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The Holy Trinity Quiz
Litstock 2016
• 25 questions
• No decapitations for wrong answers
• Question 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 are The Chosen Ones
• If you’re found indulging in malpractice, prepare for trial by combat
• In the town of Saint Clabar, Venezuela, a public prosecution was done
against Javier Delagado Esquez for the assault and resulting death of
an elderly man, who had tried to rob Javier.
• The judge in his closing sentence summed the case up by saying, “The
case is unique, as will be the punishment. We will give him a chance
to prove his innocence, be it beyond the grave.”
• What was the sentence popularly called?
Trial by combat
• ________ Technologies Ltd has the distinction of being the only one
in Asia to print ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’.
• This book was printed under high security and complete secrecy.
Every bit of information about the book was closely guarded prior to
its launch and the huge print run was turned around in record time
and delivered safely for the Indian publisher, Hachette India.
• Fill in the blank.
• Disney CEO Robert Iger : “This is one of the great entertainment
properties of all time, one of the best branded and one of the most
valuable, and it's just fantastic for us to have the opportunity to both
buy it, run it, and grow it.”
• X, who received 40 million Disney shares from this deal is the second-
largest non-institutional shareholder of Disney, the first being the
trust of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.
• ID X.
George Lucas
• This actor (picture in the next slide) has directed and starred in
several adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays.
• He has also starred in popular movies like Valkyrie, Celebrity, Fortunes
of War, Wild Wild West, Thor, and Cinderella to name a few.
• Keeping in mind that this is a HT Quiz, name the character for which
he is popularly remembered.
Gilderoy Lockhart
• Put Funda:
• “..…3720 to 1 …..”
Odds of successfully navigating an asteroid
field, according to C3P0
• Ned Stark first holds the post for Robert Baratheon, then Tyrion
Lannister and Tywin Lannister for Joffrey Baratheon. The name of the
post is derived from the idea that the X is the right hand man of the
• What is ironic about X’s symbol ?
Their badge is actually a left hand
• In the next slide is a picture of Loch Shiel which is situated in
• How has this lake been immortalised in cinematic history ?
Portrays the ‘Black Lake’/’The Great Lake’ in
the HP films
• The following lines contain a description of a portrait by Jim Kay:
• I like symbolism in paintings,’ Jim says, and a rogue piece of trivia I didn’t know I
knew comes to the front of my mind. The word ‘mantis’ means ‘prophet’ and it’s
traditionally supposed to be a symbol of patience, intuition and wisdom.
“There’s a praying mantis in there because to me X is honest. He’s honest and
wise, but there’s always a catch to his honesty because he holds information back,
too. Then there are Sherbet Lemons, but that’s just because he likes Sherbet
Lemons. He wrote a book on dragon’s blood, so that’s in there too. The vase is a
real vase that I saw at the Metropolitan Museum in New York many, many years
ago. There’s no real connection there, I’d just seen it and liked it.”
• ID the subject of the portrait.
• Aqualung was the original English name of the first open circuit
SCUBA gear that gained worldwide popularity. Apart from diving, it is
also the stage name of English singer Mathew Halws and is also the
name of a Jethro Tull album and song.
• They were also used in Star Wars. Why?
They were used to help create Vader’s
breathing sound
• In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Mr Weasley
accompanies Harry for hearing. In the phone booth, he enters 62442.
• Why does he enter this particular code?
62442 typed in T9 spells out ‘MAGIC’
• Peter Dinklage is a big fan of Al Pacino. He says that if there is one
actor on the planet that can pull of any role, it’s Pacino. He also says
that no matter how much game and honour Al Pacino receives, he
will still be underrated.
• In the episode Valar Dohaeris, Tyrion’s face is revealed after the Battle
of Blackwatter. A picture was posted by Al Pacino of this scene.
• What caption did he give this picture?
• Legendary sound designer Ben Burt, during the years of preliminary
sound recording, used the vocalisation of a Black Bear named Tarik
from the Happy Hollow Zoo in San Jose.
• He would eventually synchronize those sounds with those of a walrus,
lion, and badger, thereby creating a new sound.
• Where were these new sounds used?
Chewbacca’s voice
• This is the dominant theme closely identified with and used in all of
the Harry Potter films. Though titled ‘X’s Theme’, it doesn't always
specifically represent X, but rather the wider idea of magic and the
Wizarding World. Its concert suite is frequently performed by
musicians and ensembles.
• ID the tune.
Hedwig’s Theme
• Connect:
• Delphini
Herpo the Foul
Gormlath Gaunt
Cornivius Gaunt
Marvolo Gaunt
Marfin Gaunt
Merope Gaunt
• What is this a list of? ID X, Y, and Z.
List of known Parslemouth’s
• X, Y, and Z – Harry Potter, Salazar Slytherin, and Voldemort
• The term X was coined in 2011 by the blogger and critic Myles McNutt to describe scenes
in the HBO TV series Game of Thrones in which characters reveal crucial information
related to plot and character development during intimate scenes. Author George R. R.
Martin said this technique is in line with the purpose of sexuality in the A Song of Ice and
Fire books, and acknowledged that this technique allows for the exposition of
motivations and incentives not available to the TV show. The term X has since been
retroactively applied to similar practices in many earlier works, including the older HBO
shows Deadwood and The Sopranos (frequently set in a strip club), many older cop films
(likewise) and even the 1930s comic strip Jane. According to critic Poniewozik, the
novelty of the practice is not the nudity, but the manner in which it accompanies
exposition, for which older TV shows with less complex plots did not have as much need
• ID the term X.
• Frank Dilane plays the role of Tom Riddle, Jr in Harry Potter and the
Half Blood Prince. It’s said that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree,
since both father (Stephen Dilane) and son successfully captured the
darkness of the role of their character. Both father and son have
turned to blood magic to fuel their success.
• Which character with this discription has Stephen Dilane played?
Stannis Baratheon
• Movies have often known to deviate from the plot line in the books.
The description of Harry’s character by Rowling is portrayed
impeccably in the movies, except for one glaring difference.
The reason for the difference is because Radcliffe was allergic to the
tool needed to inscribe this feature.
• What was this difference?
Green eyes in the books, blue eyes in the
• Connect:-
General Veers
Grand Maester Pycelle
All played/voiced by the same actor (Julian
• Although the played the role of X in the original trilogy, albeit in a
certain manner, David Prowse had his voice dubbed over by Y
because of his strong West County accent. At Y’s request, he was
uncredited for Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back as he didn’t
want people to associate him with a movie which he thought would
be a flop. X would go on to become Y’s most famous roles.
• ID X and Y.
X-Darth Vader
Y-James Earl Jones
• “The beauty of the heart must be all you seek, for if you desire its all I
seek. To find the answer look within; for there the answer ends there
it begins.”
• Inscription: ______ stra ehru out ube cafru out on wohsi
• Fill in the blank.
Erised (The Mirror of Erised)
• How are Djerba, Tunasia and Dante’s View, Death Valley related ?
Locations where Mos Eisley was filmed
• X is a term that originates from the Viking Era. It talks of Honour and
distinction and an ability to take decisions for the greater good, rather
than a personal interest. Modern connotations suggest a figure of
love and affection, and integrity held above all, no matter what cost.
• ID X, whose literal meaning is a wealthy guardian.
• Why has this place become really popular in recent years ?
Café where JKR wrote much of her Harry
Potter Books
• X and Y are two characters in Star Wars who play pivotal roles. Both
are respected and popular among their peers.
• Both their names come from Sanskrit words, X from warrior and Y
from lotus.
• X is seen in both, the Prequels and the Original Trilogy, while Y is seen
only in the Prequels.
• ID X and Y.
Yoda (Yodha)
Padme (Padma)
• “You know, most people probably don’t really know what Arabic
actually sounds like, so to an untrained ear, it might sound like Arabic.
To someone who knows Arabic, it doesn’t. I tend to think of the
sound as a mix between Arabic (minus the distinctive pharyngeal) and
Spanish, due to the dental consonants.”
• What is being talked about?
The Dothraki language
Thank You !
• Join us on the ‘Quizzing Society, MIT, Manipal’ group on Facebook
The Holy Trinity Quiz
Litstock 2016
• 5 rounds
• 2 dry rounds and 3 themed rounds
Round I: Dries 1
• 8 questions
• Clockwise
• Bounce: +10, no negatives
• Pounce: +10/-10, all parts needed in questions with multiple parts
• The ship shown in this picture is the Tantive IV. How does it connect to a
hamburger with an olive on the side?
The Tantive IV is the Blockade Runner, and it was
the original Millennium Falcon. The final design of
the Falcon was inspired by a hamburger with an
olive on the side.
• The Pointy End, S01E08
• Blackwater, S02E09
• The Bear and the Maiden Fair, S03E07
• The Lion and the Rose, S04E02
• What is special about this exhaustive list of episodes?
These are the only episodes written by
• X is a phenomenon that describes the feeling of a person who is left
awestruck as he sees a nobody, clumsy, fumbling geek turn out to be
a knight in shining armour.
• This phenomenon is used to describe characters or instances in
storylines which are seemingly irrelevant to the plot, but turnout to
be pivotal.
• What is the phenomenon X?
• In 1997, a special edition of the Original Trilogy was released to
celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of the films. Multiple
changes were made across the 3 movies, most of them being small
changes made by reworking the scenes through CGI.
• One change however, made to a scene in the Mos Eiesley cantina
where Han was speaking to Greedo before shooting and killing him,
generated controversy among fans as they felt it altered the morally
ambiguous character of Han Solo.
• This change gave rise to a phrase used by fans to retort George Lucas’
claim that Greedo ____ first, not Han. What is the phrase?
Han shot first
• “It was basically a giant, three pound gummy bear covered in fake
sugar blood, which has the added attraction of drawing real flies.”
• Through repeated takes, _____ did have to eat most of it. _____ said
it tasted of bleach and was made tough and gristly by the addition of
valves made from “something like dried pasta.”
• The last few shots of that scene barely had to be enacted as _____
was quite sick by then.
• Which scene from Game of Thrones is being talked about?
Danaerys eating the horse heart
• Just like X, Y once had a student who would later go on to fight
against him. X and Y were both killed by these students (Y indirectly),
although both allowed it to happen.
• X and Y would go on to advise Z and _____ respectively from beyond
the grave, and this advise would be critical for Z and _____ to beat
these two former students in battle.
• ID X, Y, and Z.
X-Obi-Wan, Y-Dumbledore, Z-Luke
• The word X entered English in the 17th century, meaning rascal. Even
in modern times, if you’re a X, you’re certainly rascal, maybe even a
• A X doesn’t target a victim or plan a crime, he is on the move looking
for opportunities to rob people.
• Basically, it is someone who roams around looking for things to steal.
• X is also the name of an American hard rock band, active since 1990.
• What is the word X?
• X is an actor, producer and screenwriter, who has acted in ‘Night
Watch’ and ‘Headhunters’ and debuted in ‘Black Hawk Down.’
• Since September 2016, he has been appointed an ambassador for the
UN Development Goals.
• He also appeared as a Game of Thrones character on an episode of
• In an incident in Las Vegas, X was confused with Aaron Eckhart, who is
famous for roles in ‘Erin Brockovich’, ‘Thank You for Smoking’, ‘The
Dark Knight’, ‘Battle: Los Angeles’, and ‘Olympus Has Fallen.’
• ID X.
X-Nicolaj Coster-Waldau
Round II: Star Wars Memes
• 4 Star Wars related memes will be shown, all you have to do is fill in
the blanks.
• +10 for each correct answer, no negatives
• +15 bonus if all 4 are correct
Round III: Game of Thrones Lists
• 3 lists
• +5 for every correct answer on it
• +20 bonus if all lists are correct
• Answers must be from when the show began
• List all the Hands of the King and Queen for the ruling house.
• List the house words of all the Great Houses
• List all the dead Stark family members.
1. The Hands of the King and Queen for the
ruling House
• Jon Arryn, for Robert
• Ned Stark, for Robert
• Tyrion Lannister, for Joffery
• Tywin Lannister, for Joffery and Tommen
• Kevan Lannister, for Tommen
• Qyburn, for Cersei
2. House words of the Great Houses
• Targaryen: Fire and Blood
• Lannister: Hear Me Roar!
• Baratheon: Ours is the Fury
• Stark: Winter is Coming
• Greyjoy: We Do Not Sow
• Martell: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
• Tyrell: Growing Strong
• Tully: Family, Duty, Honour
3. Dead Starks
• Ned Stark
• Catelyn Stark
• Lyanna Stark
• Robb Stark
• Talisa Stark
• Rickon Stark
Round IV: Dries 2
• 8 questions
• Anticlockwise
• Bounce: +10, no negatives
• Pounce: +10/-10, all parts needed in questions with multiple parts
• The picture (on the next slide) shows an alien talking to Luke
Skywalker. This nose-less green skinned alien is a major character of
series, and was written in this green form for the original draft of Star
Wars. This character was then rewritten as a fat and bearded pirate,
before finally being rewritten in the form he’s popularly known in
• ID the character.
Han Solo
• The etymology of this term points to the Latin era, where Heimcaedo
was a word that meant celebration, as it heralded the coming of a
relief and relaxation from unbearable heat. Today, its connotation is
quite the opposite of that.
• Today, the word is used in context with of extreme conditions.
Interestingly, while the Latin refers to good tidings, the phrase
associated with the word is a warning to enemies.
• What is the word and the phrase?
Winterfell, Winter is coming
• What has been blanked out in the last box of the strip?
A Basilisk
• The X rocket family is an American family of multi-use rocket launch
vehicles developed and operated by SpaceX.
• Currently, only the X 9 ‘Full Thrust’ is being used, and 2 variants, the X
Heavy and the X 9-R (reusable) are under development.
• CEO Elon Musk has said that although they look nothing alike, this
rocket family is named after a ship in the Star Wars series.
• ID the rocket family and the ship from Star Wars.
Falcon rocket family, Millennium Falcon
• Closely related to the ‘Prefect’ and the ‘Popular’, this was launched
soon after Britain declared war on Germany in early September 1939,
and hence its patriotic name.
• A fourth version was launched in 1959, with a lot of American
influence in its design.
• Which automobile has been described?
Ford Anglia
• The X’s are rocky peninsulae near the Vale of Arryn, and Y’s father was
the lord of the smallest one if them.
• Y is also relatively short of stature, both as and adult and a child.
• ID X and Y.
X- The Fingers Y-Littlefinger
• What is wrong in this picture?
Harry is wearing the Gryffindor scarf before
being sorted
• “We used squishy wet elements such as fruits and vegetables… A lot
of what we mix in are just labeled ‘fruit smash’, but I believe there’s a
watermelon in there, because it has some oomph to it… There’s a
bubbling sound in there, that’s mud bubbling. There’s some crunch in
there, some bone breaks. We have actual bone breaks that we’ve
recorded over the years, be it chicken bones that we pitch down to
make them sound larger, or what have you.”
• Which scene from Game of Thrones is being talked about?
• Safety slide
Oberyn’s death
Round V: Harry Potter Long Connect
• 6 questions
• +70/-40, +60/-35, +50/-30, +40/-25, +30/-20, +20/-15
• Richard Trinder plays this character in the Harry Potter movies. He is a
pure blood death eater, who was rumoured to have been imprisoned
in Azkaban at the time of the incident of the seven Potters, but as
Kingsley Shacklebolt soon found out, he was actually out and taking
part in the chase.
• He is married to one of Lord Voldemort’s most loyal servants of all
time. Along with his wife and Rabastan, he oversaw the torture of
Frank Longbottom and his wife, Alice.
• Who?
Rodolphous Lestrange
• “You are protected, in short, by your ability to love! The only
protection that can possibly work against the lure of power like
Voldemort's! In spite of all the temptation you have endured, all the
suffering, you remain pure of heart, just as pure as you were at the
age of eleven, when you stared into a mirror that reflected your
heart's desire, and it showed you only the way to thwart Lord
Voldemort, and not immortality or riches.”
• Albus Dumbledore on who?
Harry Potter
• Born in Cokeworth, England as a Muggle born, some say that far more
than Snape or Harry, the Harry Potter series is about X. X was a
singularly gifted and highly accomplished person, who was murdered
alongside her husband during the First Wizarding War.
• X is shown in the first and last movies briefly, and heard in the third
• ID X.
Lily Evans
• X was a Death Eater, albeit an introspective one. He joined the Dark
Lord’s army at a time when it was almost mandatory for every
Slytherin to do so. However he had always held a fascination for the
Dark Lord, and kept pictures of him in his room.
• In his time, he was one of the most accomplished seekers that played
the sport of Quidditch. His only indication prior to the seventh book,
are given by his initials.
• ID X.
• “Size is no guarantee of power”, was her brother’s comment on her.
• X moderated as seeker and chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team,
as per Harry’s availability and suspension.
• Her patronous is a horse, and she is considered to be one of the most
accomplished performers of the Bat Bogey Hex.
• ID X.
Ginny Weasley
• He is considered to be the only man talented enough to make Grawp
look like a gentlemen. The true successor to Oliver Wood, he failed to
make the Gryffindor team, through no fault of his own.
• He has known to have been friendly with the likes of Bertie Higgs, his
uncle Tiberius, as well as Rufus Scrimegour.
• ID X.
Cormac McLaggen
Connect: Members of the Slug Club
Final Scores
Thank you
• Join us on Facebook- The Literary, Debate and Quiz Club, MIT
Manipal, and on our quiz group- Quizzing Society, MIT Manipal
• Find us on Instagram- ldq_manipal
• Working Committee recruitments- 8th November, 2016

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Holy Trinity Quiz (HP, GoT, Star Wars)

  • 1. The Holy Trinity Quiz PRELIMS Litstock 2016
  • 2. RULES • 25 questions • No decapitations for wrong answers • Question 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 are The Chosen Ones • If you’re found indulging in malpractice, prepare for trial by combat
  • 3. Q1 • In the town of Saint Clabar, Venezuela, a public prosecution was done against Javier Delagado Esquez for the assault and resulting death of an elderly man, who had tried to rob Javier. • The judge in his closing sentence summed the case up by saying, “The case is unique, as will be the punishment. We will give him a chance to prove his innocence, be it beyond the grave.” • What was the sentence popularly called?
  • 5. Q2 • ________ Technologies Ltd has the distinction of being the only one in Asia to print ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’. • This book was printed under high security and complete secrecy. Every bit of information about the book was closely guarded prior to its launch and the huge print run was turned around in record time and delivered safely for the Indian publisher, Hachette India. • Fill in the blank.
  • 7. Q3 • Disney CEO Robert Iger : “This is one of the great entertainment properties of all time, one of the best branded and one of the most valuable, and it's just fantastic for us to have the opportunity to both buy it, run it, and grow it.” • X, who received 40 million Disney shares from this deal is the second- largest non-institutional shareholder of Disney, the first being the trust of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. • ID X.
  • 9. Q4 • This actor (picture in the next slide) has directed and starred in several adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays. • He has also starred in popular movies like Valkyrie, Celebrity, Fortunes of War, Wild Wild West, Thor, and Cinderella to name a few. • Keeping in mind that this is a HT Quiz, name the character for which he is popularly remembered.
  • 10.
  • 12. *Q5 • Put Funda: • “..…3720 to 1 …..”
  • 13. Odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field, according to C3P0
  • 14. Q6 • Ned Stark first holds the post for Robert Baratheon, then Tyrion Lannister and Tywin Lannister for Joffrey Baratheon. The name of the post is derived from the idea that the X is the right hand man of the King. • What is ironic about X’s symbol ?
  • 15. Their badge is actually a left hand
  • 16. Q7 • In the next slide is a picture of Loch Shiel which is situated in Scotland. • How has this lake been immortalised in cinematic history ?
  • 17.
  • 18. Portrays the ‘Black Lake’/’The Great Lake’ in the HP films
  • 19. Q8 • The following lines contain a description of a portrait by Jim Kay: • I like symbolism in paintings,’ Jim says, and a rogue piece of trivia I didn’t know I knew comes to the front of my mind. The word ‘mantis’ means ‘prophet’ and it’s traditionally supposed to be a symbol of patience, intuition and wisdom. “There’s a praying mantis in there because to me X is honest. He’s honest and wise, but there’s always a catch to his honesty because he holds information back, too. Then there are Sherbet Lemons, but that’s just because he likes Sherbet Lemons. He wrote a book on dragon’s blood, so that’s in there too. The vase is a real vase that I saw at the Metropolitan Museum in New York many, many years ago. There’s no real connection there, I’d just seen it and liked it.” • ID the subject of the portrait.
  • 21. Q9 • Aqualung was the original English name of the first open circuit SCUBA gear that gained worldwide popularity. Apart from diving, it is also the stage name of English singer Mathew Halws and is also the name of a Jethro Tull album and song. • They were also used in Star Wars. Why?
  • 22. They were used to help create Vader’s breathing sound
  • 23. *Q10 • In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Mr Weasley accompanies Harry for hearing. In the phone booth, he enters 62442. • Why does he enter this particular code?
  • 24. 62442 typed in T9 spells out ‘MAGIC’
  • 25. Q11 • Peter Dinklage is a big fan of Al Pacino. He says that if there is one actor on the planet that can pull of any role, it’s Pacino. He also says that no matter how much game and honour Al Pacino receives, he will still be underrated. • In the episode Valar Dohaeris, Tyrion’s face is revealed after the Battle of Blackwatter. A picture was posted by Al Pacino of this scene. • What caption did he give this picture?
  • 27. Q12 • Legendary sound designer Ben Burt, during the years of preliminary sound recording, used the vocalisation of a Black Bear named Tarik from the Happy Hollow Zoo in San Jose. • He would eventually synchronize those sounds with those of a walrus, lion, and badger, thereby creating a new sound. • Where were these new sounds used?
  • 29. Q13 • This is the dominant theme closely identified with and used in all of the Harry Potter films. Though titled ‘X’s Theme’, it doesn't always specifically represent X, but rather the wider idea of magic and the Wizarding World. Its concert suite is frequently performed by musicians and ensembles. • ID the tune.
  • 31. Q14 • Connect: • Delphini Herpo the Foul Gormlath Gaunt Cornivius Gaunt Marvolo Gaunt Marfin Gaunt Merope Gaunt X Y Z • What is this a list of? ID X, Y, and Z.
  • 32. List of known Parslemouth’s • X, Y, and Z – Harry Potter, Salazar Slytherin, and Voldemort
  • 33. *Q15 • The term X was coined in 2011 by the blogger and critic Myles McNutt to describe scenes in the HBO TV series Game of Thrones in which characters reveal crucial information related to plot and character development during intimate scenes. Author George R. R. Martin said this technique is in line with the purpose of sexuality in the A Song of Ice and Fire books, and acknowledged that this technique allows for the exposition of motivations and incentives not available to the TV show. The term X has since been retroactively applied to similar practices in many earlier works, including the older HBO shows Deadwood and The Sopranos (frequently set in a strip club), many older cop films (likewise) and even the 1930s comic strip Jane. According to critic Poniewozik, the novelty of the practice is not the nudity, but the manner in which it accompanies exposition, for which older TV shows with less complex plots did not have as much need • ID the term X.
  • 35. Q16 • Frank Dilane plays the role of Tom Riddle, Jr in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It’s said that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, since both father (Stephen Dilane) and son successfully captured the darkness of the role of their character. Both father and son have turned to blood magic to fuel their success. • Which character with this discription has Stephen Dilane played?
  • 37. Q17 • Movies have often known to deviate from the plot line in the books. The description of Harry’s character by Rowling is portrayed impeccably in the movies, except for one glaring difference. The reason for the difference is because Radcliffe was allergic to the tool needed to inscribe this feature. • What was this difference?
  • 38. Green eyes in the books, blue eyes in the movies
  • 40. All played/voiced by the same actor (Julian Glover)
  • 41. Q19 • Although the played the role of X in the original trilogy, albeit in a certain manner, David Prowse had his voice dubbed over by Y because of his strong West County accent. At Y’s request, he was uncredited for Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back as he didn’t want people to associate him with a movie which he thought would be a flop. X would go on to become Y’s most famous roles. • ID X and Y.
  • 43. *Q20 • “The beauty of the heart must be all you seek, for if you desire its all I seek. To find the answer look within; for there the answer ends there it begins.” • Inscription: ______ stra ehru out ube cafru out on wohsi • Fill in the blank.
  • 44. Erised (The Mirror of Erised)
  • 45. Q21 • How are Djerba, Tunasia and Dante’s View, Death Valley related ?
  • 46. Locations where Mos Eisley was filmed
  • 47. Q22 • X is a term that originates from the Viking Era. It talks of Honour and distinction and an ability to take decisions for the greater good, rather than a personal interest. Modern connotations suggest a figure of love and affection, and integrity held above all, no matter what cost. • ID X, whose literal meaning is a wealthy guardian.
  • 49. Q23 • Why has this place become really popular in recent years ?
  • 50. Café where JKR wrote much of her Harry Potter Books
  • 51. Q24 • X and Y are two characters in Star Wars who play pivotal roles. Both are respected and popular among their peers. • Both their names come from Sanskrit words, X from warrior and Y from lotus. • X is seen in both, the Prequels and the Original Trilogy, while Y is seen only in the Prequels. • ID X and Y.
  • 53. *Q25 • “You know, most people probably don’t really know what Arabic actually sounds like, so to an untrained ear, it might sound like Arabic. To someone who knows Arabic, it doesn’t. I tend to think of the sound as a mix between Arabic (minus the distinctive pharyngeal) and Spanish, due to the dental consonants.” • What is being talked about?
  • 55. Thank You ! • Join us on the ‘Quizzing Society, MIT, Manipal’ group on Facebook
  • 56. The Holy Trinity Quiz Finals Litstock 2016 By LDQ
  • 57. Rounds: • 5 rounds • 2 dry rounds and 3 themed rounds
  • 58.
  • 59. Round I: Dries 1 • 8 questions • Clockwise • Bounce: +10, no negatives • Pounce: +10/-10, all parts needed in questions with multiple parts
  • 60. Q1 • The ship shown in this picture is the Tantive IV. How does it connect to a hamburger with an olive on the side?
  • 61.
  • 62. The Tantive IV is the Blockade Runner, and it was the original Millennium Falcon. The final design of the Falcon was inspired by a hamburger with an olive on the side.
  • 63. Q2 • The Pointy End, S01E08 • Blackwater, S02E09 • The Bear and the Maiden Fair, S03E07 • The Lion and the Rose, S04E02 • What is special about this exhaustive list of episodes?
  • 64.
  • 65. These are the only episodes written by GRRM.
  • 66. Q3 • X is a phenomenon that describes the feeling of a person who is left awestruck as he sees a nobody, clumsy, fumbling geek turn out to be a knight in shining armour. • This phenomenon is used to describe characters or instances in storylines which are seemingly irrelevant to the plot, but turnout to be pivotal. • What is the phenomenon X?
  • 67.
  • 69. Q4 • In 1997, a special edition of the Original Trilogy was released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of the films. Multiple changes were made across the 3 movies, most of them being small changes made by reworking the scenes through CGI. • One change however, made to a scene in the Mos Eiesley cantina where Han was speaking to Greedo before shooting and killing him, generated controversy among fans as they felt it altered the morally ambiguous character of Han Solo. • This change gave rise to a phrase used by fans to retort George Lucas’ claim that Greedo ____ first, not Han. What is the phrase?
  • 70.
  • 72. Q5 • “It was basically a giant, three pound gummy bear covered in fake sugar blood, which has the added attraction of drawing real flies.” • Through repeated takes, _____ did have to eat most of it. _____ said it tasted of bleach and was made tough and gristly by the addition of valves made from “something like dried pasta.” • The last few shots of that scene barely had to be enacted as _____ was quite sick by then. • Which scene from Game of Thrones is being talked about?
  • 73.
  • 74. Danaerys eating the horse heart
  • 75. Q6 • Just like X, Y once had a student who would later go on to fight against him. X and Y were both killed by these students (Y indirectly), although both allowed it to happen. • X and Y would go on to advise Z and _____ respectively from beyond the grave, and this advise would be critical for Z and _____ to beat these two former students in battle. • ID X, Y, and Z.
  • 76.
  • 78. Q7 • The word X entered English in the 17th century, meaning rascal. Even in modern times, if you’re a X, you’re certainly rascal, maybe even a criminal. • A X doesn’t target a victim or plan a crime, he is on the move looking for opportunities to rob people. • Basically, it is someone who roams around looking for things to steal. • X is also the name of an American hard rock band, active since 1990. • What is the word X?
  • 79.
  • 81. Q8 • X is an actor, producer and screenwriter, who has acted in ‘Night Watch’ and ‘Headhunters’ and debuted in ‘Black Hawk Down.’ • Since September 2016, he has been appointed an ambassador for the UN Development Goals. • He also appeared as a Game of Thrones character on an episode of SNL. • In an incident in Las Vegas, X was confused with Aaron Eckhart, who is famous for roles in ‘Erin Brockovich’, ‘Thank You for Smoking’, ‘The Dark Knight’, ‘Battle: Los Angeles’, and ‘Olympus Has Fallen.’ • ID X.
  • 82.
  • 85. Round II: Star Wars Memes • 4 Star Wars related memes will be shown, all you have to do is fill in the blanks. • +10 for each correct answer, no negatives • +15 bonus if all 4 are correct
  • 87. Q1
  • 88. Q2
  • 89. Q3
  • 90. Q4
  • 92. 1
  • 93. 2
  • 94. 3
  • 95. 4
  • 97. Round III: Game of Thrones Lists • 3 lists • +5 for every correct answer on it • +20 bonus if all lists are correct • Answers must be from when the show began
  • 98. Q1 • List all the Hands of the King and Queen for the ruling house.
  • 99. Q2 • List the house words of all the Great Houses
  • 100. Q3 • List all the dead Stark family members.
  • 102. 1. The Hands of the King and Queen for the ruling House • Jon Arryn, for Robert • Ned Stark, for Robert • Tyrion Lannister, for Joffery • Tywin Lannister, for Joffery and Tommen • Kevan Lannister, for Tommen • Qyburn, for Cersei
  • 103. 2. House words of the Great Houses • Targaryen: Fire and Blood • Lannister: Hear Me Roar! • Baratheon: Ours is the Fury • Stark: Winter is Coming • Greyjoy: We Do Not Sow • Martell: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken • Tyrell: Growing Strong • Tully: Family, Duty, Honour
  • 104. 3. Dead Starks • Ned Stark • Catelyn Stark • Lyanna Stark • Robb Stark • Talisa Stark • Rickon Stark
  • 105. Round IV: Dries 2 • 8 questions • Anticlockwise • Bounce: +10, no negatives • Pounce: +10/-10, all parts needed in questions with multiple parts
  • 106. Q1 • The picture (on the next slide) shows an alien talking to Luke Skywalker. This nose-less green skinned alien is a major character of series, and was written in this green form for the original draft of Star Wars. This character was then rewritten as a fat and bearded pirate, before finally being rewritten in the form he’s popularly known in today. • ID the character.
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 110. Q2 • The etymology of this term points to the Latin era, where Heimcaedo was a word that meant celebration, as it heralded the coming of a relief and relaxation from unbearable heat. Today, its connotation is quite the opposite of that. • Today, the word is used in context with of extreme conditions. Interestingly, while the Latin refers to good tidings, the phrase associated with the word is a warning to enemies. • What is the word and the phrase?
  • 111.
  • 113. Q3 • What has been blanked out in the last box of the strip?
  • 114.
  • 116. Q4 • The X rocket family is an American family of multi-use rocket launch vehicles developed and operated by SpaceX. • Currently, only the X 9 ‘Full Thrust’ is being used, and 2 variants, the X Heavy and the X 9-R (reusable) are under development. • CEO Elon Musk has said that although they look nothing alike, this rocket family is named after a ship in the Star Wars series. • ID the rocket family and the ship from Star Wars.
  • 117.
  • 118. Falcon rocket family, Millennium Falcon
  • 119. Q5 • Closely related to the ‘Prefect’ and the ‘Popular’, this was launched soon after Britain declared war on Germany in early September 1939, and hence its patriotic name. • A fourth version was launched in 1959, with a lot of American influence in its design. • Which automobile has been described?
  • 120.
  • 122. Q6 • The X’s are rocky peninsulae near the Vale of Arryn, and Y’s father was the lord of the smallest one if them. • Y is also relatively short of stature, both as and adult and a child. • ID X and Y.
  • 123.
  • 124. X- The Fingers Y-Littlefinger
  • 125. Q7 • What is wrong in this picture?
  • 126.
  • 127. Harry is wearing the Gryffindor scarf before being sorted
  • 128. Q8 • “We used squishy wet elements such as fruits and vegetables… A lot of what we mix in are just labeled ‘fruit smash’, but I believe there’s a watermelon in there, because it has some oomph to it… There’s a bubbling sound in there, that’s mud bubbling. There’s some crunch in there, some bone breaks. We have actual bone breaks that we’ve recorded over the years, be it chicken bones that we pitch down to make them sound larger, or what have you.” • Which scene from Game of Thrones is being talked about?
  • 131. Round V: Harry Potter Long Connect • 6 questions • +70/-40, +60/-35, +50/-30, +40/-25, +30/-20, +20/-15
  • 132. Q1 • Richard Trinder plays this character in the Harry Potter movies. He is a pure blood death eater, who was rumoured to have been imprisoned in Azkaban at the time of the incident of the seven Potters, but as Kingsley Shacklebolt soon found out, he was actually out and taking part in the chase. • He is married to one of Lord Voldemort’s most loyal servants of all time. Along with his wife and Rabastan, he oversaw the torture of Frank Longbottom and his wife, Alice. • Who?
  • 134. Q2 • “You are protected, in short, by your ability to love! The only protection that can possibly work against the lure of power like Voldemort's! In spite of all the temptation you have endured, all the suffering, you remain pure of heart, just as pure as you were at the age of eleven, when you stared into a mirror that reflected your heart's desire, and it showed you only the way to thwart Lord Voldemort, and not immortality or riches.” • Albus Dumbledore on who?
  • 136. Q3 • Born in Cokeworth, England as a Muggle born, some say that far more than Snape or Harry, the Harry Potter series is about X. X was a singularly gifted and highly accomplished person, who was murdered alongside her husband during the First Wizarding War. • X is shown in the first and last movies briefly, and heard in the third movie. • ID X.
  • 138. Q4 • X was a Death Eater, albeit an introspective one. He joined the Dark Lord’s army at a time when it was almost mandatory for every Slytherin to do so. However he had always held a fascination for the Dark Lord, and kept pictures of him in his room. • In his time, he was one of the most accomplished seekers that played the sport of Quidditch. His only indication prior to the seventh book, are given by his initials. • ID X.
  • 139. R.A.B.
  • 140. Q5 • “Size is no guarantee of power”, was her brother’s comment on her. • X moderated as seeker and chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, as per Harry’s availability and suspension. • Her patronous is a horse, and she is considered to be one of the most accomplished performers of the Bat Bogey Hex. • ID X.
  • 142. Q6 • He is considered to be the only man talented enough to make Grawp look like a gentlemen. The true successor to Oliver Wood, he failed to make the Gryffindor team, through no fault of his own. • He has known to have been friendly with the likes of Bertie Higgs, his uncle Tiberius, as well as Rufus Scrimegour. • ID X.
  • 144. Connect: Members of the Slug Club
  • 146. Thank you • Join us on Facebook- The Literary, Debate and Quiz Club, MIT Manipal, and on our quiz group- Quizzing Society, MIT Manipal • Find us on Instagram- ldq_manipal • Working Committee recruitments- 8th November, 2016