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Guido D Arezzo Influence
Since Music is so important and its part of our daily life, we might want to know little bit about
where it really came from, how it was invented and most importantly who are the people that
contributed to our music. One of the all–time contributor of western music is Guido D'Arezzo,
Guido was an Italian music theorist, He was born in Italy in 13th Century. He studied at the
Benedictine Abbey of a Pomposa and started teaching how to sing there. Later on he left abbey, the
reason he left was because his idea didn't meet with his understanding, later on he was invited by the
bishop of Arezzo to teach the music at his cathedral school. As he was teaching at bishop Arezzo, he
started inventing new ways writing Gregorian chant, adopting four–line
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Johann Sebastian Bach Bio Bach Instruments
Although the clavichordf ell into relativeo bscurityb y the end of the nineteenthc en–tury,it had a
long and distinguishedh istoryd atingb ack to the late Middle Ages. Bach biog–rapherJ ohann Forkel
claimed that the clavichord was Johann Sebastian Bach's preferred instrument; he was attractedb y
its abilityt o communicaten uances and subtleties, and con–sideredi t to be farm ore expressivet han
the harpsichord. Bach was not alone in his admira–tion for the clavichord; similar sentiments were
expressed by numerous composers, performers,an d music lovers over those centuries,m any of
whom are quoted in this vol–ume. "Intimate"c omes to mind as a way of describingt he sound of a
clavichord. At its loud–est the sound would be described as soft,a nd its softests ounds are barely
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The Lives Of The Artist By Giorgio Vasari
Giorgio Vasari is known for being the first Art Historian. He wrote the seminal work The Lives of
the Artists. But why did he write it? Of course every book is written for a purpose but I don't think
Vasari was writing just to inform people of art and artists. At the beginning of the 14th Century the
value of artists and their craft began to rise. They had been a member of the guild system along with
other valued members of the medieval economic system certainly but suddenly wealthy people not
just the clergy saw buying art and dedicating it to God as a way to pay for past sins and show their
esteemed colleagues that they were actually doing something to ensure passage to heaven. This rise
of humanism is continuing theme into the next two centuries when it reaches Vasari. If Art has
reached its zenith in realism and can go no higher. How then can Vasari increase his worth and that
of his fellow artists in the world's estimation? Write a book detailing the lives of great artists and
explain how they received their genius from God and made startling contributions to the many great
religious and civic efforts of Italy and Florence in particular. This was going to help him increase his
own power if he could connect his talent to the greatness of God and those who needed God's Grace
more than most; the rich and powerful.
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Compare And Contrast Michelangelo And Raphael
The Renaissance was a period in Europe civilisation that immediately followed the Middle Ages. It
was an era of cultural growth that was introduced in Italy and was carried on throughout northern
Europe lasting the 14th to 17th century. Many artists and scholars of that time period believed that
they were contributing in a revival of the ideals and worth of the periods that arrive before them.
The Renaissance period open doors for individuals to rediscover one's will and obligations of
observing the environment. It was an opening for them to express themselves in human terms. They
shifted their interest from God centred to humans centred, known as Humanism. The Renaissance
had expanded into four periods which were classified as Early Renaissance, ... Show more content
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It may also come from the location where both works were created, the Vatican apartments, only
blocks away from the Sistine Chapel. Raphael's painting showed immense alikeness with
Michelangelo and he was influenced by the work of his senior, mainly the Prophets and Sibyls.
When the painting of the Prophet of Isaiah was executed by both artists, Raphael's Isaiah conveyed
similar figural composition and made it Michelangelo–esque. The painting was self–confined and
the essence of scroll in both paintings were present, only Raphael evolved the way it is being held
by Isaiah. This similarity is carried on throughout the Stanze. But somehow, Raphael could never
rise up to Michelangelo's mastery, even as he
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Petrarch Accomplishments
"Man has no greater enemy than himself" according to Petrarch, a poet who lived from 1304–1374,
and the inventor of the sonnet. The Renaissance was a time period from 14th to the 17th century,
and was the bridge from the Middle Ages to modern history. An Italian scholar, poet, and the father
of humanism, Petrarch helped develop a style of poetry known as the sonnet. In addition, Petrarch
was relevant to the Renaissance because he inspired Shakespeare and other Renaissance poets as
well as modern philosophy and thought.
Petrarch had a very interesting life; he was born in Arezzo, Tuscany and lived until he was seventy
years old. Born July 20, 1304 and died July 19, 1374. He had a passion for literature, but sadly his
father forced him ... Show more content on ...
Petrarch was also a famous historian and wrote great poems. One of his major accomplishments was
inventing the sonnet. A sonnet is a poem that has fourteen lines, and has ten syllables per line. He
made an impact on the Renaissance by influencing Shakespeare to develop the Shakespearean
sonnet. His first poems were written right after his mother died. Petrarch wrote about the second
Punic War, and he wrote Africa. In his later years he journeyed through northern Italy, and he
fathered two children but never married. His interest and love of the Classics led him to explore and
study scholarly material. But his greatest accomplishment was the sonnet, which would be his
legacy and contribution both to the Renaissance and present times.
Petrarch made an impact on the Renaissance by inspiring people and students to study the classics.
His poetry, and especially the sonnet form, has truly evolved as poets from Shakespeare to Franz
Liszt and Eliot Carter, both modern day composers. His love for Laura is replicated in a novel
entitled Muse by Canadian author, Mary Novik. His use of Italian in his writing also helped develop
modern day Italian and he has been an inspiration to other
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Music And Ancient Music
Music has pervaded human life, for over thousands of years. In its very early stages, music was
highly improvised. In fact, much of it was either passed down through generations of practice, and
memory. This unfortunately left music unrecorded– meaning there was, and still is, a lack of
tangible proof , as well as articulation of how and when it was performed in many ancient cultures.
It wasn't until 2000 BC. that the earliest form of musical notation was attempted. Found in
cuneiform recorded on a clay tablet in Nippur, a town in the ancient society of Sumer, was the first
recorded early musical instruction. The tablet represents vague instructions for performing the
music, though they dictate that the music was composed in harmonies of thirds, and written using a
diatonic scale (Kilmer). Like Sumerians, many other ancient cultures used ambiguous symbols in
representation of melody and rhythm. This unfortunately limits today's understanding of ancient
music. Fortunately, many formal contributions to notation and musical pedagogy were slowly
implemented in the following centuries by the Roman Catholic church and its followers– especially
during the Medieval period.
A particular figure that was arguably one of the most highly influential to the creation of formal
musical notation and pedagogy,was a man named Guido of Arezzo. Guido drafted and composed
treatises to supplement Gregorian Chant – a source for learning singers. In the last of his 4 treatises,
the Epistola,
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Guido D Arezzo Research Paper
Who is Guido d'Arezzo?
Music is not just something everyone goes to concerts to listen to or blast out of stereos. It obtains
so many intricate characteristics that make it fall under certain genres and/or categories.
But no matter the genre, all music has a foundation to it. The history behind music dates back to
many centuries. With this came the founders of specific components of music.
Guido d'Arezzo an Italian music theorist of the Medieval era is deemed the creator of modern day
musical notation. Guido d'Arezzo was a monk of the Benedictine order where he discovered the
difficulty many singers were having when trying to memorize Gregorian chants.
This lead to him developing new strategies for teaching staff notation through his new form
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Tonight's Music Analysis
For a composer, the modal system is useful for delineating a melodic "home" known as the final
tone. A note called the reciting tone acts as the secondary "home" for the melody. The balance
between these two "homes" creates drama for the listener. As the melody hangs on the reciting tone
it often creates a type of tension that is resolved when the melody returns to the final tone.
PHRYGIAN SKELETONS refers to the modal "skeletons" upon which tonight's music is built. The
selections chosen for tonight's performance can be seen as a gallery of techniques that composers
have used to handle the Phrygian mode. This mode stands out at once when one hears the idiomatic
minor second interval that separates the final tone from tone above it (typically ... Show more
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One of the most celebrated of these was Heinrich Schütz. He began his adult life studying law,
deciding not to pursue the arts. In 1609 a person of high nobility noticed the musical talent of young
Schütz and offered him a stipend to study in Venice with renowned composer Giovanni Gabrieli.
The 24–year–old law student left for Venice with the intention of continuing his legal studies upon
his return. However, he would become the court organist in Cassel after his time in Venice and in
1615 he would take a position as court composer for the Elector of Saxony; a position he would
hold until his death in 1672. Schütz's career developed during one of the most devastating wars in
European history, The Thirty Years War, which took place between his 33rd and 63rd years of life.
This was a time when the face of German culture would be changed
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Music In The Middle Ages
Another factor that influenced the society of the Middle Ages was its music. Music has always
impacted society and anyone who listens to it. There is something personal about music that humans
can relate to, and that is why it has had such an impact on society both now and during the Middle
The advancements of music in the Medieval Age are far reaching and important even today, both in
the fields of the evolution of music theory and the evolution of instrumentation and the performance
of a piece. Without the advancements made in this era, music would still be namely monophonic,
originating and ending in the same key without variation. Nor would we have anything remotely
resembling the modern day piano, an instrument centuries in its ... Show more content on ...
Perhaps the greatest and most influential evolution in musicality of the Middle Ages was that of the
keyboard instrument. Although there was yet to be a way to describe or notate the complex
polyphony of secular music in this era, it was all the same incredibly prevalent. As such, polyphonic
instruments arose to meet the need. Already the lute and similar stringed instruments were becoming
popular for this new brand of music, but more was needed. As a result, the Organistrum came into
existence. Originating in Spain, this instrument was a massive beast that required two people to play
correctly, or at all. One player sat at the base of the instrument and turned a rosined wheel which
would create a continuous drone from one of three strings that ran the length of the instrument while
another sat at the head of the instrument, pulling hooks upwards to shorten the length of the strings,
creating various pitches. Although this was the first attempt at a keyboard instrument, it very
quickly became obsolete due to several issues with the construction of the machination. The size of
it made it difficult to move, especially for the bards and troubadours of the time. The requirement to
pull the hooks upwards made the melodies cumbersome and made faster passages impossible. Worst
of all, the instrument could only handle the most basic harmonies, able to play in perfect fourths or
fifths above the melody, but unable to play an extended
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David Persuasive Speech
Many years ago during biblical times the Philistine lined up to fight Israel. A man standing over nine
feet tall dressed in full armor came out of his camp every day to find a challenger. For forty days
there was no one willing to challenge Goliath until David volunteered. David was a young teenager
who wasn't even a part of the war, but was delivering stuff to his brothers, so it took some
convincing to the king to let him be the challenger. In 1 Samuel 17 more of the story is told. "45
David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come
against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have
defied. 46 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and I'll ... Show more content on ...
Placed at his right leg there is a tree trunk. In the book that is used in the art history class 121 on
page 288 it states that "the tree trunk supporting the David is a reminder of the Ancient Roman
copies of Greek statuary and evokes the classical past". One thing that stands out about
Michelangelo's sculpture compared to someone's like Donatello's is how masculine the statue is, and
the moment that the statue was presented to be at. The statue is in a pose that is represented to be
right before the moment of the battle.
The statue of David is looking over his left shoulder with a very intense stare look in his eyes. He is
starting to prepare for what could be the biggest moment of his life, life or death is looking at him in
the face. The very intense look in his face is not presented throughout his body, and this is
symbolizing that he is not physically focused, but mentally. David knew that without God on his
side he could not take this man on, he was bigger and stronger. He needed to have all the faith in the
world to trust that God would deliver Goliath into his
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Similarities Between David And Michelangelo
– Medieval artists focused more on the spirituality and religious themes.
– They added symbols and signs in their paintings to bring across a message to the people.
– Whereas Michelangelo depicted his paintings to real–life figures but displayed a message within
the figures emotions and feelings.
– Michelangelo experimented with style, technique, light, shade, colour and subject matter which
shaped the difference in the Renaissance period.
– Renaissance artists tried to give their artwork a sense of perspective and proportion.
– Michelangelo used the terms 'Vanishing point' to help him achieve realistic figures and impression
of spaces.
– The vanishing point makes the artwork look more three dimensional.
– Michelangelo was more interested ... Show more content on ...
– The permanent finish enabled Michelangelo's paintings to not suffer from discolouring or damage.
– Michelangelo's method of wall paintings is called fresco.
– Italian word for FRESH.
– The method required a lot of confidence and sureness of touch because once the colour was
absorbed it was not possible to re–touch.
– Michelangelo used the method of modelling clay to help them with their final shape.
– Michelangelo didn't use the modelling when he was sculpting David.
– David represents the idealised human form.
– Medieval artists focused on the religious side of their artworks.
– Renaissance focused on lifelike figures.
– Michelangelo learned how to make accurate drawings of people and nature. Many Renaissance
artists showed subjects taken from the bible.
– Renaissance artists also started painting non–religious subjects, often taken from the Greeks and
Roman mythology.
– Artists used oil paints because it improved colour and effects of art.
– The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was with a series of frescoes that portrayed several biblical
– Creation of Adam depicts God giving life to the first human.
– Mutual desire of God and humanity for one
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Descriptive Essay On Life Is Beautiful
La Vita E Bella or in English language, Life is Beautiful is a touching story about the unconditional
love of a father to his family. Guido Orefice is a Jewish–Italian who went in Arezzo, Italy on 1939
to open a bookstore he rode on a car with his friend while his friend was reciting a poem about
being free. I felt laughed a little bit when the brake fluid of the car wrecked. They stopped on a barn
to fix their car when Guido met a school teacher named Dora. It was funny when Dora fell from a
high tree house then to Guido's arms. I can see on his eyes that he already felt that it was love at first
sight. He also called her "Princess". I can also see in Dora's eyes on the way she laugh on Guido's
jokes, she already loves him too. Despite of Dora, having a relationship with the Italian officer still
Guido's unique ways of courting sweeps her off her feet. It was funny how the director and writer
Robert Benigni come up with a fantastic plot ... Show more content on ...
The eyes of her grandmother looked very sad and happy when she heard Joshua called her grandma.
It was also heart–warming when Guido smiled and when he saw Joshua fall asleep after eating a lot
in the German's camp. I was teary–eyed when Guido and Joshua broke into the German officer's
office and called Dora and said that they were okay and they missed her a lot. Dora cried when he
heard the voice of Joshua, because she thought he was already dead. I also became teary–eyed when
Joshua saw the real tank his father has promised him. He was very happy when he saw the tank, but
it was not on his knowledge that his father, Guido was shot to death on the night when they are
winning the war in order for Guido's family to be safe. I cried a little bit when Joshua was left alone
in the camp and when I saw his innocent happy face cheering for their
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The Use Of Color In Life Is Beautiful By Roberto Benigni
Film has the ability to send messages that ordinary words can not present. In the movie Life is
Beautiful, director/actor Roberto Benigni is able to send a message through art that life truly is
beautiful by his use of color, comedy, and story.
Benigni uses color in certain scenes to make the audience feel light hearted, and in other scenes feel
despondent. In the beginning of the movie Guido and Ferruccio are driving through a valley in
Arezzo, Italy. The valley is filled with bright green trees and fields, while the sky is covered in an
array of blues. Driving through the valley they pass a village filled with popping colors of the Italian
flag. The colors in the beginning set a cheerful tone for the audience. However, once Guido and
Joshua, and then Dora bored the cattle car sent for the concentration camp the color scheme
changes. The vibrant greens, reds, and blues are replaced with dull greys, blacks, and whites. These
colors create a sense of depression, dread, and hopelessness. Benigni intentionally chose to change
the spirited colors into monotonous ones because he understands that certain colors evoke particular
feelings. The movie can pull the audience into emotion unlike writings can. People can read in
books that concentration camps were awful, but a film is able to pull you in and unspokenly give
you a taste of the emotions associated with them. Film has the power to show us the atrocities of
humanity, but also show us the tenderness and compassion that comes with it. Although this movie
has a sad loss, it does not stop the audience from realizing that the beauty of life comes from the
little happy moments and the folks that bring them about.
The use of comedy in the film helps to shed light that happiness can always be found in life's
struggles. About halfway into the movie Guido is at Doras engagement party to Amico as a server.
Throughout the scene the audience gets the vibe that Dora is not compatible with Amico. When
Amico says if Germany "killed all the cripples they would save 1,200,000 marks a day" Dora is
deeply upset by his comment and realizes he is not the man for her. The scene turns from unsettling
to amusing though when Guido rides in on a green horse and tells his princess Dora to
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How Did Church Music Develop
Between the ninth–century and the fifteenth–century, Church music significantly developed.
Presumably, during seven centuries, music had undergone several developments, not only in Church
music, but in secular music as well. However, many of these developments were adopted only to be
forgotten decades or a century or two later, which indicates that such developments were not too
significant to the overall development of music. Some developments, nevertheless, are significant
and have lived on to influence modern western music. Such developments are relevant to assessing
the growth of Church music in the Middle Ages. The primary developments are in the study of
harmony in conjunction with rhythm, notation, and the use of musical instruments. ... Show more
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Church music in the ninth–century, namely, the Gregorian Chant, was, as Matthews, Platt and Noble
note, monophonic7 and lacked instrumental accompaniment.8 Similarly, Greek music was
monophonic, even though the melody was ornamented by instruments.9 This, however, did not last
long in isolation during the ninth–century, since a basic form of polyphonic10 music developed.11
This polyphonic music that developed was called Organum in which a principal voice or main
melody is duplicated at a fifth or fourth below by a harmonic voice called the organal voice.12
Moreover, the rise of polyphony continued to develop in the twelfth–century and onward into more
complex forms, but retained the basic principal.13 Furthermore, developing in the thirteenth–
century as an addition to organum, polyphonic conductus was homo–rhythmic but contained up to
four voices with the tenor often being newly composed rather than adapted from a chant.14
Although these developments did not see influence from Greek music, they are, nevertheless, a
continuation on Greek forms of complex modal melodies that the Gregorian Chants had been
influenced by. Thus, polyphonic music was built on the Gregorian Chant, but made possible the
beginnings of harmonious music that, consequently, influenced all of Western
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The Musician, Technology And Copyright Laws
For the musician, technology and copyright laws are some of the most beneficial aspects of their
profession. In fact, technology has assisted musicians in distributing, listening to, and performing
music. Those ways can also help the musician academically or financially. Compared to centuries
ago, the musician can now distribute music in various ways, not just by paper. Nevertheless,
copyright laws came into existence in the sixteenth century as well, have also benefited the
musician. Over time these laws have focused more on the musician instead of patrons and printers
exploiting money from the musician. Thus, copyright laws of today and improvement of technology
have become beneficial to musicians compared to centuries ago. This paper ... Show more content
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This system helped composers use special symbols, called note names, to indicate a generalized
system of music notation. These note names and durations were based on a system known as the
Guidonian Hand, which is said to have been developed by Guido of Arezzo. This system is based on
individual notes within a hexachord system, that can be identified unanimously by combining the
names of all the various solemnization syllables that each symbol could sustain. The hand helped
create a universal notation system that was used by all. Now composers from around the area could
use the invention of musical notation to write a composition using universal note names. Along with
the rise of composers writing their own names on their manuscript, this created the last component
used in what will be known as a printed music manuscript. Those elements helped lead to the
invention of the printing press. Now, composers were able to sell their compositions, to use a
generalized system of notation, and slowly began to switch from handwritten manuscripts to printers
copying all the work. Before the Gutenberg press, people would either hand–write their
compositions or carve a block of wood with musical manuscript to print their music. However, these
blocks did not survive under repeated pressure and could not be reused. The technology was still not
the best for the musician, and create several problems, such as the long process to
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Guido Of Arezzo Music Theory
When did music begin? Music began 1,000 CE. Music just didn't always come as it is. There were
many music improvements by a man named Guido D'Arezzo. Also known as Guido of Arezzo. He
was born in 991 AD, in Arezzo Italy. He died in 1050, of Avellana, Italy. Guido of Arezzo ,ade a
huge part in the music theory. Guido was a medieval era. The things he developed and studied were
musical notation, hexachord, solmization, organum, and gamut. Guido made a huge part in the
music theory. He made the music notation. Musical notation was a visual record of an imaged or
heard musical set of some visual instructions or sound for a performance. This form will usually
take a printed or written form and is a very difficult process. In musical notation the main musical
sounds are the location of a musical sound on a scale and pitch. Than Guido of Arezzo made the
hexachord. Hexachord is important in music. The hexachord is a six–note pattern that is comparable
to the first six–notes of the major scale. Those notes are, C–D–E–F–G–A. The hexachord was
related in the Renaissance musical theory and in medieval. This strategy was greatly used in the
learning of singing. This form gave the person who was singing a good pitch. This helped with
melodies and the reading of music. The names of the notes on the hexachord are ut, re, mi, fa, sol,
and la. This is also known as solmization. Each of the hexachords will include only one semitone
between the sounds of mi and fa. A Semitone is
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Leonardo Da Vinci: Forgotten In World History
Hayden Block
Don't Forget Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci should not be forgotten in World History because of his expertise and influence
in the fields of astronomy and cartography, inventing/engineering, and art. Leonardo Da Vinci was a
man of many fields. Born on April 15, 1452, he grew up in the small town of Vinci on the Tuscan
Hill. He was the non–biological son of Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, a Florentine
notary, and Caterina, a peasant who may have been a slave from the Middle East. When he turned
fourteen he became the apprentice to one of the most successful artists at this time, Andrea di Cione,
otherwise known as Verrocchio. Verrocchio exposed Leonardo to many technical skills including
drafting, chemistry, metallurgy, metal ... Show more content on ...
Leonardo Da Vinci created the Plan of Imola, currently recognized as the earliest map which it is
possible to date, drawn in 1502 (1). It is possible that these are the first ever geometric plans of a
town and it was most likely drawn for strategical reasons. Also, he created a map of Arezzo and the
China Valley. He portrayed Perugia in the upper right hand corner, Arezzo in the upper left hand
corner, and Siena towards the bottom of the map (1). It is claimed that it may have been part of the
same campaign as the Plan of Imola. Last in the field of cartography, Leonardo Da Vinci created
Arno, which were the plans for redirecting the course of the River Arno, which flows through
Florence, Italy (1). This plan was supposedly created to solve conflict between Florence and Pisa
through technology rather than war (2). He had precisely mapped out the project and work began in
1503, digging three new channels cut off a large bend in the river (1). Although Leonardo's plans
would have been more effective, the design had to be changed due to insufficient funds for the
project and the extended amount of manual labor hours that would've been needed to complete this
project. As for astronomy Leonardo had one major accomplishment, that being solving the ancient
phenomenon of Earthshine. Earthshine is the glow caused by sunlight reflected off the earth,
especially on the darker portion of a crescent moon, which is noticeable during a crescent moon
when the rest of the moon appears as well, just darker. It had been pondered about for a great
amount of time until eventually, in the 16th century, Leonardo Da Vinci figured it out. In this time
this was an incredible discovery to make, being that no one had ever been to the moon and looked
up at the Earth nor did most people know that the Earth orbited the sun, as Copernicus' sun–centered
solar system theory was not established until 1543, twenty years
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Describe The Relationship Between Clausula And The Early...
The most important feature of medieval music is that a lot of musical theories and techniques which
people use these days were settled in this period. Composers need a musical notation to express
their musical ideas as composers need language and letters to communicate with other people.
Body: (1300)
In the late thirteenth century, a genre 'Motet' became popular as organum and conductus were
gradually disappeared and 'fell out of fashion'. This genre is similar to the way that a textual trope
and sequence are originated from Gregorian Chants. The Motet was created on the basis of the
discant clausula. In Notre Dame School in twelfth and thirteenth centuries, because Leonin's
clausula was able to be substituted for Perotin's new clausula, the clausula began to be treated as an
independent composition in those days. Therefore, "the clausula began to take on a life of its own, a
life that was responsible for the creation of the motet." ... Show more content on ...
The first is that the works as in clausula or motets with the same context can be written and
composed by musicians and performers might modify those compositions over time while they
sang. The second idea is that the musicians had added texts to melismetic music. It was a little
development that could identify what motet is. That is, composers could include more vocal parts
such as duplum and triplum. Motet is evolved from "a textual trope of a clausula to a newly
composed piece valued for its complex patterns and multiple layers of meaning." Philippe de Vitry
and Guillaume de Machaut in the following century were also the leading composers of medieval
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Italian Art Research Paper
Art is defined as something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that
expresses important ideas or feelings. (Merriam–Webster) Since the beginning of time, art has been
a regular part of life. Art is all around us every day, and sometimes, we don't notice or care where
these paintings, sculptures, or even photographs stemmed from. Since the beginning of time, art has
been a regular part of life. Over time, expressional art was categorized in a wide variety of ways,
from the Middle Ages, to the more cutting edge and modern distinction. The history of art was
initially founded during the Renaissance Era, focusing more on Western Civilization than other
regions. Be that as it may, as time passed, art took on a much more extensive overview of all
advancements in the civilization ... Show more content on ...
Artistic styles have many impacts, however, the most prolific impacts originate from the newly–
formed religious Orders coming to light in Italy during the 1200s and 1300s. Because of these new
religious orders, two notorious art styles merged together to make a necessary change. Dominican
and Franciscan styles merge together with the Byzantine art styles to form a completely new format.
While Western Christendom fell into the cultural abyss of the barbarian Dark Ages, its religious,
secular and artistic values were maintained by its new Eastern capital in Byzantium (later renamed
Constantinople after Constantine). Along with the transfer of Imperial authority to Byzantium went
thousands of Roman and Greek painters and craftsmen, who proceeded to create a new set of
Eastern Christian images and icons, known as Byzantine Art. (Byzantine Art: Characteristics,
History) As the Western Roman Empire crumbled and was taken over by the Byzantine Empire who
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Anghiari Research Paper
Arriving in Anghiari I felt like it was something taken directly out of an old remake of a Cinderella
movie. It did not seem fathomable to me that something so beautiful and scenic could even be seen
in my lifetime. I kept looking at Lizzie and Lizzie kept looking at me saying, these pictures do not
even do it justice." It was really a frustrating feeling think about going home and sharing the photos
and experience of visiting Anghihari with my family and bot being able to express to them how
amazing the views were. I felt in complete awe looking at the top of the church on the hill it felt
spiritual to me seeing this city and the people almost lost in time. My personality leaves me easily
frustrated by the little things, but Italy seems not bothered or frustrated by anything. The culture that
I was immersed in for just one short left me feeling at times that being punctual was completely
optional and that I overthought and stressed out about far too much. I challenged myself adopt more
of a carefree spirit and a go with the flow lifestyle for four short weeks. ... Show more content on ...
I was completely unaware at that time that I would travel to Arezzo many, many, times to get on
trains and take the bus back to Sansepolcro. My highlight of the entire day was finding a small café
with Lizzie as we made our way back to the bus. This was our very first 'apertivo' experience. We
sipped our drinks and had small finger foods like mini pizzas, potato chips, and crackers. We were
both amazed at the generosity of the lady that served us. Looking back on the entire trip I would still
consider this afternoon to be one of the biggest highlights of the entire trip because I was really able
to take in the scenery around me and truly have a moment with just one another person where we
felt like we were in a very small way a part of Italian
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David And Goliath Essay
I used to attend a private catholic school back in the Philippines until I came here when I was eight
years old, and I do not remember the story about David and Goliath. Unless my teacher talked about
during religious class then I completely spaced out. However, since learning about the different
David's, it has become one of my favorite stories due to each figure's place in the story line. The
story is "about a young brave shepherd named David who saves Israel by challenging and killing a
giant named Goliath with nothing more than a slingshot and a bag of stones" ("The Human Form in
Michelangelo's David and Bernini's David", Rybicki). The two David's that stood out to me the most
were Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni's and Gian Lorenzo Bernini's. For
Michelangelo's version, he sculpted an idealistic, flawless, and "god–like" character that is focusing
his attention on Goliath and building up that energy to fight with his sling ready in his left hand. As
for Bernini's, his character is not as heavily built as Michelangelo's, however, as it ... Show more
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As Michelangelo emphasized more on perfection, Bernini's focus was on storytelling.
Michelangelo's David has pent up energy while he stands still looks towards Goliath and pondering
his upcoming move. He is more built as if making men seek the same perfection as his. For Bernini,
his David has the liveliness that is the main characteristic of art during the Baroque era. His statue
has expressed movement which is shows through David bringing back the sling, preparing to injure
his enemy. However, both artists present man in a perfect form by presenting them with beauty,
strength, and confidence as they begin their fight with the giant. Both artists have depicted their
version of David in their own way and have produced
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How Did Dante Impact The Renaissance
(FIX UP INTRO) One has the ability to display an impact in the implementation and endowment in
the arts, sciences, and movements in principles and doctrines. Renaissance is the rebirth of religion,
the arts and the sciences. The renaissance was full of new ideas and led to future inventions that
have been established today. Two important humans to exist in the Renaissance time period were
Petrarch and Dante Alighieri. Petrarch and Dante Alighieri exhibit Renaissance literature to be
extremely influential and aspiring in the Renaissance and today. Though Alighieri and Petrarch are
both talented and motivational, Dante Alighieri is well known for his divine love for the idea of
humanism, while Petrarch is known for his bridge between the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Francesco Petrarch ... Show more content on ...
Dante had fallen in love with Beatrice Portinari and met her when she was nine years old. Dante's
love for Beatrice was from afar and one–sided. Unfortunately, in 1290, Beatrice had died
unexpectedly leaving a great impact on Dante. Dante began to submerge himself into the education
of philosophy and the conspiracies of the Florentine political act. Dante had studied many subjects,
including Tuscan poetry, painting and music. However, he mainly studied in rhetoric, grammar,
philosophy, literature, and theology. Five years after Beatrice's death, Dante had published Vita
Nuova, which described his catastrophic affection for Beatrice. Dante writes in Vita Nuova, "The
moment I saw her I say in all truth that the vital spirit, which dwells in the inmost depths of the
heart, began to tremble so violently that I felt the vibration alarmingly in all my pulses, even the
weakest of them." Dante talks about Beatrice, the women he loved, about how he could feel her and
know everything. He talks about his admiration towards the beautiful Beatrice. In conclusion, when
she was in pain, he was in
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Life Is Beautiful Analysis
Movie Critic Life is Beautiful In the mid 1900 a Jewish man by the name of Guido Orefice(Roberto
Benigni) arrives in Arezzo, Italy to open a bookshop. In the meantime in order to make ends meet he
works as a waiter under the watch of his uncle. During a party at his uncle's hotel Guido accidently
crosses Dora, a beautiful school teacher, over the course of the party Guido falls in love with Dora,
whom he calls "princess"(princess) and charms her by randomly popping up at unpredictable times.
As usual Guido randomly pops up at Dora's engagement, He stalls time by disguising himself as a
waiter at the engagement. He does the most unusual things which makes her laugh. During the
engagement party she dumps her fiancé, and chooses to marry Guido and he whisks her away on a
green horse(inside joke with Dora's fiancé) and they disappear into the night. This was was great
movie, because it shows the story of a man who lives in one of the most tragic times in history, (
world war two) who is trying his best to make the best of the war and he keeps a positive mind by
running around and be as adorable as humanly possible."Life is Beautiful" is just as complex as its
title. Just as I said, a lot of this is supposed to be set in a concentration camp. Fast Forward, The film
jumps into the war's(WWII) last months. Dora and Guido have a child, Giosué(Joshua)(Giorgio
Cantarini), For the next five Guido and Dora and their child live a blissful life in Guido's uncle,
Eliseo Orefice
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As a Future Educator of Music, I am Inspired by the...
Educators are set in place to guide us through a thorough understanding of a subject, and give us
enough information to suffice without their immediate guidance. In piano class, our Professors have
been taught to use specific methods on breaking down the skills to becoming a pianist. From scales
to score reading, all of the lessons are used to gain a sustainable amount of self knowledge to plunk
out notes for our future choirs or assist our own rehearsals in a practice room. Guido of Arezzo,
musical therapist, pedagogue and author of Micrologus suggested a lack of common knowledge is
one of the main causes for an individual to not put forth the appropriate efforts to achieve a perfect
understanding of the task. Guido Arentinus began ... Show more content on ...
Guido created a learning tool for the singers to use as a visual reference during their practice times
known as the Guidonian Hand. The letter name of the note and syllable were placed on a joint of the
singers hand to help with the memory process of a chant, and the visualization of the interval at
which the notes were sequenced. Another invention Guido took part of was the beginning to musical
notation. He knew he needed a uniform visual reference, that once you have gained the proper
knowledge of interpretation, could be used in every church under the rule. Notation prior to Guido's
invention was not beneficial to a singer who has not yet heard the chant or melody before. His
musical notation included colors, lines, and clefs that specified the size of the intervals and distinct
pitch. As a future educator of music, I find myself very inspired by Guido's passion to further his
pupils musical education, even if their destinies did not foresee them becoming musicians. Although
I may have more musical knowledge than the singers in 1025, I understood his concepts clearly and
was able to relate them to modern day methods we use today. When I was first learning how to read
music, we were taught solfege to learn the different placements of intervals and pitches, just as
singers in the Medieval era did with Guido's solmization syllables. These
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La Vita E Bella Themes
La Vita é Bella (Life is Beautiful) directed by Roberto Benigni is a film test of resiliency in a light
and humorous way but dark at the same time in the settings of WW2. The main character Guido
Orefice is a fun, sharp Jewish guy who alongside his beautiful wife, Dora and his son Giosué are
taken away into the Nazi concentration camp. The film highlights many themes, which enables the
audience to understand through the influence of the context. These include challenging stereotypes
and power structures, the loss of identity and the power of love. Each of these themes are reinforced
by a variety of visual conventions.
One theme explored in the film is challenging stereotypes and power structures as the film is set
during WW2. Mussolini had ... Show more content on ...
A screen text which says "Arezzo, Italy 1939" indicates the Holocaust and its persecution and
killing of Jews. Viewers understand how the context affects the way of thinking and behaving of its
victims. In the concentration camp. Guido made up a game for his son to protect him from the harsh
reality and the cruelty of the Nazis. When Guido hides Giosué in the box, the father is seen from a
low angle and their faces are lit. Everything else is in darkness but they are bright and novel amidst
all this chaos. Guido's preservance of finishing the game resulted in his execution. Although viewers
do not see him being shot, the blue illumination created represents melancholy and the sadness of
sacrificing oneself for a loved one. As Giosué comes out into the world, there is a wide shot of his
small hiding place compared to the enormity of the situation he is in, also known as the Final
Solution. At daybreak the prisoners emerge in the absence of music. Only the shuffling of feet can
be heard; humanity survives. The wide shot emphasises the scale of suffering. Prisoners often
emerge in pairs. The moral of the story is that you can't destroy love. Music is triumphant and
upbeat as the prisoners walk away down the hill. A final freeze frame and a text stating "Abbiamo
Vinto!" (We Won!) is shown as Giosué unites with his mother. Colours of the Italian countryside are
bright and hopeful indicating that light, love and hope have
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Aldo Rossi Locomotiva 2 Research
The idea of a centro direzionale was advanced by many in Italy during the 60s as a solution to
several urban planning problems. To alleviate congestions and reverse the conversion of housing
stock to office use in central cities, the strategy proposed was to build complexes of offices and
municipal administrative facilities outside historic city centre. The scale of a complex imagined as a
centro direzionale was large enough to constitute a self–contained new district and determine the
direction of urban expansion. Competitions for the design of such facilities have frequently become
the ideological battlefields on which opposing ideas about land use and the future development of
historic cities are advanced and criticized. In this ... Show more content on ...
Here it is possible to see how, for Rossi, typological study, as a form of rational study, was based not
on norma­tive facts but on the possibility of architectural form to evoke urban themes. Le
Corbusier's Unite d'Habitation in Marseille with its rue int~rieure, or the Smithsons' project for the
Golden Lane residential complex in London and its "streets in the air," are among the examples
Rossi considered true representations of the city in the form of urban themes.l 8 Here, type is
rendered not through universal rules but by the immediacy and singularity of an architectural event.
Rossi's position was strongly based on architecture as a basic, yet partial unit of the city. This was
particularly polemical in the early '60s, when architects saw emerging urbanity largely through the
lens of urban–planning methodologies. In 1963, the Olivetti Foundation organized an urban
planning semi­nar in Arezzo, headed by Ludovico Quaroni,
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How Did Michelangelo Impact Society
Michelangelo is one of the most well–known artists of all time, with many masterpieces attributed
to him including the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which stays one in every of his maximum famous
initiatives. Michelangelo, like any other artists did now not create his artwork honestly from
spontaneous notion of invention. He changed into stimulated by many various factors which include
faith and other philosophies that have been actively practiced in society. His specialty and even his
compositions demonstrate those impacts and can be seen approach to good impacts of his works.
Michelangelo was conceived on March 6, 1475 in Caprese, Tuscany.His own family had for several
generations been small–scale bankers in Florence but his father, Lodovico ... Show more content on ...
Augustine, who played a primary function in Michelangelo's very own improvement as a writer. "Of
Michelangelo's major assets it's far Petrarch who most encouraged him in his critique of
neoplatonism as well as of the schematic idealism of the scholastics." (Mussio, 347) Mussio
describes how those two unique authors triggered conflicts in Michelangelo's ideals because of their
very distinctive writings. Michelangelo turned out to be incredibly exceptionally intrigued by the
standards of the neoplatonic devotees of the age.He advanced a strong interest in Petrarch's writings
given that they have been so heavily centered on this philosophical perception. However there was
additionally war inside Michelangelo's own lifestyles that was caused by his reading of St.
Augustine's works. In some methods, Michelangelo turned into able to relate to some of the Saint's
personal struggles with Christianity due to his personal, at times, afflicted existence and past:
"Michelangelo's repeated expression of doubt and hesitation concerning conversion recollects
Augustine's personal resistance to grace in book VIII of Confessions when he struggles against
insidious voices inside his reminiscence that inhibit him from turning fully to God." (Mussio, 353).
Mussio makes a putting contention that Michelangelo turned into a man who battled with profound
established clashes, yet he decided comfort in the meantime as dissecting St.
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The Sistine Chapel and the Creation of Adam
The Sistine Chapel and the Creation of Adam Michelangelo(1475–1564)
The sistine Chapel and mainly the Creation of Adam fresco are treasures to the world of art,
Michelangelo the creator brought his discipline of sculpting into painting the frescoes and the
human silhouette. The story of the Sistine Chapel starts with the building itself, built in 1473 under
the supervision of Giovannino de Dolci. It is located in Vatican, Which is almost like the capital for
catholicism. Vatican being the home the pope and college of cardinals. The chapel being famous in
todays day in age for being the conclave of the cardinals, where the new pope is voted on and
elected. The main attraction to the Chapel today is the ceiling painted ... Show more content on ...
His first love being sculpting had to be put to the side for the project of the Sistine Chapel. He
reluctantly agreed to Paint the ceiling. This persuasion was a plot to discredit Michelangelo by
artistic community of Rome."By 1508 the artistic community of Rome ...felt so threatened by
Michelangelo's mercurial rise to fame that they devised a plot intended to discredit and degrade the
young artist."(eyewitnesstohistory) .They were very wrong in their plan to destroy the young artist
"They were convinced that the young sculptor, who had never attempted a fresco before, would
inevitably fail"(eyewitnesstohistory).
"Wet fresco is the most enduring medium for wall painting"(Martin and Jacobus,2008) The Frescos
that Michelangelo chose to do are very highly influenced by sculpting and the human body. The
nine scenes in the ceiling's middle are all from bible stories. The scenes all depict stories from the
book of genesis, starting with the scene of god separating light from dark and ending with scenes
from the story of Noah. Foremost a sculptor Michelangelo uses his hands to almost carve the human
figure out of paint and lines. These distinct painting style of the renaissance with a jubilation and
celebration of the bodies painted, gives a proud sense of work. This proud sensation is perfect for
the location in a place of celebrating God.
The Fresco scene I chose to focus on is the one that might well
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Compare And Contrast The Black Death
The are many different perspectives of how the Black Death was formed or produced, and how it
grew progressively larger. The Black Death was a horrible plague that killed over half of Europe's
population. The art portraying the Black Death can be compared and can be seen with multiple
similarities but also quite a few differences. Some similarities are religious beliefs and how
gruesome the plague was. The most convincing piece of art that was included in The Black Death
was St. Sebastian Intercedes during the Plague Pavia. It has so much action and symbolism going on
in one piece of artwork. The art shows the plague and the seriousness of the disease. There were too
many dead, and the rest was suffering. St. Sebastian can be seen ... Show more content on ...
War was when people were throwing their dead at one another and over walls. He could have
created the anger and the push to want to hurt one another through the disease. Famine was when
the plague made it very difficult to find food during those years. He could have created a shortage or
made the civilians starved when he knew there was nothing left to eat. Death would have been the
last to show up to the party. He would have waited until everyone was getting hungry, and
suffocating over their own vomit and blood. Then he would reap, and reap over 55% of Europe's
population.. The four horsemen seem like a stretch, but it is a very persuasive side. He is the head
reaper, someone who comes to collect the souls and the lives of those who need to pass on. If
someone sees Death, then they are most likely next to die. Death was a huge part of the plague
because of the excessive amount of people that were killed. The other pieces of art did not justify
the Black Death in the way that I depicted it. There was one piece of art that fit with another: St.
Sebastian. That piece of artwork correlated with the piece I previously talked about St. Sebastian
Intercedes during the Plague Pavia because it has the same person featured in both works of art. In
the first piece of art by Sandro Botticelli only showed St. Sebastian being hung and shot with arrows
until he died. That was not enough information to describe
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Hi Michelangelo: A Brief Biography Of Giorgio Vasari
Hi Michelangelo this is Giorgio Vasari. I was born into the artisan class of Arezzo. I am a painter,
architect, and art historian. I was the son of a dealer in small goods. As i heard, I was apprenticed as
a boy to Andrea del Sarto in Florence. I suffered at the hands of Andrea's wife, to judge from the
waspish references to her in his life of Andrea. I have a very active career at the moment. I
fulsomely praised the Medici family for forwarding my career from childhood, and much of my
work was done for Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany. But i'm pretty sure you must remember me
because we have meat before and became very close. I ventured you to the point where you became
my idol. I was influenced by you and Raphael to do the paintings I did
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Francesco Petrarch: Father Of Humanism
Slide 1 Editors. "Petrarch Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 10
Oct. 2015.
Who was your person?
Francesco Petrarch was a poet whose humanist acts started the beginning of the Renaissance. He is
also considered one of the fathers of the modern Italian language.
How did your figure exemplify the Renaissance Era?
He was an important figure in the rising of humanism in the start of the Renaissance. The event
symbolizes a new interest in classical culture.
Slide 2
Basic knowledge:
"Francesco Petrarca (English translated name "Petrarch") was born on July 20, 1304, in Arezzo,
Tuscany (now Italy).
He moved to Avignon, France, as a child."
In France, Petrarch studied law, as his father had wanted.
"His passion was for literature, particularly ancient Greek ... Show more content on
"Francesco Petrarch – Father of Humanism." Francesco Petrarch – Father of Humanism. N.p., 1999.
Web. 12 Oct. 2015.
"He died on July 18th / 19th, 1374."
"On the morning of July 19th, 1374, a day before his 70th birthday, a woman he knew named
Franchesca walked into his study and found him lying over his desk."
He had died sometime during the night with a pen in his hand.
"He was buried in the parish church. Six years later, his remains were transferred to a sarcophagus
built in Arquà by his son–in–law."
Slide 8
Legacy and influence:
"His writings influenced countless others during his lifetime, others such as Boccaccio and centuries
later, even Shakespeare would study his works and copy his sonnets."
"Petrarch's influence in English lasted at least through the 19th century and can be found in the work
of many famous English poets, such as Sir Thomas Wyatt and Percy Bysshe Shelley."
His writings were so great that royalty treated him like a king.
He even considered that "he had caused his own plague to spread over Europe, one which has
caused people to take up pen and paper and write and read."
And so ended the dark ages and the start of
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Francesco Petrarch Research Paper
Francesco Petrarca was born on July 20th, 1304 in Arezzo, Italy, to Ser and Eletta Petracco, and
died July 19th, 1374. Not only is Petrarch referred to as the "Father of Humanism, but also as the
"Father of the Renaissance". To be the greatest humanitarian holds much meaning, but most of all it
means to create needed change in the most dire of situations when others will not. Without a doubt,
Petrarch was the greatest humanitarian of all European history, because he had struggled to become
the person he was, he is considered to be the first humanitarian, and he not only influenced many
other greats but he also influenced the beginning of the Renaissance, although some can argue that
he was not the greatest humanitarian, because he is more ... Show more content on
First, "Looked to revive Roman Republic and government." (Campbell, 12). At this time, not many
would be brave enough to intervene with the powerful Roman Republic and government, but this
just shows once again why he was the greatest. Petrarch was disturbed by their treatment of the
people, and felt obligated to make a stand for his belief. Second, "Many rulers and popes sought
Petrarch for advice.." (Campbell, 14). Obvious to Petrarch's ability to be in tune with humanity,
leaders asked him for his opinion to rule correctly. A big reason why people sought him out was,
because there was no one else quite like him and his perspective. Finally, "Worked for long lasting
peace in Vaucluse..." (Campbell, 19). During this time many would being working at how to win the
fight, and be the ruler, but Petrarch had a hugely different view and wanted a solution instead. This
shows his views valued humanity over riches, land, and power like most others views did. To
conclude, an important reason why Petrarch is considered to be the greatest humanitarian in
European history, because he is considered the first ever in European
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Chimera Research Paper
The Chimera of Arezzo (first half of the fourth century., Bronze) was made by the Etruscans. It was
found in Arezzo in 1553. It is believed to be part of group of bronze statues depicting a battle. The
Chimera is a part of Greek mythology. A monster believed to breathe fire. Its defeat to the hero
Bellerophon was a legend, which is why it is portrayed as a battle locked creature bleeding and
ready to attack. This sculpture was created as an offering to a god believed to be commissioned by a
wealthy Etruscan. It shows how the Etruscans used many different influences from different cultures
and made them their own. The Chimera was a mythological monster believed to breathe fire. In
Greek mythology, the offspring the gods Typhon and Echidna. A hybrid of different types of
animals, most commonly it had the head of a lion, the head of a goat coming from its side and a
serpent as the tail. It was a female beast known for its ferocity. The mother of the Sphinx and
Nemeian Lion, and raised by a king the monster was great and terrible. Known to roam the land of
Lycia wrecking the lives of its inhabitants until it's defeat by the warrior Bellerophon by order of ...
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King Iobates sent a man named Bellerophon to fight the treacherous beast, as a favor to another king
who wanted the young warrior dead. He rode on the back of a Pegasus to fight the chimera. The
Chimera of Arezzo depicts the monster in battle with its set of wounds. It is bleeding from its side
where a spear was believed to be pre–discovery. The head of the goat also bleeds from its neck. The
monster seems to be in pain and is roaring in anger. Its body is crouched in a pouncing position
ready to attack who is assumed to be Bellerophon who emerged victorious from the fight. This
could be the reason the sculpture was chosen to be offered to an Etruscan god, the sculpture is very
detailed and captures attention because of the artist's
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Guido Arezzo Research Paper
Music has been an essential part of cultures all over the world from the beginning civilizations of
time. Some of the first instruments that were found were flutes and drums these were used to
communicate via long or short distances. Music is deeper than what is on the surface some just love
to hear it for a beat and others find emotion and a way of communication through it. Guido d'Arezzo
helped further music to what we know it today. Guido is the Father and inventor of
"the hexachord system and the musical staff" (Encyclopedia). He was born "in Italy in the year of
995 and passed in 1050. His contribution has of the hexachord has pushed others to finalize the staff
as we know it today. Encyclopedia Britannica stated that "the hexachord (the
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Who Is Guido D Arezzo?
Guido d'Arezzo is credited for inventing modern musical notation (Ure). Up until the 9th century,
musical notes were represented by "neumes" and the version of the staff they had only provided an
approximation of what pitch the musicians should play. It is thought that the reason why this is is
because music was traditionally passed down orally, and so the written music was only needed as a
reminder while the musicians learned by actually hearing the music using rote rehersal. After the 9th
century, musicians started experimenting with different ways to write music down on a staff. In the
12th century, Guido d'Arezzo invented the Guidonian Hand. This was a way to notate musical notes
on the human hand. This was used for learning, teaching,
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From the 14th century to the 17th century the Renaissance took place and was consider the cultural
bridge that connect the middle ages to modern history. During this time many spectacular things
took place. Artwork was created that looked as though it were from the heavens. Sculptures were
generated that looked as an angel had sculpted the masterpiece. The architecture that took place
looked as though it were created from the 19th century. Many architects, artist, and sculptures were
present during the Renaissance, but there was one person that stood out the most. He all of the
abilities that three men combined did not have and his name was Michelangelo di Lodovico
Buonarroti Simoni. Michelangelo has many painting that our still around today, ... Show more
content on ...
Created in 1489 this masterpiece is made out of pure marble. This sculpture is located in the Vatican
City. At first glance this sculpture looks like child dead in a mother's arms, which is correct but there
is more too it. The sculpture represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Its shows his mother Mary
holding him and he lays there dead. A very little detail that usually goes unnoticed is that Mary is
not touching her son directly, but a cloth is between the two. This signifies the Higher Renaissance
belief in Neoplatonic, that the beauty on earth signifies God's beauty. This masterpiece is not only
amazing by the meaning but the glorious detail that Michelangelo was able to go into with
practically a hammer and chisel.
Michelangelo's plays a huge role in the way that art was created during the Renaissance and well
into today's society. His painting allow historians to grasp on to many more ideas that were
expressed during the Renaissance. He is still one of the most talented human beings to walk this
earth. There has been very few that have accomplished what Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti
Simoni has accomplished in the short life of a human
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Giorgio Vasari The Battle Of Marciano
Giorgio Vasari was an Italian painter, as well as an architect and writer. Vasari was born on July 30,
1511 in Arezzo, Italy, he died on June 27, 1574 in Florence, Italy. Vasari is widely regarded as the
"father of art history".
At the start of his career in painting, Michelangelo brought him under his wing. Legend has it that
Vasari learned a lot of his painting techniques from the great Michelangelo. Vasari's type of painting
is that of the Tuscan Mannerists by experts. Overall, Vasari gave forth about 10 paintings to the
world. Among these are Alessandro de Medici resting, Pieta, and Justice. But the one that I will be
discussing is The Battle of Marciano.
The Battle of Marciano was painted by Giorgio Vasari in 1565. The painting
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The Creation Of The First Systems Of Notations
The creation of the first systems of notations (neumes) solfege was revolutionary for the world of
music, but more specifically for Western music and notation; and this can be thanked in part to
Guido of Arezzo and predecessors. In Howard Goodall's Big Bang video, Goodall was able to give
extraordinary facts on the history, development, and descriptions that were comprehensive in nature
of the incredible ideas of Guido. And without these ideas and application, European music couldn't
begin to flourish and if that didn't, then music would have to continue to be passed down person to
person in an oral tradition; and the world wouldn't have a system to create complex and
sophisticated music. For example, pieces from Mozart, Beethoven, Hayden, and modern music
wouldn't have existed because no one would have known what to write for melody, tone, tempo,
feel, and everything else – extremely critical for music today. Besides neumes, we have several lines
that have much of significance, i.e. the thin red line, the washing ling effect, and the four line stave.
And I will also be covering some other composers, counterpoint, the grapevine effect, and some
added comments that reflect on what I just learned; and I hopefully will be able to give analysis to
this assignment. Let us start with a bit of backstory, or history, to get how these ideas came about;
and with some respective comments to what I think. Before music was able to be transcribed down
onto paper, it was written down onto
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Mexican Study Abroad Analysis
When coming to college the words "study abroad" is thrown around frequently to the students. If
you stop and pay a little attention you can really see the positives to studying abroad. The Italian
Life and Culture program at Meredith College can really help influence students in benefiting to all
of the educational, personal, and social aspects of studying abroad. Throughout researching
Meredith's study abroad Italy program, the educational benefits to this is endless. This program is
designed to help educate students on Italian life and culture. It goes into great depth explaining the
history and social aspects behind the city of Sansepolcro especially. "My classes were very small,
just like back at Meredith. My professor was very hands ... Show more content on
This town offers a variety of comfortable living for the students to partake in. Not only are you
going to get an education, the students will also be exploring Italy. "Tourists flock to Sansepolcro in
September for medieval crossbow and flag–waving festivals that feature participants in costumes
modeled after Piero paintings" (Spano). These abstract gatherings in the Tuscan town are what
Sansepolcro is known for. This really unities the town as one, and is something that the students
could participate in. The main sights to see in Sansepolcro is The Civic Museum of Sansepolcro,
The Cathedral of Sansepolcro, and The Fortress of Sansepolcro. Each of these historic sites were
built centuries ago and hold many memories behind the walls of every site. Italy is known for their
food, specifically their pasta and gelato and it certainly did not disappoint. "There was a gelato place
so close to where we were staying and I am not even kidding when I say I got it every single day, it
was the best thing I've ever put in my mouth" (Huff). The location of Sansepolcro is unbelievable,
students get so much from the program in Italy. Studying abroad is one of the most beneficial things
a college student can partake in while in school. The countless benefits from the Italian Life and
Culture program will help you in life in more ways than one. This program will allow students to
grow, travel, be informed,
... Get more on ...

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Guido D Arezzo Influence

  • 1. Guido D Arezzo Influence Since Music is so important and its part of our daily life, we might want to know little bit about where it really came from, how it was invented and most importantly who are the people that contributed to our music. One of the all–time contributor of western music is Guido D'Arezzo, Guido was an Italian music theorist, He was born in Italy in 13th Century. He studied at the Benedictine Abbey of a Pomposa and started teaching how to sing there. Later on he left abbey, the reason he left was because his idea didn't meet with his understanding, later on he was invited by the bishop of Arezzo to teach the music at his cathedral school. As he was teaching at bishop Arezzo, he started inventing new ways writing Gregorian chant, adopting four–line ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Johann Sebastian Bach Bio Bach Instruments Although the clavichordf ell into relativeo bscurityb y the end of the nineteenthc en–tury,it had a long and distinguishedh istoryd atingb ack to the late Middle Ages. Bach biog–rapherJ ohann Forkel claimed that the clavichord was Johann Sebastian Bach's preferred instrument; he was attractedb y its abilityt o communicaten uances and subtleties, and con–sideredi t to be farm ore expressivet han the harpsichord. Bach was not alone in his admira–tion for the clavichord; similar sentiments were expressed by numerous composers, performers,an d music lovers over those centuries,m any of whom are quoted in this vol–ume. "Intimate"c omes to mind as a way of describingt he sound of a clavichord. At its loud–est the sound would be described as soft,a nd its softests ounds are barely audible. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Lives Of The Artist By Giorgio Vasari Giorgio Vasari is known for being the first Art Historian. He wrote the seminal work The Lives of the Artists. But why did he write it? Of course every book is written for a purpose but I don't think Vasari was writing just to inform people of art and artists. At the beginning of the 14th Century the value of artists and their craft began to rise. They had been a member of the guild system along with other valued members of the medieval economic system certainly but suddenly wealthy people not just the clergy saw buying art and dedicating it to God as a way to pay for past sins and show their esteemed colleagues that they were actually doing something to ensure passage to heaven. This rise of humanism is continuing theme into the next two centuries when it reaches Vasari. If Art has reached its zenith in realism and can go no higher. How then can Vasari increase his worth and that of his fellow artists in the world's estimation? Write a book detailing the lives of great artists and explain how they received their genius from God and made startling contributions to the many great religious and civic efforts of Italy and Florence in particular. This was going to help him increase his own power if he could connect his talent to the greatness of God and those who needed God's Grace more than most; the rich and powerful. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Compare And Contrast Michelangelo And Raphael The Renaissance was a period in Europe civilisation that immediately followed the Middle Ages. It was an era of cultural growth that was introduced in Italy and was carried on throughout northern Europe lasting the 14th to 17th century. Many artists and scholars of that time period believed that they were contributing in a revival of the ideals and worth of the periods that arrive before them. The Renaissance period open doors for individuals to rediscover one's will and obligations of observing the environment. It was an opening for them to express themselves in human terms. They shifted their interest from God centred to humans centred, known as Humanism. The Renaissance had expanded into four periods which were classified as Early Renaissance, ... Show more content on ... It may also come from the location where both works were created, the Vatican apartments, only blocks away from the Sistine Chapel. Raphael's painting showed immense alikeness with Michelangelo and he was influenced by the work of his senior, mainly the Prophets and Sibyls. When the painting of the Prophet of Isaiah was executed by both artists, Raphael's Isaiah conveyed similar figural composition and made it Michelangelo–esque. The painting was self–confined and the essence of scroll in both paintings were present, only Raphael evolved the way it is being held by Isaiah. This similarity is carried on throughout the Stanze. But somehow, Raphael could never rise up to Michelangelo's mastery, even as he ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Petrarch Accomplishments "Man has no greater enemy than himself" according to Petrarch, a poet who lived from 1304–1374, and the inventor of the sonnet. The Renaissance was a time period from 14th to the 17th century, and was the bridge from the Middle Ages to modern history. An Italian scholar, poet, and the father of humanism, Petrarch helped develop a style of poetry known as the sonnet. In addition, Petrarch was relevant to the Renaissance because he inspired Shakespeare and other Renaissance poets as well as modern philosophy and thought. Petrarch had a very interesting life; he was born in Arezzo, Tuscany and lived until he was seventy years old. Born July 20, 1304 and died July 19, 1374. He had a passion for literature, but sadly his father forced him ... Show more content on ... Petrarch was also a famous historian and wrote great poems. One of his major accomplishments was inventing the sonnet. A sonnet is a poem that has fourteen lines, and has ten syllables per line. He made an impact on the Renaissance by influencing Shakespeare to develop the Shakespearean sonnet. His first poems were written right after his mother died. Petrarch wrote about the second Punic War, and he wrote Africa. In his later years he journeyed through northern Italy, and he fathered two children but never married. His interest and love of the Classics led him to explore and study scholarly material. But his greatest accomplishment was the sonnet, which would be his legacy and contribution both to the Renaissance and present times. Petrarch made an impact on the Renaissance by inspiring people and students to study the classics. His poetry, and especially the sonnet form, has truly evolved as poets from Shakespeare to Franz Liszt and Eliot Carter, both modern day composers. His love for Laura is replicated in a novel entitled Muse by Canadian author, Mary Novik. His use of Italian in his writing also helped develop modern day Italian and he has been an inspiration to other ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Music And Ancient Music Music has pervaded human life, for over thousands of years. In its very early stages, music was highly improvised. In fact, much of it was either passed down through generations of practice, and memory. This unfortunately left music unrecorded– meaning there was, and still is, a lack of tangible proof , as well as articulation of how and when it was performed in many ancient cultures. It wasn't until 2000 BC. that the earliest form of musical notation was attempted. Found in cuneiform recorded on a clay tablet in Nippur, a town in the ancient society of Sumer, was the first recorded early musical instruction. The tablet represents vague instructions for performing the music, though they dictate that the music was composed in harmonies of thirds, and written using a diatonic scale (Kilmer). Like Sumerians, many other ancient cultures used ambiguous symbols in representation of melody and rhythm. This unfortunately limits today's understanding of ancient music. Fortunately, many formal contributions to notation and musical pedagogy were slowly implemented in the following centuries by the Roman Catholic church and its followers– especially during the Medieval period. A particular figure that was arguably one of the most highly influential to the creation of formal musical notation and pedagogy,was a man named Guido of Arezzo. Guido drafted and composed treatises to supplement Gregorian Chant – a source for learning singers. In the last of his 4 treatises, the Epistola, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Guido D Arezzo Research Paper Who is Guido d'Arezzo? Music is not just something everyone goes to concerts to listen to or blast out of stereos. It obtains so many intricate characteristics that make it fall under certain genres and/or categories. But no matter the genre, all music has a foundation to it. The history behind music dates back to many centuries. With this came the founders of specific components of music. Guido d'Arezzo an Italian music theorist of the Medieval era is deemed the creator of modern day musical notation. Guido d'Arezzo was a monk of the Benedictine order where he discovered the difficulty many singers were having when trying to memorize Gregorian chants. This lead to him developing new strategies for teaching staff notation through his new form ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Tonight's Music Analysis For a composer, the modal system is useful for delineating a melodic "home" known as the final tone. A note called the reciting tone acts as the secondary "home" for the melody. The balance between these two "homes" creates drama for the listener. As the melody hangs on the reciting tone it often creates a type of tension that is resolved when the melody returns to the final tone. PHRYGIAN SKELETONS refers to the modal "skeletons" upon which tonight's music is built. The selections chosen for tonight's performance can be seen as a gallery of techniques that composers have used to handle the Phrygian mode. This mode stands out at once when one hears the idiomatic minor second interval that separates the final tone from tone above it (typically ... Show more content on ... One of the most celebrated of these was Heinrich Schütz. He began his adult life studying law, deciding not to pursue the arts. In 1609 a person of high nobility noticed the musical talent of young Schütz and offered him a stipend to study in Venice with renowned composer Giovanni Gabrieli. The 24–year–old law student left for Venice with the intention of continuing his legal studies upon his return. However, he would become the court organist in Cassel after his time in Venice and in 1615 he would take a position as court composer for the Elector of Saxony; a position he would hold until his death in 1672. Schütz's career developed during one of the most devastating wars in European history, The Thirty Years War, which took place between his 33rd and 63rd years of life. This was a time when the face of German culture would be changed ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Music In The Middle Ages Another factor that influenced the society of the Middle Ages was its music. Music has always impacted society and anyone who listens to it. There is something personal about music that humans can relate to, and that is why it has had such an impact on society both now and during the Middle Ages. The advancements of music in the Medieval Age are far reaching and important even today, both in the fields of the evolution of music theory and the evolution of instrumentation and the performance of a piece. Without the advancements made in this era, music would still be namely monophonic, originating and ending in the same key without variation. Nor would we have anything remotely resembling the modern day piano, an instrument centuries in its ... Show more content on ... Perhaps the greatest and most influential evolution in musicality of the Middle Ages was that of the keyboard instrument. Although there was yet to be a way to describe or notate the complex polyphony of secular music in this era, it was all the same incredibly prevalent. As such, polyphonic instruments arose to meet the need. Already the lute and similar stringed instruments were becoming popular for this new brand of music, but more was needed. As a result, the Organistrum came into existence. Originating in Spain, this instrument was a massive beast that required two people to play correctly, or at all. One player sat at the base of the instrument and turned a rosined wheel which would create a continuous drone from one of three strings that ran the length of the instrument while another sat at the head of the instrument, pulling hooks upwards to shorten the length of the strings, creating various pitches. Although this was the first attempt at a keyboard instrument, it very quickly became obsolete due to several issues with the construction of the machination. The size of it made it difficult to move, especially for the bards and troubadours of the time. The requirement to pull the hooks upwards made the melodies cumbersome and made faster passages impossible. Worst of all, the instrument could only handle the most basic harmonies, able to play in perfect fourths or fifths above the melody, but unable to play an extended ... Get more on ...
  • 10. David Persuasive Speech Many years ago during biblical times the Philistine lined up to fight Israel. A man standing over nine feet tall dressed in full armor came out of his camp every day to find a challenger. For forty days there was no one willing to challenge Goliath until David volunteered. David was a young teenager who wasn't even a part of the war, but was delivering stuff to his brothers, so it took some convincing to the king to let him be the challenger. In 1 Samuel 17 more of the story is told. "45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and I'll ... Show more content on ... Placed at his right leg there is a tree trunk. In the book that is used in the art history class 121 on page 288 it states that "the tree trunk supporting the David is a reminder of the Ancient Roman copies of Greek statuary and evokes the classical past". One thing that stands out about Michelangelo's sculpture compared to someone's like Donatello's is how masculine the statue is, and the moment that the statue was presented to be at. The statue is in a pose that is represented to be right before the moment of the battle. The statue of David is looking over his left shoulder with a very intense stare look in his eyes. He is starting to prepare for what could be the biggest moment of his life, life or death is looking at him in the face. The very intense look in his face is not presented throughout his body, and this is symbolizing that he is not physically focused, but mentally. David knew that without God on his side he could not take this man on, he was bigger and stronger. He needed to have all the faith in the world to trust that God would deliver Goliath into his ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Similarities Between David And Michelangelo – Medieval artists focused more on the spirituality and religious themes. – They added symbols and signs in their paintings to bring across a message to the people. – Whereas Michelangelo depicted his paintings to real–life figures but displayed a message within the figures emotions and feelings. – Michelangelo experimented with style, technique, light, shade, colour and subject matter which shaped the difference in the Renaissance period. – Renaissance artists tried to give their artwork a sense of perspective and proportion. – Michelangelo used the terms 'Vanishing point' to help him achieve realistic figures and impression of spaces. – The vanishing point makes the artwork look more three dimensional. – Michelangelo was more interested ... Show more content on ... – The permanent finish enabled Michelangelo's paintings to not suffer from discolouring or damage. – Michelangelo's method of wall paintings is called fresco. – Italian word for FRESH. – The method required a lot of confidence and sureness of touch because once the colour was absorbed it was not possible to re–touch. – Michelangelo used the method of modelling clay to help them with their final shape. – Michelangelo didn't use the modelling when he was sculpting David. – David represents the idealised human form. – Medieval artists focused on the religious side of their artworks. – Renaissance focused on lifelike figures. – Michelangelo learned how to make accurate drawings of people and nature. Many Renaissance artists showed subjects taken from the bible. – Renaissance artists also started painting non–religious subjects, often taken from the Greeks and Roman mythology. – Artists used oil paints because it improved colour and effects of art. – The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was with a series of frescoes that portrayed several biblical stories. – Creation of Adam depicts God giving life to the first human. – Mutual desire of God and humanity for one ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Descriptive Essay On Life Is Beautiful La Vita E Bella or in English language, Life is Beautiful is a touching story about the unconditional love of a father to his family. Guido Orefice is a Jewish–Italian who went in Arezzo, Italy on 1939 to open a bookstore he rode on a car with his friend while his friend was reciting a poem about being free. I felt laughed a little bit when the brake fluid of the car wrecked. They stopped on a barn to fix their car when Guido met a school teacher named Dora. It was funny when Dora fell from a high tree house then to Guido's arms. I can see on his eyes that he already felt that it was love at first sight. He also called her "Princess". I can also see in Dora's eyes on the way she laugh on Guido's jokes, she already loves him too. Despite of Dora, having a relationship with the Italian officer still Guido's unique ways of courting sweeps her off her feet. It was funny how the director and writer Robert Benigni come up with a fantastic plot ... Show more content on ... The eyes of her grandmother looked very sad and happy when she heard Joshua called her grandma. It was also heart–warming when Guido smiled and when he saw Joshua fall asleep after eating a lot in the German's camp. I was teary–eyed when Guido and Joshua broke into the German officer's office and called Dora and said that they were okay and they missed her a lot. Dora cried when he heard the voice of Joshua, because she thought he was already dead. I also became teary–eyed when Joshua saw the real tank his father has promised him. He was very happy when he saw the tank, but it was not on his knowledge that his father, Guido was shot to death on the night when they are winning the war in order for Guido's family to be safe. I cried a little bit when Joshua was left alone in the camp and when I saw his innocent happy face cheering for their ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Use Of Color In Life Is Beautiful By Roberto Benigni Film has the ability to send messages that ordinary words can not present. In the movie Life is Beautiful, director/actor Roberto Benigni is able to send a message through art that life truly is beautiful by his use of color, comedy, and story. Benigni uses color in certain scenes to make the audience feel light hearted, and in other scenes feel despondent. In the beginning of the movie Guido and Ferruccio are driving through a valley in Arezzo, Italy. The valley is filled with bright green trees and fields, while the sky is covered in an array of blues. Driving through the valley they pass a village filled with popping colors of the Italian flag. The colors in the beginning set a cheerful tone for the audience. However, once Guido and Joshua, and then Dora bored the cattle car sent for the concentration camp the color scheme changes. The vibrant greens, reds, and blues are replaced with dull greys, blacks, and whites. These colors create a sense of depression, dread, and hopelessness. Benigni intentionally chose to change the spirited colors into monotonous ones because he understands that certain colors evoke particular feelings. The movie can pull the audience into emotion unlike writings can. People can read in books that concentration camps were awful, but a film is able to pull you in and unspokenly give you a taste of the emotions associated with them. Film has the power to show us the atrocities of humanity, but also show us the tenderness and compassion that comes with it. Although this movie has a sad loss, it does not stop the audience from realizing that the beauty of life comes from the little happy moments and the folks that bring them about. The use of comedy in the film helps to shed light that happiness can always be found in life's struggles. About halfway into the movie Guido is at Doras engagement party to Amico as a server. Throughout the scene the audience gets the vibe that Dora is not compatible with Amico. When Amico says if Germany "killed all the cripples they would save 1,200,000 marks a day" Dora is deeply upset by his comment and realizes he is not the man for her. The scene turns from unsettling to amusing though when Guido rides in on a green horse and tells his princess Dora to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Did Church Music Develop Between the ninth–century and the fifteenth–century, Church music significantly developed. Presumably, during seven centuries, music had undergone several developments, not only in Church music, but in secular music as well. However, many of these developments were adopted only to be forgotten decades or a century or two later, which indicates that such developments were not too significant to the overall development of music. Some developments, nevertheless, are significant and have lived on to influence modern western music. Such developments are relevant to assessing the growth of Church music in the Middle Ages. The primary developments are in the study of harmony in conjunction with rhythm, notation, and the use of musical instruments. ... Show more content on ... Church music in the ninth–century, namely, the Gregorian Chant, was, as Matthews, Platt and Noble note, monophonic7 and lacked instrumental accompaniment.8 Similarly, Greek music was monophonic, even though the melody was ornamented by instruments.9 This, however, did not last long in isolation during the ninth–century, since a basic form of polyphonic10 music developed.11 This polyphonic music that developed was called Organum in which a principal voice or main melody is duplicated at a fifth or fourth below by a harmonic voice called the organal voice.12 Moreover, the rise of polyphony continued to develop in the twelfth–century and onward into more complex forms, but retained the basic principal.13 Furthermore, developing in the thirteenth– century as an addition to organum, polyphonic conductus was homo–rhythmic but contained up to four voices with the tenor often being newly composed rather than adapted from a chant.14 Although these developments did not see influence from Greek music, they are, nevertheless, a continuation on Greek forms of complex modal melodies that the Gregorian Chants had been influenced by. Thus, polyphonic music was built on the Gregorian Chant, but made possible the beginnings of harmonious music that, consequently, influenced all of Western ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Musician, Technology And Copyright Laws For the musician, technology and copyright laws are some of the most beneficial aspects of their profession. In fact, technology has assisted musicians in distributing, listening to, and performing music. Those ways can also help the musician academically or financially. Compared to centuries ago, the musician can now distribute music in various ways, not just by paper. Nevertheless, copyright laws came into existence in the sixteenth century as well, have also benefited the musician. Over time these laws have focused more on the musician instead of patrons and printers exploiting money from the musician. Thus, copyright laws of today and improvement of technology have become beneficial to musicians compared to centuries ago. This paper ... Show more content on ... This system helped composers use special symbols, called note names, to indicate a generalized system of music notation. These note names and durations were based on a system known as the Guidonian Hand, which is said to have been developed by Guido of Arezzo. This system is based on individual notes within a hexachord system, that can be identified unanimously by combining the names of all the various solemnization syllables that each symbol could sustain. The hand helped create a universal notation system that was used by all. Now composers from around the area could use the invention of musical notation to write a composition using universal note names. Along with the rise of composers writing their own names on their manuscript, this created the last component used in what will be known as a printed music manuscript. Those elements helped lead to the invention of the printing press. Now, composers were able to sell their compositions, to use a generalized system of notation, and slowly began to switch from handwritten manuscripts to printers copying all the work. Before the Gutenberg press, people would either hand–write their compositions or carve a block of wood with musical manuscript to print their music. However, these blocks did not survive under repeated pressure and could not be reused. The technology was still not the best for the musician, and create several problems, such as the long process to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Guido Of Arezzo Music Theory When did music begin? Music began 1,000 CE. Music just didn't always come as it is. There were many music improvements by a man named Guido D'Arezzo. Also known as Guido of Arezzo. He was born in 991 AD, in Arezzo Italy. He died in 1050, of Avellana, Italy. Guido of Arezzo ,ade a huge part in the music theory. Guido was a medieval era. The things he developed and studied were musical notation, hexachord, solmization, organum, and gamut. Guido made a huge part in the music theory. He made the music notation. Musical notation was a visual record of an imaged or heard musical set of some visual instructions or sound for a performance. This form will usually take a printed or written form and is a very difficult process. In musical notation the main musical sounds are the location of a musical sound on a scale and pitch. Than Guido of Arezzo made the hexachord. Hexachord is important in music. The hexachord is a six–note pattern that is comparable to the first six–notes of the major scale. Those notes are, C–D–E–F–G–A. The hexachord was related in the Renaissance musical theory and in medieval. This strategy was greatly used in the learning of singing. This form gave the person who was singing a good pitch. This helped with melodies and the reading of music. The names of the notes on the hexachord are ut, re, mi, fa, sol, and la. This is also known as solmization. Each of the hexachords will include only one semitone between the sounds of mi and fa. A Semitone is ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Leonardo Da Vinci: Forgotten In World History Hayden Block Don't Forget Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci should not be forgotten in World History because of his expertise and influence in the fields of astronomy and cartography, inventing/engineering, and art. Leonardo Da Vinci was a man of many fields. Born on April 15, 1452, he grew up in the small town of Vinci on the Tuscan Hill. He was the non–biological son of Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, a Florentine notary, and Caterina, a peasant who may have been a slave from the Middle East. When he turned fourteen he became the apprentice to one of the most successful artists at this time, Andrea di Cione, otherwise known as Verrocchio. Verrocchio exposed Leonardo to many technical skills including drafting, chemistry, metallurgy, metal ... Show more content on ... Leonardo Da Vinci created the Plan of Imola, currently recognized as the earliest map which it is possible to date, drawn in 1502 (1). It is possible that these are the first ever geometric plans of a town and it was most likely drawn for strategical reasons. Also, he created a map of Arezzo and the China Valley. He portrayed Perugia in the upper right hand corner, Arezzo in the upper left hand corner, and Siena towards the bottom of the map (1). It is claimed that it may have been part of the same campaign as the Plan of Imola. Last in the field of cartography, Leonardo Da Vinci created Arno, which were the plans for redirecting the course of the River Arno, which flows through Florence, Italy (1). This plan was supposedly created to solve conflict between Florence and Pisa through technology rather than war (2). He had precisely mapped out the project and work began in 1503, digging three new channels cut off a large bend in the river (1). Although Leonardo's plans would have been more effective, the design had to be changed due to insufficient funds for the project and the extended amount of manual labor hours that would've been needed to complete this project. As for astronomy Leonardo had one major accomplishment, that being solving the ancient phenomenon of Earthshine. Earthshine is the glow caused by sunlight reflected off the earth, especially on the darker portion of a crescent moon, which is noticeable during a crescent moon when the rest of the moon appears as well, just darker. It had been pondered about for a great amount of time until eventually, in the 16th century, Leonardo Da Vinci figured it out. In this time this was an incredible discovery to make, being that no one had ever been to the moon and looked up at the Earth nor did most people know that the Earth orbited the sun, as Copernicus' sun–centered solar system theory was not established until 1543, twenty years ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Describe The Relationship Between Clausula And The Early... The most important feature of medieval music is that a lot of musical theories and techniques which people use these days were settled in this period. Composers need a musical notation to express their musical ideas as composers need language and letters to communicate with other people. Body: (1300) In the late thirteenth century, a genre 'Motet' became popular as organum and conductus were gradually disappeared and 'fell out of fashion'. This genre is similar to the way that a textual trope and sequence are originated from Gregorian Chants. The Motet was created on the basis of the discant clausula. In Notre Dame School in twelfth and thirteenth centuries, because Leonin's clausula was able to be substituted for Perotin's new clausula, the clausula began to be treated as an independent composition in those days. Therefore, "the clausula began to take on a life of its own, a life that was responsible for the creation of the motet." ... Show more content on ... The first is that the works as in clausula or motets with the same context can be written and composed by musicians and performers might modify those compositions over time while they sang. The second idea is that the musicians had added texts to melismetic music. It was a little development that could identify what motet is. That is, composers could include more vocal parts such as duplum and triplum. Motet is evolved from "a textual trope of a clausula to a newly composed piece valued for its complex patterns and multiple layers of meaning." Philippe de Vitry and Guillaume de Machaut in the following century were also the leading composers of medieval ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Italian Art Research Paper Art is defined as something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings. (Merriam–Webster) Since the beginning of time, art has been a regular part of life. Art is all around us every day, and sometimes, we don't notice or care where these paintings, sculptures, or even photographs stemmed from. Since the beginning of time, art has been a regular part of life. Over time, expressional art was categorized in a wide variety of ways, from the Middle Ages, to the more cutting edge and modern distinction. The history of art was initially founded during the Renaissance Era, focusing more on Western Civilization than other regions. Be that as it may, as time passed, art took on a much more extensive overview of all advancements in the civilization ... Show more content on ... Artistic styles have many impacts, however, the most prolific impacts originate from the newly– formed religious Orders coming to light in Italy during the 1200s and 1300s. Because of these new religious orders, two notorious art styles merged together to make a necessary change. Dominican and Franciscan styles merge together with the Byzantine art styles to form a completely new format. While Western Christendom fell into the cultural abyss of the barbarian Dark Ages, its religious, secular and artistic values were maintained by its new Eastern capital in Byzantium (later renamed Constantinople after Constantine). Along with the transfer of Imperial authority to Byzantium went thousands of Roman and Greek painters and craftsmen, who proceeded to create a new set of Eastern Christian images and icons, known as Byzantine Art. (Byzantine Art: Characteristics, History) As the Western Roman Empire crumbled and was taken over by the Byzantine Empire who ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Anghiari Research Paper Arriving in Anghiari I felt like it was something taken directly out of an old remake of a Cinderella movie. It did not seem fathomable to me that something so beautiful and scenic could even be seen in my lifetime. I kept looking at Lizzie and Lizzie kept looking at me saying, these pictures do not even do it justice." It was really a frustrating feeling think about going home and sharing the photos and experience of visiting Anghihari with my family and bot being able to express to them how amazing the views were. I felt in complete awe looking at the top of the church on the hill it felt spiritual to me seeing this city and the people almost lost in time. My personality leaves me easily frustrated by the little things, but Italy seems not bothered or frustrated by anything. The culture that I was immersed in for just one short left me feeling at times that being punctual was completely optional and that I overthought and stressed out about far too much. I challenged myself adopt more of a carefree spirit and a go with the flow lifestyle for four short weeks. ... Show more content on ... I was completely unaware at that time that I would travel to Arezzo many, many, times to get on trains and take the bus back to Sansepolcro. My highlight of the entire day was finding a small café with Lizzie as we made our way back to the bus. This was our very first 'apertivo' experience. We sipped our drinks and had small finger foods like mini pizzas, potato chips, and crackers. We were both amazed at the generosity of the lady that served us. Looking back on the entire trip I would still consider this afternoon to be one of the biggest highlights of the entire trip because I was really able to take in the scenery around me and truly have a moment with just one another person where we felt like we were in a very small way a part of Italian ... Get more on ...
  • 21. David And Goliath Essay I used to attend a private catholic school back in the Philippines until I came here when I was eight years old, and I do not remember the story about David and Goliath. Unless my teacher talked about during religious class then I completely spaced out. However, since learning about the different David's, it has become one of my favorite stories due to each figure's place in the story line. The story is "about a young brave shepherd named David who saves Israel by challenging and killing a giant named Goliath with nothing more than a slingshot and a bag of stones" ("The Human Form in Michelangelo's David and Bernini's David", Rybicki). The two David's that stood out to me the most were Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni's and Gian Lorenzo Bernini's. For Michelangelo's version, he sculpted an idealistic, flawless, and "god–like" character that is focusing his attention on Goliath and building up that energy to fight with his sling ready in his left hand. As for Bernini's, his character is not as heavily built as Michelangelo's, however, as it ... Show more content on ... As Michelangelo emphasized more on perfection, Bernini's focus was on storytelling. Michelangelo's David has pent up energy while he stands still looks towards Goliath and pondering his upcoming move. He is more built as if making men seek the same perfection as his. For Bernini, his David has the liveliness that is the main characteristic of art during the Baroque era. His statue has expressed movement which is shows through David bringing back the sling, preparing to injure his enemy. However, both artists present man in a perfect form by presenting them with beauty, strength, and confidence as they begin their fight with the giant. Both artists have depicted their version of David in their own way and have produced ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How Did Dante Impact The Renaissance (FIX UP INTRO) One has the ability to display an impact in the implementation and endowment in the arts, sciences, and movements in principles and doctrines. Renaissance is the rebirth of religion, the arts and the sciences. The renaissance was full of new ideas and led to future inventions that have been established today. Two important humans to exist in the Renaissance time period were Petrarch and Dante Alighieri. Petrarch and Dante Alighieri exhibit Renaissance literature to be extremely influential and aspiring in the Renaissance and today. Though Alighieri and Petrarch are both talented and motivational, Dante Alighieri is well known for his divine love for the idea of humanism, while Petrarch is known for his bridge between the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Francesco Petrarch ... Show more content on ... Dante had fallen in love with Beatrice Portinari and met her when she was nine years old. Dante's love for Beatrice was from afar and one–sided. Unfortunately, in 1290, Beatrice had died unexpectedly leaving a great impact on Dante. Dante began to submerge himself into the education of philosophy and the conspiracies of the Florentine political act. Dante had studied many subjects, including Tuscan poetry, painting and music. However, he mainly studied in rhetoric, grammar, philosophy, literature, and theology. Five years after Beatrice's death, Dante had published Vita Nuova, which described his catastrophic affection for Beatrice. Dante writes in Vita Nuova, "The moment I saw her I say in all truth that the vital spirit, which dwells in the inmost depths of the heart, began to tremble so violently that I felt the vibration alarmingly in all my pulses, even the weakest of them." Dante talks about Beatrice, the women he loved, about how he could feel her and know everything. He talks about his admiration towards the beautiful Beatrice. In conclusion, when she was in pain, he was in ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Life Is Beautiful Analysis Movie Critic Life is Beautiful In the mid 1900 a Jewish man by the name of Guido Orefice(Roberto Benigni) arrives in Arezzo, Italy to open a bookshop. In the meantime in order to make ends meet he works as a waiter under the watch of his uncle. During a party at his uncle's hotel Guido accidently crosses Dora, a beautiful school teacher, over the course of the party Guido falls in love with Dora, whom he calls "princess"(princess) and charms her by randomly popping up at unpredictable times. As usual Guido randomly pops up at Dora's engagement, He stalls time by disguising himself as a waiter at the engagement. He does the most unusual things which makes her laugh. During the engagement party she dumps her fiancé, and chooses to marry Guido and he whisks her away on a green horse(inside joke with Dora's fiancé) and they disappear into the night. This was was great movie, because it shows the story of a man who lives in one of the most tragic times in history, ( world war two) who is trying his best to make the best of the war and he keeps a positive mind by running around and be as adorable as humanly possible."Life is Beautiful" is just as complex as its title. Just as I said, a lot of this is supposed to be set in a concentration camp. Fast Forward, The film jumps into the war's(WWII) last months. Dora and Guido have a child, Giosué(Joshua)(Giorgio Cantarini), For the next five Guido and Dora and their child live a blissful life in Guido's uncle, Eliseo Orefice ... Get more on ...
  • 24. As a Future Educator of Music, I am Inspired by the... Educators are set in place to guide us through a thorough understanding of a subject, and give us enough information to suffice without their immediate guidance. In piano class, our Professors have been taught to use specific methods on breaking down the skills to becoming a pianist. From scales to score reading, all of the lessons are used to gain a sustainable amount of self knowledge to plunk out notes for our future choirs or assist our own rehearsals in a practice room. Guido of Arezzo, musical therapist, pedagogue and author of Micrologus suggested a lack of common knowledge is one of the main causes for an individual to not put forth the appropriate efforts to achieve a perfect understanding of the task. Guido Arentinus began ... Show more content on ... Guido created a learning tool for the singers to use as a visual reference during their practice times known as the Guidonian Hand. The letter name of the note and syllable were placed on a joint of the singers hand to help with the memory process of a chant, and the visualization of the interval at which the notes were sequenced. Another invention Guido took part of was the beginning to musical notation. He knew he needed a uniform visual reference, that once you have gained the proper knowledge of interpretation, could be used in every church under the rule. Notation prior to Guido's invention was not beneficial to a singer who has not yet heard the chant or melody before. His musical notation included colors, lines, and clefs that specified the size of the intervals and distinct pitch. As a future educator of music, I find myself very inspired by Guido's passion to further his pupils musical education, even if their destinies did not foresee them becoming musicians. Although I may have more musical knowledge than the singers in 1025, I understood his concepts clearly and was able to relate them to modern day methods we use today. When I was first learning how to read music, we were taught solfege to learn the different placements of intervals and pitches, just as singers in the Medieval era did with Guido's solmization syllables. These ... Get more on ...
  • 25. La Vita E Bella Themes La Vita é Bella (Life is Beautiful) directed by Roberto Benigni is a film test of resiliency in a light and humorous way but dark at the same time in the settings of WW2. The main character Guido Orefice is a fun, sharp Jewish guy who alongside his beautiful wife, Dora and his son Giosué are taken away into the Nazi concentration camp. The film highlights many themes, which enables the audience to understand through the influence of the context. These include challenging stereotypes and power structures, the loss of identity and the power of love. Each of these themes are reinforced by a variety of visual conventions. One theme explored in the film is challenging stereotypes and power structures as the film is set during WW2. Mussolini had ... Show more content on ... A screen text which says "Arezzo, Italy 1939" indicates the Holocaust and its persecution and killing of Jews. Viewers understand how the context affects the way of thinking and behaving of its victims. In the concentration camp. Guido made up a game for his son to protect him from the harsh reality and the cruelty of the Nazis. When Guido hides Giosué in the box, the father is seen from a low angle and their faces are lit. Everything else is in darkness but they are bright and novel amidst all this chaos. Guido's preservance of finishing the game resulted in his execution. Although viewers do not see him being shot, the blue illumination created represents melancholy and the sadness of sacrificing oneself for a loved one. As Giosué comes out into the world, there is a wide shot of his small hiding place compared to the enormity of the situation he is in, also known as the Final Solution. At daybreak the prisoners emerge in the absence of music. Only the shuffling of feet can be heard; humanity survives. The wide shot emphasises the scale of suffering. Prisoners often emerge in pairs. The moral of the story is that you can't destroy love. Music is triumphant and upbeat as the prisoners walk away down the hill. A final freeze frame and a text stating "Abbiamo Vinto!" (We Won!) is shown as Giosué unites with his mother. Colours of the Italian countryside are bright and hopeful indicating that light, love and hope have ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Aldo Rossi Locomotiva 2 Research The idea of a centro direzionale was advanced by many in Italy during the 60s as a solution to several urban planning problems. To alleviate congestions and reverse the conversion of housing stock to office use in central cities, the strategy proposed was to build complexes of offices and municipal administrative facilities outside historic city centre. The scale of a complex imagined as a centro direzionale was large enough to constitute a self–contained new district and determine the direction of urban expansion. Competitions for the design of such facilities have frequently become the ideological battlefields on which opposing ideas about land use and the future development of historic cities are advanced and criticized. In this ... Show more content on ... Here it is possible to see how, for Rossi, typological study, as a form of rational study, was based not on norma­tive facts but on the possibility of architectural form to evoke urban themes. Le Corbusier's Unite d'Habitation in Marseille with its rue int~rieure, or the Smithsons' project for the Golden Lane residential complex in London and its "streets in the air," are among the examples Rossi considered true representations of the city in the form of urban themes.l 8 Here, type is rendered not through universal rules but by the immediacy and singularity of an architectural event. ARCHITECTURE VS. URBAN PLANNING: ROSSI VS. TAFURI Rossi's position was strongly based on architecture as a basic, yet partial unit of the city. This was particularly polemical in the early '60s, when architects saw emerging urbanity largely through the lens of urban–planning methodologies. In 1963, the Olivetti Foundation organized an urban planning semi­nar in Arezzo, headed by Ludovico Quaroni, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. How Did Michelangelo Impact Society Michelangelo is one of the most well–known artists of all time, with many masterpieces attributed to him including the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which stays one in every of his maximum famous initiatives. Michelangelo, like any other artists did now not create his artwork honestly from spontaneous notion of invention. He changed into stimulated by many various factors which include faith and other philosophies that have been actively practiced in society. His specialty and even his compositions demonstrate those impacts and can be seen approach to good impacts of his works. Michelangelo was conceived on March 6, 1475 in Caprese, Tuscany.His own family had for several generations been small–scale bankers in Florence but his father, Lodovico ... Show more content on ... Augustine, who played a primary function in Michelangelo's very own improvement as a writer. "Of Michelangelo's major assets it's far Petrarch who most encouraged him in his critique of neoplatonism as well as of the schematic idealism of the scholastics." (Mussio, 347) Mussio describes how those two unique authors triggered conflicts in Michelangelo's ideals because of their very distinctive writings. Michelangelo turned out to be incredibly exceptionally intrigued by the standards of the neoplatonic devotees of the age.He advanced a strong interest in Petrarch's writings given that they have been so heavily centered on this philosophical perception. However there was additionally war inside Michelangelo's own lifestyles that was caused by his reading of St. Augustine's works. In some methods, Michelangelo turned into able to relate to some of the Saint's personal struggles with Christianity due to his personal, at times, afflicted existence and past: "Michelangelo's repeated expression of doubt and hesitation concerning conversion recollects Augustine's personal resistance to grace in book VIII of Confessions when he struggles against insidious voices inside his reminiscence that inhibit him from turning fully to God." (Mussio, 353). Mussio makes a putting contention that Michelangelo turned into a man who battled with profound established clashes, yet he decided comfort in the meantime as dissecting St. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Sistine Chapel and the Creation of Adam The Sistine Chapel and the Creation of Adam Michelangelo(1475–1564) The sistine Chapel and mainly the Creation of Adam fresco are treasures to the world of art, Michelangelo the creator brought his discipline of sculpting into painting the frescoes and the human silhouette. The story of the Sistine Chapel starts with the building itself, built in 1473 under the supervision of Giovannino de Dolci. It is located in Vatican, Which is almost like the capital for catholicism. Vatican being the home the pope and college of cardinals. The chapel being famous in todays day in age for being the conclave of the cardinals, where the new pope is voted on and elected. The main attraction to the Chapel today is the ceiling painted ... Show more content on ... His first love being sculpting had to be put to the side for the project of the Sistine Chapel. He reluctantly agreed to Paint the ceiling. This persuasion was a plot to discredit Michelangelo by artistic community of Rome."By 1508 the artistic community of Rome ...felt so threatened by Michelangelo's mercurial rise to fame that they devised a plot intended to discredit and degrade the young artist."(eyewitnesstohistory) .They were very wrong in their plan to destroy the young artist "They were convinced that the young sculptor, who had never attempted a fresco before, would inevitably fail"(eyewitnesstohistory). "Wet fresco is the most enduring medium for wall painting"(Martin and Jacobus,2008) The Frescos that Michelangelo chose to do are very highly influenced by sculpting and the human body. The nine scenes in the ceiling's middle are all from bible stories. The scenes all depict stories from the book of genesis, starting with the scene of god separating light from dark and ending with scenes from the story of Noah. Foremost a sculptor Michelangelo uses his hands to almost carve the human figure out of paint and lines. These distinct painting style of the renaissance with a jubilation and celebration of the bodies painted, gives a proud sense of work. This proud sensation is perfect for the location in a place of celebrating God. The Fresco scene I chose to focus on is the one that might well ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Compare And Contrast The Black Death The are many different perspectives of how the Black Death was formed or produced, and how it grew progressively larger. The Black Death was a horrible plague that killed over half of Europe's population. The art portraying the Black Death can be compared and can be seen with multiple similarities but also quite a few differences. Some similarities are religious beliefs and how gruesome the plague was. The most convincing piece of art that was included in The Black Death was St. Sebastian Intercedes during the Plague Pavia. It has so much action and symbolism going on in one piece of artwork. The art shows the plague and the seriousness of the disease. There were too many dead, and the rest was suffering. St. Sebastian can be seen ... Show more content on ... War was when people were throwing their dead at one another and over walls. He could have created the anger and the push to want to hurt one another through the disease. Famine was when the plague made it very difficult to find food during those years. He could have created a shortage or made the civilians starved when he knew there was nothing left to eat. Death would have been the last to show up to the party. He would have waited until everyone was getting hungry, and suffocating over their own vomit and blood. Then he would reap, and reap over 55% of Europe's population.. The four horsemen seem like a stretch, but it is a very persuasive side. He is the head reaper, someone who comes to collect the souls and the lives of those who need to pass on. If someone sees Death, then they are most likely next to die. Death was a huge part of the plague because of the excessive amount of people that were killed. The other pieces of art did not justify the Black Death in the way that I depicted it. There was one piece of art that fit with another: St. Sebastian. That piece of artwork correlated with the piece I previously talked about St. Sebastian Intercedes during the Plague Pavia because it has the same person featured in both works of art. In the first piece of art by Sandro Botticelli only showed St. Sebastian being hung and shot with arrows until he died. That was not enough information to describe ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Hi Michelangelo: A Brief Biography Of Giorgio Vasari Hi Michelangelo this is Giorgio Vasari. I was born into the artisan class of Arezzo. I am a painter, architect, and art historian. I was the son of a dealer in small goods. As i heard, I was apprenticed as a boy to Andrea del Sarto in Florence. I suffered at the hands of Andrea's wife, to judge from the waspish references to her in his life of Andrea. I have a very active career at the moment. I fulsomely praised the Medici family for forwarding my career from childhood, and much of my work was done for Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany. But i'm pretty sure you must remember me because we have meat before and became very close. I ventured you to the point where you became my idol. I was influenced by you and Raphael to do the paintings I did ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Francesco Petrarch: Father Of Humanism Slide 1 Editors. "Petrarch Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. Who was your person? Francesco Petrarch was a poet whose humanist acts started the beginning of the Renaissance. He is also considered one of the fathers of the modern Italian language. How did your figure exemplify the Renaissance Era? He was an important figure in the rising of humanism in the start of the Renaissance. The event symbolizes a new interest in classical culture. Slide 2 Basic knowledge: "Francesco Petrarca (English translated name "Petrarch") was born on July 20, 1304, in Arezzo, Tuscany (now Italy). He moved to Avignon, France, as a child." In France, Petrarch studied law, as his father had wanted. "His passion was for literature, particularly ancient Greek ... Show more content on ... "Francesco Petrarch – Father of Humanism." Francesco Petrarch – Father of Humanism. N.p., 1999. Web. 12 Oct. 2015. Death: "He died on July 18th / 19th, 1374." "On the morning of July 19th, 1374, a day before his 70th birthday, a woman he knew named Franchesca walked into his study and found him lying over his desk." He had died sometime during the night with a pen in his hand. "He was buried in the parish church. Six years later, his remains were transferred to a sarcophagus built in Arquà by his son–in–law." Slide 8 Legacy and influence: "His writings influenced countless others during his lifetime, others such as Boccaccio and centuries later, even Shakespeare would study his works and copy his sonnets."
  • 32. "Petrarch's influence in English lasted at least through the 19th century and can be found in the work of many famous English poets, such as Sir Thomas Wyatt and Percy Bysshe Shelley." His writings were so great that royalty treated him like a king. He even considered that "he had caused his own plague to spread over Europe, one which has caused people to take up pen and paper and write and read." And so ended the dark ages and the start of ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Francesco Petrarch Research Paper Francesco Petrarca was born on July 20th, 1304 in Arezzo, Italy, to Ser and Eletta Petracco, and died July 19th, 1374. Not only is Petrarch referred to as the "Father of Humanism, but also as the "Father of the Renaissance". To be the greatest humanitarian holds much meaning, but most of all it means to create needed change in the most dire of situations when others will not. Without a doubt, Petrarch was the greatest humanitarian of all European history, because he had struggled to become the person he was, he is considered to be the first humanitarian, and he not only influenced many other greats but he also influenced the beginning of the Renaissance, although some can argue that he was not the greatest humanitarian, because he is more ... Show more content on ... First, "Looked to revive Roman Republic and government." (Campbell, 12). At this time, not many would be brave enough to intervene with the powerful Roman Republic and government, but this just shows once again why he was the greatest. Petrarch was disturbed by their treatment of the people, and felt obligated to make a stand for his belief. Second, "Many rulers and popes sought Petrarch for advice.." (Campbell, 14). Obvious to Petrarch's ability to be in tune with humanity, leaders asked him for his opinion to rule correctly. A big reason why people sought him out was, because there was no one else quite like him and his perspective. Finally, "Worked for long lasting peace in Vaucluse..." (Campbell, 19). During this time many would being working at how to win the fight, and be the ruler, but Petrarch had a hugely different view and wanted a solution instead. This shows his views valued humanity over riches, land, and power like most others views did. To conclude, an important reason why Petrarch is considered to be the greatest humanitarian in European history, because he is considered the first ever in European ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Chimera Research Paper The Chimera of Arezzo (first half of the fourth century., Bronze) was made by the Etruscans. It was found in Arezzo in 1553. It is believed to be part of group of bronze statues depicting a battle. The Chimera is a part of Greek mythology. A monster believed to breathe fire. Its defeat to the hero Bellerophon was a legend, which is why it is portrayed as a battle locked creature bleeding and ready to attack. This sculpture was created as an offering to a god believed to be commissioned by a wealthy Etruscan. It shows how the Etruscans used many different influences from different cultures and made them their own. The Chimera was a mythological monster believed to breathe fire. In Greek mythology, the offspring the gods Typhon and Echidna. A hybrid of different types of animals, most commonly it had the head of a lion, the head of a goat coming from its side and a serpent as the tail. It was a female beast known for its ferocity. The mother of the Sphinx and Nemeian Lion, and raised by a king the monster was great and terrible. Known to roam the land of Lycia wrecking the lives of its inhabitants until it's defeat by the warrior Bellerophon by order of ... Show more content on ... King Iobates sent a man named Bellerophon to fight the treacherous beast, as a favor to another king who wanted the young warrior dead. He rode on the back of a Pegasus to fight the chimera. The Chimera of Arezzo depicts the monster in battle with its set of wounds. It is bleeding from its side where a spear was believed to be pre–discovery. The head of the goat also bleeds from its neck. The monster seems to be in pain and is roaring in anger. Its body is crouched in a pouncing position ready to attack who is assumed to be Bellerophon who emerged victorious from the fight. This could be the reason the sculpture was chosen to be offered to an Etruscan god, the sculpture is very detailed and captures attention because of the artist's ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Guido Arezzo Research Paper Music has been an essential part of cultures all over the world from the beginning civilizations of time. Some of the first instruments that were found were flutes and drums these were used to communicate via long or short distances. Music is deeper than what is on the surface some just love to hear it for a beat and others find emotion and a way of communication through it. Guido d'Arezzo helped further music to what we know it today. Guido is the Father and inventor of "the hexachord system and the musical staff" (Encyclopedia). He was born "in Italy in the year of 995 and passed in 1050. His contribution has of the hexachord has pushed others to finalize the staff as we know it today. Encyclopedia Britannica stated that "the hexachord (the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Who Is Guido D Arezzo? Guido d'Arezzo is credited for inventing modern musical notation (Ure). Up until the 9th century, musical notes were represented by "neumes" and the version of the staff they had only provided an approximation of what pitch the musicians should play. It is thought that the reason why this is is because music was traditionally passed down orally, and so the written music was only needed as a reminder while the musicians learned by actually hearing the music using rote rehersal. After the 9th century, musicians started experimenting with different ways to write music down on a staff. In the 12th century, Guido d'Arezzo invented the Guidonian Hand. This was a way to notate musical notes on the human hand. This was used for learning, teaching, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Michelangelo From the 14th century to the 17th century the Renaissance took place and was consider the cultural bridge that connect the middle ages to modern history. During this time many spectacular things took place. Artwork was created that looked as though it were from the heavens. Sculptures were generated that looked as an angel had sculpted the masterpiece. The architecture that took place looked as though it were created from the 19th century. Many architects, artist, and sculptures were present during the Renaissance, but there was one person that stood out the most. He all of the abilities that three men combined did not have and his name was Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni. Michelangelo has many painting that our still around today, ... Show more content on ... Created in 1489 this masterpiece is made out of pure marble. This sculpture is located in the Vatican City. At first glance this sculpture looks like child dead in a mother's arms, which is correct but there is more too it. The sculpture represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Its shows his mother Mary holding him and he lays there dead. A very little detail that usually goes unnoticed is that Mary is not touching her son directly, but a cloth is between the two. This signifies the Higher Renaissance belief in Neoplatonic, that the beauty on earth signifies God's beauty. This masterpiece is not only amazing by the meaning but the glorious detail that Michelangelo was able to go into with practically a hammer and chisel. Michelangelo's plays a huge role in the way that art was created during the Renaissance and well into today's society. His painting allow historians to grasp on to many more ideas that were expressed during the Renaissance. He is still one of the most talented human beings to walk this earth. There has been very few that have accomplished what Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni has accomplished in the short life of a human ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Giorgio Vasari The Battle Of Marciano Giorgio Vasari was an Italian painter, as well as an architect and writer. Vasari was born on July 30, 1511 in Arezzo, Italy, he died on June 27, 1574 in Florence, Italy. Vasari is widely regarded as the "father of art history". At the start of his career in painting, Michelangelo brought him under his wing. Legend has it that Vasari learned a lot of his painting techniques from the great Michelangelo. Vasari's type of painting is that of the Tuscan Mannerists by experts. Overall, Vasari gave forth about 10 paintings to the world. Among these are Alessandro de Medici resting, Pieta, and Justice. But the one that I will be discussing is The Battle of Marciano. The Battle of Marciano was painted by Giorgio Vasari in 1565. The painting ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Creation Of The First Systems Of Notations The creation of the first systems of notations (neumes) solfege was revolutionary for the world of music, but more specifically for Western music and notation; and this can be thanked in part to Guido of Arezzo and predecessors. In Howard Goodall's Big Bang video, Goodall was able to give extraordinary facts on the history, development, and descriptions that were comprehensive in nature of the incredible ideas of Guido. And without these ideas and application, European music couldn't begin to flourish and if that didn't, then music would have to continue to be passed down person to person in an oral tradition; and the world wouldn't have a system to create complex and sophisticated music. For example, pieces from Mozart, Beethoven, Hayden, and modern music wouldn't have existed because no one would have known what to write for melody, tone, tempo, feel, and everything else – extremely critical for music today. Besides neumes, we have several lines that have much of significance, i.e. the thin red line, the washing ling effect, and the four line stave. And I will also be covering some other composers, counterpoint, the grapevine effect, and some added comments that reflect on what I just learned; and I hopefully will be able to give analysis to this assignment. Let us start with a bit of backstory, or history, to get how these ideas came about; and with some respective comments to what I think. Before music was able to be transcribed down onto paper, it was written down onto ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Mexican Study Abroad Analysis When coming to college the words "study abroad" is thrown around frequently to the students. If you stop and pay a little attention you can really see the positives to studying abroad. The Italian Life and Culture program at Meredith College can really help influence students in benefiting to all of the educational, personal, and social aspects of studying abroad. Throughout researching Meredith's study abroad Italy program, the educational benefits to this is endless. This program is designed to help educate students on Italian life and culture. It goes into great depth explaining the history and social aspects behind the city of Sansepolcro especially. "My classes were very small, just like back at Meredith. My professor was very hands ... Show more content on ... This town offers a variety of comfortable living for the students to partake in. Not only are you going to get an education, the students will also be exploring Italy. "Tourists flock to Sansepolcro in September for medieval crossbow and flag–waving festivals that feature participants in costumes modeled after Piero paintings" (Spano). These abstract gatherings in the Tuscan town are what Sansepolcro is known for. This really unities the town as one, and is something that the students could participate in. The main sights to see in Sansepolcro is The Civic Museum of Sansepolcro, The Cathedral of Sansepolcro, and The Fortress of Sansepolcro. Each of these historic sites were built centuries ago and hold many memories behind the walls of every site. Italy is known for their food, specifically their pasta and gelato and it certainly did not disappoint. "There was a gelato place so close to where we were staying and I am not even kidding when I say I got it every single day, it was the best thing I've ever put in my mouth" (Huff). The location of Sansepolcro is unbelievable, students get so much from the program in Italy. Studying abroad is one of the most beneficial things a college student can partake in while in school. The countless benefits from the Italian Life and Culture program will help you in life in more ways than one. This program will allow students to grow, travel, be informed, ... Get more on ...