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Is that a scientific report or just some cool
pictures from the lab? Reproducibility and
computational chemistry
Gregory Landrum Ph.D.
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
2013 CADD Gordon Conference, Mount Snow VT
23 July, 2013
Scientific publications have at least two goals: (i) to announce a result and (ii)
to convince readers that the result is correct. Mathematics papers are
expected to contain a proof complete enough to allow knowledgeable
readers to fill in any details. Papers in experimental science should describe
the results and provide a clear enough protocol to allow successful repetition
and extension.
Mesirov, J. P. Accessible Reproducible Research. Science 327,
415–416 (2010).
§  Reproducibility?
§  Requirements for reproducibility of published research
§  Practical aspects
Landrum, G. A. & Stiefl, N. Is that a scientific publication or an advertisement?
Reproducibility, source code and data in the computational chemistry literature. Future
Medicinal Chemistry 4, 1885–1887 (2012).
Reproducibility is the ability of an entire experiment or
study to be reproduced, either by the researcher or by
someone else working independently. It is one of the main
principles of the scientific method.
An author’s central obligation is to present an accurate and complete account
of the research performed, absolutely avoiding deception, including the data
collected or used, as well as an objective discussion of the significance of the
research. Data are defined as information collected or used in generating
research conclusions. The research report and the data collected should
contain sufficient detail and reference to public sources of information to
permit a trained professional to reproduce the experimental observations.
ACS “Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research”
Experimental reproducibility is the coin of the scientific realm. The extent to
which measurements or observations agree when performed by different
individuals defines this important tenet of the scientific method. The formal
essence of experimental reproducibility was born of the philosophy of logical
positivism or logical empiricism, which purports to gain knowledge of the world
through the use of formal logic linked to observation. A key principle of logical
positivism is verificationism, which holds that every truth is verifiable by
experience. In this rational context, truth is defined by reproducible experience,
and unbiased scientific observation and determinism are its underpinnings.
The assumption that objectively true scientific observations must be reproducible
is implicit, yet direct tests of reproducibility are rarely found in the published
literature. This lack of published evidence of reproducibility stems from the
limited appeal of studies reproducing earlier work to most funding bodies and to
most editors. Furthermore, many readers of scientific journals— especially of
higher-impact journals—assume that if a study is of sufficient quality to pass the
scrutiny of rigorous reviewers, it must be true; this assumption is based on the
inferred equivalence of reproducibility and truth described above.
Loscalzo, J. Irreproducible Experimental Results: Causes, (Mis)
interpretations, and Consequences. Circulation 125, 1211–1214 (2012).
If it’s not reproducible science?
“Let me show you some cool pictures from my lab…”
Requirements for Reproducibility
thanks to Martin Stahl for the picture
A great start
(1) Wherever possible, source code should be provided for new computational methods. The
source code can be a reference implementation of a method or algorithm and does not need to include a
graphical interface. If it is not possible to release the source code for a new method, authors should
provide a sufficient justification. Reviewers and editors will then consider this explanation. Any paper that
does not comply with the reproducibility guidelines will include this explanation when published. In cases
where it is not possible to release code due to intellectual property or other limitations, an executable
version of the new method should be readily accessible. Commercial products should provide time limited
licenses to facilitate evaluation and comparison of published methods.
(2) Any chemical structures and data mentioned in the paper should be made available in a
commonly used (SDF or SMILES) format. Distribution of data in pdf format is not sufficient.
(3) Any publications that employ commercial or open-source software should include scripts
or parameter files as well as data files that will enable others to easily reproduce the work.
(4) A clear easy to follow description of any new method should be a key criterion during the
review process. Wherever possible, a paper should contain a simple worked example that
demonstrates the application of the method. Parameter values and intermediate results for example
compounds should be included as part of the supporting material.
(5) Reviewers should put particular emphasis on the reproducibility of the method described
in a manuscript. Each reviewer should evaluate the description of the method, as well as the presence
of associated code, data, or executables, to ensure that the results can be independently reproduced.
Walters, W. P. Modeling, Informatics, and the Quest for Reproducibility. J.
Chem. Inf. Model. (2013). doi:10.1021/ci400197w
Requirements for Reproducibility
§ Data used
§ Code/algorithm description
§ Results
Requirements for Reproducibility:
As a condition of publication, authors must agree to make available all data
necessary to understand and assess the conclusions of the manuscript to
any reader of Science. Data must be included in the body of the paper or in
the supplementary materials, where they can be viewed free of charge by all
visitors to the site. Certain types of data must be deposited in an approved
online database, including DNA and protein sequences, microarray data,
crystal structures, and climate records.
Requirements for Reproducibility:
§  This is a no brainer, right?
§  Unless it’s completely unprocessed (or the processing is part of the
detailed method description/code), it’s better to include the actual data
§  “Ligands from PDB structures X, Y, and Z” probably not good enough
§  For sources like ChEMBL, a version number and SQL to grab the data
are probably adequate
Requirements for Reproducibility:
Goodman, L., Lawrence, R. & Ashley, K. Data-set visibility: Cite links to
data in reference lists. Nature 492:356–6 (2012).
A huge amount of work goes into creating data sets. It is crucial that these data,
big or small, should be more prominently linked to their associated research
articles as standard practice.
To achieve this, data can be cited directly in a publication's reference section using
a permanent identifier such as a digital object identifier (DOI; see, for example, and So far, however, only very few
journals do this.
Publishers, funders, researchers and institutions all need to recognize that data
sets constitute a valuable scholarly resource. Authors should be credited for these
career-making contributions. Enhanced data-set visibility would also benefit
referees and readers by raising standards of data analysis, promoting more
detailed review, encouraging data curation and boosting reproducibility and data
Requirements for Reproducibility:
§  What about chemical structures?
•  a table with drawings of molecules?
•  names instead of structures?
§  Why not include the structures in a machine-readable format?
This expanded use of electronic resources offers an excellent opportunity to make chemical
information more accessible and user-friendly to readers of scientific papers.
To take advantage of these opportunities, we have developed several online features that expand
the usefulness of chemical compound information for Nature Chemical Biology readers … In all
original research papers, compounds that are relevant to the background or results of the paper
are assigned a bolded, Arabic numeral that serves as a unique identifier for the compound. Each
numerical abbreviation in the HTML and PDF versions of the article is linked to a Compound Data
page, which shows the structure and the IUPAC or common name of the chemical compound.
From there, readers can download a ChemDraw file of the compound…To provide readers with
rapid access to all of the chemical compounds discussed in an article, we feature a Compound
Data Index page, which is accessible from the Compound Data page, the table of contents entry
for the paper, and the navigation tools on the right side of the Nature Chemical Biology website.
Requirements for Reproducibility:
Chemical Data
From Nature Chemical Biology
Requirements for Reproducibility:
Chemical Data
From Nature Chemistry
Huigens, R. W., et al. A ring-distortion strategy to construct stereochemically complex and
structurally diverse compounds from natural products. Nature Chemistry 5:195-202 (2013).
It’s not always easy
Data Sets. For this study we arbitrarily chose 18 Merck data sets
shown in Table 1. These include a mix of on-target data sets and
ADME data sets. Some data sets are so large (>100,000) that we
randomly selected a smaller subset of compounds (50,000) to
expedite the study. It is useful to use proprietary data sets for two
1.  We wanted data sets which are realistically large and have a
realistic level of noise but are not as noisy as high- throughput
data sets.
2.  Time-splitting requires dates of testing, and these are almost
impossible to find in public domain data sets.
Chen, B., Sheridan, R. P., Hornak, V. & Voigt, J. H. Comparison of Random
Forest and Pipeline Pilot Naïve Bayes in Prospective QSAR Predictions. J.
Chem. Inf. Model. 52, 792–803 (2012).
Requirements for Reproducibility
§ Data used
§ Code/algorithm description
§ Results
Requirements for Reproducibility:
Stahl, M. & Bajorath, J. Computational Medicinal Chemistry. J. Med.
Chem. 54, 1-2 (2011).
Computational methods must be described in sufficient
detail for the reader to reproduce the results.
Requirements for Reproducibility:
Ince, D. C., Hatton, L. & Graham-Cumming, J. The case for open
computer programs. Nature 482, 485–488 (2012).
We argue that, with some exceptions, anything less
than the release of source programs is intolerable for
results that depend on computation. The vagaries of
hardware, software and natural language will always
ensure that exact reproducibility remains uncertain, but
withholding code increases the chances that efforts to
reproduce results will fail.
Requirements for Reproducibility:
Data and materials availability All data necessary to understand, assess,
and extend the conclusions of the manuscript must be available to any
reader of Science. All computer codes involved in the creation or
analysis of data must also be available to any reader of Science.
After publication, all reasonable requests for data and materials must be
fulfilled. Any restrictions on the availability of data, codes, or materials,
including fees and original data obtained from other sources (Materials
Transfer Agreements), must be disclosed to the editors upon submission.
Requirements for Reproducibility:
An inherent principle of publication is that others should be able to
replicate and build upon the authors' published claims. Therefore, a
condition of publication in a Nature journal is that authors are required to
make materials, data and associated protocols promptly available to
readers without undue qualifications. Any restrictions on the availability of
materials or information must be disclosed to the editors at the time of
submission. Any restrictions must also be disclosed in the submitted
manuscript, including details of how readers can obtain materials and
information. If materials are to be distributed by a for-profit company, this
must be stated in the paper.
In the meantime, researchers must, when they are arranging the
commercialization of their work, bear in mind the implications that these
deals may have on their freedom to publish to the standards that the
community is entitled to expect.
Requirements for Reproducibility:
§  “Black box” code sharing: installing the software on a publicly
accessible server, or providing executables for people to test
§  Does this help with reproducibility?
§  Doesn’t demonstrate that the implementation corresponds to the
algorithm description
§  Not cut and dried.
The Recomputation Manifesto
From Ian Gent, University of St. Andrews
1.  Computational experiments should be recomputable for all time
2.  Recomputation of recomputable experiments should be very easy
3.  It should be easier to make experiments recomputable than not to
4.  Tools and repositories can help recomputation become standard
5.  The only way to ensure recomputability is to provide virtual
6.  Runtime performance is a secondary issue
Requirements for Reproducibility
§ Data used
§ Code/algorithm description
§ Results
Requirements for Reproducibility:
§  Including the actual results is even more of a no brainer, right?
Requirements for Reproducibility:
§  Including the actual results is even more of a no brainer, right?
Homology Models of Human All-Trans Retinoic Acid Metabolizing Enzymes
CYP26B1 and CYP26B1 Spliced Variant
Homology models of CYP26B1 (cytochrome P450RAI2) and CYP26B1 spliced variant were
derived using the crystal structure of cyanobacterial CYP120A1 as template for the model building.
The quality of the homology models generated were carefully evaluated, and the natural substrate
all-trans-retinoic acid (atRA), several tetralone-derived retinoic acid metabolizing blocking agents
(RAMBAs), and a well-known potent inhibitor of CYP26B1 (R115866) were docked into the
homology model of full-length cytochrome P450 26B1. The results show that in the model of the
full-length CYP26B1, the protein is capable of distinguishing between the natural substrate (atRA),
R115866, and the tetralone derivatives. The spliced variant of CYP26B1 model displays a reduced
affinity for atRA compared to the full-length enzyme, in accordance with recently described
experimental information.
This paper, presenting two new homology models, does not
include either model.
Unfortunately I didn’t have to search long to find this example
Requirements for Reproducibility:
§ This is the primary output of the research
§ Helps dampen some of the arguments about statistics
§ Need the unprocessed data
§ All of it
How are we doing?
§  Survey of recent publications:
•  Everything in JCIM vol 52 #10
•  Everything in JCAMD vol 26 #10
•  Journal of Cheminformatics from July 2012-Nov 4 2012
§  Big differences between journals
§  Plenty of room for improvement
§  Analysis is presence/absence of full results
Practical considerations
§  Where to put the data and code?
•  Supplementary material
•  Code-sharing sites (, google code, github)
•  Data sharing: Zenodo/
•  A hybrid: Figshare
§  Considerations:
•  It needs to still be there 5+ years from now
•  Having a solid connection to the original paper is good
•  Others have to actually be able to do something with it
Practical considerations
§  Where to put the data and code?
•  Supplementary material
•  Code-sharing sites (, google code, github)
•  Data sharing: Zenodo/
•  A hybrid: Figshare
§  Considerations:
•  It needs to still be there 5+ years from now
•  Having a solid connection to the original paper is good
•  Others have to actually be able to do something with it
Some stuff to look at
§  vagrant (virtual box configuration and provisioning):
§  openshift (cloud-based application deployment):
§  wakari (ipython in the cloud):
Tools for reproducible research
§  Open-source workflow tool
§  Strong data manipulation and mining capabilities
§  Data and results can be stored with the workflow.
Tools for reproducible research
IPython notebook
§  Python session running in a browser
•  Tab completion
•  Access to docstrings
§  Text formatting options available for including discussion or capturing
mathematics (access to LaTeX for formatting math)
§  Captures all data transformations and displays output
§  Tight integration with matplotlib
Tools for reproducible research
IPython notebook
Tools for reproducible research
IPython notebook
Here’s a cool picture from my lab.
… and here’s how you can make it too.
A great start
(1) Wherever possible, source code should be provided for new computational methods. The
source code can be a reference implementation of a method or algorithm and does not need to include a
graphical interface. If it is not possible to release the source code for a new method, authors should
provide a sufficient justification. Reviewers and editors will then consider this explanation. Any paper that
does not comply with the reproducibility guidelines will include this explanation when published. In cases
where it is not possible to release code due to intellectual property or other limitations, an executable
version of the new method should be readily accessible. Commercial products should provide time limited
licenses to facilitate evaluation and comparison of published methods.
(2) Any chemical structures and data mentioned in the paper should be made available in a
commonly used (SDF or SMILES) format. Distribution of data in pdf format is not sufficient.
(3) Any publications that employ commercial or open-source software should include scripts
or parameter files as well as data files that will enable others to easily reproduce the work.
(4) A clear easy to follow description of any new method should be a key criterion during the
review process. Wherever possible, a paper should contain a simple worked example that
demonstrates the application of the method. Parameter values and intermediate results for example
compounds should be included as part of the supporting material.
(5) Reviewers should put particular emphasis on the reproducibility of the method described
in a manuscript. Each reviewer should evaluate the description of the method, as well as the presence
of associated code, data, or executables, to ensure that the results can be independently reproduced.
Walters, W. P. Modeling, Informatics, and the Quest for Reproducibility. J.
Chem. Inf. Model. (2013). doi:10.1021/ci400197w
Requirements for Reproducibility
§ Data used
§ Code/algorithm description
§ Results
Pat’s not completely off the hook
Walters, W. P. Modeling, Informatics, and the Quest for Reproducibility. J.
Chem. Inf. Model. (2013). doi:10.1021/ci400197w
Pat’s not completely off the hook
Walters, W. P. Modeling, Informatics, and the Quest for Reproducibility. J.
Chem. Inf. Model. (2013). doi:10.1021/ci400197w
No data
No code
No algorithm description
Results only as a figure
§  NIBR:
•  Nik Stiefl (GDC/CADD)
•  Nikolas Fechner (NIBR IT/IS Sigma)
•  Sereina Riniker (NIBR IT/IS Sigma)
§  Matthias Rarey
§  Pat Walters
Perhaps the biggest barrier to reproducible research
is the lack of a deeply ingrained culture that simply
requires reproducibility for all scientific claims.
Peng, R. D. Reproducible Research in Computational Science.
Science 334, 1226–1227 (2011).

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OpenTox - an open community and framework supporting predictive toxicology an...
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Greg Landrum
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Greg Landrum
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Greg Landrum
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Greg Landrum
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Greg Landrum
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Is that a scientific report or just some cool pictures from the lab? Reproducibility and computational chemistry

  • 1. Is that a scientific report or just some cool pictures from the lab? Reproducibility and computational chemistry Gregory Landrum Ph.D. NIBR IT Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Basel 2013 CADD Gordon Conference, Mount Snow VT 23 July, 2013
  • 3. Publishing… Scientific publications have at least two goals: (i) to announce a result and (ii) to convince readers that the result is correct. Mathematics papers are expected to contain a proof complete enough to allow knowledgeable readers to fill in any details. Papers in experimental science should describe the results and provide a clear enough protocol to allow successful repetition and extension. Mesirov, J. P. Accessible Reproducible Research. Science 327, 415–416 (2010).
  • 4. Outline §  Reproducibility? §  Requirements for reproducibility of published research §  Practical aspects Landrum, G. A. & Stiefl, N. Is that a scientific publication or an advertisement? Reproducibility, source code and data in the computational chemistry literature. Future Medicinal Chemistry 4, 1885–1887 (2012).
  • 5. Reproducibility Reproducibility is the ability of an entire experiment or study to be reproduced, either by the researcher or by someone else working independently. It is one of the main principles of the scientific method.
  • 6. Reproducibility An author’s central obligation is to present an accurate and complete account of the research performed, absolutely avoiding deception, including the data collected or used, as well as an objective discussion of the significance of the research. Data are defined as information collected or used in generating research conclusions. The research report and the data collected should contain sufficient detail and reference to public sources of information to permit a trained professional to reproduce the experimental observations. ACS “Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research”
  • 7. Reproducibility Experimental reproducibility is the coin of the scientific realm. The extent to which measurements or observations agree when performed by different individuals defines this important tenet of the scientific method. The formal essence of experimental reproducibility was born of the philosophy of logical positivism or logical empiricism, which purports to gain knowledge of the world through the use of formal logic linked to observation. A key principle of logical positivism is verificationism, which holds that every truth is verifiable by experience. In this rational context, truth is defined by reproducible experience, and unbiased scientific observation and determinism are its underpinnings. … The assumption that objectively true scientific observations must be reproducible is implicit, yet direct tests of reproducibility are rarely found in the published literature. This lack of published evidence of reproducibility stems from the limited appeal of studies reproducing earlier work to most funding bodies and to most editors. Furthermore, many readers of scientific journals— especially of higher-impact journals—assume that if a study is of sufficient quality to pass the scrutiny of rigorous reviewers, it must be true; this assumption is based on the inferred equivalence of reproducibility and truth described above. Loscalzo, J. Irreproducible Experimental Results: Causes, (Mis) interpretations, and Consequences. Circulation 125, 1211–1214 (2012).
  • 8. If it’s not reproducible science?
  • 9. “Let me show you some cool pictures from my lab…”
  • 10. Requirements for Reproducibility thanks to Martin Stahl for the picture
  • 11. A great start (1) Wherever possible, source code should be provided for new computational methods. The source code can be a reference implementation of a method or algorithm and does not need to include a graphical interface. If it is not possible to release the source code for a new method, authors should provide a sufficient justification. Reviewers and editors will then consider this explanation. Any paper that does not comply with the reproducibility guidelines will include this explanation when published. In cases where it is not possible to release code due to intellectual property or other limitations, an executable version of the new method should be readily accessible. Commercial products should provide time limited licenses to facilitate evaluation and comparison of published methods. (2) Any chemical structures and data mentioned in the paper should be made available in a commonly used (SDF or SMILES) format. Distribution of data in pdf format is not sufficient. (3) Any publications that employ commercial or open-source software should include scripts or parameter files as well as data files that will enable others to easily reproduce the work. (4) A clear easy to follow description of any new method should be a key criterion during the review process. Wherever possible, a paper should contain a simple worked example that demonstrates the application of the method. Parameter values and intermediate results for example compounds should be included as part of the supporting material. (5) Reviewers should put particular emphasis on the reproducibility of the method described in a manuscript. Each reviewer should evaluate the description of the method, as well as the presence of associated code, data, or executables, to ensure that the results can be independently reproduced. Walters, W. P. Modeling, Informatics, and the Quest for Reproducibility. J. Chem. Inf. Model. (2013). doi:10.1021/ci400197w
  • 12. Requirements for Reproducibility § Data used § Code/algorithm description § Results
  • 13. Requirements for Reproducibility: Data As a condition of publication, authors must agree to make available all data necessary to understand and assess the conclusions of the manuscript to any reader of Science. Data must be included in the body of the paper or in the supplementary materials, where they can be viewed free of charge by all visitors to the site. Certain types of data must be deposited in an approved online database, including DNA and protein sequences, microarray data, crystal structures, and climate records. index.xhtml#data_faq
  • 14. Requirements for Reproducibility: Data §  This is a no brainer, right? §  Unless it’s completely unprocessed (or the processing is part of the detailed method description/code), it’s better to include the actual data §  “Ligands from PDB structures X, Y, and Z” probably not good enough §  For sources like ChEMBL, a version number and SQL to grab the data are probably adequate
  • 15. Requirements for Reproducibility: Data Goodman, L., Lawrence, R. & Ashley, K. Data-set visibility: Cite links to data in reference lists. Nature 492:356–6 (2012). A huge amount of work goes into creating data sets. It is crucial that these data, big or small, should be more prominently linked to their associated research articles as standard practice. To achieve this, data can be cited directly in a publication's reference section using a permanent identifier such as a digital object identifier (DOI; see, for example, and So far, however, only very few journals do this. Publishers, funders, researchers and institutions all need to recognize that data sets constitute a valuable scholarly resource. Authors should be credited for these career-making contributions. Enhanced data-set visibility would also benefit referees and readers by raising standards of data analysis, promoting more detailed review, encouraging data curation and boosting reproducibility and data reuse.
  • 16. Requirements for Reproducibility: Data §  What about chemical structures? •  a table with drawings of molecules? •  names instead of structures? §  Why not include the structures in a machine-readable format? This expanded use of electronic resources offers an excellent opportunity to make chemical information more accessible and user-friendly to readers of scientific papers. To take advantage of these opportunities, we have developed several online features that expand the usefulness of chemical compound information for Nature Chemical Biology readers … In all original research papers, compounds that are relevant to the background or results of the paper are assigned a bolded, Arabic numeral that serves as a unique identifier for the compound. Each numerical abbreviation in the HTML and PDF versions of the article is linked to a Compound Data page, which shows the structure and the IUPAC or common name of the chemical compound. From there, readers can download a ChemDraw file of the compound…To provide readers with rapid access to all of the chemical compounds discussed in an article, we feature a Compound Data Index page, which is accessible from the Compound Data page, the table of contents entry for the paper, and the navigation tools on the right side of the Nature Chemical Biology website.
  • 17. Requirements for Reproducibility: Chemical Data From Nature Chemical Biology
  • 18. Requirements for Reproducibility: Chemical Data From Nature Chemistry Huigens, R. W., et al. A ring-distortion strategy to construct stereochemically complex and structurally diverse compounds from natural products. Nature Chemistry 5:195-202 (2013). doi:10.1038/nchem.1549
  • 19. It’s not always easy Data Sets. For this study we arbitrarily chose 18 Merck data sets shown in Table 1. These include a mix of on-target data sets and ADME data sets. Some data sets are so large (>100,000) that we randomly selected a smaller subset of compounds (50,000) to expedite the study. It is useful to use proprietary data sets for two reasons: 1.  We wanted data sets which are realistically large and have a realistic level of noise but are not as noisy as high- throughput data sets. 2.  Time-splitting requires dates of testing, and these are almost impossible to find in public domain data sets. Chen, B., Sheridan, R. P., Hornak, V. & Voigt, J. H. Comparison of Random Forest and Pipeline Pilot Naïve Bayes in Prospective QSAR Predictions. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 52, 792–803 (2012).
  • 20. Requirements for Reproducibility § Data used § Code/algorithm description § Results
  • 21. Requirements for Reproducibility: Code Stahl, M. & Bajorath, J. Computational Medicinal Chemistry. J. Med. Chem. 54, 1-2 (2011). Computational methods must be described in sufficient detail for the reader to reproduce the results.
  • 22. Requirements for Reproducibility: Code Ince, D. C., Hatton, L. & Graham-Cumming, J. The case for open computer programs. Nature 482, 485–488 (2012). We argue that, with some exceptions, anything less than the release of source programs is intolerable for results that depend on computation. The vagaries of hardware, software and natural language will always ensure that exact reproducibility remains uncertain, but withholding code increases the chances that efforts to reproduce results will fail.
  • 23. Requirements for Reproducibility: Code Data and materials availability All data necessary to understand, assess, and extend the conclusions of the manuscript must be available to any reader of Science. All computer codes involved in the creation or analysis of data must also be available to any reader of Science. After publication, all reasonable requests for data and materials must be fulfilled. Any restrictions on the availability of data, codes, or materials, including fees and original data obtained from other sources (Materials Transfer Agreements), must be disclosed to the editors upon submission. gen_info.xhtml#dataavail
  • 24. Requirements for Reproducibility: Code An inherent principle of publication is that others should be able to replicate and build upon the authors' published claims. Therefore, a condition of publication in a Nature journal is that authors are required to make materials, data and associated protocols promptly available to readers without undue qualifications. Any restrictions on the availability of materials or information must be disclosed to the editors at the time of submission. Any restrictions must also be disclosed in the submitted manuscript, including details of how readers can obtain materials and information. If materials are to be distributed by a for-profit company, this must be stated in the paper. In the meantime, researchers must, when they are arranging the commercialization of their work, bear in mind the implications that these deals may have on their freedom to publish to the standards that the community is entitled to expect. n7098/full/442001a.html
  • 25. Requirements for Reproducibility: Code §  “Black box” code sharing: installing the software on a publicly accessible server, or providing executables for people to test §  Does this help with reproducibility? §  Doesn’t demonstrate that the implementation corresponds to the algorithm description §  Not cut and dried.
  • 26. The Recomputation Manifesto From Ian Gent, University of St. Andrews 1.  Computational experiments should be recomputable for all time 2.  Recomputation of recomputable experiments should be very easy 3.  It should be easier to make experiments recomputable than not to 4.  Tools and repositories can help recomputation become standard 5.  The only way to ensure recomputability is to provide virtual machines 6.  Runtime performance is a secondary issue
  • 27. Requirements for Reproducibility § Data used § Code/algorithm description § Results
  • 28. Requirements for Reproducibility: Results §  Including the actual results is even more of a no brainer, right?
  • 29. Requirements for Reproducibility: Results §  Including the actual results is even more of a no brainer, right? Homology Models of Human All-Trans Retinoic Acid Metabolizing Enzymes CYP26B1 and CYP26B1 Spliced Variant Homology models of CYP26B1 (cytochrome P450RAI2) and CYP26B1 spliced variant were derived using the crystal structure of cyanobacterial CYP120A1 as template for the model building. The quality of the homology models generated were carefully evaluated, and the natural substrate all-trans-retinoic acid (atRA), several tetralone-derived retinoic acid metabolizing blocking agents (RAMBAs), and a well-known potent inhibitor of CYP26B1 (R115866) were docked into the homology model of full-length cytochrome P450 26B1. The results show that in the model of the full-length CYP26B1, the protein is capable of distinguishing between the natural substrate (atRA), R115866, and the tetralone derivatives. The spliced variant of CYP26B1 model displays a reduced affinity for atRA compared to the full-length enzyme, in accordance with recently described experimental information. This paper, presenting two new homology models, does not include either model. Unfortunately I didn’t have to search long to find this example
  • 30. Requirements for Reproducibility: Results § This is the primary output of the research § Helps dampen some of the arguments about statistics § Need the unprocessed data § All of it
  • 31. How are we doing? §  Survey of recent publications: •  Everything in JCIM vol 52 #10 •  Everything in JCAMD vol 26 #10 •  Journal of Cheminformatics from July 2012-Nov 4 2012 §  Big differences between journals §  Plenty of room for improvement §  Analysis is presence/absence of full results Journal   Type  of  paper   Count   Full  Data   Par3al  Data   Missing  Data   Code?   JCIM   Method   13   6   3   4   1   JCIM   Non-­‐method   16   10   3   3   0   JCAMD   Method   3   3   0   0   0   JCAMD   Non-­‐method   4   0   3   1   0   JChemInf   Method   12   7   3   3   8   JChemInf   Non-­‐method   3   0   0   0   0  
  • 32. Practical considerations §  Where to put the data and code? •  Supplementary material •  Code-sharing sites (, google code, github) •  Data sharing: Zenodo/ •  A hybrid: Figshare §  Considerations: •  It needs to still be there 5+ years from now •  Having a solid connection to the original paper is good •  Others have to actually be able to do something with it
  • 33. Practical considerations §  Where to put the data and code? •  Supplementary material •  Code-sharing sites (, google code, github) •  Data sharing: Zenodo/ •  A hybrid: Figshare §  Considerations: •  It needs to still be there 5+ years from now •  Having a solid connection to the original paper is good •  Others have to actually be able to do something with it
  • 34. Some stuff to look at §  vagrant (virtual box configuration and provisioning): §  openshift (cloud-based application deployment): §  wakari (ipython in the cloud):
  • 35. Tools for reproducible research Knime §  Open-source workflow tool §  Strong data manipulation and mining capabilities §  Data and results can be stored with the workflow.
  • 36. Tools for reproducible research IPython notebook §  Python session running in a browser •  Tab completion •  Access to docstrings §  Text formatting options available for including discussion or capturing mathematics (access to LaTeX for formatting math) §  Captures all data transformations and displays output §  Tight integration with matplotlib
  • 37. Tools for reproducible research IPython notebook
  • 38. Tools for reproducible research IPython notebook
  • 39. Here’s a cool picture from my lab. … and here’s how you can make it too.
  • 40. A great start (1) Wherever possible, source code should be provided for new computational methods. The source code can be a reference implementation of a method or algorithm and does not need to include a graphical interface. If it is not possible to release the source code for a new method, authors should provide a sufficient justification. Reviewers and editors will then consider this explanation. Any paper that does not comply with the reproducibility guidelines will include this explanation when published. In cases where it is not possible to release code due to intellectual property or other limitations, an executable version of the new method should be readily accessible. Commercial products should provide time limited licenses to facilitate evaluation and comparison of published methods. (2) Any chemical structures and data mentioned in the paper should be made available in a commonly used (SDF or SMILES) format. Distribution of data in pdf format is not sufficient. (3) Any publications that employ commercial or open-source software should include scripts or parameter files as well as data files that will enable others to easily reproduce the work. (4) A clear easy to follow description of any new method should be a key criterion during the review process. Wherever possible, a paper should contain a simple worked example that demonstrates the application of the method. Parameter values and intermediate results for example compounds should be included as part of the supporting material. (5) Reviewers should put particular emphasis on the reproducibility of the method described in a manuscript. Each reviewer should evaluate the description of the method, as well as the presence of associated code, data, or executables, to ensure that the results can be independently reproduced. Walters, W. P. Modeling, Informatics, and the Quest for Reproducibility. J. Chem. Inf. Model. (2013). doi:10.1021/ci400197w
  • 41. Requirements for Reproducibility § Data used § Code/algorithm description § Results
  • 42. Pat’s not completely off the hook Walters, W. P. Modeling, Informatics, and the Quest for Reproducibility. J. Chem. Inf. Model. (2013). doi:10.1021/ci400197w
  • 43. Pat’s not completely off the hook Walters, W. P. Modeling, Informatics, and the Quest for Reproducibility. J. Chem. Inf. Model. (2013). doi:10.1021/ci400197w No data No code No algorithm description Results only as a figure
  • 44. Acknowledgements §  NIBR: •  Nik Stiefl (GDC/CADD) •  Nikolas Fechner (NIBR IT/IS Sigma) •  Sereina Riniker (NIBR IT/IS Sigma) §  Matthias Rarey §  Pat Walters
  • 45. Perhaps the biggest barrier to reproducible research is the lack of a deeply ingrained culture that simply requires reproducibility for all scientific claims. Peng, R. D. Reproducible Research in Computational Science. Science 334, 1226–1227 (2011).