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Greater China Talent Management Summit 2011

“Definition of Success - What's the Aspiration of Young

                      July 8, 2011
1.   Survey Objectives
2.   Grouping of Working Population
3.   Survey Findings
4.   Survey Conclusions
5.   Literature Review
6.   Definition of Success
1. Survey Objectives
                     To help employers understand Generation Y on their
                      characteristics and preferences at workplace

                     To develop appropriate strategies and tactics to work
                      effectively with Generation Y

                     To exploit Generation Y’s talents for future business

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
2. Grouping of Working

                      Silent                            Baby
                                                       Boomer                     Generation             Generation          Generation
                                                                                      X                      Y                   Z

              1922                         1945                            1964                       1980                1994
                   Aged 65 or above                    Aged 46-64                      Aged 30-45            Aged 16-29      Aged 15 or below

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
3. Survey Findings
  4.2 Recruitment and Retention                                                                            Ranking Scale: 1 = most important
          Ranking and mean scores of attributes which                                                                     5 = least important
          Generation Y would look for when they choose/stay in a job
            Ranking                             Employers                                Mean                Working Gen-Y          Mean
                  1st         Monetary compensation and                                   1.81                                      2.30
                              benefits                                                                Monetary compensation and
                 2nd                                                                      2.55                                      2.93
                              Clear and achievable career                                             Clear and achievable career
                              pathway                                                                 pathway

                 3rd          Interests and fun                                           3.10        Job security                  3.20

                 4th          Professional advancement                                    3.24        Professional advancement      3.21

                 5th          Flexible timetable                                          3.43        Interests and fun             3.43

                 6th          Job security                                                4.27        Flexible timetable            4.56

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance                                             5
3. Survey Findings (cont’d)
        4.3 Mentoring
        Style of mentor which Generation Y would prefer
                                                                                               Employers      Working
                                                                                                            Generation Y

                                                                                                      %          %
       Directive mentor                                                                               21%       14%

       Supportive mentor                                                                              26%       48%

       Collaborative mentor                                                                           44%       27%

       Achievement-oriented mentor                                                                    9%        11%

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
3. Survey Findings (cont’d)
         4.3 Mentoring
         Style of mentor which Generation Y would prefer (cont’d)
         Definition of the four mentoring styles:

         •        A directive mentor: Gives all the instructions and rules
         •        A supportive mentor: Offers help when you need according to the
         •        A collaborative mentor: Allows you to have much freedom in work
         •        An achievement-oriented mentor: Provides ongoing feedback

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
3. Survey Findings (cont’d)
      4.4 Characteristics of Generation Y at Workplace
                                                                                                      Ranking          1 = Totally disagree
          Mean score of characteristics rated by respondents                                          Scale:           6 = Totally agree

                               Mean score of Characteristics                                             Employers             Working
      They want to participate in the decision made                                                             3.89              4.37
      related to their work.

      They are more adaptable to different working                                                              3.21              4.31

      They want to have more instant response when                                                              4.14              4.30
      communicating with the others

      They want to choose their working hours flexibly                                                          4.49              3.92

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
3. Survey Findings (cont’d)
    4.4 Characteristics of Generation Y at Workplace                                                           Ranking       1 = Totally disagree
        Mean score of characteristics rated by respondents                                                     Scale:        6 = Totally agree
              Ranking                              Employers                             Mean                Working Gen-Y               Mean

                    1st             They want to choose their                             4.49        They want to participate in        4.37
                                    working hours flexibly                                            the decision made related to
                                                                                                      their work.

                  2nd               They want to have more                                4.14        They are more adaptable to         4.31
                                    instant response when                                             different working
                                    communicating with the                                            environment

                   3rd              They want to participate                              3.89        They want to have more             4.30
                                    in the decision made                                              instant response when
                                    related to their work.                                            communicating with the

                   4th              They are more adaptable                               3.21        They want to choose their          3.92
                                    to different working                                              working hours flexibly

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance                                                 9
3. Survey Findings (cont’d)
        4.4 Characteristics of Generation Y at Workplace
        Top five adjectives respondents used to describe Generation Y at workplace

                Ranking                                         Employers                                      Working
                                                                                                             Generation Y
                       1st                  Self-centered                                             Creative
                       2nd                  Impatient                                                 Energetic
                       3rd                  Creative                                                  Self-centered
                       4th                  Lazy                                                      Hard-working
                       5th                  Irresponsible                                             Enjoy freedom

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
3. Survey Findings (cont’d)
      4.5 Motivation and Rewards
      Comparison of employers’, working and non-working Generation Y’s view on
      rewards which can motivate Generation Y to improve at workplace

                                                 Rewards                                              Employers   Working
                                                                                                                  Gen- Y
                                                                                                         %          %
    Satisfactory performance in their job                                                               29%        40%

    Freedom at work execution                                                                           23%        12%
    Money and title recognition                                                                         44%        43%
    More meaningful work given                                                                           4%         5%

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
4. Survey Conclusions
            Both employers and Generation Y think Generation Y are
             creative. However, employers comment that Generation Y are
             self-centered, impatient and irresponsible while Generation Y
             think they are hardworking and energetic

            Since Generation Y employees seek more ownership of their job,
             they want to participate in the decision making process

            Generation Y employees are at the start of their career, they
             desire more support and guidance from employers

            Apart from money and title recognition, job satisfaction, learning
             opportunities and exposure from work are effective ways to
             motivate Generation Y
Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review
                 Reference Information
               Kathleen Shaputis, The Crowded Nest Syndrome: Surviving the Return of Adult Children,
                Clutter Fairy Publishing, 2004
               Ron Alsop, The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation is Shaking Up the
                Workplace, Jossey-Bass, October 13, 2008
               Don Taspcott, Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World, McGraw-Hill,
               Peter Sheahan, Generation Y: Thriving and Surviving with Generation Y at Work, Hardie Grant
                Books, 2005
               Misti Burmeister, From Boomers To Bloggers: Success Strategies Across Generations, Synergy
                Press, LLC, 2008
               Nicole A. Lipkin, Y in the Workplace: Managing the "Me First" Generation, Career Press, 2009
               Bruce Tulgan, Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage Generation Y, Jossey-Bass, 2009
               《四代香港人》呂大樂著 香港進一步多媒體有限公司出版

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
        Comparisons of the Lifestyles of Multi - Generation

                        Silent                        Baby Boomer                       Generation X Generation Y        Generation Z
                        Generation                    (1946 – 1964)                     (1965 – 1980)    (1981 – 1994)   ( After 1994)
                         (1922 – 1945)
       Core              Respect                       Optimism                        Skeptical of    Democracy      Pluralism
       Values                                                                             authority
                                                        Community                                        Confidence     Efficiency
                                                         involvement                     Adaptability
                                                                                                          Fun            Social justice
                                                        Independence
                            authority                                                                                     Individualism

                         “Duty before

       Sources :  Disciplined
       Hammill, Greg. (2005). Mixing and Managing Four Generations of Employees.
       Peter Sheahan, Generation Y: Thriving and Surviving with Generation Y at Work, Hardie Grant Books, 2005

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
    Comparisons of the Lifestyles of Multi – Generation (cont’d)
                      Silent        Baby Boomer                                      Generation X     Generation Y    Generation Z
                      Generation    (1946 – 1964)                                    (1965 – 1980)    (1981 – 1994)   ( After 1994)
                      (1922 – 1945)

   Dealing             For saving                   Conservative                    Cautious        Earn to spend  Wise about
   with                                                                                                                 money
                       Pay cash                     For saving                                       Buy now, pay management
                                                                                                        later          Money-savvy

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
        Generational Working Styles
                      Silent                          Baby Boomer                    Generation X     Generation Y    Generation Z
                      Generation                      (1946 – 1964)                  (1965 – 1980)    (1981 – 1994)   (After 1994)
                      (1922 – 1945)

       Work            Value hard                     Value job      Desire clear  Desire                          Do not believe
       Ethic            work                            status          structure and autonomy                          in career and
                                                                        direction                                       formal studies
                       Respect                        Workaholic                    Emphasize
                        authority                                      Question       job                             Desire instant
                                                       Desire quality authority       significance                       results
                       Adhere to
                        rules                                                         Adaptable to

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
     Generational Working Styles (cont’d)
                        Silent                         Baby Boomer Generation X                       Generation Y     Generation Z
                        Generation                      (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980)                   (1981 – 1994)    (After 1994)
                        (1922 – 1945)

    Work                 Obligation                    Exciting                       Difficult     Means to        Do not value
    Values                                               adventure                       challenge      fulfill goal     professions
                         Duty before
                          fun                           Ambitious                                     Fun in work

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
      Generational Working Styles (cont’d)
                        Silent                         Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y          Generation Z
                        Generation                      (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994)     (After 1994)
                        (1922 – 1945)
      Career             Build a legacy  Build a stellar  Build a career  Seek for                 Build multi
      Goal                                 career            that can use     personal                  tasking
                         Seek for job                       skills and       development               careers
                          security and  Seek for job        experience
                          stability        status

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
     Preferred Communication Methods
                           Silent        Baby Boomer                                   Generation X     Generation Y Generation Z
                           Generation    (1946 – 1964)                                 (1965 – 1980)    (1981 – 1994) (After 1994)
                           (1922 – 1945)

Communication               Formal                      Personal                      Expect ongoing  More        Rely on the
                                                          contact                        feedback         informal     virtual world
                            One on one
                                                         Call at anytime  Short messages  Instant                  Resist verbal and

                                                                                                                      Instant

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
      Preferred Communication Methods (cont’d)
                              Silent                     Baby Boomer                    Generation X    Generation Y      Generation Z
                              Generation                 (1946 – 1964)                  (1965 – 1980)   (1981 – 1994)     (After 1994)
                              (1922 – 1945)

   Communication               Phones                    Cell phones                   Cell phones    Internet         Internet

                               Write memo                                               E-mail         3G / 4G Cell     Instant
                                                                                                          phones/E-mail     messaging
                               Mailed
                                letter                                                                   Corridor         Social
                                                                                                          conversations     interaction

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
      Preferred Communication Methods (cont’d)
                         Silent                          Baby Boomer                      Generation X Generation Y       Generation Z
                         Generation                       (1946 – 1964)                   (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994)     (After 1994)
                         (1922 – 1945)

    Message               Reserved                       More personal  Short and                     Concise action  Online
    preferred                                                              direct                         words            message
                          Polite
                                                                                                         Use

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
5. Literature Review (cont’d)
                         Silent        Baby Boomer                                     Generation X    Generation Y     Generation Z
                         Generation    (1946 – 1964)                                   (1965 – 1980)   (1981 – 1994)    (After 1994)
                         (1922 – 1945)

   Motivating             Clear and                    Love                           Ask for their  Be more like a  Being friends
   style                   logical                       encourage-                      reactions and coach, less of with them
                                                         ment                            opinions        a boss

   Rewards                Satisfaction  Money and      Freedom is                                    Meaningful      Meaningful,
                           in a job well title            the best                                       work             challenging
                           done           recognition as reward                                                           work

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
6. Definition of Success

               Work life balance

                     “Chasing Day Light”
               Legacies

                        Value and meaning

                        Life influences life

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
6. Definition of Success (cont’d)

               Count our Blessing

               Stewardship of Affluence

               Stewardship of Influence

Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
Thank You !

        Phone: 2894-6188

Hon. Paul M. P. Chan                       25

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Hon paul chan

  • 1. Greater China Talent Management Summit 2011 “Definition of Success - What's the Aspiration of Young People" July 8, 2011
  • 2. Agenda 1. Survey Objectives 2. Grouping of Working Population 3. Survey Findings 4. Survey Conclusions 5. Literature Review 6. Definition of Success
  • 3. 1. Survey Objectives  To help employers understand Generation Y on their characteristics and preferences at workplace  To develop appropriate strategies and tactics to work effectively with Generation Y  To exploit Generation Y’s talents for future business development Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 3
  • 4. 2. Grouping of Working Population Silent Baby Boomer Generation Generation Generation Generation X Y Z 1922 1945 1964 1980 1994 Aged 65 or above Aged 46-64 Aged 30-45 Aged 16-29 Aged 15 or below Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 4
  • 5. 3. Survey Findings 4.2 Recruitment and Retention Ranking Scale: 1 = most important Ranking and mean scores of attributes which 5 = least important Generation Y would look for when they choose/stay in a job Ranking Employers Mean Working Gen-Y Mean 1st Monetary compensation and 1.81 2.30 benefits Monetary compensation and benefits 2nd 2.55 2.93 Clear and achievable career Clear and achievable career pathway pathway 3rd Interests and fun 3.10 Job security 3.20 4th Professional advancement 3.24 Professional advancement 3.21 5th Flexible timetable 3.43 Interests and fun 3.43 6th Job security 4.27 Flexible timetable 4.56 Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 5
  • 6. 3. Survey Findings (cont’d) 4.3 Mentoring Style of mentor which Generation Y would prefer Employers Working Generation Y % % Directive mentor 21% 14% Supportive mentor 26% 48% Collaborative mentor 44% 27% Achievement-oriented mentor 9% 11% Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 6
  • 7. 3. Survey Findings (cont’d) 4.3 Mentoring Style of mentor which Generation Y would prefer (cont’d) Definition of the four mentoring styles: • A directive mentor: Gives all the instructions and rules • A supportive mentor: Offers help when you need according to the situation • A collaborative mentor: Allows you to have much freedom in work • An achievement-oriented mentor: Provides ongoing feedback Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 7
  • 8. 3. Survey Findings (cont’d) 4.4 Characteristics of Generation Y at Workplace Ranking 1 = Totally disagree Mean score of characteristics rated by respondents Scale: 6 = Totally agree Mean score of Characteristics Employers Working Gen-Y They want to participate in the decision made 3.89 4.37 related to their work. They are more adaptable to different working 3.21 4.31 environment They want to have more instant response when 4.14 4.30 communicating with the others They want to choose their working hours flexibly 4.49 3.92 Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 8
  • 9. 3. Survey Findings (cont’d) 4.4 Characteristics of Generation Y at Workplace Ranking 1 = Totally disagree Mean score of characteristics rated by respondents Scale: 6 = Totally agree Ranking Employers Mean Working Gen-Y Mean 1st They want to choose their 4.49 They want to participate in 4.37 working hours flexibly the decision made related to their work. 2nd They want to have more 4.14 They are more adaptable to 4.31 instant response when different working communicating with the environment others 3rd They want to participate 3.89 They want to have more 4.30 in the decision made instant response when related to their work. communicating with the others 4th They are more adaptable 3.21 They want to choose their 3.92 to different working working hours flexibly environment Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 9
  • 10. 3. Survey Findings (cont’d) 4.4 Characteristics of Generation Y at Workplace Top five adjectives respondents used to describe Generation Y at workplace Ranking Employers Working Generation Y 1st Self-centered Creative 2nd Impatient Energetic 3rd Creative Self-centered 4th Lazy Hard-working 5th Irresponsible Enjoy freedom Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 10
  • 11. 3. Survey Findings (cont’d) 4.5 Motivation and Rewards Comparison of employers’, working and non-working Generation Y’s view on rewards which can motivate Generation Y to improve at workplace Rewards Employers Working Gen- Y % % Satisfactory performance in their job 29% 40% Freedom at work execution 23% 12% Money and title recognition 44% 43% More meaningful work given 4% 5% Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 11
  • 12. 4. Survey Conclusions  Both employers and Generation Y think Generation Y are creative. However, employers comment that Generation Y are self-centered, impatient and irresponsible while Generation Y think they are hardworking and energetic  Since Generation Y employees seek more ownership of their job, they want to participate in the decision making process  Generation Y employees are at the start of their career, they desire more support and guidance from employers  Apart from money and title recognition, job satisfaction, learning opportunities and exposure from work are effective ways to motivate Generation Y Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 12
  • 13. 5. Literature Review Reference Information  Kathleen Shaputis, The Crowded Nest Syndrome: Surviving the Return of Adult Children, Clutter Fairy Publishing, 2004  Ron Alsop, The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation is Shaking Up the Workplace, Jossey-Bass, October 13, 2008  Don Taspcott, Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World, McGraw-Hill, 2008  Peter Sheahan, Generation Y: Thriving and Surviving with Generation Y at Work, Hardie Grant Books, 2005  Misti Burmeister, From Boomers To Bloggers: Success Strategies Across Generations, Synergy Press, LLC, 2008  Nicole A. Lipkin, Y in the Workplace: Managing the "Me First" Generation, Career Press, 2009  Bruce Tulgan, Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage Generation Y, Jossey-Bass, 2009  《四代香港人》呂大樂著 香港進一步多媒體有限公司出版 Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 13
  • 14. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Comparisons of the Lifestyles of Multi - Generation Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) ( After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Core  Respect     Optimism  Skeptical of  Democracy  Pluralism Values         authority          Community  Confidence  Efficiency         involvement  Adaptability          Fun  Social justice          Independence   authority  Individualism  “Duty before self” Sources :  Disciplined Hammill, Greg. (2005). Mixing and Managing Four Generations of Employees. Peter Sheahan, Generation Y: Thriving and Surviving with Generation Y at Work, Hardie Grant Books, 2005 Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 14
  • 15. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Comparisons of the Lifestyles of Multi – Generation (cont’d) Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) ( After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Dealing  For saving  Conservative  Cautious  Earn to spend  Wise about with money Money  Pay cash  For saving  Buy now, pay management later  Money-savvy Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 15
  • 16. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Generational Working Styles Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) (After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Work  Value hard  Value job  Desire clear  Desire  Do not believe Ethic work status structure and autonomy in career and direction formal studies  Respect  Workaholic  Emphasize authority  Question job  Desire instant  Desire quality authority significance results  Adhere to rules  Adaptable to changes Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 16
  • 17. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Generational Working Styles (cont’d) Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) (After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Work  Obligation  Exciting  Difficult  Means to  Do not value Values adventure challenge fulfill goal professions  Duty before fun  Ambitious  Fun in work Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 17
  • 18. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Generational Working Styles (cont’d) Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) (After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Career  Build a legacy  Build a stellar  Build a career  Seek for  Build multi Goal career that can use personal tasking  Seek for job skills and development careers security and  Seek for job experience stability status Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 18
  • 19. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Preferred Communication Methods Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) (After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Communication  Formal  Personal  Expect ongoing  More  Rely on the Style contact feedback informal virtual world  One on one  Call at anytime  Short messages  Instant  Resist verbal and face-to-face communication  Instant Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 19
  • 20. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Preferred Communication Methods (cont’d) Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) (After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Communication  Phones  Cell phones  Cell phones  Internet  Internet Media  Write memo  E-mail  3G / 4G Cell  Instant phones/E-mail messaging  Mailed letter  Corridor  Social conversations interaction websites Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 20
  • 21. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Preferred Communication Methods (cont’d) Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) (After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Message  Reserved  More personal  Short and  Concise action  Online preferred direct words message  Polite  Use abbreviations Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 21
  • 22. 5. Literature Review (cont’d) Motivators Silent Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Generation (1946 – 1964) (1965 – 1980) (1981 – 1994) (After 1994) (1922 – 1945) Motivating  Clear and  Love  Ask for their  Be more like a  Being friends style logical encourage- reactions and coach, less of with them ment opinions a boss Rewards  Satisfaction  Money and  Freedom is  Meaningful  Meaningful, in a job well title the best work challenging done recognition as reward work rewards Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance 22
  • 23. 6. Definition of Success  Work life balance “Chasing Day Light”  Legacies  Value and meaning  Life influences life Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
  • 24. 6. Definition of Success (cont’d)  Count our Blessing  Stewardship of Affluence  Stewardship of Influence Sources : Survey conducted by Tamty McGill Consultants International Ltd. on behalf of CPD Alliance
  • 25. Thank You ! Phone: 2894-6188 Email: Hon. Paul M. P. Chan 25