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Insights and trends that will shapes
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Augmented reality app guides surgeons during procedure
• Health
A new app from the Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS in
Germany guides surgeons through complex procedures.
Before the surgery takes place, a CT scan is performed on the patient, allowing an
accompanying software to identify and image the pathways of blood vessels. This
information is then transferred to an iPad, which can be used during the surgery.
Tablet computers such as the iPad are a compact and intuitive way to allow doctors
to reference this real-time data quickly and easily. Technologies like this one can
help eliminate much of the potential human error.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• The Changing Meaning of Luxury
Trend Manifestation
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Talking robots calm children down during hospital visits
• Health
The Alberta Children‟s Hospital in Canada has introduced MEDi, a robot that
distracts kids from uncomfortable medical examinations and procedures, and even
aids their recovery.
Based on Aldebaran Robotics„ NAO machine, the robot is a humanoid that
interacts with children in a variety of ways, designed to take their mind off painful flu
shots or check ups. The robot greets children, asks them for a high five, asks them
questions about their favourite movies and games and plays music they request. It
also gets them engaged in a simple activity such as arranging toys on a table in
front of them. For instance, tests carried out at the hospital by researches at the
University of Calgary, which included a group of children aged four to nine who had
previously reacted badly to needles, MEDi asked them to clear some dust from a
toy duck on the table by blowing on it. The kids were distracted by the activity, and
the gesture is known to relax muscles, making injections less painful. The children
reacted less violently to the procedure, experienced lesser pan and recovered from
it quickly. It also made parents feel more relaxed.
This is a prime example of how technology is helping medicine – could robotics be
used more often in the future for health purposes? • Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
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Smart surgical knife detects cancerous cells
• Health
Developed by Imperial College London, the iKnife is a surgical tool that can help
doctors determine which cells are cancerous when cutting out a tumour.
The iKnife is an electrical tool that heats the tissue when an incision is made. It
features sensors that then monitor the smoke given off and determine if cancerous
chemicals are still present.
This is a prime example of how technology is helping medicine – doctors in this
case – to increase accuracy while also reducing pain for patients.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• The Changing Meaning of Luxury
Trend Manifestation
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Fitness app transports gym into outdoors
• Health
BitGym offers virtual locations and social interaction make cardio machines more
The Virtual Active catalogue will initially feature 24 different trails, with a new one
added each week – all of which members have unlimited access to. It also offers
competitive advantages and users can beat their friends scores. The experience
works using just the camera and accelerometer built-in to your phone or tablet. The
tours will work on a subscription model, normally costing $8, but being available to
founding members for just $5.
Making exercise and the gym a more social and fun activity will certainly encourage
people to exercise more – never a bad thing!
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• The Changing Meaning of Luxury
Trend Manifestation
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Experimental drug can build lean muscle
• Health
A drug called SR9009 has been found to increase exercise endurance in mice. The
drug reportedly increased the metabolic activity in mice muscles and the mice that
received the drug exhibited an increase in running capacity, measured in terms of
time and distance.
The SR9009 drug is one of two compounds developed at The Scripps Research
Institute (TSRI). The compounds were found to have reduced obesity in animal
models, as described in a paper published on the Nature online journal in March
this year. The drug works by attaching itself to Rev-erbα, a nuclear receptor that
influences fat and sugar metabolism in the liver, fat-storing cell production, and the
response of the body during inflammation.
With the potential to benefit patients who suffer from obesity, diabetes, congestive
heart failure, it may soon provide an alternative people who suffer from such
conditions that deter them from exercising.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
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Personal tracker monitors fun not fitness
• Health
LIT is an activity tracker that measures common movements like
walking, running, and swimming, as well
skating, surfing, snowboarding, motocross, BMX and more.
The device is designed to withstand all types of environment al forces and can be
worn anywhere on the body. It can be worn every day and has a battery life that
can last for up to four days.
By choosing to give the wearer a different outlook on how their enjoyment and
fitness is measured, this device will grow in popularity amongst extreme sports
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
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Genetics test tells you what exercise works best for your body
• Health
A new genetic test promises to tell you whether you are likely to benefit aerobically
from exercise.
Sold by a British company called XRGenomics, is available to anyone through the
company‟s website and involves rubbing inside your cheek with a supplied swab
and returning the tissue sample to the company. Results are then available within a
few weeks. It costs £199 for the basic results.
This will help people to understand why they might be progressing more slowly in
an exercise program than their training partners. This will encourage people to
keep exercising who might otherwise have quit when running or swimming didn‟t
make them more fit.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Changing Meaning of Luxury
Trend Manifestation
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Doga takes off in New York
• Health
'Doga', which is said to appeal to your pet‟s natural instinct to stretch, has become
a new fad among New York dog-owners.
Classes involve stretching, massage and even chanting – at a pitch the dogs can
mimic. Steadily increasing in popularity, the dog owners also believe that it
increases their bond with their pets while also providing cardiovascular benefits to
the dog. It also provides an alternative for the winter when taking dogs for walks is
more of a chore than a bonding session.
Calming both the owner and dog down while providing health benefits, this fad
seems to have made its mark on dog owners and is continuing to grow.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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App identifies pills
• Health
MedSnap ID aims to help patients to accurately identify pills to ensure they take the
right ones.
Users first place the medication they want to identify onto a precision imaging
surface that comes with a subscription to the MedSnap ID surface. Multiple types
of pills can be placed on the surface before the user takes a photograph with their
smartphone. The app instantly recognises the pills by matching them with images
in its database, bringing up data such as name, use, dosage recommendations and
other important information. Patients with multiple prescriptions can ensure they
know which pill they‟re meant to be taking, and doctors can use it to quickly identify
unlabelled pills in their inventory. The app has also been designed to work without
an internet connection.
This is a very easy way to keep track of the medication that‟s being taken as well
as the advantage it offers – being able to use the app in remote areas.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Smart shirt helps to keep track of physical and mental health
• Health
OMsignal has developed a shirt embedded with sensors able to detect and track
the wearer‟s emotional state, and even share the data socially.
The aim of OMsignal apparel is to provide always-on monitoring of their wellbeing.
Its shirt – which is currently only available to developers for testing – features
sensors that make direct contact with the skin to monitor heart rate and
breathing, as well as recognize the activity being performed. This data is then sent
to the user‟s smartphone in real time, where it can be analysed and tracked over a
set period, offering users a more detailed look into their emotional state at any
time, as well as monitoring of health conditions.
Through the companion app, this information could then be shared socially for fun
or – more seriously – to keep a check on friends and family members‟ health.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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E-cigarette tweets to help smokers quit
• Health
Creative agency R/GA have created an e-cigarette that connects to the internet
and sends tweets about one‟s smoking activity.
E-cigarettes, primarily created to help smokers kick their habit, uses small batteries
to heat flavoured nicotine and water and turn them into a vapour that smokers can
inhale sans the harmful chemicals that are in real cigarettes. R/GA used an Arduino
microcontroller to connect the e-cigarette to the internet. They placed a conducive
tape over the button of the e-cigarette and made a cigarette box that contains the
Arduino, a Bluetooth shield and a small battery. When the e-cigarette button is
pressed, the conducive tape sends a signal to the Arduino which then connects via
Bluetooth to an iPhone app. The app displays smoking statistics and sends a tweet
using the @TweetingCiggy Twitter account.
Partnering with an e-cigarette company could help them make a powerful and
needed change in the world by helping smokers quit. It also shows the power of
social media and its influence on people and their habits.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Exercise bike streams live gym classes into owners’ homes
• Health
Peloton exercise machine features live streaming of spinning classes through an
on-board Android tablet.
The device is built like a traditional exercise bike, with a silent belt-drive system to
enable noise reduction. However, it also features a 21.5-inch HD multitouch
display, which connects to sensors located on the bike via wifi to show and track
the details of the user‟s performance, such as distance, speed, calories burnt and
cadence. It also enables users to live stream Peloton‟s bespoke motivational gym
classes, which are broadcast from its NYC headquarters on a daily basis. Users
can choose their favourite instructor, session or exercise type and join in live from
their home, or else stream shows on-demand later. The sessions feature video
chat capabilities that let viewers interact with others taking part around the world
and get personal motivation from the instructor.
This is a great solution for those who struggle to keep up a regular exercise or gym
routine. Although the upfront cost may seem a lot, it is not more than the price of
an average annual membership. It also brings the benefits of being at a gym home
to you.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Portable health monitor
• Health
The Scanycase enables you to gauge what's going on in your body by slipping your
finger into it while you're out and about.
It appears as a streamlined tube that connects right to the port in the base of your
iPhone. Other versions of the accessory suggest its integration into a mobile
protector. The Scanycase records its findings and displays them in their app so that
you can check in with your health at any time.
This is a perfect solution for those chronic health issues that keep cropping up and
interfere with your daily life.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Watch alerts wearers of future heart attacks
• Health
Oxitone is a specially designed monitor worn on the wrist that takes minute-by-
minute readings of the users heart rate and oxygen levels in the blood.
The device uses two optical sensors and another special high-tech tool to alert the
user that their heart rate is beating at an abnormal and potentially dangerous
speed. It can also be synced with Bluetooth, Android or iPhone devices for ease of
Many people who die from heart attacks could have been saved if they had gotten
to the hospital in time, and this monitor aims to stop this from occurring.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Medical Instagram helps doctors crack cases together
• Health
The Figure 1 photo-sharing app for healthcare professionals allows them to post
images to the medical community and comment on them.
Healthcare professionals can upload and view high quality images of medical
conditions with the Figure 1 medical community, add arrows, comments and tags to
their pictures, and receive feedback from others in their field.
This is a great example of how something simple such as photo-sharing can be
used to save lives and help others while also keeping their identities safe.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Hospital offers services through smartphones
• Health
The Seoul National University Bundang Hospital now offers a number of core
services through patients‟ smartphones.
Working with mobile operator SK Telecom, visitors to the hospital can begin digitally
interacting with the hospital as soon as they walk through the door, through the
Patient Guide app. GPS detects when they‟re on the premises and uses the
relevant electronic medical records and patient data to bring up information about
scheduled appointments, expected waiting times and healthcare costs. Users can
check in to let their doctor know they‟re there and can also pay bills through the
app. If no appointment has been scheduled, users can navigate to the right
department through the 3D map.
This is a prime example as to how common gadgets and technology can improve
basic, important services. It also saves a lot of time and money for healthcare
providers. Surely, this is one idea that can be implemented in many parts of the
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Real time data for doctors
• Health
The BodyGuardian RMS is a smartphone-based system that continuously tracks
the health of those with heart conditions and sends the data straight to doctors.
The RMS consists of three parts: firstly a small sensor that can be easily attached
to the chest of patients and worn under clothes. This device sends information
about the user‟s heartbeat, respiration and activity levels to either the patient‟s
smartphone or one given to them by their doctor. The data is then sent to health
professionals who can analyze their patients in real time. If the patient feels
discomfort, they can push a button on the sensor to immediately contact their
doctor. One of the benefits of this system is that doctors don‟t have to keep patients
in hospital in order to monitor their vitals, and yet can still provide round-the-clock
With this, doctors don‟t have to keep patients in the hospital to monitor them and
can provide round-the-clock care. Surely something that can be taken into
consideration by other healthcare companies?
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Personalised fragrances help dementia sufferers remember
• Health
The Smell a Memory fragrance kits aim to use personalized smells to act as
memory prompts for Alzheimer‟s and dementia sufferers.
Working with Singapore-based perfume manufacturer Givaudan, creative agency
JWT custom-created a box containing several fragrances that would have personal
resonance with patients based on their family history, ethnicity, age and personal
stories. The team went to nursing homes in Singapore before creating the
perfumes, which were given names such as Bedtime Stories, Mom‟s Cooking,
Prayer and School Days. It was found that the scents had the power to spark
memories and emotions from their past, and was able to create uplifting moods
and bring some patients out of themselves for a time.
JWT now aims to bring the kits to two of Singapore‟s largest hospitals as a therapy
service for elderly patients with conditions such as dementia. What are the other
ways in which a simple item can help sick patients?
• Healthy Hedonism
• Have it all Society
Trend Manifestation
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Search tool offers medical information personalised to each user
• Health
Israel based Medivizor is a search tool that offers results personalized to each user.
Currently open to those looking for information on breast cancer, prostate
cancer, diabetes, colorectal cancer, and melanoma, Medivizor users first sign up
and enter details about themselves and their condition – or those of the person
they‟re caring for. The service then delivers relevant news and updates that may
help them learn more about their condition and what it means for them. The
research on the site is curated based on quality and ease of comprehension.
Medivizor doesn‟t aim to do away with professional opinion, but instead empowers
patients to do their own reliable research they can then share with their doctors.
Medivizor is currently invitation-only and hopes to expand to include other
conditions in the near future. Although it is not a fix when it comes to serious
medical illnesses, it does have its advantages.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Stress detector gives personal reading in 10 seconds
• Health
The Scanadu Scout is a device that can monitor a number of aspects of the user‟s
health over time.
It is used by simply holding the small gadget against the forehead for 10
seconds, and the data is synched to a smartphone where it is displayed for easy
An easy solution for a glimpse into the future – health is not a gift that is taken
lightly anywhere and this ensures that you keep it safe and sound.
• Healthy Hedonism
• Mobile Living
Trend Manifestation
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Hospital Passport helps comfort young patients
• Health
Scotland‟s Royal Hospital for Sick Children has also come up with the Hospital
Passport scheme, which aims to make young patients feel more at ease when
being passed from department to department.
Psychologists at the NHS institution developed the initiative as a way to help
visitors feel more involved in the care they receive. Rather than being transferred to
different parts of the hospital without an explanation, the gamified approach
encourages children to get their passport stamped and collect stickers when
moving around the building, or visiting a different department. Filling up the
passport is a good thing, as it means kids are getting closer to completing their
Hospitalisation being gamified and less traumatic for children – there‟s no going
wrong with that!
• Healthy Hedonism
Trends Manifestation
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Diabetes is gamified as a monster to be tamed
• Health and Wellbeing
• Technology
mySugr is an app that makes quantifying daily health more fun for diabetics by
treating it as a monster that needs to be tamed.
The startup uses gamification techniques to get diabetics to create detailed logs of
their daily stats to provide a better view of what‟s going. Each user gets a monster
– which they can give a name to – that represents their diabetes. The monster talks
back to users when they enter some data – whether it‟s blood glucose
numbers, time of injection, the meals they have eaten or activities they‟ve done –
and reacts positively or negatively based on their performance. By keeping the
monster happy, diabetics increase the amount of data they have on their condition
and can use the app to create detailed graphs, informing them of how their body
behaves in certain situations.
By gamifying the process, the patients have an incentive to keep a daily record of
their pain, which is essential information for medical records. Gaming and
technology continue positively influence the healthcare market and this is just the
newest way.
• Healthy hedonism
• Mobile living
• Culture of immediacy
Trends Manifestation
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App gamifies pain monitoring for young cancer patients
• Health and Wellbeing
• Technology
Canada based Hospital for Sick Children, also popularly known as SickKids has
now launched an app called Pain Squad, which gamifies the process of tracking
the physical and emotional well-being of young people with cancer.
Although the emotional weight that cancer carries makes it difficult for people to fill
out forms detailing their illness, it is important for doctors to keep track of their
medical condition. The app uses a gaming method of being a police force hunting
down pain. Patients fill out a survey daily which asks questions about the pain they
felt that day, its location and intensity. Patients then climb up the rankings
depending on how often they update their records.
By gamifying the process, the patients have an incentive to keep a daily record of
their pain, which is essential information for medical records. Gaming and
technology continue positively influence the healthcare market and this is just the
newest way.
• Healthy hedonism
• Mobile living
• Culture of immediacy
Trends Manifestation
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Walk-in kiosks for retail settings will deliver healthcare via
• Health and Wellbeing
• Technology
Focusing on traditional doctor‟s visits, HealthSpot is a small, walk-in telemedicine
kiosk designed to deliver access to high-quality healthcare in retail stores and other
non-traditional settings.
Ohio-based HealthSpot aims to increase access to high quality, convenient and
affordable healthcare by expanding beyond the walls of the traditional doctor‟s
office. Specifically, the company‟s new HealthSpot Station walk-in kiosks offer an
alternative via high-definition videoconferencing and telehealth tools. So, rather
than wait in line at a doctor‟s office or urgent care clinic, patients will be able to visit
the closest HealthSpot Station and talk with a board-certified doctor via video
conferencing. Inside each 10-foot kiosk are a scale and television dashboard as
well as a variety of common medical tools.
Targeted locations include retail sites such as grocery stores, urgent care facilities,
emergency rooms, doctor‟s offices, specialist offices, rural areas, campuses,
developing nations and even large businesses. People can use this for
convenience when it comes to location and most importantly, it is less time
• Healthy hedonism
• Mobile living
• Culture of immediacy
Trends Manifestation
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Games to tackle childhood obesity
• Health and Wellbeing
• Technology
The Apps for Healthy Kids is part of First Lady Michelle Obama‟s “Let‟s Move!”
campaign to end childhood obesity within a generation.
The idea is to create innovative, fun and engaging software tools and games that
encourage children directly or through their parents to make more nutritious food
choices and be more physically active. In addition to this, they also run contests
and competitions to keep children interested.
The initiative will aim to build on the success of other childhood obesity focused
games, such as Treasure World, LocoMatrix, Swinxs and The Hidden Park.
Focussing on apps also means that gadgets are involved, which is a sure way to
sell it to the younger generation while adding a „cool‟ factor to it. Tapping into the
competitive nature of the children is also a positive way to encourage them to take
it seriously.
• Healthy hedonism
• Perfection of the Body
• Culture of immediacy
Trends Manifestation
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Olympic Fever Boosts Health and Fitness Holidays
• Health and Wellbeing
• Travel and Tourism
• Perfection of the body
• Healthy hedonism
The success of Team GB at the London 2012 Olympics has boosted sales of
health and fitness holidays. Active and wellness holiday experts Health and Fitness
Travel has seen a remarkable increase in enquiry levels for tennis, cycling, water
sports and active breaks, demonstrating the nation‟s growing appetite to combine
fitness and well-being by participating in exciting sports.
Enthused by the likes of Bradley Wiggins, Andy Murray and Jessica Ennis, there
has been a notable surge in the number of people looking for a
cycling, tennis, active or well-being break away. It seems that those keen on taking
up a new sport such as tennis have decided that a holiday can be the perfect way
to embrace the Olympic spirit and get started.
The Olympics have increased interest in certain sports and more people are willing
to combine the fun of travel with sports and activities such as cycling and yoga.
Moreover, it provides an opportunity for families to plan a holiday for the whole
family with fun-filled activities.
Trends Manifestation
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Whey to go
• Health and Wellbeing
• Beauty
With the growing need to look good ties in the rising gym culture. More men and
women are now swapping their laptop bags after work for their gym bags. With this
comes the addition of nutritional supplements into their diets. With the supplements
market in India being highly disorganised, Evolution Sports Nutritions is looking to
make a difference.
Headed by South African cricketer Jonty Rhodes, the company provides the
obvious choices of whey and protein shakes as well as other lifestyle products
which help enhance concentration, reduce stress and burns fat. Also building on
the popularity of natural ingredients, they also have herbal relaxation capsules.
These products are not only targeted at gym-goers but also for people who are
looking to lead a healthy lifestyle. This appeals to the masses as majority do not
have the time to make healthy meals. The people are most certainly on the lookout
for supplements that they can trust and this is one brand that they may be willing to
count on.
• Consuming with ethics
• Perfection of the Body
• Culture of immediacy
• Healthy hedonism

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  • 1. Crayon Works Insights and trends that will shapes our lives 1
  • 2. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Augmented reality app guides surgeons during procedure RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: A new app from the Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS in Germany guides surgeons through complex procedures. Before the surgery takes place, a CT scan is performed on the patient, allowing an accompanying software to identify and image the pathways of blood vessels. This information is then transferred to an iPad, which can be used during the surgery. Tablet computers such as the iPad are a compact and intuitive way to allow doctors to reference this real-time data quickly and easily. Technologies like this one can help eliminate much of the potential human error. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • The Changing Meaning of Luxury
  • 3. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Talking robots calm children down during hospital visits RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: The Alberta Children‟s Hospital in Canada has introduced MEDi, a robot that distracts kids from uncomfortable medical examinations and procedures, and even aids their recovery. Based on Aldebaran Robotics„ NAO machine, the robot is a humanoid that interacts with children in a variety of ways, designed to take their mind off painful flu shots or check ups. The robot greets children, asks them for a high five, asks them questions about their favourite movies and games and plays music they request. It also gets them engaged in a simple activity such as arranging toys on a table in front of them. For instance, tests carried out at the hospital by researches at the University of Calgary, which included a group of children aged four to nine who had previously reacted badly to needles, MEDi asked them to clear some dust from a toy duck on the table by blowing on it. The kids were distracted by the activity, and the gesture is known to relax muscles, making injections less painful. The children reacted less violently to the procedure, experienced lesser pan and recovered from it quickly. It also made parents feel more relaxed. This is a prime example of how technology is helping medicine – could robotics be used more often in the future for health purposes? • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society
  • 4. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Smart surgical knife detects cancerous cells RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: Developed by Imperial College London, the iKnife is a surgical tool that can help doctors determine which cells are cancerous when cutting out a tumour. The iKnife is an electrical tool that heats the tissue when an incision is made. It features sensors that then monitor the smoke given off and determine if cancerous chemicals are still present. This is a prime example of how technology is helping medicine – doctors in this case – to increase accuracy while also reducing pain for patients. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • The Changing Meaning of Luxury
  • 5. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Fitness app transports gym into outdoors RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: BitGym offers virtual locations and social interaction make cardio machines more appealing. The Virtual Active catalogue will initially feature 24 different trails, with a new one added each week – all of which members have unlimited access to. It also offers competitive advantages and users can beat their friends scores. The experience works using just the camera and accelerometer built-in to your phone or tablet. The tours will work on a subscription model, normally costing $8, but being available to founding members for just $5. Making exercise and the gym a more social and fun activity will certainly encourage people to exercise more – never a bad thing! • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • The Changing Meaning of Luxury
  • 6. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Experimental drug can build lean muscle RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: A drug called SR9009 has been found to increase exercise endurance in mice. The drug reportedly increased the metabolic activity in mice muscles and the mice that received the drug exhibited an increase in running capacity, measured in terms of time and distance. The SR9009 drug is one of two compounds developed at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI). The compounds were found to have reduced obesity in animal models, as described in a paper published on the Nature online journal in March this year. The drug works by attaching itself to Rev-erbα, a nuclear receptor that influences fat and sugar metabolism in the liver, fat-storing cell production, and the response of the body during inflammation. With the potential to benefit patients who suffer from obesity, diabetes, congestive heart failure, it may soon provide an alternative people who suffer from such conditions that deter them from exercising. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society
  • 7. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Personal tracker monitors fun not fitness RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: LIT is an activity tracker that measures common movements like walking, running, and swimming, as well skating, surfing, snowboarding, motocross, BMX and more. The device is designed to withstand all types of environment al forces and can be worn anywhere on the body. It can be worn every day and has a battery life that can last for up to four days. By choosing to give the wearer a different outlook on how their enjoyment and fitness is measured, this device will grow in popularity amongst extreme sports enthusiasts. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 8. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Genetics test tells you what exercise works best for your body RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: A new genetic test promises to tell you whether you are likely to benefit aerobically from exercise. Sold by a British company called XRGenomics, is available to anyone through the company‟s website and involves rubbing inside your cheek with a supplied swab and returning the tissue sample to the company. Results are then available within a few weeks. It costs £199 for the basic results. This will help people to understand why they might be progressing more slowly in an exercise program than their training partners. This will encourage people to keep exercising who might otherwise have quit when running or swimming didn‟t make them more fit. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Changing Meaning of Luxury
  • 9. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Doga takes off in New York RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: 'Doga', which is said to appeal to your pet‟s natural instinct to stretch, has become a new fad among New York dog-owners. Classes involve stretching, massage and even chanting – at a pitch the dogs can mimic. Steadily increasing in popularity, the dog owners also believe that it increases their bond with their pets while also providing cardiovascular benefits to the dog. It also provides an alternative for the winter when taking dogs for walks is more of a chore than a bonding session. Calming both the owner and dog down while providing health benefits, this fad seems to have made its mark on dog owners and is continuing to grow. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 10. Trend Manifestation Powered by: App identifies pills RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: MedSnap ID aims to help patients to accurately identify pills to ensure they take the right ones. Users first place the medication they want to identify onto a precision imaging surface that comes with a subscription to the MedSnap ID surface. Multiple types of pills can be placed on the surface before the user takes a photograph with their smartphone. The app instantly recognises the pills by matching them with images in its database, bringing up data such as name, use, dosage recommendations and other important information. Patients with multiple prescriptions can ensure they know which pill they‟re meant to be taking, and doctors can use it to quickly identify unlabelled pills in their inventory. The app has also been designed to work without an internet connection. This is a very easy way to keep track of the medication that‟s being taken as well as the advantage it offers – being able to use the app in remote areas. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 11. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Smart shirt helps to keep track of physical and mental health RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: OMsignal has developed a shirt embedded with sensors able to detect and track the wearer‟s emotional state, and even share the data socially. The aim of OMsignal apparel is to provide always-on monitoring of their wellbeing. Its shirt – which is currently only available to developers for testing – features sensors that make direct contact with the skin to monitor heart rate and breathing, as well as recognize the activity being performed. This data is then sent to the user‟s smartphone in real time, where it can be analysed and tracked over a set period, offering users a more detailed look into their emotional state at any time, as well as monitoring of health conditions. Through the companion app, this information could then be shared socially for fun or – more seriously – to keep a check on friends and family members‟ health. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 12. Trend Manifestation Powered by: Xe E-cigarette tweets to help smokers quit RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: Creative agency R/GA have created an e-cigarette that connects to the internet and sends tweets about one‟s smoking activity. E-cigarettes, primarily created to help smokers kick their habit, uses small batteries to heat flavoured nicotine and water and turn them into a vapour that smokers can inhale sans the harmful chemicals that are in real cigarettes. R/GA used an Arduino microcontroller to connect the e-cigarette to the internet. They placed a conducive tape over the button of the e-cigarette and made a cigarette box that contains the Arduino, a Bluetooth shield and a small battery. When the e-cigarette button is pressed, the conducive tape sends a signal to the Arduino which then connects via Bluetooth to an iPhone app. The app displays smoking statistics and sends a tweet using the @TweetingCiggy Twitter account. Partnering with an e-cigarette company could help them make a powerful and needed change in the world by helping smokers quit. It also shows the power of social media and its influence on people and their habits. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 13. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Exercise bike streams live gym classes into owners’ homes RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: Peloton exercise machine features live streaming of spinning classes through an on-board Android tablet. The device is built like a traditional exercise bike, with a silent belt-drive system to enable noise reduction. However, it also features a 21.5-inch HD multitouch display, which connects to sensors located on the bike via wifi to show and track the details of the user‟s performance, such as distance, speed, calories burnt and cadence. It also enables users to live stream Peloton‟s bespoke motivational gym classes, which are broadcast from its NYC headquarters on a daily basis. Users can choose their favourite instructor, session or exercise type and join in live from their home, or else stream shows on-demand later. The sessions feature video chat capabilities that let viewers interact with others taking part around the world and get personal motivation from the instructor. This is a great solution for those who struggle to keep up a regular exercise or gym routine. Although the upfront cost may seem a lot, it is not more than the price of an average annual membership. It also brings the benefits of being at a gym home to you. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 14. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Portable health monitor RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: The Scanycase enables you to gauge what's going on in your body by slipping your finger into it while you're out and about. It appears as a streamlined tube that connects right to the port in the base of your iPhone. Other versions of the accessory suggest its integration into a mobile protector. The Scanycase records its findings and displays them in their app so that you can check in with your health at any time. This is a perfect solution for those chronic health issues that keep cropping up and interfere with your daily life. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 15. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Watch alerts wearers of future heart attacks x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: Oxitone is a specially designed monitor worn on the wrist that takes minute-by- minute readings of the users heart rate and oxygen levels in the blood. The device uses two optical sensors and another special high-tech tool to alert the user that their heart rate is beating at an abnormal and potentially dangerous speed. It can also be synced with Bluetooth, Android or iPhone devices for ease of function. Many people who die from heart attacks could have been saved if they had gotten to the hospital in time, and this monitor aims to stop this from occurring. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 16. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Medical Instagram helps doctors crack cases together x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: The Figure 1 photo-sharing app for healthcare professionals allows them to post images to the medical community and comment on them. Healthcare professionals can upload and view high quality images of medical conditions with the Figure 1 medical community, add arrows, comments and tags to their pictures, and receive feedback from others in their field. This is a great example of how something simple such as photo-sharing can be used to save lives and help others while also keeping their identities safe. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 17. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Hospital offers services through smartphones x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: The Seoul National University Bundang Hospital now offers a number of core services through patients‟ smartphones. Working with mobile operator SK Telecom, visitors to the hospital can begin digitally interacting with the hospital as soon as they walk through the door, through the Patient Guide app. GPS detects when they‟re on the premises and uses the relevant electronic medical records and patient data to bring up information about scheduled appointments, expected waiting times and healthcare costs. Users can check in to let their doctor know they‟re there and can also pay bills through the app. If no appointment has been scheduled, users can navigate to the right department through the 3D map. This is a prime example as to how common gadgets and technology can improve basic, important services. It also saves a lot of time and money for healthcare providers. Surely, this is one idea that can be implemented in many parts of the world. • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 18. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Real time data for doctors x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: The BodyGuardian RMS is a smartphone-based system that continuously tracks the health of those with heart conditions and sends the data straight to doctors. The RMS consists of three parts: firstly a small sensor that can be easily attached to the chest of patients and worn under clothes. This device sends information about the user‟s heartbeat, respiration and activity levels to either the patient‟s smartphone or one given to them by their doctor. The data is then sent to health professionals who can analyze their patients in real time. If the patient feels discomfort, they can push a button on the sensor to immediately contact their doctor. One of the benefits of this system is that doctors don‟t have to keep patients in hospital in order to monitor their vitals, and yet can still provide round-the-clock care. With this, doctors don‟t have to keep patients in the hospital to monitor them and can provide round-the-clock care. Surely something that can be taken into consideration by other healthcare companies? • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society • Mobile Living
  • 19. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Personalised fragrances help dementia sufferers remember x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: The Smell a Memory fragrance kits aim to use personalized smells to act as memory prompts for Alzheimer‟s and dementia sufferers. Working with Singapore-based perfume manufacturer Givaudan, creative agency JWT custom-created a box containing several fragrances that would have personal resonance with patients based on their family history, ethnicity, age and personal stories. The team went to nursing homes in Singapore before creating the perfumes, which were given names such as Bedtime Stories, Mom‟s Cooking, Prayer and School Days. It was found that the scents had the power to spark memories and emotions from their past, and was able to create uplifting moods and bring some patients out of themselves for a time. JWT now aims to bring the kits to two of Singapore‟s largest hospitals as a therapy service for elderly patients with conditions such as dementia. What are the other ways in which a simple item can help sick patients? • Healthy Hedonism • Have it all Society
  • 20. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Search tool offers medical information personalised to each user x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: Israel based Medivizor is a search tool that offers results personalized to each user. Currently open to those looking for information on breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, colorectal cancer, and melanoma, Medivizor users first sign up and enter details about themselves and their condition – or those of the person they‟re caring for. The service then delivers relevant news and updates that may help them learn more about their condition and what it means for them. The research on the site is curated based on quality and ease of comprehension. Medivizor doesn‟t aim to do away with professional opinion, but instead empowers patients to do their own reliable research they can then share with their doctors. Medivizor is currently invitation-only and hopes to expand to include other conditions in the near future. Although it is not a fix when it comes to serious medical illnesses, it does have its advantages. • Healthy Hedonism • Mobile Living
  • 21. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Stress detector gives personal reading in 10 seconds x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: The Scanadu Scout is a device that can monitor a number of aspects of the user‟s health over time. It is used by simply holding the small gadget against the forehead for 10 seconds, and the data is synched to a smartphone where it is displayed for easy tracking. An easy solution for a glimpse into the future – health is not a gift that is taken lightly anywhere and this ensures that you keep it safe and sound. • Healthy Hedonism • Mobile Living
  • 22. Trend Manifestation Powered by: x Hospital Passport helps comfort young patients x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health Source: Scotland‟s Royal Hospital for Sick Children has also come up with the Hospital Passport scheme, which aims to make young patients feel more at ease when being passed from department to department. Psychologists at the NHS institution developed the initiative as a way to help visitors feel more involved in the care they receive. Rather than being transferred to different parts of the hospital without an explanation, the gamified approach encourages children to get their passport stamped and collect stickers when moving around the building, or visiting a different department. Filling up the passport is a good thing, as it means kids are getting closer to completing their treatment. Hospitalisation being gamified and less traumatic for children – there‟s no going wrong with that! • Healthy Hedonism
  • 23. Trends Manifestation Powered by: x Diabetes is gamified as a monster to be tamed RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health and Wellbeing • Technology Source: mySugr is an app that makes quantifying daily health more fun for diabetics by treating it as a monster that needs to be tamed. The startup uses gamification techniques to get diabetics to create detailed logs of their daily stats to provide a better view of what‟s going. Each user gets a monster – which they can give a name to – that represents their diabetes. The monster talks back to users when they enter some data – whether it‟s blood glucose numbers, time of injection, the meals they have eaten or activities they‟ve done – and reacts positively or negatively based on their performance. By keeping the monster happy, diabetics increase the amount of data they have on their condition and can use the app to create detailed graphs, informing them of how their body behaves in certain situations. By gamifying the process, the patients have an incentive to keep a daily record of their pain, which is essential information for medical records. Gaming and technology continue positively influence the healthcare market and this is just the newest way. • Healthy hedonism • Mobile living • Culture of immediacy
  • 24. Trends Manifestation Powered by: x App gamifies pain monitoring for young cancer patients RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health and Wellbeing • Technology Source: Canada based Hospital for Sick Children, also popularly known as SickKids has now launched an app called Pain Squad, which gamifies the process of tracking the physical and emotional well-being of young people with cancer. Although the emotional weight that cancer carries makes it difficult for people to fill out forms detailing their illness, it is important for doctors to keep track of their medical condition. The app uses a gaming method of being a police force hunting down pain. Patients fill out a survey daily which asks questions about the pain they felt that day, its location and intensity. Patients then climb up the rankings depending on how often they update their records. By gamifying the process, the patients have an incentive to keep a daily record of their pain, which is essential information for medical records. Gaming and technology continue positively influence the healthcare market and this is just the newest way. • Healthy hedonism • Mobile living • Culture of immediacy
  • 25. Trends Manifestation Powered by: x Walk-in kiosks for retail settings will deliver healthcare via telemedicine x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health and Wellbeing • Technology Source: Focusing on traditional doctor‟s visits, HealthSpot is a small, walk-in telemedicine kiosk designed to deliver access to high-quality healthcare in retail stores and other non-traditional settings. Ohio-based HealthSpot aims to increase access to high quality, convenient and affordable healthcare by expanding beyond the walls of the traditional doctor‟s office. Specifically, the company‟s new HealthSpot Station walk-in kiosks offer an alternative via high-definition videoconferencing and telehealth tools. So, rather than wait in line at a doctor‟s office or urgent care clinic, patients will be able to visit the closest HealthSpot Station and talk with a board-certified doctor via video conferencing. Inside each 10-foot kiosk are a scale and television dashboard as well as a variety of common medical tools. Targeted locations include retail sites such as grocery stores, urgent care facilities, emergency rooms, doctor‟s offices, specialist offices, rural areas, campuses, developing nations and even large businesses. People can use this for convenience when it comes to location and most importantly, it is less time consuming. • Healthy hedonism • Mobile living • Culture of immediacy
  • 26. Trends Manifestation Powered by: x Games to tackle childhood obesity x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health and Wellbeing • Technology Source: The Apps for Healthy Kids is part of First Lady Michelle Obama‟s “Let‟s Move!” campaign to end childhood obesity within a generation. The idea is to create innovative, fun and engaging software tools and games that encourage children directly or through their parents to make more nutritious food choices and be more physically active. In addition to this, they also run contests and competitions to keep children interested. The initiative will aim to build on the success of other childhood obesity focused games, such as Treasure World, LocoMatrix, Swinxs and The Hidden Park. Focussing on apps also means that gadgets are involved, which is a sure way to sell it to the younger generation while adding a „cool‟ factor to it. Tapping into the competitive nature of the children is also a positive way to encourage them to take it seriously. • Healthy hedonism • Perfection of the Body • Culture of immediacy
  • 27. Trends Manifestation Powered by: x Olympic Fever Boosts Health and Fitness Holidays x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health and Wellbeing • Travel and Tourism • Perfection of the body • Healthy hedonism Source: The success of Team GB at the London 2012 Olympics has boosted sales of health and fitness holidays. Active and wellness holiday experts Health and Fitness Travel has seen a remarkable increase in enquiry levels for tennis, cycling, water sports and active breaks, demonstrating the nation‟s growing appetite to combine fitness and well-being by participating in exciting sports. Enthused by the likes of Bradley Wiggins, Andy Murray and Jessica Ennis, there has been a notable surge in the number of people looking for a cycling, tennis, active or well-being break away. It seems that those keen on taking up a new sport such as tennis have decided that a holiday can be the perfect way to embrace the Olympic spirit and get started. The Olympics have increased interest in certain sports and more people are willing to combine the fun of travel with sports and activities such as cycling and yoga. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for families to plan a holiday for the whole family with fun-filled activities.
  • 28. Trends Manifestation Powered by: x Whey to go x RESLATEDECTORSRELEVANTTRENDS x x • Health and Wellbeing • Beauty • FMCG Source: With the growing need to look good ties in the rising gym culture. More men and women are now swapping their laptop bags after work for their gym bags. With this comes the addition of nutritional supplements into their diets. With the supplements market in India being highly disorganised, Evolution Sports Nutritions is looking to make a difference. Headed by South African cricketer Jonty Rhodes, the company provides the obvious choices of whey and protein shakes as well as other lifestyle products which help enhance concentration, reduce stress and burns fat. Also building on the popularity of natural ingredients, they also have herbal relaxation capsules. These products are not only targeted at gym-goers but also for people who are looking to lead a healthy lifestyle. This appeals to the masses as majority do not have the time to make healthy meals. The people are most certainly on the lookout for supplements that they can trust and this is one brand that they may be willing to count on. • Consuming with ethics • Perfection of the Body • Culture of immediacy • Healthy hedonism