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October 5, 2016
To listen to the full recording of this webinar, please click here.
Summary answers to the Q&A portion of the webinar are provided below.
Gina Reese
Business Intelligence Manager
Global Marketing Operations
Your Panelists
Amanda Lomas
Director, Marketing Operations
& Analytics
Jeff Epstein
Product and Partner Marketing
David Johnson
Director, Product Marketing
Oracle Marketing Cloud
Your Hosts
Why	Are	Marketers	Struggling
78%Of	marketers	have	the	ability	to	identify,	deliver,	and	measure	how	effectively	they	serve	customers	in	micro-moments	
- Forrester
Oracle	Confidential	- Restricted 4Copyright	©	2014	Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
The	Chaotic	Ecosystem	Overwhelms	Marketing	Strategy
Image	source:
The	Chaotic	Ecosystem	Overwhelms	Marketing	Strategy
Image	source:
Total	Marketing	Tech
Landscape	size:
Vendors	across	43	categories
- ChiefMarTec
Orchestrate	individualized	
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Target	the	right	customer	
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customer	IDs	across	
devices	and	channels
Create	customer	experiences	
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complete	solution	for	
optimization	and	personalization
Tap	into	the	marketing	and	advertising	technology	you	rely	on	today,	reducing	dependency	on	IT
Connect	the	largest	audience	
data	marketplace	of	anonymous	
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create	the	most	comprehensive	
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The	Vision	for	Modern	Marketing
Manage and Optimize the
Business Of Marketing
Run Marketing
Today’s Marketer Has Two Jobs
Create Engaging Customer Experiences by
Overseeing the Customer Lifecycle
Do Marketing
Marketers Must Merge Both Jobs To Succeed
Run Marketing
Do Marketing
Only 35% of marketing decisions are
made using marketing analytics.”
The CMO Survey
Fewer than 20% of B2B organizations are
comfortable with their ability to quantify
the returns on marketing spend.”
If I don’t Run marketing efficiently,
then I can’t Do marketing effectively.”
Senior Business Director
Major Banking & Financial Company
Allocadia Helps Marketers Merge Both Jobs
Let’s get into it!
First Question:
How does
Gina @ Symantec
“Performance at Symantec is defined by best in class ROI and marketing funnel
conversion metrics, as well as meeting our marketing objectives and pipeline
targets for the year. We generally measure performance by tracking ROI,
holistically and at the campaign level, and by examining our funnel and
conversion metrics. We also make sure we're meeting our annual and quarterly
pipeline targets.”
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“Ultimately, it's going to come down to sales and revenue, but for my team in
marketing our role is really to bring new opportunities into the sales funnel.
Very similarly (to Symantec) we measure marketing qualified leads, sales qualified
leads, sales accepted leads, and then the conversion rates at each of those
thresholds. We also measure marketing attributed pipeline and of course
marketing ROI.”
Follow up Question:
David @ Oracle Marketing Cloud
“I have a frequent debate internally at Oracle Marketing Cloud that driving
revenue and marketing ROI are seen as equal priorities and of equal
importance. How do you view that at Change Healthcare and Symantec?”
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“Yeah, that's definitely a healthy debate for any crowd. Ultimately our job as a
company is to bring in new revenue, and marketing is certainly a large part of
that. But there's a lot of steps in between that need to happen in order to get
there including buying behaviors and lead scoring. That’s marketing. At the end
of the day, revenue is what pays our bills so definitely monitor the revenue
tracking on both the marketing-level and then even at the company-level to
guage how we're making an impact on the business.”
Gina @ Symantec
“Yeah, I would second most of that. We're definitely looking at revenue
marketing sourced as well as ROI but there are a lot of pieces that happen
before that. There's a lot of focus on the funnel and the metrics there and making
sure that we're getting those right, which is ultimately going to drive revenue in
the end.”
Second Question:
What is currently
driving change
in your
Gina @ Symantec
“I'd say there's continuous change within our organization. Recently we did
acquire Blue Coat so we're just beginning the discussions around integration of
their campaigns and our Symantec campaigns. Secondly, ‘user feedback’ is really
driving change within our marketing organization. We're listening to end users and
making enhancements to existing tools. We want to reduce the burden of
campaign creation for our end users because the ultimate goal is increasing their
efficiencies. We want to give the time back to them through increased efficiencies
via the campaign creation process and Allocadia”
*Amanda @ Change Healthcare had a by on this question due to a recent acquisition.
Follow up Question:
Jeff @ Allocadia
“I want to flip this question on it’s head and ask you about the obstacles to change
in your organization?”
Gina @ Symantec
“The primary obstacle we're facing now is just the integration with Blue Coat.
It's a great opportunity for us and we’re really looking forward to that, but just
integrating everyone into the same tool is the challenge at the moment”
Follow up Question:
Jeff @ Allocadia
“Before we go to the next question, maybe you can tell us about some of the
things that you're thinking of for next year on the marketing operations side.
Some of the golden wishes you have, some of the big plans that Symantec's
looking to roll out?”
Gina @ Symantec
“We want to be more proactive in our approach. Today we've kind of moved
from a more reactive decision making approach to being more proactive, and
being able to answer some of the budget questions in a more timely manner.
We want to build complete and accurate data that allows me to do more
predictive-type analysis, budget-trend analysis, and campaign optimization.”
Third Question:
How has financial
management in
marketing changed
over time?
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“We have evolved over time from at one point using a lot of different
spreadsheets to using one tool. We've been using Allocadia for several years
now, probably 3, 4, maybe longer, and it's been working really great.
Allocadia gives us the ability to organize (our budget) from our perspective so
that we're interacting with the data in a way that makes sense from our
standpoint as a marketer, but also to the finance team. I get a feed from our
finance team that integrates with Allocadia and we're able to have the best of
both worlds there. It's evolved to a pretty advanced process within our
organization but is very critical to how we interpret our marketing dollars.”
Gina @ Symantec
“We've been using Allocadia for about a year at Symantec. Before Allocadia we
were operating in spreadsheets as well so it was a lot of different spreadsheets
being managed by different groups. We were then trying to combine that
information from multiple sources in order to answer even some of the basic
questions about budgeting and finances. We've definitely moved away from
Before this we had a real lack of global alignment in our budget processes. We
had an inconsistent taxonomy. We have Allocadia as a single source for real
time, 24/7 visibility. We've come a long way since the spreadsheet days!”
Follow up question:
David @ Oracle Marketing Cloud
“How has that impacted your credibility in the organization with your finance
peers? Being able to be proactive versus the reactive nature that you were
Gina @ Symantec
“I think that we have definitely built a lot more confidence across all of marketing
and the relationship that we're building with finance as well. They feel confident
about what's being entered into Allocadia and how it ties with what they’re
reporting out as actuals. It's definitely built a lot of confidence and a connection
between the two departments. It’s important to keep that close relationship with
finance to make sure that we're in sync and they can rely on what their seeing in
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“Allocadia has definitely helped exponentially to build a better relationship with
the finance team. Not that it was bad before but now we’re partnering with them.
We worked to determine what sort of things we're going to watch to measure
from both a marketing and finance perspective and then set up our budgets in a
way that we can make that readily available whenever that information is
needed. I think it really helps to establish that dialogue and partnership but then
also have the flexibility to build it to those standards and work from that.”
Jeff @ Allocadia
“Amanda you started earlier talking about the different views of the world
between marketing and finance and I think that's something that a lot of people
on this call can probably nod their head to and say yup, that's true. That is
something that Allocadia helps both teams work with. We help the marketing
team be more responsive and the finance team reconcile their end of period
information much more cleanly and effectively so they can both make better
Fourth Question:
How did your
cope with the
Gina @ Symantec
“I think change is hard for sure and I would say that really the majority of our
marketers were apprehensive and skeptical about it. We integrate Allocadia with
Salesforce so anything that is being planned and created from a campaign
perspective is sent to Salesforce. To help with the change we’ve conducted
several campaign creation training sessions along with budget and execution
training's. Keeping that close connection with our end users for a good period of
time has allowed us now to be at full capacity of marketing users within Allocadia.
You've got to keep the training and monitoring going. We've seen great
improvements. Now we're able to track all the budgets and targets in once place”
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“It's been a few years since we made the change over to Allocadia but when we
initially started it we had a small subset of super users that came together to
document what we considered as ‘must haves’, ‘nice to haves’, and ‘wow that
would be awesome’. We evaluated several different solutions, compared what
was going to work best for our team and chose Allocadia. Once we rolled it out
initially we spent a lot of time on user documentation that was very specific for
the way that our team was going to use the tool. We also met with the
marketing and finance teams to understand what we want to measure and
report out on going into the next budget year.”
Follow up question:
Jeff @ Allocadia
“A question came in from the audience that I want to pose now as a preview to
our next section. Can you give us an example of a tactic that was found to be
lacking due to the tracking you were doing in Allocadia while the campaign was
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“Our buying cycles for the products that we sell are a long sales cycles so there's
really not any immediate decisions that occur from an ROI standpoint on the fly.
However, when we're looking at our forecast, I have our Allocadia dashboard built
in a way that we can look and see the categories of spend where we have dollars
forecasted from a committed and then a not committed view. There we can make
changes and reallocate on the fly, if necessary."
Gina @ Symantec
“I would say that I don't have a specific example either but as we're moving along
with Allocadia and getting all of our users into the tool we have developed the
investment tracking dashboard and the pipeline dashboard. We will be able to see
via these dashboards where our budgets are on track or off track. We can also drill
down to the level of where is the money being spent and on which campaigns. On
the pipeline tracking dashboard, we can see which ones are driving the best
Jeff @ Allocadia
“What's interesting there is the question presumes that you have visibility into
what you call ‘success metrics’. We know in the old days that might have meant
clicks, opens or those kinds of conversions but today we're really focused as
marketers to look at the return on investment from those campaigns. With
Allocadia you're able to look at those results from that financial perspective and
make that call. While you might hit your target on opens and clicks, if it didn't
result in the right amount of pipeline, the right amount of revenue, maybe that's a
campaign you don't want to do again next time”
Fifth Question:
What would you do
with 10% more budget?
Gina @ Symantec
“I think we would definitely spend more time on campaign execution and face
time with customers, for sure. That would be a huge benefit.
We could also invest in other areas like perfecting our lead scoring model. We
would refine our analytics to allow for more predictive analysis which will
ultimately improve conversion rates and ROI.”
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“I think speaking to the greater company good and marketing team, we could
always use more persona-driven content for our campaigns. Great content to bring
in more people into our marketing funnel is always great and that helps generate
more MQLs. But, if we're talking my team specifically, I'm a bit of a data geek, so if
my team specifically was granted more budget dollars we would probably update
some of our marketing analytics software to create some pretty cool operational
Follow up question:
David @ Oracle Marketing Cloud
“Would you invest it in technology and people and skills or one or the other or
how would you approach it?”
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“Probably all of the above. I have a really good team but there's definitely
always room to have others come help and allow us to spend more time
looking at our results and action, and building plans off of those.”
Follow up question:
David @ Oracle Marketing Cloud
“Gina, you had mentioned campaign execution. Are you thinking top of funnel
converting anonymous to known or lower end of funnel converting
perspective's into customers? and with that would you also invest in people or
technology or would you combo it?”
Gina @ Symantec
“I think it would definitely be related to top of funnel metrics from a digital
perspective as well as turning prospects into customers. I think it would be
more events, driving the digital and net new customers there.”
3 Tips
for Better Investment Management
Gina @ Symantec
“Thinking about this from 2 perspectives; a business execution and strategy
perspective and a technology perspective. I'll start first with the business strategy
perspective. Keep a close relationship with finance and manage with a CMO in
mind. Think about the CMO's objectives and what types of questions that you
should be ready to answer on short notice.
From a technology perspective, I would say just think about whether the
investment is worth a gain. Understand that change management will be a huge
factor and then I would say implement, train, coach, and re-train your users. Also
make sure that you have a lasting technology partner with ongoing support.”
Amanda @ Change Healthcare
“The first thing that I would recommend is to look at how your marketing budgets
will be managed going into that new budget year and what aspects the finance
team will want to measure from your budget.
The next thing is working with the business leads from marketing and sales to
agree on what metric you're going to be reporting out on. The last thing, which I
actually think might be one of the most important things is, don't be afraid to
remove previous process steps that don't add value to you or your team. If it's not
adding value to any of your reporting or to your current team then it's just creating
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How to Accelerate Marketing Performance Through More Effective Budgeting and Planning

  • 2. To listen to the full recording of this webinar, please click here. Summary answers to the Q&A portion of the webinar are provided below.
  • 3. Gina Reese Business Intelligence Manager Global Marketing Operations @GiGi_1020 Your Panelists Amanda Lomas Director, Marketing Operations & Analytics Jeff Epstein Director, Product and Partner Marketing @b2b_storyteller David Johnson Director, Product Marketing Oracle Marketing Cloud @OracleMktgCloud Your Hosts
  • 8. Plan Invest MeasureAnalyze Optimize Manage and Optimize the Business Of Marketing Run Marketing Today’s Marketer Has Two Jobs Attract Acquire ConvertRetain Advocate Create Engaging Customer Experiences by Overseeing the Customer Lifecycle Do Marketing
  • 9. Marketers Must Merge Both Jobs To Succeed Plan Convert Run Marketing MPM Do Marketing Execution
  • 10. Only 35% of marketing decisions are made using marketing analytics.” The CMO Survey “
  • 11. Fewer than 20% of B2B organizations are comfortable with their ability to quantify the returns on marketing spend.” SiriusDecisions “
  • 12. If I don’t Run marketing efficiently, then I can’t Do marketing effectively.” Senior Business Director Major Banking & Financial Company “
  • 13. Allocadia Helps Marketers Merge Both Jobs Plan Convert
  • 16. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “Performance at Symantec is defined by best in class ROI and marketing funnel conversion metrics, as well as meeting our marketing objectives and pipeline targets for the year. We generally measure performance by tracking ROI, holistically and at the campaign level, and by examining our funnel and conversion metrics. We also make sure we're meeting our annual and quarterly pipeline targets.”
  • 17. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “Ultimately, it's going to come down to sales and revenue, but for my team in marketing our role is really to bring new opportunities into the sales funnel. Very similarly (to Symantec) we measure marketing qualified leads, sales qualified leads, sales accepted leads, and then the conversion rates at each of those thresholds. We also measure marketing attributed pipeline and of course marketing ROI.”
  • 18. Follow up Question: David @ Oracle Marketing Cloud “I have a frequent debate internally at Oracle Marketing Cloud that driving revenue and marketing ROI are seen as equal priorities and of equal importance. How do you view that at Change Healthcare and Symantec?”
  • 19. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “Yeah, that's definitely a healthy debate for any crowd. Ultimately our job as a company is to bring in new revenue, and marketing is certainly a large part of that. But there's a lot of steps in between that need to happen in order to get there including buying behaviors and lead scoring. That’s marketing. At the end of the day, revenue is what pays our bills so definitely monitor the revenue tracking on both the marketing-level and then even at the company-level to guage how we're making an impact on the business.”
  • 20. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “Yeah, I would second most of that. We're definitely looking at revenue marketing sourced as well as ROI but there are a lot of pieces that happen before that. There's a lot of focus on the funnel and the metrics there and making sure that we're getting those right, which is ultimately going to drive revenue in the end.”
  • 21. Second Question: What is currently driving change in your organization?
  • 22. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “I'd say there's continuous change within our organization. Recently we did acquire Blue Coat so we're just beginning the discussions around integration of their campaigns and our Symantec campaigns. Secondly, ‘user feedback’ is really driving change within our marketing organization. We're listening to end users and making enhancements to existing tools. We want to reduce the burden of campaign creation for our end users because the ultimate goal is increasing their efficiencies. We want to give the time back to them through increased efficiencies via the campaign creation process and Allocadia” *Amanda @ Change Healthcare had a by on this question due to a recent acquisition.
  • 23. Follow up Question: Jeff @ Allocadia “I want to flip this question on it’s head and ask you about the obstacles to change in your organization?”
  • 24. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “The primary obstacle we're facing now is just the integration with Blue Coat. It's a great opportunity for us and we’re really looking forward to that, but just integrating everyone into the same tool is the challenge at the moment”
  • 25. Follow up Question: Jeff @ Allocadia “Before we go to the next question, maybe you can tell us about some of the things that you're thinking of for next year on the marketing operations side. Some of the golden wishes you have, some of the big plans that Symantec's looking to roll out?”
  • 26. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “We want to be more proactive in our approach. Today we've kind of moved from a more reactive decision making approach to being more proactive, and being able to answer some of the budget questions in a more timely manner. We want to build complete and accurate data that allows me to do more predictive-type analysis, budget-trend analysis, and campaign optimization.”
  • 27. Third Question: How has financial management in marketing changed over time?
  • 28. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “We have evolved over time from at one point using a lot of different spreadsheets to using one tool. We've been using Allocadia for several years now, probably 3, 4, maybe longer, and it's been working really great. Allocadia gives us the ability to organize (our budget) from our perspective so that we're interacting with the data in a way that makes sense from our standpoint as a marketer, but also to the finance team. I get a feed from our finance team that integrates with Allocadia and we're able to have the best of both worlds there. It's evolved to a pretty advanced process within our organization but is very critical to how we interpret our marketing dollars.”
  • 29. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “We've been using Allocadia for about a year at Symantec. Before Allocadia we were operating in spreadsheets as well so it was a lot of different spreadsheets being managed by different groups. We were then trying to combine that information from multiple sources in order to answer even some of the basic questions about budgeting and finances. We've definitely moved away from that. Before this we had a real lack of global alignment in our budget processes. We had an inconsistent taxonomy. We have Allocadia as a single source for real time, 24/7 visibility. We've come a long way since the spreadsheet days!”
  • 30. Follow up question: David @ Oracle Marketing Cloud “How has that impacted your credibility in the organization with your finance peers? Being able to be proactive versus the reactive nature that you were previously.”
  • 31. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “I think that we have definitely built a lot more confidence across all of marketing and the relationship that we're building with finance as well. They feel confident about what's being entered into Allocadia and how it ties with what they’re reporting out as actuals. It's definitely built a lot of confidence and a connection between the two departments. It’s important to keep that close relationship with finance to make sure that we're in sync and they can rely on what their seeing in Allocadia.”
  • 32. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “Allocadia has definitely helped exponentially to build a better relationship with the finance team. Not that it was bad before but now we’re partnering with them. We worked to determine what sort of things we're going to watch to measure from both a marketing and finance perspective and then set up our budgets in a way that we can make that readily available whenever that information is needed. I think it really helps to establish that dialogue and partnership but then also have the flexibility to build it to those standards and work from that.”
  • 33. Answer: Jeff @ Allocadia “Amanda you started earlier talking about the different views of the world between marketing and finance and I think that's something that a lot of people on this call can probably nod their head to and say yup, that's true. That is something that Allocadia helps both teams work with. We help the marketing team be more responsive and the finance team reconcile their end of period information much more cleanly and effectively so they can both make better decisions.”
  • 34. Fourth Question: How did your organization cope with the changes?
  • 35. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “I think change is hard for sure and I would say that really the majority of our marketers were apprehensive and skeptical about it. We integrate Allocadia with Salesforce so anything that is being planned and created from a campaign perspective is sent to Salesforce. To help with the change we’ve conducted several campaign creation training sessions along with budget and execution training's. Keeping that close connection with our end users for a good period of time has allowed us now to be at full capacity of marketing users within Allocadia. You've got to keep the training and monitoring going. We've seen great improvements. Now we're able to track all the budgets and targets in once place”
  • 36. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “It's been a few years since we made the change over to Allocadia but when we initially started it we had a small subset of super users that came together to document what we considered as ‘must haves’, ‘nice to haves’, and ‘wow that would be awesome’. We evaluated several different solutions, compared what was going to work best for our team and chose Allocadia. Once we rolled it out initially we spent a lot of time on user documentation that was very specific for the way that our team was going to use the tool. We also met with the marketing and finance teams to understand what we want to measure and report out on going into the next budget year.”
  • 37. Follow up question: Jeff @ Allocadia “A question came in from the audience that I want to pose now as a preview to our next section. Can you give us an example of a tactic that was found to be lacking due to the tracking you were doing in Allocadia while the campaign was live?”
  • 38. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “Our buying cycles for the products that we sell are a long sales cycles so there's really not any immediate decisions that occur from an ROI standpoint on the fly. However, when we're looking at our forecast, I have our Allocadia dashboard built in a way that we can look and see the categories of spend where we have dollars forecasted from a committed and then a not committed view. There we can make changes and reallocate on the fly, if necessary."
  • 39. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “I would say that I don't have a specific example either but as we're moving along with Allocadia and getting all of our users into the tool we have developed the investment tracking dashboard and the pipeline dashboard. We will be able to see via these dashboards where our budgets are on track or off track. We can also drill down to the level of where is the money being spent and on which campaigns. On the pipeline tracking dashboard, we can see which ones are driving the best pipelines.”
  • 40. Answer: Jeff @ Allocadia “What's interesting there is the question presumes that you have visibility into what you call ‘success metrics’. We know in the old days that might have meant clicks, opens or those kinds of conversions but today we're really focused as marketers to look at the return on investment from those campaigns. With Allocadia you're able to look at those results from that financial perspective and make that call. While you might hit your target on opens and clicks, if it didn't result in the right amount of pipeline, the right amount of revenue, maybe that's a campaign you don't want to do again next time”
  • 41. Fifth Question: What would you do with 10% more budget?
  • 42. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “I think we would definitely spend more time on campaign execution and face time with customers, for sure. That would be a huge benefit. We could also invest in other areas like perfecting our lead scoring model. We would refine our analytics to allow for more predictive analysis which will ultimately improve conversion rates and ROI.”
  • 43. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “I think speaking to the greater company good and marketing team, we could always use more persona-driven content for our campaigns. Great content to bring in more people into our marketing funnel is always great and that helps generate more MQLs. But, if we're talking my team specifically, I'm a bit of a data geek, so if my team specifically was granted more budget dollars we would probably update some of our marketing analytics software to create some pretty cool operational dashboards.”
  • 44. Follow up question: David @ Oracle Marketing Cloud “Would you invest it in technology and people and skills or one or the other or how would you approach it?”
  • 45. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “Probably all of the above. I have a really good team but there's definitely always room to have others come help and allow us to spend more time looking at our results and action, and building plans off of those.”
  • 46. Follow up question: David @ Oracle Marketing Cloud “Gina, you had mentioned campaign execution. Are you thinking top of funnel converting anonymous to known or lower end of funnel converting perspective's into customers? and with that would you also invest in people or technology or would you combo it?”
  • 47. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “I think it would definitely be related to top of funnel metrics from a digital perspective as well as turning prospects into customers. I think it would be more events, driving the digital and net new customers there.”
  • 48. 3 Tips for Better Investment Management
  • 49. Answer: Gina @ Symantec “Thinking about this from 2 perspectives; a business execution and strategy perspective and a technology perspective. I'll start first with the business strategy perspective. Keep a close relationship with finance and manage with a CMO in mind. Think about the CMO's objectives and what types of questions that you should be ready to answer on short notice. From a technology perspective, I would say just think about whether the investment is worth a gain. Understand that change management will be a huge factor and then I would say implement, train, coach, and re-train your users. Also make sure that you have a lasting technology partner with ongoing support.”
  • 50. Answer: Amanda @ Change Healthcare “The first thing that I would recommend is to look at how your marketing budgets will be managed going into that new budget year and what aspects the finance team will want to measure from your budget. The next thing is working with the business leads from marketing and sales to agree on what metric you're going to be reporting out on. The last thing, which I actually think might be one of the most important things is, don't be afraid to remove previous process steps that don't add value to you or your team. If it's not adding value to any of your reporting or to your current team then it's just creating clutter.”
  • 51. Start to Run Marketing More Efficiently Get a demo: Click Here! Or