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By: Dawn Cogan
Science-Based Art of Alaska, LLC
Burr- Comb
A spore-forming parasitic
protozoan that chiefly
affects insects.
Nosema arises mostly in the spring after periods of
bad weather, although it may also be a winter disease
that is only noticed in the spring when beekeepers
first inspect their hives. The female worker bees are
most strongly afflicted, less so the drones. The queen
bee is rarely infected since afflicted bees rarely
participate in feeding the queen. The most notable
symptom is dysentery. This appears as yellow stripes
on the outside of the hive and in severe cases, inside
the hive. Bees may be unable to fly ("crawling") due
to disjointed wings. If the queen is infected, her
ovaries degenerate and ovum production drops due
to atrophy of the ova, after which she is likely to be
Now more than ever it is important to
treat for Nosema. Fumagilinsup>®-B fed
in sugar syrup both spring and fall will
help keep your spore counts low.
Easy to Mix.
Dissolves without heating and mixes
directly into syrup.
A reddish-brown, oval mite
(Varroa jacobsoni) that is a
parasite of honeybees.
They are about the size of a
VarroaMite Detection
Sticky Board
This sticky board can be used with or
without the screen to monitor or diagnose
a varroa infestation. If placed directly on
the bottom board, the screen will be
needed to keep the bees from the adhesive.
When used in conjunction with a screened
bottom board, the replacement sticky
board can be used alone. The sticky board
is conveniently printed with the grid lines
to aid in determining the number of mites
Varroa Mite Detection:
Paula Macedo, a U of Nebraska Graduate Student, found a new way to
check colonies for Varroa mites that is more efficient than ether roll,
and NOT necessary to kill bees to conduct the test.
A wide mouth canning jar (quart or pint) with a two piece lid.
#8 mesh hardware cloth (or any mesh that will retain bees, but pass
Window Screen (or any fine mesh that will retain Varroa, but pass
powdered sugar)
Retain the metal ring of the two piece lid and discard the center
Cut a circle of #8 mesh hardware cloth to fit the inside of the ring.
Collect 200-300 bees in the jar. Add powdered sugar (enough to coat
the bees, about 1 tsp. to 1 tbsp.) through the #8 mesh hardware cloth
Roll the jar around to distribute the sugar. Allow the jar to sit for a few minutes
Then invert the jar over a piece of paper and shake to recover the mites. The bees
will remain in the jar, but the mites and sugar will pass through the #8 mesh to the
The sugar will make it difficult to count the mites. Hence, pour the sugar and mites
into another jar with a fine mesh. lid. Shake again and allow the sugar to escape
through the mesh. A brief shaking will usually recover about 70% of the mites, but
longer shaking will produce about 90% recovery. Dump the mites on a clean sheet
of paper and count them.
3 possible reasons for the efficacy of this technique:
1) Varroa mite legs have a sticky pad called the empodium that helps them adhere
to their host bee. The presence of powdered sugar could make it difficult for mites
to adhere to their host bee.
2) Powdered sugar stimulates the bees' natural grooming behavior.
3) The powdered sugar on the mite's body stimulates mites to release from feeding
on the host bee to groom themselves.
Varroa Mite Detection Continued:
Natural or "essential" oils produced by plants assist in
repelling predatory insects or to render the plant in some way
toxic to the insect if ingested. Essential oils have been shown
to have antimicrobial, antifungal, insecticidal and miticidal
effects on various pathogens and pests under both laboratory
and field conditions.
Essential oils have been used for treating honey bee
afflictions, including infestations of parasitic mites (varroa
and Acarine (tracheal) mites). Laboratory and field tests have
shown that they are between 50% and 95% effective in this
Mite Prevention& Treatment
Organic Method of
Removing Varroa
Pierco Green Drone Comb
MiteZapper® - Chemical Free Varroa Mite Control - Without Opening
Your Colony
Resembling a heating element, the MiteZapper® is a hive frame that is
built as a Drone Foundation. Varroa mites are 10 - 12 times more likely
to prefer drone cells. Install the MiteZapper® into the super as easily as a
regular frame. After the bees seal the brood, the beekeeper connects
the frame to the control box, which is then connected to a 12 volt
vehicle battery (not included) for about 8 minutes. The electricity
produces enough heat to kill both the pupae and the mites. The bees
then remove the dead brood/mites within 24 - 36 hours. Treatment is
performed approximately 5 times per year.
Chemical Free Mite Control:
A study conducted by the research arm of the USDA
in the spring of 2012 shows that Apivar® was
responsible for a 52-fold drop in mite population
compared to an untreated hive. This demonstrates
the effectiveness of Apivar’s® controlled-release
Apivar® is packaged in vacuum-sealed foil pouches
tha each contain 10 strips. A single application of two
strips per brood chamber is sufficient to treat a hive,
so you spend less time and effort treating your bees,
and there is less disruption of the bees than with
many other treatments.
Apivar® has been approved under Section 18 emergency use exemptions in select states. Apivar® does not
have Section 18 approval in all states. Prior to using this product, contact your local Department of
Agriculture or Mann Lake at 800-880-7694 to determine the status of Section 18 authorization in your state.
Treating Mites with
Chemicals from Mann Lake
Mite Away II ™ Quick-Strip (MAQS™)
The Quick Strips have a treatment period of just 7
days. Daytime temperatures must be between 50 -
92ºF. Strips are laid across the tops of the brood
frames and they can be used during a honey flow if
necessary. A spacer rim is no longer needed for these
strips but you still need to wear the recommended
safety equipment for acid. Now available in all states!
Update! Formic acid, the pesticide in Mite Away
strips, has been approved for varroa and tracheal
mite control in organic honey production. Read the
details of the new ruling at!documentDetail;D=A
Api Life Var® Thymol Strips
An alternative product for Varroa treatment.
Up to 95% efficacy, most effective when the
temperature range is 65º- 95ºF (18º - 35ºC).
Three applications are necessary at 7-10 day
intervals. When treating using 3 wafers per
colony, the 10 pack will treat approximately
6 colonies and the 100 pack will treat
approximately 66 colonies. Not available for
sale in HI or CA.
Caution:They do cause contamination of wax and honey,
but the levels are minimal. Three delivery methods are used in bee hives... Slow fumigation, fast
fumigation and admixture with sugar syrup feed, which has both a direct ingestion component
and a certain amount of slow fumigation.
The terms 'slow' and 'fast' are used here to indicate the difference
between passive fumigation by a bottle with a wick (or a felt pad in a honey jar lid) and the
burning of pungent leaves in a smoker or delivering an aerosol of the oil compound.
Historically 'Oil of wintergreen' (methyl salicylate) has been used
against acarine mites for a century or more. Although thyme oil and eucalyptus oil have also been
used. Menthol crystals at a rate of 50g per hive are most favored in USA. There is a newly
formulated micro encapsulated version of menthol which is now being added to honey bee feed.
This material has shown promising results so far.
The commonly used essential oils for varroa control, are
thymol, eucalyptus, and wintergreen. These oils can be applied singly or in concert. When
applied as fumigants, the effectiveness of thymol and other essential oils against varroa mites
depends greatly on temperature, time of the year and colony strength. Due to the inconsistency
and unreliability of essential oils for mite control, they cannot be used alone. However, their use
does fit well into Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs for alternating use with other
control measures.
Mann Lake Medication Kit:
1 ten pack Check Mite+ Strips (V. Mites)
1 ten pack MiteAThol Menthol (Tracheal
1 Terra Patties Mix (10) (Foulbrood)
Price: $55.00
A honeybee feeding stimulant
composed of lemongrass and
spearmint oil concentrate.
promote healthy vigorous
hives when used as a feeding
Developed in 1995 by a
commercial beekeeper
Rich in essential oils!
Dadant & Sons
Essential Oils
From Mann Lake
· feeding stimulant composed of
lemongrass and spearmint (essential oils
· helps promote healthy, vigorous hives ·
when used as a feeding stimulant during
late winter, early spring and during
dearths of nectar
· natural calming effect when sprayed on
the bees
· antibacterial, antifungal and
antimicrobial which aids in the overall
health of the bees
· helps build up packages, nucs and
· prevents syrup fermentation
when used as a spray, stimulates bees to
draw out new foundation faster
Chalk Brood
Chalk Brood
The most common brood disease found in most areas.
Caused by a fungus (Ascosphaera apis).
Found in colonies which are stressed by:
· humid weather
· low colony population
· American foulbrood
· mite infestation
· poor nutrition
· poor hive management
· weather extremes (cold clustering and heat fanning)
· unattended brood & insufficient nurse bee #’s
Most often the first larvae affected are those that
may be unattended regularly around the edges of
the brood where the brood temperature may not
be consistent.
There are no medications
Best organic treatment is to eliminate stress factors.
Get bee population up in the spring and keep it up!!
Cleaning behavior of the workers maybe only second or
third to good ventilation and hive population, to resist
Chalk Brood Infestation
Small Hive Beetles
Use this trap any time beetles are present.
However since Small Hive Beetles (S.H.B.)
are temperature sensitive it will be far more
effective during late spring to fall when beetles
are out of the cluster and most active. Included
with your West Beetle Trap are wooden
spacers needed to modify your bottom board,
to allow the honey bees to enter and exit the
hive while the West Beetle Trap is in place
Hive Beetle Aid:
Mini Beetle Blaster
Mini-Mating Nucs are prime
targets for the hive beetle. Fill
the Mini Beetle Blaster with oil
and the beetles won't be able to
get out of the trap.
Wax Moths
Para-Moth® Wax Moth Control
Para-Moth® is used to control wax moths in
stored supers. Place 3 oz. (85.04g or 6
tablespoons) on a paper plate and place on top
bars of uppermost super. Stack 5 deep supers
or 9 shallow supers and cover with a tarp.
Equipment should be aired for several days
before use.Do not use in the hive or with cut
comb honey or unextracted combs of honey.
Wax Moth
Wax Moths
Very destructive insect pest in the beehive
Adult is heavy-bodied, small moth about ½”
to ¾” long, wings vary in color from grayish
to brown and the underside is light gray. The
mated females will fly into a colony 1 to 3
hours after dark and lay their eggs and then
leave before daylight. The eggs are laid in
masses and are light in color.
A fat larvae worm will be visible.
Larvae is pointed at both ends with a brown
head and can get up to 1" in length Will
stay in the larvae state from 18 days to 3
mos. Prefer darker comb and will chew out
oval depressions throughout your hive Will
destroy the comb and woodenware. Wax
moths begin spinning a cocoon that can
cover your frames .
Wax Moths Continued;
Treating Wax Moths
There are no chemicals approved to kill
these wax worms while in your hive. The
only sure way to keep this from becoming a
problem in your hive is to keep your bees
strong and healthy so they can manage
them successfully on their own.
Several options; remove the infected
super and add it to a very strong
colony that will clean it up, place the
comb inside a plastic bag and place in a
freezer for 2 days, or some in the deep
south, will place the infested combs
over a fire ant nest for a day or so to
clean up.
Wax Moth Problems:
If you make cut comb honey it is necessary
to freeze your comb for at least 2 days, this
will kill the eggs and prevent them from
hatching inside the packaging.
Extracting supers can be treated with
Paradichlorobenzene (PDB). Simply stack
the extracted dry supers about 5 high (hive
bodies) or 10 high (supers) and place 6 oz.
of the crystals on top of a square of
newspaper in the top super. It is necessary
to make sure that all cracks are taped shut;
you are basically making a fumigation
chamber. Check stacked supers every 6 wks
in warm climates as moths may get back
into the stacked supers and lay more eggs
when the PDB has vaporized. Make sure
that the supers are aired out for several days
before placing back on the hive. Use only
the PDB, DO NOT use commercially
available moth balls; it has other chemicals
that are unsafe for bees and humans.
Foul Brood
Erratic or uneven brood pattern · Twisted larvae
w/ creamy-white guts visible through the body
wall; melted down, yellowy-white larvae ·
Unpleasant, sour odor · Loosely-attached brown
Unlike AFB, the remains of larvae that die from
EFB do not rope when drawn out with a
European Foul Brood
American Foul Brood
American Foulbrood (AFB)
* most fatal of honeybee brood diseases
• Spores germinate in the gut of the larva and the
vegetative form of the bacteria begins to grow.
• A good field test is to touch dead larva with a
toothpick or twig. It will be sticky and "ropey"
• Has a characteristic odor, - experienced beekeepers
with a good sense of smell can often detect the
disease upon opening a hive. The most reliable
disease diagnosis is done by sending in some
possibly affected brood comb to a laboratory
specialized in identifying honey bee diseases.
American Foul Brood
spores are extremely resistant to
desiccation and can remain viable for more
than 40 years in honey and beekeeping
equipment. Therefore, honey from an
unknown source should never be used as
bee feed, and used beekeeping equipment
should be assumed contaminated unless
known to be otherwise.
When cleaning infected cells, bees
distribute spores throughout the entire
colony. Disease spreads rapidly throughout
the hive as the bees, attempting to remove
the spore-laden dead larvae, contaminate
brood food. Nectar stored in contaminated
cells will contain spores and soon the brood
chamber becomes filled with contaminated
American Foul Brood
As this honey is moved up into the supers,
the entire hive becomes contaminated with
spores. When the colony becomes weak
from AFB infection, robber bees may enter
and take contaminated honey back to their
hives thereby spreading the disease to other
colonies and apiaries. Beekeepers also may
spread disease by moving equipment
(frames or supers) from contaminated hives
to healthy ones.
American Foul Brood
The only way to get rid of
American Foul Brood is to
burn all your equipment!
All-inclusive liquid protein with 20 amino
acids vital for bee health. Protein Benefits:
Stimulates brood rearing when there is no
natural pollen or nectar, Simulates a nectar
flow and pollen bloom when using 1:1
sugar syrup with Honey-B-Healthy plus
protein, Provides all vital amino acids plus
9 more, reinforces worn-out, stored pollen
for late winter brood rearing. When fed in
sugar water with Honey-B-Healthy
stimulates rapid build-up of nucs, swarms,
package bees and weak colonies. It can be
used to help produce high quality queens
by providing protein for royal jelly.

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Honeybee diseases

  • 1. By: Dawn Cogan Science-Based Art of Alaska, LLC & Undesirable Hive Problems
  • 3. Nosema A spore-forming parasitic protozoan that chiefly affects insects.
  • 4. Nosema arises mostly in the spring after periods of bad weather, although it may also be a winter disease that is only noticed in the spring when beekeepers first inspect their hives. The female worker bees are most strongly afflicted, less so the drones. The queen bee is rarely infected since afflicted bees rarely participate in feeding the queen. The most notable symptom is dysentery. This appears as yellow stripes on the outside of the hive and in severe cases, inside the hive. Bees may be unable to fly ("crawling") due to disjointed wings. If the queen is infected, her ovaries degenerate and ovum production drops due to atrophy of the ova, after which she is likely to be superseded.
  • 5. Fumagilin®-B Now more than ever it is important to treat for Nosema. Fumagilinsup>®-B fed in sugar syrup both spring and fall will help keep your spore counts low. Easy to Mix. Dissolves without heating and mixes directly into syrup. Nosema Prevention:
  • 6. Varroa Mites A reddish-brown, oval mite (Varroa jacobsoni) that is a parasite of honeybees. They are about the size of a peppercorn.
  • 7. VarroaMite Detection Sticky Board This sticky board can be used with or without the screen to monitor or diagnose a varroa infestation. If placed directly on the bottom board, the screen will be needed to keep the bees from the adhesive. When used in conjunction with a screened bottom board, the replacement sticky board can be used alone. The sticky board is conveniently printed with the grid lines to aid in determining the number of mites present.
  • 8. Varroa Mite Detection: Paula Macedo, a U of Nebraska Graduate Student, found a new way to check colonies for Varroa mites that is more efficient than ether roll, and NOT necessary to kill bees to conduct the test. MATERIALS: A wide mouth canning jar (quart or pint) with a two piece lid. #8 mesh hardware cloth (or any mesh that will retain bees, but pass varroa) Window Screen (or any fine mesh that will retain Varroa, but pass powdered sugar) Retain the metal ring of the two piece lid and discard the center portion. Cut a circle of #8 mesh hardware cloth to fit the inside of the ring. Collect 200-300 bees in the jar. Add powdered sugar (enough to coat the bees, about 1 tsp. to 1 tbsp.) through the #8 mesh hardware cloth lid.
  • 9. Roll the jar around to distribute the sugar. Allow the jar to sit for a few minutes Then invert the jar over a piece of paper and shake to recover the mites. The bees will remain in the jar, but the mites and sugar will pass through the #8 mesh to the paper. The sugar will make it difficult to count the mites. Hence, pour the sugar and mites into another jar with a fine mesh. lid. Shake again and allow the sugar to escape through the mesh. A brief shaking will usually recover about 70% of the mites, but longer shaking will produce about 90% recovery. Dump the mites on a clean sheet of paper and count them. 3 possible reasons for the efficacy of this technique: 1) Varroa mite legs have a sticky pad called the empodium that helps them adhere to their host bee. The presence of powdered sugar could make it difficult for mites to adhere to their host bee. 2) Powdered sugar stimulates the bees' natural grooming behavior. 3) The powdered sugar on the mite's body stimulates mites to release from feeding on the host bee to groom themselves. Varroa Mite Detection Continued:
  • 10. Natural or "essential" oils produced by plants assist in repelling predatory insects or to render the plant in some way toxic to the insect if ingested. Essential oils have been shown to have antimicrobial, antifungal, insecticidal and miticidal effects on various pathogens and pests under both laboratory and field conditions. Essential oils have been used for treating honey bee afflictions, including infestations of parasitic mites (varroa and Acarine (tracheal) mites). Laboratory and field tests have shown that they are between 50% and 95% effective in this role. Mite Prevention& Treatment
  • 11. Organic Method of Removing Varroa Mites: Pierco Green Drone Comb
  • 12. MiteZapper® - Chemical Free Varroa Mite Control - Without Opening Your Colony Resembling a heating element, the MiteZapper® is a hive frame that is built as a Drone Foundation. Varroa mites are 10 - 12 times more likely to prefer drone cells. Install the MiteZapper® into the super as easily as a regular frame. After the bees seal the brood, the beekeeper connects the frame to the control box, which is then connected to a 12 volt vehicle battery (not included) for about 8 minutes. The electricity produces enough heat to kill both the pupae and the mites. The bees then remove the dead brood/mites within 24 - 36 hours. Treatment is performed approximately 5 times per year. Chemical Free Mite Control:
  • 14. APIVAR DRAMATICALLY CUTS MITE POPULATION A study conducted by the research arm of the USDA in the spring of 2012 shows that Apivar® was responsible for a 52-fold drop in mite population compared to an untreated hive. This demonstrates the effectiveness of Apivar’s® controlled-release technology. APIVAR STRIPS SAVE TIME AND EFFORT Apivar® is packaged in vacuum-sealed foil pouches tha each contain 10 strips. A single application of two strips per brood chamber is sufficient to treat a hive, so you spend less time and effort treating your bees, and there is less disruption of the bees than with many other treatments. Apivar® has been approved under Section 18 emergency use exemptions in select states. Apivar® does not have Section 18 approval in all states. Prior to using this product, contact your local Department of Agriculture or Mann Lake at 800-880-7694 to determine the status of Section 18 authorization in your state. Treating Mites with Chemicals from Mann Lake
  • 15. Mite Away II ™ Quick-Strip (MAQS™) The Quick Strips have a treatment period of just 7 days. Daytime temperatures must be between 50 - 92ºF. Strips are laid across the tops of the brood frames and they can be used during a honey flow if necessary. A spacer rim is no longer needed for these strips but you still need to wear the recommended safety equipment for acid. Now available in all states! Update! Formic acid, the pesticide in Mite Away strips, has been approved for varroa and tracheal mite control in organic honey production. Read the details of the new ruling at!documentDetail;D=A MS-NOP-11-0058-0027
  • 16. Api Life Var® Thymol Strips An alternative product for Varroa treatment. Up to 95% efficacy, most effective when the temperature range is 65º- 95ºF (18º - 35ºC). Three applications are necessary at 7-10 day intervals. When treating using 3 wafers per colony, the 10 pack will treat approximately 6 colonies and the 100 pack will treat approximately 66 colonies. Not available for sale in HI or CA.
  • 17. Caution:They do cause contamination of wax and honey, but the levels are minimal. Three delivery methods are used in bee hives... Slow fumigation, fast fumigation and admixture with sugar syrup feed, which has both a direct ingestion component and a certain amount of slow fumigation. The terms 'slow' and 'fast' are used here to indicate the difference between passive fumigation by a bottle with a wick (or a felt pad in a honey jar lid) and the burning of pungent leaves in a smoker or delivering an aerosol of the oil compound. Historically 'Oil of wintergreen' (methyl salicylate) has been used against acarine mites for a century or more. Although thyme oil and eucalyptus oil have also been used. Menthol crystals at a rate of 50g per hive are most favored in USA. There is a newly formulated micro encapsulated version of menthol which is now being added to honey bee feed. This material has shown promising results so far. The commonly used essential oils for varroa control, are thymol, eucalyptus, and wintergreen. These oils can be applied singly or in concert. When applied as fumigants, the effectiveness of thymol and other essential oils against varroa mites depends greatly on temperature, time of the year and colony strength. Due to the inconsistency and unreliability of essential oils for mite control, they cannot be used alone. However, their use does fit well into Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs for alternating use with other control measures.
  • 18. Mann Lake Medication Kit: 1 ten pack Check Mite+ Strips (V. Mites) 1 ten pack MiteAThol Menthol (Tracheal Mites) 1 Terra Patties Mix (10) (Foulbrood) Price: $55.00
  • 19. HONEY-B-HEALTHY A honeybee feeding stimulant composed of lemongrass and spearmint oil concentrate. HONEY-B-HEALTHY helps promote healthy vigorous hives when used as a feeding stimulant. Developed in 1995 by a commercial beekeeper Rich in essential oils! Dadant & Sons
  • 20. Essential Oils From Mann Lake · feeding stimulant composed of lemongrass and spearmint (essential oils concentrate) · helps promote healthy, vigorous hives · when used as a feeding stimulant during late winter, early spring and during dearths of nectar · natural calming effect when sprayed on the bees · antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial which aids in the overall health of the bees · helps build up packages, nucs and swarms · prevents syrup fermentation when used as a spray, stimulates bees to draw out new foundation faster
  • 22. Chalk Brood The most common brood disease found in most areas. Caused by a fungus (Ascosphaera apis). Found in colonies which are stressed by: · humid weather · low colony population · American foulbrood · mite infestation · poor nutrition · poor hive management · weather extremes (cold clustering and heat fanning) · unattended brood & insufficient nurse bee #’s
  • 23. Most often the first larvae affected are those that may be unattended regularly around the edges of the brood where the brood temperature may not be consistent. CHALK BROOD TREATMENT: There are no medications Best organic treatment is to eliminate stress factors. Get bee population up in the spring and keep it up!! Cleaning behavior of the workers maybe only second or third to good ventilation and hive population, to resist chalkbrood.
  • 26. 8+ Use this trap any time beetles are present. However since Small Hive Beetles (S.H.B.) are temperature sensitive it will be far more effective during late spring to fall when beetles are out of the cluster and most active. Included with your West Beetle Trap are wooden spacers needed to modify your bottom board, to allow the honey bees to enter and exit the hive while the West Beetle Trap is in place Hive Beetle Aid:
  • 27. Mini Beetle Blaster Mini-Mating Nucs are prime targets for the hive beetle. Fill the Mini Beetle Blaster with oil and the beetles won't be able to get out of the trap.
  • 29. Para-Moth® Wax Moth Control Para-Moth® is used to control wax moths in stored supers. Place 3 oz. (85.04g or 6 tablespoons) on a paper plate and place on top bars of uppermost super. Stack 5 deep supers or 9 shallow supers and cover with a tarp. Equipment should be aired for several days before use.Do not use in the hive or with cut comb honey or unextracted combs of honey. Wax Moth Control:
  • 30. Wax Moths Very destructive insect pest in the beehive Adult is heavy-bodied, small moth about ½” to ¾” long, wings vary in color from grayish to brown and the underside is light gray. The mated females will fly into a colony 1 to 3 hours after dark and lay their eggs and then leave before daylight. The eggs are laid in masses and are light in color.
  • 31. A fat larvae worm will be visible. Larvae is pointed at both ends with a brown head and can get up to 1" in length Will stay in the larvae state from 18 days to 3 mos. Prefer darker comb and will chew out oval depressions throughout your hive Will destroy the comb and woodenware. Wax moths begin spinning a cocoon that can cover your frames . Wax Moths Continued;
  • 32. Treating Wax Moths There are no chemicals approved to kill these wax worms while in your hive. The only sure way to keep this from becoming a problem in your hive is to keep your bees strong and healthy so they can manage them successfully on their own.
  • 33. Several options; remove the infected super and add it to a very strong colony that will clean it up, place the comb inside a plastic bag and place in a freezer for 2 days, or some in the deep south, will place the infested combs over a fire ant nest for a day or so to clean up. Wax Moth Problems:
  • 34. If you make cut comb honey it is necessary to freeze your comb for at least 2 days, this will kill the eggs and prevent them from hatching inside the packaging. Extracting supers can be treated with Paradichlorobenzene (PDB). Simply stack the extracted dry supers about 5 high (hive bodies) or 10 high (supers) and place 6 oz. of the crystals on top of a square of newspaper in the top super. It is necessary to make sure that all cracks are taped shut;
  • 35. you are basically making a fumigation chamber. Check stacked supers every 6 wks in warm climates as moths may get back into the stacked supers and lay more eggs when the PDB has vaporized. Make sure that the supers are aired out for several days before placing back on the hive. Use only the PDB, DO NOT use commercially available moth balls; it has other chemicals that are unsafe for bees and humans.
  • 37. Erratic or uneven brood pattern · Twisted larvae w/ creamy-white guts visible through the body wall; melted down, yellowy-white larvae · Unpleasant, sour odor · Loosely-attached brown scales Unlike AFB, the remains of larvae that die from EFB do not rope when drawn out with a matchstick. European Foul Brood
  • 39. American Foulbrood (AFB) * most fatal of honeybee brood diseases • Spores germinate in the gut of the larva and the vegetative form of the bacteria begins to grow. • A good field test is to touch dead larva with a toothpick or twig. It will be sticky and "ropey" • Has a characteristic odor, - experienced beekeepers with a good sense of smell can often detect the disease upon opening a hive. The most reliable disease diagnosis is done by sending in some possibly affected brood comb to a laboratory specialized in identifying honey bee diseases.
  • 40. American Foul Brood spores are extremely resistant to desiccation and can remain viable for more than 40 years in honey and beekeeping equipment. Therefore, honey from an unknown source should never be used as bee feed, and used beekeeping equipment should be assumed contaminated unless known to be otherwise.
  • 41. When cleaning infected cells, bees distribute spores throughout the entire colony. Disease spreads rapidly throughout the hive as the bees, attempting to remove the spore-laden dead larvae, contaminate brood food. Nectar stored in contaminated cells will contain spores and soon the brood chamber becomes filled with contaminated honey.. American Foul Brood
  • 42. As this honey is moved up into the supers, the entire hive becomes contaminated with spores. When the colony becomes weak from AFB infection, robber bees may enter and take contaminated honey back to their hives thereby spreading the disease to other colonies and apiaries. Beekeepers also may spread disease by moving equipment (frames or supers) from contaminated hives to healthy ones. American Foul Brood
  • 43. The only way to get rid of American Foul Brood is to burn all your equipment!
  • 44. All-inclusive liquid protein with 20 amino acids vital for bee health. Protein Benefits: Stimulates brood rearing when there is no natural pollen or nectar, Simulates a nectar flow and pollen bloom when using 1:1 sugar syrup with Honey-B-Healthy plus protein, Provides all vital amino acids plus 9 more, reinforces worn-out, stored pollen for late winter brood rearing. When fed in sugar water with Honey-B-Healthy stimulates rapid build-up of nucs, swarms, package bees and weak colonies. It can be used to help produce high quality queens by providing protein for royal jelly.