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HBMT 2203                                  Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450


  1. Acknowledgements
  2. Articles of Teaching Fractions with Tortillas
  3. Articles of Fraction Circle Set
  4. Question 1 (a) :Teaching Fractions with Tortillas
                    (i) Two strengths
                    (ii) Two weaknesses
  5. Question 1 (a) :Fraction Circle Set
                    (i) Two strengths
                    (ii) Two weaknesses
  6. Question 1 (b) : Approaches That I Would Choose and The Three Reasons
  7. Question 2 : Teaching and Learning Activity Year Three
  8. References
HBMT 2203                                   Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450


Teaching Fractions with Tortillas

   a) (i)    Two strengths

      1. As a Physical Materials
                   Teaching fractions with tortillas is one way of the variety of physical
             materials that used to show the meaning of a fraction as “part of a whole”.
             This method will provide a graduated and conceptually supported framework
             for   students   to   create    a   meaningful   connection    among   concrete,
             representational and abstract levels of understanding. Beginning with visual,
             tactile and kinaesthetic experiences to establish understanding, students
             expand their understanding through pictorial representations of concrete
             objects and move to the abstract level of understanding.

      2. As a Hands-On And Learning Experience
                   "Hands-on and learning by experience are powerful ideas, and we know
             that engaging students actively and thoughtfully in their studies pays off in
             better learning (Rutherford, 1993, p. 5).” This activity also provides students
             with a similar set of experiences so everyone can participate in discussions on
             a level playing field regardless of their socio-economic status. In this way,
             special benefits are not awarded to those who, by virtue of their wealth or
             background, have a greater number of experiences under their belts. It is also
             forces student thinking by requiring interpretation of the observed events,
             rather than memorization of correct responses.

      3. To Build Self Confidence
                   Let the pupils do as many things by himself or herself. Young children
             need to be watched closely. However, they learn to be independent and to
             develop confidence by doing tasks. It's important to let them make choices,
             rather than deciding everything for her. Encourage them to play with other
             children and to be with adults who are not family members. The pupils need
             social opportunities to learn to see the point of view of others.
HBMT 2203                                Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

                   Young children are more likely to get along with teachers and
            classmates if they have had experiences with different adults and children.

    (ii)    Two weaknesses

    1. Hard To Make The Tortillas
                  Teaching fractions with tortillas is so hard for a teacher. It is because the
            teacher has to make these tortillas about one to two kilograms and then fry it.
            Soon in the school, these tortillas have to wait for the teaching and learning
            time. It soon will be melting or damage and cannot be use anymore. When the
            pupils touch these tortillas, it will dirt their hands and may be also their shirts
            and uniforms. Pupils also will not focus on teacher’s instructions and they will
            play with these tortillas.

    2. The Size Of The Tortillas Is Not In A Standard Size
                  The size of the tortillas that with different radius and diameter and the
            shapes also are the problems for teacher and pupils to recognize one half, one
            quarter and three quarters. It is because after the pupils fold it into half or
            quarter, it will have different size or tear off into different sizes. Teacher also
            faces the difficulties to make tortillas with the same size. The thickness of the
            tortillas will also interrupt pupils thinking and understanding about fractions.
            They still cannot understand that fractions divide an object into equal parts.

    3. Not Easy To Cut Into Same Size

                  Pupils will have difficulties to cut into same size especially for kids.
            They do not have the skills to use and hold the knife to cut the food or tortillas
            into same size with same radius or diameter into ½, ¼ and ¾.
HBMT 2203                                  Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

 Fraction Circle Set

     (i)      Two strengths

           1. To Stimulate Students To Participate In The Teaching and Learning Activities

                   The benefits of hands-on-learning in the school revolves around those
              children who are either not as academically "talented" or have not shown
              "interest" in school. This method tends to stimulate these type of students into
              participating and eventually absorbing information that will believe they
              would not get from "normal" show-me - tell-me methods. The single most
              important benefit is that although it requires a great deal of preparation time,
              once a system is developed, hands-on teaching makes teaching fun. If the kids
              are learning and having fun doing it, then the teacher having fun at job, and a
              happier person overall.

           2. The Activity Will Be Stored In Their Memory For Useful Retrieval

                   Students in a hands-on mathematics program will remember the material
              better, feel a sense of accomplishment when the task is completed, and be able
              to transfer that experience easier to other learning situations. When more than
              one method of learning is accessed as in hands-on learning, the information
              has a better chance of being stored in the memory for useful retrieval. Students
              who have difficulty in the learning arena for reasons of auditory deficiencies,
              or behavioural interference can be found to be on task more often because they
              are part of the learning process and not just spectators. Justifying why we
              would use hands-on mathematics is based on all the research and methods
              studies that are current. They support the notion of multi-faceted bombardment
              of information and experiences so that the retention level is improved.

           3. To Develop Pupils Critical Thinking Skills

                 Students who are involved in labs and activities are empowered in their
              own learning process.

                    Developer Thoughts

                     I hear and I forget

                     I see and I remember

                     I do and I understand

                    - Chinese Proverb
HBMT 2203                              Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

                 Although these words may not be the exact translation, they underscore
            the need for a hands-on approach to science teaching. Without this approach
            students must rely on memory and abstract thought, two methods which
            restrict learning in most students. By actually doing and experiencing
            mathematics, students develop their critical thinking skills as well as discover
            mathematics concepts. This self discovery stays with students throughout their
            lifetimes while memory fades.

       4. Pupils Become Independent Learners

                 If they conduct the experiments, it encourages questioning of the
            observed events and the resulting data. When students carry out their own
            experiments, they become very familiar with the events and the variables
            involved. It also promotes cause and effect thinking. It will reduce dependence
            upon authority. Practical experiences in generating hypotheses and planning
            experiments will make the students more independent later when they no
            longer have authorities standing by at every turn of their lives. The importance
            of providing children with direct experiences with materials, objects, and
            phenomena is supported by experience and understanding of how learning
            takes place. While information can be remembered if taught through books
            and lectures, true understanding and the ability to use knowledge in new
            situations requires learning in which children study concepts in-depth, and
            over time and learning that is founded in direct experience. Therefore, the
            justification for hands-on learning is that it allows students to build
            understanding that is functional and to develop the ability to inquire
            themselves, in other words, to become independent learners.
HBMT 2203                                Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

    (ii)      Two weaknesses

           1. Hard to Understand The Language Or Terms In English

                   Experience has shown that the concept “Fraction” is abstract and
              difficult to conceive, especially among pupils or students who speak English
              as a second language. Fractions and any part of a whole are perceived as
              equal. They are more got the picture if the teacher use bilingual to make them
              understand the activity. If not they will not get what are the teacher trying to
              tell them. They also cannot follow the instruction if they cannot understand the
              language and the teacher will not achieve the objectives of the lesson. They
              also cannot understand the terms of mathematics that teacher use during
              teaching and learning session.

              2. Pupils Face Problems In Visualisation During Teaching Session

                   Some of the pupils still cannot understand the visualisation that the
              teacher uses during teaching and learning session. Especially when the teacher
              draws and asks pupils to shade the part of the fractions, example ½, ¼ and ¾.
              They also cannot apply what they have see on the blackboard into their books.
              Some of them will write like a reflection from a mirror on their book. This will
              make teacher cannot understand what they have learnt and see on the
              blackboard. Every time teacher gives any exercise on what they have learnt,
              they will write like a reflection from a mirror on their books. Some of them
              also can understand what to write in numerator place and also denominator.
HBMT 2203                             Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

  b) The approaches that I would choose to teach fractions in the classroom is the
     fractions circle set. It is because the teacher is using concrete resources in her
     teaching and learning activities. In these middle years of primary schooling, the
     teaching of common fractions frequently involves written activities which use
     abstract representations of numbers, symbols and images. Many students, however,
     still need the benefit of concrete materials and sensory motor experiences to enhance
     their understanding of the concepts associated with common fractions. Sowell
     (1989) and von Glasersfeld (2002) have argued for the continuing engagement of
     students with concrete materials. They claim this builds deeper understanding of
     mathematical concepts. Bastick (1993) has also argued strongly for the need to
     develop deeper understandings in this transition phase of learning.

            The fractions circle set is the applets used most often by teachers. The ways
     teachers used the virtual manipulatives most frequently focused on investigation and
     skill solidification. It was common for teachers to use the virtual manipulatives
     alone or to use physical manipulatives first, followed by virtual manipulatives.

            Virtual manipulatives provide that additional tool for helping students at all
     levels of ability "to develop their relational thinking and to generalize mathematical
     ideas" (Moyer-Packenham, Salkind, & Bolyard, 2008, p. 204). All students learn in
     different ways. For some, mathematics is just too abstract. Most learn best when
     teachers use multiple instructional strategies that combine "see-hear-do" activities.
     Most benefit from a combination of visual (i.e., pictures and 2D/3D moveable
     objects) and verbal representations (i.e., numbers, letters, words) of concepts, which
     is possible with virtual manipulatives. The ability to combine multiple
     representations in a virtual environment allows students to manipulate and change
     the representations, thus increasing exploration possibilities to develop concepts and
     test hypotheses.

            This study focused on using manipulatives while teaching fraction concepts
     including addition and subtraction, simplifying and equivalent fractions. The
     students experienced the use of manipulatives while being introduced to fraction
     concepts and were able to use them while working on problems. Along with the use
     of manipulatives, students were taught math vocabulary that helped them understand
     fraction concepts, thereby, helping them work with fractions.
HBMT 2203                              Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

            Teaching mathematics through the use of workbooks, drills, and memorization
     has proven to be ineffective and outdated. Current research shows that children
     cannot think, or stay on task, when they sit silently. The worksheet must be replaced
     with an environment that offers the opportunity for children to think as they
     manipulate objects.

            Second, when we use paper it is also save our budget. The important things is,
     the teacher knows that the resources that they use is suitable with the teaching and
     learning activities and also can help the teacher to achieve the objectives and the
     pupils can use the resources and easily can help them to understand the concept of

            Third are the pupils will get the benefits from this active learning. "Active
     Learning" is, in short, anything that students do in a classroom other than merely
     passively listening to an instructor's lecture. This includes everything from listening
     practices which help the students to absorb what they hear, to short writing exercises
     in which students react to lecture material, to complex group exercises in which
     students apply course material to "real life" situations and or to new problems. The
     term "cooperative learning" covers the subset of active learning activities which
     students do as groups of three or more, rather than alone or in pairs; generally,
     cooperative learning techniques employ more formally structured groups of students
     assigned complex tasks, such as multiple-step exercises, research projects, or
     presentations. Cooperative learning is to be distinguished from another now well-
     defined term of art, "collaborative learning", which refers to those classroom
     strategies which have the instructor and the students placed on an equal footing
     working together in, for example, designing assignments, choosing texts, and
     presenting material to the class. Clearly, collaborative learning is a more radical
     departure from tradition than merely utilizing techniques aimed at enhancing student
     retention of material presented by the instructor; we will limit our examples to the
     "less radical" active and cooperative learning techniques. "Techniques of active
     learning", then, are those activities which an instructor incorporates into the
     classroom to foster active learning.
HBMT 2203                                Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450


Teaching and Learning Activity to Divide Units of Time in Hour and Minutes

Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to:

                             iv)    Divide units of time in:

                                    a) Hours; and
                                    b) Minutes.

Prior Knowledge               Understand the relationship between units of time.

                             i)     Use units of time and know the relationship between
                                    a. Minute and seconds;
                                    b. Week and days; and
                                    c. Year and months.
                             ii)    Convert weeks to days and vice versa.

Teaching Aids:               i)     Telling Time Song

                             ii)    Power Point slide show
                             iii)   Worksheets (Evaluation)
                             iv)    A4 paper
                             v)     Number Puzzle


   PHASE          CONTENTS          TEACHING AND LEARNING                   REMARKS
 Introduction     Telling Time      Teacher plays the song of “Telling Resources:
 (10 minutes)        Song.          Time Song”                           1) Telling   Time
                                    Teacher asks pupils to sing along.
HBMT 2203                            Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

  PHASE         CONTENTS        TEACHING AND LEARNING                      REMARKS
   Step 1        Introducing   Teacher shows a Microsoft Power Resources:
(20 minutes)   division of times Point slide show on introducing 1) Power              Point
                 (hours and    how to divide units of time in             slide show
                  minutes)     hours     and    minutes   in   long 2) A4 Paper

                               Teacher gives a few questions and Moral Value:
                               asks pupils to do on the paper.         1) Be patient
                               Eg:                                                             vi)
                                        46 hours
                                 5     230 hours

                               Teacher guides pupils to write the
                               question in long division and find
                               the answers of the questions.

                               Teacher       proceeds   with   other
                               questions. Pupils try to solve the
                               questions in long division on the

                               Teacher checks the answers with
                               Microsoft Power Point slide show.
HBMT 2203                      Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

   Step 2      NUMBER     Teacher asks pupils to work in Resources:
(15 minutes)    PUZZLE    pairs.                              1) Number puzzle
                                                              2) A4 paper (to do
                          Teacher gives a worksheet to each      the culcalation)
                          pair of pupils.

                          Teacher asks pupils to count and
                          fill in the number puzzle within
                          15 minutes.

                          Pupils that can give the correct
                          answers will be the winner.

                          Teacher can shows the answer on
                          the screen.

   Step 3      SURF THE   Teacher asks pupils to work in Resources:
(15 minutes)   INTERNET   pairs. Teacher give the website 1) http://www.softs
                          address that they have to surf.
                          Pupils have to surf the internet       sion_worksheets
                          and find the information about         .jsp
                          times.                              2) http://www.teac
                          Then, they have to print the           raggames/sthec3
                          worksheets and do it. They have        .html
                          to change the “dividend maximum
                          number” to 1000.
HBMT 2203                          Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450

  PHASE        CONTENTS       TEACHING AND LEARNING                    REMARKS
   Closure       Fast Test    Teacher gives each pupils a Resources:
(10 minutes)   (Worksheets)   worksheet.                            1) Worksheets

                              Pupils   have    to    answer   the
                              questions as many as they can
                              within 10 minutes.

                              After 10 minutes, teacher will
                              collect all the worksheets to
                              evaluate the pupils.

Reflection: _________________________________________________________

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  • 1. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Acknowledgements 2. Articles of Teaching Fractions with Tortillas 3. Articles of Fraction Circle Set 4. Question 1 (a) :Teaching Fractions with Tortillas (i) Two strengths (ii) Two weaknesses 5. Question 1 (a) :Fraction Circle Set (i) Two strengths (ii) Two weaknesses 6. Question 1 (b) : Approaches That I Would Choose and The Three Reasons 7. Question 2 : Teaching and Learning Activity Year Three 8. References
  • 2. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 QUESTION 1 Teaching Fractions with Tortillas a) (i) Two strengths 1. As a Physical Materials Teaching fractions with tortillas is one way of the variety of physical materials that used to show the meaning of a fraction as “part of a whole”. This method will provide a graduated and conceptually supported framework for students to create a meaningful connection among concrete, representational and abstract levels of understanding. Beginning with visual, tactile and kinaesthetic experiences to establish understanding, students expand their understanding through pictorial representations of concrete objects and move to the abstract level of understanding. 2. As a Hands-On And Learning Experience "Hands-on and learning by experience are powerful ideas, and we know that engaging students actively and thoughtfully in their studies pays off in better learning (Rutherford, 1993, p. 5).” This activity also provides students with a similar set of experiences so everyone can participate in discussions on a level playing field regardless of their socio-economic status. In this way, special benefits are not awarded to those who, by virtue of their wealth or background, have a greater number of experiences under their belts. It is also forces student thinking by requiring interpretation of the observed events, rather than memorization of correct responses. 3. To Build Self Confidence Let the pupils do as many things by himself or herself. Young children need to be watched closely. However, they learn to be independent and to develop confidence by doing tasks. It's important to let them make choices, rather than deciding everything for her. Encourage them to play with other children and to be with adults who are not family members. The pupils need social opportunities to learn to see the point of view of others.
  • 3. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 Young children are more likely to get along with teachers and classmates if they have had experiences with different adults and children. (ii) Two weaknesses 1. Hard To Make The Tortillas Teaching fractions with tortillas is so hard for a teacher. It is because the teacher has to make these tortillas about one to two kilograms and then fry it. Soon in the school, these tortillas have to wait for the teaching and learning time. It soon will be melting or damage and cannot be use anymore. When the pupils touch these tortillas, it will dirt their hands and may be also their shirts and uniforms. Pupils also will not focus on teacher’s instructions and they will play with these tortillas. 2. The Size Of The Tortillas Is Not In A Standard Size The size of the tortillas that with different radius and diameter and the shapes also are the problems for teacher and pupils to recognize one half, one quarter and three quarters. It is because after the pupils fold it into half or quarter, it will have different size or tear off into different sizes. Teacher also faces the difficulties to make tortillas with the same size. The thickness of the tortillas will also interrupt pupils thinking and understanding about fractions. They still cannot understand that fractions divide an object into equal parts. 3. Not Easy To Cut Into Same Size Pupils will have difficulties to cut into same size especially for kids. They do not have the skills to use and hold the knife to cut the food or tortillas into same size with same radius or diameter into ½, ¼ and ¾.
  • 4. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 Fraction Circle Set (i) Two strengths 1. To Stimulate Students To Participate In The Teaching and Learning Activities The benefits of hands-on-learning in the school revolves around those children who are either not as academically "talented" or have not shown "interest" in school. This method tends to stimulate these type of students into participating and eventually absorbing information that will believe they would not get from "normal" show-me - tell-me methods. The single most important benefit is that although it requires a great deal of preparation time, once a system is developed, hands-on teaching makes teaching fun. If the kids are learning and having fun doing it, then the teacher having fun at job, and a happier person overall. 2. The Activity Will Be Stored In Their Memory For Useful Retrieval Students in a hands-on mathematics program will remember the material better, feel a sense of accomplishment when the task is completed, and be able to transfer that experience easier to other learning situations. When more than one method of learning is accessed as in hands-on learning, the information has a better chance of being stored in the memory for useful retrieval. Students who have difficulty in the learning arena for reasons of auditory deficiencies, or behavioural interference can be found to be on task more often because they are part of the learning process and not just spectators. Justifying why we would use hands-on mathematics is based on all the research and methods studies that are current. They support the notion of multi-faceted bombardment of information and experiences so that the retention level is improved. 3. To Develop Pupils Critical Thinking Skills Students who are involved in labs and activities are empowered in their own learning process. Developer Thoughts I hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand - Chinese Proverb
  • 5. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 Although these words may not be the exact translation, they underscore the need for a hands-on approach to science teaching. Without this approach students must rely on memory and abstract thought, two methods which restrict learning in most students. By actually doing and experiencing mathematics, students develop their critical thinking skills as well as discover mathematics concepts. This self discovery stays with students throughout their lifetimes while memory fades. 4. Pupils Become Independent Learners If they conduct the experiments, it encourages questioning of the observed events and the resulting data. When students carry out their own experiments, they become very familiar with the events and the variables involved. It also promotes cause and effect thinking. It will reduce dependence upon authority. Practical experiences in generating hypotheses and planning experiments will make the students more independent later when they no longer have authorities standing by at every turn of their lives. The importance of providing children with direct experiences with materials, objects, and phenomena is supported by experience and understanding of how learning takes place. While information can be remembered if taught through books and lectures, true understanding and the ability to use knowledge in new situations requires learning in which children study concepts in-depth, and over time and learning that is founded in direct experience. Therefore, the justification for hands-on learning is that it allows students to build understanding that is functional and to develop the ability to inquire themselves, in other words, to become independent learners.
  • 6. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 (ii) Two weaknesses 1. Hard to Understand The Language Or Terms In English Experience has shown that the concept “Fraction” is abstract and difficult to conceive, especially among pupils or students who speak English as a second language. Fractions and any part of a whole are perceived as equal. They are more got the picture if the teacher use bilingual to make them understand the activity. If not they will not get what are the teacher trying to tell them. They also cannot follow the instruction if they cannot understand the language and the teacher will not achieve the objectives of the lesson. They also cannot understand the terms of mathematics that teacher use during teaching and learning session. 2. Pupils Face Problems In Visualisation During Teaching Session Some of the pupils still cannot understand the visualisation that the teacher uses during teaching and learning session. Especially when the teacher draws and asks pupils to shade the part of the fractions, example ½, ¼ and ¾. They also cannot apply what they have see on the blackboard into their books. Some of them will write like a reflection from a mirror on their book. This will make teacher cannot understand what they have learnt and see on the blackboard. Every time teacher gives any exercise on what they have learnt, they will write like a reflection from a mirror on their books. Some of them also can understand what to write in numerator place and also denominator.
  • 7. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 b) The approaches that I would choose to teach fractions in the classroom is the fractions circle set. It is because the teacher is using concrete resources in her teaching and learning activities. In these middle years of primary schooling, the teaching of common fractions frequently involves written activities which use abstract representations of numbers, symbols and images. Many students, however, still need the benefit of concrete materials and sensory motor experiences to enhance their understanding of the concepts associated with common fractions. Sowell (1989) and von Glasersfeld (2002) have argued for the continuing engagement of students with concrete materials. They claim this builds deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Bastick (1993) has also argued strongly for the need to develop deeper understandings in this transition phase of learning. The fractions circle set is the applets used most often by teachers. The ways teachers used the virtual manipulatives most frequently focused on investigation and skill solidification. It was common for teachers to use the virtual manipulatives alone or to use physical manipulatives first, followed by virtual manipulatives. Virtual manipulatives provide that additional tool for helping students at all levels of ability "to develop their relational thinking and to generalize mathematical ideas" (Moyer-Packenham, Salkind, & Bolyard, 2008, p. 204). All students learn in different ways. For some, mathematics is just too abstract. Most learn best when teachers use multiple instructional strategies that combine "see-hear-do" activities. Most benefit from a combination of visual (i.e., pictures and 2D/3D moveable objects) and verbal representations (i.e., numbers, letters, words) of concepts, which is possible with virtual manipulatives. The ability to combine multiple representations in a virtual environment allows students to manipulate and change the representations, thus increasing exploration possibilities to develop concepts and test hypotheses. This study focused on using manipulatives while teaching fraction concepts including addition and subtraction, simplifying and equivalent fractions. The students experienced the use of manipulatives while being introduced to fraction concepts and were able to use them while working on problems. Along with the use of manipulatives, students were taught math vocabulary that helped them understand fraction concepts, thereby, helping them work with fractions.
  • 8. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 Teaching mathematics through the use of workbooks, drills, and memorization has proven to be ineffective and outdated. Current research shows that children cannot think, or stay on task, when they sit silently. The worksheet must be replaced with an environment that offers the opportunity for children to think as they manipulate objects. Second, when we use paper it is also save our budget. The important things is, the teacher knows that the resources that they use is suitable with the teaching and learning activities and also can help the teacher to achieve the objectives and the pupils can use the resources and easily can help them to understand the concept of fractions. Third are the pupils will get the benefits from this active learning. "Active Learning" is, in short, anything that students do in a classroom other than merely passively listening to an instructor's lecture. This includes everything from listening practices which help the students to absorb what they hear, to short writing exercises in which students react to lecture material, to complex group exercises in which students apply course material to "real life" situations and or to new problems. The term "cooperative learning" covers the subset of active learning activities which students do as groups of three or more, rather than alone or in pairs; generally, cooperative learning techniques employ more formally structured groups of students assigned complex tasks, such as multiple-step exercises, research projects, or presentations. Cooperative learning is to be distinguished from another now well- defined term of art, "collaborative learning", which refers to those classroom strategies which have the instructor and the students placed on an equal footing working together in, for example, designing assignments, choosing texts, and presenting material to the class. Clearly, collaborative learning is a more radical departure from tradition than merely utilizing techniques aimed at enhancing student retention of material presented by the instructor; we will limit our examples to the "less radical" active and cooperative learning techniques. "Techniques of active learning", then, are those activities which an instructor incorporates into the classroom to foster active learning.
  • 9. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 QUESTION 2 Teaching and Learning Activity to Divide Units of Time in Hour and Minutes Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to: iv) Divide units of time in: a) Hours; and b) Minutes. Prior Knowledge Understand the relationship between units of time. i) Use units of time and know the relationship between a. Minute and seconds; b. Week and days; and c. Year and months. ii) Convert weeks to days and vice versa. Teaching Aids: i) Telling Time Song ii) Power Point slide show iii) Worksheets (Evaluation) iv) A4 paper v) Number Puzzle Procedure: PHASE CONTENTS TEACHING AND LEARNING REMARKS ACTIVITY Introduction Telling Time Teacher plays the song of “Telling Resources: (10 minutes) Song. Time Song” 1) Telling Time Song Teacher asks pupils to sing along.
  • 10. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 PHASE CONTENTS TEACHING AND LEARNING REMARKS ACTIVITY Step 1 Introducing Teacher shows a Microsoft Power Resources: (20 minutes) division of times Point slide show on introducing 1) Power Point (hours and how to divide units of time in slide show minutes) hours and minutes in long 2) A4 Paper division. Teacher gives a few questions and Moral Value: asks pupils to do on the paper. 1) Be patient Eg: vi) 46 hours 5 230 hours -20 30 30 00 Teacher guides pupils to write the question in long division and find the answers of the questions. Teacher proceeds with other questions. Pupils try to solve the questions in long division on the blackboard. Teacher checks the answers with Microsoft Power Point slide show.
  • 11. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 PHASE CONTENTS TEACHING AND LEARNING REMARKS ACTIVITY Step 2 NUMBER Teacher asks pupils to work in Resources: (15 minutes) PUZZLE pairs. 1) Number puzzle 2) A4 paper (to do Teacher gives a worksheet to each the culcalation) pair of pupils. Teacher asks pupils to count and fill in the number puzzle within 15 minutes. Pupils that can give the correct answers will be the winner. Teacher can shows the answer on the screen. Step 3 SURF THE Teacher asks pupils to work in Resources: (15 minutes) INTERNET pairs. Teacher give the website 1) http://www.softs address that they have to surf. /worksheets/divi Pupils have to surf the internet sion_worksheets and find the information about .jsp times. 2) http://www.teac Then, they have to print the raggames/sthec3 worksheets and do it. They have .html to change the “dividend maximum number” to 1000.
  • 12. HBMT 2203 Zamatun Nasrah binti Marwan 770218-01-5450 PHASE CONTENTS TEACHING AND LEARNING REMARKS ACTIVITY Closure Fast Test Teacher gives each pupils a Resources: (10 minutes) (Worksheets) worksheet. 1) Worksheets Pupils have to answer the questions as many as they can within 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, teacher will collect all the worksheets to evaluate the pupils. Reflection: _________________________________________________________