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Heating appliances
market in Poland in 2021
Association of Heating
Appliances Manufacturers
and Importers in Poland
Warsaw, April 2022
1 Introduction ............................................................................ 3
2 General market situation in 2021............................................ 5
2.1 General economic situation in Poland in 2021 and factors which influenced
the growth of the installation and heating market ................................................. 6
2.2 Residential construction............................................................................. 10
3 Market growth in selected product groups in Poland in 2021 16
3. 1 General market situation in 2021................................................................. 16
3.2 Selected product groups in Poland in 2021................................................ 25
3.2.1 Wall-hung gas boilers........................................................................................ 28
3.2.2 Wall - hung gas boilers conventional ................................................................ 29
3.2.3 Wall - hung gas boilers condensing .................................................................. 30
3.3 Floor standing boilers (gas and oil) ............................................................ 32
3.3.1 Floor standing gas boilers ................................................................................. 32
3.3.2 Floor standing gas boilers condensing.............................................................. 33
3.3.3 Floor standing gas boilers conventional`........................................................... 34
3.3.4 High-power floor standing gas boilers (over 50 kW) ......................................... 36
3.3.5 Floor standing oil boilers ................................................................................... 37
3.4 Solid fuel boilers ........................................................................................ 41
3.5 Heat pumps ............................................................................................... 44
3.6 Electric heating.......................................................................................... 46
3.7 Solar collectors.......................................................................................... 48
3.8 Radiators and other installation elements .................................................. 51
4 Summary of the forecast for development of the installation
and heating market in the future................................................ 54
3 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
1 Introduction
We present yet another annual industry report on the development of the heating appliances
market in Poland.
The Association of Heating Appliances Manufacturers and Importers in Poland (SPIUG) is a
industry organization which gathers manufacturers of a broad range of heating appliances,
such as gas boilers, oil boilers, solid fuel boilers, electric boilers, solar collectors or heat
pumps, and since 2018, also a group of manufacturer of heating system components, such
as surface heating. controllers and automatics, as well as radiators. Moreover, SPIUG coop-
erates with manufacturers that develop innovative heat sources, yet are not formal members
of the organization. Members of SPIUG include such brands as: ACV, Ariston, Baxi, Beretta,
Buderus, DeDietrich, Ferroli, Fondital, Galmet, Hewalex, Junkers, Bosch, Immergas, Kospel,
Sanier Duval, Sofath, Stiebel Eltron, Termet, Thermagen, Unical, Vaillant, Viega, Viessmann,
Weishaupt, Wolf, and since 2018 also Purmo Rettig, Uponor, Herz, Tece Perfexim, Kermi,
Danfoss and Aberon. The market of individual heating applances in Poland is one of the more
significant ones in Europe, and, after dynamic development in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021
still has a significant development capacity. 2021 was a good year for the installation and
heating industry, due to making up for the losses in the economy after the COVID-19 pan-
demic, which on one hand increased the rate of replacing old heating generators for new,
more efficient ones. On the other, a rise in the residential construction also increased the
demand for devices and elements used in heating systems. At the same time, we faced a
series of negative phenomena which will certainly affect the development of the heating gen-
erators market in the near future. Issues with deliveries were caused on only by the increased
demand for final goods, but mostly by disruption to the chain of supply and the availability of
raw materials and subassemblies required to make heating devices and other installation el-
ements. Towards the end of the year, one could also observe a certain influence of the drastic
price increase of energy carriers, which will certainly have a greater effect on the heating
appliances market in 2022.
Currently, a project for developing the heating strategy in Poland is being prepared, which will
finally take into account the need to transform the heat engineering by replacing fossil fuels
with renewable energy sources. Transformation of heating networks into systems which meet
the REDII requirements and preparation of RED III is a significant challenge for the companies
operating in this segment. The same applies to the EPBD and WT 2021 directive in Poland.
All that influences the situation in the installation and heating market in Poland, and its growth.
The European Committee is also conducting consultations regarding the document package
as part of Fit for 51, which will certainly shape the future heating market.
Due to the specificity of the market of individual heating appliances, as well as the accessibility
of reliable input data, this report contains information about the development of the lower-
power heating appliances market, mostly under 50kW, but also takes into account gas heating
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 4
appliances, included in the statistics as part of the study, with slightly a higher output up to 50
kW. This report is based on SPIUG’s own analyses in the scope of the heating appliances,
and information collected directly from the market, and in the section concerning the environ-
ment of the installation and heating market it is based on analyses available at the GUS and
information collected directly from the market, from fitters, manufacturers and distributors.
Just like in the previous edition, lack of reliable estimates concerning the market size and
development of certain product groups which constitute heating devices, prevents this report
from presenting the market situation in these groups, or allows us to show a general analysis
5 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
2 General market situation in 2021
2021 saw a certain continuation of the market and economic events from the preceding years,
which positively affected the development of the installation and heating market in Poland,
although 2021 hardly compared to the preceding years due to the availability of raw materials
for production and its effect on the Polish and global economy. So far, the installation and
heating industry in Poland has been managing quite well in this new situation, as demon-
strated by increased turnover in the entire industry throughout 2021, although obviously not
equally for individual product groups and business activity types. Nonetheless, the relatively
high upward trend was maintained, but although the total result was positive, the sales dy-
namics waned in some product groups of heating devices, apart from the broadly-defined
group of heat pumps. During the year, particularly toward its end, a certain nervousness of
the purchasers could be observed, caused by increased prices of the raw materials, particu-
larly steel sheet, on the global market, and the availability of certain electronic components of
the devices.
In 2021, the economic situation favouring investments intended to improve the air quality at
the local level and the mood in the industry had a noticeable effect on the purchase volume
for new heating devices. Increased consumption despite the initial concerns related to the
economic consequences of the pandemic, as well as the possibility of using EU finds from
the Regional Operational Programmes, combined with the expanded possibilities as part of
the Clean Air priority programme certainly also affected the situation in the installation and
heating industry in 2021.
One should emphasize the significant role of the local governments which, having access to
EU programmes, support the replacement of old heating devices with new ones, which has a
measurable effect on the growth of the installation and heating market in Poland. In the fourth
quarter of 2021, just like before, the prices of the final products increased, though not as
drastically as before. The economic situation in Poland still demonstrates the trend for redi-
recting cash from savings to reinvestments in other instruments, mostly real estate, and in-
creased consumption, as shown by a greater interest in the so-called luxury goods, and ren-
ovations of the existing residential resources. Despite various threats of international nature,
the current situation in the European and global markets favours the statistical growth in the
economy in Poland, although in 2021 the threat of rapidly increasing inflation and decreasing
value of zloty compared to other currencies increased, which is why the actual economic
growth seems much lower than announced in the official statistics. All that cumulates with the
significant price increases of practically all the energy carriers, i.e. fuels and electricity, as
already mentioned before.
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 6
Due to the growing inflation, the investors were redirecting their funds to modernization, build-
ing investments, etc., which significantly drove the demand. This was partially caused by con-
cerns about the future availability of heating appliances, due to issues with raw material and
growing prices. Due to the high inflation, some of the investors started investments/moderni-
zations, in order to dispose of cash reserves, while in these uncertain times others prefer to
freeze their investments/modernizations and wait for the situation to stabilize.
There was a noticeably greater uncertainty regarding the economic and pandemic situation
in the year to come. This was certainly affected by the information about the so-called Polish
Order, implemented at the beginning of 2022. The dramatic increase in the prices of energy
carriers, particularly gas, also contributed to this uncertainty.
According to the opinions collected in the market, the result could be slightly better if not for
the noticeable employment problems – shore of specialists in workmanship and significant
increases in the prices of almost all the building materials. Moreover, some of the companies
active in the fitting and heating industry, with production plants in Poland, signalled the prob-
lem of workforce shortage, which restricted the possibility of increasing production of devices
and systems. In 2021, just like the year before, the market of replacing old heating appliances
with new ones was dominant.
The media upheaval concerning the need for reducing low emissions has also noticeably
increased the social awareness of the hazards it causes, which is of course a good thing, yet
there is still much to do in this respect. The market situation in 2020 improved financial liquidity
of the distributors, who, in fear of the negative economic aftermath of the pandemic, tightened
the discipline of exacting payments, which continued in 2021. A higher money supply pre-
vented the adopted policy from negatively affecting the results of most companies in the in-
dustry, although the profit level was diverse.
2.1 General economic situation in Poland in 2021 and factors which
influenced the growth of the installation and heating market
In January 2022, GUS published statistical data concerning the economic situation in Poland
in 2021. According to the estimates presented by the GUS, in 2021 the general economic
performance in Poland will still be good, although there are certain concerns regarding infla-
tion, which has been increasing since 2019, and in 2021 translated into an additional 10%
increase in the exchange rate of the Polish currency for the US dollar, Euro and Swiss franc.
A relatively high inflation level and the decreased value of the PLN towards EUR and US
dollar in 2021 induce a reflection on the actual sales increase for industry and economy in
Poland. Lack of actual investments which, in a relatively short time, would boost the financial
results of the country, providing credit for the so-called flagship investments, aid and social
programmes by printing empty money do little to reinforce the citizens’ trust in the safety of
7 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
their savings deposited in banks, which is reflected by the outflow of money towards con-
sumption and real estate market, which indirectly translated into good financial performance
of the installation and heating industry. According to the data provided by the GUS (Central
Statistic Office), the industry production sales dynamics at fixed prices in Poland in 2021 is
as follows:
Table 1. Trends in industrial production dynamics 2021 (source: GUS)
According to the data provided by the GUS, in 2021 the sold production of the industry was
14.9% higher than in the analogous period of 2020, when a 1 % drop was observed. Yet, it is
worth to notice the 29.5% increase in the field “Production and provision of electricity, gas,
steam and hot water”, which is a direct consequence of the increased energy and fuel prices,
meaning that the apparent increase is in no way positive for the economy and the consumers.
The policy of the central bank still does little to encourage keeping one’s savings in banks,
even despite for the recent, quite noticeable increases in the interest rates, which seem to
have come too late and fail to translate into increased interest rates for the deposits. Because
of all the shields and other activities, banks now have cash reserves estimated at up to 2
years, which means they have little interest in motivating the customers to save. The signifi-
cant price increases translate into higher tax revenues for the Budget, but any sum of money
is worth much less than in the previous year, which means increases of more than ten per
cent which fail to translate into an actual purchasing power of these amounts. The anti-infla-
tion activities, e.g. the VAT reduction for various goods, increased the profits of the resellers,
rather than causing any noticeable price drops. A relatively high inflation level and the de-
creased value of the PLN towards EUR and US dollar in the last year induce a reflection on
the actual sales increase for industry and economy in Poland. The fear of high prices drives
purchasing, also in the construction industry, where the increase in the material prices
INDUSTRY -1,0% +14,9%
Mining -7,0% +2,8%
Industrial processing -1,0% +14,2%
Production and provi-
sion of electricity, gas,
steam and hot water
-1,1% +29,5%
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 8
continued throughout 2021. The society is visibly uncertain about the future, both domestically
and in the context of the international situation.
As far as construction is concerned, 2021 saw a general increase of 3.2% compared to the
2.2% decrease a year before and the 2,6% increase in 2019. In construction, a 9.3% increase
was recorded in the specialist construction works, which also include installation and heating
works, which affects the relatively good results in the heating industry.
Table 2. Trends in construction and assembly production dynamics 2021 (Source: GUS)
Companies which construct buildings also recorded a decrease of 1.2%, but those operating
primarily in the land and water engineering recorded a 2.8% increase. Between January and
December 2021, the increase in value of investment works continued, compared to the same
period of 2020 when it was 7.7% compared to a 1.1 % growth in this statistical group in 2019,
whereas for renovation works, there was a 8.4 % increase compared to a 3.1 % drop that took
place in this group in 2020.
For renovation works, the increase was 8.4% (in 2020, there was a 3.1% decrease). In 2021,
compared to 2020, the value of investment works decreased by 1.3% (in 2020 the drop was
1.1%), while the sales of renovation works increased by 10.7% (compared to a 4.0% drop in
According to the GUS data, the prices of construction and assembly production in 2021 were
4.2 % higher than in 2020, with a 4.7% increase in the building construction price and a 3.5
% increase in specialist construction works, which also encompass the installation and heat-
ing works, compared to 2020.
I-XII 2020 I-XII 2021
CONSTRUCTION -2,2% +3,2%
Building construction -4,9% -1,2%
Land and water engineering con-
-2,0% +2,8%
Specialist construction works, in-
cluding installation and heating
+1,3% +9,3%
9 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Table 3. Trends in construction and assembly production price indexes 2021
(Source: GUS)
The numbers provided by GUS may raise doubts, seeing as according to the statistics, a
number of building materials increased in prices again in 2021, by several or more than ten
per cent, although in reality these price changes were much higher for the end customers.
The costs of employment also significantly grew further, but one may assume this happened
at the expense of the margins acquired by construction companies. This situation is worth
As far as construction is concerned, the building industry still does rather well, mostly thanks
to residential construction, but towards the end of 2021 there was a noticeable slowdown in
the development construction. The high increases in the prices of apartments built by devel-
opers are now a kind of probe of what would be the maximum price accepted by the investors.
The current price level has the hallmarks of a speculation bubble, but the deficit of land for
residential construction, particularly in large cities, slows down the developers’ growth dynam-
ics. Currently, the issues arising from the increased costs of employment and material prices
are of prime importance. Since the beginning of the year, the business cycle indicators pub-
lished by the GUS indicated a systematic growth of optimism, but its dynamics was dropping
with every month. Since June 2021, the business cycle indicator in construction has been
steadily declining,
According to the most recent COFACE report, in 2021 there was a rapid increase in insol-
vency, in all lines of business. In construction, the rise in insolvency in 2021 compared to 2020
was 50%, but the construction business’ share in the economy insolvencies is still relatively
small. According to COFACE, the 50 % increase in the number of insolvencies in construction
in 2021 is significant, but to a large extent caused by an increased number of announcements
as part of simplified procedure of arrangement approval, which last year constituted more
than half of all the cases in this industry (for comparison, in 2020 it was one fourth). It is worth
emphasizing that for the last few years the share of construction insolvencies in the total
number has been decreasing, and for the first time in 20 years this number does not exceed
10 % annually. Compared to the entire economy, the current financial condition of construc-
tion should be considered stable. On the other hand, the situation in individual branches of
building production is varied. Despite the increased number of insolvencies, the production in
DETAILED LIST I-XII 2021 compared
compared to I-XII 2020
TOTAL +4,2%
Building construction a
Land and water engineer-
ing construction a
Specialist building works +3,5%
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 10
the industry was still driven mostly by specialist construction, including the installation indus-
try. Residential construction is also recording very good results, unlike commercial construc-
tion, where stagnation is noticeable, which translates directly into the financial condition of the
companies which serve this market segment. The current, glaring supply issues, related to
the availability of goods and qualified staff, cause a significant increase in the building material
prices and costs of employment.
2.2 Residential construction
The data revealing the trends in the residential construction are still positive with decreasing
growth dynamics, which merits certain cautiousness in planning turnover for the installation
and heating industry for the next 1.5 year or 2 years, although the number of potential apart-
ments to be fitted with a heating system is still high.
Fig. 1 Number of apartments commissioned in 2014-2021 (Source: GUS)
In 2021, more residential units were commissioned than a year before; there were also more
constructions commenced and more building permits granted, as well as more new construc-
tion reports. According to data announced by the GUS, between January and December 2021
about 234.7 thousand flats were commissioned, which means a 6.3 % increase compared to
2020. The tendency of the investors’ share in the investments was also continued. In 2021,
developers retained their dominating position, by building over 141.7 thousand apartments,
which is 60.4% of all the apartments commissioned in 2021, and constituted a 0.7 % decrease
compared to 2020. Individual investors built about 88.3 thousand apartments, which means
a 19.4 % increase compared to 2020, which gave them a bit over 37.6 % in this statistical
category, which means about 4% increase in this share. In 2021, more flats were
143166 147711
178342 184783
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of apartments commissioned in 2014 - 2021
11 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
commissioned in the remaining form of construction (cooperative, municipal, social, tenement
and company construction), where their number was 4637 compared to 4149 flats in 2020,
which means an increase by about 11,8%. These results also have an impact on the structure
of installed heat sources.
Fig. 2 Tendencies in the number of apartments commissioned in 2014-2021, by
groups of investors (Source: GUS)
Data from 2021 confirm that the development market segment lost its growth dynamics and
for the first time in several years, there was a certain decrease in the number of flats commis-
sioned in this group. On one hand, it indicates that the financial resources of the potential
customers have mostly been spent, while higher interest rates have also restricted the avail-
ability of bank loans. The price level has also reached a certain pain threshold, beyond which
investments in real estate with the growing interest rate on deposits becomes less profitable,
On the other hand, the number of flats commissioned in individual construction increased by
several per cent.
The structure of the commissioned apartments affects the structure of the installed heat
sources. Developers who build mostly in urban areas often make use of the possibilities of
connecting their buildings to the municipal heating network, which reduces the costs of the
installations by the heat sources replaced by the heat distribution centres, of course if the
infrastructure is available locally, which seems understandable and logical from the perspec-
tive of the developer business. There are doubts regarding forcing this type of connections
65706 67657 66684 69599
59065 62420
143770 141738
3490 2115 2707 2311 3002 2115 1498 2019
3418 3396 3347 3547
4575 2570 2618
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of apartments commissioned in 2014-2021 [pcs.]
budownictwo indywidualne deweloperzy budownictwo spółdzielcze pozostali
individual housing, developers, cooperative housing, other
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 12
through, if the infrastructure is still only at the planning stage, but so far no spectacular effects
of this law were noticeable, maybe because the burden of installing individual heating devices
is borne by the replacement market, and due to the number of administrative and organiza-
tional problems affecting heating companies that want to develop their infrastructure.
Fig. 3 Number of apartment constructions commenced in 2014-2021 (Source: GUS)
Between January and December 2021, construction of 277.4 thousand apartments was com-
menced, which means a 5.7 % increase compared to 2020, which is a minor drop in the
dynamics compared to the preceding year, when this increase came to 7.1%.
In terms of investor groups, developers started building 166.3 thousand flats, which means a
27.7% increase and 59.9 % share in the total number of flat constructions commenced in
2021, compared to a 58.2 % share at the end of 2020. In 2021, individual investors started
building 106.1 thousand flats, which means a 17.5% increase and 38.2 % share in the total
number of commenced constructions, compared to 40.3% share in 2020. This means certain
decrease, but with an expected tendency to increase the share of individual construction in
the market. This information is important, as most single-family buildings have individual heat-
ing devices. In other forms of construction, more apartment constructions were also com-
menced in 2021 compared to 2020, with 5072 new apartments commenced compared to
3325 in 2020, which means a 52,5 % increase in the number of commenced constructions in
this group.
143166 147711
178342 184783
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of apartment constructions commenced in
2014 -2021 [pcs.] - year-end balance
13 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Fig. 4 Trend in the number of apartment constructions commenced in 2014-2021
by groups of investors (Source: GUS)
Fig. 5 Number of apartments for which permits were issued or applications were made
with construction design in 2014 – 2021 (Source: GUS)
In 2021, permits were issued or applications with a construction design were submitted for
construction of 340.6 thousand apartments, i.e. 23.3 % more than in 2020.
74368 78855 83580
90314 90309
1362 1285 2187
2312 2058 1638 1913
2669 1765
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of apartment constructions commenced in
2014 -2021
budownictwo indywidualne deweloperzy budownictwo spółdzielcze pozostali
250218 257072 268483 275938
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of apartments for which permits were issued or
applications were made with construction design in
2014 – 2021 [pcs.]
individual housing, developers, cooperative housing, other
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 14
Fig. 6 Trend in the number of apartments for which permits were issued or applications were
submitted in 2014 - 2021, by investor groups (Source: GUS)
Still, in 2021, the largest group of investors in this category of issued permits for apartment
construction was the developers, who obtained permits for construction of thousand 213.0
apartments, and individual investors, who obtained permits for construction of almost 123.2
thousand apartments. This means increases in the numbers of obtained construction permits
in these investor groups by 23.9 % and 21.4%, respectively, compared to 2020. In total, within
these construction forms, permissions were obtained sites were reported with construction
design for 98.7 % of all the apartments (of which 62.5 % for developers and 36.2 % for indi-
vidual investors). In 2021 in other forms of construction (co-operative, municipal, social, ten-
ement and company), there was 62.3 % more apartments for the construction of which per-
mits were issued or applications were submitted along with a construction design than in
2020, that is 4474 apartments in 2021 compared to 2756 apartments in 2020.
The results and the tendencies related to the number of commissioned apartments, apart-
ments under construction and the number of issued construction permits and applications in
this scope allow us to analyse the growth potential of the installation and heating market in
the years to come, in the so-called first installation segment. It can be assumed that the de-
velopers’ building cycle takes 18-24 months, whereas in the case of single-family
85304 90314 90309
1362 1285 2187 2746 2312 2058 1638 1913
2669 1765 2668
336 2664 2887 1687 3159
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
number of apartments for which permits were issued or
applications were submitted in 2014 - 2021[pcs.]
budownictwo indywidualne deweloperzy budownictwo spółdzielcze pozostali
individual housing, developers, cooperative housing, other
15 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
construction, it usually takes about 2-3 years, sometimes longer. This means that the invest-
ments started now will be fitted with heating devices at the final stages of construction, during
finishing works, i.e. in 2-3 years. Of course, the installation fittings are installed earlier,
whereas the heating devices themselves only at the end of the investment process as part of
fitting works, when, e.g., it is necessary to heat the rooms during interior finishing works. Also,
there is a certain delay between the moment of receiving the building permit and finding the
contractor, who actually commences the construction works. This also gives a measurable
potential of demand for heating devices in a longer-term perspective. Hence, it is also worth
examining the data concerning building movement in various groups of investors, as their rate
of performance also shits the demand for heating devices into the future intended for new
construction. In the case of commissioned buildings, they are complete and constitute a basis
for analysing the actual and historic data. It is unknown whether this positive trend will prevail
also in 2020. At the beginning of 2022, the war in Ukraine caused a significant outflow of
foreign workers, mostly from Ukraine, who were a significant group of workers carrying out
residential construction in Poland. If we add this to the restrictions related to safety and un-
foreseeable circumstances of economic or international nature, potential issues with the de-
liveries of components from abroad, or labour shortages on construction sites an in plants
manufacturing building materials, the result of the residential construction in 2022 is a great
The recent drop in the growth dynamics in the residential construction may certainly affect the
future situation in the installation and heating industry. This may result in budget cuts related
to other political goals and delays in arrangements with the EU regarding funds for aid pro-
grammes as part of the reconstruction and restoration fund; the authorities may fail to con-
sistently implement the programmes intended to reduce low emissions. The increasing share
and growths in the individual construction group also mean an increase in the installation
potential for individual heat sources in new buildings, which may be suppressed in urban
areas by the expansion of network heat, supported by the governmental and local administra-
tion authorities. So far, having an alternative for new construction in the form of increasingly
significant supplementing of heating device sales potential in the form of device replacement,
in 2021 the installation and heating industry did not feel the growth decreasing trend in newly-
built residential buildings in any particular way.
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 16
3 Market growth in selected product groups in
Poland in 2021
The market of individual heating appliances in Poland is one of the larger ones in Europe,
and, after a dynamic development in 2018, 2019, and 2020, still has a significant development
capacity, particularly in the scope of replacing old devices with new ones, conforming to the
ecoproject requirements. Of far greater importance is the issue of replacing old heating ap-
pliances fired with coal, or even trash, with devices that enable qualitative reduction of the
pollutants emitted into the atmosphere, or even with emission-free heating devices.
Due to the specificity of the market of individual heating appliances, as well as the capabilities
of the available output data, this report contains information about the development of the
market for heating appliances up to 500 kW. In the section concerning heating appliances,
the report is based on the SPIUG’s own analyses as well as on information collected directly
from the market, from fitters, manufactures and distributors. Just like in the previous edition,
this report does not include certain product groups of heating appliances, due to lack of relia-
ble output data necessary to assess the market size and growth trends for these appliances.
3. 1 General market situation in 2021
In 2021, despite new challenges related to the reduced availability of raw materials and sub-
assemblies as well as higher prices, the market and economic phenomena from 2020 contin-
ued. The economic situation which favoured investments intended to improve the air quality
at the local level and urged customers to make purchase decisions before the prices grow or
the deliveries are delayed, as well as the general mood in the industry, translated into in-
creased sales in most product groups in 2021.
2021 is another consecutive year difficult to compare to the previous year, due to the effect
that the new economic and political events had on the economy both in Poland and in Europe,
once the COVID-19 pandemic subsided. Nonetheless, the growing market trend from the two
preceding years prevailed. Despite the positive result that the heating device industry
achieved in the entire 2021, towards the end of the year there was a noticeable decrease in
the sales dynamics for most product groups of heating devices. In some cases, the results
are surprising, and it was hard to find any logical explanations in the market. Also, the situ-
ation in the residential construction, evolving due to the economic impact of the COVID-19
pandemic, certainly affected the results achieved in the installation and heating industry in
2020. Tendencies from the preceding quarters prevailed, both in terms of opportunities used
and issues with order completion.
In the entire 2021, the situation in the installation and heating industry was, according to a
vast majority of the opinions, very good, albeit with a slightly worse dynamics compared to
17 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
the preceding quarters, which is not always confirmed by the numbers. The order submission
dynamics was artificially suppressed by rejection of orders due to stock shortages. The cus-
tomers often decided to buy the products that were available, rather than those they originally
wanted. Technical parameters and brands were often irrelevant, as long as the building heat-
ing system could be completed before the winter. This situation with the supply caused even
niche brands to achieve spectacular increases, so long as they had products in stock. This
could give such companies a chance for future development and diversification of their supply
sources. This may also result in a situation where unavailability of their go-to products causes
fitters to install a boiler or a heat pump of another brand, appreciate it and include it in their
future purchases. Heat pumps, the sales of which increased considerably, also suffered from
massive delays in deliveries. It is an interesting phenomenon that for heat pumps, the brand
is not as important as at is for boilers. There is a noticeable increase in the fragmented import
of heat pumps, mostly from China, where – unlike in Europe – there are no issues with com-
ponents for production, but the future quality of servicing and technical support is anything
but certain. This may have a potential, negative effect on the entire market of this product
group, several years in the making.
The general market assessment for 2021 is positive, with increased sales in every quarter.
When analysing the market situation, one should take note of the key factors which affected
the development of the heating appliances market in Poland in 2021. The entire year was
plagued by severe problems with the availability of goods as well as substantial and frequent
price increases for installation materials, caused partially by issues with the deliveries of steel,
plastics, electronic components, and by transport problems for the importers of goods from
China. Higher prices of steel, and consequently radiators, also caused a noticeably greater
interest in floor heating systems, as a readily available alternative. The financial condition of
installation companies and developers remains very good. Companies are often willing to
prepay for the ordered goods, in order to guarantee the reservation and delivery date. The
rhythmicality of the heat pump deliveries was better than that of boilers, but in this case the
brand was less important than availability, which caused a great influx of heat pumps via
fragmented import from China, which curiously has no issues with the supply of components
for heat pumps, unlike the European manufacturers. The customers cancelled orders only
incidentally, when their investments required the heating devices immediately, and the de-
layed delivery notices were ignored by the fitters. Due to the growing inflation, the investors
were redirecting their funds to modernization, building investments, etc., which significantly
drove the demand.
The supply issues affect most manufacturers, and yet the quarterly results were very positive
for suppliers. There was a noticeably greater uncertainty regarding the economic and pan-
demic situation in the year to come. The dramatic increase in the prices of energy carriers,
particularly gas, also contributed to this uncertainty.
Even so, sales increases continued, after certain concerns related to potential shortages of
goods. There was a noticeable, growing uncertainty regarding the economic and pandemic
situation in the year to come. The dramatic increase in the prices of energy carriers,
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 18
particularly gas, also contributed to this uncertainty. Additionally, the market was disturbed by
the information that the Polish Gas Company run out of funds for connecting new consumers
to the national gas grid in 2022-2023, and will not sign any new network connection contracts.
This could strike not only at the „Clean Air” programme, but at practically anybody involved in
a building investment, both developers and individual investors. In theory, this could have
caused an increased interest in the alternatives for the gas network, e.g. liquid gas boilers
(e.g. Gaspol) or heat pumps (the developers also announce moving away from gas boilers in
favour of heat pumps), but for economic reasons – increased prices of electricity and the need
for performing extensive thermal modernizations in short periods of time – this could mean a
return to burning trash, as the coal prices are also double-digit. Everything seems to indicate
that the reason for leaking the information about restricting new gas connections was political
rather than economic. Luckily, at the beginning of 2022 this problem was solved.
Due to new regulations on accounting for electricity generated by home PV systems, imple-
mented in April 2022, in the 4th quarter the interest in PV panels and dedicated equipment
increased. More and more air heat pumps and electric boilers are installed by photovoltaic
companies, which also offer a comprehensive service of panels + heat pumps, and seek new
product groups, in order to protect themselves against a reduced demand for PV in 2022,
after the regulations on future settlements were changed.
Throughout the year, there were problems with massive shortages of qualified staff, both in
trade and contracting companies.
The manufacturers that failed to achieve such spectacular increases were usually plagued by
problems with delivering their devices to the market due to shortages of raw materials and
components for production. In the general opinion, those who were able to deliver the goods
won the day.
Another reason behind such market development is said to be the system supporting replace-
ment of heating generators with new, eco-friendly solutions and the increase in residential
investments thanks to the subsidy and support programmes (as part of RPO, PONE, Clean
air and anti-smog resolution). However, this market development is driven by other, equally
important factors, such as economic reasons and the fear of further price increases for de-
vices, system elements and workmanship. Therefore, the market development is mostly
driven by the economy, but one should not underestimate the increasing significance of the
customers’ awareness regarding environmental protection and the positive economic aspect
of using modern, energy efficient devices and system. It is expected that with time, the prices
of heating devices and system elements will continue to grow, albeit slower. As a result, since
the beginning of 2021 the market was forced to accept a number of price increases for system
elements and heating devices. To sum up, significant and frequent price increases for instal-
lation materials may cause a decreased quality of the investments (search for the cheapest
materials) or reduced attractiveness of investments in the development market (costs). Raw
19 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
material shortages affect production continuity and prompt delivery completion, as well as
availability of installation products in the market, which may inhibit market growth in 2022.
Large sales increases for heating devices were recorded mostly thanks to programmes sub-
sidizing replacement of unclassified solid fuel boilers. The long-awaited changes to the rules
of the NFOŚiGW Priority Programme Clean Air, introduced in May 2020, made it possible to
accelerate the rate of the replacements, the most of which involved condensing gas boilers.
Fig. 7 Share of individual technologies in the replacement programme as part of PP Clean
Air, between 2020-05-15 and 2021-01-31.
Share of individual technologies in the replacement
programme as part of PP Clean Air, between 15.05.2020 -
Kotły na biomasę Podłączenie do sieci ciepłowniczej
Pompy ciepła Kotły na gaz
Kotły olejowe kondensacyjne Kotły na węgiel
Ogrzewanie elektryczne
Connection to district heating
Gas-fired boilers
Coal-fired boilers
Biomass boilers
Heat pumps
Oil condensing boilers
Electric heating
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 20
Fig. 8 Quantities of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air between 2020-05-15 and
Fig. 9 Share of individual technologies in the replacement programme as part of PE Clean
Air, in 2021.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Kotły na biomasę
Podłączenie do sieci ciepłowniczej
Pompy ciepła
Kotły na gaz
Kotły olejowe kondensacyjne
Kotły na węgiel
Ogrzewanie elektryczne
Quantities of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean
Air between 15.05.2020 - 31.01.2021
Share of individual technologies in the replacement
programme as part of PE Clean Air in 2021
kotły na biomasę kotły węglowe
podłączenie do sieci ciepłowniczej systemy ogrzewania elektrycznego
kotły olejowe kotły gazowe kondensacyjne
pompy ciepła powietrzne pompy ciepła odbierające ciepło z gruntu
Coal-fired boilers
Electric heating systems
Condensing gas boilers
Ground source heat pumps
Electric heating
Coal -fired boilers
Oil condensing boilers
Gas-fired boilers
Heat pumps
Connection to district heating net-
Biomass boilers
Biomass boilers
Connection to district heating net-
Oil-fired boilers
Air heat pumps
21 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Fig. 10 Quantities of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air in 2021.
An analysis of the above diagrams showing the share of individual technologies in the re-
placement programme as part of PE Clean Air in 2021 compared to a slightly shorter period,
from 2020-05-15 till 2021-01-31 shows the importance of the changes to the programme reg-
ulations introduced in May 2020. The regulations are constantly monitored and systematically
In 2021, 167,055 devices in total were replaced as part of the Clean Air PP. Most of them –
over 41% - were condensing gas boilers. The share of solid fuel boilers was 38%, 20.38% of
which were biomass boilers, and 17.43% were coal-fired boilers, conforming class V require-
ments. It is worth to remember that old boilers could be replaced with coal-fired boilers only
until the end of 2021, which raises the question of which devices will take over this market
segment. Due to the similarity and locations of the systems, it seems most likely that biomass
boilers will increase their share here. In the case of these devices, it is worth emphasizing
that compared to the previous compared period, it is a certain constant specific segment of
the market. Heat pumps form the third important group of the devices in the Clean Air pro-
gramme. Comparison of the statistics shows that their share is increasing, even despite the
highest costs of investments for all the device groups. Also, financial support for heat pumps
within the Clean Air programme is the highest exactly due to high investments, as well as the
thermal modernization which reduces the heat demand of the buildings, which is necessary
for proper, efficient operation of these devices. As far as thermal modernization is concerned,
48% of all the applications include works in this scope. Just like the total sales, replacements
made as part of the Clean Air programme between heat pumps, are dominated by air heat
pumps, with the share of 16.08%. Classic, ground heat pumps have 2.69% share, but these
systems are much more expensive and require specific conditions to be met before the bottom
heat source can be installed. It is hard to say what this division will look like in 2022. The
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
kotły na biomasę
kotły węglowe
podłączenie do sieci ciepłowniczej
systemy ogrzewania elektrycznego
kotły olejowe
kotły gazowe kondensacyjne
pompy ciepła powietrzne
pompy ciepła odbierające ciepło z gruntu
Quantities of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean
Air in 2021
Ground source heat pumps
Air heat pumps
Condensing gas boilers
Oil-fired boilers
Electric heating systems
Coal-fired boilers
Biomass boilers
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 22
significant rises in gas prices paired with temporary issues in the scope of gas network con-
nections caused a portion of the gas boiler system contracts to be suspended. The issue with
the new connections was solved, the only question now is by how much will the gas price
drop, otherwise it is likely for the device replacement dynamics within the Clean Air pro-
gramme to drop. One way of helping the matter would be to expand the programme to include
hybrid systems which utilize solar collector systems with heat storages as means of support-
ing heating systems in combination with boilers of heat pumps, in the case of any further
increase in the fuel and electricity prices. The following diagrams present the structure of
replacing old heating devices with new ones from the beginning of the Clean Air programme
until the end of 2021.
Fig. 11 Total number of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air from the beginning
of the programme until the end of 2021
0 40000 80000 120000 160000
kotły na biomasę
kotły węglowe
węzły cieplne
systemy ogrzewania elektrycznego
kotły olejowe
kotły gazowe kondensacyjne
pompy ciepła powietrzne
pompy ciepła odbierające ciepło z gruntu lub…
Total number of heat sources installed as part of PE
Clean Air from the beginning of the programme until
Ground source heat pumps
Air heat pumps
Condensing gas boilers
Oil-fired boilers
Electric heating systems
Heat exchangers
Coal-fired boilers
Biomass boilers
23 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Fig. 12 Share of individual technologies in the replacement scheme as part of the PE Clean
air from the beginning of the programme until the end of 2021.
A more in-depth analysis of the Clean Air programme results will be provided in a separate,
dedicated report, currently being prepared by SPIUG.
When analysing the development of the heating device market in 2021, one can conclude
that – apart from heat pumps – the increases were not as spectacular as in the earlier years,
but there were also no significant. The factor driving the demand tendency was a low cost of
money (which in combination with the growing inflation and the decreasing value of the PLN
compared to other currencies causes a loss when investing in financial instruments). Investing
one’s savings in real estate seemed to be very safe, even though many of the purchased
apartments still remain unfinished, which is also caused by the demand for apartment leases
which has declined since 2020, despite the developers’ constant efforts to promote this model
of investments, but also by the significant increase in the costs of finishing, which means that
some of the investors simply cannot afford this investment. There was still a noticeable in-
crease in the prices of services and major problems with availability of qualified staff in con-
struction and installation in companies, which was hindered by the restrictions of movement
for the workers from Ukraine and Belarus. This situation causes the workers’ wages to grow
and makes the general investors in building construction seek savings. In general, the devel-
opment barrier is the labour market which offers a limited number of qualified staff. And so,
the staff is more and more often formed out of foreigners, who are often unfamiliar with the
new technologies. The costs of labour rose quickly, along with the increased taxes and social
insurance fees, which was even more noticeable after the implementation of the Polish Order.
Share of individual technologies in the replacement scheme
as part of the PE Clean air from the beginning of the
programme until the 12.2021
kotły na biomasę kotły węglowe
węzły cieplne systemy ogrzewania elektrycznego
kotły olejowe kotły gazowe kondensacyjne
pompy ciepła powietrzne pompy ciepła odbierające ciepło z gruntu lub wody
Biomass boilers
Heat exchangers
Oil-fired boilers
Air heat pumps
Coal-fired boilers
Condensing gas boilers
Ground or water source heat pumps
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 24
Private investors became very vulnerable to subsidy programmes, which often caused invest-
ments and purchases to be stopped in anticipation of the new subsidy programme. The sup-
port programmes made the investors choose new modernization systems, as well as incen-
tivized purchase and installation of better and more expensive devices.
The information campaigns intended to reduce low emissions reinforced the interest in mod-
ern heating technologies, including RES in this product group, particularly heat pumps, where
a large promotional campaign noticeably encourages the use of this device at every level,
starting from the European Committee.
Increases in construction, intensive thermal modernization and very mild winter until the end
of the year enabled continuation of the installation works. Throughout the year, the sales
structure changed, with slowly-stabilizing market of the medium-capacity boilers, and the mar-
ket for boilers in excess of 300 kW showed certain increases after the drops recorded in 2020,
whereas heat pumps and low-capacity boilers recorded significant increases, particularly in
the case of air heat pumps. Fitters dealing with small systems are highly sought-after and
have their working schedules full for the entire 2022.
The situation was not as good in companies dealing with outdoor system construction and
modernization. Also, the predicted wave of price increases for raw materials semi-finished
goods, such as steel pipes, metal sheet, plastic pellets, which inflated the costs of radiators
and fittings, made the general contractors and developers seek savings outside the contrac-
tual terms of payment. As a result, the savings often involved despecifying the systems, or
using cheaper material substitutes, which may reduce the failure-free service life later on. In
the case of individual investors, the scale of this phenomenon was much smaller, as these
investors build for themselves and are reluctant to replace the devices they planned to install
with others, unless they are under pressure of time, forcing them to choose whatever alterna-
tive is available at the time. Just like in the last three years, the core of the heating market
growth was still the market of replacing old devices with new ones, as part of eliminating low
emission at the local level. The significance of the support initiatives for heating device re-
placement is noticeably growing, as part of the NFOSIGW Clean Air Programme. The EU
programmes, managed by the local governments, were still very important for the replace-
ment market. A negative side effect of the subsidy programmes is that the private investors
have become highly sensitive to the subsidy programmes. This is particularly visible in the
case of solar collectors and biomass boilers, but also increasingly noticeable in the case of
heat pumps, which so far developed steadily and consistently without any spectacular subsidy
programmes, as was the case in the aforesaid product groups, which is currently a driving
force for the sales development in this product group.
From the perspective of boiler or heat pump manufacturers, the development perspectives
are significant and nothing seems to indicate that the sales will regress in the following year,
unless the labour market collapses, causing disappearance of the potential customers for new
25 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
systems and modernization, or unless certain political decisions enforce application of specific
solutions, which would not be beneficial due to the issues with satisfying the demand for spe-
cific devices.
The situation with payments looks quite interesting. Towards the end of the year, we had a
good situation in the installation and construction industry, with the companies being prudent
and good at managing their profits from the last years of the prosperous economy.
To sum up: In general, it can be concluded that in 2021 the installation and heating market
still has a growing tendency, although this growth was far less dynamic than in the preceding
3.2 Selected product groups in Poland in 2021
With certain exceptions, the year 2021 was positive in terms of sales for the main product
groups of heating appliances and fitting elements, despite the issues with deliveries and lo-
gistics, which were growing throughout the year. One could notice a further increase in the
sales of condensing gas boiler and a significant sales growth in the heat pump product group.
Surprisingly, the sales of suspended gas boilers increased by 21% in 2021, although as the
year progressed, the sales dynamics decreased considerably. In the case of suspended con-
densing boilers, the increase achieved in 2020 came to 19%, which, with reference to the
high base of reference in 2020, is a very good result. This sales volume could be explained
by very good sales results for this product group throughout 2021. In other product groups,
there was also a consistently high interest in air heat pumps, where the sales growth dynamics
was over 60% for the entire market of heat pumps in Poland, while the sales of heat pumps
for heating buildings increased by 80%. The market was totally dominated by air pumps. In
the case of reversing air pumps, particularly monoblock, the increase was way over twofold.
The general interest in using RES for heating is growing too. In 2021, the increase in the solar
collector group was 17%, which reflects the growing interest in free heat from the RES, caused
by the significant price increase for energy carriers. Manufacturers of solid fuel boilers also
boasted two-digit increases between 20 and 35%, thanks to increased sales of pellet boilers.
In the coal-fired boiler group, the increase also exceeded ten per cent, particularly during the
second half of the year, as the support for this device group under the Clean Air programme
was coming to a close at the end of the year. Seeing as some of the manufacturers had
already terminated production of these devices, the increases could be caused by a tempo-
rary covering of this demand by those manufacturers who left the coal-fired boilers in their
offer. Unfortunately, there are no reliable statistics for monitoring this market segment, which
could objectively determine the market trends.
The sales trends in 2021 were, with certain exceptions, similar to the downward/upward
trends in 2020, in terms of sales for practically most of the product groups for heating devices
and fittings. The increases concerned mostly modern heating appliances, meeting the
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 26
requirements of eco-design and low emissions. Before making decisions, the customers com-
pare the components, technical parameter and the functionalities offered by the devices. This
made the condensing boiler market grow very dynamically, despite information that gas heat
generators would no longer be used for heating. There is still a noticeable growth of interest
in photovoltaics as a technology for acquiring energy for prosumer purposes, including electric
energy supply for heating devices in hybrid systems, but also strictly for heating purposes.
Product group
Wall-hung gas boilers in total +10% +19%
Wall-hung condensing gas boilers +11% +19%
Wall-hung conventional gas boilers -12% +21%
Floor standing gas boilers in total +2% +9%
Floor standing condensing gas boilers +6% +8%
Floor standing conventional gas boilers -51% +30%
Instantaneous gas water heaters +9% +3%
Floor standing oil boilers in total -29% +5%
Condensing floor standing oil boilers -16% +7%
Conventional oil standing oil boilers -47% +2%
Biomass fuel boilers +25% +30%
Solar collectors -44% +17%
Heat pumps: +99% +66%
Tanks and buffers -2% +10%
Table 4. Changes to sales in individual product groups in 2021 vs. 2020
Anti-smog campaigns, which include, e.g., replacement of old devices with new ones, have
significantly increased the share of the device replacement market in the entire sales struc-
ture, which, according to estimates, in 2020 remained at about 65-70 % share of the entire
sales volume, which had a significant impact on the heating device sales results in 2021.
There was also a noticeable, continued increase in the importance of the Internet as a tool for
finding technical and commercial information in the installation and heating industry, as well
as for sales, which nevertheless had no significant impact on the total sales volume in 2021.
27 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Fig. 13 Sales of heat generators by fuel type/medium in 2021
(source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 14 Structure of heat generators sales in Poland in 2021
These lists show that the heating devices sold in Poland are mostly gas boilers of various
types, with a share of almost 61%. The second place, with 22%, is held by solid fuel boilers,
which are now mostly biomass boilers, yet it should be noted that the current impossibility of
reliable market monitoring may mean that this market segment is underestimated and, in re-
ality, this share could be much larger. Heat pumps of various types ranked third, with 13.73%
share. This is a dynamically-changing market segment, which increases its share with each
passing year.
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000
Kotły gazowe
Kotły olejowe
Pompy ciepła
Kotły na paliwa stałe
Kotły elektryczne
Heat generators in Poland in 2021 r. [pcs.]
Structure of heat generators sales in Poland in 2021
Kotły gazowe Kotły olejowe Pompy ciepła Kotły na paliwa stałe kotły elektryczne
Electric boilers
Solid fuel boilers
Heat pumps
Oil-fired boilers
Gas-fired boilers
-Gas-fired boilers Oil-fired boilers Heat pumps Solid fuel boilers Electric boilers
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 28
3.2.1 Wall-hung gas boilers
Since 2016, the market of wall-hung gas boilers has been practically dominated by condens-
ing boilers. 2021 saw a continuation of the dynamic sales growth for wall-hung gas boilers in
Poland, caused by the aforesaid reasons. The general sales increase for wall-hung gas boil-
ers stayed high throughout the year. A certain surprise was an increase in the sales of con-
ventional boilers in 2021, continued from the last quarter of 2020, yet the point of reference is
a small quantitative base. In the entire group of wall-hung boilers, the growth scale was about
19 % throughout the year compared to 2020, at the end of which the growth scale was about
Fig. 15 Sales of wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 16 Sales of wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study)
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Wall-hung gas boilers [pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Wall-hung gas boilers - trend
29 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
3.2.2 Conventional wall-hung gas boilers
After large decreases in the last two years and certain stabilization near the end of 2018, in
2019 the sales of these devices plummeted. A certain surprise occurred in the 4th quarter of
2020, at about 22% drop compared to Q4 2019. This trend also continued throughout 2021,
whereas significant, double-digit sales growth for these devices occurred in the first half of
the year, only to drop to 2% in the last quarter. There are no clear data regarding the causes
of this sudden rise of suspended boiler sales. It can only be explained by a sudden need to
replace the conventional gas boilers installed in the 90s in housing cooperatives, which had
to spend their renovation budgets by the end of the year. This choice was certainly dictated
by funds insufficient to modernize the systems by replacing the conventional devices with
condensing ones. Therefore, this market segment should be considered niche and consist-
ently dying out. The entire 2020 in this product group ended with an increase of about 21%.
Fig. 17 Sales of conventional wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
97600 100500
34400 35000 34700
19700 17430
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Conventional wall-hung gas boilers [pcs.]
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 30
Fig. 18 Sales of conventional wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG
3.2.3 Wall-hung condensing gas boilers
In 2021, there is still a trend for dynamic sales increase in this group of heating appliances.
The market of wall-hung gas boilers has been virtually dominated by such devices. Sales
increases in the entire group of condensing wall-hung boilers throughout 2020 of about 19%,
compared to 11% in the preceding year. In the situation of stock shortages, there was an
increase in the sales of the so-called semi-condensing boilers fitted with a condensing ex-
changer, treated briefly as cheaper alternatives for typical condensing boilers, while meeting
the requirements of Ecoproject, which now supplement the short supply of condensing boil-
ers. In this situation, the sales of the semi-condensing boilers increased by about 46%, which
yet does not indicate a renaissance of this solution among heating devices. Condensing gas
boilers successfully consolidated their position in the replacement market, where they are
installed in the place of old, ineffective and polluting heat generators. This result certainly
could have been higher, but a number of manufacturers faced problems with prompt comple-
tion of orders, and the customers purchased whatever devices were available, often as re-
placements, as the end of the year was a race to complete thermal modernizations in build-
ings before winter came. This is why some wholesalers and suppliers reported increases of
over 30% in this period. The upward trend stems from the reasons already explained before.
Currently, condensing gas boilers are purchased mainly as replacements for old heating de-
vices in buildings connected to the gas mains. More and more often, the end customers ask
about the matters related to future operation, service availability and automatics, which means
they are more willing to pay more at the investment stage to for peace of mind during the
actual operation of the boiler. The market of wall-hung gas boilers has been practically
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Conventional wall-hung gas boilers-trend
31 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
dominated by condensing boilers, which now make up 95% of the gas boiler market. Cur-
rently, this is the primary heating devices with the highest sales volume.
Fig. 19 Sales of condensing wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021
(Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 20 Sales of condensing wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 -2021
- trend (Source: SPIUG study)
66400 66400 69000 72300 77200
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Condensing wall-hung gas boilers [pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Condensing wall-hung gas boilers-trend
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 32
3.3 Floor standing boilers (gas and oil)
Due to their nature, floor standing boilers can be classified as traditional devices, the installa-
tion of which requires a relatively large space, which is why over the years the market potential
for these devices has been in decline, particularly in the scope of gas and oil boilers. Currently,
devices of this type are installed mainly in systems providing heat for public buildings, guest-
houses, hotels, restaurants or multi-family buildings. Due to their bulk, they are not often used
to heat single-family houses. Market potential drops in the group of solid fuel boilers were
rather connected with switching to other heating devices, of no-emission or with limited low
emission, and connections of the heated buildings to municipal central heating systems.
3.3.1 Floor standing gas boilers
In the group of condensing floor standing gas boilers, just like in other boiler groups, quite
significant increases were recorded again, coming to about 8% in 2021 compared to 6% in
2020. For low-capacity boilers, this growth was 10% for boilers without a tank, and 3% for
the so-called “refrigerators”, that is boilers with integrated tank, called so because of their
appearance, and a noticeable 6 % plus increase for high-capacity boilers (over 50 kW). On
the other hand, a 30 % sales increase was observed for floor standing condensing boilers,
but this is in comparison to a very low reference point. Floor standing boilers are less popu-
lar, but due to their dimensions, the market potential for this group of heating devices is
smaller. Low hydraulic resistances inherent in these solutions eliminate the need of a cou-
pling and make them suitable for surface heating as well as for heating of larger surfaces. At
a certain point, the Polish Gas Company, which manages the gas distribution network,
stopped signing contracts on new gas connections, which also had an effect. Lack of possi-
bility of making new connections would certainly limit the future growth potential for gas boil-
ers, which would not necessarily translate into increasing demand for other heating devices,
e.g. heat pumps, particularly in the case of drastic price increases for gas and electricity.
33 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Still, this issue was solved in the 1st quarter of 2022.
Fig. 21 Sales of floor standing gas boilers in 2011 – 2021
(Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 22 Sales of floor standing gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend
(Source: SPIUG study)
3.3.2 Floor standing condensing gas boilers
This product group still demonstrates an upward trend, although the growth dynamics in-
creased a little after a decrease in 2020. Due to their bulk, they are seldom installed in
apartments, and more common on business premises, such as restaurants or guest houses,
6900 6500
6000 6100
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing gas boilers[pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing gas boilers-trend
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 34
which been adversely affected by the pandemic In 2021, the general growth in this product
group was about compared to 6% in 2020.
Fig. 23 Sales of floor standing condensing gas boilers in 2011 – 2021
(Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 24 Sales of floor standing condensing gas boilers in 2011 – 2021
trend (Source: SPIUG study)
3.3.3 Floor standing conventional gas boilers
The market trend in this product group is similar to the suspended conventional boilers. The
small number of these boilers still being sold comes solely from the replacement market,
4600 4400
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing condensing gas boilers[pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing condensing gas boilers- trend
35 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
where condensing boilers cannot be installed for technical reasons. In 2021, the sales of
floor standing conventional gas boilers increased significantly, by 30 %, however this is with
reference to a very small base value.
Fig. 25 Sales of floor standing conventional gas boilers in 2011 – 2021
(Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 26 Sales of floor standing conventional gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 trend (Source: SPIUG
600 520
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing conventional gas boilers[pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing conventional gas boilers- trend
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 36
3.3.4 High-power floor standing gas boilers (over 50 kW)
In 2021, the product group of high-power boilers, i.e. over 50kW, also recorded an increase
of 6.5%. In this group, the condensing boilers are absolutely dominant. The market potential
difference between condensing and conventional boilers is fourfold. It is a specific, niche prod-
uct group, intended for heating public and non-residential buildings, used in residential build-
ings in exceptional cases only, when there is no possibility of connecting to the municipal
district heating system, while connection to the gas supply system is available. In view of the
current governmental preference for DH networks, one may expect the sales market of these
devices to shrink, although so far the interest in this solution has not waned. The experience
of 2021 showed that the companies that manage heating networks may have trouble perform-
ing expansive actions consisting in extension of the existing heat transfer networks and there
may still be no alternative other than installation of a high-capacity heating boiler.
Fig. 27 Sales of high-capacity gas boilers in 2017 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
The mere 6.5% increase in the sales of condensing boilers and the 3 % increase for the
conventional high-capacity gas boilers are the result of the network heat expansion, which is
growing in the areas where high-power boilers are usually used. These are mostly multifamily
buildings and public buildings, built in urbanized areas where the connection to a DH network
is easier. For this reason, apart from few exceptions where there are no technical possibilities,
but a gas connection is available, the sales are oriented mostly at modernization of the exist-
ing systems. In 2021, modernizations that had been withheld due the crisis in the hotel and
carting industry, which are the traditional customers for these heating devices, were finally
completed. In the condensing high-capacity boilers group, the wall-hung boilers hold about.
95% share, which remained stable compared to 2020. The following charts show the trend in
the high-power boiler sales for condensing and conventional heat generators.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
High power gas boilers (over 50 kW)
37 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Fig. 28 Sales of high-capacity condensing gas boilers in 2017 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 29 Sales of high-capacity conventional gas boilers in 2017 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
3.3.5 Floor standing oil boilers
In Poland, oil boilers are not as popular as in the Western Europe. This results from a different
structure of fuels used for heating. In Poland, fuel oil was traditionally perceived as an expen-
sive heating fuel, which several years ago caused a significant reduction of the market poten-
tial. In 2021, the oil boiler group saw a certain increase in the sales, coming to about 5%.
Whereas the sales increase for conventional boilers was 2%, and for condensing boilers it
was 7%. Towards the end of the year, the sales of oil boilers decreased by more than ten per
2018 2019 2020 2021
High-capacity condensing gas boilers
(over 50 kW) [pcs.]
340 350
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
High-capacity conventional gas boilers (over 50
kW) [pcs.]
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 38
cent, which was surprising and may have been caused by shortages in the supply of these
devices. The trend of departing from heating with fuel oil can also be observed in other Euro-
pean countries, which may show that the tendency to abandon this type of heating is accel-
erating. This situation fails to motivate to replace the boilers, or to exchange them for heat
pumps and other RES, although one may assume that the current users of oil boilers, which
have never been cheap, when modernizing tend to choose heat pumps as an alternative for
oil heating. In the case of conventional oil boilers, the increases were higher than for the
condensing boilers, which seems natural with the Ecodesign requirements in place. The oil
boiler market in Poland is more and more dominated by condensing boilers, with a constant
declining share trend in the conventional boiler group. One of the reasons behind lower inter-
est in the oil boilers, apart from the fuel costs, just like in the previous years, is the issue of
the fuel quality and lack of tradition for this type of installations in Poland.
Just like in the case of the floor standing gas boilers, there is currently no significant market
potential for selling devices of this type, although much more gas devices are purchased..
Fig. 30 Sales of floor standing oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
1500 1500 1500
1700 1800
880 925
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing oil boilers[pcs.]
39 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Fig. 31 Sales of floor standing oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study)
Based on the chart of sales trends for oil boilers, one may assume that after a drastic plummet
of the sales in 2011-2013, and certain stabilization in 2017, the market has been in a constant
downward trend since 2018, followed by a slight increase starting in 2020.
Fig. 32 Sales of floor standing condensing oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
In 2021, there was a certain rebound in the condensing oil boilers group, where the sales
increased by about 7 %. Observing the trend in the market potential changes for condensing
oil boilers, it is easy to notice that implementation of the eco-design requirements in 2015
caused an increased interest in the purchase of condensing oil boilers. After a moment of
stability in 2017 there has been a constant downwards trend, while in other groups the sales
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing oil boilers- trend
790 780
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing condensing oil boilers[pcs.]
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 40
volumes grew considerably. This means that some of the replaced devices were substituted
by other heating technologies, probably heat pumps.
Fig. 33 Sales of floor standing condensing oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG
In the case of conventional oil boilers, the sales increases in 2021 were higher than for the
condensing boilers, which seems natural with the Ecodesign requirements in place. The oil
boiler market in Poland shows an increasing share of condensing boilers, which, in the total
number of oil boilers, achieved about 69%, compared to a 31% share of conventional oil boil-
ers, the share of which has been consistently on the decline since 2014, which in 2021 was
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing condensing oil boilers - trend
41 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Fig. 34 Sales of floor standing conventional oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 35 Sales of floor standing conventional oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG
3.4 Solid fuel boilers
In 2021, the interest in purchasing solid fuel heating boilers was noticeably increased, mostly
due to increases in the biomass boiler group, but also increased popularity of boilers fired with
coal and coal derivatives. Towards the end of 2021, an increased number of these devices
was sold, due to the fact that the Clean Air programme (Czyste Powietrze) would only accept
applications for subsidizing their purchase until the end of the year, which is why most coal-
1250 1300
1150 1070 1010
280 290
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing conventional oil boilers [pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Floor standing conventional oil boilers - trend
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 42
fired boilers were bought using this support programme. On the other hand, the prices of coal
as a fuel increased significantly, which is why the costs of heating with coal are no longer
competitive compared to other heating solutions. Purchase of coal is also becoming increas-
ingly difficult. In any case, the share of coal-fired boilers in the general volume of solid fuel
boilers is decreasing. This share is currently estimated at 20-25%, but these estimates do not
provide for the so-called grey area, where these devices are sold without any control, which
still happens, despite the official ban. It is rather difficult to assume that the interest in coal-
fired boilers will grow any further.
In general, the information collected directly from the market suggest that in 2021 the biomass
boiler market increased by further 30-35%, and that of coal and coal-derivative boilers – by
about 10-15%.
This market assessment may seem understated due to sales of the unclassified boilers in the
so-called grey area, outside any statistics or market monitoring. In 2021, there was a further
increase in the popularity of automatic pellet boilers, which significantly increased their market
share in the group of solid fuel boilers, and are now dominant in the group of biomass boilers,
but there is also an increasing interest in wood pyrolysis boilers. Pellet is used commonly,
and for instance in the case of woodchips, the available fuel is almost completely intercepted
by professional heat and power stations. The amendments made to the Clean Air programme
in May significantly affected the growing sales of the pellet boilers also in 2021. In 2021, the
solid fuel boilers’ share in the replacement process within the Clean Air PP was over 36%,
with the biomass boilers holding a share of almost 20.5% of the replacement, and class V
coal-fired boilers taking about 16%, whereas this share of the coal-fired boilers has been
constant since 2020. At the same time, there is still no reliable system in place for monitoring
the market potential for this group of devices, similar to the well-performing panel encompass-
ing other heating devices, which results from the sale structure and distribution channels for
these devices, causing some of the manufacturers’ reluctance to provide information in this
In the solid fuel boilers group, orders are also completed with a certain delays, due to the
production capacities of plants and accessibility or raw materials, as well as shortages of
qualified workforce producing the devices. In general, price rises and increased purchases
caused a significant increase in the turnover for this group of manufacturers; there is also a
noticeable trend for solid fuel boiler manufacturers to supplement their offer with various other
products and modern heat sources, such as heat pumps, which are currently offered by sev-
eral leading manufacturers of solid fuel boilers. Some of the manufacturers ceased produc-
tion of coal-fired boilers, or reduced it considerably, while expanding their portfolios with, for
instance, heat pumps. Hence the noticeable discrepancies between the opinions of fitters and
distributors, who report significant sales drops for solid fuel boilers as a whole, and those of
the manufacturers who changed their product offer. Opinions collected from the market indi-
cate a diminishing interest in boilers fired with various waste in households. A certain
43 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
phenomenon is that certain manufacturers switch to making other products, not necessarily
related to heating devices.
In 2020, the biomass boilers constituted over 80% of all the solid fuel boiler purchased, which
confirms the continued interest in this type of fuel – in 2017, they constituted only about 16-
20% of the entire sales volume. For comparison, in 2018 this percentage was about 35-40%.
The share of the solid fuel boilers in the entire sales volume of heating devices in 2021 can
be estimated at over 22%.
Fig. 36 Sales of solid fuel boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 37 Sales of solid fuel boilers in 2014 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study)
158 800
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Solid fuel boilers [pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Solid fuel boilers- trend
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 44
3.5 Heat pumps
In 2021, just like in the preceding year, there was a visible increase in the popularity of mod-
ern, advanced, electrical heating devices, such as heat pumps and modern flow-through boil-
ers. This also applies to electric hot utility water heaters, both tankless and storage. Also, in
2021 electricity was indicated as a future source of heating, based in EU strategies and plans,
as a form of intense promotion of heat pumps. A number of activities at the EU level, as well
as new regulations implemented in certain EU countries in order to reduce the CO2 emissions
caused a very intense promotion of heat pumps, which effectively increased the interest in
this technology, also in the Polish market of heating devices.
According to data prepared by PORT PC, the entire heating pump market increased by 66%
throughout 2021, and for the group of heating pumps intended to heat buildings, this growth
exceeded 80%. In Poland, the highest increases in the heat pump sales in 2021 were ob-
served in the air/water pump segment, where the growth came to 88% compared to the sales
results from 2020. It is worth emphasizing that in 2021, the number of the air/water heat
pumps sold was more than ten times higher than in 2017, and 50 times more than in 2011.
At the same time, there was more than 24% increase in the segment of ground heat pumps,
which seems to be a significant increase compared to the results and trends from the preced-
ing years. The information obtained from the market indicated that decisions to choose a
costlier solution of a ground heat pump as a replacement for an air pump were made where
the heating system and the building were prepared for using a heat pump, but the time of
delivery for the originally planned air pump was unacceptable for the investor. The increase
in the sales numbers for ground heat pumps in 2021 is also connected with the increased
interest in the Clean Air programme. A decrease in the sales of air/water pumps for hot water
has been constant since 2020. It is possible that a vast majority of the air/water pumps pur-
chased in order to heat buildings is also performing the function of heating utility water.
Just like in 2020, the main factor affecting such a significant sales increase for the air/water
heat pumps is the considerable diversity of solutions, the intense promotion, both at EU and
domestic level, intended to convince the buyers of the cost effectiveness of these devices,
resulting in an increasing interest in this technology, among users and installers alike. The
demand is also significantly affected by the investors’ interest in emission free heating solu-
tions, also due to comfort of operation and the growing environmental awareness. According
to PORT PC, the increased popularity of heat pumps was also caused by an increased inten-
sity of financial support for heat pumps, as part of the Clean Air programme since May 2020,
as well as the thermal modernization relief. I should be noted that the share of the heat pumps
installed as part of the Clean Air programme in 2021 reached almost 19 % and is still growing.
This growth was largely affected by the increasing popularity of generating electricity for self-
consumption, as part of the rapidly growing prosumer energy engineering, e.g. installation of
photovoltaic systems on building roofs and settlements as part of the discount system as well
45 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
as the priority programme “My Electricity”, which promotes the development of prosumer pho-
tovoltaic systems.
There is also a growing interest in heat pumps as devices working in hybrid systems with gas
boilers or solar collectors, as well as PV as the power source, which is more and more often
used in systems with heat pumps. In the case of hybrid systems of heat pumps and gas
boilers, this growth came to about 20%.
Heat pump fitters have long been loaded down with work and in 2021 it was not difficult to
commission works which were not arranged later. There are not many such installers, and
the market is growing. New installers of heat pumps must be trained, but their numbers grow
slower than the market. The number of heat pump manufacturers in the market is growing
too, mainly by adjustment or extension of the product portfolio by the current manufacturers
of solid fuel boilers, whose market has been shrinking for the last few years and they seek
alternative solutions to continue their business activity.
[air/water – heating// ground/water -heating// air/water (hot water)
Fig. 38 Sales of heat pumps in general between 2010 and 2021. The data include air-water,
saline-water, direct ground evaporation/water and air-water HUT-only pumps. (Source:
1 500 1 300 1 680 2 120 2 310 3 920 5 330 8 080 10 630
20 300
42 220
79 300
3 500 4 300 4 630 4 640 4 690 4 930 4 880
5 120
5 380
6 190
5 260
5 650
2 060 4 500 5 600 7 800 8 500
8 790 8 440
9 280
9 840
10 230
8 650
7 700
10 000
20 000
30 000
40 000
50 000
60 000
70 000
80 000
90 000
100 000
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Sales of heat pumps in general(without air
conditioner) in Poland between2011-2021
powietrze/woda (ogrzewanie)
solanka/woda (ogrzewanie)
powietrze/woda (ciepła woda)
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 46
Fig. 39 Sales of heat pumps in total in 2011 – 2021 – trend (Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 40 Sales of heat pumps in total in 2011 – 2021 – trend (Source: SPIUG study)
3.6 Electric heating
In 2021, the popularity of modern, electrical heating devices increased greatly, again. This
also applies to electric hot utility water heaters, both tankless and storage, but in this case the
growths were closer to market stabilization.
This technology gained popularity due to easy installation and costs of operation, but the sales
growth dynamics were lower at the end of 2021, and came to 20%, with certain further growing
trend, but thanks to very high increases in the first half of the year, the total sales increase for
this heating devices in 2021 can be assessed at 60%. Certain decrease in the growth
9700 12000 15000 16500 18000 19500
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Heat pumps in total(without air conditioners) [pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Heat pumps (without air conditioners) - trend
47 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
dynamics for this group of devices was caused by the significant rise of the electricity prices
in the second half of the year and by uncertainty regarding support for photovoltaic systems.
Additional factors reducing the growth dynamics were: low level of subsidies, long period of
waiting for increased allocated power for heating, unstable situation of the prosumer regula-
tions, frightening the prosumers with unprofitability of the PV systems
In the case of electric flow-through HUW heaters, the increase was 10-15%, and for storage
heaters, this increase was 20%, with shortage of raw materials for device production being
the main limitation.
The current increase in the popularity of electricity as heat source was affected by several
factors, such as: more energy efficient houses with low demand for heating energy, growing
awareness of the investors, popularization of photovoltaics and using this source of electric
energy for heating purposes, both for supplying electrical heating systems (flow0-through
boilers, heating mats, local room heating, etc., search for a comfortable heating form, e.g.
for weekend or holiday homes, limited possibilities of converting the building systems, start-
ing investment capacity. There is also a noticeable trend for dual heating, i.e. with two heat
sources, one of which is an electric boiler. More and more investors decide to build „near-
zero energy” houses.
In the electrical heating device market, one may also observe an increasing diversification of
the heat sources, which gives the customer an expanding freedom of choice. In terms of
value, the leading electrical heating devices are certainly heat pumps, electrical central
heating and hot utility water boilers utilizing resistance and electromagnetic technology, con-
vection and oil electrical heating as well as electric and water-electric bathroom radiators, as
well as solar collectors sets with accumulation tanks. Further on, there is floor and surface
heating (heating cables and increasingly popular heating films), followed lastly by accumula-
tion stoves and decorative heaters, usually made of stone, which fulfil a similar function.
Electrical heating has quite a new meaning for households, it is becoming more accessible
and easy to install in buildings. The market is open to various products, there are various
electrical heating solutions available. Electrical heating usually involves heat accumulation,
which is why it is so important to fit every system with accumulation tanks, which can store
the heat and release it as and when necessary. Tankless boilers fulfil the same function as
gas heating boilers.
The electrical heating market is growing year by year, thanks to the development of alternative
power sources, and improving thermal insulation of the buildings, which significantly reduces
the ongoing operating costs, which used to be a traditional barrier for this type of heating.
The popularity of electric heating mats is growing, although they still remain a niche product.
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 48
Fig. 41 Electrical heating boilers – estimated data for 2011 -2020 (Source: SPIUG study)
Fig. 42 Electrical heating boilers – estimated data for 2011 - 2021 – Trend (Source: SPIUG
3.7 Solar collectors
After two years of drops, in 2021 solar collectors rebounded with a significant increase in
sales, coming to 17%. The market structure in Poland is still unstable and based mostly on
communal tenders grounded on EU funds. Nonetheless, the sales in absolute numbers were
still quite high. Despite this situation, in 2021 the market again started sending positive signals
about increased sales of solar collectors via retail, but these values are still too low to talk
3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 5000 5800
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Electrical heating boilers -estimated data for
2021 [pcs.]
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Electrical heating boilers - trend 2021
49 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
about a safe and stable market for these systems. Most sales concerned flat collectors, while
in the vacuum collector group, the share in the sales is at 2%. This result is a consequence
of the market structure in this product group, based on implementation of investments based
on tenders announced in the preceding years. Programmes and tenders for solar collectors
often take place in communes which already have past experiences with the installation of
this type and are the result of the good opinions of the users of solar collector installations or
their neighbours. Despite certain positive symptoms in retail, there is still no base in this
distribution segment which would guarantee market stability, at least to a certain extent.
There are absolutely no promotional and information campaigns supporting this technology
as a totally emission free, with low operating costs. For a long time there has been no edu-
cation on the capabilities of solar collector systems. The support programmes organized in
the past had a negative effect of imprinting in the end users’ minds that the solar collector
installations are only possible with subsidies from the support programmes, which is a great
burden on the sales of this heating technology. There is a noticeable interest in the expansion
of using solar collector systems to supply CH process heat in the industry, as well as tenden-
cies to change the scope of using solar collectors beyond HUT preparation, as is now hap-
pening in other EU countries. Again, there is a growing interest in solutions based on PVT
hybrid collectors, and the idea of using solar collectors as an element of heat acquisition for
heating networks is discussed in Poland more and more seriously, which is a great opportunity
for this market segment to grow. In residential buildings with insufficient insulation, solar col-
lectors can still provide heat to the residents in hybrid systems with gas boilers and heat
storages, reducing the costs of the fuel gas during warmer periods of autumn and winter, and
completely eliminating gas consumption in spring and summer. A number of these systems
were built in 2020 and 2021, mainly as support for biomass and gas boilers. The market also
informed about installation of hybrid systems of solar collectors and heat pumps. The signifi-
cant price increases for energy carriers an fuel are a motivator for seeking savings in their
purchase prices, which the hybrid systems provide.
The primary barriers for rapid development of this solution are the limited supply of heat buff-
ers of high capacity, over 1000 litres, and, crucially, the fact that the fitters lack knowledge
and skills regarding selection and completion of such systems. Nonetheless, the signals com-
ing from the market indicate that an increasing number of solar collector systems are installed
as means of support for heating, together with heat pumps and gas boilers. Also, systems
using collector heat to support generation of process heat in industry were built for the first
time, and collector systems for network heat are now in preparation. In this product group, the
manufacturers also reported issues with the supply of components and raw materials required
to make solar collectors.
In 2021, the number of systems consisting of PVT hybrid collectors – a form of cogeneration
based on solar energy – increased as well. Several such projects were completed in multi-
family and public buildings, intended to heat and prepare hot utility water.
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021
Heating appliances market in Poland 2021

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CEE Expert Report | Edition #5
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CEE Expert Report | Edition #5
Q2 2022: Interim report January-June
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Q2 2022: Interim report January-June
European heating has always been a mixed industry
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European heating has always been a mixed industry
Q1 2021: Interim Report January-March
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Heating appliances market in Poland 2021

  • 1. Report: Heating appliances market in Poland in 2021 Association of Heating Appliances Manufacturers and Importers in Poland Warsaw, April 2022
  • 2. Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................ 3 2 General market situation in 2021............................................ 5 2.1 General economic situation in Poland in 2021 and factors which influenced the growth of the installation and heating market ................................................. 6 2.2 Residential construction............................................................................. 10 3 Market growth in selected product groups in Poland in 2021 16 3. 1 General market situation in 2021................................................................. 16 3.2 Selected product groups in Poland in 2021................................................ 25 3.2.1 Wall-hung gas boilers........................................................................................ 28 3.2.2 Wall - hung gas boilers conventional ................................................................ 29 3.2.3 Wall - hung gas boilers condensing .................................................................. 30 3.3 Floor standing boilers (gas and oil) ............................................................ 32 3.3.1 Floor standing gas boilers ................................................................................. 32 3.3.2 Floor standing gas boilers condensing.............................................................. 33 3.3.3 Floor standing gas boilers conventional`........................................................... 34 3.3.4 High-power floor standing gas boilers (over 50 kW) ......................................... 36 3.3.5 Floor standing oil boilers ................................................................................... 37 3.4 Solid fuel boilers ........................................................................................ 41 3.5 Heat pumps ............................................................................................... 44 3.6 Electric heating.......................................................................................... 46 3.7 Solar collectors.......................................................................................... 48 3.8 Radiators and other installation elements .................................................. 51 4 Summary of the forecast for development of the installation and heating market in the future................................................ 54
  • 3. 3 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 1 Introduction We present yet another annual industry report on the development of the heating appliances market in Poland. The Association of Heating Appliances Manufacturers and Importers in Poland (SPIUG) is a industry organization which gathers manufacturers of a broad range of heating appliances, such as gas boilers, oil boilers, solid fuel boilers, electric boilers, solar collectors or heat pumps, and since 2018, also a group of manufacturer of heating system components, such as surface heating. controllers and automatics, as well as radiators. Moreover, SPIUG coop- erates with manufacturers that develop innovative heat sources, yet are not formal members of the organization. Members of SPIUG include such brands as: ACV, Ariston, Baxi, Beretta, Buderus, DeDietrich, Ferroli, Fondital, Galmet, Hewalex, Junkers, Bosch, Immergas, Kospel, Sanier Duval, Sofath, Stiebel Eltron, Termet, Thermagen, Unical, Vaillant, Viega, Viessmann, Weishaupt, Wolf, and since 2018 also Purmo Rettig, Uponor, Herz, Tece Perfexim, Kermi, Danfoss and Aberon. The market of individual heating applances in Poland is one of the more significant ones in Europe, and, after dynamic development in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 still has a significant development capacity. 2021 was a good year for the installation and heating industry, due to making up for the losses in the economy after the COVID-19 pan- demic, which on one hand increased the rate of replacing old heating generators for new, more efficient ones. On the other, a rise in the residential construction also increased the demand for devices and elements used in heating systems. At the same time, we faced a series of negative phenomena which will certainly affect the development of the heating gen- erators market in the near future. Issues with deliveries were caused on only by the increased demand for final goods, but mostly by disruption to the chain of supply and the availability of raw materials and subassemblies required to make heating devices and other installation el- ements. Towards the end of the year, one could also observe a certain influence of the drastic price increase of energy carriers, which will certainly have a greater effect on the heating appliances market in 2022. Currently, a project for developing the heating strategy in Poland is being prepared, which will finally take into account the need to transform the heat engineering by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. Transformation of heating networks into systems which meet the REDII requirements and preparation of RED III is a significant challenge for the companies operating in this segment. The same applies to the EPBD and WT 2021 directive in Poland. All that influences the situation in the installation and heating market in Poland, and its growth. The European Committee is also conducting consultations regarding the document package as part of Fit for 51, which will certainly shape the future heating market. Due to the specificity of the market of individual heating appliances, as well as the accessibility of reliable input data, this report contains information about the development of the lower- power heating appliances market, mostly under 50kW, but also takes into account gas heating
  • 4. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 4 appliances, included in the statistics as part of the study, with slightly a higher output up to 50 kW. This report is based on SPIUG’s own analyses in the scope of the heating appliances, and information collected directly from the market, and in the section concerning the environ- ment of the installation and heating market it is based on analyses available at the GUS and information collected directly from the market, from fitters, manufacturers and distributors. Just like in the previous edition, lack of reliable estimates concerning the market size and development of certain product groups which constitute heating devices, prevents this report from presenting the market situation in these groups, or allows us to show a general analysis only.
  • 5. 5 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 2 General market situation in 2021 2021 saw a certain continuation of the market and economic events from the preceding years, which positively affected the development of the installation and heating market in Poland, although 2021 hardly compared to the preceding years due to the availability of raw materials for production and its effect on the Polish and global economy. So far, the installation and heating industry in Poland has been managing quite well in this new situation, as demon- strated by increased turnover in the entire industry throughout 2021, although obviously not equally for individual product groups and business activity types. Nonetheless, the relatively high upward trend was maintained, but although the total result was positive, the sales dy- namics waned in some product groups of heating devices, apart from the broadly-defined group of heat pumps. During the year, particularly toward its end, a certain nervousness of the purchasers could be observed, caused by increased prices of the raw materials, particu- larly steel sheet, on the global market, and the availability of certain electronic components of the devices. In 2021, the economic situation favouring investments intended to improve the air quality at the local level and the mood in the industry had a noticeable effect on the purchase volume for new heating devices. Increased consumption despite the initial concerns related to the economic consequences of the pandemic, as well as the possibility of using EU finds from the Regional Operational Programmes, combined with the expanded possibilities as part of the Clean Air priority programme certainly also affected the situation in the installation and heating industry in 2021. One should emphasize the significant role of the local governments which, having access to EU programmes, support the replacement of old heating devices with new ones, which has a measurable effect on the growth of the installation and heating market in Poland. In the fourth quarter of 2021, just like before, the prices of the final products increased, though not as drastically as before. The economic situation in Poland still demonstrates the trend for redi- recting cash from savings to reinvestments in other instruments, mostly real estate, and in- creased consumption, as shown by a greater interest in the so-called luxury goods, and ren- ovations of the existing residential resources. Despite various threats of international nature, the current situation in the European and global markets favours the statistical growth in the economy in Poland, although in 2021 the threat of rapidly increasing inflation and decreasing value of zloty compared to other currencies increased, which is why the actual economic growth seems much lower than announced in the official statistics. All that cumulates with the significant price increases of practically all the energy carriers, i.e. fuels and electricity, as already mentioned before.
  • 6. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 6 Due to the growing inflation, the investors were redirecting their funds to modernization, build- ing investments, etc., which significantly drove the demand. This was partially caused by con- cerns about the future availability of heating appliances, due to issues with raw material and growing prices. Due to the high inflation, some of the investors started investments/moderni- zations, in order to dispose of cash reserves, while in these uncertain times others prefer to freeze their investments/modernizations and wait for the situation to stabilize. There was a noticeably greater uncertainty regarding the economic and pandemic situation in the year to come. This was certainly affected by the information about the so-called Polish Order, implemented at the beginning of 2022. The dramatic increase in the prices of energy carriers, particularly gas, also contributed to this uncertainty. According to the opinions collected in the market, the result could be slightly better if not for the noticeable employment problems – shore of specialists in workmanship and significant increases in the prices of almost all the building materials. Moreover, some of the companies active in the fitting and heating industry, with production plants in Poland, signalled the prob- lem of workforce shortage, which restricted the possibility of increasing production of devices and systems. In 2021, just like the year before, the market of replacing old heating appliances with new ones was dominant. The media upheaval concerning the need for reducing low emissions has also noticeably increased the social awareness of the hazards it causes, which is of course a good thing, yet there is still much to do in this respect. The market situation in 2020 improved financial liquidity of the distributors, who, in fear of the negative economic aftermath of the pandemic, tightened the discipline of exacting payments, which continued in 2021. A higher money supply pre- vented the adopted policy from negatively affecting the results of most companies in the in- dustry, although the profit level was diverse. 2.1 General economic situation in Poland in 2021 and factors which influenced the growth of the installation and heating market In January 2022, GUS published statistical data concerning the economic situation in Poland in 2021. According to the estimates presented by the GUS, in 2021 the general economic performance in Poland will still be good, although there are certain concerns regarding infla- tion, which has been increasing since 2019, and in 2021 translated into an additional 10% increase in the exchange rate of the Polish currency for the US dollar, Euro and Swiss franc. A relatively high inflation level and the decreased value of the PLN towards EUR and US dollar in 2021 induce a reflection on the actual sales increase for industry and economy in Poland. Lack of actual investments which, in a relatively short time, would boost the financial results of the country, providing credit for the so-called flagship investments, aid and social programmes by printing empty money do little to reinforce the citizens’ trust in the safety of
  • 7. 7 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 their savings deposited in banks, which is reflected by the outflow of money towards con- sumption and real estate market, which indirectly translated into good financial performance of the installation and heating industry. According to the data provided by the GUS (Central Statistic Office), the industry production sales dynamics at fixed prices in Poland in 2021 is as follows: Table 1. Trends in industrial production dynamics 2021 (source: GUS) According to the data provided by the GUS, in 2021 the sold production of the industry was 14.9% higher than in the analogous period of 2020, when a 1 % drop was observed. Yet, it is worth to notice the 29.5% increase in the field “Production and provision of electricity, gas, steam and hot water”, which is a direct consequence of the increased energy and fuel prices, meaning that the apparent increase is in no way positive for the economy and the consumers. The policy of the central bank still does little to encourage keeping one’s savings in banks, even despite for the recent, quite noticeable increases in the interest rates, which seem to have come too late and fail to translate into increased interest rates for the deposits. Because of all the shields and other activities, banks now have cash reserves estimated at up to 2 years, which means they have little interest in motivating the customers to save. The signifi- cant price increases translate into higher tax revenues for the Budget, but any sum of money is worth much less than in the previous year, which means increases of more than ten per cent which fail to translate into an actual purchasing power of these amounts. The anti-infla- tion activities, e.g. the VAT reduction for various goods, increased the profits of the resellers, rather than causing any noticeable price drops. A relatively high inflation level and the de- creased value of the PLN towards EUR and US dollar in the last year induce a reflection on the actual sales increase for industry and economy in Poland. The fear of high prices drives purchasing, also in the construction industry, where the increase in the material prices DETAILED LIST I-XII 2020=100 I-XII 2021=100 INDUSTRY -1,0% +14,9% Mining -7,0% +2,8% Industrial processing -1,0% +14,2% Production and provi- sion of electricity, gas, steam and hot water -1,1% +29,5%
  • 8. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 8 continued throughout 2021. The society is visibly uncertain about the future, both domestically and in the context of the international situation. As far as construction is concerned, 2021 saw a general increase of 3.2% compared to the 2.2% decrease a year before and the 2,6% increase in 2019. In construction, a 9.3% increase was recorded in the specialist construction works, which also include installation and heating works, which affects the relatively good results in the heating industry. Table 2. Trends in construction and assembly production dynamics 2021 (Source: GUS) Companies which construct buildings also recorded a decrease of 1.2%, but those operating primarily in the land and water engineering recorded a 2.8% increase. Between January and December 2021, the increase in value of investment works continued, compared to the same period of 2020 when it was 7.7% compared to a 1.1 % growth in this statistical group in 2019, whereas for renovation works, there was a 8.4 % increase compared to a 3.1 % drop that took place in this group in 2020. For renovation works, the increase was 8.4% (in 2020, there was a 3.1% decrease). In 2021, compared to 2020, the value of investment works decreased by 1.3% (in 2020 the drop was 1.1%), while the sales of renovation works increased by 10.7% (compared to a 4.0% drop in 2020). According to the GUS data, the prices of construction and assembly production in 2021 were 4.2 % higher than in 2020, with a 4.7% increase in the building construction price and a 3.5 % increase in specialist construction works, which also encompass the installation and heat- ing works, compared to 2020. I-XII 2020 I-XII 2021 CONSTRUCTION -2,2% +3,2% Building construction -4,9% -1,2% Land and water engineering con- struction -2,0% +2,8% Specialist construction works, in- cluding installation and heating works +1,3% +9,3%
  • 9. 9 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Table 3. Trends in construction and assembly production price indexes 2021 (Source: GUS) The numbers provided by GUS may raise doubts, seeing as according to the statistics, a number of building materials increased in prices again in 2021, by several or more than ten per cent, although in reality these price changes were much higher for the end customers. The costs of employment also significantly grew further, but one may assume this happened at the expense of the margins acquired by construction companies. This situation is worth investigating. As far as construction is concerned, the building industry still does rather well, mostly thanks to residential construction, but towards the end of 2021 there was a noticeable slowdown in the development construction. The high increases in the prices of apartments built by devel- opers are now a kind of probe of what would be the maximum price accepted by the investors. The current price level has the hallmarks of a speculation bubble, but the deficit of land for residential construction, particularly in large cities, slows down the developers’ growth dynam- ics. Currently, the issues arising from the increased costs of employment and material prices are of prime importance. Since the beginning of the year, the business cycle indicators pub- lished by the GUS indicated a systematic growth of optimism, but its dynamics was dropping with every month. Since June 2021, the business cycle indicator in construction has been steadily declining, According to the most recent COFACE report, in 2021 there was a rapid increase in insol- vency, in all lines of business. In construction, the rise in insolvency in 2021 compared to 2020 was 50%, but the construction business’ share in the economy insolvencies is still relatively small. According to COFACE, the 50 % increase in the number of insolvencies in construction in 2021 is significant, but to a large extent caused by an increased number of announcements as part of simplified procedure of arrangement approval, which last year constituted more than half of all the cases in this industry (for comparison, in 2020 it was one fourth). It is worth emphasizing that for the last few years the share of construction insolvencies in the total number has been decreasing, and for the first time in 20 years this number does not exceed 10 % annually. Compared to the entire economy, the current financial condition of construc- tion should be considered stable. On the other hand, the situation in individual branches of building production is varied. Despite the increased number of insolvencies, the production in DETAILED LIST I-XII 2021 compared compared to I-XII 2020 TOTAL +4,2% Building construction a +4,7% Land and water engineer- ing construction a +4,2% Specialist building works +3,5%
  • 10. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 10 the industry was still driven mostly by specialist construction, including the installation indus- try. Residential construction is also recording very good results, unlike commercial construc- tion, where stagnation is noticeable, which translates directly into the financial condition of the companies which serve this market segment. The current, glaring supply issues, related to the availability of goods and qualified staff, cause a significant increase in the building material prices and costs of employment. 2.2 Residential construction The data revealing the trends in the residential construction are still positive with decreasing growth dynamics, which merits certain cautiousness in planning turnover for the installation and heating industry for the next 1.5 year or 2 years, although the number of potential apart- ments to be fitted with a heating system is still high. Fig. 1 Number of apartments commissioned in 2014-2021 (Source: GUS) In 2021, more residential units were commissioned than a year before; there were also more constructions commenced and more building permits granted, as well as more new construc- tion reports. According to data announced by the GUS, between January and December 2021 about 234.7 thousand flats were commissioned, which means a 6.3 % increase compared to 2020. The tendency of the investors’ share in the investments was also continued. In 2021, developers retained their dominating position, by building over 141.7 thousand apartments, which is 60.4% of all the apartments commissioned in 2021, and constituted a 0.7 % decrease compared to 2020. Individual investors built about 88.3 thousand apartments, which means a 19.4 % increase compared to 2020, which gave them a bit over 37.6 % in this statistical category, which means about 4% increase in this share. In 2021, more flats were 143166 147711 163325 178342 184783 207224 221978 234718 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of apartments commissioned in 2014 - 2021 [pcs.]
  • 11. 11 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 commissioned in the remaining form of construction (cooperative, municipal, social, tenement and company construction), where their number was 4637 compared to 4149 flats in 2020, which means an increase by about 11,8%. These results also have an impact on the structure of installed heat sources. Fig. 2 Tendencies in the number of apartments commissioned in 2014-2021, by groups of investors (Source: GUS) Data from 2021 confirm that the development market segment lost its growth dynamics and for the first time in several years, there was a certain decrease in the number of flats commis- sioned in this group. On one hand, it indicates that the financial resources of the potential customers have mostly been spent, while higher interest rates have also restricted the avail- ability of bank loans. The price level has also reached a certain pain threshold, beyond which investments in real estate with the growing interest rate on deposits becomes less profitable, On the other hand, the number of flats commissioned in individual construction increased by several per cent. The structure of the commissioned apartments affects the structure of the installed heat sources. Developers who build mostly in urban areas often make use of the possibilities of connecting their buildings to the municipal heating network, which reduces the costs of the installations by the heat sources replaced by the heat distribution centres, of course if the infrastructure is available locally, which seems understandable and logical from the perspec- tive of the developer business. There are doubts regarding forcing this type of connections 76129 79758 65706 67657 66684 69599 74140 88343 59065 62420 91516 105027 111550 130935 143770 141738 3490 2115 2707 2311 3002 2115 1498 2019 4482 3418 3396 3347 3547 4575 2570 2618 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of apartments commissioned in 2014-2021 [pcs.] budownictwo indywidualne deweloperzy budownictwo spółdzielcze pozostali individual housing, developers, cooperative housing, other
  • 12. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 12 through, if the infrastructure is still only at the planning stage, but so far no spectacular effects of this law were noticeable, maybe because the burden of installing individual heating devices is borne by the replacement market, and due to the number of administrative and organiza- tional problems affecting heating companies that want to develop their infrastructure. Fig. 3 Number of apartment constructions commenced in 2014-2021 (Source: GUS) Between January and December 2021, construction of 277.4 thousand apartments was com- menced, which means a 5.7 % increase compared to 2020, which is a minor drop in the dynamics compared to the preceding year, when this increase came to 7.1%. In terms of investor groups, developers started building 166.3 thousand flats, which means a 27.7% increase and 59.9 % share in the total number of flat constructions commenced in 2021, compared to a 58.2 % share at the end of 2020. In 2021, individual investors started building 106.1 thousand flats, which means a 17.5% increase and 38.2 % share in the total number of commenced constructions, compared to 40.3% share in 2020. This means certain decrease, but with an expected tendency to increase the share of individual construction in the market. This information is important, as most single-family buildings have individual heat- ing devices. In other forms of construction, more apartment constructions were also com- menced in 2021 compared to 2020, with 5072 new apartments commenced compared to 3325 in 2020, which means a 52,5 % increase in the number of commenced constructions in this group. 143166 147711 163325 178342 184783 207224 221978 234718 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of apartment constructions commenced in 2014 -2021 [pcs.] - year-end balance
  • 13. 13 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Fig. 4 Trend in the number of apartment constructions commenced in 2014-2021 by groups of investors (Source: GUS) Fig. 5 Number of apartments for which permits were issued or applications were made with construction design in 2014 – 2021 (Source: GUS) In 2021, permits were issued or applications with a construction design were submitted for construction of 340.6 thousand apartments, i.e. 23.3 % more than in 2020. 74368 78855 83580 94483 85304 90314 90309 106068 69723 86498 85497 105401 131627 142022 130208 166285 1362 1285 2187 2746 2312 2058 1638 1913 2669 1765 2668 336 2664 2887 1687 3159 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of apartment constructions commenced in 2014 -2021 budownictwo indywidualne deweloperzy budownictwo spółdzielcze pozostali 156878 188798 211485 250218 257072 268483 275938 340613 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Number of apartments for which permits were issued or applications were made with construction design in 2014 – 2021 [pcs.] individual housing, developers, cooperative housing, other
  • 14. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 14 Fig. 6 Trend in the number of apartments for which permits were issued or applications were submitted in 2014 - 2021, by investor groups (Source: GUS) Still, in 2021, the largest group of investors in this category of issued permits for apartment construction was the developers, who obtained permits for construction of thousand 213.0 apartments, and individual investors, who obtained permits for construction of almost 123.2 thousand apartments. This means increases in the numbers of obtained construction permits in these investor groups by 23.9 % and 21.4%, respectively, compared to 2020. In total, within these construction forms, permissions were obtained sites were reported with construction design for 98.7 % of all the apartments (of which 62.5 % for developers and 36.2 % for indi- vidual investors). In 2021 in other forms of construction (co-operative, municipal, social, ten- ement and company), there was 62.3 % more apartments for the construction of which per- mits were issued or applications were submitted along with a construction design than in 2020, that is 4474 apartments in 2021 compared to 2756 apartments in 2020. The results and the tendencies related to the number of commissioned apartments, apart- ments under construction and the number of issued construction permits and applications in this scope allow us to analyse the growth potential of the installation and heating market in the years to come, in the so-called first installation segment. It can be assumed that the de- velopers’ building cycle takes 18-24 months, whereas in the case of single-family 74368 78855 83580 94483 85304 90314 90309 106068 69723 86498 85497 105401 131627 142022 130208 166285 1362 1285 2187 2746 2312 2058 1638 1913 2669 1765 2668 336 2664 2887 1687 3159 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 number of apartments for which permits were issued or applications were submitted in 2014 - 2021[pcs.] budownictwo indywidualne deweloperzy budownictwo spółdzielcze pozostali individual housing, developers, cooperative housing, other
  • 15. 15 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 construction, it usually takes about 2-3 years, sometimes longer. This means that the invest- ments started now will be fitted with heating devices at the final stages of construction, during finishing works, i.e. in 2-3 years. Of course, the installation fittings are installed earlier, whereas the heating devices themselves only at the end of the investment process as part of fitting works, when, e.g., it is necessary to heat the rooms during interior finishing works. Also, there is a certain delay between the moment of receiving the building permit and finding the contractor, who actually commences the construction works. This also gives a measurable potential of demand for heating devices in a longer-term perspective. Hence, it is also worth examining the data concerning building movement in various groups of investors, as their rate of performance also shits the demand for heating devices into the future intended for new construction. In the case of commissioned buildings, they are complete and constitute a basis for analysing the actual and historic data. It is unknown whether this positive trend will prevail also in 2020. At the beginning of 2022, the war in Ukraine caused a significant outflow of foreign workers, mostly from Ukraine, who were a significant group of workers carrying out residential construction in Poland. If we add this to the restrictions related to safety and un- foreseeable circumstances of economic or international nature, potential issues with the de- liveries of components from abroad, or labour shortages on construction sites an in plants manufacturing building materials, the result of the residential construction in 2022 is a great unknown. The recent drop in the growth dynamics in the residential construction may certainly affect the future situation in the installation and heating industry. This may result in budget cuts related to other political goals and delays in arrangements with the EU regarding funds for aid pro- grammes as part of the reconstruction and restoration fund; the authorities may fail to con- sistently implement the programmes intended to reduce low emissions. The increasing share and growths in the individual construction group also mean an increase in the installation potential for individual heat sources in new buildings, which may be suppressed in urban areas by the expansion of network heat, supported by the governmental and local administra- tion authorities. So far, having an alternative for new construction in the form of increasingly significant supplementing of heating device sales potential in the form of device replacement, in 2021 the installation and heating industry did not feel the growth decreasing trend in newly- built residential buildings in any particular way.
  • 16. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 16 3 Market growth in selected product groups in Poland in 2021 The market of individual heating appliances in Poland is one of the larger ones in Europe, and, after a dynamic development in 2018, 2019, and 2020, still has a significant development capacity, particularly in the scope of replacing old devices with new ones, conforming to the ecoproject requirements. Of far greater importance is the issue of replacing old heating ap- pliances fired with coal, or even trash, with devices that enable qualitative reduction of the pollutants emitted into the atmosphere, or even with emission-free heating devices. Due to the specificity of the market of individual heating appliances, as well as the capabilities of the available output data, this report contains information about the development of the market for heating appliances up to 500 kW. In the section concerning heating appliances, the report is based on the SPIUG’s own analyses as well as on information collected directly from the market, from fitters, manufactures and distributors. Just like in the previous edition, this report does not include certain product groups of heating appliances, due to lack of relia- ble output data necessary to assess the market size and growth trends for these appliances. 3. 1 General market situation in 2021 In 2021, despite new challenges related to the reduced availability of raw materials and sub- assemblies as well as higher prices, the market and economic phenomena from 2020 contin- ued. The economic situation which favoured investments intended to improve the air quality at the local level and urged customers to make purchase decisions before the prices grow or the deliveries are delayed, as well as the general mood in the industry, translated into in- creased sales in most product groups in 2021. 2021 is another consecutive year difficult to compare to the previous year, due to the effect that the new economic and political events had on the economy both in Poland and in Europe, once the COVID-19 pandemic subsided. Nonetheless, the growing market trend from the two preceding years prevailed. Despite the positive result that the heating device industry achieved in the entire 2021, towards the end of the year there was a noticeable decrease in the sales dynamics for most product groups of heating devices. In some cases, the results are surprising, and it was hard to find any logical explanations in the market. Also, the situ- ation in the residential construction, evolving due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, certainly affected the results achieved in the installation and heating industry in 2020. Tendencies from the preceding quarters prevailed, both in terms of opportunities used and issues with order completion. In the entire 2021, the situation in the installation and heating industry was, according to a vast majority of the opinions, very good, albeit with a slightly worse dynamics compared to
  • 17. 17 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 the preceding quarters, which is not always confirmed by the numbers. The order submission dynamics was artificially suppressed by rejection of orders due to stock shortages. The cus- tomers often decided to buy the products that were available, rather than those they originally wanted. Technical parameters and brands were often irrelevant, as long as the building heat- ing system could be completed before the winter. This situation with the supply caused even niche brands to achieve spectacular increases, so long as they had products in stock. This could give such companies a chance for future development and diversification of their supply sources. This may also result in a situation where unavailability of their go-to products causes fitters to install a boiler or a heat pump of another brand, appreciate it and include it in their future purchases. Heat pumps, the sales of which increased considerably, also suffered from massive delays in deliveries. It is an interesting phenomenon that for heat pumps, the brand is not as important as at is for boilers. There is a noticeable increase in the fragmented import of heat pumps, mostly from China, where – unlike in Europe – there are no issues with com- ponents for production, but the future quality of servicing and technical support is anything but certain. This may have a potential, negative effect on the entire market of this product group, several years in the making. The general market assessment for 2021 is positive, with increased sales in every quarter. When analysing the market situation, one should take note of the key factors which affected the development of the heating appliances market in Poland in 2021. The entire year was plagued by severe problems with the availability of goods as well as substantial and frequent price increases for installation materials, caused partially by issues with the deliveries of steel, plastics, electronic components, and by transport problems for the importers of goods from China. Higher prices of steel, and consequently radiators, also caused a noticeably greater interest in floor heating systems, as a readily available alternative. The financial condition of installation companies and developers remains very good. Companies are often willing to prepay for the ordered goods, in order to guarantee the reservation and delivery date. The rhythmicality of the heat pump deliveries was better than that of boilers, but in this case the brand was less important than availability, which caused a great influx of heat pumps via fragmented import from China, which curiously has no issues with the supply of components for heat pumps, unlike the European manufacturers. The customers cancelled orders only incidentally, when their investments required the heating devices immediately, and the de- layed delivery notices were ignored by the fitters. Due to the growing inflation, the investors were redirecting their funds to modernization, building investments, etc., which significantly drove the demand. The supply issues affect most manufacturers, and yet the quarterly results were very positive for suppliers. There was a noticeably greater uncertainty regarding the economic and pan- demic situation in the year to come. The dramatic increase in the prices of energy carriers, particularly gas, also contributed to this uncertainty. Even so, sales increases continued, after certain concerns related to potential shortages of goods. There was a noticeable, growing uncertainty regarding the economic and pandemic situation in the year to come. The dramatic increase in the prices of energy carriers,
  • 18. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 18 particularly gas, also contributed to this uncertainty. Additionally, the market was disturbed by the information that the Polish Gas Company run out of funds for connecting new consumers to the national gas grid in 2022-2023, and will not sign any new network connection contracts. This could strike not only at the „Clean Air” programme, but at practically anybody involved in a building investment, both developers and individual investors. In theory, this could have caused an increased interest in the alternatives for the gas network, e.g. liquid gas boilers (e.g. Gaspol) or heat pumps (the developers also announce moving away from gas boilers in favour of heat pumps), but for economic reasons – increased prices of electricity and the need for performing extensive thermal modernizations in short periods of time – this could mean a return to burning trash, as the coal prices are also double-digit. Everything seems to indicate that the reason for leaking the information about restricting new gas connections was political rather than economic. Luckily, at the beginning of 2022 this problem was solved. Due to new regulations on accounting for electricity generated by home PV systems, imple- mented in April 2022, in the 4th quarter the interest in PV panels and dedicated equipment increased. More and more air heat pumps and electric boilers are installed by photovoltaic companies, which also offer a comprehensive service of panels + heat pumps, and seek new product groups, in order to protect themselves against a reduced demand for PV in 2022, after the regulations on future settlements were changed. Throughout the year, there were problems with massive shortages of qualified staff, both in trade and contracting companies. The manufacturers that failed to achieve such spectacular increases were usually plagued by problems with delivering their devices to the market due to shortages of raw materials and components for production. In the general opinion, those who were able to deliver the goods won the day. Another reason behind such market development is said to be the system supporting replace- ment of heating generators with new, eco-friendly solutions and the increase in residential investments thanks to the subsidy and support programmes (as part of RPO, PONE, Clean air and anti-smog resolution). However, this market development is driven by other, equally important factors, such as economic reasons and the fear of further price increases for de- vices, system elements and workmanship. Therefore, the market development is mostly driven by the economy, but one should not underestimate the increasing significance of the customers’ awareness regarding environmental protection and the positive economic aspect of using modern, energy efficient devices and system. It is expected that with time, the prices of heating devices and system elements will continue to grow, albeit slower. As a result, since the beginning of 2021 the market was forced to accept a number of price increases for system elements and heating devices. To sum up, significant and frequent price increases for instal- lation materials may cause a decreased quality of the investments (search for the cheapest materials) or reduced attractiveness of investments in the development market (costs). Raw
  • 19. 19 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 material shortages affect production continuity and prompt delivery completion, as well as availability of installation products in the market, which may inhibit market growth in 2022. Large sales increases for heating devices were recorded mostly thanks to programmes sub- sidizing replacement of unclassified solid fuel boilers. The long-awaited changes to the rules of the NFOŚiGW Priority Programme Clean Air, introduced in May 2020, made it possible to accelerate the rate of the replacements, the most of which involved condensing gas boilers. Fig. 7 Share of individual technologies in the replacement programme as part of PP Clean Air, between 2020-05-15 and 2021-01-31. 20,37% 0,24% 16,66% 45,63% 0,10% 16,07% 0,93% Share of individual technologies in the replacement programme as part of PP Clean Air, between 15.05.2020 - 31.01.2021 Kotły na biomasę Podłączenie do sieci ciepłowniczej Pompy ciepła Kotły na gaz Kotły olejowe kondensacyjne Kotły na węgiel Ogrzewanie elektryczne Connection to district heating networks Gas-fired boilers Coal-fired boilers Biomass boilers Heat pumps Oil condensing boilers Electric heating
  • 20. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 20 Fig. 8 Quantities of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air between 2020-05-15 and 2021-01-31. Fig. 9 Share of individual technologies in the replacement programme as part of PE Clean Air, in 2021. 7886 92 6450 17667 37 6221 361 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 Kotły na biomasę Podłączenie do sieci ciepłowniczej Pompy ciepła Kotły na gaz Kotły olejowe kondensacyjne Kotły na węgiel Ogrzewanie elektryczne Quantities of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air between 15.05.2020 - 31.01.2021 20,38% 17,43% 0,24% 1,60% 0,15% 41,44% 16,08% 2,69% Share of individual technologies in the replacement programme as part of PE Clean Air in 2021 kotły na biomasę kotły węglowe podłączenie do sieci ciepłowniczej systemy ogrzewania elektrycznego kotły olejowe kotły gazowe kondensacyjne pompy ciepła powietrzne pompy ciepła odbierające ciepło z gruntu Coal-fired boilers Electric heating systems Condensing gas boilers Ground source heat pumps Electric heating Coal -fired boilers Oil condensing boilers Gas-fired boilers Heat pumps Connection to district heating net- works Biomass boilers Biomass boilers Connection to district heating net- works Oil-fired boilers Air heat pumps
  • 21. 21 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Fig. 10 Quantities of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air in 2021. An analysis of the above diagrams showing the share of individual technologies in the re- placement programme as part of PE Clean Air in 2021 compared to a slightly shorter period, from 2020-05-15 till 2021-01-31 shows the importance of the changes to the programme reg- ulations introduced in May 2020. The regulations are constantly monitored and systematically modified. In 2021, 167,055 devices in total were replaced as part of the Clean Air PP. Most of them – over 41% - were condensing gas boilers. The share of solid fuel boilers was 38%, 20.38% of which were biomass boilers, and 17.43% were coal-fired boilers, conforming class V require- ments. It is worth to remember that old boilers could be replaced with coal-fired boilers only until the end of 2021, which raises the question of which devices will take over this market segment. Due to the similarity and locations of the systems, it seems most likely that biomass boilers will increase their share here. In the case of these devices, it is worth emphasizing that compared to the previous compared period, it is a certain constant specific segment of the market. Heat pumps form the third important group of the devices in the Clean Air pro- gramme. Comparison of the statistics shows that their share is increasing, even despite the highest costs of investments for all the device groups. Also, financial support for heat pumps within the Clean Air programme is the highest exactly due to high investments, as well as the thermal modernization which reduces the heat demand of the buildings, which is necessary for proper, efficient operation of these devices. As far as thermal modernization is concerned, 48% of all the applications include works in this scope. Just like the total sales, replacements made as part of the Clean Air programme between heat pumps, are dominated by air heat pumps, with the share of 16.08%. Classic, ground heat pumps have 2.69% share, but these systems are much more expensive and require specific conditions to be met before the bottom heat source can be installed. It is hard to say what this division will look like in 2022. The 34042 29120 396 2665 243 69232 26866 4491 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 kotły na biomasę kotły węglowe podłączenie do sieci ciepłowniczej systemy ogrzewania elektrycznego kotły olejowe kotły gazowe kondensacyjne pompy ciepła powietrzne pompy ciepła odbierające ciepło z gruntu Quantities of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air in 2021 Ground source heat pumps Air heat pumps Condensing gas boilers Oil-fired boilers Electric heating systems Coal-fired boilers Biomass boilers
  • 22. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 22 significant rises in gas prices paired with temporary issues in the scope of gas network con- nections caused a portion of the gas boiler system contracts to be suspended. The issue with the new connections was solved, the only question now is by how much will the gas price drop, otherwise it is likely for the device replacement dynamics within the Clean Air pro- gramme to drop. One way of helping the matter would be to expand the programme to include hybrid systems which utilize solar collector systems with heat storages as means of support- ing heating systems in combination with boilers of heat pumps, in the case of any further increase in the fuel and electricity prices. The following diagrams present the structure of replacing old heating devices with new ones from the beginning of the Clean Air programme until the end of 2021. Fig. 11 Total number of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air from the beginning of the programme until the end of 2021 74282 57398 1094 5920 507 156987 54070 12297 0 40000 80000 120000 160000 kotły na biomasę kotły węglowe węzły cieplne systemy ogrzewania elektrycznego kotły olejowe kotły gazowe kondensacyjne pompy ciepła powietrzne pompy ciepła odbierające ciepło z gruntu lub… Total number of heat sources installed as part of PE Clean Air from the beginning of the programme until 12.2021 Ground source heat pumps Air heat pumps Condensing gas boilers Oil-fired boilers Electric heating systems Heat exchangers Coal-fired boilers Biomass boilers
  • 23. 23 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Fig. 12 Share of individual technologies in the replacement scheme as part of the PE Clean air from the beginning of the programme until the end of 2021. A more in-depth analysis of the Clean Air programme results will be provided in a separate, dedicated report, currently being prepared by SPIUG. When analysing the development of the heating device market in 2021, one can conclude that – apart from heat pumps – the increases were not as spectacular as in the earlier years, but there were also no significant. The factor driving the demand tendency was a low cost of money (which in combination with the growing inflation and the decreasing value of the PLN compared to other currencies causes a loss when investing in financial instruments). Investing one’s savings in real estate seemed to be very safe, even though many of the purchased apartments still remain unfinished, which is also caused by the demand for apartment leases which has declined since 2020, despite the developers’ constant efforts to promote this model of investments, but also by the significant increase in the costs of finishing, which means that some of the investors simply cannot afford this investment. There was still a noticeable in- crease in the prices of services and major problems with availability of qualified staff in con- struction and installation in companies, which was hindered by the restrictions of movement for the workers from Ukraine and Belarus. This situation causes the workers’ wages to grow and makes the general investors in building construction seek savings. In general, the devel- opment barrier is the labour market which offers a limited number of qualified staff. And so, the staff is more and more often formed out of foreigners, who are often unfamiliar with the new technologies. The costs of labour rose quickly, along with the increased taxes and social insurance fees, which was even more noticeable after the implementation of the Polish Order. 20,49% 15,83% 0,30% 1,64% 0,14% 43,30% 14,91% 3,39% Share of individual technologies in the replacement scheme as part of the PE Clean air from the beginning of the programme until the 12.2021 kotły na biomasę kotły węglowe węzły cieplne systemy ogrzewania elektrycznego kotły olejowe kotły gazowe kondensacyjne pompy ciepła powietrzne pompy ciepła odbierające ciepło z gruntu lub wody Biomass boilers Heat exchangers Oil-fired boilers Air heat pumps Coal-fired boilers Electric Condensing gas boilers Ground or water source heat pumps
  • 24. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 24 Private investors became very vulnerable to subsidy programmes, which often caused invest- ments and purchases to be stopped in anticipation of the new subsidy programme. The sup- port programmes made the investors choose new modernization systems, as well as incen- tivized purchase and installation of better and more expensive devices. The information campaigns intended to reduce low emissions reinforced the interest in mod- ern heating technologies, including RES in this product group, particularly heat pumps, where a large promotional campaign noticeably encourages the use of this device at every level, starting from the European Committee. Increases in construction, intensive thermal modernization and very mild winter until the end of the year enabled continuation of the installation works. Throughout the year, the sales structure changed, with slowly-stabilizing market of the medium-capacity boilers, and the mar- ket for boilers in excess of 300 kW showed certain increases after the drops recorded in 2020, whereas heat pumps and low-capacity boilers recorded significant increases, particularly in the case of air heat pumps. Fitters dealing with small systems are highly sought-after and have their working schedules full for the entire 2022. The situation was not as good in companies dealing with outdoor system construction and modernization. Also, the predicted wave of price increases for raw materials semi-finished goods, such as steel pipes, metal sheet, plastic pellets, which inflated the costs of radiators and fittings, made the general contractors and developers seek savings outside the contrac- tual terms of payment. As a result, the savings often involved despecifying the systems, or using cheaper material substitutes, which may reduce the failure-free service life later on. In the case of individual investors, the scale of this phenomenon was much smaller, as these investors build for themselves and are reluctant to replace the devices they planned to install with others, unless they are under pressure of time, forcing them to choose whatever alterna- tive is available at the time. Just like in the last three years, the core of the heating market growth was still the market of replacing old devices with new ones, as part of eliminating low emission at the local level. The significance of the support initiatives for heating device re- placement is noticeably growing, as part of the NFOSIGW Clean Air Programme. The EU programmes, managed by the local governments, were still very important for the replace- ment market. A negative side effect of the subsidy programmes is that the private investors have become highly sensitive to the subsidy programmes. This is particularly visible in the case of solar collectors and biomass boilers, but also increasingly noticeable in the case of heat pumps, which so far developed steadily and consistently without any spectacular subsidy programmes, as was the case in the aforesaid product groups, which is currently a driving force for the sales development in this product group. From the perspective of boiler or heat pump manufacturers, the development perspectives are significant and nothing seems to indicate that the sales will regress in the following year, unless the labour market collapses, causing disappearance of the potential customers for new
  • 25. 25 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 systems and modernization, or unless certain political decisions enforce application of specific solutions, which would not be beneficial due to the issues with satisfying the demand for spe- cific devices. The situation with payments looks quite interesting. Towards the end of the year, we had a good situation in the installation and construction industry, with the companies being prudent and good at managing their profits from the last years of the prosperous economy. To sum up: In general, it can be concluded that in 2021 the installation and heating market still has a growing tendency, although this growth was far less dynamic than in the preceding year. 3.2 Selected product groups in Poland in 2021 With certain exceptions, the year 2021 was positive in terms of sales for the main product groups of heating appliances and fitting elements, despite the issues with deliveries and lo- gistics, which were growing throughout the year. One could notice a further increase in the sales of condensing gas boiler and a significant sales growth in the heat pump product group. Surprisingly, the sales of suspended gas boilers increased by 21% in 2021, although as the year progressed, the sales dynamics decreased considerably. In the case of suspended con- densing boilers, the increase achieved in 2020 came to 19%, which, with reference to the high base of reference in 2020, is a very good result. This sales volume could be explained by very good sales results for this product group throughout 2021. In other product groups, there was also a consistently high interest in air heat pumps, where the sales growth dynamics was over 60% for the entire market of heat pumps in Poland, while the sales of heat pumps for heating buildings increased by 80%. The market was totally dominated by air pumps. In the case of reversing air pumps, particularly monoblock, the increase was way over twofold. The general interest in using RES for heating is growing too. In 2021, the increase in the solar collector group was 17%, which reflects the growing interest in free heat from the RES, caused by the significant price increase for energy carriers. Manufacturers of solid fuel boilers also boasted two-digit increases between 20 and 35%, thanks to increased sales of pellet boilers. In the coal-fired boiler group, the increase also exceeded ten per cent, particularly during the second half of the year, as the support for this device group under the Clean Air programme was coming to a close at the end of the year. Seeing as some of the manufacturers had already terminated production of these devices, the increases could be caused by a tempo- rary covering of this demand by those manufacturers who left the coal-fired boilers in their offer. Unfortunately, there are no reliable statistics for monitoring this market segment, which could objectively determine the market trends. The sales trends in 2021 were, with certain exceptions, similar to the downward/upward trends in 2020, in terms of sales for practically most of the product groups for heating devices and fittings. The increases concerned mostly modern heating appliances, meeting the
  • 26. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 26 requirements of eco-design and low emissions. Before making decisions, the customers com- pare the components, technical parameter and the functionalities offered by the devices. This made the condensing boiler market grow very dynamically, despite information that gas heat generators would no longer be used for heating. There is still a noticeable growth of interest in photovoltaics as a technology for acquiring energy for prosumer purposes, including electric energy supply for heating devices in hybrid systems, but also strictly for heating purposes. Product group Trend 2020/2019 Trend 2021/2020 Wall-hung gas boilers in total +10% +19% Wall-hung condensing gas boilers +11% +19% Wall-hung conventional gas boilers -12% +21% Floor standing gas boilers in total +2% +9% Floor standing condensing gas boilers +6% +8% Floor standing conventional gas boilers -51% +30% Instantaneous gas water heaters +9% +3% Floor standing oil boilers in total -29% +5% Condensing floor standing oil boilers -16% +7% Conventional oil standing oil boilers -47% +2% Biomass fuel boilers +25% +30% Solar collectors -44% +17% Heat pumps: +99% +66% Tanks and buffers -2% +10% Table 4. Changes to sales in individual product groups in 2021 vs. 2020 Anti-smog campaigns, which include, e.g., replacement of old devices with new ones, have significantly increased the share of the device replacement market in the entire sales struc- ture, which, according to estimates, in 2020 remained at about 65-70 % share of the entire sales volume, which had a significant impact on the heating device sales results in 2021. There was also a noticeable, continued increase in the importance of the Internet as a tool for finding technical and commercial information in the installation and heating industry, as well as for sales, which nevertheless had no significant impact on the total sales volume in 2021.
  • 27. 27 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Fig. 13 Sales of heat generators by fuel type/medium in 2021 (source: SPIUG study) Fig. 14 Structure of heat generators sales in Poland in 2021 These lists show that the heating devices sold in Poland are mostly gas boilers of various types, with a share of almost 61%. The second place, with 22%, is held by solid fuel boilers, which are now mostly biomass boilers, yet it should be noted that the current impossibility of reliable market monitoring may mean that this market segment is underestimated and, in re- ality, this share could be much larger. Heat pumps of various types ranked third, with 13.73% share. This is a dynamically-changing market segment, which increases its share with each passing year. 410320 925 109180 158800 21000 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 Kotły gazowe Kotły olejowe Pompy ciepła Kotły na paliwa stałe Kotły elektryczne Heat generators in Poland in 2021 r. [pcs.] 58,60% 0,13% 15,59% 22,68% 3,00% Structure of heat generators sales in Poland in 2021 Kotły gazowe Kotły olejowe Pompy ciepła Kotły na paliwa stałe kotły elektryczne Electric boilers Solid fuel boilers Heat pumps Oil-fired boilers Gas-fired boilers -Gas-fired boilers Oil-fired boilers Heat pumps Solid fuel boilers Electric boilers
  • 28. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 28 3.2.1 Wall-hung gas boilers Since 2016, the market of wall-hung gas boilers has been practically dominated by condens- ing boilers. 2021 saw a continuation of the dynamic sales growth for wall-hung gas boilers in Poland, caused by the aforesaid reasons. The general sales increase for wall-hung gas boil- ers stayed high throughout the year. A certain surprise was an increase in the sales of con- ventional boilers in 2021, continued from the last quarter of 2020, yet the point of reference is a small quantitative base. In the entire group of wall-hung boilers, the growth scale was about 19 % throughout the year compared to 2020, at the end of which the growth scale was about 10%. Fig. 15 Sales of wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 16 Sales of wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study) 175000164000169500165500 184300172000 225000 282000 304500 333290 397150 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Wall-hung gas boilers [pcs.] 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Wall-hung gas boilers - trend
  • 29. 29 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 3.2.2 Conventional wall-hung gas boilers After large decreases in the last two years and certain stabilization near the end of 2018, in 2019 the sales of these devices plummeted. A certain surprise occurred in the 4th quarter of 2020, at about 22% drop compared to Q4 2019. This trend also continued throughout 2021, whereas significant, double-digit sales growth for these devices occurred in the first half of the year, only to drop to 2% in the last quarter. There are no clear data regarding the causes of this sudden rise of suspended boiler sales. It can only be explained by a sudden need to replace the conventional gas boilers installed in the 90s in housing cooperatives, which had to spend their renovation budgets by the end of the year. This choice was certainly dictated by funds insufficient to modernize the systems by replacing the conventional devices with condensing ones. Therefore, this market segment should be considered niche and consist- ently dying out. The entire 2020 in this product group ended with an increase of about 21%. Fig. 17 Sales of conventional wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) 108600 97600 100500 93200 107100 34400 35000 34700 19700 17430 21370 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Conventional wall-hung gas boilers [pcs.]
  • 30. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 30 Fig. 18 Sales of conventional wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study) 3.2.3 Wall-hung condensing gas boilers In 2021, there is still a trend for dynamic sales increase in this group of heating appliances. The market of wall-hung gas boilers has been virtually dominated by such devices. Sales increases in the entire group of condensing wall-hung boilers throughout 2020 of about 19%, compared to 11% in the preceding year. In the situation of stock shortages, there was an increase in the sales of the so-called semi-condensing boilers fitted with a condensing ex- changer, treated briefly as cheaper alternatives for typical condensing boilers, while meeting the requirements of Ecoproject, which now supplement the short supply of condensing boil- ers. In this situation, the sales of the semi-condensing boilers increased by about 46%, which yet does not indicate a renaissance of this solution among heating devices. Condensing gas boilers successfully consolidated their position in the replacement market, where they are installed in the place of old, ineffective and polluting heat generators. This result certainly could have been higher, but a number of manufacturers faced problems with prompt comple- tion of orders, and the customers purchased whatever devices were available, often as re- placements, as the end of the year was a race to complete thermal modernizations in build- ings before winter came. This is why some wholesalers and suppliers reported increases of over 30% in this period. The upward trend stems from the reasons already explained before. Currently, condensing gas boilers are purchased mainly as replacements for old heating de- vices in buildings connected to the gas mains. More and more often, the end customers ask about the matters related to future operation, service availability and automatics, which means they are more willing to pay more at the investment stage to for peace of mind during the actual operation of the boiler. The market of wall-hung gas boilers has been practically 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Conventional wall-hung gas boilers-trend
  • 31. 31 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 dominated by condensing boilers, which now make up 95% of the gas boiler market. Cur- rently, this is the primary heating devices with the highest sales volume. Fig. 19 Sales of condensing wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 20 Sales of condensing wall-hung gas boilers in 2011 -2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study) 66400 66400 69000 72300 77200 137600 190000 246800 284800 315550 375780 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Condensing wall-hung gas boilers [pcs.] 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Condensing wall-hung gas boilers-trend
  • 32. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 32 3.3 Floor standing boilers (gas and oil) Due to their nature, floor standing boilers can be classified as traditional devices, the installa- tion of which requires a relatively large space, which is why over the years the market potential for these devices has been in decline, particularly in the scope of gas and oil boilers. Currently, devices of this type are installed mainly in systems providing heat for public buildings, guest- houses, hotels, restaurants or multi-family buildings. Due to their bulk, they are not often used to heat single-family houses. Market potential drops in the group of solid fuel boilers were rather connected with switching to other heating devices, of no-emission or with limited low emission, and connections of the heated buildings to municipal central heating systems. 3.3.1 Floor standing gas boilers In the group of condensing floor standing gas boilers, just like in other boiler groups, quite significant increases were recorded again, coming to about 8% in 2021 compared to 6% in 2020. For low-capacity boilers, this growth was 10% for boilers without a tank, and 3% for the so-called “refrigerators”, that is boilers with integrated tank, called so because of their appearance, and a noticeable 6 % plus increase for high-capacity boilers (over 50 kW). On the other hand, a 30 % sales increase was observed for floor standing condensing boilers, but this is in comparison to a very low reference point. Floor standing boilers are less popu- lar, but due to their dimensions, the market potential for this group of heating devices is smaller. Low hydraulic resistances inherent in these solutions eliminate the need of a cou- pling and make them suitable for surface heating as well as for heating of larger surfaces. At a certain point, the Polish Gas Company, which manages the gas distribution network, stopped signing contracts on new gas connections, which also had an effect. Lack of possi- bility of making new connections would certainly limit the future growth potential for gas boil- ers, which would not necessarily translate into increasing demand for other heating devices, e.g. heat pumps, particularly in the case of drastic price increases for gas and electricity.
  • 33. 33 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Still, this issue was solved in the 1st quarter of 2022. Fig. 21 Sales of floor standing gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 22 Sales of floor standing gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study) 3.3.2 Floor standing condensing gas boilers This product group still demonstrates an upward trend, although the growth dynamics in- creased a little after a decrease in 2020. Due to their bulk, they are seldom installed in apartments, and more common on business premises, such as restaurants or guest houses, 9000 6900 6500 6000 6100 7000 8200 9800 11420 12045 13170 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing gas boilers[pcs.] 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing gas boilers-trend
  • 34. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 34 which been adversely affected by the pandemic In 2021, the general growth in this product group was about compared to 6% in 2020. Fig. 23 Sales of floor standing condensing gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 24 Sales of floor standing condensing gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 trend (Source: SPIUG study) 3.3.3 Floor standing conventional gas boilers The market trend in this product group is similar to the suspended conventional boilers. The small number of these boilers still being sold comes solely from the replacement market, 6200 5100 4600 4400 4900 6600 7700 9200 10900 11715 12700 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing condensing gas boilers[pcs.] 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing condensing gas boilers- trend
  • 35. 35 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 where condensing boilers cannot be installed for technical reasons. In 2021, the sales of floor standing conventional gas boilers increased significantly, by 30 %, however this is with reference to a very small base value. Fig. 25 Sales of floor standing conventional gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 26 Sales of floor standing conventional gas boilers in 2011 – 2021 trend (Source: SPIUG study) 2800 1800 1900 1600 1200 400 500 600 520 360 470 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing conventional gas boilers[pcs.] 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing conventional gas boilers- trend
  • 36. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 36 3.3.4 High-power floor standing gas boilers (over 50 kW) In 2021, the product group of high-power boilers, i.e. over 50kW, also recorded an increase of 6.5%. In this group, the condensing boilers are absolutely dominant. The market potential difference between condensing and conventional boilers is fourfold. It is a specific, niche prod- uct group, intended for heating public and non-residential buildings, used in residential build- ings in exceptional cases only, when there is no possibility of connecting to the municipal district heating system, while connection to the gas supply system is available. In view of the current governmental preference for DH networks, one may expect the sales market of these devices to shrink, although so far the interest in this solution has not waned. The experience of 2021 showed that the companies that manage heating networks may have trouble perform- ing expansive actions consisting in extension of the existing heat transfer networks and there may still be no alternative other than installation of a high-capacity heating boiler. Fig. 27 Sales of high-capacity gas boilers in 2017 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) The mere 6.5% increase in the sales of condensing boilers and the 3 % increase for the conventional high-capacity gas boilers are the result of the network heat expansion, which is growing in the areas where high-power boilers are usually used. These are mostly multifamily buildings and public buildings, built in urbanized areas where the connection to a DH network is easier. For this reason, apart from few exceptions where there are no technical possibilities, but a gas connection is available, the sales are oriented mostly at modernization of the exist- ing systems. In 2021, modernizations that had been withheld due the crisis in the hotel and carting industry, which are the traditional customers for these heating devices, were finally completed. In the condensing high-capacity boilers group, the wall-hung boilers hold about. 95% share, which remained stable compared to 2020. The following charts show the trend in the high-power boiler sales for condensing and conventional heat generators. . 7140 8180 7840 7660 8160 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 7800 8000 8200 8400 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 High power gas boilers (over 50 kW)
  • 37. 37 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Fig. 28 Sales of high-capacity condensing gas boilers in 2017 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 29 Sales of high-capacity conventional gas boilers in 2017 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) 3.3.5 Floor standing oil boilers In Poland, oil boilers are not as popular as in the Western Europe. This results from a different structure of fuels used for heating. In Poland, fuel oil was traditionally perceived as an expen- sive heating fuel, which several years ago caused a significant reduction of the market poten- tial. In 2021, the oil boiler group saw a certain increase in the sales, coming to about 5%. Whereas the sales increase for conventional boilers was 2%, and for condensing boilers it was 7%. Towards the end of the year, the sales of oil boilers decreased by more than ten per 7700 7400 7320 7810 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 2018 2019 2020 2021 High-capacity condensing gas boilers (over 50 kW) [pcs.] 440 480 440 340 350 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 High-capacity conventional gas boilers (over 50 kW) [pcs.]
  • 38. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 38 cent, which was surprising and may have been caused by shortages in the supply of these devices. The trend of departing from heating with fuel oil can also be observed in other Euro- pean countries, which may show that the tendency to abandon this type of heating is accel- erating. This situation fails to motivate to replace the boilers, or to exchange them for heat pumps and other RES, although one may assume that the current users of oil boilers, which have never been cheap, when modernizing tend to choose heat pumps as an alternative for oil heating. In the case of conventional oil boilers, the increases were higher than for the condensing boilers, which seems natural with the Ecodesign requirements in place. The oil boiler market in Poland is more and more dominated by condensing boilers, with a constant declining share trend in the conventional boiler group. One of the reasons behind lower inter- est in the oil boilers, apart from the fuel costs, just like in the previous years, is the issue of the fuel quality and lack of tradition for this type of installations in Poland. Just like in the case of the floor standing gas boilers, there is currently no significant market potential for selling devices of this type, although much more gas devices are purchased.. Fig. 30 Sales of floor standing oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) 4200 2200 1500 1500 1500 1700 1800 1550 1250 880 925 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing oil boilers[pcs.]
  • 39. 39 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Fig. 31 Sales of floor standing oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study) Based on the chart of sales trends for oil boilers, one may assume that after a drastic plummet of the sales in 2011-2013, and certain stabilization in 2017, the market has been in a constant downward trend since 2018, followed by a slight increase starting in 2020. Fig. 32 Sales of floor standing condensing oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) In 2021, there was a certain rebound in the condensing oil boilers group, where the sales increased by about 7 %. Observing the trend in the market potential changes for condensing oil boilers, it is easy to notice that implementation of the eco-design requirements in 2015 caused an increased interest in the purchase of condensing oil boilers. After a moment of stability in 2017 there has been a constant downwards trend, while in other groups the sales 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing oil boilers- trend 460 280 250 200 350 630 790 780 720 600 680 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing condensing oil boilers[pcs.]
  • 40. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 40 volumes grew considerably. This means that some of the replaced devices were substituted by other heating technologies, probably heat pumps. Fig. 33 Sales of floor standing condensing oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study) In the case of conventional oil boilers, the sales increases in 2021 were higher than for the condensing boilers, which seems natural with the Ecodesign requirements in place. The oil boiler market in Poland shows an increasing share of condensing boilers, which, in the total number of oil boilers, achieved about 69%, compared to a 31% share of conventional oil boil- ers, the share of which has been consistently on the decline since 2014, which in 2021 was 1%. . 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing condensing oil boilers - trend
  • 41. 41 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 Fig. 34 Sales of floor standing conventional oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 35 Sales of floor standing conventional oil boilers in 2011 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study) 3.4 Solid fuel boilers In 2021, the interest in purchasing solid fuel heating boilers was noticeably increased, mostly due to increases in the biomass boiler group, but also increased popularity of boilers fired with coal and coal derivatives. Towards the end of 2021, an increased number of these devices was sold, due to the fact that the Clean Air programme (Czyste Powietrze) would only accept applications for subsidizing their purchase until the end of the year, which is why most coal- 3740 1920 1250 1300 1150 1070 1010 770 530 280 290 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing conventional oil boilers [pcs.] 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Floor standing conventional oil boilers - trend
  • 42. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 42 fired boilers were bought using this support programme. On the other hand, the prices of coal as a fuel increased significantly, which is why the costs of heating with coal are no longer competitive compared to other heating solutions. Purchase of coal is also becoming increas- ingly difficult. In any case, the share of coal-fired boilers in the general volume of solid fuel boilers is decreasing. This share is currently estimated at 20-25%, but these estimates do not provide for the so-called grey area, where these devices are sold without any control, which still happens, despite the official ban. It is rather difficult to assume that the interest in coal- fired boilers will grow any further. In general, the information collected directly from the market suggest that in 2021 the biomass boiler market increased by further 30-35%, and that of coal and coal-derivative boilers – by about 10-15%. This market assessment may seem understated due to sales of the unclassified boilers in the so-called grey area, outside any statistics or market monitoring. In 2021, there was a further increase in the popularity of automatic pellet boilers, which significantly increased their market share in the group of solid fuel boilers, and are now dominant in the group of biomass boilers, but there is also an increasing interest in wood pyrolysis boilers. Pellet is used commonly, and for instance in the case of woodchips, the available fuel is almost completely intercepted by professional heat and power stations. The amendments made to the Clean Air programme in May significantly affected the growing sales of the pellet boilers also in 2021. In 2021, the solid fuel boilers’ share in the replacement process within the Clean Air PP was over 36%, with the biomass boilers holding a share of almost 20.5% of the replacement, and class V coal-fired boilers taking about 16%, whereas this share of the coal-fired boilers has been constant since 2020. At the same time, there is still no reliable system in place for monitoring the market potential for this group of devices, similar to the well-performing panel encompass- ing other heating devices, which results from the sale structure and distribution channels for these devices, causing some of the manufacturers’ reluctance to provide information in this scope. In the solid fuel boilers group, orders are also completed with a certain delays, due to the production capacities of plants and accessibility or raw materials, as well as shortages of qualified workforce producing the devices. In general, price rises and increased purchases caused a significant increase in the turnover for this group of manufacturers; there is also a noticeable trend for solid fuel boiler manufacturers to supplement their offer with various other products and modern heat sources, such as heat pumps, which are currently offered by sev- eral leading manufacturers of solid fuel boilers. Some of the manufacturers ceased produc- tion of coal-fired boilers, or reduced it considerably, while expanding their portfolios with, for instance, heat pumps. Hence the noticeable discrepancies between the opinions of fitters and distributors, who report significant sales drops for solid fuel boilers as a whole, and those of the manufacturers who changed their product offer. Opinions collected from the market indi- cate a diminishing interest in boilers fired with various waste in households. A certain
  • 43. 43 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 phenomenon is that certain manufacturers switch to making other products, not necessarily related to heating devices. In 2020, the biomass boilers constituted over 80% of all the solid fuel boiler purchased, which confirms the continued interest in this type of fuel – in 2017, they constituted only about 16- 20% of the entire sales volume. For comparison, in 2018 this percentage was about 35-40%. The share of the solid fuel boilers in the entire sales volume of heating devices in 2021 can be estimated at over 22%. Fig. 36 Sales of solid fuel boilers in 2011 – 2021 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 37 Sales of solid fuel boilers in 2014 – 2021 - trend (Source: SPIUG study) 200000 190000 180000180000 170000 160000160000 145000 125000120000 158 800 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Solid fuel boilers [pcs.] 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Solid fuel boilers- trend
  • 44. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 44 3.5 Heat pumps In 2021, just like in the preceding year, there was a visible increase in the popularity of mod- ern, advanced, electrical heating devices, such as heat pumps and modern flow-through boil- ers. This also applies to electric hot utility water heaters, both tankless and storage. Also, in 2021 electricity was indicated as a future source of heating, based in EU strategies and plans, as a form of intense promotion of heat pumps. A number of activities at the EU level, as well as new regulations implemented in certain EU countries in order to reduce the CO2 emissions caused a very intense promotion of heat pumps, which effectively increased the interest in this technology, also in the Polish market of heating devices. According to data prepared by PORT PC, the entire heating pump market increased by 66% throughout 2021, and for the group of heating pumps intended to heat buildings, this growth exceeded 80%. In Poland, the highest increases in the heat pump sales in 2021 were ob- served in the air/water pump segment, where the growth came to 88% compared to the sales results from 2020. It is worth emphasizing that in 2021, the number of the air/water heat pumps sold was more than ten times higher than in 2017, and 50 times more than in 2011. At the same time, there was more than 24% increase in the segment of ground heat pumps, which seems to be a significant increase compared to the results and trends from the preced- ing years. The information obtained from the market indicated that decisions to choose a costlier solution of a ground heat pump as a replacement for an air pump were made where the heating system and the building were prepared for using a heat pump, but the time of delivery for the originally planned air pump was unacceptable for the investor. The increase in the sales numbers for ground heat pumps in 2021 is also connected with the increased interest in the Clean Air programme. A decrease in the sales of air/water pumps for hot water has been constant since 2020. It is possible that a vast majority of the air/water pumps pur- chased in order to heat buildings is also performing the function of heating utility water. Just like in 2020, the main factor affecting such a significant sales increase for the air/water heat pumps is the considerable diversity of solutions, the intense promotion, both at EU and domestic level, intended to convince the buyers of the cost effectiveness of these devices, resulting in an increasing interest in this technology, among users and installers alike. The demand is also significantly affected by the investors’ interest in emission free heating solu- tions, also due to comfort of operation and the growing environmental awareness. According to PORT PC, the increased popularity of heat pumps was also caused by an increased inten- sity of financial support for heat pumps, as part of the Clean Air programme since May 2020, as well as the thermal modernization relief. I should be noted that the share of the heat pumps installed as part of the Clean Air programme in 2021 reached almost 19 % and is still growing. This growth was largely affected by the increasing popularity of generating electricity for self- consumption, as part of the rapidly growing prosumer energy engineering, e.g. installation of photovoltaic systems on building roofs and settlements as part of the discount system as well
  • 45. 45 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 as the priority programme “My Electricity”, which promotes the development of prosumer pho- tovoltaic systems. There is also a growing interest in heat pumps as devices working in hybrid systems with gas boilers or solar collectors, as well as PV as the power source, which is more and more often used in systems with heat pumps. In the case of hybrid systems of heat pumps and gas boilers, this growth came to about 20%. Heat pump fitters have long been loaded down with work and in 2021 it was not difficult to commission works which were not arranged later. There are not many such installers, and the market is growing. New installers of heat pumps must be trained, but their numbers grow slower than the market. The number of heat pump manufacturers in the market is growing too, mainly by adjustment or extension of the product portfolio by the current manufacturers of solid fuel boilers, whose market has been shrinking for the last few years and they seek alternative solutions to continue their business activity. [air/water – heating// ground/water -heating// air/water (hot water) Fig. 38 Sales of heat pumps in general between 2010 and 2021. The data include air-water, saline-water, direct ground evaporation/water and air-water HUT-only pumps. (Source: PORT PC) 1 500 1 300 1 680 2 120 2 310 3 920 5 330 8 080 10 630 20 300 42 220 79 300 3 500 4 300 4 630 4 640 4 690 4 930 4 880 5 120 5 380 6 190 5 260 5 650 2 060 4 500 5 600 7 800 8 500 8 790 8 440 9 280 9 840 10 230 8 650 7 700 0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 70 000 80 000 90 000 100 000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Sales of heat pumps in general(without air conditioner) in Poland between2011-2021 powietrze/woda (ogrzewanie) solanka/woda (ogrzewanie) powietrze/woda (ciepła woda)
  • 46. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 46 Fig. 39 Sales of heat pumps in total in 2011 – 2021 – trend (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 40 Sales of heat pumps in total in 2011 – 2021 – trend (Source: SPIUG study) 3.6 Electric heating In 2021, the popularity of modern, electrical heating devices increased greatly, again. This also applies to electric hot utility water heaters, both tankless and storage, but in this case the growths were closer to market stabilization. This technology gained popularity due to easy installation and costs of operation, but the sales growth dynamics were lower at the end of 2021, and came to 20%, with certain further growing trend, but thanks to very high increases in the first half of the year, the total sales increase for this heating devices in 2021 can be assessed at 60%. Certain decrease in the growth 9700 12000 15000 16500 18000 19500 24000 31500 42300 71620 109180 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Heat pumps in total(without air conditioners) [pcs.] 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Heat pumps (without air conditioners) - trend
  • 47. 47 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 dynamics for this group of devices was caused by the significant rise of the electricity prices in the second half of the year and by uncertainty regarding support for photovoltaic systems. Additional factors reducing the growth dynamics were: low level of subsidies, long period of waiting for increased allocated power for heating, unstable situation of the prosumer regula- tions, frightening the prosumers with unprofitability of the PV systems In the case of electric flow-through HUW heaters, the increase was 10-15%, and for storage heaters, this increase was 20%, with shortage of raw materials for device production being the main limitation. The current increase in the popularity of electricity as heat source was affected by several factors, such as: more energy efficient houses with low demand for heating energy, growing awareness of the investors, popularization of photovoltaics and using this source of electric energy for heating purposes, both for supplying electrical heating systems (flow0-through boilers, heating mats, local room heating, etc., search for a comfortable heating form, e.g. for weekend or holiday homes, limited possibilities of converting the building systems, start- ing investment capacity. There is also a noticeable trend for dual heating, i.e. with two heat sources, one of which is an electric boiler. More and more investors decide to build „near- zero energy” houses. In the electrical heating device market, one may also observe an increasing diversification of the heat sources, which gives the customer an expanding freedom of choice. In terms of value, the leading electrical heating devices are certainly heat pumps, electrical central heating and hot utility water boilers utilizing resistance and electromagnetic technology, con- vection and oil electrical heating as well as electric and water-electric bathroom radiators, as well as solar collectors sets with accumulation tanks. Further on, there is floor and surface heating (heating cables and increasingly popular heating films), followed lastly by accumula- tion stoves and decorative heaters, usually made of stone, which fulfil a similar function. Electrical heating has quite a new meaning for households, it is becoming more accessible and easy to install in buildings. The market is open to various products, there are various electrical heating solutions available. Electrical heating usually involves heat accumulation, which is why it is so important to fit every system with accumulation tanks, which can store the heat and release it as and when necessary. Tankless boilers fulfil the same function as gas heating boilers. The electrical heating market is growing year by year, thanks to the development of alternative power sources, and improving thermal insulation of the buildings, which significantly reduces the ongoing operating costs, which used to be a traditional barrier for this type of heating. The popularity of electric heating mats is growing, although they still remain a niche product.
  • 48. Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 48 Fig. 41 Electrical heating boilers – estimated data for 2011 -2020 (Source: SPIUG study) Fig. 42 Electrical heating boilers – estimated data for 2011 - 2021 – Trend (Source: SPIUG study) 3.7 Solar collectors After two years of drops, in 2021 solar collectors rebounded with a significant increase in sales, coming to 17%. The market structure in Poland is still unstable and based mostly on communal tenders grounded on EU funds. Nonetheless, the sales in absolute numbers were still quite high. Despite this situation, in 2021 the market again started sending positive signals about increased sales of solar collectors via retail, but these values are still too low to talk 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 5000 5800 6800 8000 13000 21000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Electrical heating boilers -estimated data for 2021 [pcs.] 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Electrical heating boilers - trend 2021
  • 49. 49 Heating appliances market in Poland 2021 about a safe and stable market for these systems. Most sales concerned flat collectors, while in the vacuum collector group, the share in the sales is at 2%. This result is a consequence of the market structure in this product group, based on implementation of investments based on tenders announced in the preceding years. Programmes and tenders for solar collectors often take place in communes which already have past experiences with the installation of this type and are the result of the good opinions of the users of solar collector installations or their neighbours. Despite certain positive symptoms in retail, there is still no base in this distribution segment which would guarantee market stability, at least to a certain extent. There are absolutely no promotional and information campaigns supporting this technology as a totally emission free, with low operating costs. For a long time there has been no edu- cation on the capabilities of solar collector systems. The support programmes organized in the past had a negative effect of imprinting in the end users’ minds that the solar collector installations are only possible with subsidies from the support programmes, which is a great burden on the sales of this heating technology. There is a noticeable interest in the expansion of using solar collector systems to supply CH process heat in the industry, as well as tenden- cies to change the scope of using solar collectors beyond HUT preparation, as is now hap- pening in other EU countries. Again, there is a growing interest in solutions based on PVT hybrid collectors, and the idea of using solar collectors as an element of heat acquisition for heating networks is discussed in Poland more and more seriously, which is a great opportunity for this market segment to grow. In residential buildings with insufficient insulation, solar col- lectors can still provide heat to the residents in hybrid systems with gas boilers and heat storages, reducing the costs of the fuel gas during warmer periods of autumn and winter, and completely eliminating gas consumption in spring and summer. A number of these systems were built in 2020 and 2021, mainly as support for biomass and gas boilers. The market also informed about installation of hybrid systems of solar collectors and heat pumps. The signifi- cant price increases for energy carriers an fuel are a motivator for seeking savings in their purchase prices, which the hybrid systems provide. The primary barriers for rapid development of this solution are the limited supply of heat buff- ers of high capacity, over 1000 litres, and, crucially, the fact that the fitters lack knowledge and skills regarding selection and completion of such systems. Nonetheless, the signals com- ing from the market indicate that an increasing number of solar collector systems are installed as means of support for heating, together with heat pumps and gas boilers. Also, systems using collector heat to support generation of process heat in industry were built for the first time, and collector systems for network heat are now in preparation. In this product group, the manufacturers also reported issues with the supply of components and raw materials required to make solar collectors. In 2021, the number of systems consisting of PVT hybrid collectors – a form of cogeneration based on solar energy – increased as well. Several such projects were completed in multi- family and public buildings, intended to heat and prepare hot utility water.