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It’s a long day for me and also not a productive one. I was just managed to post one half of the minimum
post allowed in a single day. I have also noticed that more connections is not an assurance of a big
earning here in bubblews. When I happened to view the list of the accounts deleted here, I was very
much surprised to see many of my active connections was among those were deleted. I wonder if in the
previous months some of my connections were also deleted as I could no longer see many of my regular
friends making interactions the past few weeks. Viewing of my post has also dramatically decrease this
past days, I don’t know if this was in my choice of article posted or for the errors which is normal now in
bubblews, thereby losing interest in interactions and bubbling for extended hours, which happened to
me personally.
THE UNREALIZED POWER OF CHRIST FROM MATT. 28:1818 And Jesus came and said to them, “All
authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me
Jesus has power over:
Stilling the tempest
Change water to wine
Curse the fig tree
Over sins
To forgive
To heal sickness like in the case of the withered hands, the blind, the woman with problem on
her menstruation , and among others.
Over physical needs- feeding the people
Power over Satan- tempted but did not yield, CAST OUT DEMONS AND AMONG OTHERS.
Restore the lunatic child
Restore demoniac child
Power over death.
HOW TO HAVE A MISERABLE LIFE- Luke 15: 11-23 The Story of the Prodigal Son
1. He is self – willed- got his inheritance and spent it in destitute living.
2. Selfish- got all of his share and spend for personal gratification.
3. Separated Life- he lived a riotous living, when living a life away from God, endangers it.
4. Sensual- live in the lust of the flesh.
1.Destitution- always wanting, in want
2.Self- abasement
3. Starvation
REMEMBER THEIR NAMES- If you want people to like you, don’t forget to remember their names and
call them by it rather than surname.
The sweetest words to be heard is when your name is called even in short acquaintance.
In our bubbling activity some bubblers called me by my real name which they got in my facebook
account I think, wherein it amazed me.
RECOGNIZE THEIR POTENTIALS- mentioning others capacities and special skills is helpful and self - lifting.
REQUEST THEIR HELP- asking the assistance of others does not mean, a leader is lazy to do it but it
means, you’re recognized of your worth.
REWARD THEIR EFFORTS- Every task done must also be rewarded or recognized so as to encourage the
doer to continue, thus lifting their morale.
These could be helpful to all leaders in order to have a happy followers especially and to all who wanted
to have more friends or likers in bubblews.LOL
To know if a person is a believer of Christ/ God the following characteristics/ marks would
1. WITH DESIRE TO LISTEN TO GOD’S WORDS- go to church to listen to preaching and
teaching of His Words.
2. CONTINUING IN HIS WORDS- lived in the teachings of the Bible.
3. A DISCIPLINED LEARNER/DISCIPLE- The fruits of the Holy Spirit are seen
4. WILLINGLY SUFFER FOR CHRIST- can do the work as called to do for the sake of Christ.
5. OBEY GOD FIRST- left everything like on the day of Sunday and go to church to worship
the Lord with fellow believers.
6. WITH BROTHERLY LOVE- love the sinners and hate the sins committed.
Last two days, I read that in Japan, men want women who have big eyes and full lips.
In Nepal, men aren’t interested in pretty girl faces.
Findings of new study of men’s preferences for female faces in 28 nations drawn to feminine looks, large
eyes, pillow lips and a soft jaw to a greater extent in countries that are healthiest.
Preference to women who can hold on to resources, study researcher Urzula Marcinkowska, a doctoral
candidate of the university of Turku in Finland.
Some macho man in less developed nation preferred strong jaw, squinty eyes, dominant brow which
accordingly signals to have strong genes to pass to his child.
The Nepalese want girly face.
Nigerians, Colombians and Japanese men more interested in feminine charms followed by Australians.
They believed that feminine looks signal fecundity that could bear lots of children.
In harsh condition, men don’t want a pretty face.
News/photo credit:http://live science/yahoo news
JOSHUA 1:6-9 God is with us wherever we go.
Are you sometimes bothered/worried of some annoyance around? God says:
Be of good courage, don’t be afraid God will never leave us, nor forsake us.
Fear not God will help us.
God provides all our needs.
Fear not God is with us.- we should keep in mind that God is watching us.
Psa. 147:3 God heals the broken heart- He will answer our prayers even we asked He already knew what
we need.
God holds us from discouragement, frustrations, and keeps us. Isa. 42:6
As what God promised when He said, “ My sheep hear my voice and know me, neither shall any man
pluck them out of my hands”.
In every work two kinds of worker/labourer can be differentiated with the following words.
Take for example in a classroom setting which is the effective teacher and the efficient one?
In an effective teacher, children were able to grasp the lessons presented. Almost everyone can retell to
others what has been taught during the day. The learners could easily recall the lesson and apply to
their lives as shown by them.
However, an efficient one is an organized, systematic and performing well in his teaching wherein all the
necessary data were properly defined.
Because of his expertise, he’s not able to go down to the learner’s level because seemed hard for him to
adjust being used to the style but not to the way the learners would learn.
Therefore, which do you prefer a knowledgeable, best, and excellent one or a teacher that produced
result, the intended purpose was achieved in his own little way?
Pride tops the list of God’s most hated sins Prov.6:16-19.
When forgiving others, it’s very hard to do especially when we don’t recognize our fallibility.
To a proud person, it is very difficult, right?
In our daily struggles, we committed some mistakes because of some reasons.
Some people around us triggered us to become, right?
What made us do things unreasonable sometimes because of the failures of others.
Sometimes, that’s misunderstood and you felt bombarded because of their failure to understand the
reason behind.
Others sometimes are unfair, judging us with any words without digging the reasons behind.
So sad to think. But we need to move forward. Forgiving them is to be done for we can’t do anything
with this kind of people.
Pride in us must be set aside and just entrust all to the Great Judge for nothing is unfair with Him.
Continue bubbling friends and let’s forgive those who disliked us. LOL
Each one of us may or may not be guilty of this but we need to have self -evaluation in order to know
whether we’re having such an unforgiving attitude toward others.
1. God seems so distant.
2. The fruit of the spirit is not evident in our life. Gal. 5:22-23
3. We have no desire to pray.
4. We have no desire to read God’s Words.
5. There is no joy in life.
6. Don’t enjoy fellowship with others.
7. Feeling others are against me.
8. Bored with everything.
9. Haunted by someone, we’d like to forget.
10. Can’t think of anything pleasant about certain individuals.
11. Feel drained emotionally.
12. Resent, resist and rebel against certain people and situations in life.
13. Feeling don’t deserve such.
14. Wanted to see someone else suffer because of the pain they did to us.
15. Life is characterized by complaints.
Let’s consider the following :
Try to change our husband/wife. Just like saying,” I’ll be happy, when he/she’ll changed”.
This refers to all who had a great desire to one’s partner but left unfulfilled.
Trying to manipulate to get one’s way and felt contented when gone there.
Doing things just to reach one’s desire and feeling contented when obtained.
In marriage life, saying doing it for a while and when failed to do it, stop. That’s not letting God do His
actions in us.
Experienced anger, rage and bitterness when others fail what we want them to do.
Not ready to forgive others because of crossing our will , so then we determine what should be done.
Entertaining worry and fear- meaning not entrusting and depending on God all our cares.
Complaining and grumbling- acting like God wanted to do it by own.
Quotation credit from :http:// lessonlearned in"
May 5 articles
Good evening everyone whole day not with you I was in my school to meet my students for our special
class. But, here I am now would take my time again in bubbling with you in which I am addicted to do
especially during my vacant hours.
I would like to tackle with you about issues of age difference in marriage.
How many of you have friends with partner in life with big difference in their age?
What did you observe with them?
Were they successful in their relationship?
In our showbiz personalities, we have many of that in our country. Just like the famous Pauleen Luna
and Vic sotto relationship.
I just read tonight that the girl is 25 years old and the actor-comedian is just celebrated his 60th
last April27.
What did you observe with the difference 60-25=35 right? So. a big difference right?
Well, that’s not our problems but I just want to hear from you fellow bubblers your opinion if you don’t
mind, just a sort of survey about your ideal partner on age issue/ difference.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO BE A PARTNER OLDER THAN YOU BY 5? By10? 15? 20? 25? And just like the 35
age difference of the above mentioned.
Can you comment friend? Thanks hoping to hear from you and God bless.
I Cor. 15:33
Who are your friends? To whom did you always go with? To what kind of friends are they?
How do you find your friends?
To all Christians, it’s been taught to be the light of the world, a light that keeps shining and not keep in
the dark.
Living in the light and righteous living not those professing to be yet their lives contradict to the lessons
taught and learned.
It’s also taught to be the salt of the earth, but what could be its importance when it has no taste
anymore or it lost its tastes, right?
The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus will come in TWO DISTINCT STAGES.
It is Christ coming for His saints.
The term is not found in the Bible, but its meaning is “ caught up”.
I Thes. 4:13-18
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ
shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them
in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the
 It is an instantaneous event
 Believers will be caught up into the air to meet Christ.
 At the rapture, all Christians living and dead will receive a glorified
resurrection body
At the rapture, the participants are the believers of Christ only who accepted
Him as personal Saviour.
Photo credit:http://American bible/king james bible/google/shanna wilson’s
Good morning bubblers my dearest connections.
I was sorry to tell you not able to bubble last night. I experienced errors here and I don’t know if it’s the
same with you there in your country and place.
But, any way I will try to catch up with you this morning for I know already my best buddies here
Love you all friends and I couldn’t leave any message for you can’t read then.
So, decided to make an article thanking all of you for your patronage to mine.
Hoping you’ll not forget me even if I can’t bubble for some time due to some glitches.
In that moment I just go to sleep and decided to have some other time like this morning here in the
God bless everyone and thanks a lot.
Thank God I just finished reading the profile comments even if others were not read due to the reason
you knew already why which amazed us all.
Now, I’ll be waiting anew but why still unreadable?
Anyway, I would still appreciate this site that helped me exercise my writing skill ‘ though it may not be
as good as to others but still I thanked God for this.
I thanked bubblews for the opportunity given aside from the abovementioned, I earned already here in
my one month of bubbling.
Thank you bubblews staff for appreciating my articles same also to my connections, so thankful to all of
Love you all friends and God bless everyone.
Exo. 29:28-39
1. Dealing with sins on a daily basis-
Be clean for we are children of God. God won’t tolerate sins to dwell in our life. He hated sins so we
must too.
2. Fighting against sins- Christians should not be with things that caused sins.
3. We need to be cleaned- in the church ministry, God won’t use a dirty vessel.
4. Don’t tolerate sins in life.- Must have daily confessions of sins to avoid being stuck with it and
not worthy to God.
HEB.10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good
And God wants us to go and worship Him every Sunday too.
In Bible times Joshua was commission to lead the Israelites after Moses. He was commanded and called
by God to lead the people and therefore to be strong and courageous.
What made him successful was he based all things to GOD’S WORDS.
God’s Words did not depart from them. They had the TORAH or Pentateuch- the 5 Books of Moses.
They made it their manual for their practices.
They meditate God’s words Day and night. By doing it they were kept from committing sins.
They observe it on what to do.
Thus, Joshua and the people were able to enter Canaan as promised.
Have you read and heard the news about the wife of a scammer caught with a new face?
Do you still remember the story of the couple who deceived more than 8000 complainants of their
investments supposedly?
The husband was now detained in Malaysia having caught using fake Philippine passport.
The wife of this man was caught having a new face from plastic surgery.
It was done to avoid being recognized maybe, thus sporting a different face and a fake name.
This couple was charged of syndicated stafa which is a non bailable offense after defrauding thousands
of investors in the Philippines islands of Visayas and Mindanao.
Truly, in God’s time everything is revealed. All will then be exposed.
With the kidnapped of the more than 200 school girls Nigeria that shocked the whole world, the world
powers now is in joined hands to help locate the girls.
It was kidnapped by the Boko Haram Islamists who also killed hundreds of North Eastern Nigeria.
It was a cruel l mass abduction of teen age girls endangering to be sold as sex slaves accordingly.
The United States Forces and France with London also will have their specialist teams to hunt down
these kidnappers.
As of this writing, parents were criticizing the Nigerian government for the inept / inefficient military
To the parents of these children, such could be a very painful incident having sent children to school and
then succumb to that situation.
Do you believe in this?
Consider the fate of the beautiful actress who is involved in the alleged mauling and illegal detention of
the actor in the Philippines.
Her life now ended in jail. Just imagine how uneasy it is for her who is used to sleep in a soft bed now in
a plywood with towel as pillow.
She grew up in comfort in an air conditioned room alone now with 14 inmates sharing one fan.
Living once like a princess in a condo now in a congested room with fellow inmates with case involving in
human trafficking.
Such situation would not have to happen if only she was not involved or not in a situation that caused
her today.
It is declared by the WHO ( World Health Organization Organization) as reported yesterday that Polio is
now spreading around the world and is endangering everyone’s health.
With its resurgence in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria, same with Philippines also which is after 20 years
now at risk.
Such virus is transmitted from wastes of humans or from fecal matter.
Any places not clean are prone to its hotspots.
Thus, everyone is advised to have immunization to be safe from infection.
Below are symptoms observed when contacted:
Stiffness of the neck
Pain in the limbs which could eventually lead to paralysis temporarily.
Nigeria Islamic Extremist leader, Abubakar Shekau claimed the abduction of more than 300 teenage girls
in a Secondary school in Nigeria.
53 of them managed to escape leaving behind 276 that remained in captivity and was threatened to be
sold for slavery accordingly.
The group “ BOKO HARAM” means western education is sinful abducted the young girls last April 15 that
caused international outrage.
They caused havoc in the day today’s lives among the Nigerian as reported by DARLENE SUPERVILLE OF
AP .
They are an Islamist Extremist who also killed hundreds in North Eastern Nigeria.
During the interview of NBC ( National Broadcasting Company) to the U.S. President Barack Obama
published in Yahoo, May 7, the president said such crime committed by Boko Haram group is a terrible
The world was awakened of the sad fate of students more than 200 after some had escaped from the
original of more than 300.
To help recover the young ladies, Obama promised to deploy forces in mapping out the areas where the
possible hideouts of the group.
London as reported earlier will also send satellite imaging capabilities to the area together with France.
Friends glad to say it’s not so annoying now less errors.
What made me disgusted and mad is the news on TV about the alleged mastermind in scam on the
The Priority Development Assistance Fund scam, also called the PDAF scam or the pork
barrel scam in the Philippines.
The woman’s recorded interview before was replayed and the answers were heard again that
denying all the allegations.
Well, everyone is considered innocent unless proven guilty but for me there were many
witnesses already so that made angry at her constant denials.
It made me hate her.
It is also called poliomyelitis. It is a viral infection that may affect the spinal cord and cause
permanent, partial or complete paralysis.
Polio Vaccine can help prevent the attack of the disease.
Victims could have paralysis in the arms and legs or both that could last for a lifetime.
They experienced fatigue muscles and weaknesses.
The virus stayed in the throat of an infected person and in the intestines. Thus when he/she
removed his/her stool or bowels they could be spread out especially when not in the proper
place in the comfort room and left unclean.
The poliovirus thrives in the dirty places contaminated with feces.
Person must wash hands very well after every toilet visits.
Is it true that milk has a natural chemical in it that acts as a kind of sleeping pill?
Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao added another feather in his cap when it was announced that he will
be the playing coach of the new Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) team KIA Motors, a
new entry into the PBA league, the longest basketball league in the professional basketball
aside from the National Basketball Association of USA. Pacquiao is just amazing, the only boxer
in history to win titles in eight different weight division, now display his basketball savvy in one of
his favourite sport aside from boxing, he will be playing guard and the league will start this
October, 2014.Let us see how Pacquiao will fare this time, if he could carry his team to greater
heights, that’s remain to be seen and a big 64$ question.
How does polio spread?
Poliovirus is very contagious. The virus lives in an infected person’s throat and intestines. It spreads
through contact with the feces (stool) of an infected person and through droplets from a sneeze or
cough. You can get infected with polio if you have stool on your hands and you touch your mouth.
Also, if you put objects, like toys, that have stool on them into your mouth, you/your baby can get
An infected person may spread the virus to others immediately before and usually 1 to 2 weeks after
developing symptoms. The virus may live in an infected person’s feces for many weeks. It can
contaminate food and water when people do not wash their hands.
What is polio?
Polio (or poliomyelitis) is a disease caused by poliovirus. It can cause lifelong paralysis (can’t move
parts of the body), and it can be deadly. But, the polio vaccine can protect against polio.
What are the symptoms of poliovirus infection?
Most people who get infected with poliovirus do not have any symptoms.
A small number of people (4 to 8 people out of 100) will have flu-like symptoms. These symptoms
usually last 2 to 5 days then go away on their own.
In rare cases, poliovirus infection can be very serious. About 1 out of 100 people will have weakness
or paralysis in their arms, legs, or both. This paralysis or weakness can last a lifetime.
 Post-polio syndrome (PPS) can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as fatigue and muscle
weakness, which can have a serious effect on everyday life.
Good morning friends out there, sorry not able to bubble last night due to some errors again
‘though not so much but waiting to it takes time.
I don’t know if you experienced the same but anyway God is still good to me and the bubblews I
have two redemptions one cleared and the one is still pending.
My topic today deals with the fruit of the Holy Spirit indwelling to a believer of Christ if truly a
converted one.
Hence, these are to checked our whereabouts in order to be seen with these and not to be
called a carnal one or worldly.
GALATIANS 5:22-23 Love, joy, peace, long suffering, meekness, gentleness, goodness,
temperance, and faith.
Were all of these are still present in us? Such would enable us to be worthy to be called such
name as a real Christian or believer of Christ.
LOVE- Love that does not see the faults of others, hates the sins/ comforts the sinners, covers
the multitude of sins.
Love that is not selective even to the least.
JOY- Happiness despite being persecuted in Jesus name for there’s a great hope in mind that
Jesus is the true giver of all.
PEACE- not involving self to anything unworthy to a Christian, things that defiled one’s name.
LONGSUFFERING- Can endure anything while rendering the service for the Lord.With
MEEKNESS- is a possible attribute of human nature and behaviour. It has been defined in
several ways: God fearing, righteous, humble, teachable- willing to learn,and patient.
No boasting of oneself, moderate and demure. not having the feeling of being better than
others, humble, loving, patient towards others.
GENTLENESS- kindness, goodness with moderation.
GOODNESS- righteous, kind. Displaying right attitude even when tested with unpleasant ones.
FAITH- keeps believing to the Unseen one that can provide all.
TEMPERANCE- moderation and self-restraint, as in behaviour or expression- controlling
oneself from bursting out.
Newser of yahoo news reported a woman on her pregnancy having twins.
After checked up, found out to have the virus of a Slapped Cheek Syndrome.
It has a cold- liked symptoms and a rash that gives the appearance of a slapped cheeks.
Inside the womb the fetus may fight or will be choked or drowned inside having filled with fluid.
The other twin was seen drowning thus a decision was made by the mother letting the affected
die to save the other.
Accordingly blood transfusion can saved.
It was learned then she delivered a stillborn and the other one was born alive both in C-
The mother was bitter sweet- having one dead- still born along with another alive.
AFP news/yahoo reported the latest updates of the ongoing recovery operations in South
Korea, Ferry that sank more than three weeks ago.
The divers that were hired from a salvage company now had one casualty and 24 treated of
injuries and decompression sickness.
The divers teams moved deeper into the ferry’s interior.
They experienced immense pressure from the authorities and the victim’s families.
They need to retrieve the trapped bodies as quickly as possible.
To recall out of the 476 passengers, 325 were children from same high school trip to southern
Resort Island of Jeju.
Now, feeling working in near zero visibility accordingly as reported by Park Chan-Kyong.
Also known as ARTERIAL GAS EMBOLISM- diver’s disease and same also with miners.
Embolism – means a gas bubble in the bloodstreams.
Results from bubbles growing in the tissues of the body.
The body is exposed to sudden drop in surrounding pressure in the deep sea.
Whenever experienced, the divers/ miners need to have the first aid immediately.
1. Basic life support- breathing apparatus anaesthetic type mask
2. 100% Oxygen
3. Positioning and rest- in coma position to protect the airway.
4. Fluid replacement – whether orally or intravenously with water and electrolyte fluids.
Tonight I listened to the 700 club of Aisa. It was all about the couple who had no children
and desired a lot to have of their own.
I heard the man was almost frustrated of not having even one with his wife.
It made pondered how some parents with many children don’t even loved their own
making them the problems in the society/ community where they belong.
How could these parents not showing their gratefulness to God by caring and rearing
their gifts into a good person.
They even allow them to join in the questionable activities that caused their lives and
Gifts of God should be valued and kept, right and not allowed to be destroyed.
Article #1 May12,
Have you read this friend as reported by Michael Weissentein and Tami Abdollah of AP?
A teacher of an International school serving children of diplomats, well-off Americans and local
Most beloved teache, respected and loved by children.
Led students trips to exotic places gave out cookies and milk at bedtime.
But, behind every goodness, were food laced with sleeping pills leaving victims unconscious
and were abused without their knowledge.
The discovery was done when a maid stole the memory drive and gave it to the school director
who had seen images of students posed in nude photographs.
The boys some of them mysteriously fell ill under his care during trips with him to some places.
Disguising to help each time boys suffered some illness yet unknown to them abuses were
behind the scenes.
Out of 90 students 60 were images in the usb coming from one school in the U.S Southbank
The pedophile once was a victim during his younger years as he told when asked why he did
the serial abuses to young boys. He even told that he did it throughout his life.
Once was arrested of child sexual abuse when he was caught pinching the children’s penises
as reported ages 7-9 of 8 boys in California.
He escaped to other countries and worked as teacher without being known of his records.
He was observed often with boys spending overnight and was once known going with some of
the boys who feel ill mysteriously under his care.
There were more than 10 reporters from different countries he went working with as
international teacher after news of his USB images stolen by his maid came to open.
Some of the parents then were worried that once the man had been a teacher of their son and
they don’t have any knowledge of anything that befell to their son during their studies in High
school under his care. (Michael Weissentein and Tami Abdollah of AP)
The USB was stolen by the maid and then they saw images of nude photos of young boys with
In one school in U.S. as reported 90 boys were seen and 60 were in the same school.
After knowing the stolen USB, he attempted to kill himself by drinking 100 sleeping pills but did
not finish him.
He fled to other place but was spotted so he hid in the hotel and stabbed himself to death at the
age of 64 leaving hundreds wondering if they’d been abused.
Once then a man confessed after having heard of the news told the terror was revived.
With this news, to parents like me, how would you react to this?
What about our children in their respective school?
Are we sure enough that this kind of abuses not existing with unknown Pedophile in the school if
there’ll be any?
The prolific pedophiles in history as described by the FBI named William Vahey, an International
Teacher, worldly known having taught more than 10 International Schools teaching children of
wealthy people and elite.
Twice convicted of sexual abuses yet uncovered when travelling from one country to another
and getting employed there unnoticed, unknown of anything defiling his real man.
Being recognized as a kind, helpful and good teacher assisting children in their needs during
fieldtrips especially, no wonder away from parents’ eyes.
He’s able to land a job decently until his last in Nicaragua school when his maid stolen his USB
with trip names and photos of unconscious boys ages 12-14 fondled or posed in sexual
The maid submitted the USB to the school director thus have him resigned and then in shame
ended his life as he fled to his relatives’ place leaving his letter.
Now parents from the different schools now still thinking and investigating whether their children
were once a victim of this teacher in disguised.
The second parent supposedly yet an attacker, devouring the flesh of the young minds.
We need really to monitor our children’s acquaintances, right? ( Michael Weissentein and Tami
Abdollah of AP)

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  • 1. It’s a long day for me and also not a productive one. I was just managed to post one half of the minimum post allowed in a single day. I have also noticed that more connections is not an assurance of a big earning here in bubblews. When I happened to view the list of the accounts deleted here, I was very much surprised to see many of my active connections was among those were deleted. I wonder if in the previous months some of my connections were also deleted as I could no longer see many of my regular friends making interactions the past few weeks. Viewing of my post has also dramatically decrease this past days, I don’t know if this was in my choice of article posted or for the errors which is normal now in bubblews, thereby losing interest in interactions and bubbling for extended hours, which happened to me personally. THE UNREALIZED POWER OF CHRIST FROM MATT. 28:1818 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me Jesus has power over: Nature Stilling the tempest Change water to wine Curse the fig tree Over sins To forgive To heal sickness like in the case of the withered hands, the blind, the woman with problem on her menstruation , and among others. Over physical needs- feeding the people Power over Satan- tempted but did not yield, CAST OUT DEMONS AND AMONG OTHERS. Restore the lunatic child Restore demoniac child Power over death. HOW TO HAVE A MISERABLE LIFE- Luke 15: 11-23 The Story of the Prodigal Son 1. He is self – willed- got his inheritance and spent it in destitute living. 2. Selfish- got all of his share and spend for personal gratification. 3. Separated Life- he lived a riotous living, when living a life away from God, endangers it. 4. Sensual- live in the lust of the flesh.
  • 2. RESULT: 1.Destitution- always wanting, in want 2.Self- abasement 3. Starvation TIPS TO WIN FOLLOWERS/ LIKERS/ FRIENDS ETC. REMEMBER THEIR NAMES- If you want people to like you, don’t forget to remember their names and call them by it rather than surname. The sweetest words to be heard is when your name is called even in short acquaintance. In our bubbling activity some bubblers called me by my real name which they got in my facebook account I think, wherein it amazed me. RECOGNIZE THEIR POTENTIALS- mentioning others capacities and special skills is helpful and self - lifting. REQUEST THEIR HELP- asking the assistance of others does not mean, a leader is lazy to do it but it means, you’re recognized of your worth. REWARD THEIR EFFORTS- Every task done must also be rewarded or recognized so as to encourage the doer to continue, thus lifting their morale. These could be helpful to all leaders in order to have a happy followers especially and to all who wanted to have more friends or likers in bubblews.LOL ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN? To know if a person is a believer of Christ/ God the following characteristics/ marks would describe: 1. WITH DESIRE TO LISTEN TO GOD’S WORDS- go to church to listen to preaching and teaching of His Words. 2. CONTINUING IN HIS WORDS- lived in the teachings of the Bible. 3. A DISCIPLINED LEARNER/DISCIPLE- The fruits of the Holy Spirit are seen 4. WILLINGLY SUFFER FOR CHRIST- can do the work as called to do for the sake of Christ. 5. OBEY GOD FIRST- left everything like on the day of Sunday and go to church to worship the Lord with fellow believers.
  • 3. 6. WITH BROTHERLY LOVE- love the sinners and hate the sins committed. WHAT MEN WANT IN WOMAN Last two days, I read that in Japan, men want women who have big eyes and full lips. In Nepal, men aren’t interested in pretty girl faces. Findings of new study of men’s preferences for female faces in 28 nations drawn to feminine looks, large eyes, pillow lips and a soft jaw to a greater extent in countries that are healthiest. Preference to women who can hold on to resources, study researcher Urzula Marcinkowska, a doctoral candidate of the university of Turku in Finland. Some macho man in less developed nation preferred strong jaw, squinty eyes, dominant brow which accordingly signals to have strong genes to pass to his child. The Nepalese want girly face. Nigerians, Colombians and Japanese men more interested in feminine charms followed by Australians. They believed that feminine looks signal fecundity that could bear lots of children. In harsh condition, men don’t want a pretty face. News/photo credit:http://live science/yahoo news
  • 4. - BE OF GOOD COURAGE JOSHUA 1:6-9 God is with us wherever we go. Are you sometimes bothered/worried of some annoyance around? God says: Be of good courage, don’t be afraid God will never leave us, nor forsake us. Fear not God will help us. God provides all our needs. Fear not God is with us.- we should keep in mind that God is watching us. Psa. 147:3 God heals the broken heart- He will answer our prayers even we asked He already knew what we need. God holds us from discouragement, frustrations, and keeps us. Isa. 42:6 As what God promised when He said, “ My sheep hear my voice and know me, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hands”. In every work two kinds of worker/labourer can be differentiated with the following words. ‘EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT’ WHO DO YOU THINK IS AN EFFECTIVE WORKER? HOW ABOUT AN EFFICIENT ONE? Take for example in a classroom setting which is the effective teacher and the efficient one? In an effective teacher, children were able to grasp the lessons presented. Almost everyone can retell to others what has been taught during the day. The learners could easily recall the lesson and apply to their lives as shown by them. However, an efficient one is an organized, systematic and performing well in his teaching wherein all the necessary data were properly defined. Because of his expertise, he’s not able to go down to the learner’s level because seemed hard for him to adjust being used to the style but not to the way the learners would learn. Therefore, which do you prefer a knowledgeable, best, and excellent one or a teacher that produced result, the intended purpose was achieved in his own little way?
  • 5. PRIDE BLOCKS FORGIVENESS Pride tops the list of God’s most hated sins Prov.6:16-19. When forgiving others, it’s very hard to do especially when we don’t recognize our fallibility. To a proud person, it is very difficult, right? In our daily struggles, we committed some mistakes because of some reasons. Some people around us triggered us to become, right? What made us do things unreasonable sometimes because of the failures of others. Sometimes, that’s misunderstood and you felt bombarded because of their failure to understand the reason behind. Others sometimes are unfair, judging us with any words without digging the reasons behind. So sad to think. But we need to move forward. Forgiving them is to be done for we can’t do anything with this kind of people. Pride in us must be set aside and just entrust all to the Great Judge for nothing is unfair with Him. Continue bubbling friends and let’s forgive those who disliked us. LOL SOME INDICATIONS OF AN UNFORGIVING SPIRIT Each one of us may or may not be guilty of this but we need to have self -evaluation in order to know whether we’re having such an unforgiving attitude toward others. 1. God seems so distant. 2. The fruit of the spirit is not evident in our life. Gal. 5:22-23 3. We have no desire to pray. 4. We have no desire to read God’s Words. 5. There is no joy in life. 6. Don’t enjoy fellowship with others. 7. Feeling others are against me. 8. Bored with everything. 9. Haunted by someone, we’d like to forget. 10. Can’t think of anything pleasant about certain individuals.
  • 6. 11. Feel drained emotionally. 12. Resent, resist and rebel against certain people and situations in life. 13. Feeling don’t deserve such. 14. Wanted to see someone else suffer because of the pain they did to us. 15. Life is characterized by complaints. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT IN LIFE WE’RE ACTING LIKE GOD? Why? Let’s consider the following : Try to change our husband/wife. Just like saying,” I’ll be happy, when he/she’ll changed”. This refers to all who had a great desire to one’s partner but left unfulfilled. Trying to manipulate to get one’s way and felt contented when gone there. Doing things just to reach one’s desire and feeling contented when obtained. In marriage life, saying doing it for a while and when failed to do it, stop. That’s not letting God do His actions in us. Experienced anger, rage and bitterness when others fail what we want them to do. Not ready to forgive others because of crossing our will , so then we determine what should be done. Entertaining worry and fear- meaning not entrusting and depending on God all our cares. Complaining and grumbling- acting like God wanted to do it by own. WE SHOULD THEREFORE FIRMLY PLACE IN OUR MINDS THAT OUR STRENGHT AND FULFILLMENT COME FROM KNOWING AND FELLOWSHIPPING WITH GOD. OUR LORD REMINDS US THAT WHEN HE IS IN CONTROL, OUR INNER NEEDS WILL BE SATISFIED. JUST ENTRUSTING ALL TO HIM AND WAIT FOR HIS WILL. Quotation credit from :http:// lessonlearned in" May 5 articles #1 MARRYING A PARTNER OLDER THAN YOU WITH MORE THAN 10-35 YEARS OF DIFFRENCE
  • 7. Good evening everyone whole day not with you I was in my school to meet my students for our special class. But, here I am now would take my time again in bubbling with you in which I am addicted to do especially during my vacant hours. I would like to tackle with you about issues of age difference in marriage. How many of you have friends with partner in life with big difference in their age? What did you observe with them? Were they successful in their relationship? In our showbiz personalities, we have many of that in our country. Just like the famous Pauleen Luna and Vic sotto relationship. I just read tonight that the girl is 25 years old and the actor-comedian is just celebrated his 60th birthday last April27. What did you observe with the difference 60-25=35 right? So. a big difference right? Well, that’s not our problems but I just want to hear from you fellow bubblers your opinion if you don’t mind, just a sort of survey about your ideal partner on age issue/ difference. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO BE A PARTNER OLDER THAN YOU BY 5? By10? 15? 20? 25? And just like the 35 age difference of the above mentioned. Can you comment friend? Thanks hoping to hear from you and God bless. #2 WHO ARE YOUR FRIENDS? I Cor. 15:33 EVIL COMMUNICATION CORRUPT GOOD MANNERS Who are your friends? To whom did you always go with? To what kind of friends are they? How do you find your friends? “TELL ME WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE, AND I WILL TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE”. To all Christians, it’s been taught to be the light of the world, a light that keeps shining and not keep in the dark. Living in the light and righteous living not those professing to be yet their lives contradict to the lessons taught and learned.
  • 8. It’s also taught to be the salt of the earth, but what could be its importance when it has no taste anymore or it lost its tastes, right? SELECTION OF FRIENDS MUST BE TAKEN WISELY SO AS NOT TO BE CORRUPTED. #3 THE RAPTURE OF THE BELIEVERS OF CHRIST The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus will come in TWO DISTINCT STAGES. THE FIRST PHASE IS CALLED RAPTURE. It is Christ coming for His saints. The term is not found in the Bible, but its meaning is “ caught up”. I Thes. 4:13-18 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  It is an instantaneous event  Believers will be caught up into the air to meet Christ.  At the rapture, all Christians living and dead will receive a glorified resurrection body THE SECOND STAGE IS CALLED THE REVELATION OF CHRIST. At the rapture, the participants are the believers of Christ only who accepted Him as personal Saviour. HAPPY BUBBLING EVERYONE AND GOD BLESS.
  • 9. Photo credit:http://American bible/king james bible/google/shanna wilson’s photo Good morning bubblers my dearest connections. I was sorry to tell you not able to bubble last night. I experienced errors here and I don’t know if it’s the same with you there in your country and place. But, any way I will try to catch up with you this morning for I know already my best buddies here hahahahhaha. Love you all friends and I couldn’t leave any message for you can’t read then. So, decided to make an article thanking all of you for your patronage to mine. Hoping you’ll not forget me even if I can’t bubble for some time due to some glitches. In that moment I just go to sleep and decided to have some other time like this morning here in the Philippines. God bless everyone and thanks a lot. Thank God I just finished reading the profile comments even if others were not read due to the reason you knew already why which amazed us all. Now, I’ll be waiting anew but why still unreadable? Anyway, I would still appreciate this site that helped me exercise my writing skill ‘ though it may not be as good as to others but still I thanked God for this. I thanked bubblews for the opportunity given aside from the abovementioned, I earned already here in my one month of bubbling. Thank you bubblews staff for appreciating my articles same also to my connections, so thankful to all of you. Love you all friends and God bless everyone. DEALING WITH SINS DAY BY DAY Exo. 29:28-39 1. Dealing with sins on a daily basis-
  • 10. Be clean for we are children of God. God won’t tolerate sins to dwell in our life. He hated sins so we must too. 2. Fighting against sins- Christians should not be with things that caused sins. 3. We need to be cleaned- in the church ministry, God won’t use a dirty vessel. 4. Don’t tolerate sins in life.- Must have daily confessions of sins to avoid being stuck with it and not worthy to God. HEB.10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: And God wants us to go and worship Him every Sunday too. HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LEADERSHIP In Bible times Joshua was commission to lead the Israelites after Moses. He was commanded and called by God to lead the people and therefore to be strong and courageous. What made him successful was he based all things to GOD’S WORDS. God’s Words did not depart from them. They had the TORAH or Pentateuch- the 5 Books of Moses. They made it their manual for their practices. They meditate God’s words Day and night. By doing it they were kept from committing sins. They observe it on what to do. Thus, Joshua and the people were able to enter Canaan as promised. SCAMMER’S WIFE Have you read and heard the news about the wife of a scammer caught with a new face? Do you still remember the story of the couple who deceived more than 8000 complainants of their investments supposedly? The husband was now detained in Malaysia having caught using fake Philippine passport. The wife of this man was caught having a new face from plastic surgery.
  • 11. It was done to avoid being recognized maybe, thus sporting a different face and a fake name. This couple was charged of syndicated stafa which is a non bailable offense after defrauding thousands of investors in the Philippines islands of Visayas and Mindanao. Truly, in God’s time everything is revealed. All will then be exposed. NOTHING IS HIDDEN IN THE EYES OF GOD. With the kidnapped of the more than 200 school girls Nigeria that shocked the whole world, the world powers now is in joined hands to help locate the girls. It was kidnapped by the Boko Haram Islamists who also killed hundreds of North Eastern Nigeria. It was a cruel l mass abduction of teen age girls endangering to be sold as sex slaves accordingly. The United States Forces and France with London also will have their specialist teams to hunt down these kidnappers. As of this writing, parents were criticizing the Nigerian government for the inept / inefficient military operations. To the parents of these children, such could be a very painful incident having sent children to school and then succumb to that situation. HOW COULD THAT GROUP ABLE TO HAVE THAT MOVE VICTIMIZING SCHOOL CHILDREN? AS A PARENT ALSO, I KNOW HOW PAINFUL TO HAVE THIS. HOPING GOD WOULD TOUCH THESE PEOPLE. HAPPY BUBBLING EVERYONE. GOD BLESS. LIFE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT. Do you believe in this? Consider the fate of the beautiful actress who is involved in the alleged mauling and illegal detention of the actor in the Philippines. Her life now ended in jail. Just imagine how uneasy it is for her who is used to sleep in a soft bed now in a plywood with towel as pillow. She grew up in comfort in an air conditioned room alone now with 14 inmates sharing one fan. Living once like a princess in a condo now in a congested room with fellow inmates with case involving in human trafficking.
  • 12. Such situation would not have to happen if only she was not involved or not in a situation that caused her today. It is declared by the WHO ( World Health Organization Organization) as reported yesterday that Polio is now spreading around the world and is endangering everyone’s health. With its resurgence in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria, same with Philippines also which is after 20 years now at risk. Such virus is transmitted from wastes of humans or from fecal matter. Any places not clean are prone to its hotspots. Thus, everyone is advised to have immunization to be safe from infection. Below are symptoms observed when contacted: Fever Fatigue Headache Vomiting Stiffness of the neck Pain in the limbs which could eventually lead to paralysis temporarily. BOKO HARAM GROUP TO SELL GIRLS FOR SLAVERY? Nigeria Islamic Extremist leader, Abubakar Shekau claimed the abduction of more than 300 teenage girls in a Secondary school in Nigeria. 53 of them managed to escape leaving behind 276 that remained in captivity and was threatened to be sold for slavery accordingly. The group “ BOKO HARAM” means western education is sinful abducted the young girls last April 15 that caused international outrage. They caused havoc in the day today’s lives among the Nigerian as reported by DARLENE SUPERVILLE OF AP . They are an Islamist Extremist who also killed hundreds in North Eastern Nigeria. OBAMA TO HELP NIGERIA During the interview of NBC ( National Broadcasting Company) to the U.S. President Barack Obama published in Yahoo, May 7, the president said such crime committed by Boko Haram group is a terrible situation.
  • 13. The world was awakened of the sad fate of students more than 200 after some had escaped from the original of more than 300. To help recover the young ladies, Obama promised to deploy forces in mapping out the areas where the possible hideouts of the group. London as reported earlier will also send satellite imaging capabilities to the area together with France. Friends glad to say it’s not so annoying now less errors. What made me disgusted and mad is the news on TV about the alleged mastermind in scam on the The Priority Development Assistance Fund scam, also called the PDAF scam or the pork barrel scam in the Philippines. The woman’s recorded interview before was replayed and the answers were heard again that denying all the allegations. Well, everyone is considered innocent unless proven guilty but for me there were many witnesses already so that made angry at her constant denials. LIARS REALLY ARE DISCERNED EVEN HOW GOOD THEY ARE IN HIDING IT. It made me hate her. WHAT IS POLIO? It is also called poliomyelitis. It is a viral infection that may affect the spinal cord and cause permanent, partial or complete paralysis. Polio Vaccine can help prevent the attack of the disease. Victims could have paralysis in the arms and legs or both that could last for a lifetime. They experienced fatigue muscles and weaknesses. The virus stayed in the throat of an infected person and in the intestines. Thus when he/she removed his/her stool or bowels they could be spread out especially when not in the proper place in the comfort room and left unclean. The poliovirus thrives in the dirty places contaminated with feces. Person must wash hands very well after every toilet visits. PROBLEMS IN GETTING A SLEEP Is it true that milk has a natural chemical in it that acts as a kind of sleeping pill?
  • 14. Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao added another feather in his cap when it was announced that he will be the playing coach of the new Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) team KIA Motors, a new entry into the PBA league, the longest basketball league in the professional basketball aside from the National Basketball Association of USA. Pacquiao is just amazing, the only boxer in history to win titles in eight different weight division, now display his basketball savvy in one of his favourite sport aside from boxing, he will be playing guard and the league will start this October, 2014.Let us see how Pacquiao will fare this time, if he could carry his team to greater heights, that’s remain to be seen and a big 64$ question. How does polio spread? Poliovirus is very contagious. The virus lives in an infected person’s throat and intestines. It spreads through contact with the feces (stool) of an infected person and through droplets from a sneeze or cough. You can get infected with polio if you have stool on your hands and you touch your mouth. Also, if you put objects, like toys, that have stool on them into your mouth, you/your baby can get infected. An infected person may spread the virus to others immediately before and usually 1 to 2 weeks after developing symptoms. The virus may live in an infected person’s feces for many weeks. It can contaminate food and water when people do not wash their hands.
  • 15. What is polio? Polio (or poliomyelitis) is a disease caused by poliovirus. It can cause lifelong paralysis (can’t move parts of the body), and it can be deadly. But, the polio vaccine can protect against polio. What are the symptoms of poliovirus infection? Most people who get infected with poliovirus do not have any symptoms. A small number of people (4 to 8 people out of 100) will have flu-like symptoms. These symptoms usually last 2 to 5 days then go away on their own. In rare cases, poliovirus infection can be very serious. About 1 out of 100 people will have weakness or paralysis in their arms, legs, or both. This paralysis or weakness can last a lifetime.  Post-polio syndrome (PPS) can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as fatigue and muscle weakness, which can have a serious effect on everyday life. Good morning friends out there, sorry not able to bubble last night due to some errors again ‘though not so much but waiting to it takes time. I don’t know if you experienced the same but anyway God is still good to me and the bubblews I have two redemptions one cleared and the one is still pending. My topic today deals with the fruit of the Holy Spirit indwelling to a believer of Christ if truly a converted one. Hence, these are to checked our whereabouts in order to be seen with these and not to be called a carnal one or worldly. GALATIANS 5:22-23 Love, joy, peace, long suffering, meekness, gentleness, goodness, temperance, and faith. Were all of these are still present in us? Such would enable us to be worthy to be called such name as a real Christian or believer of Christ.
  • 16. HAPPY BUBBLING EVERYONE AND LET’S ENDURE THE ERRORS. Lol. LOVE- Love that does not see the faults of others, hates the sins/ comforts the sinners, covers the multitude of sins. Love that is not selective even to the least. JOY- Happiness despite being persecuted in Jesus name for there’s a great hope in mind that Jesus is the true giver of all. PEACE- not involving self to anything unworthy to a Christian, things that defiled one’s name. LONGSUFFERING- Can endure anything while rendering the service for the Lord.With perseverance. MEEKNESS- is a possible attribute of human nature and behaviour. It has been defined in several ways: God fearing, righteous, humble, teachable- willing to learn,and patient. No boasting of oneself, moderate and demure. not having the feeling of being better than others, humble, loving, patient towards others. . GENTLENESS- kindness, goodness with moderation. GOODNESS- righteous, kind. Displaying right attitude even when tested with unpleasant ones. FAITH- keeps believing to the Unseen one that can provide all. TEMPERANCE- moderation and self-restraint, as in behaviour or expression- controlling oneself from bursting out. SLAPPED CHEEK SYNDROME CAUSED DEATH TO ONE TWIN Newser of yahoo news reported a woman on her pregnancy having twins. After checked up, found out to have the virus of a Slapped Cheek Syndrome. It has a cold- liked symptoms and a rash that gives the appearance of a slapped cheeks. Inside the womb the fetus may fight or will be choked or drowned inside having filled with fluid. The other twin was seen drowning thus a decision was made by the mother letting the affected die to save the other. Accordingly blood transfusion can saved. It was learned then she delivered a stillborn and the other one was born alive both in C- section. The mother was bitter sweet- having one dead- still born along with another alive.
  • 17. AFP news/yahoo reported the latest updates of the ongoing recovery operations in South Korea, Ferry that sank more than three weeks ago. The divers that were hired from a salvage company now had one casualty and 24 treated of injuries and decompression sickness. The divers teams moved deeper into the ferry’s interior. They experienced immense pressure from the authorities and the victim’s families. They need to retrieve the trapped bodies as quickly as possible. To recall out of the 476 passengers, 325 were children from same high school trip to southern Resort Island of Jeju. Now, feeling working in near zero visibility accordingly as reported by Park Chan-Kyong. DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS Also known as ARTERIAL GAS EMBOLISM- diver’s disease and same also with miners. Embolism – means a gas bubble in the bloodstreams. Results from bubbles growing in the tissues of the body. The body is exposed to sudden drop in surrounding pressure in the deep sea. Whenever experienced, the divers/ miners need to have the first aid immediately. TREATMENT: 1. Basic life support- breathing apparatus anaesthetic type mask 2. 100% Oxygen 3. Positioning and rest- in coma position to protect the airway. 4. Fluid replacement – whether orally or intravenously with water and electrolyte fluids. CHILDREN ARE GIFTS OF GOD Tonight I listened to the 700 club of Aisa. It was all about the couple who had no children and desired a lot to have of their own. I heard the man was almost frustrated of not having even one with his wife. It made pondered how some parents with many children don’t even loved their own making them the problems in the society/ community where they belong. How could these parents not showing their gratefulness to God by caring and rearing their gifts into a good person.
  • 18. They even allow them to join in the questionable activities that caused their lives and reputation. Gifts of God should be valued and kept, right and not allowed to be destroyed. HAPPY BUBBLING EVERYONE I’LL BE SHOWING YOU THE GIFTS OF GOD FOR ME THAT I LOVED SO MUCH. GOD BLESS. Article #1 May12, PEDOPHILE DRUGGED ABUSED 90 STUDENTS Have you read this friend as reported by Michael Weissentein and Tami Abdollah of AP? A teacher of an International school serving children of diplomats, well-off Americans and local elites. Most beloved teache, respected and loved by children. Led students trips to exotic places gave out cookies and milk at bedtime. But, behind every goodness, were food laced with sleeping pills leaving victims unconscious and were abused without their knowledge. The discovery was done when a maid stole the memory drive and gave it to the school director who had seen images of students posed in nude photographs. The boys some of them mysteriously fell ill under his care during trips with him to some places. Disguising to help each time boys suffered some illness yet unknown to them abuses were behind the scenes. Out of 90 students 60 were images in the usb coming from one school in the U.S Southbank School. WHAT A SAD FATE FOR THE YOUNG BOYS BEING ABUSED WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE AS THEY WERE SLEEPING AFTER BEING FED WITH FOOD LACED WITH DRUGS. #2 ‘ I WAS ONCE A VICTIM, AND I DID IT IN MY WHOLE LIFE’ , he said. The pedophile once was a victim during his younger years as he told when asked why he did the serial abuses to young boys. He even told that he did it throughout his life. Once was arrested of child sexual abuse when he was caught pinching the children’s penises as reported ages 7-9 of 8 boys in California. He escaped to other countries and worked as teacher without being known of his records.
  • 19. He was observed often with boys spending overnight and was once known going with some of the boys who feel ill mysteriously under his care. There were more than 10 reporters from different countries he went working with as international teacher after news of his USB images stolen by his maid came to open. Some of the parents then were worried that once the man had been a teacher of their son and they don’t have any knowledge of anything that befell to their son during their studies in High school under his care. (Michael Weissentein and Tami Abdollah of AP) #3. MAID REVEALED HIS EVIL DEEDS The USB was stolen by the maid and then they saw images of nude photos of young boys with him. In one school in U.S. as reported 90 boys were seen and 60 were in the same school. After knowing the stolen USB, he attempted to kill himself by drinking 100 sleeping pills but did not finish him. He fled to other place but was spotted so he hid in the hotel and stabbed himself to death at the age of 64 leaving hundreds wondering if they’d been abused. Once then a man confessed after having heard of the news told the terror was revived. With this news, to parents like me, how would you react to this? What about our children in their respective school? Are we sure enough that this kind of abuses not existing with unknown Pedophile in the school if there’ll be any? The prolific pedophiles in history as described by the FBI named William Vahey, an International Teacher, worldly known having taught more than 10 International Schools teaching children of wealthy people and elite. Twice convicted of sexual abuses yet uncovered when travelling from one country to another and getting employed there unnoticed, unknown of anything defiling his real man. Being recognized as a kind, helpful and good teacher assisting children in their needs during fieldtrips especially, no wonder away from parents’ eyes. He’s able to land a job decently until his last in Nicaragua school when his maid stolen his USB with trip names and photos of unconscious boys ages 12-14 fondled or posed in sexual positions. The maid submitted the USB to the school director thus have him resigned and then in shame ended his life as he fled to his relatives’ place leaving his letter. Now parents from the different schools now still thinking and investigating whether their children were once a victim of this teacher in disguised.
  • 20. WHAT A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE TO THINK FOR CHILDREN BEING VICTIMIZED BY THE SO- CALLED SECOND PARENT ENTRUSTED IN SCHOOL. The second parent supposedly yet an attacker, devouring the flesh of the young minds. SO SAD TO THINK, HOW COULD THIS THING HAPPENED IF THIS WILL HAPPEN ALSO TO MY SON. LORD HELP US KNOW THE PEOPLE TO ENTRUST OUR CHILDREN. We need really to monitor our children’s acquaintances, right? ( Michael Weissentein and Tami Abdollah of AP)