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How Did Lenin Come To Power
Civil rights project
Section A: Background
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born on the 22nd of April,1870. Imperial Russia at the time was still an
absolute autocracy ruled by the Tsar and Tsarina. Lenin was born into a well educated family, and
lived a relatively comfortable life when compared to the average Russian peasant. Lenin was
exposed to the harshness of life under the Tsar from a very early age, and quickly learned to despise
the bourgeoisie. He decided that something was inherently wrong with the rich exploiting the
numerous poor to fund their extravagant lifestyles, when the proletariat could barely feed
themselves. Lenin's father occupied the prestigious position of Director of Public schools for the
local province, ... Show more content on ...
He hadn't been to Russia for 17 years. When Lenin heard that a revolution had begun, he raced to
return to Russia, striking a deal with the Triple alliance to enable him safe passage through Russia's
enemy, Germany, on the condition that, when Lenin acquired power, he would remove Russia from
the war, freeing up valuable German resources to fight the Entente. This highlights just how
desperate Lenin was to return to Russia quickly, lest someone else seize power that, quoting Lenin,
"...Was lying in the gutter, just waiting to be acquired" It also struck many conservatives and
revolutionaries alike as being strange that Lenin would only return to Russia when he felt that no
threat opposed him – which one can imagine would sound hypocritical coming from a man who
encouraged revolutionaries to be prepared to die for the cause. Further exacerbating the above
mentioned point, when he arrived at Petrograd (St Petersburg) train station, the guards of honour
were at the platform to greet him. Lenin was confused and said to his wife, "They will arrest me!"
However, when Lenin realised there was no danger he gave a passionate speech right at the station:
"Hail to the Global Socialist Revolution!" he declared. The terms he offered met opposition even
within the circle of his supporters. His old–time ally Georgy Plekhanov called his idea "crazy" and
was sure it would spread anarchy throughout Russia. His grave prediction was not far from reality
but Lenin's plan was nonetheless met with an ovation by the people who made the revolution
happen – the proletariat. His popularity was based on sheer populism but it worked perfectly for the
angry crowds ready for action. They heard exactly what they wanted – and what they had been
denied for so long –"Power to people! Power to Soviets!" The overthrow of Tsarism was only the
first step Lenin was preparing for the big battle
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Vladimir Lenin Research Paper
Steven Copenhaver #42
SS P.3
Death Power Death | Vladimir Lenin
Rising up from an average existence in middle class Russia Vladimir lenin became the most
powerful man in all of his nation, and ultimately died starting a downfall of his beloved country.
Vladimir Lenin was able to control the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution because of his use
of propaganda, this put Russian on the path of totalitarian communism and millions dead.
Vladimir Lenin was brought into this world on April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia. (Frame)
Vladimir grew up in a normal middle class Russian household. Nothing was extraordinary about the
family. Vladimirs grandfather was thought to be either from Germany or of Jewish descent. When
Vladimir was growing ... Show more content on ...
Nothing was extraordinary about the family. With a little luck and a lot of devotion he became
something bigger than himself. Creating a nation from a crazy dude's essay on a perfect world
would have been hard by itself, but Vladimir turned it into power and strength. Back from childhood
His older brother influenced him to become something greater and Western Europe challenged and
helped him to grow politically, and propaganda help him achieve his spot as a leader of Russia.
Vladimir owes everything in his life to his older brother, his power, his legacy, and his goals. The
irony is that Vladimirs older brother died at the hand of the leader of Russia and so did Vladimir.
One was with steel and one was with strokes. Started by death and ended by death. Death Power
Death, Vladimir
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Vladimir Lenin Research Paper
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as simply Lenin, was a Russian revolutionary leader and
founder of the Soviet Union and the Marxism–Leninism political ideology. He was born on April
22, 1870 in Ulyanovsk, a very small town in a western–central district in the Russian Empire. He
was the third of six children of a Russu–German couple, some of which ended up initiating
controversial political stir–ups against the Tsar at the time.
Growing up, he and his family, like most Russians, were not very favourable of the Tsar Nicholas II.
The Tsar's rule was nothing to them but a hipocratic dictatorship regime which focussed more on
opression and battling democracy than on developing the Russian Empire as a whole. Russians, who
only recently were freed from feudalism, were struct by their version of the Industrial ... Show more
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The Balshaviks win the war and founded the Soviet Union. Russia was devistated after the war since
not only did over 8 million people died during the war, the nation was plagued with famine and
inflation. Lenin proposes the New Economic Policy, allowing farmers to sell their crops, and dies
shortly afterwards in January 21, 1924.
Lenin was, even decades after his death, the icon of the Soviet Union. Infact, when he died, over
300,000 Russians lined up to see his mummified body in what was one of the world's largest and
longest funerals, lasting over five days. The Soviet people loved Lenin as after hundreds of years of
oppression from the Tsars, he was the one who freed them and created the modern Communist
views of Leninism. Over the course of Soviet history, statues of Lenin were built in every city in
Russia, pictures of him were painted in every school and the Soviets went as far as to deploy a
picture of Lenin as a child into
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Compare And Contrast Lenin And Stalin
CCOT In Russia, at the end of the 19th century, leaders Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin
to the attempt to the industrialization of Russia. Although the goals for the economy were the same,
the way Nicholas, Lenin, and Stalin addressed the situation differed completely. Nicholas II, took as
capitalism approach in order to help the industrialization of Russia. In 1894, Nicholas wanted the
country's trade and industry to be collected by private owners for power. Nicholas was a very poor
leader, he allowed many of Russians people starve, with nothing to live on. The capitalist
government collapsed in 1917. Although Nicholas failed at his attempt to save the economy, he
started the help, for future leaders Lenin, and Stalin. Vladimir
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Vladimir Lenin Outline
Vuong Pham
Derek Rodriguez
Stephano Rosas
History of Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin was born on April 22, 1870. He was born in Simbirsk, Russia. Lenin was the third
child of six. Lenin was the founder of the Russian Communist Party, and led the Bolshevik
Revolution. Lenin's goal was the reform Russia under communist control, and get rid of the Czar.
He was the leader of the Bolsheviks during the Revolution. The Russian or Bolshevik Revolution,
was a revolt to overthrow Czar Nicholas the II of Russia after World War I. The revolution started
because the people noticed corruption in the government, and the economy was terrible. Lenin's
party led a coup d'etat against the government, and overtook the government, with Lenin as leader.
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Vladimir Lenin Research Paper
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin both a political scientist and government official. He lead the Bolshevik Revolution
also founded the Russian Communist party. He considered "the most influential and controversial
political figures of the 20th century."– Vladimir Lynch Ulyanovsk was born on
April 22, 1870 in Ulyanovsk, Russia. He was the third of six children, all if his brothers and sisters
where very close. Education was the number one priory in his life. Both of his parents made guided
him to success. Later on in life things got very hard for Lenin. His father was an inspector for
schools, they wanted him to quit his job because the influence he had on the Russian community.
In 1887 Aleksandr (Vladimir's older brother) was arrested for planning to kill Alexander III. He and
three others were planning to throw bombs in his carriage. Alexzander III showed no mercy they
were hung, this was depressing moment in Lenin's life. A year after his brother was executed he was
kicked out of Kazan University for protesting against the Tsar, later He studied and got his law
license. Sent to his grandfather's place in the village of ... Show more content on ...
Petersburg he learned about the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who were philosophers.
Karl Marx's beliefs were called Marxism. To talk or write about Marxism like it was a good was
illegal in Russia, and Lenin was arrested he got sent to prison in Siberia. This punishment was rough
because Siberia is known for being very cold and lonely, and almost no one escapes. In July 1898,
when he was still in Siberia, Lenin married Nadezhda Krupskaya. In 1899 he wrote a book he called
The Development of Capitalism in Russia. In 1900 Lenin was released from prison and went back
home back home. He then traveled around Europe. He began to publish a Marxist newspaper called
Iskra, in Russia this means "spark" or "lightning". He also became a member of the Russian Social
Democratic Labor Party, or
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Compare And Contrast Stalin And Lenin
Lenin vs Stalin
Both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were horrible leaders of the USSR but each do have their
positives and negatives. For instance, Lenin started off by giving proletarians (workers in general)
limited amount of freedoms but then created a new policy when the people disagreed with them.
Stalin, on the other hand, made Russia into an industrialized nation. However, this did cost lives of
millions of people by going to corrective labour camps. In my opinion, I believe that Vladimir Lenin
was the better leader.
I feel this because Lenin did have an intent to create a true communist state by having a classless
society while with Stalin, he wanted the USSR to make more money and get further industrialized.
In both cases it did
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Causes Of Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin was a Marxian idealist who devoted the majority of his adult life to bringing about a
Socialist state in Russia. His years committed to the cause would culminate in the October
Revolution of 1917, during which the Lenin–led Bolshevik party would seize upon a weakened
political regime and institute themselves as the ruling authority of Russia. With Lenin leading the
Bolshevik party, eager to usher in the doctrine he had faithfully subscribed to and expounded upon
for decades, his dream of a Russian Socialist state was now a humbling yet exciting reality. How,
then, did such a Marxian purist fall well short of the utopian vision promised by his political
ideology? Lenin's inability to successfully implement the policies which would bring about the
ever–elusive socialist utopia can be directly attributed to a variety of factors stemming from three
root causes. The first, and most damning, predictor of imminent failure was that, though Russia was
ripe for revolution at the time of the Bolshevik takeover, the economy of Russia was not yet ripe for
the implementation of Socialist ideals and practices. The second and third root causes of Lenin's
ultimate failure are byproducts of the issues that arose from the initial root cause just stated. Due to
the impracticality of full–scale implementation of Socialist policies in Russia at the time, Lenin
made the reprehensible, though practical, choice to utilize dictatorial tactics of repression and force,
often by way of
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Contribution Of Vladimir Lenin
To the Russian people Vladimir Lenin was an important historical figure and the creator of the
Soviet System. Lenin was not always a radical revolutionary, but he transformed into one after
reading the books that his older brother had in his library. Lenin's older brother was executed as a
radical by the regime which created an early hatred for the Tsar. Lenin was the leader of the
Bolshevik party and helped to rally support to the party even while in exile through the multiple
pieces of writing that he produced. Lenin helped to promote the revolution in 1905 and was only
stopped by the outbreak of World War One. While the tsarist Government survived the revolution in
1905 they would fail to do so in the February Revolution which occurred in 1917. After the Tsar fell
a provisional government was set up which floundered and failed while Lenin and his Bolsheviks
gained power. After being sent back to Russia by Germany, Lenin created his April Thesis which
said that the power should be transferred to his soviet socialist party. At first, the Bolsheviks were a
minority but by September 1917 they gained the majority and took the power from the provisional
government in the October Revolution. After the Revolution, a civil war broke out between the
Bolshevik Red army and the anti–Bolshevik White army. Which the Reds eventually won with the
leadership of Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin. One of Lenin's most important contributions to the
soviet state was organizing a peace treaty
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The Life and Impact of Vladimir Lenin Essay
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was an impactful political leader in Russia during the twentieth century. He
was a famous figure and left a huge impact on the Russian/Soviet Union Empire for many decades
to follow. What he may be known for best, Lenin created and brought up the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics along with helping with the introduction of communism. He applied that
communism concept to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics government that he was running. As
the political leader in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics government, he tried his best to carry
out the communism plan and make the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics a powerful empire.
Vladimir Lenin was ordained at an early age to become a revolutionary leader. ... Show more
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The disagreement led to a split of the Social Democratic into the Mensheviks, which Plekhanov
headed, and the Bolsheviks, which Lenin ran ("Vladimir Lenin Biography"). While Lenin learned
almost all there is to know about the communism idea from Plekhanov, he turned against him and
they became rivals. Lenin was uprising fast in his movements for the revolutionary of Russia.
Becoming the leader of the Bolsheviks group was a huge step forward for him. The only thing in his
way was the opposing group ran by Plekhanov, the Mensheviks.
With knowledge and some experience under his belt, Lenin was ready to take on the Russian
government. He would return to Russia and continue to plan his revolutionary movements against
the government. writes that after the outbreak between both revolutionary parties,
Lenin headed back to Russia. The revolution in Russia ended when Nicholas II promised reforms,
which included the adoption of a constitution and the creation of an elected legislature. However,
once order was restored, the Czar declined most of the reforms. Because it was at the same time as
World War I, the economy of Russia was disrupted by the costly war effort. In March of 1917, riots
and strikes broke out between the proletariats over the scarcity of food. Dispirited army troops
ganged with the strikers, and on March 15 Nicholas II was forced to relinquish. This ended centuries
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Lenin's Commandments For Animal Advancements
Commandments for Animal Advancements
With a single train ride back to his home, no one in Russia prepared for their governmental system
to completely alter. With the deposition of Czar Nicholas II, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin returns home at
the peak of the Russian conflict and along the way, he composes the ten directives in 1917 called the
April Theses, which the people of Russia eventually follow with the promises of food, land,
equality, and peace, while the Soviets take charge. With the documentation of the April Theses,
Lenin soon becomes the pride leader of the Bolsheviks, aiming towards his goal of a socialist
revolution. As a method to correlate the events of the Russian Revolution, George Orwell writes a
fictional novel titled ... Show more content on ...
The April Theses consisted of ten commandments and ideas based on Lenin's speeches, which
published in the Bolshevik newspaper, Pravda. Moreover, "... Hectored large crowds and churned
out endless articles, insisting, 'No great question . . . has yet been resolved in history other than by
force.'"(Reynold, 42). Even if the ideologies grew towards the media, no one seemed to respect
Lenin's ideas beforehand to the point where "Even Nadya was overheard telling a friend, 'I am afraid
it looks as if Lenin has gone crazy.'" (Reynolds 42) when Lenin announced his speech. Despite the
inquiries of his sanity, in 1917, "...the Bolsheviks accepted Lenin's April Theses to guide their
activity, would revolutionary socialists accord world–historical significance to the Soviet" (Marot
142). Furthermore, the Bolsheviks accepted Lenin's directives due to his composed slogan "All
Power to the Soviets", meaning how most of the power of Russia would transfer to the Soviets, their
main leading group. The April Theses contained several policies that promised to restore the order
of Russia and for those starving. As part of his plan, Lenin wanted to utilize the existing "capitalist
state as an instrument to overthrow capitalism and then build socialism with it."(Marot 143).
Moreover, Lenin also wanted to use the Paris Commune and Karl Marx's theory of communism as
examples for Russia's developing government. With the new expanding government of Russia,
Lenin incorporated several of his policies as his contribution to the Bolshevik party, especially when
"...he argued that only the Soviet could respond to the hopes, aspirations, and needs of Russia's
workers and peasants." ("Lenin, Vladimir Ilich"). In Lenin's perspective, the Soviets
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Five Questions For Vladimir Lenin Essay
Five Questions For Vladimir Lenin
The most dedicated leader of the revolution, and future leader of the Bolshevik Party in Russia, was
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. He was born in 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia, a small town on the Volga River,
to a family of hereditary nobles that were not wealt but quite comfortable. Vladimir Ulyanov, who
would later change his name to Lenin, was the third of seven children. His oldest brother, Aleksandr,
was hanged in May of 1887 for having joined in a plot to kill Czar Alexander III. The czar signed a
warra to have the five student conspirators executed. A year earlier, Vladimir's father had died.
Because of these cicumstances Vladimir experienced extreme grief. He died of a stroke ... Show
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Even though my ideas have been abandoned in a great majority of the world's nations, I feel in some
small way that I have contributed to history. Whether that contribution was positive or negative is
left for future generations to decide. My achievemen lies in the drive of my life, communism. It has
been the one idea that has kept me going through the few years that I have inhabited this planet, the
idea of a classless society. However the complete picture of my design did not take off until after I h
died, I am the un–denied leader of communism, taking it from mere theory into workable practice.
By pressing communist philosophies into the government I effectively removed the restraints to
modernization and industrialization imposed by the former monarchy. (McNeal 68). Thus, I
effectively changed the course of Russian history. However even the lshevik party seemed to drift
away from my control during my lifetime. Several years after my death a member of the Bolshevik
party remarked that, "Had Vladimir lived very much longer he most likely would have landed in
jail" (McNeal 68). To tell you th truth, I believe it. However, even though the party changed
drastically from its conception the principle, that the party was to be an elite force meant to guide
the people, still remained dominant. And along with that is the belief that those who rejec
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Vladimir Lenin And The Russian Revolution
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Russian revolution. Lenin's reason for writing "State and
Revolution" was to explain his view on Karl Marx's reasoning for a state and views on what the
proletariat, working class, should do during a revolution. The goal of a revolution such as this, a
communist revolution, is to give the power to the working people, which is to say that Lenin, similar
to Castro and Nkrumah, wants to be free from imperialism. Another is to Lenin's view on revolution
is that it can only be achieved through nationality and unity.(Lenin, "State and Revolution, page 22)
"The overthrow of bourgeois rule can be accomplished only by the proletariat, as the particular
class, which, by the economic conditions of its existence, is being prepared for this work and is
provided both with the opportunity and the power to perform it."(Lenin 23) He believes that a
revolution can only succeed with the use of violence from the proletariat against the party that is in
control.(Lenin, 22–23) "The replacement of the bourgeois by the proletarian state is impossible
without a violent revolution."(Lenin, 22) As a leader Lenin is an advocate of change. He is a
communist and believes in giving power to the people, mainly the proletariat.(Lenin 20) Kwame
Nkrumah, was the leader of Ghana first as Prime Minister then as President once they gained
independence from Great Britain. Nkrumah wrote "I speak of freedom: A statement of African
Ideology" in part because he
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Vladimir Lenin Research Paper
Vladimir Lenin "Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient
Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners" (Lenin). Lenin was founder of the Russian Communist
Party, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, and architect and first head of the Soviet state. He was
also the inspiration for 'Leninism" which was conjoined with Marx's work to create Marxism–
Leninism. He has been regarded as one of the greatest revolutionary leaders and thinkers since
Marx. Vladimir Lenin was an important Russian leader that helped shape Russian society to what it
is now.
He was born Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov on April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia now Ulyanovsk in his
honor.Vladimir changed his last name to Lenin while doing underground work for his party. His
family was well educated and cultured and Vladimir the 3rd of six children was very close with his
family. Lenin valued education very highly and was a very voracious reader and when he finished
HS ... Show more content on ...
During his lifetime, he suffered three strokes, which eventually led to his resignation. The strokes
severely affected the right side of his body, and he was left mute and bedridden in the later part of
his life, until his death on January 21, 1924. It was later established that he passed away due to
neurosyphilis. Three days after his death, millions of mourners from across the Soviet Union came
to see him one last time before he was shifted to the mausoleum. A number of Communist leaders
like Stalin, Trotsky and Kalinin were present at the event. Petrograd was renamed 'Leningrad' in
honor of Vladimir Lenin and remained so, till 1991. Many statues of Lenin were erected across
Europe and many places and structure were named after this Russian leader. There have been
countless films and television series' based on the life of Vladimir Lenin such as 'Three Songs about
Lenin', 'All my Lenin's' and the miniseries on BBC, 'Fall of the
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Vladimir Lenin's Role In Russian History
Vladimir Lenin played a very important role in Russia's history. Lenin had almost the same exact
views about government as Karl Marx did. During Lenin's rule he made decisions that really
changed the nation. However, Lenin not only played an important rule in Russian history but in
universal history as well. He has been known as the greatest revolutionary leader behind Karl Marx,
the one who opened up everyone's eyes to communism (Vladimir Lenin Biography).
Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was Lenin's birth name. He took on the last name Lenin when he was
working under the table with his government party. Lenin was born in Simbirsk, Russia, on April 22,
1870. Simbirsk was renamed Ulyanovsk in his honor. Lenin had six siblings of whom he was the ...
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He believed that only a revolution caused by the working class people would help the government,
but the others believed in a revolution of the rich (Vladimir Lenin). Lenin believed that the working
class needed to cause the revolution, because they carried the country on their backs. Without the
working class the country wouldn't prosper. The working class consisted of merchants, soldiers,
peasants, farmers, etc. If Russia took out that class of people Russia would soon deteriorate. The
working class was very vital to Russia and that's why Lenin believed that they needed to cause a
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Vladimir Lenin : An Influential Philosopher And...
Windle Hutchinson
Mrs. Rausch
English 10
20 April 2015
Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was a very persuasive person, he was very good at getting crowds
and people on his side. He is considered one of the most influential and controversial political
figures of the 20th century. Lenin was one of the leaders for the Bolshevik Revelation. Later in 1917
he became the head leader of the USSR, the newly formed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He
was born on April 10th of 1870. School was very important to Lenin, because his parents was very
smart, and they forced learning. When he went to high school, he had a gift for Latin and Greek.
Lenin had a rough life. Like when he was young boy, his dad was threaded by the Gov. to retire
early, ... Show more content on ...
Karl Marx had a big impact on Lenin. Soon after that Lenin declared himself as a Marxist. In 1892
he got his law degree. Then he moved to Samara, that's were all of the Russian peasants were at. The
people were in pain, and that helped his believe in Marxist. Lenin focused more on his ways of the
revolutionary politics. He left Samara in the mid–1890s for a new life in St. Petersburg, the Russian
capital. There, Lenin got with other like–minded Marxists and began to work together actively in
their jobs. People started noticing it, so in December 1895 Lenin and several other of the Marxist
leaders were arrested. Lenin was exiled to Siberia for three about years. His fiancée and future wife,
Nadezhda Krupskaya, went with him.
When they got out from exile they went to stint in Munich, where Lenin and others co–founded a
newspaper, about Iskar, about the unity of the Russian and European Marxists. Lenin returned to St.
Petersburg and he stepped up his leadership role in the revolutionary movement. At the Second
Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party meet in 1903, Lenin argued for a
streamlined party leadership community, that would lead a network of lower party organizations and
their workers. "Give us an organization of revolutionaries," Lenin said, "and we will overturn
Lenin's speech was soon supported by allot of people. In 1904 Russia went to war with Japan. They
went to war because of the impact on Russian
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Vladimir Lenin Research Paper
Vladimir Lenin was a Russian communist, revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. Born as
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, I will share information on his life, his beliefs, changes he made to his
nation and the effects of these changes. Lenin was born April 22, 1870, in Simbirsk, Russia. He was
born into a wealthy middle class family with six other siblings. Growing up, education was a huge
part of his childhood. He finished first in his high school class and had a huge love for Latin and
Greek. There were two situations that had a major impact on Lenin's life. The first involved Lenin's
father. He was a school inspector and was threatened with early retirement because the government
worried public schools had too much power. Shortly ... Show more content on ...
In 1917, he seized control of Russia. He used the slogan " peace, bread and land " to gain support.
Lenin believed in the model of communism. He felt capitalism was unfair because it created a very
large poor class and a very small wealthy class. Lenin saw that taking place in Russia. Early in his
life, Lenin read a lot on Karl Marx. He looked to a book titled "The Communist Manifesto" written
by Marx and Friedrich Engels. The focus of this work was on the unfairness between the rich and
the poor. Lenin shared this vision of equality. He believed in a society controlled by the people
where everyone was equal. This included ideas like no more private property , government control
of education, and government owns and controls all communication and transportation. Lenin took
Marx's views and further developed them. His one goal was to place Russia under Bolshevik control
as quickly as possible. Although he gained support, it was a confusing time for Russia. Lenin's
radical positions caused even greater division. At times, he had to change his extreme positions just
to get some support back and secure power. Lenin was smart and a great thinker, and did what he
felt necessary to reach his
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Animal Farm By Vladimir Lenin
The novel Animal Farm is about a group of animals who rebel against the ranch owner and take over
the ranch. However, once the animals were at last all equal, the pigs started to gradually make the
farm a dictatorship by deceiving the other animals. The point where the "free" farm became just as
atrocious as the original was when the pigs begun to walk on two legs, which was incredibly
allegorical of the pigs becoming the evil humans that they swore never to become. Overall, the
whole story was a metaphor of the Russian Revolution. Much like it occurred in Animal Farm, the
visions of a better future dreamed about by Vladimir Lenin do not transpire. The philosophical goals
and outcomes of communist societies are drastically incongruent because humankind is avaricious.
Once absolute power is given to a person that does not genuinely believe in the purpose, that person
often becomes corrupt. In the case of Animal Farm, the pigs started to relish the luxuries of humans
and kept wanting more. To entirely understand why the philosophical goals and outcomes of
communist societies are drastically different, one must first understand the reasons for the original
development of socialist and communist philosophy in Europe, the events that were impetus behind
fundamental change in Russia, and the social, political, economic, and cultural factors which cause
the practices of newly formed political systems to deviate from purist philosophy. The reasons for
the original development of
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Lenin 's Legacy Of The Soviet Revolution
Lenin's Legacy
"History will not forgive Revolutionaries for procrastinating when they could be victorious today,
while they risk losing much tomorrow, in fact, they risk losing everything" (Vladimir Lenin. Call to
Power). Lenin was a persistent Russian ruler who wished to instill his communist views in Russian
society at all costs. He was influential in motivating his followers to rise up and overthrow Russia's
weak government which lead to the reformation of Russia's weak economy. Although Lenin faced
opposing forces from the West, he was able to institute a number of reforms which boosted Russia's
broken economy and led to the transformation of Russia from a war–struck country into an
economically stable power, prior to his death.
Prior to Lenin coming into power, Russia's corrupt government was stuck in a state of war with
Germany along with other Western European powers which ultimately led to the revolts of angry
Russians due to famine and political issues. The Russo Japanese war began the first Russian
revolution in 1905 when Russia suffered a tragic loss on the battlefield (Vladimir Lenin. World
History). The Russian loss to Japan forced the government to give up on its expansionist policy
resulting in the government losing its followers. This was the most devastating defeat Russia has
ever faced to a non–European force and proved Czar Nicholas unfit to rule the nation. To restore
order within the society, Czar Nicholas instituted the October Manifesto, which
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Vladimir Lenin And The Bolshevik Revolution
According to the Staff, "The October Revolution began on November 6 and 7, 1917 (or
October 24 and 25 on the Julian calendar)." (Russian Revolution"). The October Revolution has also
been called the Bolshevik Revolution since the Bolshevik Party played a crucial role in the
revolution. The leader of the Bolshevik Party, Vladimir Lenin was a big supporter of Karl Marx.
Another Marxist who leads this revolution was Leon Trotsky. In an article by the Staff,
"Lenin had created an, almost, bloodless coup d'état against the provisional government." ("Russian
Revolution"). The Bolshevik revolution started when, Alexander Kerensky, rather than follow an
order. On October 24th, Kerensky ordered troops that were loyal, to act against the Bolshevik.
Encyclopædia Britannica tells us that, "Kerensky was a socialist revolutionary who served as head
of the Russian Provisional Government." ("Aleksandr Kerensky").
According to Staff, "The provisional government had created a group of leaders from
Russia's bourgeois capitalist class. Lenin would alternatively call for a Soviet state that would be
controlled directly by councils of workers, peasants, and soldiers." ("Russian Revolution"). Both
decided that the Soviets was going to be a useful instrument in the next revolution. They didn't want
the Soviets to have all the power until they could control them. In the book, Rise and fall of
Communism 2009, Archie Brown shows us that, "On 12 October, according to the old calendar,
Trotsky took command of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet and on 25
October...the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd" (Brown 51). Insurrection was to start, but there
were complications with the date set. In the book, The History of the Russian Revolution 1960,
Leon Trotsky says, "At a session of the Petrograd Soviet on the 18th, Trotsky, in answer to a
question raised by the enemy, declared that the Soviet had not set a date for an insurrection, in the
coming days, but that if it became necessary to set one, the workers and soldiers would come out as
one man" (Trotsky 162). There were forty thousand workers in the army of Petrograd.
On the 22nd of October, there was a meeting of the Red
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Vladimir Lenin And The Soviet Revolution
Vladimir Lenin has proven to be a difficult figure to place in history. Some choose to view him as
one of the most influential political leaders in history, while others allow him to fade off into the
past. Lenin's image also greatly depends on where one lives. In the western half of the world, Lenin
is viewed as a man of destruction, and Winston Churchill called him "The Grand Repudiator." In
other parts of the world, he is viewed as a man who tried to make the best out of a failing situation.
Lenin was a revolutionary intellectual who establish the Bolshevik Party (later renamed the
Communist Party). He was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, and, therefore, began the first
government of the Soviet Union. Lenin became leader of the USSR in 1922 and ruled until his death
in 1924, when Joseph Stalin assumed power. Though many argue that Lenin started one of the worst
governments in history, Russian Communism, Lenin actually provided a solution for the troubling
times in Russia. In the 1890, Lenin quit his job as a lawyer and moved to St. Petersburg where he
became involved with a group of radicals that supported the ideas of Karl Marx. In 1903 at the
Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), Lenin and his fellow
radicals argued for the development of a new political party that was tight–knit and limited in
number. This party would be highly involved in organizational work. Later in 1904–1905 when
Russia went to war with Japan, and
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Vladimir Lenin And The Great Political Leaders Of The 20th...
Logan Evans
Mr. Brennan
Honors World Civ.
March 31, 2016
One of the great political leaders of the 20th century, Vladimir Lenin, made a huge impact on the
world. He was revolutionary, and whether you love him or hate him, he was a man with ambition.
He was the founder of the Soviet Union and formed the country that sparked an intense rivalry with
the United States and put a new form of government into place. This was a man with ambition to get
rid of capitalism and change the ways of Russia. From his birth, to his career, and up until the day he
died, Vladimir Lenin had a very interesting life, and was one of the great political leaders of the 20th
century. Vladimir Lenin gave birth to a new Russia that would be the state the country was in for
years to come. He gave birth to the superpower of the Soviet Union. Vladimir Lenin was born in
Simbirsk, Russia in the year of 1870. The name given to him at birth was not actually Vladimir
Lenin, instead, he was given the name Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov. It was later in life that he changed his
name to what he is known as today. Vladimir and the rest of the Ulyanovs lived in a small house on
the edge of town. Vladimir was the a middle child, third born of six children, within the Ulyanov
family. Vladimir had a sister named Anna, a brother named Sasha, another sister named Olga,
another brother named Dmitri, and another sister named Maria. Many Russians view the Volga
River as the heart and soul of Russia, and Lenin spent the
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How Did Vladimir Lenin Contribute To The Rise Of Communism...
The socialist ideology was adopted by a whole country in the 20th century, by Russia that shortly
after would unify with other countries to form USSR. Socialist regime was established in Russia in
1917 after a revolution knocked down the tsarist monarchy that was in force. After the end of the
monarchy, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin initiated the socialist government that defended
ideals based on, mainly, Marxist principals. Lenin's government faced a strong opposition from
those who supported the tsarist regime what resulted in a long civil war that left Russia devastated.
To rebuild it, the government had to abandon some socialist principles. Through the New Economic
Politic (NEP), the country became to use capitalistisc ways of
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Vladimir Lenin Essay
Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was the Bolshevik leader. He was a clever thinker and a practical
man; he knew how to take advantage of events. When Lenin arrived in Russia, he issued a document
called the April theses, promising 'peace, bread, land and freedom'. He called for an end to the
'Capitalist' war, and demanded that power should be given to the soviets. He demanded a revolution
against the Provisional Government as soon as possible. In November 1917, under the leadership of
Lenin and Trotsky, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional government, beginning the era of
Communist rule in ... Show more content on ...
Under the NEP peasants handed over half of the food they produced to the government. Whatever
surplus was left they could sell for profit. The policy gave peasants an incentive to work – the more
food they produced, the richer they became. Food production expanded. The best, most successful
farmers became known as kulaks. They became rich because of the NEP. In industry, the most
successful workers became known as Nepmen. The NEP resulted in huge increases in production in
all sectors of the Russian economy.
However in January 21st 1924 Lenin died. Lenin had a pragmatic and realistic approach to
problems. He was able to 'seize the moment' which was vital in the Bolsheviks gaining power. His
organisation and leadership of the Bolshevik party transformed it.
When Lenin died in January 1924 he had nominated Leon Trotsky as his chosen successor. Yet it
was Joseph Stalin who was eventually to emerge as leader of the party. This was largely because
Stalin was a clever and astute politician, who was seen as being a man of the people. He was able to
manoeuvre himself into a position of power through his role as General Secretary of the Communist
Party. Once in power, he exerted an iron grip on the USSR. Stalin's aims differed from Lenin's in
that he did not expect to spread Communism worldwide until Communism was secure in the USSR.
He also wanted to achieve autarky in
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Vladimir Lenin: The Bolshevik Revolution
The 20th century would see the rise and fall of many civilizations, empires, and nations. Arguably
none of these republics were greater than the Soviet Union. Nor, any revolutionary as influential as
the Soviet Union's founder, Vladimir Lenin. This communist nation stretched over two continents
and into the middle east and had risen from the ashes of another empire. If it had not have been for a
revolutionary born on April 22, 1870 the world today would be a completely unrecognizable place.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born into a middle class family, yet he recognized the struggle of
proletarians, or the working class, under the oppressive rule of the Russian Monarchy and
capitalism. While in college, he began protesting and attending demonstrations ... Show more
content on ...
While I personally cannot build a country or overthrow a government I can still work to make my
country a better place. By helping out at a community soup kitchen or volunteering to phone bank
for my local Democratic party I apply the virtues from Vladimir Lenin's life to my own. Just as
Lenin strived to help the socioeconomically disprivileged through abolishing the oppressive system
to keep them in line I have the same goals, but with different means. By supporting Bernie Sanders
and his own 'political revolution' I feel like I am supporting the candidate Vladimir Lenin or any
other communist would have supported. Many people have deeply rooted issues with communism
or the Soviet Union itself and incorrectly believe that Vladimir Lenin was a dictator or a fascist
himself; therefore, they choose to ignore his achievements and look at him as a villain rather than a
comrade or role model. Even though the Soviet was eventually corrupted by Joseph Stalin, who was'
leadership was opposed by Lenin, without Joseph Stalin's leadership the USSR may not have gotten
involved in WWII. Without Soviet assistance it is plausible that the Allies might not have won the
war. Positive things did come from the nation Lenin created even after he was gone. There is no way
to get other people with this bias to look at Vladimir Lenin as anything but
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Vladimir Lenin As A Hero
Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, throughout time many of them have risen and fallen. A hero
is characterized as someone that is a leader to his people, they reflect societal views, and yet they
have a major flaw that often causes their downfall. During the 20th century a revolutionary man rose
from his years of exile to lead the Bolshevik party into power, his name, Vladimir Lenin. Lenin
stands as a prime example of a leader that reflects Russia's social values, and as a flaw for his
outspoken nature suffers from a near–death assassination. Vladimir Lenin, like Achilles, looked for
ways that benefited him in order to gain power, he was an aggressive man that had a certain set of
beliefs that led to become a Marxist. Lenin enrolled in the Kazan University, only to be expelled
within his first term for participating in a student demonstration. During his time from his studies,
Lenin immersed himself in revolutionary politics, taking a large interest in Karl Marx's writings, this
later played a large influence during his time of power. Lenin in many cases is similar to Achilles, a
fictional warrior from the Iliad. In book 22, Priam compares Achilles to Orion's dog, to Greeks this
is a bad omen. Priam then turns to his son, who stands outside the gates of Troy, and tells him this,
"He is more powerful by far than you, and pitiless" (143, bk 22, lines 47–48). Priam knows that
Hector has no chance of winning against Achilles, for he is out to get revenge on the death of his
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Effects Of Vladimir Lenin On Russia
Emma McKnight
English 1A
Professor Valdes
October 30th, 2017
The Effects of Vladimir Lenin on Russia
Weak and unstable in its revolution and a battle on the Eastern Front, Communism weeded its way
into Russia and changed the lives of millions of people. Under the influence of Lenin and his
principles events such as the Red Terror, overall famine, and slave labor camps became the country's
reality. Russia participation in the war may have been stopped, but the consequences were much
greater. However, this could have never happened without Germany's interference in the February
Revolution of Russia, helping Vladimir Lenin return to Russia with his Marxist ideals and push the
provisional government out of office. The effects Communism had on ... Show more content on ...
To the Bolsheviks disappointment, the new government kept Russian involvement in The Great War
and the two front war stayed persistent for Germany. With Lenin seeking passage into Russia and
the government showing no intention of letting him, it wasn't until Germany's financial support that
he able to sneak into the country via train.
The effects that Lenin's arrival first had on the Bolsheviks party began with the weakening of the
provisional government, primarily ending Russia's fight in the war. Lenin had been gathering
supporters since the 1890s with those apart of the forces in the war, alongside other supporters,
travelling worldwide and spreading his word of Marxist ideals and a Russia that was no longer
wrapped up in World War One. It wasn't long before he garnered enough manpower to seize control
and caused a great deal of uproar when he had turned the Russian Army against the Russian
provisional government to completely wash Prime Minister Kerensky out. After seizing railroad
stations, telegraph lines, and government offices, and subsequently sending out the people–elected
provisional government, Lenin was able to intimidate the elected government out of office and have
But the people were upset, their votes for Kerensky were ignored and it would only be the beginning
for more strife. Once in office, he sought to end the conflict with Germany and achieved this
through the Treaty of
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How Did Lenin Become Totalitarian
In the widely known book Animal Farm, by George Orwell, Old Major, metaphorically representing
Vladimir Lenin, was an influential and intelligent character who hoped for a government where
there was equality and unity within his nation. Vladimir Lenin had one day hoped for a government
called Marxism–Leninism; which was an expanded form of Communism that would hugely benefit
the working class of the nation. Although he wanted such a fantastic sounding government system,
when put to work on a nation, it would be almost certain to fall apart, due to the greed and variety of
human nature. The government system in which the writers believe Lenin would prosper the most, is
a government close to the way the United States run, which is a Constitutional Republic ... Show
more content on ...
Lenin was a heavy political speaker and had great plans, but the government he lived in limited what
he was about to fix or at least try to change. However moving him to a Constitutional Republic
Democracy would fix this and give him a chance to do what he loved, changing things for the better.
Not only this, but Lenin could also make the government more equal and perfect like he always
wanted it to be. Lenin would have the right to speak about what the people and government is wrong
and he could innovate it to what the people wanted. Lenin was trying to change the world into a
improved and balanced world where all people are equal and there's no dictator, and this political
system will give him this freedom. For example, Lenin could help the working class and below
advantage people get some of the money that the "1%" is hogging all to themselves. He can show
everyone that its now time for change into a improved and phenomenal nation, and this time he will
have not as many limits as he had in the Russian
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The Revolution Of The Soviet Revolution
Many historians agree that Vladimir Lenin was one of the most motivating revolutionaries in the
history of the world. Once Lenin became a statesman he lost focus on how to run a country, and he
lacked a plan. Lenin's greatest achievements were in fact during the struggle for power in Russia,
and not during his time as leader of the USSR. His leadership in the revolutionary Bolshevik party
served as an important model for later revolutionary leaders of the 20th century. Lenin's works made
important contributions to the development of revolutionary socialist theory. Many may feel that
Lenin had little impact on the rest of the world, but this is frankly just not true. Through the
Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin brought about the USSR and the basic idea of communism. Lenin had
bright ideas for the future of the USSR, and was disappointed when he saw people like Joseph Stalin
turning the nation into an controlling dictatorship. Lenin thoroughly enjoyed bringing about the idea
of Leninism to the Russian republic. In the postscript to his brochure, The State and Revolution,
Lenin wrote, "It is more pleasant and useful to go through the 'experience of revolution ' than to
write about it." Vladimir Lenin was most likely one of the few men that could have executed the
Bolshevik Revolution successfully. Lenin's devotion to his ideals was shown by the fact that he
continued to run the revolution even when he was exile. Lenin was actually the only successful
revolutionary to
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Vladimir Lenin Impact On Russia
Vladimir Lenin was a dedicated revolutionary who impacted Russia greatly from 1917–24, due to
his motivations of wanting to achieve a social utopian society. Lenin's ideology was inspired by Karl
Marx's theory of communism. Lenin created his own version of communism, Leninism, as Marx
stated that communism can only be achieved in a developed country, which Russia was not during
this time as peasants made up 84% of the population compared to the 4% that was the working
class. Lenin was able to change certain aspects in Russia such as the economy, society and the
government while in power.
Lenin was motivated by wanting to achieve a socialist state of utopia. His characteristics showed
that he was very dedicated, pragmatic and ruthless as a ... Show more content on ...
Lenin relied on fear and terror to control the citizens of Russia. This lead to the establishment of the
Cheka in December 1917, which was the secret police that made sure consequences were given to
those who opposed the Bolshevik party and were considered as threats to the party. The Red Terror
was created in September 1918 to maintain political control. The Cheka was very similar to the
secret police the Tsar had called the Ohkrana, however the Cheka were more efficient and organised.
Lenin ended Russification, which was the idea that everyone had to speak Russian and believe in the
Church. This meant that the population had freedom of religion, providing that they put communism
before their beliefs. One of Lenin's greatest quotes from the April Thesis was "Bread, Peace, Land".
Due to this, Lenin created the Land Decree, which meant that land was given back to the peasants
and also signed the Treaty of Brest–Litovsk to end the war between Germany and Russia during
World War I (1914–1918) and created peace within Russia. Peace however, was not fulfilled as
shortly after the treaty was signed, civil war occurred in Russia. Richard Pipes, a historian, stated
that the April Thesis, "were not in touch with reality if not simply mad". This indicates that Pipes
believed that Lenin's promises were impossible to achieve during 1917. Lenin also introduced
education to all Russians,
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The Tragedy Of Vladimir Lenin And The Rise Of Joseph Stalin
Some of the most tragic moments in Russian history occurred during the tumultuous period between
the death of Vladimir Lenin and the rise of Joseph Stalin during the 1930s. This was a time of
massive devastation during which almost 5 million peasants died of starvation due to the failures of
collective farming. Thousands of men and women were also falsely accused of anti–patriotism and
sent to Siberian labor camps in which they experienced rampant disease, physical and emotional
abuse, and often execution. Vasily Grossman endeavors to discern who is to blame for these
injustices through his novel "Everything Flows". Grossman's main character, Ivan, has just been
released from almost a thirty year imprisonment following the death of Stalin. Through Ivan's
recollections of camp life and assimilation into Post–Stalinist Russia, Grossman reveals the forces
he believes are at fault. However, his understanding of this guilt is far more complex as revealed
through the means by which he evaluates the culpable factors. Grossman uses a method of
assessment similar to a bottom–up analysis by beginning with the individual elements of the
Communist Party and progressing to a larger holistic view of Russian civilization. This method
allows for multiple factors to bear some of the blame without undue bias holding one entirely
accountable. Thus, Grossman is arguing that the slave identity embedded in Russian history was
responsible for the development of certain characteristics in Lenin 's
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Comparing Vladimir Lenin 's Eyes And A Capitalist Society
The popular, the majority, the working class, the predominant, the masses. There are countless terms
available to describe who has the most socio–political power, the most weathered; the proletariats.
In Vladimir Lenin's eyes, in a capitalist society a proletariat is the term used to describe the working
class, the class that does not have ownership of any means of production(land and capital) and
whose sole income source derives from labor. The minority, who own the majority of the wealth, the
means of production, and the means of coercion(law enforcement and legal system). In a capitalist
society, the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariats. Only the bourgeoisie could afford the means of
production, therefore they control the proletariat's ... Show more content on ...
They would prohibit any Soviet that had a capitalist agenda from gaining any socio–political power,
therefore creating the first completely proletarian government, made by and for the working class.
Another example of where this method was applied is the Chinese Communist Revolution. Qu
Lindong, a prominent Chinese historian at the University of Beijing, describes "Marxism as the
dominant outlook in[Chinese] history." In fact, the Chinese Revolution was championed by Mao
Zedong, a devout believer in the Marxism–Leninism revolutionary theories, whom attempted to
apply the techniques used by Lenin in the Russian Revolution, adapted slightly to fit China's socio–
political needs, to his own nation. Both of these revolution's occurred for the same reason; the
majority's exasperation in their respective, unequal social structure. Essentially, the working class
got tired of being exploited and suppressed by the ruling class, and decided to take a stand against
them, as one unit. The Chinese Revolution was similar to the Russian Revolution because, once
capitalism reigned globally supreme, the only type of revolt that could occur is the overthrow of
capitalism by the conscious revolutionary acts of the proletariat. Therefore, almost all revolutions
are based on class conflict and
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Vladimir Lenin Research Paper
What was the Russian government under Lenin like? What kinds of tasks did it attempt to achieve:
Vladimir Lenin chose the timing of the communist takeover perfectly. The Russians were so tired of
fighting that when the takeover took place it faced hardly any resistance. The problem was that this
passive demeanor wouldn't last long. Communism is such a radical jump of ideologies you cannot
expect everyone to suddenly embrace it with open arms. Consequently, this led to the Bolsheviks
becoming dictators in order to maintain rule. Lenin's first agenda was to end the war with Germany.
He viewed the war as a distraction to the Communist mindset and would not allow it to distract
anyone. The entire Communist system was supposed to be highly scientific based off of facts and
logic. The only problem was that the system failed the Bolsheviks ... Show more content on ...
He saw right away the troubles of the original Communist manifesto and became impatient with
Marx's idea of Communism arriving gradually yet suddenly.
A Russian historian named Richard Pipes wrote, "Soviet Russia was the first society in history to
outlaw law." What did he mean by that: Sometime later in Lenin's rule he gave the order to every
judge in Russia to base legal decisions, with their revolutionary minds. What this means is that the
judges could effectively ignore the law and make decisions that they thought would best serve the
Communist revolution. The worst part is that the only requirements needed to be a judge at the time
were able to read and write. There was no need for silly things like study law for years and
memories the law to get a degree. Things like that were silly and hindered Communism. All a person
needed was to make the best judgment they could use their revolutionary mind. Anything to aid
Communism. As you can imagine this did not sit well with some of the population as no doubt some
truly unfair punishments were handed
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Modern American 's View On Vladimir Lenin 's Economic...
Modern American 's View on Vladimir Lenin 's Economic Policies
Founding the Russian Communist Party and leading the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Vladimir
Lenin was one of the most essential and controversial figures in the 20th century. Deeply believing
in Marxism, Lenin devoted his Initiated for the undertaking of communism in Russia. However,
although undoubtedly a great leader who made a significant contribution in politics and philosophy
to the world, Lenin made considerable bad judgments in the field of economy. By analyzing the
economic policies of Lenin through the lens of modern American politics–including the traditional
capitalism theory, the politics of the democratic and the republican party, and a growing socialism in
America–people can have a new understanding of Lenin 's policy and of the economics problems
the modern society facing.
Initiated for the well–being of the working class under the disturbing working environment of
capitalism factories, communism, and later the Lenin 's socialism, notoriously have a negative
perception of capitalism, depicting it as the evil force that exploits the workers and human morals.
However, many established capitalism rules proved to be appropriate in evaluating many
economical problems. And in this case, capitalism 's theory enable the modern society to look at the
Leninism from a different angle.
The most basic premise of modern economics is that people are rational. Rational people grab every
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Vladimir Lenin Research Paper
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, or also know as Alias Lenin, was born in April 22, 1870 and born in
Ulyanovsk, Russia. Lenin is the
leading political figure and revolutionary thinker of Russia. He is the one who masterminded the
Bolshevik takeover of power in Russia and he is also the creator of the Bolshevik. Vladimir Lenin
the architect and first head in the USSR.
When Lenin was in his young age, he went to school for law. Lenin was expelled for his radical
policies. Lenin completed his law degree in 1891 and then moved to St. Petersburg to become a
professional revolutionary. His contemporaries got him arrested and exile to Siberia when he
married his now wife Nadezhda Krupskaya.
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The Rise And Fall Of Lenin's October Revolution
When Lenin was born, no one knew that he would be the leader of the Communists. which is
remembered to this day. This was a great man. Lenin was in school, sometimes to his molested boys.
Ended is dismantling the schoolyard. Lenin did not like to fight, but had to defend themselves or
protect their friends.
Besides school, Vladimir Ilyich went to work, as in those days needed money to feed themselves
though as that. Counters in the store were almost empty, bakeries were given cards and Vladimir
Ilyich lived or as a rich citizen, and as all the people who surround him. He ran around and handing
out leaflets, walked the streets with a huge pack of books, ran up to the machines and sold them
I do not know how Lenin became the leadierng, ... Show more content on ...
But it was not long traveled, he staged an ambush revolutionaries. Lenin was caught and put behind
bars. Behind bars Lenin reading a book by candlelight, in the margins of the book he wrote a
proclamation milk. But revolutionaries learned about his plans and took the book. After a few days
the Soviet troops reached the place where there was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
They surrounded the revolutionaries and took them prisoner. Lenin was free. The last time Lenin
directed all its forces to the German army. In this battle the Soviet Army finally defeated the enemy
After this victory, the restructuring has begun in the country. Now Lenin was not an enemy of the
people, and friend. They began to bring food, have opened new plants and new buildings began to
One evening, as he usually does, Lenin wanted to get into his car, and then go home. Only Lenin
opened the car door, as there shot rang out. The bullet caught by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and got into
the carotid artery. Lenin died. At the site of the shot was only an old woman, who did not see
anything. She was caught and
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Vladimir Lenin: Founding Father Of The Soviet Union
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as his alias, Vladimir Lenin or even as simply as Lenin, was
an influential and highly significant Communist revolutionary and political theorist turned politician
during the early twentieth century. Greatly acknowledged as the spearing head of Russia's
Communist movement, Lenin became the main founding father of the Soviet Union through his lead
of the October Revolution of 1917 as the head of the Bolsheviks. But, gaining followers and
forming a new government involved solidifying a political philosophy in order to effectively create
any real social or political change. Lenin's own political philosophy evolution began with his
exposure to liberal radicalism against Tsar Alexander II. Through thorough ... Show more content on ...
He truly understood his interpretation of Marx as the only concretely practical and effective version.
Lenin strived for an eventual wholly communist society within Russia that resulted from his
Bolshevik revolution and thus, creation of the Soviet Union. Lenin's evolution of political
philosophy became the complete adoption of Marxism and developed to instilling a belief that it was
Lenin's moral conviction to implement Marxist theory to the
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What Is The Similarities Between Old Major And Lenin
Of the many things that can be compared between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution, one of
the most significant similarities is characters. One of the many allegories is Old Major and Vladimir
Lenin. Vladimir Lenin was born on April 10th, 1870. He was born into a wealthy family and early in
his life, his brother was executed for trying to kill Czar Alexander the 3rd in a bombing plot. This
event eventually led him to becoming a Marxist. One of the main things that Lenin is known for is
being one of the founding fathers of Communism and for being the leader of the Bolshevik Party.
The Bolshevik Party was established during the Russian Revolution to overtake the Provisional
Government because of their inability to keep up with their commitments to the Russian citizens.
When speaking of Old ... Show more content on ...
These situations are very similar being that both figures had attempted shots fired at them while or
shortly after giving a message to their people. The last resemblance between Old Major and Lenin is
that they both had either part or all of their body preserved after death. In Animal Farm, Old Major's
skull was put on display and the animals on the farm had to pass by it daily. "The skull of old Major,
now clean of flesh, had been disinterred from the orchard and set up on a stump at the foot of the
flagstaff, beside the gun. After the hoisting of the flag, the animals were required to file past the
skull in a reverent manner before entering the barn" (Orwell Another parallel between Animal Farm
and the Russian Revolution is Napolean to Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin was born on December 21,
1879. He was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili, however when he was in his 30s he took the
name Stalin, meaning "man of steel". He grew up as an only child and was poor, living with an
alcoholic father who beat him, and a mom who was a laundress. Later in his teen years, he earned a
scholarship to attend seminary. While attending school he began reading the
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Power Struggle of Russia
After WW1, There was a power struggle for the leader of Russia. High level government workers
Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky fought for the throne after the untimely death of Vladimir Lenin.
1Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878. His given name is Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili
or Ио́сиф Виссарио́нович Ста́лин in Russian. He was born in what would now be Georgia in a
place called Gori, Tiflis Governerate, Russian Empire. Stalin's family lived in poverty all throughout
his childhood. His father worked as a cobbler mending shoes and his mother was a maid. He was
very violent towards his son and was an avid alcoholic. The family's home was a small shack off of
a dirt road. They had a serious problem with the home constantly being wet with sewage. Stalin had
many issues with disease as a child. First he caught smallpox at the age of seven. As a result of the
smallpox, scars were left on his face. This would become an area of embarrassment for Stalin
throughout his childhood. Stalin also caught blood poisoning as a child. This was a result of one of
the brutal beatings his father gave him while drunk. Because of this one of his arms became
deformed and stopped growing causing him to lose use of the hand. Because of the intense beatings
Stalins father gave him, he began to hate him. One Stalin became old enough he tried to fight back
so his father would not beat his mother. Stalin received education at his local church school because
of Czar Alexander III's educational
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How Did Lenin Come To Power

  • 1. How Did Lenin Come To Power History: Civil rights project Section A: Background Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born on the 22nd of April,1870. Imperial Russia at the time was still an absolute autocracy ruled by the Tsar and Tsarina. Lenin was born into a well educated family, and lived a relatively comfortable life when compared to the average Russian peasant. Lenin was exposed to the harshness of life under the Tsar from a very early age, and quickly learned to despise the bourgeoisie. He decided that something was inherently wrong with the rich exploiting the numerous poor to fund their extravagant lifestyles, when the proletariat could barely feed themselves. Lenin's father occupied the prestigious position of Director of Public schools for the local province, ... Show more content on ... He hadn't been to Russia for 17 years. When Lenin heard that a revolution had begun, he raced to return to Russia, striking a deal with the Triple alliance to enable him safe passage through Russia's enemy, Germany, on the condition that, when Lenin acquired power, he would remove Russia from the war, freeing up valuable German resources to fight the Entente. This highlights just how desperate Lenin was to return to Russia quickly, lest someone else seize power that, quoting Lenin, "...Was lying in the gutter, just waiting to be acquired" It also struck many conservatives and revolutionaries alike as being strange that Lenin would only return to Russia when he felt that no threat opposed him – which one can imagine would sound hypocritical coming from a man who encouraged revolutionaries to be prepared to die for the cause. Further exacerbating the above mentioned point, when he arrived at Petrograd (St Petersburg) train station, the guards of honour were at the platform to greet him. Lenin was confused and said to his wife, "They will arrest me!" However, when Lenin realised there was no danger he gave a passionate speech right at the station: "Hail to the Global Socialist Revolution!" he declared. The terms he offered met opposition even within the circle of his supporters. His old–time ally Georgy Plekhanov called his idea "crazy" and was sure it would spread anarchy throughout Russia. His grave prediction was not far from reality but Lenin's plan was nonetheless met with an ovation by the people who made the revolution happen – the proletariat. His popularity was based on sheer populism but it worked perfectly for the angry crowds ready for action. They heard exactly what they wanted – and what they had been denied for so long –"Power to people! Power to Soviets!" The overthrow of Tsarism was only the first step Lenin was preparing for the big battle ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Vladimir Lenin Research Paper Steven Copenhaver #42 King SS P.3 Death Power Death | Vladimir Lenin Rising up from an average existence in middle class Russia Vladimir lenin became the most powerful man in all of his nation, and ultimately died starting a downfall of his beloved country. Vladimir Lenin was able to control the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution because of his use of propaganda, this put Russian on the path of totalitarian communism and millions dead. Vladimir Lenin was brought into this world on April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia. (Frame) Vladimir grew up in a normal middle class Russian household. Nothing was extraordinary about the family. Vladimirs grandfather was thought to be either from Germany or of Jewish descent. When Vladimir was growing ... Show more content on ... Nothing was extraordinary about the family. With a little luck and a lot of devotion he became something bigger than himself. Creating a nation from a crazy dude's essay on a perfect world would have been hard by itself, but Vladimir turned it into power and strength. Back from childhood His older brother influenced him to become something greater and Western Europe challenged and helped him to grow politically, and propaganda help him achieve his spot as a leader of Russia. Vladimir owes everything in his life to his older brother, his power, his legacy, and his goals. The irony is that Vladimirs older brother died at the hand of the leader of Russia and so did Vladimir. One was with steel and one was with strokes. Started by death and ended by death. Death Power Death, Vladimir ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Vladimir Lenin Research Paper Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as simply Lenin, was a Russian revolutionary leader and founder of the Soviet Union and the Marxism–Leninism political ideology. He was born on April 22, 1870 in Ulyanovsk, a very small town in a western–central district in the Russian Empire. He was the third of six children of a Russu–German couple, some of which ended up initiating controversial political stir–ups against the Tsar at the time. Growing up, he and his family, like most Russians, were not very favourable of the Tsar Nicholas II. The Tsar's rule was nothing to them but a hipocratic dictatorship regime which focussed more on opression and battling democracy than on developing the Russian Empire as a whole. Russians, who only recently were freed from feudalism, were struct by their version of the Industrial ... Show more content on ... The Balshaviks win the war and founded the Soviet Union. Russia was devistated after the war since not only did over 8 million people died during the war, the nation was plagued with famine and inflation. Lenin proposes the New Economic Policy, allowing farmers to sell their crops, and dies shortly afterwards in January 21, 1924. Lenin was, even decades after his death, the icon of the Soviet Union. Infact, when he died, over 300,000 Russians lined up to see his mummified body in what was one of the world's largest and longest funerals, lasting over five days. The Soviet people loved Lenin as after hundreds of years of oppression from the Tsars, he was the one who freed them and created the modern Communist views of Leninism. Over the course of Soviet history, statues of Lenin were built in every city in Russia, pictures of him were painted in every school and the Soviets went as far as to deploy a picture of Lenin as a child into ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Compare And Contrast Lenin And Stalin CCOT In Russia, at the end of the 19th century, leaders Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin to the attempt to the industrialization of Russia. Although the goals for the economy were the same, the way Nicholas, Lenin, and Stalin addressed the situation differed completely. Nicholas II, took as capitalism approach in order to help the industrialization of Russia. In 1894, Nicholas wanted the country's trade and industry to be collected by private owners for power. Nicholas was a very poor leader, he allowed many of Russians people starve, with nothing to live on. The capitalist government collapsed in 1917. Although Nicholas failed at his attempt to save the economy, he started the help, for future leaders Lenin, and Stalin. Vladimir ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Vladimir Lenin Outline Vuong Pham Derek Rodriguez Stephano Rosas History of Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was born on April 22, 1870. He was born in Simbirsk, Russia. Lenin was the third child of six. Lenin was the founder of the Russian Communist Party, and led the Bolshevik Revolution. Lenin's goal was the reform Russia under communist control, and get rid of the Czar. He was the leader of the Bolsheviks during the Revolution. The Russian or Bolshevik Revolution, was a revolt to overthrow Czar Nicholas the II of Russia after World War I. The revolution started because the people noticed corruption in the government, and the economy was terrible. Lenin's party led a coup d'etat against the government, and overtook the government, with Lenin as leader. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Vladimir Lenin Research Paper Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin both a political scientist and government official. He lead the Bolshevik Revolution also founded the Russian Communist party. He considered "the most influential and controversial political figures of the 20th century."– Vladimir Lynch Ulyanovsk was born on April 22, 1870 in Ulyanovsk, Russia. He was the third of six children, all if his brothers and sisters where very close. Education was the number one priory in his life. Both of his parents made guided him to success. Later on in life things got very hard for Lenin. His father was an inspector for schools, they wanted him to quit his job because the influence he had on the Russian community. In 1887 Aleksandr (Vladimir's older brother) was arrested for planning to kill Alexander III. He and three others were planning to throw bombs in his carriage. Alexzander III showed no mercy they were hung, this was depressing moment in Lenin's life. A year after his brother was executed he was kicked out of Kazan University for protesting against the Tsar, later He studied and got his law license. Sent to his grandfather's place in the village of ... Show more content on ... Petersburg he learned about the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who were philosophers. Karl Marx's beliefs were called Marxism. To talk or write about Marxism like it was a good was illegal in Russia, and Lenin was arrested he got sent to prison in Siberia. This punishment was rough because Siberia is known for being very cold and lonely, and almost no one escapes. In July 1898, when he was still in Siberia, Lenin married Nadezhda Krupskaya. In 1899 he wrote a book he called The Development of Capitalism in Russia. In 1900 Lenin was released from prison and went back home back home. He then traveled around Europe. He began to publish a Marxist newspaper called Iskra, in Russia this means "spark" or "lightning". He also became a member of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, or ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Compare And Contrast Stalin And Lenin Lenin vs Stalin Both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were horrible leaders of the USSR but each do have their positives and negatives. For instance, Lenin started off by giving proletarians (workers in general) limited amount of freedoms but then created a new policy when the people disagreed with them. Stalin, on the other hand, made Russia into an industrialized nation. However, this did cost lives of millions of people by going to corrective labour camps. In my opinion, I believe that Vladimir Lenin was the better leader. I feel this because Lenin did have an intent to create a true communist state by having a classless society while with Stalin, he wanted the USSR to make more money and get further industrialized. In both cases it did ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Causes Of Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was a Marxian idealist who devoted the majority of his adult life to bringing about a Socialist state in Russia. His years committed to the cause would culminate in the October Revolution of 1917, during which the Lenin–led Bolshevik party would seize upon a weakened political regime and institute themselves as the ruling authority of Russia. With Lenin leading the Bolshevik party, eager to usher in the doctrine he had faithfully subscribed to and expounded upon for decades, his dream of a Russian Socialist state was now a humbling yet exciting reality. How, then, did such a Marxian purist fall well short of the utopian vision promised by his political ideology? Lenin's inability to successfully implement the policies which would bring about the ever–elusive socialist utopia can be directly attributed to a variety of factors stemming from three root causes. The first, and most damning, predictor of imminent failure was that, though Russia was ripe for revolution at the time of the Bolshevik takeover, the economy of Russia was not yet ripe for the implementation of Socialist ideals and practices. The second and third root causes of Lenin's ultimate failure are byproducts of the issues that arose from the initial root cause just stated. Due to the impracticality of full–scale implementation of Socialist policies in Russia at the time, Lenin made the reprehensible, though practical, choice to utilize dictatorial tactics of repression and force, often by way of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Contribution Of Vladimir Lenin To the Russian people Vladimir Lenin was an important historical figure and the creator of the Soviet System. Lenin was not always a radical revolutionary, but he transformed into one after reading the books that his older brother had in his library. Lenin's older brother was executed as a radical by the regime which created an early hatred for the Tsar. Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik party and helped to rally support to the party even while in exile through the multiple pieces of writing that he produced. Lenin helped to promote the revolution in 1905 and was only stopped by the outbreak of World War One. While the tsarist Government survived the revolution in 1905 they would fail to do so in the February Revolution which occurred in 1917. After the Tsar fell a provisional government was set up which floundered and failed while Lenin and his Bolsheviks gained power. After being sent back to Russia by Germany, Lenin created his April Thesis which said that the power should be transferred to his soviet socialist party. At first, the Bolsheviks were a minority but by September 1917 they gained the majority and took the power from the provisional government in the October Revolution. After the Revolution, a civil war broke out between the Bolshevik Red army and the anti–Bolshevik White army. Which the Reds eventually won with the leadership of Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin. One of Lenin's most important contributions to the soviet state was organizing a peace treaty ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Life and Impact of Vladimir Lenin Essay Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was an impactful political leader in Russia during the twentieth century. He was a famous figure and left a huge impact on the Russian/Soviet Union Empire for many decades to follow. What he may be known for best, Lenin created and brought up the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics along with helping with the introduction of communism. He applied that communism concept to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics government that he was running. As the political leader in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics government, he tried his best to carry out the communism plan and make the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics a powerful empire. Vladimir Lenin was ordained at an early age to become a revolutionary leader. ... Show more content on ... The disagreement led to a split of the Social Democratic into the Mensheviks, which Plekhanov headed, and the Bolsheviks, which Lenin ran ("Vladimir Lenin Biography"). While Lenin learned almost all there is to know about the communism idea from Plekhanov, he turned against him and they became rivals. Lenin was uprising fast in his movements for the revolutionary of Russia. Becoming the leader of the Bolsheviks group was a huge step forward for him. The only thing in his way was the opposing group ran by Plekhanov, the Mensheviks. With knowledge and some experience under his belt, Lenin was ready to take on the Russian government. He would return to Russia and continue to plan his revolutionary movements against the government. writes that after the outbreak between both revolutionary parties, Lenin headed back to Russia. The revolution in Russia ended when Nicholas II promised reforms, which included the adoption of a constitution and the creation of an elected legislature. However, once order was restored, the Czar declined most of the reforms. Because it was at the same time as World War I, the economy of Russia was disrupted by the costly war effort. In March of 1917, riots and strikes broke out between the proletariats over the scarcity of food. Dispirited army troops ganged with the strikers, and on March 15 Nicholas II was forced to relinquish. This ended centuries of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Lenin's Commandments For Animal Advancements Commandments for Animal Advancements Introduction With a single train ride back to his home, no one in Russia prepared for their governmental system to completely alter. With the deposition of Czar Nicholas II, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin returns home at the peak of the Russian conflict and along the way, he composes the ten directives in 1917 called the April Theses, which the people of Russia eventually follow with the promises of food, land, equality, and peace, while the Soviets take charge. With the documentation of the April Theses, Lenin soon becomes the pride leader of the Bolsheviks, aiming towards his goal of a socialist revolution. As a method to correlate the events of the Russian Revolution, George Orwell writes a fictional novel titled ... Show more content on ... The April Theses consisted of ten commandments and ideas based on Lenin's speeches, which published in the Bolshevik newspaper, Pravda. Moreover, "... Hectored large crowds and churned out endless articles, insisting, 'No great question . . . has yet been resolved in history other than by force.'"(Reynold, 42). Even if the ideologies grew towards the media, no one seemed to respect Lenin's ideas beforehand to the point where "Even Nadya was overheard telling a friend, 'I am afraid it looks as if Lenin has gone crazy.'" (Reynolds 42) when Lenin announced his speech. Despite the inquiries of his sanity, in 1917, "...the Bolsheviks accepted Lenin's April Theses to guide their activity, would revolutionary socialists accord world–historical significance to the Soviet" (Marot 142). Furthermore, the Bolsheviks accepted Lenin's directives due to his composed slogan "All Power to the Soviets", meaning how most of the power of Russia would transfer to the Soviets, their main leading group. The April Theses contained several policies that promised to restore the order of Russia and for those starving. As part of his plan, Lenin wanted to utilize the existing "capitalist state as an instrument to overthrow capitalism and then build socialism with it."(Marot 143). Moreover, Lenin also wanted to use the Paris Commune and Karl Marx's theory of communism as examples for Russia's developing government. With the new expanding government of Russia, Lenin incorporated several of his policies as his contribution to the Bolshevik party, especially when "...he argued that only the Soviet could respond to the hopes, aspirations, and needs of Russia's workers and peasants." ("Lenin, Vladimir Ilich"). In Lenin's perspective, the Soviets ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Five Questions For Vladimir Lenin Essay Five Questions For Vladimir Lenin The most dedicated leader of the revolution, and future leader of the Bolshevik Party in Russia, was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. He was born in 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia, a small town on the Volga River, to a family of hereditary nobles that were not wealt but quite comfortable. Vladimir Ulyanov, who would later change his name to Lenin, was the third of seven children. His oldest brother, Aleksandr, was hanged in May of 1887 for having joined in a plot to kill Czar Alexander III. The czar signed a warra to have the five student conspirators executed. A year earlier, Vladimir's father had died. Because of these cicumstances Vladimir experienced extreme grief. He died of a stroke ... Show more content on ... Even though my ideas have been abandoned in a great majority of the world's nations, I feel in some small way that I have contributed to history. Whether that contribution was positive or negative is left for future generations to decide. My achievemen lies in the drive of my life, communism. It has been the one idea that has kept me going through the few years that I have inhabited this planet, the idea of a classless society. However the complete picture of my design did not take off until after I h died, I am the un–denied leader of communism, taking it from mere theory into workable practice. By pressing communist philosophies into the government I effectively removed the restraints to modernization and industrialization imposed by the former monarchy. (McNeal 68). Thus, I effectively changed the course of Russian history. However even the lshevik party seemed to drift away from my control during my lifetime. Several years after my death a member of the Bolshevik party remarked that, "Had Vladimir lived very much longer he most likely would have landed in jail" (McNeal 68). To tell you th truth, I believe it. However, even though the party changed drastically from its conception the principle, that the party was to be an elite force meant to guide the people, still remained dominant. And along with that is the belief that those who rejec ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Vladimir Lenin And The Russian Revolution Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Russian revolution. Lenin's reason for writing "State and Revolution" was to explain his view on Karl Marx's reasoning for a state and views on what the proletariat, working class, should do during a revolution. The goal of a revolution such as this, a communist revolution, is to give the power to the working people, which is to say that Lenin, similar to Castro and Nkrumah, wants to be free from imperialism. Another is to Lenin's view on revolution is that it can only be achieved through nationality and unity.(Lenin, "State and Revolution, page 22) "The overthrow of bourgeois rule can be accomplished only by the proletariat, as the particular class, which, by the economic conditions of its existence, is being prepared for this work and is provided both with the opportunity and the power to perform it."(Lenin 23) He believes that a revolution can only succeed with the use of violence from the proletariat against the party that is in control.(Lenin, 22–23) "The replacement of the bourgeois by the proletarian state is impossible without a violent revolution."(Lenin, 22) As a leader Lenin is an advocate of change. He is a communist and believes in giving power to the people, mainly the proletariat.(Lenin 20) Kwame Nkrumah, was the leader of Ghana first as Prime Minister then as President once they gained independence from Great Britain. Nkrumah wrote "I speak of freedom: A statement of African Ideology" in part because he ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Vladimir Lenin Research Paper Vladimir Lenin "Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners" (Lenin). Lenin was founder of the Russian Communist Party, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, and architect and first head of the Soviet state. He was also the inspiration for 'Leninism" which was conjoined with Marx's work to create Marxism– Leninism. He has been regarded as one of the greatest revolutionary leaders and thinkers since Marx. Vladimir Lenin was an important Russian leader that helped shape Russian society to what it is now. He was born Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov on April 22, 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia now Ulyanovsk in his honor.Vladimir changed his last name to Lenin while doing underground work for his party. His family was well educated and cultured and Vladimir the 3rd of six children was very close with his family. Lenin valued education very highly and was a very voracious reader and when he finished HS ... Show more content on ... During his lifetime, he suffered three strokes, which eventually led to his resignation. The strokes severely affected the right side of his body, and he was left mute and bedridden in the later part of his life, until his death on January 21, 1924. It was later established that he passed away due to neurosyphilis. Three days after his death, millions of mourners from across the Soviet Union came to see him one last time before he was shifted to the mausoleum. A number of Communist leaders like Stalin, Trotsky and Kalinin were present at the event. Petrograd was renamed 'Leningrad' in honor of Vladimir Lenin and remained so, till 1991. Many statues of Lenin were erected across Europe and many places and structure were named after this Russian leader. There have been countless films and television series' based on the life of Vladimir Lenin such as 'Three Songs about Lenin', 'All my Lenin's' and the miniseries on BBC, 'Fall of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Vladimir Lenin's Role In Russian History Vladimir Lenin played a very important role in Russia's history. Lenin had almost the same exact views about government as Karl Marx did. During Lenin's rule he made decisions that really changed the nation. However, Lenin not only played an important rule in Russian history but in universal history as well. He has been known as the greatest revolutionary leader behind Karl Marx, the one who opened up everyone's eyes to communism (Vladimir Lenin Biography). Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was Lenin's birth name. He took on the last name Lenin when he was working under the table with his government party. Lenin was born in Simbirsk, Russia, on April 22, 1870. Simbirsk was renamed Ulyanovsk in his honor. Lenin had six siblings of whom he was the ... Show more content on ... He believed that only a revolution caused by the working class people would help the government, but the others believed in a revolution of the rich (Vladimir Lenin). Lenin believed that the working class needed to cause the revolution, because they carried the country on their backs. Without the working class the country wouldn't prosper. The working class consisted of merchants, soldiers, peasants, farmers, etc. If Russia took out that class of people Russia would soon deteriorate. The working class was very vital to Russia and that's why Lenin believed that they needed to cause a revolution ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Vladimir Lenin : An Influential Philosopher And... Windle Hutchinson Mrs. Rausch English 10 20 April 2015 Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was a very persuasive person, he was very good at getting crowds and people on his side. He is considered one of the most influential and controversial political figures of the 20th century. Lenin was one of the leaders for the Bolshevik Revelation. Later in 1917 he became the head leader of the USSR, the newly formed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He was born on April 10th of 1870. School was very important to Lenin, because his parents was very smart, and they forced learning. When he went to high school, he had a gift for Latin and Greek. Lenin had a rough life. Like when he was young boy, his dad was threaded by the Gov. to retire early, ... Show more content on ... Karl Marx had a big impact on Lenin. Soon after that Lenin declared himself as a Marxist. In 1892 he got his law degree. Then he moved to Samara, that's were all of the Russian peasants were at. The people were in pain, and that helped his believe in Marxist. Lenin focused more on his ways of the revolutionary politics. He left Samara in the mid–1890s for a new life in St. Petersburg, the Russian capital. There, Lenin got with other like–minded Marxists and began to work together actively in their jobs. People started noticing it, so in December 1895 Lenin and several other of the Marxist leaders were arrested. Lenin was exiled to Siberia for three about years. His fiancée and future wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, went with him. When they got out from exile they went to stint in Munich, where Lenin and others co–founded a newspaper, about Iskar, about the unity of the Russian and European Marxists. Lenin returned to St. Petersburg and he stepped up his leadership role in the revolutionary movement. At the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party meet in 1903, Lenin argued for a streamlined party leadership community, that would lead a network of lower party organizations and their workers. "Give us an organization of revolutionaries," Lenin said, "and we will overturn Russia!" Lenin's speech was soon supported by allot of people. In 1904 Russia went to war with Japan. They went to war because of the impact on Russian ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Vladimir Lenin Research Paper Vladimir Lenin was a Russian communist, revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. Born as Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, I will share information on his life, his beliefs, changes he made to his nation and the effects of these changes. Lenin was born April 22, 1870, in Simbirsk, Russia. He was born into a wealthy middle class family with six other siblings. Growing up, education was a huge part of his childhood. He finished first in his high school class and had a huge love for Latin and Greek. There were two situations that had a major impact on Lenin's life. The first involved Lenin's father. He was a school inspector and was threatened with early retirement because the government worried public schools had too much power. Shortly ... Show more content on ... In 1917, he seized control of Russia. He used the slogan " peace, bread and land " to gain support. Lenin believed in the model of communism. He felt capitalism was unfair because it created a very large poor class and a very small wealthy class. Lenin saw that taking place in Russia. Early in his life, Lenin read a lot on Karl Marx. He looked to a book titled "The Communist Manifesto" written by Marx and Friedrich Engels. The focus of this work was on the unfairness between the rich and the poor. Lenin shared this vision of equality. He believed in a society controlled by the people where everyone was equal. This included ideas like no more private property , government control of education, and government owns and controls all communication and transportation. Lenin took Marx's views and further developed them. His one goal was to place Russia under Bolshevik control as quickly as possible. Although he gained support, it was a confusing time for Russia. Lenin's radical positions caused even greater division. At times, he had to change his extreme positions just to get some support back and secure power. Lenin was smart and a great thinker, and did what he felt necessary to reach his ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Animal Farm By Vladimir Lenin The novel Animal Farm is about a group of animals who rebel against the ranch owner and take over the ranch. However, once the animals were at last all equal, the pigs started to gradually make the farm a dictatorship by deceiving the other animals. The point where the "free" farm became just as atrocious as the original was when the pigs begun to walk on two legs, which was incredibly allegorical of the pigs becoming the evil humans that they swore never to become. Overall, the whole story was a metaphor of the Russian Revolution. Much like it occurred in Animal Farm, the visions of a better future dreamed about by Vladimir Lenin do not transpire. The philosophical goals and outcomes of communist societies are drastically incongruent because humankind is avaricious. Once absolute power is given to a person that does not genuinely believe in the purpose, that person often becomes corrupt. In the case of Animal Farm, the pigs started to relish the luxuries of humans and kept wanting more. To entirely understand why the philosophical goals and outcomes of communist societies are drastically different, one must first understand the reasons for the original development of socialist and communist philosophy in Europe, the events that were impetus behind fundamental change in Russia, and the social, political, economic, and cultural factors which cause the practices of newly formed political systems to deviate from purist philosophy. The reasons for the original development of ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Lenin 's Legacy Of The Soviet Revolution Lenin's Legacy "History will not forgive Revolutionaries for procrastinating when they could be victorious today, while they risk losing much tomorrow, in fact, they risk losing everything" (Vladimir Lenin. Call to Power). Lenin was a persistent Russian ruler who wished to instill his communist views in Russian society at all costs. He was influential in motivating his followers to rise up and overthrow Russia's weak government which lead to the reformation of Russia's weak economy. Although Lenin faced opposing forces from the West, he was able to institute a number of reforms which boosted Russia's broken economy and led to the transformation of Russia from a war–struck country into an economically stable power, prior to his death. Prior to Lenin coming into power, Russia's corrupt government was stuck in a state of war with Germany along with other Western European powers which ultimately led to the revolts of angry Russians due to famine and political issues. The Russo Japanese war began the first Russian revolution in 1905 when Russia suffered a tragic loss on the battlefield (Vladimir Lenin. World History). The Russian loss to Japan forced the government to give up on its expansionist policy resulting in the government losing its followers. This was the most devastating defeat Russia has ever faced to a non–European force and proved Czar Nicholas unfit to rule the nation. To restore order within the society, Czar Nicholas instituted the October Manifesto, which ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Vladimir Lenin And The Bolshevik Revolution According to the Staff, "The October Revolution began on November 6 and 7, 1917 (or October 24 and 25 on the Julian calendar)." (Russian Revolution"). The October Revolution has also been called the Bolshevik Revolution since the Bolshevik Party played a crucial role in the revolution. The leader of the Bolshevik Party, Vladimir Lenin was a big supporter of Karl Marx. Another Marxist who leads this revolution was Leon Trotsky. In an article by the Staff, "Lenin had created an, almost, bloodless coup d'état against the provisional government." ("Russian Revolution"). The Bolshevik revolution started when, Alexander Kerensky, rather than follow an order. On October 24th, Kerensky ordered troops that were loyal, to act against the Bolshevik. Encyclopædia Britannica tells us that, "Kerensky was a socialist revolutionary who served as head of the Russian Provisional Government." ("Aleksandr Kerensky"). According to Staff, "The provisional government had created a group of leaders from Russia's bourgeois capitalist class. Lenin would alternatively call for a Soviet state that would be controlled directly by councils of workers, peasants, and soldiers." ("Russian Revolution"). Both decided that the Soviets was going to be a useful instrument in the next revolution. They didn't want the Soviets to have all the power until they could control them. In the book, Rise and fall of Communism 2009, Archie Brown shows us that, "On 12 October, according to the old calendar, Trotsky took command of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet and on 25 October...the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd" (Brown 51). Insurrection was to start, but there were complications with the date set. In the book, The History of the Russian Revolution 1960, Leon Trotsky says, "At a session of the Petrograd Soviet on the 18th, Trotsky, in answer to a question raised by the enemy, declared that the Soviet had not set a date for an insurrection, in the coming days, but that if it became necessary to set one, the workers and soldiers would come out as one man" (Trotsky 162). There were forty thousand workers in the army of Petrograd. On the 22nd of October, there was a meeting of the Red ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Vladimir Lenin And The Soviet Revolution Vladimir Lenin has proven to be a difficult figure to place in history. Some choose to view him as one of the most influential political leaders in history, while others allow him to fade off into the past. Lenin's image also greatly depends on where one lives. In the western half of the world, Lenin is viewed as a man of destruction, and Winston Churchill called him "The Grand Repudiator." In other parts of the world, he is viewed as a man who tried to make the best out of a failing situation. Lenin was a revolutionary intellectual who establish the Bolshevik Party (later renamed the Communist Party). He was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, and, therefore, began the first government of the Soviet Union. Lenin became leader of the USSR in 1922 and ruled until his death in 1924, when Joseph Stalin assumed power. Though many argue that Lenin started one of the worst governments in history, Russian Communism, Lenin actually provided a solution for the troubling times in Russia. In the 1890, Lenin quit his job as a lawyer and moved to St. Petersburg where he became involved with a group of radicals that supported the ideas of Karl Marx. In 1903 at the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), Lenin and his fellow radicals argued for the development of a new political party that was tight–knit and limited in number. This party would be highly involved in organizational work. Later in 1904–1905 when Russia went to war with Japan, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Vladimir Lenin And The Great Political Leaders Of The 20th... Logan Evans Mr. Brennan Honors World Civ. March 31, 2016 Lenin One of the great political leaders of the 20th century, Vladimir Lenin, made a huge impact on the world. He was revolutionary, and whether you love him or hate him, he was a man with ambition. He was the founder of the Soviet Union and formed the country that sparked an intense rivalry with the United States and put a new form of government into place. This was a man with ambition to get rid of capitalism and change the ways of Russia. From his birth, to his career, and up until the day he died, Vladimir Lenin had a very interesting life, and was one of the great political leaders of the 20th century. Vladimir Lenin gave birth to a new Russia that would be the state the country was in for years to come. He gave birth to the superpower of the Soviet Union. Vladimir Lenin was born in Simbirsk, Russia in the year of 1870. The name given to him at birth was not actually Vladimir Lenin, instead, he was given the name Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov. It was later in life that he changed his name to what he is known as today. Vladimir and the rest of the Ulyanovs lived in a small house on the edge of town. Vladimir was the a middle child, third born of six children, within the Ulyanov family. Vladimir had a sister named Anna, a brother named Sasha, another sister named Olga, another brother named Dmitri, and another sister named Maria. Many Russians view the Volga River as the heart and soul of Russia, and Lenin spent the ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. How Did Vladimir Lenin Contribute To The Rise Of Communism... The socialist ideology was adopted by a whole country in the 20th century, by Russia that shortly after would unify with other countries to form USSR. Socialist regime was established in Russia in 1917 after a revolution knocked down the tsarist monarchy that was in force. After the end of the monarchy, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin initiated the socialist government that defended ideals based on, mainly, Marxist principals. Lenin's government faced a strong opposition from those who supported the tsarist regime what resulted in a long civil war that left Russia devastated. To rebuild it, the government had to abandon some socialist principles. Through the New Economic Politic (NEP), the country became to use capitalistisc ways of ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Vladimir Lenin Essay Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin was the Bolshevik leader. He was a clever thinker and a practical man; he knew how to take advantage of events. When Lenin arrived in Russia, he issued a document called the April theses, promising 'peace, bread, land and freedom'. He called for an end to the 'Capitalist' war, and demanded that power should be given to the soviets. He demanded a revolution against the Provisional Government as soon as possible. In November 1917, under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional government, beginning the era of Communist rule in ... Show more content on ... Under the NEP peasants handed over half of the food they produced to the government. Whatever surplus was left they could sell for profit. The policy gave peasants an incentive to work – the more food they produced, the richer they became. Food production expanded. The best, most successful farmers became known as kulaks. They became rich because of the NEP. In industry, the most successful workers became known as Nepmen. The NEP resulted in huge increases in production in all sectors of the Russian economy. However in January 21st 1924 Lenin died. Lenin had a pragmatic and realistic approach to problems. He was able to 'seize the moment' which was vital in the Bolsheviks gaining power. His organisation and leadership of the Bolshevik party transformed it. When Lenin died in January 1924 he had nominated Leon Trotsky as his chosen successor. Yet it was Joseph Stalin who was eventually to emerge as leader of the party. This was largely because Stalin was a clever and astute politician, who was seen as being a man of the people. He was able to manoeuvre himself into a position of power through his role as General Secretary of the Communist Party. Once in power, he exerted an iron grip on the USSR. Stalin's aims differed from Lenin's in that he did not expect to spread Communism worldwide until Communism was secure in the USSR. He also wanted to achieve autarky in ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Vladimir Lenin: The Bolshevik Revolution The 20th century would see the rise and fall of many civilizations, empires, and nations. Arguably none of these republics were greater than the Soviet Union. Nor, any revolutionary as influential as the Soviet Union's founder, Vladimir Lenin. This communist nation stretched over two continents and into the middle east and had risen from the ashes of another empire. If it had not have been for a revolutionary born on April 22, 1870 the world today would be a completely unrecognizable place. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born into a middle class family, yet he recognized the struggle of proletarians, or the working class, under the oppressive rule of the Russian Monarchy and capitalism. While in college, he began protesting and attending demonstrations ... Show more content on ... While I personally cannot build a country or overthrow a government I can still work to make my country a better place. By helping out at a community soup kitchen or volunteering to phone bank for my local Democratic party I apply the virtues from Vladimir Lenin's life to my own. Just as Lenin strived to help the socioeconomically disprivileged through abolishing the oppressive system to keep them in line I have the same goals, but with different means. By supporting Bernie Sanders and his own 'political revolution' I feel like I am supporting the candidate Vladimir Lenin or any other communist would have supported. Many people have deeply rooted issues with communism or the Soviet Union itself and incorrectly believe that Vladimir Lenin was a dictator or a fascist himself; therefore, they choose to ignore his achievements and look at him as a villain rather than a comrade or role model. Even though the Soviet was eventually corrupted by Joseph Stalin, who was' leadership was opposed by Lenin, without Joseph Stalin's leadership the USSR may not have gotten involved in WWII. Without Soviet assistance it is plausible that the Allies might not have won the war. Positive things did come from the nation Lenin created even after he was gone. There is no way to get other people with this bias to look at Vladimir Lenin as anything but ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Vladimir Lenin As A Hero Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, throughout time many of them have risen and fallen. A hero is characterized as someone that is a leader to his people, they reflect societal views, and yet they have a major flaw that often causes their downfall. During the 20th century a revolutionary man rose from his years of exile to lead the Bolshevik party into power, his name, Vladimir Lenin. Lenin stands as a prime example of a leader that reflects Russia's social values, and as a flaw for his outspoken nature suffers from a near–death assassination. Vladimir Lenin, like Achilles, looked for ways that benefited him in order to gain power, he was an aggressive man that had a certain set of beliefs that led to become a Marxist. Lenin enrolled in the Kazan University, only to be expelled within his first term for participating in a student demonstration. During his time from his studies, Lenin immersed himself in revolutionary politics, taking a large interest in Karl Marx's writings, this later played a large influence during his time of power. Lenin in many cases is similar to Achilles, a fictional warrior from the Iliad. In book 22, Priam compares Achilles to Orion's dog, to Greeks this is a bad omen. Priam then turns to his son, who stands outside the gates of Troy, and tells him this, "He is more powerful by far than you, and pitiless" (143, bk 22, lines 47–48). Priam knows that Hector has no chance of winning against Achilles, for he is out to get revenge on the death of his ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Effects Of Vladimir Lenin On Russia Emma McKnight English 1A Professor Valdes October 30th, 2017 The Effects of Vladimir Lenin on Russia Weak and unstable in its revolution and a battle on the Eastern Front, Communism weeded its way into Russia and changed the lives of millions of people. Under the influence of Lenin and his principles events such as the Red Terror, overall famine, and slave labor camps became the country's reality. Russia participation in the war may have been stopped, but the consequences were much greater. However, this could have never happened without Germany's interference in the February Revolution of Russia, helping Vladimir Lenin return to Russia with his Marxist ideals and push the provisional government out of office. The effects Communism had on ... Show more content on ... To the Bolsheviks disappointment, the new government kept Russian involvement in The Great War and the two front war stayed persistent for Germany. With Lenin seeking passage into Russia and the government showing no intention of letting him, it wasn't until Germany's financial support that he able to sneak into the country via train. The effects that Lenin's arrival first had on the Bolsheviks party began with the weakening of the provisional government, primarily ending Russia's fight in the war. Lenin had been gathering supporters since the 1890s with those apart of the forces in the war, alongside other supporters, travelling worldwide and spreading his word of Marxist ideals and a Russia that was no longer wrapped up in World War One. It wasn't long before he garnered enough manpower to seize control and caused a great deal of uproar when he had turned the Russian Army against the Russian provisional government to completely wash Prime Minister Kerensky out. After seizing railroad stations, telegraph lines, and government offices, and subsequently sending out the people–elected provisional government, Lenin was able to intimidate the elected government out of office and have control. But the people were upset, their votes for Kerensky were ignored and it would only be the beginning for more strife. Once in office, he sought to end the conflict with Germany and achieved this through the Treaty of ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. How Did Lenin Become Totalitarian In the widely known book Animal Farm, by George Orwell, Old Major, metaphorically representing Vladimir Lenin, was an influential and intelligent character who hoped for a government where there was equality and unity within his nation. Vladimir Lenin had one day hoped for a government called Marxism–Leninism; which was an expanded form of Communism that would hugely benefit the working class of the nation. Although he wanted such a fantastic sounding government system, when put to work on a nation, it would be almost certain to fall apart, due to the greed and variety of human nature. The government system in which the writers believe Lenin would prosper the most, is a government close to the way the United States run, which is a Constitutional Republic ... Show more content on ... Lenin was a heavy political speaker and had great plans, but the government he lived in limited what he was about to fix or at least try to change. However moving him to a Constitutional Republic Democracy would fix this and give him a chance to do what he loved, changing things for the better. Not only this, but Lenin could also make the government more equal and perfect like he always wanted it to be. Lenin would have the right to speak about what the people and government is wrong and he could innovate it to what the people wanted. Lenin was trying to change the world into a improved and balanced world where all people are equal and there's no dictator, and this political system will give him this freedom. For example, Lenin could help the working class and below advantage people get some of the money that the "1%" is hogging all to themselves. He can show everyone that its now time for change into a improved and phenomenal nation, and this time he will have not as many limits as he had in the Russian ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. The Revolution Of The Soviet Revolution Many historians agree that Vladimir Lenin was one of the most motivating revolutionaries in the history of the world. Once Lenin became a statesman he lost focus on how to run a country, and he lacked a plan. Lenin's greatest achievements were in fact during the struggle for power in Russia, and not during his time as leader of the USSR. His leadership in the revolutionary Bolshevik party served as an important model for later revolutionary leaders of the 20th century. Lenin's works made important contributions to the development of revolutionary socialist theory. Many may feel that Lenin had little impact on the rest of the world, but this is frankly just not true. Through the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin brought about the USSR and the basic idea of communism. Lenin had bright ideas for the future of the USSR, and was disappointed when he saw people like Joseph Stalin turning the nation into an controlling dictatorship. Lenin thoroughly enjoyed bringing about the idea of Leninism to the Russian republic. In the postscript to his brochure, The State and Revolution, Lenin wrote, "It is more pleasant and useful to go through the 'experience of revolution ' than to write about it." Vladimir Lenin was most likely one of the few men that could have executed the Bolshevik Revolution successfully. Lenin's devotion to his ideals was shown by the fact that he continued to run the revolution even when he was exile. Lenin was actually the only successful revolutionary to ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Vladimir Lenin Impact On Russia Vladimir Lenin was a dedicated revolutionary who impacted Russia greatly from 1917–24, due to his motivations of wanting to achieve a social utopian society. Lenin's ideology was inspired by Karl Marx's theory of communism. Lenin created his own version of communism, Leninism, as Marx stated that communism can only be achieved in a developed country, which Russia was not during this time as peasants made up 84% of the population compared to the 4% that was the working class. Lenin was able to change certain aspects in Russia such as the economy, society and the government while in power. Lenin was motivated by wanting to achieve a socialist state of utopia. His characteristics showed that he was very dedicated, pragmatic and ruthless as a ... Show more content on ... Lenin relied on fear and terror to control the citizens of Russia. This lead to the establishment of the Cheka in December 1917, which was the secret police that made sure consequences were given to those who opposed the Bolshevik party and were considered as threats to the party. The Red Terror was created in September 1918 to maintain political control. The Cheka was very similar to the secret police the Tsar had called the Ohkrana, however the Cheka were more efficient and organised. Lenin ended Russification, which was the idea that everyone had to speak Russian and believe in the Church. This meant that the population had freedom of religion, providing that they put communism before their beliefs. One of Lenin's greatest quotes from the April Thesis was "Bread, Peace, Land". Due to this, Lenin created the Land Decree, which meant that land was given back to the peasants and also signed the Treaty of Brest–Litovsk to end the war between Germany and Russia during World War I (1914–1918) and created peace within Russia. Peace however, was not fulfilled as shortly after the treaty was signed, civil war occurred in Russia. Richard Pipes, a historian, stated that the April Thesis, "were not in touch with reality if not simply mad". This indicates that Pipes believed that Lenin's promises were impossible to achieve during 1917. Lenin also introduced education to all Russians, ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Tragedy Of Vladimir Lenin And The Rise Of Joseph Stalin Some of the most tragic moments in Russian history occurred during the tumultuous period between the death of Vladimir Lenin and the rise of Joseph Stalin during the 1930s. This was a time of massive devastation during which almost 5 million peasants died of starvation due to the failures of collective farming. Thousands of men and women were also falsely accused of anti–patriotism and sent to Siberian labor camps in which they experienced rampant disease, physical and emotional abuse, and often execution. Vasily Grossman endeavors to discern who is to blame for these injustices through his novel "Everything Flows". Grossman's main character, Ivan, has just been released from almost a thirty year imprisonment following the death of Stalin. Through Ivan's recollections of camp life and assimilation into Post–Stalinist Russia, Grossman reveals the forces he believes are at fault. However, his understanding of this guilt is far more complex as revealed through the means by which he evaluates the culpable factors. Grossman uses a method of assessment similar to a bottom–up analysis by beginning with the individual elements of the Communist Party and progressing to a larger holistic view of Russian civilization. This method allows for multiple factors to bear some of the blame without undue bias holding one entirely accountable. Thus, Grossman is arguing that the slave identity embedded in Russian history was responsible for the development of certain characteristics in Lenin 's ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Comparing Vladimir Lenin 's Eyes And A Capitalist Society The popular, the majority, the working class, the predominant, the masses. There are countless terms available to describe who has the most socio–political power, the most weathered; the proletariats. In Vladimir Lenin's eyes, in a capitalist society a proletariat is the term used to describe the working class, the class that does not have ownership of any means of production(land and capital) and whose sole income source derives from labor. The minority, who own the majority of the wealth, the means of production, and the means of coercion(law enforcement and legal system). In a capitalist society, the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariats. Only the bourgeoisie could afford the means of production, therefore they control the proletariat's ... Show more content on ... They would prohibit any Soviet that had a capitalist agenda from gaining any socio–political power, therefore creating the first completely proletarian government, made by and for the working class. Another example of where this method was applied is the Chinese Communist Revolution. Qu Lindong, a prominent Chinese historian at the University of Beijing, describes "Marxism as the dominant outlook in[Chinese] history." In fact, the Chinese Revolution was championed by Mao Zedong, a devout believer in the Marxism–Leninism revolutionary theories, whom attempted to apply the techniques used by Lenin in the Russian Revolution, adapted slightly to fit China's socio– political needs, to his own nation. Both of these revolution's occurred for the same reason; the majority's exasperation in their respective, unequal social structure. Essentially, the working class got tired of being exploited and suppressed by the ruling class, and decided to take a stand against them, as one unit. The Chinese Revolution was similar to the Russian Revolution because, once capitalism reigned globally supreme, the only type of revolt that could occur is the overthrow of capitalism by the conscious revolutionary acts of the proletariat. Therefore, almost all revolutions are based on class conflict and ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Vladimir Lenin Research Paper What was the Russian government under Lenin like? What kinds of tasks did it attempt to achieve: Vladimir Lenin chose the timing of the communist takeover perfectly. The Russians were so tired of fighting that when the takeover took place it faced hardly any resistance. The problem was that this passive demeanor wouldn't last long. Communism is such a radical jump of ideologies you cannot expect everyone to suddenly embrace it with open arms. Consequently, this led to the Bolsheviks becoming dictators in order to maintain rule. Lenin's first agenda was to end the war with Germany. He viewed the war as a distraction to the Communist mindset and would not allow it to distract anyone. The entire Communist system was supposed to be highly scientific based off of facts and logic. The only problem was that the system failed the Bolsheviks ... Show more content on ... He saw right away the troubles of the original Communist manifesto and became impatient with Marx's idea of Communism arriving gradually yet suddenly. A Russian historian named Richard Pipes wrote, "Soviet Russia was the first society in history to outlaw law." What did he mean by that: Sometime later in Lenin's rule he gave the order to every judge in Russia to base legal decisions, with their revolutionary minds. What this means is that the judges could effectively ignore the law and make decisions that they thought would best serve the Communist revolution. The worst part is that the only requirements needed to be a judge at the time were able to read and write. There was no need for silly things like study law for years and memories the law to get a degree. Things like that were silly and hindered Communism. All a person needed was to make the best judgment they could use their revolutionary mind. Anything to aid Communism. As you can imagine this did not sit well with some of the population as no doubt some truly unfair punishments were handed ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Modern American 's View On Vladimir Lenin 's Economic... Modern American 's View on Vladimir Lenin 's Economic Policies Founding the Russian Communist Party and leading the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Vladimir Lenin was one of the most essential and controversial figures in the 20th century. Deeply believing in Marxism, Lenin devoted his Initiated for the undertaking of communism in Russia. However, although undoubtedly a great leader who made a significant contribution in politics and philosophy to the world, Lenin made considerable bad judgments in the field of economy. By analyzing the economic policies of Lenin through the lens of modern American politics–including the traditional capitalism theory, the politics of the democratic and the republican party, and a growing socialism in America–people can have a new understanding of Lenin 's policy and of the economics problems the modern society facing. Initiated for the well–being of the working class under the disturbing working environment of capitalism factories, communism, and later the Lenin 's socialism, notoriously have a negative perception of capitalism, depicting it as the evil force that exploits the workers and human morals. However, many established capitalism rules proved to be appropriate in evaluating many economical problems. And in this case, capitalism 's theory enable the modern society to look at the Leninism from a different angle. The most basic premise of modern economics is that people are rational. Rational people grab every opportunity ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Vladimir Lenin Research Paper Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, or also know as Alias Lenin, was born in April 22, 1870 and born in Ulyanovsk, Russia. Lenin is the leading political figure and revolutionary thinker of Russia. He is the one who masterminded the Bolshevik takeover of power in Russia and he is also the creator of the Bolshevik. Vladimir Lenin the architect and first head in the USSR. When Lenin was in his young age, he went to school for law. Lenin was expelled for his radical policies. Lenin completed his law degree in 1891 and then moved to St. Petersburg to become a professional revolutionary. His contemporaries got him arrested and exile to Siberia when he married his now wife Nadezhda Krupskaya. ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. The Rise And Fall Of Lenin's October Revolution When Lenin was born, no one knew that he would be the leader of the Communists. which is remembered to this day. This was a great man. Lenin was in school, sometimes to his molested boys. Ended is dismantling the schoolyard. Lenin did not like to fight, but had to defend themselves or protect their friends. Besides school, Vladimir Ilyich went to work, as in those days needed money to feed themselves though as that. Counters in the store were almost empty, bakeries were given cards and Vladimir Ilyich lived or as a rich citizen, and as all the people who surround him. He ran around and handing out leaflets, walked the streets with a huge pack of books, ran up to the machines and sold them cigarettes. I do not know how Lenin became the leadierng, ... Show more content on ... But it was not long traveled, he staged an ambush revolutionaries. Lenin was caught and put behind bars. Behind bars Lenin reading a book by candlelight, in the margins of the book he wrote a proclamation milk. But revolutionaries learned about his plans and took the book. After a few days the Soviet troops reached the place where there was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. They surrounded the revolutionaries and took them prisoner. Lenin was free. The last time Lenin directed all its forces to the German army. In this battle the Soviet Army finally defeated the enemy army. After this victory, the restructuring has begun in the country. Now Lenin was not an enemy of the people, and friend. They began to bring food, have opened new plants and new buildings began to appear. One evening, as he usually does, Lenin wanted to get into his car, and then go home. Only Lenin opened the car door, as there shot rang out. The bullet caught by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and got into the carotid artery. Lenin died. At the site of the shot was only an old woman, who did not see anything. She was caught and ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Vladimir Lenin: Founding Father Of The Soviet Union Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as his alias, Vladimir Lenin or even as simply as Lenin, was an influential and highly significant Communist revolutionary and political theorist turned politician during the early twentieth century. Greatly acknowledged as the spearing head of Russia's Communist movement, Lenin became the main founding father of the Soviet Union through his lead of the October Revolution of 1917 as the head of the Bolsheviks. But, gaining followers and forming a new government involved solidifying a political philosophy in order to effectively create any real social or political change. Lenin's own political philosophy evolution began with his exposure to liberal radicalism against Tsar Alexander II. Through thorough ... Show more content on ... He truly understood his interpretation of Marx as the only concretely practical and effective version. Lenin strived for an eventual wholly communist society within Russia that resulted from his Bolshevik revolution and thus, creation of the Soviet Union. Lenin's evolution of political philosophy became the complete adoption of Marxism and developed to instilling a belief that it was Lenin's moral conviction to implement Marxist theory to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. What Is The Similarities Between Old Major And Lenin Of the many things that can be compared between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution, one of the most significant similarities is characters. One of the many allegories is Old Major and Vladimir Lenin. Vladimir Lenin was born on April 10th, 1870. He was born into a wealthy family and early in his life, his brother was executed for trying to kill Czar Alexander the 3rd in a bombing plot. This event eventually led him to becoming a Marxist. One of the main things that Lenin is known for is being one of the founding fathers of Communism and for being the leader of the Bolshevik Party. The Bolshevik Party was established during the Russian Revolution to overtake the Provisional Government because of their inability to keep up with their commitments to the Russian citizens. When speaking of Old ... Show more content on ... These situations are very similar being that both figures had attempted shots fired at them while or shortly after giving a message to their people. The last resemblance between Old Major and Lenin is that they both had either part or all of their body preserved after death. In Animal Farm, Old Major's skull was put on display and the animals on the farm had to pass by it daily. "The skull of old Major, now clean of flesh, had been disinterred from the orchard and set up on a stump at the foot of the flagstaff, beside the gun. After the hoisting of the flag, the animals were required to file past the skull in a reverent manner before entering the barn" (Orwell Another parallel between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution is Napolean to Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin was born on December 21, 1879. He was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili, however when he was in his 30s he took the name Stalin, meaning "man of steel". He grew up as an only child and was poor, living with an alcoholic father who beat him, and a mom who was a laundress. Later in his teen years, he earned a scholarship to attend seminary. While attending school he began reading the ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Power Struggle of Russia After WW1, There was a power struggle for the leader of Russia. High level government workers Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky fought for the throne after the untimely death of Vladimir Lenin. 1Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878. His given name is Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili or Ио́сиф Виссарио́нович Ста́лин in Russian. He was born in what would now be Georgia in a place called Gori, Tiflis Governerate, Russian Empire. Stalin's family lived in poverty all throughout his childhood. His father worked as a cobbler mending shoes and his mother was a maid. He was very violent towards his son and was an avid alcoholic. The family's home was a small shack off of a dirt road. They had a serious problem with the home constantly being wet with sewage. Stalin had many issues with disease as a child. First he caught smallpox at the age of seven. As a result of the smallpox, scars were left on his face. This would become an area of embarrassment for Stalin throughout his childhood. Stalin also caught blood poisoning as a child. This was a result of one of the brutal beatings his father gave him while drunk. Because of this one of his arms became deformed and stopped growing causing him to lose use of the hand. Because of the intense beatings Stalins father gave him, he began to hate him. One Stalin became old enough he tried to fight back so his father would not beat his mother. Stalin received education at his local church school because of Czar Alexander III's educational ... Get more on ...