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The First Congress of the Palestinian Society of Gastroenterology (20-22) May 2010

          Recent guidelines/strategies in
           chronic hepatitis C therapy

                                                      Antonio Ascione MD
                                                  Consultant Hepatologist
                                                   Center for liver diseases
                                                  Fatebenefratelli Hospital
                                                           Naples - ITALY
The overall prevalence, according to
       the WHO, is around 3%
           (range 1–10%).

 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a
worldwide problem with at least 150–180
 million of people chronically infected.
Outcomes of HCV Infection
              100 acute HCV infections

         20% recovery                              80% persistent infections
     20 patients                                          80 patients

 Alcohol                    30% stable, chronic,       40% variable          30% severe
  HBV                         nonprogressive           progression       progressive hepatitis

   Iron                24 patients                   32 patients             24 patients
                                                               Antiviral therapy
                                                                 56 patients

 End-stage disease, HCC,                        Treatment                             Sustained
   liver transplantation,                     failure (~40%)                       response (~60%)

 13% LIVER RELATED                                 22 patients              34 patients
Development of therapies for HCV chronic
            hepatitis (SVR)


       Achille’s heel of guidelines:
        • Fixed dose of the drugs
       • Fixed lenght of treatment
  • Characteristics of host response not
          taken into consideration
Which Patients Should Be Treated ?

HCV carriers older than 65y                 NO / YES
HCV carriers with normal ALT                NO / YES

HCV carriers with abnormal ALT
    • Mild histology                        NO / YES
           Decision should depend on:
                  - Age < 40-45 yrs
                  - ALT profile > x 3 - 4
                  - Histologic activity
                   - HCV Genotype 2/3

     • Moderate / severe                     YES

IACOBELLIS Angelo, et al.
Division of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy,
“Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” Hospital, IRCCS, S. Giovanni Rotondo

Results. Among 75 treated patients, 24 individuals (32%) achieved an SVR.

  Conclusions. In cirrhotic patients secondary to HCV infection who have
     progressed to a stage of liver decompensation, attaining an SVR
        after antiviral therapy has a substantial positive impact on
                           the long-term prognosis.

                          Accepted as oral presentation,
                          MASL First meeting, Napoli (ITALY), June 13-15,2010
Typical exclusion criteria in RCTs of therapy
            in chronic hepatitis C
 Age> 65 yrs                     Depression
 Low hemoglobin (<12 g/dl)       Psychiatric disease
 Low WBC count (<3,000/mm3)      Coronary artery dis
 Neutropenia (<1,500/mm3)        Cerebrovascular dis
 Thrombocytopenia (< 100,000/    Neurologic illness
 mm3)                            Seizure disorders
 Decompensated liver disease     Alcohol abuse
 Bilirubin >2.0 mg/dL            IV drug use
 Albumin <3.5 g/dL               Methadone treatment
 Prothr time >2 sec prolonged    Hemophilia
 Creatinine >1.5 mg/dL           Hemoglobinopathy
 Alphafetoprotein >50 mg/dL      Autoimmunity
 HBsAg+                          Thyroid diseases
 Any other known liver disease   Institutionalization
Schedules for Naive
                PEG-IFN α2a 180 μg/week or
HCV - 1/4
                 Ribavirin 1000 (</=75 Kg) - 1.200 (>75 Kg) / d
x 48 weeks
               PEG-IFN α2b 1.5 µg/Kg/wk
               Ribavirin 800/1400 according body weight
              GUIDED BY THE
              PEGs same dosages, less ribavirin
x 24 weeks

              DURATION: shorter ? Longer ?

Analyse carefully
And try and modify
 negative factors

Which patient must be
All those who show signs of progressive
 liver disease and have no
 contraindications to the treatment
 (Consensus NIH, EASL, APASLD, AISF)
All patients HCV-RNA positive should be
 evaluated for therapy because of the
 natural history of HCV chronic infection
      (Kos ~460 - Larissa~ 377 B.C.)

A fundamental medical precept: first do not harm
Autoimmune liver diseases
    IN decompensation in patients with cirrhosis
Neonates and infants
            CHECK MONTLY
Pregnant women
Men whose partners are pregnant
Hemoglobinopathies (thalassemia)
May cause or aggravate fatal or life-threatening neuropsychiatric,
autoimmune, ischemic, and infectious disorders. Monitor closely with
periodic clinical and laboratory evaluations and withdraw therapy in
patients with persistently severe or worsening signs or symptoms of these

Hemolytic anemia. The anemia associated with ribavirin therapy may
result in a worsening of cardiac disease
Ribavirin is genotoxic and mutagenic and should be considered a potential
Ribavirin may cause birth defects and/or death of the fetus. Extreme care
must be taken to avoid pregnancy in female patients and in female
partners of male patients
      Ribavirin is not effective as monotherapy
Side effects
Nearly all patients experience one or more AE
Most common are: flu like syndrome, fatigue,
          The patientarthralgias, insommia,
pyrexia, myalgia, headache,
            know everything
anorexia, ansiety, depression, irritability,
psychiatric reactions
          since the beginning
Other common symptoms are: anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, diarrea, pruritus, alopecia, injection site
Goals of Therapy in HCV hepatitis

• Primary goal
  – Eradicate HCV infection  SVR

• Secondary goals
  – Slow disease progression
  – Improve histology
  – Reduce risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
  – Improve health-related quality of life
 Lindsay et al. Hepatology. 2002;36:S114-S120.
Sustained virological response to
       interferon-alpha is associated
       with improved outcome in HCV-
       related cirrhosis: a retrospective

 S. Bruno, T. Stroffolini, S. Bollani, A. Ascione,
G. Mazzella, L. Benvegnù, A. Mangia, P Andreone,
M. Persico, G. F. Gaeta, P. Almasio on behalf of the
            AISF Group
     HEPATOLOGY 2007;45:579-87.
Kaplan Meier curves of liver-related mortality
   according to the achievement of SVR
           1,0                                                    SVR

                                                             No SVR

                     p<0.001 by Log Rank test



                 0      24      48     72        96   120   144     168
  Patients at risk                      months
  SVR        199       194     185    173       118   73    23
Kaplan Meier curves of HCC development
  according to the achievement of SVR

                        Surveillance is
           ,8         mandatory for these

                    p<0.001 by Log Rank test
                                                          No SVR


                0    24      48     72         96   120      144   168
Patients at risk                      months
SVR         199     194     185    173     117      72        21
                             Sustained virological responders

                                  p=0.02 log rank test
Survival probability (%)

                                                 Treatment failure

Picciotto FP et al, J Hepatol. 2007;46:459-65.
Effects of IFN Treatment on HRQOL
      Baseline to 48-week mean changes


25                          Virologic Responders (41)   Virologic Non Responders (396)





     Phys.    Role-ph.   Bodily     Gen.     Vitality    Soc.    Role emot. Mental
     Funct.               pain     Health               Funct.              Health

                                                  (Multicenter Italian Study, 2004)
Histological Response Among
Sustained Virological Responders
 Histological Response (%)

                                                   62 / 75
        Patients With

                                   19 / 24                           P = 0.76



                                   IFN α-2a   PEG (40kDa) IFN α-2a
                                     3 MIU           180 µg

                                                    J. Heathcote et al, NEJM, 2000
The effect of peginterferon α-2a on liver histology in chronic
   hepatitis C: a meta analysis of individual patients data
     Subgroup analysis of patients with cirrhosis (n=198)

              4                                   4
Before        3                    24.2%          3 3      After

              1                  9.6 %            1 1
              0                  0%               0 0

  SVR the only predictor for staging improvement
                                     Cammà et al, Hepatology, 2004
Poynard et al ., Gastroenterology 2004


       Valeer Desmet, J hepatol, 2005
Patterns of Virological Response
                 Baseline            Treatment

       HCV RNA


                  Detection limit                              Sustained
 HCV RNA                                                       responder
                                                    6 months
Short term reponse of HCV-RNA to IFN
                    antiviral             Immune
                     action               Clearance

                                1st phase                                Flat partial responder

                                                                         Slow partial responder
                                      2nd phase

                      detection limit

                0       1        2    3         7            14           21          28
                                                      Days        Rapid virological responder
                                                                    or SUPERESPONDERS
Patterns of Virological Response

              Initial    Response to
                                              Post treatment observation
            response      treatment

                        Based on EVR

                                          Complete EVR (cEVR)
RVR                         EVR                                       LLD
                                          Partial EVR (pEVR)

WEEKS 0      1 4   12       18      24                  48
                                         Modified from Pawlotsky JM, Hepatology vol. 32, #5, 2000
New Definitions of Response to
Rapid Virologic
                    HCV RNA undetectable by Week 4
Response (RVR)
Early Virologic
                    ≥ 2 log decline in HCV RNA by Week 12
Response (EVR)
End of Treatment
                    Undetectable HCV RNA at end of treatment
(EOT) Response
Partial Virologic   ≥ 2 log decline in HCV RNA by Week 12, but HCV
Response            RNA detectable at Week 24
Virologic           HCV RNA negativity 12-24 weeks after treatment end
Response (SVR)
Quantitative HCV-RNA (IU/mL) Tests
           Dynamic Ranges of Assays
                 100 copies/mL                         100 million copies/mL
 TaqMan™      15 IU/mL                                        100 million IU/mL
 HCV Test

HCV MONITOR Test, v2.0 600 IU/mL           500 000 IU/mL

MONITOR® Test, v2.0         600 IU/mL         850 000 IU/mL

Bayer bDNA 3.0               615 IU/mL                7.7 million IU/mL

Disclaimer: Information on this slide represents my opinions, not those of Roche
RVR is an Important Predictor of SVR

  • Methods

      − Subanalysis of 3 phase III trials:
            ACCELERATE, Fried, Hadziyannis
      − 1.383 patients treated for 24 (G2/3) or 48
        (G1/4) weeks with Pegasys 180 mcg/wk plus
        ribavirin 800 mg/d (G2/3) or 1.000/1.2000 mg/d

Fried WW et al, presented at EASL 2008, April 23-27, 2008, Milan, Italy, Abstract #7
Why an RVR/EVR-guided Approach Makes Sense

● Simplification of treatment in pts with a
  good prognostic profile (=RVR)
● Intensification of treatment in pts with a
  poor prognostic profile (non-RVR + EVR)
● Motivation of patients achieving early
        • ALCOHOL
           • IRON
       • STEATOSIS
Side efffects must be treated

                      Granulocyte-Col Stimulating Factor
How can we improve treatment
   Identify and
                      Genotype is the most important
manage predictors
of poor response
                      baseline predictor of response

Use on-treatment     1. Response-guided therapy (RGT)
  predictors of
                     2. Optimisation of ribavirin dosing
  response and
optimise ribavirin

                         Treatment options for
 New strategies

Future strategies            New molecules
Swain et al EASL Meeting, 2007,
• Safety comes first! Check contraindications.
• Follow carefully the patient for side effects:
  don’t reduce/stop therapy too early: don’t
  run away. Compliance is crucial.
• Follow the on-treatment virological response
  in order to decide the duration of therapy
• RVR is highly predictive of success.
• Use an appropriate test for HCV-RNA
• Optimize the treatment with the drugs now
  available (PEG+RIBA).
Island of Procida (Napoli - ITALY)
CorricellaFisherman’s Port at sunrise

             Materiale per Roma

Many side effects:
Anemia caused by Ribavirin and PEG-IFN
Neutropenia caused by PEG-IFN
Thrombocytopenia caused by PEG-IFN
• Anemia
  – Fatigue, impaired QoL, and reduced adherence
  – Can increase risk of myocardial ischemia, other
    cardiovascular abnormalities
     • Higher risk in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

• Neutropenia
  – Can predispose to infection (very rare in
• Thrombocytopenia
  – Can predispose to bleeding (very rare)
                         GENOTYPE 1/4                        GENOTYPE 2/3
                         PEG-IFN            PEG-IFN            PEG-IFN           PEG-IFN
                     ALPHA-2a PLUS      ALPHA-2b PLUS      ALPHA-2a PLUS      ALPHA-2b PLUS      TOTAL
                     RIBAVIRIN (N=93)   RIBAVIRIN (N=93)   RIBAVIRIN (N=67)   RIBAVIRIN(N=67)

                      Number (%)         Number (%)         Number (%)         Number (%)       Number
DISCONTINUATION          3 (3.2)           13 (14)             1 (1.5)          9 (13.4)        26 (8.1)
    Laboratory             0                5 (5.4)              0                  0           5 (1.6)
 Adverse Events          3 (3.2)            8 (8.6)            1 (1.5)          9 (13.4)        21 (6.6)
     DOSE               33 (35.5)         33 (35.5)          19 (28.4)          23 (34.3)         108
 MODIFICATION **                                                                                 (33.7)
      Anemia            17 (18.3)         20 (21.5)          13 (19.4)          10 (14.9)       60 (18.7)
   Neutropenia            3 (3.2)           3 (3.2)            1 (1.5)           1 (1.5)        8 (2.5)
Thrombocytopenia          4 (4.3)           3 (3.2)            3 (4.5)           3 (4.5)        13 (4.1)
NO ADVERSE EVENT          9 (9.7)           7 (7.5)           7 (10.4)          7 (10.4)        30 (9.4)
* Laboratory abnormalities included anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia
** > 20% PEGINTERFERON or RIBAVIRIN dose modification
General Guidelines for RBV Dose Reduction
           or Discontinuation
 Laboratory                    Manufacturer Package Insert
              No change in RBV dose if patient has minimal symptoms
< 11.0 but
> 10 g/dL     In a symptomatic anemic patient, consider RBV dose reduction by
              200 mg/day and/or starting an erythropoietic growth factor
              Decrease RBV by 200 mg/day and/or consider starting an erythropoietic
< 10.0 but    growth factor
> 8.5 g/dL    Recheck hemoglobin levels at least every 2 wks or more frequently if
< 8.5 g/dL    Discontinue until resolution

In patients with stable underlying cardiac disease, reduce
ribavirin by 200 mg/day if ≥ 2 g/dL drop in hemoglobin occurs
over a 4-week period. If the hemoglobin level is < 12 g/dL
after 4 weeks of dose reduction, discontinue RBV until
resolution and reevaluation.
Laboratory Values   Manufacturer Package Insert Recommendations
  VALUES                          RECOMMENDATIONS
White blood cell count

< 1.5 x 109/L       PegIFN alfa-2b: reduce dose by 50% and re-evaluate

< 1.0 x 109/L       PegIFN alfa-2b: discontinue until resolution

Absolute neutrophil count

                    PegIFN alfa-2a: reduce dose to 135 µg/wk and re-evaluate
< 0.75 x 109/L
                    PegIFN alfa-2b: reduce dose by 50% and re-evaluate

< 0.50 x 109/L      PegIFN alfa or cIFN: discontinue until resolution

Platelet count

< 80,000/mm3        PegIFN alfa-2b: reduce dose by 50% and re-evaluate

                    PegIFN alfa-2a: reduce dose to 90 µg/wk and re-evaluate
< 50,000/mm3
                    PegIFN alfa-2b or cIFN: discontinue until resolution

< 25,000/mm3        PegIFN alfa-2a: discontinue until resolution

               Full blood count at week 2

         Hb >11                        Hb <10

  Check in 2 weeks
                                    Reduce dose of
                                   And check weekly
     If Hb>10
follow up every 2 w   Accurate evaluation of
                      the patient (age, heart
                      problems, SVR?
                      Full blood count at week 2

       Neutrophils >750 mm3                   Neutrophils <750 mm3

                                          Reduce dose and check
   Check in 2                                    weekly

                       If N between 750 and           If N still < 750 give
If N >750 follow-up        1000 Continue              same dose for 2 w
 every 2 weeks          If N > 1000 go back           With weekly check
                                                   If N >750 increase dose
                           to initial dose
                                                       and check weekly
Granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor ( G-CSF): FILGRASTIM ,
300 µg SC TIW Cost: 183,26 Euro
Should not be given as primary
therapy to prevent pegIFN alfa dose
Maintaining Patients on HCV Treatment: Strategies for Successful Retreatment

 Phase II Study: Eltrombopag Increased
 Platelet Counts at All Doses Evaluated
  Significantly more patients with HCV-associated
   thrombocytopenia achieved ≥ 100,000 cells/μL at Week 4 by
   LOCF analysis in all eltrombopag dose groups compared with
   placebo (P ≤ .001)
                                       Median Platelet Count, x 103/µL (Range)
 Treatment Week                             Eltrombopag         Eltrombopag      Eltrombopag
                                             30 mg/day           50 mg/day        75 mg/day
 Baseline, N = 74        55 (27-75)           59 (34-94)          52 (26-66)        54 (28-75)
 Week 4                  53 (34-74)         137 (40-528)         214 (47-499)     209 (78-527)

  Best responses with eltrombopag 75 mg/day
      – 91% of this group able to initiate HCV therapy
      – 65% of this group able to complete 12 weeks of therapy
McHutchison JG, et al. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:2227-2236.              
Maintaining Patients on HCV Treatment: Strategies for Successful Retreatment

 Hematologic AEs Associated With HCV
                              Anemia                         Neutropenia                     Thrombocytopenia
 Definition         Hemoglobin < 12 g/dL            Absolute neutrophil count         Platelets < 75,000/mL
                    > 3 g/dL decrease in Hb          < 750 cells/mL
 Etiology           RBV: hemolysis                  Interferon: bone marrow           Interferon: bone marrow
                    IFN: bone marrow                 suppression                        suppression
 Monitor            Monitor labs closely first      Monitor labs closely first        Monitor platelet counts closely
                     weeks                            weeks                              during the first weeks
                    Assess severity of symptoms     Assess severity of symptoms       Assess for gum bleeding,
                                                                                         bruising, nose bleeds
 Dose Adjust        Adjust ribavirin dose           Adjust interferon dose            Adjust interferon dose
 Consider           Epoetin alfa 40,000 units SC    Granulocyte colony-stimulating    Administration of oprelvekin is
 Pharmacologic       weekly or darbepoetin alfa 3     factor 300 µg SC TIW               associated with edema in the
 Intervention*       µgKg SC every other week        Should not be given as             lower extremities and cannot
                                                      primary therapy to prevent         be recommended
                                                      pegIFN alfa dose reductions       Phase II studies of 75 mg/day
                                                                                         eltrombopag shows promise
 *Off-label use.
PEG-Intron [package insert]. Kenilworth, NJ: Schering Corp; March 2008. Pegasys [package insert].
Nutley, NJ: Roche Pharmaceuticals; January 2008. Soza A, et al. Hepatology. 2002;36:
1273-1279. McHutchison JG, et al. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:2227-2236.       
Maintaining Patients on HCV Treatment: Strategies for Successful Retreatment

 Hematologic AEs Associated With HCV
                              Anemia                         Neutropenia                     Thrombocytopenia
 Definition         Hemoglobin < 12 g/dL            Absolute neutrophil count         Platelets < 75,000/mL
                    > 3 g/dL decrease in Hb          < 750 cells/mL
 Etiology           RBV: hemolysis                  Interferon: bone marrow           Interferon: bone marrow
                    IFN: bone marrow                 suppression                        suppression
 Monitor            Monitor labs closely first      Monitor labs closely first        Monitor platelet counts closely
                     weeks                            weeks                              during the first weeks
                    Assess severity of symptoms     Assess severity of symptoms       Assess for gum bleeding,
                                                                                         bruising, nose bleeds
 Dose Adjust        Adjust ribavirin dose           Adjust interferon dose            Adjust interferon dose
 Consider           Epoetin alfa 40,000 units SC    Granulocyte colony-stimulating    Administration of oprelvekin is
 Pharmacologic       weekly or darbepoetin alfa 3     factor 300 µg SC TIW               associated with edema in the
 Intervention*       µgKg SC every other week        Should not be given as             lower extremities and cannot
                                                      primary therapy to prevent         be recommended
                                                      pegIFN alfa dose reductions       Phase II studies of 75 mg/day
                                                                                         eltrombopag shows promise
 *Off-label use.
PEG-Intron [package insert]. Kenilworth, NJ: Schering Corp; March 2008. Pegasys [package insert].
Nutley, NJ: Roche Pharmaceuticals; January 2008. Soza A, et al. Hepatology. 2002;36:
1273-1279. McHutchison JG, et al. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:2227-2236.       
Virological Response: NEW definitions

       Rapid virological response
         HCV-RNA undetectable at week 4


       Early virological response
         HCV-RNA undetectable at week 12

Quantitative HCV Tests
                 Dynamic Ranges of Assays

                 100 copies/mL                    100 million copies/mL
 TaqMan™      15 IU/mL                                    100 million IU/mL
 HCV Test

HCV MONITOR Test, v2.0 600 IU/mL        500 000 IU/mL

MONITOR® Test, v2.0        600 IU/mL      850 000 IU/mL

Bayer bDNA 3.0              615 IU/mL             7.7 million IU/mL

                         HCV RNA         IU/mL
Importance of Highly Sensitive HCV-RNA
       Assays for IFN-treatment:
     48 vs. 72 Weeks of Treatment

         W 12: < 2 log HCV RNA Reduction

         W 24: 24% HCV RNA negative (< 50

 48 Weeks of Therapy         72 Weeks of Therapy

    Relapse: 87%                 Relapse: 46%

                                    Berg et al. Gastroenterology 2006

               ** Manns        * Fried   * Hadzyiannis * DITTO

              NON RESPONDERS
               54%    56% 63%                             66%

• Gen 1            42%          46%         52%           60%

                   AF ALL TREATED
• G1 HVL           30%     41%  47%
• >800.000 UI/ml
   HVL             42%          53%         66%

             *Pegasys 180 mcg + 1000-1200 mg x 48 weeks
             **Pegintron 1.5 mcg/Kg + 800 mg x 48 weeks
Why does HCV treatment fail?

Host factors                                                  Virus
• Race ?                                                      • Genotype
• Age                                                         • Viral load
• Gender
• High estrogens
   levels                 Reasons for
• Body weight           treatment failure
• Fibrosis
• Siderosis
• Steatosis
• Diabetes
• Active drug abuse
• Concomitant               Treatment
  disease               • Poor adherence to therapy
• COINFECTIONS          • Discontinuation for side effects
• ALCOHOL               • Use of a less than effective regimen (dose/duration)

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Guidelines hep c palestine may 2010

  • 1. The First Congress of the Palestinian Society of Gastroenterology (20-22) May 2010 Recent guidelines/strategies in chronic hepatitis C therapy Antonio Ascione MD Consultant Hepatologist Center for liver diseases Fatebenefratelli Hospital Naples - ITALY
  • 2. The overall prevalence, according to the WHO, is around 3% (range 1–10%). Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a worldwide problem with at least 150–180 million of people chronically infected.
  • 3. Outcomes of HCV Infection 100 acute HCV infections 20% recovery 80% persistent infections 20 patients 80 patients Alcohol 30% stable, chronic, 40% variable 30% severe HBV nonprogressive progression progressive hepatitis HIV Iron 24 patients 32 patients 24 patients Steatosis Antiviral therapy 56 patients End-stage disease, HCC, Treatment Sustained liver transplantation, failure (~40%) response (~60%) death 13% LIVER RELATED 22 patients 34 patients DEATHS IN 20 YRS
  • 4. Development of therapies for HCV chronic hepatitis (SVR) 66% Achille’s heel of guidelines: • Fixed dose of the drugs • Fixed lenght of treatment • Characteristics of host response not taken into consideration
  • 5. Which Patients Should Be Treated ? X HCV carriers older than 65y NO / YES HCV carriers with normal ALT NO / YES HCV carriers with abnormal ALT • Mild histology NO / YES Decision should depend on: - Age < 40-45 yrs - ALT profile > x 3 - 4 - Histologic activity - HCV Genotype 2/3 • Moderate / severe YES
  • 6. LONG-TERM OUTCOME AFTER ANTIVIRAL THERAPY OF DECOMPENSATED CIRRHOTIC PATIENTS WITH HEPATITIS C VIRUS INFECTION IACOBELLIS Angelo, et al. Division of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” Hospital, IRCCS, S. Giovanni Rotondo Results. Among 75 treated patients, 24 individuals (32%) achieved an SVR. Conclusions. In cirrhotic patients secondary to HCV infection who have progressed to a stage of liver decompensation, attaining an SVR after antiviral therapy has a substantial positive impact on the long-term prognosis. Accepted as oral presentation, MASL First meeting, Napoli (ITALY), June 13-15,2010
  • 7. Typical exclusion criteria in RCTs of therapy in chronic hepatitis C Age> 65 yrs Depression Low hemoglobin (<12 g/dl) Psychiatric disease Low WBC count (<3,000/mm3) Coronary artery dis Neutropenia (<1,500/mm3) Cerebrovascular dis Thrombocytopenia (< 100,000/ Neurologic illness mm3) Seizure disorders Decompensated liver disease Alcohol abuse Bilirubin >2.0 mg/dL IV drug use Albumin <3.5 g/dL Methadone treatment Prothr time >2 sec prolonged Hemophilia Creatinine >1.5 mg/dL Hemoglobinopathy Alphafetoprotein >50 mg/dL Autoimmunity HBsAg+ Thyroid diseases Any other known liver disease Institutionalization
  • 8. Schedules for Naive Patients PEG-IFN α2a 180 μg/week or HCV - 1/4 Ribavirin 1000 (</=75 Kg) - 1.200 (>75 Kg) / d x 48 weeks TREATMENT MUST BE PEG-IFN α2b 1.5 µg/Kg/wk PERSONALIZED AND Ribavirin 800/1400 according body weight GUIDED BY THE HCV - 2/3 RESPONSE TO THERAPY PEGs same dosages, less ribavirin x 24 weeks DURATION: shorter ? Longer ?
  • 9. FIRST OF ALL Analyse carefully THE PATIENT And try and modify negative factors
  • 11. Which patient must be treated? All those who show signs of progressive liver disease and have no contraindications to the treatment (Consensus NIH, EASL, APASLD, AISF) All patients HCV-RNA positive should be evaluated for therapy because of the natural history of HCV chronic infection
  • 12. HIPPOCRATES (Kos ~460 - Larissa~ 377 B.C.) PRIMUM NON NOCERE A fundamental medical precept: first do not harm
  • 13. CONTRAINDICATIONS PEG-IFN Autoimmune liver diseases IN decompensation in patients with cirrhosis Hepatic FEMALE UNDER THERAPY Neonates and infants CHECK MONTLY Hypersensitivity THE PREGNANCY TEST PEG-IFN PLUS RIBAVIRIN Pregnant women Men whose partners are pregnant Hemoglobinopathies (thalassemia) Hypersensitivity
  • 14. WARNINGS PEGINTERFERON CAN CAUSE May cause or aggravate fatal or life-threatening neuropsychiatric, autoimmune, ischemic, and infectious disorders. Monitor closely with periodic clinical and laboratory evaluations and withdraw therapy in patients with persistently severe or worsening signs or symptoms of these conditions RIBAVIRIN CAN CAUSE Hemolytic anemia. The anemia associated with ribavirin therapy may result in a worsening of cardiac disease Ribavirin is genotoxic and mutagenic and should be considered a potential carcinogen Ribavirin may cause birth defects and/or death of the fetus. Extreme care must be taken to avoid pregnancy in female patients and in female partners of male patients Ribavirin is not effective as monotherapy
  • 15. Side effects Nearly all patients experience one or more AE Most common are: flu like syndrome, fatigue, The patientarthralgias, insommia, pyrexia, myalgia, headache, should know everything anorexia, ansiety, depression, irritability, psychiatric reactions since the beginning Other common symptoms are: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrea, pruritus, alopecia, injection site reactions
  • 16. Goals of Therapy in HCV hepatitis • Primary goal – Eradicate HCV infection  SVR • Secondary goals – Slow disease progression – Improve histology – Reduce risk of hepatocellular carcinoma – Improve health-related quality of life Lindsay et al. Hepatology. 2002;36:S114-S120.
  • 17. Sustained virological response to interferon-alpha is associated with improved outcome in HCV- related cirrhosis: a retrospective study. S. Bruno, T. Stroffolini, S. Bollani, A. Ascione, G. Mazzella, L. Benvegnù, A. Mangia, P Andreone, M. Persico, G. F. Gaeta, P. Almasio on behalf of the AISF Group HEPATOLOGY 2007;45:579-87.
  • 18. Kaplan Meier curves of liver-related mortality according to the achievement of SVR 1,0 SVR ,8 No SVR p<0.001 by Log Rank test ,6 ,4 ,2 0,0 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 Patients at risk months SVR 199 194 185 173 118 73 23
  • 19. Kaplan Meier curves of HCC development according to the achievement of SVR 1,0 Surveillance is ,8 mandatory for these subjects ,6 p<0.001 by Log Rank test ,4 No SVR ,2 SVR 0,0 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 Patients at risk months SVR 199 194 185 173 117 72 21
  • 20. Survival Sustained virological responders p=0.02 log rank test Survival probability (%) Treatment failure MONTHS Picciotto FP et al, J Hepatol. 2007;46:459-65.
  • 21. Effects of IFN Treatment on HRQOL Baseline to 48-week mean changes 30 25 Virologic Responders (41) Virologic Non Responders (396) 20 15 10 5 0 Phys. Role-ph. Bodily Gen. Vitality Soc. Role emot. Mental Funct. pain Health Funct. Health (Multicenter Italian Study, 2004)
  • 22. Histological Response Among Sustained Virological Responders 100 83% Histological Response (%) 79% 80 62 / 75 Patients With 19 / 24 P = 0.76 60 40 20 0 IFN α-2a PEG (40kDa) IFN α-2a 3 MIU 180 µg J. Heathcote et al, NEJM, 2000
  • 23. The effect of peginterferon α-2a on liver histology in chronic hepatitis C: a meta analysis of individual patients data Subgroup analysis of patients with cirrhosis (n=198) 66.1% 4 4 Before 3 24.2% 3 3 After 1 9.6 % 1 1 0 0% 0 0 SVR the only predictor for staging improvement Cammà et al, Hepatology, 2004
  • 24. Poynard et al ., Gastroenterology 2004
  • 26. Patterns of Virological Response Baseline Treatment Nonresponder Breakthrough HCV RNA Partial responder Relapser Detection limit Sustained HCV RNA responder (cure) Undetectable 6 months Time
  • 27. Short term reponse of HCV-RNA to IFN Direct antiviral Immune action Clearance Null-responder Serum HCV RNA 1st phase Flat partial responder Slow partial responder 2nd phase detection limit 0 1 2 3 7 14 21 28 Days Rapid virological responder or SUPERESPONDERS
  • 28. Patterns of Virological Response Initial Response to Post treatment observation response treatment HCV RNA “Nonresponse” Based on EVR Complete EVR (cEVR) RVR EVR LLD Partial EVR (pEVR) SVR WEEKS 0 1 4 12 18 24 48 72 Modified from Pawlotsky JM, Hepatology vol. 32, #5, 2000
  • 29. New Definitions of Response to Treatment Rapid Virologic HCV RNA undetectable by Week 4 Response (RVR) Early Virologic ≥ 2 log decline in HCV RNA by Week 12 Response (EVR) End of Treatment Undetectable HCV RNA at end of treatment (EOT) Response Partial Virologic ≥ 2 log decline in HCV RNA by Week 12, but HCV Response RNA detectable at Week 24 Sustained Virologic HCV RNA negativity 12-24 weeks after treatment end Response (SVR)
  • 30.
  • 31. Quantitative HCV-RNA (IU/mL) Tests Dynamic Ranges of Assays SuperQuant™ 100 copies/mL 100 million copies/mL ROCHE COBAS TaqMan™ 15 IU/mL 100 million IU/mL HCV Test Roche COBAS AMPLICOR™ HCV MONITOR Test, v2.0 600 IU/mL 500 000 IU/mL Roche AMPLICOR HCV MONITOR® Test, v2.0 600 IU/mL 850 000 IU/mL Bayer bDNA 3.0 615 IU/mL 7.7 million IU/mL Disclaimer: Information on this slide represents my opinions, not those of Roche
  • 32. RVR is an Important Predictor of SVR • Methods − Subanalysis of 3 phase III trials: ACCELERATE, Fried, Hadziyannis − 1.383 patients treated for 24 (G2/3) or 48 (G1/4) weeks with Pegasys 180 mcg/wk plus ribavirin 800 mg/d (G2/3) or 1.000/1.2000 mg/d (G1/4) Fried WW et al, presented at EASL 2008, April 23-27, 2008, Milan, Italy, Abstract #7
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 38.
  • 39. Why an RVR/EVR-guided Approach Makes Sense ● Simplification of treatment in pts with a good prognostic profile (=RVR) ● Intensification of treatment in pts with a poor prognostic profile (non-RVR + EVR) ● Motivation of patients achieving early responses
  • 43. Side efffects must be treated Granulocyte-Col Stimulating Factor
  • 44. How can we improve treatment outcomes? Identify and Genotype is the most important manage predictors of poor response baseline predictor of response Use on-treatment 1. Response-guided therapy (RGT) predictors of 2. Optimisation of ribavirin dosing response and optimise ribavirin Treatment options for New strategies non-responders Future strategies New molecules
  • 45. Swain et al EASL Meeting, 2007,
  • 46. CONCLUSIONS • Safety comes first! Check contraindications. • Follow carefully the patient for side effects: don’t reduce/stop therapy too early: don’t run away. Compliance is crucial. • Follow the on-treatment virological response in order to decide the duration of therapy • RVR is highly predictive of success. • Use an appropriate test for HCV-RNA quantification. • Optimize the treatment with the drugs now available (PEG+RIBA).
  • 47. Island of Procida (Napoli - ITALY) CorricellaFisherman’s Port at sunrise Materiale per Roma Grazie
  • 49. PEGINTERFERON PLUS RIBAVIRIN IS THE STANDARD OF CARE FOR HCV CRHONIC INFECTION Many side effects: Anemia caused by Ribavirin and PEG-IFN Neutropenia caused by PEG-IFN Thrombocytopenia caused by PEG-IFN
  • 50. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH: • Anemia – Fatigue, impaired QoL, and reduced adherence – Can increase risk of myocardial ischemia, other cardiovascular abnormalities • Higher risk in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease • Neutropenia – Can predispose to infection (very rare in immunocompetent) • Thrombocytopenia – Can predispose to bleeding (very rare)
  • 51. SIDE EFFECTS - 1 GENOTYPE 1/4 GENOTYPE 2/3 PEG-IFN PEG-IFN PEG-IFN PEG-IFN ALPHA-2a PLUS ALPHA-2b PLUS ALPHA-2a PLUS ALPHA-2b PLUS TOTAL RIBAVIRIN (N=93) RIBAVIRIN (N=93) RIBAVIRIN (N=67) RIBAVIRIN(N=67) Number (%) Number (%) Number (%) Number (%) Number (%) DISCONTINUATION 3 (3.2) 13 (14) 1 (1.5) 9 (13.4) 26 (8.1) Laboratory 0 5 (5.4) 0 0 5 (1.6) abnormalities* Adverse Events 3 (3.2) 8 (8.6) 1 (1.5) 9 (13.4) 21 (6.6) DOSE 33 (35.5) 33 (35.5) 19 (28.4) 23 (34.3) 108 MODIFICATION ** (33.7) LABORATORY ABNORMALITIES* Anemia 17 (18.3) 20 (21.5) 13 (19.4) 10 (14.9) 60 (18.7) Neutropenia 3 (3.2) 3 (3.2) 1 (1.5) 1 (1.5) 8 (2.5) Thrombocytopenia 4 (4.3) 3 (3.2) 3 (4.5) 3 (4.5) 13 (4.1) NO ADVERSE EVENT 9 (9.7) 7 (7.5) 7 (10.4) 7 (10.4) 30 (9.4) * Laboratory abnormalities included anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia ** > 20% PEGINTERFERON or RIBAVIRIN dose modification
  • 52. General Guidelines for RBV Dose Reduction or Discontinuation Laboratory Manufacturer Package Insert values Recommendations Hemoglobin No change in RBV dose if patient has minimal symptoms < 11.0 but > 10 g/dL In a symptomatic anemic patient, consider RBV dose reduction by 200 mg/day and/or starting an erythropoietic growth factor Decrease RBV by 200 mg/day and/or consider starting an erythropoietic < 10.0 but growth factor > 8.5 g/dL Recheck hemoglobin levels at least every 2 wks or more frequently if indicated < 8.5 g/dL Discontinue until resolution In patients with stable underlying cardiac disease, reduce ribavirin by 200 mg/day if ≥ 2 g/dL drop in hemoglobin occurs over a 4-week period. If the hemoglobin level is < 12 g/dL after 4 weeks of dose reduction, discontinue RBV until resolution and reevaluation.
  • 53. Laboratory Values Manufacturer Package Insert Recommendations LABORATORY MANUFACTURER PACKAGE INSERT VALUES RECOMMENDATIONS White blood cell count < 1.5 x 109/L PegIFN alfa-2b: reduce dose by 50% and re-evaluate < 1.0 x 109/L PegIFN alfa-2b: discontinue until resolution Absolute neutrophil count PegIFN alfa-2a: reduce dose to 135 µg/wk and re-evaluate < 0.75 x 109/L PegIFN alfa-2b: reduce dose by 50% and re-evaluate < 0.50 x 109/L PegIFN alfa or cIFN: discontinue until resolution Platelet count < 80,000/mm3 PegIFN alfa-2b: reduce dose by 50% and re-evaluate PegIFN alfa-2a: reduce dose to 90 µg/wk and re-evaluate < 50,000/mm3 PegIFN alfa-2b or cIFN: discontinue until resolution < 25,000/mm3 PegIFN alfa-2a: discontinue until resolution
  • 54. HOW TO MANAGE ANEMIA IN CLINICAL PRACTICE ? Full blood count at week 2 Hb >11 Hb <10 Check in 2 weeks Reduce dose of RBV And check weekly If Hb>10 follow up every 2 w Accurate evaluation of the patient (age, heart problems, SVR?
  • 55. HOW TO MANAGE NEUTROPENIA IN CLINICAL PRACTICE ? Full blood count at week 2 Neutrophils >750 mm3 Neutrophils <750 mm3 Reduce dose and check Check in 2 weekly weeks If N between 750 and If N still < 750 give If N >750 follow-up 1000 Continue same dose for 2 w every 2 weeks If N > 1000 go back With weekly check If N >750 increase dose to initial dose and check weekly
  • 56. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ( G-CSF): FILGRASTIM , LENOGRASTIM,PEGFILGRASTIM 300 µg SC TIW Cost: 183,26 Euro Should not be given as primary therapy to prevent pegIFN alfa dose reductions
  • 57. Maintaining Patients on HCV Treatment: Strategies for Successful Retreatment Phase II Study: Eltrombopag Increased Platelet Counts at All Doses Evaluated  Significantly more patients with HCV-associated thrombocytopenia achieved ≥ 100,000 cells/μL at Week 4 by LOCF analysis in all eltrombopag dose groups compared with placebo (P ≤ .001) Median Platelet Count, x 103/µL (Range) Treatment Week Eltrombopag Eltrombopag Eltrombopag Placebo 30 mg/day 50 mg/day 75 mg/day Baseline, N = 74 55 (27-75) 59 (34-94) 52 (26-66) 54 (28-75) Week 4 53 (34-74) 137 (40-528) 214 (47-499) 209 (78-527)  Best responses with eltrombopag 75 mg/day – 91% of this group able to initiate HCV therapy – 65% of this group able to complete 12 weeks of therapy McHutchison JG, et al. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:2227-2236.
  • 58. Maintaining Patients on HCV Treatment: Strategies for Successful Retreatment Hematologic AEs Associated With HCV Therapy Anemia Neutropenia Thrombocytopenia Definition  Hemoglobin < 12 g/dL  Absolute neutrophil count  Platelets < 75,000/mL  > 3 g/dL decrease in Hb < 750 cells/mL Etiology  RBV: hemolysis  Interferon: bone marrow  Interferon: bone marrow  IFN: bone marrow suppression suppression suppression Monitor  Monitor labs closely first  Monitor labs closely first  Monitor platelet counts closely weeks weeks during the first weeks  Assess severity of symptoms  Assess severity of symptoms  Assess for gum bleeding, bruising, nose bleeds Dose Adjust  Adjust ribavirin dose  Adjust interferon dose  Adjust interferon dose Consider  Epoetin alfa 40,000 units SC  Granulocyte colony-stimulating  Administration of oprelvekin is Pharmacologic weekly or darbepoetin alfa 3 factor 300 µg SC TIW associated with edema in the Intervention* µgKg SC every other week  Should not be given as lower extremities and cannot primary therapy to prevent be recommended pegIFN alfa dose reductions  Phase II studies of 75 mg/day eltrombopag shows promise *Off-label use. PEG-Intron [package insert]. Kenilworth, NJ: Schering Corp; March 2008. Pegasys [package insert]. Nutley, NJ: Roche Pharmaceuticals; January 2008. Soza A, et al. Hepatology. 2002;36: 1273-1279. McHutchison JG, et al. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:2227-2236.
  • 59. Maintaining Patients on HCV Treatment: Strategies for Successful Retreatment Hematologic AEs Associated With HCV Therapy Anemia Neutropenia Thrombocytopenia Definition  Hemoglobin < 12 g/dL  Absolute neutrophil count  Platelets < 75,000/mL  > 3 g/dL decrease in Hb < 750 cells/mL Etiology  RBV: hemolysis  Interferon: bone marrow  Interferon: bone marrow  IFN: bone marrow suppression suppression suppression Monitor  Monitor labs closely first  Monitor labs closely first  Monitor platelet counts closely weeks weeks during the first weeks  Assess severity of symptoms  Assess severity of symptoms  Assess for gum bleeding, bruising, nose bleeds Dose Adjust  Adjust ribavirin dose  Adjust interferon dose  Adjust interferon dose Consider  Epoetin alfa 40,000 units SC  Granulocyte colony-stimulating  Administration of oprelvekin is Pharmacologic weekly or darbepoetin alfa 3 factor 300 µg SC TIW associated with edema in the Intervention* µgKg SC every other week  Should not be given as lower extremities and cannot primary therapy to prevent be recommended pegIFN alfa dose reductions  Phase II studies of 75 mg/day eltrombopag shows promise *Off-label use. PEG-Intron [package insert]. Kenilworth, NJ: Schering Corp; March 2008. Pegasys [package insert]. Nutley, NJ: Roche Pharmaceuticals; January 2008. Soza A, et al. Hepatology. 2002;36: 1273-1279. McHutchison JG, et al. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:2227-2236.
  • 60. Virological Response: NEW definitions Rapid virological response HCV-RNA undetectable at week 4 SHORTER IFN/RIBA REGIMEN (?) Early virological response HCV-RNA undetectable at week 12 12 WEEKS RULE FOR STOPPING THERAPY
  • 61. Quantitative HCV Tests Dynamic Ranges of Assays SuperQuant™ 100 copies/mL 100 million copies/mL ROCHE COBAS TaqMan™ 15 IU/mL 100 million IU/mL HCV Test Roche COBAS AMPLICOR™ HCV MONITOR Test, v2.0 600 IU/mL 500 000 IU/mL Roche AMPLICOR HCV MONITOR® Test, v2.0 600 IU/mL 850 000 IU/mL Bayer bDNA 3.0 615 IU/mL 7.7 million IU/mL HCV RNA IU/mL
  • 62. Importance of Highly Sensitive HCV-RNA Assays for IFN-treatment: 48 vs. 72 Weeks of Treatment W 12: < 2 log HCV RNA Reduction W 24: 24% HCV RNA negative (< 50 IU/ml) 48 Weeks of Therapy 72 Weeks of Therapy Relapse: 87% Relapse: 46% Berg et al. Gastroenterology 2006
  • 63. SUSTAINED VIROLOGICAL RESPONSE ** Manns * Fried * Hadzyiannis * DITTO • ALL NON RESPONDERS 54% 56% 63% 66% ~45% • Gen 1 42% 46% 52% 60% AF ALL TREATED • G1 HVL 30% 41% 47% PATIENTS • >800.000 UI/ml HVL 42% 53% 66% *Pegasys 180 mcg + 1000-1200 mg x 48 weeks **Pegintron 1.5 mcg/Kg + 800 mg x 48 weeks
  • 64. Why does HCV treatment fail? Host factors Virus • Race ? • Genotype • Age • Viral load (patient/infection) • Gender • High estrogens levels Reasons for • Body weight treatment failure • Fibrosis • Siderosis • Steatosis • Diabetes • Active drug abuse • Concomitant Treatment disease • Poor adherence to therapy • COINFECTIONS • Discontinuation for side effects • ALCOHOL • Use of a less than effective regimen (dose/duration)

Editor's Notes

  1. Slide . Projection of Lifetime Outcomes in HCV Infection Efforts to portray the natural history of HCV infection are complicated by a number of factors, including the asymptomatic nature of the early disease process and the lack of awareness among the general population, especially in less developed nations. This slide depicts the natural history of HCV infection as proposed by Alter and Seeff in a review of long-term outcomes data. This projection of the lifetime outcomes in HCV infection is based on a composite of available data and the most accurate estimates of the frequency of events that enhance liver disease progression. Alter and Seeff have incorporated data from retrospective, prospective, and cohort studies in their examination of the outcomes in HCV infection.   Alter HF, Seeff LB. Semin Liver Dis. 2000;20:17 – 35.
  2. Più frequenti criteri di esclusione adottai nei tials Petrtanto tutte le persone con tali criteri di esclusione non sono studiati nei trials E sulle persone con tali carrateristiche later funziona, funzionerebbe, funzionerà????
  3. Goals of Therapy Clinically relevant goals for treatment of HCV are classified as primary or secondary. The primary goal is the eradication of the virus as evidenced by negative HCV RNA. The secondary goals include the histologic improvement of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis as evidenced by delayed fibrosis and progression to cirrhosis and prevention of hepatic decompensation and HCC. Reference Lindsay KL. Introduction to therapy of hepatitis C. Hepatology . 2002;36:S114-S120.
  4. New Definitions of Early Virologic Response to Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C Patients who achieve an Early Virologic Response (EVR) can be further categorized as achieving a complete EVR (cEVR) or partial EVR (pEVR). Patients who achieve pEVR (detectable but ≥ 2 log 10 drop in HCV RNA at week 12), can be categorized as slow responders or partial responders. Slow responders are those patients who have ≥ 2 log 10 drop in HCV RNA at week 12 and are HCV RNA negative at week 24. Partial responders, on the other hand, remain HCV RNA positive at week 24. References Marcellin P, Jensen DM, Hadziyannis SJ, Ferenci P. Differentiation of early virologic response (EVR) into RVR, complete EVR (cEVR) and partial EVR (pEVR) allows for a more precise prediction of SVR in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) (Pegasys) and ribavirin (Copegus). Presented at AASLD 2007. Oct. 2-6, 2007; Boston, MA. Poster #1308. Sánchez-Tapias JM, Ferenci P, Diago M, et al. How can we identify HCV genotype 1 patients who may benefit from an extended treatment duration with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) (Pegasys) plus ribavirin (Copegus)? Presented at EASL 2007. April 11-15, 2007; Barcelona, Spain. Poster #641. M10, S04
  5. Slide . Quantitative HCV tests: dynamic ranges Results of viral load tests can be expressed in terms of copies per mL (which are not interchangeable between assays), and international units (IU) per mL (which can be used to make direct comparisons among assays). Assays to detect anti-HCV in patients on antiviral therapy include the COBAS AMPLICOR™ HCV MONITOR Test, v2.0 , a quantitative test used to determine the concentration of HCV RNA with a range of detection from 600 IU/mL to 500 000 IU/mL, and the AMPLICOR HCV MONITOR ® Test, v2.0 with a range of detection from 600 IU/mL to 850 000 IU/mL. 1 These tests have a qualitative lower limit of detection of approximately 50 IU/mL. 2 The COBAS TaqMan™ HCV Test has a lower limit of detection of 30 IU/mL and an upper limit of 200 million IU/mL. Another quantitative assay for monitoring viral concentrations of HCV is SuperQuant™, which has a quantitative range of 100 copies/mL to 100 million copies/mL of HCV RNA. 3 The Bayer Versant HCV RNA 3.0 Quantitation by bDNA (branched-chain DNA) assay has a quantitative range of 615 IU/mL to 7.7 million IU/mL. The Bayer Versant transcription mediated amplification (TMA) viral load test is a qualitative HCV assay that uses molecular diagnostics technology called TMA to detect the presence of HCV RNA. Its lower limit of detection is less than 50 IU/mL. 4 1. Roche Molecular Diagnostics. 2. Strader D, et al. Hepatology 2004; 39: 1147 3. National Genetics Institute. SuperQuant™ 4. Pawlotsky, J-M. Hepatology 2002; 36: S65
  6. RVR Important Predictor of SVR: Results SVR rates were similar across genotypes in patients achieving an RVR. Multiple logistic regression analysis confirmed that RVR predicted SVR. In patients with an RVR, genotype was not a significant predictor of SVR. Reference Fried MW, Hadziyannis SJ, Shiffman M, Messinger D, Zeuzem S. Rapid virological response is a more important predictor of sustained virological response (SVR) than genotype in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Presented at EASL 2008. April 23-27, 2008; Milan, Italy. Abstract #7. F22
  7. Predictors of Week 12 Response and SVR by Magnitude of Response at Week 4: Methods This retrospective analysis of 2 phase III studies in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with Pegasys plus RBV sought to determine whether magnitude of response at 4 weeks predicts response at 12 weeks and SVR in patients who do not achieve rapid virologic response. References Marcellin P, Reau N, Ferenci P, Jensen DM. Refined prediction of week 12 response and SVR based on the virological response at week 4 in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) (PEGASYS) and ribavirin (COPEGUS). Presented at AASLD 2008. Nov 1-4, 2008; San Francisco, CA. Poster #1853. Fried MW, Shiffman ML, Reddy KR, et al. Peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C virus infection. N Engl J Med . 2002;347(13):975-982. Hadziyannis SJ, Sette H Jr, Morgan TR, et al. Peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin combination therapy in chronic hepatitis C: a randomized study of treatment duration and ribavirin dose. Ann Intern Med. 2004;140(5):346-355. F25, H01, M14
  8. Virologic Response Rates in G1 Patients With and Without an RVR A total of 90 patients (16%) had an RVR at week 4. When grouped according to RVR status (RVR vs no RVR) patients without an RVR were much less likely to be HCV RNA negative at week 12 and to attain SVR. Reference Marcellin P, Reau N, Ferenci P, Jensen DM. Refined prediction of week 12 response and SVR based on the virological response at week 4 in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) (PEGASYS) and ribavirin (COPEGUS). Presented at AASLD 2008. Nov 1-4, 2008; San Francisco, CA. Poster #1853. M14
  9. Predictors of Week 12 Response and SVR by Magnitude of Response at Week 4: Methods This retrospective analysis of 2 phase III studies in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with Pegasys plus RBV sought to determine whether magnitude of response at 4 weeks predicts response at 12 weeks and SVR in patients who do not achieve rapid virologic response. References Marcellin P, Reau N, Ferenci P, Jensen DM. Refined prediction of week 12 response and SVR based on the virological response at week 4 in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) (PEGASYS) and ribavirin (COPEGUS). Presented at AASLD 2008. Nov 1-4, 2008; San Francisco, CA. Poster #1853. Fried MW, Shiffman ML, Reddy KR, et al. Peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C virus infection. N Engl J Med . 2002;347(13):975-982. Hadziyannis SJ, Sette H Jr, Morgan TR, et al. Peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin combination therapy in chronic hepatitis C: a randomized study of treatment duration and ribavirin dose. Ann Intern Med. 2004;140(5):346-355. F25, H01, M14
  10. Virologic Response Rates at Weeks 12 and 72 in Genotype 1 Patients When patients without RVR were subdivided according to the magnitude of reduction in HCV RNA levels between baseline and week 4, probability of SVR correlated with degree of response at week 4, with the highest likelihood of SVR occurring in those with unquantifiable (77%) or &gt; 3 log 10 drop (61%) at week 4. There was a similar trend in the proportion of patients within each subgroup who were HCV RNA-negative at week 12. Reference Marcellin P, Reau N, Ferenci P, Jensen DM. Refined prediction of week 12 response and SVR based on the virological response at week 4 in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) (PEGASYS) and ribavirin (COPEGUS). Presented at AASLD 2008. Nov 1-4, 2008; San Francisco, CA. Poster #1853. M14
  11. Predictors of Week 12 Response and SVR by Magnitude of Response at Week 4: Conclusions Rapid virologic response is a good predictor of SVR in patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin. Even in patients without RVR, degree of decline in HCV RNA levels between baseline and week 4 can be useful in predicting SVR. Unquantifiable ( ≥ 50, but &lt; 600 IU/mL) HCV RNA or &gt; 3 log 10 drop in HCV RNA levels are highly predictive of SVR. Reference Marcellin P, Reau N, Ferenci P, Jensen DM. Refined prediction of week 12 response and SVR based on the virological response at week 4 in HCV genotype 1 patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) (PEGASYS) and ribavirin (COPEGUS). Presented at AASLD 2008. Nov 1-4, 2008; San Francisco, CA. Poster #1853. M14
  12. Patients With a Durable SVR at Mean 4.1 (0.4 – 7) Years Follow-up The vast majority of patients who achieved an SVR had a durable response at a mean follow-up of 4 years irrespective of their disease status or treatment regimen. Reference Swain M, Lai MY, Shiffman ML, et al. Durable sustained virological response (SVR) after treatment with peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) (Pegasys) alone or in combination with ribavirin (Copegus): 5-year follow-up and the criteria of a cure. Presented at EASL 2007. April 11-15, 2007; Barcelona, Spain. Abstract #1. S52
  13. LOCF, last observation carry-forward.   The results showed that there was no change in platelet levels at Week 4 compared with baseline levels in placebo patients; however, for patients who received 30 mg/day, 50 mg/day, or 75 mg/day eltrombopag, there was a significant increase in platelet counts up to levels that enabled the majority of patients to complete HCV treatment.
  14. AEs, adverse events; Hb, hemoglobin; IFN, interferon; pegIFN, peginterferon; PI, package insert; RBV, ribavirin; SC, subcutaneous; TIW, 3 times each week.   This slide lists some of the definitions related to hematologic adverse events as outlined in package inserts. In dealing with these events, growth factors are not used very often, with approximately 5% to 10% of patients receiving erythropoietin, and even fewer receiving filgrastim  
  15. AEs, adverse events; Hb, hemoglobin; IFN, interferon; pegIFN, peginterferon; PI, package insert; RBV, ribavirin; SC, subcutaneous; TIW, 3 times each week.   This slide lists some of the definitions related to hematologic adverse events as outlined in package inserts. In dealing with these events, growth factors are not used very often, with approximately 5% to 10% of patients receiving erythropoietin, and even fewer receiving filgrastim  
  16. Slide . Quantitative HCV tests: dynamic ranges Results of viral load tests can be expressed in terms of copies per mL (which are not interchangeable between assays), and international units (IU) per mL (which can be used to make direct comparisons among assays). Assays to detect anti-HCV in patients on antiviral therapy include the COBAS AMPLICOR™ HCV MONITOR Test, v2.0 , a quantitative test used to determine the concentration of HCV RNA with a range of detection from 600 IU/mL to 500 000 IU/mL, and the AMPLICOR HCV MONITOR ® Test, v2.0 with a range of detection from 600 IU/mL to 850 000 IU/mL. 1 These tests have a qualitative lower limit of detection of approximately 50 IU/mL. 2 The COBAS TaqMan ™ HCV Test has a lower limit of detection of 30 IU/mL and an upper limit of 200 million IU/mL. Another quantitative assay for monitoring viral concentrations of HCV is SuperQuant™, which has a quantitative range of 100 copies/mL to 100 million copies/mL of HCV RNA. 3 The Bayer Versant HCV RNA 3.0 Quantitation by bDNA (branched-chain DNA) assay has a quantitative range of 615 IU/mL to 7.7 million IU/mL. The Bayer Versant transcription mediated amplification (TMA) viral load test is a qualitative HCV assay that uses molecular diagnostics technology called TMA to detect the presence of HCV RNA. Its lower limit of detection is less than 50 IU/mL. 4 1. Roche Molecular Diagnostics. 2. Strader D, et al. Hepatology 2004; 39: 1147 3. National Genetics Institute. SuperQuant™ 4. Pawlotsky, J-M. Hepatology 2002; 36: S65