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An integration platform for your
medical technology organization
Facing the ongoing question of building vs. buying
Medical technology organizations spend years—sometimes decades—building life-saving and life-enhancing
technology, with the specific goal of helping patients. But with new rules and regulations in place surrounding
electronic health records (EHR), and a shift in focus from volume- to value-based reimbursement, your organization
also needs to consider how to link data from your device to the patient’s EHR.
Many organizations struggle with the question of whether to create a point-to-point integration solution from
scratch or purchase existing resources from outside. It can turn into a perennial dilemma.
But deciding whether to build or buy technology can have strategic implications, as well. Simply choosing “make”
when the capacity exists, or “buy” to avoid investment when your organization has adequate capital, might work
some of the time. But a wrong decision can have dramatic, enduring consequences, according to a report by
A.T. Kearney.1
For medical technology companies in the post-Affordable Care Act world, the build versus buy question now holds
special relevance. Medical technology companies must change core aspects of their business to align with the
value-based agendas of their health system customers, a Deloitte report notes.2
At the same time, companies need to move more rapidly and take different approaches than they used to in order
to maintain their innovative edge, a KPMG survey reveals.3To compete aggressively, they must collaborate with
more partners and pursue greater integration with suppliers and providers.
2Healthcare Industry Perspectives
3 Guidelines for building or buying
4 Cost considerations of building
versus buying integration technology
5 Can you keep up with the pace
of change?
6 Consider the time and
talent required
7 Choose a partner with deep
industry insight
8 Make a smart decision
Table of Contents
3Healthcare Industry Perspectives
Guidelines for building
or buying
Following are some considerations to help your
company navigate the build versus buy decision when
it comes to creating an integration platform.
Know your business strategy—Can you make a
strong business case for building in house? Assuming
you have the internal HIT Java, .Net, and coder
expertise required, as well as the capital to invest,
fundamentally, a strong business case can be made if
the solution in question is something that heavily
influences or builds your core competitive advantage.
Define your competitive advantage—In defining your
core competitive advantage, the question is fairly
straightforward: Why do your customers come to you?
As a medical technology organization, the answer
most likely relates more to the quality, safety,
reliability, and innovativeness of your solution(s), such
as niche software, medical devices, or tele health,
than to your ability to deliver connectivity with
physician, hospital, and health system EMRs. And that
connectivity is crucial to interoperability. You need to
consider whether it’s a differentiator that only you can
offer, or something available from an established
vendor as a core offering.
Explore what already exists—Put another way, if
respected connectivity solutions with long track
records of success are already available to do the job
for you, why reinvent the wheel? The need for
interoperability looms so large in healthcare now that
it has spawned an industry of its own.
Consider this: High quality portable operating systems
have already been developed to spare you from
having to develop an operating system for your
device. You can purchase or download one of these
systems and then build your solution on top of it.
The same holds true for an integration platform. You
don’t need to build your own network infrastructure.
You can access an effective third-party solution that
has already been successfully implemented in
hundreds of hospitals and healthcare facilities around
the world.
Also, determine if building the technology yourself
adds to your intellectual property to make your
organization more successful or profitable. If you can
answer yes, then score another point in favor of
custom development rather than buying from outside.
But if the solution in question is not closely tied to your
competitive edge, and if it is not something that
defines who you are and distinguishes you in the
market, then it might not be worth investing the
requisite resources. As the late business consultant
Peter Drucker so aptly said, “Do what you do best and
outsource the rest.”
Develop a custom solution—Some healthcare
providers, such as Montefiore Health System, are
partnering with startups like Menon Group in various
ways to build their own custom applications.4
The approach has advantages, including functionality
that can be incorporated from the outset and tailored
closely to the organization’s unique needs. However,
custom-built applications also open IT developers and
the company to risks and extensive losses of financial,
technological, and other resources, if the technology
does not work and the application ultimately fails.
4Healthcare Industry Perspectives
Cost considerations of
building versus buying
integration technology
A custom solution gives you the opportunity to design
an application to your specific needs and fine-tune it
as needed. That flexibility remains one advantage of
the in-house, do-it-yourself approach; however, it’s
going to cost you a premium.
On the other hand, many external solutions come
ready built with capabilities that meet and exceed the
needs of the market majority, so that you just need to
configure them, rather than customize. In addition, an
outside solution can help you:
Offload must-have functionality—When a function
becomes a must-have while no longer differentiating
the product, offloading that functionality onto a
specialized third-party can be a cost-saving, low-risk
strategy to keep pace with market changes. You may
believe that there are no costs associated with
building and maintaining your own integration
platform, but when you scratch beneath the surface,
you might find the opposite to be true.
Free up resources for innovation—You might be
able to custom-build an integration platform and make
it work, but considering the competitiveness and
unpredictability of the current environment, ask
yourself whether you really want to allocate resources
to an IT development and maintenance load this large
when your IT dollars could be more prudently spent
on product innovation that will strengthen your
core offerings.
“More than other manufacturing sectors, medical
devices have a special stake in innovation,” says Chris
Stirling of KPMG. “The nature of the business requires
companies to elevate their performance to offer better
life-enhancing and life-saving technologies.”5 The
same holds true of other organizations as well.
Reduce risk—Even if you consider an integration
platform to be a core strength for your company,
building one will probably cost more than buying a
solution from an outside source. There is no need to
gamble on a custom strategy when a solution has
already been developed by a vendor whose sole
focus is supporting the solution and keeping on top
of standards.
When it comes to connectivity in the current
environment, the goalpost is always moving. You can
build your own cloud solution, for example, but you
will still have to contend with the development of
interfaces for a host of disparate systems.
Cut maintenance and staff costs—There are many
cost-associated reasons why choosing an outside
source is a good idea, starting with the savings
associated with maintaining applications on your own.
CMYK: 10, 100, 100, 2
CMYK Color Palette
CMYK: 25, 18, 12, 55
CMYK: 0, 65, 100, 0
CMYK: 0, 38, 100, 0
CMYK: 2, 10, 100, 0
Light: 10, 100, 100, 2
Dark: 10, 100, 100, 22
Light: 25, 18, 12, 55
Dark: 25, 18, 12, 75
Light: 0, 65, 100, 0
Dark: 0, 65, 100, 20
Light: 0, 38, 100, 0
Dark: 0, 65, 100, 0
Light: 2, 10, 100, 0
Light: 71, 0, 48, 0
Dark: 71, 0, 48, 20
Light: 61, 0, 0, 0
Dark: 75, 20, 0, 0
Light: 75, 20, 0, 0
Dark: 95, 45, 0, 0
Light: 95, 45, 0, 0
Dark: 87, 70, 0, 0
Light: 87, 70, 0, 0
CMYK: 71, 0, 48, 0
CMYK: 61, 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 75, 20, 0, 0
CMYK: 95, 45, 0, 0
CMYK: 87, 70, 0, 0
5Healthcare Industry Perspectives
An external solution partner will also bear the
burden of:
■ Maintaining and managing applications
■ Replacing and training IT staff
■ Assuming responsibility for system and data center
■ Adding new customers and maintaining those
customers over three to five years
■ Staying competitive with external solutions that
provide niche offerings to customers, such as
connecting to disease registries or pulling data
from wearables and placing it back into patients’
electronic health records
Can you keep up with the
pace of change?
Think about the rapid evolution in standards for
interoperability in HIT, most recently with the
development and implementation of Fast Healthcare
Interoperability Resources (FHIR), spearheaded by
Health Level Seven International (HL7) and the
industry-sponsored Argonaut Project.6
The resources and expertise needed to stay on top of
industry developments like these are daunting. In an
environment as rapidly changing as the current one,
partnering with a vendor that specializes in keeping
abreast of interoperability standards offers a smarter
alternative. Working with an external partner frees you
to funnel resources toward innovations that increase
your ability to remain competitive.
Even if you consider
an integration
to be core IT for your company, it will probably
cost more than buying a solution from an
outside source.
Polaris Health Directions improves efficiency, patient
outcomes and revenue streams with Infor Cloverleaf
Polaris Health Directions analyzes and delivers actionable
behavioral health analytics addressing the emotional aspects
of illnesses, such as cancer, by giving health systems better
insight into expected treatment responses. Using Infor
Cloverleaf®, Polaris has expanded its already-innovative
technology by helping its clients achieve faster, more
streamlined EHR integration, improve patient outcomes, and
create new revenue streams.
By using Infor Cloverleaf, Polaris Health Directions can more
easily monitor behaviors throughout the term of care. This is
especially important for complex and chronic diseases, when
behaviors change throughout the course of treatment. For
those being treated for breast cancer, for example, Polaris
provides a very important innovation—Apple® watches that
gather telemetry information throughout the day. That
information is integrated with the EHR, so even when a
patient is not in front of the provider, she is still being
monitored. The result is a happier, more engaged patient,
and better outcomes.
6Healthcare Industry Perspectives
Consider the time and
talent required
You’ve heard the phrase “not invented here.” It
reflects a way of thinking among many IT
professionals that an application not developed
internally is likely to be inferior. It’s understandable
why many IT specialists assume that the internal team,
which already knows the company’s products
intimately, should also build custom applications for
them. This notion actually might have elements of truth
to it in some cases, such as when using application
program interfaces (APIs).
But it doesn’t make sense for in-house staff to devote
time to building something that is already available.
The time spent developing a custom integration
platform could distract from a focus on your core
Even if your IT specialists believe they are up to the
task, keeping current with interoperability standards
and federal regulations regarding HIPAA and
Meaningful Use might not be the best uses of their
time. For example, FHIR is an emerging standard that
many believe will rapidly advance interoperability.
How will your organization adapt to handle both FHIR
and HL7 integrations and the subsequent revisions?
The effort and expertise required to remain up-to-date
with these standards and regulations could quickly
overwhelm your people and slow you down in areas
that focus on the core offering in your organization.
According to a report by Forrester Research, Inc.,
“While the cost of acquiring a third-party integration
solution adds capital expense, making packaged
integration capability available to the development
staff can lead to significant improvements in
developer productivity, lower maintenance costs of
new integration functionality, and provide faster
response time to the business."7
In an
environment as
rapidly changing
as the current one, partnering with a vendor
that specializes in keeping abreast of
interoperability standards offers a
smarter alternative.
CMYK: 10, 100, 100, 2
CMYK Color Palette
CMYK: 25, 18, 12, 55
CMYK: 0, 65, 100, 0
CMYK: 0, 38, 100, 0
Light: 10, 100, 100, 2
Dark: 10, 100, 100, 22
Light: 25, 18, 12, 55
Dark: 25, 18, 12, 75
Light: 0, 65, 100, 0
Dark: 0, 65, 100, 20
Light: 0, 38, 100, 0
Dark: 0, 65, 100, 0
Light: 71, 0, 48
Dark: 71, 0, 48
Light: 61, 0, 0,
Dark: 75, 20,
Light: 75, 20,
Dark: 95, 45,
Light: 95, 45,
Dark: 87, 70, 0
CMYK: 71, 0, 48, 0
CMYK: 61, 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 75, 20, 0, 0
CMYK: 95, 45, 0, 0
7Healthcare Industry Perspectives
Choose a partner with deep
industry insight
Developing an integration platform requires a
dedicated team of developers, while partnering with
an external solution would provide the resources
needed to:
■ Stay abreast of constantly changing regulations
and standards through support from a large
developer community with industry-recognized
skill sets.
■ Maintain the system.
■ Perform ongoing enhancements and upgrades.
■ Test the application with multiple configurations,
including the more than 200 standard EMRs.
■ Deploy trained support staff to troubleshoot
with customers.
■ Meet aggressive project targets
As articulated by CIO magazine, “If an organization
has an in-house development team, there is always
the push to build because they can supposedly satisfy
all needs. However, from my experience and
observation, it is usually far cheaper and faster to buy
than to build. After all, if a problem has been
adequately solved in a commercial product, why
solve it again? Why not focus on a new and more
interesting problem?”8
CMYK: 10, 100, 100, 2
CMYK Color Palette
CMYK: 25, 18, 12, 55
CMYK: 0, 65, 100, 0
CMYK: 0, 38, 100, 0
CMYK: 2, 10, 100, 0
CMYK: 42, 0, 100, 0
CMYK: 60, 0, 95, 0
Light: 10, 100, 100, 2
Dark: 10, 100, 100, 22
Light: 25, 18, 12, 55
Dark: 25, 18, 12, 75
Light: 0, 65, 100, 0
Dark: 0, 65, 100, 20
Light: 0, 38, 100, 0
Dark: 0, 65, 100, 0
Light: 2, 10, 100, 0
Dark: 0, 38, 100, 0
Light: 42, 0, 100, 0
Dark: 60, 0, 95, 0
Light: 60, 0, 95, 0
Dark: 65, 0, 100, 20
CMYK: 71, 0, 48, 0
CMYK: 61, 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 75, 20, 0, 0
CMYK: 95, 45, 0, 0
CMYK: 87, 70, 0, 0
CMYK: 67, 90, 0, 0
CMYK: 4, 94, 46, 0
It does not make sense for
in-house staff to
devote time
to building something that is already available.
1 “Make Versus Buy Revisited: Reassessing Your Company’s Manufacturing Strategy,” A.T. Kearney, 2010.
2 “The Three Rules in Medical Technology: The Transformation of an Industry,” Deloitte University Press, 2013.
3 “Collaboration: The Future of Innovation for the Medical Device Industry,” KPMG, September 29, 2015.
4 ”Innovation Pulse: The Bold Art of Build-Your-Own IT,” Tom Sullivan, Healthcare IT News, February 20, 2015.
5 “KPMG Survey: Innovative Collaborations Poised to Fuel Next Wave of Medical Devices Breakthroughs,” press release, October 5, 2015.
6 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources,
7 “Should You Build, Buy, Rent or Download Your Integration Capability?” Ken Vollmer with Mike Gilpin, Henry Peyret, Forrester Research, Inc., December 9,
8 “How to Determine When to Build or Buy Enterprise Software,” Steve Doig, CIO, November 5, 2015.
Make a smart decision
Learn more about Infor Cloverleaf
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641 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10011
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In an era of exceptionally high expectations for medical technology organizations to consistently deliver in the
areas of innovation and quality, purchasing a tried and tested interoperability platform from an outside vendor
offers important advantages in terms of cost and overall competitiveness over the custom-built,
do-it-yourself approach.
About Infor
Infor Healthcare delivers industry-leading healthcare-specific solutions, available on-premise or in the cloud, that
are used by more than 5,000 organizations globally to transform the integration, planning, tracking, and
management of a healthcare organization's vital assets, including people, supplies, clinical data, relationships,
and financial resources. To learn more about Infor, please visit

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HC Integration Build vs. Buy

  • 1. Healthcare An integration platform for your medical technology organization Facing the ongoing question of building vs. buying Medical technology organizations spend years—sometimes decades—building life-saving and life-enhancing technology, with the specific goal of helping patients. But with new rules and regulations in place surrounding electronic health records (EHR), and a shift in focus from volume- to value-based reimbursement, your organization also needs to consider how to link data from your device to the patient’s EHR. Many organizations struggle with the question of whether to create a point-to-point integration solution from scratch or purchase existing resources from outside. It can turn into a perennial dilemma. But deciding whether to build or buy technology can have strategic implications, as well. Simply choosing “make” when the capacity exists, or “buy” to avoid investment when your organization has adequate capital, might work some of the time. But a wrong decision can have dramatic, enduring consequences, according to a report by A.T. Kearney.1 For medical technology companies in the post-Affordable Care Act world, the build versus buy question now holds special relevance. Medical technology companies must change core aspects of their business to align with the value-based agendas of their health system customers, a Deloitte report notes.2 At the same time, companies need to move more rapidly and take different approaches than they used to in order to maintain their innovative edge, a KPMG survey reveals.3To compete aggressively, they must collaborate with more partners and pursue greater integration with suppliers and providers.
  • 2. 2Healthcare Industry Perspectives 3 Guidelines for building or buying 4 Cost considerations of building versus buying integration technology 5 Can you keep up with the pace of change? 6 Consider the time and talent required 7 Choose a partner with deep industry insight 8 Make a smart decision Table of Contents
  • 3. 3Healthcare Industry Perspectives Guidelines for building or buying Following are some considerations to help your company navigate the build versus buy decision when it comes to creating an integration platform. Know your business strategy—Can you make a strong business case for building in house? Assuming you have the internal HIT Java, .Net, and coder expertise required, as well as the capital to invest, fundamentally, a strong business case can be made if the solution in question is something that heavily influences or builds your core competitive advantage. Define your competitive advantage—In defining your core competitive advantage, the question is fairly straightforward: Why do your customers come to you? As a medical technology organization, the answer most likely relates more to the quality, safety, reliability, and innovativeness of your solution(s), such as niche software, medical devices, or tele health, than to your ability to deliver connectivity with physician, hospital, and health system EMRs. And that connectivity is crucial to interoperability. You need to consider whether it’s a differentiator that only you can offer, or something available from an established vendor as a core offering. Explore what already exists—Put another way, if respected connectivity solutions with long track records of success are already available to do the job for you, why reinvent the wheel? The need for interoperability looms so large in healthcare now that it has spawned an industry of its own. Consider this: High quality portable operating systems have already been developed to spare you from having to develop an operating system for your device. You can purchase or download one of these systems and then build your solution on top of it. The same holds true for an integration platform. You don’t need to build your own network infrastructure. You can access an effective third-party solution that has already been successfully implemented in hundreds of hospitals and healthcare facilities around the world. Also, determine if building the technology yourself adds to your intellectual property to make your organization more successful or profitable. If you can answer yes, then score another point in favor of custom development rather than buying from outside. But if the solution in question is not closely tied to your competitive edge, and if it is not something that defines who you are and distinguishes you in the market, then it might not be worth investing the requisite resources. As the late business consultant Peter Drucker so aptly said, “Do what you do best and outsource the rest.” Develop a custom solution—Some healthcare providers, such as Montefiore Health System, are partnering with startups like Menon Group in various ways to build their own custom applications.4 The approach has advantages, including functionality that can be incorporated from the outset and tailored closely to the organization’s unique needs. However, custom-built applications also open IT developers and the company to risks and extensive losses of financial, technological, and other resources, if the technology does not work and the application ultimately fails.
  • 4. 4Healthcare Industry Perspectives Cost considerations of building versus buying integration technology A custom solution gives you the opportunity to design an application to your specific needs and fine-tune it as needed. That flexibility remains one advantage of the in-house, do-it-yourself approach; however, it’s going to cost you a premium. On the other hand, many external solutions come ready built with capabilities that meet and exceed the needs of the market majority, so that you just need to configure them, rather than customize. In addition, an outside solution can help you: Offload must-have functionality—When a function becomes a must-have while no longer differentiating the product, offloading that functionality onto a specialized third-party can be a cost-saving, low-risk strategy to keep pace with market changes. You may believe that there are no costs associated with building and maintaining your own integration platform, but when you scratch beneath the surface, you might find the opposite to be true. Free up resources for innovation—You might be able to custom-build an integration platform and make it work, but considering the competitiveness and unpredictability of the current environment, ask yourself whether you really want to allocate resources to an IT development and maintenance load this large when your IT dollars could be more prudently spent on product innovation that will strengthen your core offerings. “More than other manufacturing sectors, medical devices have a special stake in innovation,” says Chris Stirling of KPMG. “The nature of the business requires companies to elevate their performance to offer better life-enhancing and life-saving technologies.”5 The same holds true of other organizations as well. Reduce risk—Even if you consider an integration platform to be a core strength for your company, building one will probably cost more than buying a solution from an outside source. There is no need to gamble on a custom strategy when a solution has already been developed by a vendor whose sole focus is supporting the solution and keeping on top of standards. When it comes to connectivity in the current environment, the goalpost is always moving. You can build your own cloud solution, for example, but you will still have to contend with the development of interfaces for a host of disparate systems. Cut maintenance and staff costs—There are many cost-associated reasons why choosing an outside source is a good idea, starting with the savings associated with maintaining applications on your own. Ruby CMYK: 10, 100, 100, 2 CMYK Color Palette Graphite CMYK: 25, 18, 12, 55 Coral CMYK: 0, 65, 100, 0 Amber CMYK: 0, 38, 100, 0 Citrine CMYK: 2, 10, 100, 0 Ruby Light: 10, 100, 100, 2 Dark: 10, 100, 100, 22 Graphite Light: 25, 18, 12, 55 Dark: 25, 18, 12, 75 Coral Light: 0, 65, 100, 0 Dark: 0, 65, 100, 20 Amber Light: 0, 38, 100, 0 Dark: 0, 65, 100, 0 Citrine Light: 2, 10, 100, 0 Turquoise Light: 71, 0, 48, 0 Dark: 71, 0, 48, 20 Topaz Light: 61, 0, 0, 0 Dark: 75, 20, 0, 0 Azure Light: 75, 20, 0, 0 Dark: 95, 45, 0, 0 Cobalt Light: 95, 45, 0, 0 Dark: 87, 70, 0, 0 Sapphire Light: 87, 70, 0, 0 Turquoise CMYK: 71, 0, 48, 0 Topaz CMYK: 61, 0, 0, 0 Azure CMYK: 75, 20, 0, 0 Cobalt CMYK: 95, 45, 0, 0 Sapphire CMYK: 87, 70, 0, 0
  • 5. 5Healthcare Industry Perspectives An external solution partner will also bear the burden of: ■ Maintaining and managing applications ■ Replacing and training IT staff ■ Assuming responsibility for system and data center capacity ■ Adding new customers and maintaining those customers over three to five years ■ Staying competitive with external solutions that provide niche offerings to customers, such as connecting to disease registries or pulling data from wearables and placing it back into patients’ electronic health records Can you keep up with the pace of change? Think about the rapid evolution in standards for interoperability in HIT, most recently with the development and implementation of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), spearheaded by Health Level Seven International (HL7) and the industry-sponsored Argonaut Project.6 The resources and expertise needed to stay on top of industry developments like these are daunting. In an environment as rapidly changing as the current one, partnering with a vendor that specializes in keeping abreast of interoperability standards offers a smarter alternative. Working with an external partner frees you to funnel resources toward innovations that increase your ability to remain competitive. Even if you consider an integration solution to be core IT for your company, it will probably cost more than buying a solution from an outside source. Polaris Health Directions improves efficiency, patient outcomes and revenue streams with Infor Cloverleaf Polaris Health Directions analyzes and delivers actionable behavioral health analytics addressing the emotional aspects of illnesses, such as cancer, by giving health systems better insight into expected treatment responses. Using Infor Cloverleaf®, Polaris has expanded its already-innovative technology by helping its clients achieve faster, more streamlined EHR integration, improve patient outcomes, and create new revenue streams. By using Infor Cloverleaf, Polaris Health Directions can more easily monitor behaviors throughout the term of care. This is especially important for complex and chronic diseases, when behaviors change throughout the course of treatment. For those being treated for breast cancer, for example, Polaris provides a very important innovation—Apple® watches that gather telemetry information throughout the day. That information is integrated with the EHR, so even when a patient is not in front of the provider, she is still being monitored. The result is a happier, more engaged patient, and better outcomes.
  • 6. 6Healthcare Industry Perspectives Consider the time and talent required You’ve heard the phrase “not invented here.” It reflects a way of thinking among many IT professionals that an application not developed internally is likely to be inferior. It’s understandable why many IT specialists assume that the internal team, which already knows the company’s products intimately, should also build custom applications for them. This notion actually might have elements of truth to it in some cases, such as when using application program interfaces (APIs). But it doesn’t make sense for in-house staff to devote time to building something that is already available. The time spent developing a custom integration platform could distract from a focus on your core competencies. Even if your IT specialists believe they are up to the task, keeping current with interoperability standards and federal regulations regarding HIPAA and Meaningful Use might not be the best uses of their time. For example, FHIR is an emerging standard that many believe will rapidly advance interoperability. How will your organization adapt to handle both FHIR and HL7 integrations and the subsequent revisions? The effort and expertise required to remain up-to-date with these standards and regulations could quickly overwhelm your people and slow you down in areas that focus on the core offering in your organization. According to a report by Forrester Research, Inc., “While the cost of acquiring a third-party integration solution adds capital expense, making packaged integration capability available to the development staff can lead to significant improvements in developer productivity, lower maintenance costs of new integration functionality, and provide faster response time to the business."7 In an environment as rapidly changing as the current one, partnering with a vendor that specializes in keeping abreast of interoperability standards offers a smarter alternative. Ruby CMYK: 10, 100, 100, 2 CMYK Color Palette Graphite CMYK: 25, 18, 12, 55 Coral CMYK: 0, 65, 100, 0 Amber CMYK: 0, 38, 100, 0 Citrine Ruby Light: 10, 100, 100, 2 Dark: 10, 100, 100, 22 Graphite Light: 25, 18, 12, 55 Dark: 25, 18, 12, 75 Coral Light: 0, 65, 100, 0 Dark: 0, 65, 100, 20 Amber Light: 0, 38, 100, 0 Dark: 0, 65, 100, 0 Citrine Turquoi Light: 71, 0, 48 Dark: 71, 0, 48 Topaz Light: 61, 0, 0, Dark: 75, 20, Azure Light: 75, 20, Dark: 95, 45, Cobalt Light: 95, 45, Dark: 87, 70, 0 Sapphir Turquoise CMYK: 71, 0, 48, 0 Topaz CMYK: 61, 0, 0, 0 Azure CMYK: 75, 20, 0, 0 Cobalt CMYK: 95, 45, 0, 0 Sapphire
  • 7. 7Healthcare Industry Perspectives Choose a partner with deep industry insight Developing an integration platform requires a dedicated team of developers, while partnering with an external solution would provide the resources needed to: ■ Stay abreast of constantly changing regulations and standards through support from a large developer community with industry-recognized skill sets. ■ Maintain the system. ■ Perform ongoing enhancements and upgrades. ■ Test the application with multiple configurations, including the more than 200 standard EMRs. ■ Deploy trained support staff to troubleshoot with customers. ■ Meet aggressive project targets As articulated by CIO magazine, “If an organization has an in-house development team, there is always the push to build because they can supposedly satisfy all needs. However, from my experience and observation, it is usually far cheaper and faster to buy than to build. After all, if a problem has been adequately solved in a commercial product, why solve it again? Why not focus on a new and more interesting problem?”8 Ruby CMYK: 10, 100, 100, 2 CMYK Color Palette Graphite CMYK: 25, 18, 12, 55 Coral CMYK: 0, 65, 100, 0 Amber CMYK: 0, 38, 100, 0 Citrine CMYK: 2, 10, 100, 0 Jade CMYK: 42, 0, 100, 0 Emerald CMYK: 60, 0, 95, 0 Ruby Light: 10, 100, 100, 2 Dark: 10, 100, 100, 22 Graphite Light: 25, 18, 12, 55 Dark: 25, 18, 12, 75 Coral Light: 0, 65, 100, 0 Dark: 0, 65, 100, 20 Amber Light: 0, 38, 100, 0 Dark: 0, 65, 100, 0 Citrine Light: 2, 10, 100, 0 Dark: 0, 38, 100, 0 Jade Light: 42, 0, 100, 0 Dark: 60, 0, 95, 0 Emerald Light: 60, 0, 95, 0 Dark: 65, 0, 100, 20 T L D T L D A L D C L D S L D A L D T L D Turquoise CMYK: 71, 0, 48, 0 Topaz CMYK: 61, 0, 0, 0 Azure CMYK: 75, 20, 0, 0 Cobalt CMYK: 95, 45, 0, 0 Sapphire CMYK: 87, 70, 0, 0 Amethyst CMYK: 67, 90, 0, 0 Tourmaline CMYK: 4, 94, 46, 0 It does not make sense for in-house staff to devote time to building something that is already available.
  • 8. 1 “Make Versus Buy Revisited: Reassessing Your Company’s Manufacturing Strategy,” A.T. Kearney, 2010. 2 “The Three Rules in Medical Technology: The Transformation of an Industry,” Deloitte University Press, 2013. 3 “Collaboration: The Future of Innovation for the Medical Device Industry,” KPMG, September 29, 2015. 4 ”Innovation Pulse: The Bold Art of Build-Your-Own IT,” Tom Sullivan, Healthcare IT News, February 20, 2015. MI%2F0ER3fOvrPtUfGjI4FTcdlI%2BSLDwEYGJlv6SgFQ7LHMbpszbgPUhM%3D 5 “KPMG Survey: Innovative Collaborations Poised to Fuel Next Wave of Medical Devices Breakthroughs,” press release, October 5, 2015. 6 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, 7 “Should You Build, Buy, Rent or Download Your Integration Capability?” Ken Vollmer with Mike Gilpin, Henry Peyret, Forrester Research, Inc., December 9, 2009. 8 “How to Determine When to Build or Buy Enterprise Software,” Steve Doig, CIO, November 5, 2015. Make a smart decision Learn more about Infor Cloverleaf Copyright ©2016 Infor. All rights reserved. The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor and/or related affiliates and subsidiaries. All other trademarks listed herein are the property of their respective owners. 641 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10011 Share this :    INF-1517070-en-US-0616-1 In an era of exceptionally high expectations for medical technology organizations to consistently deliver in the areas of innovation and quality, purchasing a tried and tested interoperability platform from an outside vendor offers important advantages in terms of cost and overall competitiveness over the custom-built, do-it-yourself approach. About Infor Infor Healthcare delivers industry-leading healthcare-specific solutions, available on-premise or in the cloud, that are used by more than 5,000 organizations globally to transform the integration, planning, tracking, and management of a healthcare organization's vital assets, including people, supplies, clinical data, relationships, and financial resources. To learn more about Infor, please visit