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Henry Ford History
Have you ever thought about how different the world would be today if we didn't have the cars we
have today? The twentieth to the twenty–first century would be completely different. We would not
be able to drive across the country in a week's time, we wouldn't be able to travel from place to
place for events, all of our life would be surrounded by asking yourself the question,"how will i get
there?" We have these things today thanks tohenry ford, Born to Mary Litogot Ford and William ford
on July 30, 1863, and his innovations to the automotive business.
At age 16 Henry discovered his love for engineering when he left his home in Greenfield Township,
Michigan. After he came back home he continued to work stints in Detroit factory, which really more content...
It was outsold by Chevrolet and Plymouth so it discontinued in 1931. In 1932 he introduced the v8
engine but he was still ranked number 3 by 1936.
1937, Battle of overpass, United Auto Workers (UAW) coordinated strikes at several different auto
companies. Ford didn't like this idea of not having control of his business so he hired ex–con guards
to protect his business. These guards then attacked the news men taking pictures.
Ford signs a contract with the UAW on June 20th, 1941. Ford signed the papers because his wife
clara was afraid of blood shed and riots.Ford agreed to match highest wage rates in the industry and
deduct union dues from workers pay.
1943, May 26th, Henry son, and so before it dies at 49. He had developed stomach cancer. Although
he had surgery, it was unsuccessful due to metastasis, a growth from previous cancer, he died at his
lakeside home in Grosse Pointe Shores.
April 7th, 1947 Henry Ford dies. He was 83, and died of a syllable hemorrhage. His legacy will live
on he helped shape the 20th century, he changed the way we live.
Henry Ford probably played one of the biggest roles of shaping the world we know today. Without
the cars we have today it would take forever to get anywhere! Henry was definitely a prodigy in his
time and still
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Henry Ford Paper
This paper will go into detail about the young life, career and adult life of Henry Ford. Henry
ford's young life, in this paper will consist of his childhood. The paper will then describe all of his
education and early jobs. Finally, this paper will conclude with Henry Ford's adult life and home
life (what he did when he wasn't working), his career's work and the impact Henry had on
American History. This paper should help the reader better understand the life of Henry Ford: Who
he was? Who he is? And why he was so vital to our American History.
Henry Ford, born July 30, 1863, was the first of William and Mary Ford's six children. He grew up
on a prosperous family farm in what is today Dearborn, Michigan. Henry enjoyed a
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Edsel also managed to prevail over his father's initial objections in the inclusion of a sliding–shift
transmission. The result was the successful Ford Model A, introduced in December 1927 and
produced through 1931, with a total output of more than 4 million. Subsequently, the Ford Company
adopted an annual model change system similar to that recently pioneered by its competitor General
Motors (and still in use by automakers today).
Ford, like other automobile companies, entered the aviation business during World War I,
building Liberty engines. After the war, it returned to auto manufacturing until 1925, when Ford
acquired the Stout Metal Airplane Company. Ford's most successful aircraft was the Ford 4AT
Trimotor, often called the "Tin Goose" because of its corrugated metal construction. It used a new
alloy called Alclad that combined the corrosion resistance of aluminum with the strength of
duralumin. Ford was a pioneer of "welfare capitalism", designed to improve the lot of his workers
and especially to reduce the heavy turnover that had many departments hiring 300 men per year to
fill 100 slots. Efficiency meant hiring and keeping the best workers. Ford astonished the world in
1914 by offering a $5 per day wage ($120 today), which more than doubled the rate of most of his
workers. The move proved extremely profitable; instead of constant turnover of employees, the best
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Henry Ford Biography Essay
Before 1907 when Henry Ford installed the first assembly line, the early 20th century provided
automobiles for mostly the rich as a showing of "keeping up with the Jonseses." The car models
were mostly complicated machines which mostly required a chauffeur knowledgeable on how to
operate the complex automobile. The invention helped reduce a four men work to a one men power.
It first took around more than 12 hours to build one car to 2 hours and about 30 minutes. Henry Ford
said that "by the aid of scientific study one man is now able to do somewhat more than four did
only a comparatively few years ago. That line established the efficiency of the method and we now
use it everywhere. The assembling of the motor, formerly done by one man, is more
Around 1901 it showed that he had been a supervisor and stockholder for the automobile companies.
In 1902 Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company with an $28,000 investment. He also smart
planned his success. He didn't really trust the banks that kept his investors at an odd. His early
plans were to offer the bankers who wanted to invest in his company that would offer dealer
franchises. This required the franchise dealers to pay for the automobiles when they were
received instead of when they were sold. This helped him have additional capital to expand his
manufacturing enterprise, invest in research and provide for his dream. Henry Ford stated that "I
would build a car for the great multitude. It will be large enough for the family, but small enough
for the individual to run and care for. It will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men to
be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be low in price
that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one–and enjoy with his family the blessing
of hours of pleasure in God's great open spaces." This soon clearly started his dreams he announced
in 1907 that soon came true. Henry Ford built nine models before the Model T came forward, a
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Henry Ford Essay examples
Henry Ford Henry Ford grew up on a small farm near Dearborn, Michigan. As Henry grew up, he
spent most of his free time tinkering, and finding out exactly how things work. A pastime that
developed thinking and logic abilities. But being a farmer's boy, he had little spare time, for
there were always chores to be done. By twelve years of age, Henry was doing a man's work on
the farm and had begun repairing machinery for neighbouring farmers. His father pleased when
Henry would repair a harness, reset a tool handle, or make some hinges for furniture but he was not
pleased however, when his son repaired things for neighbours, as he often did, without charging
them a cent. It was one day when Henry saw a steam engine powering more content...
In 1888 Henry and Clara were married. As a gift, Mr. Ford gave Henry and his bride forty acres of
wooded land. Henry built a small cottage and they lived off the land. Henry's father thought Henry
was content and had settled down for life, but this was not to be so. All of Henry's spare time was
still spent on engines. Three years after their marriage, Henry saw an internal– combustion gas
engine in Detroit. He decided that this is the engine that he would have to use on his car. He had
to move back to Detroit. For two years Henry worked nights as a steam engineer for the Edison
Illuminating Company. He worked every night from 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. and earned $45 a month.
After working hours he experimented on his gas engine. His wages barely paid for living
expenses and for tools and materials for his tinkering. But his wife was cooperative and did not
complain but rather, encouraged him. In November, 1983, a son was born to Henry and Clara,
they named him Edsel. A few weeks later, just before Christmas, Henry had completed his engine.
A successful testing of the engine excited Henry and he decided to build one with two cylinders.
Slightly over two and a half years later, Henry had built his first horseless carriage with four
bicycle wheels and seat. His contraption would not fit out of the workshop so he simply knocked
out a portion of the wall. The car
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Henry Ford Essay
Early Years
Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, on a farm in Dearborn, Michigan. The Ford farm of ninety
acres included many different wildlife such as "bobolinks", foxes, and much more (Harris 7). Like
most other farms, the Ford's had cows, horses, and orchards. Being open to such nature, Henry Ford
came to "know and love it" (Harris 7).
In Henry's younger days, it was usual for farmers to make things they needed. The ford farm had a
gristmill, a sawmill, a blacksmith shop, and a weaving machine. As Henry grew older, he was
expected to help with the farm work. Henry hated to plow, to plant, and milk cows; all he enjoyed
was the machinery. more content...
Clara Bryant
Henry Ford took dancing lessons on the waltz and the polka to improve his prospects. One night at a
harvest moon dance, late in 1884, Henry met Clara Bryant. Clara was a close friend of Henry's sister
Margeret, but he never noticed her. Henry "realized after 30 seconds of conversation that Clara
Bryant was the girl for him" (Collier 26). Since Henry's mother's death, Clara was the first to have
confidence in Henry, so he called her "the believer" (Harris 15). When William Ford saw his son
falling in love, William offered an acre parcel to Henry called "the Moir place", as a wedding gift.
The two lovebirds married on April 11, 1888 and settled down.
On September 25, 1888, henry and Clara packed their things and moved to a house on John R
Street. Henry worked a few hours from home at Detroit Edison Illuminating Company. Henry was
soon making $1000 a year as chief engineer.
On November 6, 1893, Clara gave birth to her first child, which Henry named Edsel after a friend
from high school. By Christmas Eve 1893, Henry completed his first gasoline engine. In the spring
of 1896, Henry axed down a hole in the wall and rode the gas buggy.
Ford Motor Company
On October 10, 1901, Henry raced his twenty–six horsepower racer against the famous Winton. After
beating Winton, Henry got much publicity for the
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Henry Ford: A Visionary Leader
Henry Ford was one of the greatest leaders of American history, right? Well, not exactly. Henry
Ford is most widely known for his contributions to providing the foundation to one of the largest
economic booms in history with the first automobile. Many people believe Ford was responsible
for producing the first car however, this is not the case. Other innovators had already achieved
production before the popular Model T hit the streets in 1908. Still, he was a visionary leader by his
active pursuit to create the first moving assembly line which has influenced the lean six sigma
process of today while incorporating skilled labor with an inclusion of diversity in his company
practice (, 2013). Unbeknownst to many is that more content...
Many of its essays and articles were composed and printed in a book named, The International
Jew: The World's Foremost Problem. It was a bestseller in Nazi Germany and continues to be
circulated today. Ford was so infused in this unethical behavior of prejudice that when he was
sued for defamation over the paper, he faked a car accident and hid in the hospital so he wouldn't
have to testify (, 2009). Times of war were prominent during this era and Ford
believed he was warranted to feel and express his views in a manner relative to his interpretation of
ethics. But his actions were warped in ways that were not justified or, as noted in the Ethical
Leadership module in course 14, not aligned with societal
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Henry Ford
Henry Ford was a man of great importance because he revolutionized the assembly line, created
the Model T, and he is well known for his revolutionary vision, rather than the profit made on his
automobiles. Ford introduced the 5 dollar an hour wage at the same time he perfected the
assembly line. He was able to reduce the assembly time of a Model T from 12 and a half hours to
just 6 hours. Ford also made the automobile cheaper by mass producing it with the assembly line.
Henry Ford is an interesting person because he made many contributions to modern day industry
such as the automobile industry, electronics industry, and heavy equipment industry.
Prior to 1878, automobiles were not available to everyone because they were too costly to more content...
Every day since Ford made a cheaper automobile, the auto industry has changed in the biggest way
possible. The long term effects of this are that most people on the earth today are driving an
automobile. Ford has become a role model because he changed the face of the auto industry by
creating an automobile that most people could afford, and wasn't seeking profit for it either.
People in the years following Ford's development of the affordable automobile reacted by buying
Ford's cheaper invention of the automobile. Rather than just the rich driving the automobile, now
most people were driving the automobile. People rejoiced Ford's solution for the expensive
automobile, even after they laughed at him for developing the Quadricycle. People bought Ford's
automobile so much that in the blink of an eye, Ford already sold 20 million.
Ford wanted the automobile to be affordable to all, not just the rich, and if Ford hadn't have take
the stand, then the automobile may have just stayed in the grasp of the elite. The automobile may
have also been made affordable, but by another person. If Ford hadn't have taken the stand, then
automobile prices would probably be really high, where they would only be available to certain
classes of people. Nobody at all would be able to afford an automobile if the price didn't fit the
budget for
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Henry Ford Research Paper Outline
Kolt Webb
Mrs. Williams
English III
31 October 2016
Ford Motor Company The Ford Motor Company is an automotive manufacturer that was started in
the late 1900's. Many people have run the Ford Motor Company but the founder Henry Ford, he
was unlike any other. Henry Ford's imagination was unlike any other and his brain could come up
with some of the greatest things. Until the day Mr. Ford died he created and succeeded in the
automotive world and never failed to give to America. Henry Ford was born on a farm near
Greenfield, Michigan on July 30th, 1863. Educated in the Greenfield school district, and at the age
of 16 Henry became a machinist's apprentice in Detroit. In 1888 he married Clara Jane Bryant. In
1891 he became an engineer at more content...
Ford, as he made accomplishments throughout his career. From life all the way to death Ford was
always looking for ways to improve. When Ford made the Model A, that was the best there was!
People were jumping around trying to figure out how they could get one and the people that actually
got it done were so satisfied with the vehicle that Ford decided he could start to mass produce the
thing. Theeeennnn, well, then along came the assembly line that could produce thousands of cars in
a week. The Assembly Line a way of assembling things that made it go much faster. It worked like
a belt drive on a car, moving the parts down the line to every station. Every station had a few people
working at it that had a specific job to
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Henry Ford : Ethical And Visionary Leader
Henry Ford – Ethical and Visionary Leader
Imagine if I told you that you could buy the same car you bought today for 30 percent less money
you if waited until tomorrow, would you be interested? My ethical and visionary synthesis essay
talks about "The People's Tycoon." Henry Ford is the man who created an affordable, reliable
automobile for the American people of the early 1900's with the invention of the automobile
assembly line. He accomplished this through the use of precision manufacturing, standardized parts,
a bright vision and ethical leadership. The purpose of my essay is to explain how and why Henry
Ford was a Visionary and Ethical leader. To do this I will synthesize how Henry Ford capitalized
on his vision through Full Range Leadership Development (FRLD) as a transformational leader
who preached and practiced the traits of individualized consideration and diversity. Additionally, I
will synthesize how Ford fulfilled his vision through the use of ethical leadership traits using
integrity, resource excellence, and a display of moral courage in the face of adversity. Lastly, I will
explain the personal relevance and impact on my own life doing this research has had on my past
and future decisions. Now that I have laid out the overview of my essay, I will begin by explaining
what made Henry Ford a visionary leader.
Henry Ford's vision though he hadn't realized it yet, became increasing realistic when at a very
young age Fords parents started to witness Henry's
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Henry Ford
Henry Ford
Henry Ford is known as the founder of the Ford Motor Company, the most successful automobile
producer in the world for 111 years. He is also well known as the father of the assembly line.
However, Ford wasn't the creator of the first assembly line but he was the first manufacturer to
implement the assembly line.
Assembly Line
His idea started 100 years ago when him and his team got together to create the world's best way
of production, the first moving assembly line which was to incorporate specialization and
division of labor to his productions of cars. Specialization is a way of production when you focus
on one specific task to be specialized in for example one person just puts on the wheels of a car.
Places that practiced and used this method were able to produce more than enough products that
were in need, and this was the first step towards an wealthier economy. Division of labor is the
different parts of the creation process that are assigned to make workers efficient and to improve on
production. Division of labour more content...
Another advantage of specialization is it reduces the cost of on–going employee training, because
the required task is assigned to the workers based on their skills and qualifications and they don't
need new training. Some disadvantages of specialization is that if there are workers that are
totally new to the work, the employee training cost might be high. Secondly the quality of
products might decrease if workers become bored of their job, because there is not any variety in
their jobs. This can also lead to less labor because workers might leave the factories. Lastly, in the
current generation where we use technology everyday, processes might be replaced by machinery,
therefore workers will find it hard to find a new
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Henry Ford Research Paper
Henry Ford has changed the way of life for many people with his vision to make owning a car both
practical and affordable. The constant moving assembly line and mass production methods that he
developed set the standard for worldwide automotive practice in the first half of the 20th Century.
Henry Ford's first vehicle made in 1896 rode on four bicycle wheels and was powered by a
four–horse power engine. The vehicle did not have a steering wheel, but instead it had a tiller. The
gearbox itself only had two gears to move forward and no reverse. In 1899 Henry Ford joined a
group that founded the Detroit automobile company, but he later left this company after about a year.
In 1901 Ford designed a 26 horsepower sweepstakes that defeated a 70 more
After Edsels death, Henry Ford returned to his old position as president of the Ford Motor Company
in 1943.
Henry Ford II, the son of Edsel and grandson of Henry Ford was the president of the Ford Motor
Company from 1945 1960 and was also the chairman and CEO from 1960 to 1979. The company
and bookkeeping was in disarray when Henry Ford II took over. Henry Ford II managed to
transform the company into a disciplined organisation with the help of ten former US Army Air
Force officers with the nickname of Whiz kids.
Ford first post war truck design had ceased building trucks on car platforms and instead used a
purpose built truck platform instead. The truck came in eight sizes and weights ratings, The F–1
with a ВЅ ton capacity to the F–8 with a three–ton capacity. The truck size and weight ratings were
replaced in 1953; the F–1 was replaced with the ВЅ F–100 along with the F–250 Вѕ ton trucks and
the F–350 one ton trucks. The F–100 trucks got replaced by the F–150 line of trucks in 1984. The F
series trucks have been the bestselling in the US since
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Essay on Henry Ford
When you think about Ford, an automobile will usually come to mind. Most people don't think
about the man behind that name, Henry Ford. Henry Ford was the man responsible for the Ford
Motor Company (FMC). He was also the creator of the invention that changed the mass production
industry, the assembly line. As you read on you will learn about HenryFord's life, the FMC, and the
assembly line.
In Wayne County, Michigan on July 30, 1863, a pair ofIrish immigrants, William and Mary Ford,
gave birth to a boy who they named Henry. They owned a farm in Dearborn, Michigan where Henry
helped his parents and attended a one–room more content...
The automobile didn't look like much with a carriage body and a lever for steering. This car was
what got Ford started on the way toward the automotive industry.1
Ford only had one son, who was president for the Ford Company from 1819 to 1943 when Edsel,
died. Henry had to take over presidency for two years until he gave his position to his grandson,
Henry Ford the II. After living for 83 years Henry Ford passed away on April 7, 1947, at his home in
Dearborn, Michigan.3
In 1903 the Ford Motor Company was incorporated after two unsuccessful attempts. Henry Ford was
the vice–president and the chief engineer. The company started out only making a few cars a day
at the Ford factory, with two or three men working on a car at a time and having to use parts made
to order from other companies.2
Ford's dream was to produce a moderate priced, reliable, and efficient automobile, which came
with the Model T in 1908.3 A company that started out small, now had over half of the car owners
in America driving the Model T.1 It was easy to operate and maintain, it also handled good on
rough roads. It was the most popular automobile in history, and over fifteen million were sold.
With the Model T, Ford achieved his goal to make reasonable priced cars for the average person. 2
The reason he could make cars for decent prices was that the FMC owned its own steel mill and
iron mine, and could make its own parts.
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Henry Ford Essay
The automobile industry got a new lease of life injected with the advent of Henry Ford and his
industrial innovation. Henry ford was an eminent industrialist of the 20th century. He transformed
the automobile manufacturing industry and was the founder of Ford Motor Company. The major
reasons for the success of Ford's business venture was of his engineering expertise and
entrepreneurial acumen. Henry Ford innovated the business model of the automobile industry by
incorporating assembly line for the manufacture of automobiles.
Henry Ford played an instrumental role in pioneering the method for large–scale manufacturing of
cars and large–scale management of an industrial workforce using elaborately engineered
manufacturing sequences more content...
Innovation and quality was accentuated over the concept of mass production of cars. New
methods of production were developed in order to facilitate automotive designs and innovation. In
order to meet the demands of different the market segments, Ford Motors Company followed a
brilliant business strategy by marketing its vehicles under three distinct brands: Ford, Lincoln and
Motorcraft. It is a relevant example of an economy of scale as well as economy of scope. It
became a leading manufacturer, producing automobiles of all genre: commercial vehicles, luxury
cars and miscellaneous automotive parts. The affordable family cars are sold under the 'Ford' brand,
while the luxury cars and limousines are manufactured and sold under the 'Lincoln' brand. The firm
is divided into two departments: automotive and financial services. A range of services is provided
by the company, which includes automotive finance, vehicle leasing and post–sale
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Henry Ford Essay
Henry Ford
"It is doubtful if any mechanical invention in the history of the world has influenced in the same
length of time the lives of so many people in an important way as the motor car." So writes an
American historian, thinking of the automobile alone. But it does not stand–alone. It was the
automobile factory that introduced mass production, a process that has changed the lineaments of our
economic and social life more profoundly than any other single element in the recent history of
civilization. Nearly everyone has heard of this process, yet few have any detailed or exact
knowledge of its inception and development. Enter Henry Ford. The true answers of what inspired
this Michigan farmer to develop a production process more content...
Before long he is one of the masters of the Springfield Arsenal. Elias Howe liked to tinker with the
grain mill on his father's farm, an occupation fitting his rural life. At sixteen he became an apprentice
in a Lowell factory for making textile machinery – his sewing machine lay just ahead. Eli Whitney
combines farm chores and forge work; restlessly ambitious, he saves money to attend Yale– with
what result we all know. "The farm is a sound teacher of ingenuity and elementary mechanical
skills. Before long however its lessons are ended, and the youth whose imagination is fired by
railroads, steamboats, cotton mills, machine shops, and gun factories looks to a larger sphere." 2
Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in the Detroit, Michigan area. He was the oldest of six
children born to William and Mary Litogot O'Hern Ford, and the grandson of Irish immigrants who
had arrived in America in 1847. The entire family worked on the family farm and Ford was raised
with intentions of taking over the family farm when he grew up.
"He had an intelligent, inquisitive nature and was energized by the huge growth of industry
occurring in the Detroit area." 3He was also an avid experimenter. At age nine, in one of his first
experiments, he theorized the power of steam. To prove the nature of this phenomenon, he plugged
the spout of one of his mother's delicate teapots, and set it to a boil. And to the
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Henry Ford Essay
Henry Ford revolutionized the American automotive industry and forever changed transportation.
Born on the morning of July 30, 1863 in a patch of Michigan woods, Henry Ford matured into the
founder of the Ford Motor Co. that made the Ford name famous. The Ford Motor Co. would
develop American automotive icons that continue to make a lasting impression. Henry's ancestors
came to Michigan from Ireland in hope of a new life in a New World. His parents, William and
Mary found success in America, unfortunately Mary died a tragic death after complications of the
birth of her eighth child (Lacey 11). At the young age of fourteen Henry is already interested in
industry and mechanics, he sees his first steam engine that gave him more content...
Henry and Clara had their first son, Edsel on November sixth 1893, at the same time Henry was
working on making his own internal combustion engines and was being constantly promoted at his
job (Lacey 34). Henry's dream of the automobile started with the production of his first auto, on
June fourth 1896, the primitive auto was named the quadracycle. Not exactly a modern auto the
Quadracycle was reminiscent to a babbycarrige on bicycle wheels but was a start to Ford's empire
and the development of the automobile for the people. Many saw Henry's potential and helped
him to find a successor to the Quadracycle; one such person was the Mayor of Detroit, William
Mayburg who provided financial support to Ford to continue his research. Generous investors
such as this and the help of four investors donating 10,000 dollars each led to the official founding
of the Ford Motor Co. in 1901. In 1903 the Quadracycle's successor was designed and named the
Model A, the Model A was much more refined and technologically advanced. Using a new
two–cylinder engine it produced nine horsepower and featured a two–speed transmission with a
chain driven drive train that had a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour, and sold for a pricey 850
dollars (Wise 77). Not more than a year later the Ford Motor Co. was introducing new models, the
Model C & F were only updated model A's but the new Model B was a
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Impact Of Henry Ford
Henry Ford expressed his idea and thoughts on how to make his automobile company better and
how to overcome and potential challenges that are about to come his way. Ford was a great
contributor to America in both World Wars as he helped provide planes and vehicles to help them
on the lines and with transportation. His company expanded and over 200,000 cars during the time
period of the war. By the mid–1920s, sales of the Model T began to decline due to rising
competition. By 1926, flagging sales of the Model T finally convinced Henry to make a new model.
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Henry Ford Cons
In 1914, Henry Ford transformed the entire world by manufacturing bulk of automobiles and these
automobiles completely changed our way of travelling. They became an integral part of our
society and we all are dependent upon them. But the way coin has two sides there are pros and
cons of automobiles. The economic cost of manufacturing and owing a vehicle can be ignored but
there are various global effects which affect our everyday life and can't be ignored. Few of them are
environmental impact, noise pollution, emission of greenhouse gases, congestion from road
infrastructure etc. But the most stunning effect is the economic and social burden caused by
accidents and fatalities. In 1999 alone about 750,000 people died globally in road related
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Henry Ford Essay
Henry Ford
Henry Ford was one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in creating the automobile assembly line, it
was his controversial characteristics and unorthodox approach towards administrating the Ford
Motor Company which resulted in the conglomeration of one of the most successful corporations in
the world. At the turn of the century everything was booming! The growth of the economy and stock
market increased the job opportunities as well as morals. As a result of this industrial revolution, out
of the woodwork came a humble yet driven man, Henry Ford. Between the five dollar/day plan, his
policies on administrating the company, and his relations with his customers, Ford was often
presented as a suspicious character. more content...
Henry Ford's controversial behavior reflected badly on himself and on the Ford Motor Company. The
Anti–Semitic views expressed by Henry Ford could never be denied. It was common knowledge in
fact that Henry Ford was prejudice. He wrote an article in the Dearborn Independent expressing his
ideas that Jews were the cause of many peoples problems. Henry Ford was sued by a man by the
name Aaron Sapiro in the early 1930's.
Sapiro had evidence that Ford threatened himself with Anti–Semitic sentiments. Ford was recorded
as saying, "Sapiro is a shrewd little Jew. The bible says Jews will return to Palestine, but they
want to get all the money out of America first. Sapiro should be kicked out because he is trash.."
The result of the trial was humiliation for the Ford company and Henry Ford himself. After a
hung jury in the first trial, the case was dropped when Ford wrote a lengthy retraction and
apologized for his statements. Ford's was declining in profits and production! among the worlds
best. All as a result of Henry Ford's ego. Thus, by 1931 Ford lowered in the ranks, controlling only
28% of the market 2nd to GM with 31%.
Henry Ford was the godfather of the automobile industry in the early 1900's. The development of his
River Rouge plant was considered a "industrial Cathedral." Hundreds waited month after month in
front of the employment building hoping to be hired. To foreign immigrants it meant hope and a
successful future. The River Rouge plant
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Henry Ford
"Don't find fault, find a remedy." – Henry Ford. The meaning of this quote is reasonably
straightforward: When something goes wrong, instead making excuses or trying to find
someone to blame, you should find a solution to the problem, a more productive use of your time.
Personally, I agree with this Ford, if all you ever do is sit around and complain every time
something, whether it be in your professional life or your personal life, doesn't go the way you
want it to, you'll never get anything done, much less get it to be the way you'd like it to be. This
quote prompted me to look back on my own life to find times when I solved my problems instead
of complaining, as well as when I made excuses and blamed others for my failures. An example?
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Henry Ford's My Life And Work
In Passage 1, Henry Ford explains the advancement in technology enabled one man to do the work
of over four men. Henry Ford's My Life and Work states that when men willingly came to work
instead of the government forcing men to work, production and quality increased. The main idea of
Passage 1 is that the government or business owners should not force people to work who are going
to make products sloppily. Companies want quality products, and only the men truly dedicated to
work will provide the company with the ideal products that consumers see and want to buy in a
sufficient amount of
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Henry Ford Essay

  • 1. Henry Ford History Have you ever thought about how different the world would be today if we didn't have the cars we have today? The twentieth to the twenty–first century would be completely different. We would not be able to drive across the country in a week's time, we wouldn't be able to travel from place to place for events, all of our life would be surrounded by asking yourself the question,"how will i get there?" We have these things today thanks tohenry ford, Born to Mary Litogot Ford and William ford on July 30, 1863, and his innovations to the automotive business. At age 16 Henry discovered his love for engineering when he left his home in Greenfield Township, Michigan. After he came back home he continued to work stints in Detroit factory, which really more content... It was outsold by Chevrolet and Plymouth so it discontinued in 1931. In 1932 he introduced the v8 engine but he was still ranked number 3 by 1936. 1937, Battle of overpass, United Auto Workers (UAW) coordinated strikes at several different auto companies. Ford didn't like this idea of not having control of his business so he hired ex–con guards to protect his business. These guards then attacked the news men taking pictures. Ford signs a contract with the UAW on June 20th, 1941. Ford signed the papers because his wife clara was afraid of blood shed and riots.Ford agreed to match highest wage rates in the industry and deduct union dues from workers pay. 1943, May 26th, Henry son, and so before it dies at 49. He had developed stomach cancer. Although he had surgery, it was unsuccessful due to metastasis, a growth from previous cancer, he died at his lakeside home in Grosse Pointe Shores. April 7th, 1947 Henry Ford dies. He was 83, and died of a syllable hemorrhage. His legacy will live on he helped shape the 20th century, he changed the way we live. Henry Ford probably played one of the biggest roles of shaping the world we know today. Without the cars we have today it would take forever to get anywhere! Henry was definitely a prodigy in his time and still Get more content on
  • 2. Henry Ford Paper This paper will go into detail about the young life, career and adult life of Henry Ford. Henry ford's young life, in this paper will consist of his childhood. The paper will then describe all of his education and early jobs. Finally, this paper will conclude with Henry Ford's adult life and home life (what he did when he wasn't working), his career's work and the impact Henry had on American History. This paper should help the reader better understand the life of Henry Ford: Who he was? Who he is? And why he was so vital to our American History. Henry Ford, born July 30, 1863, was the first of William and Mary Ford's six children. He grew up on a prosperous family farm in what is today Dearborn, Michigan. Henry enjoyed a more content... Edsel also managed to prevail over his father's initial objections in the inclusion of a sliding–shift transmission. The result was the successful Ford Model A, introduced in December 1927 and produced through 1931, with a total output of more than 4 million. Subsequently, the Ford Company adopted an annual model change system similar to that recently pioneered by its competitor General Motors (and still in use by automakers today). Ford, like other automobile companies, entered the aviation business during World War I, building Liberty engines. After the war, it returned to auto manufacturing until 1925, when Ford acquired the Stout Metal Airplane Company. Ford's most successful aircraft was the Ford 4AT Trimotor, often called the "Tin Goose" because of its corrugated metal construction. It used a new alloy called Alclad that combined the corrosion resistance of aluminum with the strength of duralumin. Ford was a pioneer of "welfare capitalism", designed to improve the lot of his workers and especially to reduce the heavy turnover that had many departments hiring 300 men per year to fill 100 slots. Efficiency meant hiring and keeping the best workers. Ford astonished the world in 1914 by offering a $5 per day wage ($120 today), which more than doubled the rate of most of his workers. The move proved extremely profitable; instead of constant turnover of employees, the best mechanics Get more content on
  • 3. Henry Ford Biography Essay Before 1907 when Henry Ford installed the first assembly line, the early 20th century provided automobiles for mostly the rich as a showing of "keeping up with the Jonseses." The car models were mostly complicated machines which mostly required a chauffeur knowledgeable on how to operate the complex automobile. The invention helped reduce a four men work to a one men power. It first took around more than 12 hours to build one car to 2 hours and about 30 minutes. Henry Ford said that "by the aid of scientific study one man is now able to do somewhat more than four did only a comparatively few years ago. That line established the efficiency of the method and we now use it everywhere. The assembling of the motor, formerly done by one man, is more content... Around 1901 it showed that he had been a supervisor and stockholder for the automobile companies. In 1902 Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company with an $28,000 investment. He also smart planned his success. He didn't really trust the banks that kept his investors at an odd. His early plans were to offer the bankers who wanted to invest in his company that would offer dealer franchises. This required the franchise dealers to pay for the automobiles when they were received instead of when they were sold. This helped him have additional capital to expand his manufacturing enterprise, invest in research and provide for his dream. Henry Ford stated that "I would build a car for the great multitude. It will be large enough for the family, but small enough for the individual to run and care for. It will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one–and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of pleasure in God's great open spaces." This soon clearly started his dreams he announced in 1907 that soon came true. Henry Ford built nine models before the Model T came forward, a significant Get more content on
  • 4. Henry Ford Essay examples Henry Ford Henry Ford grew up on a small farm near Dearborn, Michigan. As Henry grew up, he spent most of his free time tinkering, and finding out exactly how things work. A pastime that developed thinking and logic abilities. But being a farmer's boy, he had little spare time, for there were always chores to be done. By twelve years of age, Henry was doing a man's work on the farm and had begun repairing machinery for neighbouring farmers. His father pleased when Henry would repair a harness, reset a tool handle, or make some hinges for furniture but he was not pleased however, when his son repaired things for neighbours, as he often did, without charging them a cent. It was one day when Henry saw a steam engine powering more content... In 1888 Henry and Clara were married. As a gift, Mr. Ford gave Henry and his bride forty acres of wooded land. Henry built a small cottage and they lived off the land. Henry's father thought Henry was content and had settled down for life, but this was not to be so. All of Henry's spare time was still spent on engines. Three years after their marriage, Henry saw an internal– combustion gas engine in Detroit. He decided that this is the engine that he would have to use on his car. He had to move back to Detroit. For two years Henry worked nights as a steam engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company. He worked every night from 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. and earned $45 a month. After working hours he experimented on his gas engine. His wages barely paid for living expenses and for tools and materials for his tinkering. But his wife was cooperative and did not complain but rather, encouraged him. In November, 1983, a son was born to Henry and Clara, they named him Edsel. A few weeks later, just before Christmas, Henry had completed his engine. A successful testing of the engine excited Henry and he decided to build one with two cylinders. Slightly over two and a half years later, Henry had built his first horseless carriage with four bicycle wheels and seat. His contraption would not fit out of the workshop so he simply knocked out a portion of the wall. The car Get more content on
  • 5. Henry Ford Essay Early Years Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, on a farm in Dearborn, Michigan. The Ford farm of ninety acres included many different wildlife such as "bobolinks", foxes, and much more (Harris 7). Like most other farms, the Ford's had cows, horses, and orchards. Being open to such nature, Henry Ford came to "know and love it" (Harris 7). In Henry's younger days, it was usual for farmers to make things they needed. The ford farm had a gristmill, a sawmill, a blacksmith shop, and a weaving machine. As Henry grew older, he was expected to help with the farm work. Henry hated to plow, to plant, and milk cows; all he enjoyed was the machinery. more content... Clara Bryant Henry Ford took dancing lessons on the waltz and the polka to improve his prospects. One night at a harvest moon dance, late in 1884, Henry met Clara Bryant. Clara was a close friend of Henry's sister Margeret, but he never noticed her. Henry "realized after 30 seconds of conversation that Clara Bryant was the girl for him" (Collier 26). Since Henry's mother's death, Clara was the first to have confidence in Henry, so he called her "the believer" (Harris 15). When William Ford saw his son falling in love, William offered an acre parcel to Henry called "the Moir place", as a wedding gift. The two lovebirds married on April 11, 1888 and settled down. On September 25, 1888, henry and Clara packed their things and moved to a house on John R Street. Henry worked a few hours from home at Detroit Edison Illuminating Company. Henry was soon making $1000 a year as chief engineer. On November 6, 1893, Clara gave birth to her first child, which Henry named Edsel after a friend from high school. By Christmas Eve 1893, Henry completed his first gasoline engine. In the spring of 1896, Henry axed down a hole in the wall and rode the gas buggy. Ford Motor Company On October 10, 1901, Henry raced his twenty–six horsepower racer against the famous Winton. After beating Winton, Henry got much publicity for the Get more content on
  • 6. Henry Ford: A Visionary Leader Henry Ford was one of the greatest leaders of American history, right? Well, not exactly. Henry Ford is most widely known for his contributions to providing the foundation to one of the largest economic booms in history with the first automobile. Many people believe Ford was responsible for producing the first car however, this is not the case. Other innovators had already achieved production before the popular Model T hit the streets in 1908. Still, he was a visionary leader by his active pursuit to create the first moving assembly line which has influenced the lean six sigma process of today while incorporating skilled labor with an inclusion of diversity in his company practice (, 2013). Unbeknownst to many is that more content... Many of its essays and articles were composed and printed in a book named, The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem. It was a bestseller in Nazi Germany and continues to be circulated today. Ford was so infused in this unethical behavior of prejudice that when he was sued for defamation over the paper, he faked a car accident and hid in the hospital so he wouldn't have to testify (, 2009). Times of war were prominent during this era and Ford believed he was warranted to feel and express his views in a manner relative to his interpretation of ethics. But his actions were warped in ways that were not justified or, as noted in the Ethical Leadership module in course 14, not aligned with societal Get more content on
  • 7. Henry Ford Henry Ford was a man of great importance because he revolutionized the assembly line, created the Model T, and he is well known for his revolutionary vision, rather than the profit made on his automobiles. Ford introduced the 5 dollar an hour wage at the same time he perfected the assembly line. He was able to reduce the assembly time of a Model T from 12 and a half hours to just 6 hours. Ford also made the automobile cheaper by mass producing it with the assembly line. Henry Ford is an interesting person because he made many contributions to modern day industry such as the automobile industry, electronics industry, and heavy equipment industry. Prior to 1878, automobiles were not available to everyone because they were too costly to more content... Every day since Ford made a cheaper automobile, the auto industry has changed in the biggest way possible. The long term effects of this are that most people on the earth today are driving an automobile. Ford has become a role model because he changed the face of the auto industry by creating an automobile that most people could afford, and wasn't seeking profit for it either. People in the years following Ford's development of the affordable automobile reacted by buying Ford's cheaper invention of the automobile. Rather than just the rich driving the automobile, now most people were driving the automobile. People rejoiced Ford's solution for the expensive automobile, even after they laughed at him for developing the Quadricycle. People bought Ford's automobile so much that in the blink of an eye, Ford already sold 20 million. Ford wanted the automobile to be affordable to all, not just the rich, and if Ford hadn't have take the stand, then the automobile may have just stayed in the grasp of the elite. The automobile may have also been made affordable, but by another person. If Ford hadn't have taken the stand, then automobile prices would probably be really high, where they would only be available to certain classes of people. Nobody at all would be able to afford an automobile if the price didn't fit the budget for Get more content on
  • 8. Henry Ford Research Paper Outline Kolt Webb Mrs. Williams English III 31 October 2016 Ford Motor Company The Ford Motor Company is an automotive manufacturer that was started in the late 1900's. Many people have run the Ford Motor Company but the founder Henry Ford, he was unlike any other. Henry Ford's imagination was unlike any other and his brain could come up with some of the greatest things. Until the day Mr. Ford died he created and succeeded in the automotive world and never failed to give to America. Henry Ford was born on a farm near Greenfield, Michigan on July 30th, 1863. Educated in the Greenfield school district, and at the age of 16 Henry became a machinist's apprentice in Detroit. In 1888 he married Clara Jane Bryant. In 1891 he became an engineer at more content... Ford, as he made accomplishments throughout his career. From life all the way to death Ford was always looking for ways to improve. When Ford made the Model A, that was the best there was! People were jumping around trying to figure out how they could get one and the people that actually got it done were so satisfied with the vehicle that Ford decided he could start to mass produce the thing. Theeeennnn, well, then along came the assembly line that could produce thousands of cars in a week. The Assembly Line a way of assembling things that made it go much faster. It worked like a belt drive on a car, moving the parts down the line to every station. Every station had a few people working at it that had a specific job to Get more content on
  • 9. Henry Ford : Ethical And Visionary Leader Henry Ford – Ethical and Visionary Leader Imagine if I told you that you could buy the same car you bought today for 30 percent less money you if waited until tomorrow, would you be interested? My ethical and visionary synthesis essay talks about "The People's Tycoon." Henry Ford is the man who created an affordable, reliable automobile for the American people of the early 1900's with the invention of the automobile assembly line. He accomplished this through the use of precision manufacturing, standardized parts, a bright vision and ethical leadership. The purpose of my essay is to explain how and why Henry Ford was a Visionary and Ethical leader. To do this I will synthesize how Henry Ford capitalized on his vision through Full Range Leadership Development (FRLD) as a transformational leader who preached and practiced the traits of individualized consideration and diversity. Additionally, I will synthesize how Ford fulfilled his vision through the use of ethical leadership traits using integrity, resource excellence, and a display of moral courage in the face of adversity. Lastly, I will explain the personal relevance and impact on my own life doing this research has had on my past and future decisions. Now that I have laid out the overview of my essay, I will begin by explaining what made Henry Ford a visionary leader. Henry Ford's vision though he hadn't realized it yet, became increasing realistic when at a very young age Fords parents started to witness Henry's Get more content on
  • 10. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Henry Ford Henry Ford Henry Ford is known as the founder of the Ford Motor Company, the most successful automobile producer in the world for 111 years. He is also well known as the father of the assembly line. However, Ford wasn't the creator of the first assembly line but he was the first manufacturer to implement the assembly line. Assembly Line His idea started 100 years ago when him and his team got together to create the world's best way of production, the first moving assembly line which was to incorporate specialization and division of labor to his productions of cars. Specialization is a way of production when you focus on one specific task to be specialized in for example one person just puts on the wheels of a car. Places that practiced and used this method were able to produce more than enough products that were in need, and this was the first step towards an wealthier economy. Division of labor is the different parts of the creation process that are assigned to make workers efficient and to improve on production. Division of labour more content... Another advantage of specialization is it reduces the cost of on–going employee training, because the required task is assigned to the workers based on their skills and qualifications and they don't need new training. Some disadvantages of specialization is that if there are workers that are totally new to the work, the employee training cost might be high. Secondly the quality of products might decrease if workers become bored of their job, because there is not any variety in their jobs. This can also lead to less labor because workers might leave the factories. Lastly, in the current generation where we use technology everyday, processes might be replaced by machinery, therefore workers will find it hard to find a new Get more content on
  • 11. Henry Ford Research Paper Henry Ford has changed the way of life for many people with his vision to make owning a car both practical and affordable. The constant moving assembly line and mass production methods that he developed set the standard for worldwide automotive practice in the first half of the 20th Century. Henry Ford's first vehicle made in 1896 rode on four bicycle wheels and was powered by a four–horse power engine. The vehicle did not have a steering wheel, but instead it had a tiller. The gearbox itself only had two gears to move forward and no reverse. In 1899 Henry Ford joined a group that founded the Detroit automobile company, but he later left this company after about a year. In 1901 Ford designed a 26 horsepower sweepstakes that defeated a 70 more content... After Edsels death, Henry Ford returned to his old position as president of the Ford Motor Company in 1943. Henry Ford II, the son of Edsel and grandson of Henry Ford was the president of the Ford Motor Company from 1945 1960 and was also the chairman and CEO from 1960 to 1979. The company and bookkeeping was in disarray when Henry Ford II took over. Henry Ford II managed to transform the company into a disciplined organisation with the help of ten former US Army Air Force officers with the nickname of Whiz kids. Ford first post war truck design had ceased building trucks on car platforms and instead used a purpose built truck platform instead. The truck came in eight sizes and weights ratings, The F–1 with a ВЅ ton capacity to the F–8 with a three–ton capacity. The truck size and weight ratings were replaced in 1953; the F–1 was replaced with the ВЅ F–100 along with the F–250 Вѕ ton trucks and the F–350 one ton trucks. The F–100 trucks got replaced by the F–150 line of trucks in 1984. The F series trucks have been the bestselling in the US since Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Henry Ford INTRODUCTION When you think about Ford, an automobile will usually come to mind. Most people don't think about the man behind that name, Henry Ford. Henry Ford was the man responsible for the Ford Motor Company (FMC). He was also the creator of the invention that changed the mass production industry, the assembly line. As you read on you will learn about HenryFord's life, the FMC, and the assembly line. FORD'S LIFE In Wayne County, Michigan on July 30, 1863, a pair ofIrish immigrants, William and Mary Ford, gave birth to a boy who they named Henry. They owned a farm in Dearborn, Michigan where Henry helped his parents and attended a one–room more content... The automobile didn't look like much with a carriage body and a lever for steering. This car was what got Ford started on the way toward the automotive industry.1 Ford only had one son, who was president for the Ford Company from 1819 to 1943 when Edsel, died. Henry had to take over presidency for two years until he gave his position to his grandson, Henry Ford the II. After living for 83 years Henry Ford passed away on April 7, 1947, at his home in Dearborn, Michigan.3 FORD MOTOR COMPANY In 1903 the Ford Motor Company was incorporated after two unsuccessful attempts. Henry Ford was the vice–president and the chief engineer. The company started out only making a few cars a day at the Ford factory, with two or three men working on a car at a time and having to use parts made to order from other companies.2 Ford's dream was to produce a moderate priced, reliable, and efficient automobile, which came with the Model T in 1908.3 A company that started out small, now had over half of the car owners in America driving the Model T.1 It was easy to operate and maintain, it also handled good on rough roads. It was the most popular automobile in history, and over fifteen million were sold. With the Model T, Ford achieved his goal to make reasonable priced cars for the average person. 2 The reason he could make cars for decent prices was that the FMC owned its own steel mill and iron mine, and could make its own parts. Get more content on
  • 13. Henry Ford Essay The automobile industry got a new lease of life injected with the advent of Henry Ford and his industrial innovation. Henry ford was an eminent industrialist of the 20th century. He transformed the automobile manufacturing industry and was the founder of Ford Motor Company. The major reasons for the success of Ford's business venture was of his engineering expertise and entrepreneurial acumen. Henry Ford innovated the business model of the automobile industry by incorporating assembly line for the manufacture of automobiles. Henry Ford played an instrumental role in pioneering the method for large–scale manufacturing of cars and large–scale management of an industrial workforce using elaborately engineered manufacturing sequences more content... Innovation and quality was accentuated over the concept of mass production of cars. New methods of production were developed in order to facilitate automotive designs and innovation. In order to meet the demands of different the market segments, Ford Motors Company followed a brilliant business strategy by marketing its vehicles under three distinct brands: Ford, Lincoln and Motorcraft. It is a relevant example of an economy of scale as well as economy of scope. It became a leading manufacturer, producing automobiles of all genre: commercial vehicles, luxury cars and miscellaneous automotive parts. The affordable family cars are sold under the 'Ford' brand, while the luxury cars and limousines are manufactured and sold under the 'Lincoln' brand. The firm is divided into two departments: automotive and financial services. A range of services is provided by the company, which includes automotive finance, vehicle leasing and post–sale Get more content on
  • 14. Henry Ford Essay Henry Ford "It is doubtful if any mechanical invention in the history of the world has influenced in the same length of time the lives of so many people in an important way as the motor car." So writes an American historian, thinking of the automobile alone. But it does not stand–alone. It was the automobile factory that introduced mass production, a process that has changed the lineaments of our economic and social life more profoundly than any other single element in the recent history of civilization. Nearly everyone has heard of this process, yet few have any detailed or exact knowledge of its inception and development. Enter Henry Ford. The true answers of what inspired this Michigan farmer to develop a production process more content... Before long he is one of the masters of the Springfield Arsenal. Elias Howe liked to tinker with the grain mill on his father's farm, an occupation fitting his rural life. At sixteen he became an apprentice in a Lowell factory for making textile machinery – his sewing machine lay just ahead. Eli Whitney combines farm chores and forge work; restlessly ambitious, he saves money to attend Yale– with what result we all know. "The farm is a sound teacher of ingenuity and elementary mechanical skills. Before long however its lessons are ended, and the youth whose imagination is fired by railroads, steamboats, cotton mills, machine shops, and gun factories looks to a larger sphere." 2 Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in the Detroit, Michigan area. He was the oldest of six children born to William and Mary Litogot O'Hern Ford, and the grandson of Irish immigrants who had arrived in America in 1847. The entire family worked on the family farm and Ford was raised with intentions of taking over the family farm when he grew up. "He had an intelligent, inquisitive nature and was energized by the huge growth of industry occurring in the Detroit area." 3He was also an avid experimenter. At age nine, in one of his first experiments, he theorized the power of steam. To prove the nature of this phenomenon, he plugged the spout of one of his mother's delicate teapots, and set it to a boil. And to the Get more content on
  • 15. Henry Ford Essay Henry Ford revolutionized the American automotive industry and forever changed transportation. Born on the morning of July 30, 1863 in a patch of Michigan woods, Henry Ford matured into the founder of the Ford Motor Co. that made the Ford name famous. The Ford Motor Co. would develop American automotive icons that continue to make a lasting impression. Henry's ancestors came to Michigan from Ireland in hope of a new life in a New World. His parents, William and Mary found success in America, unfortunately Mary died a tragic death after complications of the birth of her eighth child (Lacey 11). At the young age of fourteen Henry is already interested in industry and mechanics, he sees his first steam engine that gave him more content... Henry and Clara had their first son, Edsel on November sixth 1893, at the same time Henry was working on making his own internal combustion engines and was being constantly promoted at his job (Lacey 34). Henry's dream of the automobile started with the production of his first auto, on June fourth 1896, the primitive auto was named the quadracycle. Not exactly a modern auto the Quadracycle was reminiscent to a babbycarrige on bicycle wheels but was a start to Ford's empire and the development of the automobile for the people. Many saw Henry's potential and helped him to find a successor to the Quadracycle; one such person was the Mayor of Detroit, William Mayburg who provided financial support to Ford to continue his research. Generous investors such as this and the help of four investors donating 10,000 dollars each led to the official founding of the Ford Motor Co. in 1901. In 1903 the Quadracycle's successor was designed and named the Model A, the Model A was much more refined and technologically advanced. Using a new two–cylinder engine it produced nine horsepower and featured a two–speed transmission with a chain driven drive train that had a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour, and sold for a pricey 850 dollars (Wise 77). Not more than a year later the Ford Motor Co. was introducing new models, the Model C & F were only updated model A's but the new Model B was a Get more content on
  • 16. Impact Of Henry Ford Henry Ford expressed his idea and thoughts on how to make his automobile company better and how to overcome and potential challenges that are about to come his way. Ford was a great contributor to America in both World Wars as he helped provide planes and vehicles to help them on the lines and with transportation. His company expanded and over 200,000 cars during the time period of the war. By the mid–1920s, sales of the Model T began to decline due to rising competition. By 1926, flagging sales of the Model T finally convinced Henry to make a new model. Get more content on
  • 17. Henry Ford Cons In 1914, Henry Ford transformed the entire world by manufacturing bulk of automobiles and these automobiles completely changed our way of travelling. They became an integral part of our society and we all are dependent upon them. But the way coin has two sides there are pros and cons of automobiles. The economic cost of manufacturing and owing a vehicle can be ignored but there are various global effects which affect our everyday life and can't be ignored. Few of them are environmental impact, noise pollution, emission of greenhouse gases, congestion from road infrastructure etc. But the most stunning effect is the economic and social burden caused by accidents and fatalities. In 1999 alone about 750,000 people died globally in road related Get more content on
  • 18. Henry Ford Essay Henry Ford Henry Ford was one of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in creating the automobile assembly line, it was his controversial characteristics and unorthodox approach towards administrating the Ford Motor Company which resulted in the conglomeration of one of the most successful corporations in the world. At the turn of the century everything was booming! The growth of the economy and stock market increased the job opportunities as well as morals. As a result of this industrial revolution, out of the woodwork came a humble yet driven man, Henry Ford. Between the five dollar/day plan, his policies on administrating the company, and his relations with his customers, Ford was often presented as a suspicious character. more content... Henry Ford's controversial behavior reflected badly on himself and on the Ford Motor Company. The Anti–Semitic views expressed by Henry Ford could never be denied. It was common knowledge in fact that Henry Ford was prejudice. He wrote an article in the Dearborn Independent expressing his ideas that Jews were the cause of many peoples problems. Henry Ford was sued by a man by the name Aaron Sapiro in the early 1930's. Sapiro had evidence that Ford threatened himself with Anti–Semitic sentiments. Ford was recorded as saying, "Sapiro is a shrewd little Jew. The bible says Jews will return to Palestine, but they want to get all the money out of America first. Sapiro should be kicked out because he is trash.." The result of the trial was humiliation for the Ford company and Henry Ford himself. After a hung jury in the first trial, the case was dropped when Ford wrote a lengthy retraction and apologized for his statements. Ford's was declining in profits and production! among the worlds best. All as a result of Henry Ford's ego. Thus, by 1931 Ford lowered in the ranks, controlling only 28% of the market 2nd to GM with 31%. Henry Ford was the godfather of the automobile industry in the early 1900's. The development of his River Rouge plant was considered a "industrial Cathedral." Hundreds waited month after month in front of the employment building hoping to be hired. To foreign immigrants it meant hope and a successful future. The River Rouge plant Get more content on
  • 19. Henry Ford "Don't find fault, find a remedy." – Henry Ford. The meaning of this quote is reasonably straightforward: When something goes wrong, instead making excuses or trying to find someone to blame, you should find a solution to the problem, a more productive use of your time. Personally, I agree with this Ford, if all you ever do is sit around and complain every time something, whether it be in your professional life or your personal life, doesn't go the way you want it to, you'll never get anything done, much less get it to be the way you'd like it to be. This quote prompted me to look back on my own life to find times when I solved my problems instead of complaining, as well as when I made excuses and blamed others for my failures. An example? Get more content on
  • 20. Henry Ford's My Life And Work In Passage 1, Henry Ford explains the advancement in technology enabled one man to do the work of over four men. Henry Ford's My Life and Work states that when men willingly came to work instead of the government forcing men to work, production and quality increased. The main idea of Passage 1 is that the government or business owners should not force people to work who are going to make products sloppily. Companies want quality products, and only the men truly dedicated to work will provide the company with the ideal products that consumers see and want to buy in a sufficient amount of Get more content on