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                                                                            LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION GUIDE
 National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service

 Abstract: This publication addresses the two different directions in which hog production is currently moving: 1)
 contracting with large-scale vertical integrators (producers/packers/processors linked from farrowing to packing to
 the retail counter), and 2) sustainable production of a smaller number of hogs sold through alternative markets. The
 aspects of sustainable hog production discussed in this publication include alternative niche marketing, breed selection,
 alternative feeds, waste management, odor control, health concerns, and humane treatment. Basic production practices
 are not covered in this publication, but they are readily available in many books and through state Cooperative Extension

By Lance Gegner                                         photo by Diane Halverson/AWI
NCAT Agriculture
November 2004
© NCAT 2004

Introduction .........................1
Understanding Pricing,
Concentration, and
Vertical Integration .............2
Sustainable Systems:
The Other Option ................4
   Budgeting ........................5
   Alternative Niche
   Marketing .........................5
   Breed Selection
   Criteria ..............................6                                        Introduction
   Alternative Feeds ............7                      Today’s independent hog producers have to choose between production
   Waste Management ....11                              systems that lead in different directions. One is toward confinement
   Odor Control..................14                     feeding of hogs and contracting with vertical integrators, where the
   Health Concerns ...........16                        motto is “get big or get out.” The other direction is toward more sus-
   Humane Treatment.......18                            tainable production of a smaller number of hogs and marketing them,
Summary ............................18                  through various methods, as part of a whole-farm operation.
References .........................19                  Kelly Klober, author of Storey’s Guide to Raising Pigs and himself a farmer
Further Resources ..............21                      and value-added marketer, notes the large difference between the two
Appendix ...........................26
                                                        types of production.
                                                           Scaled-down agribiz will not work on the small farm. When returns are
                                                           figured in pennies per unit of production, whether that production is in
                                                           pounds or bushels, they will not produce a sustainable and becoming

ATTRA is the national sustainable agriculture information service operated by the National Center for Appropriate
Technology, through a grant from the Rural Business-Cooperative Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
These organizations do not recommend or endorse products, companies, or individuals. NCAT has offices in
Fayetteville, Arkansas (P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702), Butte, Montana, and Davis, California.
Related ATTRA Publications                               Understanding Pricing,
   • Pork: Marketing Alternatives                           Concentration, and Vertical
   • Considerations in Organic Hog Produc-                         Integration
   • Hooped Shelters for Hogs                              Some large, independent hog operations, seeing
   • An Organic & Sustainable Practices                    the wide price fluctuations for finished hogs in
     Workbook and Resource Guide for                       the past few years, have started to move into
     Livestock Systems                                     contracting. As Jane Feagans, of Oasis Farms in
   • Profitable Pork: Strategies for Hog                    Oakford, Illinois, says, “Our strategy right now
     Producers (SAN Publication)                           is to survive. I don’t see the pork business as a
   • Holistic Management—A Whole-Farm                      particularly good business to be in right now….
     Decision Making Framework                             We went into the contract arrangements as a
   • Manures for Organic Crop Production                   risk-management tool. But it’s like insurance.
   • Nutrient Cycling in Pastures                          Risk management comes at a cost, because it
   • Protecting Water Quality on Organic                   limits the upside of the market.”(Hillyer and Phil-
     Farms                                                 lips, 2002) Producers who want to raise a large
   • Protecting Riparian Areas: Farmland                   number of hogs will most likely need to contract
     Management Strategies                                 with someone. As Chris Hart, Purdue University
   • Sustainable Soil Management                           Extension marketing specialist explains, “The
                                                           financial risks of not being aligned in some way
   return to the small producer. The small farmer          in the pork marketing chain are just too extreme.
   will have to work from within those perimeter           Many of these independents are saying enough
   fences, creating a farming mix geared not on            is enough.”(Hillyer and Phillips, 2002)
   volume, but premium product production. To
   succeed with growing less, one must have to sell        However, before producers decide to sign a con-
   it for more, and that means direct marketing, ex-       tract to produce hogs for a vertical integrator, it
   otic production, value added marketing, or just         is best to understand all aspects of the contract.
   about anything but the wholesale marketing of           Farmers’ Legal Action Group, Inc. (FLAG), locat-
   farm commodities by the truckload or pen-full           ed in Minnesota (Further Resources: Web sites),
   (Klober, 2003).                                         has several publications and articles on livestock
                                                           production contracts. Some key questions to
Klober stresses that producers should not identify
                                                           be addressed in contracts are listed in FLAG’s
themselves as hog finishers or grain specialists,
                                                           publication Livestock Production Contracts: Risks
but should view their farm enterprises as being
                                                           for Family Farmers:
“like fine watches; the good ones are small, well
put together, and everything works together in                 • How is the grower’s compensation
a precise fashion.” He goes on to say:                           calculated?
   With careful planning, even the smallest farm               • What are the grower’s expenses under
   can support a number of diverse enterprises. As               the contract?
   long as they do not directly compete for such
                                                               • Who has management control under the
   limited small farm assets as space, available labor,
   facilities, or capital, any number of ventures can            contract?
   be fitted together to form a distinct small farm.            • Does the grower carry the responsibility
   If they are keeping with the producer’s skill and             for compliance with environmental and
   desires, and good local market outlets exist for              other regulations?
   their outputs, any number of enterprises can be
   considered for the small farm mix. The answer to            • Can the Integrator require the Grower
   what is a good enterprise mix is as varied as the             to replace equipment in barns?
   descriptions of individual snowflakes. They can              • What happens if the production con-
   be stacked on the small farm to create a structured           tract is terminated by the Integrator?
   cash flow and to fully utilize the labor available
                                                                 (Moeller, 2003)
   (Klober, 2003).

PAGE 2                                                    //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
In addition, many state departments of agricul-       This shrinking of the open market is a problem
ture and Cooperative Extension Services have          for hog farmers. While some small cooperatives
publications available to help producers better       and processors, as well as small-scale direct hog
understand contracts. It is very important for all    marketers, are technically vertical integrators,
parties to READ AND UNDERSTAND EVERY-                 they lack the concentration of power to affect
THING BEFORE THEY SIGN.                               the market. According to Fred Kirschenmann,
                                                      director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable
With vertical integration, the mainstream pork        Agriculture in Ames, Iowa, the mid-size farms are
industry has consolidated in a way that many          finding it more difficult to find competitive mar-
people consider unsustainable. The number             kets for their hogs. The mid-size farms are “too
of hog producers is rapidly decreasing every          big to sell directly to consumers and too small
year. Between 1971 and 1992, the number of hog        to interest corporate food producers, who often
farms fell from 869,000 to 256,390 (Smith, 1998b),    prefer dealing with a few large farms rather than
and between 1997 and 2002 the number of hog           with dozens of smaller farms.”(Martin, 2004)
farms continued decreasing by about 39%, from
125,000 to just over 79,000.(Martin, 2004) While      What this reduced open-market pricing really
the number of hog producers is decreasing, the        means is that 11.6% of hogs—those sold on the
large operations are expanding or increasing in       open market—establish the price for many of
actual numbers. In 2000, hog producers market-        the vertically-integrated hogs as well, because
ing fewer than 1000 hogs per year—68.2% of hog        integrators tie their prices to the open market
producers—marketed only 1.8% of all hogs pro-         price. However, in the written testimony of the
duced, while hog producers marketing more than        Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) to
50,000 head per year—two-tenths of one percent        the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Anti-
(.002) of hog producers—marketed 51.3% of hogs        trust, Competitive Policy, and Consumer Rights,
produced.(Lawrence and Grimes, 2000)                  Micheal Stumo, OCM General Council, states:

Large-scale vertical integration (producer/pack-         The hog industry is approximately 87% vertical at
er/processors linked from farrowing to packing           the producer/packer interface. Vertical integra-
to the retail counter) has put pork production           tion takes the form of packer owned hogs, and
in the same predicament as poultry production.           various types of contracted hogs. Ninety percent
                                                         of the hog contracts pay the producer through a
Vertical integrators are direct-contracting more
                                                         formula price based upon the open market price
hogs today than in the past. According to a Na-          reported each day by the USDA’s Market News
tional Pork Board Analysis of USDA price data,           Service. All the pork packers have been aggres-
35.8% of all hogs were sold on the open market           sively going vertical and have stated as much.
(negotiated price) in 1999, but that number fell to
11.6% in January 2004.(Anon., 2004a)                     In theory, the 13% of the non-vertical hogs set the
                                                         price for the open market price reports. In prac-
                                                         tice, three to five percent of the hogs traded set the
A large animal confinement operation in Wisconsin.        price. These are the hogs actually negotiated be-
Photo by Bob Nichols, USDA NRCS                          tween packers and producers in the Iowa-South-
                                                         ern Minnesota market, the price setting market.
                                                         The other non-vertical hogs either are committed
                                                         to a packer through an oral formula arrangement,
                                                         or are merely forced to take the “Posted Price”
                                                         that the packer says it will pay based on the Iowa-
                                                         Southern Minnesota market.…

                                                         Packers always have an incentive to push hog
                                                         prices down to save money. But when 90% of the
                                                         contract hogs are pegged to the open market, the
                                                         marginal cost of bidding for open market hogs is
                                                         tremendously magnified…. In today’s concen-
                                                         trated packer environment, we have dominant
                                                         firms interacting in a very thin market. This sce-
                                                         nario exponentially increases their ability to drive
                                                         prices lower as compared to a situation where

            //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                        PAGE 3
the dominant firm bought all their hogs from a         University of Missouri rural sociologist Wil-
   high-volume open market. It is no surprise that       liam Heffernan has found that the profits from
   the past 20 years have seen a steady downward         an independent producer have a multiplier ef-
   trend in hog prices as packers consolidated hori-     fect of three to four in a local community, but
   zontally and vertically even while the wholesale
                                                         profits from a corporate or private company–
   meat prices justify far more for live hogs (Stumo,
                                                         owned farm leave the local community almost
                                                         immediately.(DiGiacomo, 1995) Another study
The Missouri Rural Crisis Center in Columbia,            in Minnesota found that for livestock-intensive
Missouri, has found that since 1994 more than            operations, the percentage spent locally (within
70% of Missouri hog farmers (7,400 out of 10,500)        20 miles of the farm) declined dramatically with
have left hog production. The Center adds that           the growth of the operation. So, rural communi-
the Missouri hog farmer’s share of the pork retail       ties and even states need to consider what is more
dollar has gone from 46¢ in 1986 to 30¢ in 2003,         important to them—having a large number of
while the consumer prices of pork have increased         hogs produced or having a large number of hog
more than 40%.(Oates and Perry, 2003)                    producers.(Thompson, 1997)

         Hog Prices Received by                                 Sustainable Systems:
            Missouri Farmers                                      The Other Option
 (average annual prices per hundredweight)
      1985-1987                   $49.34
                                                         There are many things to consider in sustainable
                                                         hog production and marketing. This publication
      1988-1990                   $48.03
                                                         focuses on only some of these issues. Basic hog
      1991-1993                   $46.63                 production information—housing, breeding,
      1994-1996                   $46.27                 farrowing, care of baby pigs, weaning, etc.—is
      1997-1999                   $41.04                 not covered in this publication, but it is avail-
      2000-2002                   $37.60                 able from state Extension Service offices and
                                                         in books available at libraries, bookstores, and
** If you adjust hog prices for inflation,                on-line stores (see Further Resources: Books).
independent pork producers are getting                   Other aspects of sustainable production are dis-
paid about 51% less in real dollars for their            cussed in the ATTRA publications mentioned
hogs than what they received in 1985.
                                                         throughout this publication and in the Further
Missouri Hog Prices (Oates and Perry, 2003)              Resources section. The main issues addressed
                                                         in this publication are:
The economic analyses of farm records by various
                                                             • Niche marketing
state universities show that the size of the hog
operation is not as important to making a profit              • Breed selection
as how well the hog operation is managed.(Ikerd,             • Alternative feeds, including forages and
2001) In a presentation to the Biodynamic Farm-                alternative energy and protein sources
ing Conference, Fred Kirschenmann of the Leop-
                                                             • Waste management
old Center stated, “Studies in Iowa have shown
that the most efficiencies are gained on farms                • Odor control
that market 800 to 1000 pigs annually.”(Maulsby,             • Health concerns for hogs and producers
                                                             • Humane treatment
But vertical integrators do not want independent         In the past, hogs were a dependable source of cash
producers; they want producers tied to them              income for diversified family farms, sometimes
with contracts that offer the producers minimal          called the “mortgage lifter,” and contemporary
rewards for their labor. Vertical integrators have       sustainable hog production should be an integral
their own operations in every phase of pork pro-         part of the whole farm. Whole-farm planning or
duction. From the farrowing-to-finishing factory          holistic management is a decision-making man-
farm to the packinghouse to the fresh and frozen         agement system that can assist in establishing a
meat cases, vertical integrators need no help from       long-term goal, help to create a detailed financial
anyone.                                                  plan, a biological plan for the landscape, and a

PAGE 4                                                  //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
monitoring program to assess progress toward         Colin Wilson explains:
the planned goal. For additional information
                                                        “We like working with livestock, and didn’t want
about holistic management, see ATTRA’s Holis-
                                                        to get into a high-volume, low margin business
tic Management—A Whole-Farm Decision Making             that turns animals into production units. Our
Framework.                                              system provides a nicer environment for the
                                                        hogs than a confinement barn, where pigs just
On a diverse, integrated farm, livestock recycle
                                                        eat, drink, sleep, and get bored. We’ve learned to
nutrients in manure that is used to grow the live-      work with our animals rather than conform them
stock feed, forages, legumes, and food crops typi-      to our system…. We are trying to run an operation
cal of healthy, diversified cropping systems, and        that is good for people and for livestock. We want
hogs will readily eat weather-damaged crops,            to create a farming operation that can be passed
crop residues, alternative grains, and forages.         on to the next generation” (Maulsby, 2003b).

Dan and Colin Wilson, brothers farming near
Paullina, Iowa, raise hogs in hoop houses, in a
                                                         Alternative Niche Marketing
greenhouse used for winter farrowing, and on         As mentioned earlier in Understanding Pricing,
pasture. They decided that confinement pens           Concentration, and Vertical Integration, one rea-
didn’t fit their philosophy of animal welfare.        son small and mid-size hog farmers are consider-
                                                     ing niche marketing is the lack of open markets
                                                     and the concentration of hogs under contract.
                 Budgeting                           Alternative marketing is not an easy task, but
 Budgets help evaluate the probable costs and        farmers are being left with fewer options.
 income of an enterprise. To do this, how-
 ever, budgets need to include all projected         Speaking at a “Pig Power” meeting in Minnesota,
 costs and receipts, even if they are difficult       Mark Honeyman, Iowa State University animal
 to estimate. Sample budgets can help you            scientist, commented that hog farmers are finding
 better understand what needs to be included         niche markets opening up for them.
 in your budget, but yours will be unique for           As the market gets dominated by huge operations,
 your operation, because the costs and receipts         it creates more niche markets on the back side. I
 are different for every farm enterprise. Costs         call it the Wal-Mart effect.… Of course, if the niche
 can also change, sometimes quickly, as can             gets big enough, then the big guys grab it. But
 market opportunities, making the final bud-             one thing the big guys can’t replicate is the story
 get quite different from what was planned.             that goes with the food. People want to know
 Many state Extension Services have budget              what they’re eating. They want to know where
                                                        it comes from. Farmers like you can provide that
 information available for various enterprises.
                                                        story (Anon., 2003a).
 Several sample budgets are available in the
 Pennsylvania State University publications          Chuck Talbott, Adjunct Assistant Professor at
 Swine Production and Enterprise Budget Analy-       North Carolina A&T State University, discussing
 sis at                                              his small-scale hog producers project states:               Small producers cannot and should not compete
 stock/swine/swine.pdf                                  on the same level with corporate farms, but they
                                                        may be able to produce a unique product that
 and                                                    appeals to an upscale market. Therefore, empha-
                                                        sis should be placed on marketing the potential               strengths and distinguishing features of the small
 management/enterprise/enterprise_bud-                  farmer’s product, such as taste differences due
 get_analysis.pdf.                                      to diet and genetics, antibiotic-free status, and
                                                        free-range, environmental, and animal welfare
 The Iowa State University publication Cost of          issues…Many people refer to pasture-raised pigs
 Organic Pork Production also provides infor-           as “old timey” farming. I would rather call it
 mation that should be helpful in designing             profitable farming, especially if we can produce
 your budgets. It is available at www.ipic.             a unique product that stands out from the other                nine million exceptionally lean hogs marketed
 1784B.pdf.                                             annually in North Carolina (Talbott, 2003).

           //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                        PAGE 5
The 2001 report “Alternative Production Systems:                                  Photo by Diane Halverson/AWI
Influence on Pig Growth Pork Quality,” from the
Pork Industry Institute at Texas Tech University,
summarizes a study on consumer preferences for
pork from conventional and alternative produc-
tion systems:
    A majority of consumers say they are willing
    to pay more for products that are produced as
    “sustainable,” “natural” or with other assurances
    without mentioning any improvement in pork
    eating quality. We were surprised at first to see
    that consumers now put a value on some social
    features of the production system quite apart
    from the pork’s appearance or sensory qualities.
                                                        Pasture-raised hogs require traits such as hardiness in
    A niche market is available for pork produced extreme climates, parasite resistance, foraging ability,
    with certain socially-acceptable assurances even and good mothering attributes.
    if no real difference in pork sensory qualities can
    be consistently demonstrated through objective        include the Berkshire, Chester White, Spotted,
    research (Gentry et al., 2001).
                                                         Tamworth, Poland China, Large Black, Hereford,
For information on direct marketing, coopera-            and Gloucester Old Spot Pig. For information
tives, and niche markets, as well as legal consid-       about breeding stock availability of these mi-
erations, labels, trademarks, processing regula-         nor and heritage breeds, contact the American
tions, and obstacles, see ATTRA’s Pork: Marketing        Livestock Breeds Conservancy at 919–542–5704,
Alternatives.                                  ; or the New England Heri-
                                                         tage Breeds Conservancy at 413–443–836, www.
        Breed Selection Criteria                General descriptions of the many
                                                         hog breeds can be found at www.ansi.okstate.
Selection of breeding stock for a sustainable hog        edu/breeds/swine.
operation is very important. All breeds of pigs
have certain traits that can be advantageous             In the enclosed “The pastured pig” articles from
to sustainable hog production. So before pur-            Graze, Jim Van Der Pol talks about his ideas of
chasing breeding stock, try to find a seedstock           what makes a perfect pasture sow. He discusses
producer raising pigs in conditions similar to           the selection for genetic traits in gilts and boars,
those in your operation. Research at Texas A&M           various culling requirements for his sows and
indicates that range-ability in sows (the ability to     replacement gilts, and changing the sows’ behav-
nest and farrow on their own) is a highly heritable      ior through genetics. The articles also describe
trait and could be genetically selected for pasture      his pasture gestation and farrowing operations.
operations.(Nation, 1988b)                               (Enclosures are not available on-line but are avail-
                                                         able by contacting ATTRA.)
The most common breeds of pigs in the United
States are Yorkshire, Landrace, Hampshire, and           Producers also need to consider what breeds their
Duroc. These breeds have been bred for char-             markets prefer. Organic Valley, the brand name
acteristics that make them adaptable to confine-          of CROPP (Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool)
ment operations and the particular stresses and          Cooperative at LaFarge, Wisconsin, says that they
management conditions found in these systems.            have identified a market for a Berkshire cross-
Pasture-raised hogs face different stresses and          bred with a Chester White sow. So CROPP only
require different traits, such as hardiness in           accepts Berkshire-sired certified organic hogs
extreme climates, parasite resistance, foraging          from Chester White sows for their products. For
ability, and good mothering attributes—char-             information about the Organic Valley pork pro-
acteristics not developed for confinement hog             gram, contact Allen Moody, Feed and Pork Pool
production.(Kelsey, 2003)                                Coordinator, at 888–444–6455, extension 240; or
                                                         608–625–2602; or e-mail allenm@organicvalley.
Some traditional and heritage swine breeds               com.
still retain these characteristics. These breeds

PAGE 6                                                  //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
Niman Ranch Pork Company, the nation’s lead-                Despite being single-stomached animals that
ing marketer of natural pork, doesn’t specify               often need some grain, hogs are wonderful pas-
what type of hog their producers need to raise.             ture animals. Digestively, they are durable and
Niman wants producers to follow the Animal                  flexible. They do not bloat, founder on grain, or
                                                            ingest hardware. They eat weeds readily, even
Welfare Institute’s Humane On-Farm Husbandry
                                                            prefer them. If conditions get tough for the sward
Criteria for Pigs standards—available at www.               [grass-covered ground], they can be removed—and                   and switched immediately to a grain ration with
produce hogs that are good tasting and have                 no worries about digestive upset (Van Der Pol,
enough back fat to produce a marbled meat. Paul             2002).
Willis, manager of Niman Ranch Pork Company,
says, “We’re not interested in a super lean pig.        A three-year study by Auburn University’s swine
Our animals live outdoors, and they need that           nutritionist Terry Prince proved that as much as
body fat to handle the heat in the summer and the       two-thirds of a sow’s feed needs can be satisfied
cold in the winter.”(Anon., 2003b) Niman Ranch          by a well-managed pasture program, if vitamin
Pork Company is working with farmers in the             and mineral supplements are provided.(Anon.,
Midwest and Southeast. For information about            1987)
Niman Ranch Pork Company, call 641–998–2683
                                                         A 2003 paper presented at the Third National
or e-mail
                                                        Symposium on Alternative Feeds for Livestock
                                                        and Poultry held at Kansas City, Missouri
            Alternative Feeds                           states:
Conventional swine rations consist primarily of
corn and soybean meal—corn for energy and                   Fibrous feeds traditionally have not been used
                                                            for nonruminants due to their documented de-
soybean meal for protein. However, diversified
                                                            pression of diet digestibility in pigs and poultry.
farmers may have other types of grains, crop                However, some types of fiber and fiber sources
residues, and forages that lack a ready market or           do not exert such negative effects on nutritional
are considered waste products. Pigs—being ver-              digestibility in older growing pigs and sows. Di-
satile omnivores—can eat a wide range of feeds,             etary fiber can have a positive effect on gut health,
such as pasture grasses and other fibrous mate-              welfare, and reproductive performance of pigs.
rials, as well as alternative energy and protein            Hence, nutritionists are attempting to gain a more
sources. The pig’s ability to digest fibrous ma-             thorough understanding of dietary fiber in swine
terials increases as it matures. Since they do not          diets (Johnson et al., 2003).
have rumens, pigs digest fiber primarily in their
large intestine through fermentation.(Johnson           Pasture, Hogging Off, and Fibrous By-
et al., 2003) Jim Van Der Pol—who grazes and            products
direct-markets pork, chicken, and beef in Min-          Colin Wilson, who farms with his father and
nesota—says in his “The pastured pig” series in         brother Dan at Paullina, Iowa, has worked the
Graze magazine:                                         bugs out of their pasture-farrowing system by
                                                            trial and error the past 20 years. Wilson
                                                            stresses that timeliness is critical, and that
                                                            many jobs require two or even three people.
                                                            They use a three-year rotation in three adja-
                                                            cent 18-acre fields. The rotation begins with
                                                            corn, followed the next spring with a drilled
                                                            mix of 3.5 bushels of oats, 10 pounds of al-
                                                            falfa, and 3 pounds of orchardgrass. Oats are
                                                            harvested, leaving a thick pasture cover for
                                                            the hogs the following year. Colin explained
                                                            that it took a long time to develop a success-
                                                            ful pasture mix. He found that pastures with
                       In pastures available to hogs,       too little alfalfa were not as palatable to hogs,
                       inspect for weeds that can be        and that pastures with too much alfalfa did
                       poisonous to them.
                       Photo by Diane Halverson/AWI
                                                            not produce a good orchardgrass stand and
                                                            tended to be muddy in wet years.

           //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                            PAGE 7
Fencing the pasture is also important for the
Wilsons’ operation. As soon as possible in the
spring, they string a two-wire (14-gauge) electric
fence around the perimeter of the pasture; one
wire is 4 to 8 inches high, and the other wire is
18 to 24 inches high. Each wire has its own char-
ger, so there is always a hot wire if one charger
malfunctions. This pasture is then divided into
150 by 300 foot pens, also using double wires.
Wilson says it is not a good idea to charge the
gates. If the gate is charged, the hogs learn not
to pass that point, and then the producer will not
be able to drive the hogs through the gate when
it is open.(Cramer, 1987)

In addition to legumes and grass pastures, non-
legume brassicas—turnips, rape, kale, fodder               Corn and oats in northeast Iowa. Small grains
beets, and mangels—are high in protein, highly             such as oats can be used to reduce the
digestible, and make an excellent pig pasture.             amount of corn in swine rations.
                                                           Photo by Lynn Betts, USDA NRCS
Another option is the practice of having pigs self-
harvest the grain, otherwise known as “hogging
off” the crop. Some of the benefits of hogging
                                                        90% of a gestating sow’s rations, because of the
off are that harvesting costs are eliminated, crop
                                                        sow’s lower energy needs and large digestive
residues and manure are left on the land, and
                                                        tract. Acceptable feeds include alfalfa hay (need
parasite and disease problems may be reduced.
                                                        to feed good quality hay; moldy alfalfa can cause
Many different crops can be used with this prac-
                                                        abortions), haylage (not more than 20% of a sow’s
tice, as long as there are also legumes or brassicas
                                                        ration), alfalfa and orchardgrass hay, grass silage,
available. Some examples of grains that can be
                                                        sunflower and soybean hulls, corn-cob meal, and
self-harvested by hogs are wheat, rye, oats, dent
                                                        beet pulp. Honeyman says even growing—and
corn, Grohoma sorghum, Spanish peanuts, and
                                                        finishing—pig rations can be 10 to 30% forages, if
popcorn.(Nation, 1989) Such direct harvesting
                                                        energy levels are maintained.(Cramer, 1990b)
can sometimes turn a profit from even a low–
yielding grain crop.(Nation, 1988a)
                                                        Alternative Energy Sources
In pastures available to hogs, inspect for weeds        Small grains can be used to reduce the amount
that can be poisonous to them, including pig-           of corn in swine rations. Wheat, triticale, barley,
weed, Jimson weed, two–leaf cockleburs, young           and hulless barley can totally replace corn, but
lambsquarters, and nightshades. A couple of             need to be more coarsely processed than corn
Web sites providing information and pictures of         to reduce dust and flouring effects—continuous
many poisonous plants are www.vth.colostate.            feeding of finely ground grains can cause ulcers
edu/poisonous_plants/report/search.cfm and              in pigs’ gastrointestinal tract. The differing nu-                    tritional values of small grains means that the
2004ToxicPlants.pdf. Your veterinarian or county        ration will have to be formulated to meet the
Extension agent should also be able to help with        hogs’ energy and protein needs—especially for
weed identification. The ATTRA publication               the amino acids lysine, trytophan, threonine, and
Considerations in Organic Hog Production has ad-        methionine, and the minerals calcium and phos-
ditional information on using pastures for hog          phorus. Light and/or weedy small grains that
production.                                             would be discounted at the elevator can be fed
                                                        to pigs with no difference in their performance.
If pastures are not available, feeding feedstuffs       Barley and hulless barley need to be stored after
high in fiber is another possibility. Honeyman           harvest before feeding them to swine. In the
notes that studies show that fibrous feeds and           publication Barley Production in Alberta: Harvest-
protein by-products can make up as much as              ing on the Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural

PAGE 8                                                 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
Development Web site, it states:                            Up to 5% flax can be added to hog rations to
                                                            increase the omega-3 fatty acids in the pork and
    Newly harvested barley, whether dry, or high
                                                            improve sow performance. In 1995, South Dakota
    moisture, should always be stored about four to
    six weeks before being fed to any class of livestock.
                                                            State University researchers tested feeding flax
    This storage period is often called a sweat period.     in a corn-soybean meal ration during the final
    Serious losses in cattle, pigs and poultry have been    25 days of finishing. The results showed that the
    attributed to feeding newly harvested grain. There      omega-3 fatty acids had increased. However, a
    is some evidence that certain compounds in the          consumer taste panel could detect differences in
    newly harvested grain may be toxic to livestock.        the bacon in rations that contained more than
    In storage, such compounds undergo chemical             5% flax. University of Manitoba researchers
    changes that make them non-toxic. Processing            replaced some of the soybean meal and tallow
    newly harvested barley for feed apparently does         and added 5% flax to gestation and lactation sow
    not eliminate the problem of toxicity—a rest or
                                                            rations. The study showed that the sows fed
    sweat period is necessary (Anon., 2002a).
                                                            flax delivered more piglets at farrowing, that the
The following publications offer further informa-           piglets had heavier weaning rates, and that the
tion about feeding small grains to hogs.                    sows lost less weight during lactation and rebred
                                                            sooner.(Murphy, 2003)
    • Feeding Wheat to Hogs
                                                            Hulless or naked oats and high-fat oats are newer
                                                            varieties with improved nutritional characteris-
                                                            tics that make them good alternative feeds. Hul-
    • Triticale Performs in Pig Feeds                       less oats can be used as the total energy source
                                                            in swine rations; however, because of the limited$department/
                                                            cropping history and marketing opportunities,
                                                            their yield potential and economic value are un-
    • Feeding Barley to Swine & Poultry                     known in many areas and first should be tested
                                                            in small quantities.
        swine/eb73w.htm                                     Several other alternative grains that can be used
                                                            in hog rations are cull, unpopped popcorn and
Some other small grains to consider are oats,
                                                            buckwheat. Popcorn has nearly the same nu-
rye, flax, hulless or naked oats, and high-fat oats.
                                                            tritional value as yellow corn and can replace
All of these small grains can be used in vary-
                                                            corn on an equal weight basis. If you happen to
ing amounts in hog rations, according to their
                                                            be in an area where cull popcorn is available, it
unique characteristics and nutritional values.
                                                            can sometimes be less costly than corn.(Anon.,
Newer varieties of rye are less susceptible to
ergot contamination—a fungal infection that can
cause abortions—than older varieties and can be             Buckwheat can be used to replace about 25 to 50%
used as up to 30% of the energy source.(Racz and            of corn. Buckwheat has only 80% of the energy
Campbell, 1996)                                             value of corn but is higher in fiber and can be
                                                            planted later in the season as a substitute crop
Oats’ feed value is only about 80% that of corn;
                                                            in emergencies. Buckwheat should not be used
it has high fiber content and can be used as 20%
                                                            for nursery rations or for lactating sows, because
or more of the energy source. A 2002 study by
                                                            of their higher energy requirements. Buckwheat
Mark Honeyman, Sebblin Sullivan, and Wayne
                                                            should be limited to 25% replacement of corn for
Roush at Iowa State University discusses changes
                                                            white pigs housed outside. Buckwheat contains
in performance of market hogs in deep-bedded
                                                            a photosensitizing agent called fagopyrim that
hooped barns with the addition of 20% and 40%
                                                            causes rashes on pigs’ skin and intense itching
oats to the diet. The study didn’t find any reduc-
                                                            when the pigs are exposed to sunlight. This
tion in daily gain, feed intake, feed efficiency, or
                                                            condition is called fagopyrism or buckwheat
other crucial factors for either level of oats in the
                                                            poisoning.(Anon., 1993)
ration. The study is available at www.extension.                A 2004 paper by Lee J. Johnson and Rebecca
1819.pdf.                                                   Morrison at the Alternative Swine Program of

            //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                          PAGE 9
the West Central Research and Outreach Center          of soybeans. Lupines should be supplemented
in Morris, Minnesota, reported trying alterna-         with iron at 400 parts/million (Anon., 1989) and
tive ingredients—barley, oats, buckwheat, field         methionine.(Golz and Aakre, 1993)
peas, and expelled soybean meal— in the ration
to help reduce the additional carcass fat in pigs      Field peas are another option. The South Dakota
raised in hoop shelters rather than confinement         State University publication Using South Dakota
houses. The study shows that feeding a low-en-         Grown Field Peas in Swine Diets states:
ergy diet based on small grains slows the growth          Field peas are a good source of energy and amino
rate and marginally improves carcass leanness in          acids for swine. However, variety differences ex-
hoop-sheltered hogs, but doesn’t affect the eat-          ist, and producers must know the nutrient content
ing quality of the pork. The study is available at        of the peas they are working with to properly                 formulate them into swine diets. Field peas are
20final%20rpt%20no%20economics.pdf.                        a good source of lysine, but the concentrations
                                                          of methionine, tryptophan, and threonine must
                                                          be watched closely. While peas can contain
Alternative Protein Sources
                                                          anti-nutritional factors, they are usually in such
Soybean meal can be replaced or reduced by the            low concentration that field peas can be fed raw
use of alternative protein sources. Canola meal,          (Thaler and Stein, 2003).
sunflower meal, cottonseed meal, linseed meal,
or peanut meal may be available locally, depend-       The publication is available at http://agbiopubs.
ing on your location. These alternative meals can or by calling
substitute for soybean meal, but they do have          the Agriculture & Biological Science (ABS) Bul-
different amino acid ratios and mineral levels         letin Room at 605–688–5628 or 800–301–9293.
that need to be taken into consideration when
                                                       Mung beans can be used as an alternative to soy-
balancing the rations. Cottonseed meal contains
                                                       bean meal. Mung beans contain from 24 to 30%
various levels of free gossypol—a compound
                                                       crude protein, but about equivalent lysine levels
found in cottonseed that is toxic to hogs. The 2003
                                                       as a percentage of protein. Mung beans contain
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension publication
                                                       a trypsin inhibitor just like raw soybeans. This
Gossypol Toxicity in Livestock, by Sandra Morgan,
                                                       limits mung bean use in swine rations to about
provides specific information on gossypol toxic-
                                                       10% for growing pigs, 15% for finishing pigs,
ity levels for swine and other livestock. You can
                                                       and 10% for sow rations, unless the mung beans
find this publication at http://osuextra.okstate.
                                                       are heat-treated like whole soybeans.(Luce and
edu/pdfs/F-9116web.pdf .
                                                       Maxwell, 1996)
Roasting or extruding whole soybeans is another
                                                       The Oklahoma State University Extension pub-
option; the heat breaks down the trypsin inhibi-
                                                       lication Using Mung Beans in Swine Diets is avail-
tors found in raw soybeans. Processed, green,
                                                       able by calling the University Mailing Services at
frost-damaged beans that would be discounted at
the elevator can be used in the ration without any
problems.(Jeaurond et al., 2003) The higher oil        Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) is a
content of whole, processed soybeans produces          co-product of the ethanol industry. During etha-
a faster rate of gain than soybean meal. The           nol production, a bushel of corn produces about
cost of processing equipment and the fact that         2.6 gallons of ethanol and about 17 pounds of a
the extruded and roasted products don’t store          wet, spent mash that is processed and blended
well are considerations that the producer has to       into DDGS. Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles
take into account. Additional information on           can vary greatly in nutrient concentrations, with
feeding soybeans to hogs is available at www.          crude protein ranging from about 23 to 29%, and              highly variable lysine levels. One major concern
facts/info_green_soybeans_pigs.htm.                    in using DDGS is mycotoxins from molds on the
                                                       corn. Mycotoxins are not destroyed in the fer-
Sweet white lupines can make up to about 10%
                                                       menting process. In fact, they are concentrated
of the ration for most finishing and gestating
                                                       by threefold in the DDGS if there are molds on
animals. Lupines’ protein content can vary from
                                                       the corn fermented into ethanol. The 2002 South
25 to 38%, and they have about half the lysine

PAGE 10                                               //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
Dakota State University Extension publication         diets can compromise the growth of the pigs and
Use of Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)   may cause them to produce low-quality meat
in Swine Diets, by Bob Thaler, provides specific       with off-odors or flavors. Also, the producer may
information on using DDGS in swine rations.           want to consider the marketing of garbage-fed
You can find the publication at http://agbio-          hogs: if you are selling directly to consumers, this or by          may not be a practice to advertise.
calling the ABS Bulletin Room at 605–688–5628
or 800–301–9293.                                      Many states do not allow any food wastes to be
                                                      used to feed swine. Make sure that your state
Balancing Rations                                     allows food-waste or swill feeding. Check with
                                                      your state’s Health Department or Department
It is important to remember that any changes to       of Agriculture for restrictions and regulations. A
your rations, including adding alternative feed-      garbage feeder’s license is required in states that
stuffs, may change the growth rate of the hogs.       do allow feeding food wastes.
It is best to determine the feed-cost savings and
any changes in market patterns before making          If your state does allow swill feeding, remember
any changes to your feeding program. Always           that according to the 1980 Swine Health Protec-
assess any changes to your rations so that all the    tion Act, all food waste containing any meat
pigs’ nutritional requirements are being met at       product has to be heat treated to reduce the risk
every stage of growth. Alternative feeds have         of diseases and pathogens being passed to the
varying food values, so it is important to know       pigs. Some of these diseases are hog cholera, foot
the nutritional contents of each feed ingredient.     and mouth disease, African swine fever, swine
Nutrient testing of alternative feed ingredients      vesicular disease, Trichinella, and many other
will eliminate any guess work.                        pathogens. The Act does not require cooking of
                                                      non-meat products, such as bakery waste or fruit
Producers can formulate their own rations or          and vegetable wastes. The 2003 University of
check with a swine nutritionist to help formulate     New Jersey—Rutgers Extension publication Feed-
a balanced ration for different swine weights and     ing Food Wastes to Swine, by Michael Westendorf
groups. Feedstuff Magazine Reference Yearly Issue     and R. O. Meyer, provides specific information
contains feeding values and analysis tables for       on heat treating food wastes and other concerns
many by–products and unusual feeds (see Fur-          in using food wastes in swine rations. You can
ther Resources: Magazines). The 1998 National         find the publication at
Research Council’s (NRC) Nutrient Requirement of      pubs/pdfs/fs016.pdf or by calling the Publica-
Swine: 10th Revised Edition discusses the nutrient    tions Distribution Center at 732–932–9762.
needs of swine, including requirements of amino
acids and other nutrients (see Further Resources:
Books). The University of Minnesota publication
                                                                Waste Management
Designing Feeding Programs for Natural and Organic    The goal of sustainable waste management is to
Pork Production provides nutritional comparisons      enhance on-farm nutrient cycling and to protect
and some rations using alternative feedstuffs (see    the environment from pollutants. Hog manure
Further Resources: Publications). Please see the      is an excellent soil builder—supplying organic
Appendix for two tables showing energy and
protein composition of various feeds, suggested
inclusion rates, and factors affecting inclusion.

Food Wastes
Food wastes are another alternative food for
swine. Pigs are excellent scavengers of what
we would consider garbage. Food wastes are
often available from restaurants, schools, grocery
stores, and institutions, and include leftovers,
bakery wastes, out-of-date food items, fruits, and    This farm in Wisconsin uses nutrient management
                                                      practices to apply manure from the hog operation
vegetables. It is more difficult to balance the diet   on cropland. Photo by Bob Nichols, USDA NRCS
of hogs when feeding food wastes. Unbalanced

           //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                      PAGE 11
matter and nutrients and stimulating the biologi-      Comprehensive Nutrient Management
cal processes in the soil to build fertility. When     Plans (CNMPs)
manure is used to its full potential, it can yield
                                                       Increased public awareness of the threat to wa-
substantial savings over purchased fertilizers and
                                                       ter quality posed by hog manure has prompted
lead to improved soil fertility through the benefits
                                                       regulatory actions at local, state, and federal
of increased soil organic matter. Using manure
                                                       levels. Hog farmers must stay informed to avoid
can also cause problems, including human food
                                                       violating these regulations—and to avoid pollut-
contamination, soil fertility imbalances caused by
                                                       ing the environment.
excess nutrients, increased weed pressure, and
potential pollution of water and soil. The ATTRA       In April 2003, the Environmental Protection
publication Manures for Organic Crop Production        Agency (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge
has information on organic manure handling             Elimination System (NPDES) created a permit
practices to help prevent some of these problems.      system governing animal feeding operations
ATTRA’s Sustainable Soil Management discusses          (AFOs). The permit system determines how
concepts and practices critical in soil nutrient       AFOs can be defined as concentrated animal
management and in planning a farm’s individual         feeding operations (CAFOs) and required to get
fertility program. The ATTRA publication Nutri-        a NPDES permit from the EPA or a designated
ent Cycling in Pastures has additional information     state permitting authority. AFOs are classified
on good pasture management practices that foster       CAFOs depending, in large part, on whether the
effective use and recycling of nutrients.              operation is considered large, medium, or small.
                                                       However, no matter what size your AFO, it can
Hogs, like most livestock, are not very efficient
                                                       be designated a CAFO. Your operation could
at converting feedstuffs into meat. About 75 to
                                                       need a CAFO permit if your permitting authority
90% of the feedstuffs’ nutrients are excreted with
                                                       finds that it is adding pollutants to the surface
the manure.(Tishmack and Jones, 2003) Swine
                                                       water. For a copy of the rule and additional
manure has a high concentration of organic mate-
                                                       supporting information, visit the EPA Web site at
rial. It has a higher nitrogen content than beef or
dairy manure, but less than poultry manure. The
                                                       cfm, call the Office of Water Resource Center
amount of organic matter and nutrients in ma-
                                                       at 202–566–1729, or call the CAFO help line at
nure depends on the rations, the type of bedding,
and whether the manure is applied as a solid,
slurry, or liquid.(Tishmack and Jones, 2003)           A CNMP must be tailored specifically to a site.
                                                       The Natural Resources Conservation Service
Application rates should be based on crop needs
                                                       (NRCS) has information to help set up this type
and soil tests (tests available through the Exten-
                                                       of management plan. Contact your local county
sion Service or a soil testing lab). Determine
                                                       NRCS office for further information, or visit their
manure application rates based on those nutri-
                                                       Web site at
ents that are present in the manure in the largest
                                                       for help to in finding your local office, for the
amounts. Basing application rates on manure
                                                       2003 series of 33 CAFO Fact Sheets, the CNMP
nitrogen content alone should be done with care,
                                                       manual, and additional information.
since this can sometimes lead to soil nutrient
imbalances if other macro- or micro–nutrients
                                                       Manure Characteristics for Different
become excessive. Because the ratio of crop
                                                       Types of Hog Production Systems
needs to manure nutrient contents is lower for
phosphorus than for nitrogen, many states are          When raised on pasture, hogs distribute their ma-
concerned about phosphorus buildup in soils and        nure themselves. With proper rotations on stable,
are requiring soil tests and manure management         non-erodible lands—not wetlands, streams, wa-
plans. On October 24, 2004, the Iowa Environ-          terways, or riparian areas—the hazards of pollu-
mental Protection Commission approved rules            tion are small, and the potential for parasite and
to prohibit applications of livestock manure on        disease transfer is reduced. The pasture loading
fields that test very high in phosphorus.(Anon.,        rate varies greatly with climate, forage type, and
2004b)                                                 rotation schedule. The vegetation in the pasture
                                                       is the main indicator of the proper stocking rate.
                                                       See ATTRA’s Protecting Riparian Areas: Farmland

PAGE 12                                               //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
Management Strategies for additional information
on riparian zone management and ATTRA’s                   ooped shelters, originally
Considerations in Organic Hog Production for ad-          developed in Canada, are among the
ditional information on pasture management for      more promising and intriguing options for
farrowing and finishing.                             finishing hogs. Hooped shelters are so suc-
Pasture hog production can have problems            cessful that more than one million hogs are
also. Working outside in the cold, heat, rain,      produced in them in Iowa. They are popu-
snow, wind, and dark is not always pleasant.        lar due to their low cost and because they
Dave Odland, a farmer at Clarion, Iowa, says,       allow the pigs to express social behavior.
“With my system you have to be willing to get       But pigs in hooped shelters require more
up at 3 a.m. to keep squealing pigs out of the      feed per pound of gain, especially during
mud and rain. And, you have to be able to take      extreme weather conditions.
those days when you lose a litter or two because    Hooped shelters are arched metal frames,
of the weather.”(Anon., 1990a) Tim McGuire,         secured to ground posts and four- to six-
who farms at Wisner, Nebraska, comments that        foot side walls, then covered with a poly-
from November to March, they do not feed hogs       ethylene tarp. The ends are left open most
outside because it is too difficult to keep water,   of the year for ventilation but are adjusted
heaters, straw, and feed in place.(Gralla, 1991)    appropriately in winter to circulate fresh
When using a Cargill-style finishing unit (an 18     air and reduce humidity. The hooped
by 120 foot, monoslope, open-front shed with an     shelters come in various sizes but usually
outside concrete area for feeders and waterers)     house from 75 to 250 head per shelter.
or other open-lot operations, whether paved or      Stock density in the shelter can range from
unpaved, manure is handled as a solid. The ma-      less than 12 square feet per pig to about 16
nure is scraped regularly from the lots to reduce   square feet per pig. The smaller (12 square
buildup, as well as to help control odor and fly     foot) space occasionally leads to fighting
populations. Scraped manure is either stockpiled    among the hogs, so some organic producers
for field spreading later, spread immediately on     reduce stock density to allow more space
the field, or composted. Composting manure           per hog.
allows long-term storage, with reduced odor         Two-thirds of the floor area inside the
and pollution problems and the production of a      hoop shelter is a deep-bedded area, with
superior soil amendment. Raw manure contains        the remainder of the floor area a concrete
high levels of pollutants and must be properly      slab where the feeders and waterers are
managed to prevent contamination of nearby          located. Deep bedding is the key to the
surface or ground water.                            hooped shelter’s performance. The bed-
Manure from deep-bedded hooped shelters is          ding consists of 14 to 18 inches of materials
also handled as a solid. All of the bedding is      such as small-grain or soybean straw, baled
removed, usually with a front-end loader, fol-      cornstalks, grass hay, ground corncobs, or
lowing each group of hogs. The composition          a combination of several organic materi-
                                                    als. The bedding absorbs moisture, slowly
A Cargill-style finishing unit.                      composts, and helps keep the pigs dry and
                                                    warm. The back third of the bedded area
                                                    is generally dry and serves as the sleeping
                                                    area, while the middle third is where the
                                                    pigs dung. Please refer to ATTRA’s Hooped
                                                    Shelters for Hogs for specific information on
                                                    using hooped shelters for finishing and/or
                                                    gestating hogs.

                                                    Besides hooped shelters, several al-
                                                    ternative methods for sustainable hog
                                                                             continued on page 14

            //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                PAGE 13
continued from page 13
                                                                           varies greatly, because of high concentrations
  continued from page 13                                                   of bedding in some areas of the hooped shelter
  production have been researched, such                                    and high concentrations of manure in others.
  as the Swedish deep-bedded nursery                                       The variability of the manure creates problems
  system and pasture farrowing, as well as                                 in accurately figuring the nutrient content of the
  other alternative farrowing and finishing                                 manure and its fertilizer value. For more infor-
  systems. Among the limiting factors in                                   mation on deep-bedded hooped shelters, see
  producing hogs outdoors are the climate,                                 ATTRA’s Hooped Shelters for Hogs.
  the amount of land available, topography
  of the land, ground cover, and pollution po-                             Liquid manure systems are generally used in
  tentials. Some major differences between                                 confinement hog production, including CAFO’s,
  alternative finishing systems and conven-                                 because they require less labor than handling
  tional slatted floor finishing are the use of                              solids (as in bedding and scrape systems). Liquid
  deep bedding, the manure management                                      manure is stored in underground pits, anaerobic
  practices, use of natural ventilation, the                               lagoons, or outdoor slurry storage tanks, above
  number of hogs in a group, and the lower                                 or below ground. During storage and mixing or
  initial investment.(Gentry et al., 2001) See                             agitation, high concentrations of ammonia and
  ATTRA’s Considerations in Organic Hog                                    hydrogen sulfide can be released, endangering
  Production for additional information about                              the farm workers and livestock.(Tishmack and
  these alternative methods.                                               Jones, 2003) In a study completed in November
                                                                           2002, the Prairie Swine Centre in Saskatchewan,
  In a 2001 annual report from Dickinson                                   Canada, showed that hydrogen sulfite gas emis-
  Research Extension Center in North Da-                                   sion in swine barns with shallow manure pits
  kota, researchers reported on the study                                  often reached levels that pose a threat to workers’
  “An Economic Analysis of Swine Rearing                                   health.(Whelan, 2003)
  Systems for North Dakota,” comparing
  hogs raised in outdoor pens, hoop shelters,                              Manure or compost can be spread on pastures
  and conventional confinement buildings.                                   or crop lands before or after harvest. If pos-
  Pig performance and carcass data were                                    sible, manure should always be incorporated
  analyzed to estimate the net return per pig                              into the soil as soon as possible after spreading
  from the three systems. The evaluations                                  to avoid losses of nitrogen and reduce odor. To
  considered turns/year, facility investment,                              prevent runoff, avoid spreading manure on fro-
  fixed costs, operating costs, and total car-                              zen ground. Manure spreaders, liquid manure
  cass values after premiums and discounts                                 application tanks, and drag-hose application
  were applied. The net return per pig was                                 equipment should be properly calibrated. Your
  calculated by deducting the total cost of the                            county Extension or NRCS office has information
  pig from the total carcass value. The report                             on these operations.
  concluded, “Accounting for all business                                  Regardless of whether manure is handled as a
  parameters, rearing in the hoop structures                               solid, slurry, or liquid, a well-designed collec-
  returned the greatest net return per pig.                                tion, storage, transportation, and application
  Compared to the conventional confinement                                  program is necessary to avoid water pollution.
  system, the hooped structures and outdoor                                See ATTRA’s Protecting Water Quality on Organic
  pen reared pigs returned 6.63% and 4.07%                                 Farms for practices that can help protect water
  more net income, respectively.”(Landblom                                 quality.
  et al., 2000)
                                                                                           Odor Control
                                        photo by Keith Weller, USDA ARS

                                                                           According to R. Douglas Hurt, director of the
                                                                           Center for Agriculture History & Rural Studies
                                                                           at Iowa State University, “Hog odor is the most
                                                                           divisive issue ever in agriculture, damaging the
                                                                           fabric of rural society and disenfranchising pork
                                                                           producers from their communities, even on the
                                                                           roads in front of their farm.”(Smith, 1998a)

PAGE 14                                                                   //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
by the wind, so the problem areas and odor
                                                                intensity can change frequently, depending
                                                                on wind direction and speed. Some of the
                                                                gases are heavier and travel slower, close
                                                                to the ground, while lighter gases disperse
                                                                faster into the atmosphere.(Anon., 2002b)

                                                              Odors are considered a nuisance only
                                                              when their intensity and character are suf-
                                                              ficiently objectionable to get complaints
                                                              from neighbors. One legal basis for the
                                                              nuisance concept is that people should not
                                                              use their property in such a way that it
                                                              would interfere with the adjoining property
                                                              owners use of their property. Odors from
Liquid manure from a hog operation in northeast Iowa is       hog production systems are regarded as
pumped onto cropland. Photo by Tim McCabe, USDA NRCS          nuisance pollutants not regulated under
                                                              the Clean Air Act. How odor affects people
Most complaints about hog operations involve                  varies. In an article from Inside Agroforestry,
odor. Many hog farmers are finding their odor            the author states:
control efforts are not meeting their neighbors’
expectations. Because livestock operations are              People respond to odor differently. Although
increasing in size, and more people are moving              the human olfactory organ is quite sensitive, the
into rural areas closer to livestock operations,            response to odor is related more to past memories
                                                            or cultural experiences. There is not very much
problems are increasing.(Anon., 2002b) One of
                                                            information about the impact of odor to human
the reasons odor causes negative reactions dif-             health. Most of the existing information refers to
ferently from person to person is that there is             the adverse health effects of individual gases, e.g.
no consensus agreement between farmers and                  ammonia, or dust, but no specific information
neighbors— or between any part of industry and              about odors. One study did show that odors from
the public—on how to evaluate odors. The total              a swine facility had a negative effect on the moods
amount of odor coming from a farm depends on                of the neighbors such as anger and frustration.
the type and number of animals, the type of hous-           These psychological impacts can be as significant
ing, the manure storage and handling practices,             as a person’s physical health (Anon., 2002b).
the wind direction and speed, and many other            Even if these odors are non-toxic, they do affect
weather variables.(Jacobson et al., 2002)               how people feel and react. Farmers must be cur-
Odors are from gases created by the decompo-              rent on county zoning laws, Right–to–Farm laws,
sition of the manure and other organic matter.            and other local and state laws affecting land use.
The gases can include from 80 to 200 different            Many neighbors will be tolerant of occasional
compounds that cause odor, some of them at                odor problems, but if odor persists or is fairly
extremely low concentrations. The interaction be-         frequent, trouble will arise.
tween the different odor-causing compounds can            One management practice that helps is the use
produce either more or less odor than that of an          of shelterbelts. According to an article in Inside
individual compound. Odors are also absorbed              Agroforestry, shelterbelts can help relieve live-
and moved by dust particles.(Anon., 2002b) Dust           stock odors in several ways.
from hog operations can come from the feed, bed-
ding material, manure, and even the hog itself.                • Facilitate distribution of odor by creat-
Some of the factors that can affect dust and odor                ing surface turbulence that intercepts
levels are animal activity, temperature, relative                and disrupts odor plumes.
humidity, wind, stocking density, feeding meth-
                                                               • Encourage dust to settle by reducing
ods, and the feed ingredients themselves.
                                                                 wind speeds.
Predicting odor and dust problems can be                       • Physically intercept dust and other
difficult because the odors and dust are moved

            //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                           PAGE 15
aerosols that collect on leaves and re-
       duce the micro-particles leaving.               USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
                                                       animal behaviorists study pig behavior with the
    • Act as a sink for chemical constituents          goal of improving animal handling practices to
      of odor, because Volatile Organic Com-           reduce stress on animals and lower production
      pounds (VOCs) have an affinity for the            costs. Photo by Scott Baur, USDA ARS
      outer layers of plant leaves, where they
      are absorbed and broken down.
    • Provide a visual and aesthetic screen for
      the operation.
                   (Colletti and Tyndall, 2002)
The Forestry Department of Iowa State Univer-
sity Web site has additional information on wind-
break research and odor mitigation available at

The University of Minnesota publication OFF-
SET—Odor From Feedlots Setback Estimation Tool
(Further Resources: Publications and Books) is
designed to help estimate average odor impacts
from different animal facilities and manure stor-
age. The publication is based on odor measure-
ment for farms and climate conditions in Minne-
sota, and estimating odor impacts in other parts     is important in increasing the pigs’ resistance to
of the country should be done with caution and       diseases. Stress is caused by:
in consultation with the authors. OFFSET created         • Taxing living conditions, such as heat,
what they call odor emission numbers, which are            cold, wet or muddy environment, or
the average of 200 odor measurements from 79               poor air quality (dust, ammonia, and
different Minnesota farms and are average values           other gases)
of measurements from each type of odor source.
The odor emission number varies: 34 to 50 for            • Not allowing natural behavior, such as
swine housed with deep manure pits, 20 to 42               nesting, rooting, wallowing, or foraging
for pull-plug systems, 11 for loose housing and          • Improper handling during weaning,
open concrete scrape areas, and 4 for deep-bed-            moving, or sorting, and mixing strange
ded hoop and Cargill open-front barns.(Jacobson            pigs together
et al., 2002)
                                                         • Poor nutrition—low energy and protein
A farmer cannot create an odor-free or dust-free           levels, vitamin and mineral deficiencies
hog operation, but certain types of buildings and    Vaccinations are another important tool for
manure management strategies can help. Com-          disease prevention and helping to build immu-
mon sense, as well as talking to and listening to    nity in the pig. However, because of varying
your neighbors, is probably your best defense        disease pressures, management styles, housing
against odor and/or dust complaints. If possible,    conditions, farm locations, climatic conditions,
manure should not be spread on Friday, Satur-        etc., each producer’s situation is unique, and
day, or Sunday, when neighbors are more likely       any recommendations for routine vaccinations
to be at home and outdoors. Farmers should           and health procedures need to be based on a
concentrate on sound management practices            veterinarian’s suggestions.
before trying any extreme measures.
                                                     For additional information on how vaccinations
            Health Concerns                          provide immunity, as well as on reducing stress
                                                     from hog handling practices and on allowing
The priority in sustainable swine production         natural behaviors, see the ATTRA publication
should be prevention and disease eradication,        Considerations in Organic Hog Production.
rather than disease treatment. Reducing stress

PAGE 16                                             //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
Using antibiotics in hog production is becoming             with a cocktail of antibiotics. Apart from that,
more controversial, especially when they are                our data provide first evidence for a new route
used as growth promoters and in subtherapeutic              of entry for veterinary drugs in the environment
doses. The 2004 report Antibiotic Resistance—Fed-           (Hamscher, 2003).
eral Agencies Need to Better Focus Efforts to Address    Respiratory problems seem to be increasing
Risk to Humans from Antibiotic Use in Animals, by        for hog farmers using confinement hog houses.
the Government Accounting Office (GAO), sug-              The 220-page, 2003 University of Iowa report
gests that “scientific evidence has shown that            Iowa Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Air
certain bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics       Quality Study found that at least 25% of swine
are transferred from animals to humans through           CAFO workers have reported current respiratory
the consumption or handling of meat that con-            problems. The report is available at www.public-
tains antibiotic-resistant bacteria.” The 100-page
GAO report is available at
items/d04490.pdf. Additional information on              Raising hogs in a deep-bedded system has ad-
antibiotic-resistant bacteria and livestock is           vantages over slatted confinement production.
available from the Land Stewardship Project              Hogs raised on bedding show less tail biting,
in Minnesota in their Land Stewardship Letter            fewer foot pad lesions, fewer leg problems, and
article “Antibiotics, Agriculture & Resistance,”         fewer respiratory problems. Research compar-
available at             ing growth and meat quality for pigs finished
pdf/antibio_reprint.pdf.                                 in hoop shelters is limited, but some research
                                                         has determined that hoop-finished pigs have
The 2003 research article “Antibiotics in Dust           fewer abnormal behaviors, have a greater rate
Originating from a Pig-Fattening Farm: A New             of play behavior, and have fewer leg injuries
Source of Health Hazard for Farmers?” in Envi-           than pigs finished in a non-bedded confinement
ronmental Health Perspectives comments on one            system.(Gentry et al., 2001)
possible antibiotic problem. It states that 90%
of the dust samples taken during a 20-year pe-           Pigs produced on pasture are usually healthier
riod from the same hog building had detectable           than pigs produced in confinement. Pastured
residues of up to 5 different antibiotics. The           hogs often have fewer respiratory diseases, rhi-
researchers concluded:                                   nitis, and foot and leg problems.(Cramer, 1990b)
                                                         A 1978–79 survey of Missouri hog producers
    High dust exposure in animal confinement build-
                                                         demonstrated that hogs raised on pastures had
    ings is believed to be a respiratory health hazard
    because of the high content of microorganisms,       the lowest health costs. Hogs raised in a mix-
    endotoxins, and allergens. Further risks may         ture of pasture and confinement had the highest
    arise from the inhalation of dust contaminated       health expenses. This suggests that the hogs had
                                                                 a difficult time adjusting from one type of
                                                                 facility to another.(Kliebenstein, 1983)
Hogs being raised on a pasture rotation system, Manhattan,
Kansas. Photo by Jeff Vanuga, USDA NRCS                        Raising pigs outdoors can be more animal
                                                               friendly and environmentally friendly,
                                                               if managed correctly. However, poor
                                                               management of outdoor pigs will lead to
                                                               poor pig performance and environmental
                                                               damage. Pigs need a dry, draft-free place
                                                               to lie down; mud and slop will not produce
                                                               healthy, happy hogs. Producers need to be
                                                               concerned about rotating pastures and the
                                                               need for vegetative cover in the pens.

                                                               Probiotics (live, beneficial bacteria)—avail-
                                                               able as gels, drenches, dry mixes, or for
                                                               use in water—can replace or supplement
                                                               naturally occurring gut microbes during
                                                               times of stress or disease. During periods

            //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                       PAGE 17
of stress, such as weaning, shipping, or changes       ral instincts, reduces their stress level with more
in weather or feed, the populations of beneficial       space to freely move about, and provides access
and pathogenic microbes can fluctuate, changing         to either pasture or deep bedding.
the balance in the intestinal tract.(Carter, 1990)
Research on the use of probiotics is not conclu-       The producer must choose a production system
sive. Probiotic firms argue that in laboratory          that is profitable, but that also addresses the pub-
conditions the stress is not enough to conclusively    lic’s concerns about humane treatment of animals,
demonstrate the value of probiotics. Dr. Austin        safe food, and a clean environment. Economics,
Lewis, a swine researcher at the University of         environmental concerns, and humane treatment
Nebraska, suggests that this assumption may            may conflict, so it is usually up to the produc-
be accurate, because laboratory conditions usu-        ers to reconcile these issues in their operations.
ally demonstrate a lower response to antibiotics,      Information on humane treatment of livestock is
too. Many farmers have observed the benefits            available from the American Humane Society at
of probiotics in their everyday experiences,           303–792–9900,; the
but finding research to support probiotic use is        Animal Welfare Institute at 703–836–4300, www.
difficult.(Cramer, 1990a) Since probiotics must; and the Humane Society of the
be live to work, they need special care. Heat,         United States at 202–452–1100,
moisture, oxygen, and time can all reduce the          According to the USDA National Organic Pro-
viability of probiotics. It is also important to       gram (NOP) regulations, organic hog producers
remember that antibiotics can kill probiotics’         need to provide living conditions that accom-
beneficial bacteria as well as pathogens, so it is      modate the health and natural behavior of their
best to check product compatibility.                   animals. These regulations support concerns for
                                                       animal welfare, the sustainability of production,
           Humane Treatment                            and environmental quality. The methods organic
Sustainable pork producers need to consider how        hog farmers use to meet the NOP requirements
the consuming public views their operations.           can include a wide range of alternative produc-
Finishing and gestation buildings that restrict        tion practices. For additional information on
movement and interaction among pigs have               humane concerns, please see ATTRA’s Consid-
become targets of media attacks. A sustainable         erations in Organic Hog Production, and Further
system allows hogs a chance to pursue their natu-      Resources: Web sites.

                                                       A sustainable hog operation is not an end in itself.
                                                       All aspects of a farm are tied together. When you
                                                       are producing pigs in a sustainable manner, you
                                                       are using all parts of your farming operation. The
                                                       manure or compost is used to help produce the
                                                       diversified crops that feed the hogs. Legumes
                                                       are also used to help feed the livestock and to
                                                       add nitrogen back to the cropland. Animals are
                                                       treated as parts of a living organism, not just parts
                                                       of a product. The family is involved in the whole
                                                       farm and as a part of the community. Sustainable
                                                       agriculture exists in the interaction between the
                                                       different aspects of farming; it is not the indi-
                                                       vidual parts but the interaction among them that
                                                       makes up the whole farming operation.
     Under the Animal Welfare Institute’s (AWI)
     Humane Husbandry Standards, sows are
                                                       John Ikerd, in his presentation to the 2003 Sus-
     able to fulfill their instincts to build a nest
     before delivering their piglets.                  tainable Hog Farming Summit in Gettysburg,
     Photo by Diane Halverson/AWI                      Pennsylvania, discussed some of the environ-

PAGE 18                                               //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
mental and social problems associated with
vertical integration.                                                    References
   Thankfully, there are other, better ways to farm       Anon. 1987. Save gestation feed with pasture
   and to raise hogs; the “sustainable agriculture”       system. National Hog Farmer. May 15.
   movement addresses the need to protect the ru-         p. 16, 18.
   ral environment and support rural communities,
   while providing opportunities for farmers to earn      Anon. 1989. Raw lupines are fine for hogs.
   a decent living. But, sustainable farming takes        The New Farm. May–June. p. 8.
   more imagination and creativity than contract
   production – it requires taking care of each other     Anon. 1990a. Gilts help put profit in pigs on
   and taking care of the land. Sustainable hog pro-      pasture. Sensible Agriculture. November.
   ducers all across North America are finding that        p. 6–7.
   deep-bedding systems, including hoop house
   structures, and pasture based hog production           Anon. 1990b. Popcorn replaces yellow corn in
   systems often are not only more humane, ecologi-       starter, grow-finish diets. National Hog Farm-
   cally sound, and socially responsible, but also, are   er. February 15. p. 42
   more profitable than CAFOs. But, such systems
                                                          Anon. 1993. Buckwheat can replace corn in
   require more management, more imagination,
   more creativity, more thinking, and thus, are more     swine rations. High Plains Journal. July 19.
   difficult to “promote” (Ikerd, 2003).                   p. 17-B.

For additional information on any subject men-            Anon. 2002a. Barley production in Alberta:
tioned in this publication, or for information on         Harvesting. Alberta Agriculture, Food and
any other aspect of sustainable hog production,           Rural Development. 8 p.
please contact ATTRA, the National Sustainable  $department/deptdocs.
Agriculture Information Service.                          nsf/all/crop1256?OpenDocument#7
                                                          Anon. 2002b. Odor is more than what meets
                Enclosures                                the nose. Inside Agroforesty. Spring. p. 4–5.
                                                          Anon. 2003a. Swine scientist: ‘Wal-Mart ef-
Van Der Pol, Jim. 2001a. Today’s hog won’t
                                                          fect’ creates niches for family farms. The Land
work outdoors. Graze. April. Vol. 7, No. 4.
                                                          Stewardship Letter. December. p. 9.
p. 10-11.
Van Der Pol, Jim. 2001b. Setting up the gestat-           lspv21n5.pdf
ing sow system. Graze. May. Vol. 7, No. 5.
                                                          Anon. 2003b. Hogs on pasture—The future of
p. 1, 10.
                                                          pork. Acres USA. September. p. 1, 8–9.
Van Der Pol, Jim. 2001c. The tools and psychol-
                                                          Anon. 2004a. Checkoff analysis of USDA
ogy of pasture farrowing. Graze. June-July. Vol.
                                                          price data. National Pork Board News Release.
7, No. 6. p. 8-9.
                                                          Thursday, March 4. 2 p.
Van Der Pol, Jim. 2002a. Hogs Improve Swards!   
Graze. October. Vol. 9, No. 8. p. 10.                     asp?NewsID=403
Van Der Pol, Jim. 2002b. In search of the perfect         Anon. 2004b. Iowa EPC adopts controversial
pasture sow. Graze. November. Vol. 9, No. 9.              P index. Pork Magazine Industrial News. June
p. 10.                                                    28. 1 p.
Van Der Pol, Jim. 2002c. Pastured sow logistics.          asp?pgID=675&ed_id=2797&component_
Graze. December. Vol. 9, No. 10. p. 10.                   id=805
Van Der Pol, Jim. 2003. Changing behavior                 Carter, Heidi. 1990. Probiotics can be an eco-
through genetics. Graze. June-July. Vol. 10, No.          nomical and effective part of livestock health.
6. p. 12-13.                                              The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture
                                                          Newsletter. August. p. 1.

           //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES                                                        PAGE 19
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Hog Production Alternatives

  • 1. HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION GUIDE National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service Abstract: This publication addresses the two different directions in which hog production is currently moving: 1) contracting with large-scale vertical integrators (producers/packers/processors linked from farrowing to packing to the retail counter), and 2) sustainable production of a smaller number of hogs sold through alternative markets. The aspects of sustainable hog production discussed in this publication include alternative niche marketing, breed selection, alternative feeds, waste management, odor control, health concerns, and humane treatment. Basic production practices are not covered in this publication, but they are readily available in many books and through state Cooperative Extension Services. By Lance Gegner photo by Diane Halverson/AWI NCAT Agriculture Specialist November 2004 © NCAT 2004 Contents Introduction .........................1 Understanding Pricing, Concentration, and Vertical Integration .............2 Sustainable Systems: The Other Option ................4 Budgeting ........................5 Alternative Niche Marketing .........................5 Breed Selection Criteria ..............................6 Introduction Alternative Feeds ............7 Today’s independent hog producers have to choose between production Waste Management ....11 systems that lead in different directions. One is toward confinement Odor Control..................14 feeding of hogs and contracting with vertical integrators, where the Health Concerns ...........16 motto is “get big or get out.” The other direction is toward more sus- Humane Treatment.......18 tainable production of a smaller number of hogs and marketing them, Summary ............................18 through various methods, as part of a whole-farm operation. Enclosures...........................19 References .........................19 Kelly Klober, author of Storey’s Guide to Raising Pigs and himself a farmer Further Resources ..............21 and value-added marketer, notes the large difference between the two Appendix ...........................26 types of production. Scaled-down agribiz will not work on the small farm. When returns are figured in pennies per unit of production, whether that production is in pounds or bushels, they will not produce a sustainable and becoming ATTRA is the national sustainable agriculture information service operated by the National Center for Appropriate Technology, through a grant from the Rural Business-Cooperative Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. These organizations do not recommend or endorse products, companies, or individuals. NCAT has offices in Fayetteville, Arkansas (P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702), Butte, Montana, and Davis, California.
  • 2. Related ATTRA Publications Understanding Pricing, • Pork: Marketing Alternatives Concentration, and Vertical • Considerations in Organic Hog Produc- Integration tion • Hooped Shelters for Hogs Some large, independent hog operations, seeing • An Organic & Sustainable Practices the wide price fluctuations for finished hogs in Workbook and Resource Guide for the past few years, have started to move into Livestock Systems contracting. As Jane Feagans, of Oasis Farms in • Profitable Pork: Strategies for Hog Oakford, Illinois, says, “Our strategy right now Producers (SAN Publication) is to survive. I don’t see the pork business as a • Holistic Management—A Whole-Farm particularly good business to be in right now…. Decision Making Framework We went into the contract arrangements as a • Manures for Organic Crop Production risk-management tool. But it’s like insurance. • Nutrient Cycling in Pastures Risk management comes at a cost, because it • Protecting Water Quality on Organic limits the upside of the market.”(Hillyer and Phil- Farms lips, 2002) Producers who want to raise a large • Protecting Riparian Areas: Farmland number of hogs will most likely need to contract Management Strategies with someone. As Chris Hart, Purdue University • Sustainable Soil Management Extension marketing specialist explains, “The financial risks of not being aligned in some way return to the small producer. The small farmer in the pork marketing chain are just too extreme. will have to work from within those perimeter Many of these independents are saying enough fences, creating a farming mix geared not on is enough.”(Hillyer and Phillips, 2002) volume, but premium product production. To succeed with growing less, one must have to sell However, before producers decide to sign a con- it for more, and that means direct marketing, ex- tract to produce hogs for a vertical integrator, it otic production, value added marketing, or just is best to understand all aspects of the contract. about anything but the wholesale marketing of Farmers’ Legal Action Group, Inc. (FLAG), locat- farm commodities by the truckload or pen-full ed in Minnesota (Further Resources: Web sites), (Klober, 2003). has several publications and articles on livestock production contracts. Some key questions to Klober stresses that producers should not identify be addressed in contracts are listed in FLAG’s themselves as hog finishers or grain specialists, publication Livestock Production Contracts: Risks but should view their farm enterprises as being for Family Farmers: “like fine watches; the good ones are small, well put together, and everything works together in • How is the grower’s compensation a precise fashion.” He goes on to say: calculated? With careful planning, even the smallest farm • What are the grower’s expenses under can support a number of diverse enterprises. As the contract? long as they do not directly compete for such • Who has management control under the limited small farm assets as space, available labor, facilities, or capital, any number of ventures can contract? be fitted together to form a distinct small farm. • Does the grower carry the responsibility If they are keeping with the producer’s skill and for compliance with environmental and desires, and good local market outlets exist for other regulations? their outputs, any number of enterprises can be considered for the small farm mix. The answer to • Can the Integrator require the Grower what is a good enterprise mix is as varied as the to replace equipment in barns? descriptions of individual snowflakes. They can • What happens if the production con- be stacked on the small farm to create a structured tract is terminated by the Integrator? cash flow and to fully utilize the labor available (Moeller, 2003) (Klober, 2003). PAGE 2 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 3. In addition, many state departments of agricul- This shrinking of the open market is a problem ture and Cooperative Extension Services have for hog farmers. While some small cooperatives publications available to help producers better and processors, as well as small-scale direct hog understand contracts. It is very important for all marketers, are technically vertical integrators, parties to READ AND UNDERSTAND EVERY- they lack the concentration of power to affect THING BEFORE THEY SIGN. the market. According to Fred Kirschenmann, director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable With vertical integration, the mainstream pork Agriculture in Ames, Iowa, the mid-size farms are industry has consolidated in a way that many finding it more difficult to find competitive mar- people consider unsustainable. The number kets for their hogs. The mid-size farms are “too of hog producers is rapidly decreasing every big to sell directly to consumers and too small year. Between 1971 and 1992, the number of hog to interest corporate food producers, who often farms fell from 869,000 to 256,390 (Smith, 1998b), prefer dealing with a few large farms rather than and between 1997 and 2002 the number of hog with dozens of smaller farms.”(Martin, 2004) farms continued decreasing by about 39%, from 125,000 to just over 79,000.(Martin, 2004) While What this reduced open-market pricing really the number of hog producers is decreasing, the means is that 11.6% of hogs—those sold on the large operations are expanding or increasing in open market—establish the price for many of actual numbers. In 2000, hog producers market- the vertically-integrated hogs as well, because ing fewer than 1000 hogs per year—68.2% of hog integrators tie their prices to the open market producers—marketed only 1.8% of all hogs pro- price. However, in the written testimony of the duced, while hog producers marketing more than Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) to 50,000 head per year—two-tenths of one percent the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Anti- (.002) of hog producers—marketed 51.3% of hogs trust, Competitive Policy, and Consumer Rights, produced.(Lawrence and Grimes, 2000) Micheal Stumo, OCM General Council, states: Large-scale vertical integration (producer/pack- The hog industry is approximately 87% vertical at er/processors linked from farrowing to packing the producer/packer interface. Vertical integra- to the retail counter) has put pork production tion takes the form of packer owned hogs, and in the same predicament as poultry production. various types of contracted hogs. Ninety percent of the hog contracts pay the producer through a Vertical integrators are direct-contracting more formula price based upon the open market price hogs today than in the past. According to a Na- reported each day by the USDA’s Market News tional Pork Board Analysis of USDA price data, Service. All the pork packers have been aggres- 35.8% of all hogs were sold on the open market sively going vertical and have stated as much. (negotiated price) in 1999, but that number fell to 11.6% in January 2004.(Anon., 2004a) In theory, the 13% of the non-vertical hogs set the price for the open market price reports. In prac- tice, three to five percent of the hogs traded set the A large animal confinement operation in Wisconsin. price. These are the hogs actually negotiated be- Photo by Bob Nichols, USDA NRCS tween packers and producers in the Iowa-South- ern Minnesota market, the price setting market. The other non-vertical hogs either are committed to a packer through an oral formula arrangement, or are merely forced to take the “Posted Price” that the packer says it will pay based on the Iowa- Southern Minnesota market.… Packers always have an incentive to push hog prices down to save money. But when 90% of the contract hogs are pegged to the open market, the marginal cost of bidding for open market hogs is tremendously magnified…. In today’s concen- trated packer environment, we have dominant firms interacting in a very thin market. This sce- nario exponentially increases their ability to drive prices lower as compared to a situation where //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 3
  • 4. the dominant firm bought all their hogs from a University of Missouri rural sociologist Wil- high-volume open market. It is no surprise that liam Heffernan has found that the profits from the past 20 years have seen a steady downward an independent producer have a multiplier ef- trend in hog prices as packers consolidated hori- fect of three to four in a local community, but zontally and vertically even while the wholesale profits from a corporate or private company– meat prices justify far more for live hogs (Stumo, 2003). owned farm leave the local community almost immediately.(DiGiacomo, 1995) Another study The Missouri Rural Crisis Center in Columbia, in Minnesota found that for livestock-intensive Missouri, has found that since 1994 more than operations, the percentage spent locally (within 70% of Missouri hog farmers (7,400 out of 10,500) 20 miles of the farm) declined dramatically with have left hog production. The Center adds that the growth of the operation. So, rural communi- the Missouri hog farmer’s share of the pork retail ties and even states need to consider what is more dollar has gone from 46¢ in 1986 to 30¢ in 2003, important to them—having a large number of while the consumer prices of pork have increased hogs produced or having a large number of hog more than 40%.(Oates and Perry, 2003) producers.(Thompson, 1997) Hog Prices Received by Sustainable Systems: Missouri Farmers The Other Option (average annual prices per hundredweight) 1985-1987 $49.34 There are many things to consider in sustainable hog production and marketing. This publication 1988-1990 $48.03 focuses on only some of these issues. Basic hog 1991-1993 $46.63 production information—housing, breeding, 1994-1996 $46.27 farrowing, care of baby pigs, weaning, etc.—is 1997-1999 $41.04 not covered in this publication, but it is avail- 2000-2002 $37.60 able from state Extension Service offices and in books available at libraries, bookstores, and ** If you adjust hog prices for inflation, on-line stores (see Further Resources: Books). independent pork producers are getting Other aspects of sustainable production are dis- paid about 51% less in real dollars for their cussed in the ATTRA publications mentioned hogs than what they received in 1985. throughout this publication and in the Further Missouri Hog Prices (Oates and Perry, 2003) Resources section. The main issues addressed in this publication are: The economic analyses of farm records by various • Niche marketing state universities show that the size of the hog operation is not as important to making a profit • Breed selection as how well the hog operation is managed.(Ikerd, • Alternative feeds, including forages and 2001) In a presentation to the Biodynamic Farm- alternative energy and protein sources ing Conference, Fred Kirschenmann of the Leop- • Waste management old Center stated, “Studies in Iowa have shown that the most efficiencies are gained on farms • Odor control that market 800 to 1000 pigs annually.”(Maulsby, • Health concerns for hogs and producers 2003a) • Humane treatment But vertical integrators do not want independent In the past, hogs were a dependable source of cash producers; they want producers tied to them income for diversified family farms, sometimes with contracts that offer the producers minimal called the “mortgage lifter,” and contemporary rewards for their labor. Vertical integrators have sustainable hog production should be an integral their own operations in every phase of pork pro- part of the whole farm. Whole-farm planning or duction. From the farrowing-to-finishing factory holistic management is a decision-making man- farm to the packinghouse to the fresh and frozen agement system that can assist in establishing a meat cases, vertical integrators need no help from long-term goal, help to create a detailed financial anyone. plan, a biological plan for the landscape, and a PAGE 4 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 5. monitoring program to assess progress toward Colin Wilson explains: the planned goal. For additional information “We like working with livestock, and didn’t want about holistic management, see ATTRA’s Holis- to get into a high-volume, low margin business tic Management—A Whole-Farm Decision Making that turns animals into production units. Our Framework. system provides a nicer environment for the hogs than a confinement barn, where pigs just On a diverse, integrated farm, livestock recycle eat, drink, sleep, and get bored. We’ve learned to nutrients in manure that is used to grow the live- work with our animals rather than conform them stock feed, forages, legumes, and food crops typi- to our system…. We are trying to run an operation cal of healthy, diversified cropping systems, and that is good for people and for livestock. We want hogs will readily eat weather-damaged crops, to create a farming operation that can be passed crop residues, alternative grains, and forages. on to the next generation” (Maulsby, 2003b). Dan and Colin Wilson, brothers farming near Paullina, Iowa, raise hogs in hoop houses, in a Alternative Niche Marketing greenhouse used for winter farrowing, and on As mentioned earlier in Understanding Pricing, pasture. They decided that confinement pens Concentration, and Vertical Integration, one rea- didn’t fit their philosophy of animal welfare. son small and mid-size hog farmers are consider- ing niche marketing is the lack of open markets and the concentration of hogs under contract. Budgeting Alternative marketing is not an easy task, but Budgets help evaluate the probable costs and farmers are being left with fewer options. income of an enterprise. To do this, how- ever, budgets need to include all projected Speaking at a “Pig Power” meeting in Minnesota, costs and receipts, even if they are difficult Mark Honeyman, Iowa State University animal to estimate. Sample budgets can help you scientist, commented that hog farmers are finding better understand what needs to be included niche markets opening up for them. in your budget, but yours will be unique for As the market gets dominated by huge operations, your operation, because the costs and receipts it creates more niche markets on the back side. I are different for every farm enterprise. Costs call it the Wal-Mart effect.… Of course, if the niche can also change, sometimes quickly, as can gets big enough, then the big guys grab it. But market opportunities, making the final bud- one thing the big guys can’t replicate is the story get quite different from what was planned. that goes with the food. People want to know Many state Extension Services have budget what they’re eating. They want to know where it comes from. Farmers like you can provide that information available for various enterprises. story (Anon., 2003a). Several sample budgets are available in the Pennsylvania State University publications Chuck Talbott, Adjunct Assistant Professor at Swine Production and Enterprise Budget Analy- North Carolina A&T State University, discussing sis at his small-scale hog producers project states: Small producers cannot and should not compete stock/swine/swine.pdf on the same level with corporate farms, but they may be able to produce a unique product that and appeals to an upscale market. Therefore, empha- sis should be placed on marketing the potential strengths and distinguishing features of the small management/enterprise/enterprise_bud- farmer’s product, such as taste differences due get_analysis.pdf. to diet and genetics, antibiotic-free status, and free-range, environmental, and animal welfare The Iowa State University publication Cost of issues…Many people refer to pasture-raised pigs Organic Pork Production also provides infor- as “old timey” farming. I would rather call it mation that should be helpful in designing profitable farming, especially if we can produce your budgets. It is available at www.ipic. a unique product that stands out from the other nine million exceptionally lean hogs marketed 1784B.pdf. annually in North Carolina (Talbott, 2003). //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 5
  • 6. The 2001 report “Alternative Production Systems: Photo by Diane Halverson/AWI Influence on Pig Growth Pork Quality,” from the Pork Industry Institute at Texas Tech University, summarizes a study on consumer preferences for pork from conventional and alternative produc- tion systems: A majority of consumers say they are willing to pay more for products that are produced as “sustainable,” “natural” or with other assurances without mentioning any improvement in pork eating quality. We were surprised at first to see that consumers now put a value on some social features of the production system quite apart from the pork’s appearance or sensory qualities. Pasture-raised hogs require traits such as hardiness in A niche market is available for pork produced extreme climates, parasite resistance, foraging ability, with certain socially-acceptable assurances even and good mothering attributes. if no real difference in pork sensory qualities can be consistently demonstrated through objective include the Berkshire, Chester White, Spotted, research (Gentry et al., 2001). Tamworth, Poland China, Large Black, Hereford, For information on direct marketing, coopera- and Gloucester Old Spot Pig. For information tives, and niche markets, as well as legal consid- about breeding stock availability of these mi- erations, labels, trademarks, processing regula- nor and heritage breeds, contact the American tions, and obstacles, see ATTRA’s Pork: Marketing Livestock Breeds Conservancy at 919–542–5704, Alternatives.; or the New England Heri- tage Breeds Conservancy at 413–443–836, www. Breed Selection Criteria General descriptions of the many hog breeds can be found at www.ansi.okstate. Selection of breeding stock for a sustainable hog edu/breeds/swine. operation is very important. All breeds of pigs have certain traits that can be advantageous In the enclosed “The pastured pig” articles from to sustainable hog production. So before pur- Graze, Jim Van Der Pol talks about his ideas of chasing breeding stock, try to find a seedstock what makes a perfect pasture sow. He discusses producer raising pigs in conditions similar to the selection for genetic traits in gilts and boars, those in your operation. Research at Texas A&M various culling requirements for his sows and indicates that range-ability in sows (the ability to replacement gilts, and changing the sows’ behav- nest and farrow on their own) is a highly heritable ior through genetics. The articles also describe trait and could be genetically selected for pasture his pasture gestation and farrowing operations. operations.(Nation, 1988b) (Enclosures are not available on-line but are avail- able by contacting ATTRA.) The most common breeds of pigs in the United States are Yorkshire, Landrace, Hampshire, and Producers also need to consider what breeds their Duroc. These breeds have been bred for char- markets prefer. Organic Valley, the brand name acteristics that make them adaptable to confine- of CROPP (Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool) ment operations and the particular stresses and Cooperative at LaFarge, Wisconsin, says that they management conditions found in these systems. have identified a market for a Berkshire cross- Pasture-raised hogs face different stresses and bred with a Chester White sow. So CROPP only require different traits, such as hardiness in accepts Berkshire-sired certified organic hogs extreme climates, parasite resistance, foraging from Chester White sows for their products. For ability, and good mothering attributes—char- information about the Organic Valley pork pro- acteristics not developed for confinement hog gram, contact Allen Moody, Feed and Pork Pool production.(Kelsey, 2003) Coordinator, at 888–444–6455, extension 240; or 608–625–2602; or e-mail allenm@organicvalley. Some traditional and heritage swine breeds com. still retain these characteristics. These breeds PAGE 6 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 7. Niman Ranch Pork Company, the nation’s lead- Despite being single-stomached animals that ing marketer of natural pork, doesn’t specify often need some grain, hogs are wonderful pas- what type of hog their producers need to raise. ture animals. Digestively, they are durable and Niman wants producers to follow the Animal flexible. They do not bloat, founder on grain, or ingest hardware. They eat weeds readily, even Welfare Institute’s Humane On-Farm Husbandry prefer them. If conditions get tough for the sward Criteria for Pigs standards—available at www. [grass-covered ground], they can be removed—and and switched immediately to a grain ration with produce hogs that are good tasting and have no worries about digestive upset (Van Der Pol, enough back fat to produce a marbled meat. Paul 2002). Willis, manager of Niman Ranch Pork Company, says, “We’re not interested in a super lean pig. A three-year study by Auburn University’s swine Our animals live outdoors, and they need that nutritionist Terry Prince proved that as much as body fat to handle the heat in the summer and the two-thirds of a sow’s feed needs can be satisfied cold in the winter.”(Anon., 2003b) Niman Ranch by a well-managed pasture program, if vitamin Pork Company is working with farmers in the and mineral supplements are provided.(Anon., Midwest and Southeast. For information about 1987) Niman Ranch Pork Company, call 641–998–2683 A 2003 paper presented at the Third National or e-mail Symposium on Alternative Feeds for Livestock and Poultry held at Kansas City, Missouri Alternative Feeds states: Conventional swine rations consist primarily of corn and soybean meal—corn for energy and Fibrous feeds traditionally have not been used for nonruminants due to their documented de- soybean meal for protein. However, diversified pression of diet digestibility in pigs and poultry. farmers may have other types of grains, crop However, some types of fiber and fiber sources residues, and forages that lack a ready market or do not exert such negative effects on nutritional are considered waste products. Pigs—being ver- digestibility in older growing pigs and sows. Di- satile omnivores—can eat a wide range of feeds, etary fiber can have a positive effect on gut health, such as pasture grasses and other fibrous mate- welfare, and reproductive performance of pigs. rials, as well as alternative energy and protein Hence, nutritionists are attempting to gain a more sources. The pig’s ability to digest fibrous ma- thorough understanding of dietary fiber in swine terials increases as it matures. Since they do not diets (Johnson et al., 2003). have rumens, pigs digest fiber primarily in their large intestine through fermentation.(Johnson Pasture, Hogging Off, and Fibrous By- et al., 2003) Jim Van Der Pol—who grazes and products direct-markets pork, chicken, and beef in Min- Colin Wilson, who farms with his father and nesota—says in his “The pastured pig” series in brother Dan at Paullina, Iowa, has worked the Graze magazine: bugs out of their pasture-farrowing system by trial and error the past 20 years. Wilson stresses that timeliness is critical, and that many jobs require two or even three people. They use a three-year rotation in three adja- cent 18-acre fields. The rotation begins with corn, followed the next spring with a drilled mix of 3.5 bushels of oats, 10 pounds of al- falfa, and 3 pounds of orchardgrass. Oats are harvested, leaving a thick pasture cover for the hogs the following year. Colin explained that it took a long time to develop a success- ful pasture mix. He found that pastures with In pastures available to hogs, too little alfalfa were not as palatable to hogs, inspect for weeds that can be and that pastures with too much alfalfa did poisonous to them. Photo by Diane Halverson/AWI not produce a good orchardgrass stand and tended to be muddy in wet years. //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 7
  • 8. Fencing the pasture is also important for the Wilsons’ operation. As soon as possible in the spring, they string a two-wire (14-gauge) electric fence around the perimeter of the pasture; one wire is 4 to 8 inches high, and the other wire is 18 to 24 inches high. Each wire has its own char- ger, so there is always a hot wire if one charger malfunctions. This pasture is then divided into 150 by 300 foot pens, also using double wires. Wilson says it is not a good idea to charge the gates. If the gate is charged, the hogs learn not to pass that point, and then the producer will not be able to drive the hogs through the gate when it is open.(Cramer, 1987) In addition to legumes and grass pastures, non- legume brassicas—turnips, rape, kale, fodder Corn and oats in northeast Iowa. Small grains beets, and mangels—are high in protein, highly such as oats can be used to reduce the digestible, and make an excellent pig pasture. amount of corn in swine rations. Photo by Lynn Betts, USDA NRCS Another option is the practice of having pigs self- harvest the grain, otherwise known as “hogging off” the crop. Some of the benefits of hogging 90% of a gestating sow’s rations, because of the off are that harvesting costs are eliminated, crop sow’s lower energy needs and large digestive residues and manure are left on the land, and tract. Acceptable feeds include alfalfa hay (need parasite and disease problems may be reduced. to feed good quality hay; moldy alfalfa can cause Many different crops can be used with this prac- abortions), haylage (not more than 20% of a sow’s tice, as long as there are also legumes or brassicas ration), alfalfa and orchardgrass hay, grass silage, available. Some examples of grains that can be sunflower and soybean hulls, corn-cob meal, and self-harvested by hogs are wheat, rye, oats, dent beet pulp. Honeyman says even growing—and corn, Grohoma sorghum, Spanish peanuts, and finishing—pig rations can be 10 to 30% forages, if popcorn.(Nation, 1989) Such direct harvesting energy levels are maintained.(Cramer, 1990b) can sometimes turn a profit from even a low– yielding grain crop.(Nation, 1988a) Alternative Energy Sources In pastures available to hogs, inspect for weeds Small grains can be used to reduce the amount that can be poisonous to them, including pig- of corn in swine rations. Wheat, triticale, barley, weed, Jimson weed, two–leaf cockleburs, young and hulless barley can totally replace corn, but lambsquarters, and nightshades. A couple of need to be more coarsely processed than corn Web sites providing information and pictures of to reduce dust and flouring effects—continuous many poisonous plants are www.vth.colostate. feeding of finely ground grains can cause ulcers edu/poisonous_plants/report/search.cfm and in pigs’ gastrointestinal tract. The differing nu- tritional values of small grains means that the 2004ToxicPlants.pdf. Your veterinarian or county ration will have to be formulated to meet the Extension agent should also be able to help with hogs’ energy and protein needs—especially for weed identification. The ATTRA publication the amino acids lysine, trytophan, threonine, and Considerations in Organic Hog Production has ad- methionine, and the minerals calcium and phos- ditional information on using pastures for hog phorus. Light and/or weedy small grains that production. would be discounted at the elevator can be fed to pigs with no difference in their performance. If pastures are not available, feeding feedstuffs Barley and hulless barley need to be stored after high in fiber is another possibility. Honeyman harvest before feeding them to swine. In the notes that studies show that fibrous feeds and publication Barley Production in Alberta: Harvest- protein by-products can make up as much as ing on the Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural PAGE 8 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 9. Development Web site, it states: Up to 5% flax can be added to hog rations to increase the omega-3 fatty acids in the pork and Newly harvested barley, whether dry, or high improve sow performance. In 1995, South Dakota moisture, should always be stored about four to six weeks before being fed to any class of livestock. State University researchers tested feeding flax This storage period is often called a sweat period. in a corn-soybean meal ration during the final Serious losses in cattle, pigs and poultry have been 25 days of finishing. The results showed that the attributed to feeding newly harvested grain. There omega-3 fatty acids had increased. However, a is some evidence that certain compounds in the consumer taste panel could detect differences in newly harvested grain may be toxic to livestock. the bacon in rations that contained more than In storage, such compounds undergo chemical 5% flax. University of Manitoba researchers changes that make them non-toxic. Processing replaced some of the soybean meal and tallow newly harvested barley for feed apparently does and added 5% flax to gestation and lactation sow not eliminate the problem of toxicity—a rest or rations. The study showed that the sows fed sweat period is necessary (Anon., 2002a). flax delivered more piglets at farrowing, that the The following publications offer further informa- piglets had heavier weaning rates, and that the tion about feeding small grains to hogs. sows lost less weight during lactation and rebred sooner.(Murphy, 2003) • Feeding Wheat to Hogs Hulless or naked oats and high-fat oats are newer varieties with improved nutritional characteris- 3504web.pdf tics that make them good alternative feeds. Hul- • Triticale Performs in Pig Feeds less oats can be used as the total energy source in swine rations; however, because of the limited$department/ cropping history and marketing opportunities, newslett.nsf/all/bb501?OpenDocument their yield potential and economic value are un- • Feeding Barley to Swine & Poultry known in many areas and first should be tested in small quantities. swine/eb73w.htm Several other alternative grains that can be used in hog rations are cull, unpopped popcorn and Some other small grains to consider are oats, buckwheat. Popcorn has nearly the same nu- rye, flax, hulless or naked oats, and high-fat oats. tritional value as yellow corn and can replace All of these small grains can be used in vary- corn on an equal weight basis. If you happen to ing amounts in hog rations, according to their be in an area where cull popcorn is available, it unique characteristics and nutritional values. can sometimes be less costly than corn.(Anon., Newer varieties of rye are less susceptible to 1990b) ergot contamination—a fungal infection that can cause abortions—than older varieties and can be Buckwheat can be used to replace about 25 to 50% used as up to 30% of the energy source.(Racz and of corn. Buckwheat has only 80% of the energy Campbell, 1996) value of corn but is higher in fiber and can be planted later in the season as a substitute crop Oats’ feed value is only about 80% that of corn; in emergencies. Buckwheat should not be used it has high fiber content and can be used as 20% for nursery rations or for lactating sows, because or more of the energy source. A 2002 study by of their higher energy requirements. Buckwheat Mark Honeyman, Sebblin Sullivan, and Wayne should be limited to 25% replacement of corn for Roush at Iowa State University discusses changes white pigs housed outside. Buckwheat contains in performance of market hogs in deep-bedded a photosensitizing agent called fagopyrim that hooped barns with the addition of 20% and 40% causes rashes on pigs’ skin and intense itching oats to the diet. The study didn’t find any reduc- when the pigs are exposed to sunlight. This tion in daily gain, feed intake, feed efficiency, or condition is called fagopyrism or buckwheat other crucial factors for either level of oats in the poisoning.(Anon., 1993) ration. The study is available at www.extension. A 2004 paper by Lee J. Johnson and Rebecca 1819.pdf. Morrison at the Alternative Swine Program of //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 9
  • 10. the West Central Research and Outreach Center of soybeans. Lupines should be supplemented in Morris, Minnesota, reported trying alterna- with iron at 400 parts/million (Anon., 1989) and tive ingredients—barley, oats, buckwheat, field methionine.(Golz and Aakre, 1993) peas, and expelled soybean meal— in the ration to help reduce the additional carcass fat in pigs Field peas are another option. The South Dakota raised in hoop shelters rather than confinement State University publication Using South Dakota houses. The study shows that feeding a low-en- Grown Field Peas in Swine Diets states: ergy diet based on small grains slows the growth Field peas are a good source of energy and amino rate and marginally improves carcass leanness in acids for swine. However, variety differences ex- hoop-sheltered hogs, but doesn’t affect the eat- ist, and producers must know the nutrient content ing quality of the pork. The study is available at of the peas they are working with to properly formulate them into swine diets. Field peas are 20final%20rpt%20no%20economics.pdf. a good source of lysine, but the concentrations of methionine, tryptophan, and threonine must be watched closely. While peas can contain Alternative Protein Sources anti-nutritional factors, they are usually in such Soybean meal can be replaced or reduced by the low concentration that field peas can be fed raw use of alternative protein sources. Canola meal, (Thaler and Stein, 2003). sunflower meal, cottonseed meal, linseed meal, or peanut meal may be available locally, depend- The publication is available at http://agbiopubs. ing on your location. These alternative meals can or by calling substitute for soybean meal, but they do have the Agriculture & Biological Science (ABS) Bul- different amino acid ratios and mineral levels letin Room at 605–688–5628 or 800–301–9293. that need to be taken into consideration when Mung beans can be used as an alternative to soy- balancing the rations. Cottonseed meal contains bean meal. Mung beans contain from 24 to 30% various levels of free gossypol—a compound crude protein, but about equivalent lysine levels found in cottonseed that is toxic to hogs. The 2003 as a percentage of protein. Mung beans contain Oklahoma Cooperative Extension publication a trypsin inhibitor just like raw soybeans. This Gossypol Toxicity in Livestock, by Sandra Morgan, limits mung bean use in swine rations to about provides specific information on gossypol toxic- 10% for growing pigs, 15% for finishing pigs, ity levels for swine and other livestock. You can and 10% for sow rations, unless the mung beans find this publication at http://osuextra.okstate. are heat-treated like whole soybeans.(Luce and edu/pdfs/F-9116web.pdf . Maxwell, 1996) Roasting or extruding whole soybeans is another The Oklahoma State University Extension pub- option; the heat breaks down the trypsin inhibi- lication Using Mung Beans in Swine Diets is avail- tors found in raw soybeans. Processed, green, able by calling the University Mailing Services at frost-damaged beans that would be discounted at 405–744–5385. the elevator can be used in the ration without any problems.(Jeaurond et al., 2003) The higher oil Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) is a content of whole, processed soybeans produces co-product of the ethanol industry. During etha- a faster rate of gain than soybean meal. The nol production, a bushel of corn produces about cost of processing equipment and the fact that 2.6 gallons of ethanol and about 17 pounds of a the extruded and roasted products don’t store wet, spent mash that is processed and blended well are considerations that the producer has to into DDGS. Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles take into account. Additional information on can vary greatly in nutrient concentrations, with feeding soybeans to hogs is available at www. crude protein ranging from about 23 to 29%, and highly variable lysine levels. One major concern facts/info_green_soybeans_pigs.htm. in using DDGS is mycotoxins from molds on the corn. Mycotoxins are not destroyed in the fer- Sweet white lupines can make up to about 10% menting process. In fact, they are concentrated of the ration for most finishing and gestating by threefold in the DDGS if there are molds on animals. Lupines’ protein content can vary from the corn fermented into ethanol. The 2002 South 25 to 38%, and they have about half the lysine PAGE 10 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 11. Dakota State University Extension publication diets can compromise the growth of the pigs and Use of Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) may cause them to produce low-quality meat in Swine Diets, by Bob Thaler, provides specific with off-odors or flavors. Also, the producer may information on using DDGS in swine rations. want to consider the marketing of garbage-fed You can find the publication at http://agbio- hogs: if you are selling directly to consumers, this or by may not be a practice to advertise. calling the ABS Bulletin Room at 605–688–5628 or 800–301–9293. Many states do not allow any food wastes to be used to feed swine. Make sure that your state Balancing Rations allows food-waste or swill feeding. Check with your state’s Health Department or Department It is important to remember that any changes to of Agriculture for restrictions and regulations. A your rations, including adding alternative feed- garbage feeder’s license is required in states that stuffs, may change the growth rate of the hogs. do allow feeding food wastes. It is best to determine the feed-cost savings and any changes in market patterns before making If your state does allow swill feeding, remember any changes to your feeding program. Always that according to the 1980 Swine Health Protec- assess any changes to your rations so that all the tion Act, all food waste containing any meat pigs’ nutritional requirements are being met at product has to be heat treated to reduce the risk every stage of growth. Alternative feeds have of diseases and pathogens being passed to the varying food values, so it is important to know pigs. Some of these diseases are hog cholera, foot the nutritional contents of each feed ingredient. and mouth disease, African swine fever, swine Nutrient testing of alternative feed ingredients vesicular disease, Trichinella, and many other will eliminate any guess work. pathogens. The Act does not require cooking of non-meat products, such as bakery waste or fruit Producers can formulate their own rations or and vegetable wastes. The 2003 University of check with a swine nutritionist to help formulate New Jersey—Rutgers Extension publication Feed- a balanced ration for different swine weights and ing Food Wastes to Swine, by Michael Westendorf groups. Feedstuff Magazine Reference Yearly Issue and R. O. Meyer, provides specific information contains feeding values and analysis tables for on heat treating food wastes and other concerns many by–products and unusual feeds (see Fur- in using food wastes in swine rations. You can ther Resources: Magazines). The 1998 National find the publication at Research Council’s (NRC) Nutrient Requirement of pubs/pdfs/fs016.pdf or by calling the Publica- Swine: 10th Revised Edition discusses the nutrient tions Distribution Center at 732–932–9762. needs of swine, including requirements of amino acids and other nutrients (see Further Resources: Books). The University of Minnesota publication Waste Management Designing Feeding Programs for Natural and Organic The goal of sustainable waste management is to Pork Production provides nutritional comparisons enhance on-farm nutrient cycling and to protect and some rations using alternative feedstuffs (see the environment from pollutants. Hog manure Further Resources: Publications). Please see the is an excellent soil builder—supplying organic Appendix for two tables showing energy and protein composition of various feeds, suggested inclusion rates, and factors affecting inclusion. Food Wastes Food wastes are another alternative food for swine. Pigs are excellent scavengers of what we would consider garbage. Food wastes are often available from restaurants, schools, grocery stores, and institutions, and include leftovers, bakery wastes, out-of-date food items, fruits, and This farm in Wisconsin uses nutrient management practices to apply manure from the hog operation vegetables. It is more difficult to balance the diet on cropland. Photo by Bob Nichols, USDA NRCS of hogs when feeding food wastes. Unbalanced //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 11
  • 12. matter and nutrients and stimulating the biologi- Comprehensive Nutrient Management cal processes in the soil to build fertility. When Plans (CNMPs) manure is used to its full potential, it can yield Increased public awareness of the threat to wa- substantial savings over purchased fertilizers and ter quality posed by hog manure has prompted lead to improved soil fertility through the benefits regulatory actions at local, state, and federal of increased soil organic matter. Using manure levels. Hog farmers must stay informed to avoid can also cause problems, including human food violating these regulations—and to avoid pollut- contamination, soil fertility imbalances caused by ing the environment. excess nutrients, increased weed pressure, and potential pollution of water and soil. The ATTRA In April 2003, the Environmental Protection publication Manures for Organic Crop Production Agency (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge has information on organic manure handling Elimination System (NPDES) created a permit practices to help prevent some of these problems. system governing animal feeding operations ATTRA’s Sustainable Soil Management discusses (AFOs). The permit system determines how concepts and practices critical in soil nutrient AFOs can be defined as concentrated animal management and in planning a farm’s individual feeding operations (CAFOs) and required to get fertility program. The ATTRA publication Nutri- a NPDES permit from the EPA or a designated ent Cycling in Pastures has additional information state permitting authority. AFOs are classified on good pasture management practices that foster CAFOs depending, in large part, on whether the effective use and recycling of nutrients. operation is considered large, medium, or small. However, no matter what size your AFO, it can Hogs, like most livestock, are not very efficient be designated a CAFO. Your operation could at converting feedstuffs into meat. About 75 to need a CAFO permit if your permitting authority 90% of the feedstuffs’ nutrients are excreted with finds that it is adding pollutants to the surface the manure.(Tishmack and Jones, 2003) Swine water. For a copy of the rule and additional manure has a high concentration of organic mate- supporting information, visit the EPA Web site at rial. It has a higher nitrogen content than beef or dairy manure, but less than poultry manure. The cfm, call the Office of Water Resource Center amount of organic matter and nutrients in ma- at 202–566–1729, or call the CAFO help line at nure depends on the rations, the type of bedding, 202–564–0766. and whether the manure is applied as a solid, slurry, or liquid.(Tishmack and Jones, 2003) A CNMP must be tailored specifically to a site. The Natural Resources Conservation Service Application rates should be based on crop needs (NRCS) has information to help set up this type and soil tests (tests available through the Exten- of management plan. Contact your local county sion Service or a soil testing lab). Determine NRCS office for further information, or visit their manure application rates based on those nutri- Web site at ents that are present in the manure in the largest for help to in finding your local office, for the amounts. Basing application rates on manure 2003 series of 33 CAFO Fact Sheets, the CNMP nitrogen content alone should be done with care, manual, and additional information. since this can sometimes lead to soil nutrient imbalances if other macro- or micro–nutrients Manure Characteristics for Different become excessive. Because the ratio of crop Types of Hog Production Systems needs to manure nutrient contents is lower for phosphorus than for nitrogen, many states are When raised on pasture, hogs distribute their ma- concerned about phosphorus buildup in soils and nure themselves. With proper rotations on stable, are requiring soil tests and manure management non-erodible lands—not wetlands, streams, wa- plans. On October 24, 2004, the Iowa Environ- terways, or riparian areas—the hazards of pollu- mental Protection Commission approved rules tion are small, and the potential for parasite and to prohibit applications of livestock manure on disease transfer is reduced. The pasture loading fields that test very high in phosphorus.(Anon., rate varies greatly with climate, forage type, and 2004b) rotation schedule. The vegetation in the pasture is the main indicator of the proper stocking rate. See ATTRA’s Protecting Riparian Areas: Farmland PAGE 12 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 13. H Management Strategies for additional information on riparian zone management and ATTRA’s ooped shelters, originally Considerations in Organic Hog Production for ad- developed in Canada, are among the ditional information on pasture management for more promising and intriguing options for farrowing and finishing. finishing hogs. Hooped shelters are so suc- Pasture hog production can have problems cessful that more than one million hogs are also. Working outside in the cold, heat, rain, produced in them in Iowa. They are popu- snow, wind, and dark is not always pleasant. lar due to their low cost and because they Dave Odland, a farmer at Clarion, Iowa, says, allow the pigs to express social behavior. “With my system you have to be willing to get But pigs in hooped shelters require more up at 3 a.m. to keep squealing pigs out of the feed per pound of gain, especially during mud and rain. And, you have to be able to take extreme weather conditions. those days when you lose a litter or two because Hooped shelters are arched metal frames, of the weather.”(Anon., 1990a) Tim McGuire, secured to ground posts and four- to six- who farms at Wisner, Nebraska, comments that foot side walls, then covered with a poly- from November to March, they do not feed hogs ethylene tarp. The ends are left open most outside because it is too difficult to keep water, of the year for ventilation but are adjusted heaters, straw, and feed in place.(Gralla, 1991) appropriately in winter to circulate fresh When using a Cargill-style finishing unit (an 18 air and reduce humidity. The hooped by 120 foot, monoslope, open-front shed with an shelters come in various sizes but usually outside concrete area for feeders and waterers) house from 75 to 250 head per shelter. or other open-lot operations, whether paved or Stock density in the shelter can range from unpaved, manure is handled as a solid. The ma- less than 12 square feet per pig to about 16 nure is scraped regularly from the lots to reduce square feet per pig. The smaller (12 square buildup, as well as to help control odor and fly foot) space occasionally leads to fighting populations. Scraped manure is either stockpiled among the hogs, so some organic producers for field spreading later, spread immediately on reduce stock density to allow more space the field, or composted. Composting manure per hog. allows long-term storage, with reduced odor Two-thirds of the floor area inside the and pollution problems and the production of a hoop shelter is a deep-bedded area, with superior soil amendment. Raw manure contains the remainder of the floor area a concrete high levels of pollutants and must be properly slab where the feeders and waterers are managed to prevent contamination of nearby located. Deep bedding is the key to the surface or ground water. hooped shelter’s performance. The bed- Manure from deep-bedded hooped shelters is ding consists of 14 to 18 inches of materials also handled as a solid. All of the bedding is such as small-grain or soybean straw, baled removed, usually with a front-end loader, fol- cornstalks, grass hay, ground corncobs, or lowing each group of hogs. The composition a combination of several organic materi- als. The bedding absorbs moisture, slowly A Cargill-style finishing unit. composts, and helps keep the pigs dry and warm. The back third of the bedded area is generally dry and serves as the sleeping area, while the middle third is where the pigs dung. Please refer to ATTRA’s Hooped Shelters for Hogs for specific information on using hooped shelters for finishing and/or gestating hogs. Besides hooped shelters, several al- ternative methods for sustainable hog continued on page 14 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 13
  • 14. continued from page 13 varies greatly, because of high concentrations continued from page 13 of bedding in some areas of the hooped shelter production have been researched, such and high concentrations of manure in others. as the Swedish deep-bedded nursery The variability of the manure creates problems system and pasture farrowing, as well as in accurately figuring the nutrient content of the other alternative farrowing and finishing manure and its fertilizer value. For more infor- systems. Among the limiting factors in mation on deep-bedded hooped shelters, see producing hogs outdoors are the climate, ATTRA’s Hooped Shelters for Hogs. the amount of land available, topography of the land, ground cover, and pollution po- Liquid manure systems are generally used in tentials. Some major differences between confinement hog production, including CAFO’s, alternative finishing systems and conven- because they require less labor than handling tional slatted floor finishing are the use of solids (as in bedding and scrape systems). Liquid deep bedding, the manure management manure is stored in underground pits, anaerobic practices, use of natural ventilation, the lagoons, or outdoor slurry storage tanks, above number of hogs in a group, and the lower or below ground. During storage and mixing or initial investment.(Gentry et al., 2001) See agitation, high concentrations of ammonia and ATTRA’s Considerations in Organic Hog hydrogen sulfide can be released, endangering Production for additional information about the farm workers and livestock.(Tishmack and these alternative methods. Jones, 2003) In a study completed in November 2002, the Prairie Swine Centre in Saskatchewan, In a 2001 annual report from Dickinson Canada, showed that hydrogen sulfite gas emis- Research Extension Center in North Da- sion in swine barns with shallow manure pits kota, researchers reported on the study often reached levels that pose a threat to workers’ “An Economic Analysis of Swine Rearing health.(Whelan, 2003) Systems for North Dakota,” comparing hogs raised in outdoor pens, hoop shelters, Manure or compost can be spread on pastures and conventional confinement buildings. or crop lands before or after harvest. If pos- Pig performance and carcass data were sible, manure should always be incorporated analyzed to estimate the net return per pig into the soil as soon as possible after spreading from the three systems. The evaluations to avoid losses of nitrogen and reduce odor. To considered turns/year, facility investment, prevent runoff, avoid spreading manure on fro- fixed costs, operating costs, and total car- zen ground. Manure spreaders, liquid manure cass values after premiums and discounts application tanks, and drag-hose application were applied. The net return per pig was equipment should be properly calibrated. Your calculated by deducting the total cost of the county Extension or NRCS office has information pig from the total carcass value. The report on these operations. concluded, “Accounting for all business Regardless of whether manure is handled as a parameters, rearing in the hoop structures solid, slurry, or liquid, a well-designed collec- returned the greatest net return per pig. tion, storage, transportation, and application Compared to the conventional confinement program is necessary to avoid water pollution. system, the hooped structures and outdoor See ATTRA’s Protecting Water Quality on Organic pen reared pigs returned 6.63% and 4.07% Farms for practices that can help protect water more net income, respectively.”(Landblom quality. et al., 2000) Odor Control photo by Keith Weller, USDA ARS According to R. Douglas Hurt, director of the Center for Agriculture History & Rural Studies at Iowa State University, “Hog odor is the most divisive issue ever in agriculture, damaging the fabric of rural society and disenfranchising pork producers from their communities, even on the roads in front of their farm.”(Smith, 1998a) PAGE 14 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 15. by the wind, so the problem areas and odor intensity can change frequently, depending on wind direction and speed. Some of the gases are heavier and travel slower, close to the ground, while lighter gases disperse faster into the atmosphere.(Anon., 2002b) Odors are considered a nuisance only when their intensity and character are suf- ficiently objectionable to get complaints from neighbors. One legal basis for the nuisance concept is that people should not use their property in such a way that it would interfere with the adjoining property owners use of their property. Odors from Liquid manure from a hog operation in northeast Iowa is hog production systems are regarded as pumped onto cropland. Photo by Tim McCabe, USDA NRCS nuisance pollutants not regulated under the Clean Air Act. How odor affects people Most complaints about hog operations involve varies. In an article from Inside Agroforestry, odor. Many hog farmers are finding their odor the author states: control efforts are not meeting their neighbors’ expectations. Because livestock operations are People respond to odor differently. Although increasing in size, and more people are moving the human olfactory organ is quite sensitive, the into rural areas closer to livestock operations, response to odor is related more to past memories or cultural experiences. There is not very much problems are increasing.(Anon., 2002b) One of information about the impact of odor to human the reasons odor causes negative reactions dif- health. Most of the existing information refers to ferently from person to person is that there is the adverse health effects of individual gases, e.g. no consensus agreement between farmers and ammonia, or dust, but no specific information neighbors— or between any part of industry and about odors. One study did show that odors from the public—on how to evaluate odors. The total a swine facility had a negative effect on the moods amount of odor coming from a farm depends on of the neighbors such as anger and frustration. the type and number of animals, the type of hous- These psychological impacts can be as significant ing, the manure storage and handling practices, as a person’s physical health (Anon., 2002b). the wind direction and speed, and many other Even if these odors are non-toxic, they do affect weather variables.(Jacobson et al., 2002) how people feel and react. Farmers must be cur- Odors are from gases created by the decompo- rent on county zoning laws, Right–to–Farm laws, sition of the manure and other organic matter. and other local and state laws affecting land use. The gases can include from 80 to 200 different Many neighbors will be tolerant of occasional compounds that cause odor, some of them at odor problems, but if odor persists or is fairly extremely low concentrations. The interaction be- frequent, trouble will arise. tween the different odor-causing compounds can One management practice that helps is the use produce either more or less odor than that of an of shelterbelts. According to an article in Inside individual compound. Odors are also absorbed Agroforestry, shelterbelts can help relieve live- and moved by dust particles.(Anon., 2002b) Dust stock odors in several ways. from hog operations can come from the feed, bed- ding material, manure, and even the hog itself. • Facilitate distribution of odor by creat- Some of the factors that can affect dust and odor ing surface turbulence that intercepts levels are animal activity, temperature, relative and disrupts odor plumes. humidity, wind, stocking density, feeding meth- • Encourage dust to settle by reducing ods, and the feed ingredients themselves. wind speeds. Predicting odor and dust problems can be • Physically intercept dust and other difficult because the odors and dust are moved //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 15
  • 16. aerosols that collect on leaves and re- duce the micro-particles leaving. USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) animal behaviorists study pig behavior with the • Act as a sink for chemical constituents goal of improving animal handling practices to of odor, because Volatile Organic Com- reduce stress on animals and lower production pounds (VOCs) have an affinity for the costs. Photo by Scott Baur, USDA ARS outer layers of plant leaves, where they are absorbed and broken down. • Provide a visual and aesthetic screen for the operation. (Colletti and Tyndall, 2002) The Forestry Department of Iowa State Univer- sity Web site has additional information on wind- break research and odor mitigation available at The University of Minnesota publication OFF- SET—Odor From Feedlots Setback Estimation Tool (Further Resources: Publications and Books) is designed to help estimate average odor impacts from different animal facilities and manure stor- age. The publication is based on odor measure- ment for farms and climate conditions in Minne- sota, and estimating odor impacts in other parts is important in increasing the pigs’ resistance to of the country should be done with caution and diseases. Stress is caused by: in consultation with the authors. OFFSET created • Taxing living conditions, such as heat, what they call odor emission numbers, which are cold, wet or muddy environment, or the average of 200 odor measurements from 79 poor air quality (dust, ammonia, and different Minnesota farms and are average values other gases) of measurements from each type of odor source. The odor emission number varies: 34 to 50 for • Not allowing natural behavior, such as swine housed with deep manure pits, 20 to 42 nesting, rooting, wallowing, or foraging for pull-plug systems, 11 for loose housing and • Improper handling during weaning, open concrete scrape areas, and 4 for deep-bed- moving, or sorting, and mixing strange ded hoop and Cargill open-front barns.(Jacobson pigs together et al., 2002) • Poor nutrition—low energy and protein A farmer cannot create an odor-free or dust-free levels, vitamin and mineral deficiencies hog operation, but certain types of buildings and Vaccinations are another important tool for manure management strategies can help. Com- disease prevention and helping to build immu- mon sense, as well as talking to and listening to nity in the pig. However, because of varying your neighbors, is probably your best defense disease pressures, management styles, housing against odor and/or dust complaints. If possible, conditions, farm locations, climatic conditions, manure should not be spread on Friday, Satur- etc., each producer’s situation is unique, and day, or Sunday, when neighbors are more likely any recommendations for routine vaccinations to be at home and outdoors. Farmers should and health procedures need to be based on a concentrate on sound management practices veterinarian’s suggestions. before trying any extreme measures. For additional information on how vaccinations Health Concerns provide immunity, as well as on reducing stress from hog handling practices and on allowing The priority in sustainable swine production natural behaviors, see the ATTRA publication should be prevention and disease eradication, Considerations in Organic Hog Production. rather than disease treatment. Reducing stress PAGE 16 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 17. Using antibiotics in hog production is becoming with a cocktail of antibiotics. Apart from that, more controversial, especially when they are our data provide first evidence for a new route used as growth promoters and in subtherapeutic of entry for veterinary drugs in the environment doses. The 2004 report Antibiotic Resistance—Fed- (Hamscher, 2003). eral Agencies Need to Better Focus Efforts to Address Respiratory problems seem to be increasing Risk to Humans from Antibiotic Use in Animals, by for hog farmers using confinement hog houses. the Government Accounting Office (GAO), sug- The 220-page, 2003 University of Iowa report gests that “scientific evidence has shown that Iowa Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Air certain bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics Quality Study found that at least 25% of swine are transferred from animals to humans through CAFO workers have reported current respiratory the consumption or handling of meat that con- problems. The report is available at www.public- tains antibiotic-resistant bacteria.” The 100-page GAO report is available at items/d04490.pdf. Additional information on Raising hogs in a deep-bedded system has ad- antibiotic-resistant bacteria and livestock is vantages over slatted confinement production. available from the Land Stewardship Project Hogs raised on bedding show less tail biting, in Minnesota in their Land Stewardship Letter fewer foot pad lesions, fewer leg problems, and article “Antibiotics, Agriculture & Resistance,” fewer respiratory problems. Research compar- available at ing growth and meat quality for pigs finished pdf/antibio_reprint.pdf. in hoop shelters is limited, but some research has determined that hoop-finished pigs have The 2003 research article “Antibiotics in Dust fewer abnormal behaviors, have a greater rate Originating from a Pig-Fattening Farm: A New of play behavior, and have fewer leg injuries Source of Health Hazard for Farmers?” in Envi- than pigs finished in a non-bedded confinement ronmental Health Perspectives comments on one system.(Gentry et al., 2001) possible antibiotic problem. It states that 90% of the dust samples taken during a 20-year pe- Pigs produced on pasture are usually healthier riod from the same hog building had detectable than pigs produced in confinement. Pastured residues of up to 5 different antibiotics. The hogs often have fewer respiratory diseases, rhi- researchers concluded: nitis, and foot and leg problems.(Cramer, 1990b) A 1978–79 survey of Missouri hog producers High dust exposure in animal confinement build- demonstrated that hogs raised on pastures had ings is believed to be a respiratory health hazard because of the high content of microorganisms, the lowest health costs. Hogs raised in a mix- endotoxins, and allergens. Further risks may ture of pasture and confinement had the highest arise from the inhalation of dust contaminated health expenses. This suggests that the hogs had a difficult time adjusting from one type of facility to another.(Kliebenstein, 1983) Hogs being raised on a pasture rotation system, Manhattan, Kansas. Photo by Jeff Vanuga, USDA NRCS Raising pigs outdoors can be more animal friendly and environmentally friendly, if managed correctly. However, poor management of outdoor pigs will lead to poor pig performance and environmental damage. Pigs need a dry, draft-free place to lie down; mud and slop will not produce healthy, happy hogs. Producers need to be concerned about rotating pastures and the need for vegetative cover in the pens. Probiotics (live, beneficial bacteria)—avail- able as gels, drenches, dry mixes, or for use in water—can replace or supplement naturally occurring gut microbes during times of stress or disease. During periods //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 17
  • 18. of stress, such as weaning, shipping, or changes ral instincts, reduces their stress level with more in weather or feed, the populations of beneficial space to freely move about, and provides access and pathogenic microbes can fluctuate, changing to either pasture or deep bedding. the balance in the intestinal tract.(Carter, 1990) Research on the use of probiotics is not conclu- The producer must choose a production system sive. Probiotic firms argue that in laboratory that is profitable, but that also addresses the pub- conditions the stress is not enough to conclusively lic’s concerns about humane treatment of animals, demonstrate the value of probiotics. Dr. Austin safe food, and a clean environment. Economics, Lewis, a swine researcher at the University of environmental concerns, and humane treatment Nebraska, suggests that this assumption may may conflict, so it is usually up to the produc- be accurate, because laboratory conditions usu- ers to reconcile these issues in their operations. ally demonstrate a lower response to antibiotics, Information on humane treatment of livestock is too. Many farmers have observed the benefits available from the American Humane Society at of probiotics in their everyday experiences, 303–792–9900,; the but finding research to support probiotic use is Animal Welfare Institute at 703–836–4300, www. difficult.(Cramer, 1990a) Since probiotics must; and the Humane Society of the be live to work, they need special care. Heat, United States at 202–452–1100, moisture, oxygen, and time can all reduce the According to the USDA National Organic Pro- viability of probiotics. It is also important to gram (NOP) regulations, organic hog producers remember that antibiotics can kill probiotics’ need to provide living conditions that accom- beneficial bacteria as well as pathogens, so it is modate the health and natural behavior of their best to check product compatibility. animals. These regulations support concerns for animal welfare, the sustainability of production, Humane Treatment and environmental quality. The methods organic Sustainable pork producers need to consider how hog farmers use to meet the NOP requirements the consuming public views their operations. can include a wide range of alternative produc- Finishing and gestation buildings that restrict tion practices. For additional information on movement and interaction among pigs have humane concerns, please see ATTRA’s Consid- become targets of media attacks. A sustainable erations in Organic Hog Production, and Further system allows hogs a chance to pursue their natu- Resources: Web sites. Summary A sustainable hog operation is not an end in itself. All aspects of a farm are tied together. When you are producing pigs in a sustainable manner, you are using all parts of your farming operation. The manure or compost is used to help produce the diversified crops that feed the hogs. Legumes are also used to help feed the livestock and to add nitrogen back to the cropland. Animals are treated as parts of a living organism, not just parts of a product. The family is involved in the whole farm and as a part of the community. Sustainable agriculture exists in the interaction between the different aspects of farming; it is not the indi- vidual parts but the interaction among them that makes up the whole farming operation. Under the Animal Welfare Institute’s (AWI) Humane Husbandry Standards, sows are John Ikerd, in his presentation to the 2003 Sus- able to fulfill their instincts to build a nest before delivering their piglets. tainable Hog Farming Summit in Gettysburg, Photo by Diane Halverson/AWI Pennsylvania, discussed some of the environ- PAGE 18 //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES
  • 19. mental and social problems associated with vertical integration. References Thankfully, there are other, better ways to farm Anon. 1987. Save gestation feed with pasture and to raise hogs; the “sustainable agriculture” system. National Hog Farmer. May 15. movement addresses the need to protect the ru- p. 16, 18. ral environment and support rural communities, while providing opportunities for farmers to earn Anon. 1989. Raw lupines are fine for hogs. a decent living. But, sustainable farming takes The New Farm. May–June. p. 8. more imagination and creativity than contract production – it requires taking care of each other Anon. 1990a. Gilts help put profit in pigs on and taking care of the land. Sustainable hog pro- pasture. Sensible Agriculture. November. ducers all across North America are finding that p. 6–7. deep-bedding systems, including hoop house structures, and pasture based hog production Anon. 1990b. Popcorn replaces yellow corn in systems often are not only more humane, ecologi- starter, grow-finish diets. National Hog Farm- cally sound, and socially responsible, but also, are er. February 15. p. 42 more profitable than CAFOs. But, such systems Anon. 1993. Buckwheat can replace corn in require more management, more imagination, more creativity, more thinking, and thus, are more swine rations. High Plains Journal. July 19. difficult to “promote” (Ikerd, 2003). p. 17-B. For additional information on any subject men- Anon. 2002a. Barley production in Alberta: tioned in this publication, or for information on Harvesting. Alberta Agriculture, Food and any other aspect of sustainable hog production, Rural Development. 8 p. please contact ATTRA, the National Sustainable$department/deptdocs. Agriculture Information Service. nsf/all/crop1256?OpenDocument#7 Anon. 2002b. Odor is more than what meets Enclosures the nose. Inside Agroforesty. Spring. p. 4–5. Anon. 2003a. Swine scientist: ‘Wal-Mart ef- Van Der Pol, Jim. 2001a. Today’s hog won’t fect’ creates niches for family farms. The Land work outdoors. Graze. April. Vol. 7, No. 4. Stewardship Letter. December. p. 9. p. 10-11. Van Der Pol, Jim. 2001b. Setting up the gestat- lspv21n5.pdf ing sow system. Graze. May. Vol. 7, No. 5. Anon. 2003b. Hogs on pasture—The future of p. 1, 10. pork. Acres USA. September. p. 1, 8–9. Van Der Pol, Jim. 2001c. The tools and psychol- Anon. 2004a. Checkoff analysis of USDA ogy of pasture farrowing. Graze. June-July. Vol. price data. National Pork Board News Release. 7, No. 6. p. 8-9. Thursday, March 4. 2 p. Van Der Pol, Jim. 2002a. Hogs Improve Swards! Graze. October. Vol. 9, No. 8. p. 10. asp?NewsID=403 Van Der Pol, Jim. 2002b. In search of the perfect Anon. 2004b. Iowa EPC adopts controversial pasture sow. Graze. November. Vol. 9, No. 9. P index. Pork Magazine Industrial News. June p. 10. 28. 1 p. Van Der Pol, Jim. 2002c. Pastured sow logistics. asp?pgID=675&ed_id=2797&component_ Graze. December. Vol. 9, No. 10. p. 10. id=805 Van Der Pol, Jim. 2003. Changing behavior Carter, Heidi. 1990. Probiotics can be an eco- through genetics. Graze. June-July. Vol. 10, No. nomical and effective part of livestock health. 6. p. 12-13. The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture Newsletter. August. p. 1. //HOG PRODUCTION ALTERNATIVES PAGE 19