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Jerusalem is a city located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea in Israel. It is
one of the oldest cities in the world, named as "Urusalima" on ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets dating back to 2400 BCE.
During the Israelite period, significant construction activity in Jerusalem began in the 9th century BCE (Iron Age II), and in the 8th
century the city developed into the religious and administrative center of the Kingdom of Judah. It is considered a holy city in the
three major Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. During its long history, Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times,
captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, and destroyed twice. The oldest part of the city was settled in the 4th millennium BCE, making it
one of the oldest cities in the world.
According to the Bible and proven historical record, the Israelite history of the city began in c. 1000 BCE, with King David's sack of Jerusalem, following
which Jerusalem became the City of David and capital of the United Kingdom of Israel. The major archeological excavations show most of Israeli history
and culture and not any Arab artefacts of past periods. It was subsequently captured by Babylonians, Romans, Ottoman Turks and German Nazis
renderring the Jews without a homeland for centuries and that’s why it is necessary to establish Jerusalem as the heartland of Israel. It is the bounden
duty of all Christian nations of the world to thwart any Arab Cartel’s ludicrous claims that they have a claim on Jerusalem. Here is a history of key
historic happenings of Jerusalem.
Timeline History of Jerusalem
1400 BCE to 1000 BCE - Jerusalem is mentioned as Urusalim in the Amarna letters (tablets) wherein the Canaanite vasal Abdi Heba of the Egpyptian
king seeks help for thwarting enemies attacking his region. Later a new ethnic group the Jebusites appear in Jerusalem and names it Jebus. They build
massive guard towers and tunnel systems around the Gihon Spring, the only water source in the area.
1000 BCE to 586 BCE – In 1000BCE King David captures Jerusalem and establishes it as the Capital of United Kingdom of Israel. King Solomon later
builds the First Epic Temple Of Jerusalem in 960 BCE, which becomes the principal center for religious and spiritual life of Israel. It is situated at the
place were Abraham is believed to have prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac, before God stopped him from the act.
586 BCE to 539 BCE – In 586 BCE Nebuchadnezzar II conquers Judah, destroys the Temple and exiles Jews to Babylon.
539 BCE to 333 BCE – In 539 BCE Persian king, Cyrus the Great, conquers the Babylonian Empire and allows Jews in 516 BCE to return to Jerusalem and
rebuild the Temple. Zerubbabel, the Jewish bodyguard of the then Persian king Darius I, travels to Jerusalem with thousands of Jews and starts work
the work on the Second Jerusalem Temple which is completed after 23 years. In 425 BCE Nehemiah the Prophet Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem.
333 BCE to 164 BCE - Alexander the Great defeats Darius III king of Persia, conquers Jerusalem in 333 BCE, but by 320 BCE Ptolemy the successor
captures Jerusalem, but the battle over Jerusalem between the Ptolemies and Seleucids lasts for 125 years. The Seleucids then conquer Jerusalem.
164 BCE to 63 BCE - Judah Maccabee, liberates Jerusalem from Seleucid rule and restores the Temple of Jerusalem. This event is commemorated by the
holiday called Chanukah (Hanukah). After 500 years Jews again rule Judea and Jerusalem (100 year liberty under Hasmonean Dynasty).
63 BCE to 614 CE - Roman general Pompey captures Jerusalem and appoints Hyrcanus II as a High Priest. Herod the Great is appointed by Romans as a
client king and with the help of Roman general Mark Anthony retakes Jerusalem and names it capital of Judea. Herod embarks on a massive building
campaign to enlarge and improve the Temple Mount. He builds it in Greco-Roman style in order to please his Roman overlords. He spares no funds and the
end result is a magnificent complex of buildings that became known far beyond the walls of Jerusalem (37B CE). Pontius Pilate is appointed as a procurator
of Judea and orders the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 31 CE. This event gives birth to Christianity. Again in 70 CE the second Jerusalem Temple is destroyed
by the Romans and in 135 CE it is rebuilt like a Roman City. In 335 CE Church Of the Holy Sepulchre was built.
614 CE to 1099 CE - Persians defeat Byzantine Dynasty and the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem happens in 638 CE. Dome of Rock is built by Caliph Abdel-
Malik on the top of the ruins of the Jewish Temple in 691CE. The Seljuk Turks take Jerusalem away from Fatimids in 1070 CE.
1099 CE to 1187 CE - Answering the call of the Pope Urban II to liberate the Holy Land, the army of Christian pilgrims and the knights conquers Jerusalem.
1187 CE to 1492 CE - Saladin captures Jerusalem from Crusaders after he won the battle of Hattin. Not one Christian is killed. Allows Crusaders to leave
by paying a nominal ransom. Jews are permitted to resettle in Jerusalem. In 1189 CE Pope Gregory the VII orders another crusade to recapture Jerusalem.
Richard the Lionheart and King Phillip II of France lead the 3rd crusade unsuccessfully. In 1244 CE Jerusalem is sacked by Khwarazmian Turks who were
summoned to Palestine by Ayyubid Sultan of Egypt. They kill Christians and violate the shrines including the church of Holy Sepulcher
1492 CE to 1517 CE - Spanish Army defeats the Muslim forces in Granada and on July 30th 200,000 Jews are expelled from Spain under orders of king
Ferdinand and queen Isabella. Thousands are forced to convert into Christianity under the plan devised by Spanish Inquisition.
1517 CE to 1882 CE - Selim the Cruel captures Jerusalem after an Ottoman army defeats the Muslim Mamluks at Marj-Dabik in northern Syria. Thus begins
an Ottoman period in Jerusalem history that would last for four hundred years.
1882 CE to 1917 CE - British conquer Egypt and establish themselves as a political power in the region. Assassination of Russian tsar Alexander II is
followed by vicious attacks (pogroms) against the Jewish population of Russia. Many Russian Jews emigrate to Palestine (presently Israel). Some settle in
Jerusalem. In 1914 World War I breaks out. Ottoman Turkey sides with Germans against French and British.
1937 to 1964 - Peel Committee recommends the partition of the country between Arabs and Jews with Jerusalem to be left under the permanent control
of the British Mandate. Jews reluctantly accept the deal in lieu of the deteriorating conditions in Europe. Arabs flatly reject it . World War II ends in 1945.
Thousands of former concentration camp prisoners flee to Palestine despite the efforts of British Government to stop them at any cost. On November 29th
1947 the United Nations votes in favor of partition of Palestine into autonomous Arab and Jewish states. A special committee is formed to work out a
special status given to Jerusalem as an international entity. Jews agree to the resolution. Arabs reject it. Almost immediately after UN resolution, Arabs
break through the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem and attack Jewish commercial center on Ben-Yehuda street. Jewish defense force called Haganah retaliates. In
1948 on May 14th, the day before the British Mandate is terminated, Jews proclaim the Declaration of Independence. The new state is called Israel.
1964 to 2003 First Arab summit in Cairo decides to establish a Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964. Palestinian National
Council meets for the first time in East Jerusalem. In 1967 President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser moves 100.000 troops into Sinai and
kicks out UN peacekeepers. He also blockades the Strait of Tiran effectively paralyzing Israeli shipping. King Hussain of Jordan joins Nasser
and signs a military agreement with Egypt. Israel expecting the worst initiates a pre-emptive strike and Six Day War begins. Israel captures
Sinai, West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. For the first time since 1948, Jews can pray at the Western Wall. Free access to all
religions to all holy sites is allowed. On October 6th, 1973 Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom
Kippur. Initially the Arabs have some success, but after three weeks of fighting and re-supplied by US with ammunition, Israelis stop the
advancing Arab armies and push them back beyond the original line. Only a UN Security Council intervention and US vs.Soviet Union
confrontation saves an Egyptian Army from complete distraction. In 1993 Israel and the PLO sign on the peace process, known as Oslo
Accords, in which Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist and Israel agrees to negotiate Palestinian statehood and withdrawal from West
Bank and Gaza. Both sides agree to discuss the status of Jerusalem at the later time.
2003 Palestinian Authority and Israeli Parliament agree to accept the U.S.-supported "road map" to a Mideast peace agreement clearing
the way for a series of steps that would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state within three years. Road map proves to be very difficult to
implement. Hamas continues its reign of terror and suicide attacks with severe reprisals by the Israeli Defence Forces.
Compiled by TONY CHACKO
• Western Wall
• Temple Mount
• Church Of Holy Sepulchre
• Tower Of David
• Yad Vashem
• Mount Of Olives
• Via Dolorosa
• Dome Of The Rock
• Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
• Israel museum
• Gethsemane
• The Garden Tomb
• Church Of All Nations
• Mount Herzi
• Mount Zion
• Al AqsaMosque
• Bible Lands Museum
• City Of David National park
• Tomb Of Virgin Mary
• Dominus Flevit church
• Abbey Of The Dormition
• Hurva Synanogue
• Church Of St. Peter in Gallicantu
• Rockfeller Museum
• Church Of Mary Magdellane
• Church Of Pater Noster
• Church Of The Visitation
• Church Of The Redeeemer, Jerusalem
• Monastry Of The Cross
• Wohl Rose Park
• Chapel Of The Ascension
• Gihon Spring
• Burnt House
• Ramban Synagogue
• Great Synanogue, Jerusalem
• Cenacle
• Jerusalem Botanical Gardens
• Tomb Of Absalom
• Four Sephardic Synagogues
• Cathedral Of St James, Jerusalem
• Herodium
• L.A. Mayer Institute Of Islamic Art
• Damascus gate
• Jaffa Gate
• Siloam Tunnel
• David’s Tomb
Old City of Jerusalem
Western Wall (Wailing Wall) of Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Pictorial Layout showing the portion of Temple Mount managed by the Jordanian Arab Waqf Board. It is under this
area that Israelis and World Christians believe that the first ancient Jerusalem Temple lies. This is where the
Arab Muslims are not allowing any archaeological excavations.
An aerial view depicting the 4 religious quarters in Old Jerusalem.
Temple Mount
The Dome of the Rock (Arabic: Qubbat al-Sakhrah, Hebrew: Kippat ha-Sela) is an Islamic shrine located on the Temple
Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. It was initially completed in 691 CE at the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-
Malik during the Second Fitna (Period Islamic Political and Military Disorder during Ummayad Dynasty), built on the site
of the Roman temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, which had in turn been built on the site of Herod's Jerusalem Temple,
destroyed during the Roman Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The original dome collapsed in 1015 and was rebuilt in 1022–
23. The Dome of the Rock is one of the oldest ancient works of Islamic architecture.
Church of The Holy Sepulchre
Tourists outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Tomb of Christ in the Church of The Holy Sepulcher. The Sacred Canopy surrounding Jesus' tomb is located in the
center of the circular Church of the Resurrection (Rotunda) which was founded together with a basilica in 336 AD
from St.Helena in the area where Jesus martyred.
Layout of the site of Calvary at the time of Christ.
The Tower of David (The Citadel) within it’s museum.
Yad Vashem : Israel's official memorial to the victims of the German Holocaust.
Inner view of Yad Vashem
Mount of Olives
The Via Dolorosa (Latin: "Way of Grief," "Way of Sorrow," "Way of Suffering“) is a street within the Old
City of Jerusalem, believed to be the path that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion.
Via Dolorosa – Pathway through which Christ walked torturously to his crucifixion.
The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Replica of Noah’s Ark at the Biblical Zoo.
Model of Jerusalem Temple at the Israel Museum of Jerusalem.
The Israel Museum is the largest cultural institution in the State of Israel and is ranked among the world’s leading
art and archaeology museums. In just forty-five years, thanks to a legacy of gifts and generous support from its
circle of patrons worldwide, the Museum has built a far-ranging collection of nearly 500,000 objects, representing
the full scope of world material culture.
The Shrine of the Book, designed by Armand Bartos and Frederick Kiesler at the Jerusalem Israeli
Museum, which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest biblical manuscripts in the world.
The Museum’s celebrated Billy Rose Art Garden, designed for the original campus by Japanese-American sculptor
Isamu Noguchi, is counted among the finest outdoor sculpture settings of the 20th century.
Garden of Gethsemane
Garden Tomb is an amazing place to see what the area looked like back in Jesus' day.
Jerusalem Church of all nations (Catholic Church).
Military cemetery and the new Remembrance Hall on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
Mount Zion, located outside Jerusalem's walls, has been a focal point in the city’s history since the time of the first
Al Aqsa Mosque in the old city of Jerusalem within the Temple Mount Compound.
Manuel Alvarez's "Tower of Babel" in front of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem.
City of David National Park
Tomb of the Virgin Mary at Gethsemane, Jerusalem
Church of Dominus Flevit on the slopes of Mount Olives recalls the Gospel incident in which Jesus
wept over the future fate of Jerusalem.
Abbey of the Dormition is an abbey and the name of a Benedictine community in Jerusalem on Mt. Zion
just outside the walls of the Old City near the Zion Gate.
Hurva Synagogue, is a historic synagogue located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Church of St Peter in Gallicantu. It takes its name from the Latin word "Gallicantu", meaning cock's-
crow, in remembrance of Peter's triple rejection of Jesus "... before the cock crows twice." (Mark 14:30)
Church of the Nativity in Bethleham
The Rockefeller Museum, formerly the Palestine Archaeological Museum, is an archaeology museum in East
Jerusalem that houses a large collection of artifacts unearthed in the excavations conducted in Mandate
Palestine, in the 1920s and 1930s.
Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene at Mount of Olives.
Jerusalem Botanical Gardens
Innovative flower gardens of Jerusalem Botanical Gardens.
Jaffa Gate is a stone portal in the historic walls of the Old Jerusalem. It is one of 8 gates in Jerusalem's Old City walls.
The Monastery of the Cross is an Eastern Orthodox monastery near the Nayot neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel.
It is located in the Valley of the Cross near the Israeli Museum.
The Pool of Siloam (Hebrew: Breikhat Hashiloah) was a rock-cut pool on the southern slope of the City of David,
Jerusalem, located outside the walls of the Old City to the southeast. The pool was fed by the waters of the Gihon
Spring, carried there by 2 aqueducts.
The Damascus Gate of Jerusalem
Herodion : Herod the Great built this monumental fortress and palace in the Judean desert south of Jerusalem,
and was buried here. The site was a rebel stronghold during the great revolts against the Romans. It is one of the
most exciting archaeological sites in Israel.
Model Of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount (the second rebuilt Temple during King Herod’s Time) situated on Mount Zion
In Sao Paulo, Brazil, there is a remarkable full-size replica of Solomon’s Temple. This ‘Templo de Salomão’ is four times the size of the original, but precise
in every other detail giving a taste of the glory of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Bishop Edir Macedo of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God
(UCKG) was inspired to build this massive undertaking after he visited Israel, to enable his congregation get a feel of the Jerusalem Temple in Brazil. It
took 4 years and a daunting $300 million, but he was finally successful in his vision of building a replica of Solomon’s Temple.
The Cathedral of Saint James is a 12th-century Armenian church in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem and it is
dedicated to Apostles James son of Zebedee and James brother of Jesus.
The Cenacle, also known as the "Upper Room", is a room in Jerusalem traditionally held to be the site of the Last Supper.
The Great Synagogue of Jerusalem
Alter view of St.John The Baptist Church in Jerusalem
Chapel of the Ascension (Jerusalem). It is located on a site the faithful believe to be the earthly spot where Jesus
ascended into Heaven 40 days after his resurrection. It has a stone slab believed to contain one of His footprints.
The Burnt House Museum (Katros House) is an excavated house from the Second Temple period situated 6 meters
below current street level in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. It is believed to have been burnt during
the Roman invasion in 70 CE.
Modern tram on the main street of Jerusalem.
Wohl Rose Park of Jerusalem
Look at these bountiful dates from a farm somewhere in Israel. Israel is the leader in modern agriculture in the world.
Modern part of Jerusalem – The Calatrava Bridge of Springs.
The modern side of Jerusalem.
The Construction and Housing Ministry has undertaken a recent massive urban renewal project on more than 20 hectares of land at
the western entrance to Jerusalem that it said will transform the capital into a world-class business, cultural and residential district.
For it’s eventful ancient history, Jerusalem has frequent flare-ups between Palestinians and Israelis – mostly with Palestinians protesting against Israeli
settlements and their Jewish celebrations. Here protesters collide with Israelis celebrating outside of the Old City on Jerusalem Day.
One of the realities for Israelis is to be aware of the bomb shelters they can take protection from upon hearing sirens of mortar attacks from
Palestinians from their hidden quarters.
Trust that all readers have got an on-site internet tour of Christianity’s Biblical Lands and Israelis’ Homeland in this
world known as Jerusalem. These comments may be unacceptable to the Muslim World. But the world has to see the
reality of the fact that present day Israel and West Bank are indeed the true ancestral lands of the Israelis with proven
historical excavations revealing most of Biblical Israeli monuments, structures etc., but there is none of ancient
excavations to prove of a race in existence known as Palestinians. It is due to their frequent displacements by hostile
conquerers that the destroyed desolate West Bank Lands and parts of Israel were occupied by migrating Jordanians and
Syrians since 1517 A.D. who are presently called Palestinians. This is denoted through historical records.
(ref :-
There is never going to be any sensible realistic negotiations with Arab Palestinian PLO or the present Hamas
Palestinian Administration who when they were offered the 2 nation theory never even agreed to any International
mediation for their portion of land. Moreover if they gain their freedom of statehood they are so incensed with their
hatred for Jews that no Israeli Jew will be allowed to reside in their land. So obviously it is best for them to live as
residents under Israeli rule where Israel practices democracy and allow people of any religious faith from the world to
live within Israel freely.
It is the moral duty of all Christians worldwide who believe in ‘THE BIBLE’ to support Israel in claiming their full rights
over Jerusalem and to enable excavations to unearth the Temple Of Jerusalem in proof of Israel’s full rights over all of
Israel and the West Bank. It is worth noting that none in present day world can bring peace to Jerusalem until the Lord
comes as stated in the Bible.
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Historical Jerusalem

  • 1. Jerusalem is a city located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea in Israel. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, named as "Urusalima" on ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets dating back to 2400 BCE. During the Israelite period, significant construction activity in Jerusalem began in the 9th century BCE (Iron Age II), and in the 8th century the city developed into the religious and administrative center of the Kingdom of Judah. It is considered a holy city in the three major Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. During its long history, Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, and destroyed twice. The oldest part of the city was settled in the 4th millennium BCE, making it one of the oldest cities in the world. According to the Bible and proven historical record, the Israelite history of the city began in c. 1000 BCE, with King David's sack of Jerusalem, following which Jerusalem became the City of David and capital of the United Kingdom of Israel. The major archeological excavations show most of Israeli history and culture and not any Arab artefacts of past periods. It was subsequently captured by Babylonians, Romans, Ottoman Turks and German Nazis renderring the Jews without a homeland for centuries and that’s why it is necessary to establish Jerusalem as the heartland of Israel. It is the bounden duty of all Christian nations of the world to thwart any Arab Cartel’s ludicrous claims that they have a claim on Jerusalem. Here is a history of key historic happenings of Jerusalem. Timeline History of Jerusalem 1400 BCE to 1000 BCE - Jerusalem is mentioned as Urusalim in the Amarna letters (tablets) wherein the Canaanite vasal Abdi Heba of the Egpyptian king seeks help for thwarting enemies attacking his region. Later a new ethnic group the Jebusites appear in Jerusalem and names it Jebus. They build massive guard towers and tunnel systems around the Gihon Spring, the only water source in the area. 1000 BCE to 586 BCE – In 1000BCE King David captures Jerusalem and establishes it as the Capital of United Kingdom of Israel. King Solomon later builds the First Epic Temple Of Jerusalem in 960 BCE, which becomes the principal center for religious and spiritual life of Israel. It is situated at the place were Abraham is believed to have prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac, before God stopped him from the act. 586 BCE to 539 BCE – In 586 BCE Nebuchadnezzar II conquers Judah, destroys the Temple and exiles Jews to Babylon. 539 BCE to 333 BCE – In 539 BCE Persian king, Cyrus the Great, conquers the Babylonian Empire and allows Jews in 516 BCE to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. Zerubbabel, the Jewish bodyguard of the then Persian king Darius I, travels to Jerusalem with thousands of Jews and starts work the work on the Second Jerusalem Temple which is completed after 23 years. In 425 BCE Nehemiah the Prophet Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem. 333 BCE to 164 BCE - Alexander the Great defeats Darius III king of Persia, conquers Jerusalem in 333 BCE, but by 320 BCE Ptolemy the successor captures Jerusalem, but the battle over Jerusalem between the Ptolemies and Seleucids lasts for 125 years. The Seleucids then conquer Jerusalem.
  • 2. 164 BCE to 63 BCE - Judah Maccabee, liberates Jerusalem from Seleucid rule and restores the Temple of Jerusalem. This event is commemorated by the holiday called Chanukah (Hanukah). After 500 years Jews again rule Judea and Jerusalem (100 year liberty under Hasmonean Dynasty). 63 BCE to 614 CE - Roman general Pompey captures Jerusalem and appoints Hyrcanus II as a High Priest. Herod the Great is appointed by Romans as a client king and with the help of Roman general Mark Anthony retakes Jerusalem and names it capital of Judea. Herod embarks on a massive building campaign to enlarge and improve the Temple Mount. He builds it in Greco-Roman style in order to please his Roman overlords. He spares no funds and the end result is a magnificent complex of buildings that became known far beyond the walls of Jerusalem (37B CE). Pontius Pilate is appointed as a procurator of Judea and orders the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 31 CE. This event gives birth to Christianity. Again in 70 CE the second Jerusalem Temple is destroyed by the Romans and in 135 CE it is rebuilt like a Roman City. In 335 CE Church Of the Holy Sepulchre was built. 614 CE to 1099 CE - Persians defeat Byzantine Dynasty and the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem happens in 638 CE. Dome of Rock is built by Caliph Abdel- Malik on the top of the ruins of the Jewish Temple in 691CE. The Seljuk Turks take Jerusalem away from Fatimids in 1070 CE. 1099 CE to 1187 CE - Answering the call of the Pope Urban II to liberate the Holy Land, the army of Christian pilgrims and the knights conquers Jerusalem. 1187 CE to 1492 CE - Saladin captures Jerusalem from Crusaders after he won the battle of Hattin. Not one Christian is killed. Allows Crusaders to leave by paying a nominal ransom. Jews are permitted to resettle in Jerusalem. In 1189 CE Pope Gregory the VII orders another crusade to recapture Jerusalem. Richard the Lionheart and King Phillip II of France lead the 3rd crusade unsuccessfully. In 1244 CE Jerusalem is sacked by Khwarazmian Turks who were summoned to Palestine by Ayyubid Sultan of Egypt. They kill Christians and violate the shrines including the church of Holy Sepulcher 1492 CE to 1517 CE - Spanish Army defeats the Muslim forces in Granada and on July 30th 200,000 Jews are expelled from Spain under orders of king Ferdinand and queen Isabella. Thousands are forced to convert into Christianity under the plan devised by Spanish Inquisition. 1517 CE to 1882 CE - Selim the Cruel captures Jerusalem after an Ottoman army defeats the Muslim Mamluks at Marj-Dabik in northern Syria. Thus begins an Ottoman period in Jerusalem history that would last for four hundred years. 1882 CE to 1917 CE - British conquer Egypt and establish themselves as a political power in the region. Assassination of Russian tsar Alexander II is followed by vicious attacks (pogroms) against the Jewish population of Russia. Many Russian Jews emigrate to Palestine (presently Israel). Some settle in Jerusalem. In 1914 World War I breaks out. Ottoman Turkey sides with Germans against French and British. 1937 to 1964 - Peel Committee recommends the partition of the country between Arabs and Jews with Jerusalem to be left under the permanent control of the British Mandate. Jews reluctantly accept the deal in lieu of the deteriorating conditions in Europe. Arabs flatly reject it . World War II ends in 1945. Thousands of former concentration camp prisoners flee to Palestine despite the efforts of British Government to stop them at any cost. On November 29th 1947 the United Nations votes in favor of partition of Palestine into autonomous Arab and Jewish states. A special committee is formed to work out a special status given to Jerusalem as an international entity. Jews agree to the resolution. Arabs reject it. Almost immediately after UN resolution, Arabs break through the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem and attack Jewish commercial center on Ben-Yehuda street. Jewish defense force called Haganah retaliates. In 1948 on May 14th, the day before the British Mandate is terminated, Jews proclaim the Declaration of Independence. The new state is called Israel.
  • 3. 1964 to 2003 First Arab summit in Cairo decides to establish a Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964. Palestinian National Council meets for the first time in East Jerusalem. In 1967 President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser moves 100.000 troops into Sinai and kicks out UN peacekeepers. He also blockades the Strait of Tiran effectively paralyzing Israeli shipping. King Hussain of Jordan joins Nasser and signs a military agreement with Egypt. Israel expecting the worst initiates a pre-emptive strike and Six Day War begins. Israel captures Sinai, West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. For the first time since 1948, Jews can pray at the Western Wall. Free access to all religions to all holy sites is allowed. On October 6th, 1973 Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. Initially the Arabs have some success, but after three weeks of fighting and re-supplied by US with ammunition, Israelis stop the advancing Arab armies and push them back beyond the original line. Only a UN Security Council intervention and US vs.Soviet Union confrontation saves an Egyptian Army from complete distraction. In 1993 Israel and the PLO sign on the peace process, known as Oslo Accords, in which Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist and Israel agrees to negotiate Palestinian statehood and withdrawal from West Bank and Gaza. Both sides agree to discuss the status of Jerusalem at the later time. 2003 Palestinian Authority and Israeli Parliament agree to accept the U.S.-supported "road map" to a Mideast peace agreement clearing the way for a series of steps that would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state within three years. Road map proves to be very difficult to implement. Hamas continues its reign of terror and suicide attacks with severe reprisals by the Israeli Defence Forces. THE ABOVE REFLECTS THE TURBULENT AND EXPLOSIVE STAGES ISRAEL AND IT’S PRIME CITY JERUSALEM HAS SURVIVED THROUGH THE AGES UNDER VARIOUS EXTERNAL CONQUERORS. THE ISRAELI SURVIVAL IS MIRACULOUS ALL BY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY IN THAT NO OTHER PEOPLE NOR STATE WOULD HAVE SURVIVED SUCH VICIOUS PERSISTENT ATTACKS FROM OTHER HOSTILE RACES OF PEOPLE. IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THE PRESENT DAY CLAIM FOR THE ARAB STATE OF PALESTINE IS OF NO RELEVANCE BECAUSE INSPITE OF THEIR HAVING AGREED TO THE 2 NATION THEORY, THEY HAVE NEVER EVER AGREED TO ANY PROPOSAL FOR THEIR LAND, AS THEIR GREEDY VICIOUS OPEN DESIRE IS TO HAVE THE WHOLE OF ISRAELI LAND - SO LET THEM NOT HAVE ANY LAND AND HONESTLY SPEAKING MOST PALESTINIANS PREFER TO LIVE UNDER ISRAELI RULE. ISRAEL’S SURVIVAL AND CONSTANT VICTORIES AGAINST ALL ATTACKS FROM ARAB NATIONS GIVES CEREDIBILITY TO THE FACT THAT ISRAELIS ARE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE. Compiled by TONY CHACKO
  • 4. • Western Wall • Temple Mount • Church Of Holy Sepulchre • Tower Of David • Yad Vashem • Mount Of Olives • Via Dolorosa • Dome Of The Rock • Jerusalem Biblical Zoo • Israel museum • Gethsemane • The Garden Tomb • Church Of All Nations • Mount Herzi • Mount Zion • Al AqsaMosque • Bible Lands Museum • City Of David National park • Tomb Of Virgin Mary • Dominus Flevit church • Abbey Of The Dormition • Hurva Synanogue • Church Of St. Peter in Gallicantu • Rockfeller Museum • Church Of Mary Magdellane • Church Of Pater Noster • Church Of The Visitation • Church Of The Redeeemer, Jerusalem • Monastry Of The Cross • Wohl Rose Park • Chapel Of The Ascension • Gihon Spring • Burnt House • Ramban Synagogue • Great Synanogue, Jerusalem • Cenacle • Jerusalem Botanical Gardens • Tomb Of Absalom • Four Sephardic Synagogues • Cathedral Of St James, Jerusalem • Herodium • L.A. Mayer Institute Of Islamic Art • Damascus gate • Jaffa Gate • Siloam Tunnel • David’s Tomb
  • 5. Old City of Jerusalem
  • 6. Western Wall (Wailing Wall) of Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
  • 7. Pictorial Layout showing the portion of Temple Mount managed by the Jordanian Arab Waqf Board. It is under this area that Israelis and World Christians believe that the first ancient Jerusalem Temple lies. This is where the Arab Muslims are not allowing any archaeological excavations.
  • 8. An aerial view depicting the 4 religious quarters in Old Jerusalem.
  • 10. The Dome of the Rock (Arabic: Qubbat al-Sakhrah, Hebrew: Kippat ha-Sela) is an Islamic shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. It was initially completed in 691 CE at the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al- Malik during the Second Fitna (Period Islamic Political and Military Disorder during Ummayad Dynasty), built on the site of the Roman temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, which had in turn been built on the site of Herod's Jerusalem Temple, destroyed during the Roman Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The original dome collapsed in 1015 and was rebuilt in 1022– 23. The Dome of the Rock is one of the oldest ancient works of Islamic architecture.
  • 11. Church of The Holy Sepulchre
  • 12. Tourists outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
  • 13. Tomb of Christ in the Church of The Holy Sepulcher. The Sacred Canopy surrounding Jesus' tomb is located in the center of the circular Church of the Resurrection (Rotunda) which was founded together with a basilica in 336 AD from St.Helena in the area where Jesus martyred.
  • 14. Layout of the site of Calvary at the time of Christ.
  • 15. The Tower of David (The Citadel) within it’s museum.
  • 16. Yad Vashem : Israel's official memorial to the victims of the German Holocaust.
  • 17. Inner view of Yad Vashem
  • 19. The Via Dolorosa (Latin: "Way of Grief," "Way of Sorrow," "Way of Suffering“) is a street within the Old City of Jerusalem, believed to be the path that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion.
  • 20. Via Dolorosa – Pathway through which Christ walked torturously to his crucifixion.
  • 22. Replica of Noah’s Ark at the Biblical Zoo.
  • 23. Model of Jerusalem Temple at the Israel Museum of Jerusalem.
  • 24. The Israel Museum is the largest cultural institution in the State of Israel and is ranked among the world’s leading art and archaeology museums. In just forty-five years, thanks to a legacy of gifts and generous support from its circle of patrons worldwide, the Museum has built a far-ranging collection of nearly 500,000 objects, representing the full scope of world material culture.
  • 25. The Shrine of the Book, designed by Armand Bartos and Frederick Kiesler at the Jerusalem Israeli Museum, which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest biblical manuscripts in the world.
  • 26. The Museum’s celebrated Billy Rose Art Garden, designed for the original campus by Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, is counted among the finest outdoor sculpture settings of the 20th century.
  • 28. Garden Tomb is an amazing place to see what the area looked like back in Jesus' day.
  • 29. Jerusalem Church of all nations (Catholic Church).
  • 30. Military cemetery and the new Remembrance Hall on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
  • 31. Mount Zion, located outside Jerusalem's walls, has been a focal point in the city’s history since the time of the first Temple.
  • 32. Al Aqsa Mosque in the old city of Jerusalem within the Temple Mount Compound.
  • 33. Manuel Alvarez's "Tower of Babel" in front of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem.
  • 34. City of David National Park
  • 35. Tomb of the Virgin Mary at Gethsemane, Jerusalem
  • 36. Church of Dominus Flevit on the slopes of Mount Olives recalls the Gospel incident in which Jesus wept over the future fate of Jerusalem.
  • 37. Abbey of the Dormition is an abbey and the name of a Benedictine community in Jerusalem on Mt. Zion just outside the walls of the Old City near the Zion Gate.
  • 38. Hurva Synagogue, is a historic synagogue located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.
  • 39. Church of St Peter in Gallicantu. It takes its name from the Latin word "Gallicantu", meaning cock's- crow, in remembrance of Peter's triple rejection of Jesus "... before the cock crows twice." (Mark 14:30)
  • 40. Church of the Nativity in Bethleham
  • 41. The Rockefeller Museum, formerly the Palestine Archaeological Museum, is an archaeology museum in East Jerusalem that houses a large collection of artifacts unearthed in the excavations conducted in Mandate Palestine, in the 1920s and 1930s.
  • 42. Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene at Mount of Olives.
  • 44. Innovative flower gardens of Jerusalem Botanical Gardens.
  • 45. Jaffa Gate is a stone portal in the historic walls of the Old Jerusalem. It is one of 8 gates in Jerusalem's Old City walls.
  • 46. The Monastery of the Cross is an Eastern Orthodox monastery near the Nayot neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel. It is located in the Valley of the Cross near the Israeli Museum.
  • 47. The Pool of Siloam (Hebrew: Breikhat Hashiloah) was a rock-cut pool on the southern slope of the City of David, Jerusalem, located outside the walls of the Old City to the southeast. The pool was fed by the waters of the Gihon Spring, carried there by 2 aqueducts.
  • 48.
  • 49. The Damascus Gate of Jerusalem
  • 50. Herodion : Herod the Great built this monumental fortress and palace in the Judean desert south of Jerusalem, and was buried here. The site was a rebel stronghold during the great revolts against the Romans. It is one of the most exciting archaeological sites in Israel.
  • 51. Model Of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount (the second rebuilt Temple during King Herod’s Time) situated on Mount Zion
  • 52. In Sao Paulo, Brazil, there is a remarkable full-size replica of Solomon’s Temple. This ‘Templo de Salomão’ is four times the size of the original, but precise in every other detail giving a taste of the glory of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Bishop Edir Macedo of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) was inspired to build this massive undertaking after he visited Israel, to enable his congregation get a feel of the Jerusalem Temple in Brazil. It took 4 years and a daunting $300 million, but he was finally successful in his vision of building a replica of Solomon’s Temple.
  • 53. The Cathedral of Saint James is a 12th-century Armenian church in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem and it is dedicated to Apostles James son of Zebedee and James brother of Jesus.
  • 54. The Cenacle, also known as the "Upper Room", is a room in Jerusalem traditionally held to be the site of the Last Supper.
  • 55. The Great Synagogue of Jerusalem
  • 56. Alter view of St.John The Baptist Church in Jerusalem
  • 57. Chapel of the Ascension (Jerusalem). It is located on a site the faithful believe to be the earthly spot where Jesus ascended into Heaven 40 days after his resurrection. It has a stone slab believed to contain one of His footprints.
  • 58. The Burnt House Museum (Katros House) is an excavated house from the Second Temple period situated 6 meters below current street level in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. It is believed to have been burnt during the Roman invasion in 70 CE.
  • 59. Modern tram on the main street of Jerusalem.
  • 60. Wohl Rose Park of Jerusalem
  • 61. Look at these bountiful dates from a farm somewhere in Israel. Israel is the leader in modern agriculture in the world.
  • 62. Modern part of Jerusalem – The Calatrava Bridge of Springs.
  • 63. The modern side of Jerusalem.
  • 64. The Construction and Housing Ministry has undertaken a recent massive urban renewal project on more than 20 hectares of land at the western entrance to Jerusalem that it said will transform the capital into a world-class business, cultural and residential district.
  • 65. For it’s eventful ancient history, Jerusalem has frequent flare-ups between Palestinians and Israelis – mostly with Palestinians protesting against Israeli settlements and their Jewish celebrations. Here protesters collide with Israelis celebrating outside of the Old City on Jerusalem Day.
  • 66. One of the realities for Israelis is to be aware of the bomb shelters they can take protection from upon hearing sirens of mortar attacks from Palestinians from their hidden quarters.
  • 67. Trust that all readers have got an on-site internet tour of Christianity’s Biblical Lands and Israelis’ Homeland in this world known as Jerusalem. These comments may be unacceptable to the Muslim World. But the world has to see the reality of the fact that present day Israel and West Bank are indeed the true ancestral lands of the Israelis with proven historical excavations revealing most of Biblical Israeli monuments, structures etc., but there is none of ancient excavations to prove of a race in existence known as Palestinians. It is due to their frequent displacements by hostile conquerers that the destroyed desolate West Bank Lands and parts of Israel were occupied by migrating Jordanians and Syrians since 1517 A.D. who are presently called Palestinians. This is denoted through historical records. (ref :- There is never going to be any sensible realistic negotiations with Arab Palestinian PLO or the present Hamas Palestinian Administration who when they were offered the 2 nation theory never even agreed to any International mediation for their portion of land. Moreover if they gain their freedom of statehood they are so incensed with their hatred for Jews that no Israeli Jew will be allowed to reside in their land. So obviously it is best for them to live as residents under Israeli rule where Israel practices democracy and allow people of any religious faith from the world to live within Israel freely. It is the moral duty of all Christians worldwide who believe in ‘THE BIBLE’ to support Israel in claiming their full rights over Jerusalem and to enable excavations to unearth the Temple Of Jerusalem in proof of Israel’s full rights over all of Israel and the West Bank. It is worth noting that none in present day world can bring peace to Jerusalem until the Lord comes as stated in the Bible. Presented by TONY CHACKO (