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The Harry Potter franchise started out as a book saga which had a huge fan base that were
interested in witnessing these books made into films. The film franchise had then turned out
into a huge success from the years 2001 till today towards a global audience. Harry Potter is
a fantasy genre in both films and books due to the mythical creatures such as Goblins, elves
and dragons and the use of magic and spells.
There are 7 Harry Potter books in total along with 8 Harry Potter films. Even though the films
are based on the books, the 8th film (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2) is the
second part to the last Harry Potter book. This is as the producer Lionel Wigram had come
up with the idea of splitting the last book into two separate films. There were two different
ways in order for the film’s franchise to become such a global success to such a global
audience, the production itself along with the marketing techniques.
The budget for all the Harry Potter films was $1.3 Billion US dollars ($1,300,000,000), which
was split for the production itself and the marketing process. The franchise had a very big
budget from the very start of receiving $125 million US dollars for the first film, Harry Potter
and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001). This was also as the books have such a huge fan base
that the producers were certain they would attract just as many audience members for the
film. However, the budget had increased for the production of the last 3 films compared to to
the others. This was as the films had become more serious and intense than the others.
With these of a few reasons, the crew had to prepare more sets, props and even cast more
actors. Moreover, the Harry Potter films together grossed at $8.2 billion US dollars as they
had used top production equipment and technology at the time.
A 35mm film reel was one of the many technologies used to film the whole Harry Potter
series at the time in order for their audience to view the films in the best picture quality along
with so that the pictures may remain permanent. In the very first Harry Potter film, they had
used a 35mm film reel to store the footage that was recorded and used a Panavision
Panaflex Millennium XL as well as Panavision Primo Lenses for filming all scenes which
were top quality at the time. However, even though the films were recorded using an HD
35mm film reel, the films have been digitised as well so that the global audience are able to
watch the film in Cinema and on a Blu-Ray player. Yet, the films were digitalised in 2K
picture quality and Dolby digital sounds in order for the films to give out high definition to the
audience. Furthermore, the films were also digitalised in order for the editors to add visual
effects such as CGI which was used in all films yet not a lot. The visual effects are caused
by the use of green screens which were used for the scenes such as ‘quidditch’. This is an
attraction to the global audiences as they would wonder how certain scenes are filmed and
In the harry potter films, the villain, Lord Voldemort is created with the help of slight visual
effects on the character. CGI was used on Lord Voldemort allowing his nose to be flattened
along with the slits for his character to look more like a snake. This was important and
relevant as the Harry Potter books mention this character so often that the global fan would
love to witness his appearance visually on the big screen. They would also like to get to
know how he was created, etc.
Mise en Scene
Mise en scene is is another aspect of the production side that helped create Harry Potter
that focussed on the locations, costumes make-up and most importantly, props that were
used throughout all 8 films. This is another reason as to why Harry Potter was given such a
huge budget as apart of the rise in scene, there were real locations used to film some
scenes along with having to hire Warner Bros studios to use for most of the locations.
Alnwick castle was one of the real locations used for the quidditch practice for Harry Potter
and the Philosopher’s Stone. After the success of the films, Alnwick Castle has become a
huge and popular tourist site till this day as fans of the film go to visit.
In order to make the locations feel as real as possible, the directors and producers choose
locations with lots of architecture as the global audience would think that the locations would
have a romantic lover for ancient architecture. However, there are some scenes that have
been filmed on set. For example, the house that Harry was living in with the Dursleys,
number 4 Privet Drive, it was created on set at the Warner Bros studious. This was also
done in order for the global audience to think this was just some ordinary middle class house
located somewhere in England with a mediocre English family.
Another example of a location that was used in the Harry Potter films which is presented as
the as the Gringott’s Bank is the Australia house. This famous bank is run by goblins in the
film as it is a Wizard’s bank. However in the last film (the Deathly Hallows pt 2), the crew had
to create a set to film the Gringott’s bank scene. This was because the scene filmed showed
a mythical dragon crashing through the bank’s window which can not be done in real life as it
wouldn’t be allowed and or can be costly. This was also a way in which a global audience
had taken mass interest in the location as Harry, Hermione and Ron go into the Gringott’s
bank to take a Horcrux from one of the vaults.
Another great aspect of the mite en scene are the costumes itself. This is as in Harry Potter
and the order of the Phoenix, there is a scene where the dark art teacher, Dolores Umbridge
is wearing a pink dress with a pink blouse including a cat brooch. The outfit itself is signified
opposite to her character as she is horrible. On the other hand, the brooch was purchased
from a charity shop which cost £2, however, due to the success and popularity of the film,
the brooch is now worth £1000.
Another great use of costumes was Lord Voldemort’s in the film Harry Potter and the goblet
of fire. The costume was a thin and long black cloth which was made to seem as if it was
floating on Lord Voldemort to make him look like he was an evil spirit as black signifies death
and mystery. This costume would attract a global audience as through the books, the
audience would enjoy watching how Lord Voldemort is presented in the films visually.
Another aspect of the mite en scene are the props that was used throughout the Harry Potter
films, the wands. Each character in the films would have their own wand that was made to
resemble their own character especially with the student of Hogwarts. The wands of each
character is created in different shapes and sizes representing the character who owned
their specific wand. For example, Lord Voldemort’s wand contains a skull at the end of the
handle which signifies death as Lord Voldemort killed and captured spirits. Wands were also
very important as the films were based on wizards and even before the Harry Potter films
and books, wizards were known to have wands to cast spells.
Other very important props that were used in the films were the seven different Hocruxes
which are Marvelo’s diary, Slytherin ring, Slytherin locket, Hufflepuff Cup, Ravenclaw’s
diadem, Harry Potter himself and Nagini. Each horcrux was created in detail and each
horcrux was very important in the last 2 films as those pieces carried Lord Voldemort’s soul.
This attracted the audience even more as they anxiously wait for the death of Voldemort and
how the Horcrux’s will be used in doing so.
Broomsticks were another prop that were used throughout the Harry Potter films except the
Deathly Hallows part 1. The broom sticks were used in all quidditch scenes especially the try
outs as the game is similar to polo as they use broomsticks instead of horses in the air and
use slight magic. It is also used in the Order of The Phoenix when the auror is moving harry
from the Dursley’s house to the 12 Grimmauld place. This also attracted a huge global
audience as they fantasise riding a broomstick but are unable to as it’s fantasy and not real.
The sword of Gryffyndor was also another important prop used in both Deathly Hallows films
and the Chamber of Secrets. This prop was important as the sword adapts the Basilisk
venom that is used to destroy all seven horcrux’s along with when Harry stabs the Basilisk in
the film Chambers of Secrets. This also attracted the audience into the film as they would
want to know if the the characters can find the sword, destroying all horcrux’s.
All Harry Potter films had used a lot of physical props throughout the films. These props
were created in detail enough for the audience to appreciate the work of the craftsmen who
worked on it. Example of the physical props that were used are the wizard chess pieces in
the first film, the chamber itself in the second film, along with the tri-wizard trophy in the
fourth film.
Special effects were also used on actors throughout the films. This was done by cameras
and use of make-up along with physical effects on the actors. This helped attract a mass
audience as they would love to see the creatures and goblins come to life in film. These
effects were used to create the creatures such as Dobby, the house elf and and the goblins
that worked at the Gringott’s bank. There were other creatures that used special effects such
as dragons, not to mention the character Fenrir Greyback who was sort half man half wolf.
Cast n Crew
There cast and crew are another aspect when it come to production. Chris Columbus is a
director that is known for directing famous children films that are very popular and
specialised in working in children’s films. For example, he directed films such as Home
Alone 1 and 2 (Lost in NewYork). For this reason, he was chosen to direct Harry Potter and
the Philosopher’s Stone and the Chamber of Secrets. This attracted the audience to Harry
Potter even more as its a children’s fantasy film. However, as the actors grew older and the
films grew darker, after the 2nd film, Chris Columbus decided to produce the films instead of
David Yates directed the rest of the Harry Potter series starting from the Order of The
Phoenix onwards. David Yates style in directing is more serious as he creates such an
atmosphere. He had also directed Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them. David
Heyman had chosen David Yates to direct the film series as he wanted to attract the
audience that were the same age group as the audience that watched the film series from
the very beginning as the actors have grown up and they will tell the difference between
good and bad.
The author of the Harry Potter book’s series and who made the films become possible is JK
Rowling. David Heyman wanted to recreate her books into films in order for the mass, global
audience to be able to visually watch their favourite fantasy genre book and how its
represented. In order to appreciate her creativity, they had asked Rowling to play Lilly Potter
(Harry’s mother) but she had turned it down. However, she is the producer and screenplay
writer for Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.
The actor who played Harry Potter throughout the film series is Daniel Radcliffe. David
Heyman when scouting actors, wanted a young boy that was at the right age to taken the
role of harry Potter. This was a way to attract a mass audience of children from around the
globe as well as the parents/guardians who are the secondary audience. It engages the
audience even more into the film as children would be able to relate to Harry’s actions as
they would be in the same age group. This would also mean that the audience will be
growing up alongside their favourite character they watch on television. This enables the
same emotions towards each other throughout their lives, going through the same stages in
Maggie Smith is a well known actress that takes on the role of Professor McGonagall
throughout the entire series. Maggie Smith throughout her many years in the film industry
has acted out roles of a supporting characters. For example, her roles in It All Came True
and The First Wife Club. So David Heyman found the role of Professor McGonagall to
Maggie Smith. This was also great as it attracted a global audience of Adults who also
watched her films during their younger days.
Gary Oldman plays the role of Sirius Black in the film series. Heyman had also
recommended Oldman to play Sirius as Oldman was known for taking on bad guy roles in
his past that had a good side to them too. Such character played by Oldman were in his well
known film, Nil By Mouth. Knowing the roles of Oldman, Heyman found it reasonable to give
the role of Sirius to him as again it would attract an older audience who had witnessed the
releases of Oldman’s work in their time. This would enable adults to take their children to
watch the Harry Potter films.
Ralph Fiennes is an actor who plays the role of Lord Voldemort who is the Villain. Due to his
role as Asmon Goth in Schindler’s List, Heyman knew Fiennes will be able to create and
inspire fear without effort.
Julie Walters is another well known actress who plays the role of Molly Weasley. Heyman
knew she was perfect to cast as Walters is popular amongst the British audience and is
known for her supporting role as Sandra Wilkinson in the film Billy Elliot. JK Rowling wanted
to portray Molly Weasley as a loving and acceptable character. She is seen in the films to
have a kind heart as she invites Harry and Hermione to stay over for Christmas and the
summer holidays with Ron and the others.
The actress who took the role of Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter film series is Helena
Bonham Carter. Carter had played many crazy and bad roles before such as Marla Singer in
Fight Club. Heyman wanted to bring the character of Bellatrix to life knowing
Carter can easily do so. JK Rowling wanted to portray the role of Bellatrix as lunatic and
dangerous as she would kill her own family member.
Publicity and Marketing Strategy
In order to ensure the success of the Harry Potter film series, marketing was very important.
The crew came up with many different suggestions regarding the marketing of the first film
back in 2001. The film had may advertisements such as posters, trailers showed in theatres
and billboards on the streets that were busy. Along with this there were big posters on public
transport such as the buses and underground train stations all around London. They had
also made posters and billboards in other languages too in order to attract a global
audience. As the Harry Potter books were translated in other languages around the world,
attracting a global audience, they decided to advertise the film in a similar fashion. The film
itself was translated in different languages along with the posters and billboards such as
Mandarin, Russian, English, Greek and more. This is as there are people in foreign countries
that do not understand English and so this was done in order to attract a global audience.
Another way of advertising the film was doing interviews with the cast and crew on popular
newspapers, television and magazines.This would also be telecasted on popular television
shows across the world which led the film to a global audience.
However, as technology developed over the years and everything was digitalise, simply a
click away and/or touch away, the cast decided to advertise the films on digital media. This
was done by by showing trailer on television and Cinemas, including online such as
YouTube. There were online posters available on popular websites such as Facebook. This
also helped reach further to a global audience and all started using these strategies from
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince onwards.
Other than advertisements, reviews of the film and books were used in magazines and
newspapers globally as to when people would buy them, they would also read about just
how good the Harry Potter films are. This would enable them to want to go watch the films
as they have achieved such great reviews as part of the audience’s surveillance. These
reviews were done for the four films; Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Chamber of
Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkaban and the Goblet of Fire. For the last three films, the reviews
were mostly posted online as the internet was very popular globally and everyone interacted
in social media till now.
Another useful way of marketing the film was done by the use of Synergy. This is where the
product is released in various platforms for the audience to engage in. For example, sequels,
video games, books, parodies and spin-offs. Harry Potter started off as 7 popular books that
went very successful as children’s book and for adults. These books were later turned into a
film and then the sequels were made. The sequel was made as they had decided to release
the film Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. There have been many spin-offs for
Harry Potter such as, Sesame Street: Furry Potter, and the Goblet of Cookies. Sesame
Street is already a kids favourite television show and to introduce the film in a funny and
entertaining way attracts a larger audience. Video Games based on harry Potter have also
been introduced on consoles such as the PlayStation 1. There have even been role playing
games which have been a success. This helped attract an older audience as game consoles
were mostly played by teenagers.
LARPing, toys and boardgames are another way of marketing using other cross platform
promotions. This has attracted a mass audience the most as some people like to escape
reality and like to act out their favourite characters from films or television. There is a
‘College of Wizardry’ which allows the audience to join them for a certain time acting out
characters from the Harry Potter films making it feel real as they re-enact situations of how
they would be if they were in the film.
Board games have found a way to attract a mass audience by using popular themes such as
Harry Potter. For example, there is a Harry Potter themed monopoly set which you can buy.
Instead of buying properties from the real world, you can now buy properties from the
wizarding world. This attracts a mass audience as they would not just enjoy the game of
monopoly but also enjoy the theme of one of their favourite films.
Merchandise is another way promoting the film, Harry Potter. During the releases of the film
series, merchandise such as Harry Potter clothes, toys and even phone cases were
released to the public. Toys were the best way of promotion as the fans would love to
purchase things such as toy wands or action figures to re-enact scenes or create their own.
Harry Potter clothes were also a way in grabbing the attention of non fans as they would be
interested in the design or even would be seeing everyone wear Harry Potter designed
clothes convincing them to watch the films.
Warner Bros studio was used as the last and most successful marketing technique as the
studio opened a public tour for Harry Potter. This includes every element of the film available
to the public including costumes, sets and locations used. This started back in the year 2012
where they had a grand opening. According to TripAdviser, Warner Bros studio was
announced to be the highest rated attraction site every year till this day. One tour would last
about 3 hours and would attract an audience of at least 6,000 visitors per day. This attracted
a global audience as they also gave out tour guide audio in many different languages
including visuals with greetings in other languages too.
Apart from Harry Potter, Warner Bros studio has produced very successful films such as The
Dark Knight, Sherlock Holmes, 300: Rise of An Empire, The Man From U.N.C.L.E, Mission
Impossible; Rogue Nation and many more. The studio attracts a mass audience as those
aspired to work in the film industry or media, they will understand how everything works such
as filming wise, costumes, etc. This is as they will be behind the scenes studying.
Harry Potter

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Harry Potter

  • 1. The Harry Potter franchise started out as a book saga which had a huge fan base that were interested in witnessing these books made into films. The film franchise had then turned out into a huge success from the years 2001 till today towards a global audience. Harry Potter is a fantasy genre in both films and books due to the mythical creatures such as Goblins, elves and dragons and the use of magic and spells. There are 7 Harry Potter books in total along with 8 Harry Potter films. Even though the films are based on the books, the 8th film (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2) is the second part to the last Harry Potter book. This is as the producer Lionel Wigram had come up with the idea of splitting the last book into two separate films. There were two different ways in order for the film’s franchise to become such a global success to such a global audience, the production itself along with the marketing techniques. The budget for all the Harry Potter films was $1.3 Billion US dollars ($1,300,000,000), which was split for the production itself and the marketing process. The franchise had a very big budget from the very start of receiving $125 million US dollars for the first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001). This was also as the books have such a huge fan base that the producers were certain they would attract just as many audience members for the film. However, the budget had increased for the production of the last 3 films compared to to the others. This was as the films had become more serious and intense than the others. With these of a few reasons, the crew had to prepare more sets, props and even cast more actors. Moreover, the Harry Potter films together grossed at $8.2 billion US dollars as they had used top production equipment and technology at the time. A 35mm film reel was one of the many technologies used to film the whole Harry Potter series at the time in order for their audience to view the films in the best picture quality along with so that the pictures may remain permanent. In the very first Harry Potter film, they had used a 35mm film reel to store the footage that was recorded and used a Panavision Panaflex Millennium XL as well as Panavision Primo Lenses for filming all scenes which were top quality at the time. However, even though the films were recorded using an HD 35mm film reel, the films have been digitised as well so that the global audience are able to watch the film in Cinema and on a Blu-Ray player. Yet, the films were digitalised in 2K picture quality and Dolby digital sounds in order for the films to give out high definition to the audience. Furthermore, the films were also digitalised in order for the editors to add visual effects such as CGI which was used in all films yet not a lot. The visual effects are caused by the use of green screens which were used for the scenes such as ‘quidditch’. This is an attraction to the global audiences as they would wonder how certain scenes are filmed and created.
  • 2. In the harry potter films, the villain, Lord Voldemort is created with the help of slight visual effects on the character. CGI was used on Lord Voldemort allowing his nose to be flattened along with the slits for his character to look more like a snake. This was important and relevant as the Harry Potter books mention this character so often that the global fan would love to witness his appearance visually on the big screen. They would also like to get to know how he was created, etc. Mise en Scene Mise en scene is is another aspect of the production side that helped create Harry Potter that focussed on the locations, costumes make-up and most importantly, props that were used throughout all 8 films. This is another reason as to why Harry Potter was given such a huge budget as apart of the rise in scene, there were real locations used to film some scenes along with having to hire Warner Bros studios to use for most of the locations. Alnwick castle was one of the real locations used for the quidditch practice for Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. After the success of the films, Alnwick Castle has become a huge and popular tourist site till this day as fans of the film go to visit. In order to make the locations feel as real as possible, the directors and producers choose locations with lots of architecture as the global audience would think that the locations would
  • 3. have a romantic lover for ancient architecture. However, there are some scenes that have been filmed on set. For example, the house that Harry was living in with the Dursleys, number 4 Privet Drive, it was created on set at the Warner Bros studious. This was also done in order for the global audience to think this was just some ordinary middle class house located somewhere in England with a mediocre English family. Another example of a location that was used in the Harry Potter films which is presented as the as the Gringott’s Bank is the Australia house. This famous bank is run by goblins in the film as it is a Wizard’s bank. However in the last film (the Deathly Hallows pt 2), the crew had to create a set to film the Gringott’s bank scene. This was because the scene filmed showed a mythical dragon crashing through the bank’s window which can not be done in real life as it wouldn’t be allowed and or can be costly. This was also a way in which a global audience had taken mass interest in the location as Harry, Hermione and Ron go into the Gringott’s bank to take a Horcrux from one of the vaults. Another great aspect of the mite en scene are the costumes itself. This is as in Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix, there is a scene where the dark art teacher, Dolores Umbridge is wearing a pink dress with a pink blouse including a cat brooch. The outfit itself is signified opposite to her character as she is horrible. On the other hand, the brooch was purchased from a charity shop which cost £2, however, due to the success and popularity of the film, the brooch is now worth £1000.
  • 4. Another great use of costumes was Lord Voldemort’s in the film Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. The costume was a thin and long black cloth which was made to seem as if it was floating on Lord Voldemort to make him look like he was an evil spirit as black signifies death and mystery. This costume would attract a global audience as through the books, the audience would enjoy watching how Lord Voldemort is presented in the films visually. Another aspect of the mite en scene are the props that was used throughout the Harry Potter films, the wands. Each character in the films would have their own wand that was made to resemble their own character especially with the student of Hogwarts. The wands of each character is created in different shapes and sizes representing the character who owned their specific wand. For example, Lord Voldemort’s wand contains a skull at the end of the handle which signifies death as Lord Voldemort killed and captured spirits. Wands were also very important as the films were based on wizards and even before the Harry Potter films and books, wizards were known to have wands to cast spells.
  • 5. Other very important props that were used in the films were the seven different Hocruxes which are Marvelo’s diary, Slytherin ring, Slytherin locket, Hufflepuff Cup, Ravenclaw’s diadem, Harry Potter himself and Nagini. Each horcrux was created in detail and each horcrux was very important in the last 2 films as those pieces carried Lord Voldemort’s soul. This attracted the audience even more as they anxiously wait for the death of Voldemort and how the Horcrux’s will be used in doing so. Broomsticks were another prop that were used throughout the Harry Potter films except the Deathly Hallows part 1. The broom sticks were used in all quidditch scenes especially the try outs as the game is similar to polo as they use broomsticks instead of horses in the air and use slight magic. It is also used in the Order of The Phoenix when the auror is moving harry from the Dursley’s house to the 12 Grimmauld place. This also attracted a huge global audience as they fantasise riding a broomstick but are unable to as it’s fantasy and not real.
  • 6. The sword of Gryffyndor was also another important prop used in both Deathly Hallows films and the Chamber of Secrets. This prop was important as the sword adapts the Basilisk venom that is used to destroy all seven horcrux’s along with when Harry stabs the Basilisk in the film Chambers of Secrets. This also attracted the audience into the film as they would want to know if the the characters can find the sword, destroying all horcrux’s. All Harry Potter films had used a lot of physical props throughout the films. These props were created in detail enough for the audience to appreciate the work of the craftsmen who worked on it. Example of the physical props that were used are the wizard chess pieces in the first film, the chamber itself in the second film, along with the tri-wizard trophy in the fourth film. Special effects were also used on actors throughout the films. This was done by cameras and use of make-up along with physical effects on the actors. This helped attract a mass audience as they would love to see the creatures and goblins come to life in film. These effects were used to create the creatures such as Dobby, the house elf and and the goblins that worked at the Gringott’s bank. There were other creatures that used special effects such as dragons, not to mention the character Fenrir Greyback who was sort half man half wolf.
  • 7. Cast n Crew There cast and crew are another aspect when it come to production. Chris Columbus is a director that is known for directing famous children films that are very popular and specialised in working in children’s films. For example, he directed films such as Home Alone 1 and 2 (Lost in NewYork). For this reason, he was chosen to direct Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and the Chamber of Secrets. This attracted the audience to Harry Potter even more as its a children’s fantasy film. However, as the actors grew older and the films grew darker, after the 2nd film, Chris Columbus decided to produce the films instead of directing. David Yates directed the rest of the Harry Potter series starting from the Order of The Phoenix onwards. David Yates style in directing is more serious as he creates such an atmosphere. He had also directed Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them. David Heyman had chosen David Yates to direct the film series as he wanted to attract the audience that were the same age group as the audience that watched the film series from the very beginning as the actors have grown up and they will tell the difference between good and bad.
  • 8. The author of the Harry Potter book’s series and who made the films become possible is JK Rowling. David Heyman wanted to recreate her books into films in order for the mass, global audience to be able to visually watch their favourite fantasy genre book and how its represented. In order to appreciate her creativity, they had asked Rowling to play Lilly Potter (Harry’s mother) but she had turned it down. However, she is the producer and screenplay writer for Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them. The actor who played Harry Potter throughout the film series is Daniel Radcliffe. David Heyman when scouting actors, wanted a young boy that was at the right age to taken the role of harry Potter. This was a way to attract a mass audience of children from around the globe as well as the parents/guardians who are the secondary audience. It engages the audience even more into the film as children would be able to relate to Harry’s actions as they would be in the same age group. This would also mean that the audience will be growing up alongside their favourite character they watch on television. This enables the same emotions towards each other throughout their lives, going through the same stages in life. Maggie Smith is a well known actress that takes on the role of Professor McGonagall throughout the entire series. Maggie Smith throughout her many years in the film industry
  • 9. has acted out roles of a supporting characters. For example, her roles in It All Came True and The First Wife Club. So David Heyman found the role of Professor McGonagall to Maggie Smith. This was also great as it attracted a global audience of Adults who also watched her films during their younger days. Gary Oldman plays the role of Sirius Black in the film series. Heyman had also recommended Oldman to play Sirius as Oldman was known for taking on bad guy roles in his past that had a good side to them too. Such character played by Oldman were in his well known film, Nil By Mouth. Knowing the roles of Oldman, Heyman found it reasonable to give the role of Sirius to him as again it would attract an older audience who had witnessed the releases of Oldman’s work in their time. This would enable adults to take their children to watch the Harry Potter films. Ralph Fiennes is an actor who plays the role of Lord Voldemort who is the Villain. Due to his role as Asmon Goth in Schindler’s List, Heyman knew Fiennes will be able to create and inspire fear without effort.
  • 10. Julie Walters is another well known actress who plays the role of Molly Weasley. Heyman knew she was perfect to cast as Walters is popular amongst the British audience and is known for her supporting role as Sandra Wilkinson in the film Billy Elliot. JK Rowling wanted to portray Molly Weasley as a loving and acceptable character. She is seen in the films to have a kind heart as she invites Harry and Hermione to stay over for Christmas and the summer holidays with Ron and the others. The actress who took the role of Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter film series is Helena Bonham Carter. Carter had played many crazy and bad roles before such as Marla Singer in Fight Club. Heyman wanted to bring the character of Bellatrix to life knowing Carter can easily do so. JK Rowling wanted to portray the role of Bellatrix as lunatic and dangerous as she would kill her own family member. Publicity and Marketing Strategy
  • 11. In order to ensure the success of the Harry Potter film series, marketing was very important. The crew came up with many different suggestions regarding the marketing of the first film back in 2001. The film had may advertisements such as posters, trailers showed in theatres and billboards on the streets that were busy. Along with this there were big posters on public transport such as the buses and underground train stations all around London. They had also made posters and billboards in other languages too in order to attract a global audience. As the Harry Potter books were translated in other languages around the world, attracting a global audience, they decided to advertise the film in a similar fashion. The film itself was translated in different languages along with the posters and billboards such as Mandarin, Russian, English, Greek and more. This is as there are people in foreign countries that do not understand English and so this was done in order to attract a global audience. Another way of advertising the film was doing interviews with the cast and crew on popular newspapers, television and magazines.This would also be telecasted on popular television shows across the world which led the film to a global audience. However, as technology developed over the years and everything was digitalise, simply a click away and/or touch away, the cast decided to advertise the films on digital media. This was done by by showing trailer on television and Cinemas, including online such as YouTube. There were online posters available on popular websites such as Facebook. This also helped reach further to a global audience and all started using these strategies from Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince onwards. Other than advertisements, reviews of the film and books were used in magazines and newspapers globally as to when people would buy them, they would also read about just how good the Harry Potter films are. This would enable them to want to go watch the films as they have achieved such great reviews as part of the audience’s surveillance. These reviews were done for the four films; Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkaban and the Goblet of Fire. For the last three films, the reviews were mostly posted online as the internet was very popular globally and everyone interacted in social media till now. Another useful way of marketing the film was done by the use of Synergy. This is where the product is released in various platforms for the audience to engage in. For example, sequels, video games, books, parodies and spin-offs. Harry Potter started off as 7 popular books that went very successful as children’s book and for adults. These books were later turned into a
  • 12. film and then the sequels were made. The sequel was made as they had decided to release the film Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. There have been many spin-offs for Harry Potter such as, Sesame Street: Furry Potter, and the Goblet of Cookies. Sesame Street is already a kids favourite television show and to introduce the film in a funny and entertaining way attracts a larger audience. Video Games based on harry Potter have also been introduced on consoles such as the PlayStation 1. There have even been role playing games which have been a success. This helped attract an older audience as game consoles were mostly played by teenagers. LARPing, toys and boardgames are another way of marketing using other cross platform promotions. This has attracted a mass audience the most as some people like to escape reality and like to act out their favourite characters from films or television. There is a ‘College of Wizardry’ which allows the audience to join them for a certain time acting out characters from the Harry Potter films making it feel real as they re-enact situations of how they would be if they were in the film. Board games have found a way to attract a mass audience by using popular themes such as Harry Potter. For example, there is a Harry Potter themed monopoly set which you can buy. Instead of buying properties from the real world, you can now buy properties from the
  • 13. wizarding world. This attracts a mass audience as they would not just enjoy the game of monopoly but also enjoy the theme of one of their favourite films. Merchandise is another way promoting the film, Harry Potter. During the releases of the film series, merchandise such as Harry Potter clothes, toys and even phone cases were released to the public. Toys were the best way of promotion as the fans would love to purchase things such as toy wands or action figures to re-enact scenes or create their own. Harry Potter clothes were also a way in grabbing the attention of non fans as they would be interested in the design or even would be seeing everyone wear Harry Potter designed clothes convincing them to watch the films. Warner Bros studio was used as the last and most successful marketing technique as the studio opened a public tour for Harry Potter. This includes every element of the film available to the public including costumes, sets and locations used. This started back in the year 2012 where they had a grand opening. According to TripAdviser, Warner Bros studio was announced to be the highest rated attraction site every year till this day. One tour would last about 3 hours and would attract an audience of at least 6,000 visitors per day. This attracted a global audience as they also gave out tour guide audio in many different languages including visuals with greetings in other languages too.
  • 14. Apart from Harry Potter, Warner Bros studio has produced very successful films such as The Dark Knight, Sherlock Holmes, 300: Rise of An Empire, The Man From U.N.C.L.E, Mission Impossible; Rogue Nation and many more. The studio attracts a mass audience as those aspired to work in the film industry or media, they will understand how everything works such as filming wise, costumes, etc. This is as they will be behind the scenes studying.