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Batch no : Y4.
Assessor name: GURPRIT SAINI.
Grooming assignment
 Am very grateful and thankful for the God
Almighty for his blessings showered upon me to
complete my grooming module. Thanks to my
parents for sending me to a very good institute
without them it with me impossible to have such
better grooming facilities.
 Am very grateful for the strong support and
guidance giving to me by my grooming teacher
Mrs . Darshita Solanki who is my grooming
faculty and FrankFinn for giving me an
opportunity to present my assignment.
SESSION -1 Grooming -Introduction
 Grooming is an art to self- presentation and is the
sum total o f person appearance's an d his
attitude as well as a projection of his/her
personality . Grooming thus consists of two
aspects. There two types of grooming META
PHYSICAL: Physical grooming
consists of your appearance which is
categorized by the quality of your
skin, hair, personal hygiene and
sense of dressing, make-up ,
etiquette etc
META PHYSICAL :Meta Physical
grooming consists of projecting certain
attributes of one’s personality. One must
appear poised, elegant, confident and
easy going (without being casual)
 I wake up around 6:30am and brush my teeth and wash my
face with Himalaya face wash and I get ready to go for my
morning jog being an athlete I make sure I keep myself fit and
fine I workout or 2hrs in a day.
 I have my breakfast and get ready for the day like college and
any daily activities in my life before going out I apply lotus
sunscreen on my body and make sure I carry an umbrella or a
shawl to protect my face from the raise of the sun.
 Before going for my classes I always take a shower and I use
dove or soap to keep my body and skin soft and dry free.
 After coming out from the shower I use my daily moisturizer
which is for dry skin and apply it on my face hands and legs.
 Then I use my serum and leave in product to make my hair soft
and amazing.
Products I use
 Attractive personality.
 Sociable person with an interest in people .
 Naturally warm and pleasant .
 Patient .
 Professional attitude.
 Well groomed.
 Good Communication Skills.
 Intelligent, tactful and quick twisted.
 Enthusiastic and charming.
 Timing management .
 Good listener.
 Gracious .
Skin layer
 EPDIERMIS The upper or outer layer of the two
main layers of cells that make up the skin. The
epidermis is mostly made up of flat, scale-like cells
called squamous cells. Under the squamous cells
are round cells called basal cells. The deepest part
of the epidermis also contains melanocytes.
 DERMIS The reticular dermis is the lower layer of
the dermis, found under the papillary dermis,
composed of dense irregular connective tissue
featuring densely packed collagen fibers. It is the
primary location of dermal elastic fibers.
 HYPODREMIS First is the hypodermis, which is
subcutaneous (just beneath the skin) fat that
functions as insulation and padding for the body.
Next is the dermis, which provides structure and
support. Last is the epidermis, which functions as a
protective shield for the body.
Do’s and Don'ts for Skin
 8 glasses of water everyday
 Intake of fruits, vegetables, salads, soups and fruit juices.
 Balanced diet.
 Regular exercise.
 Good sleep.
 Take in plenty of fresh air.
 Use mild soaps and cleanser.
 Follow good hygiene.
 Go make-up for to bed.
 Use regular and right skin type moisturizer.
 Do not smoke.
 Do not indulge in alcohol and junk food.
 Avoid hot shower and vigorous scrubs.
Types of skin ( WHAT ARE YOUR SKIN
 NORMAL SKIN : Normal skin:- which has a good balance of moisture, small
pores and an even tone, is the goal of most skin care regimens. Most
people have normal skin, Van Dyke says, but to maintain its good condition,
it's important to minimize its exposure to the sun.
 OILY SKIN: Oily skin is acne-prone skin with open pores, a shiny
complexion, blackheads, and pimples. Because hormones affect oil
production, anything that changes your hormone levels may affect your skin.
To keep oily skin clean, wash your face a 2-3 times a day with plain soap
and water.
 DRY SKIN : Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling,
itching, and cracking. It can occur for a variety of reasons. You might have
naturally dry skin. But even if your skin tends to be oily, you can develop dry
skin from time to time. Dry skin can affect any part of your body.
 COMBINATION SKIN : Combination skin. This skin type features two or
more different skin types on the face, and the condition of your skin may
fluctuate between seasons. Typically, the combination skin type is
characterized by dry, flaking skin on the cheeks, while excessive oil and
shine appears on other areas of the face.
 I have dry skin that is my face start getting dry
especially areas like nose, cheeks, especially during
winter I face a lot of dryness and sometimes normal
creams also does work on me.
 I even go to problems like acne all over my face areas
like nose, forehead, cheeks and chin because of the
climate change and the pollution in the air which
causes acne and pimples.
 To take care of my acne And dry skin I use my dry
skin lotion on my face even on my hands and legs to
keep them moist and for I use natural home remedy
like turmeric, glycerine, lemon and rose water and
keep for 10mins and not more then that and pimples I
apply Colgate on my face for overnight and my
pimple vanishes the next day itself.
 Take a pinch of turmeric powder,2-3 drops of
rose water,2-3 drops of glycerine and lemon. Use
the lemon skin and mix it along with the mixture
use the same lemon to apply it on your face
instead of using your hand.
Use Aloe Vera gel on your face, hands and legs
wash it with water then apply sunscreen on your
body after applying Aloe Vera.
Add turmeric powder or chana powder and add
milk into the mixture apply it in areas you feel its
dark or has pimple or acne.
 Hair care is an overall term for hygiene and
cosmetology involving the hair which grows
from the human scalp, and to a lesser extent
facial, pubic and other body hair. Hair care
routines differ according to an individual's
culture and the physical characteristics of
one's hair. Hair may be colored, trimmed,
shaved, plucked or otherwise removed with
treatments such as waxing, sugaring and
threading. Hair care services are offered in
salons, barbershops and day spas, and
products are available commercially for
home use. Laser hair removal and
electrolysis are also available, though these
are provided (in the US) by licensed
professionals in medical offices or specialty
spas. There are 4 types of hair 1)
 Combination hair tends to be
characterized by an oily scalp and dry
ends, which indicates that the scalp’s
natural oils are not traveling down the
hair shaft effectively. This can make your
hair difficult to manage, because you are
dealing with the disadvantages of two
different hair types. Combination hair is
usually caused by curly, frizzy, or long
hair not allowing the excess oils from the
scalp to travel down to the tips of the
hair. This traps the oils on the scalp and
results in a greasy appearance. The trick
to caring for combination hair is to
 Dry hair develops when your hair doesn’t get or
retain enough moisture. This reduces its sheen
and can make it appear frizzy, lifeless, and dull.
Dry hair can affect men and women of any age,
but you’re more likely to develop it as you get
 Your hair consists of three layers. If your hair is
healthy, natural oils in the outer layer help
protect the inner layers. They also reflect light,
making your hair appear shiny. Sheen and
luster are two important signs of healthy hair.
 When your hair is dry, the outer layer breaks
down, causing it to appear dull and unhealthy.
 living in a dry, hot climate
 spending a lot of time in the sun or wind
 frequently swimming in chlorinated or salty
waterwashing your hair too often
 using harsh shampoos, conditioners, or styling
 dying or chemically treating your hair
 regularly blow-drying your hair
 using electric curling irons, straighteners, or
 Greasy hair is the result of
overactive sebaceous glands,
which are producing too much
sebum. Although sebum
benefits the hair, keeping it
healthy, smooth and preventing
it from drying out and breaking,
too much can cause the hair to
look slick and greasy. An
excessively oily scalp can also
be a nuisance and is related to
outbreaks of dandruff.
 Common causes for oily hair
 Heredity problems
 Unhealthy eating habits
 Medications
 Improper hair care
 Normal hair is regulated by the
natural oils on your scalp, resulting
in consistently shiny and healthy
looking hair. This hair type tends to
be easy to manage, soft to the
touch, and absent of many hair
woes common in other hair types.
People with normal hair usually
have an easier time when it comes
to maintaining ideal hair quality.
However, normal hair is not
completely resilient and still needs
proper care to maintain its healthy
 By taking good care of your hair.
 Washing it twice in a day.
 Eating healthy food and nutrients.
 Using non sulfate shampoo and
I have DRY HAIR : the reason being my dry is because I
have curly and frizzy hair and its quite difficult to take care
of curly hair you need lots of products, good spa, serum its
quite a tedious job to take care of curly hair and I have to
go through this every day.
So to take care of my good curly hair I first start with oiling
my hair first I start of from the roots and then till the tips
since the tips gets dried fast. I leave for overnight and wash
it the next day . When I get into the shower I wash my hair
first with Luke warm water and then I shampoo my hair only
at the roots and then I apply conditioner and use a teeth
comb and comb my hair since its wet and that’s that best
time to comb your hair to avoid fizziness and as am done
instead of using a towel I use my top to dry of my hair so its
doesn’t lead to breakage. As am out I use my leave in curly
hair cream and serum and crunch my hair up so my curls
 DO wash your hair on a regular basis. A clean
scalp promotes a healthy scalp, which creates
the best environment for hair growth. Shampoo
anywhere from once a day to three times a
week, depending on what your hair needs.
 DO get in the habit of using a detoxifying
shampoo once a week for a deeper clean.
Look for products that eliminate residue, boost
hair health and oxygenate your scalp.
Eucalyptus oil, chamomile extract and witch
hazel are ingredients that offer a deeper clean.
 DO apply shampoo evenly throughout your
hair—don’t focus on just one area.
 DO condition your hair after every shampoo.
It’s a hydrating step that makes hair more
supple. On those who color their hair, the right
conditioner will safeguard against fading.
 DO comb the conditioner through your hair to
apply and evenly distribute through the ends.
 DO apply a conditioning mask once a week—a
hair mask can offer deeper hydration and
repair, leaving hair lush and shiny.
 DON’T go more than three days without
cleansing your hair. You’ll have excessive oil
buildup on your scalp, which clogs the follicle
and can cause issues like flaking, itching and
redness, not to mention hair that seems
impossible to style.
 DON’T use too much shampoo. No matter which
shampoo you’re using, you really only need a
dime- or nickel-size amount to cleanse
 . DON’T be too rough. Start off by applying
shampoo to your scalp and work it in from there.
Washing hair just at the bottom or middle of the
strand will create matting or tangling. Instead,
gently rake your fingers through the length of
your hair to cleans
 DON’T use conditioners with silicones and
parables. They temporarily coat the hair, which
in turn weighs it down. Silicones can also pick
up air pollution that will cause hair to lose its
luster more quickly.
 DON’T apply heavy conditioner at the scalp—
apply richer conditioning products and hair
masks near the ends where hair tends to be the
most dry. Lighter conditioners can be applied
from top to bottom.
 Casual wear/attire/clothing is a Western dress
code category that comprises anything not
traditionally appropriate with more formal dress
codes: formal wear, semi-formal wear, or informal
wear. In general, casual wear is associated with
emphasizing personal comfort and individuality
over formality or conformity. There are 3 kinds of
Western Attire. 1) Formal Dressing 2) Informal
Dressing 3) Casual Dressing
 This means that a tuxedo isn't
required, but the event is still formal
enough for one to be appropriate.
He should wear: A tuxedo or formal
dark suit and tie. She should wear:
A long evening dress, dressy suit or
formal cocktail-length dress. In
addition to matching pants and
jacket, men should wear a button-up
collared shirt, paired with a tie. ...
Some men choose to wear a three-
piece suit, in which case the vest
colour and material match the jacket
and slacks. For Women. A dress
pant or skirt with matching jacket is
considered business formal for
 Informal wear, also called
business/corporate/office wear,
tenue de ville and (colloquially)
dress clothes, is a Western dress
code for clothing typified by a suit
with necktie for men, and cocktail
dress or pant suit for women.
Business casual: Forget the suit
when interviewing at a business
casual company. Men might opt to
wear dress slacks or chinos, a
button down or polo shirt, a belt
and dress shoes. Women might
consider wearing a conservative
 Other dress codes exist that are more
appropriate for formal, business casual, and
smart casual workplaces. A casual dress code
means that employees are permitted to dress in
comfortable, informal clothing. ... Jeans are a
good option in an informal workplace.
 ( MEN) Sport coat, blazer, jeans, dress shirt
(casually turn down collared), and a T-shirt
describe to be typically casual wear for men in
the 21st century.
 (WOMEN) Casual wear is typically the dress
code in which forms of gender expression are
experimented with. An obvious example is
masculine jewelry, which was once considered
shocking or titillating even in casual circles, and
is now hardly noteworthy in semi-formal
situations. Amelia Bloomer introduced trousers
of a sort for women as a casual alternative to
formal hoops and skirts. The trend toward
female exposure in the 20th century tended to
push the necklines of formal ball gowns lower
and the skirts of cocktail dresses higher. For
men, the exposure of shoulders, thighs, and
 Western formals.
 Skirt .
 Blouse .
 Coat .
 Scarf .
 Stockings .
 Accessories 1) shoes
2) Handbag
 1) Belt
 2) tie
3) Socks
4) Shoes
5) jewelry
Session -05 MAKEUP
 Makeup can Improve Your Self Esteem.
 Makeup Enhances You, and does Not changes you.
 Education yourself about makeup is great hobby. Not only
do you learn an important skill, you have tons of too! Look
at all colors in your eyes shadow palettes and lipstick.
Makeup is like Art Therapy
 It is a space for creativity. Not only do you look great
outside, you feel wonderful inside too.
 Foundation.
 Concealer
 Compact powder
 Eye shadow
 Eye liner
 Eye pencil / kajal
 Eyebrow pencil
 Mascara
 Blusher
 Lipsticks
How to choose foundation for skin You’ve to consider 3 things to decide how to choose foundation
shade :-
 Skin type
 Shade
 Coverage
 How to choose foundation shade for skin type
 Normal skin- you can use just about any foundation from mineral powder
to tinted moisturizer, depending on your coverage and shade.
 Dry skin- the best one for dry skin or oil-based foundations . Look for word
like hydrating & moisturizing while looking for product for dry skin. Avoid
matte ones as they will make you look dull.
 Oily skin – use only an oil- free liquid foundation a matte finish one is also
great for controlling oily shine and breakthrough shine later. Use a pressed
powder after your liquid foundation to set it right .
 Combination skin- if you have a normal- dry skin but an oily t-zone
(nose and chin area & the skin below fore head) , you avoid normal
skin foundations .
 Acne prone skin – for for ones labelled as ‘non – comedogenic’ or ‘have
salicylic acid’ listed in their ingredients as this will keep your pores &
prequent breakouts at bay & also make sure it is an oil- free product,
though it can be powder or liquid.
Make up steps
 Step 1- wash your face. No matter what skin you have,
always wash your face before applying any makeup.
 Step 2 – after washing your wash apply toner to your face .
 Steps 3- moisturize your skin, after using toner on your
face, apply moisture to your skin, focusing on the driest
 Step 4 – apply face primer, primer is a sheer, gel like vase
that goes on skin before applying makeup.
 Step 5- apply on a coat of foundation , there are several
types of foundation , but they are generally applied the
same way. Buy a foundation according to your skin type
and tone.
 Step 6 – apply your concealer, the purpose of concealer is
to even the skin tone as result the blemishes or dark circle
under the eye get covered.
 Step 9- put on your eye shadow, there are many ways
of applying eye shadow
 Step 10 – apply eyeliner. The purpose of applying
eyeliner is to provide the illusion of a fuller lash liner .
 Step 11 – finish off with a mascara. To complete your
eye makeup. When you apply mascara your eyes
looks beautiful enlightened eyes .
 Step 12- apply a balm on your lips to smoothen your
lips and moisturizes it .
 Step 13- apply lipstick either a matte or creamy
lipstick for the day. Select a lipstick according to your
skin tone an use a lip liner to .
 Step 14 – complete your look with a completion .
 Sheer- this the lightest coverage for
those people who want to just even
out their skin tone & have a natural
 Medium- these foundations are
thicker in consistency and provide
some coverage for people with
blemishes. Discolorations or other
minor imperfections.
 Full- this helps erase scare
imperfections such as acne scars.
Also it’s the best form of foundations
to use for photo shoots
 Concealer is meant to be used on small
discolored areas (underneath the eyes, around
the nose, or blemishes ).
 Concealer can be applied over or under your
foundation. For less coverage, apply concealer
before foundation ; for more coverage , apply
concealer on top of foundation .
 Tip : generally, concealers should not be applied
over powder foundation, as doing so tends to
cause streaking and makes the powder layer roll
and pill. If you prefer powder foundation, apply
concealer first.
 Using a concealer that is one or two shades
lighter is enough to neutralize dark areas.
Session -07 WEIGHT
MY HEIGHT: 154.5
MY BMI : 23.0
Monday Tuesday Wednesda
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
jam & tea
,jam & tea
Egg, bacon,
bread & tea
with dahi
& tea
Puri – baji
and tea
de burger
Bread ,
jam and
Lunch Chicken
curry, rice,
Fish curry,
rice or
chapatti &
Pav baji
with salad
& fruits.
with fried
fish and
Dal , rice,
dahi with
Dal , rice,
salad and
Snacks Parle – g
And tea
pani puri
biscuit and
chapatti &
Mint &
& tea
Dinner Chicken
curry with
chapatti &
de pizza
panner with
chapatti &
Noodles &
Pulses with
chapatti &
de pani
Fish curry,
fish fried
& salad
Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Banana&
My Diet plan
 Brisk walking and
running daily
 Cardio exercise&
 Dancing
 Cycling & swimming
 Gymnastics / aerobic
 Basketball, volleyball,
throw ball, football , etc.
 pull up, squats,
crunches and more.
 Gyming
Session – 08 Why do you think its
important to present yourself as
Professional in an interview
 Do you have a job interview on your schedule? There are a
number of steps you can take before (and after) the
interview to ensure that you make a terrific impression
during the interview.
 Taking the time to prepare for the interview in advance can
help you secure a job offer. Here's how to research the job
and company, how to practice interview questions and
answers, how to dress for the interview, how to follow up
after the interview, and more interview preparation tips.
How you should present yourself at an
First impression is a last impression so make a very good
impression . The world will take you seriously when it comes to
grooming. Steps how you should prepare for an interview.
1 Analyse the Job
2 Make a Match
3 Research the Company
4 Practice Interviewing
5 Get Your Interview Clothes Ready
6 Decide What to Do With Your Hair
7 What to Bring to a Job Interview
8 Practice Interview Etiquette
9 Get Directions
10 Listen and Ask Questions
11 Follow Up With a Thank You Note
What employee’s look for
Leadership skill
Interpersonal skill
Negotiation and communication
Assume team. Not individual ,
Handle ambiguity/ flexibility
Positive / focused
Session -09 social Graces, Etiquette &
body language
 The first impression
 Created in first 5- 10 seconds of the
meeting/ conversation.
 Give the first impression that you are
competent, knowledge & professional.
 Appeal to the senses
 Remember, the first impression the last
impression so make it your best
Appearance in general
Clothes must not be
Necklines must not be
Nails and hair, neat
and well maintained
Body language
 Can reveal feeling
 Posture important
 Hands/ legs avoid fidgeting
 Face – window the soul.
 Eye contact
 Smile
 no yawning
 The moment he or she speaks, they are being
judged .
 Must sound sincere and confident
 Pronunciation is important
 Tone of voice
 Loudness
 Avoid using hand
 Avoid screaming.
 Answer what is being asked not unnecessary
 Do unto other as you would like
them do to you.
 Good manners
 Politeness
 Creates goodwill
 The bore
 The loud mouth
 The whiner
 The scanner
 The linguist
 The know it all
Final Tips for Grooming
 Avoid noisy and squeaky shoes as they will disturb
and distract everyone.
 Trousers’ side-pockets should not bulge with mobile
phones, wallets etc., as it gives a bulky look to your
 All noticeable body-piercing, tattoos should be
concealed, as tattoos are since long, associated with
rebellious behavior.
 Do not smoke or eat odorous food before interviews.
Use breath fresheners.
 Clean your nails and teeth properly.
 I am quite lucky to have a great grooming g class
for me it has helped me a lot from what I was
before and what am from now from the dressing ,
hair care, skin care makeup, attire personal
hygiene, weight management and so on am quite
happy to take all these as a great lesson to me I
will carry it with me when ill be the next
airhostess. Thank you to my assessor Mrs.
GURPIT SAINI for the time she spent thank you.
 Google
 Grooming textbook
 My own knowledge

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  • 1. Name: DESIREE MISQUITTA. Batch no : Y4. Assessor name: GURPRIT SAINI. Grooming assignment
  • 3. acknowledgement  Am very grateful and thankful for the God Almighty for his blessings showered upon me to complete my grooming module. Thanks to my parents for sending me to a very good institute without them it with me impossible to have such better grooming facilities.  Am very grateful for the strong support and guidance giving to me by my grooming teacher Mrs . Darshita Solanki who is my grooming faculty and FrankFinn for giving me an opportunity to present my assignment.
  • 4. SESSION -1 Grooming -Introduction  Grooming is an art to self- presentation and is the sum total o f person appearance's an d his attitude as well as a projection of his/her personality . Grooming thus consists of two aspects. There two types of grooming META PYSICAL AND PYSICAL .
  • 5. META PYSHCIAL PHYSICAL: Physical grooming consists of your appearance which is categorized by the quality of your skin, hair, personal hygiene and sense of dressing, make-up , etiquette etc PYSHCIAL META PHYSICAL :Meta Physical grooming consists of projecting certain attributes of one’s personality. One must appear poised, elegant, confident and easy going (without being casual)
  • 6. MY PERSONAL GROOMING  I wake up around 6:30am and brush my teeth and wash my face with Himalaya face wash and I get ready to go for my morning jog being an athlete I make sure I keep myself fit and fine I workout or 2hrs in a day.  I have my breakfast and get ready for the day like college and any daily activities in my life before going out I apply lotus sunscreen on my body and make sure I carry an umbrella or a shawl to protect my face from the raise of the sun.  Before going for my classes I always take a shower and I use dove or soap to keep my body and skin soft and dry free.  After coming out from the shower I use my daily moisturizer which is for dry skin and apply it on my face hands and legs.  Then I use my serum and leave in product to make my hair soft and amazing.
  • 8. QUALITIES REQUIRED IN A CABIN-CREW & HOTEL INDUSTRY .  Attractive personality.  Sociable person with an interest in people .  Naturally warm and pleasant .  Patient .  Professional attitude.  Well groomed.  Good Communication Skills.  Intelligent, tactful and quick twisted.  Enthusiastic and charming.  Timing management .  Good listener.  Gracious .
  • 10. Skin layer  EPIDERMIS.  DERMIS .  HYPODERMIS
  • 11.  EPDIERMIS The upper or outer layer of the two main layers of cells that make up the skin. The epidermis is mostly made up of flat, scale-like cells called squamous cells. Under the squamous cells are round cells called basal cells. The deepest part of the epidermis also contains melanocytes.  DERMIS The reticular dermis is the lower layer of the dermis, found under the papillary dermis, composed of dense irregular connective tissue featuring densely packed collagen fibers. It is the primary location of dermal elastic fibers.  HYPODREMIS First is the hypodermis, which is subcutaneous (just beneath the skin) fat that functions as insulation and padding for the body. Next is the dermis, which provides structure and support. Last is the epidermis, which functions as a protective shield for the body.
  • 12. Do’s and Don'ts for Skin  8 glasses of water everyday  Intake of fruits, vegetables, salads, soups and fruit juices.  Balanced diet.  Regular exercise.  Good sleep.  Take in plenty of fresh air.  Use mild soaps and cleanser.  Follow good hygiene.  Go make-up for to bed.  Use regular and right skin type moisturizer.  Do not smoke.  Do not indulge in alcohol and junk food.  Avoid hot shower and vigorous scrubs.
  • 13. Types of skin ( WHAT ARE YOUR SKIN TYPES)  NORMAL SKIN : Normal skin:- which has a good balance of moisture, small pores and an even tone, is the goal of most skin care regimens. Most people have normal skin, Van Dyke says, but to maintain its good condition, it's important to minimize its exposure to the sun.  OILY SKIN: Oily skin is acne-prone skin with open pores, a shiny complexion, blackheads, and pimples. Because hormones affect oil production, anything that changes your hormone levels may affect your skin. To keep oily skin clean, wash your face a 2-3 times a day with plain soap and water.  DRY SKIN : Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching, and cracking. It can occur for a variety of reasons. You might have naturally dry skin. But even if your skin tends to be oily, you can develop dry skin from time to time. Dry skin can affect any part of your body.  COMBINATION SKIN : Combination skin. This skin type features two or more different skin types on the face, and the condition of your skin may fluctuate between seasons. Typically, the combination skin type is characterized by dry, flaking skin on the cheeks, while excessive oil and shine appears on other areas of the face.
  • 14.  I have dry skin that is my face start getting dry especially areas like nose, cheeks, especially during winter I face a lot of dryness and sometimes normal creams also does work on me.  I even go to problems like acne all over my face areas like nose, forehead, cheeks and chin because of the climate change and the pollution in the air which causes acne and pimples.  To take care of my acne And dry skin I use my dry skin lotion on my face even on my hands and legs to keep them moist and for I use natural home remedy like turmeric, glycerine, lemon and rose water and keep for 10mins and not more then that and pimples I apply Colgate on my face for overnight and my pimple vanishes the next day itself.
  • 15. HOMEMADE SKIN PACKS  Take a pinch of turmeric powder,2-3 drops of rose water,2-3 drops of glycerine and lemon. Use the lemon skin and mix it along with the mixture use the same lemon to apply it on your face instead of using your hand. Use Aloe Vera gel on your face, hands and legs wash it with water then apply sunscreen on your body after applying Aloe Vera. Add turmeric powder or chana powder and add milk into the mixture apply it in areas you feel its dark or has pimple or acne.
  • 16. SESSION-03 HAIR CARE  Hair care is an overall term for hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair which grows from the human scalp, and to a lesser extent facial, pubic and other body hair. Hair care routines differ according to an individual's culture and the physical characteristics of one's hair. Hair may be colored, trimmed, shaved, plucked or otherwise removed with treatments such as waxing, sugaring and threading. Hair care services are offered in salons, barbershops and day spas, and products are available commercially for home use. Laser hair removal and electrolysis are also available, though these are provided (in the US) by licensed professionals in medical offices or specialty spas. There are 4 types of hair 1)
  • 17. COMBINATION HAIR  Combination hair tends to be characterized by an oily scalp and dry ends, which indicates that the scalp’s natural oils are not traveling down the hair shaft effectively. This can make your hair difficult to manage, because you are dealing with the disadvantages of two different hair types. Combination hair is usually caused by curly, frizzy, or long hair not allowing the excess oils from the scalp to travel down to the tips of the hair. This traps the oils on the scalp and results in a greasy appearance. The trick to caring for combination hair is to
  • 18. DRY HAIR  Dry hair develops when your hair doesn’t get or retain enough moisture. This reduces its sheen and can make it appear frizzy, lifeless, and dull. Dry hair can affect men and women of any age, but you’re more likely to develop it as you get older.  Your hair consists of three layers. If your hair is healthy, natural oils in the outer layer help protect the inner layers. They also reflect light, making your hair appear shiny. Sheen and luster are two important signs of healthy hair.  When your hair is dry, the outer layer breaks down, causing it to appear dull and unhealthy.  living in a dry, hot climate  spending a lot of time in the sun or wind  frequently swimming in chlorinated or salty waterwashing your hair too often  using harsh shampoos, conditioners, or styling products  dying or chemically treating your hair  regularly blow-drying your hair  using electric curling irons, straighteners, or curlers
  • 19. OILY HAIR  Greasy hair is the result of overactive sebaceous glands, which are producing too much sebum. Although sebum benefits the hair, keeping it healthy, smooth and preventing it from drying out and breaking, too much can cause the hair to look slick and greasy. An excessively oily scalp can also be a nuisance and is related to outbreaks of dandruff.  Common causes for oily hair are:  Heredity problems  Unhealthy eating habits  Medications  Improper hair care
  • 20. NORMAL HAIR  Normal hair is regulated by the natural oils on your scalp, resulting in consistently shiny and healthy looking hair. This hair type tends to be easy to manage, soft to the touch, and absent of many hair woes common in other hair types. People with normal hair usually have an easier time when it comes to maintaining ideal hair quality. However, normal hair is not completely resilient and still needs proper care to maintain its healthy look.  By taking good care of your hair.  Washing it twice in a day.  Eating healthy food and nutrients.  Using non sulfate shampoo and
  • 21. MY HAIR TYPE AND HOW TO TAKE CARE I have DRY HAIR : the reason being my dry is because I have curly and frizzy hair and its quite difficult to take care of curly hair you need lots of products, good spa, serum its quite a tedious job to take care of curly hair and I have to go through this every day. So to take care of my good curly hair I first start with oiling my hair first I start of from the roots and then till the tips since the tips gets dried fast. I leave for overnight and wash it the next day . When I get into the shower I wash my hair first with Luke warm water and then I shampoo my hair only at the roots and then I apply conditioner and use a teeth comb and comb my hair since its wet and that’s that best time to comb your hair to avoid fizziness and as am done instead of using a towel I use my top to dry of my hair so its doesn’t lead to breakage. As am out I use my leave in curly hair cream and serum and crunch my hair up so my curls
  • 22. DO’S AND DON’TS DO’S DON;TS  DO wash your hair on a regular basis. A clean scalp promotes a healthy scalp, which creates the best environment for hair growth. Shampoo anywhere from once a day to three times a week, depending on what your hair needs.  DO get in the habit of using a detoxifying shampoo once a week for a deeper clean. Look for products that eliminate residue, boost hair health and oxygenate your scalp. Eucalyptus oil, chamomile extract and witch hazel are ingredients that offer a deeper clean.  DO apply shampoo evenly throughout your hair—don’t focus on just one area.  DO condition your hair after every shampoo. It’s a hydrating step that makes hair more supple. On those who color their hair, the right conditioner will safeguard against fading.  DO comb the conditioner through your hair to apply and evenly distribute through the ends.  DO apply a conditioning mask once a week—a hair mask can offer deeper hydration and repair, leaving hair lush and shiny.  DON’T go more than three days without cleansing your hair. You’ll have excessive oil buildup on your scalp, which clogs the follicle and can cause issues like flaking, itching and redness, not to mention hair that seems impossible to style.  DON’T use too much shampoo. No matter which shampoo you’re using, you really only need a dime- or nickel-size amount to cleanse thoroughly.  . DON’T be too rough. Start off by applying shampoo to your scalp and work it in from there. Washing hair just at the bottom or middle of the strand will create matting or tangling. Instead, gently rake your fingers through the length of your hair to cleans  DON’T use conditioners with silicones and parables. They temporarily coat the hair, which in turn weighs it down. Silicones can also pick up air pollution that will cause hair to lose its luster more quickly.  DON’T apply heavy conditioner at the scalp— apply richer conditioning products and hair masks near the ends where hair tends to be the most dry. Lighter conditioners can be applied from top to bottom.
  • 24. Session-04 WESTERN ATTIRE  Casual wear/attire/clothing is a Western dress code category that comprises anything not traditionally appropriate with more formal dress codes: formal wear, semi-formal wear, or informal wear. In general, casual wear is associated with emphasizing personal comfort and individuality over formality or conformity. There are 3 kinds of Western Attire. 1) Formal Dressing 2) Informal Dressing 3) Casual Dressing
  • 25. FORMAL DRESSING  This means that a tuxedo isn't required, but the event is still formal enough for one to be appropriate. He should wear: A tuxedo or formal dark suit and tie. She should wear: A long evening dress, dressy suit or formal cocktail-length dress. In addition to matching pants and jacket, men should wear a button-up collared shirt, paired with a tie. ... Some men choose to wear a three- piece suit, in which case the vest colour and material match the jacket and slacks. For Women. A dress pant or skirt with matching jacket is considered business formal for women.
  • 26. INFORMAL DRESSING  Informal wear, also called business/corporate/office wear, tenue de ville and (colloquially) dress clothes, is a Western dress code for clothing typified by a suit with necktie for men, and cocktail dress or pant suit for women. Business casual: Forget the suit when interviewing at a business casual company. Men might opt to wear dress slacks or chinos, a button down or polo shirt, a belt and dress shoes. Women might consider wearing a conservative
  • 27. CASUAL DRESSING  Other dress codes exist that are more appropriate for formal, business casual, and smart casual workplaces. A casual dress code means that employees are permitted to dress in comfortable, informal clothing. ... Jeans are a good option in an informal workplace.  ( MEN) Sport coat, blazer, jeans, dress shirt (casually turn down collared), and a T-shirt describe to be typically casual wear for men in the 21st century.  (WOMEN) Casual wear is typically the dress code in which forms of gender expression are experimented with. An obvious example is masculine jewelry, which was once considered shocking or titillating even in casual circles, and is now hardly noteworthy in semi-formal situations. Amelia Bloomer introduced trousers of a sort for women as a casual alternative to formal hoops and skirts. The trend toward female exposure in the 20th century tended to push the necklines of formal ball gowns lower and the skirts of cocktail dresses higher. For men, the exposure of shoulders, thighs, and .
  • 28. WESTERN ATTIRE FOR WOMEN  Western formals.  Skirt .  Blouse .  Coat .  Scarf .  Stockings .  Accessories 1) shoes 2) Handbag 3)Hair 4)Jewellery
  • 30. WESTERN FORMAL FOR MEN TROUSER SHIRT COAT ACCESSORIES:  1) Belt  2) tie 3) Socks 4) Shoes 5) jewelry 6)Hair.
  • 33. Session -05 MAKEUP  Makeup can Improve Your Self Esteem.  Makeup Enhances You, and does Not changes you.  Education yourself about makeup is great hobby. Not only do you learn an important skill, you have tons of too! Look at all colors in your eyes shadow palettes and lipstick. Makeup is like Art Therapy  It is a space for creativity. Not only do you look great outside, you feel wonderful inside too.
  • 34. WOMEN SHOULD HAVE IN HER MAKEUP KIT  Foundation.  Concealer  Compact powder  Eye shadow  Eye liner  Eye pencil / kajal  Eyebrow pencil  Mascara  Blusher  Lipsticks
  • 35. How to choose foundation for skin You’ve to consider 3 things to decide how to choose foundation shade :-  Skin type  Shade  Coverage  How to choose foundation shade for skin type  Normal skin- you can use just about any foundation from mineral powder to tinted moisturizer, depending on your coverage and shade.  Dry skin- the best one for dry skin or oil-based foundations . Look for word like hydrating & moisturizing while looking for product for dry skin. Avoid matte ones as they will make you look dull.  Oily skin – use only an oil- free liquid foundation a matte finish one is also great for controlling oily shine and breakthrough shine later. Use a pressed powder after your liquid foundation to set it right .  Combination skin- if you have a normal- dry skin but an oily t-zone (nose and chin area & the skin below fore head) , you avoid normal skin foundations .  Acne prone skin – for for ones labelled as ‘non – comedogenic’ or ‘have salicylic acid’ listed in their ingredients as this will keep your pores & prequent breakouts at bay & also make sure it is an oil- free product, though it can be powder or liquid.
  • 36. Make up steps  Step 1- wash your face. No matter what skin you have, always wash your face before applying any makeup.  Step 2 – after washing your wash apply toner to your face .  Steps 3- moisturize your skin, after using toner on your face, apply moisture to your skin, focusing on the driest areas.  Step 4 – apply face primer, primer is a sheer, gel like vase that goes on skin before applying makeup.  Step 5- apply on a coat of foundation , there are several types of foundation , but they are generally applied the same way. Buy a foundation according to your skin type and tone.  Step 6 – apply your concealer, the purpose of concealer is to even the skin tone as result the blemishes or dark circle under the eye get covered.
  • 37.  Step 9- put on your eye shadow, there are many ways of applying eye shadow  Step 10 – apply eyeliner. The purpose of applying eyeliner is to provide the illusion of a fuller lash liner .  Step 11 – finish off with a mascara. To complete your eye makeup. When you apply mascara your eyes looks beautiful enlightened eyes .  Step 12- apply a balm on your lips to smoothen your lips and moisturizes it .  Step 13- apply lipstick either a matte or creamy lipstick for the day. Select a lipstick according to your skin tone an use a lip liner to .  Step 14 – complete your look with a completion .
  • 38. HOW TO CHOOSE FOUNDATION SHADE  Sheer- this the lightest coverage for those people who want to just even out their skin tone & have a natural look.  Medium- these foundations are thicker in consistency and provide some coverage for people with blemishes. Discolorations or other minor imperfections.  Full- this helps erase scare imperfections such as acne scars. Also it’s the best form of foundations to use for photo shoots
  • 39. HOW TO CHOOSE AND USE A CONCEALER  Concealer is meant to be used on small discolored areas (underneath the eyes, around the nose, or blemishes ).  Concealer can be applied over or under your foundation. For less coverage, apply concealer before foundation ; for more coverage , apply concealer on top of foundation .  Tip : generally, concealers should not be applied over powder foundation, as doing so tends to cause streaking and makes the powder layer roll and pill. If you prefer powder foundation, apply concealer first.  Using a concealer that is one or two shades lighter is enough to neutralize dark areas.
  • 41. Monday Tuesday Wednesda y Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Breakfa st Chapatti, jam & tea Bread ,jam & tea Egg, bacon, butter bread & tea Paratha with dahi & tea Puri – baji and tea Homema- de burger Bread , jam and tea Lunch Chicken curry, rice, salad Fish curry, rice or chapatti & salad. Pav baji with salad & fruits. Sabji chapatti with fried fish and salad. Dal , rice, salad. Paratha dahi with vegetable Dal , rice, salad and dahi. Snacks Parle – g And tea Home made pizza Homemade pani puri Marie biscuit and tea Jam chapatti & tea Mint & lemon juice Sandwich & tea Dinner Chicken curry with chapatti & fruits Homema de pizza Palak panner with chapatti & fruits Noodles & fruits Pulses with chapatti & fruits Homema de pani puri Fish curry, chapatti, fish fried & salad Midnigh t Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Banana& milk milk My Diet plan
  • 42. EXERCISE  Brisk walking and running daily  Cardio exercise& workouts  Dancing  Cycling & swimming  Gymnastics / aerobic  Basketball, volleyball, throw ball, football , etc.  pull up, squats, crunches and more.  Gyming
  • 43. Session – 08 Why do you think its important to present yourself as Professional in an interview  Do you have a job interview on your schedule? There are a number of steps you can take before (and after) the interview to ensure that you make a terrific impression during the interview.  Taking the time to prepare for the interview in advance can help you secure a job offer. Here's how to research the job and company, how to practice interview questions and answers, how to dress for the interview, how to follow up after the interview, and more interview preparation tips.
  • 44. How you should present yourself at an interview First impression is a last impression so make a very good impression . The world will take you seriously when it comes to grooming. Steps how you should prepare for an interview. 1 Analyse the Job 2 Make a Match 3 Research the Company 4 Practice Interviewing 5 Get Your Interview Clothes Ready 6 Decide What to Do With Your Hair 7 What to Bring to a Job Interview 8 Practice Interview Etiquette 9 Get Directions 10 Listen and Ask Questions 11 Follow Up With a Thank You Note
  • 45. What employee’s look for Leadership skill Interpersonal skill Negotiation and communication Assume team. Not individual , approach Handle ambiguity/ flexibility Positive / focused Enthusiastic
  • 46. Session -09 social Graces, Etiquette & body language  The first impression  Created in first 5- 10 seconds of the meeting/ conversation.  Give the first impression that you are competent, knowledge & professional.  Appeal to the senses  Remember, the first impression the last impression so make it your best impression.
  • 47. Appearance in general Clothes must not be tight. Necklines must not be plunging Nails and hair, neat and well maintained
  • 48. Body language  Can reveal feeling  Posture important  Hands/ legs avoid fidgeting  Face – window the soul.  Eye contact  Smile  no yawning
  • 49. voice  The moment he or she speaks, they are being judged .  Must sound sincere and confident  Pronunciation is important  Tone of voice  Loudness  Avoid using hand  Avoid screaming.  Answer what is being asked not unnecessary words
  • 50. Etiquette  Do unto other as you would like them do to you.  Good manners  Politeness  Creates goodwill  The bore  The loud mouth  The whiner  The scanner  The linguist  The know it all
  • 51. Final Tips for Grooming  Avoid noisy and squeaky shoes as they will disturb and distract everyone.  Trousers’ side-pockets should not bulge with mobile phones, wallets etc., as it gives a bulky look to your legs.  All noticeable body-piercing, tattoos should be concealed, as tattoos are since long, associated with rebellious behavior.  Do not smoke or eat odorous food before interviews. Use breath fresheners.  Clean your nails and teeth properly.
  • 52. Conclusion  I am quite lucky to have a great grooming g class for me it has helped me a lot from what I was before and what am from now from the dressing , hair care, skin care makeup, attire personal hygiene, weight management and so on am quite happy to take all these as a great lesson to me I will carry it with me when ill be the next airhostess. Thank you to my assessor Mrs. GURPIT SAINI for the time she spent thank you.
  • 53. Bibliography  Google  Grooming textbook  My own knowledge