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ATTRA                               Beef Marketing Alternatives
    A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •

By Anne Fanatico,                       This publication explores marketing alternatives for small-scale cattle ranchers who would like to add
NCAT Agriculture                        value to the beef they produce. Part One discusses methods to add value within the conventional
Specialist                              marketing system, including retained ownership and cooperative marketing. Part Two introduces
For technical                           alternative marketing strategies, including niche markets for “natural,” lean, and organic beef.
assistance, contact                     Production considerations for pasture-finished beef are given special attention. A section on direct
Lee Rinehart, NCAT                      marketing focuses on connecting with consumers and developing a product. Processing and legal
Agriculture Specialist                  issues are also covered. This publication also provides information on developing prices for retail beef
                                        based on wholesale prices and desired mark-up, and for determining carcass value. A list of resources
© 2006 NCAT
                                        provides suggestions for further reading, contact information for several producers and marketers of
                                        “alternative” beef, and Web pages of interest.

Introduction ..................... 1
Part One: Adding Value
to Beef in the Conven-
tional Market.................... 3
Part Two: Alternative
Marketing of Beef........... 5
Conclusion ...................... 18
References ...................... 19
Resources ........................ 19

                                         Photo by Lynn Betts, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

                                        Introduction                                           weaning stage, by producing higher-grade
                                                                                               and heavier animals, by carefully managing
                                        Under conventional production and market-              the culling process, and most importantly by
                                        ing, about half the value of beef is added             minimizing the costs of production. Small
                                        after cattle leave the farm, and net returns           producers can further empower themselves
                                        to the cow-calf producer historically tend to          by forming marketing cooperatives or other
                                        be low. At the sale barn, the rancher’s profit          types of alliances.
                                        is trimmed by wholesale price fluctuations,             Some ranchers, however, judge the con-
                                        “middle-man” fees, and the grading process.            ventional market to be unresponsive both
ATTRA—National Sustainable              Producers who sell in this highly competitive          to their needs and to the changing desires
Agriculture Information Service
is managed by the National Cen-         market can be described as “price-takers,”             of consumers. These producers choose to
ter for Appropriate Technology          competing with many other producers of rel-            develop markets outside the conventional
(NCAT) and is funded under a
grant from the United States            atively homogeneous commodity products.                system. They add value to their beef by dif-
Department of Agriculture’s             (Bastian and Menkhaus, 1997)                           ferentiating it from the supermarket fare that
Rural Business-Cooperative Ser-
vice. Visit the NCAT Web site           Working within the conventional market, the            is the end product of the commodity mar-
html) for more informa-                 rancher can significantly increase profit per            ket. Alternative marketing of beef primarily
tion on our sustainable                 head of cattle by retaining ownership past the         means niche marketing and direct marketing.
agriculture projects.
The “niche” is simply a segment of the buy-            point. Many others can be educated about
                            ing public unsatisfied with conventional beef           the values they are fostering when they
                            and willing to pay a premium for a leaner,             choose an alternative beef product over the
                            tastier, or more “natural” product. The most           supermarket cut. Pasture finishing combined
                            likely way for the producer to connect with            with direct marketing can substantially bene-
Related ATTRA               these consumers is by marketing directly to            fit the farm family, the rural community, and
Publications                them. In the words of researchers at the Uni-          the environment in the following ways.
                            versity of Wyoming:
Sustainable Beef                                                                       • Keeping independent ranch families
                                This approach can add value to cattle… [by               on the land
Beef Farm Sustainability        allowing] producers to capture much of the
                                margin otherwise going to middlemen in the             • Protecting land from development
Rotational Grazing              marketing chain. Of course, the producer
Pastures: Sustainable           also “captures” much of the work and associ-           • Reducing pollution of surface and
Management                      ated costs, as the producer must identify and            ground waters
Nutrient Cycling in             attract customers, perhaps provide added feed,
Pastures                        arrange for slaughter, distribute the product to       • Building soil and plant diversity
Paddock Design, Fencing,        customers, and secure payment. (Bastian and            • Rebuilding local rural economies
and Water Systems for           Menkhaus, 1997)
Controlled Grazing
                                                                                       • Passing down traditional farming
Assessing the Pasture       Differentiating your beef from the conven-                   and animal husbandry skills
Soil Resource               tional product entails changes in production
Contract Grazing
                            as well as marketing. If your customer is a            Alternative marketing strategies can turn
Agricultural Business
                            meat packer, your production will have to              price-takers into price-makers, but the added
Planning Templates
and Resources               conform to industry standards for everything           time, labor and resources needed to perform
Enterprise Budgets and      from breed selection to use of antibiotics to          these added functions beyond producing
Production Costs for        yield and quality grades. But if your cus-             a calf or yearling should not be underesti-
Organic Production
                            tomer is an individual looking for lean beef           mated. “Marketing management expertise
Organic Farm Certification
& the National Organic      raised and finished on a local family farm, or          also is required, along with the traditional
Program                     raised organically, you will be working with a         knowledge of the production side of the busi-
NCAT’s Organic Livestock    very different production model. Integrating           ness.” (Bastian and Menkhaus, 1997) The
Workbook – A Guide to
                            meat production and marketing may radi-                more you learn and prepare before entering
Sustainable and Allowed
Practices                   cally alter the whole enterprise. For instance,        a new market, the less surprising, expensive,
Organic Marketing           to improve efficiency within the conven-               and frustrating your “learning curve” will
Resources                   tional live-sale market, many ranchers have            be. One of the more complete research proj-
Direct Marketing            consolidated their calving schedules. Some             ects conducted in the area of natural beef
                            alternative marketing strategies, however,             production is described in a University of
                            may require year-round production to meet              California SAREP report entitled “Natural
                                                 year-round demand.                Beef: Consumer Acceptability, Market Devel-
                                                 (Levi et al., 1998)               opment & Economics.” (see Resources).
                                                                                   The “Beef Marketing Flowchart” in the
                                                  Beef that is slaughtered         above report will help you to understand
                                                  off pasture and sold             the issues involved in pursuing different
                                                  locally is generally con-        marketing strategies.
                                                  sidered more sustainable
                                                  than feedlot-finished,           Keep in mind that if a marketing plan is
                                                  mass-marketed meat.              to be successful, you must know the unit
                                                  Sustainability means             cost of production (UCOP). For long-term
                                                  that the best interests of       success, decisions need to be based on
                                                  the farm family, the com-        the knowledge of what the UCOP is, and
                                                  munity, and the environ-         whether it is competitive in the market-
                                                  ment are being taken             place. An excellent resource for economi-
                                                  care of. For some con-           cally based cattle marketing decisions can
                                                  sumers, sustainability is        be found at Harlan Hughes Market Advisor
                                                  already a strong selling         Web site (see Resources).

Page 2          ATTRA                                                                               Beef Marketing Alternatives
Part One:                                           curement, transportation, and selling
                                                    costs—costs that may be incurred if cattle
Adding Value to Beef in                             were in regular market channels. In most
the Conventional Market                             instances, when discussing retained owner-
                                                    ship, it involves actually owning your calves
Traditional cattle markets are fragmented,          until harvest. This may or may not involve
and inefficiency seems to thrive in the beef         other parties that background or finish the
production industry. The inefficiency also           calves on contract prior to harvest.
creates opportunity for those willing to
do some extra work, assume some of the              Prior to heading off into retained owner-
risk, and work with others. If you are will-        ship, you might consider getting involved
ing to work differently and produce cattle          in one of several Ranch-to-Rail programs
that the market wants, is it really that risky?     that exist around the country. These pro-
Well, with proper planning, the disappoint-         grams allow producers to gather informa-
ments should at least be fewer than when            tion on how their genetics will perform in a
simply selling calves at the sale barn every        feedlot and how the finished cattle may fit a
year, crossing your fingers, and hoping for          marketing grid. These programs typically
the best. But, if your cattle don’t fit, and         allow producers to enter a few head of cat-
you don’t want to change, then you prob-            tle, combining them with other producers’
ably need to keep doing what you’ve always          cattle to make full pens. Producers receive
done. That’s the thing about the open mar-          both growth data and carcass data on their
ket: someone will always determine for you          own cattle as well as the entire group, so
what the risk of owning your cattle is and          that useful comparisons can be made. Con-
pay accordingly.                                    tact your state Extension Beef Specialist or
One of the easiest ways to add value to your        state cattlemen’s association for more infor-
own cattle is to know what the market wants         mation on the availability of this type of
to pay for and then move in that direction.         program in your area.
For example, the commodity beef mar-
ket currently wants Yield Grade 3 or bet-           Alliances
ter, with a carcass weight of 750 pounds,           In a marketplace dominated by large buy-
grading Choice, and reaching those targets          ers, the independent small producer is at
before 15 months of age.                            a disadvantage. By creating economies of
Another guide to increasing profits within           scale and allowing for effective coordina-
conventional marketing channels empha-              tion, alliances among producers with simi-
sizes retained ownership (see Resources/            lar goals can add value to beef and increase
Retained Ownership). This production and            the members’ marketing leverage. Alliances
marketing strategy offers certain advan-            can integrate the cattle market both hori-
tages. Retaining ownership can lower pro-           zontally (among producers) and vertically

  Important considerations with retained ownership
       •   Producer size. Many producers will not have enough calves of similar kind to fill a pen at most feed yards.
           Smaller producers may want to consider forming a marketing group to pool calves with other small producers.
       •   Cost of production. Knowing your cost of production is critical to making decisions regarding profitable
           opportunities in the market.
       •   Information. Good, reputable information and awareness of current trends is helpful in marketing decisions.
       •   Financial requirements. Retained ownership requires additional capital and delays income. Can your cash flow
           be adjusted to deal with these issues?
  (Retained Ownership Strategies for Cattlemen. Davis et al., 1999)                                                                                      ATTRA            Page 3
(among producers, breeders, feedlot opera-         grasp of their costs of production. Before
                       tors, packers, etc.).                              joining an alliance, Hogan recommends
                                                                          first finding out the carcass quality of
                       An alliance is generally developed around
                                                                          your cattle.
                       some common goals or values, which may
                       include a health and management pro-                   Retain a set of cattle, run them through to the
                       gram, a specific breed, a geographic iden-              rail and see how they do. Once you’ve figured
                                                                              out where you are and where you want to be,
                       tity, or an emphasis on leanness. Alliances            pencil out what it will cost you to get there…
                       allow cow-calf producers to share equally              The key is to avoid discounts. If that means
                       in potential profits through retained owner-            a rancher has to participate in an alliance
                       ship, and improve beef cattle consistency              to learn how to do it, then join one. But in
                       by grouping together animals of like type,             chasing a premium, don’t lose sight of all the
                       finish, and cutability. Alliances do not guar-          other efficiencies. That premium won’t cover
                                                                              what you lose. Whether marketing through
                       antee profits. Premiums are given only to               an alliance or outside of one, you’re still a
                       cattle that meet specifications. Good man-              price taker and the only way you can be prof-
                       agement is the key. Most alliances pro-                itable is for production costs to be lower than
                       vide carcass data feedback to producers.               your receipts. (Roybal, 1998)
                       (Anon., 1997)

         ooperative                                                       Marketing Cooperatives
                       Colorado rancher Dan Kniffen offers the
         marketing     following cautions for those considering           An increasingly common type of alliance is
         often takes   whether to join an alliance.                       the marketing cooperative. A cooperative is
the form of packag-        • The best source of information is            a producer-owned, democratically operated
ing cattle in pools          direct contact with the alliance’s pro-      business with written by-laws. Cooperative
for sale.                    gram coordinator. Ask as many specific        marketing arrangements among cattle pro-
                             questions as you can think of. Also          ducers often take the form of packaging cat-
                             ask for names and phone numbers of           tle in pools for sale. Packaging means that
                             other participants.
                                                                          cattle are merchandized by putting them
                           • A good contract will protect both parties    into groups with particular characteristics
                             in the agreement, providing a timetable      to meet the needs of buyers. (Bailey, 1996)
                             and specifying the responsibilities and
                             fi nancial liability of everyone involved.    While most cattle operations in the U.S. are
                           • Some alliances will require you to place     relatively small, the marketing system is
                             a minimum number of cattle in the pro-       geared toward large, uniform lots of cattle.
                             gram to participate. Almost all alliances    The number of cattle in a lot influences the
                             have specifications on the genetic com-
                             position or biological type of the cattle
                                                                          price buyers are willing to pay. The opti-
                             that are accepted. There are also limita-    mum lot size for feeder cattle sold through
                             tions on carcass size and quality.           a regular ring auction is 50 to 55 head; for
                           • The most critical aspect of an alliance      a video auction the number rises to about
                             for the producer is the pricing formula.     240 head. Uniformity of weight and sex is
                             You must absolutely do your homework         also important in getting the best price for
                             in this area. Once you’ve determined         a lot. A study conducted at Utah State Uni-
                             how the base price is established, you       versity found that buyers at a video auction
                             must pay particular attention to the
                             “premium” and “discount” categories.
                                                                          paid approximately $1.70/cwt. more for
                             It’s quite possible to receive enough dis-   uniform lots of cattle than for lots that were
                             counts on a few non-conforming cattle        not sorted by sex and weight. This means
                             to offset all the premiums received on       that a 500-pound calf sold in a uniform lot
                             a majority of the cattle. Producers who      would bring $8.50 more per head than a
                             have some estimation of how their cattle     similar animal sold in a non-uniform lot.
                             will perform in the feedlot as well as on
                             the rail are in the best position for this   (Bailey, 1996)
                             type of marketing. (Kniffen, 1998)           According to the 2002 Census of Agricul-
                       According to financial consultant Tom              ture, the majority of farms with beef cat-
                       Hogan, few cattle producers really have a          tle have fewer than 50 head. (USDA NASS,
Page 4       ATTRA                                                                           Beef Marketing Alternatives
2002) The average cow-calf operator, after          extra work, and, obviously, a willingness
accounting for weaning percentage and               to cooperate with other ranchers. For a co-
held replacement heifers, probably has              op to work, rules must be fi rm, fair, and
fewer than 30 calves to sell each year—             strictly enforced. The rules must set the
of both sexes and with a range of weights.          quality standards of the group; any mem-
Packaging cattle into uniform lots of               ber whose cattle do not meet the standards
optimum size is therefore not possible              is not allowed to sell through the co-op.
for most individual cow-calf operators.
                                                    For detailed information and assistance
(Bailey, 1996)
                                                    on forming a cooperative, contact the
For the small producer selling in the con-          USDA-RBS Cooperative Services Program
ventional market, a cooperative calf pool           (see Resources). For a “yellow pages” of
is a great way to get the best possible             existing alliances, contact BEEF Magazine
price. It does require commitment, time,            (see Resources).

   A Cooperative in Utah operates as follows:
   1.) Each member of the co-op indicates the number of steer and heifer calves he or she will provide to the pool the com-
       ing year. This becomes a marketing agreement between the co-op and the producer.
   2.) The calves are pre-priced through a video auction using videos and descriptions of “representative” calves. The calves
       normally are sold in six pools—three for steers and three for heifers, based on different weights. For example, the three
       steer pools may have average weights of 450 lbs., 525 lbs., and 575 lbs. The pools normally range in size from 150 to
       250 head. Pre-pricing through a video auction eliminates the need to gather the cattle to obtain bids. Producers know
       the day delivery will take place and the price they will receive before the cattle come off the range.
                                   3.) On the day of delivery, producers are responsible for bringing their calves to the load-
                                       ing/unloading facilities. After unloading, the calves are brand inspected and sorted for
                                       different pools. The sorted groups for each producer are weighed, and then are placed
                                       into their respective pools. Records are maintained on the number and weights of cat-
                                       tle for each producer in each pool. After the pool is completed, the cattle are loaded
                                       and shipped.
                                   4.) The co-op is paid by the video auction company and the co-op issues a check to each
                                       producer based on the total weight they contributed to each calf pool.
                                   Producers in this cooperative believe that pooling has been a very successful method for
                                   them to increase the price they receive for their calves. No members of the co-op have
                                   more than 200 mother cows, and some of the producers have fewer than 10 calves to con-
                                   tribute to the overall pool. (Bailey, 1996)

Part Two:                                           and inspired others to by-pass the industry
                                                    and market their own products.
Alternative Marketing
                                                    At the same time, the industry has faced a
of Beef                                             continuing decline in beef consumption. By
Corporate consolidation in the beef indus-          the early 1990s, chicken sales had surpassed
                                                    beef sales in the U.S. for the first time. (Levi
try has narrowed the marketing options for
                                                    et al., 1998) Factors in this decline in mar-
small-scale producers. It is increasingly           ket share include the following.
hard for the family ranch at the bottom
of the food-processing chain to maintain                  • Lifestyle changes among consumers
acceptable profits. This environment has                   • Health risks associated with beef fat
pushed many ranchers out of the business,                   and with “red meat” in general                                                                                         ATTRA          Page 5
• Concerns about use of hormones,          spent on thoroughly researching the poten-
                                 steroids, and antibiotics                tial markets for your product. You should
                               • Concerns about bacterial contam-         also carefully read the ATTRA publication
                                 ination                                  Direct Marketing prior to any investment in
                                                                          this area. Understand that niche market-
                               • “The inability of the consumer           ing requires different personal skills and
                                 to purchase a consistent, quality        a tremendous time commitment. Be honest
                                 product from the traditional meat        in a self-assessment. Do you really have
                                 case.” (Levi et al., 1998)               the desire, dedication, skills, and willing-
                                                                          ness to deal with consumers, retail buy-
                          Niche Markets                                   ers, and government agencies? It may be
                          It is clear that the industry is failing to     worthwhile spending your spare time for
                          meet the demands of a considerable num-         a year collecting, reading, and analyzing
                          ber of consumers. The successful niche          information about your potential market
                          marketer will target those poorly served        before you invest in labels, advertising,
                          consumers, identify their needs, and pro-       and retaining a large portion of the calf
                          duce a consistent, high-quality product         crop for alternative markets.
                          that satisfies those needs. Before going into
                          direct marketing as a substantial source        Alternative beef marketing operations typ-
                          of revenue for the farm business, serious       ically describe their product with some
                          consideration and much time should be           combination of the following terms: lean,
                                                                          organic, natural, pasture-finished (or
                                                                          grass-fed or grass-finished). Other common
                                                                          selling points for alternative beef include:
   Select market research and findings—a great source of                   “no antibiotics,” “locally raised,” “family
   information and potential leads
                                                                          farm,” and “humanely produced.”
         •   The appeal of purchasing locally produced meats
             appears to be considerably greater among buyers from         Before a beef product can be labeled with
             commercial food service establishments not affiliated          terms that denote uniqueness or superior-
             with a chain than among chain-operated establishments.       ity of some kind, the producer must fi le an
         •   Survey data indicate that unsolicited telephone calls        “Animal Raising Claim” with the Labeling
             are the single most important methods by which buyers        Review Branch of the USDA. This involves
             locate new suppliers, followed closely by trade show         submitting a label application (FSIS Form
             participation.                                               7234-1) and a prepared (manufactured)
         •   Eighty-four percent of surveyed buyers prefer that sales     label that includes the claim in question.
             representatives seeking business accounts with their         In addition, an Operational Protocol (OP)
             firms arrange a formal appointment rather than arriving       that describes in detail the production
             unannounced.                                                 practices employed, affidavits and testi-
                                               •   Buyers from higher     monials, feed formulations, and any appli-
                                                   priced establish-      cable certificates, must also be submitted
                                                   ments are also         with the application. An OP must be in the
                                                   more likely to pur-    producer’s own words and must state in
                                                   chase meat prod-       detail how the animals are raised, includ-
                                                   ucts from a fam-       ing ration formulations, sick animal pro-
                                                   ily-run agribusiness
                                                   and to advertise the
                                                                          tocol, herd health management, and other
                                                   origin of their meat   facts relating to the proposed claim (e.g.,
                                                   products on their      “no antibiotics,” “natural,” “organic”). The
                                                   menus as a way         term “chemical free” is not allowed to be
                                                   to distinguish         used on a label. (Levi et al., 1998) For
                                                   themselves in the      details on submitting an Animal Raising
                                                   marketplace.           Claim, including specific requirements for
                                                   (Tropp et al., 2004)
                                                                          the OP, contact the Compliance Assistance
                                                                          Division of FSIS (see Resources).
Page 6       ATTRA                                                                        Beef Marketing Alternatives
Lean beef                                       Lean beef appeals to more than a niche
While the industry has paid some heed           market—the mainstream consumer trend is
to the growing consumer demand for lean         toward low-fat and fat-free foods. Though
beef, the existing system is still based on     the industry has been slow to respond to
USDA standards that give the best grade to      this reality, the grading process will most
carcasses with the most marbling. A grow-       likely be changed to accommodate produc-
ing agitation within the industry seeks to      tion and marketing of lean beef, which is
reform the grading process to better reflect     defi ned as having 25 percent less fat than
current market trends.                          the industry average. While “organic” and
                                                “pasture-fi nished” beef clearly represent
                                                niche markets, lean beef is suited to the
                                                conventional marketing structure. Lau-
                                                ra’s Lean Beef (see box) is an example of
    Laura’s Lean Beef                           a large-scale alliance that combines an
    Based in Kentucky, Laura’s markets          unconventional product with conventional
    lean beef in nine states. No preserva-      marketing methods. The small niche mar-
    tives, salts, or fillers are used in pack-   keter probably cannot rely on leanness
    aging. Started in 1985 as a “value add-     alone as a selling point. To compete with
    ing experiment to a family stocker          lower-priced conventional lean beef, other
    operation,” by 1995 the company was         qualities lacking in the mainstream prod-
    debt-free, worth $20 million, and           uct will need to be highlighted, with an
    employing 30 people. Today, Lau-
                                                emphasis on customer service.
    ra’s Lean Beef is sold in 3,000 stores
    in 33 states. Retail sales for 2001 are
    expected to top $55 million.                Organic beef
    The company contracts with family           Until recently the USDA did not permit
    farms to raise genetically lean breeds      “organic” labels for livestock products,
    such as Limousin and Charolais, on nat-     pending federal standards for organic cer-
    ural feeds only, with no routine anti-      tification. Even farm names with the word
    biotics or hormone implants. Graz-          “organic” were not permitted on the label.
    ing, particularly rotational grazing, is
                                                However, in January 1999 the USDA
    an important part of the program, as
    is low-stress handling of the animals.      approved the use of a federal label for the
    The cattle are pasture-finished, with a      interstate sale of “organic meat.” (Hamil-
    quick grain feed at the end.                ton, 1999) As with other labeling claims,
                                                the “organic” label must be evaluated
    As a high-volume commercial busi-
    ness, Laura’s Lean Beef is not suited
                                                and approved by the USDA’s Food Safety
    to working with small cow-calf pro-         Inspection Service (FSIS). An application
    ducers on an individual basis. Like the     must be submitted, accompanied by the
    beef industry in general, the company       proposed label and the documen-
    deals with truckload lots of uniform        tation provided by the certify-
    weights and breeding. Small produc-         ing organization.
    ers would need to create a coopera-
    tive calf pool in order to work with the    The Certified Organic Food
    company, which does offer price pro-         Directory lists organic
    tection to ranchers with whom it con-       beef buyers and suppli-
    tracts. (Nation, 1995) Producers inter-     ers around the country.
    ested in the details of Laura’s cattle      Some market conven-
    program should visit the company’s
                                                tionally; others direct-
    Web site,
    tleProgram/. See Resources for further      market. (See Resources
    contact information.                        for information on order-
                                                ing this publication.) For a
                                                more detailed discussion of
                                                organic certification, and a list                                                                            ATTRA   Page 7
National Organic Program—Livestock Standards
     These standards apply to animals used for meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products represented as
     organically produced.
     The livestock standards state:
     Animals for slaughter must be raised under organic management from the last third of gestation, or no later than the
     second day of life for poultry. Producers are required to feed livestock agricultural feed products that are 100 percent
     organic, but may also provide allowed vitamin and mineral supplements. Organically raised animals may not be given
     hormones to promote growth, or antibiotics for any reason. Preventive management practices, including the use of
     vaccines, will be used to keep animals healthy. Producers are prohibited from withholding treatment from a sick or
     injured animal; however, animals treated with a prohibited medication may not be sold as organic. All organically
     raised animals must have access to the outdoors, including access to pasture for ruminants. They may be temporarily
     confined only for reasons of health, safety, the animal’s stage of production, or to protect soil or water quality.
     USDA National Organic Program Production and Handling Standards

                         of certifying organizations, request the               colorings or artificial ingredients” or “mini-
                         ATTRA publication Organic Certification                 mally processed”). “Natural” production
                         and the National Organic Program. Addi-                methods must be documented. In popular
                         tional organic livestock publications from             usage, the term “natural” commonly refers
                         ATTRA include the Organic Livestock                    to beef that has been raised mostly on pas-
                         Workbook and Organic Livestock Documen-                ture, without routine use of medication. The
                         tation Forms.                                          feed is not necessarily organic.
                         Producers interested in raising organic
                         beef should complete an economic feasibil-                  Coleman Natural Meats
                         ity study and do thorough market research
                                                                                     Based in Colorado, Coleman is the
                         before investing in this market. The require-               nation’s largest producer of certified
                         ments are strict, and the additional docu-                  all-natural beef, and the first to receive
                         mentation can be cumbersome for some pro-                   a USDA “natural” label. Coleman con-
                         ducers, especially those with smaller herds.                tracts with more than 600 ranchers
                         The annual fees for inspection can add a                    throughout the West to produce meat
                         significant cost to production; the additional               without hormones or antibiotics, and
                         labor of daily record keeping can have a                    the vacuum-packed cuts are marketed
                         large impact on the profitability of this sys-               nationwide in many natural and main-
                                                                                     stream food stores. Coleman promotes
                         tem. A key to using “organic” as a market-                  itself as a steward of the environment,
                         ing tool is to ensure that organic process-                 educating ranchers about grazing prac-
                         ing is available. Locating a USDA-inspected                 tices that improve range conditions. This
                         processing plant can be difficult, but an                    appeals to “green market” customers
                         organically certified, USDA-inspected pro-                   who seek ecologically raised products.
                         cessor is a very rare commodity. For more                   Their meat production is advertised as
                         economic information on organic beef pro-                   natural, humane, and “unhurried.” See
                         duction, see AgMRC under Resources–                         Resources for contact information.
                         Niche and Direct Marketing.

                         Natural beef
                         Under current USDA policy, meat may carry
                         the “natural” label if it contains no artificial
                         ingredients (color, flavor, preservatives, etc.)
                         and is minimally processed. The label must
                         explain the use of the term (e.g., “no added

Page 8       ATTRA                                                                                 Beef Marketing Alternatives
Pasture-finished beef                                a level of fi nishing 25 percent of cattle on
                                                    pasture, it would be a significant change.”
The 1997 UC-Davis report on “Natural
                                                    (Nickel, 1998)
Beef,” in summarizing the history of beef
finishing in the U.S., notes that:                   Pasture-fi nished beef (PFB) is lean beef.
    The feeding of high energy, grain-based         Sometimes it is fi nished entirely on pas-
    diets to beef animals prior to marketing is a   ture; sometimes there is a short period
    relatively new phenomenon. Prior to World       of grain-feeding (as in the case of Lau-
    War II, beef was primarily fi nished on for-     ra’s Lean Beef). The essential elements of
    age. Beef animals were developed relatively     high-quality PFB are high-quality pasture,
    slowly on forage-based diets, were signifi-
    cantly older at slaughter, and aged post-mor-   appropriate genetics, young slaughter age,
    tem to enhance tenderness… The majority of      attention to factors that affect fl avor, and
    these animals were marketed through small,      aging of the carcass.
    community-based packing plants, with the
    financial rewards for the production and mar-    High-quality pasture. “Bluegrass, orchard
    keting of the product remaining in the local    grass, brome grass, endophyte-free tall
    economy. (Levi et al.,1998)                     fescue with a 30–50 percent component
In recent years there has been a resurgence         of legume should be considered. Alfalfa

of interest in pasture finishing among North         should not be overlooked if your situation
                                                                                                                  hat will
American graziers. The monthly periodi-             is suitable for it. Tall fescue with high lev-
                                                    els of endophyte infection will not work.                     push the
cal The Stockman Grass Farmer is a forum
for these pioneers. Its editor, Allan Nation,       We need animal gains of 2.0+ lbs. per day                     practice
proposes that producers of beef cattle begin        and dirty fescue just won’t do it, particu-       of grass finishing
to think of themselves as grass farmers,            larly in the summer… Pastures should be           forward are people
with pasture as their main crop. This is an         kept vegetative—no seed heads—and 6–10            with environmental
idea whose time has come, though it is not          inches in height at turn-in.” (Bartholomew        concerns.”
a new idea. Nation quotes a classic refer-          and Martz,1995) Management-intensive
ence book, Forages, published in 1951 by            rotational grazing and other resource-effi-
Iowa State: “The grassland farmers are              cient grazing practices are recommended.
often craftsmen in the culture and use of           Several ATTRA publications on rotational
grass. [One] takes into account soils, plants,      grazing and other grass-farming topics
animals, and interrelationships. Adequate           are listed in the Resources section. Also
acreages of adapted grass-legume combi-             be sure to check with local Extension and
nations are provided, depending upon soil           NRCS personnel.
needs. High quality forages are emphasized          Genetics. Good forage-converting genetics
in livestock production, with grains supple-        are important. This means fast-maturing
menting rather than dominating the feeding          breeds that tend to marble on pasture with
practices.” (Nation, 1997) The term “grass          a lower amount of backfat. Ontario agrono-
farming” reflects the fact that high quality         mist Ann Clark recommends using mainly
pasture is the prerequisite for healthy ani-        medium-framed, early maturing British
mals and healthy profits.                            breeds. (Nickel, 1998) Smaller-frame Brit-
In 1997 The University of Missouri’s For-           ish cattle are well-suited to direct market-
age Systems Research Center completed a             ing, as families may like the smaller carcass
five-year study “designed to research the            size and smaller cuts of meat. Research at
fi nishing of beef cattle on pasture without         the University of Missouri’s Forage Systems
the use of a confinement feedlot.” (Martz et         Research Center found that medium-frame
al., 1998) According to one of the research-        cattle that fi nish at 1050 to 1200 pounds
ers, animal scientist Fred Martz, “What             work well for pasture finishing. (Bar-
will push [the practice of grass finishing for-      tholomew and Martz, 1995) The research-
ward] are people with environmental con-            ers used Angus, Gelbvieh, and Hereford
cerns. Pasture fi nishing won’t ever totally         crosses. Brahman influence is important in
replace feedlot fi nishing, but if we get to         the South for heat tolerance. It is important                                                                                   ATTRA       Page 9
to note that cattle bred for feedlot finishing    According to researchers at the University
                  may not work for PFB.                            of California, “The fl avor of the meat is
                                                                   directly linked to the feed available to the
                  Young slaughter age. The most important
                  issue related to tenderness of beef is the       animal. The traditional grain-fed product
                  age of the animal at slaughter. Plan to have     has the advantage of a consistent feed that
                  pasture-fi nished cattle ready for slaughter      in turn produces a consistent-tasting prod-
                  at 16 to 22 months of age. One “problem”         uct. Grass-fed beef, on the other hand, is
                  associated with PFB that may be solved by        reliant on the native forage available… The
                  slaughtering before 18 months is yellow          types of grass can vary from field to field
                  fat. This is a problem due to public per-        creating a problem in flavor consistency of
                  ception that beef fat should be white; it is     the meat.” (Levi et al., 1998) Grain supple-
                  not a true quality issue. The yellow color       mentation on pasture or a short period of
                  simply indicates a higher level of beta-car-     grain feeding before slaughter can reduce
                  otene (precursor to vitamin A) in the fat        or eliminate the “stronger” taste of grass-
                  of animals fi nished on forage. “Yellow fat       fed beef. Also, pastures should be man-
                  on poultry and beef, extremely orange egg        aged to avoid plants, such as onions, that
                  yolks and naturally yellow butter reflect         can impart an off-flavor. PFB is defi nitely
                  high levels of chlorophyll in the diet and       not synonymous with “bad-tasting.” Mem-
                  low levels of saturated fat.” (Salatin, 1995)    bers of the Tallgrass Beef cooperative in
                  A direct marketer who educates customers         Kansas fi nd that the flavor of their PFB is
                  about yellow fat might turn it into an asset     preferred by their clientele, which includes
                  indicating a natural, nutritious food. In        chefs. (Nickel, 1998)
                  any case, the consensus among producers          Aging of the carcass. While researchers in
                  seems to be that if animals are slaughtered      Missouri found no off-flavors in PFB, “the
                  within the 18-month age range, fat will not
                                                                   taste panel did detect a lack of tenderness
                  appear yellow.
                                                                   when the meat was tested right after slaugh-
                  Flavor. The taste of grass-fed beef dif-         tering.” The researchers re-tested the beef
                  fers from that of grain-fed beef, although       after it had been aged for one, three, and
                  the difference is usually subtle. Studies        five weeks, and found that the PFB aged
                  in Missouri and Alabama have found that          three weeks was equal in tenderness to
                  consumers could not distinguish between          feedlot-fi nished beef. A PFB producer in
                  grain-fi nished beef and beef fi nished on         New Hampshire, who markets under his
                  pasture. Still, PFB has a reputation for tast-   own label, allows his beef to hang four
                  ing “stronger” than grain-finished beef.         weeks. He feels that aging is very impor-
                                                                   tant to quality. Aging also contributes to the
                                                                   characteristic flavor associated with beef.
                                                                   As noted earlier, the USDA grading system
                                                                   is based largely on marbling. Because of
                                                                   this, beef finished on pasture tends to grade
                                                                   relatively poorly. In a University of Georgia
                                                                   study that compared carcass quality of PFB
                                                                   and feedlot-finished beef, the USDA grades
                                                                   were split as follows.
                                                                     Grass-fed: 15 percent Sta nda rd,
                                                                     70 percent Select, 15 percent Choice
                                                                     Grain-fed: 0 percent St a nda rd,
                                                                     45 percent Select, 55 percent Choice
                                                                   The taste panels, however, detected no dif-
                                                                   ference in eating quality between the two
Page 10   ATTRA                                                                     Beef Marketing Alternatives
types of beef. Canadian researcher Paul
McCaughey comments, “The taste panel             Constraints to Finishing Cattle on Forage
work we’ve done shows there are many
factors affecting eating quality apart from           •   Genetic composition of current herd
marbling. In fact, USDA experiments have              •   Potential to produce both winter and summer annuals
shown that marbling accounts for only                     for continuous pasture availability
about 5 percent of beef’s eating quality—
                                                      •   Productive capabilities and fertility of soils
yet marbling is what we base our entire
grading systems on.” (Nickel, 1998)                   •   Viable number of marketable animals
Clearly, PFB sold conventionally under                •   Ability to adopt a grazier’s mindset when addressing
the present grading system will “take a                   challenges
price kicking—to the tune of $220/head,
                                                      •   The ability and time to develop a consistent and
or up to a 24¢/lb. discount.” (Martz et                   dependable market
al., 1998) However, this loss may be off-
set by cost-of-gain savings. The five-year        Whole Farm Planning for the Production of Grass-fed Beef, Southern
research project in Missouri showed cost         SARE Project #LS00-113.
of gain for grass-fi nished cattle to be as
low as $27/cwt., compared to $60/cwt.
for feedlot cattle. Land, labor, interest,     Strong evidence suggests that grass-finished
feed, and all other variable costs were        beef is more nutritious and healthful than
included. (Nickel, 1998) The Missouri          grain-fed beef. The case is presented defin-
researchers concluded that “cattle can be      itively by Jo Robinson in her recent book,
fi nished on pasture and the resulting beef     Pasture Perfect. All PFB producers should
will be acceptable for the conventional        read this book and use it as a reference
meat trade… The use of maximum inputs          to educate customers. See Resources for
of pasture into the fi nishing of beef will     ordering information.
usually result in the most economic gains
as long as cattle are taken to a level of      Direct Marketing
fi nish to grade Choice and/or Select and       Before beginning an alternative market-
market discounts are avoided.” (Martz et       ing enterprise, understand the differences
al., 1998) But until the conventional mar-     between commodity marketing and direct
ket learns to deal rationally with PFB,        marketing. Allan Nation, editor of Stockman
alternative marketing structures are bet-      Grass Farmer, puts it this way:
ter suited to this premium product. Rather
                                                  A commodity orientation means that as long
than being graded and sold on the hoof,           as you meet the specs and can stand the price
PFB is typically custom-processed and             you pretty much tell everyone else to go fly
direct-marketed to consumers.                     a kite. Such a selfi sh attitude absolutely will
                                                  not work in direct marketing… In the U.S.,
A recently completed SARE project,                consumers expect an attitude of deference
conducted by ATTRA, the University of             and responsiveness to their wants and needs.
Arkansas, and the University of Tennes-           If you are unable or unwilling to develop—
see, determined that quality grass-fed beef       or convincingly fake—such an attitude, stay
                                                  in commodity-priced agriculture. However,
can be produced economically. It retains          if you see service to others as a noble call-
inherent nutritional values if the proper         ing, don’t let the lack of specific marketing
supplements are used in conjunction with          or production skills deter you. Aptitudes are
quality forages. The study worked with ten        rather easily learned. It is our attitudes that
farmers in northwest Arkansas to evaluate         are difficult to change and that most often
                                                  determine our fate. (Nation, 1999)
the possibilities for grass-fed beef produc-
tion. It concluded that not all farms have     Direct marketing brings the producer and
the capabilities to fi nish cattle on forage    the consumer together in a way that the
due to several constraints.                    mass market cannot, and this is its great-                                                                                  ATTRA    Page 11
est strength and advantage. Direct market-         completely satisfied with. “A new business
                      ing is “relationship marketing.” The fi rst         needs virtually 100 percent customer sat-
                      step in building the relationship is to iden-      isfaction from day one to survive. This is
                      tify your customers. They will not be “just        because any new business is necessarily
                      anybody.” Your customer base will consist          drawing from a very small customer base.”
                      of folks who desire a special product, and         (Nation, 1999)
                      their needs should be your fi rst consider-
                                                                         The authors of the University of California
                      ation, before you actually develop your prod-
                      uct. First, talk to potential customers one at     study Natural Beef: Consumer Acceptability,
                      a time. Find out what characteristics they         Market Development and Economics recom-
                      value most in a premium beef product—              mend transferring only a portion of your
                      high quality, low price, leanness, organic or      cattle production into the new system at
                      “natural” production, home delivery, par-          fi rst. This will give you an opportunity to
                      ticular cuts, and so on. Develop a brand           learn the ups and downs of alternative mar-
                      name and a marketing/packaging strategy            keting while putting only a small percent-
                      that capture the most important of these ele-      age of your income at risk. Diversify your
                      ments, and preview your “brand” to your            production a portion at a time, increasing
                                                                         the number of animals in the new system as

                      intended customers.
    t is both risky                                                      you develop retail skills and market connec-
    and inefficient     When you feel you have the right combina-          tions. (Levi et al., 1998)
    to develop a      tion to appeal to your niche market, then
                      develop the actual product. This approach          While you have “relationship marketing” on
product first and
                      can conserve resources, including your lim-        your side, the major beef packers have econ-
then try to find a     ited capital. It is both risky and inefficient to   omy of scale on theirs. Since you will not be
market for it.        develop a product first and then try to find a       able to compete with mainstream beef pro-
                      market for it. Remember that the “product”         ducers in terms of price, you must deter-
                      is much more than the beef itself; the prod-       mine the appropriate premium to place on
                      uct is also service, packaging, your farm’s        your product. Pricing is a critical and dif-
                      identity, your production philosophy, and          ficult task, and under-pricing is a common
                      even price. For your product to stand out          pitfall. The price has to cover costs of pro-
                      from the competition and attract repeat cus-       duction, re-capitalization of the enterprise,
                      tomers, it must be carefully differentiated        and an acceptable profit. Profit should be
                      from other types and brands of beef.               planned for at the outset. If profit is thought
                                                                         of as “whatever is left over,” there will prob-
                      Take time to develop your beef product and         ably be no profit. At the same time, an
                      work the kinks out of the production pro-          over-priced product will not sell. Your ini-
                      cess. Begin by making the product for your-        tial market research should determine mar-
                      self and your family. Next, produce it for         ket size, market share, and the price your
                      your friends who have tried it, liked it, and      niche consumer is willing to pay for pre-
                      asked for it. The last step should be mar-         mium beef. Is that price sufficient to make
                      keting to consumers. Allan Nation writes,          this a profitable venture?
                      “If you are considering getting into direct
                      marketing, don’t bet the farm on it. Keep          Joel Salatin, a nationally recognized grazier
                      doing what you are doing for a living and          in Virginia, has been very successful at rais-
                      start learning and experimenting on a small        ing and marketing pasture-fi nished beef.
                      scale… [T]he best guinea pig for this period       He earns $200 to $300/head net by direct
                      of trial and error is yourself, your fam-          marketing to 400 regular customers. (Sala-
                      ily and your friends.” If your family and          tin, 1995) His book Salad Bar Beef presents
                      friends are not crazy about your grass-fed         a proven production and marketing system
                      steaks and don’t request more, “you are            “that can make an excellent profit from a
                      still in your apprenticeship period and are        small cow herd regardless of the commod-
                      not yet ready to be in business.” Don’t try        ity price of calves.” “Salad bar beef” is
                      selling anything that you yourself are not         Salatin’s consumer-friendly term for lean,
Page 12     ATTRA                                                                         Beef Marketing Alternatives
healthy, tasty meat raised locally on fresh,           Salad Bar Beef is recommended read-
high-quality pasture. Salatin describes a              ing for anyone considering alternative
three-pronged approach to developing a cli-            beef marketing. It covers both production
entele for this type of beef:                          and marketing topics, all from the per-
 1) Samples. “We knew that the only way to get         spective of a successful alternative beef
    people to buy salad bar beef was to get it into    operation. See the Resources section for
    their mouths. We gave samples to anyone we         ordering information.
    thought might be interested. Over the years,
    we’ve never given anything away that didn’t        Salatin sells his beef and other farm prod-
    come back fourfold… Free samples are one           ucts direct from the farm, taking orders
    of the underpinnings of successful market-         once a year by mail and phone. Other
    ing. We found a tremendous prejudice to            potential outlets for direct sales to consum-
    non-grain beef. People by and large just
    knew it would be tough, stringy and gamey.         ers include farmers’ markets and local gro-
    To overcome that, we had to introduce them         cery or health food stores interested in car-
    to it without any risk. The response has           rying farm-fresh products. Stores, however,
    always been tremendous to this technique.”         are usually uninterested unless you can
 2) Education. “We put together a slide pro-           ensure a steady supply.
    gram about our farm, titled it ‘Environmen-
    tally Enhancing Agriculture’ or whatever the       Upscale restaurants constitute another pos-
    group wanted to call it, and began making          sible outlet. Many chefs appreciate the fla-
    presentations for local organizations” such        vor and freshness of locally raised, grass-
    as Rotary, Kiwanis, Women’s Clubs, Garden          fed beef. Some restaurants have developed
    Clubs, and American Association of Retired         informational packets on where their ingre-
    Persons (AARP). “The program is educa-
    tional, not a sales pitch. But at the end, quite
                                                       dients come from, “to build rapport with
    innocently, I’ll say, ‘Now if any of you would     customers and set the restaurant apart from
    like to participate in this type of agriculture,   other dining experiences.” (Levi et al.,
    I happen to have some order blanks with me         1998) Quality and consistency will be this
    and you’re welcome to sign up.’”                   market’s main concerns. Chefs may be inter-
    Other educational methods include bro-             ested in prime cuts as the majority of their
    chures, newsletters, newspaper articles,           purchase, making it necessary to develop
    and one-on-one conversations. It is up to          other marketing outlets for hamburger and
    you to educate potential customers on how
    and why your beef is different and bet-
                                                       roasts. Marketing to restaurants may pro-
    ter than the conventional product. Educa-          vide the greatest return on investment for
    tion should include instructions on proper         primal cuts, but is generally smaller in vol-
    cooking as well. Salatin points out that the       ume and requires more work per unit of
    common fast-cooking methods are suited to          sales. (Levi et al., 1998)
    marbled USDA Choice, but not to grass-fed
    lean beef. He recommends slow cooking his
    beef for the best taste, greater tenderness,
    and improved digestibility.
 3) Customer Appreciation. This gets to the heart
    of “relationship marketing.” When the con-
    sumer knows and trusts the producer per-
    sonally, the relationship built between them
    is not easily broken. Good sellers know and
    use their customers’ names. Loyalty helps
    bring in repeat customers. The greater the
    loyalty and satisfaction, the higher the likeli-
    hood of repeat business even though cheaper
    beef may be available at the grocery store.
    “The two things supermarkets cannot do are
    provide high-quality food and offer a rela-
    tionship.” By giving detailed, personal ser-
    vice to his customers, Salatin ensures that
    they will spread the word about his product.
    (Salatin, 1995)                                                                                     ATTRA   Page 13
Taking your operation from live sales to       ington. See the Resources section for con-
                        marketing of meat may require changes in       tact information and more links to articles
                        your production focus. Inventory manage-       about cooperative efforts.
                        ment will be a primary issue. Beef produc-
                        ers who have had a short calving and mar-
                        keting period for the sake of efficiency may
                                                                       Legal Considerations
                        have to time production to match variable      Marketing activities are affected by a wide
                        consumer demand. Restaurants often have        variety of laws and regulations at federal,
                        a highly variable demand for products, so      state, county, and city levels. While regula-
                        you may either have to carry inventory or      tions vary by type of enterprise and loca-
                        be able to move products quickly from live     tion, some general rules apply to all areas
                        to useable form. Selling directly to con-      of direct marketing. Some of these legal
                        sumers as Salatin does could allow you to      considerations include the type of business
                        focus on seasonal production. Freezing beef    organization (sole proprietorship, partner-
                        increases the ability to manage inventory,     ship, etc.), zoning ordinances, small busi-
                        but adds storage charges to the cost of pro-   ness licenses, building codes and permits,
                        duction. Generally, the larger the scope of    weights and measures, federal and state

                        your enterprise and the more outlets you       business tax issues, sanitation permits and
         our best       have, the less challenging inventory man-      inspection, food processors’ permits, and
         resource for   agement will be. (Levi et al., 1998)           many, many others. If you plan to employ
                        This section is only an introduction to some   workers, there will be still more require-
tion and inspiration    aspects of direct marketing of beef. The       ments to meet, such as an employer tax
is fellow producers,    ATTRA publication Direct Marketing pro-        identification from the IRS and state work-
whose experience        vides more detailed information on enter-      ers compensation insurance. Environmental
can save you many       prise evaluation, marketing research and       laws also influence farm operations.
surprises and
                        planning, promotion and publicity, pricing     Always check with local, state, and federal
                        and profitability, and direct market alterna-   authorities before marketing any food prod-
missteps.               tives. Another good source of information is
                                                                       uct. Processed foods are heavily regulated
                        the SARE publication How to Direct Market
                                                                       to protect public health. Stay informed,
                        Your Beef. Also refer to the Resources sec-
                                                                       since rules and regulations change often,
                        tion of the present publication. Your best
                        resource for information and inspiration       and keep good records to prove that you’re
                        is fellow producers, whose experience can      in compliance.
                        save you many surprises and missteps.          Adequate insurance is essential. “The
                                                                       closer you get to the consumer by direct
                        Cooperatives for Alternative                   marketing, the higher the liability risk.”
                        Beef Marketing                                 (Levi et al., 1998) Every operator should
                                                                       have a general insurance policy to protect
                        Co-op marketing can be adapted to alter-
                                                                       against loss of buildings, merchandise,
                        native markets. A great example is the
                        CROPP cooperative, which markets cer-          and other property. A general policy may
                        tified organic dairy, eggs, produce, and        include liability insurance for products and
                        meats nationally under its “Organic Valley”    premises. However, general comprehen-
                        brand name. Formed in 1988, CROPP is           sive farm liability insurance often does not
                        now the largest producer of organic dairy      cover on-farm marketing or direct market-
                        products in the U.S. Among the more            ing operations. A separate employer’s lia-
                        recent additions to its product line is pas-   bility insurance policy may be required to
                        ture-fi nished beef, marketed as Organic        protect you should an employee be injured
                        Prairie. CROPP is a farmer-owned and           on the job. See Resources for information
                        operated marketing cooperative, consisting     on The Legal Guide for Direct Farm Market-
                        of more than 190 small to mid-sized fam-       ing by Neil Hamilton of Drake University
                        ily farms in 10 states, from Maine to Wash-    Law School, a comprehensive primer on
Page 14      ATTRA                                                                      Beef Marketing Alternatives
the many legal issues that surround direct
marketing of agricultural products.
                                                    Production Note:
                                                    To castrate or not to castrate?
Processing and Packaging                            Some producers who direct market do not castrate their bulls
Processing is an important consideration            (producers who market conventionally do castrate, since they get
for direct marketers. Custom facilities are         docked for intact males). Bulls put on weight 17 percent faster than
generally cheaper to use. Large commer-             steers and make leaner gains, giving them a higher dressing per-
cial, federally inspected plants may not            centage. However, they may need to be slaughtered young (by 18
be geared to do custom butchering for the           months), to minimize gristle, and be run in a separate herd to pre-
small beef producer. Producers should con-          vent unplanned breeding. But separating the herd may not be con-
                                                    venient. Joel Salatin, for example, chooses to castrate so that he can
tact their state department of agriculture for      run all his cattle in one herd.
regulations about meat processing and sale
to the public.
Beef must be slaughtered and inspected at
a federal- or state-approved facility in order   works with small and very small process-
to be sold to individuals, as in the freezer     ing plants to comply with the HACCP. To
beef trade, or to restaurants. If beef is pro-   learn more about HACCP mandates, or to
cessed at a custom facility that is not feder-   obtain copies of FSIS-developed models to
ally or state inspected, then it can only be     design least-cost HACCP-compliant small
sold prior to slaughter. (Bartholomew and        facilities, contact FSIS (see Resources for
Martz, 1995) This means the cattle must          contact information).
be sold by the head or by live weight, which     Retail and individual meat sales require
doesn’t account for wide variations in dress-    packaging in accordance with state and
out percentages between animals. Joel Sala-      federal food laws. Since good packaging
tin deals with this dilemma by selling his       enhances sales, label design and presen-
animals for $1 per head and then adding          tation are important. Vacuum packaging
shipping and handling charges based on           provides superior product protection com-
carcass weight. However, we cannot rec-          pared to hand-wrapping. Feeding high
ommend this practice. The liability risk         levels of Vitamin E for two weeks prior to
involved should not be underestimated.           slaughter increases the shelf life of meat.
Producers considering constructing a             (Levi et al, 1998)
slaughter facility for their own beef should     Many folks have questions about the
remember that federal, state, and local          amount of edible beef a carcass gener-
regulations govern the process. The axiom        ates. A good article on the topic, “Did the
“ignorance is not an excuse” applies here.       Locker Plant Steal Some of My Meat?”
Farmers who intend to process on-farm            by Duane Wulf, PhD, can be found at
should be aware of all federal, state, and
local regulations. Your state departments of
agriculture and health will have informa-        Pricing Your Product
tion about regulations. Your county Exten-
sion office should be able to direct you to       A common question among producers look-
the county agencies that regulate zoning,        ing to direct market is what to charge for
                                                 the various retail cuts from a beef animal.
health, and other local regulations.
                                                 A list of prices from another supplier may
In 1996, the USDA’s Food Safety and              be a possibility, or research prices in the
Inspection Service (FSIS) announced              grocery store. However, someone else’s
implementation of new rules meant to             prices won’t help you understand how to
ensure the safety of meat products. A major      price your own products to ensure profit-
component of the regulations is the Patho-       ability. Organic beef price research can be
gen Reduction/Hazard Analysis and Criti-         even more difficult since few price lists are
cal Control Points (HACCP) system. FSIS          available. Currently, USDA does not report                                                                                    ATTRA         Page 15
organic beef prices on a weekly basis as it     yields and the pounds of retail meat that
                        does for commodity beef.                        can be expected.
                        The key to profitable pricing is to deter-       A processor may be able to cut a beef car-
                        mine actual cost of production for a mar-       cass into 40 different cuts. The question
                        ketable calf. Find all processing, market-      you must ask is whether all 40 of those cuts
                        ing, labor, and management costs for a          can be sold to customers at a profit? Mar-
                        quantity of beef produced, typically on a       ket research is important to gauge the vari-
                        carcass basis. This method of actual cost       ous cuts and the quantity that customers are
                        determines the break-even price for beef,       willing to purchase. Round steak can be a
                        including organic product.                      large portion of the retail weight generated
                        Perhaps one of the worst errors you can         from the rear leg of a carcass. But round
                        make in direct marketing is to sell your        steak is lean and somewhat chewy, and is
                        product at a loss, while believing you are      considered a low-value cut requiring some
                        making money. Sooner or later the loss          preparation in the kitchen to be palatable to
                        catches up with you and it can’t be made        most families. Is your market for this partic-
                        up with volume.                                 ular cut large enough to move it, or should
                                                                        you consider other alternatives? The point

            arket       Even if you don’t have actual production        is that just because your processor can pro-
            research    figures to use, good, conservative pro-         duce a certain retail cut doesn’t necessar-
                        duction budgets are available to base a         ily mean it should be ordered. A continual
            is impor-
                        preliminary plan. Consult with the state        problem with direct marketed beef is the
tant to gauge the       Extension beef specialist to get accurate       less glamorous cuts like round steak and
various cuts and        production costs for your area.                 various roasts. Would you be better served
the quantity that                                                       to make another product, add some value,
                        Get reasonable estimates, or better yet,
customers are           actual carcass cut-out data, to base projec-    and profitably sell it, versus taking a loss?
willing to purchase.    tions of retail meat yields. Be advised that    The SARE report entitled Whole Farm
                        most information is biased toward commod-       Planning for the Production of Grass-fed Beef
                        ity beef, fi nished in a feed lot. Grass-fed     gives more perspective on cut selection and
                        cattle production, for example, may yield       how to consider other options for low-value
                        lower carcass weights with more trimming        cuts (see Resources).
                        required at processing due to less fat, more
                                                                        The first step is to determine what the
                        shrinkage during aging of the carcass, and
                        trimming of unsightly brown areas along         average break-even price needs to be.
                        the edges of a cut’s external surface. Often,   Realize that there is a tremendous amount
                        a few lunch hours with your processor can       of shrinkage or loss that occurs along the
                        provide some insight into typical carcass       process. Going from a live animal to a car-
                                                                        cass results in a 36 to 45 percent reduction
                                                                        in weight. Processing can lead to another
                                                                        35 to 42 percent reduction, depending on
                                                                        how much bone is cut out and how much
                                                                        shrinkage occurs in the cooler during
                                                                        aging. Each of those reductions pushes
                                                                        your break-even price higher and higher.
                                                                        For example, consider a beef carcass that
                                                                        yields 350 pounds of retail meat. The calf
                                                                        and production costs are $800, and pro-
                                                                        cessing adds another $225, marketing is
                                                                        $100, and labor and management adds
                                                                        another $400. A total of $1425 in costs
                                                                        are spread over 350 pounds of retail prod-
                                                                        uct. The average break-even price at those
Page 16      ATTRA                                                                       Beef Marketing Alternatives
rates is $4.07 per pound. Every pound of        spreads between various cuts on the whole-
meat needs to be sold at $4.07 per pound        sale level. A spreadsheet may be used to
to break even. If 140 pounds is sold at         develop a retail product list, to plug in cor-
$3.00 per pound (the approximate amount         responding wholesale cut price per pound,
of ground beef generated), the remaining        and then to apply a traditional retail
210 pounds needs to be sold for at least        markup of between 80 to 95 percent of the
$4.78 per pound to generate the same total      wholesale price. For example, a wholesale
amount of money.                                price for IMPS-112A rib of $5.40 would
                                                yield my price for retail rib-eye steaks of
The next step is to establish individual        $9.99 per pound (5.40 x 0.85 + 5.40 =
cut prices— the price of rib-eye steak per      $9.99 per pound retail, at an 85 percent
pound, the price of ground beef per pound,      markup). A packer/processor should be
etc. Do you intend to offer a full slate of     able to assist you to identify where retail
retail cuts? Do you have a market for a full    cuts are coming from with regard to the
slate of cuts? In many cases, folks are left    IMPS boxed beef codes and prices.
holding onto the round steak and various
roasts. If a ready market is unavailable,
consider making those cuts into some other      Organic Pricing
value-added product, such as ground beef        The steps so far pertain to the commodity beef
patties or fresh beef sausage. Does your        level. The next step is to look at the organic
processor have the capabilities to allow        beef situation. Many think that there should
you to produce some of these more cus-          be an additional mark-up for organic pro-
tomer-friendly products? How about turn-        duction. In reality, additional costs incurred
ing the rounds into beef jerky at $12 or        due to organic compliance should already be
more per pound?                                 built in. This is why you must know from the
                                                onset what your unit cost of production is.
You can get price spreads for typical
                                                The organic cost should already be included
wholesale cuts from the USDA. It pro-
                                                in the cost to produce a calf. The organic
duces a beef cutout sheet every week that
                                                processing is also incorporated.
indicates prices for various beef primals
or boxed parts are. The price spreads           The intrinsic value of organic beef is sub-
between the farm, wholesale, and retail         ject to local market conditions, because in
outlets are also available.                     most instances—especially in larger metro
                                                areas—organic products have a market. In
The three Internet links provided below         rural areas, the organic premium, or even
may be useful when pricing your beef.           a slight increase in value due to being
The fi rst gives you a feel for where relative   farm-raised, might not be possible. This
value is added along the production chain.      is where market research comes in. Is the
The second may be useful in establishing        intended market ready for organic beef? Is
individual cut prices. The boxed beef cut-      the customer base large enough for your
out values help establish traditional price     intended production?

                                                Keys to Pricing
  Monthly price spreads for meat    Adjust the retail markup on the beef so
  meat pricespreads/                            that when a total value is calculated for an
                                                individual carcass, the average value per
  Weekly boxed beef prices
                                                pound is at or above your break-even price
                                                per pound. If the calculated average price
  Retail prices                                 per pound is above break-even, then you      have some real profit, but only if you have
  BLSTable2.htm                                 truly accounted for labor and management
                                                in your break-even pricing calculation. That                                                                               ATTRA   Page 17
you may have to tweak the pricing scheme
  Paper on carcass breakdown                                            as you gather some of your own data.
                                                                        Once you have a pricing schedule, the next
  Another beef breakdown chart                                          question is whether the intended market will         purchase beef at those prices. If prices are
                                                                        marketable, then proceed with your market-
  For assistance identifying cuts and where they come from              ing plan. If the calculated prices won’t fly                             with consumers, then re-evaluate inputs to
                                                                        reduce prices while you explore other mar-
                                                                        keting options. Or, accept what you are cur-
                        profit margin is an important number to          rently doing as the best alternative, given
                        remember as you make changes in the sys-        the situation. A move up the food production
                        tem. Let’s say, for example, a retail grocer    chain is not always a guaranteed way to go.
                        is willing to carry organic meat for 15 per-    But by going through a detailed planning
                        cent of the retail price, and your margin is    process, you have better information upon
                        20 percent. You have room under the exist-      which to base a decision.
                        ing pricing structure to participate without    For more pricing information, an Excel
                        re-pricing all your product. The question       spreadsheet based on data from the SARE
                        becomes, what level of profit are you happy      Whole Farm Planning Project is avail-
                        with, and when does it become necessary         able to create a retail pricing chart. The
                        to adjust prices?                               spreadsheet uses traditional price spreads
                                                                        for various cuts of beef. The spreadsheet
                        The information from the Carcass Break-         allows you to use your own cut data, deter-
                        down paper (see box above) helps determine      mine retail mark-up, and calculate an
                        average total carcass values from the aver-     estimate of total retail value for a carcass.
                        age weights for each cut as a percent of the    This planning tool can be used to develop
                        carcass. Another method is to conduct cut-      retail prices, determine profit or loss per
                        outs on some of your own carcasses to see       carcass, and calculate various product
                        what the actual retail yield for various cuts   line-up scenarios prior to putting a car-
                                                                        cass in the box.
                        might be and use those figures to calculate
                        the price. Of course, real data on your own
                        cattle, with your processor, yields the best    Conclusion
                        results. If you use the research report data,   Shortcomings of the conventional marketing
                                                                        system have made the time ripe to return
                                                                        to marketing beef directly from ranches to
                                                                        consumers. Niche marketing can sometimes
                                                                        give the farmer a larger share of the food
                                                                        dollar and a higher return on each unit sold.
                                                                        Adding value or marketing some minimally
                                                                        processed farm products directly to the con-
                                                                        sumer may be a way to enhance fi nancial
                                                                        viability. While successful direct marketing
                                                                        may or may not increase profits, it will pro-
                                                                        vide protection from fluctuating live-mar-
                                                                        ket prices. However, direct marketing is a
                                                                        labor-intensive job, demanding time, effort,
                                                                        creativity, ingenuity, sales expertise, and
                                                                        the ability to deal with people in a pleas-
                                                                        ant and positive manner. Producers must be
                                                                        absolutely sure they are ready for the job.
Page 18     ATTRA                                                                        Beef Marketing Alternatives
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Beef Marketing Alternatives
Beef Marketing Alternatives
Beef Marketing Alternatives
Beef Marketing Alternatives
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Beef Marketing Alternatives

  • 1. ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 • By Anne Fanatico, This publication explores marketing alternatives for small-scale cattle ranchers who would like to add NCAT Agriculture value to the beef they produce. Part One discusses methods to add value within the conventional Specialist marketing system, including retained ownership and cooperative marketing. Part Two introduces For technical alternative marketing strategies, including niche markets for “natural,” lean, and organic beef. assistance, contact Production considerations for pasture-finished beef are given special attention. A section on direct Lee Rinehart, NCAT marketing focuses on connecting with consumers and developing a product. Processing and legal Agriculture Specialist issues are also covered. This publication also provides information on developing prices for retail beef based on wholesale prices and desired mark-up, and for determining carcass value. A list of resources © 2006 NCAT provides suggestions for further reading, contact information for several producers and marketers of “alternative” beef, and Web pages of interest. Contents Introduction ..................... 1 Part One: Adding Value to Beef in the Conven- tional Market.................... 3 Part Two: Alternative Marketing of Beef........... 5 Conclusion ...................... 18 References ...................... 19 Resources ........................ 19 Photo by Lynn Betts, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Introduction weaning stage, by producing higher-grade and heavier animals, by carefully managing Under conventional production and market- the culling process, and most importantly by ing, about half the value of beef is added minimizing the costs of production. Small after cattle leave the farm, and net returns producers can further empower themselves to the cow-calf producer historically tend to by forming marketing cooperatives or other be low. At the sale barn, the rancher’s profit types of alliances. is trimmed by wholesale price fluctuations, Some ranchers, however, judge the con- “middle-man” fees, and the grading process. ventional market to be unresponsive both ATTRA—National Sustainable Producers who sell in this highly competitive to their needs and to the changing desires Agriculture Information Service is managed by the National Cen- market can be described as “price-takers,” of consumers. These producers choose to ter for Appropriate Technology competing with many other producers of rel- develop markets outside the conventional (NCAT) and is funded under a grant from the United States atively homogeneous commodity products. system. They add value to their beef by dif- Department of Agriculture’s (Bastian and Menkhaus, 1997) ferentiating it from the supermarket fare that Rural Business-Cooperative Ser- vice. Visit the NCAT Web site Working within the conventional market, the is the end product of the commodity mar- ( html) for more informa- rancher can significantly increase profit per ket. Alternative marketing of beef primarily tion on our sustainable head of cattle by retaining ownership past the means niche marketing and direct marketing. agriculture projects.
  • 2. The “niche” is simply a segment of the buy- point. Many others can be educated about ing public unsatisfied with conventional beef the values they are fostering when they and willing to pay a premium for a leaner, choose an alternative beef product over the tastier, or more “natural” product. The most supermarket cut. Pasture finishing combined likely way for the producer to connect with with direct marketing can substantially bene- Related ATTRA these consumers is by marketing directly to fit the farm family, the rural community, and Publications them. In the words of researchers at the Uni- the environment in the following ways. versity of Wyoming: Sustainable Beef • Keeping independent ranch families Production This approach can add value to cattle… [by on the land Beef Farm Sustainability allowing] producers to capture much of the Checksheet margin otherwise going to middlemen in the • Protecting land from development Rotational Grazing marketing chain. Of course, the producer Pastures: Sustainable also “captures” much of the work and associ- • Reducing pollution of surface and Management ated costs, as the producer must identify and ground waters Nutrient Cycling in attract customers, perhaps provide added feed, Pastures arrange for slaughter, distribute the product to • Building soil and plant diversity Paddock Design, Fencing, customers, and secure payment. (Bastian and • Rebuilding local rural economies and Water Systems for Menkhaus, 1997) Controlled Grazing • Passing down traditional farming Assessing the Pasture Differentiating your beef from the conven- and animal husbandry skills Soil Resource tional product entails changes in production Contract Grazing as well as marketing. If your customer is a Alternative marketing strategies can turn Agricultural Business meat packer, your production will have to price-takers into price-makers, but the added Planning Templates and Resources conform to industry standards for everything time, labor and resources needed to perform Enterprise Budgets and from breed selection to use of antibiotics to these added functions beyond producing Production Costs for yield and quality grades. But if your cus- a calf or yearling should not be underesti- Organic Production tomer is an individual looking for lean beef mated. “Marketing management expertise Organic Farm Certification & the National Organic raised and finished on a local family farm, or also is required, along with the traditional Program raised organically, you will be working with a knowledge of the production side of the busi- NCAT’s Organic Livestock very different production model. Integrating ness.” (Bastian and Menkhaus, 1997) The Workbook – A Guide to meat production and marketing may radi- more you learn and prepare before entering Sustainable and Allowed Practices cally alter the whole enterprise. For instance, a new market, the less surprising, expensive, Organic Marketing to improve efficiency within the conven- and frustrating your “learning curve” will Resources tional live-sale market, many ranchers have be. One of the more complete research proj- Direct Marketing consolidated their calving schedules. Some ects conducted in the area of natural beef alternative marketing strategies, however, production is described in a University of may require year-round production to meet California SAREP report entitled “Natural year-round demand. Beef: Consumer Acceptability, Market Devel- (Levi et al., 1998) opment & Economics.” (see Resources). The “Beef Marketing Flowchart” in the Beef that is slaughtered above report will help you to understand off pasture and sold the issues involved in pursuing different locally is generally con- marketing strategies. sidered more sustainable than feedlot-finished, Keep in mind that if a marketing plan is mass-marketed meat. to be successful, you must know the unit Sustainability means cost of production (UCOP). For long-term that the best interests of success, decisions need to be based on the farm family, the com- the knowledge of what the UCOP is, and munity, and the environ- whether it is competitive in the market- ment are being taken place. An excellent resource for economi- care of. For some con- cally based cattle marketing decisions can sumers, sustainability is be found at Harlan Hughes Market Advisor already a strong selling Web site (see Resources). Page 2 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives
  • 3. Part One: curement, transportation, and selling costs—costs that may be incurred if cattle Adding Value to Beef in were in regular market channels. In most the Conventional Market instances, when discussing retained owner- ship, it involves actually owning your calves Traditional cattle markets are fragmented, until harvest. This may or may not involve and inefficiency seems to thrive in the beef other parties that background or finish the production industry. The inefficiency also calves on contract prior to harvest. creates opportunity for those willing to do some extra work, assume some of the Prior to heading off into retained owner- risk, and work with others. If you are will- ship, you might consider getting involved ing to work differently and produce cattle in one of several Ranch-to-Rail programs that the market wants, is it really that risky? that exist around the country. These pro- Well, with proper planning, the disappoint- grams allow producers to gather informa- ments should at least be fewer than when tion on how their genetics will perform in a simply selling calves at the sale barn every feedlot and how the finished cattle may fit a year, crossing your fingers, and hoping for marketing grid. These programs typically the best. But, if your cattle don’t fit, and allow producers to enter a few head of cat- you don’t want to change, then you prob- tle, combining them with other producers’ ably need to keep doing what you’ve always cattle to make full pens. Producers receive done. That’s the thing about the open mar- both growth data and carcass data on their ket: someone will always determine for you own cattle as well as the entire group, so what the risk of owning your cattle is and that useful comparisons can be made. Con- pay accordingly. tact your state Extension Beef Specialist or One of the easiest ways to add value to your state cattlemen’s association for more infor- own cattle is to know what the market wants mation on the availability of this type of to pay for and then move in that direction. program in your area. For example, the commodity beef mar- ket currently wants Yield Grade 3 or bet- Alliances ter, with a carcass weight of 750 pounds, In a marketplace dominated by large buy- grading Choice, and reaching those targets ers, the independent small producer is at before 15 months of age. a disadvantage. By creating economies of Another guide to increasing profits within scale and allowing for effective coordina- conventional marketing channels empha- tion, alliances among producers with simi- sizes retained ownership (see Resources/ lar goals can add value to beef and increase Retained Ownership). This production and the members’ marketing leverage. Alliances marketing strategy offers certain advan- can integrate the cattle market both hori- tages. Retaining ownership can lower pro- zontally (among producers) and vertically Important considerations with retained ownership • Producer size. Many producers will not have enough calves of similar kind to fill a pen at most feed yards. Smaller producers may want to consider forming a marketing group to pool calves with other small producers. • Cost of production. Knowing your cost of production is critical to making decisions regarding profitable opportunities in the market. • Information. Good, reputable information and awareness of current trends is helpful in marketing decisions. • Financial requirements. Retained ownership requires additional capital and delays income. Can your cash flow be adjusted to deal with these issues? (Retained Ownership Strategies for Cattlemen. Davis et al., 1999) ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. (among producers, breeders, feedlot opera- grasp of their costs of production. Before tors, packers, etc.). joining an alliance, Hogan recommends first finding out the carcass quality of An alliance is generally developed around your cattle. some common goals or values, which may include a health and management pro- Retain a set of cattle, run them through to the gram, a specific breed, a geographic iden- rail and see how they do. Once you’ve figured out where you are and where you want to be, tity, or an emphasis on leanness. Alliances pencil out what it will cost you to get there… allow cow-calf producers to share equally The key is to avoid discounts. If that means in potential profits through retained owner- a rancher has to participate in an alliance ship, and improve beef cattle consistency to learn how to do it, then join one. But in by grouping together animals of like type, chasing a premium, don’t lose sight of all the finish, and cutability. Alliances do not guar- other efficiencies. That premium won’t cover what you lose. Whether marketing through antee profits. Premiums are given only to an alliance or outside of one, you’re still a cattle that meet specifications. Good man- price taker and the only way you can be prof- agement is the key. Most alliances pro- itable is for production costs to be lower than vide carcass data feedback to producers. your receipts. (Roybal, 1998) (Anon., 1997) C ooperative Marketing Cooperatives Colorado rancher Dan Kniffen offers the marketing following cautions for those considering An increasingly common type of alliance is often takes whether to join an alliance. the marketing cooperative. A cooperative is the form of packag- • The best source of information is a producer-owned, democratically operated ing cattle in pools direct contact with the alliance’s pro- business with written by-laws. Cooperative for sale. gram coordinator. Ask as many specific marketing arrangements among cattle pro- questions as you can think of. Also ducers often take the form of packaging cat- ask for names and phone numbers of tle in pools for sale. Packaging means that other participants. cattle are merchandized by putting them • A good contract will protect both parties into groups with particular characteristics in the agreement, providing a timetable to meet the needs of buyers. (Bailey, 1996) and specifying the responsibilities and fi nancial liability of everyone involved. While most cattle operations in the U.S. are • Some alliances will require you to place relatively small, the marketing system is a minimum number of cattle in the pro- geared toward large, uniform lots of cattle. gram to participate. Almost all alliances The number of cattle in a lot influences the have specifications on the genetic com- position or biological type of the cattle price buyers are willing to pay. The opti- that are accepted. There are also limita- mum lot size for feeder cattle sold through tions on carcass size and quality. a regular ring auction is 50 to 55 head; for • The most critical aspect of an alliance a video auction the number rises to about for the producer is the pricing formula. 240 head. Uniformity of weight and sex is You must absolutely do your homework also important in getting the best price for in this area. Once you’ve determined a lot. A study conducted at Utah State Uni- how the base price is established, you versity found that buyers at a video auction must pay particular attention to the “premium” and “discount” categories. paid approximately $1.70/cwt. more for It’s quite possible to receive enough dis- uniform lots of cattle than for lots that were counts on a few non-conforming cattle not sorted by sex and weight. This means to offset all the premiums received on that a 500-pound calf sold in a uniform lot a majority of the cattle. Producers who would bring $8.50 more per head than a have some estimation of how their cattle similar animal sold in a non-uniform lot. will perform in the feedlot as well as on the rail are in the best position for this (Bailey, 1996) type of marketing. (Kniffen, 1998) According to the 2002 Census of Agricul- According to financial consultant Tom ture, the majority of farms with beef cat- Hogan, few cattle producers really have a tle have fewer than 50 head. (USDA NASS, Page 4 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives
  • 5. 2002) The average cow-calf operator, after extra work, and, obviously, a willingness accounting for weaning percentage and to cooperate with other ranchers. For a co- held replacement heifers, probably has op to work, rules must be fi rm, fair, and fewer than 30 calves to sell each year— strictly enforced. The rules must set the of both sexes and with a range of weights. quality standards of the group; any mem- Packaging cattle into uniform lots of ber whose cattle do not meet the standards optimum size is therefore not possible is not allowed to sell through the co-op. for most individual cow-calf operators. For detailed information and assistance (Bailey, 1996) on forming a cooperative, contact the For the small producer selling in the con- USDA-RBS Cooperative Services Program ventional market, a cooperative calf pool (see Resources). For a “yellow pages” of is a great way to get the best possible existing alliances, contact BEEF Magazine price. It does require commitment, time, (see Resources). A Cooperative in Utah operates as follows: 1.) Each member of the co-op indicates the number of steer and heifer calves he or she will provide to the pool the com- ing year. This becomes a marketing agreement between the co-op and the producer. 2.) The calves are pre-priced through a video auction using videos and descriptions of “representative” calves. The calves normally are sold in six pools—three for steers and three for heifers, based on different weights. For example, the three steer pools may have average weights of 450 lbs., 525 lbs., and 575 lbs. The pools normally range in size from 150 to 250 head. Pre-pricing through a video auction eliminates the need to gather the cattle to obtain bids. Producers know the day delivery will take place and the price they will receive before the cattle come off the range. 3.) On the day of delivery, producers are responsible for bringing their calves to the load- ing/unloading facilities. After unloading, the calves are brand inspected and sorted for different pools. The sorted groups for each producer are weighed, and then are placed into their respective pools. Records are maintained on the number and weights of cat- tle for each producer in each pool. After the pool is completed, the cattle are loaded and shipped. 4.) The co-op is paid by the video auction company and the co-op issues a check to each producer based on the total weight they contributed to each calf pool. Producers in this cooperative believe that pooling has been a very successful method for them to increase the price they receive for their calves. No members of the co-op have more than 200 mother cows, and some of the producers have fewer than 10 calves to con- tribute to the overall pool. (Bailey, 1996) Part Two: and inspired others to by-pass the industry and market their own products. Alternative Marketing At the same time, the industry has faced a of Beef continuing decline in beef consumption. By Corporate consolidation in the beef indus- the early 1990s, chicken sales had surpassed beef sales in the U.S. for the first time. (Levi try has narrowed the marketing options for et al., 1998) Factors in this decline in mar- small-scale producers. It is increasingly ket share include the following. hard for the family ranch at the bottom of the food-processing chain to maintain • Lifestyle changes among consumers acceptable profits. This environment has • Health risks associated with beef fat pushed many ranchers out of the business, and with “red meat” in general ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. • Concerns about use of hormones, spent on thoroughly researching the poten- steroids, and antibiotics tial markets for your product. You should • Concerns about bacterial contam- also carefully read the ATTRA publication ination Direct Marketing prior to any investment in this area. Understand that niche market- • “The inability of the consumer ing requires different personal skills and to purchase a consistent, quality a tremendous time commitment. Be honest product from the traditional meat in a self-assessment. Do you really have case.” (Levi et al., 1998) the desire, dedication, skills, and willing- ness to deal with consumers, retail buy- Niche Markets ers, and government agencies? It may be It is clear that the industry is failing to worthwhile spending your spare time for meet the demands of a considerable num- a year collecting, reading, and analyzing ber of consumers. The successful niche information about your potential market marketer will target those poorly served before you invest in labels, advertising, consumers, identify their needs, and pro- and retaining a large portion of the calf duce a consistent, high-quality product crop for alternative markets. that satisfies those needs. Before going into direct marketing as a substantial source Alternative beef marketing operations typ- of revenue for the farm business, serious ically describe their product with some consideration and much time should be combination of the following terms: lean, organic, natural, pasture-finished (or grass-fed or grass-finished). Other common selling points for alternative beef include: Select market research and findings—a great source of “no antibiotics,” “locally raised,” “family information and potential leads farm,” and “humanely produced.” • The appeal of purchasing locally produced meats appears to be considerably greater among buyers from Before a beef product can be labeled with commercial food service establishments not affiliated terms that denote uniqueness or superior- with a chain than among chain-operated establishments. ity of some kind, the producer must fi le an • Survey data indicate that unsolicited telephone calls “Animal Raising Claim” with the Labeling are the single most important methods by which buyers Review Branch of the USDA. This involves locate new suppliers, followed closely by trade show submitting a label application (FSIS Form participation. 7234-1) and a prepared (manufactured) • Eighty-four percent of surveyed buyers prefer that sales label that includes the claim in question. representatives seeking business accounts with their In addition, an Operational Protocol (OP) firms arrange a formal appointment rather than arriving that describes in detail the production unannounced. practices employed, affidavits and testi- • Buyers from higher monials, feed formulations, and any appli- priced establish- cable certificates, must also be submitted ments are also with the application. An OP must be in the more likely to pur- producer’s own words and must state in chase meat prod- detail how the animals are raised, includ- ucts from a fam- ing ration formulations, sick animal pro- ily-run agribusiness and to advertise the tocol, herd health management, and other origin of their meat facts relating to the proposed claim (e.g., products on their “no antibiotics,” “natural,” “organic”). The menus as a way term “chemical free” is not allowed to be to distinguish used on a label. (Levi et al., 1998) For themselves in the details on submitting an Animal Raising marketplace. Claim, including specific requirements for (Tropp et al., 2004) the OP, contact the Compliance Assistance Division of FSIS (see Resources). Page 6 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives
  • 7. Lean beef Lean beef appeals to more than a niche While the industry has paid some heed market—the mainstream consumer trend is to the growing consumer demand for lean toward low-fat and fat-free foods. Though beef, the existing system is still based on the industry has been slow to respond to USDA standards that give the best grade to this reality, the grading process will most carcasses with the most marbling. A grow- likely be changed to accommodate produc- ing agitation within the industry seeks to tion and marketing of lean beef, which is reform the grading process to better reflect defi ned as having 25 percent less fat than current market trends. the industry average. While “organic” and “pasture-fi nished” beef clearly represent niche markets, lean beef is suited to the conventional marketing structure. Lau- ra’s Lean Beef (see box) is an example of Laura’s Lean Beef a large-scale alliance that combines an Based in Kentucky, Laura’s markets unconventional product with conventional lean beef in nine states. No preserva- marketing methods. The small niche mar- tives, salts, or fillers are used in pack- keter probably cannot rely on leanness aging. Started in 1985 as a “value add- alone as a selling point. To compete with ing experiment to a family stocker lower-priced conventional lean beef, other operation,” by 1995 the company was qualities lacking in the mainstream prod- debt-free, worth $20 million, and uct will need to be highlighted, with an employing 30 people. Today, Lau- emphasis on customer service. ra’s Lean Beef is sold in 3,000 stores in 33 states. Retail sales for 2001 are expected to top $55 million. Organic beef The company contracts with family Until recently the USDA did not permit farms to raise genetically lean breeds “organic” labels for livestock products, such as Limousin and Charolais, on nat- pending federal standards for organic cer- ural feeds only, with no routine anti- tification. Even farm names with the word biotics or hormone implants. Graz- “organic” were not permitted on the label. ing, particularly rotational grazing, is However, in January 1999 the USDA an important part of the program, as is low-stress handling of the animals. approved the use of a federal label for the The cattle are pasture-finished, with a interstate sale of “organic meat.” (Hamil- quick grain feed at the end. ton, 1999) As with other labeling claims, the “organic” label must be evaluated As a high-volume commercial busi- ness, Laura’s Lean Beef is not suited and approved by the USDA’s Food Safety to working with small cow-calf pro- Inspection Service (FSIS). An application ducers on an individual basis. Like the must be submitted, accompanied by the beef industry in general, the company proposed label and the documen- deals with truckload lots of uniform tation provided by the certify- weights and breeding. Small produc- ing organization. ers would need to create a coopera- tive calf pool in order to work with the The Certified Organic Food company, which does offer price pro- Directory lists organic tection to ranchers with whom it con- beef buyers and suppli- tracts. (Nation, 1995) Producers inter- ers around the country. ested in the details of Laura’s cattle Some market conven- program should visit the company’s tionally; others direct- Web site, tleProgram/. See Resources for further market. (See Resources contact information. for information on order- ing this publication.) For a more detailed discussion of organic certification, and a list ATTRA Page 7
  • 8. National Organic Program—Livestock Standards These standards apply to animals used for meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products represented as organically produced. The livestock standards state: Animals for slaughter must be raised under organic management from the last third of gestation, or no later than the second day of life for poultry. Producers are required to feed livestock agricultural feed products that are 100 percent organic, but may also provide allowed vitamin and mineral supplements. Organically raised animals may not be given hormones to promote growth, or antibiotics for any reason. Preventive management practices, including the use of vaccines, will be used to keep animals healthy. Producers are prohibited from withholding treatment from a sick or injured animal; however, animals treated with a prohibited medication may not be sold as organic. All organically raised animals must have access to the outdoors, including access to pasture for ruminants. They may be temporarily confined only for reasons of health, safety, the animal’s stage of production, or to protect soil or water quality. USDA National Organic Program Production and Handling Standards of certifying organizations, request the colorings or artificial ingredients” or “mini- ATTRA publication Organic Certification mally processed”). “Natural” production and the National Organic Program. Addi- methods must be documented. In popular tional organic livestock publications from usage, the term “natural” commonly refers ATTRA include the Organic Livestock to beef that has been raised mostly on pas- Workbook and Organic Livestock Documen- ture, without routine use of medication. The tation Forms. feed is not necessarily organic. Producers interested in raising organic beef should complete an economic feasibil- Coleman Natural Meats ity study and do thorough market research Based in Colorado, Coleman is the before investing in this market. The require- nation’s largest producer of certified ments are strict, and the additional docu- all-natural beef, and the first to receive mentation can be cumbersome for some pro- a USDA “natural” label. Coleman con- ducers, especially those with smaller herds. tracts with more than 600 ranchers The annual fees for inspection can add a throughout the West to produce meat significant cost to production; the additional without hormones or antibiotics, and labor of daily record keeping can have a the vacuum-packed cuts are marketed large impact on the profitability of this sys- nationwide in many natural and main- stream food stores. Coleman promotes tem. A key to using “organic” as a market- itself as a steward of the environment, ing tool is to ensure that organic process- educating ranchers about grazing prac- ing is available. Locating a USDA-inspected tices that improve range conditions. This processing plant can be difficult, but an appeals to “green market” customers organically certified, USDA-inspected pro- who seek ecologically raised products. cessor is a very rare commodity. For more Their meat production is advertised as economic information on organic beef pro- natural, humane, and “unhurried.” See duction, see AgMRC under Resources– Resources for contact information. Niche and Direct Marketing. Natural beef Under current USDA policy, meat may carry the “natural” label if it contains no artificial ingredients (color, flavor, preservatives, etc.) and is minimally processed. The label must explain the use of the term (e.g., “no added Page 8 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives
  • 9. Pasture-finished beef a level of fi nishing 25 percent of cattle on pasture, it would be a significant change.” The 1997 UC-Davis report on “Natural (Nickel, 1998) Beef,” in summarizing the history of beef finishing in the U.S., notes that: Pasture-fi nished beef (PFB) is lean beef. The feeding of high energy, grain-based Sometimes it is fi nished entirely on pas- diets to beef animals prior to marketing is a ture; sometimes there is a short period relatively new phenomenon. Prior to World of grain-feeding (as in the case of Lau- War II, beef was primarily fi nished on for- ra’s Lean Beef). The essential elements of age. Beef animals were developed relatively high-quality PFB are high-quality pasture, slowly on forage-based diets, were signifi- cantly older at slaughter, and aged post-mor- appropriate genetics, young slaughter age, tem to enhance tenderness… The majority of attention to factors that affect fl avor, and these animals were marketed through small, aging of the carcass. community-based packing plants, with the financial rewards for the production and mar- High-quality pasture. “Bluegrass, orchard keting of the product remaining in the local grass, brome grass, endophyte-free tall economy. (Levi et al.,1998) fescue with a 30–50 percent component In recent years there has been a resurgence of legume should be considered. Alfalfa W of interest in pasture finishing among North should not be overlooked if your situation hat will American graziers. The monthly periodi- is suitable for it. Tall fescue with high lev- els of endophyte infection will not work. push the cal The Stockman Grass Farmer is a forum for these pioneers. Its editor, Allan Nation, We need animal gains of 2.0+ lbs. per day practice proposes that producers of beef cattle begin and dirty fescue just won’t do it, particu- of grass finishing to think of themselves as grass farmers, larly in the summer… Pastures should be forward are people with pasture as their main crop. This is an kept vegetative—no seed heads—and 6–10 with environmental idea whose time has come, though it is not inches in height at turn-in.” (Bartholomew concerns.” a new idea. Nation quotes a classic refer- and Martz,1995) Management-intensive ence book, Forages, published in 1951 by rotational grazing and other resource-effi- Iowa State: “The grassland farmers are cient grazing practices are recommended. often craftsmen in the culture and use of Several ATTRA publications on rotational grass. [One] takes into account soils, plants, grazing and other grass-farming topics animals, and interrelationships. Adequate are listed in the Resources section. Also acreages of adapted grass-legume combi- be sure to check with local Extension and nations are provided, depending upon soil NRCS personnel. needs. High quality forages are emphasized Genetics. Good forage-converting genetics in livestock production, with grains supple- are important. This means fast-maturing menting rather than dominating the feeding breeds that tend to marble on pasture with practices.” (Nation, 1997) The term “grass a lower amount of backfat. Ontario agrono- farming” reflects the fact that high quality mist Ann Clark recommends using mainly pasture is the prerequisite for healthy ani- medium-framed, early maturing British mals and healthy profits. breeds. (Nickel, 1998) Smaller-frame Brit- In 1997 The University of Missouri’s For- ish cattle are well-suited to direct market- age Systems Research Center completed a ing, as families may like the smaller carcass five-year study “designed to research the size and smaller cuts of meat. Research at fi nishing of beef cattle on pasture without the University of Missouri’s Forage Systems the use of a confinement feedlot.” (Martz et Research Center found that medium-frame al., 1998) According to one of the research- cattle that fi nish at 1050 to 1200 pounds ers, animal scientist Fred Martz, “What work well for pasture finishing. (Bar- will push [the practice of grass finishing for- tholomew and Martz, 1995) The research- ward] are people with environmental con- ers used Angus, Gelbvieh, and Hereford cerns. Pasture fi nishing won’t ever totally crosses. Brahman influence is important in replace feedlot fi nishing, but if we get to the South for heat tolerance. It is important ATTRA Page 9
  • 10. to note that cattle bred for feedlot finishing According to researchers at the University may not work for PFB. of California, “The fl avor of the meat is directly linked to the feed available to the Young slaughter age. The most important issue related to tenderness of beef is the animal. The traditional grain-fed product age of the animal at slaughter. Plan to have has the advantage of a consistent feed that pasture-fi nished cattle ready for slaughter in turn produces a consistent-tasting prod- at 16 to 22 months of age. One “problem” uct. Grass-fed beef, on the other hand, is associated with PFB that may be solved by reliant on the native forage available… The slaughtering before 18 months is yellow types of grass can vary from field to field fat. This is a problem due to public per- creating a problem in flavor consistency of ception that beef fat should be white; it is the meat.” (Levi et al., 1998) Grain supple- not a true quality issue. The yellow color mentation on pasture or a short period of simply indicates a higher level of beta-car- grain feeding before slaughter can reduce otene (precursor to vitamin A) in the fat or eliminate the “stronger” taste of grass- of animals fi nished on forage. “Yellow fat fed beef. Also, pastures should be man- on poultry and beef, extremely orange egg aged to avoid plants, such as onions, that yolks and naturally yellow butter reflect can impart an off-flavor. PFB is defi nitely high levels of chlorophyll in the diet and not synonymous with “bad-tasting.” Mem- low levels of saturated fat.” (Salatin, 1995) bers of the Tallgrass Beef cooperative in A direct marketer who educates customers Kansas fi nd that the flavor of their PFB is about yellow fat might turn it into an asset preferred by their clientele, which includes indicating a natural, nutritious food. In chefs. (Nickel, 1998) any case, the consensus among producers Aging of the carcass. While researchers in seems to be that if animals are slaughtered Missouri found no off-flavors in PFB, “the within the 18-month age range, fat will not taste panel did detect a lack of tenderness appear yellow. when the meat was tested right after slaugh- Flavor. The taste of grass-fed beef dif- tering.” The researchers re-tested the beef fers from that of grain-fed beef, although after it had been aged for one, three, and the difference is usually subtle. Studies five weeks, and found that the PFB aged in Missouri and Alabama have found that three weeks was equal in tenderness to consumers could not distinguish between feedlot-fi nished beef. A PFB producer in grain-fi nished beef and beef fi nished on New Hampshire, who markets under his pasture. Still, PFB has a reputation for tast- own label, allows his beef to hang four ing “stronger” than grain-finished beef. weeks. He feels that aging is very impor- tant to quality. Aging also contributes to the characteristic flavor associated with beef. As noted earlier, the USDA grading system is based largely on marbling. Because of this, beef finished on pasture tends to grade relatively poorly. In a University of Georgia study that compared carcass quality of PFB and feedlot-finished beef, the USDA grades were split as follows. Grass-fed: 15 percent Sta nda rd, 70 percent Select, 15 percent Choice Grain-fed: 0 percent St a nda rd, 45 percent Select, 55 percent Choice The taste panels, however, detected no dif- ference in eating quality between the two Page 10 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives
  • 11. types of beef. Canadian researcher Paul McCaughey comments, “The taste panel Constraints to Finishing Cattle on Forage work we’ve done shows there are many factors affecting eating quality apart from • Genetic composition of current herd marbling. In fact, USDA experiments have • Potential to produce both winter and summer annuals shown that marbling accounts for only for continuous pasture availability about 5 percent of beef’s eating quality— • Productive capabilities and fertility of soils yet marbling is what we base our entire grading systems on.” (Nickel, 1998) • Viable number of marketable animals Clearly, PFB sold conventionally under • Ability to adopt a grazier’s mindset when addressing the present grading system will “take a challenges price kicking—to the tune of $220/head, • The ability and time to develop a consistent and or up to a 24¢/lb. discount.” (Martz et dependable market al., 1998) However, this loss may be off- set by cost-of-gain savings. The five-year Whole Farm Planning for the Production of Grass-fed Beef, Southern research project in Missouri showed cost SARE Project #LS00-113. of gain for grass-fi nished cattle to be as low as $27/cwt., compared to $60/cwt. for feedlot cattle. Land, labor, interest, Strong evidence suggests that grass-finished feed, and all other variable costs were beef is more nutritious and healthful than included. (Nickel, 1998) The Missouri grain-fed beef. The case is presented defin- researchers concluded that “cattle can be itively by Jo Robinson in her recent book, fi nished on pasture and the resulting beef Pasture Perfect. All PFB producers should will be acceptable for the conventional read this book and use it as a reference meat trade… The use of maximum inputs to educate customers. See Resources for of pasture into the fi nishing of beef will ordering information. usually result in the most economic gains as long as cattle are taken to a level of Direct Marketing fi nish to grade Choice and/or Select and Before beginning an alternative market- market discounts are avoided.” (Martz et ing enterprise, understand the differences al., 1998) But until the conventional mar- between commodity marketing and direct ket learns to deal rationally with PFB, marketing. Allan Nation, editor of Stockman alternative marketing structures are bet- Grass Farmer, puts it this way: ter suited to this premium product. Rather A commodity orientation means that as long than being graded and sold on the hoof, as you meet the specs and can stand the price PFB is typically custom-processed and you pretty much tell everyone else to go fly direct-marketed to consumers. a kite. Such a selfi sh attitude absolutely will not work in direct marketing… In the U.S., A recently completed SARE project, consumers expect an attitude of deference conducted by ATTRA, the University of and responsiveness to their wants and needs. Arkansas, and the University of Tennes- If you are unable or unwilling to develop— see, determined that quality grass-fed beef or convincingly fake—such an attitude, stay in commodity-priced agriculture. However, can be produced economically. It retains if you see service to others as a noble call- inherent nutritional values if the proper ing, don’t let the lack of specific marketing supplements are used in conjunction with or production skills deter you. Aptitudes are quality forages. The study worked with ten rather easily learned. It is our attitudes that farmers in northwest Arkansas to evaluate are difficult to change and that most often determine our fate. (Nation, 1999) the possibilities for grass-fed beef produc- tion. It concluded that not all farms have Direct marketing brings the producer and the capabilities to fi nish cattle on forage the consumer together in a way that the due to several constraints. mass market cannot, and this is its great- ATTRA Page 11
  • 12. est strength and advantage. Direct market- completely satisfied with. “A new business ing is “relationship marketing.” The fi rst needs virtually 100 percent customer sat- step in building the relationship is to iden- isfaction from day one to survive. This is tify your customers. They will not be “just because any new business is necessarily anybody.” Your customer base will consist drawing from a very small customer base.” of folks who desire a special product, and (Nation, 1999) their needs should be your fi rst consider- The authors of the University of California ation, before you actually develop your prod- uct. First, talk to potential customers one at study Natural Beef: Consumer Acceptability, a time. Find out what characteristics they Market Development and Economics recom- value most in a premium beef product— mend transferring only a portion of your high quality, low price, leanness, organic or cattle production into the new system at “natural” production, home delivery, par- fi rst. This will give you an opportunity to ticular cuts, and so on. Develop a brand learn the ups and downs of alternative mar- name and a marketing/packaging strategy keting while putting only a small percent- that capture the most important of these ele- age of your income at risk. Diversify your ments, and preview your “brand” to your production a portion at a time, increasing the number of animals in the new system as I intended customers. t is both risky you develop retail skills and market connec- and inefficient When you feel you have the right combina- tions. (Levi et al., 1998) to develop a tion to appeal to your niche market, then develop the actual product. This approach While you have “relationship marketing” on product first and can conserve resources, including your lim- your side, the major beef packers have econ- then try to find a ited capital. It is both risky and inefficient to omy of scale on theirs. Since you will not be market for it. develop a product first and then try to find a able to compete with mainstream beef pro- market for it. Remember that the “product” ducers in terms of price, you must deter- is much more than the beef itself; the prod- mine the appropriate premium to place on uct is also service, packaging, your farm’s your product. Pricing is a critical and dif- identity, your production philosophy, and ficult task, and under-pricing is a common even price. For your product to stand out pitfall. The price has to cover costs of pro- from the competition and attract repeat cus- duction, re-capitalization of the enterprise, tomers, it must be carefully differentiated and an acceptable profit. Profit should be from other types and brands of beef. planned for at the outset. If profit is thought of as “whatever is left over,” there will prob- Take time to develop your beef product and ably be no profit. At the same time, an work the kinks out of the production pro- over-priced product will not sell. Your ini- cess. Begin by making the product for your- tial market research should determine mar- self and your family. Next, produce it for ket size, market share, and the price your your friends who have tried it, liked it, and niche consumer is willing to pay for pre- asked for it. The last step should be mar- mium beef. Is that price sufficient to make keting to consumers. Allan Nation writes, this a profitable venture? “If you are considering getting into direct marketing, don’t bet the farm on it. Keep Joel Salatin, a nationally recognized grazier doing what you are doing for a living and in Virginia, has been very successful at rais- start learning and experimenting on a small ing and marketing pasture-fi nished beef. scale… [T]he best guinea pig for this period He earns $200 to $300/head net by direct of trial and error is yourself, your fam- marketing to 400 regular customers. (Sala- ily and your friends.” If your family and tin, 1995) His book Salad Bar Beef presents friends are not crazy about your grass-fed a proven production and marketing system steaks and don’t request more, “you are “that can make an excellent profit from a still in your apprenticeship period and are small cow herd regardless of the commod- not yet ready to be in business.” Don’t try ity price of calves.” “Salad bar beef” is selling anything that you yourself are not Salatin’s consumer-friendly term for lean, Page 12 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives
  • 13. healthy, tasty meat raised locally on fresh, Salad Bar Beef is recommended read- high-quality pasture. Salatin describes a ing for anyone considering alternative three-pronged approach to developing a cli- beef marketing. It covers both production entele for this type of beef: and marketing topics, all from the per- 1) Samples. “We knew that the only way to get spective of a successful alternative beef people to buy salad bar beef was to get it into operation. See the Resources section for their mouths. We gave samples to anyone we ordering information. thought might be interested. Over the years, we’ve never given anything away that didn’t Salatin sells his beef and other farm prod- come back fourfold… Free samples are one ucts direct from the farm, taking orders of the underpinnings of successful market- once a year by mail and phone. Other ing. We found a tremendous prejudice to potential outlets for direct sales to consum- non-grain beef. People by and large just knew it would be tough, stringy and gamey. ers include farmers’ markets and local gro- To overcome that, we had to introduce them cery or health food stores interested in car- to it without any risk. The response has rying farm-fresh products. Stores, however, always been tremendous to this technique.” are usually uninterested unless you can 2) Education. “We put together a slide pro- ensure a steady supply. gram about our farm, titled it ‘Environmen- tally Enhancing Agriculture’ or whatever the Upscale restaurants constitute another pos- group wanted to call it, and began making sible outlet. Many chefs appreciate the fla- presentations for local organizations” such vor and freshness of locally raised, grass- as Rotary, Kiwanis, Women’s Clubs, Garden fed beef. Some restaurants have developed Clubs, and American Association of Retired informational packets on where their ingre- Persons (AARP). “The program is educa- tional, not a sales pitch. But at the end, quite dients come from, “to build rapport with innocently, I’ll say, ‘Now if any of you would customers and set the restaurant apart from like to participate in this type of agriculture, other dining experiences.” (Levi et al., I happen to have some order blanks with me 1998) Quality and consistency will be this and you’re welcome to sign up.’” market’s main concerns. Chefs may be inter- Other educational methods include bro- ested in prime cuts as the majority of their chures, newsletters, newspaper articles, purchase, making it necessary to develop and one-on-one conversations. It is up to other marketing outlets for hamburger and you to educate potential customers on how and why your beef is different and bet- roasts. Marketing to restaurants may pro- ter than the conventional product. Educa- vide the greatest return on investment for tion should include instructions on proper primal cuts, but is generally smaller in vol- cooking as well. Salatin points out that the ume and requires more work per unit of common fast-cooking methods are suited to sales. (Levi et al., 1998) marbled USDA Choice, but not to grass-fed lean beef. He recommends slow cooking his beef for the best taste, greater tenderness, and improved digestibility. 3) Customer Appreciation. This gets to the heart of “relationship marketing.” When the con- sumer knows and trusts the producer per- sonally, the relationship built between them is not easily broken. Good sellers know and use their customers’ names. Loyalty helps bring in repeat customers. The greater the loyalty and satisfaction, the higher the likeli- hood of repeat business even though cheaper beef may be available at the grocery store. “The two things supermarkets cannot do are provide high-quality food and offer a rela- tionship.” By giving detailed, personal ser- vice to his customers, Salatin ensures that they will spread the word about his product. (Salatin, 1995) ATTRA Page 13
  • 14. Taking your operation from live sales to ington. See the Resources section for con- marketing of meat may require changes in tact information and more links to articles your production focus. Inventory manage- about cooperative efforts. ment will be a primary issue. Beef produc- ers who have had a short calving and mar- keting period for the sake of efficiency may Legal Considerations have to time production to match variable Marketing activities are affected by a wide consumer demand. Restaurants often have variety of laws and regulations at federal, a highly variable demand for products, so state, county, and city levels. While regula- you may either have to carry inventory or tions vary by type of enterprise and loca- be able to move products quickly from live tion, some general rules apply to all areas to useable form. Selling directly to con- of direct marketing. Some of these legal sumers as Salatin does could allow you to considerations include the type of business focus on seasonal production. Freezing beef organization (sole proprietorship, partner- increases the ability to manage inventory, ship, etc.), zoning ordinances, small busi- but adds storage charges to the cost of pro- ness licenses, building codes and permits, duction. Generally, the larger the scope of weights and measures, federal and state Y your enterprise and the more outlets you business tax issues, sanitation permits and our best have, the less challenging inventory man- inspection, food processors’ permits, and resource for agement will be. (Levi et al., 1998) many, many others. If you plan to employ informa- This section is only an introduction to some workers, there will be still more require- tion and inspiration aspects of direct marketing of beef. The ments to meet, such as an employer tax is fellow producers, ATTRA publication Direct Marketing pro- identification from the IRS and state work- whose experience vides more detailed information on enter- ers compensation insurance. Environmental can save you many prise evaluation, marketing research and laws also influence farm operations. surprises and planning, promotion and publicity, pricing Always check with local, state, and federal and profitability, and direct market alterna- authorities before marketing any food prod- missteps. tives. Another good source of information is uct. Processed foods are heavily regulated the SARE publication How to Direct Market to protect public health. Stay informed, Your Beef. Also refer to the Resources sec- since rules and regulations change often, tion of the present publication. Your best resource for information and inspiration and keep good records to prove that you’re is fellow producers, whose experience can in compliance. save you many surprises and missteps. Adequate insurance is essential. “The closer you get to the consumer by direct Cooperatives for Alternative marketing, the higher the liability risk.” Beef Marketing (Levi et al., 1998) Every operator should have a general insurance policy to protect Co-op marketing can be adapted to alter- against loss of buildings, merchandise, native markets. A great example is the CROPP cooperative, which markets cer- and other property. A general policy may tified organic dairy, eggs, produce, and include liability insurance for products and meats nationally under its “Organic Valley” premises. However, general comprehen- brand name. Formed in 1988, CROPP is sive farm liability insurance often does not now the largest producer of organic dairy cover on-farm marketing or direct market- products in the U.S. Among the more ing operations. A separate employer’s lia- recent additions to its product line is pas- bility insurance policy may be required to ture-fi nished beef, marketed as Organic protect you should an employee be injured Prairie. CROPP is a farmer-owned and on the job. See Resources for information operated marketing cooperative, consisting on The Legal Guide for Direct Farm Market- of more than 190 small to mid-sized fam- ing by Neil Hamilton of Drake University ily farms in 10 states, from Maine to Wash- Law School, a comprehensive primer on Page 14 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives
  • 15. the many legal issues that surround direct marketing of agricultural products. Production Note: To castrate or not to castrate? Processing and Packaging Some producers who direct market do not castrate their bulls Processing is an important consideration (producers who market conventionally do castrate, since they get for direct marketers. Custom facilities are docked for intact males). Bulls put on weight 17 percent faster than generally cheaper to use. Large commer- steers and make leaner gains, giving them a higher dressing per- cial, federally inspected plants may not centage. However, they may need to be slaughtered young (by 18 be geared to do custom butchering for the months), to minimize gristle, and be run in a separate herd to pre- small beef producer. Producers should con- vent unplanned breeding. But separating the herd may not be con- venient. Joel Salatin, for example, chooses to castrate so that he can tact their state department of agriculture for run all his cattle in one herd. regulations about meat processing and sale to the public. Beef must be slaughtered and inspected at a federal- or state-approved facility in order works with small and very small process- to be sold to individuals, as in the freezer ing plants to comply with the HACCP. To beef trade, or to restaurants. If beef is pro- learn more about HACCP mandates, or to cessed at a custom facility that is not feder- obtain copies of FSIS-developed models to ally or state inspected, then it can only be design least-cost HACCP-compliant small sold prior to slaughter. (Bartholomew and facilities, contact FSIS (see Resources for Martz, 1995) This means the cattle must contact information). be sold by the head or by live weight, which Retail and individual meat sales require doesn’t account for wide variations in dress- packaging in accordance with state and out percentages between animals. Joel Sala- federal food laws. Since good packaging tin deals with this dilemma by selling his enhances sales, label design and presen- animals for $1 per head and then adding tation are important. Vacuum packaging shipping and handling charges based on provides superior product protection com- carcass weight. However, we cannot rec- pared to hand-wrapping. Feeding high ommend this practice. The liability risk levels of Vitamin E for two weeks prior to involved should not be underestimated. slaughter increases the shelf life of meat. Producers considering constructing a (Levi et al, 1998) slaughter facility for their own beef should Many folks have questions about the remember that federal, state, and local amount of edible beef a carcass gener- regulations govern the process. The axiom ates. A good article on the topic, “Did the “ignorance is not an excuse” applies here. Locker Plant Steal Some of My Meat?” Farmers who intend to process on-farm by Duane Wulf, PhD, can be found at should be aware of all federal, state, and local regulations. Your state departments of agriculture and health will have informa- Pricing Your Product tion about regulations. Your county Exten- sion office should be able to direct you to A common question among producers look- the county agencies that regulate zoning, ing to direct market is what to charge for the various retail cuts from a beef animal. health, and other local regulations. A list of prices from another supplier may In 1996, the USDA’s Food Safety and be a possibility, or research prices in the Inspection Service (FSIS) announced grocery store. However, someone else’s implementation of new rules meant to prices won’t help you understand how to ensure the safety of meat products. A major price your own products to ensure profit- component of the regulations is the Patho- ability. Organic beef price research can be gen Reduction/Hazard Analysis and Criti- even more difficult since few price lists are cal Control Points (HACCP) system. FSIS available. Currently, USDA does not report ATTRA Page 15
  • 16. organic beef prices on a weekly basis as it yields and the pounds of retail meat that does for commodity beef. can be expected. The key to profitable pricing is to deter- A processor may be able to cut a beef car- mine actual cost of production for a mar- cass into 40 different cuts. The question ketable calf. Find all processing, market- you must ask is whether all 40 of those cuts ing, labor, and management costs for a can be sold to customers at a profit? Mar- quantity of beef produced, typically on a ket research is important to gauge the vari- carcass basis. This method of actual cost ous cuts and the quantity that customers are determines the break-even price for beef, willing to purchase. Round steak can be a including organic product. large portion of the retail weight generated Perhaps one of the worst errors you can from the rear leg of a carcass. But round make in direct marketing is to sell your steak is lean and somewhat chewy, and is product at a loss, while believing you are considered a low-value cut requiring some making money. Sooner or later the loss preparation in the kitchen to be palatable to catches up with you and it can’t be made most families. Is your market for this partic- up with volume. ular cut large enough to move it, or should you consider other alternatives? The point M arket Even if you don’t have actual production is that just because your processor can pro- research figures to use, good, conservative pro- duce a certain retail cut doesn’t necessar- duction budgets are available to base a ily mean it should be ordered. A continual is impor- preliminary plan. Consult with the state problem with direct marketed beef is the tant to gauge the Extension beef specialist to get accurate less glamorous cuts like round steak and various cuts and production costs for your area. various roasts. Would you be better served the quantity that to make another product, add some value, Get reasonable estimates, or better yet, customers are actual carcass cut-out data, to base projec- and profitably sell it, versus taking a loss? willing to purchase. tions of retail meat yields. Be advised that The SARE report entitled Whole Farm most information is biased toward commod- Planning for the Production of Grass-fed Beef ity beef, fi nished in a feed lot. Grass-fed gives more perspective on cut selection and cattle production, for example, may yield how to consider other options for low-value lower carcass weights with more trimming cuts (see Resources). required at processing due to less fat, more The first step is to determine what the shrinkage during aging of the carcass, and trimming of unsightly brown areas along average break-even price needs to be. the edges of a cut’s external surface. Often, Realize that there is a tremendous amount a few lunch hours with your processor can of shrinkage or loss that occurs along the provide some insight into typical carcass process. Going from a live animal to a car- cass results in a 36 to 45 percent reduction in weight. Processing can lead to another 35 to 42 percent reduction, depending on how much bone is cut out and how much shrinkage occurs in the cooler during aging. Each of those reductions pushes your break-even price higher and higher. For example, consider a beef carcass that yields 350 pounds of retail meat. The calf and production costs are $800, and pro- cessing adds another $225, marketing is $100, and labor and management adds another $400. A total of $1425 in costs are spread over 350 pounds of retail prod- uct. The average break-even price at those Page 16 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives
  • 17. rates is $4.07 per pound. Every pound of spreads between various cuts on the whole- meat needs to be sold at $4.07 per pound sale level. A spreadsheet may be used to to break even. If 140 pounds is sold at develop a retail product list, to plug in cor- $3.00 per pound (the approximate amount responding wholesale cut price per pound, of ground beef generated), the remaining and then to apply a traditional retail 210 pounds needs to be sold for at least markup of between 80 to 95 percent of the $4.78 per pound to generate the same total wholesale price. For example, a wholesale amount of money. price for IMPS-112A rib of $5.40 would yield my price for retail rib-eye steaks of The next step is to establish individual $9.99 per pound (5.40 x 0.85 + 5.40 = cut prices— the price of rib-eye steak per $9.99 per pound retail, at an 85 percent pound, the price of ground beef per pound, markup). A packer/processor should be etc. Do you intend to offer a full slate of able to assist you to identify where retail retail cuts? Do you have a market for a full cuts are coming from with regard to the slate of cuts? In many cases, folks are left IMPS boxed beef codes and prices. holding onto the round steak and various roasts. If a ready market is unavailable, consider making those cuts into some other Organic Pricing value-added product, such as ground beef The steps so far pertain to the commodity beef patties or fresh beef sausage. Does your level. The next step is to look at the organic processor have the capabilities to allow beef situation. Many think that there should you to produce some of these more cus- be an additional mark-up for organic pro- tomer-friendly products? How about turn- duction. In reality, additional costs incurred ing the rounds into beef jerky at $12 or due to organic compliance should already be more per pound? built in. This is why you must know from the onset what your unit cost of production is. You can get price spreads for typical The organic cost should already be included wholesale cuts from the USDA. It pro- in the cost to produce a calf. The organic duces a beef cutout sheet every week that processing is also incorporated. indicates prices for various beef primals or boxed parts are. The price spreads The intrinsic value of organic beef is sub- between the farm, wholesale, and retail ject to local market conditions, because in outlets are also available. most instances—especially in larger metro areas—organic products have a market. In The three Internet links provided below rural areas, the organic premium, or even may be useful when pricing your beef. a slight increase in value due to being The fi rst gives you a feel for where relative farm-raised, might not be possible. This value is added along the production chain. is where market research comes in. Is the The second may be useful in establishing intended market ready for organic beef? Is individual cut prices. The boxed beef cut- the customer base large enough for your out values help establish traditional price intended production? Keys to Pricing Monthly price spreads for meat Adjust the retail markup on the beef so meat pricespreads/ that when a total value is calculated for an individual carcass, the average value per Weekly boxed beef prices pound is at or above your break-even price per pound. If the calculated average price Retail prices per pound is above break-even, then you have some real profit, but only if you have BLSTable2.htm truly accounted for labor and management in your break-even pricing calculation. That ATTRA Page 17
  • 18. you may have to tweak the pricing scheme Paper on carcass breakdown as you gather some of your own data. Once you have a pricing schedule, the next Another beef breakdown chart question is whether the intended market will purchase beef at those prices. If prices are 2004.pdf marketable, then proceed with your market- For assistance identifying cuts and where they come from ing plan. If the calculated prices won’t fly with consumers, then re-evaluate inputs to reduce prices while you explore other mar- keting options. Or, accept what you are cur- profit margin is an important number to rently doing as the best alternative, given remember as you make changes in the sys- the situation. A move up the food production tem. Let’s say, for example, a retail grocer chain is not always a guaranteed way to go. is willing to carry organic meat for 15 per- But by going through a detailed planning cent of the retail price, and your margin is process, you have better information upon 20 percent. You have room under the exist- which to base a decision. ing pricing structure to participate without For more pricing information, an Excel re-pricing all your product. The question spreadsheet based on data from the SARE becomes, what level of profit are you happy Whole Farm Planning Project is avail- with, and when does it become necessary able to create a retail pricing chart. The to adjust prices? spreadsheet uses traditional price spreads for various cuts of beef. The spreadsheet The information from the Carcass Break- allows you to use your own cut data, deter- down paper (see box above) helps determine mine retail mark-up, and calculate an average total carcass values from the aver- estimate of total retail value for a carcass. age weights for each cut as a percent of the This planning tool can be used to develop carcass. Another method is to conduct cut- retail prices, determine profit or loss per outs on some of your own carcasses to see carcass, and calculate various product what the actual retail yield for various cuts line-up scenarios prior to putting a car- cass in the box. might be and use those figures to calculate the price. Of course, real data on your own cattle, with your processor, yields the best Conclusion results. If you use the research report data, Shortcomings of the conventional marketing system have made the time ripe to return to marketing beef directly from ranches to consumers. Niche marketing can sometimes give the farmer a larger share of the food dollar and a higher return on each unit sold. Adding value or marketing some minimally processed farm products directly to the con- sumer may be a way to enhance fi nancial viability. While successful direct marketing may or may not increase profits, it will pro- vide protection from fluctuating live-mar- ket prices. However, direct marketing is a labor-intensive job, demanding time, effort, creativity, ingenuity, sales expertise, and the ability to deal with people in a pleas- ant and positive manner. Producers must be absolutely sure they are ready for the job. Page 18 ATTRA Beef Marketing Alternatives