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Hakeem Mehtabuddin
(Recipient of Gold Medal from the Defence Minister, Govt. of India)
Hashmi Dawakhana 1929
Qazizada Street Amroha-244221 (U.P.) India
Mob: 09690666166, E-mail :
Web Site :
During my experience as an Unani Medical Practitioner, in the
field of sexual disorders, I have found many of the youths adopting
wrong and unnatural means and ruining their lives in the process.
This is primarily because of their ignorance about natural sexual
behaviour. I have written this book according to the Unani point of
view, for the physical and moral welfare of the younger generation.
My intention is to give them proper guidance so that they should
know the real facts about sex and be able to make their lives happy
and healthy. I have used a very simple style in writing this booklet,
so that a common man is able to understand it easily. Sometime it
may prove very useful for you or your friends.
After 70 years of dedicated service to mankind, today
Hashmi Dawakhana grew into a formidable health care centre in
North India. We cure not only sexual disorders like impotency,
infertility but also chronic ailments such as Diabetes, Arthritis,
Piles etc. After years of ceaseless effort and research we come
up with successful treatments for Weight loss, Beauty
enhancement, Penis enlargement, Breast treatment etc.
We are receiving global appreciation and acceptance for
our Natural Herbal treatment courses.
(Gold Medallist)
Use daily to be happy.
Try it out tonight
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-
Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
Importance of Sex Knowledge
Male and female are incomplete without each other. Their
lives become really meaningful only when they reach the stage of
complete mental and physical harmony. Nature has created man
and woman for each other and sex has got a vital role to bring them
as close as possible. If the sexual life of married couple is fully
satisfactory and blissful, only then they can remain mentally and
physically healthy, otherwise a gap of unhappiness and frustration
starts developing between them which is a curse of modern society.
Ignorance of sexual behaviour can be a cause for this situation.
These days it is our ambition to give best possible education to our
children so that they achieve the highest goal in their lives. We tell
them about every part of their bodies except the sexual organs. Why
so? Simply because the society considers it bad? Perhaps they are
not aware of the fact that children have natural curiosity about sex.
When their queries regarding sex are not answered properly by
parents, they revert to their equally ignorant friends, who try to
satisfy their curiosity by wrong notions and distorted facts in the
tender brains of the children. Therefore it is a moral duty of the
parents to impart all necessary knowledge and information to their
growing children about sex and its importance in life. This only can
save them from wrong notions and disastrous results.
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-
2Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
When a boy crosses the childhood and enters into youth, he
gets lots of imaginary ideas. This is the most delicate period of
his life. Every part of his body blooms. At this age if he controls
himself and his passion, he florishes like a flower and his
personality shines. He tries to climb higher and higher and he is
successful in his life. But I feel sorry to note that many of the
youth adopt wrong ways. It may be due to bad company they are
keeping or for want of necessary sexual knowledge. Then
indulge in some unnatural means to satisfy their sexual urge and
ruin the lives. At that time they are not aware of the fact of life but
they realise their mistakes when they get married as they unable
to perform well in sexual act and unable to satisfy their wives.
They repent for what they did in the past, because they cannot
fully enjoy the charm of happy married life. They felt a condition
of dried up semen, which is the most valuable treasure of life and
was wasted by them just for nothing.
Ejaculating semen with the help of hand is called Masturbation
or Hand practice or self-indulgence. One starts it mostly due to bad
company .If parents do not looks after their children properly, they
fall in the grip of many bad habits, as a result, they start hand
practising whenever they are alone. At that moment they derive a
sort of physical enjoyment from this act. Gradually they get so much
accustomed to this bad habit, and it becomes very difficult for them
to get rid off. They are not aware of the fact that this momentary
enjoyment weakens them. When they grow up they feel that they
are too weak to enjoy their happy married life. Due to excess
Masturbation their genital organ (Penis) does not develop
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
fully. They become mentally and physically weak and lack self-
confidence. They develop a very irritating and frustrated
temperament and become sick of the society. Excess of
Masturbation may lead to frequent night discharges, there after
semen may start passing before or after urination. Their
digestive system also weakens and even after taking rich diet
which do not improve their health. To get rid of this bad habit one
needs a strong will power. All the youths of today should note
that masturbation is not a good habit and they should always try
to avoid it to make their lives happier and healthier.
Night Discharge
To discharge semen while asleep is called night Discharge.
It is also known as nightfall. The patient in dream feels that some
beautiful woman is beside him, he starts doing sexual act with
her and the semen is discharged. In the beginning he rises up
immediately at the time of discharge but slowly he is so much in
the grip of this disease that he fails to know when he has
discharged semen while asleep. He comes to know of it only
when he gets up in the morning. Nightfall does always occur at
night. Occasional night discharges are not a disease but if it
happens frequently, it is undoubtedly injurious to ones health. To
avoid frequent nightfall young men should not indulge in vulgar
talks, see nude photographs and should not read sexual
literature, which arouses their sexual feelings. Do not take hot
milk at night. In the morning to walk bare foot on green grass is
very helpful for those who have frequent night discharges.
While clearing one's bowels semen starts passing before or after
urination, is called spermaorrhoea. In the beginnings it falls only
when one urinates or puts pressure at time of passing stool. Slowly
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
the falling develops before or after one urinates, If this situation
continues, the patient gets weaker even after having rich meals.
In the chronic stage he loses the brightness of youth. When he
feels excited, it falls in excess and his male organ (Penis) very
soon gets loose. Women hate such type of persons, but due to
shyness she keeps mum. The patient is neither in a position to
satisfy his wife nor himself but desires for sex always.
Premature Ejaculation
(Early Discharge)
If a person discharges very early at the time of sexual play,
it is called 'Premature Ejaculation'. It would be true to say that
sexual capacity varies from person to person. It can be from two
minutes to ten minutes. If one ejaculated before the wife is fully
satisfied, it should be deemed that he is suffering from 'Premature
Ejaculation'. There are many symptoms to know whether a person is
suffering from this disease or not. For instance, to ejaculate at the
very start of sexual act, to feel immediately excited when a person is
besides a woman, to ejaculate at the very touch of private parts, or
to discharge when a person gets a touch of women in the crowed.
All these symptoms denote 'Premature Ejaculation', which may
ultimately lead to impotency. That person who is suffering from
'Premature Ejaculation' should not take opium and other intoxicants
for enjoyment. Undoubtedly, these intoxicants are of momentary
use, but after some time he gets addicted and every time he has to
take these intoxicants. In the long run these do not work and he
becomes Impotent forever. A person who has done masturbation in
excess may suffer from 'Premature Ejaculation'.
If a person cannot fully satisfy his wife in the sexual act he
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
is called impotent and the disorder is called as Impotency. It is of
many kinds. The person loses his retention power in sexual play,
one gets discharged without satisfying the women and she does not
reach climax and in the end the penis loses its capacity of erection.
These are few sings of Impotency. The main cause of impotency is
excess of masturbation, secondly excess of inter course. At this
stage the patient has a desire for inter course, but he is helpless
because his penis does not erect enough, in other words it can be
said that the penis becomes like a paralysed part of the body. Some
how or other he achieves some erection in the penis but he
discharges before intercourse. This disease ruins the happy married
life. The Patient feels disappointed and loses his confidence, he
sees gloom and darkness around him and very often he thinks of
committing suicide. Impotency not only affects the man; one can
easily imagine the mental condition of the women whose husband is
impotent. She becomes very much disappointed and frustrated. Not
only the satisfaction of the sexual desire, but the desire of having a
child which is more important to a woman. To fulfil this desire she
may take the help of some other person by which a heaven like
home turns into hell.
Venereal Diseases
There should be a complete and vigilant checking for the
venereal disease. It may exist in any of the partners or in both of
them. It is a disease, which generally is transmitted by the affected
person to the another who does intercourse with the former.
Generally prostitutes pass on this disease to the man concerned.
And from him it automatically transferred to the wife. Venereal
diseases are very much harmful. These weaken the sexual potency
as well as affect the process of intercourse. Immediately after the
symptoms are observed the treatment should be taken
from a competent physician. The blood examination
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
necessary after the treatment is completed.
Changes in blood due to VD
Those who suffer from Gonorrhea or syphilis and have not
taken pains to treat themselves adequately must be prepared to
experience all forms of obstructions not only in the treatment of
disease in the general but also in the maintaining good health.
According to the medical authorities venereal poison remains active
for several year in the body and therefore person who might have
contracted it means preserves it in the process of purification for a
number of years even though a systematic medical treatment may
had been undergone in earlier years. The patients should not have a
sense of false security and assume that because they do not see
any particular sign of these diseases, they are assuredly sound. We
do not wish to frighten people, but it is a grim fact.
This is one of the most dangerous diseases and is the
result of having intercourse with the prostitute and girl of bad
character. The main symptom of this disease is that after a few
intercourses with a prostitute a small boil appears on the penis and
very soon it takes the shape of a wound. At the first wound is very
minor and if one is careless or delays the treatment, it will have the
effect on the coming generations. In the first stage some boils come
out on his organ. In the second stage some black spots appear on
the body and copper coloured boils come out which take the shape
of wounds later on. In the third stage the effects of syphilis reaches
bones and develop into wounds such as lepers have. If the germs of
syphilis reach brain, the patient may suffer from paralysis and at last
he falls into the clutches of death. Therefore this disease
should be immediately cared for and at the very outcome
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
symptoms; one should rush for his treatment.
This disease also develops from having intercourse with the
women of bad character. After some days after intercourse one feels
burning sensation at the time of urination. This burning sensation
and pain grow so much that the patient literally cries with pain and
hesitates to urinate. After some days pus starts coming out from the
penis, sometimes blood may also appear with the pus. When penis,
this disease becomes chronic, the irritation reduces. But pus
continues to come out. If this pus some now touches the eyes, there
are all possibilities of getting blind. If one notice and symptoms of
this disease he must immediately consult a good Hakeem and get
complete treatment.
True story of a young man
Some time back I was examining patients as usual in my
Dawakhana, when a very disappointed young man came to me
and started weeping bitterly. In spite of repeated requests he
continued weeping. However when he felt lighter after some time
he narrated his story in the following words.
"I am the only son from a rich family. My parents used to
fulfil my every desire that I used to put before them. Unluckily I
fell in bad company, due to which I started masturbating. I use to
enjoy this act and it developed like any thing. After some time I
felt myself very weak and I decided to give up this bad habit.
Anyhow when I suppressed the habit of masturbation, I suffered
from Night Discharges and gradually the semen started passing
with urine. It ruined me.
Due to over thinking I became mentally weak. My health is
deteriorating day by day in spite of rich meals. I have gone lazy and
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
do not take interest in my work. I am very much worried for the
only reason that my parents have arranged my marriage with a
beautiful and educated girl. But when I think of my marriage, I
tremble because I know that I have lost the most important treasure
of my life and now I feel that I would be unable to satisfy my would
be wife. I do not want that my would-be wife should suffer for the
fault of mine. I have heard a lot about you. If you make me fit for
marriage, I will be highly obliged to you through out my life."
I heard the story of the young man very calmly and consoled
him. I told him to have faith in God and he would be all right. Then I
examined him and his genitals in privacy. Indeed he had ruined his
youth. It was a matter of great concern for me that only a month was
left for his marriage. Such young men come to me for treatment and
my heart is filled with sympathy for these poor fellows.
Important Instruction to youth
1. Always avoid bad company. Do not read vulgar and obscene
literature and safe guard yourself from bad talks. Always try to
preserve your semen, the gem of life.
2. Do not be afraid of night discharges. If is happens once or
twice a month, it is a natural course, but if night discharges
happen in frequently, one must consult some qualified and
experienced physician.
3. Marriage is a pious co-relation and one should abide by
every rule of marriage. Do not treat your wife as if she was only
meant for sexual pleasure, but always given full respect to her.
Do not have intercourse when she is in her menses periods.
4. Always avoid the company of prostitutes. If you go to them,
you will ruin your wealth, health and youth and you may suffer
from many dangerous diseases. 5. Do not have intercourse
immediately after meals but it should be done 2 to 3 hours later.
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
5. Always try to avoid too much spicy food, wine tobacco and
excess of tea etc.
6. Have your bath daily and don't forget to clean your male
organ (Penis) with sufficient water because some white coloured
substance (smegma) collects in the male organ that can develop
7. Always go for urination before going to bed.
8. Get yourself thoroughly examined by an experienced and
qualified medical practitioner before marriage and act upon his
9. If you suffer from any contagious disease, you should
immediately consult some qualified and experienced physician.
10. Masturbation starts from bad company, therefore always
avoid bad company and try to control this bad habit with a firm
Genital Organs in Man
This is the main male organ of coitus. It is made of three
bodies and covered with skin. It varies in size from person to
person, Its normal length when in the flaccid condition is 7 to
11.5com and 12 to 21 cms when erect.
The tip of the penis is known as glans. It is an expansion of the
corpus spongionum. The base of the glans projects out from the
main body of the penis and this projecting margin is called corona.
This gland appears to be a sexual organ, since in animals that
have seasonal sexuality, the prostate enlarges during the mating
season and then shrinks until the next. In the adult human male, it is
about 4cms across as its base and is the size of chestnut. The
prostate is composed of muscular and glandular tissue. Its
secretions pass
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
0Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
secretions pass down about 20 small ducts that lead to the
section of the Urethra that pierces the prostate gland, but their
purpose is not yet fully understood.
This is mixture of secretions from the prostate seminal
vesicle and spermatozoa from the testes. When a man reaches
climax, semen starts coming out of the penis with pressure. Each
time in two days about 2 to 6 ml of semen comes out when man
reaches orgasm.
Smegma is mixture of dead skin cells and skin grease and
looks like soap as it hides under the foreskin of the penis. In
women it is found near clitoris.
Genital Organs in Women
Breast is apparent distinction between male and female. It
is a mass of fatty tissue. The main function of the breast is to
produce milk for the newborn baby. Breasts vary in size and
shape. But the shape and size of breasts has nothing to do with
women fertility and sexual desires. Breasts become slightly firm
during excitement. Whenever a woman feels lumps or bumps,
she should immediately consult a competent physician.
Situation of the clitoris is on the front of pubic bone and is
almost surrounded by labia and consists of erectile tissues and
richly supplied with nerves. This is most sensitive parts of the vulva.
The size of the clitoris is 3/4 inch. The role of clitoris in sex is still
unknown, but it appears to be involved in female excitement.
Egg (Ovum)
The name given to female reproductive cell. They vary too much in
size but basically they have same shape. Egg is expelle ovary to
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1
1Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
fallopian tube, where it is fertilised by the male sperm, d from
otherwise it dies there within few days.
These tubes extend from the ovaries that are situated on
neither side of the womb. Each is about 4" long. There is a free
passage from vagina to womb and womb to fallopian tubes.
This is an incomplete membrane situated in the vagina and
it is closes the vagina partially. Usually there is one hole in the
hymen to pass the menses. Some people take it as a sign of
virginity, but it is not so. Some women bleed slightly in the course
of first intercourse, when the hymen is ruptured.
It is the female genital passage. Vagina ensheathe the
penis during inter course. It is made of modified skin, which
covers an elastic fibro vascular structure. From the opening it
goes upwards at the angle of 600-700. At the top cervix points in
it. It is approximate length is 10 CMS. The vagina undergoes
active changes during coitus.
Womb (Uterus)
This is a hollow, muscular and thick walled organ connected
with fallopian tubes and it is pointed towards cervix. It is about 8
to 9 CMS in length, 6 CMS across in its widest part and about 4
CMS thick in the thickest part. The walls of the womb are about 1
to 2 CMS thick and the length of the internal cavity is about 7.5
to 8 CMS, measured from the external Os.
Honey Moon
This is a tradition, which prevails in all the countries and among
every caste and creed and has got the same importance every
where. In Urdu it is called as Suhag Raat. In Hindi known as Madhu
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1
2Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
Mas and in English it is termed as HoneyMoon. This first meeting of
husband and wife in the night decides the future course of their
married life. This is the union of two souls; therefore its mental and
spiritual importance is more than the physical. Previously, only rich
and educated people used to go out for Honey Moon, but now it Is
become a tradition. To some extent, it is good tradition, because in
India during and after few days of the marriages, the house is full
with relatives and it become very difficult for the newly couple to
understand each other in that crowded atmosphere, for want of time
and space. It is true to say that honeymoon is the most important
moment of life during which the couple comes to under standing
each other. This is the moment of love, not only the meeting of two
bodies, but union of two souls, meaning thereby that lives of two
persons have united into one for ever.
This is a disease of women, which sometimes ruins their health.
In this disease a type of liquid starts coming out of vagina regularly.
Normally their wetting of vagina is not a disease but at the times it is
so much in excess, that there under wears get wet with the liquid
and some stains are clearly visible on here underclothes. When a
women desires for sex, her vagina become wet with some liquid.
This liquid can be as fluid as water and as thick as the yellowish part
of an egg. On account of this excessive discharge, there may be
itching in her vagina. Due to heavy itching, vagina may also get
swollen. Continuous and excessive discharge from the vagina is
called Leucorrhoea. When this disease becomes chronic the women
may come to suffer from general weakness, forgetfulness, pain in
her waist, paleness on her face etc. Gradually she grows weaker
and may find herself unable to produce children.
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1
3Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
Sex and Marriage
Knowledge of sex is very important, at least for post marital life
because at times, lack of knowledge about sex ruins the, marital life
of couple. It has been noticed that man have too much of
misconception about sex. They fear weather they will able to satisfy
their wife during intercourse or not. This feeling develops generally
due to 4 factors: 1. When the husband is physically weaker than his
wife is. 2. When the wife is more beautiful than she is husband
3.When the husband starts thinking that his organ has become
weaker because of masturbation, homosexual intercourse or due to
press-push method of intercourse that he had adopted earlier.
Now lets us deal the problem individually. In case first, when the
husband is physically inferior to his wife, the couple is not satisfied
during sex. Although they are physically healthy but psychologically
the are defeated. Actually, enjoyment in the intercourse can be
divided into 2 parts. First being the pleasure in the excitement which
is generally called as foreplay and the second being the actual
performance of intercourse unto the point of climax. The pleasure in
the first part is fully dependent on the mental concentration towards
the sexual thought and activities, appearance of the body of the both
husband and wife. For a brief period after marriage, the physical
appearance matters but as life proceeds, this factor becomes
meaningless. In the second case when the wife is more beautiful
than the husband, then an inferiority complex grips the husband and
he does not feel comfortable at the thought of intercourse and does
not find full strength in the organ at the time of intercourse. Even the
wife gets irritated but hardly understands the problem. But if the wife
is matured enough, she can easily trace out the root cause of the
problem and sort it out. In most of the cases, the female reaches the
climax later than man does. There are some causes behind it. One
of them is that the
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1
4Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
productive organ of a man is outside, while in case of women, it is
inside. In case of man, it is touched prior to the women, so the
pleasure for the man begins, prior to the women, and hence, even
being equally strong in sex, man discharge earlier than the women.
One more factors matter. Suppose a man is fully excited when he
touches his wife but in many cases, wife at the times of touch will
not be so excited. Hence, there will be a phase difference in man
and his wife. Sometimes a man think that he is not competent for his
wife so far sexual strength in concerned. But it is only a
misunderstanding because of aforesaid factor. To remove this
misunderstanding, man should try to compensate this phase of
difference in their degree of excitement. Here is the second way,
that is the medical treatment. For this a man should visit a well-
qualified Hakeem. To take pills, drugs and other things, which shows
the immediate effect is highly dangerous for the youth. He will loose
all potentiality in long run and reach a stage even after taking drugs,
man is helpless to achieve the required potential.
A Happy News for Childless Couples
Every married couple desires to have a child in their family.
For want of a child there is always a disrupted atmosphere in
that family. Some cheats posing as monks deceive many
innocent persons. The reason for not having a child must be
detected first. It is only possible when both wife and husband are
thoroughly examined by an experienced physician. At the times
men remarry, without knowing the fact that they themselves are
the cause of their childlessness. So you are advised to
safeguard your interest from deceiving persons and always
consult a good, qualified and experienced physician.
If you think if proper, you may come to our Dawakhana get your
self fully examined and derive some benefit from our experience. In
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1
5Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
case your are not in a position to contact us personally or you
are living at a distant place, you can post us a letter giving the
details of your suffering, we will definitely give you proper and
sincere guidance.
The less formation of Insulin and non-accumulation of sugar,
coming out with urine and mixing up with the blood is called
diabetes is a hereditary disease. Due to obesity, lack of physical
exercise, ageing and disfunctioning of pancreas, diabetes can
happen. Too much of thirst, bad smell in urine, unhealing of
wounds, regular decrease in sight, acute weakness and irregular
period & infertility in ladies are the main symptom of diabetes.
The patient should stop consuming sugar & sweet and minimize
the oil consumption. Food should be taken at regular interval.
Exercise should be done regularly to control weight. Diabetes, a
serious disease in which body metabolism is severally
disordered and energy making machinery malfunctions. Though
the recorded history of diabetes is very old but modern
civilization and its life style are prime causes of this dangerous
disease. Excessively starchy diets, the manner in which we eat
and drink our intake of tinned or preserves food, the
preservatives used in such food and beverages and the mental
stress and strain to which a man is exposed today. All these are
the aspects of life that modern science and technology have
provided to human beings have become a curse in disguise.
A Greek physician, Areataevs, first recorded the name diabetes
in the second century AD. Thomas Willis (1621-1675) an English
anatomist and physician, reported the sugary taste of urine. The
French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813-1878) devoted research
to the role of sugar in the body and first provided a rational basis for
understanding diabetes arose in connection
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1
6Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
with a malfunction in the pancreas, a large organ in the gut which
produces a number vital hormone and enzyme, but it was not
until 1992, that two Canadians, Sir Fredrick Banting and Charles
Best, isolated insulin from pancreatic tissue and with the help of
John MacLeaod, showed that it is essential for the proper
utilization of sugar.
Through, modern medicine or allopathy has scaled great
heights in research & treatment; it miserable failed to provide a
permanent cure to diabetes. Age-old unani system
acknowledged diabetes thousands of years ago and evolved
effective & permanent cure for diabetes traditional Hakeems with
their vast knowledge and experience evolved potent medicine for
a complete relief from diabetes.
Body & Join Pain
Since ages, body pain & joint pain have been a matter of
serious concern for people suffering from it. Most affected from it
are the people of old age who more or less suffer from it in one
way or the other. But not only old, even young people also
experience these pains. If young it is mostly the aftermath of any
serious injury suffered earlier, which reoccurs from time to time.
But it is now to say bye-bye all these pains.
It looks there is a mystery surrounding unani. Unani medicine is
in fact the least known therapeutic system today. The whole world-
seems to be in the dark on unani. If you ask someone about lesser
known alternative treatment like Rekei or panic healing or Crystal
therapy, the person might be able to give some idea perhaps, buts
hardly anything on unani an Indian system of medicine recognizes
and respected almost or par with Ayurveda
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1
7Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
and Siddha. But whoever dares to peer through, is pretty sure to
have a glance at the slowly unfolding world off wonders as
dazzling as that of an Arabian tale.
Supposed to be an Arab medicine, unani was propagated in
India by travellers from Central Asia. It was during the 13th
and15th century that unani system thrived in this country, it is
believed. A lot of experimentation adding numerous native drugs
has been done afterwards to this system to make it as what it
looks like today. However, a systematic study and curriculum on
this discipline started only in the late half of 20th century till them
the entire practice of unani herbs and minerals of preparation of
drugs. Its fundamentals are also close to Ayuervdic medicine.
Take for example, the four elemental principle of Tibbi discipline
that holds all living and nonliving things are produced from al-nar
(fire), al-hawa (air), al-ma (water) and al-ardh (earth). It is similar
to panchbhuta principal in Ayurveda.
Through both the systems share common platform in terms
of certain classical theories, they are different in their themes &
temperamental theory is considered the backbone of unani
system. Humoral theory presupposes the presence of your
(fluids) viz. Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile in the body.
Imbalance of humoral constitution is bound to cause disease.
The temperament of the person is also determined by these
humours. It is believed that the unani drugs too have
temperaments. They are classified under four categories they
are hot moist, cold moist, cold dry and hot dry. Before treatment
a person's temperament be considered. A hot drug can
adversely affect a person with similar temperament.
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-
244221 1
8Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
The deficiency of mobile and active spermatozoa in seman
is know as oliogospermia.The petients suffring from this disease
are unable to get their female partner conceive, as they have low
count of spermatozoa. It is generally caused by accident, veneral
disease, excessive masturbation, alcoholism and at times it
comes, with the birth. To get the disease diagnosed , a patient is
required to go for semen test and to consult a specialist. If
treatment is taken regularly and for sufficient time from specialist,
the spermatozoa can be increased in semen.
Frigidity is the state of health when a woman is not
interested in sex. She either feels uncomfortable or the whole act
becomes too painful for her. The main reason behind this could
be husband’s inadequacy, fear of pregnancy unpleasant suxual
experience, sex ingnorance, guilt or painful first intercourse.
For Consultation
As a medical practitioner devoted to the services fo the
sufferings, it is our sincere aim ot remove the wrong ideas
embedded in the minds of the patients so that their future lives
become free from all worries and they. Our earnst desire is to
help the patients by means of our expert and sincare advice and
scientific medical treatment.
Readers can consult to have a sincere guidance on all their
buffling problems, sexual dufficulties and ailments Overcoming the
In Constipation the patient is not ableto have a clear motion
and during the passege of stool, patient experiences actule pain.
The stomach always appears to be hard & heavy and the pationt
doesn’t feel hungary. This generally hapens when a person eats
too much and is not able to digest.
Some Important instructions to Remember
about Honey Moon
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 Distt.
J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166 19
If you could not prove yourself a good companion to your
newly wedded wife,you cannot also be an idea companian for
her inbed as well. She will take you as a very sexy and lusty
man as if she is only an object of sexual enjoyment. This is why
it should be necessary to take her as a life companian and not
as a things of sexual satisfaction or only a bed side partner.
The first meeting between husband and wife is the most
valuable of life. You must know the code of dececny and
observe good manners and need not be in a reckless hurry
about suxual union, otherwise this happy occasion may turn into
an unlucky night.
The educated girls of today have read novels of love and
romance and accordingly they have formed such a picture of
their future married life. They want a man who fite into their
already formed romantic imege of an ideal husband and they
want to turn their lives in the same romantic way. If the husband
is able to win over his wife by his loving behaviour., then indeed
if would be a good to their newly married life. The husband
should never praise the beauty,qualities and clothes of other
woman befor his newly wife.
Attention Youth
As a matter of fact Night Discharges, Spermatorrhoea,
Premature, Ejeculation, Importancy etc. are not the things to be
afraid of do not feel nervous about these diseases, but take proper
care of the. The suxual diseases, are the diseases like fever, cold
and cough etc. As they can also be cured after treatment, the
sexual dishoredrs can also be treatd and set to order with the help
of consulatarion of an experienced physician. You should keep this
fact in your mind that it is not a sin to suffer from these disease and
do not feel ashamed of its treatment. As a medical practitioner of
long experience. I can say with confidence that many persons are
victims of their own mental weakness and wrong nations. They
misunderstand themselves to be importent. In fact they do not
suffer from any such disease. They only suffer from mantal
impotancy and readers should note that mental (Psychic) impotency
is more dangerous than physical impotancy. Due to this fear a
person keeps himself away from his beloved of his wife.
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 2
0Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
It is very essential in such cases that these wrong nations and
fears should be thrown off from the minds of the patients by
consuling an experienned, qualified and honest physician. In
reality only he can free such type of desease from all their wrong
nation and worries and make their lives happier and healthier.
A Word of Confidence
As a matter of fact Night Discharges, Spermatorrhoea,
Premature, Ejeculation, Importancy etc. are not the things to be
afraid of do not feel nervous about these diseases, but take proper
care of the. The suxual diseases, are the diseases like fever, cold
and cough etc. As they can also be cured after treatment, the sexual
dishoredrs can also be treatd and set to order with the help of
consulatarion of an experienced physician. You should keep this fact
in your mind that it is not a sin to suffer from these disease and do
not feel ashamed of its treatment. As a medical practitioner of long
experience. I can say with confidence that many persons are victims
of their own mental weakness and wrong nations. They
misunderstand themselves to be importent. In fact they do not suffer
from any such disease. They only suffer from mantal impotancy and
readers should note that mental (Psychic) impotency is more
dangerous than physical impotancy. Due to this fear a person keeps
himself away from his beloved of his wife.
HASHMI DAWAKHANA has ancient and traditional formulas
backed by the experience accumulated since 1929. These
formulas have been successfully tried on many patients giving
them a new lease of power and enabling them to lead a happy
married life. After prolonged research and ceaseless efforts, we
have been successful to evolve combination of rare herbs,
Bhasmas(Kushtas), Rasayans etc., which were once used by
Rajas and Nawabs. Now you can also avail these effective
combinations. Our courses of treatment are also sent to
countries like, England, America, Canada, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait,
Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia etc.
HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 2
1Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
01. Are you married?
02. What is your occupation?
03. What is your age, height & weight?
4. Have you ever suffered from syphilis or gonorrhea?
5. Have you wasted semen in early life? If so how?
6. Do you get white discharge after urination?
07. Do you get night discharge? If so, after how many days?
08. Is your organ bent or is there any other defect in the penis?
9. Do you get required hardness in your organ while excited?
10. Do you feel weak after physical contact with a woman?
11. What is your duration of intercourse?
12. Are you having any children?
· All chronic, persistent and sexual ailments are
confidentially treated.
· Please write your name and address legibly, preferably
in bold letters to ensure I do mediate on our part.
Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221, Distt. J.P.
Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
webiste : www :
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Health guide

  • 2. AUTHOR Hakeem Mehtabuddin Hashmi (Recipient of Gold Medal from the Defence Minister, Govt. of India) Estd. Hashmi Dawakhana 1929 Qazizada Street Amroha-244221 (U.P.) India Mob: 09690666166, E-mail : Web Site :
  • 3.
  • 4. PENIS ENLARGEMENT TREATMENT PREMATURE EJACULATION TREATMENT PREFACE During my experience as an Unani Medical Practitioner, in the field of sexual disorders, I have found many of the youths adopting wrong and unnatural means and ruining their lives in the process. This is primarily because of their ignorance about natural sexual behaviour. I have written this book according to the Unani point of view, for the physical and moral welfare of the younger generation. My intention is to give them proper guidance so that they should know the real facts about sex and be able to make their lives happy and healthy. I have used a very simple style in writing this booklet, so that a common man is able to understand it easily. Sometime it may prove very useful for you or your friends. After 70 years of dedicated service to mankind, today Hashmi Dawakhana grew into a formidable health care centre in North India. We cure not only sexual disorders like impotency, infertility but also chronic ailments such as Diabetes, Arthritis, Piles etc. After years of ceaseless effort and research we come up with successful treatments for Weight loss, Beauty enhancement, Penis enlargement, Breast treatment etc. We are receiving global appreciation and acceptance for our Natural Herbal treatment courses. SEXOLOGIST HAKEEM MAHTABUDDIN HASHMI
  • 5. (Gold Medallist) Use daily to be happy. Try it out tonight HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha- 244221 1 Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 6. HERBAL MEDICINE FOR PENIS ENLARGEMENT IMPOTENCE TREATMENT Importance of Sex Knowledge Male and female are incomplete without each other. Their lives become really meaningful only when they reach the stage of complete mental and physical harmony. Nature has created man and woman for each other and sex has got a vital role to bring them as close as possible. If the sexual life of married couple is fully satisfactory and blissful, only then they can remain mentally and physically healthy, otherwise a gap of unhappiness and frustration starts developing between them which is a curse of modern society. Ignorance of sexual behaviour can be a cause for this situation. These days it is our ambition to give best possible education to our children so that they achieve the highest goal in their lives. We tell them about every part of their bodies except the sexual organs. Why so? Simply because the society considers it bad? Perhaps they are not aware of the fact that children have natural curiosity about sex. When their queries regarding sex are not answered properly by parents, they revert to their equally ignorant friends, who try to satisfy their curiosity by wrong notions and distorted facts in the tender brains of the children. Therefore it is a moral duty of the parents to impart all necessary knowledge and information to their growing children about sex and its importance in life. This only can save them from wrong notions and disastrous results. HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha- 244221 2Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 7.
  • 8. Youth When a boy crosses the childhood and enters into youth, he gets lots of imaginary ideas. This is the most delicate period of his life. Every part of his body blooms. At this age if he controls himself and his passion, he florishes like a flower and his personality shines. He tries to climb higher and higher and he is successful in his life. But I feel sorry to note that many of the youth adopt wrong ways. It may be due to bad company they are keeping or for want of necessary sexual knowledge. Then indulge in some unnatural means to satisfy their sexual urge and ruin the lives. At that time they are not aware of the fact of life but they realise their mistakes when they get married as they unable to perform well in sexual act and unable to satisfy their wives. They repent for what they did in the past, because they cannot fully enjoy the charm of happy married life. They felt a condition of dried up semen, which is the most valuable treasure of life and was wasted by them just for nothing. Masturbation Ejaculating semen with the help of hand is called Masturbation or Hand practice or self-indulgence. One starts it mostly due to bad company .If parents do not looks after their children properly, they fall in the grip of many bad habits, as a result, they start hand practising whenever they are alone. At that moment they derive a sort of physical enjoyment from this act. Gradually they get so much accustomed to this bad habit, and it becomes very difficult for them to get rid off. They are not aware of the fact that this momentary enjoyment weakens them. When they grow up they feel that they are too weak to enjoy their happy married life. Due to excess Masturbation their genital organ (Penis) does not develop HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 3 Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 9. fully. They become mentally and physically weak and lack self- confidence. They develop a very irritating and frustrated temperament and become sick of the society. Excess of Masturbation may lead to frequent night discharges, there after semen may start passing before or after urination. Their digestive system also weakens and even after taking rich diet which do not improve their health. To get rid of this bad habit one needs a strong will power. All the youths of today should note that masturbation is not a good habit and they should always try to avoid it to make their lives happier and healthier. Night Discharge To discharge semen while asleep is called night Discharge. It is also known as nightfall. The patient in dream feels that some beautiful woman is beside him, he starts doing sexual act with her and the semen is discharged. In the beginning he rises up immediately at the time of discharge but slowly he is so much in the grip of this disease that he fails to know when he has discharged semen while asleep. He comes to know of it only when he gets up in the morning. Nightfall does always occur at night. Occasional night discharges are not a disease but if it happens frequently, it is undoubtedly injurious to ones health. To avoid frequent nightfall young men should not indulge in vulgar talks, see nude photographs and should not read sexual literature, which arouses their sexual feelings. Do not take hot milk at night. In the morning to walk bare foot on green grass is very helpful for those who have frequent night discharges. Spermatorrhoea While clearing one's bowels semen starts passing before or after urination, is called spermaorrhoea. In the beginnings it falls only when one urinates or puts pressure at time of passing stool. Slowly HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 4 Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 10. the falling develops before or after one urinates, If this situation continues, the patient gets weaker even after having rich meals. In the chronic stage he loses the brightness of youth. When he feels excited, it falls in excess and his male organ (Penis) very soon gets loose. Women hate such type of persons, but due to shyness she keeps mum. The patient is neither in a position to satisfy his wife nor himself but desires for sex always. Premature Ejaculation (Early Discharge) If a person discharges very early at the time of sexual play, it is called 'Premature Ejaculation'. It would be true to say that sexual capacity varies from person to person. It can be from two minutes to ten minutes. If one ejaculated before the wife is fully satisfied, it should be deemed that he is suffering from 'Premature Ejaculation'. There are many symptoms to know whether a person is suffering from this disease or not. For instance, to ejaculate at the very start of sexual act, to feel immediately excited when a person is besides a woman, to ejaculate at the very touch of private parts, or to discharge when a person gets a touch of women in the crowed. All these symptoms denote 'Premature Ejaculation', which may ultimately lead to impotency. That person who is suffering from 'Premature Ejaculation' should not take opium and other intoxicants for enjoyment. Undoubtedly, these intoxicants are of momentary use, but after some time he gets addicted and every time he has to take these intoxicants. In the long run these do not work and he becomes Impotent forever. A person who has done masturbation in excess may suffer from 'Premature Ejaculation'. Impotency If a person cannot fully satisfy his wife in the sexual act he HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 5 Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 11. is called impotent and the disorder is called as Impotency. It is of many kinds. The person loses his retention power in sexual play, one gets discharged without satisfying the women and she does not reach climax and in the end the penis loses its capacity of erection. These are few sings of Impotency. The main cause of impotency is excess of masturbation, secondly excess of inter course. At this stage the patient has a desire for inter course, but he is helpless because his penis does not erect enough, in other words it can be said that the penis becomes like a paralysed part of the body. Some how or other he achieves some erection in the penis but he discharges before intercourse. This disease ruins the happy married life. The Patient feels disappointed and loses his confidence, he sees gloom and darkness around him and very often he thinks of committing suicide. Impotency not only affects the man; one can easily imagine the mental condition of the women whose husband is impotent. She becomes very much disappointed and frustrated. Not only the satisfaction of the sexual desire, but the desire of having a child which is more important to a woman. To fulfil this desire she may take the help of some other person by which a heaven like home turns into hell. Venereal Diseases There should be a complete and vigilant checking for the venereal disease. It may exist in any of the partners or in both of them. It is a disease, which generally is transmitted by the affected person to the another who does intercourse with the former. Generally prostitutes pass on this disease to the man concerned. And from him it automatically transferred to the wife. Venereal diseases are very much harmful. These weaken the sexual potency as well as affect the process of intercourse. Immediately after the symptoms are observed the treatment should be taken from a competent physician. The blood examination is v er y HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
  • 12. Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166 6
  • 13. necessary after the treatment is completed. Changes in blood due to VD Those who suffer from Gonorrhea or syphilis and have not taken pains to treat themselves adequately must be prepared to experience all forms of obstructions not only in the treatment of disease in the general but also in the maintaining good health. According to the medical authorities venereal poison remains active for several year in the body and therefore person who might have contracted it means preserves it in the process of purification for a number of years even though a systematic medical treatment may had been undergone in earlier years. The patients should not have a sense of false security and assume that because they do not see any particular sign of these diseases, they are assuredly sound. We do not wish to frighten people, but it is a grim fact. Syphilis This is one of the most dangerous diseases and is the result of having intercourse with the prostitute and girl of bad character. The main symptom of this disease is that after a few intercourses with a prostitute a small boil appears on the penis and very soon it takes the shape of a wound. At the first wound is very minor and if one is careless or delays the treatment, it will have the effect on the coming generations. In the first stage some boils come out on his organ. In the second stage some black spots appear on the body and copper coloured boils come out which take the shape of wounds later on. In the third stage the effects of syphilis reaches bones and develop into wounds such as lepers have. If the germs of syphilis reach brain, the patient may suffer from paralysis and at last he falls into the clutches of death. Therefore this disease should be immediately cared for and at the very outcome of t h e HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
  • 14. Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166 7
  • 15. symptoms; one should rush for his treatment. Gonorrhoea This disease also develops from having intercourse with the women of bad character. After some days after intercourse one feels burning sensation at the time of urination. This burning sensation and pain grow so much that the patient literally cries with pain and hesitates to urinate. After some days pus starts coming out from the penis, sometimes blood may also appear with the pus. When penis, this disease becomes chronic, the irritation reduces. But pus continues to come out. If this pus some now touches the eyes, there are all possibilities of getting blind. If one notice and symptoms of this disease he must immediately consult a good Hakeem and get complete treatment. True story of a young man Some time back I was examining patients as usual in my Dawakhana, when a very disappointed young man came to me and started weeping bitterly. In spite of repeated requests he continued weeping. However when he felt lighter after some time he narrated his story in the following words. "I am the only son from a rich family. My parents used to fulfil my every desire that I used to put before them. Unluckily I fell in bad company, due to which I started masturbating. I use to enjoy this act and it developed like any thing. After some time I felt myself very weak and I decided to give up this bad habit. Anyhow when I suppressed the habit of masturbation, I suffered from Night Discharges and gradually the semen started passing with urine. It ruined me. Due to over thinking I became mentally weak. My health is deteriorating day by day in spite of rich meals. I have gone lazy and HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 8 Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 16. do not take interest in my work. I am very much worried for the only reason that my parents have arranged my marriage with a beautiful and educated girl. But when I think of my marriage, I tremble because I know that I have lost the most important treasure of my life and now I feel that I would be unable to satisfy my would be wife. I do not want that my would-be wife should suffer for the fault of mine. I have heard a lot about you. If you make me fit for marriage, I will be highly obliged to you through out my life." I heard the story of the young man very calmly and consoled him. I told him to have faith in God and he would be all right. Then I examined him and his genitals in privacy. Indeed he had ruined his youth. It was a matter of great concern for me that only a month was left for his marriage. Such young men come to me for treatment and my heart is filled with sympathy for these poor fellows. Important Instruction to youth 1. Always avoid bad company. Do not read vulgar and obscene literature and safe guard yourself from bad talks. Always try to preserve your semen, the gem of life. 2. Do not be afraid of night discharges. If is happens once or twice a month, it is a natural course, but if night discharges happen in frequently, one must consult some qualified and experienced physician. 3. Marriage is a pious co-relation and one should abide by every rule of marriage. Do not treat your wife as if she was only meant for sexual pleasure, but always given full respect to her. Do not have intercourse when she is in her menses periods. 4. Always avoid the company of prostitutes. If you go to them, you will ruin your wealth, health and youth and you may suffer from many dangerous diseases. 5. Do not have intercourse immediately after meals but it should be done 2 to 3 hours later. HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 17. 9
  • 18. 5. Always try to avoid too much spicy food, wine tobacco and excess of tea etc. 6. Have your bath daily and don't forget to clean your male organ (Penis) with sufficient water because some white coloured substance (smegma) collects in the male organ that can develop infections. 7. Always go for urination before going to bed. 8. Get yourself thoroughly examined by an experienced and qualified medical practitioner before marriage and act upon his advice. 9. If you suffer from any contagious disease, you should immediately consult some qualified and experienced physician. 10. Masturbation starts from bad company, therefore always avoid bad company and try to control this bad habit with a firm determination. Genital Organs in Man Penis This is the main male organ of coitus. It is made of three bodies and covered with skin. It varies in size from person to person, Its normal length when in the flaccid condition is 7 to 11.5com and 12 to 21 cms when erect. Glans The tip of the penis is known as glans. It is an expansion of the corpus spongionum. The base of the glans projects out from the main body of the penis and this projecting margin is called corona. Prostate This gland appears to be a sexual organ, since in animals that have seasonal sexuality, the prostate enlarges during the mating season and then shrinks until the next. In the adult human male, it is about 4cms across as its base and is the size of chestnut. The prostate is composed of muscular and glandular tissue. Its secretions pass HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221
  • 19. 1 0Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 20. secretions pass down about 20 small ducts that lead to the section of the Urethra that pierces the prostate gland, but their purpose is not yet fully understood. Semen This is mixture of secretions from the prostate seminal vesicle and spermatozoa from the testes. When a man reaches climax, semen starts coming out of the penis with pressure. Each time in two days about 2 to 6 ml of semen comes out when man reaches orgasm. Smegma Smegma is mixture of dead skin cells and skin grease and looks like soap as it hides under the foreskin of the penis. In women it is found near clitoris. Genital Organs in Women Breast Breast is apparent distinction between male and female. It is a mass of fatty tissue. The main function of the breast is to produce milk for the newborn baby. Breasts vary in size and shape. But the shape and size of breasts has nothing to do with women fertility and sexual desires. Breasts become slightly firm during excitement. Whenever a woman feels lumps or bumps, she should immediately consult a competent physician. Clitoris Situation of the clitoris is on the front of pubic bone and is almost surrounded by labia and consists of erectile tissues and richly supplied with nerves. This is most sensitive parts of the vulva. The size of the clitoris is 3/4 inch. The role of clitoris in sex is still unknown, but it appears to be involved in female excitement. Egg (Ovum) The name given to female reproductive cell. They vary too much in size but basically they have same shape. Egg is expelle ovary to HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1 1Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 21. fallopian tube, where it is fertilised by the male sperm, d from otherwise it dies there within few days. FallopianTubes These tubes extend from the ovaries that are situated on neither side of the womb. Each is about 4" long. There is a free passage from vagina to womb and womb to fallopian tubes. Hymen This is an incomplete membrane situated in the vagina and it is closes the vagina partially. Usually there is one hole in the hymen to pass the menses. Some people take it as a sign of virginity, but it is not so. Some women bleed slightly in the course of first intercourse, when the hymen is ruptured. Vagina It is the female genital passage. Vagina ensheathe the penis during inter course. It is made of modified skin, which covers an elastic fibro vascular structure. From the opening it goes upwards at the angle of 600-700. At the top cervix points in it. It is approximate length is 10 CMS. The vagina undergoes active changes during coitus. Womb (Uterus) This is a hollow, muscular and thick walled organ connected with fallopian tubes and it is pointed towards cervix. It is about 8 to 9 CMS in length, 6 CMS across in its widest part and about 4 CMS thick in the thickest part. The walls of the womb are about 1 to 2 CMS thick and the length of the internal cavity is about 7.5 to 8 CMS, measured from the external Os. Honey Moon This is a tradition, which prevails in all the countries and among every caste and creed and has got the same importance every where. In Urdu it is called as Suhag Raat. In Hindi known as Madhu HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1 2Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 22. Mas and in English it is termed as HoneyMoon. This first meeting of husband and wife in the night decides the future course of their married life. This is the union of two souls; therefore its mental and spiritual importance is more than the physical. Previously, only rich and educated people used to go out for Honey Moon, but now it Is become a tradition. To some extent, it is good tradition, because in India during and after few days of the marriages, the house is full with relatives and it become very difficult for the newly couple to understand each other in that crowded atmosphere, for want of time and space. It is true to say that honeymoon is the most important moment of life during which the couple comes to under standing each other. This is the moment of love, not only the meeting of two bodies, but union of two souls, meaning thereby that lives of two persons have united into one for ever. Leucorrhoea This is a disease of women, which sometimes ruins their health. In this disease a type of liquid starts coming out of vagina regularly. Normally their wetting of vagina is not a disease but at the times it is so much in excess, that there under wears get wet with the liquid and some stains are clearly visible on here underclothes. When a women desires for sex, her vagina become wet with some liquid. This liquid can be as fluid as water and as thick as the yellowish part of an egg. On account of this excessive discharge, there may be itching in her vagina. Due to heavy itching, vagina may also get swollen. Continuous and excessive discharge from the vagina is called Leucorrhoea. When this disease becomes chronic the women may come to suffer from general weakness, forgetfulness, pain in her waist, paleness on her face etc. Gradually she grows weaker and may find herself unable to produce children. HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1 3Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 23. Sex and Marriage Knowledge of sex is very important, at least for post marital life because at times, lack of knowledge about sex ruins the, marital life of couple. It has been noticed that man have too much of misconception about sex. They fear weather they will able to satisfy their wife during intercourse or not. This feeling develops generally due to 4 factors: 1. When the husband is physically weaker than his wife is. 2. When the wife is more beautiful than she is husband 3.When the husband starts thinking that his organ has become weaker because of masturbation, homosexual intercourse or due to press-push method of intercourse that he had adopted earlier. Now lets us deal the problem individually. In case first, when the husband is physically inferior to his wife, the couple is not satisfied during sex. Although they are physically healthy but psychologically the are defeated. Actually, enjoyment in the intercourse can be divided into 2 parts. First being the pleasure in the excitement which is generally called as foreplay and the second being the actual performance of intercourse unto the point of climax. The pleasure in the first part is fully dependent on the mental concentration towards the sexual thought and activities, appearance of the body of the both husband and wife. For a brief period after marriage, the physical appearance matters but as life proceeds, this factor becomes meaningless. In the second case when the wife is more beautiful than the husband, then an inferiority complex grips the husband and he does not feel comfortable at the thought of intercourse and does not find full strength in the organ at the time of intercourse. Even the wife gets irritated but hardly understands the problem. But if the wife is matured enough, she can easily trace out the root cause of the problem and sort it out. In most of the cases, the female reaches the climax later than man does. There are some causes behind it. One of them is that the HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1 4Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 24. productive organ of a man is outside, while in case of women, it is inside. In case of man, it is touched prior to the women, so the pleasure for the man begins, prior to the women, and hence, even being equally strong in sex, man discharge earlier than the women. One more factors matter. Suppose a man is fully excited when he touches his wife but in many cases, wife at the times of touch will not be so excited. Hence, there will be a phase difference in man and his wife. Sometimes a man think that he is not competent for his wife so far sexual strength in concerned. But it is only a misunderstanding because of aforesaid factor. To remove this misunderstanding, man should try to compensate this phase of difference in their degree of excitement. Here is the second way, that is the medical treatment. For this a man should visit a well- qualified Hakeem. To take pills, drugs and other things, which shows the immediate effect is highly dangerous for the youth. He will loose all potentiality in long run and reach a stage even after taking drugs, man is helpless to achieve the required potential. A Happy News for Childless Couples Every married couple desires to have a child in their family. For want of a child there is always a disrupted atmosphere in that family. Some cheats posing as monks deceive many innocent persons. The reason for not having a child must be detected first. It is only possible when both wife and husband are thoroughly examined by an experienced physician. At the times men remarry, without knowing the fact that they themselves are the cause of their childlessness. So you are advised to safeguard your interest from deceiving persons and always consult a good, qualified and experienced physician. If you think if proper, you may come to our Dawakhana get your self fully examined and derive some benefit from our experience. In HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1 5Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 25. case your are not in a position to contact us personally or you are living at a distant place, you can post us a letter giving the details of your suffering, we will definitely give you proper and sincere guidance. Diabetes The less formation of Insulin and non-accumulation of sugar, coming out with urine and mixing up with the blood is called diabetes is a hereditary disease. Due to obesity, lack of physical exercise, ageing and disfunctioning of pancreas, diabetes can happen. Too much of thirst, bad smell in urine, unhealing of wounds, regular decrease in sight, acute weakness and irregular period & infertility in ladies are the main symptom of diabetes. The patient should stop consuming sugar & sweet and minimize the oil consumption. Food should be taken at regular interval. Exercise should be done regularly to control weight. Diabetes, a serious disease in which body metabolism is severally disordered and energy making machinery malfunctions. Though the recorded history of diabetes is very old but modern civilization and its life style are prime causes of this dangerous disease. Excessively starchy diets, the manner in which we eat and drink our intake of tinned or preserves food, the preservatives used in such food and beverages and the mental stress and strain to which a man is exposed today. All these are the aspects of life that modern science and technology have provided to human beings have become a curse in disguise. A Greek physician, Areataevs, first recorded the name diabetes in the second century AD. Thomas Willis (1621-1675) an English anatomist and physician, reported the sugary taste of urine. The French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813-1878) devoted research to the role of sugar in the body and first provided a rational basis for understanding diabetes arose in connection HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1 6Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 26. with a malfunction in the pancreas, a large organ in the gut which produces a number vital hormone and enzyme, but it was not until 1992, that two Canadians, Sir Fredrick Banting and Charles Best, isolated insulin from pancreatic tissue and with the help of John MacLeaod, showed that it is essential for the proper utilization of sugar. Through, modern medicine or allopathy has scaled great heights in research & treatment; it miserable failed to provide a permanent cure to diabetes. Age-old unani system acknowledged diabetes thousands of years ago and evolved effective & permanent cure for diabetes traditional Hakeems with their vast knowledge and experience evolved potent medicine for a complete relief from diabetes. Body & Join Pain Since ages, body pain & joint pain have been a matter of serious concern for people suffering from it. Most affected from it are the people of old age who more or less suffer from it in one way or the other. But not only old, even young people also experience these pains. If young it is mostly the aftermath of any serious injury suffered earlier, which reoccurs from time to time. But it is now to say bye-bye all these pains. Unani It looks there is a mystery surrounding unani. Unani medicine is in fact the least known therapeutic system today. The whole world- seems to be in the dark on unani. If you ask someone about lesser known alternative treatment like Rekei or panic healing or Crystal therapy, the person might be able to give some idea perhaps, buts hardly anything on unani an Indian system of medicine recognizes and respected almost or par with Ayurveda HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 1 7Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 27. and Siddha. But whoever dares to peer through, is pretty sure to have a glance at the slowly unfolding world off wonders as dazzling as that of an Arabian tale. Supposed to be an Arab medicine, unani was propagated in India by travellers from Central Asia. It was during the 13th and15th century that unani system thrived in this country, it is believed. A lot of experimentation adding numerous native drugs has been done afterwards to this system to make it as what it looks like today. However, a systematic study and curriculum on this discipline started only in the late half of 20th century till them the entire practice of unani herbs and minerals of preparation of drugs. Its fundamentals are also close to Ayuervdic medicine. Take for example, the four elemental principle of Tibbi discipline that holds all living and nonliving things are produced from al-nar (fire), al-hawa (air), al-ma (water) and al-ardh (earth). It is similar to panchbhuta principal in Ayurveda. Through both the systems share common platform in terms of certain classical theories, they are different in their themes & temperamental theory is considered the backbone of unani system. Humoral theory presupposes the presence of your (fluids) viz. Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile in the body. Imbalance of humoral constitution is bound to cause disease. The temperament of the person is also determined by these humours. It is believed that the unani drugs too have temperaments. They are classified under four categories they are hot moist, cold moist, cold dry and hot dry. Before treatment a person's temperament be considered. A hot drug can adversely affect a person with similar temperament. HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha- 244221 1 8Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 28.
  • 29. Oliogospermia The deficiency of mobile and active spermatozoa in seman is know as oliogospermia.The petients suffring from this disease are unable to get their female partner conceive, as they have low count of spermatozoa. It is generally caused by accident, veneral disease, excessive masturbation, alcoholism and at times it comes, with the birth. To get the disease diagnosed , a patient is required to go for semen test and to consult a specialist. If treatment is taken regularly and for sufficient time from specialist, the spermatozoa can be increased in semen. Frigidity Frigidity is the state of health when a woman is not interested in sex. She either feels uncomfortable or the whole act becomes too painful for her. The main reason behind this could be husband’s inadequacy, fear of pregnancy unpleasant suxual experience, sex ingnorance, guilt or painful first intercourse. For Consultation As a medical practitioner devoted to the services fo the sufferings, it is our sincere aim ot remove the wrong ideas embedded in the minds of the patients so that their future lives become free from all worries and they. Our earnst desire is to help the patients by means of our expert and sincare advice and scientific medical treatment. Readers can consult to have a sincere guidance on all their buffling problems, sexual dufficulties and ailments Overcoming the Constipation In Constipation the patient is not ableto have a clear motion and during the passege of stool, patient experiences actule pain. The stomach always appears to be hard & heavy and the pationt doesn’t feel hungary. This generally hapens when a person eats too much and is not able to digest. Some Important instructions to Remember about Honey Moon HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166 19
  • 30. If you could not prove yourself a good companion to your newly wedded wife,you cannot also be an idea companian for her inbed as well. She will take you as a very sexy and lusty man as if she is only an object of sexual enjoyment. This is why it should be necessary to take her as a life companian and not as a things of sexual satisfaction or only a bed side partner. The first meeting between husband and wife is the most valuable of life. You must know the code of dececny and observe good manners and need not be in a reckless hurry about suxual union, otherwise this happy occasion may turn into an unlucky night. The educated girls of today have read novels of love and romance and accordingly they have formed such a picture of their future married life. They want a man who fite into their already formed romantic imege of an ideal husband and they want to turn their lives in the same romantic way. If the husband is able to win over his wife by his loving behaviour., then indeed if would be a good to their newly married life. The husband should never praise the beauty,qualities and clothes of other woman befor his newly wife. Attention Youth As a matter of fact Night Discharges, Spermatorrhoea, Premature, Ejeculation, Importancy etc. are not the things to be afraid of do not feel nervous about these diseases, but take proper care of the. The suxual diseases, are the diseases like fever, cold and cough etc. As they can also be cured after treatment, the sexual dishoredrs can also be treatd and set to order with the help of consulatarion of an experienced physician. You should keep this fact in your mind that it is not a sin to suffer from these disease and do not feel ashamed of its treatment. As a medical practitioner of long experience. I can say with confidence that many persons are victims of their own mental weakness and wrong nations. They misunderstand themselves to be importent. In fact they do not suffer from any such disease. They only suffer from mantal impotancy and readers should note that mental (Psychic) impotency is more dangerous than physical impotancy. Due to this fear a person keeps himself away from his beloved of his wife. HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 2 0Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 31. It is very essential in such cases that these wrong nations and fears should be thrown off from the minds of the patients by consuling an experienned, qualified and honest physician. In reality only he can free such type of desease from all their wrong nation and worries and make their lives happier and healthier. A Word of Confidence As a matter of fact Night Discharges, Spermatorrhoea, Premature, Ejeculation, Importancy etc. are not the things to be afraid of do not feel nervous about these diseases, but take proper care of the. The suxual diseases, are the diseases like fever, cold and cough etc. As they can also be cured after treatment, the sexual dishoredrs can also be treatd and set to order with the help of consulatarion of an experienced physician. You should keep this fact in your mind that it is not a sin to suffer from these disease and do not feel ashamed of its treatment. As a medical practitioner of long experience. I can say with confidence that many persons are victims of their own mental weakness and wrong nations. They misunderstand themselves to be importent. In fact they do not suffer from any such disease. They only suffer from mantal impotancy and readers should note that mental (Psychic) impotency is more dangerous than physical impotancy. Due to this fear a person keeps himself away from his beloved of his wife. THE SECRET OF OUR SUCCES HASHMI DAWAKHANA has ancient and traditional formulas backed by the experience accumulated since 1929. These formulas have been successfully tried on many patients giving them a new lease of power and enabling them to lead a happy married life. After prolonged research and ceaseless efforts, we have been successful to evolve combination of rare herbs, Bhasmas(Kushtas), Rasayans etc., which were once used by Rajas and Nawabs. Now you can also avail these effective combinations. Our courses of treatment are also sent to countries like, England, America, Canada, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia etc. HASHMI DAWAKHANA, Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221 2 1Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166
  • 32. Question 01. Are you married? 02. What is your occupation? 03. What is your age, height & weight? 4. Have you ever suffered from syphilis or gonorrhea? 5. Have you wasted semen in early life? If so how? 6. Do you get white discharge after urination? 07. Do you get night discharge? If so, after how many days? 08. Is your organ bent or is there any other defect in the penis? 9. Do you get required hardness in your organ while excited? 10. Do you feel weak after physical contact with a woman? 11. What is your duration of intercourse? 12. Are you having any children? · All chronic, persistent and sexual ailments are confidentially treated. · Please write your name and address legibly, preferably in bold letters to ensure I do mediate on our part.
  • 33. HASHMI DAWAKHANA Qazi Zada Street Amroha-244221, Distt. J.P. Nagar (U.P.) India, Mobile No:- 09690666166 e-mail:, webiste : www :