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This publication is an update of the review of current knowledge on HIV transmission through
breastfeeding, with a focus on information made available between 2001 and 2007. It re-

                                                                                                 HIV Transmission Through
views scientific evidence on the risk of HIV transmission through breastfeeding, the impact
of different feeding options on child health outcomes, and conceivable strategies to reduce
HIV transmission through breastfeeding with an emphasis on the developing world.


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                                                                                                     A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE
                   New York, New York 10017, United States of America                                       2007 Update
                                   Tel +1 212 326 7000

                                                                        ISBN 978 92 4 159659 6
HIV Transmission
Through Breastfeeding
  A Review of Available Evidence

         2007 Update

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

HIV transmission through breastfeeding : a review of available evidence : 2007 update.

1.HIV infections - transmission. 2.Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - Transmission. 3.Breast
feeding - adverse effects. 4.Disease transmission, Vertical - prevention and control 5.Review litera-
ture. I.World Health Organization.

ISBN 978 92 4 159659 6                                                (NLM classification: WC 503.3)

© World Health Organization 2008

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Table of contents

Preface                                                                             v

Acknowledgements                                                                  vii

Acronyms                                                                          viii

Glossary                                                                           ix

Executive summary                                                                   1

Introduction                                                                        3

Mother-to-child transmission of HIV                                                 5
      HIV infection in women                                                        5
      Rates of, and risk factors for, overall mother-to-child transmission          5
      Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV                             6

HIV transmission through breastfeeding                                              9
      Pathogenesis and mechanisms of breastfeeding transmission                     9
      Risk of postnatal transmission through breastfeeding                        10
      Timing of postnatal transmission through breastfeeding                      10
            Early postnatal transmission through breastfeeding                    10
            Late postnatal transmission through breastfeeding                     11
      Factors associated with risk of transmission through breastfeeding          12
            Maternal factors                                                      12
            Infant factors                                                        16

Benefits of breastfeeding                                                         19
      Health benefits of breastfeeding in the general population                  19
            Maternal health benefits                                              19
            Child health benefits                                                 19
      Health benefits of breastfeeding in children born to HIV-infected mothers   21
            HIV-exposed children, regardless of HIV status                        21
            HIV-infected children                                                 21
      Global breastfeeding practices                                              22

Strategies to reduce HIV transmission through breastfeeding                       23
      Primary prevention of HIV in women of childbearing age                      23
      Framework to assess interventions to prevent postnatal transmission         24


     Modifying infant feeding options for HIV-infected women: replacement feeding                   24
             Adverse outcomes of alternatives to breastfeeding practices                            25
             Social acceptability of feeding practices                                              25
             HIV-infection                                                                          32
             HIV-free survival                                                                      32
             Discussion                                                                             32
     Strategies for HIV-infected women who breastfed                                                33
             Exclusive breastfeeding                                                                33
             Early cessation of breastfeeding                                                       35
             Heat treatment or pasteurization of expressed breast milk.                             36
             Microbicide treatment of expressed breast milk                                         36
             Antiretroviral therapy during breastfeeding                                            37
     Immunization of breastfed newborns                                                             39
     From research to public health recommendations on infant feeding:
     consequences for practice                                                                      39

Ongoing or planned research addressing the breastfeeding period                                     41

Conclusion                                                                                          43

References                                                                                          44


T    his Review was originally prepared as a back
     ground paper for the Technical Consulta-
tion on HIV and Infant Feeding that took place
                                                                acquisition without gains for survival. It remains
                                                                important to identify means of making breastfee-
                                                                ding safer for HIV-infected women who have no
in Geneva in October 2006. It was updated dur-                  choice other than to continue breastfeeding.
ing 2007 to include relevant new information.
                                                                In a study on mastitis in Zambia (abstract
As the Review was going to print at the begin-                  #650), breast milk samples were collected from
ning of 2008, several trials were underway to                   38 women who had clinical symptoms of masti-
assess use of extended maternal or infant                       tis. The study found that during mastitis, eleva-
antiretrovirals to reduce transmission among                    tions of breast milk viral load are restricted to
HIV-exposed breastfed infants. Relevant find-                   the mastitic breast and eventually return to base-
ings were presented at the 15th Conference on                   line levels, supporting current recommendations
Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections                       for women with mastitis to breastfeed from the
(CROI) held from 3 to 5 February 2008 and are                   unaffected breast.
summarized here.1
                                                                Maternal outcomes and infant feeding
Postnatal HIV transmission, infant                              practices
outcomes and infant feeding practices                           In the Ditrame-Plus cohort study in Abidjan
In a pooled analysis of individual data from                    (abstract #73), the risk of pregnancy before 12
a South African and a West African cohort                       months post-partum was comparable in replace-
study (abstract #46), the overall risk of post-                 ment feeding and breastfeeding groups: 4%. Be-
natal HIV infection was 3.9% among children                     tween 12 and 24 months post-partum, the risk
breastfed for <6 months and 8.7% among chil-                    of pregnancy was significantly lower among re-
dren breastfed for >6 months (adjusted hazard                   placement feeders than breastfeeders. Replace-
ratio: 1.8). Breastfeeding duration, as well as                 ment feeding was not responsible for a greater
maternal immune status, appear to be major                      incidence of pregnancies in this West African
determinants of HIV transmission. The risk did                  urban context, probably due to the systematic
not differ between exclusively and predominantly                offer and the frequent use of contraceptive serv-
breastfed children. Exposure to breastfeeding                   ices.
mixed with solids during the first 2 months in-
creased the postnatal risk of acquisition of HIV                Antiretrovirals in breastfeeding women
(adjusted hazard ratio: 2.9).                                   The Kisumu Breastfeeding Study in Kenya
                                                                (abstract #45LB) was an observational prospec-
In the Vertical Transmission Study in South                     tive cohort of children of lactating women tak-
Africa (abstract #636), 18-month HIV-free sur-                  ing antiretroviral treatment (ART) to prevent
vival of children of HIV-infected women shows                   mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). Overall
that breastfeeding of HIV-uninfected infants                    transmission rates were 3.9% at 6 weeks, 5% at
beyond 6 months of age increases the risk of HIV                6 months, 5.9% at 12 months and 6.7% at 18

    CROI abstracts are available at http:/www.retroconference. org, accessed February 15, 2008.


months. There was no difference in HIV trans-              well below levels required for treatment, suggest-
mission by baseline maternal CD4 count. For                ing minimal risk for drug toxicity. Lamivudine
those infants who became infected during the               (3TC) and nelfinavir exposure in infants would
first 6 weeks of life, resistance was initially not        suggest minimal risk for resistance in HIV-in-
detected (abstract #84LB), but emerged during              fected children; however, low-level nevirapine
the breastfeeding period.                                  (NVP) exposure via breast milk may predispose
                                                           HIV-infected infants to resistance.
In the MASHI trial in Botswana (abstract
#637), the MTCT rate at one month was 1.2%                 Antiretrovirals in breastfed children
among breastfeeders and 1.1% among formula                 The PEPI-Malawi Study (abstract #42LB)
feeders. The authors concluded that                        evaluated in a randomized controlled trial if 14
breastfeeding was not a risk for MTCT within               weeks of extended daily infant antiretroviral
the first month of life for children exposed to            prophylaxis with NVP (group 2) or NVP+ZDV
maternal ART and receiving infant antiretroviral           (group 3) with breastfeeding cessation from age
prophylaxis.                                               4-6 months would reduce postnatal transmission
                                                           of HIV compared to controls receiving single dose
The preliminar y results of the non-                       (sd) NVP and one week ZDV (group 1). At age
randomized part of the Kesho-Bora study                    9 months, the risk of HIV infection was 10.6%
being conducted in five African sites (ab-                 in group 1, 5.2% in group 2 and 6.4% in group
stract #638) showed that the HIV transmis-                 3. However, at 18 months, the HIV rate reach
sion rate at 12 months was 7.6% in women with              13.9% in group 1, 10.1% in group 2 and 10.2%
<200 CD4 with no significant difference accord-            in group 3. Postnatal transmission occurred af-
ing to infant feeding pattern; the rate was 5.8%           ter NVP cessation among breastfed children.
among women with >500 CD4 count, respec-                   Post-exposure prophylaxis in breastfed children
tively 7.5% and 0% in ever and never breastfed             could reduce postnatal transmission but should
infants.                                                   be maintained over the entire breastfeeding du-
In the Dream cohort in Mozambique (ab-
stract #369), 341 mother-infant pairs were fol-            In the SWEN randomized controlled Trial
lowed from pregnancy until 12 months post                  conducted in Ethiopia, India and Uganda
partum; mothers breastfed while receiving ART              (abstract #43), an extended infant post-expo-
until 6 months post delivery. ART continued                sure prophylaxis with daily NVP for 6 weeks in
beyond 6 months in women who initiated it for              breastfed infants of HIV-infected mothers was
their own health. The HIV MTCT rates were:                 assessed. The 6-week HIV transmission rate in
1.2% (4) at birth, 1.9% (6) at 6 months, and               the extended-NVP arm was 2.5% versus 5.3%
2.8% (8) at 12 months. Four late post-natal HIV-           in the sd NVP arm (p=0.009), but the 6-month
1 infections (>1 month of age) were observed in            HIV rate was 6.9% in the extended-NVP arm
this cohort; 15% were lost to follow-up.                   versus 9.0% in the sd NVP arm (p=0.16). The
                                                           extended-NVP arm was safe, but postnatal trans-
The Breastfeeding, Antiretroviral and Nutri-               mission occurred after stopping NVP in breastfed
tion (BAN) Study in Malawi (abstract #648)                 children with a reduction of long term efficacy.
reports on antiretroviral concentrations. Infants'         Occurrence of resistance to NVP in infected chil-
plasma concentrations for all antiretrovirals were         dren was very high (11/12).


T    his review was updated by Valériane Leroy
     (INSERM U593, Institut de Santé
Publique, Epidémiologie et Développement,
                                                           useful information on synthesis of the technical
                                                           consultation. We would like to especially thank
                                                           Rajiv Bahl, Renaud Becquet, André Briend,
Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux, France). It           Anirban Chatterjee, Anna Coutsoudis, François
is based on an original review on HIV transmis-            Dabis, Mary Glenn Fowler, Peggy Henderson,
sion through breastfeeding prepared by Marie-              Lida Lhotska, Jose Martines, Ellen Piwoz, Felic-
Louise Newell (Institute of Child Health,                  ity Savage, Constanza Vallenas and Isabelle de
London) for WHO in 2003. The 2003 review                   Vincenzi for reviewing the report and giving help-
was updated in 2005 by the WHO Department                  ful comments. Finally, we would like to acknowl-
of Nutrition for Health and Development as a               edge the contributions of Coralie Thore,
background paper for a consultation on Nutri-              Christian Weller and Evelyne Mouillet from the
tion and HIV.                                              ISPED library in Bordeaux for their help in re-
   We are very grateful to Marie-Louise Newell             searching papers.
for helping in structuring the early draft of this            Kai Lashley performed the final copy-edit of
review and to Lynne Mofenson for providing                 the text.



3TC                     lamivudine
AIDS                    acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ANRS                    Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA (France)
ARV                     antiretroviral
ART                     antiretroviral therapy
AZT                     azidothymidine
BF                      breastfeeding
CI                      confidence interval
D4T                     stavudine
ddI                     didanosine
DNA                     deoxyribonucleic acid
EBF                     exclusive breastfeeding
FF                      formula feeding
HIVIGLOB                HIV hyperimmune globulin
HIV                     human immunodeficiency virus
HR                      hazard ratio
MF                      mixed feeding
MTCT                    mother-to-child transmission of HIV
NVP                     nevirapine
OR                      odds ratio
PCR                     polymerase chain reaction
PMTCT                   prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
RF                      replacement feeding
RNA                     ribonucleic acid
SLPI                    secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor
SDS                     sodium dodecyl sulfate
UN                      United Nations
UNAIDS                  Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNGASS/AIDS             United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS
UNICEF                  United Nations Children’s Fund
WHO                     World Health Organization
ZDV                     zidovudine


ART, an abbreviation for antiretroviral therapy,           Complementary food means any food, wheth-
  is a combination of three or more different                er manufactured or locally prepared, used as a
  antiretroviral drugs used in the treatment of              complement to breast milk or to a breast-milk
  those infected with HIV to reduce viral load.              substitute, when either becomes insufficient
                                                             to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the
Breast-milk substitute refers to any food be-
  ing marketed or otherwise represented as a
  partial or total replacement for breast milk,            DNA, an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid,
  whether or not suitable for that purpose.                 is the carrier of genetic information found in
                                                            cell nuclei.
CD4 cells (also known as T4 or helper T cells)
 are lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell),             Exclusive breastfeeding means an infant re-
 which are key in both humoral and cell-medi-                ceives no other food or drink, not even water,
 ated immune responses. These are the main                   other than breast milk (which can include ex-
 target cells for HIV. Their numbers decrease                pressed breast milk), with the exception of
 during HIV infection, and their level is used               drops or syrups consisting of vitamins, miner-
 as a marker of progression of the infection.                al supplements or medicines.
 CD8 cells are a subtype of T lymphocytes,
                                                           Formula feeding involves the use of commer-
 which also play an important role in fighting
                                                             cial infant formula that is formulated indus-
 infections. Their numbers may be increased
                                                             trially in accordance with applicable Codex
 during HIV infection.
                                                             Alimentarius standards to satisfy the nutri-
Cell-associated virus refers to HIV which lives              tional requirements of infants during the first
  inside the cell, measured as HIV-DNA.                      months of life up to the introduction of com-
                                                             plementary foods.
Cell-free virus refers to parts of the virus (viri-
  ons) not associated with a cell, measured as             Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) refers
  HIV-RNA.                                                  to HIV-1 in this review. Cases of mother-to-
                                                            child transmission of HIV-2 are rare.
Cessation of breastfeeding means completely
  stopping breastfeeding, which includes no                Immunoglobulins are any of the five distinct
  more suckling at the breast.                               antibodies present in the serum and external
                                                             secretions of the body (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and
Colostrum is the thick yellow milk secreted by
  the breasts during the first few days after de-
  livery, which gradually evolves into mature              Incidence density means the incidence rate of
  milk at 3–14 days postpartum. It contains                  an event, i.e. HIV infection or death per per-
  more antibodies and white blood cells than                 son-time (months or years).
  mature breast milk.
                                                           Infant refers to a child from birth to 12 months
Commercial infant formula means a breast-                    of age.
  milk substitute formulated industrially in ac-
                                                           Intrapartum means the period during labour
  cordance with applicable Codex Alimentarius
                                                             and delivery.
  standards to satisfy the nutritional require-
  ments of infants during the first months of


Lamivudine, or 3TC, is an antiretroviral drug              Peripartum transmission is mother-to-child
  often used in combination with zidovudine,                 transmission of HIV occurring around the time
  ZDV also known as azidothymidine, AZT.
      ,                                                      of delivery (i.e. late in pregnancy, during or
                                                             immediately after delivery).
Late postnatal HIV transmission means trans-
  mission that takes place after about six weeks           Postnatal transmission is mother-to-child
  of life, the earliest time at which it is possible         transmission of HIV after delivery, during the
  to determine that transmission did not take                breastfeeding period.
  place during delivery.
                                                           Predominant breastfeeding means breastfeed-
Lipid means any one of a widely varying group                ing is the main source of nourishment, but an
  of fats and fat-like organic substances.                   infant is also given small amounts of non-nu-
                                                             tritious drinks, such as tea, water and water-
Macrophage is a large ‘wandering’ phagocytic
                                                             based drinks.
 white blood cell that ingests foreign matter,
 and plays an important role in resisting infec-           Replacement feeding means the process of feed-
 tion.                                                       ing a child who is not receiving any breast milk
                                                             with a diet that provides all the nutrients the
Mature breast milk is milk produced from about
                                                             child needs until the child is fully fed on fam-
 14 days postpartum until the cessation of
                                                             ily foods.
                                                           RNA, an abbreviation for ribonucleic acid, is a
Mixed feeding refers to breastfeeding with the
                                                            substance found in the nucleus of all living
 addition of fluids, solid foods and/or non-hu-
                                                            cells and in many viruses. An intermediate of
 man milks such as formula.
                                                            DNA, it is the medium by which genetic in-
Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) indi-                   structions from the nucleus are transmitted
 cates instances of transmission of HIV to a                to the rest of the cell. RNA viral load, ex-
 child from an HIV-infected woman during                    pressed as copies of RNA per ml of plasma or
 pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding. The term             other body fluid, reflects the amount of ac-
 is used in this document because the immedi-               tively replicating virus in the body. High viral
 ate source of the child’s HIV infection is the             RNA levels occur (temporarily) immediately
 mother. Use of the term mother-to-child trans-             after acquisition of infection and later with
 mission implies no blame, whether or not a                 progression of disease, and are associated with
 woman is aware of her own infection status.                higher rates of transmission.
Neonatal describes the period immediately fol-             Virion refers to those parts of the virus that are
  lowing birth through the first 28 days of life.            able to replicate HIV.
Nevirapine, or NVP, is an antiretroviral drug              Wet-nurse refers to the breastfeeding of an infant
  commonly used as a treatment regimen, ei-                 by someone other than the infant’s mother.
  ther alone or in combination with other drugs,
                                                           Zidovudine, or ZDV is an antiretroviral drug
  to prevent MTCT.
                                                             which inhibits HIV replication. It was the first
Partial breastfeeding means giving a baby some               drug licensed to treat HIV infection. Today it
  breastfeeds and some artificial feeds, either              is frequently used in combination with other
  milk or cereal, or other food.                             antiretroviral drugs and, alone or in combina-
PCR means polymerase chain reaction, a labo-                 tion, it is used in the prevention of mother-
  ratory method in which the genetic material                to-child transmission of HIV (It is also known
  (DNA or RNA) of the virus is detected and                  as retrovir or azidothymidine, AZT.)
  amplified. It can be both qualitative and quan-

Executive summary

B      reastfeeding is best for infants, and
      is an effective method of reducing the risk
of common childhood morbidity, particularly
                                                                  their infants during pregnancy or delivery in
                                                                  about 15-25% of cases; and an additional 5-20%
                                                                  of infants may become infected postnatally dur-
gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, and                  ing breastfeeding, for an overall risk of 30-45%.
of promoting child survival and maternal health                   Breastfeeding may thus be responsible for one
through child spacing. In 2001, the World Health                  third to one half of HIV infections in infants
Assembly endorsed the recommendation that                         when interventions are not available.
infants should be exclusively breastfed for the                      HIV has been detected in breast milk in cell-
first six months of life to achieve optimal growth,               free and cell-associated compartments and there
development and health. Thereafter, infants                       is now evidence that both compartments are in-
should receive nutritionally adequate and safe                    volved in transmission of HIV through breast
complementary foods while breastfeeding con-                      milk. Following ingestion of HIV infected breast
tinues to 24 months or beyond.                                    milk, infant gut mucosal surfaces are the most
   While breastfeeding carries significant health                 likely site at which transmission occurs.
benefits to infants and young children, HIV can                      The rate of late postnatal transmission (that
be transmitted during breastfeeding from an                       is, after six weeks of age) can be better quanti-
HIV-infected mother to her infant. Reducing this                  fied in 2007 than previously. Data from a meta-
transmission while ensuring improved HIV-free                     analysis show that the cumulative probability of
survival1 is one of the most pressing public health               late postnatal transmission at 18 months is 9.3%
dilemmas confronting researchers, health-care                     (95% confidence interval, CI, 3.8-14.8%). Late
professionals, health policy-makers and HIV-in-                   postnatal transmission, therefore, could contrib-
fected women in many areas of the world, espe-                    ute as much as 42% to the overall rate of MTCT.
cially in developing countries.                                   Analysis indicates that late postnatal transmis-
   In 2007, 2.5 million children aged less than                   sion risk is around 1% per month of breastfeeding
15 years worldwide were living with HIV and an                    and is constant over time from between four and
estimated 420 000 children aged less than 15                      six weeks to 18 months. Transmission can take
years were newly infected with HIV in 2007                        place at any point during breastfeeding, and the
alone, nearly always through mother-to-child                      longer the duration of breastfeeding, the greater
transmission (MTCT). HIV/AIDS is an increas-                      the cumulative risk.
ingly important cause of mortality in those aged                     The risk of postnatal transmission through
less than five years in Africa. Before the                        breastfeeding is associated with clinical, immu-
antiretroviral therapy (ART) era, child mortal-                   nological and virological maternal factors and
ity due to HIV was estimated to be 35.2% by                       infant feeding patterns. Maternal seroconversion
age one year and 52.5% by two years of age.                       during breastfeeding, low maternal CD4 cell
   Mother-to-child transmission of HIV can oc-                    count, increased maternal RNA viral load in
cur during pregnancy, labour or delivery, or                      plasma and breast milk and a lack of persistence
through breastfeeding. Without specific interven-                 of HIV-specific IgM in breast-milk at 18 months
tions, HIV-infected women will pass the virus to                  are strongly associated with increased risk of

    HIV-free survival refers to young children who are both alive and HIV-uninfected at a given point in time, usually 18


transmission through breastfeeding. Breast               low-up with repeated growth measurements is
pathologies such as clinical and subclinical mas-        also crucial to this support, as is nutritional coun-
titis, nipple bleeding, and abscesses, fissures or       selling, particularly around the period of
lesions are also associated with a higher risk of        breastfeeding cessation.
transmission through breastfeeding. Exclusive               Early cessation of breastfeeding could also
breastfeeding for up to six months, however, is          prevent a sizable proportion of postnatal HIV
associated with a three to fourfold decreased risk       infections but several studies in Africa have re-
of transmission of HIV compared to non-exclu-            ported that it was associated with an increased
sive breastfeeding; mixed feeding, therefore, ap-        risk of infant morbidity (especially diarrhoea)
pears to be a clear risk factor for postnatal            and mortality in HIV-exposed children. Recent
transmission. One study found that about 4%              data from Zambia and Botswana show that pro-
of exclusively breastfed infants became infected         longed breastfeeding of children already infected
through exclusive breastfeeding from six weeks           with HIV is associated with improved survival
to six months.                                           compared to early cessation of breastfeeding.
   The incidence of HIV infection among women               It is also important to identify approaches to
during the postpartum period is high in Africa.          treating expressed breast milk to eliminate the
The overall risk of MTCT is increased in recently-       risk of transmission while preserving the milk's
infected lactating women and estimated to be             nutritional content and protective qualities. With
29% (95% Cl, 16–42%), illustrating the impor-            this aim, expressed heat-treated breast milk and
tance of prevention of primary infection through-        microbicides to treat HIV-infected breast milk
out the breastfeeding period.                            may have a role to play in shortening the dura-
   The most appropriate infant feeding option            tion of breastfeeding and allowing for a safe tran-
for an HIV-infected mother depends on her in-            sition period to other types of foods.
dividual circumstances, including her health sta-           More research is required to provide practical
tus and the local situation. The health services         tools that can be used routinely – especially
available and the counselling and support she is         around the time of early breastfeeding cessation
likely to receive should be considered. The World        – to contribute to the assessment of the nutri-
Health Organization (WHO) recommends HIV-                tional adequacy of complementary feeding and
infected women breastfeed their infants exclu-           guide efficiently the nutritional counselling of
sively for the first six months of life, unless          children exposed to HIV.
replacement feeding is acceptable, feasible, af-            Other possibilities for preventing HIV from
fordable, sustainable and safe for them and their        being transmitted through breast milk are emerg-
infants before that time. When those conditions          ing. These include giving ART to women during
are met, WHO recommends avoidance of all                 breastfeeding (whether or not necessary for the
breastfeeding by HIV-infected women.                     mother's health) and post-exposure prophylaxis
   To help HIV-positive mothers make the best            to the infant. Recent studies have sought to de-
choice, they should receive appropriate counsel-         termine the effects of the former, and several
ling that includes information about the risks           studies on the latter are ongoing; both are dis-
and benefits of various infant feeding options           cussed in this review. Finally, passive and active
based on local assessments, and guidance in se-          immunization strategies of breastfed newborns
lecting the most suitable option for their own           are increasingly being studied. Further research
situation. Counselling, information provision and        on their potential role in reducing MTCT of HIV
support during the antenatal period is key for           is needed and ongoing.
women to make informed choices. Postnatal fol-


D      espite substantial progress in reducing child
       morbidity and mortality and promoting
family health in recent decades, there are still
                                                           timated 420 000 children aged less than 15 years
                                                           were newly infected in 2007 (UNAIDS 2006).
                                                           There were also an estimated 380 000 deaths
unacceptable disparities in maternal and child             due to AIDS among children. Africa has the high-
health worldwide (Black et al. 2003; WHO                   est prevalence: 90% of both new infections and
2005). While child mortality has declined in the           AIDS-related deaths among children occur there,
past decades in many regions, progress on key              particularly in southern Africa (UNAIDS 2007).
indicators has begun to slow down. In parts of                MTCT is the most significant source of HIV
sub-Saharan Africa, child mortality is on the rise         infection in young children. The virus may be trans-
(Black et al. 2003). About 9.7 million children            mitted during pregnancy, labour or delivery, or
under five die each year (WHO mortality data               through breastfeeding (De Cock et al. 2000). With-
bank, access on request), mainly from prevent-             out specific interventions, HIV-infected women will
able causes and almost all in poor countries. In           pass the virus to their infants during pregnancy or
the period between 2000 and 2003, four causes              delivery in about 15–25% of cases; and an addi-
accounted for over 80% of the then estimated               tional 5–20% of infants may become infected post-
10.6 million yearly deaths in children aged less           natally during breastfeeding (De Cock et al. 2000;
than five years: pneumonia (19%), diarrhoea                Nduati et al. 2000). About two thirds of infants
(17%), malaria (8%), and neonatal conditions               born to HIV-infected mothers will not be infected.
(37%). Among neonatal deaths, 36% were due                 Breastfeeding may thus be responsible for one third
to infections including sepsis, pneumonia, teta-           to one half of HIV infections in infants and young
nus and diarrhoea, 28% were due to being pre-              children in African settings (De Cock et al. 2000).
term and 23% were due to asphyxia (Bryce et                HIV/AIDS is an increasingly important cause of
al. 2005). Undernutrition is an underlying cause           mortality in children aged less than five years in
of more than half of all deaths in children aged           Africa (Dabis & Ekpini 2002; Walker et al. 2002).
less than five years, and is associated with infec-        Before the antiretroviral therapy (ART) era, child
tious diseases (Bryce et al. 2005). It is also the         mortality due to HIV was estimated to be 35.2%
leading underlying cause of disability and illness         by age one year and 52.5% by two years of age
worldwide, particularly so in countries with high          among HIV-infected children in a meta-analysis,
infant mortality, where suboptimal feeding prac-           which pooled information from the African clini-
tices are a major cause of underweight (Bryce et           cal trials that aimed to assess the efficacy of inter-
al. 2005). Promotion of breastfeeding has played           ventions to reduce MTCT. Mortality varied by
an important role in protecting infants and young          geographical region, and was associated with ma-
children, since breastfeeding provides optimal nu-         ternal death, maternal CD4 cell counts <200μl,
trition, protects against common childhood in-             and infant HIV infection and its timing. In HIV-
fections, reduces mortality significantly, and has         infected children, mortality was significantly lower
child-spacing effects (Nicoll et al. 2000a; WHO            for those with late infection than those with early
Collaborative Study Team 2000). Exclusive                  infection (Newell et al. 2004). These findings high-
breastfeeding is therefore recommended until six           light the need for effective prevention of MTCT,
months of age (WHO 2001).                                  early paediatric HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral
   In 2007, 2.5 million children aged less than            care and support for HIV-infected children and all
15 years worldwide were living with HIV. An es-            members of affected families.


   Prevention of MTCT of HIV using available             priate care and highlights missed sexual and re-
antiretroviral interventions can be achieved, even       productive health opportunities (UNAIDS
in breastfeeding populations. Considerable effort        2006). To meet international goals for reductions
is ongoing to scale-up these interventions to            in child mortality, efforts must continue to focus
reach a wider population (WHO 2006). How-                on preventing MTCT, but must also prevent un-
ever, in settings where breastfeeding beyond one         dernutrition and strengthen health systems and
year is the norm, postnatal transmission through         programmes that can deliver available interven-
breastfeeding reduces the impact of perinatal            tions for the other major diseases killing chil-
antiretroviral interventions (Leroy et al. 2002).        dren in the developing world (Bryce et al. 2006a).
While breastfeeding carries the risk of HIV trans-       The fourth Millennium Development Goal
mission, not breastfeeding carries other signifi-        (MDG) calls for a two thirds reduction between
cant health risks to infants and young children,         1990 and 2015 in deaths of children aged less
such as an increased risk of diarrhoea and pneu-         than five years (
monia morbidity and mortality (Nicoll et al.             Achieving this goal will require widespread use
2000a; WHO Collaborative Study Team 2000;                of effective interventions for preventing deaths,
Thior et al. 2006).                                      and is also linked to MDG5 on maternal mor-
   The prevention of HIV transmission should             tality, as infant health and survival is closely
be balanced against the risk of other morbidity          linked to maternal health (Bryce & Victora
and mortality risks, including malnutrition. The         2005; Costello & Osrin 2005; Mason 2005;
reduction of HIV transmission through the                Bryce et al. 2006b).
breastfeeding period is one of the most pressing            This report is an update of the review of current
public health dilemmas confronting researchers,          knowledge on HIV transmission through
health-care professionals, health policy-makers          breastfeeding (WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA/UNAIDS
and HIV-infected women in many areas of the              2004) with a focus on information made available
world, especially in developing countries. Preven-       between 2001 and 2007. It reviews recent scien-
tion of HIV transmission during breastfeeding            tific evidence on the risk of HIV transmission
should be considered in a broad context that             through breastfeeding, the impact of different feed-
takes into account the need to promote                   ing options on child health outcomes, and con-
breastfeeding of infants and young children              ceivable strategies to reduce HIV transmission
within the general population. Countries need            through breastfeeding with a specific emphasis on
to develop (or revise) comprehensive national            the developing world. This review further informs
feeding policies of infants and young children to        guidance on HIV prevention and infant feeding
consider the risks of HIV transmission during            strategies (WHO 2006).
infant feeding, while continuing to protect, pro-           To update this review, published and unpub-
mote and support breastfeeding for infants of            lished literature contributing to recent evidence
HIV-negative women and women whose HIV                   about children affected and infected by HIV/
infection status is unknown.                             AIDS and infant feeding patterns since 2001 was
   The Declaration of Commitment endorsed at             consulted. Medline, one of the main biblio-
the United Nations General Assembly Special              graphic scientific databases, was used, facilitat-
Session on HIV (UNGASS) in 2001 set the goal             ing a wide variety of studies to be selected,
of reducing the proportion of infants infected           ranging from randomized clinical trials to epide-
with HIV by 20% by 2005 and 50% by 2010                  miological cohort studies (investigating HIV/
(Harwood & 2001; UN 2001).                AIDS-related morbidity and mortality among
A further goal was ensuring that 80% of preg-            children, MTCT and infant feeding patterns),
nant women who receive antenatal care have               to demographic and national surveillance surveys
access to HIV prevention services. However, the          (infant feeding indicators). The most relevant
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS               references have been included in this review, in-
(UNAIDS) reports that less than 10% of HIV-              cluding other systematic reviews.
infected pregnant women have access to appro-

Mother-to-child transmission of HIV

HIV infection in women                                   Rates of, and risk factors for overall

S    exual contact continues to be the major mode
     of HIV transmission, leading to high preva-
lence of HIV infection in women making access
                                                         mother-to-child transmission of HIV
                                                         In HIV-infected pregnant women, MTCT can
                                                         occur before, during or after delivery, but trans-
to sexual and reproductive health services essen-        mission in early pregnancy is rare (Rouzioux et
tial (Schmid et al. 2004).                               al. 1993). Without specific interventions aimed
   The prevalence of HIV infection varies con-           at reducing the risk of transmission, estimated
siderably from region to region. Children in sub-        rates of MTCT range from 15% to 25% in Eu-
Saharan Africa are disproportionately affected,          rope and the United States of America and from
with nearly nine in every 10 newly-infected chil-        25% to 45% in developing countries (The Work-
dren worldwide living in this region (UNAIDS             ing Group on Mother-to-Child Transmission of
2007). In West and Central Africa, HIV preva-            HIV 1995). The additional risk posed by
lence in pregnant women currently reaches up             breastfeeding as commonly practised in devel-
to about 7% in some urban areas, with generally          oping countries ranges from 5% to 20%, with
lower rates in rural areas. Prevalence in East Af-       an attributable risk of 40% (Table 1) (De Cock
rica is up to about 9% in urban areas, while in          et al. 2000). These breastfeeding practices ac-
Southern Africa antenatal seroprevalences of             count for a large part of the estimated differences
about 16-39% have been reported. In the Carib-           in the risks of MTCT between developing and
bean, Central America and South America, rates           developed countries (where breastfeeding is less
among pregnant women are generally below 1%.             common). The overall risk of MTCT is increased
In Asia, seroprevalence rates in some cities or          immediately after HIV is acquired, due to the
provinces of Cambodia, India, Indonesia and              initially high levels of maternal viral load. There-
Thailand range from less than 1% up to about             fore, when a woman contracts HIV during preg-
5%. In Eastern Europe, where there has been an           nancy or the breastfeeding period, the risk of
exceptionally rapid increase in the number of            virus transmission is increased. There is some
HIV-infections, the estimated antenatal preva-           evidence of an increased risk of acquisition of
lence is still less than 1% (UNAIDS 2007).               HIV during pregnancy (Gray et al. 2005).
   The incidence of HIV among women during                  The overall risk of MTCT is associated with
the postpartum period is also high in Africa. The        factors related to the virus, the mother and the
HIV incidence rate was 3.5/100 women-years               infant (Newell 2001). Maternal RNA viral load
(95% confidence interval, CI, 1.9–5.0) in early          in plasma has been strongly associated with the
1990 in Rwanda (Leroy et al. 1994). In Zimba-            risk of MTCT (European Collaborative Study
bwe in late 1990, among the 9562 women who               1996; European Collaborative Study 1997;
were HIV-negative at the time of giving birth,           Mayaux et al. 1997; Simonds et al. 1998; Shaffer
3.4% (95% CI 3.0–3.8) and 6.5% (95% CI 5.7–              et al. 1999b; Leroy et al. 2001). However, al-
7.4) acquired HIV infection over 12 and 24               though the risk of transmission increases sub-
months postpartum, respectively (Humphrey et             stantially with increasing viral load, transmission
al. 2006). As 85% of women still breastfeed at           of the virus to the fetus or infant can occur, al-
15 months and 30% at 21 months in this popu-             beit rarely, even with very low, or undetectable,
lation, new postpartum infections subsequently           viral load levels. Similarly, at very high levels of
increase the number of children exposed to HIV.          HIV RNA, transmission does not always occur.


TABLE 1. Estimated absolute rates of MTCT of HIV by timing of transmission, without interventions

                                                         HIV transmission rate (%)

Timing of HIV transmission     No breastfeeding          Breastfeeding through       Breastfeeding through 18
                                                              six months                  to 24 months

During pregnancy                     5 to 10                    5 to 10                       5 to 10
During labour                       10 to 15                    10 to 15                     10 to 15
During breastfeeding                   0                        5 to 10                      15 to 20
Overall                             15 to 25                    20 to 35                     30 to 45

Nevertheless, women with a low CD4 cell count             gest that a highly-active combination
near the time of delivery (below 200 cells per            antiretroviral treatment regimen, given during
mm3) and those who have been diagnosed with               and after pregnancy, is able to significantly re-
severe clinical disease are more likely to trans-         duce HIV RNA viral load in both plasma and
mit the virus than those who are less severely            breast milk. This suggests there may be a role
affected by HIV infection (European Collabora-            for ART prophylaxis in mothers as a means to
tive Study 2001; Leroy et al. 2002). HIV has              reduce breastfeeding-associated transmission
been recovered from vaginal and cervical secre-           (Giuliano et al. 2007).
tions of pregnant women (Nielsen et al. 1996;
John et al. 1997; Kovacs et al. 2001) and from            Prevention of mother-to-child
gastric secretions of infants born to HIV-serop-          transmission of HIV
ositive women (Mandelbrot et al. 1999), consti-
                                                             The United Nations strategy to prevent the
tuting independent risk factors for MTCT. There
                                                          transmission of HIV to infants and young chil-
is also evidence that malaria could increase the
                                                          dren involves: 1) prevention of HIV infection in
risk of MTCT (Ayouba et al. 2003; Mwapasa et
                                                          general, especially in women and young people;
al. 2004), although the interaction between pla-
                                                          2) prevention of unwanted pregnancies among
cental malaria and MTCT appears to be vari-
                                                          HIV-infected women; 3) prevention of HIV
able and complex (Ayisi et al. 2004). Delivery
                                                          transmission from HIV-infected women to their
factors such as vaginal delivery and duration of
                                                          infants; and 4) provision of care, treatment and
delivery, which increase contact between the in-
                                                          support to HIV-infected women, their infants
fant and HIV-infected maternal body fluids
                                                          and family. Guidance for implementing pro-
(cervico-vaginal secretions and blood) have been
                                                          grammes at national scale is available (WHO/
linked with increased risk of MTCT (European
                                                          UNICEF, 2007).
Collaborative Study 1996; European Collabora-
                                                             In developed countries, the rate of MTCT has
tive Study 1997).
                                                          declined substantially in the past ten years. With
   The increasing use of ART in pregnancy in
                                                          the use of antiretroviral combinations, elective
developed countries has resulted in a growing
                                                          caesarean section delivery and avoidance of
proportion of women achieving undetectable lev-
                                                          breastfeeding, rates below 2% have been reported
els of the virus by the time of delivery, which
                                                          in American and European populations (Euro-
has had a substantial impact on vertical trans-
                                                          pean Collaborative Study 2001; Dorenbaum et
mission. Several studies are currently under way
                                                          al. 2002; Newell 2006). In developing countries,
in breastfeeding populations in resource-poor
                                                          shorter, simpler peripartum antiretroviral
settings to evaluate the use of ART for mothers
                                                          prophylaxis interventions have been shown to
during pregnancy and postnatally, and for
                                                          be effective in reducing transmission risk, but
uninfected infants during the breastfeeding pe-
                                                          their application in populations where
riod. (Thorne & Newell 2007). Results from the
                                                          breastfeeding is commonly practised poses con-
DREAM study carried out in Mozambique sug-
                                                          siderable challenges (Dabis et al. 2000).


   Early randomized clinical trials from 1998 in        six to eight weeks, in comparison with NVP, only
Africa and Thailand demonstrated the short-             the longest combination of ZDV and 3TC is sig-
term efficacy of several antiretroviral regimens        nificantly more effective, leading to a 61% ad-
administered around the time of deliver y               justed reduction (p=<0.0005). These results
(peripartum) to prevent transmission (Dabis et          suggest that there exists an equivalence of choice
al. 1999; Guay et al. 1999; Saba 1999; Shaffer          between single-dose NVP and short-course ZDV     .
et al. 1999a; Wiktor 1999). This short-term ef-         They confirm that a combination of ZDV and
ficacy was measured by comparing infant HIV             3TC from 36 weeks of gestation has a greater
infection status at six and eight weeks of age          efficacy in reducing early transmission than the
between groups receiving different antiretroviral       same combination starting during labour and
interventions or a placebo. These regimens in-          delivery or than any single antiretroviral prophy-
volved three different ARV drugs, used alone or         laxis (short-course ZDV or single-dose NVP).
in combination: zidovudine (ZDV), lamivudine               There is no doubt that even lower peripartum
(3TC) and nevirapine (NVP).                             transmission rates, comparable to those obtained
   The NVP prophylactic regimen is particularly         in developed countries, could be achieved
easy to use with one single dose given to the           through enhanced short-course antiretroviral
woman at the onset of labour, and one dose of           regimens. In the ANRS 1201/1202 Ditrame Plus
syrup administered to the baby within 72 hours          cohort in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, transmission
of delivery, reducing transmission by around            rates at six to eight weeks postpartum were 6.5%
40%, from a rate of 20% to 12% at six to eight          (95% CI 3.9–9.1%) with ZDV plus single-dose
weeks postpartum (Guay et al. 1999). Transmis-          NVP, a relative 72% reduction compared with
sion rates at six to eight weeks of 15% have been       ZDV alone (95% CI 52–88%, p=0.0002 ad-
reported when ZDV is given to the mother from           justed on maternal CD4 cell count, clinical stage
week 36 of gestation (Dabis et al. 1999; Wiktor         of infection and breastfeeding status) (Dabis et
1999). Peripartum ZDV efficacy has been re-             al. 2005). The overall rate was 4.7% (95% CI
ported as greater in women with higher CD4 cell         2.4–7.0%) when mothers were given both ZDV
counts, even at six weeks postpartum (Leroy et          and 3TC from week 32 of gestation, continued
al. 2002). In another regimen, ZDV given in             for one week postpartum (for both mother and
combination with 3TC to the mother from weeks           child), in addition to single-dose NVP to mother
28–36 of gestation until one week postpartum,           and infant. Despite these considerable advances,
while the newborn receives ZDV prophylaxis              several problems remain to be addressed, which
during one week, reduced transmission to be-            are detailed elsewhere (WHO 2006).
tween 6% and 9% (Saba et al. 2002).                        Single-dose NVP given to women and infants
   The respective efficacy of these different           reduces mother-to-child HIV transmission and
antiretroviral regimens was compared in a recent        is easy to use, but NVP resistance develops in a
pooled analysis using a standardized definition         large percentage of women, raising concerns for
of peripartum HIV infection (Leroy et al. 2005).        future maternal treatment (Eshleman et al.
This study included 4125 singleton live births          2004a; Eshleman et al. 2004b; Jourdain et al.
from six African trials, which adjusted MTCT            2004; Eshleman et al. 2005). Alternatives to
rates at six to eight weeks for other maternal          NVP are being considered, but this problem can
and child determinants. In comparison with pla-         be avoided to a considerable extent by a post-
cebo, the adjusted relative reduction in MTCT           partum three-day to one week regimen of AZT
reached 77% for the combination of ZDV and              and 3TC.
3TC administered antepartum, intrapartum and               Residual MTCT rates remain high in mothers
seven days postpartum; 51% for the combina-             who have advanced HIV disease (Leroy et al.
tion of ZDV and 3TC during the intrapartum              2002). Antiretroviral therapy is now recom-
and postpartum periods only; 45% for ZDV only,          mended for these women (WHO 2006). More
administered antepartum, intrapartum and post-          recent cohort studies in Côte d’Ivoire and Mo-
partum; and 40% for single-dose NVP. Thus, at           zambique indicate that when three-drug combi-


nation antiretroviral therapy (i.e. ART) is given        where prolonged breastfeeding is the norm (Leroy
to HIV-infected pregnant women either univer-            et al. 2003). In the West African trials, the 24-
sally – irrespective of CD4 cell count (Giuliano         month efficacy of short-course ZDV to mothers
et al. 2007) – or only to those who require it for       was still significant, giving a 26% reduction, with
their own health (Tonwe-Gold 2007), MTCT                 a residual MTCT rate of 22.5% in the ZDV arm
rates below 5% can be achieved at four weeks             compared to 30.2% in the placebo arm (Leroy
postpartum.                                              et al. 2002). In the NVP trial, the 18-month
   Women presenting late for delivery without            efficacy was sustained with a residual MTCT rate
knowing their HIV status, which frequently hap-          of 15.7% in the NVP arm, a 41% significant re-
pens in resource-constrained settings, do not re-        duction (Jackson et al. 2003). In the PETRA trial,
ceive the ante and intrapartum components of             although the six-week efficacy of the combined
these regimens. In this context, the efficacy of a       ZDV+3TC long-course (ante, intra and postpar-
simple neonatal-only antiretroviral post-exposure        tum/postnatal) regimen and the ZDV+3TC
prophylactic regimen has been demonstrated in            medium-course (intra- and postpartum/postna-
Malawi. The overall MTCT rate at six to eight            tal) regimen was significantly effective, the 18-
weeks was 15.3% in 484 babies who received               month long-term efficacy was lost mainly
NVP and ZDV and 20.9% in 468 babies who                  because of postnatal transmission (Saba et al.
received NVP only in the NVAZ trial conducted            2002). However, this trial lacked statistical power
in Malawi (p=0.03) (Taha et al. 2003). In South          to address differences at 18 months.
Africa, single-dose NVP given to newborns ex-               Given the considerable advances that have
posed to HIV tended to reduce MTCT. The rate             been made in the past ten years, peripartum HIV
at 12 weeks was 14.3% in 518 babies who re-              transmission rates below 5% can be achieved,
ceived NVP, and 18.1% in 533 babies who re-              even in African breastfeeding populations, with
ceived ZDV during six weeks postnatally                  relatively inexpensive, easy-to-use and feasible
(p=0.4). Among newborns who were not in-                 short-term antiretroviral combinations (WHO
fected at birth, the 12-week MTCT rate was               2006). The introduction of short-course
7.9% in the NVP arm and 13.1% in the ZDV                 antiretroviral regimens to prevent MTCT in less-
arm (p=0.06) (Gray et al. 2005).                         developed countries should be accompanied by
   All these short-course peripartum antiretro-          interventions to minimize the risk of subsequent
viral regimens have lower field efficacy when tak-       transmission through breastfeeding (Leroy et al.
ing into account the subsequent risk of postnatal        2003). Postnatal transmission will be detailed
transmission of HIV in African populations               in the next section.

HIV transmission through

T     ransmission of HIV through breastfeeding
      has been well documented since 1985. The
first reports indicating the possibility of HIV
                                                         not be predicted from the analysis of circulating
                                                         viral populations (Becquart et al. 2002).
                                                            The origin of HIV in breast milk is still not
transmission through breast milk were in                 well understood. There is now evidence that both
breastfed infants of women who had acquired              cell-free and cell-associated HIV in breast milk
infection postnatally through blood transfusions         are responsible for breast-milk transmission
or through heterosexual exposure (Ziegler et al.         (Koulinska et al. 2006). Studies have demon-
1985; Hira et al. 1990; Van de Perre et al. 1991;        strated the presence of cell-free virus and latent
Palasanthiran et al. 1993). There were also re-          (non-productive) infected cells, but not produc-
ports of infants – with no other known exposure          tive HIV infective cells. Cells, including
to HIV – who were infected through being wet-            macrophages and lymphocytes, and cell-free vi-
nursed and through pooled breast milk (Nduati            rus may migrate from the systemic compartment
et al. 1994). There is a theoretical risk of oral        to breast milk. Recently, it has been reported that
transmission from infant to wet-nurse, with cases        infected CD4 cells demonstrate a greater capac-
having been reported (Visco-Comandini et al.             ity to enter into a viral replication cycle in the
2005).                                                   breast-milk compartment compared with blood
                                                         (Petitjean et al. 2006).
Pathogenesis and mechanisms of                              Following ingestion of HIV infected breast
breastfeeding transmission                               milk, infant gut mucosal surfaces are the most
                                                         likely site at which transmission occurs. Cell-free
HIV has been detected in breast milk in cell-free
                                                         or cellular HIV may penetrate to the submucosa
and cell-associated compartments. To date most
                                                         through mucosal breaches or lesions, via
studies have used DNA or RNA polymerase
                                                         transcytosis through M cells or enterocytes ex-
chain reaction assays to evaluate breast milk for
                                                         pressing galactosyl ceramide (Gal Cer) or Fc
HIV. In an early study from Kenya, breast milk
                                                         receptors. In vitro models suggest that secretory
HIV RNA was detected in 39% of 75 specimens
                                                         IgA or IgM may inhibit transcytosis of HIV
(Lewis et al. 1998). In this study viral levels in
                                                         across enterocytes (Bomsel 1997; Bomsel et al.
breast milk were about one log lower than in
                                                         1998). Breast-milk HIV immunoglobins may
plasma. However, there were some cases that
                                                         play a role in protection from transmission by
suggested compartmentalization of virus to
                                                         coating infant mucosal surfaces: in a cohort of
breast milk with higher levels in breast milk than
                                                         lactating women infected with HIV in Rwanda,
plasma. Viral variants in blood and breast milk
                                                         anti-HIV antibodies of the IgG isotype were more
were found to be distinct, with some major vari-
                                                         frequently detected in breast milk followed by
ants in breast milk not detected in blood. This
                                                         secretory IgM (Van de Perre et al. 1993). Tonsils
finding would suggest that some virus in breast
                                                         may also be a portal of entry for HIV in breast-
milk replicates independently, in the mammary
                                                         milk transmission. Tonsils include M cells in close
compartment. The observation of a compart-
                                                         proximity to lymphocytes and dendritic cells, and
mentalization of HIV between peripheral blood
                                                         tonsillar M cells are capable of HIV replication
and breast milk highlights that postnatal trans-
                                                         (Frankel et al. 1997).
mission of HIV can occur with variants that may


Risk of postnatal transmission through                     sion beyond four to six weeks ranging from 4%
breastfeeding                                              to 12% was reported from these trials (Ekpini et
                                                           al. 1997; Saba et al. 2002; Jackson et al. 2003;
The risk attributable to transmission of HIV
                                                           Leroy et al. 2003). Differences need to be inter-
through breastfeeding has been difficult to meas-
                                                           preted according to the risk factors for postnatal
ure because of the difficulty in distinguishing
                                                           transmission. However, there is strong evidence
intrapartum transmission from early transmis-
                                                           of a continued increase in cumulative transmis-
sion through breastfeeding.
                                                           sion risk as long as the child is breastfed (Leroy
   Based on an assessment of the limited data
                                                           et al. 1998; Miotti et al. 1999; Leroy et al. 2003;
available in the early 1990s, the additional risk
                                                           The Breastfeeding and HIV International Trans-
of transmission from breast milk – above that
                                                           mission Study Group (BHITS) 2004; Iliff et al.
occurring during pregnancy and delivery – among
women with established HIV infection was esti-
mated to be approximately 15% when
breastfeeding continued for two years or more.             Timing of postnatal transmission
When the mother acquires HIV postnatally, the              through breastfeeding
estimated risk of transmission is estimated to be          Transmission of HIV through breastfeeding can
29% (95% Cl: 16–42%) (Dunn et al. 1992).                   take place at any time during lactation. There is
   Subsequent data, including the results of a             insufficient information available to estimate the
randomized clinical trial, confirm these initial           exact association between duration of breast-
findings in HIV-infected pregnant women. In the            feeding and the timing of transmission. How-
clinical trial in Nairobi, HIV-infected pregnant           ever, there is some evidence that there is an
women were randomly allocated to either breast             increased early postnatal risk within the first six
(n=212) or formula (n=213) feeding groups in               to eight weeks. This still remains uncertain, how-
the absence of any preventive antiretroviral in-           ever; a late postnatal risk beyond six to eight
tervention (Nduati et al. 2000). Compliance with           weeks has been better characterized recently
assigned feeding modality was 96% in the                   (The Breastfeeding and HIV International Trans-
breastfeeding arm and 70% in the formula arm.              mission Study Group (BHITS) 2004).
Median duration of breastfeeding was 17
months. The cumulative probability of HIV in-              Early postnatal transmission through
fection at 24 months of age was 36.7% in the               breastfeeding
breastfeeding arm and 20.5% in the formula-                Data suggest that the first six to eight weeks of
feeding arm, with 44% of HIV infection in the              breastfeeding could be a high risk period for
breastfeeding arm attributable to breastfeeding.           transmission of HIV. However, it is difficult to
Most breastfeeding transmission occurred early,            investigate for technical reasons, and thus diffi-
although transmission continued throughout the             cult to draw any conclusions about the relative
duration of exposure (Nduati et al. 2000). Al-             risk of transmission through colostrum and ma-
though exclusive breastfeeding was recom-                  ture breast milk (Van de Perre et al. 1993; Ruff
mended in this trial it was likely not always              et al. 1994; Lewis et al. 1998). First, colostrum
exclusive in this population. Furthermore, infor-          and mature breast milk contain different types
mation on the mode of breastfeeding was not                of cells and varying levels of immune-modulat-
collected.                                                 ing components (e.g. vitamin A, immunoglobu-
   Other estimations of the rate of transmission           lins and lactoferrin). Second, the total volume
through breastfeeding can be inferred from the             of colostrum ingested by the infant is much
results of trials in which a peripartum interven-          smaller than that of mature breast milk. Third,
tion to reduce MTCT risk was evaluated both in             the infant’s immune system is less well-devel-
the short-term (four to six weeks) and in the long-        oped during the first few days of lactation than
term, after the end of breastfeeding exposure at           in later lactation, while younger infants have an
18–24 months. Additional postnatal transmis-               increased blood concentration of maternal anti-


bodies. There is no evidence to suggest that               load in plasma. Of note, the probability of infec-
avoidance of colostrum would reduce the risk of            tion through breastfeeding per day of exposure
breastfeeding transmission to the infant.                  was not significantly different for children aged
   Based on statistical modelling using data from          less than four months versus those older than
studies with a limited duration of breastfeeding,          this (0.00015 versus 0.00031, p=0.4).
it appears that the highest risk period for trans-            In the SAINT trial in South Africa, although
mission is within the first four to eight weeks of         not randomized on infant feeding modalities, the
life, and that infectivity may vary in populations         proportion of new infections having occurred
at different stages of the disease (Dunn 1998).            between birth and six to eight weeks increased
Evidence remains weak to detail the percentage             to 5.6% when comparing breastfed infants to
of transmission occurring early. In the rando-             formula-fed infants (Moodley et al. 2003).
mized clinical trial of breast milk versus formula
carried out in Nairobi, Kenya, 10% of the total            Late postnatal transmission through
16% cumulative difference in infection rates be-           breastfeeding
tween infants in the breastfed and formula-fed             Late postnatal risk of HIV transmission
arms apparently occurred by week six of age. The           through breastfeeding can be reliably estimated
cumulative rate of HIV infection in the formula-           among children born to infected mothers who
feeding arm was approximately half that of the             tested negative at four to six weeks postpar-
breastfeeding arm at birth (3.1% versus 7.0%,              tum. These children are followed until after
p=0.35). Although not statistically significant,           they cease breastfeeding to determine their rate
this differential between arms raised concern              of acquisition of HIV infection through
about the true comparability of the two arms at            breastfeeding. The time at which the exposure
birth, with women in the breastfeeding arm hav-            starts is determined by the age at which in-
ing more advanced disease than in the formula-             fants are tested. This is now usually around
feeding arm (Bulterys 2000).                               four to six weeks of age, but in earlier studies
   Additionally, the breastfeeding women were              was between three and six months of age. These
likely more ill as evidenced by the much higher            different ‘starting points’ may explain differ-
than expected mortality in this group compared             ent estimates of rates of late postnatal trans-
to the women giving formula to their children              mission between studies (Table 2).
(Nduati et al. 2001). In the Kenya trial, the pro-            The best evidence on the risk of late postna-
portion of new HIV infections between birth and            tal transmission comes from a meta-analysis of
six to eight weeks was 6.3% (from 3.1% to 9.7%             a large number of data relating to breastfeeding
in formula-fed versus 7.0% vs19.9% in breastfed            and postnatal transmission of HIV from
babies, p=0.005) (Nduati et al. 2000). Seventy-            randomized controlled trials of peripartum in-
five per cent of the risk difference between the           terventions conducted in sub-Saharan Africa.
two arms occurred by six months of age, although           Early transmission was defined as a positive HIV
transmission continued throughout the duration             test before four weeks, and late postnatal trans-
of exposure (Nduati et al. 2000). In a subsequent          mission as a negative diagnostic test at or after
analysis of this data, 75% of the risk difference          four weeks of age, followed by a subsequent posi-
between the two arms occurred by six months of             tive test result (The Breastfeeding and HIV In-
age, although transmission continued through-              ternational Transmission Study Group (BHITS)
out the duration of exposure (Nduati et al. 2000).         2004). Of 4085 children (breastfed singletons
In a subsequent analysis of this trial data, the           for whom HIV testing was performed) from nine
probability of transmission through breastfeeding          eligible trials, 993 (24%) were definitively in-
was estimated to be 0.00064 per litre of breast            fected (placebo arms, 25.9%; treatment arms,
milk ingested and 0.00028 per day of                       23.4%, p=0.08). The time of infection was un-
breastfeeding (Richardson et al. 2003). Breast-            known for 454 children. Of 539 children where
milk infectivity was significantly higher for moth-        the time of infection was known, 225 (42%) were
ers with low CD4 cell counts and high RNA viral            infected during the late postnatal period. Late


TABLE 2. Estimated rates of late postnatal transmission of HIV in African cohorts

Study location                   Age at nega-     Median             Infection inci-      Cumulative         Cumulative
(citation)                       tive test        duration of        dence per 100        percentage of      percentage of
                                 (determining     breastfeeding      child-years of       infants in-        infants in-
                                 denominator)                        breastfeeding        fected by 12       fected at last
                                                                     (%)                  months             follow-up

Malawi (Miotti et al. 1999)      1 month          >12 months         6.9                  8.9                10.3 (18 months)

Africa (Leroy et al. 1998)       3 months         16 months          3                    2.5                9.2 (36 months)

West Africa(Leroy et al.         4 weeks          12 months          8.6                  9.5                13.1 (18
2003)                                                                                                        months); 13.1
                                                                                                             (24 months)

Africa BHITS (The                4 weeks          10 months          8.9                  7                  9.3 (18 months)
Breastfeeding and HIV
International Transmission
Study Group (BHITS)

Zvitambo, Zimbabwe (Iliff        6 weeks          >18 months         9.2                  7.7                12.1 (18 months)
et al. 2005)                                                                              EBF: 3.42          EBF: 6.94
                                                                                          PBF: 7.29          PBF: 8.56
                                                                                          MF: 8.41           MF: 13.92

South Africa, the Vertical       4-8 weeks        6 months           10.7 (EBF only)      NA                 EBF: 4.04 (6
Transmission Study                                                                                           months)
(Coovadia et al. 2007)

Côte d’Ivoire, the ANRS          4 weeks          5 months           3.8                  NA                 NA
1201/1202 Ditrame Plus                                               EBF: 5.9
study (Leroy et al. 2004)                                            PBF: 11.3
                                                                     MF: 31.6

NA, not available; EBF, exclusive breastfeeding; PBF, predominant breastfeeding; MF, mixed feeding (breast milk and other
fluids, foods and/or formula).

postnatal transmission occurred throughout                         sion Study Group (BHITS) 2004). Analysis of
breastfeeding. The cumulative probability of late                  how transmission rates vary with time from birth
postnatal transmission at 18 months was 9.3%                       indicated that late postnatal transmission risk is
(95% CI 3.8-14.8%). The overall risk of late                       around 1% per month of breastfeeding and is
postnatal transmission was 8.9 transmissions per                   constant over time from four to six weeks and
100 child-years of breastfeeding (95% CI 7.8-                      18 months, i.e. between 0.8 and 1.2 per 100
10.2 per 100 child-years) follow-up (Table 2).                     child-months of breastfeeding. The longer the
Late postnatal transmission could contribute as                    duration of breastfeeding, the higher the cumu-
much as 42% to the overall rate of MTCT (The                       lative risk of postnatal transmission of HIV.
Breastfeeding and HIV International Transmis-


  In conclusion, the rate of late postnatal trans-               HIV infection, when the rate of postnatal trans-
mission is now better characterized than previ-                  mission has been estimated to be nearly 30%
ously and is estimated to be around 1% per                       (Dunn et al. 1992). In a study in Kenya, the
month of breastfeeding and constant over time.                   relative risk of MTCT was increased about six-
When breastfeeding is prolonged to 18-24                         fold during primary infection of the mother
months or beyond, the additional cumulative                      (Embree et al. 2000).
postnatal risk of transmission through
breastfeeding varies from 4% to 16% according                    HIV-related immune status
to the study (Miotti et al. 1999; Nduati et al.                  More data are now available on the association
2000; Jackson et al. 2003; Leroy et al. 2003).                   between maternal immune status (CD4 cell
                                                                 counts) and MTCT through breastfeeding. Ma-
Factors associated with risk of                                  ternal immunosuppression defined by low CD4
transmission of HIV through                                      cell count, although strongly correlated with
                                                                 plasma RNA viral load, is an independent risk
breastfeeding                                                    factor for breastfeeding transmission in all stud-
There is reliable quantification of the effect of
                                                                 ies with available information. In an analysis of
risk factors associated with an increased or de-
                                                                 pooled data from two West African ZDV trials
creased likelihood of transmission of the virus
                                                                 (Leroy et al. 2002; Leroy et al. 2003), maternal
through breastfeeding. Clinical, immunological
                                                                 CD4 cell counts below 500 cells per mm3 in
and virological factors in mothers, as well as in-
                                                                 plasma close to time of delivery was associated
fant feeding patterns, affect postnatal transmis-
                                                                 with a threefold increase in risk of late postnatal
sion (Table 3).
                                                                 transmission compared to women with CD4 cell
                                                                 counts equal to or greater than 500 per mm3
Maternal factors                                                 (Leroy et al. 2003). In the BHITS meta-analysis
Maternal seroconversion during breastfeeding
                                                                 of data from nine intervention trials in sub-Sa-
HIV maternal seroconversion during breastfee-
                                                                 haran Africa, the risk of late postnatal acquisi-
ding constitutes a high risk factor for postnatal
                                                                 tion of infection after four weeks of age was
HIV transmission; it is higher than among
                                                                 strongly associated with maternal CD4 cell
women who have been infected previous to
                                                                 count. Transmission increased eightfold when
breastfeeding (Van de Perre et al. 1991; Dunn et
                                                                 CD4 cell counts were below 200 per ml, and 3.7-
al. 1992). High levels of virus in plasma, and
                                                                 fold where CD4 cell counts were between 200
probably also in breast milk, are seen in primary
                                                                 and 500 per ml, compared to the reference group

Table 3. Factors associated with transmission of HIV through breastfeeding

Maternal                                                         Infant
Younger maternal age, lower parity                               Factors associated with the immune system
Maternal seroconversion during lactation                         Pattern of infant feeding (exclusive breastfeeding versus
Clinical and/or immunological (CD4 cell count) disease           mixed)
progression                                                      Morbidity leading to less vigorous suckling, milk stasis and
RNA viral load in plasma                                         increased leakage of virus across milk ducts (oral thrush)
RNA viral load in breast milk
Local immune factors in breast milk
Breast health (subclinical or clinical mastitis, abscess,
cracked nipples) (indirect factor)
Maternal nutritional status
Duration of breastfeeding

Source: Adapted from John-Stewart et al. (2004).


of CD4 cell count above 500 per ml (The                  understood. In particular, viral load rebound (i.e.
Breastfeeding and HIV International Transmis-            increased levels of the virus after cessation of
sion Study Group (BHITS) 2004). In the Verti-            antiretrovirals) in breast milk after discontinua-
cal Transmission Study in South Africa, infants          tion of peripartum antiretrovirals is of concern
born to mothers with CD4 cell counts less than           (Van de Perre et al. 1997). An increase in the
200 cells per mm3 were almost four times more            levels of HIV RNA in breast milk from day eight
likely to acquire HIV or die than were those born        to day 45 after delivery was associated with
to mothers with CD4 cell counts greater than             maternal short-course ZDV prophylaxis com-
500 cells per mm3; and those born to mothers             pared to the placebo group in the Ditrame Plus
with CD4 cell counts between 200 and 500 cells           ANRS 049a trial (Manigart et al. 2004). In this
per mm3 were 2.2 times more likely to acquire            West African trial, breast-milk HIV-RNA from
HIV or die (Coovadia et al. 2007).                       28 women who transmitted HIV postnatally and
                                                         from 130 women who did not transmit HIV was
RNA viral load in plasma and breast milk                 compared. Levels of HIV RNA in breast milk at
Increased maternal RNA viral load in plasma and          day eight after delivery and its increase from day
breast milk are both strongly associated with            eight to days 45-90 postpartum were both inde-
increased risk of transmission through                   pendently associated with postnatal transmission
breastfeeding. In West Africa, the rate of late          (Manigart et al. 2004). Although HIV transmis-
postnatal transmission increased 2.6-fold for            sion continues after cessation of peripartum
every one log10 increase in plasma RNA viral             antiretroviral therapy, there is no clinical evidence
load (measured in late pregnancy) (Leroy et al.          to suggest that stopping antiretroviral therapy
2001; Leroy et al. 2003). Breast-milk HIV RNA            in this early period is associated with an increased
levels cor relate with systemic viral load               rate of breastfeeding transmission due to viral
(Willumsen 2003), and are likely to be associ-           rebound after cessation of antiretrovirals. Indeed,
ated with risk of breast-milk HIV transmission           in the pooled analysis of the West African trials
(Semba et al. 1999a; Willumsen 2003). In Ma-             using short-course perinatal ZDV prophylaxis,
lawi, the risk of transmission increased fivefold        the cumulative postnatal transmission risks were
when RNA virus had been detected in breast-              similar in the ZDV (9.8%, n=254) and placebo
milk samples taken at six weeks postpartum               groups (9.1%, n=225) at age 24 months (Leroy
(Semba et al. 1999a). In Nairobi, breast-milk            et al. 2003). The long-term overall efficacy of
RNA levels were assessed in serial samples up to         this peripartum ZDV regimen was reduced in
two years after delivery (John et al. 2001). In          both groups. Global recommendations on
analyses comparing 92 infected infants with 187          antiretrovirals during pregnancy are available
infants who were uninfected at two years, ma-            (WHO, 2006).
ternal plasma RNA, mastitis and breast abscess
were associated with late transmission (occur-           Anti-infective properties of breast milk in HIV-
ring after two months postpartum). Median RNA            infected women
load in colostrum and early milk was higher than         Breast milk contains maternal antibodies, with
in mature milk collected more than 14 days af-           all basic forms of immunoglobulins IgG, IgM,
ter delivery. Breast-milk RNA load was signifi-          IgA, IgD, and IgE present. The most abundant
cantly associated with transmission through              is usually secretory IgA (Lawrence & Lawrence
breastfeeding. In a study conducted in Durban,           2004). The role of breast-milk HIV-specific an-
South African women with detectable RNA vi-              tibodies in inhibiting HIV transmission through
ral load in breast milk at any time during the           breastfeeding has been investigated ( Van de Perre
first six months postpartum were more likely to          et al. 1993, Kuhn et al. 2006). The breast milk
transmit than those with undetectable RNA vi-            of women with established HIV infection has
ral load (Pillay et al. 2000).                           been found to have HIV-specific IgG, with its
   The evolution of HIV RNA in breast milk af-           wide spectrum of activity against HIV proteins,
ter peripartum antiretrovirals needs to be better        comparable to HIV-specific IgG in serum. The

Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
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Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
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Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
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Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
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Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding
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Hiv transmission thru breastfeeding

  • 1. This publication is an update of the review of current knowledge on HIV transmission through breastfeeding, with a focus on information made available between 2001 and 2007. It re- HIV Transmission Through views scientific evidence on the risk of HIV transmission through breastfeeding, the impact of different feeding options on child health outcomes, and conceivable strategies to reduce HIV transmission through breastfeeding with an emphasis on the developing world. Breastfeeding For further information, please contact: World Health Organization Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development ( or Department of HIV/AIDS ( or Department of Nutrition for Health and Development ( 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland website: UNICEF Nutrition Section – Programme Division 3 United Nations Plaza A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE New York, New York 10017, United States of America 2007 Update Tel +1 212 326 7000 ISBN 978 92 4 159659 6
  • 2. HIV Transmission Through Breastfeeding A Review of Available Evidence 2007 Update
  • 3. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data HIV transmission through breastfeeding : a review of available evidence : 2007 update. 1.HIV infections - transmission. 2.Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - Transmission. 3.Breast feeding - adverse effects. 4.Disease transmission, Vertical - prevention and control 5.Review litera- ture. I.World Health Organization. ISBN 978 92 4 159659 6 (NLM classification: WC 503.3) © World Health Organization 2008 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications - whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution - should be ad- dressed to WHO Press, at the above address (fax: +41 22 791 4806; e-mail: The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization or of the United Nations Children's Fund concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps repre- sent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization or the United Nations Children's Fund in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization and the United Na- tions Children's Fund to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The respon- sibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization or the United Nations Children's Fund be liable for damages arising from its use. Printed in France. ii
  • 4. Table of contents Preface v Acknowledgements vii Acronyms viii Glossary ix Executive summary 1 Introduction 3 Mother-to-child transmission of HIV 5 HIV infection in women 5 Rates of, and risk factors for, overall mother-to-child transmission 5 Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV 6 HIV transmission through breastfeeding 9 Pathogenesis and mechanisms of breastfeeding transmission 9 Risk of postnatal transmission through breastfeeding 10 Timing of postnatal transmission through breastfeeding 10 Early postnatal transmission through breastfeeding 10 Late postnatal transmission through breastfeeding 11 Factors associated with risk of transmission through breastfeeding 12 Maternal factors 12 Infant factors 16 Benefits of breastfeeding 19 Health benefits of breastfeeding in the general population 19 Maternal health benefits 19 Child health benefits 19 Health benefits of breastfeeding in children born to HIV-infected mothers 21 HIV-exposed children, regardless of HIV status 21 HIV-infected children 21 Global breastfeeding practices 22 Strategies to reduce HIV transmission through breastfeeding 23 Primary prevention of HIV in women of childbearing age 23 Framework to assess interventions to prevent postnatal transmission 24 iii
  • 5. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 Modifying infant feeding options for HIV-infected women: replacement feeding 24 Adverse outcomes of alternatives to breastfeeding practices 25 Social acceptability of feeding practices 25 HIV-infection 32 HIV-free survival 32 Discussion 32 Strategies for HIV-infected women who breastfed 33 Exclusive breastfeeding 33 Early cessation of breastfeeding 35 Heat treatment or pasteurization of expressed breast milk. 36 Microbicide treatment of expressed breast milk 36 Antiretroviral therapy during breastfeeding 37 Immunization of breastfed newborns 39 From research to public health recommendations on infant feeding: consequences for practice 39 Ongoing or planned research addressing the breastfeeding period 41 Conclusion 43 References 44 iv
  • 6. Preface T his Review was originally prepared as a back ground paper for the Technical Consulta- tion on HIV and Infant Feeding that took place acquisition without gains for survival. It remains important to identify means of making breastfee- ding safer for HIV-infected women who have no in Geneva in October 2006. It was updated dur- choice other than to continue breastfeeding. ing 2007 to include relevant new information. In a study on mastitis in Zambia (abstract As the Review was going to print at the begin- #650), breast milk samples were collected from ning of 2008, several trials were underway to 38 women who had clinical symptoms of masti- assess use of extended maternal or infant tis. The study found that during mastitis, eleva- antiretrovirals to reduce transmission among tions of breast milk viral load are restricted to HIV-exposed breastfed infants. Relevant find- the mastitic breast and eventually return to base- ings were presented at the 15th Conference on line levels, supporting current recommendations Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections for women with mastitis to breastfeed from the (CROI) held from 3 to 5 February 2008 and are unaffected breast. summarized here.1 Maternal outcomes and infant feeding Postnatal HIV transmission, infant practices outcomes and infant feeding practices In the Ditrame-Plus cohort study in Abidjan In a pooled analysis of individual data from (abstract #73), the risk of pregnancy before 12 a South African and a West African cohort months post-partum was comparable in replace- study (abstract #46), the overall risk of post- ment feeding and breastfeeding groups: 4%. Be- natal HIV infection was 3.9% among children tween 12 and 24 months post-partum, the risk breastfed for <6 months and 8.7% among chil- of pregnancy was significantly lower among re- dren breastfed for >6 months (adjusted hazard placement feeders than breastfeeders. Replace- ratio: 1.8). Breastfeeding duration, as well as ment feeding was not responsible for a greater maternal immune status, appear to be major incidence of pregnancies in this West African determinants of HIV transmission. The risk did urban context, probably due to the systematic not differ between exclusively and predominantly offer and the frequent use of contraceptive serv- breastfed children. Exposure to breastfeeding ices. mixed with solids during the first 2 months in- creased the postnatal risk of acquisition of HIV Antiretrovirals in breastfeeding women (adjusted hazard ratio: 2.9). The Kisumu Breastfeeding Study in Kenya (abstract #45LB) was an observational prospec- In the Vertical Transmission Study in South tive cohort of children of lactating women tak- Africa (abstract #636), 18-month HIV-free sur- ing antiretroviral treatment (ART) to prevent vival of children of HIV-infected women shows mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). Overall that breastfeeding of HIV-uninfected infants transmission rates were 3.9% at 6 weeks, 5% at beyond 6 months of age increases the risk of HIV 6 months, 5.9% at 12 months and 6.7% at 18 1 CROI abstracts are available at http:/www.retroconference. org, accessed February 15, 2008. v
  • 7. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 months. There was no difference in HIV trans- well below levels required for treatment, suggest- mission by baseline maternal CD4 count. For ing minimal risk for drug toxicity. Lamivudine those infants who became infected during the (3TC) and nelfinavir exposure in infants would first 6 weeks of life, resistance was initially not suggest minimal risk for resistance in HIV-in- detected (abstract #84LB), but emerged during fected children; however, low-level nevirapine the breastfeeding period. (NVP) exposure via breast milk may predispose HIV-infected infants to resistance. In the MASHI trial in Botswana (abstract #637), the MTCT rate at one month was 1.2% Antiretrovirals in breastfed children among breastfeeders and 1.1% among formula The PEPI-Malawi Study (abstract #42LB) feeders. The authors concluded that evaluated in a randomized controlled trial if 14 breastfeeding was not a risk for MTCT within weeks of extended daily infant antiretroviral the first month of life for children exposed to prophylaxis with NVP (group 2) or NVP+ZDV maternal ART and receiving infant antiretroviral (group 3) with breastfeeding cessation from age prophylaxis. 4-6 months would reduce postnatal transmission of HIV compared to controls receiving single dose The preliminar y results of the non- (sd) NVP and one week ZDV (group 1). At age randomized part of the Kesho-Bora study 9 months, the risk of HIV infection was 10.6% being conducted in five African sites (ab- in group 1, 5.2% in group 2 and 6.4% in group stract #638) showed that the HIV transmis- 3. However, at 18 months, the HIV rate reach sion rate at 12 months was 7.6% in women with 13.9% in group 1, 10.1% in group 2 and 10.2% <200 CD4 with no significant difference accord- in group 3. Postnatal transmission occurred af- ing to infant feeding pattern; the rate was 5.8% ter NVP cessation among breastfed children. among women with >500 CD4 count, respec- Post-exposure prophylaxis in breastfed children tively 7.5% and 0% in ever and never breastfed could reduce postnatal transmission but should infants. be maintained over the entire breastfeeding du- ration. In the Dream cohort in Mozambique (ab- stract #369), 341 mother-infant pairs were fol- In the SWEN randomized controlled Trial lowed from pregnancy until 12 months post conducted in Ethiopia, India and Uganda partum; mothers breastfed while receiving ART (abstract #43), an extended infant post-expo- until 6 months post delivery. ART continued sure prophylaxis with daily NVP for 6 weeks in beyond 6 months in women who initiated it for breastfed infants of HIV-infected mothers was their own health. The HIV MTCT rates were: assessed. The 6-week HIV transmission rate in 1.2% (4) at birth, 1.9% (6) at 6 months, and the extended-NVP arm was 2.5% versus 5.3% 2.8% (8) at 12 months. Four late post-natal HIV- in the sd NVP arm (p=0.009), but the 6-month 1 infections (>1 month of age) were observed in HIV rate was 6.9% in the extended-NVP arm this cohort; 15% were lost to follow-up. versus 9.0% in the sd NVP arm (p=0.16). The extended-NVP arm was safe, but postnatal trans- The Breastfeeding, Antiretroviral and Nutri- mission occurred after stopping NVP in breastfed tion (BAN) Study in Malawi (abstract #648) children with a reduction of long term efficacy. reports on antiretroviral concentrations. Infants' Occurrence of resistance to NVP in infected chil- plasma concentrations for all antiretrovirals were dren was very high (11/12). vi
  • 8. Acknowledgements T his review was updated by Valériane Leroy (INSERM U593, Institut de Santé Publique, Epidémiologie et Développement, useful information on synthesis of the technical consultation. We would like to especially thank Rajiv Bahl, Renaud Becquet, André Briend, Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux, France). It Anirban Chatterjee, Anna Coutsoudis, François is based on an original review on HIV transmis- Dabis, Mary Glenn Fowler, Peggy Henderson, sion through breastfeeding prepared by Marie- Lida Lhotska, Jose Martines, Ellen Piwoz, Felic- Louise Newell (Institute of Child Health, ity Savage, Constanza Vallenas and Isabelle de London) for WHO in 2003. The 2003 review Vincenzi for reviewing the report and giving help- was updated in 2005 by the WHO Department ful comments. Finally, we would like to acknowl- of Nutrition for Health and Development as a edge the contributions of Coralie Thore, background paper for a consultation on Nutri- Christian Weller and Evelyne Mouillet from the tion and HIV. ISPED library in Bordeaux for their help in re- We are very grateful to Marie-Louise Newell searching papers. for helping in structuring the early draft of this Kai Lashley performed the final copy-edit of review and to Lynne Mofenson for providing the text. vii
  • 9. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 Acronyms 3TC lamivudine AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ANRS Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA (France) ARV antiretroviral ART antiretroviral therapy AZT azidothymidine BF breastfeeding CI confidence interval D4T stavudine ddI didanosine DNA deoxyribonucleic acid EBF exclusive breastfeeding FF formula feeding HIVIGLOB HIV hyperimmune globulin HIV human immunodeficiency virus HR hazard ratio MF mixed feeding MTCT mother-to-child transmission of HIV NVP nevirapine OR odds ratio PCR polymerase chain reaction PMTCT prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV RF replacement feeding RNA ribonucleic acid SLPI secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate UN United Nations UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNGASS/AIDS United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund WHO World Health Organization ZDV zidovudine viii
  • 10. Glossary ART, an abbreviation for antiretroviral therapy, Complementary food means any food, wheth- is a combination of three or more different er manufactured or locally prepared, used as a antiretroviral drugs used in the treatment of complement to breast milk or to a breast-milk those infected with HIV to reduce viral load. substitute, when either becomes insufficient to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the Breast-milk substitute refers to any food be- infant. ing marketed or otherwise represented as a partial or total replacement for breast milk, DNA, an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, whether or not suitable for that purpose. is the carrier of genetic information found in cell nuclei. CD4 cells (also known as T4 or helper T cells) are lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell), Exclusive breastfeeding means an infant re- which are key in both humoral and cell-medi- ceives no other food or drink, not even water, ated immune responses. These are the main other than breast milk (which can include ex- target cells for HIV. Their numbers decrease pressed breast milk), with the exception of during HIV infection, and their level is used drops or syrups consisting of vitamins, miner- as a marker of progression of the infection. al supplements or medicines. CD8 cells are a subtype of T lymphocytes, Formula feeding involves the use of commer- which also play an important role in fighting cial infant formula that is formulated indus- infections. Their numbers may be increased trially in accordance with applicable Codex during HIV infection. Alimentarius standards to satisfy the nutri- Cell-associated virus refers to HIV which lives tional requirements of infants during the first inside the cell, measured as HIV-DNA. months of life up to the introduction of com- plementary foods. Cell-free virus refers to parts of the virus (viri- ons) not associated with a cell, measured as Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) refers HIV-RNA. to HIV-1 in this review. Cases of mother-to- child transmission of HIV-2 are rare. Cessation of breastfeeding means completely stopping breastfeeding, which includes no Immunoglobulins are any of the five distinct more suckling at the breast. antibodies present in the serum and external secretions of the body (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and Colostrum is the thick yellow milk secreted by IgM). the breasts during the first few days after de- livery, which gradually evolves into mature Incidence density means the incidence rate of milk at 3–14 days postpartum. It contains an event, i.e. HIV infection or death per per- more antibodies and white blood cells than son-time (months or years). mature breast milk. Infant refers to a child from birth to 12 months Commercial infant formula means a breast- of age. milk substitute formulated industrially in ac- Intrapartum means the period during labour cordance with applicable Codex Alimentarius and delivery. standards to satisfy the nutritional require- ments of infants during the first months of life. ix
  • 11. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 Lamivudine, or 3TC, is an antiretroviral drug Peripartum transmission is mother-to-child often used in combination with zidovudine, transmission of HIV occurring around the time ZDV also known as azidothymidine, AZT. , of delivery (i.e. late in pregnancy, during or immediately after delivery). Late postnatal HIV transmission means trans- mission that takes place after about six weeks Postnatal transmission is mother-to-child of life, the earliest time at which it is possible transmission of HIV after delivery, during the to determine that transmission did not take breastfeeding period. place during delivery. Predominant breastfeeding means breastfeed- Lipid means any one of a widely varying group ing is the main source of nourishment, but an of fats and fat-like organic substances. infant is also given small amounts of non-nu- tritious drinks, such as tea, water and water- Macrophage is a large ‘wandering’ phagocytic based drinks. white blood cell that ingests foreign matter, and plays an important role in resisting infec- Replacement feeding means the process of feed- tion. ing a child who is not receiving any breast milk with a diet that provides all the nutrients the Mature breast milk is milk produced from about child needs until the child is fully fed on fam- 14 days postpartum until the cessation of ily foods. breastfeeding. RNA, an abbreviation for ribonucleic acid, is a Mixed feeding refers to breastfeeding with the substance found in the nucleus of all living addition of fluids, solid foods and/or non-hu- cells and in many viruses. An intermediate of man milks such as formula. DNA, it is the medium by which genetic in- Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) indi- structions from the nucleus are transmitted cates instances of transmission of HIV to a to the rest of the cell. RNA viral load, ex- child from an HIV-infected woman during pressed as copies of RNA per ml of plasma or pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding. The term other body fluid, reflects the amount of ac- is used in this document because the immedi- tively replicating virus in the body. High viral ate source of the child’s HIV infection is the RNA levels occur (temporarily) immediately mother. Use of the term mother-to-child trans- after acquisition of infection and later with mission implies no blame, whether or not a progression of disease, and are associated with woman is aware of her own infection status. higher rates of transmission. Neonatal describes the period immediately fol- Virion refers to those parts of the virus that are lowing birth through the first 28 days of life. able to replicate HIV. Nevirapine, or NVP, is an antiretroviral drug Wet-nurse refers to the breastfeeding of an infant commonly used as a treatment regimen, ei- by someone other than the infant’s mother. ther alone or in combination with other drugs, Zidovudine, or ZDV is an antiretroviral drug , to prevent MTCT. which inhibits HIV replication. It was the first Partial breastfeeding means giving a baby some drug licensed to treat HIV infection. Today it breastfeeds and some artificial feeds, either is frequently used in combination with other milk or cereal, or other food. antiretroviral drugs and, alone or in combina- PCR means polymerase chain reaction, a labo- tion, it is used in the prevention of mother- ratory method in which the genetic material to-child transmission of HIV (It is also known . (DNA or RNA) of the virus is detected and as retrovir or azidothymidine, AZT.) amplified. It can be both qualitative and quan- titative. x
  • 12. Executive summary B reastfeeding is best for infants, and is an effective method of reducing the risk of common childhood morbidity, particularly their infants during pregnancy or delivery in about 15-25% of cases; and an additional 5-20% of infants may become infected postnatally dur- gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, and ing breastfeeding, for an overall risk of 30-45%. of promoting child survival and maternal health Breastfeeding may thus be responsible for one through child spacing. In 2001, the World Health third to one half of HIV infections in infants Assembly endorsed the recommendation that when interventions are not available. infants should be exclusively breastfed for the HIV has been detected in breast milk in cell- first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, free and cell-associated compartments and there development and health. Thereafter, infants is now evidence that both compartments are in- should receive nutritionally adequate and safe volved in transmission of HIV through breast complementary foods while breastfeeding con- milk. Following ingestion of HIV infected breast tinues to 24 months or beyond. milk, infant gut mucosal surfaces are the most While breastfeeding carries significant health likely site at which transmission occurs. benefits to infants and young children, HIV can The rate of late postnatal transmission (that be transmitted during breastfeeding from an is, after six weeks of age) can be better quanti- HIV-infected mother to her infant. Reducing this fied in 2007 than previously. Data from a meta- transmission while ensuring improved HIV-free analysis show that the cumulative probability of survival1 is one of the most pressing public health late postnatal transmission at 18 months is 9.3% dilemmas confronting researchers, health-care (95% confidence interval, CI, 3.8-14.8%). Late professionals, health policy-makers and HIV-in- postnatal transmission, therefore, could contrib- fected women in many areas of the world, espe- ute as much as 42% to the overall rate of MTCT. cially in developing countries. Analysis indicates that late postnatal transmis- In 2007, 2.5 million children aged less than sion risk is around 1% per month of breastfeeding 15 years worldwide were living with HIV and an and is constant over time from between four and estimated 420 000 children aged less than 15 six weeks to 18 months. Transmission can take years were newly infected with HIV in 2007 place at any point during breastfeeding, and the alone, nearly always through mother-to-child longer the duration of breastfeeding, the greater transmission (MTCT). HIV/AIDS is an increas- the cumulative risk. ingly important cause of mortality in those aged The risk of postnatal transmission through less than five years in Africa. Before the breastfeeding is associated with clinical, immu- antiretroviral therapy (ART) era, child mortal- nological and virological maternal factors and ity due to HIV was estimated to be 35.2% by infant feeding patterns. Maternal seroconversion age one year and 52.5% by two years of age. during breastfeeding, low maternal CD4 cell Mother-to-child transmission of HIV can oc- count, increased maternal RNA viral load in cur during pregnancy, labour or delivery, or plasma and breast milk and a lack of persistence through breastfeeding. Without specific interven- of HIV-specific IgM in breast-milk at 18 months tions, HIV-infected women will pass the virus to are strongly associated with increased risk of 1 HIV-free survival refers to young children who are both alive and HIV-uninfected at a given point in time, usually 18 months. 1
  • 13. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 transmission through breastfeeding. Breast low-up with repeated growth measurements is pathologies such as clinical and subclinical mas- also crucial to this support, as is nutritional coun- titis, nipple bleeding, and abscesses, fissures or selling, particularly around the period of lesions are also associated with a higher risk of breastfeeding cessation. transmission through breastfeeding. Exclusive Early cessation of breastfeeding could also breastfeeding for up to six months, however, is prevent a sizable proportion of postnatal HIV associated with a three to fourfold decreased risk infections but several studies in Africa have re- of transmission of HIV compared to non-exclu- ported that it was associated with an increased sive breastfeeding; mixed feeding, therefore, ap- risk of infant morbidity (especially diarrhoea) pears to be a clear risk factor for postnatal and mortality in HIV-exposed children. Recent transmission. One study found that about 4% data from Zambia and Botswana show that pro- of exclusively breastfed infants became infected longed breastfeeding of children already infected through exclusive breastfeeding from six weeks with HIV is associated with improved survival to six months. compared to early cessation of breastfeeding. The incidence of HIV infection among women It is also important to identify approaches to during the postpartum period is high in Africa. treating expressed breast milk to eliminate the The overall risk of MTCT is increased in recently- risk of transmission while preserving the milk's infected lactating women and estimated to be nutritional content and protective qualities. With 29% (95% Cl, 16–42%), illustrating the impor- this aim, expressed heat-treated breast milk and tance of prevention of primary infection through- microbicides to treat HIV-infected breast milk out the breastfeeding period. may have a role to play in shortening the dura- The most appropriate infant feeding option tion of breastfeeding and allowing for a safe tran- for an HIV-infected mother depends on her in- sition period to other types of foods. dividual circumstances, including her health sta- More research is required to provide practical tus and the local situation. The health services tools that can be used routinely – especially available and the counselling and support she is around the time of early breastfeeding cessation likely to receive should be considered. The World – to contribute to the assessment of the nutri- Health Organization (WHO) recommends HIV- tional adequacy of complementary feeding and infected women breastfeed their infants exclu- guide efficiently the nutritional counselling of sively for the first six months of life, unless children exposed to HIV. replacement feeding is acceptable, feasible, af- Other possibilities for preventing HIV from fordable, sustainable and safe for them and their being transmitted through breast milk are emerg- infants before that time. When those conditions ing. These include giving ART to women during are met, WHO recommends avoidance of all breastfeeding (whether or not necessary for the breastfeeding by HIV-infected women. mother's health) and post-exposure prophylaxis To help HIV-positive mothers make the best to the infant. Recent studies have sought to de- choice, they should receive appropriate counsel- termine the effects of the former, and several ling that includes information about the risks studies on the latter are ongoing; both are dis- and benefits of various infant feeding options cussed in this review. Finally, passive and active based on local assessments, and guidance in se- immunization strategies of breastfed newborns lecting the most suitable option for their own are increasingly being studied. Further research situation. Counselling, information provision and on their potential role in reducing MTCT of HIV support during the antenatal period is key for is needed and ongoing. women to make informed choices. Postnatal fol- 2
  • 14. Introduction D espite substantial progress in reducing child morbidity and mortality and promoting family health in recent decades, there are still timated 420 000 children aged less than 15 years were newly infected in 2007 (UNAIDS 2006). There were also an estimated 380 000 deaths unacceptable disparities in maternal and child due to AIDS among children. Africa has the high- health worldwide (Black et al. 2003; WHO est prevalence: 90% of both new infections and 2005). While child mortality has declined in the AIDS-related deaths among children occur there, past decades in many regions, progress on key particularly in southern Africa (UNAIDS 2007). indicators has begun to slow down. In parts of MTCT is the most significant source of HIV sub-Saharan Africa, child mortality is on the rise infection in young children. The virus may be trans- (Black et al. 2003). About 9.7 million children mitted during pregnancy, labour or delivery, or under five die each year (WHO mortality data through breastfeeding (De Cock et al. 2000). With- bank, access on request), mainly from prevent- out specific interventions, HIV-infected women will able causes and almost all in poor countries. In pass the virus to their infants during pregnancy or the period between 2000 and 2003, four causes delivery in about 15–25% of cases; and an addi- accounted for over 80% of the then estimated tional 5–20% of infants may become infected post- 10.6 million yearly deaths in children aged less natally during breastfeeding (De Cock et al. 2000; than five years: pneumonia (19%), diarrhoea Nduati et al. 2000). About two thirds of infants (17%), malaria (8%), and neonatal conditions born to HIV-infected mothers will not be infected. (37%). Among neonatal deaths, 36% were due Breastfeeding may thus be responsible for one third to infections including sepsis, pneumonia, teta- to one half of HIV infections in infants and young nus and diarrhoea, 28% were due to being pre- children in African settings (De Cock et al. 2000). term and 23% were due to asphyxia (Bryce et HIV/AIDS is an increasingly important cause of al. 2005). Undernutrition is an underlying cause mortality in children aged less than five years in of more than half of all deaths in children aged Africa (Dabis & Ekpini 2002; Walker et al. 2002). less than five years, and is associated with infec- Before the antiretroviral therapy (ART) era, child tious diseases (Bryce et al. 2005). It is also the mortality due to HIV was estimated to be 35.2% leading underlying cause of disability and illness by age one year and 52.5% by two years of age worldwide, particularly so in countries with high among HIV-infected children in a meta-analysis, infant mortality, where suboptimal feeding prac- which pooled information from the African clini- tices are a major cause of underweight (Bryce et cal trials that aimed to assess the efficacy of inter- al. 2005). Promotion of breastfeeding has played ventions to reduce MTCT. Mortality varied by an important role in protecting infants and young geographical region, and was associated with ma- children, since breastfeeding provides optimal nu- ternal death, maternal CD4 cell counts <200μl, trition, protects against common childhood in- and infant HIV infection and its timing. In HIV- fections, reduces mortality significantly, and has infected children, mortality was significantly lower child-spacing effects (Nicoll et al. 2000a; WHO for those with late infection than those with early Collaborative Study Team 2000). Exclusive infection (Newell et al. 2004). These findings high- breastfeeding is therefore recommended until six light the need for effective prevention of MTCT, months of age (WHO 2001). early paediatric HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral In 2007, 2.5 million children aged less than care and support for HIV-infected children and all 15 years worldwide were living with HIV. An es- members of affected families. 3
  • 15. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 Prevention of MTCT of HIV using available priate care and highlights missed sexual and re- antiretroviral interventions can be achieved, even productive health opportunities (UNAIDS in breastfeeding populations. Considerable effort 2006). To meet international goals for reductions is ongoing to scale-up these interventions to in child mortality, efforts must continue to focus reach a wider population (WHO 2006). How- on preventing MTCT, but must also prevent un- ever, in settings where breastfeeding beyond one dernutrition and strengthen health systems and year is the norm, postnatal transmission through programmes that can deliver available interven- breastfeeding reduces the impact of perinatal tions for the other major diseases killing chil- antiretroviral interventions (Leroy et al. 2002). dren in the developing world (Bryce et al. 2006a). While breastfeeding carries the risk of HIV trans- The fourth Millennium Development Goal mission, not breastfeeding carries other signifi- (MDG) calls for a two thirds reduction between cant health risks to infants and young children, 1990 and 2015 in deaths of children aged less such as an increased risk of diarrhoea and pneu- than five years ( monia morbidity and mortality (Nicoll et al. Achieving this goal will require widespread use 2000a; WHO Collaborative Study Team 2000; of effective interventions for preventing deaths, Thior et al. 2006). and is also linked to MDG5 on maternal mor- The prevention of HIV transmission should tality, as infant health and survival is closely be balanced against the risk of other morbidity linked to maternal health (Bryce & Victora and mortality risks, including malnutrition. The 2005; Costello & Osrin 2005; Mason 2005; reduction of HIV transmission through the Bryce et al. 2006b). breastfeeding period is one of the most pressing This report is an update of the review of current public health dilemmas confronting researchers, knowledge on HIV transmission through health-care professionals, health policy-makers breastfeeding (WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA/UNAIDS and HIV-infected women in many areas of the 2004) with a focus on information made available world, especially in developing countries. Preven- between 2001 and 2007. It reviews recent scien- tion of HIV transmission during breastfeeding tific evidence on the risk of HIV transmission should be considered in a broad context that through breastfeeding, the impact of different feed- takes into account the need to promote ing options on child health outcomes, and con- breastfeeding of infants and young children ceivable strategies to reduce HIV transmission within the general population. Countries need through breastfeeding with a specific emphasis on to develop (or revise) comprehensive national the developing world. This review further informs feeding policies of infants and young children to guidance on HIV prevention and infant feeding consider the risks of HIV transmission during strategies (WHO 2006). infant feeding, while continuing to protect, pro- To update this review, published and unpub- mote and support breastfeeding for infants of lished literature contributing to recent evidence HIV-negative women and women whose HIV about children affected and infected by HIV/ infection status is unknown. AIDS and infant feeding patterns since 2001 was The Declaration of Commitment endorsed at consulted. Medline, one of the main biblio- the United Nations General Assembly Special graphic scientific databases, was used, facilitat- Session on HIV (UNGASS) in 2001 set the goal ing a wide variety of studies to be selected, of reducing the proportion of infants infected ranging from randomized clinical trials to epide- with HIV by 20% by 2005 and 50% by 2010 miological cohort studies (investigating HIV/ (Harwood & 2001; UN 2001). AIDS-related morbidity and mortality among A further goal was ensuring that 80% of preg- children, MTCT and infant feeding patterns), nant women who receive antenatal care have to demographic and national surveillance surveys access to HIV prevention services. However, the (infant feeding indicators). The most relevant Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS references have been included in this review, in- (UNAIDS) reports that less than 10% of HIV- cluding other systematic reviews. infected pregnant women have access to appro- 4
  • 16. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV HIV infection in women Rates of, and risk factors for overall S exual contact continues to be the major mode of HIV transmission, leading to high preva- lence of HIV infection in women making access mother-to-child transmission of HIV In HIV-infected pregnant women, MTCT can occur before, during or after delivery, but trans- to sexual and reproductive health services essen- mission in early pregnancy is rare (Rouzioux et tial (Schmid et al. 2004). al. 1993). Without specific interventions aimed The prevalence of HIV infection varies con- at reducing the risk of transmission, estimated siderably from region to region. Children in sub- rates of MTCT range from 15% to 25% in Eu- Saharan Africa are disproportionately affected, rope and the United States of America and from with nearly nine in every 10 newly-infected chil- 25% to 45% in developing countries (The Work- dren worldwide living in this region (UNAIDS ing Group on Mother-to-Child Transmission of 2007). In West and Central Africa, HIV preva- HIV 1995). The additional risk posed by lence in pregnant women currently reaches up breastfeeding as commonly practised in devel- to about 7% in some urban areas, with generally oping countries ranges from 5% to 20%, with lower rates in rural areas. Prevalence in East Af- an attributable risk of 40% (Table 1) (De Cock rica is up to about 9% in urban areas, while in et al. 2000). These breastfeeding practices ac- Southern Africa antenatal seroprevalences of count for a large part of the estimated differences about 16-39% have been reported. In the Carib- in the risks of MTCT between developing and bean, Central America and South America, rates developed countries (where breastfeeding is less among pregnant women are generally below 1%. common). The overall risk of MTCT is increased In Asia, seroprevalence rates in some cities or immediately after HIV is acquired, due to the provinces of Cambodia, India, Indonesia and initially high levels of maternal viral load. There- Thailand range from less than 1% up to about fore, when a woman contracts HIV during preg- 5%. In Eastern Europe, where there has been an nancy or the breastfeeding period, the risk of exceptionally rapid increase in the number of virus transmission is increased. There is some HIV-infections, the estimated antenatal preva- evidence of an increased risk of acquisition of lence is still less than 1% (UNAIDS 2007). HIV during pregnancy (Gray et al. 2005). The incidence of HIV among women during The overall risk of MTCT is associated with the postpartum period is also high in Africa. The factors related to the virus, the mother and the HIV incidence rate was 3.5/100 women-years infant (Newell 2001). Maternal RNA viral load (95% confidence interval, CI, 1.9–5.0) in early in plasma has been strongly associated with the 1990 in Rwanda (Leroy et al. 1994). In Zimba- risk of MTCT (European Collaborative Study bwe in late 1990, among the 9562 women who 1996; European Collaborative Study 1997; were HIV-negative at the time of giving birth, Mayaux et al. 1997; Simonds et al. 1998; Shaffer 3.4% (95% CI 3.0–3.8) and 6.5% (95% CI 5.7– et al. 1999b; Leroy et al. 2001). However, al- 7.4) acquired HIV infection over 12 and 24 though the risk of transmission increases sub- months postpartum, respectively (Humphrey et stantially with increasing viral load, transmission al. 2006). As 85% of women still breastfeed at of the virus to the fetus or infant can occur, al- 15 months and 30% at 21 months in this popu- beit rarely, even with very low, or undetectable, lation, new postpartum infections subsequently viral load levels. Similarly, at very high levels of increase the number of children exposed to HIV. HIV RNA, transmission does not always occur. 5
  • 17. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 TABLE 1. Estimated absolute rates of MTCT of HIV by timing of transmission, without interventions HIV transmission rate (%) Timing of HIV transmission No breastfeeding Breastfeeding through Breastfeeding through 18 six months to 24 months During pregnancy 5 to 10 5 to 10 5 to 10 During labour 10 to 15 10 to 15 10 to 15 During breastfeeding 0 5 to 10 15 to 20 Overall 15 to 25 20 to 35 30 to 45 Nevertheless, women with a low CD4 cell count gest that a highly-active combination near the time of delivery (below 200 cells per antiretroviral treatment regimen, given during mm3) and those who have been diagnosed with and after pregnancy, is able to significantly re- severe clinical disease are more likely to trans- duce HIV RNA viral load in both plasma and mit the virus than those who are less severely breast milk. This suggests there may be a role affected by HIV infection (European Collabora- for ART prophylaxis in mothers as a means to tive Study 2001; Leroy et al. 2002). HIV has reduce breastfeeding-associated transmission been recovered from vaginal and cervical secre- (Giuliano et al. 2007). tions of pregnant women (Nielsen et al. 1996; John et al. 1997; Kovacs et al. 2001) and from Prevention of mother-to-child gastric secretions of infants born to HIV-serop- transmission of HIV ositive women (Mandelbrot et al. 1999), consti- The United Nations strategy to prevent the tuting independent risk factors for MTCT. There transmission of HIV to infants and young chil- is also evidence that malaria could increase the dren involves: 1) prevention of HIV infection in risk of MTCT (Ayouba et al. 2003; Mwapasa et general, especially in women and young people; al. 2004), although the interaction between pla- 2) prevention of unwanted pregnancies among cental malaria and MTCT appears to be vari- HIV-infected women; 3) prevention of HIV able and complex (Ayisi et al. 2004). Delivery transmission from HIV-infected women to their factors such as vaginal delivery and duration of infants; and 4) provision of care, treatment and delivery, which increase contact between the in- support to HIV-infected women, their infants fant and HIV-infected maternal body fluids and family. Guidance for implementing pro- (cervico-vaginal secretions and blood) have been grammes at national scale is available (WHO/ linked with increased risk of MTCT (European UNICEF, 2007). Collaborative Study 1996; European Collabora- In developed countries, the rate of MTCT has tive Study 1997). declined substantially in the past ten years. With The increasing use of ART in pregnancy in the use of antiretroviral combinations, elective developed countries has resulted in a growing caesarean section delivery and avoidance of proportion of women achieving undetectable lev- breastfeeding, rates below 2% have been reported els of the virus by the time of delivery, which in American and European populations (Euro- has had a substantial impact on vertical trans- pean Collaborative Study 2001; Dorenbaum et mission. Several studies are currently under way al. 2002; Newell 2006). In developing countries, in breastfeeding populations in resource-poor shorter, simpler peripartum antiretroviral settings to evaluate the use of ART for mothers prophylaxis interventions have been shown to during pregnancy and postnatally, and for be effective in reducing transmission risk, but uninfected infants during the breastfeeding pe- their application in populations where riod. (Thorne & Newell 2007). Results from the breastfeeding is commonly practised poses con- DREAM study carried out in Mozambique sug- siderable challenges (Dabis et al. 2000). 6
  • 18. MOTHER-TO-CHILD TRANSMISSION OF HIV Early randomized clinical trials from 1998 in six to eight weeks, in comparison with NVP, only Africa and Thailand demonstrated the short- the longest combination of ZDV and 3TC is sig- term efficacy of several antiretroviral regimens nificantly more effective, leading to a 61% ad- administered around the time of deliver y justed reduction (p=<0.0005). These results (peripartum) to prevent transmission (Dabis et suggest that there exists an equivalence of choice al. 1999; Guay et al. 1999; Saba 1999; Shaffer between single-dose NVP and short-course ZDV . et al. 1999a; Wiktor 1999). This short-term ef- They confirm that a combination of ZDV and ficacy was measured by comparing infant HIV 3TC from 36 weeks of gestation has a greater infection status at six and eight weeks of age efficacy in reducing early transmission than the between groups receiving different antiretroviral same combination starting during labour and interventions or a placebo. These regimens in- delivery or than any single antiretroviral prophy- volved three different ARV drugs, used alone or laxis (short-course ZDV or single-dose NVP). in combination: zidovudine (ZDV), lamivudine There is no doubt that even lower peripartum (3TC) and nevirapine (NVP). transmission rates, comparable to those obtained The NVP prophylactic regimen is particularly in developed countries, could be achieved easy to use with one single dose given to the through enhanced short-course antiretroviral woman at the onset of labour, and one dose of regimens. In the ANRS 1201/1202 Ditrame Plus syrup administered to the baby within 72 hours cohort in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, transmission of delivery, reducing transmission by around rates at six to eight weeks postpartum were 6.5% 40%, from a rate of 20% to 12% at six to eight (95% CI 3.9–9.1%) with ZDV plus single-dose weeks postpartum (Guay et al. 1999). Transmis- NVP, a relative 72% reduction compared with sion rates at six to eight weeks of 15% have been ZDV alone (95% CI 52–88%, p=0.0002 ad- reported when ZDV is given to the mother from justed on maternal CD4 cell count, clinical stage week 36 of gestation (Dabis et al. 1999; Wiktor of infection and breastfeeding status) (Dabis et 1999). Peripartum ZDV efficacy has been re- al. 2005). The overall rate was 4.7% (95% CI ported as greater in women with higher CD4 cell 2.4–7.0%) when mothers were given both ZDV counts, even at six weeks postpartum (Leroy et and 3TC from week 32 of gestation, continued al. 2002). In another regimen, ZDV given in for one week postpartum (for both mother and combination with 3TC to the mother from weeks child), in addition to single-dose NVP to mother 28–36 of gestation until one week postpartum, and infant. Despite these considerable advances, while the newborn receives ZDV prophylaxis several problems remain to be addressed, which during one week, reduced transmission to be- are detailed elsewhere (WHO 2006). tween 6% and 9% (Saba et al. 2002). Single-dose NVP given to women and infants The respective efficacy of these different reduces mother-to-child HIV transmission and antiretroviral regimens was compared in a recent is easy to use, but NVP resistance develops in a pooled analysis using a standardized definition large percentage of women, raising concerns for of peripartum HIV infection (Leroy et al. 2005). future maternal treatment (Eshleman et al. This study included 4125 singleton live births 2004a; Eshleman et al. 2004b; Jourdain et al. from six African trials, which adjusted MTCT 2004; Eshleman et al. 2005). Alternatives to rates at six to eight weeks for other maternal NVP are being considered, but this problem can and child determinants. In comparison with pla- be avoided to a considerable extent by a post- cebo, the adjusted relative reduction in MTCT partum three-day to one week regimen of AZT reached 77% for the combination of ZDV and and 3TC. 3TC administered antepartum, intrapartum and Residual MTCT rates remain high in mothers seven days postpartum; 51% for the combina- who have advanced HIV disease (Leroy et al. tion of ZDV and 3TC during the intrapartum 2002). Antiretroviral therapy is now recom- and postpartum periods only; 45% for ZDV only, mended for these women (WHO 2006). More administered antepartum, intrapartum and post- recent cohort studies in Côte d’Ivoire and Mo- partum; and 40% for single-dose NVP. Thus, at zambique indicate that when three-drug combi- 7
  • 19. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 nation antiretroviral therapy (i.e. ART) is given where prolonged breastfeeding is the norm (Leroy to HIV-infected pregnant women either univer- et al. 2003). In the West African trials, the 24- sally – irrespective of CD4 cell count (Giuliano month efficacy of short-course ZDV to mothers et al. 2007) – or only to those who require it for was still significant, giving a 26% reduction, with their own health (Tonwe-Gold 2007), MTCT a residual MTCT rate of 22.5% in the ZDV arm rates below 5% can be achieved at four weeks compared to 30.2% in the placebo arm (Leroy postpartum. et al. 2002). In the NVP trial, the 18-month Women presenting late for delivery without efficacy was sustained with a residual MTCT rate knowing their HIV status, which frequently hap- of 15.7% in the NVP arm, a 41% significant re- pens in resource-constrained settings, do not re- duction (Jackson et al. 2003). In the PETRA trial, ceive the ante and intrapartum components of although the six-week efficacy of the combined these regimens. In this context, the efficacy of a ZDV+3TC long-course (ante, intra and postpar- simple neonatal-only antiretroviral post-exposure tum/postnatal) regimen and the ZDV+3TC prophylactic regimen has been demonstrated in medium-course (intra- and postpartum/postna- Malawi. The overall MTCT rate at six to eight tal) regimen was significantly effective, the 18- weeks was 15.3% in 484 babies who received month long-term efficacy was lost mainly NVP and ZDV and 20.9% in 468 babies who because of postnatal transmission (Saba et al. received NVP only in the NVAZ trial conducted 2002). However, this trial lacked statistical power in Malawi (p=0.03) (Taha et al. 2003). In South to address differences at 18 months. Africa, single-dose NVP given to newborns ex- Given the considerable advances that have posed to HIV tended to reduce MTCT. The rate been made in the past ten years, peripartum HIV at 12 weeks was 14.3% in 518 babies who re- transmission rates below 5% can be achieved, ceived NVP, and 18.1% in 533 babies who re- even in African breastfeeding populations, with ceived ZDV during six weeks postnatally relatively inexpensive, easy-to-use and feasible (p=0.4). Among newborns who were not in- short-term antiretroviral combinations (WHO fected at birth, the 12-week MTCT rate was 2006). The introduction of short-course 7.9% in the NVP arm and 13.1% in the ZDV antiretroviral regimens to prevent MTCT in less- arm (p=0.06) (Gray et al. 2005). developed countries should be accompanied by All these short-course peripartum antiretro- interventions to minimize the risk of subsequent viral regimens have lower field efficacy when tak- transmission through breastfeeding (Leroy et al. ing into account the subsequent risk of postnatal 2003). Postnatal transmission will be detailed transmission of HIV in African populations in the next section. 8
  • 20. HIV transmission through breastfeeding T ransmission of HIV through breastfeeding has been well documented since 1985. The first reports indicating the possibility of HIV not be predicted from the analysis of circulating viral populations (Becquart et al. 2002). The origin of HIV in breast milk is still not transmission through breast milk were in well understood. There is now evidence that both breastfed infants of women who had acquired cell-free and cell-associated HIV in breast milk infection postnatally through blood transfusions are responsible for breast-milk transmission or through heterosexual exposure (Ziegler et al. (Koulinska et al. 2006). Studies have demon- 1985; Hira et al. 1990; Van de Perre et al. 1991; strated the presence of cell-free virus and latent Palasanthiran et al. 1993). There were also re- (non-productive) infected cells, but not produc- ports of infants – with no other known exposure tive HIV infective cells. Cells, including to HIV – who were infected through being wet- macrophages and lymphocytes, and cell-free vi- nursed and through pooled breast milk (Nduati rus may migrate from the systemic compartment et al. 1994). There is a theoretical risk of oral to breast milk. Recently, it has been reported that transmission from infant to wet-nurse, with cases infected CD4 cells demonstrate a greater capac- having been reported (Visco-Comandini et al. ity to enter into a viral replication cycle in the 2005). breast-milk compartment compared with blood (Petitjean et al. 2006). Pathogenesis and mechanisms of Following ingestion of HIV infected breast breastfeeding transmission milk, infant gut mucosal surfaces are the most likely site at which transmission occurs. Cell-free HIV has been detected in breast milk in cell-free or cellular HIV may penetrate to the submucosa and cell-associated compartments. To date most through mucosal breaches or lesions, via studies have used DNA or RNA polymerase transcytosis through M cells or enterocytes ex- chain reaction assays to evaluate breast milk for pressing galactosyl ceramide (Gal Cer) or Fc HIV. In an early study from Kenya, breast milk receptors. In vitro models suggest that secretory HIV RNA was detected in 39% of 75 specimens IgA or IgM may inhibit transcytosis of HIV (Lewis et al. 1998). In this study viral levels in across enterocytes (Bomsel 1997; Bomsel et al. breast milk were about one log lower than in 1998). Breast-milk HIV immunoglobins may plasma. However, there were some cases that play a role in protection from transmission by suggested compartmentalization of virus to coating infant mucosal surfaces: in a cohort of breast milk with higher levels in breast milk than lactating women infected with HIV in Rwanda, plasma. Viral variants in blood and breast milk anti-HIV antibodies of the IgG isotype were more were found to be distinct, with some major vari- frequently detected in breast milk followed by ants in breast milk not detected in blood. This secretory IgM (Van de Perre et al. 1993). Tonsils finding would suggest that some virus in breast may also be a portal of entry for HIV in breast- milk replicates independently, in the mammary milk transmission. Tonsils include M cells in close compartment. The observation of a compart- proximity to lymphocytes and dendritic cells, and mentalization of HIV between peripheral blood tonsillar M cells are capable of HIV replication and breast milk highlights that postnatal trans- (Frankel et al. 1997). mission of HIV can occur with variants that may 9
  • 21. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 Risk of postnatal transmission through sion beyond four to six weeks ranging from 4% breastfeeding to 12% was reported from these trials (Ekpini et al. 1997; Saba et al. 2002; Jackson et al. 2003; The risk attributable to transmission of HIV Leroy et al. 2003). Differences need to be inter- through breastfeeding has been difficult to meas- preted according to the risk factors for postnatal ure because of the difficulty in distinguishing transmission. However, there is strong evidence intrapartum transmission from early transmis- of a continued increase in cumulative transmis- sion through breastfeeding. sion risk as long as the child is breastfed (Leroy Based on an assessment of the limited data et al. 1998; Miotti et al. 1999; Leroy et al. 2003; available in the early 1990s, the additional risk The Breastfeeding and HIV International Trans- of transmission from breast milk – above that mission Study Group (BHITS) 2004; Iliff et al. occurring during pregnancy and delivery – among 2005). women with established HIV infection was esti- mated to be approximately 15% when breastfeeding continued for two years or more. Timing of postnatal transmission When the mother acquires HIV postnatally, the through breastfeeding estimated risk of transmission is estimated to be Transmission of HIV through breastfeeding can 29% (95% Cl: 16–42%) (Dunn et al. 1992). take place at any time during lactation. There is Subsequent data, including the results of a insufficient information available to estimate the randomized clinical trial, confirm these initial exact association between duration of breast- findings in HIV-infected pregnant women. In the feeding and the timing of transmission. How- clinical trial in Nairobi, HIV-infected pregnant ever, there is some evidence that there is an women were randomly allocated to either breast increased early postnatal risk within the first six (n=212) or formula (n=213) feeding groups in to eight weeks. This still remains uncertain, how- the absence of any preventive antiretroviral in- ever; a late postnatal risk beyond six to eight tervention (Nduati et al. 2000). Compliance with weeks has been better characterized recently assigned feeding modality was 96% in the (The Breastfeeding and HIV International Trans- breastfeeding arm and 70% in the formula arm. mission Study Group (BHITS) 2004). Median duration of breastfeeding was 17 months. The cumulative probability of HIV in- Early postnatal transmission through fection at 24 months of age was 36.7% in the breastfeeding breastfeeding arm and 20.5% in the formula- Data suggest that the first six to eight weeks of feeding arm, with 44% of HIV infection in the breastfeeding could be a high risk period for breastfeeding arm attributable to breastfeeding. transmission of HIV. However, it is difficult to Most breastfeeding transmission occurred early, investigate for technical reasons, and thus diffi- although transmission continued throughout the cult to draw any conclusions about the relative duration of exposure (Nduati et al. 2000). Al- risk of transmission through colostrum and ma- though exclusive breastfeeding was recom- ture breast milk (Van de Perre et al. 1993; Ruff mended in this trial it was likely not always et al. 1994; Lewis et al. 1998). First, colostrum exclusive in this population. Furthermore, infor- and mature breast milk contain different types mation on the mode of breastfeeding was not of cells and varying levels of immune-modulat- collected. ing components (e.g. vitamin A, immunoglobu- Other estimations of the rate of transmission lins and lactoferrin). Second, the total volume through breastfeeding can be inferred from the of colostrum ingested by the infant is much results of trials in which a peripartum interven- smaller than that of mature breast milk. Third, tion to reduce MTCT risk was evaluated both in the infant’s immune system is less well-devel- the short-term (four to six weeks) and in the long- oped during the first few days of lactation than term, after the end of breastfeeding exposure at in later lactation, while younger infants have an 18–24 months. Additional postnatal transmis- increased blood concentration of maternal anti- 10
  • 22. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING bodies. There is no evidence to suggest that load in plasma. Of note, the probability of infec- avoidance of colostrum would reduce the risk of tion through breastfeeding per day of exposure breastfeeding transmission to the infant. was not significantly different for children aged Based on statistical modelling using data from less than four months versus those older than studies with a limited duration of breastfeeding, this (0.00015 versus 0.00031, p=0.4). it appears that the highest risk period for trans- In the SAINT trial in South Africa, although mission is within the first four to eight weeks of not randomized on infant feeding modalities, the life, and that infectivity may vary in populations proportion of new infections having occurred at different stages of the disease (Dunn 1998). between birth and six to eight weeks increased Evidence remains weak to detail the percentage to 5.6% when comparing breastfed infants to of transmission occurring early. In the rando- formula-fed infants (Moodley et al. 2003). mized clinical trial of breast milk versus formula carried out in Nairobi, Kenya, 10% of the total Late postnatal transmission through 16% cumulative difference in infection rates be- breastfeeding tween infants in the breastfed and formula-fed Late postnatal risk of HIV transmission arms apparently occurred by week six of age. The through breastfeeding can be reliably estimated cumulative rate of HIV infection in the formula- among children born to infected mothers who feeding arm was approximately half that of the tested negative at four to six weeks postpar- breastfeeding arm at birth (3.1% versus 7.0%, tum. These children are followed until after p=0.35). Although not statistically significant, they cease breastfeeding to determine their rate this differential between arms raised concern of acquisition of HIV infection through about the true comparability of the two arms at breastfeeding. The time at which the exposure birth, with women in the breastfeeding arm hav- starts is determined by the age at which in- ing more advanced disease than in the formula- fants are tested. This is now usually around feeding arm (Bulterys 2000). four to six weeks of age, but in earlier studies Additionally, the breastfeeding women were was between three and six months of age. These likely more ill as evidenced by the much higher different ‘starting points’ may explain differ- than expected mortality in this group compared ent estimates of rates of late postnatal trans- to the women giving formula to their children mission between studies (Table 2). (Nduati et al. 2001). In the Kenya trial, the pro- The best evidence on the risk of late postna- portion of new HIV infections between birth and tal transmission comes from a meta-analysis of six to eight weeks was 6.3% (from 3.1% to 9.7% a large number of data relating to breastfeeding in formula-fed versus 7.0% vs19.9% in breastfed and postnatal transmission of HIV from babies, p=0.005) (Nduati et al. 2000). Seventy- randomized controlled trials of peripartum in- five per cent of the risk difference between the terventions conducted in sub-Saharan Africa. two arms occurred by six months of age, although Early transmission was defined as a positive HIV transmission continued throughout the duration test before four weeks, and late postnatal trans- of exposure (Nduati et al. 2000). In a subsequent mission as a negative diagnostic test at or after analysis of this data, 75% of the risk difference four weeks of age, followed by a subsequent posi- between the two arms occurred by six months of tive test result (The Breastfeeding and HIV In- age, although transmission continued through- ternational Transmission Study Group (BHITS) out the duration of exposure (Nduati et al. 2000). 2004). Of 4085 children (breastfed singletons In a subsequent analysis of this trial data, the for whom HIV testing was performed) from nine probability of transmission through breastfeeding eligible trials, 993 (24%) were definitively in- was estimated to be 0.00064 per litre of breast fected (placebo arms, 25.9%; treatment arms, milk ingested and 0.00028 per day of 23.4%, p=0.08). The time of infection was un- breastfeeding (Richardson et al. 2003). Breast- known for 454 children. Of 539 children where milk infectivity was significantly higher for moth- the time of infection was known, 225 (42%) were ers with low CD4 cell counts and high RNA viral infected during the late postnatal period. Late 11
  • 23. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 TABLE 2. Estimated rates of late postnatal transmission of HIV in African cohorts Study location Age at nega- Median Infection inci- Cumulative Cumulative (citation) tive test duration of dence per 100 percentage of percentage of (determining breastfeeding child-years of infants in- infants in- denominator) breastfeeding fected by 12 fected at last (%) months follow-up Malawi (Miotti et al. 1999) 1 month >12 months 6.9 8.9 10.3 (18 months) Africa (Leroy et al. 1998) 3 months 16 months 3 2.5 9.2 (36 months) West Africa(Leroy et al. 4 weeks 12 months 8.6 9.5 13.1 (18 2003) months); 13.1 (24 months) Africa BHITS (The 4 weeks 10 months 8.9 7 9.3 (18 months) Breastfeeding and HIV International Transmission Study Group (BHITS) 2004) Zvitambo, Zimbabwe (Iliff 6 weeks >18 months 9.2 7.7 12.1 (18 months) et al. 2005) EBF: 3.42 EBF: 6.94 PBF: 7.29 PBF: 8.56 MF: 8.41 MF: 13.92 South Africa, the Vertical 4-8 weeks 6 months 10.7 (EBF only) NA EBF: 4.04 (6 Transmission Study months) (Coovadia et al. 2007) Côte d’Ivoire, the ANRS 4 weeks 5 months 3.8 NA NA 1201/1202 Ditrame Plus EBF: 5.9 study (Leroy et al. 2004) PBF: 11.3 MF: 31.6 NA, not available; EBF, exclusive breastfeeding; PBF, predominant breastfeeding; MF, mixed feeding (breast milk and other fluids, foods and/or formula). postnatal transmission occurred throughout sion Study Group (BHITS) 2004). Analysis of breastfeeding. The cumulative probability of late how transmission rates vary with time from birth postnatal transmission at 18 months was 9.3% indicated that late postnatal transmission risk is (95% CI 3.8-14.8%). The overall risk of late around 1% per month of breastfeeding and is postnatal transmission was 8.9 transmissions per constant over time from four to six weeks and 100 child-years of breastfeeding (95% CI 7.8- 18 months, i.e. between 0.8 and 1.2 per 100 10.2 per 100 child-years) follow-up (Table 2). child-months of breastfeeding. The longer the Late postnatal transmission could contribute as duration of breastfeeding, the higher the cumu- much as 42% to the overall rate of MTCT (The lative risk of postnatal transmission of HIV. Breastfeeding and HIV International Transmis- 12
  • 24. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING In conclusion, the rate of late postnatal trans- HIV infection, when the rate of postnatal trans- mission is now better characterized than previ- mission has been estimated to be nearly 30% ously and is estimated to be around 1% per (Dunn et al. 1992). In a study in Kenya, the month of breastfeeding and constant over time. relative risk of MTCT was increased about six- When breastfeeding is prolonged to 18-24 fold during primary infection of the mother months or beyond, the additional cumulative (Embree et al. 2000). postnatal risk of transmission through breastfeeding varies from 4% to 16% according HIV-related immune status to the study (Miotti et al. 1999; Nduati et al. More data are now available on the association 2000; Jackson et al. 2003; Leroy et al. 2003). between maternal immune status (CD4 cell counts) and MTCT through breastfeeding. Ma- Factors associated with risk of ternal immunosuppression defined by low CD4 transmission of HIV through cell count, although strongly correlated with plasma RNA viral load, is an independent risk breastfeeding factor for breastfeeding transmission in all stud- There is reliable quantification of the effect of ies with available information. In an analysis of risk factors associated with an increased or de- pooled data from two West African ZDV trials creased likelihood of transmission of the virus (Leroy et al. 2002; Leroy et al. 2003), maternal through breastfeeding. Clinical, immunological CD4 cell counts below 500 cells per mm3 in and virological factors in mothers, as well as in- plasma close to time of delivery was associated fant feeding patterns, affect postnatal transmis- with a threefold increase in risk of late postnatal sion (Table 3). transmission compared to women with CD4 cell counts equal to or greater than 500 per mm3 Maternal factors (Leroy et al. 2003). In the BHITS meta-analysis Maternal seroconversion during breastfeeding of data from nine intervention trials in sub-Sa- HIV maternal seroconversion during breastfee- haran Africa, the risk of late postnatal acquisi- ding constitutes a high risk factor for postnatal tion of infection after four weeks of age was HIV transmission; it is higher than among strongly associated with maternal CD4 cell women who have been infected previous to count. Transmission increased eightfold when breastfeeding (Van de Perre et al. 1991; Dunn et CD4 cell counts were below 200 per ml, and 3.7- al. 1992). High levels of virus in plasma, and fold where CD4 cell counts were between 200 probably also in breast milk, are seen in primary and 500 per ml, compared to the reference group Table 3. Factors associated with transmission of HIV through breastfeeding Maternal Infant Younger maternal age, lower parity Factors associated with the immune system Maternal seroconversion during lactation Pattern of infant feeding (exclusive breastfeeding versus Clinical and/or immunological (CD4 cell count) disease mixed) progression Morbidity leading to less vigorous suckling, milk stasis and RNA viral load in plasma increased leakage of virus across milk ducts (oral thrush) RNA viral load in breast milk Local immune factors in breast milk Breast health (subclinical or clinical mastitis, abscess, cracked nipples) (indirect factor) Maternal nutritional status Duration of breastfeeding Source: Adapted from John-Stewart et al. (2004). 13
  • 25. HIV TRANSMISSION THROUGH BREASTFEEDING: A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE - AN UPDATE FROM 2001 TO 2007 of CD4 cell count above 500 per ml (The understood. In particular, viral load rebound (i.e. Breastfeeding and HIV International Transmis- increased levels of the virus after cessation of sion Study Group (BHITS) 2004). In the Verti- antiretrovirals) in breast milk after discontinua- cal Transmission Study in South Africa, infants tion of peripartum antiretrovirals is of concern born to mothers with CD4 cell counts less than (Van de Perre et al. 1997). An increase in the 200 cells per mm3 were almost four times more levels of HIV RNA in breast milk from day eight likely to acquire HIV or die than were those born to day 45 after delivery was associated with to mothers with CD4 cell counts greater than maternal short-course ZDV prophylaxis com- 500 cells per mm3; and those born to mothers pared to the placebo group in the Ditrame Plus with CD4 cell counts between 200 and 500 cells ANRS 049a trial (Manigart et al. 2004). In this per mm3 were 2.2 times more likely to acquire West African trial, breast-milk HIV-RNA from HIV or die (Coovadia et al. 2007). 28 women who transmitted HIV postnatally and from 130 women who did not transmit HIV was RNA viral load in plasma and breast milk compared. Levels of HIV RNA in breast milk at Increased maternal RNA viral load in plasma and day eight after delivery and its increase from day breast milk are both strongly associated with eight to days 45-90 postpartum were both inde- increased risk of transmission through pendently associated with postnatal transmission breastfeeding. In West Africa, the rate of late (Manigart et al. 2004). Although HIV transmis- postnatal transmission increased 2.6-fold for sion continues after cessation of peripartum every one log10 increase in plasma RNA viral antiretroviral therapy, there is no clinical evidence load (measured in late pregnancy) (Leroy et al. to suggest that stopping antiretroviral therapy 2001; Leroy et al. 2003). Breast-milk HIV RNA in this early period is associated with an increased levels cor relate with systemic viral load rate of breastfeeding transmission due to viral (Willumsen 2003), and are likely to be associ- rebound after cessation of antiretrovirals. Indeed, ated with risk of breast-milk HIV transmission in the pooled analysis of the West African trials (Semba et al. 1999a; Willumsen 2003). In Ma- using short-course perinatal ZDV prophylaxis, lawi, the risk of transmission increased fivefold the cumulative postnatal transmission risks were when RNA virus had been detected in breast- similar in the ZDV (9.8%, n=254) and placebo milk samples taken at six weeks postpartum groups (9.1%, n=225) at age 24 months (Leroy (Semba et al. 1999a). In Nairobi, breast-milk et al. 2003). The long-term overall efficacy of RNA levels were assessed in serial samples up to this peripartum ZDV regimen was reduced in two years after delivery (John et al. 2001). In both groups. Global recommendations on analyses comparing 92 infected infants with 187 antiretrovirals during pregnancy are available infants who were uninfected at two years, ma- (WHO, 2006). ternal plasma RNA, mastitis and breast abscess were associated with late transmission (occur- Anti-infective properties of breast milk in HIV- ring after two months postpartum). Median RNA infected women load in colostrum and early milk was higher than Breast milk contains maternal antibodies, with in mature milk collected more than 14 days af- all basic forms of immunoglobulins IgG, IgM, ter delivery. Breast-milk RNA load was signifi- IgA, IgD, and IgE present. The most abundant cantly associated with transmission through is usually secretory IgA (Lawrence & Lawrence breastfeeding. In a study conducted in Durban, 2004). The role of breast-milk HIV-specific an- South African women with detectable RNA vi- tibodies in inhibiting HIV transmission through ral load in breast milk at any time during the breastfeeding has been investigated ( Van de Perre first six months postpartum were more likely to et al. 1993, Kuhn et al. 2006). The breast milk transmit than those with undetectable RNA vi- of women with established HIV infection has ral load (Pillay et al. 2000). been found to have HIV-specific IgG, with its The evolution of HIV RNA in breast milk af- wide spectrum of activity against HIV proteins, ter peripartum antiretrovirals needs to be better comparable to HIV-specific IgG in serum. The 14