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Head to foot
Anees Kurikkal
2008 MBBS
Includes Examination of
 Head
 Hair
 Scalp
 Fontanelle
 Face
 Eyes
 Mouth
 Tongue
 Ears
 Nose
 Neck
 Limbs
 Chest
 Spine
 Abdomen
 Genitalia
 Skin
 Flat or prominent occiput ? ( in trisomy 21 and 18
 Shape of skull
 Fontanels
 Size of head
 Microcephaly
 When HC is 3SD below normal
 two types
 Primary
 secondary
 Macrocephaly
 HC >2SD above normal
 Familial macrocephaly
 Hydrocephalus – congenital or acquired
 Achondroplasia
 Cerebral giantism
 Fragile X syndrome
 Widening of suture in rickets, thalassemia
 6 at birth
 Only anterior and posterior palpable
 Anterior fontanelle -size 2.5 X 2.5 cm, AP direction
upto 4cm
 Soon after delivery AF narrow(moulding) and then
increases in size
 Examined with child quiet and upright
 Closes by age 9-18 months
 Pulsation of AF normal
 Closed/open ?
 Pulsatile / non pulsatile
 Normal /depressed / bulging ?
 Types
 Dolychocephaly
 Brachycephaly
 Cephalic index = head width x 100
head length
 <76 dolichocephaly
 76-80 normal
 ≥ 81 Brachycephaly
 Dolichocephaly
 Increased AP diameter
 Sagittal suture close early
 Skull cannot grow laterally
 Growth only in AP diameter
 Also called Scaphocephaly
 Brachycephaly
 Premature fusion of coronary suture
 Head cannot grow in AP diameter
 Transverse diameter is more
 Occiput flat as in down’s syndrome
 Scalp swellings
 Dermoid
 Histiocytosis
 Osteoma
 Organized cephalhaematoma
 Secondary deposits
 Traumatic
 Seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp
 Yellow crusted plaques in the scalp
 Cephalhaematoma
 Sub periosteal collection of blood
 Elevated periosteum
 Does not cross suture line unlike caput succedaneum
 Maximum size by third day
 Parietal bone commonly involved
 Disappears by 3-6 weeks or may get calcified
 Caput succedaneum
 Diffuse soft bogy swelling of scalp
 Loose areolar layer of scalp
 Seen at birth
 Crosses suture line
 Disappears by 1-2 days
 Cranial bossing
 Prominence of central parts of frontal and parietal
 Early manifestation of rickets
 Hydrocephalus
 Congenital syphilis
Frontal Bossing
 Craniotabes
 Ability of indentation under pressure of skull bones
near suture and springing back to normal
 Normal in new born
 In rickets- elicited beyond newborn period
 Head tilt and torticollis
 Due to
 Local painful reasons
 Compensation for visual defect
 Herniation or cerebellar tonsil
 Torticollis-Occiput tilted to one side and chin deviated
to opposite side
 Head tilt-Both occiput and chin deviated to same side
 Scalp hair
 White hair- as in albinism
 Sparse, straight thin easily pluckable – as in
 Alternately pigmented and depigmented hair called
flag sign indicates alternate periods of abnormal and
normal nutrition – seen in kwashiorkor
 Alopecia
 Congenital ectodermal dysplasia
 Treatment for malignancy
 Alopecia areata- autoimmune
 Trichotillomania- localized hair loss
 Hypertrichosis
 Cushing's syndrome
 Precocious puberty
 Drugs like minoxydil, androgens
 Can be familial
 Low hair line
 Extending below spine c4
 Low hair line in the back – turners, Klippel feil
syndrome, due to short neck
 Low hairline in the Front – hypothyroidism
 Moon face
 Cushing's syndrome or due to prolonged use of steroids
 Puffy face
 Nephrotic syndrome
 Hypothyroidism
 Coarse facies
 Does not look cute
 Bloated cheeks and protruding tongue
 Seen in
 Hypothyroidism
 Mucopolysaccharidosis
 gangliosidosis
 Mask like facies
 Wilsons disease or other disease affecting extrapyramidal
 Tranquilizer overdose
 bilateral facial nerve palsy (GBS)
 Potter’s facies
 Small lower jaw
 Depressed nose
 Mongoloid facies
 Depressed nasal ridge
 Downs syndrome
 Congenital syphilis
 Late stage leprosy
 Micrognathia
 Cri-du-chat syndrome
 Di George syndrome
 Foetal alcohol syndrome
 Russell silver syndrome
 Prognathism
 Angelman syndrome
 Acromegaly
 Fragile X syndrome
 Lid oedema
 Nephritic
 Nephrotic syndrome
 Cardiac failure
 Kwashiorkor
 Severe cough
 Conjunctivitis
 stye
 Angioedema
 Hypothyroidism
 IM
 Microphthalmos
 Congenital infections like- CMV, Rubella, toxoplasmosis
 Cornea
 Megalocornea- glaucoma
 Cloudy cornea- Mucopolysaccharidosis
 Colaboma
 Developmental defect in some portion of the eye
 Eyelash, iris, lens, retina affected
 Red eye
 Bacterial blepharoconjunctivitis
 Circum corneal congestion- as in acute uveitis
 Ptosis
 Congenital ptosis
 Occulomotor palsy
 Horner's syndrome
 Myasthenia gravis
 Oedema of the lid
 Proptosis
 Malignancies- neuroblastoma, leukemia,
 Non-malignancies- Cavernous hemangioma, Optic
nerve glioma
 Hyperthyroidism- exopthalmos
 Epicanthic fold
 Crescent shaped fold of skin originating below eye and
sweeps upwards to blend with upper lid
 Inner canthus covered
 Classic of down’s syndrome
 Seen in Chinese race
 Mongoloid slant
 Upward slant= slanting from medial to lateral
 Racial, down’s syndrome, prader willi syndrome
 Antimongoloid slant
 Downward slanting
 Turner’s syndrome
 Edward syndrome ( trisomy 18)
 Hypertelorism
 Distance b/w medial canthi of 2 eyes more than width
of each eye
 Turner’s syndrome. Down’s syndrome
 Canthal index= distance b/w inner canthi/ distance
outer canthi >0.38  hypertelorism
 Conjunctiva
 Xerosis- dryness, wrinkled appearance
 Bitot spots- grey, rough dry areas on temporal side of
 Cataract
 Congenital cataract- transmitted as autosomal
dominant, recessive or X linked
 Intrauterine infections- rubella
 Metabolism cause- galactosemia( oil drop cataract),
Wilson's disease (sunflower cataract)
 Chromosomal anomalies- trisomy 13, 18, 21
 Trauma, radiation, drugs( long term steroids)
 Buphthalmos
 Congenital glaucoma
 Cornea usually cloudy cornea due to corneal oedema
 Enlarged orbital globe (bulging eyeballs)
 Blepharospasm
 Epiphora
 Strabismus
 Non parallelism of visual axes
 Due to
 Refractory error
 Medial rectus stronger than lateral rectus
 Concomitant – constant deviation
 In paralytic type deviation is not constant
 Kiesel fiescher ring
 Periphery of cornea as golden yellow, greenish or
brownish ring
 Deposition of copper
 There is no space between limbus and ring
 Wilsons disease
 Low set ears
 Superior attachment of pinna to the side of head must be at
or above line joining 2 inner canthi in normal child
 Below- low set ears
 Downs syndrome
 Di George syndrome
 Turners
 Examine from front with child’s head erect and eyes facing
directly forward
 large prominent ears
 Fragile X syndrome, marfan’s
 Deformed pinna
 Down’s syndrome
 Treacher Collin's syndrome
 Bat ear
 Protruding ear with poorly formed fold of helix
 Tragus sign
 Otitis externa
 Pressing of tragus causes pain
 Deafness
 Sequelae of neonatal kernicterus
 Intrauterine rubella infection
 Recurrent otitis media
 Aminoglycosides
 Ear wax
 Tympanic membrane trauma
 Outer edge of lips should fall on a perpendicular line drawn
from centre of either pupil with eyes
 When edge of lip falls outside- macrostomia. inside-
 Large mouth
 Goldenhar syndrome
 William syndrome
 Angular stomatitis
 Riboflavin deficiency
 congenital syphilis
 Philtrum
 Long nose leads to short philtrum and a short nose
leads to wide philtrum
 Long philtrum – William's syndrome
 Short philtrum- cohen syndrome
 Smooth philtrum- foetal alcohol syndrome
 Uvula
 Bifid uvula
 Apert syndrome
 Di George syndrome
 Treacher’s syndrome
 Palate
 Cleft palate
 Trisomy 13,18
 Pierre robin syndrome
 Foetal hydantoin syndrome
 Painful ulcer of hard palate- herpes zoster
 Painful ulcer of oropharynx, soft palate- herpangina
 Rash in mucous membrane due to exanthematous
 Drooling
 Normal during teething
 Stomatitis
 Acute epiglottitis/ diphtheria
 Pseudobulbar palsy
 Dry mouth
 Dehydration
 Mouth breathing
 antihistamine
 Oral thrush
 Antibiotics
 Steroids
 Hypoparathyroidism
 Look for enlarged salivary glands
 Delayed dentition
 No teeth beyond 13th month
 Hypothyroidism
 Hypopituitarism
 Rickets
 Discoloured teeth
 Poor oral hygiene
 Tetracycline therapy( brown)
 Enamel hypoplasia ( brown)
 Kernicterus (brown)
 Porphyria(reddish)
 Iron therapy(black)
 Chalky white patches(Fluorosis)
 Macroglossia
 Congenital hypothyroidism
 Down’s syndrome
 Cystic hygroma
 Hemangioma
 Foote’s sign
 Rhythmic protrusion of tongue in new born may suggest
intracranial haemorrhage or cerebral oedema
- Coating of tongue- poor oral hygiene, typhoid fever, uremia
- Smooth bald tongue without papillae- vit B12 deficiency
 Short neck
 Turner’s syndrome
 Down’s syndrome
 Klippel feil deformity
 Noonan’s syndrome
 Hypothyroidism
 Goiter
 Puberty
 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
 Iodine deficiency
 Grave’s disease
 Thyroid gland best appreciated when child extends
neck or when child swallows
 Thyroglossal cyst- moves with protrusion of tongue
 Webbed neck
 Turner’s syndrome
 Noonan’s syndrome
 Lymphadenopathy
 Localized- any infection in draining area
 Generalized- >2 non contiguous lymphnodes
 Viral infection- IM, HIV, Rubella
 Bacterial-TB
 Malignancy- lymphoma, leukemia
 Drugs- phenytoin
 Warm tender gland- infection
 Soft fluctuant gland- suppuration
 Matted gland- chronic inflammation(TB)
 Hard nodes- malignancy
 Neck stiffness
 Meningitis (stiffness on flexing neck but not on lateral
 Sub arachnoid haemorrhage
 Meningism- upper lobe pneumonia, tonsillitis
 Herniation of brain as in Space Occupying Lesion
 Local causes- retropharyngeal abscess, painful cervical
 Opisthotonus
 Tetanus
 Meningitis
 Kernicterus
 And local causes- retropharyngeal abscess
 Absence of clavicle- cleidocranial dystosis
 Pre sternal oedema- mumps
 Widely spread nipple- turners
 Shield chest- turners
 Absence of pectoralis muscle- polland’s syndrome
 Pectus excavatum
 Pectus carinatum
 Gynaecomastia
 Transient during puberty
 Obesity
 Cirrhosis liver
 digitalis
 Oestrogen secreting tumour
 Klinefelter’s syndrome
 Loss of normal curvature in cervical region is seen in
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
 Loss of curvature in Lumbar region- ankylosing
 Scoliosis
 Lateral curvature of spine
 Non fixed- corrected on lifting axilla or bending down
 Fixed- not corrected on bending
 Gibbus
 Prominent at apex of kyphosis
 Due to underlying collapsing vertebrae
 Commonest cause- TB spine
 Cubitus valgus
 Forearm distal to elbow directed away from the body
 Cubitus varus
 Forearm distal to elbow directed towards the body
 Clinodactyly
 Shortened middle phalanx of little finger
 More pronounced in radial aspect
 Little finger curved inwards
 Down’s syndrome and some normal children
 Camptodactyly
 flexion deformity of 5th finger
 seen in downs syndrome
 Bifid thumb
 due to chromosomal anomaly
 Arachnodactyly
 unduly long fingers
 seen in marfan's syndrome and homocystinuria
 Thumbs sign: thumb protrudes the ulnar border when
it is brought across the palm.
Present in marfan's syndrome, absent in
 Trident sign – Achondroplasia
 Divergence of 3rd and 4th fingers.
 Thumb and 1st two fingers & the last two fingers stand
out as separate giving a trident appearance
 Polydactyly
 congenital with no apparent reason
 occasionally familial
 Syndactyly
 fused fingers
 trisomy 13
 Absent thumb
 fanconii anaemia
 Osler's Nodes
 transient, small, pea sized, tender nodule in pulp
of finger and toes
 infective endocarditis, vasculitis syndrome
 Janeway lesions
 painless erythematous patches over palms and
 Phocomelia
 congenital absence of limbs due to use of
thalidomide in 1st trimester
 Koilonychia
 soft, thin, brittle, flattened, concave nails.
 Seen in iron deficiency anaemia
 White nail
 anaemia
 hypoalbuminemia
 Red nail – polycythemia
 Black nail – addisons disease
 Splinter haemorrhage – infective endocarditis
 Splinter haemorrhage
 Clubbing
 normal angle between nail and nailbed is lost
 Normally there is a gap when nails are placed in
opposition, which is lost in clubbingshamroths
window test
 causes:
 Cardiac- cyanotic heart disease, IE, TOF, Eisenmenger
 Pulmonary- bronchiectasis, lung abscess, empyema
 GIT – Inflammatory Bowel Disease, cirrhosis
 Cyanosis
 -bluish discolouration when reduced Hb more
than 5gm%
 causes:
 Cardiac- congenital cyanotic heart disease, Eisenmenger
 Pulmonary- interstitial pneumonia, severe pneumonia,
 Methaemoglobinemia
 Palmar crease – Simian crease seen in downs
syndrome is a transverse palmar crease
 Coxa valga- angulated away from the hip joint
 Coxa vara- angulated towards the hip joint
 Genu valgum (knock knees)- commonly seen
in rickets and congenitally. Distance between
the medial malleoli is more than 5cms
 Genu varus (bow legs) – seen in
achondroplasia and rickets. distance between
medial condyle is more than 5cms
 both genu varum and genu valgus are physiological in
children of 1 ½ to 2 yrs of age
 genu recurvatum
 seen in poliomyelitis
 There is hyper extension of the knees
 pes planus- flat foot, seen physiologically in 1 ½ to 2yrs
 pes cavus-claw foot, seen in poliomyelitis
 talipus equino varus- foot adducted downwards,
inwards and with medial concavity
 Look for abdominal masses to exclude
 hepatosplenomegaly
 kidney mass(hydronephrosis)
 faecal mass
 intussusceptions
 malignancy
 umbilical hernia(imperfect closure of the umbilical
ring, protrudes during straining)
 Hernia
 Undescended testes
 Precocious puberty
 Hydrocele
 Micropenis
 length less than 1.5cm
 normal length of penis- 4cms.
 Seen in
 hypopituitarism,
 Klinefelter's syndrome,
 noonans syndrome
 Micro orchidism- seen in hypopituitarism, hypothalamic disorders,
Lawrence moon beidl syndrome
 Macro orchidism- seen in testicular tumours, fragile x syndrome
 Look for changes suggestive of PEM
 Flaky paint dermatosis
 Crazy pavement dermatosis
 Keratomalacia
 Neurocutaneous markers
 Hypopigmentation/hyper
 Molluscum contagiosum
 Pyoderma
 Scabies
 Fungal infections
 Skin turgor
 Rash
 Mongolian spots
 Haemangioma
 Spider naevus
 Port wine stain
 Molluscum contagiosum
 Mongolian blue spots
 Grey blue pigmented macule over lumbosacral region
 Benign & it fades in months to years
 Haemangioma
 Salmon patches- pale pink macule
 Site – neck eyelid face
 Present at birth
 Spider naevus
 Main vessel is an arteriole
 Seen in chronic liver disease
 Port wine stain
 Present at birth
 Fade with age but does not disappear
 Associated with surge weber syndrome
 It can be masked by cosmetics

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Head to foot examination in Paediatrics

  • 1. Head to foot examination Anees Kurikkal 2008 MBBS
  • 2. Includes Examination of  Head  Hair  Scalp  Fontanelle  Face  Eyes  Mouth  Tongue  Ears  Nose  Neck  Limbs  Chest  Spine  Abdomen  Genitalia  Skin
  • 3. HEAD  Flat or prominent occiput ? ( in trisomy 21 and 18 resp)  Shape of skull  Fontanels  Size of head
  • 4.  Microcephaly  When HC is 3SD below normal  two types  Primary  secondary
  • 5.
  • 6.  Macrocephaly  HC >2SD above normal  Familial macrocephaly  Hydrocephalus – congenital or acquired  Achondroplasia  Cerebral giantism  Fragile X syndrome  Widening of suture in rickets, thalassemia
  • 7.
  • 8. Fontanels  6 at birth  Only anterior and posterior palpable  Anterior fontanelle -size 2.5 X 2.5 cm, AP direction upto 4cm  Soon after delivery AF narrow(moulding) and then increases in size  Examined with child quiet and upright  Closes by age 9-18 months  Pulsation of AF normal
  • 9.  Closed/open ?  Pulsatile / non pulsatile  Normal /depressed / bulging ?
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.  Types  Dolychocephaly  Brachycephaly  Cephalic index = head width x 100 head length  <76 dolichocephaly  76-80 normal  ≥ 81 Brachycephaly
  • 13.  Dolichocephaly  Increased AP diameter  Sagittal suture close early  Skull cannot grow laterally  Growth only in AP diameter  Also called Scaphocephaly
  • 14.  Brachycephaly  Premature fusion of coronary suture  Head cannot grow in AP diameter  Transverse diameter is more  Occiput flat as in down’s syndrome
  • 15. SCALP  Scalp swellings  Dermoid  Histiocytosis  Osteoma  Organized cephalhaematoma  Secondary deposits  Traumatic  Seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp  Yellow crusted plaques in the scalp
  • 16.  Cephalhaematoma  Sub periosteal collection of blood  Elevated periosteum  Does not cross suture line unlike caput succedaneum  Maximum size by third day  Parietal bone commonly involved  Disappears by 3-6 weeks or may get calcified
  • 17.  Caput succedaneum  Diffuse soft bogy swelling of scalp  Loose areolar layer of scalp  Seen at birth  Crosses suture line  Disappears by 1-2 days
  • 18.  Cranial bossing  Prominence of central parts of frontal and parietal bones  Early manifestation of rickets  Hydrocephalus  Congenital syphilis Frontal Bossing
  • 19.  Craniotabes  Ability of indentation under pressure of skull bones near suture and springing back to normal  Normal in new born  In rickets- elicited beyond newborn period
  • 20.  Head tilt and torticollis  Due to  Local painful reasons  Compensation for visual defect  Herniation or cerebellar tonsil  Torticollis-Occiput tilted to one side and chin deviated to opposite side  Head tilt-Both occiput and chin deviated to same side
  • 21.
  • 22.  Scalp hair  White hair- as in albinism  Sparse, straight thin easily pluckable – as in malnutrition  Alternately pigmented and depigmented hair called flag sign indicates alternate periods of abnormal and normal nutrition – seen in kwashiorkor  Alopecia  Congenital ectodermal dysplasia  Treatment for malignancy  Alopecia areata- autoimmune  Trichotillomania- localized hair loss
  • 23.
  • 24.  Hypertrichosis  Cushing's syndrome  Precocious puberty  Drugs like minoxydil, androgens  Can be familial  Low hair line  Extending below spine c4  Low hair line in the back – turners, Klippel feil syndrome, due to short neck  Low hairline in the Front – hypothyroidism
  • 25. FACE  Moon face  Cushing's syndrome or due to prolonged use of steroids  Puffy face  Nephrotic syndrome  Hypothyroidism
  • 26.  Coarse facies  Does not look cute  Bloated cheeks and protruding tongue  Seen in  Hypothyroidism  Mucopolysaccharidosis  gangliosidosis
  • 27.  Mask like facies  Wilsons disease or other disease affecting extrapyramidal system  Tranquilizer overdose  bilateral facial nerve palsy (GBS)  Potter’s facies  Small lower jaw  Depressed nose
  • 29.  Depressed nasal ridge  Downs syndrome  Congenital syphilis  Late stage leprosy  Micrognathia  Cri-du-chat syndrome  Di George syndrome  Foetal alcohol syndrome  Russell silver syndrome
  • 30.  Prognathism  Angelman syndrome  Acromegaly  Fragile X syndrome
  • 31. EYES  Lid oedema  Nephritic  Nephrotic syndrome  Cardiac failure  Kwashiorkor  Severe cough  Conjunctivitis  stye  Angioedema  Hypothyroidism  IM  Microphthalmos  Congenital infections like- CMV, Rubella, toxoplasmosis  Cornea  Megalocornea- glaucoma  Cloudy cornea- Mucopolysaccharidosis
  • 32.  Colaboma  Developmental defect in some portion of the eye  Eyelash, iris, lens, retina affected  Red eye  Bacterial blepharoconjunctivitis  Circum corneal congestion- as in acute uveitis  Ptosis  Congenital ptosis  Occulomotor palsy  Horner's syndrome  Myasthenia gravis  Oedema of the lid
  • 33.  Proptosis  Malignancies- neuroblastoma, leukemia, retinoblastoma  Non-malignancies- Cavernous hemangioma, Optic nerve glioma  Hyperthyroidism- exopthalmos
  • 34.  Epicanthic fold  Crescent shaped fold of skin originating below eye and sweeps upwards to blend with upper lid  Inner canthus covered  Classic of down’s syndrome  Seen in Chinese race  Mongoloid slant  Upward slant= slanting from medial to lateral  Racial, down’s syndrome, prader willi syndrome
  • 35.  Antimongoloid slant  Downward slanting  Turner’s syndrome  Edward syndrome ( trisomy 18)
  • 36.  Hypertelorism  Distance b/w medial canthi of 2 eyes more than width of each eye  Turner’s syndrome. Down’s syndrome  Canthal index= distance b/w inner canthi/ distance outer canthi >0.38  hypertelorism
  • 37.  Conjunctiva  Xerosis- dryness, wrinkled appearance  Bitot spots- grey, rough dry areas on temporal side of conjunctiva
  • 38.  Cataract  Congenital cataract- transmitted as autosomal dominant, recessive or X linked  Intrauterine infections- rubella  Metabolism cause- galactosemia( oil drop cataract), Wilson's disease (sunflower cataract)  Chromosomal anomalies- trisomy 13, 18, 21  Trauma, radiation, drugs( long term steroids)
  • 39.  Buphthalmos  Congenital glaucoma  Cornea usually cloudy cornea due to corneal oedema  Enlarged orbital globe (bulging eyeballs)  Blepharospasm  Epiphora  Strabismus  Non parallelism of visual axes  Due to  Refractory error  Medial rectus stronger than lateral rectus  Concomitant – constant deviation  In paralytic type deviation is not constant
  • 40.  Kiesel fiescher ring  Periphery of cornea as golden yellow, greenish or brownish ring  Deposition of copper  There is no space between limbus and ring  Wilsons disease
  • 41. EAR  Low set ears  Superior attachment of pinna to the side of head must be at or above line joining 2 inner canthi in normal child  Below- low set ears  Downs syndrome  Di George syndrome  Turners  Examine from front with child’s head erect and eyes facing directly forward  large prominent ears  Fragile X syndrome, marfan’s
  • 42.  Deformed pinna  Down’s syndrome  Treacher Collin's syndrome  Bat ear  Protruding ear with poorly formed fold of helix  Tragus sign  Otitis externa  Pressing of tragus causes pain  Deafness  Sequelae of neonatal kernicterus  Intrauterine rubella infection  Recurrent otitis media  Aminoglycosides  Ear wax  Tympanic membrane trauma
  • 43. MOUTH  Outer edge of lips should fall on a perpendicular line drawn from centre of either pupil with eyes  When edge of lip falls outside- macrostomia. inside- microstomia  Large mouth  Goldenhar syndrome  William syndrome  Angular stomatitis  Riboflavin deficiency  congenital syphilis
  • 44.  Philtrum  Long nose leads to short philtrum and a short nose leads to wide philtrum  Long philtrum – William's syndrome  Short philtrum- cohen syndrome  Smooth philtrum- foetal alcohol syndrome  Uvula  Bifid uvula  Apert syndrome  Di George syndrome  Treacher’s syndrome
  • 45.  Palate  Cleft palate  Trisomy 13,18  Pierre robin syndrome  Foetal hydantoin syndrome
  • 46.  Painful ulcer of hard palate- herpes zoster  Painful ulcer of oropharynx, soft palate- herpangina  Rash in mucous membrane due to exanthematous fever  Drooling  Normal during teething  Stomatitis  Acute epiglottitis/ diphtheria  Pseudobulbar palsy  Dry mouth  Dehydration  Mouth breathing  antihistamine
  • 47.  Oral thrush  AIDS  Antibiotics  Steroids  Hypoparathyroidism  Look for enlarged salivary glands
  • 48. TEETH  Delayed dentition  No teeth beyond 13th month  Hypothyroidism  Hypopituitarism  Rickets  PEM  Discoloured teeth  Poor oral hygiene  Tetracycline therapy( brown)  Enamel hypoplasia ( brown)  Kernicterus (brown)  Porphyria(reddish)  Iron therapy(black)  Chalky white patches(Fluorosis)
  • 49. Tongue  Macroglossia  Congenital hypothyroidism  Down’s syndrome  Cystic hygroma  Hemangioma  Foote’s sign  Rhythmic protrusion of tongue in new born may suggest intracranial haemorrhage or cerebral oedema - Coating of tongue- poor oral hygiene, typhoid fever, uremia - Smooth bald tongue without papillae- vit B12 deficiency
  • 50. Neck  Short neck  Turner’s syndrome  Down’s syndrome  Klippel feil deformity  Noonan’s syndrome  Hypothyroidism  Goiter  Puberty  Hashimoto’s thyroiditis  Iodine deficiency  Grave’s disease
  • 51.  Thyroid gland best appreciated when child extends neck or when child swallows  Thyroglossal cyst- moves with protrusion of tongue  Webbed neck  Turner’s syndrome  Noonan’s syndrome  Lymphadenopathy  Localized- any infection in draining area  Generalized- >2 non contiguous lymphnodes  Viral infection- IM, HIV, Rubella  Bacterial-TB  Malignancy- lymphoma, leukemia  Drugs- phenytoin
  • 52.  Warm tender gland- infection  Soft fluctuant gland- suppuration  Matted gland- chronic inflammation(TB)  Hard nodes- malignancy  Neck stiffness  Meningitis (stiffness on flexing neck but not on lateral movement)  Sub arachnoid haemorrhage  Meningism- upper lobe pneumonia, tonsillitis  Herniation of brain as in Space Occupying Lesion  Local causes- retropharyngeal abscess, painful cervical adenitis
  • 53.  Opisthotonus  Tetanus  Meningitis  Kernicterus  And local causes- retropharyngeal abscess
  • 54. Chest  Absence of clavicle- cleidocranial dystosis  Pre sternal oedema- mumps  Widely spread nipple- turners  Shield chest- turners  Absence of pectoralis muscle- polland’s syndrome
  • 57.  Gynaecomastia  Transient during puberty  Obesity  Cirrhosis liver  digitalis  Oestrogen secreting tumour  Klinefelter’s syndrome
  • 58. SPINE  Loss of normal curvature in cervical region is seen in Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis  Loss of curvature in Lumbar region- ankylosing spondylitis  Scoliosis  Lateral curvature of spine  Non fixed- corrected on lifting axilla or bending down  Fixed- not corrected on bending  Gibbus  Prominent at apex of kyphosis  Due to underlying collapsing vertebrae  Commonest cause- TB spine
  • 59. UPPER LIMB  Cubitus valgus  Forearm distal to elbow directed away from the body  Cubitus varus  Forearm distal to elbow directed towards the body
  • 60. Fingers  Clinodactyly  Shortened middle phalanx of little finger  More pronounced in radial aspect  Little finger curved inwards  Down’s syndrome and some normal children
  • 61.  Camptodactyly  flexion deformity of 5th finger  seen in downs syndrome  Bifid thumb  due to chromosomal anomaly
  • 62.  Arachnodactyly  unduly long fingers  seen in marfan's syndrome and homocystinuria  Thumbs sign: thumb protrudes the ulnar border when it is brought across the palm. Present in marfan's syndrome, absent in homocystinuria.
  • 63.  Trident sign – Achondroplasia  Divergence of 3rd and 4th fingers.  Thumb and 1st two fingers & the last two fingers stand out as separate giving a trident appearance  Polydactyly  congenital with no apparent reason  occasionally familial
  • 64.  Syndactyly  fused fingers  trisomy 13  Absent thumb  fanconii anaemia  Osler's Nodes  transient, small, pea sized, tender nodule in pulp of finger and toes  infective endocarditis, vasculitis syndrome
  • 65.  Janeway lesions  painless erythematous patches over palms and soles  Phocomelia  congenital absence of limbs due to use of thalidomide in 1st trimester
  • 66. NAILS  Koilonychia  soft, thin, brittle, flattened, concave nails.  Seen in iron deficiency anaemia  White nail  anaemia  hypoalbuminemia  Red nail – polycythemia  Black nail – addisons disease  Splinter haemorrhage – infective endocarditis
  • 68.  Clubbing  normal angle between nail and nailbed is lost  Normally there is a gap when nails are placed in opposition, which is lost in clubbingshamroths window test  causes:  Cardiac- cyanotic heart disease, IE, TOF, Eisenmenger syndrome  Pulmonary- bronchiectasis, lung abscess, empyema  GIT – Inflammatory Bowel Disease, cirrhosis
  • 69.  Cyanosis  -bluish discolouration when reduced Hb more than 5gm%  causes:  Cardiac- congenital cyanotic heart disease, Eisenmenger syndrome  Pulmonary- interstitial pneumonia, severe pneumonia, ARDS  Methaemoglobinemia
  • 70.  Palmar crease – Simian crease seen in downs syndrome is a transverse palmar crease
  • 71. LOWER LIMBS  Coxa valga- angulated away from the hip joint  Coxa vara- angulated towards the hip joint  Genu valgum (knock knees)- commonly seen in rickets and congenitally. Distance between the medial malleoli is more than 5cms  Genu varus (bow legs) – seen in achondroplasia and rickets. distance between medial condyle is more than 5cms
  • 72.  both genu varum and genu valgus are physiological in children of 1 ½ to 2 yrs of age  genu recurvatum  seen in poliomyelitis  There is hyper extension of the knees  pes planus- flat foot, seen physiologically in 1 ½ to 2yrs  pes cavus-claw foot, seen in poliomyelitis  talipus equino varus- foot adducted downwards, inwards and with medial concavity
  • 73. ABDOMEN  Look for abdominal masses to exclude  hepatosplenomegaly  kidney mass(hydronephrosis)  faecal mass  intussusceptions  malignancy  umbilical hernia(imperfect closure of the umbilical ring, protrudes during straining)
  • 74. GENITALIA  Hernia  Undescended testes  Precocious puberty  Hydrocele  Micropenis  length less than 1.5cm  normal length of penis- 4cms.  Seen in  hypopituitarism,  Klinefelter's syndrome,  noonans syndrome  Micro orchidism- seen in hypopituitarism, hypothalamic disorders, Lawrence moon beidl syndrome  Macro orchidism- seen in testicular tumours, fragile x syndrome
  • 75. SKIN  Look for changes suggestive of PEM  Flaky paint dermatosis  Crazy pavement dermatosis  Keratomalacia
  • 76.  Neurocutaneous markers  Hypopigmentation/hyper  Molluscum contagiosum  Pyoderma  Scabies  Fungal infections  Skin turgor  Rash  Mongolian spots  Haemangioma  Spider naevus  Port wine stain
  • 78.  Mongolian blue spots  Grey blue pigmented macule over lumbosacral region  Benign & it fades in months to years
  • 79.  Haemangioma  Salmon patches- pale pink macule  Site – neck eyelid face  Present at birth  Spider naevus  Main vessel is an arteriole  Seen in chronic liver disease
  • 80.  Port wine stain  Present at birth  Fade with age but does not disappear  Associated with surge weber syndrome  It can be masked by cosmetics