. While they may be a bit more expensive than steel–toed, that will likely change in coming years as they become more popular. Your toes are an important body part to take care of. One injury could keep you out of work for a long time. Hence, it's important to take foot safety seriously and a great way to do that is by wearing the proper footwear. ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Head to Toe Assessment The Head to Toe Assessment Principles of Assessment for RN's Edward is a 45 year old male who is present today for his Annual Physical Examination. He is asymptomatic and has no complaints. Subjective: History: The patient has a history of Chicken Pox at 5 years old. He has been a smoker for 25 years and currently smokes 2 packs a day. He consumes alcohol daily 2–4 glasses of wine. He reports of history of depression and anxiety 3 years ago after separating from his wife. His is not currently on any medications. He also has a history of a positive TB skin test with no active disease. The patient spent 15 years in the military traveling overseas. He had right rotator cuff surgery 10 years ago. Objective: Head to toe Assessment: ... Show more content on ... If I had an ophthalmoscope I would use it to inspect the Ocular fundus: red reflex, disc, vessels and retinal background which could give a preview to diseases such as Glaucoma. There is some yellowing of the sclera The extra ocular muscles which are stimulated by cranial nerves III,IV and VI and allow for voluntary movement of the eye was tested by holding a pencil up and having Edward follow the movement of the pencil with his eyes. Cranial or eye muscle damage was not evident since he was able to move the eye downward and inward straight and rotary movement (Jarvis, 2012). The external eye structures are intact with no lesions; there is no drainage from the lacrimal gland. Ears There is no mass, lesions scaling, discharge or tenderness on palpation of the Pinna. The tympanic membrane would be inspected with an otoscope, if I had one. I would expect the normal membrane to be gray, with no discharge. Whispers were heard bilaterally with no difficulty. Nose No external lesions noted, although he does have some facial acne. Cranial nerve VII seems to be intact since the cheeks, lips and eyebrows are symmetric bilaterally. Nares are patent as evidenced by good air passage on both sides when the other side is closed. The internal mucosa is pink with no lesions or tenderness. There is no tenderness in the maxillary sinuses. Mouth and Throat The mucosa and gingivae are pink, no lesions or bleeding.
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