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W elcoming you to the new world of Glamour,
Passion, Style, Attitude, Discipline with
Sincerity hand in hand.

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Director : - Unknown

A very heartly thanks to M Swapna Rao for
being so great, patient and teaching us all
about Grooming.
Presentation Objective

At the Conclusion of this module, you will be able to understand
What are the personal qualities required for working in the
Aviation and Hospitality Industries, Techniques to improve and
maintain condition of Skin & Hair, Suitable Diet & many
The Personal Qualities required for working in
the Aviation & Hospitality Industries are : -
•Tactful & Confident to manage even a difficult customer
• High sense of Grooming with good Personality
• Understanding Pre–and Post–Flight Duties
• Understanding On Air – Craft Duties
• Applying Effective Cabin Service in an Air Cabin Environment
• Group – Work skills in an Airline Environment
• Dedication to details
• Adaptability of given responsibility
• Cross Cultural Understanding & Sensitivity
• Organized & well groomed
• Rule oriented i.e. to abide all rules
• Good listening skills with ready solutions
• Stable Emotion
• Discipline
• Friendliness
• Honesty
• Sincerity
• Warm personality
Daily Skin Care
The skin is the body's protective barrier against the environment.
We often take our skin for granted. Most people fail to realize that
the skin needs daily care just like brushing one's teeth. If the skin
is not taken care of properly it can become dry, flaky, cracked and
inflamed. This can predispose the skin to infection from wart
viruses and bacteria. A daily skin care regimen should start as
early as infancy and continue throughout one's life.
Everyone has a natural oil covering their skin. This oil, named
sebum, is made by glands in the skin. When the oil is removed by
frequent use of drying agents, such as soap, the skin becomes
dry which can lead to cracking and flaking. Once cracking occurs
the skin is susceptible to inflammation and itching. Everyday
factors that may cause drying of the skin include harsh soaps,
long hot baths or showers, and frequent bathing or showering.
Most people overdo skin cleaning.
Daily Skin Care (15-20 minutes each day):

1. Each day when you take your bath or shower, try to use luke
warm water. Hot water dries out the skin. Try to limit your time to
fifteen minutes or less in the bath or shower. Bathing should be
done no more than once a day. If you bathe too frequently you will
remove the natural oils from the skin causing dryness.
2. Avoid using harsh soaps which dry the skin. Recommended
soaps are Dove and Basis. Deodorant soaps are often very harsh
and drying. Even better than soap are soapless skin cleansers
such as Cetaphil Lotion and Aquanil.
3. Limit the use of soap to areas that develop an odor such as the
armpits, genital area, and feet.

4. When toweling dry, do not rub the skin. Blot or pat dry so there
is still some moisture left on the skin.
S e ns itive S kin Care
Sensitive skin care is more than just choosing the right sensitive
skin care product. To provide the best sensitive skin care, you
need an overall approach to providing the best possible care.
Sensitive skin has a low tolerance level to certain products or
environmental conditions. People with sensitive skin may react
quickly to chemicals, heat or wind by developing red, blotchy and
irritated skin. Different people have different levels of skin
sensitivity. Some people may react to a product, while for others it
produces no effect. Similarly, some people may have a very
severe reaction, while others only have a mild reaction.
Pro ble ms Fac e d by Pe o ple with S e ns itive S kin

People with sensitive skin face many problems. The redness,
irritation and blotchiness associated with sensitive skin can be
uncomfortable and embarrassing. It can be annoying having to
avoid everything that may cause sensitive skin to flare up.
Providing the right sensitive skin care can be particularly difficult,
as many skin products will have a negative effect.

           De aling with S e ns itive S kin
Natural skin care can be an effective way of treating sensitive
skin. Natural products are less likely to trigger the reaction that
other products may have on sensitive skin. Here are some of the
best natural ways to treat sensitive skin.
He rbal Re me die s
Herbal remedies are very good for sensitive skin, because they
are free from the harsh chemicals that can cause skin problems.
Generally, products that contain natural ingredients will be better
for your skin and less likely to cause a sensitive skin reaction. Try
the following remedies for some special sensitive skin care.

 Use almond or jojoba oil to cleanse your face.
 Comfrey steeped in water can make a good toner.

 Make a facial exfoliate by mixing grapefruit with oatmeal.

 Make a face mask out of fruit.
 Cucumber and yoghurt also makes a good face mask for
    sensitive skin.

 Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help
     prevent sensitive skin reactions.

 Aloe Vera can soothe skin that is red, irritated and blotchy.
    Apply directly to the skin.

Even when using natural products, people with sensitive skin
need to be careful. As some sensitive skin reactions are caused
by allergies, even organic products may cause an adverse
reaction in someone. Check every product on a small area of your
skin first, and stop using a product if it seems to be triggering the
symptoms associated with sensitive skin.
Dry S kin Care
Dry skin care is important as damaged and dry skin needs to
receive the proper treatment. Dry skin lotions can help, but there
are lots of other things people can do to minimize dry skin and the
damage that it does. Here are some effective tips for caring for dry

What Is Dry Skin and How Is It Caused?

Dry skin (or xerosis) has a low level of sebum, which is the skin's
natural lubricant. As it does not have enough sebum, it dries out
easily and is unable to retain the right amount of moisture needed
for healthy skin.
A number of factors may cause dry skin. It is more common in
winter when the cold outside and the heat inside contribute in
drying up the skin. It can also be caused by hot water or harsh
soaps. Poor diet or smoking can also cause or aggravate the
problem. Dry skin may also be a symptom of other conditions,
including dermatitis, eczema, ichthyoids, psoriasis, an under
active thyroid and diabetes. Dry skin becomes more common as
people age.

Problems Faced by People with Dry Skin
People with dry skin may find their skin cracks and peels or
becomes flaky. Dry skin may look parched and feel tight after
It can also become red, irritated and inflamed. Dry itchy skin is a
common problem for people with dry skin. In extreme cases, there
may be deep fissures that bleed.
Techniques for Dealing with Dry Skin
There are a number of things you can do for effective dry skin
care. Baths and showers should be taken in warm, instead of hot,
water, and should be kept as short as possible. Soap should be
used sparingly. Mild cleansers and pure soaps are better. When
drying your skin, use patting motions and avoid rubbing the skin
too much. Try massaging your skin to increase the flow of natural
oils. Because cold and heat exacerbate the problems of dry skin,
people with dry skin should protect their face and skin when going
out into the wind or sun, and they should always wear a
Exercise, a good diet and enough sleep will all help keep your skin
• Instead of using a commercial cleanser, use a vegetable oil like
  olive oil or almond oil.
• Aloe Vera is very good for dry skin and it has healing and
  soothing properties.
• Calendula and comfrey soften the skin. They may be used in a
  facial sauna.
• Cold compresses can help alleviate dry itchy skin. Add a few
  drops of essential oil.
• Milk baths are very effective in the treatment of dry skin on the
  body. Add powdered milk and almond oil to a warm (not hot)
• Herbal teas like chamomile, dandelion, peppermint, borage,
  fennel, coltsfoot or calendula help improve the skin.
• A good home remedy for dry skin is to make your own beauty
  mask. Combine an egg, honey, olive oil and rosewater. Apply
  onto your skin and leave it there for fifteen minutes before
  washing off.
Hair Care
People may opt for a shorter do because caring for a longer one
may be such a hassle.

However, long hair does have numerous benefits including
unlimited styles that can be done with it. So caring for long hair
can really be worth it. When talking about hair care for long hair, it
does not necessarily mean stocking up on numerous conditioners
and shampoos and availing of many hair care treatments. Once
you find the right product to use, then all you need to do is have
the right management.

This way, your hair care will be more on the natural side and you
can avoid all the damage that the chemicals from hair care
products might do to you.
Long hair care tips include not sleeping with your hair in a ponytail
or done in a braid. This will stress the hair immensely and will
eventually lead to damage. When styling your long hair in a braid,
do not make it too tight or else you might end up with hair loss. It
would greatly help if you make use of a scrunchie or a band that is
specially treated not to cause damage to hair. When you use
untreated bands, bows, and clips, limit it.

When it comes to growing your hair longer, one very good natural
hair care to administer is trimming. If you just let your hair grow
longer like that, split ends will happen. If you plan on letting your
hair grow more, administer trimming once every three months. If
you choose to maintain the length you have now, one trimming in
every 1 ½ months will do.
Another hair care tip is not to use a brush on a tangled hair. The
hair will be stretched dramatically and breakage will occur. As you
try to loosen the tangles of your long hair, start from the tips of the
hair towards the roots. Make sure you are gentle with your hair.
Before having your hair washed, make sure you remove all the
tangles first. Styling and drying will be a lot easier this way. When
drying the hair, do not rub with a towel. Just blot the moisture out
of the hair. This is because a towel rubbing would lead to tangles
and probable breakage, not to mention the hassles you will go
through in detangling. Pillows can also become the cause of hair
breakage especially when you move a lot while you sleep.

Hair Tips: Making use of silk pillowcases will prevent your hair
from being caught and broken. If silk pillowcases are not available
to you, wear silk or satin scarf before you go to sleep. Brush your
hair often as this will spread the natural oils in your hair. While
brushing, stroke your hair with the hand so that there would be no
static electricity left in your hair which would cause damage.
S plit Ends
Split ends crop up when your hair strands "fracture" at the end.
The problem is usually the result of improper hair care, either by
you or by an improperly trained stylist. Hence you should have
your professional stylist trim your ends every 6 – 8 weeks and
adopt a more beneficial hair care regime.
Split ends are the most common hair problem that all women face.
Split ends or trichoptlosis come about when the protective
cuticle is stripped away from the ends of the hair. The
condition is more common when your hair is dry or brittle.
Too much dying or vigorous brushing often causes split ends.
Once your hair cuticle is removed this way it is impossible to
replace it. Your hair will split into two or three strands, for a length
of two to three centimeters. Probably, the best way to be rid of
spilt ends is to trim them.
Treatment of Split Ends
 • The only cure for split ends is trimming your hair.
 • Do not be brush wet hair.
 • Do not brush too vigorously, because tension caused by
   brushing promotes splitting. Rather, brush hair gently from
   crown to ends using a soft-bristled brush.
 • Sleep with silk or satin pillowcases as the smooth surface on
   the pillow will diminish tangling that can lead to split ends.
 • Limit washing as shampooing also removes the hair's protective
   oils. Instead, wash with a mild shampoo twice a week and use
   products that contain moisturizing ingredients such as
   panthenol and ceramides. Follow with a shampoo that lists
   sunscreen as a major ingredient.
 • Best use a wide tooth comb if the hair is susceptible to splitting.
 • In winter, keep your air moist with a pot of warm water on the
   kitchen stove.
Dandruff is an annoying and embarrassing scalp condition.
The scalp sheds off an excessive amount of dead cells. It is
accompanied by itching and can spread to the eyebrows, neck,
and shoulders. What causes dandruff cannot be exactly
pinpointed. However, there are external and internal triggers
related to the appearance of dandruff.

Internal causes are pinpointed as poor diet, stress, hormonal
imbalance, allergies, heredity, and physical exhaustion.
External causes are weather conditions, improper use of hair care
products, and infrequent or insufficient hygiene practices.
Home Care for Dandruff
The popularity of the virgin coconut oil has not exempted its use
for dandruff remedies. Heat 6 tablespoons of coconut oil, cool
and massage it into the scalp. Leave it for an hour; if you want
better results, leave it overnight.

Wash this off with a mild shampoo. You will be surprised at the
stunning results. You get stunning shiny hair. If you use this
treatment for a month, your dandruff will go away. Putting a drop
of eucalyptus oil will make the concoction even more effective.
The eucalyptus oil will stimulate the oil glands.

Another version of the coconut treatment is to grate fresh coconut
meat. Massage into the scalp and hair leave it overnight. Do this
twice a week. This will provide you with relief from the dandruff.
Oil soaks and vinegar rinses are other home care for dandruff.
While lemon and even mayonnaise can be good hair care
regimen, these can also minimize dandruff. When trying oil soaks,
massage the hair with warm olive oil. Wrap with a heated towel.
When the towel cools off, reheat the towel and rewrap the hair
with it. The entire procedure will take an hour.

If you notice that you are getting pimples on your face, you are
likely scratching your scalp. The dead cells get embedded in the
nails and get transferred to the face together with the fungus that
may be the cause of the dandruff.

Precaution should be exercised in the proper use of medicated
shampoos. Follow the instructions carefully to get maximum
results. Do not allow other members of the family to use your
comb, bed sheets, pillows and other personal belongings that may
infect others with the fungus that has caused your dandruff.
Proper hygiene must be observed. Wash the hair frequently to rid
excess oil that harbors the fungus. The hair and scalp should be
rinsed thoroughly to prevent the pile up of unwanted residue.
Avoid using the combs of your friends and family. Soak your
pillows, combs, towels and sheets in warm water with antiseptic to
prevent the spread of dandruff.

With regards to food, avoid excessive caffeine, junk food, and
sweets. Avoid bananas and citric fruits. If the doctor prescribes a
fruit and vegetable diet then follow it strictly. Drink lots of water,
and get enough rest and exercise. Get the necessary food
supplement to have healthy scalp and hair.
Hair Fall
We normally shed about 40 to 50 strands of hair everyday.

Within this range of hair fall, a person has nothing to worry about.
This is the body's natural way of rejuvenating itself, of shedding
strands of old hair. However, if you shed more than what is
natural, this is enough reason to consult a trusted physician who
can help you understand your problem.

There are many causes of hair fall in the same way that there
are many kinds of treatment available today. But before that, a
few basic facts about hair will perhaps give us an idea of the
nature of human hair. Human hair grows from follicles right at the
skin of the scalp.
In essence, it is the number of hair follicles and their individual
health that affects the growth of hair. Growing within cycles, each
hair follicle normally grows a single strand of hair for about 3 to 4
years. The cycle ends with the shedding of mature hair, so that
new hair can grow. After a few months of "resting", new hair starts
to grow in the place where the shed hair once was.

Now, there are millions of hair follicles in our scalp, which varies
from one person to another. It is when hair follicles are damaged
that hair begins to loose its grip on the scalp and slowly, without
even knowing it, fall away. Little is it also known that the hard
combing of the hair damages the follicles, causing no hair to grow
from it. Unfortunately, this is irreversible by any kind of medicine.
Once hair follicles have been damaged, there is no way of
restoring its former health. What medicines can only do is to
reduce the hair fall and make undamaged hair follicles produce
more hair.
Causes of Hair Loss
There are non-medical and medical reasons for hairfall. Right on
top of non-medical reasons is diet. Rigorous dieting can cause
hair fall. Just because the hair is on the topmost part of our
bodies, it does not mean that it could not be affected by the body's
internal processes. When we live unhealthy, our hair is definitely
one of the casualties. Nutrition is also key to healthy hair plus a lot
of clean, drinking water. Not only will proper foods encourage the
growth of hair. It will also keep the moisture and health of young
and growing hair. Of course, as already said above, never comb
your hair the way you rake dead and dry leaves. It causes
untreatable damage to hair follicles.

Other causes of hair loss are pollution, blow frying of hair, using
hair-unfriendly shampoos, the excess or lack in washing hair, and
the use of harmful chemicals in hair dyes. Quite obvious here is
the sheer lack of scalp hygiene causing scalp infections, which
eventually leads to unhealthy hair follicles.
Note that the scalp is where the follicles are and the follicle is
where hair grows. Scalp infections are the cause of irresponsible
care for the hair.

Maybe you have not noticed it, but lack of sleep can cause hair
fall. In same vein, physical stress can, too. Too much exertion of
bodily energy leads to physical stress. And note this: doctors have
also found that our emotional well-being affects the health of our
hair. Emotional stress is as devastating to your hair, as it is to your
heart. Keep your mind and emotions in check. For more help
regarding hair fall, it is wise to talk to a physician-friend who can
help you understand your problem.
Homecare for Hair Loss
The Magic Recipe to Treat Spot Baldness - Make a paste with a
few small sticks of liquorices in milk cream. Add a little saffron and
apply it on the bald patches at night. Rinse it out with clear water in
the morning. If possible, mix some ground Datura metel seeds in the
paste. It increases the potency of the recipe. Massage your bald
scalp spot generously with your finger tips for 5 minutes while
applying the ointment.
The Wonderful Oil Massage - Castor oil is excellent for hair re-
growth. If combined with white iodine which is available at the
chemist shop, it can produce the desired results. Part your hair in
small sections and apply the oil to the scalp with cotton. Massage it
in with your finger tips. If you are able to get white iodine solution,
use it similarly on every alternate day. Squeeze the milk out of 1/2 a
coconut; add the juice of half a lime and massage into the scalp.
Leave on for 4 to 6 hrs. Wash with a mild shampoo or crushed
Hibiscus leaves mixed with a tablespoon of crushed fenugreek
seeds and made into a paste.
Do's and Don'ts
•In case of baldness due to fungal, viral or bacterial infections,
consult a dermatologist.
•Use a soft brush with well-spaced bristles.
•Sanitize your implements, i.e. brushes, combs, etc. at least once
 a week.
•Drink a glass of carrot juice to which juice of half a lime has been
added and 2 yeast tablets (Brewer's yeast).
•Take iron tablets in case you are anemic.
•Improve the protein content of your diet.
•Take birth control pills with a prescription.

The most important aspect of any treatment is the correct
diagnosis. Unless it is well determined by observing the physical
characteristics and studying the other causes for hair loss, the
treatments given may not work efficaciously. It is advisable to
seek professional help in cases of severe hair loss.
Calorie    Carbohydrates   Protien   Sugar    Fats        Iron         Starch     Trans -
Count                                                                             fat

18-21      Wheat           Paneer    Yogurt   7% of the   Leafy        Sugar      0.025
years                                         B.M.I.      Vegetables   cane       % of
           Rice            Dal       Fruits
2000-22                                       ( Body      Kidney       Jaggery    the
00         Oats            Eggs
                                              Metabolic   Beans                   Body
calories                   Pulses                                      Potatoes
                                              Index )                             Weight
                                                          Chic Peas    Sweet
                                                          Carrot       Potatoes
1800-20                                                   Beet root
28 years
& above
Daily Diet

1. Green Tea
2. Dry Fruits
       • Badam 4 nos.
       • Black kismis 5 nos.
       • Cashewnuts 3 nos.
       • Akrot 1no.
       • Dry dates 1 no.
       • Dates 2 nos.
       • Ek mukhi lasoon 1 no.
       • Honey ½ spoon.
  All this with 2 glasses of warm water
1. Break fast
      • Eggs 3 nos.
      • Roti / Subji 5 nos.
      • Cornflakes
      • Oats
1. Lunch
   1 Roti / Rice either one should have more of vegetables & dal

    Banana milkshake or Chickoo milkshake


1. Dinner
•    No Roti No Rice
      only Soups or Rajma or Chole
•     Boiled Potatoes 3 nos. 15minutes before going to sleep
My Height is        : - 168.2 cms.

     My Weight is        : - 57 kgs.

My Weight in proportion to my height is normal
so I don’t have to gain or reduce weight
Yo g a As anas fo r Re duc ing Abdo minal Fat
These exercises can help postmenopausal women to get rid of that
intra-abdominal fat and in the process reduce their risk for some
chronic illnesses.
Time: 1/2 minutes each leg
Method: Lie down on your back. Breath in.
Then fold the left leg from the knees. Hold
the fingers together and bring the folded leg
to touch the stomach. Lift the head and touch
the nose to the knee. The other leg remains
straight. Hold the breath. Come to original
position and leave the breath. Follow the
same for the other leg.
NOTE: This asana can also be done with both the knees folded.
Benefits: Removes gas from the abdomen and reduces abdominal fat.
          Increases the flexibility of the knees and hips.
Time: 1/2 minutes.

Method: Lie on your stomach, forehead on the
ground, hands under shoulders. Raise your
upper body by the strength of the back
muscles, head up. Don't take help of the hands,
they may remain on the ground or held on the
back over the hips.
Benefits: Helps in keeping the dorsal spine
elastic and strong. Backache due to overstrain
can be thus relieved. Helps considerably in reducing abdominal fat.
Dhanurasan- the bow

Time: 1/2 minute

Method: Lie on your stomach. Bend
knees, hold the ankles. Pull your hands
and push with your legs, knees together,
till the trunk forms an arch with only the
stomach on the ground. Look up. After
releasing the posture lie for a while in
Benefits: Reduces abdominal fat. The
compressing of the spinal column, pressing the nerves with the
scapulae minimizes blood circulation while in the asana. But when the
pose is released a greater supply of blood is endured to those very
regions increasing spinal flexibility and definitely raising the vitality.
Exercise for Abs
"The goal of stretching is to lengthen a muscle and move the
corresponding joints through the full range of motion, thereby allowing
both the contractile (muscle and tendon) and the noncontractile
(ligament and joint capsule) structures to lengthen."

Stretching exercises:
relieve muscle tension
keep muscles flexible, which can help your posture and balance
lengthen muscles and increase range of motion, which helps lengthen
                                your stride
help prevent muscle and joint injuries by elongating and relaxing
flush lactic acid out of your muscles.

Do a walk or slow jog for 5-10 minutes, and then stretch.
Stretch 1

Neck, Scalene and Upper Trapezius

This stretch helps to re-align the cervical spine and is good for posture.
It improves breathing and alleviates neck pain. Office workers constantly
on computers can do this stretch five or six times a day, and people who
carry bags over one shoulder should also do it regularly.

•Place a hand on the
side of your head and
breathe in. The hand is
used only as a guide
and does not drive the
•Active the opposing scalene muscles by flexing the neck to the side
until you reach your barrier. Once your barrier has been reached, gently
pull and hold for two seconds while breathing out, then return to neutral
(the starting position). Repeat 10 times.

•There are three scalene muscles that move the neck in slightly different
directions. Scalene are used in breathing but also stabilize the neck.

Stretch 2

Pectoralis Minor (chest)

This stretch will help pull your shoulders back into their rightful spot,
reduce rounding of your shoulders and improve your breathing. Your
lungs get compressed if your shoulders are rounded; you can’t breathe
in properly because your ribcage is also compressed. This stretch will
help bring your center of gravity back into alignment.
1. Breathe in and place your hands in a position like you’re under arrest.
2. Pull your shoulder back and breathe out, extending the elbows and
   contracting the muscles in the back (rhomboids, middle trapezius).
   When you reach the end point, lift your shoulders at a 45-degree
   angle to target the pictoralis minor. Hold for two seconds and release
   back to neutral. Repeat 10 times.
Stretch 3
Upper Quadriceps (thigh)

This should be an integral part of any daily stretching routine because it
works what could be the most used muscle in the body. This is what’s
called the proximal attachment of the rectus-femorus, the second most
important postural muscle, after the hip flexors. This stretch will improve
knee extension and improve your gait. It’s also integral to increasing
speed, strength and power. It’s essential to have strong but flexible
quads, which give you a solid base and are important in stabilizing your
1. Sitting in a neutral
   position, breathe in
   and lift your heel into
   your bottom. Keep
   your back straight
   and your stomach
  1.Extend the hips using
  the hamstring and the
  gluteals (buttock
  muscles), which are
  driving the movement;
  the hand is merely a
  guide. When you reach your barrier, use your hand to pull through the
  barrier to the point of light irritation. Hold for two seconds and release
  Back to start. Repeat 10 times
1. The upper quad is generally the tightest part of the thigh. You should
   feel the stretch at the Alls (anterior inferior iliac spine) attachment of
   the rectus femoris.
? Why do u think it's important to present yourself as a
professional in an interview?

@ It shows that you are serious, and care about getting the job. It
shows you respect the business, institution you are interviewing at, and
it shows that you take care of yourself, and respect yourself. It just gives
an all around better impression. If you are up against someone with the
same credentials as you, you don't want to lose it just because you
didn't dress professional- and that is a huge possibility. Any potential
employer wants to be sure that the investment he is making by hiring
you is going to eventually provide him with someone capable of
improving his service or provide him with more profit.
Appearing to be professional is part of the image which will give him
confidence that you are the best person for the role.
Below given are the helpers for me to make
this presentation a great job.





 Last But Not The Least
With total assistance & help of Swapna Mam

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Grooming Project

  • 1. W elcoming you to the new world of Glamour, Passion, Style, Attitude, Discipline with Sincerity hand in hand. W riter : - Unknown Director : - Unknown A very heartly thanks to M Swapna Rao for rs. being so great, patient and teaching us all about Grooming.
  • 2. Presentation Objective At the Conclusion of this module, you will be able to understand What are the personal qualities required for working in the Aviation and Hospitality Industries, Techniques to improve and maintain condition of Skin & Hair, Suitable Diet & many more…………
  • 3.
  • 4. The Personal Qualities required for working in the Aviation & Hospitality Industries are : - •Tactful & Confident to manage even a difficult customer • High sense of Grooming with good Personality • Understanding Pre–and Post–Flight Duties • Understanding On Air – Craft Duties • Applying Effective Cabin Service in an Air Cabin Environment • Group – Work skills in an Airline Environment • Dedication to details • Adaptability of given responsibility • Cross Cultural Understanding & Sensitivity • Organized & well groomed • Rule oriented i.e. to abide all rules • Good listening skills with ready solutions • Stable Emotion • Discipline • Friendliness • Honesty • Sincerity • Warm personality
  • 5.
  • 6. Daily Skin Care The skin is the body's protective barrier against the environment. We often take our skin for granted. Most people fail to realize that the skin needs daily care just like brushing one's teeth. If the skin is not taken care of properly it can become dry, flaky, cracked and inflamed. This can predispose the skin to infection from wart viruses and bacteria. A daily skin care regimen should start as early as infancy and continue throughout one's life. Everyone has a natural oil covering their skin. This oil, named sebum, is made by glands in the skin. When the oil is removed by frequent use of drying agents, such as soap, the skin becomes dry which can lead to cracking and flaking. Once cracking occurs the skin is susceptible to inflammation and itching. Everyday factors that may cause drying of the skin include harsh soaps, long hot baths or showers, and frequent bathing or showering. Most people overdo skin cleaning.
  • 7. Daily Skin Care (15-20 minutes each day): 1. Each day when you take your bath or shower, try to use luke warm water. Hot water dries out the skin. Try to limit your time to fifteen minutes or less in the bath or shower. Bathing should be done no more than once a day. If you bathe too frequently you will remove the natural oils from the skin causing dryness. 2. Avoid using harsh soaps which dry the skin. Recommended soaps are Dove and Basis. Deodorant soaps are often very harsh and drying. Even better than soap are soapless skin cleansers such as Cetaphil Lotion and Aquanil. 3. Limit the use of soap to areas that develop an odor such as the armpits, genital area, and feet. 4. When toweling dry, do not rub the skin. Blot or pat dry so there is still some moisture left on the skin.
  • 8. S e ns itive S kin Care Sensitive skin care is more than just choosing the right sensitive skin care product. To provide the best sensitive skin care, you need an overall approach to providing the best possible care. Sensitive skin has a low tolerance level to certain products or environmental conditions. People with sensitive skin may react quickly to chemicals, heat or wind by developing red, blotchy and irritated skin. Different people have different levels of skin sensitivity. Some people may react to a product, while for others it produces no effect. Similarly, some people may have a very severe reaction, while others only have a mild reaction.
  • 9. Pro ble ms Fac e d by Pe o ple with S e ns itive S kin People with sensitive skin face many problems. The redness, irritation and blotchiness associated with sensitive skin can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. It can be annoying having to avoid everything that may cause sensitive skin to flare up. Providing the right sensitive skin care can be particularly difficult, as many skin products will have a negative effect. De aling with S e ns itive S kin NATURAL METHODS Natural skin care can be an effective way of treating sensitive skin. Natural products are less likely to trigger the reaction that other products may have on sensitive skin. Here are some of the best natural ways to treat sensitive skin.
  • 10. He rbal Re me die s Herbal remedies are very good for sensitive skin, because they are free from the harsh chemicals that can cause skin problems. Generally, products that contain natural ingredients will be better for your skin and less likely to cause a sensitive skin reaction. Try the following remedies for some special sensitive skin care.  Use almond or jojoba oil to cleanse your face.  Comfrey steeped in water can make a good toner.  Make a facial exfoliate by mixing grapefruit with oatmeal.  Make a face mask out of fruit.
  • 11.  Cucumber and yoghurt also makes a good face mask for sensitive skin.  Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help prevent sensitive skin reactions.  Aloe Vera can soothe skin that is red, irritated and blotchy. Apply directly to the skin. Even when using natural products, people with sensitive skin need to be careful. As some sensitive skin reactions are caused by allergies, even organic products may cause an adverse reaction in someone. Check every product on a small area of your skin first, and stop using a product if it seems to be triggering the symptoms associated with sensitive skin.
  • 12. Dry S kin Care Dry skin care is important as damaged and dry skin needs to receive the proper treatment. Dry skin lotions can help, but there are lots of other things people can do to minimize dry skin and the damage that it does. Here are some effective tips for caring for dry skin. What Is Dry Skin and How Is It Caused? Dry skin (or xerosis) has a low level of sebum, which is the skin's natural lubricant. As it does not have enough sebum, it dries out easily and is unable to retain the right amount of moisture needed for healthy skin.
  • 13. A number of factors may cause dry skin. It is more common in winter when the cold outside and the heat inside contribute in drying up the skin. It can also be caused by hot water or harsh soaps. Poor diet or smoking can also cause or aggravate the problem. Dry skin may also be a symptom of other conditions, including dermatitis, eczema, ichthyoids, psoriasis, an under active thyroid and diabetes. Dry skin becomes more common as people age. Problems Faced by People with Dry Skin People with dry skin may find their skin cracks and peels or becomes flaky. Dry skin may look parched and feel tight after washing. It can also become red, irritated and inflamed. Dry itchy skin is a common problem for people with dry skin. In extreme cases, there may be deep fissures that bleed.
  • 14. Techniques for Dealing with Dry Skin There are a number of things you can do for effective dry skin care. Baths and showers should be taken in warm, instead of hot, water, and should be kept as short as possible. Soap should be used sparingly. Mild cleansers and pure soaps are better. When drying your skin, use patting motions and avoid rubbing the skin too much. Try massaging your skin to increase the flow of natural oils. Because cold and heat exacerbate the problems of dry skin, people with dry skin should protect their face and skin when going out into the wind or sun, and they should always wear a sunscreen. Exercise, a good diet and enough sleep will all help keep your skin healthy.
  • 15. NATURAL TECHNIQUES • Instead of using a commercial cleanser, use a vegetable oil like olive oil or almond oil. • Aloe Vera is very good for dry skin and it has healing and soothing properties. • Calendula and comfrey soften the skin. They may be used in a facial sauna. • Cold compresses can help alleviate dry itchy skin. Add a few drops of essential oil. • Milk baths are very effective in the treatment of dry skin on the body. Add powdered milk and almond oil to a warm (not hot) bath. • Herbal teas like chamomile, dandelion, peppermint, borage, fennel, coltsfoot or calendula help improve the skin. • A good home remedy for dry skin is to make your own beauty mask. Combine an egg, honey, olive oil and rosewater. Apply onto your skin and leave it there for fifteen minutes before washing off.
  • 16.
  • 17. Hair Care People may opt for a shorter do because caring for a longer one may be such a hassle. However, long hair does have numerous benefits including unlimited styles that can be done with it. So caring for long hair can really be worth it. When talking about hair care for long hair, it does not necessarily mean stocking up on numerous conditioners and shampoos and availing of many hair care treatments. Once you find the right product to use, then all you need to do is have the right management. This way, your hair care will be more on the natural side and you can avoid all the damage that the chemicals from hair care products might do to you.
  • 18. Long hair care tips include not sleeping with your hair in a ponytail or done in a braid. This will stress the hair immensely and will eventually lead to damage. When styling your long hair in a braid, do not make it too tight or else you might end up with hair loss. It would greatly help if you make use of a scrunchie or a band that is specially treated not to cause damage to hair. When you use untreated bands, bows, and clips, limit it. When it comes to growing your hair longer, one very good natural hair care to administer is trimming. If you just let your hair grow longer like that, split ends will happen. If you plan on letting your hair grow more, administer trimming once every three months. If you choose to maintain the length you have now, one trimming in every 1 ½ months will do. Another hair care tip is not to use a brush on a tangled hair. The hair will be stretched dramatically and breakage will occur. As you try to loosen the tangles of your long hair, start from the tips of the hair towards the roots. Make sure you are gentle with your hair.
  • 19. Before having your hair washed, make sure you remove all the tangles first. Styling and drying will be a lot easier this way. When drying the hair, do not rub with a towel. Just blot the moisture out of the hair. This is because a towel rubbing would lead to tangles and probable breakage, not to mention the hassles you will go through in detangling. Pillows can also become the cause of hair breakage especially when you move a lot while you sleep. Hair Tips: Making use of silk pillowcases will prevent your hair from being caught and broken. If silk pillowcases are not available to you, wear silk or satin scarf before you go to sleep. Brush your hair often as this will spread the natural oils in your hair. While brushing, stroke your hair with the hand so that there would be no static electricity left in your hair which would cause damage.
  • 20. S plit Ends Split ends crop up when your hair strands "fracture" at the end. The problem is usually the result of improper hair care, either by you or by an improperly trained stylist. Hence you should have your professional stylist trim your ends every 6 – 8 weeks and adopt a more beneficial hair care regime. Split ends are the most common hair problem that all women face. Split ends or trichoptlosis come about when the protective cuticle is stripped away from the ends of the hair. The condition is more common when your hair is dry or brittle. Too much dying or vigorous brushing often causes split ends. Once your hair cuticle is removed this way it is impossible to replace it. Your hair will split into two or three strands, for a length of two to three centimeters. Probably, the best way to be rid of spilt ends is to trim them.
  • 21. Treatment of Split Ends • The only cure for split ends is trimming your hair. • Do not be brush wet hair. • Do not brush too vigorously, because tension caused by brushing promotes splitting. Rather, brush hair gently from crown to ends using a soft-bristled brush. • Sleep with silk or satin pillowcases as the smooth surface on the pillow will diminish tangling that can lead to split ends. • Limit washing as shampooing also removes the hair's protective oils. Instead, wash with a mild shampoo twice a week and use products that contain moisturizing ingredients such as panthenol and ceramides. Follow with a shampoo that lists sunscreen as a major ingredient. • Best use a wide tooth comb if the hair is susceptible to splitting. • In winter, keep your air moist with a pot of warm water on the kitchen stove.
  • 22. Dandruff Dandruff is an annoying and embarrassing scalp condition. The scalp sheds off an excessive amount of dead cells. It is accompanied by itching and can spread to the eyebrows, neck, and shoulders. What causes dandruff cannot be exactly pinpointed. However, there are external and internal triggers related to the appearance of dandruff. Internal causes are pinpointed as poor diet, stress, hormonal imbalance, allergies, heredity, and physical exhaustion. External causes are weather conditions, improper use of hair care products, and infrequent or insufficient hygiene practices.
  • 23. Home Care for Dandruff The popularity of the virgin coconut oil has not exempted its use for dandruff remedies. Heat 6 tablespoons of coconut oil, cool and massage it into the scalp. Leave it for an hour; if you want better results, leave it overnight. Wash this off with a mild shampoo. You will be surprised at the stunning results. You get stunning shiny hair. If you use this treatment for a month, your dandruff will go away. Putting a drop of eucalyptus oil will make the concoction even more effective. The eucalyptus oil will stimulate the oil glands. Another version of the coconut treatment is to grate fresh coconut meat. Massage into the scalp and hair leave it overnight. Do this twice a week. This will provide you with relief from the dandruff.
  • 24. Oil soaks and vinegar rinses are other home care for dandruff. While lemon and even mayonnaise can be good hair care regimen, these can also minimize dandruff. When trying oil soaks, massage the hair with warm olive oil. Wrap with a heated towel. When the towel cools off, reheat the towel and rewrap the hair with it. The entire procedure will take an hour. If you notice that you are getting pimples on your face, you are likely scratching your scalp. The dead cells get embedded in the nails and get transferred to the face together with the fungus that may be the cause of the dandruff. Precaution should be exercised in the proper use of medicated shampoos. Follow the instructions carefully to get maximum results. Do not allow other members of the family to use your comb, bed sheets, pillows and other personal belongings that may infect others with the fungus that has caused your dandruff.
  • 25. Proper hygiene must be observed. Wash the hair frequently to rid excess oil that harbors the fungus. The hair and scalp should be rinsed thoroughly to prevent the pile up of unwanted residue. Avoid using the combs of your friends and family. Soak your pillows, combs, towels and sheets in warm water with antiseptic to prevent the spread of dandruff. With regards to food, avoid excessive caffeine, junk food, and sweets. Avoid bananas and citric fruits. If the doctor prescribes a fruit and vegetable diet then follow it strictly. Drink lots of water, and get enough rest and exercise. Get the necessary food supplement to have healthy scalp and hair.
  • 26. Hair Fall We normally shed about 40 to 50 strands of hair everyday. Within this range of hair fall, a person has nothing to worry about. This is the body's natural way of rejuvenating itself, of shedding strands of old hair. However, if you shed more than what is natural, this is enough reason to consult a trusted physician who can help you understand your problem. There are many causes of hair fall in the same way that there are many kinds of treatment available today. But before that, a few basic facts about hair will perhaps give us an idea of the nature of human hair. Human hair grows from follicles right at the skin of the scalp.
  • 27. In essence, it is the number of hair follicles and their individual health that affects the growth of hair. Growing within cycles, each hair follicle normally grows a single strand of hair for about 3 to 4 years. The cycle ends with the shedding of mature hair, so that new hair can grow. After a few months of "resting", new hair starts to grow in the place where the shed hair once was. Now, there are millions of hair follicles in our scalp, which varies from one person to another. It is when hair follicles are damaged that hair begins to loose its grip on the scalp and slowly, without even knowing it, fall away. Little is it also known that the hard combing of the hair damages the follicles, causing no hair to grow from it. Unfortunately, this is irreversible by any kind of medicine. Once hair follicles have been damaged, there is no way of restoring its former health. What medicines can only do is to reduce the hair fall and make undamaged hair follicles produce more hair.
  • 28. Causes of Hair Loss There are non-medical and medical reasons for hairfall. Right on top of non-medical reasons is diet. Rigorous dieting can cause hair fall. Just because the hair is on the topmost part of our bodies, it does not mean that it could not be affected by the body's internal processes. When we live unhealthy, our hair is definitely one of the casualties. Nutrition is also key to healthy hair plus a lot of clean, drinking water. Not only will proper foods encourage the growth of hair. It will also keep the moisture and health of young and growing hair. Of course, as already said above, never comb your hair the way you rake dead and dry leaves. It causes untreatable damage to hair follicles. Other causes of hair loss are pollution, blow frying of hair, using hair-unfriendly shampoos, the excess or lack in washing hair, and the use of harmful chemicals in hair dyes. Quite obvious here is the sheer lack of scalp hygiene causing scalp infections, which eventually leads to unhealthy hair follicles.
  • 29. Note that the scalp is where the follicles are and the follicle is where hair grows. Scalp infections are the cause of irresponsible care for the hair. Maybe you have not noticed it, but lack of sleep can cause hair fall. In same vein, physical stress can, too. Too much exertion of bodily energy leads to physical stress. And note this: doctors have also found that our emotional well-being affects the health of our hair. Emotional stress is as devastating to your hair, as it is to your heart. Keep your mind and emotions in check. For more help regarding hair fall, it is wise to talk to a physician-friend who can help you understand your problem.
  • 30. Homecare for Hair Loss The Magic Recipe to Treat Spot Baldness - Make a paste with a few small sticks of liquorices in milk cream. Add a little saffron and apply it on the bald patches at night. Rinse it out with clear water in the morning. If possible, mix some ground Datura metel seeds in the paste. It increases the potency of the recipe. Massage your bald scalp spot generously with your finger tips for 5 minutes while applying the ointment. The Wonderful Oil Massage - Castor oil is excellent for hair re- growth. If combined with white iodine which is available at the chemist shop, it can produce the desired results. Part your hair in small sections and apply the oil to the scalp with cotton. Massage it in with your finger tips. If you are able to get white iodine solution, use it similarly on every alternate day. Squeeze the milk out of 1/2 a coconut; add the juice of half a lime and massage into the scalp. Leave on for 4 to 6 hrs. Wash with a mild shampoo or crushed Hibiscus leaves mixed with a tablespoon of crushed fenugreek seeds and made into a paste.
  • 31. Do's and Don'ts •In case of baldness due to fungal, viral or bacterial infections, consult a dermatologist. •Use a soft brush with well-spaced bristles. •Sanitize your implements, i.e. brushes, combs, etc. at least once a week. •Drink a glass of carrot juice to which juice of half a lime has been added and 2 yeast tablets (Brewer's yeast). •Take iron tablets in case you are anemic. •Improve the protein content of your diet. •Take birth control pills with a prescription. The most important aspect of any treatment is the correct diagnosis. Unless it is well determined by observing the physical characteristics and studying the other causes for hair loss, the treatments given may not work efficaciously. It is advisable to seek professional help in cases of severe hair loss.
  • 32. Calorie Carbohydrates Protien Sugar Fats Iron Starch Trans - Count fat 18-21 Wheat Paneer Yogurt 7% of the Leafy Sugar 0.025 years B.M.I. Vegetables cane % of Rice Dal Fruits 2000-22 ( Body Kidney Jaggery the 00 Oats Eggs Metabolic Beans Body calories Pulses Potatoes Index ) Weight Chic Peas Sweet 22-27 Carrot Potatoes years 1800-20 Beet root 00 calories 28 years & above 1200-18 00 calories
  • 33. Daily Diet Morning 1. Green Tea 2. Dry Fruits • Badam 4 nos. • Black kismis 5 nos. • Cashewnuts 3 nos. • Akrot 1no. • Dry dates 1 no. • Dates 2 nos. • Ek mukhi lasoon 1 no. • Honey ½ spoon. All this with 2 glasses of warm water
  • 34. 1. Break fast • Eggs 3 nos. • Roti / Subji 5 nos. • Cornflakes • Oats Afternoon 1. Lunch 1 Roti / Rice either one should have more of vegetables & dal Evening Banana milkshake or Chickoo milkshake Night 1. Dinner • No Roti No Rice only Soups or Rajma or Chole • Boiled Potatoes 3 nos. 15minutes before going to sleep
  • 35.
  • 36. My Height is : - 168.2 cms. My Weight is : - 57 kgs. My Weight in proportion to my height is normal so I don’t have to gain or reduce weight
  • 37. Yo g a As anas fo r Re duc ing Abdo minal Fat These exercises can help postmenopausal women to get rid of that intra-abdominal fat and in the process reduce their risk for some chronic illnesses. Pavan-Muktasan Time: 1/2 minutes each leg Method: Lie down on your back. Breath in. Then fold the left leg from the knees. Hold the fingers together and bring the folded leg to touch the stomach. Lift the head and touch the nose to the knee. The other leg remains straight. Hold the breath. Come to original position and leave the breath. Follow the same for the other leg. NOTE: This asana can also be done with both the knees folded. Benefits: Removes gas from the abdomen and reduces abdominal fat. Increases the flexibility of the knees and hips.
  • 38. Bhujangasan Time: 1/2 minutes. Method: Lie on your stomach, forehead on the ground, hands under shoulders. Raise your upper body by the strength of the back muscles, head up. Don't take help of the hands, they may remain on the ground or held on the back over the hips. Benefits: Helps in keeping the dorsal spine elastic and strong. Backache due to overstrain can be thus relieved. Helps considerably in reducing abdominal fat.
  • 39. Dhanurasan- the bow Time: 1/2 minute Method: Lie on your stomach. Bend knees, hold the ankles. Pull your hands and push with your legs, knees together, till the trunk forms an arch with only the stomach on the ground. Look up. After releasing the posture lie for a while in Shavasan. Benefits: Reduces abdominal fat. The compressing of the spinal column, pressing the nerves with the scapulae minimizes blood circulation while in the asana. But when the pose is released a greater supply of blood is endured to those very regions increasing spinal flexibility and definitely raising the vitality.
  • 40. Exercise for Abs "The goal of stretching is to lengthen a muscle and move the corresponding joints through the full range of motion, thereby allowing both the contractile (muscle and tendon) and the noncontractile (ligament and joint capsule) structures to lengthen." Stretching exercises: relieve muscle tension keep muscles flexible, which can help your posture and balance lengthen muscles and increase range of motion, which helps lengthen your stride help prevent muscle and joint injuries by elongating and relaxing muscles flush lactic acid out of your muscles. Do a walk or slow jog for 5-10 minutes, and then stretch.
  • 41. Stretch 1 Neck, Scalene and Upper Trapezius This stretch helps to re-align the cervical spine and is good for posture. It improves breathing and alleviates neck pain. Office workers constantly on computers can do this stretch five or six times a day, and people who carry bags over one shoulder should also do it regularly. •Place a hand on the side of your head and breathe in. The hand is used only as a guide and does not drive the motion.
  • 42. •Active the opposing scalene muscles by flexing the neck to the side until you reach your barrier. Once your barrier has been reached, gently pull and hold for two seconds while breathing out, then return to neutral (the starting position). Repeat 10 times. •There are three scalene muscles that move the neck in slightly different directions. Scalene are used in breathing but also stabilize the neck. Stretch 2 Pectoralis Minor (chest) This stretch will help pull your shoulders back into their rightful spot, reduce rounding of your shoulders and improve your breathing. Your lungs get compressed if your shoulders are rounded; you can’t breathe in properly because your ribcage is also compressed. This stretch will help bring your center of gravity back into alignment.
  • 43. 1. Breathe in and place your hands in a position like you’re under arrest. 2. Pull your shoulder back and breathe out, extending the elbows and contracting the muscles in the back (rhomboids, middle trapezius). When you reach the end point, lift your shoulders at a 45-degree angle to target the pictoralis minor. Hold for two seconds and release back to neutral. Repeat 10 times.
  • 44. Stretch 3 Upper Quadriceps (thigh) This should be an integral part of any daily stretching routine because it works what could be the most used muscle in the body. This is what’s called the proximal attachment of the rectus-femorus, the second most important postural muscle, after the hip flexors. This stretch will improve knee extension and improve your gait. It’s also integral to increasing speed, strength and power. It’s essential to have strong but flexible quads, which give you a solid base and are important in stabilizing your knees.
  • 45. 1. Sitting in a neutral position, breathe in and lift your heel into your bottom. Keep your back straight and your stomach tight. 1.Extend the hips using the hamstring and the gluteals (buttock muscles), which are driving the movement; the hand is merely a guide. When you reach your barrier, use your hand to pull through the barrier to the point of light irritation. Hold for two seconds and release Back to start. Repeat 10 times 1. The upper quad is generally the tightest part of the thigh. You should feel the stretch at the Alls (anterior inferior iliac spine) attachment of the rectus femoris.
  • 46.
  • 47. ? Why do u think it's important to present yourself as a professional in an interview? @ It shows that you are serious, and care about getting the job. It shows you respect the business, institution you are interviewing at, and it shows that you take care of yourself, and respect yourself. It just gives an all around better impression. If you are up against someone with the same credentials as you, you don't want to lose it just because you didn't dress professional- and that is a huge possibility. Any potential employer wants to be sure that the investment he is making by hiring you is going to eventually provide him with someone capable of improving his service or provide him with more profit. Appearing to be professional is part of the image which will give him confidence that you are the best person for the role.
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