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Growing Your Range Poultry Business:
                    An Entrepreneur’s Toolbox
Written for Heifer International by Anne Fanatico, National Center for Appropriate
Technology and David Redhage, Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture. With
contributions by Nancy Grudens Schuck, Wayne Knoblauch, Judy Joanna Green, and Mary
October 2002
                   Table of Contents
                                                                                 FOREWORD AND
Foreword ....................................................... 1
Using the Toolbox ......................................... 2
Introduction ................................................... 3
Feasibility. ..................................................... 6   This Toolbox was produced by the National
 Personal & Family Considerations                                      Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)
    and Choosing an Enterprise..................... 6                  and the Kerr Center for Sustainable
 Marketing: Will it Sell? ................................. 8          Agriculture as part of a Heifer International
 Production: Can it Be Done? ..................... 13
                                                                       project to enhance the opportunities to
 Profitability: Will it Make Money?............... 22
 Financial Reality: Can You Afford                                     expand range poultry businesses.
    to Do It? .................................................. 26
Developing a Business Plan From the                                    The three-year project also examined the use
  Feasibility Study ....................................... 26         of mobile processing units (MPUs) for
Record Keeping .......................................... 28           poultry. MPUs are an infrastructure
Assistance and Resources ......................... 28
Working Together........................................ 29            development tool for establishing small
Producer Profiles......................................... 31          regional processing plants to serve range
References .................................................. 34       poultry producer groups. A state-licensed
Appendix A: Decision Tree ......................... 40                 MPU was built in Kentucky. Issues
Appendix B: Pasture Pen Budget ............... 46                      surrounding meat inspection regulations
Appendix C: Net-Range Budget .................. 50
Appendix D: MPU Budget ........................... 53
                                                                       and infrastructure were examined in
Appendix E: Small Plant Budget ................. 55                    Alabama and Mississippi. The project
Appendix F: Sensitivity Analyses ................ 59                   included additional reports on nutrition,
Appendix G: Project Summary.................... 61                     stock, custom processing plants, and legal
                                                                       issues. Refer to Appendix G: Project
                                                                       Summary for more information.

                                                                       NCAT and the Kerr Center thank the
                                                                       Community, Food, and Agriculture Program
                                                                       and the Natural Resource, Agriculture, and
                                                                       Engineering Service at Cornell University for
                                                                       permitting adaptations from the booklet
                                                                       Farming Alternatives: A Guide to Evaluating the
                                                                       Feasibility of New Farm-Based Enterprises
                                                                       (1988) (see References section to order). The
                                                                       authors of that booklet are listed along with
                 Photo by Luke Elliott                                 the primary authors of this Toolbox.
                                                                                                                Page 1
Special thanks are also given to Luke
Elliott of Blue Mountain Farms and Chan               USING THE TOOLBOX
Zuber of Pickwick/Zesco Co. for their          This Toolbox is written for anyone who
contributions.                                 desires to make a profit from range poultry
                                               production, whether by direct-marketing
This project was funded by the Sustainable     “pastured poultry,” building a processing
Agriculture Research and Education             plant, or working cooperatively with other
program, Southern Region.                      producers. The audience includes:

         The National Center for                •   New producers
         Appropriate Technology is a            •   Existing producers who want to expand
         nonprofit organization with            •   Individuals
         offices in Butte, MT, Fayetteville,    •   Groups
         Arkansas, and Davis, CA, that has      •   Small processors
programs in sustainable agriculture,
energy, and communities. NCAT                  It is not written for contract poultry growers
promotes the economic well-being and           who work with large companies; they
quality of life of urban and rural residents   generally cannot consider another poultry
while working to conserve America’s            enterprise because they are already
natural resources.                             committed.

                                               This Toolbox can help you:
     The Kerr Center for Sustainable
     Agriculture is a nonprofit education       • “Pencil out” a range poultry enterprise
     foundation in Poteau, Oklahoma             • Determine the profitability of an
     with a mission to encourage                  existing enterprise
     sustainable agriculture.                   • Understand the basics of feasibility and
                                                  business planning
             Heifer International is a          • Find additional information and
             nonprofit organization               assistance
             dedicated to community
development through sustainable livestock      Limitations of the Toolbox:
production. The headquarters is in Little
                                                • You should seek additional information
Rock, AR.
                                                  and assistance to do a thorough
                                                  feasibility study, business plan, or
                                                  marketing plan.
                                                • You will need to do lots of legwork.
                                                • This publication does not provide
                                                  technical information on production,
                                                  processing, and meat inspection
                                                  regulations, but it tells you where to get

           Photo by Karen Machetta

Page 2
•   The focus of this publication is                                          licensed process-
       broilers but much of the                                                  ing plant. The
       information can be applied to                                             consolidation of
       turkey and egg production                                                 the meat pro-
                                                                                 cessing industry
Budgets are a special feature of this                                            in recent years
Toolbox. Range poultry budgets are              A small-range operation can be a has resulted in
                                                good business.
usually limited to small-scale “pastured                                         fewer plants that
poultry” operations that use on-farm           will do custom processing, which limits the
processing, but this Toolbox provides          opportunity for small producers to sell
budgets for different scenarios based on       inspected meat. This situation leads
the production system and the type of          individuals and groups to consider building
processing. Worksheets provide a               a plant. In a 1999 NCAT survey of range
template to help you with number-              poultry producers, 82% said they intend to
crunching.                                     expand their businesses, and 38% were
                                               interested in building a government-licensed
                                               processing plant 1.
          INTRODUCTION                         Small range poultry producers who live in
There is growing consumer interest in          states where exemptions allow on-farm
pasture-raised poultry products, and many      processing without inspection and who get a
small-scale producers have established         good price from local markets have a real
successful enterprises. These producers        advantage. They must think hard about a
take full advantage of federal exemptions      decision to expand. Expansion brings with it
that, in many states, permit farmers to sell   the risks of a substantial investment in
1,000 broilers per year directly to            processing facilities and ties up working
consumers without inspection. These            capital.
operations are usually seasonal, closing
down in winter. Producers net about $2.00      Enterprises are often stretched to the
to $3.00 per bird and make a small             breaking point by lack of labor and capital.
supplementary income. See ATTRA’s              Planning is a crucial entrepreneurial skill
Sustainable Poultry Production Overview for    needed to avoid this strain. Planning is tied
details.                                       to goals, so first be clear on what your goals
                                               are. You can use the Range Poultry Decision
Some producers are content to stay small,      Trees in Appendix A to help you make
but others want to expand to earn more         decisions.
money. They usually need access to a

 If you plan to limit your enterprise to small-scale production with on-farm processing and
 direct marketing, you may be interested only in parts of this Toolbox, such as the Budgets
 (located in the Appendices). For those planning to move beyond direct marketing, the
 sections on feasibility and business planning are particularly important. This Toolbox
 focuses on feasibility—the business plan will be much easier if the feasibility work is done

                                                                                          Page 3
Not planning, or “grow as you go”                “Pastured poultry” is an easy business to
                                                 enter. According to pastured-poultry founder
Some range poultry producers do not plan
                                                 Joel Salatin in Virginia, you can get into
for profit because it is not really a goal. In
                                                 production for the price of one $200 pen and
fact, money is not always one of the main
                                                 $500 for a used or homemade scalder/picker
reasons people farm. Range poultry
                                                 set-up. Run four batches of 100 birds through
production may have other, indirect
                                                 the pen and, even with 10% mortality, you
benefits, such as improving pasture
                                                 will pay back the $700 investment the first
fertility, increasing farm diversity through
                                                 year and still have $400 cash after paying the
an enterprise with low entry costs,
                                                 costs of feed and chicks3. (This assumes you
establishing a family work ethic, involving
                                                 can sell your chickens for $6.50 each.) This
youth, and so on. Many range poultry
                                                 assessment reflects the low entry cost, though
producers are in operation because they
                                                 it does not include the cost of management
passionately believe in the product, the
                                                 and labor.
system, or the philosophy. For some it is a
hobby and they gain personal satisfaction
                                                 Most producers recommend starting small if
from producing and selling the product
                                                 you are processing on-farm and direct-
directly to customers 2.
                                                 marketing. Processing is hard work—it will
                                                 “buckle your knees,” according to one

                                                 Using a Mobile Processing Unit (MPU) is a
                                                 way to start small and spread the equipment
                                                 cost among a group of producers. It offers the
                                                 chance to develop the product, test market,
                                                 and iron out production problems. The group
                                                 can later establish a small permanent plant.
   Range poultry production is a way to build
   community. Photo by Heifer International.
                                                 Producers who process on-farm and direct
                                                 market often see a real limit to the amount of
Some producers do accounting after sales
                                                 birds they would even want to produce since
to see if they made a profit—too late to
                                                 it is a very labor-intensive enterprise. Many
plan. Some do not keep records at all and
                                                 do all the labor, from brooding and grow-out
may not know how much money they are
earning from their range poultry

Many producers who direct-market grow
only in response to customer demand.
Since these producers are not taking as
high an investment risk as someone
building a government-licensed plant,
feasibility and business planning is not as
important to them.                                 Mobile Processing Units are shared by small
                                                   producers. Photo by APPPA.

Page 4
to processing and marketing, as well as all     may neglect the marketing side of the
the management involved in dealing with         business.
hatcheries, working out feed
                                                A feasibility study looks at “make or break”
arrangements, evaluating processing
                                                issues that would thwart a sound business.
equipment, and so on. In addition, the
                                                It also provides a framework to be used in a
poultry enterprise is often part of a
                                                business plan.
diversified farm with other enterprises that
require time and effort. The desired level
                                                                               Planning will
of production for these farmers may be no
                                                                               help ensure
more than 1,000 broilers per year because           A feasibility study        success and
that is all they currently have time for.           looks at “make or          guide decision-
Year-round production may also hold little
                                                   break” issues that          making. Like
interest. Outdoor processing on the farm
is not an option in winter because of cold        would thwart a sound other start-up
                                                        business.              businesses, new
temperatures—plus, the winter break is
                                                                               range poultry
usually welcome. If these producers do
                                                                               operations face
expand, they probably need to do it in a
                                                challenges and may have a high failure rate.
different way. For example, they could
                                                For most new businesses, “only 20% of start-
join a collaborative group that has a central
                                                ups are in business after 5 years”4. A
processing facility and just raise birds.
                                                business plan will help guide your decision-
                                                making; it includes analysis of how the
Larger-scale production is more difficult to
                                                business will work and plans for operation
enter. The risk is higher but the potential
                                                (marketing, production, human resources,
is there for higher income.
                                                finances, etc.). It is also a written document
                                                necessary for obtaining a loan and sharing
Feasibility and Business Planning               with potential partners, but “the really
Many farmers are not familiar with              important thing about this process is that it
feasibility studies, business planning, or      forces you to think”5. It is more important
marketing plans. A producer who has a           for the producer than anyone else, including
great track record in terms of production       loan officers.
may not have strong planning skills or
                                                Most producers start with a “mind map.” It
                                                is the unwritten plan that directs your
                                                activities and contains untested hypotheses
                                                and assumptions. It differs from a business
                                                plan in that it is not based on research6. It is
                                                a start—and a very important start—but
                                                formal planning will fill in blank spots in
                                                your information. “A plan not written down
                                                is only a dream we hope will come true.”

 Planning is important when expanding a         According to Luke Elliott7, former owner/
 poultry business.                              operator of a small USDA-inspected
                                                processing plant, “It can be easy to market

                                                                                         Page 5
your first 1,000 to 1,500 birds directly off
the farm. People actually seek you out and
                                                     PERSONAL AND FAMILY
come to the farm. Beyond that, it is                 CONSIDERATIONS AND
important to develop a marketing plan, to           CHOOSING AN ENTERPRISE
work with other producers, and to make
certain of the legality of your situation.”      Questions about you, your resources, your
                                                 preferences, and your potential tend to get
                                                 overlooked. Why embark on an enterprise if
              FEASIBILITY                                             you don’t have time or if
“Feasibility” is a broad term and the                                 it would stretch your
methods for determining it vary. A                                    family resources too far?
feasibility study may examine technical,                              Is the whole family
economic, market, and social feasibility.                             interested? Do you have
For many producers, small-scale                                       the skills and experience
production constitutes a feasibility study—                           necessary to do it? What
a test run for production and marketing at                            are the strengths, assets,
a larger scale.                                                       and interests within your
                                                  Make sure the whole
                                                  family is committed family? Someone may
This Toolbox uses (with permission) the           to the poultry      be the natural marketer.
                                                  business. Photo by
outline and concepts for feasibility studies      Gwen Roland.        Is your goal
from the award-winning booklet Farming                                supplemental income or a
Alternatives: A Guide to Evaluating the          farm centerpiece that supports you8?
Feasibility of New Farm-Based Enterprises8.
The discussion of feasibility in this Toolbox    Inventory:
illustrates the following concepts with          When deciding on an enterprise, it is
range poultry examples:                          important to consider the farm resources you
                                                 have, or refer to farm inventories you have
 •   Personal and family considerations          done in the past. Inventory the following:
 •   Marketing—Can you sell it?                   ⇒ Land: What are your physical
 •   Production—Can it be done?                     resources? Describe your tillable land,
 •   Profitability—Will it make money?              pasture, and water resources. Will you
 •   Financial—Can you afford to do it?             use the land concurrently for both
                                                    poultry and cattle or other enterprises?
If you prefer a worksheet format for your         ⇒ Buildings, machinery, equipment,
research, Farming Alternatives has many             and other farm resources: What is the
useful ones.                                        condition of the facilities and
                                                    equipment? Can you rent or borrow
Other useful resources are Is Your                  machinery or storage facilities? Do you
Agribusiness Project Feasible?9 and A Primer        have freezing capacity? Are there
for Selecting New Enterprises for Your Farm10.      useful by-products you have access to?
                                                  ⇒ Management and labor needs: Who
                                                    will perform management duties such
                                                    as decision-making or supervising?

Page 6
Who will do the necessary labor to                                look out for profitable
   raise birds, process, book-keep, etc.                             enterprises that can be
   How much labor will be required?                                  easily and sustainably
   Does the enterprise use existing labor                            incorporated into their
   in off-seasons? Is seasonal labor                                 systems. A producer who
   available?                                                        is already grazing cattle
 ⇒ Marketing resources: How can you                                  may decide to add range
   distribute your product? You may be                               poultry since the land is
   able to create your own market, but                               already available. This is
                                                What kind of
   what are the markets presently               buildings are        called a supplementary
   available? What are the options for          already available on enterprise since it uses
                                                your farm? Photo
   direct marketing? Do you have road           by Steve Muntz.      existing labor and
   frontage, a farm store or stand,                                  facilities. A complementary
   storage capability, or a farmers’           enterprise actually benefits other enterprises.
   market? What are the resources              For instance, a cattle producer might
   beyond direct marketing? Are there          consider a range poultry enterprise in light
   slaughtering/processing facilities          of its contribution to pasture fertility for
   and wholesalers? What is the nearest        cattle forage. Products can have
   town? What is the population within         complementary marketing relationships.
   a 30-mile radius?                           Poultry and eggs are products that direct
 ⇒ Financial resources: How much               marketers use to attract customers to the
   money are you and your family               farm, who then buy pork, beef, vegetables,
   willing to put toward a new                 and crafts.
                                               However, over-diversification is a danger for
Enterprise preferences:                        family farms. This can happen fairly easily
Planning can allow you to choose the job       given that many “sustainable agriculture”
you want to do.                                enterprises are relatively inexpensive to enter.
                                               Luke Elliott7 recommends that if you expand
You may be set on a range poultry              to the point where you are building a plant,
enterprise that includes raising day-old       do not try to continue doing all the
chicks, processing them on your own farm,      production, processing, and marketing
and then marketing the dressed birds to        yourself. Consider collaborative
customers from your farm. You may want         arrangements.
to produce eggs or turkeys as well as
chicken.                                       You may be interested in establishing a state
                                               or federally licensed processing plant—more
On-farm processing and direct marketing        a small agribusiness than a farm-based
can be a good combination for small            business—and custom processing for
producers. It requires equipment, labor,       producers. Processing can also be
and know-how for processing, but there         diversified. Being set up for beef, pork, or
are no travel costs to a processing facility   wild game could allow a processing business
and no custom processing fee.                  to operate year-round. Value-adding by
Many diversified farms are always on the       further processing—for example, making

                                                                                        Page 7
sausage—could be another business             is not a market for the product, there is no
opportunity.                                  economic reason for continuing with the
                                              feasibility study8. The outline used in this
As you move from on-farm direct               section is adapted from Farming Alternatives:
marketing to a more “off-farm” enterprise,    A Guide to Evaluating the Feasibility of New
the business gets more complicated. For       Farm-Based Enterprises.
example, consumer demand, meat
inspection regulations, and poultry
processing capacity and location all affect     MARKETING—WILL IT SELL?
the ability of an off-farm enterprise to
make a reasonable level of income11. It       Some questions you need to answer are:
becomes tricky when you try to make this      What ARKETING—Who will buy ELL?
                                                 M are you selling? WILL IT S the
a primary enterprise. A rule of thumb is:     product? What is the best way to market it?
either stay small or collaborate.             How will you distribute it? What is the
                                              demand? How strong is the competition?
Collaborative efforts can also allow more     What are future trends likely to be? What
job specialization. You may prefer to raise   prices are you likely to receive? What volume
birds for a group and avoid processing and    are you likely to sell8?
marketing. Or you may prefer to do
producer education for the group. In the      A market should be secured before
future, you may decide to focus on            production begins; on the other hand, it is
breeding, hatching, milling feed, pullet-     difficult to market until you have a product.
raising, processing, or some other            Poultry meat and eggs in particular require
specialized stage of production, or on        planned production and marketing because
marketing poultry products. You might         they are perishable2.
even focus on by-products, such as
composting poultry offal from processing.     Product Definition
You may realize that your resources are       Define your product by looking at the
better spent in an enterprise other than      following areas:
range poultry. For example, many of the       Product and service features:
considerations for a poultry processing           Describe the product, noting its range of
plant are similar to those for milk               sizes and other characteristics8. For
processing. Would you and your family
prefer making cheese to processing
chickens? Refer to ATTRA’s Evaluating a
Rural Enterprise for more options on types
of enterprises.

Marketing is one of the first areas to
consider in evaluating feasibility. You
need to understand your market, your
competition, and relevant consumer
trends, and you need to be able to project       If there is no market for the product, there is no
                                                 need to continue the feasibility study. Photo by
potential sales volume and prices. If there      Luke Elliott.

Page 8
example, will your pasture-reared           • Primary research—do-it-yourself8.
   chickens be sold as broilers or
   roasters; natural or certified organic;    Secondary research:
                                              There’s not a lot of published data for
   fresh or frozen? Describe any related
                                              innovative products such as range poultry,
   services. Will the birds be whole or
                                              but the amount of information on the natural
   cut-up? Will you sell parts? (You will
                                              and organic markets—among the fastest-
   also need a market for the less-
                                              growing in the food sector—is increasing.
   desirable parts.) Will you provide
                                              The Hartman Group in Bellevue,
   recipes? Do you have a service-
                                              Washington, conducted a national study in
   oriented business such as a custom
                                              the mid 1990s to assess consumers’ attitudes
   processing plant or custom roasting of
                                              and behaviors about the food they eat—in
   soybeans for poultry feed?
                                              particular, sustainably produced food. They
Marketing season:
   Will you provide the product year-         found that 52% of consumers want to buy
   round? Will the poultry be fresh all       “green”12. The organic foods industry
   year or will you freeze it in the          reached almost $8 billion in total retail sales
   winter?                                    in 2000, with 20–25% annual growth from
Benefits to buyer:                            1990 to 200013. ATTRA has more information
   Identify the real reason someone buys      on the natural and organic markets.
   your product8. They may buy for
                                              Primary research:
   gourmet taste or for welfare—they
                                              Since you cannot find all the answers to your
   may find the idea of chickens roaming
                                                                  marketing questions
   free on pasture appealing. They may
                                                                  through secondary
   also buy for health reasons (e.g., to
                                                                  research, plan on
   avoid the growth promotants used in
                                                                  conducting some do-it-
   conventional meat production).
                                                                  yourself research8. Some
Capsule description:
                                                                  common methods of
   Put it all together8. Example: “Pasture
                                                                  primary research are
    King Farms offers fresh pastured                              summarized below. You
    broilers in season, and frozen broilers                       may even be able to get
    in the winter, to customers who enjoy      Calling customers.
                                                                  students from a local
    the taste of birds raised on green        business school to help you.
    pasture with natural feeds.”
                                               ⇒ Observation: Count people, products,
Market Research                                    or events in a way relevant to your
Without hard data, marketing is just               enterprise. Your opinion is critical,
opinion. You don’t need special training to        especially about your own community.
do market research—it’s a matter of asking         Surveys: Do written or telephone
the right questions in the right places8.          surveys8. A dot poster is an interesting
Market research methods can be divided             way to survey groups at a farmers’
into:                                              market; participants simply place stick-
                                                   on dots on a poster to indicate their
 • Secondary research—using existing
   information on demographics,
   consumption, future market trends, etc.

                                                                                      Page 9
⇒ Personal interviews: Interview
   chefs, potential buyers, and others8.
   The interviews can double as a
   promotional technique. You
   probably already know the white-
   tablecloth restaurants in your area;
   Zagat’s14 restaurant guide, can help
   you identify them in other cities.
 ⇒ Test marketing: sell your product on         Restaurants that serve haute cuisine usually
                                                require fresh product.
   a small scale to evaluate potential
   sales8. Many producers use a small
   operation as a test market for larger        income household, has a college education,
   production.                                  and belongs to a health club.

Your research will inform the issues you        Besides selling directly to consumers, you
need to address in assessing your market.       may plan to sell to restaurants, brokers,
                                                stores, etc. Talk to these potential customers
Assessing Your Market                           to find out what they want. For example, a
To understand and assess your market,           store may require a year-round supply of
examine the following topics.                   inspected poultry at a particular volume.
                                                How well do you know the restaurants you
1. Target Market Descriptions                   want to sell to? Oregon producer Aaron
“Your ‘target market’ includes the people       Silverman15 suggests marketing to chef-
or businesses that you are trying to attract.   owned restaurants that offer seasonal, haute
Understanding the characteristics of a          cuisine.
target market can prevent costly mistakes
in developing and promoting your                In addition to natural foods stores, consider
product”8.                                      family-owned specialty stores or meat
Describe the demographics of people you
want to sell to (age, sex, family status,       2. Marketing Options
income level, class, occupation, children,      You need to decide what methods you will
marital status, ethnic group, education).       use to get the product to your markets8.
Do your customers live primarily in a                                                Producers who
certain area or region? Lifestyle patterns                                           sell directly to
(common interests, values, behavior,                                                 consumers use
personality types, attitudes, buying                                                 on-farm sales,
motives) are important8. Typical buyers of                                           farmers’ markets,
range poultry products are health-                                                   special events
oriented; potential customers may belong        Customers may come directly to
                                                                                     such as fairs,
to a health club or they may be runners. A      your farm to buy pasture-raised      roadside stands,
sample demographic statement is: the                                                 the Internet,
typical range-poultry buyer is a married                                             mail-order, etc.
female with two children, lives in a two-

Page 10
marketing with other producers. “Certain
                                                 market channels may require larger volumes
                                                 or longer seasonal deliveries than can be
                                                 provided from an individual operation” (10).
                                                 Other partners, such as local retailers and
                                                 consumer groups, may have a shared
                                                 interest in developing market opportunities
                                                 for the product.
  Attractive packaging for range poultry
  products in France.                            It is not prudent to have only one market
                                                 outlet. What kind of commitment have
You also can sell directly to restaurants,       buyers made? Personal relationship is
stores, schools, or other institutions or sell   important, but you may need a contract with
to them wholesale through brokers or             area buyers in order to expand your
distributors. A broker does marketing for        capacity. You don’t want to increase your
you and checks that the store is properly        production only to have your customer
presenting your product. Small brokers in        decide not to buy. Producers who direct-
your community may serve only a few              market to individual consumers have the
businesses. Large natural foods                  advantage of many market outlets.
distributors include Tree of Life and
United Natural Foods.                            Can you meet the requirements for serving
                                                 your markets?
You might decide to join a collaborative
                                                  • What does the packaging need to look
group such as a cooperative. Market
                                                    like? Will you need to bar code
development may depend on shared
                                                    products for stores?
                                                  • Distribution is especially important:
             Fresh vs. frozen meat                  Will you need to transport your product
   Fresh and frozen meat are two                    to the market? What is the distance? Do
   different markets and require different          you have a truck? Can you load it fully?
   distribution channels. Consumers are             Don’t underestimate the importance of
   accustomed to seeing only fresh meat             distribution or, as Luke Elliott says,
   in most supermarkets, but many                   “Don’t drive 200 miles to sell 25
   natural foods stores do not have a               chickens.”
   fresh meat counter. Restaurants                • Consider market entry: How will the
   usually prefer fresh meat delivered
                                                    product be introduced to the market?
   once or twice weekly. You can sell
                                                    Will it be marketed under the
   fresh meat to restaurants and then
   market frozen meat as a secondary                producer’s name or the processor’s
   product to other channels. There is a            name? What kind of advertising and
   stigma against frozen meats, but it              promotion will get the buyer’s
   may be possible to establish a                   attention?10
   marketing strategy that promotes a
   frozen sustainable product over a             3. Existing Market Demand
   fresh, unsustainable product.                 How many potential buyers are included in

                                                                                     Page 11
Related publications available from ATTRA (free of charge):
  Sustainable Poultry: Production Overview
  Organic Livestock Feed Suppliers
  Range Poultry Housing
  Pastured Poultry: A Heifer Project International Case Study Booklet
  Legal Issues for Small-Scale Poultry Processors (a Heifer Project International
  Label Rouge: Pasture-Raised Poultry in France
  Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture (A SAN publication)
  Poultry Processing Facilities Available for Use by Independent Producers in the Southern
  Feeding Chickens

your target market at this time? What is      are your projections for market trends in the
the average purchase or frequency of          next five to 10 years?8
service per buyer per year? What is the
total purchase or number of services per      Possible trends include:
year” (8) ? Small producers who market         • More cut-up products and parts: Some
directly to consumers report good demand          producers are finding that the same
for their product.                                educated, sophisticated customers that
                                                  buy their pastured poultry also demand
4. Competition                                    convenient cut-up products.
Analyze your competition: business             • Natural and organic markets
reputation, estimated sales volume, quality       continuing to grow in conventional
of product, price, customer satisfaction,         grocery stores.
appearance, type of buyer targeted,            • More distinction in the marketplace:
strengths, and weaknesses. A “direct              Range poultry products may need to be
competitor” offers the same product you           further distinguished from conventional
do. “Indirect competition” is anything            products in the marketplace. The
your customers can substitute for your            conventional industry has reduced the
product8. Although range poultry is a             use of routine medication in feed in
different product, conventional poultry
may compete indirectly. In fact, there is a
lot of consumer confusion about natural
products. Consumers may not understand
the difference between pastured poultry
and an industrial specialty product from
Petaluma’s or Tyson’s organic line.

5. Market trends
Has consumption been increasing? Is the
                                                    Cut-up chicken will be important for
number of competitors increasing? What              specialty products in the future.

Page 12
response to public concern, and is            Three books are popular among poultry
   getting involved in “free-range” and          producers:
   organic production. Producers who                Pastured Poultry Profits17
   market directly to customers can                 Free-Range Poultry Production
   educate them about the products, but               and Marketing18
   as producers move beyond direct                  Chicken Tractor19
   marketing, opportunities such as
   slow-growing genetics and air-chill         of production, quality, service, convenience
   processing can help to further              provided, and types of buyers targeted8.
   distinguish products.
 • More emphasis on grassfed meats:            Farmers tend to underprice their products.
   Organic production has been co-opted        According to Silverman, charge the highest
   by large industrial companies, but few      price you can from the beginning 15. “When
   use truly land-based production             you first start, there are so many
   systems. The industry is able to fulfill    inefficiencies you can’t charge the real price
   organic certification requirements at a     because no one would buy it. If it all sells,
   much lower cost than the small              the price is too low. At least 10% of people
   grower. However, the industry               should walk by shaking their heads.”
   cannot produce a grassfed poultry
   product the way a small producer            It is important to know how pricing affects
   with mobile housing can. As                 your profit margin—good record-keeping
   consumers catch on, they will look for      and profitability analysis will help.
   grassfed products, which have
   different nutritional qualities or          7. Expected sales volume
   higher omega-3 fatty acids. Grassfed        What minimum number of units could you
   meats can be more of an opportunity         sell in a poor year? In a good year? What
   for small producers than for large          would create these conditions? What is your
   industrial ones.                            expected sales volume? How long will it
 • Consumer education: More specific           take to build the market to the desired sales
   definitions of outdoor poultry              volume?8
   production systems by USDA will
   help reduce confusion so consumers
   can make informed choices, as will the
   development of certification programs
   that have consumer education                          CAN IT BE DONE?
                                               For many, the easiest and most enjoyable
6. Expected price                              part of poultry production is raising the
There are many formulas and strategies for     birds. This section looks at technical, social,
setting prices. What is the lowest price       and organizational obstacles to raising and
you could receive? What is the highest         processing birds.
price? What conditions would create this?
What is your expected price? Ultimately,       In studying production feasibility, you need
pricing will reflect your competition, costs   to determine if you can reasonably provide

                                                                                       Page 13
the product from available resources—you       doing an internship with another farmer can
may discover problems in production. It is     provide experience. Refer to ATTRA’s
important to gain “a thorough                  Sustainable Farming Internships and
understanding of specific production           Apprenticeships for more information on farm
practices, required resources, production      work opportunities across the country.
constraints, yields, and legal and liability
considerations. If your available resources    Production Requirements
cannot adequately support the enterprise,      Consider the following production
development may not be feasible.               requirements, adapted from Farming
However, many production problems can          Alternatives: A Guide to Evaluating the
be overcome by an infusion of labor,           Feasibility of New Farm-Based Enterprises.
capital, or ingenuity”8.                       Climate requirements
                                                  Consider the high and low temperatures
Sources of production information                 and annual precipitation expected on
Range poultry production and processing           your farm; list any anticipated climate
require a lot of technical information. As        problems8. For example, cold winters in
of yet, land grant universities and               the North and hot summers in the South
cooperative extension have limited                can limit outdoor poultry production.
information on small commercial outdoor           Solutions include seasonal production,
flocks or small poultry businesses. Range-        solariums, or seasonal confinement.
poultry producers often rely on each other        Rain, wind, and temperature swings are
for information, learning from other              also important considerations. Some
successful producers through Internet             areas have long wet seasons that limit
discussion groups and other networks.             range production.
The American Pastured Poultry Producers
Association (APPPA)16 is a source of           Soil and land requirements
information, as is the PasturePoultry             What are the soil pH, moisture/
listserver at <>.             drainage, fertility, and acreage
Sustainable agriculture conferences, trade        requirements to grow adequate forage
shows, and equipment suppliers can also           for your birds (or cattle and sheep)?
be good sources of information.                   What does your land provide? List
                                                  anticipated problems such as steep
Although you can read materials and               terrain that can interfere with moving
books, experience is an even more valuable        portable poultry housing. Heavily
resource. Starting a small test operation or      wooded areas may increase predator

                 Common types of outdoor poultry production systems
 • Yarding: a stationary house with a fenced yard; buildup of manure and pathogens in
   yarding has led farmers to search for ways to rotate pasture.
 • Pasture pens: small batches of birds are kept in floorless pens, which are moved daily
   to fresh pasture.
 • Net-range or “day-range”: a house is surrounded with movable net fencing. The
   netting is moved every few days and the house may be moved as well.
 • Free-range: portable houses are moved regularly to fresh pasture—no fencing is used.

Page 14
pressure. If you are planning a                 product. Facilities are also required for
   processing plant, consider the ability of       cold storage and possibly for retail of
   the soil to support wastewater systems.         poultry products. If you or your group
                                                   builds a plant, siting is critical. You will
Water requirements                                 need to transport inputs to the plant,
  Consider the water requirements of the           transport the product to market, and
  enterprise, including the flow rate,             transport wastes away. While a rural
  volume, and location (g). How does               area offers land for wastewater disposal,
  the water need to be distributed for             transportation is easier and labor is more
  production and processing? Are you               available in an urban area. Most
  on municipal water or a septic system?           importantly, put a plant where you are
  Evaluate your water quality.                     wanted. For example, Aaron Silverman’s
                                                   plant is in an Oregon town that lost a
                                                   lumber mill. Siting in an Empowerment
                                                   Zone can provide resources. The
                                                   Empowerment Zone and Enterprise
                                                   Community program20 is a federal
                                                   assistance program that helps
                                                   communities with high poverty rates
                                                   find opportunities for growth and
     What are the water requirements for           revitalization, especially entrepreneurial
     your operation? Photo by Karen
                                                   initiatives, small business expansion, and
                                                   training for jobs.
Building and facility requirements
     Consider the facilities needed for the        When coordinating the stages of
     enterprise for housing, processing,           production, remember that the
     handling, and storage. Is new                 processing plant is usually the limiting
     construction or renovation required for       facility and all other facilities (such as the
     your existing facilities?8 Housing for        hatchery, grow-out, and feed mill) must
     range operations is often minimal, built      be geared to the processing plant10.
     with available resources on the farm.
     Processing set-ups are varied. You            See ATTRA’s Small-Scale Poultry
                      could process under a        Processing for information on building
                      tree, use an existing        and operating a plant.
                      outbuilding, build a      Equipment and machinery requirements
                      shed, or even put up a       Consider whether you already own the
                      government-licensed          equipment or must buy, rent, borrow, or
                      processing plant. Or         make it8. Consider heaters for brooding,
                      you could rent a mobile      pasture pens (or net fencing and electric
                      processing unit (MPU).       chargers), feeders, waterers, and feed
A mobile processing   You could take your          storage. You don’t actually need a lot of
unit is a good way to birds to a custom plant      processing equipment for poultry; birds
share resources.
Photo by Steve        for processing but you       are small and there is no need for a track
Muntz.                do lose control of the       and a saw. Consider carefully before

                                                                                        Page 15
buying used equipment; it may not
   meet the exact specifications needed
   and therefore lead to less efficiency or
   higher labor costs21. (Used equipment
   may also not satisfy meat inspection
   requirements.) At what point should
   equipment be substituted for labor (the
   “mechanical transition threshold”)?             Equipment like an egg grader can
   Keep replacement parts around for               reduce labor.
   emergencies and keep future
   equipment upgrades in mind.                    in poultry production systems that
                                                  improve efficiency and profits. It
   Marketing equipment may be needed,             takes many hours of management
   such as a refrigerated truck or trailer to     time to gather information on breed,
   transport dressed birds to market. Also        hatcheries, feed suppliers, affordable
   consider supplies such as litter to raise      processing equipment, and so forth.
   birds on and bags for marketing. If
   you are milling your own feed, you             If you are building a plant, you will
   may need a grinder, mixer, and roaster.        put in lots of management hours
                                                  going over regulations, design, and
                                                  other aspects. For operation, small
                                                  plant managers need an impressive
                                                  array of skills—including electrical,
                                                  plumbing, knife sharpening—to
                                                  maintain the plant and equipment,
                                                  especially for emergency breakdowns
                                                  during processing. In addition to
                                                  supervising the facility and ensuring
                                                  compliance with regulations, the
                                                  processing-plant manager might be
                                                  expected to monitor performance,
                                                  judge quality, buy live birds, oversee
          Equipment should be                     accounting-office functions, oversee
          appropriately scaled to your
          operation. Photo by Paul                waste disposal, and be a marketing
          Helbert.                                and salesperson. Many producers
                                                  underestimate the amount of time and
Management and labor requirements                 effort needed for marketing8.

  ⇒ Management: The function of                 ⇒ Labor:
     management is to plan, organize,             How much labor will the day-to-day
     direct, staff, and control.                  activities of raising, processing, and
     Considerable knowledge and                   marketing poultry, and keeping
     diverse skills are needed. Managers          records, require? The philosophy of
     should keep abreast of innovations           free-range and organic poultry
                                                  production often reduces the options

Page 16
for automation, resulting in very             experienced farmer spent only 10
   labor-intensive operations,                   minutes per chicken from chick to
   especially with processing2. Direct           processed bird; a less experienced
   marketing requires substantial labor          farmer worked more than an hour per
   to build a customer base and                  bird.
   maintain a database to track them.
                                              ⇒ Labor efficiency:
                                                 The size of the operation is the main
                                                 determinant of labor efficiency2.
                                                 Producers need to spread labor costs
                                                 over a larger number of birds to
                                                 increase output per labor unit. (See
                                                 the Sensitivity Analysis discussion
                                                 under the Profitability section.)
                                                 Some automation may be needed to
   Pasture-raised poultry can be very labor      optimize labor input. Automation
                                                 reduces time needed for feeding,
                                                 watering, cleaning, and other
⇒ Labor budgets:
                                                 activities2, but requires more capital
   Record the management and labor
   hours you will need for your
   operation. As a guide, the budgets         ⇒ Labor source:
   in the Appendices of this Toolbox             The farmer’s own unsalaried labor is
   include management and labor                  often a large part of the labor in a
   hours needed for the four different           small poultry operation. Family labor
   production and processing scenarios           is common; however, kids cannot be
   described; however, these are not             expected to work as hard as adults.
   detailed labor budgets. You will
   need to modify them to fit your
   situation. Make a chart of labor
   activities on the farm for each month
   to determine if there is time
   available for a new or expanded
   enterprise8. Since many poultry
   producers have diversified farms, it
   is important that the poultry
   enterprise complements rather than            Automation can optimize labor input but costs
   conflicts with the labor peaks of             more.
   other farm enterprises. Consider
   what type of chore cycle will work            Hired labor is required for some
   for you: steady work or intensive             activities. Many producers have
   bursts of work.                               trouble obtaining processing help on-
                                                 call in rural areas, and it will not be
   According to University of
                                                 trained labor. An Oregon company
   Wisconsin estimates22, one
                                                 has considered an unusual option:

                                                                                          Page 17
using prison labor to run a spent-         Uniformity and consistent quality
     fowl plant.
                                             Although uniformity in bird size is not as
                                             important in manual processing as it is in
     Later, in a business plan, you can be   automated processing, it is still an issue.
     more specific, naming who will be       Consistency can be very important in your
     on your management team,                market. For example, your restaurant
     including salaries and benefits. You    accounts may demand a range of 3.5 to
     may also need a hiring and training     4.5 lb. birds every order. Silverman found
     policy. How will you promote and        that his birds varied so much in weight—
     maintain good labor relations,          because of the heavier finished weight of
     strong morale, and high-quality         males compared to females—that he
     output from workers? Handling of        switched from straight-run chick orders to
     employees is an important issue.        cockerels only. When feed rations change
                                             dramatically, it can change the quality of
     Show that you have organized your
                                             the meat. Feeding more corn will result in
     staff needs23. If you incorporate,      more yellow color in the bird and different
     you will need to name a Board of        fatty acids and flavor in the meat
     Directors.                              compared to wheat feeding. Meat from
                                             birds confined in winter will differ from
Additional production requirements           meat produced outdoors in spring. The
                                             production system used also has an effect:
  ⇒ Supply:
                                             birds tend to grow faster in pasture pens
    Consider your supply sources8. For
                                             compared to net-range systems because
    year-round production, chicks are        the feed is right in front of them all the
    harder to source in winter.              time. However, birds are often injured
    Sourcing suitable feed ingredients       when pasture pens are moved, and there
    can be difficult. If you have            may be more broken wings. Weather,
    difficulty finding a reliable supplier   forage, weed species, and other
    of chicks, feed ingredients, feed        environmental factors have an impact on
    rations, or other needs, you may         the consistency of poultry in land-based
    want to consider becoming a              production systems.
    supplier yourself.
  ⇒ Reliable supply:                               you. What kind of future-supply
    If you have a processing plant,                assurance do you need? Are contracts
    consider how you will get a                    necessary? A reliable supply is crucial
    sufficient supply of live birds to             when you are committed to fill an
    support the plant year-round. What             order.
    will the travel time be from the farm
    to the plant? Will you raise all the           When working with multiple growers,
    birds yourself? If not, survey                 you will need to require standardized
    producers in your area to determine            production practices, including stock
    whether they can provide an                    selection and feed formulation. You
    adequate supply of birds. However,             may need to develop a producer
    local producers may prefer to                  education program and have them
    process on-farm and market their               start out small. Silverman limits
    own birds instead of working with
Page 18
not permit flocks to be more than
                                                  seven days apart in age on the same

                                                  You might plan to operate your plant
                                                  as an independent custom
                                                  processor—rather than collaborate
                                                  with a group. However, the financial
                                                  risk of building a plant will be high if
                                                  you aren’t sure that enough
   These birds are non-uniform in growth.
                                                  producers will want to use your
                                                  processing services to make your
  beginning growers to 1,000 birds                plant profitable (and to keep cash
  their first year of production.                 flowing).
⇒ Logistics of working with multiple
  growers:                                        Because the storage capability of
  For a plant that processes 120,000              most small plants is limited, you will
  birds per year, if the average grower           most likely need to move and market
  produces 5,373 birds/year, there                your product quickly. If you don’t
  will need to be a minimum of 23                 have a lot of freezer capacity, you
  growers close to the plant. The                 may be able to rent freezer space
  production schedules of these                   elsewhere.
  growers must be coordinated so that
  birds arrive at the plant for             Quality and production rate
  processing at staggered times             What is the level or range of quality you
  instead of all at once. Harvesting an     expect to achieve? How does your quality
  entire flock at a time allows you to      compare with your competitors’? What rate
  manage the flock as a unit. This          of production do you think you can
  “all-in, all-out” approach also has       achieve?8 Range-poultry producers usually
  health advantages: in multi-age           plan on an eight-week grow-out period
  flocks, older birds can carry diseases    using the commonly available fast-growing
  that younger birds are susceptible        broilers. However, specialty slow-growing
  to. On the other hand, the grower         genetics may take 12 weeks to grow out,
  can “skim” flocks to fulfill market       which reduces the number of flocks a
  orders that require a range of sizes.     grower can raise per year.
  Biosecurity measures (footbaths,
  disinfecting of vehicles, traffic         Processing rates depend on many factors.
  control, etc.) are important for          On-farm processors typically handle 10
  reducing the spread of disease when       birds per hour from kill to chill (i.e., a crew
  working with multiple growers. If a       of four could process 40 birds per hour),
  plant has a truck that picks birds up     excluding set-up and clean-up time and
  from different farms, the truck           packaging. In a small processing plant,
  should visit younger flocks before        Kansas processor Diana Endicott24 estimates
  older ones. Some supply chains do         that an experienced crew of four can

                                                                                   Page 19
process a bird from kill to box in four         Legal, regulatory, and liability factors
minutes (15 birds per hour), excluding set-     The Legal Guide for Direct Farm Marketing25 by
up and clean-up time and paperwork.             attorney Neil Hamilton is an excellent
MPUs have more set-up and take-down             resource for information on legal, regulatory,
time than other options.                        and liability issues.
Poultry usually dress out at about 67% of         Legal:
live weight at processing (without giblets),      The Legal Guide for Direct Farm Marketing
but track your yield. It affects your bottom      has information on legal structures for
line, and different batches may yield             your business (e.g., sole proprietorship,
differently.                                      partnership, limited partnership,
                                                  corporation, limited liability company
Business size                                     [LLC], or cooperative). When working
You might want production to equal the            with a collaborative group, formal
expected sales volume you determined              arrangements such as contracts are useful
from your market research8. However,              for smoothing operations and for legal
growing a business in stages could be             and financial protection for all. You may
more feasible.                                    want to find an agricultural lawyer (a
                                                  county clerk or a lawyer referral service
Expected Sales Volume = Maximum                   can help).
Average Production Rate Business Size8
Business size is expressed in terms of birds      Regulations you will have to follow
raised per year on farm or number                 include rules for meat inspection,
processed per year, week, or day. If you          environmental impact, and labor.
are planning a big investment, it is critical
to make an accurate estimate of your              Meat inspection regulations are
business size. “Once you’ve determined            notoriously difficult for small poultry
the maximum size of the enterprise, you           producers, and an “unclear legal
will take into account the availability of        environment increases risk”8. All meat
your resources”8.                                 and poultry sold in the U.S. is inspected
                                                  by federal or state inspectors (27 states use
There may be certain economic thresholds          their own state meat-inspection program).
where you need to either produce at a low         However, federal exemptions allow
volume or commit to a higher volume. In-          custom processors and small producers of
between is no-man’s land. As mentioned            less than 1,000 birds per year or less than
before, size is also related to labor             20,000 birds per year to process a limited
efficiency. Paperwork for 10 birds or 500         number of birds without bird-by-bird
birds requires the same amount of time.           inspection. In states that do not have a
Set-up and clean-up take time, regardless         state meat inspection program, the federal
of volume. See the Sensitivity Analysis in        exemptions apply, but they are not
Profitability section.                            recognized and interpreted the same in
                                                  these states. States that have state meat
                                                  inspection programs do not recognize the
                                                  exemptions. Legal Issues for Small Poultry

Page 20
Producers26 was developed by Heifer          outdoor poultry operations. On these
International and summarizes meat            smaller, dispersed farms the manure is an
inspection regulations on a state-by-        asset rather than a liability. However,
state basis. It is available free from       composting of mortalities may be an issue
ATTRA or at                                  for small producers.
                                             In the plant, you need to think about
Operating under federal exemptions for       disposal of offal and wastewater. Small
facilities that process less than 20,000     on-farm processors usually compost offal
birds per year usually requires an           and apply wastewater to their land, but
enclosed building that meets state           on a larger scale, composting of wastes
building codes, with smooth washable         such as offal, feathers, and blood is time-
walls and floors, an approved waste          consuming and subject to regulations.
system, a restroom, etc. Under federal       Large amounts of wastewater “cannot
regulations, poultry processing plants       simply be discharged into lakes and rivers
also must have a Pathogen Reduction          because of the relatively high content of
and HACCP program.                           organic matter such as protein and fat and
                                             the microorganisms present28.“ Processing
Certification programs:                      plants may need at least initial water
Certification programs have many             treatment before discharging into a
requirements but can be good                 municipal sewage system. Or more
marketing options. Certified organic         extensive water treatment facilities may
production is now subject to the             be required—breaking down dissolved
regulations of the USDA National             organic matter by microorganisms—
Organic Program27. If your annual            before final discharge to sewer, streams,
gross sales are less than $5,000, you are    or land. One small processor
exempt from certification but you still      recommends siting your plant in a small
must follow the rules and keep records       city that needs jobs and has a good sewer.
for a possible audit.

Environmental and Labor
Operators must also comply with
environmental regulations, and an
environmental assessment may be

On the farm, you need to think about
                                             Regulations for wastewater management
disposal of mortalities and litter. The      are strict.
conventional poultry industry’s
disposal of litter by field application is   You may also face labor regulations such
increasingly regulated, and nutrient         as minimum wage, workman’s
management plans are becoming                compensation, and Occupational Safety
common. This is not an issue for most        and Health Administration (OSHA)

                                                                                     Page 21
regulations on ergonomic issues. It is     Consider social issues in your feasibility
  important to be aware of such              study. Is this a socially acceptable
  regulations on federal, state, and local   enterprise? The conventional poultry
  levels. You may have to deal with          industry must deal with difficult social
  several agencies, including USDA, your     issues such as fairness to contract growers
  state department of agriculture, your      and high turnover in processing plants,
  state department of health, your state     including immigrant labor.
  depart-ment of environmental quality,
  and local agencies. Remember that it       Will establishing or expanding this
  takes time to jump through regulatory      enterprise bring you profits? “Profitability is
  hoops.                                     the measure of the return your business
                                             receives after operating costs and other
  Liability:                                 expenses are subtracted from income”8.
  Liability coverage is important for your
  protection. If you have an existing farm
  liability policy, just add a rider. A             PROFITABILITY—
  stand-alone policy may be more
  expensive.                                      WILL IT MAKE MONEY?
  Contracts are useful for certain           To project whether the enterprise will be
  production and marketing                   profitable, the farm manager should
  arrangements. If you are setting up        complete an income statement. An income
  contracts with other growers, check        statement lists income and expenses for a
  resources such as the Livestock            given time period, usually a year. “The
  Production Contract Checklist29.           income statement lists all business receipts
                                             (cash and non-cash payment received from
    A good resource for small poultry        the sale of goods or services or other sources)
    producers is economic information        and expenses (operating expenses and
    from the University of Wisconsin22.      depreciation) related to the year’s
    Based on data gathered from              production. Expenses are then subtracted
    experienced farmers, labor for a         from receipts, and the amount remaining is
    1,000-bird-per-year enterprise is        net farm income.” Net farm income
    20−22 hours per week over a four-        represents the return to the operator’s labor
    month production schedule, and the       and management time, unpaid family labor,
    farmer can expect hourly earnings of     and equity capital8.
    about $10 per hour. Based on this
    analysis, they also created a model
                                             Estimating expenses
    for a 5,000-bird enterprise, which
    would require 35−42 hours of work        There are two types of expenses:
    per week over a six-month
                                              • Capital costs: Relatively major
    production schedule. With a net
    income of $18,000, an experienced           purchases that are made infrequently.
    farmer could expect to earn about           Examples include land, processing
    $12−∃18 per hour11.                         equipment, a building for processing,
                                                poultry housing, etc.
                                              • Operating costs: Recurring expenses
Page 22
that are a regular part of the               Note: With the exception of the Pasture Pen
    production cycle. Examples include           and Net-range budgets, the cost of
    feed, chicks, utilities, and interest and    marketing is not included, so don’t forget
    principle payment on debt for capital        that the expenses of brochures, signs,
    costs.                                       samples, advertising, calling prospective
                                                 buyers, delivery routes, certification fees,
Increased capital purchases expose you to        and so on can be high.
greater financial risk, while increased
operating costs can put you at a                 The numbers in the budgets were compiled
competitive disadvantage8.                       by the primary authors, and drawn from
                                                 several producers. The figures do not apply
Budgets for building your income                 to a particular producer. Pickwick/Zesco30
statement are provided in the Appendices.        provided the prices for processing
They will help you figure costs. There are       equipment.
four budgets for different scenarios, based
on the type of production system and the         Using the budgets:
type of processing:                              Use the budgets as general guidelines.
                                                 There is space to write your own estimates.
 • Appendix B: Pasture Pen Budget:
                                                 Costs will vary depending on the individual
   Pasture pen production with on-farm
                                                 circumstances of your operation. Range
                                                 poultry production is still a new enterprise,
 • Appendix C: Net-range Budget: Net-
                                                 and variations in performance, expenses,
   range or “Day-range” production with
                                                 overhead, market prices, and condition of
   custom processing.
                                                 buildings or equipment will affect the
 • Appendix D: Mobile Processing Unit            bottom line.
   (MPU) Budget.
 • Appendix E: Small Processing Plant            You can use the budgets individually. The
   Budget (Capital budget and operating          Pasture Pen Budget in particular is designed
   budget).                                      for an individual producer. In the other
                                                 budgets, however, the areas of production,

                  Lowering fixed costs by using a plant at full capacity
 Normally, a plant should be used at full capacity to be financially viable (i.e., at least 40
 hours per week, 50 weeks per year)33. “A large portion of the financial obligation of the
 plant is in fixed costs: the physical structure of the building and the equipment. While
 variable costs, such as utilities and labor, can be reduced during periods of shortages, the
 cost of the capital investment does not change”21. If you cannot use the facility at full
 capacity with only poultry, you may want to consider a multi-species facility. However,
 your state may not allow red meat and poultry in the same plant. Some producers use a
 facility at partial capacity—even just one day per week. In this case, the facility should
 have low fixed costs because these costs will be there every day of the week. It is
 important to project when the plant will operate at full capacity. If you plan to build a small,
 simple facility, build it so that you can expand later (especially the waste management
 system). For an example of a sensitivity analysis of capacity utilization of a small
 processing plant, see Appendix F.

                                                                                         Page 23
processing, and marketing are handled as                  Blue Mountain Farm Prices
separate profit centers or businesses that
an individual or a group can put together.                  Store      Price       Wholesale
With the pieces working independently of                    Price      Delivered
each other, an enterprise may not be             Whole      $2.15/lb $2.50/lb      $2.15/lb
profitable. Working with a collaborative         Chicken
group can lower the cost of the enterprise.
                                                 Cut-up     $2.35/lb $2.50/lb      $2.35/lb
A collaborative group may not require
each profit center to actually make a profit.
For example, the processing plant may just       Boneless $6.50/lb $6.75/lb        $5.50/lb
break even; the profit will be made when         Breast
the group markets the product.
                                                 Turkey     $2.25/lb $2.99/lb
Some notes on costs:
                                                and only available as a computer
 • Feed prices affect profitability a lot
                                                spreadsheet. Contact Don Schuster31.
   since feed is the major cost of
   production; organic feed is especially
                                                Sensitivity analysis
 • Mobile housing has a higher annual           It is important to ask “what if” questions.
   depreciation cost per bird because it        Proponents of unique enterprises tend to be
   does not last as long as permanent           too optimistic about potential income. You
   housing.                                     need to ask: “What if prices are 25% below
 • Marketing costs depend on the                my estimates? What if I have a weather
   market. A common rule of thumb is            problem? What if it takes twice as much
   that 3% to 4% of total income will be        labor as I think?”10. What if a lot of chicks
   spent on marketing costs.                    die? “Since you know the future is
                                                uncertain, you may want to examine
Since many small-scale poultry operations       different possible price and yield scenarios
are complementary enterprises on                and see how your strategies perform”32.
diversified farms, you may be able to
charge some of the costs to other               A sensitivity analysis is used to determine
enterprises. For example, the tractor that      how changes in various assumptions change
moves your portable houses may also pull        the costs of production and processing,
a plow.                                         which in turn will affect the profitability of
                                                an enterprise. Make allowances for worst-
Estimating income                               case scenarios. After sensitivity analysis is
                                                complete, you may want to make
Most direct marketers charge $1.50–$2.50/       adjustments to your income statement to
lb. for whole carcasses. Larger marketers       reflect the effects of such changes8.
have more complex pricing.                      Important production costs and
                                                determinants of profitability are:
Another budgeting tool for range poultry
enterprises is available from the University     • Feed cost: “Feed consumption is
of Wisconsin. It is a very detailed budget         directly related to the quality of the

Page 24
production is possible through capital
                                                    investment, automation, and
                                                    collaboration between producers,
                                                    particularly in the area of packing,
                                                    processing, and slaughtering2. See
                                                    Appendix F for a chart from the U.K.
                                                    showing the profitability of organic
                                                    table bird production units of different

A plant should be used at full capacity to be   Break-even analysis
financially viable. Photo by Steve Muntz.
                                                Break-even analysis determines the profits
                                                possible at various levels of output. “Break-
  rearing environment, including
                                                even calculations will show the level of
  housing insulation and time spent on
                                                production where the enterprise can cover
  range in cold weather”2. Organic feed
                                                operating costs for alternative output prices,
  is especially expensive.
                                                wages, and costs of raw product”9 . Some of
• Finishing age and the price per bird :        the budgets show break-even analysis and
  If you plan to raise a slower-growing         the unit cost of production (i.e., per-bird
  bird (such as a Label Rouge-type bird)        cost).
  it will cost more to get it to the same
  live weight as a fast-growing Cornish         FINPACK is a computer program for
  Cross. Although many direct markets           financial analysis. Many Extension agents
  will not sustain the higher price             have it and can help you learn to use it.
  needed, other markets may2.                   There are numerous publications and
• Operation size and cost efficiencies:         Extension fact sheets on preparing and using
  Profit generally increases with scale         financial statements.
  since larger units can spread out
  overhead costs. Input costs such as           How much profitability do you need?
  feed and chicks, transport, processing,
  packaging, and marketing also tend to         It may be that using the numbers in the
  be higher for small producers because         Toolbox’s budgets do not result in
  of the small quantities involved2.            profitability in your income statement.
  Producers try to lower costs by buying
  in bulk, charging a premium price,            Profitability measures include net returns
  and using family labor2. However,             per bird, net returns to labor and
  small units may not be profitable             management, and dollars earned per hour of
  unless the poultry is processed on-           labor11. A 17−25% margin is often needed to
  farm and direct marketed. “Smaller            cover fixed costs. The level of profitability
  units require less capital investment,        you need is related to whether or not you
  but housing and labor costs per bird          include your labor as an expense. If you do,
  are generally higher than in the case of      then 0% profitability could be acceptable—
  larger units where economies of scale         the enterprise breaks even and you have
  may be significant”2. Larger-scale            made a job for yourself. The level of
                                                profitability is also related to your standard

                                                                                       Page 25
of living. Some families draw a lot more       that you need to know your monthly
on an enterprise for their living expenses     payments on a loan for this exercise.
than other families would and therefore
require a higher profit.                       Most businesses do not turn a profit for the
                                               first few years. “A new enterprise with a
                                               payoff in five years may look good strictly
  FINANCIAL REALITY—                           from a profitability standpoint but may not
                                               pay the bills between now and then”10.
One of the most critical items for a small     Obtaining financing
business is having enough cash to meet         You may need to borrow money to start or
needs throughout the year. Even a              expand your range poultry enterprise.
profitable enterprise can be sunk by cash-     Lenders want to know: “What is the business
flow problems. You need to know how            idea, and what evidence can you offer to
much cash will be needed for day-to-day        show that there is a market and that it is
expenses (operating costs, family living       likely to turn a profit”8? They also need to
needs, and debt payments) and where the        know the amount you want to borrow and if
cash will come from (e.g., customer            you can repay the money. Financial
receipts, borrowing, membership equity,        institutions look at the “5 Cs” (character,
other). If sufficient cash is not available,   cash flow, collateral, conditions, and
cash flow analysis will tell you the amount    capital—the owner should be putting up
of debt you can afford8.                       30−50% of the capital needed5. If you are
                                               working with a cooperative, can you raise
A cash flow analysis is a summary of the       the necessary investment capital from your
amount of cash that flows into and out of      members? It can be hard to identify sources
the business over a given period, generally    of financing for nontraditional enterprises.
one year. Monthly or quarterly cash flow       Besides borrowing, you can pursue
statements showing the timing of cash          investors, business angels, or venture capital.
flow are especially critical in an
agricultural business, which is seasonal in
nature8. Winter bills must be balanced out
                                               DEVELOPING A BUSINESS PLAN
with summer revenue.
                                               FROM THE FEASIBILITY STUDY
By completing a cash flow statement the
manager can determine the amount of            You have gathered a lot of information about
capital needed to finance the business, as     your proposed idea; most of the legwork is
well as the repayment ability of the           already done. If the result of the feasibility
business if money is borrowed8.                study is positive, incorporate the work you
                                               have done into a business plan.
You should develop a current cash-flow         A business plan can help you get
statement and a series of projected cash-      government or foundation funding. It is a
flow statements for the first and second       communication tool to attract the interest of
years, and for a future average year. Note     collaborators and stakeholders. The
                                               audience is not only investors and bankers

Page 26
but also your family, stockholders,             in the conventional poultry industry,
directors, managers, employees, suppliers,      restrictions on routine antibiotics. Small
government, manufacturers, transporters,        single-plant chicken companies may be
and wholesalers and customers. Most             on the outs in the conventional industry,
importantly, the business plan is a             but these plants are an opportunity for a
planning tool for you. A business plan          small niche company.
guides decision-making for the farm           • Threats: conventional poultry industry,
business. It will not sit on a shelf after      government policy
completion. A business plan is an
operational tool to put your ideas into      The operational plans for business functions
practice23.                                  can be filled in by the work already done in
                                             the feasibility study.
Business plan
                                              • Market plan: (use the information from
A business plan includes a business             your Market Section)
description and an assessment of the          • Production plan: (use the information
environment/market in which you intend          from your Production Section feasibility
to operate, along with the operational          study)
plans for business functions such as          • Human resource plan: (use the
marketing, production, human resources,         information from your Labor and
finances, and so on. The business               Management Section under Production)
description is “a brief description of the    • Financial Plan: (use your income
Mission Statement, Business Goals,              statement and cash-flow analysis)
Business Background, Business Structure,
and Management Team”23. It contains          You can also add a title page, executive
target customers and markets, principal      summary, and appendices that include
products and services, geographic domain,    resumes of business owners or key
technologies used, philosophy, and desired   personnel, agreements, etc.
image. A business plan assesses strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to    Some business plans are 25−35 pages long,
the business (SWOT). Range poultry           with 10−20 pages of appendices23. However,
SWOT examples:                               they do not have to be long.

 • Strengths: image, good taste and          A Canadian website has a tutorial on
   texture                                   business planning as well as a several sample
 • Weaknesses: expensive                     business plans, including one for a broiler
 • Opportunities: concern about              business, at
   Genetically Modified Organisms            <> . Many
   (GMOs) in food production, concern        books available on small business include
   about “mad cow” disease, growth in        information on taxation, zoning, labor and
   eco-labeling programs such as             employment, insurance and liability, and
   organic, interest in animal welfare,      entrepreneurial skills. Extension has
   increasing environmental regulations      materials on farm business and agribusiness

                                                                                   Page 27
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox
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Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolbox

  • 1. Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolbox Written for Heifer International by Anne Fanatico, National Center for Appropriate Technology and David Redhage, Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture. With contributions by Nancy Grudens Schuck, Wayne Knoblauch, Judy Joanna Green, and Mary Saylor. October 2002 Table of Contents FOREWORD AND Foreword ....................................................... 1 Using the Toolbox ......................................... 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Introduction ................................................... 3 Feasibility. ..................................................... 6 This Toolbox was produced by the National Personal & Family Considerations Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and Choosing an Enterprise..................... 6 and the Kerr Center for Sustainable Marketing: Will it Sell? ................................. 8 Agriculture as part of a Heifer International Production: Can it Be Done? ..................... 13 project to enhance the opportunities to Profitability: Will it Make Money?............... 22 Financial Reality: Can You Afford expand range poultry businesses. to Do It? .................................................. 26 Developing a Business Plan From the The three-year project also examined the use Feasibility Study ....................................... 26 of mobile processing units (MPUs) for Record Keeping .......................................... 28 poultry. MPUs are an infrastructure Assistance and Resources ......................... 28 Working Together........................................ 29 development tool for establishing small Producer Profiles......................................... 31 regional processing plants to serve range References .................................................. 34 poultry producer groups. A state-licensed Appendix A: Decision Tree ......................... 40 MPU was built in Kentucky. Issues Appendix B: Pasture Pen Budget ............... 46 surrounding meat inspection regulations Appendix C: Net-Range Budget .................. 50 Appendix D: MPU Budget ........................... 53 and infrastructure were examined in Appendix E: Small Plant Budget ................. 55 Alabama and Mississippi. The project Appendix F: Sensitivity Analyses ................ 59 included additional reports on nutrition, Appendix G: Project Summary.................... 61 stock, custom processing plants, and legal issues. Refer to Appendix G: Project Summary for more information. NCAT and the Kerr Center thank the Community, Food, and Agriculture Program and the Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service at Cornell University for permitting adaptations from the booklet Farming Alternatives: A Guide to Evaluating the Feasibility of New Farm-Based Enterprises (1988) (see References section to order). The authors of that booklet are listed along with Photo by Luke Elliott the primary authors of this Toolbox. Page 1
  • 2. Special thanks are also given to Luke Elliott of Blue Mountain Farms and Chan USING THE TOOLBOX Zuber of Pickwick/Zesco Co. for their This Toolbox is written for anyone who contributions. desires to make a profit from range poultry production, whether by direct-marketing This project was funded by the Sustainable “pastured poultry,” building a processing Agriculture Research and Education plant, or working cooperatively with other program, Southern Region. producers. The audience includes: The National Center for • New producers Appropriate Technology is a • Existing producers who want to expand nonprofit organization with • Individuals offices in Butte, MT, Fayetteville, • Groups Arkansas, and Davis, CA, that has • Small processors programs in sustainable agriculture, energy, and communities. NCAT It is not written for contract poultry growers promotes the economic well-being and who work with large companies; they quality of life of urban and rural residents generally cannot consider another poultry while working to conserve America’s enterprise because they are already natural resources. committed. This Toolbox can help you: The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture is a nonprofit education • “Pencil out” a range poultry enterprise foundation in Poteau, Oklahoma • Determine the profitability of an with a mission to encourage existing enterprise sustainable agriculture. • Understand the basics of feasibility and business planning Heifer International is a • Find additional information and nonprofit organization assistance dedicated to community development through sustainable livestock Limitations of the Toolbox: production. The headquarters is in Little • You should seek additional information Rock, AR. and assistance to do a thorough feasibility study, business plan, or marketing plan. • You will need to do lots of legwork. • This publication does not provide technical information on production, processing, and meat inspection regulations, but it tells you where to get it. Photo by Karen Machetta Page 2
  • 3. The focus of this publication is licensed process- broilers but much of the ing plant. The information can be applied to consolidation of turkey and egg production the meat pro- cessing industry Budgets are a special feature of this in recent years Toolbox. Range poultry budgets are A small-range operation can be a has resulted in good business. usually limited to small-scale “pastured fewer plants that poultry” operations that use on-farm will do custom processing, which limits the processing, but this Toolbox provides opportunity for small producers to sell budgets for different scenarios based on inspected meat. This situation leads the production system and the type of individuals and groups to consider building processing. Worksheets provide a a plant. In a 1999 NCAT survey of range template to help you with number- poultry producers, 82% said they intend to crunching. expand their businesses, and 38% were interested in building a government-licensed processing plant 1. INTRODUCTION Small range poultry producers who live in There is growing consumer interest in states where exemptions allow on-farm pasture-raised poultry products, and many processing without inspection and who get a small-scale producers have established good price from local markets have a real successful enterprises. These producers advantage. They must think hard about a take full advantage of federal exemptions decision to expand. Expansion brings with it that, in many states, permit farmers to sell the risks of a substantial investment in 1,000 broilers per year directly to processing facilities and ties up working consumers without inspection. These capital. operations are usually seasonal, closing down in winter. Producers net about $2.00 Enterprises are often stretched to the to $3.00 per bird and make a small breaking point by lack of labor and capital. supplementary income. See ATTRA’s Planning is a crucial entrepreneurial skill Sustainable Poultry Production Overview for needed to avoid this strain. Planning is tied details. to goals, so first be clear on what your goals are. You can use the Range Poultry Decision Some producers are content to stay small, Trees in Appendix A to help you make but others want to expand to earn more decisions. money. They usually need access to a If you plan to limit your enterprise to small-scale production with on-farm processing and direct marketing, you may be interested only in parts of this Toolbox, such as the Budgets (located in the Appendices). For those planning to move beyond direct marketing, the sections on feasibility and business planning are particularly important. This Toolbox focuses on feasibility—the business plan will be much easier if the feasibility work is done first. Page 3
  • 4. Not planning, or “grow as you go” “Pastured poultry” is an easy business to enter. According to pastured-poultry founder Some range poultry producers do not plan Joel Salatin in Virginia, you can get into for profit because it is not really a goal. In production for the price of one $200 pen and fact, money is not always one of the main $500 for a used or homemade scalder/picker reasons people farm. Range poultry set-up. Run four batches of 100 birds through production may have other, indirect the pen and, even with 10% mortality, you benefits, such as improving pasture will pay back the $700 investment the first fertility, increasing farm diversity through year and still have $400 cash after paying the an enterprise with low entry costs, costs of feed and chicks3. (This assumes you establishing a family work ethic, involving can sell your chickens for $6.50 each.) This youth, and so on. Many range poultry assessment reflects the low entry cost, though producers are in operation because they it does not include the cost of management passionately believe in the product, the and labor. system, or the philosophy. For some it is a hobby and they gain personal satisfaction Most producers recommend starting small if from producing and selling the product you are processing on-farm and direct- directly to customers 2. marketing. Processing is hard work—it will “buckle your knees,” according to one producer. Using a Mobile Processing Unit (MPU) is a way to start small and spread the equipment cost among a group of producers. It offers the chance to develop the product, test market, and iron out production problems. The group can later establish a small permanent plant. Range poultry production is a way to build community. Photo by Heifer International. Producers who process on-farm and direct market often see a real limit to the amount of Some producers do accounting after sales birds they would even want to produce since to see if they made a profit—too late to it is a very labor-intensive enterprise. Many plan. Some do not keep records at all and do all the labor, from brooding and grow-out may not know how much money they are earning from their range poultry enterprise. Many producers who direct-market grow only in response to customer demand. Since these producers are not taking as high an investment risk as someone building a government-licensed plant, feasibility and business planning is not as important to them. Mobile Processing Units are shared by small producers. Photo by APPPA. Page 4
  • 5. to processing and marketing, as well as all may neglect the marketing side of the the management involved in dealing with business. hatcheries, working out feed A feasibility study looks at “make or break” arrangements, evaluating processing issues that would thwart a sound business. equipment, and so on. In addition, the It also provides a framework to be used in a poultry enterprise is often part of a business plan. diversified farm with other enterprises that require time and effort. The desired level Planning will of production for these farmers may be no help ensure more than 1,000 broilers per year because A feasibility study success and that is all they currently have time for. looks at “make or guide decision- Year-round production may also hold little break” issues that making. Like interest. Outdoor processing on the farm is not an option in winter because of cold would thwart a sound other start-up business. businesses, new temperatures—plus, the winter break is range poultry usually welcome. If these producers do operations face expand, they probably need to do it in a challenges and may have a high failure rate. different way. For example, they could For most new businesses, “only 20% of start- join a collaborative group that has a central ups are in business after 5 years”4. A processing facility and just raise birds. business plan will help guide your decision- making; it includes analysis of how the Larger-scale production is more difficult to business will work and plans for operation enter. The risk is higher but the potential (marketing, production, human resources, is there for higher income. finances, etc.). It is also a written document necessary for obtaining a loan and sharing Feasibility and Business Planning with potential partners, but “the really Many farmers are not familiar with important thing about this process is that it feasibility studies, business planning, or forces you to think”5. It is more important marketing plans. A producer who has a for the producer than anyone else, including great track record in terms of production loan officers. may not have strong planning skills or Most producers start with a “mind map.” It is the unwritten plan that directs your activities and contains untested hypotheses and assumptions. It differs from a business plan in that it is not based on research6. It is a start—and a very important start—but formal planning will fill in blank spots in your information. “A plan not written down is only a dream we hope will come true.” Planning is important when expanding a According to Luke Elliott7, former owner/ poultry business. operator of a small USDA-inspected processing plant, “It can be easy to market Page 5
  • 6. your first 1,000 to 1,500 birds directly off the farm. People actually seek you out and PERSONAL AND FAMILY come to the farm. Beyond that, it is CONSIDERATIONS AND important to develop a marketing plan, to CHOOSING AN ENTERPRISE work with other producers, and to make certain of the legality of your situation.” Questions about you, your resources, your preferences, and your potential tend to get overlooked. Why embark on an enterprise if FEASIBILITY you don’t have time or if “Feasibility” is a broad term and the it would stretch your methods for determining it vary. A family resources too far? feasibility study may examine technical, Is the whole family economic, market, and social feasibility. interested? Do you have For many producers, small-scale the skills and experience production constitutes a feasibility study— necessary to do it? What a test run for production and marketing at are the strengths, assets, a larger scale. and interests within your Make sure the whole family is committed family? Someone may This Toolbox uses (with permission) the to the poultry be the natural marketer. business. Photo by outline and concepts for feasibility studies Gwen Roland. Is your goal from the award-winning booklet Farming supplemental income or a Alternatives: A Guide to Evaluating the farm centerpiece that supports you8? Feasibility of New Farm-Based Enterprises8. The discussion of feasibility in this Toolbox Inventory: illustrates the following concepts with When deciding on an enterprise, it is range poultry examples: important to consider the farm resources you have, or refer to farm inventories you have • Personal and family considerations done in the past. Inventory the following: • Marketing—Can you sell it? ⇒ Land: What are your physical • Production—Can it be done? resources? Describe your tillable land, • Profitability—Will it make money? pasture, and water resources. Will you • Financial—Can you afford to do it? use the land concurrently for both poultry and cattle or other enterprises? If you prefer a worksheet format for your ⇒ Buildings, machinery, equipment, research, Farming Alternatives has many and other farm resources: What is the useful ones. condition of the facilities and equipment? Can you rent or borrow Other useful resources are Is Your machinery or storage facilities? Do you Agribusiness Project Feasible?9 and A Primer have freezing capacity? Are there for Selecting New Enterprises for Your Farm10. useful by-products you have access to? ⇒ Management and labor needs: Who will perform management duties such as decision-making or supervising? Page 6
  • 7. Who will do the necessary labor to look out for profitable raise birds, process, book-keep, etc. enterprises that can be How much labor will be required? easily and sustainably Does the enterprise use existing labor incorporated into their in off-seasons? Is seasonal labor systems. A producer who available? is already grazing cattle ⇒ Marketing resources: How can you may decide to add range distribute your product? You may be poultry since the land is able to create your own market, but already available. This is What kind of what are the markets presently buildings are called a supplementary available? What are the options for already available on enterprise since it uses your farm? Photo direct marketing? Do you have road by Steve Muntz. existing labor and frontage, a farm store or stand, facilities. A complementary storage capability, or a farmers’ enterprise actually benefits other enterprises. market? What are the resources For instance, a cattle producer might beyond direct marketing? Are there consider a range poultry enterprise in light slaughtering/processing facilities of its contribution to pasture fertility for and wholesalers? What is the nearest cattle forage. Products can have town? What is the population within complementary marketing relationships. a 30-mile radius? Poultry and eggs are products that direct ⇒ Financial resources: How much marketers use to attract customers to the money are you and your family farm, who then buy pork, beef, vegetables, willing to put toward a new and crafts. enterprise8? However, over-diversification is a danger for Enterprise preferences: family farms. This can happen fairly easily Planning can allow you to choose the job given that many “sustainable agriculture” you want to do. enterprises are relatively inexpensive to enter. Luke Elliott7 recommends that if you expand You may be set on a range poultry to the point where you are building a plant, enterprise that includes raising day-old do not try to continue doing all the chicks, processing them on your own farm, production, processing, and marketing and then marketing the dressed birds to yourself. Consider collaborative customers from your farm. You may want arrangements. to produce eggs or turkeys as well as chicken. You may be interested in establishing a state or federally licensed processing plant—more On-farm processing and direct marketing a small agribusiness than a farm-based can be a good combination for small business—and custom processing for producers. It requires equipment, labor, producers. Processing can also be and know-how for processing, but there diversified. Being set up for beef, pork, or are no travel costs to a processing facility wild game could allow a processing business and no custom processing fee. to operate year-round. Value-adding by Many diversified farms are always on the further processing—for example, making Page 7
  • 8. sausage—could be another business is not a market for the product, there is no opportunity. economic reason for continuing with the feasibility study8. The outline used in this As you move from on-farm direct section is adapted from Farming Alternatives: marketing to a more “off-farm” enterprise, A Guide to Evaluating the Feasibility of New the business gets more complicated. For Farm-Based Enterprises. example, consumer demand, meat inspection regulations, and poultry processing capacity and location all affect MARKETING—WILL IT SELL? the ability of an off-farm enterprise to make a reasonable level of income11. It Some questions you need to answer are: becomes tricky when you try to make this What ARKETING—Who will buy ELL? M are you selling? WILL IT S the a primary enterprise. A rule of thumb is: product? What is the best way to market it? either stay small or collaborate. How will you distribute it? What is the demand? How strong is the competition? Collaborative efforts can also allow more What are future trends likely to be? What job specialization. You may prefer to raise prices are you likely to receive? What volume birds for a group and avoid processing and are you likely to sell8? marketing. Or you may prefer to do producer education for the group. In the A market should be secured before future, you may decide to focus on production begins; on the other hand, it is breeding, hatching, milling feed, pullet- difficult to market until you have a product. raising, processing, or some other Poultry meat and eggs in particular require specialized stage of production, or on planned production and marketing because marketing poultry products. You might they are perishable2. even focus on by-products, such as composting poultry offal from processing. Product Definition You may realize that your resources are Define your product by looking at the better spent in an enterprise other than following areas: range poultry. For example, many of the Product and service features: considerations for a poultry processing Describe the product, noting its range of plant are similar to those for milk sizes and other characteristics8. For processing. Would you and your family prefer making cheese to processing chickens? Refer to ATTRA’s Evaluating a Rural Enterprise for more options on types of enterprises. Marketing is one of the first areas to consider in evaluating feasibility. You need to understand your market, your competition, and relevant consumer trends, and you need to be able to project If there is no market for the product, there is no need to continue the feasibility study. Photo by potential sales volume and prices. If there Luke Elliott. Page 8
  • 9. example, will your pasture-reared • Primary research—do-it-yourself8. chickens be sold as broilers or roasters; natural or certified organic; Secondary research: There’s not a lot of published data for fresh or frozen? Describe any related innovative products such as range poultry, services. Will the birds be whole or but the amount of information on the natural cut-up? Will you sell parts? (You will and organic markets—among the fastest- also need a market for the less- growing in the food sector—is increasing. desirable parts.) Will you provide The Hartman Group in Bellevue, recipes? Do you have a service- Washington, conducted a national study in oriented business such as a custom the mid 1990s to assess consumers’ attitudes processing plant or custom roasting of and behaviors about the food they eat—in soybeans for poultry feed? particular, sustainably produced food. They Marketing season: Will you provide the product year- found that 52% of consumers want to buy round? Will the poultry be fresh all “green”12. The organic foods industry year or will you freeze it in the reached almost $8 billion in total retail sales winter? in 2000, with 20–25% annual growth from Benefits to buyer: 1990 to 200013. ATTRA has more information Identify the real reason someone buys on the natural and organic markets. your product8. They may buy for Primary research: gourmet taste or for welfare—they Since you cannot find all the answers to your may find the idea of chickens roaming marketing questions free on pasture appealing. They may through secondary also buy for health reasons (e.g., to research, plan on avoid the growth promotants used in conducting some do-it- conventional meat production). yourself research8. Some Capsule description: common methods of Put it all together8. Example: “Pasture primary research are King Farms offers fresh pastured summarized below. You broilers in season, and frozen broilers may even be able to get in the winter, to customers who enjoy Calling customers. students from a local the taste of birds raised on green business school to help you. pasture with natural feeds.” ⇒ Observation: Count people, products, Market Research or events in a way relevant to your Without hard data, marketing is just enterprise. Your opinion is critical, opinion. You don’t need special training to especially about your own community. do market research—it’s a matter of asking Surveys: Do written or telephone the right questions in the right places8. surveys8. A dot poster is an interesting Market research methods can be divided way to survey groups at a farmers’ into: market; participants simply place stick- on dots on a poster to indicate their • Secondary research—using existing preferences. information on demographics, consumption, future market trends, etc. Page 9
  • 10. ⇒ Personal interviews: Interview chefs, potential buyers, and others8. The interviews can double as a promotional technique. You probably already know the white- tablecloth restaurants in your area; Zagat’s14 restaurant guide, can help you identify them in other cities. ⇒ Test marketing: sell your product on Restaurants that serve haute cuisine usually require fresh product. a small scale to evaluate potential sales8. Many producers use a small operation as a test market for larger income household, has a college education, production. and belongs to a health club. Your research will inform the issues you Besides selling directly to consumers, you need to address in assessing your market. may plan to sell to restaurants, brokers, stores, etc. Talk to these potential customers Assessing Your Market to find out what they want. For example, a To understand and assess your market, store may require a year-round supply of examine the following topics. inspected poultry at a particular volume. How well do you know the restaurants you 1. Target Market Descriptions want to sell to? Oregon producer Aaron “Your ‘target market’ includes the people Silverman15 suggests marketing to chef- or businesses that you are trying to attract. owned restaurants that offer seasonal, haute Understanding the characteristics of a cuisine. target market can prevent costly mistakes in developing and promoting your In addition to natural foods stores, consider product”8. family-owned specialty stores or meat markets. Describe the demographics of people you want to sell to (age, sex, family status, 2. Marketing Options income level, class, occupation, children, You need to decide what methods you will marital status, ethnic group, education). use to get the product to your markets8. Do your customers live primarily in a Producers who certain area or region? Lifestyle patterns sell directly to (common interests, values, behavior, consumers use personality types, attitudes, buying on-farm sales, motives) are important8. Typical buyers of farmers’ markets, range poultry products are health- special events oriented; potential customers may belong Customers may come directly to such as fairs, to a health club or they may be runners. A your farm to buy pasture-raised roadside stands, chicken. sample demographic statement is: the the Internet, typical range-poultry buyer is a married mail-order, etc. female with two children, lives in a two- Page 10
  • 11. marketing with other producers. “Certain market channels may require larger volumes or longer seasonal deliveries than can be provided from an individual operation” (10). Other partners, such as local retailers and consumer groups, may have a shared interest in developing market opportunities for the product. Attractive packaging for range poultry products in France. It is not prudent to have only one market outlet. What kind of commitment have You also can sell directly to restaurants, buyers made? Personal relationship is stores, schools, or other institutions or sell important, but you may need a contract with to them wholesale through brokers or area buyers in order to expand your distributors. A broker does marketing for capacity. You don’t want to increase your you and checks that the store is properly production only to have your customer presenting your product. Small brokers in decide not to buy. Producers who direct- your community may serve only a few market to individual consumers have the businesses. Large natural foods advantage of many market outlets. distributors include Tree of Life and United Natural Foods. Can you meet the requirements for serving your markets? You might decide to join a collaborative • What does the packaging need to look group such as a cooperative. Market like? Will you need to bar code development may depend on shared products for stores? • Distribution is especially important: Fresh vs. frozen meat Will you need to transport your product Fresh and frozen meat are two to the market? What is the distance? Do different markets and require different you have a truck? Can you load it fully? distribution channels. Consumers are Don’t underestimate the importance of accustomed to seeing only fresh meat distribution or, as Luke Elliott says, in most supermarkets, but many “Don’t drive 200 miles to sell 25 natural foods stores do not have a chickens.” fresh meat counter. Restaurants • Consider market entry: How will the usually prefer fresh meat delivered product be introduced to the market? once or twice weekly. You can sell Will it be marketed under the fresh meat to restaurants and then market frozen meat as a secondary producer’s name or the processor’s product to other channels. There is a name? What kind of advertising and stigma against frozen meats, but it promotion will get the buyer’s may be possible to establish a attention?10 marketing strategy that promotes a frozen sustainable product over a 3. Existing Market Demand fresh, unsustainable product. How many potential buyers are included in Page 11
  • 12. Related publications available from ATTRA (free of charge): Sustainable Poultry: Production Overview Organic Livestock Feed Suppliers Range Poultry Housing Pastured Poultry: A Heifer Project International Case Study Booklet Legal Issues for Small-Scale Poultry Processors (a Heifer Project International publication) Label Rouge: Pasture-Raised Poultry in France Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture (A SAN publication) Poultry Processing Facilities Available for Use by Independent Producers in the Southern Region Feeding Chickens Stock your target market at this time? What is are your projections for market trends in the the average purchase or frequency of next five to 10 years?8 service per buyer per year? What is the total purchase or number of services per Possible trends include: year” (8) ? Small producers who market • More cut-up products and parts: Some directly to consumers report good demand producers are finding that the same for their product. educated, sophisticated customers that buy their pastured poultry also demand 4. Competition convenient cut-up products. Analyze your competition: business • Natural and organic markets reputation, estimated sales volume, quality continuing to grow in conventional of product, price, customer satisfaction, grocery stores. appearance, type of buyer targeted, • More distinction in the marketplace: strengths, and weaknesses. A “direct Range poultry products may need to be competitor” offers the same product you further distinguished from conventional do. “Indirect competition” is anything products in the marketplace. The your customers can substitute for your conventional industry has reduced the product8. Although range poultry is a use of routine medication in feed in different product, conventional poultry may compete indirectly. In fact, there is a lot of consumer confusion about natural products. Consumers may not understand the difference between pastured poultry and an industrial specialty product from Petaluma’s or Tyson’s organic line. 5. Market trends Has consumption been increasing? Is the Cut-up chicken will be important for number of competitors increasing? What specialty products in the future. Page 12
  • 13. response to public concern, and is Three books are popular among poultry getting involved in “free-range” and producers: organic production. Producers who Pastured Poultry Profits17 market directly to customers can Free-Range Poultry Production educate them about the products, but and Marketing18 as producers move beyond direct Chicken Tractor19 marketing, opportunities such as slow-growing genetics and air-chill of production, quality, service, convenience processing can help to further provided, and types of buyers targeted8. distinguish products. • More emphasis on grassfed meats: Farmers tend to underprice their products. Organic production has been co-opted According to Silverman, charge the highest by large industrial companies, but few price you can from the beginning 15. “When use truly land-based production you first start, there are so many systems. The industry is able to fulfill inefficiencies you can’t charge the real price organic certification requirements at a because no one would buy it. If it all sells, much lower cost than the small the price is too low. At least 10% of people grower. However, the industry should walk by shaking their heads.” cannot produce a grassfed poultry product the way a small producer It is important to know how pricing affects with mobile housing can. As your profit margin—good record-keeping consumers catch on, they will look for and profitability analysis will help. grassfed products, which have different nutritional qualities or 7. Expected sales volume higher omega-3 fatty acids. Grassfed What minimum number of units could you meats can be more of an opportunity sell in a poor year? In a good year? What for small producers than for large would create these conditions? What is your industrial ones. expected sales volume? How long will it • Consumer education: More specific take to build the market to the desired sales definitions of outdoor poultry volume?8 production systems by USDA will help reduce confusion so consumers can make informed choices, as will the development of certification programs PRODUCTION— that have consumer education CAN IT BE DONE? components. For many, the easiest and most enjoyable 6. Expected price part of poultry production is raising the There are many formulas and strategies for birds. This section looks at technical, social, setting prices. What is the lowest price and organizational obstacles to raising and you could receive? What is the highest processing birds. price? What conditions would create this? What is your expected price? Ultimately, In studying production feasibility, you need pricing will reflect your competition, costs to determine if you can reasonably provide Page 13
  • 14. the product from available resources—you doing an internship with another farmer can may discover problems in production. It is provide experience. Refer to ATTRA’s important to gain “a thorough Sustainable Farming Internships and understanding of specific production Apprenticeships for more information on farm practices, required resources, production work opportunities across the country. constraints, yields, and legal and liability considerations. If your available resources Production Requirements cannot adequately support the enterprise, Consider the following production development may not be feasible. requirements, adapted from Farming However, many production problems can Alternatives: A Guide to Evaluating the be overcome by an infusion of labor, Feasibility of New Farm-Based Enterprises. capital, or ingenuity”8. Climate requirements Consider the high and low temperatures Sources of production information and annual precipitation expected on Range poultry production and processing your farm; list any anticipated climate require a lot of technical information. As problems8. For example, cold winters in of yet, land grant universities and the North and hot summers in the South cooperative extension have limited can limit outdoor poultry production. information on small commercial outdoor Solutions include seasonal production, flocks or small poultry businesses. Range- solariums, or seasonal confinement. poultry producers often rely on each other Rain, wind, and temperature swings are for information, learning from other also important considerations. Some successful producers through Internet areas have long wet seasons that limit discussion groups and other networks. range production. The American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA)16 is a source of Soil and land requirements information, as is the PasturePoultry What are the soil pH, moisture/ listserver at <>. drainage, fertility, and acreage Sustainable agriculture conferences, trade requirements to grow adequate forage shows, and equipment suppliers can also for your birds (or cattle and sheep)? be good sources of information. What does your land provide? List anticipated problems such as steep Although you can read materials and terrain that can interfere with moving books, experience is an even more valuable portable poultry housing. Heavily resource. Starting a small test operation or wooded areas may increase predator Common types of outdoor poultry production systems • Yarding: a stationary house with a fenced yard; buildup of manure and pathogens in yarding has led farmers to search for ways to rotate pasture. • Pasture pens: small batches of birds are kept in floorless pens, which are moved daily to fresh pasture. • Net-range or “day-range”: a house is surrounded with movable net fencing. The netting is moved every few days and the house may be moved as well. • Free-range: portable houses are moved regularly to fresh pasture—no fencing is used. Page 14
  • 15. pressure. If you are planning a product. Facilities are also required for processing plant, consider the ability of cold storage and possibly for retail of the soil to support wastewater systems. poultry products. If you or your group builds a plant, siting is critical. You will Water requirements need to transport inputs to the plant, Consider the water requirements of the transport the product to market, and enterprise, including the flow rate, transport wastes away. While a rural volume, and location (g). How does area offers land for wastewater disposal, the water need to be distributed for transportation is easier and labor is more production and processing? Are you available in an urban area. Most on municipal water or a septic system? importantly, put a plant where you are Evaluate your water quality. wanted. For example, Aaron Silverman’s plant is in an Oregon town that lost a lumber mill. Siting in an Empowerment Zone can provide resources. The Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community program20 is a federal assistance program that helps communities with high poverty rates find opportunities for growth and What are the water requirements for revitalization, especially entrepreneurial your operation? Photo by Karen Machetta. initiatives, small business expansion, and training for jobs. Building and facility requirements Consider the facilities needed for the When coordinating the stages of enterprise for housing, processing, production, remember that the handling, and storage. Is new processing plant is usually the limiting construction or renovation required for facility and all other facilities (such as the your existing facilities?8 Housing for hatchery, grow-out, and feed mill) must range operations is often minimal, built be geared to the processing plant10. with available resources on the farm. Processing set-ups are varied. You See ATTRA’s Small-Scale Poultry could process under a Processing for information on building tree, use an existing and operating a plant. outbuilding, build a Equipment and machinery requirements shed, or even put up a Consider whether you already own the government-licensed equipment or must buy, rent, borrow, or processing plant. Or make it8. Consider heaters for brooding, you could rent a mobile pasture pens (or net fencing and electric processing unit (MPU). chargers), feeders, waterers, and feed A mobile processing You could take your storage. You don’t actually need a lot of unit is a good way to birds to a custom plant processing equipment for poultry; birds share resources. Photo by Steve for processing but you are small and there is no need for a track Muntz. do lose control of the and a saw. Consider carefully before Page 15
  • 16. buying used equipment; it may not meet the exact specifications needed and therefore lead to less efficiency or higher labor costs21. (Used equipment may also not satisfy meat inspection requirements.) At what point should equipment be substituted for labor (the “mechanical transition threshold”)? Equipment like an egg grader can Keep replacement parts around for reduce labor. emergencies and keep future equipment upgrades in mind. in poultry production systems that improve efficiency and profits. It Marketing equipment may be needed, takes many hours of management such as a refrigerated truck or trailer to time to gather information on breed, transport dressed birds to market. Also hatcheries, feed suppliers, affordable consider supplies such as litter to raise processing equipment, and so forth. birds on and bags for marketing. If you are milling your own feed, you If you are building a plant, you will may need a grinder, mixer, and roaster. put in lots of management hours going over regulations, design, and other aspects. For operation, small plant managers need an impressive array of skills—including electrical, plumbing, knife sharpening—to maintain the plant and equipment, especially for emergency breakdowns during processing. In addition to supervising the facility and ensuring compliance with regulations, the processing-plant manager might be expected to monitor performance, judge quality, buy live birds, oversee Equipment should be accounting-office functions, oversee appropriately scaled to your operation. Photo by Paul waste disposal, and be a marketing Helbert. and salesperson. Many producers underestimate the amount of time and Management and labor requirements effort needed for marketing8. ⇒ Management: The function of ⇒ Labor: management is to plan, organize, How much labor will the day-to-day direct, staff, and control. activities of raising, processing, and Considerable knowledge and marketing poultry, and keeping diverse skills are needed. Managers records, require? The philosophy of should keep abreast of innovations free-range and organic poultry production often reduces the options Page 16
  • 17. for automation, resulting in very experienced farmer spent only 10 labor-intensive operations, minutes per chicken from chick to especially with processing2. Direct processed bird; a less experienced marketing requires substantial labor farmer worked more than an hour per to build a customer base and bird. maintain a database to track them. ⇒ Labor efficiency: The size of the operation is the main determinant of labor efficiency2. Producers need to spread labor costs over a larger number of birds to increase output per labor unit. (See the Sensitivity Analysis discussion under the Profitability section.) Some automation may be needed to Pasture-raised poultry can be very labor optimize labor input. Automation intensive. reduces time needed for feeding, watering, cleaning, and other ⇒ Labor budgets: activities2, but requires more capital Record the management and labor investment. hours you will need for your operation. As a guide, the budgets ⇒ Labor source: in the Appendices of this Toolbox The farmer’s own unsalaried labor is include management and labor often a large part of the labor in a hours needed for the four different small poultry operation. Family labor production and processing scenarios is common; however, kids cannot be described; however, these are not expected to work as hard as adults. detailed labor budgets. You will need to modify them to fit your situation. Make a chart of labor activities on the farm for each month to determine if there is time available for a new or expanded enterprise8. Since many poultry producers have diversified farms, it is important that the poultry enterprise complements rather than Automation can optimize labor input but costs conflicts with the labor peaks of more. other farm enterprises. Consider what type of chore cycle will work Hired labor is required for some for you: steady work or intensive activities. Many producers have bursts of work. trouble obtaining processing help on- call in rural areas, and it will not be According to University of trained labor. An Oregon company Wisconsin estimates22, one has considered an unusual option: Page 17
  • 18. using prison labor to run a spent- Uniformity and consistent quality fowl plant. Although uniformity in bird size is not as important in manual processing as it is in Later, in a business plan, you can be automated processing, it is still an issue. more specific, naming who will be Consistency can be very important in your on your management team, market. For example, your restaurant including salaries and benefits. You accounts may demand a range of 3.5 to may also need a hiring and training 4.5 lb. birds every order. Silverman found policy. How will you promote and that his birds varied so much in weight— maintain good labor relations, because of the heavier finished weight of strong morale, and high-quality males compared to females—that he output from workers? Handling of switched from straight-run chick orders to employees is an important issue. cockerels only. When feed rations change dramatically, it can change the quality of Show that you have organized your the meat. Feeding more corn will result in staff needs23. If you incorporate, more yellow color in the bird and different you will need to name a Board of fatty acids and flavor in the meat Directors. compared to wheat feeding. Meat from birds confined in winter will differ from Additional production requirements meat produced outdoors in spring. The production system used also has an effect: ⇒ Supply: birds tend to grow faster in pasture pens Consider your supply sources8. For compared to net-range systems because year-round production, chicks are the feed is right in front of them all the harder to source in winter. time. However, birds are often injured Sourcing suitable feed ingredients when pasture pens are moved, and there can be difficult. If you have may be more broken wings. Weather, difficulty finding a reliable supplier forage, weed species, and other of chicks, feed ingredients, feed environmental factors have an impact on rations, or other needs, you may the consistency of poultry in land-based want to consider becoming a production systems. supplier yourself. ⇒ Reliable supply: you. What kind of future-supply If you have a processing plant, assurance do you need? Are contracts consider how you will get a necessary? A reliable supply is crucial sufficient supply of live birds to when you are committed to fill an support the plant year-round. What order. will the travel time be from the farm to the plant? Will you raise all the When working with multiple growers, birds yourself? If not, survey you will need to require standardized producers in your area to determine production practices, including stock whether they can provide an selection and feed formulation. You adequate supply of birds. However, may need to develop a producer local producers may prefer to education program and have them process on-farm and market their start out small. Silverman limits own birds instead of working with Page 18
  • 19. not permit flocks to be more than seven days apart in age on the same farm. You might plan to operate your plant as an independent custom processor—rather than collaborate with a group. However, the financial risk of building a plant will be high if you aren’t sure that enough These birds are non-uniform in growth. producers will want to use your processing services to make your beginning growers to 1,000 birds plant profitable (and to keep cash their first year of production. flowing). ⇒ Logistics of working with multiple growers: Because the storage capability of For a plant that processes 120,000 most small plants is limited, you will birds per year, if the average grower most likely need to move and market produces 5,373 birds/year, there your product quickly. If you don’t will need to be a minimum of 23 have a lot of freezer capacity, you growers close to the plant. The may be able to rent freezer space production schedules of these elsewhere. growers must be coordinated so that birds arrive at the plant for Quality and production rate processing at staggered times What is the level or range of quality you instead of all at once. Harvesting an expect to achieve? How does your quality entire flock at a time allows you to compare with your competitors’? What rate manage the flock as a unit. This of production do you think you can “all-in, all-out” approach also has achieve?8 Range-poultry producers usually health advantages: in multi-age plan on an eight-week grow-out period flocks, older birds can carry diseases using the commonly available fast-growing that younger birds are susceptible broilers. However, specialty slow-growing to. On the other hand, the grower genetics may take 12 weeks to grow out, can “skim” flocks to fulfill market which reduces the number of flocks a orders that require a range of sizes. grower can raise per year. Biosecurity measures (footbaths, disinfecting of vehicles, traffic Processing rates depend on many factors. control, etc.) are important for On-farm processors typically handle 10 reducing the spread of disease when birds per hour from kill to chill (i.e., a crew working with multiple growers. If a of four could process 40 birds per hour), plant has a truck that picks birds up excluding set-up and clean-up time and from different farms, the truck packaging. In a small processing plant, should visit younger flocks before Kansas processor Diana Endicott24 estimates older ones. Some supply chains do that an experienced crew of four can Page 19
  • 20. process a bird from kill to box in four Legal, regulatory, and liability factors minutes (15 birds per hour), excluding set- The Legal Guide for Direct Farm Marketing25 by up and clean-up time and paperwork. attorney Neil Hamilton is an excellent MPUs have more set-up and take-down resource for information on legal, regulatory, time than other options. and liability issues. Poultry usually dress out at about 67% of Legal: live weight at processing (without giblets), The Legal Guide for Direct Farm Marketing but track your yield. It affects your bottom has information on legal structures for line, and different batches may yield your business (e.g., sole proprietorship, differently. partnership, limited partnership, corporation, limited liability company Business size [LLC], or cooperative). When working You might want production to equal the with a collaborative group, formal expected sales volume you determined arrangements such as contracts are useful from your market research8. However, for smoothing operations and for legal growing a business in stages could be and financial protection for all. You may more feasible. want to find an agricultural lawyer (a county clerk or a lawyer referral service Expected Sales Volume = Maximum can help). Average Production Rate Business Size8 Regulations: Business size is expressed in terms of birds Regulations you will have to follow raised per year on farm or number include rules for meat inspection, processed per year, week, or day. If you environmental impact, and labor. are planning a big investment, it is critical to make an accurate estimate of your Meat inspection regulations are business size. “Once you’ve determined notoriously difficult for small poultry the maximum size of the enterprise, you producers, and an “unclear legal will take into account the availability of environment increases risk”8. All meat your resources”8. and poultry sold in the U.S. is inspected by federal or state inspectors (27 states use There may be certain economic thresholds their own state meat-inspection program). where you need to either produce at a low However, federal exemptions allow volume or commit to a higher volume. In- custom processors and small producers of between is no-man’s land. As mentioned less than 1,000 birds per year or less than before, size is also related to labor 20,000 birds per year to process a limited efficiency. Paperwork for 10 birds or 500 number of birds without bird-by-bird birds requires the same amount of time. inspection. In states that do not have a Set-up and clean-up take time, regardless state meat inspection program, the federal of volume. See the Sensitivity Analysis in exemptions apply, but they are not Profitability section. recognized and interpreted the same in these states. States that have state meat inspection programs do not recognize the exemptions. Legal Issues for Small Poultry Page 20
  • 21. Producers26 was developed by Heifer outdoor poultry operations. On these International and summarizes meat smaller, dispersed farms the manure is an inspection regulations on a state-by- asset rather than a liability. However, state basis. It is available free from composting of mortalities may be an issue ATTRA or at for small producers. <>. In the plant, you need to think about Operating under federal exemptions for disposal of offal and wastewater. Small facilities that process less than 20,000 on-farm processors usually compost offal birds per year usually requires an and apply wastewater to their land, but enclosed building that meets state on a larger scale, composting of wastes building codes, with smooth washable such as offal, feathers, and blood is time- walls and floors, an approved waste consuming and subject to regulations. system, a restroom, etc. Under federal Large amounts of wastewater “cannot regulations, poultry processing plants simply be discharged into lakes and rivers also must have a Pathogen Reduction because of the relatively high content of and HACCP program. organic matter such as protein and fat and the microorganisms present28.“ Processing Certification programs: plants may need at least initial water Certification programs have many treatment before discharging into a requirements but can be good municipal sewage system. Or more marketing options. Certified organic extensive water treatment facilities may production is now subject to the be required—breaking down dissolved regulations of the USDA National organic matter by microorganisms— Organic Program27. If your annual before final discharge to sewer, streams, gross sales are less than $5,000, you are or land. One small processor exempt from certification but you still recommends siting your plant in a small must follow the rules and keep records city that needs jobs and has a good sewer. for a possible audit. Environmental and Labor Regulations: Operators must also comply with environmental regulations, and an environmental assessment may be needed. On the farm, you need to think about Regulations for wastewater management disposal of mortalities and litter. The are strict. conventional poultry industry’s disposal of litter by field application is You may also face labor regulations such increasingly regulated, and nutrient as minimum wage, workman’s management plans are becoming compensation, and Occupational Safety common. This is not an issue for most and Health Administration (OSHA) Page 21
  • 22. regulations on ergonomic issues. It is Consider social issues in your feasibility important to be aware of such study. Is this a socially acceptable regulations on federal, state, and local enterprise? The conventional poultry levels. You may have to deal with industry must deal with difficult social several agencies, including USDA, your issues such as fairness to contract growers state department of agriculture, your and high turnover in processing plants, state department of health, your state including immigrant labor. depart-ment of environmental quality, and local agencies. Remember that it Will establishing or expanding this takes time to jump through regulatory enterprise bring you profits? “Profitability is hoops. the measure of the return your business receives after operating costs and other Liability: expenses are subtracted from income”8. Liability coverage is important for your protection. If you have an existing farm liability policy, just add a rider. A PROFITABILITY— stand-alone policy may be more expensive. WILL IT MAKE MONEY? Contracts are useful for certain To project whether the enterprise will be production and marketing profitable, the farm manager should arrangements. If you are setting up complete an income statement. An income contracts with other growers, check statement lists income and expenses for a resources such as the Livestock given time period, usually a year. “The Production Contract Checklist29. income statement lists all business receipts (cash and non-cash payment received from A good resource for small poultry the sale of goods or services or other sources) producers is economic information and expenses (operating expenses and from the University of Wisconsin22. depreciation) related to the year’s Based on data gathered from production. Expenses are then subtracted experienced farmers, labor for a from receipts, and the amount remaining is 1,000-bird-per-year enterprise is net farm income.” Net farm income 20−22 hours per week over a four- represents the return to the operator’s labor month production schedule, and the and management time, unpaid family labor, farmer can expect hourly earnings of and equity capital8. about $10 per hour. Based on this analysis, they also created a model Estimating expenses for a 5,000-bird enterprise, which would require 35−42 hours of work There are two types of expenses: per week over a six-month • Capital costs: Relatively major production schedule. With a net income of $18,000, an experienced purchases that are made infrequently. farmer could expect to earn about Examples include land, processing $12−∃18 per hour11. equipment, a building for processing, poultry housing, etc. • Operating costs: Recurring expenses Page 22
  • 23. that are a regular part of the Note: With the exception of the Pasture Pen production cycle. Examples include and Net-range budgets, the cost of feed, chicks, utilities, and interest and marketing is not included, so don’t forget principle payment on debt for capital that the expenses of brochures, signs, costs. samples, advertising, calling prospective buyers, delivery routes, certification fees, Increased capital purchases expose you to and so on can be high. greater financial risk, while increased operating costs can put you at a The numbers in the budgets were compiled competitive disadvantage8. by the primary authors, and drawn from several producers. The figures do not apply Budgets for building your income to a particular producer. Pickwick/Zesco30 statement are provided in the Appendices. provided the prices for processing They will help you figure costs. There are equipment. four budgets for different scenarios, based on the type of production system and the Using the budgets: type of processing: Use the budgets as general guidelines. There is space to write your own estimates. • Appendix B: Pasture Pen Budget: Costs will vary depending on the individual Pasture pen production with on-farm circumstances of your operation. Range processing. poultry production is still a new enterprise, • Appendix C: Net-range Budget: Net- and variations in performance, expenses, range or “Day-range” production with overhead, market prices, and condition of custom processing. buildings or equipment will affect the • Appendix D: Mobile Processing Unit bottom line. (MPU) Budget. • Appendix E: Small Processing Plant You can use the budgets individually. The Budget (Capital budget and operating Pasture Pen Budget in particular is designed budget). for an individual producer. In the other budgets, however, the areas of production, Lowering fixed costs by using a plant at full capacity Normally, a plant should be used at full capacity to be financially viable (i.e., at least 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year)33. “A large portion of the financial obligation of the plant is in fixed costs: the physical structure of the building and the equipment. While variable costs, such as utilities and labor, can be reduced during periods of shortages, the cost of the capital investment does not change”21. If you cannot use the facility at full capacity with only poultry, you may want to consider a multi-species facility. However, your state may not allow red meat and poultry in the same plant. Some producers use a facility at partial capacity—even just one day per week. In this case, the facility should have low fixed costs because these costs will be there every day of the week. It is important to project when the plant will operate at full capacity. If you plan to build a small, simple facility, build it so that you can expand later (especially the waste management system). For an example of a sensitivity analysis of capacity utilization of a small processing plant, see Appendix F. Page 23
  • 24. processing, and marketing are handled as Blue Mountain Farm Prices separate profit centers or businesses that an individual or a group can put together. Store Price Wholesale With the pieces working independently of Price Delivered each other, an enterprise may not be Whole $2.15/lb $2.50/lb $2.15/lb profitable. Working with a collaborative Chicken group can lower the cost of the enterprise. Cut-up $2.35/lb $2.50/lb $2.35/lb A collaborative group may not require Chicken each profit center to actually make a profit. For example, the processing plant may just Boneless $6.50/lb $6.75/lb $5.50/lb break even; the profit will be made when Breast the group markets the product. Turkey $2.25/lb $2.99/lb Some notes on costs: and only available as a computer • Feed prices affect profitability a lot spreadsheet. Contact Don Schuster31. since feed is the major cost of production; organic feed is especially Sensitivity analysis expensive. • Mobile housing has a higher annual It is important to ask “what if” questions. depreciation cost per bird because it Proponents of unique enterprises tend to be does not last as long as permanent too optimistic about potential income. You housing. need to ask: “What if prices are 25% below • Marketing costs depend on the my estimates? What if I have a weather market. A common rule of thumb is problem? What if it takes twice as much that 3% to 4% of total income will be labor as I think?”10. What if a lot of chicks spent on marketing costs. die? “Since you know the future is uncertain, you may want to examine Since many small-scale poultry operations different possible price and yield scenarios are complementary enterprises on and see how your strategies perform”32. diversified farms, you may be able to charge some of the costs to other A sensitivity analysis is used to determine enterprises. For example, the tractor that how changes in various assumptions change moves your portable houses may also pull the costs of production and processing, a plow. which in turn will affect the profitability of an enterprise. Make allowances for worst- Estimating income case scenarios. After sensitivity analysis is complete, you may want to make Most direct marketers charge $1.50–$2.50/ adjustments to your income statement to lb. for whole carcasses. Larger marketers reflect the effects of such changes8. have more complex pricing. Important production costs and determinants of profitability are: Another budgeting tool for range poultry enterprises is available from the University • Feed cost: “Feed consumption is of Wisconsin. It is a very detailed budget directly related to the quality of the Page 24
  • 25. production is possible through capital investment, automation, and collaboration between producers, particularly in the area of packing, processing, and slaughtering2. See Appendix F for a chart from the U.K. showing the profitability of organic table bird production units of different sizes. A plant should be used at full capacity to be Break-even analysis financially viable. Photo by Steve Muntz. Break-even analysis determines the profits possible at various levels of output. “Break- rearing environment, including even calculations will show the level of housing insulation and time spent on production where the enterprise can cover range in cold weather”2. Organic feed operating costs for alternative output prices, is especially expensive. wages, and costs of raw product”9 . Some of • Finishing age and the price per bird : the budgets show break-even analysis and If you plan to raise a slower-growing the unit cost of production (i.e., per-bird bird (such as a Label Rouge-type bird) cost). it will cost more to get it to the same live weight as a fast-growing Cornish FINPACK is a computer program for Cross. Although many direct markets financial analysis. Many Extension agents will not sustain the higher price have it and can help you learn to use it. needed, other markets may2. There are numerous publications and • Operation size and cost efficiencies: Extension fact sheets on preparing and using Profit generally increases with scale financial statements. since larger units can spread out overhead costs. Input costs such as How much profitability do you need? feed and chicks, transport, processing, packaging, and marketing also tend to It may be that using the numbers in the be higher for small producers because Toolbox’s budgets do not result in of the small quantities involved2. profitability in your income statement. Producers try to lower costs by buying in bulk, charging a premium price, Profitability measures include net returns and using family labor2. However, per bird, net returns to labor and small units may not be profitable management, and dollars earned per hour of unless the poultry is processed on- labor11. A 17−25% margin is often needed to farm and direct marketed. “Smaller cover fixed costs. The level of profitability units require less capital investment, you need is related to whether or not you but housing and labor costs per bird include your labor as an expense. If you do, are generally higher than in the case of then 0% profitability could be acceptable— larger units where economies of scale the enterprise breaks even and you have may be significant”2. Larger-scale made a job for yourself. The level of profitability is also related to your standard Page 25
  • 26. of living. Some families draw a lot more that you need to know your monthly on an enterprise for their living expenses payments on a loan for this exercise. than other families would and therefore require a higher profit. Most businesses do not turn a profit for the first few years. “A new enterprise with a payoff in five years may look good strictly FINANCIAL REALITY— from a profitability standpoint but may not pay the bills between now and then”10. CAN YOU AFFORD TO DO IT? One of the most critical items for a small Obtaining financing business is having enough cash to meet You may need to borrow money to start or needs throughout the year. Even a expand your range poultry enterprise. profitable enterprise can be sunk by cash- Lenders want to know: “What is the business flow problems. You need to know how idea, and what evidence can you offer to much cash will be needed for day-to-day show that there is a market and that it is expenses (operating costs, family living likely to turn a profit”8? They also need to needs, and debt payments) and where the know the amount you want to borrow and if cash will come from (e.g., customer you can repay the money. Financial receipts, borrowing, membership equity, institutions look at the “5 Cs” (character, other). If sufficient cash is not available, cash flow, collateral, conditions, and cash flow analysis will tell you the amount capital—the owner should be putting up of debt you can afford8. 30−50% of the capital needed5. If you are working with a cooperative, can you raise A cash flow analysis is a summary of the the necessary investment capital from your amount of cash that flows into and out of members? It can be hard to identify sources the business over a given period, generally of financing for nontraditional enterprises. one year. Monthly or quarterly cash flow Besides borrowing, you can pursue statements showing the timing of cash investors, business angels, or venture capital. flow are especially critical in an agricultural business, which is seasonal in nature8. Winter bills must be balanced out DEVELOPING A BUSINESS PLAN with summer revenue. FROM THE FEASIBILITY STUDY By completing a cash flow statement the manager can determine the amount of You have gathered a lot of information about capital needed to finance the business, as your proposed idea; most of the legwork is well as the repayment ability of the already done. If the result of the feasibility business if money is borrowed8. study is positive, incorporate the work you have done into a business plan. You should develop a current cash-flow A business plan can help you get statement and a series of projected cash- government or foundation funding. It is a flow statements for the first and second communication tool to attract the interest of years, and for a future average year. Note collaborators and stakeholders. The audience is not only investors and bankers Page 26
  • 27. but also your family, stockholders, in the conventional poultry industry, directors, managers, employees, suppliers, restrictions on routine antibiotics. Small government, manufacturers, transporters, single-plant chicken companies may be and wholesalers and customers. Most on the outs in the conventional industry, importantly, the business plan is a but these plants are an opportunity for a planning tool for you. A business plan small niche company. guides decision-making for the farm • Threats: conventional poultry industry, business. It will not sit on a shelf after government policy completion. A business plan is an operational tool to put your ideas into The operational plans for business functions practice23. can be filled in by the work already done in the feasibility study. Business plan • Market plan: (use the information from A business plan includes a business your Market Section) description and an assessment of the • Production plan: (use the information environment/market in which you intend from your Production Section feasibility to operate, along with the operational study) plans for business functions such as • Human resource plan: (use the marketing, production, human resources, information from your Labor and finances, and so on. The business Management Section under Production) description is “a brief description of the • Financial Plan: (use your income Mission Statement, Business Goals, statement and cash-flow analysis) Business Background, Business Structure, and Management Team”23. It contains You can also add a title page, executive target customers and markets, principal summary, and appendices that include products and services, geographic domain, resumes of business owners or key technologies used, philosophy, and desired personnel, agreements, etc. image. A business plan assesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to Some business plans are 25−35 pages long, the business (SWOT). Range poultry with 10−20 pages of appendices23. However, SWOT examples: they do not have to be long. • Strengths: image, good taste and A Canadian website has a tutorial on texture business planning as well as a several sample • Weaknesses: expensive business plans, including one for a broiler • Opportunities: concern about business, at Genetically Modified Organisms <> . Many (GMOs) in food production, concern books available on small business include about “mad cow” disease, growth in information on taxation, zoning, labor and eco-labeling programs such as employment, insurance and liability, and organic, interest in animal welfare, entrepreneurial skills. Extension has increasing environmental regulations materials on farm business and agribusiness management. Page 27