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Gothic Elements In Gothic Literature
Gothic Essay #1 Gothic literature's roots are in the architecture of the dark ages. The buildings were made to intimidate oncoming enemies, because of
this it presents the perfect setting for eerie literature such as the Horace Walpole's Castle of Otranto. Whilst reading gothic literature fear is to be
expected, because the nature of gothic is grim( Hutchins). Fear as we know is an emotion that is triggered by one of these three reactions: physical
threats, sources of poison and signs of disease("Psychology"). The Castle of Otranto like most gothic literature, dances from one of the three
contributors to fear, to another(Walpole). After several decades of studying the human brain, scientists have discovered,that something known as the more content...
Horace Walpole the author to Castle of Otranto along with many other writers, wrote a woman as the prey of the story (Walpole). Princess Matilda
was under attack by the terrible Hippolita "Take care of the lady Isabella, every murmur struck her with new terror" (Walpole). No matter the gender
or species the same system of the amygdala is triggered ("Psychology"). The stereotypes surrounding our culture have made it more common for a
women to feel certain emotions such as fear in comparison to a man; but in actuality fear is a survival mechanism that will bring both genders and
species to do unhinged things and feel immense, overwrought emotion("Psychology"). Walpole uses the vocabulary of gothic literature to describe
both the men and women of the storys high emotions, "but we are frightened out of our wits" (Walpole). The vocabulary of gothic is not only used to
describes someone's emotions it is also used to set the scene, " shocked with these lamentable sounds" (Walpole). As a whole our society has a deep
fear of the supernatural. Some unexplainable events can cause a ripple effect that result in anxious feelings("Psychology"). When one hears about
unexplainable events, that is enough to draw them into an fearful state of mind("Psychology"). The Castle of Otranto is ridden with supernatural
events; the main one is when a giant is
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Essay on Gothic Horror Story
The rain was deafening. I peered around through the rain, desperately searching for some shelter, I was drowning out here. The trouble was, I
wasn't in the best part of town, and in fact it was more than a little dodgy. I know this is my home turf but even I had to be careful. At least I
seemed to be the only one out here on such an awful night. The rain was so powerfully loud I couldn't hear should anyone try and creep up on me.
I also couldn't see very far with the rain so heavy and of course there were no street lights, they'd been broken long ago. The one place I knew I could
safely enter was the church, so I dashed. At last I arrived, unmolested except for the rain, at the hefty decaying doors of the church. I pushed
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For once I felt the sudden need to be near other people, so I headed for the door quickly. The street was deserted. Strewn across the road were all
my belongings. Why were they here and not in my cardboard box where I slept in Well Street? Who had done this? Were they thieves? Not that I
had much to steal. I began gathering everything up. My blankets had been shredded. There were dents in things, bits pulled off other things and
generally messed with. Even the things that used to be usefully were destroyed. Why would anyone even bother to do this? As I looked at my
surroundings I began to feel a little disorientated. The ground seemed to move. Then I felt distinctly uneasy. Was he back? At a distance I thought
I could see people so I hurried in their direction but they never seemed to get nearer. At once, I was then surrounded by them! No faces! They've
got no faces! I closed my eyes and when I opened them the people were gone. I suddenly felt as if I was being watched. I glanced around furtively and
out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a lion! I screamed but it was gone. As I again looked around I thought I could see dozens of pairs of eyes
behind every window staring at me malevolently. I turned and ran. Breathlessly, I re–entered the church and slammed the door behind me. And there he
was again. Panic surged through me as I was held in his
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Gothic Art is concerned with the painting, sculpture, architecture, and music characteristic of the second of two great international eras that flourished
in western and central Europe during the Middle Ages. Architecture was the most important and original art form during the Gothic period. The
principal structural characteristics of Gothic architecture arose out of medieval masons' efforts to solve the problems associated with supporting heavy
masonry ceiling vaults over wide spans. The problem was that the heavy stonework of the traditional arched barrel vault and the groin vault exerted a
tremendous downward and outward pressure that tended to push the walls upon which the vault rested outward, thus collapsing them. A building's more content...
In the 12th century larger windows produced novel lighting effects, not lighter churches. The stained glass of the period was heavily colored and
remained so well into the 13th century.
One of the earliest buildings in which these techniques were introduced in a highly sophisticated architectural plan was the abbey of Saint–Denis , Paris
. The East End was rebuilt about 1135–44, and, although the upper parts of the choir and apse were later changed, the ambulatory and chapels belong
to this phase. The proportions are not large, but the skill and precision have given the abbey its traditional claim to the title "first Gothic building."
One of the most influential buildings was Chartres cathedral (present church mainly built after 1194). There, the architect abandoned entirely the use
of the tribune gallery, but, instead of increasing the size of the arcade, he managed, by a highly individual type of flying buttress, to increase the size
of the clerestory, or the upper part of the wall with windows for lighting the central space. This idea was followed in a number of important buildings,
such as the 13th–century Reims and Amiens cathedrals. The conception that the content of a great church should be dominated by large areas of
glazing set in the upper parts was influential in the 13th century.
The decorative features of these great churches were, on the whole, simple. In the second half of the 12th century it became fashionable to "bind" the
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The Female Gothic
Moers's coinage contributes to the cleavage of the Gothic into male and female. This gendering of this tradition displays the incompatibility between
male and female writers who "employ two distinct sets of literary conventions" (Anne Williams 100). Although female gothic shares many of the
literary aspects of the male genre, it not only strives to challenge them but also to encumber them with ideas related to women which conveniently
leaves the reader with a positive image of female novelists and their vigorous potency to create a their own tradition that conveys their fears and
anxieties of incarceration within the private space of domesticity and within the female body. I will go beyond that arguing that Female Gothic differs
from the Male formula "both more content...
These critics maintain that while male novelists "tended towards a plot of masculine transgression of social taboos, exemplified by Matthew Lewis's
The Monk," female writers create their own gothic plot revolving around the story of a "persecuted heroine in flight from a villainous father and in
search of an absent mother" (2). The traditional male gothic novel is based on "the standard Bildungsroman" in which a "satanic revolutionary
superman" moves towards the accomplishment of his "personhood and individuation" (Maggie Kilgour 37). Its narrative structure is linear, motivated
by the liberation of the defiant male protagonist who refuses to conform to the social conventions that oppress him. However, eighteenth–century
women writers create a different gothic plotline that suggests "the re–establishment of conventional life" (38). Based on a circular pattern, the
traditional female storyline foregrounds a restoration of the normalized social norms that oppress the victimized heroine. It
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Essay for Gothic Genre
"How do your texts relate to the characteristics of the Gothic Genre?"
The Gothic literature movement began in the late 19th century and was a derivative of the Romantic Movement. Writers of the Gothic Genre were
focused on drawing on the emotions of the reader and creating an atmosphere of suspense, mystery, terror and dread. The writers also emphasized the
supernatural, and how horror can be present in many everyday situations. Gothic texts also place emphasis on emotions such as agitation, hysteria,
mystery, venerability, suspense and panic. Many Gothic texts are based in places that are decaying, deserted, abandoned, isolated or that have a have a
history of death, war and family feuds. The short story The Adventure of the more content...
The use of non–diegetic sound (3:18– 3:26 minutes) enhances the feeling of suspense and somewhat prepares the viewer for another series of events
that with the non–diegetic sound have a high chance of being horrific. The impact of mise en scene (3:53) provides the viewer with a sense of panic.
As this is viewed through the eyes of a doll the shadow on the background of the dolls develops a slight feeling of hysteria this is created by the
darkness and shadowing of the image. The short film Alma relates to the characteristics of the Gothic Genre as it develops the viewers feelings of fear,
desertion, panic and hysteria.
The short story The Adventure of The Speckled band and the short film Alma relate to the characteristics of the Gothic Genre primarily through the use
of both film and poetic techniques. Therefore range of emotions and sounds in both texts build a strong relationship to the Gothic
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Examples Of Gothic Short Stories
I walked in the weird kitchen and stood beside Nancy and grined and she beamed back at me. When nancy smiled at me she also started to laugh
for a long time. When I went up stairs I found a frightening room that said keep out and of course I walked in it to look around and saw Mr
mulholland and Mr temple dead so I panicked. When I started to scream she heard me and found me in the secret room. I started to run but I fell
and she caught me. I heard police sirens outside and tried making all the noise I could before she locked me downstairs in the smelly basement.
Their was no way out except for a window so I took a wooden chair and broke the window. When nancy came to check on me I was gone. I got outside
in the cold before I found
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Examples Of Gothic Literature
Gothic Literature is characterized by elements such as fear, horror, death, and gloom. Most in which is portrayed in "The Picture of Dorian Gray."
How do we know gothic is 'gothic' though? Sometimes it is characterized by the setting other times by the supernatural manifestations. There are
many ways to discover wether it gothic literature or not, taking "The Picture of Dorian Gray," for example. The setting is one of the key elements in
a gothic tale. In the book it describes Dorian's living quarters as a mansion. While reading you discover that Dorian hides his self portrait under lock
and key in an old schoolroom located in his attic. This attic in Dorian's mansion doesn't only hold the portrait of his soul, but also is a place of death.
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Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
The 11th to 15th centuries saw a great surge of the Christian Church within Europe which was emphasized by the persuasiveness of the Crusades. The
growing population of the Church increased the demand for the increased presence in architectural monuments and during the Romanesque and Gothic
periods, a great cathedral construction boom occurred across Europe. The Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles were distinctive in not only the
massiveness of the Romanesque monuments and the introduction of the cruciform plan but also for the introduction of the Gothic era art within the
Cathedrals which included the inclusion of art the radiating Rose Window,column figures and the gargoyle among more content...
The growing importance of the Roman Catholic Church during the 11th and 12th centuries during which the first of the Crusades began called for the
building of grand churches, cathedrals.
The 11th to 13th centuries were considered the era of the cathedral construction boom which began in the Romanesque period and lasted well into the
Gothic period. Several of the cathedrals construction latest over the course of one or even two centuries. The Cathedral of Chartres started in 1063
and ended approximately in 1260, almost two hundred years later. Because of this, cathedral sites became more than just a place for religious
education as generations of architects, masons and builders in addition to all of the merchants, tradesmen and villages which accommodate the
building of such cathedrals remained close to the site. Cathedral schools were also opened to educate each new generation of architects who would
work on the next stages of construction. The enormity of the Cathedral of Chartres gave way for a better acoustic. The Cathedral of Chartres and the
Monastery Church of Cluny soon became the envy of bishops and kings and in the 12th century northern France was grasped by a cathedral
construction boom which in the 13th century swept across the border into England and Germany.
During the end of the 12th century, several new and innovative art forms
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Some are born into the sweet delight of life filled with hope and happiness, while others are destined to live a prolonged night, consumed with
agony and despair.[Hook] Gothic Literature is largely influenced by the life the author utilizing the genre has lived. Edgar Allan Poe had one of
the most profound impacts on Gothic literature, one that many would replicate. Poe was born to a father he never knew, and a mother who died
when he was three years of age. He never had children and was only married once, which results in the death of his wife, Virginia Clemm, from
tuberculosis. On the other hand, Ray Bradbury, who was born into a loving family and had a blissful childhood. Later in his life, he had four healthy
daughters with a wife, Marguerite "Maggie" McClure. He also came to know success and fame in his career as an author after constructing the novels
The Martian Chronicles(1950) and Fahrenheit 451(1953). It is evident that both of these writers lived different lives decades apart. Bradbury], whose
was filled with prosperity and joy, along with Poe, whose life was consumed with darkness, agony, and despair. One common thread that ties these
writers together is the use of Gothic writing. Although this is true, many wonder how Bradbury harnesses the capability to use such elements, to create
a vivid environment where darkness prevails.[Discussion] The Gothic genre is incorporated in Ray Bradbury's work, mostly deriving from Edgar Allan
Poe's dark and haunted mind, due to the significant difference in the quality of their lives.[Thesis] First, it is important to dive into Edgar Allan Poe's
past, and explore the circle of death and pain that surrounded him, which influences his writing a tremendous amount. Next, to comprehend the use of
Gothic elements in Bradbury's literature it is critical to analyze the quality of his life, which exposes the influences of Poe. Finally, the works of Poe
are evident in Bradbury's literature through clear examples of the horrific Gothic settings and actions.[Essay Map] To begin, it is most important to
analyze the depressing, dark, and haunted past that followed Poe until his last days, in order to understand his twisted literature. In his earliest
beginning, Poe was the
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Essay On The Gothic Genre
The gothic or more commonly known "horror" genre has been around since the late 1700s. It is a piece of fantasy that is defined by elements of fear,
horror, death and gloom. It can also include romantic themes such as nature, individuality, and high emotion. I want to explore the conventions of this
genre and the effect it has on the audience, how people's fears have changed and how the way they have been presented on the screen has changed over
time. Film and cinematography has a very significant effect on viewers because of its social and emotional implications and its influence on the way
we see reality. The three time periods I chose to research were the 1930s, the 1970s and present day. The 30s is often referred to as the golden age of more content...
The first pieces of gothic fiction that were constructed were novels and literature pieces by writers from the 1700s. A tale called "The Castle of
Otranto" was the first official story to be classified under the gothic genre. It was published in 1764 by Horace Walpole. It was a tale about the
fictional "Prince of Otranto" falling hopelessly in love with the woman destined to marry his son and heir to the throne. During the beginning of the
novel, Otranto's son gets crushed to death by a helmet of a statue of the previous Prince of Otranto. The novel sees everything in and including the
walls of the castle become supernaturally alive, until all wicked actions and behaviour was destroyed. People in the 18th century who were reading
this text felt deceived and that they had been wronged when they found out the novel was a fragment of someone's imagination, and in fact fiction.
This was because the stories presented in this time had all been real and portrayed as non fiction, this was the first time a piece of literature, that
wasn't a poem, was fictional. Later, in the 1790s some novelists rediscovered some of the themes and elements that were present in "The Castle of
Otranto". One novel produced in 1794 was "The Mysteries of Udolpho" written by Ann Radcliffe. The tale was based upon a dignified villain who
threatens the heroine Emily with an unimaginable
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Gothic Novel Essay
Gothic Novel's origin and its Repertoire element
Gothic novel literary defined as an English genre of fiction which came into action and became popular in 18th to early 19th century, widely
characterized by atmosphere of horror, fear, death, gloom, darkness ,mystery and romantic elements ,such as nature individuality and high emotions.
The term gothic actually originated as to criticise the architecture and art of that period which was dark, decaying and dismal. The term was embraced
by artist and was implemented in fictional literature because of the similarity that was found in both cases such as darkness and gloominess. Mid of
18th century is considered to be the origin of gothic fiction in writing Horace Walpole as a genre in more content...
Industrialization gave birth to huge gap between rich and poor and middle class emerged. Culture was moving relentlessly onward and upward.
Population of England changed drastically form 2 million to 9 million due to migration in Victorian England for work and living. The most crucial fact
arises here that is, if Victorian England was its zenith of development, science and innovation than what made Victorian writer to write about ghost
concurrently writing on themes like poverty, development and class consciousness in Victorian England. It was known as age of materialism. Victorian
people were technologically advanced scientific and rational people but why they spent so much of time in telling each other ghost stories and they
were really fascinated by ghost stories. May be science had to do something with the Victorian writer them of writing about ghost. In sea of inventions
in Victorian era, three scientific inventions from which we can relate why Victorian were interested into gothic elements. Firstly, photography in which
Victorian were very interested, if we look at Victorian era photograph, people have to hold their same pose for long time exposer time could be 5
minutes, and if someone walks slowly in background, photograph shows that as a ghostly image, this made Victorian to think about ghost . Secondly,
the scientific invention of telegraph and its Morse code that makes tap–tap sound were compared by the people that ghost began to make tapping
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Gothic Elements Of Gothic Literature
Gothic Literature Essay
Gothic literature can be defined as writing that employs dark and picturesque scenery, startling and melodramatic narrative devices, and an overall
atmosphere of exoticism, mystery, and dread.
The gothic world is dark and can contain evil, dark and mysteries. The short stories "A Rose for Emily" written by William Faulkner, "The Black
Cat" written by Edgar Allen Poe, "Prey" written by Richard Matheson, "The Feather Pillow", written by Horacio Quiroga and the novel "The Night
Circus" written by Erin Morgenstern all represent several gothic elements. Isolation or entrapment is a gothic element that is found in "The Night
Circus", "A Rose for Emily" and "The Feather Pillow ". Violence or revenge is a gothic element that is well represented by the short stories "The
Black Cat", "Prey" and the novel "The Night Circus". The narrators use these types of gothic elements to prove that if you stay away from people
around you or force others to isolate themselves from the world and act evil towards others, it will lead to your own catastrophe.
In the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, Miss Emily stays locked in her house guarding a morbid secret. That happened after her
dad dies and her boyfriend skips town. One example of isolation foreshadowing Emily's own desolation. The narrator expresses her loneliness as
"After her father's death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at an" (Faulkner/ ). The main
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Example Of Gothic Creative Writing
Gothic Creative Writing Piece:
Once upon a time in the dark gloomy household of the Kelly family lived John (Father), Mary (Mother) and Jimmy (Son). Jimmy is 16 years old and
is an only child. His parents are very over protective and struggle to accept he is growing up and not letting him go out and enjoy life. This family has
just recently lost their sister and grandparents in tragic car crash leaving 45 people dead. They are facing being sued over dangerous driving and
mounting a curb causing them to run down and kill 42 other people. The stress level for all of them have hit the roof, and are to starting to fight
between themselves while people protest outside their house.
Everyday this problem was starting to get worse and starting to affect his social life and it's got to stop, his parents aren't letting him out of the
house nor letting friends in and this is effecting his ability to go to school. Justice, justice is what they want and that's what they need if his family
has done the wrong thing then so be it. Our family has suffered enough especially the ones who haven't done anything wrong and are being
punished for the stupid actions of our family members who were killed. "I don't think mum and dad get it that I'm sick and tired of the people
chanting and throwing things at our house all I want is to move houses or even live in the dark empty forest away from all this shit so I can get on
with my once happy life". As Jimmy goes to talk to his parents his best mate
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Architecture has always been an integral part of society and its culture. It not only defines the space of the community that it participates in but it also
shapes the community's place in history. During the 19th century, Gothic Revival became a rapidly growing architectural movement. The Gothic
Revival styles sought to revive medieval Gothic architecture, in contrast to the neoclassical styles prevalent at the time. A new group of architects
began popularizing picturesque styles and started taking inspiration from nature. A style was built more honestly using natures own colors and
materials, blending the architecture harmoniously into its surrounding. The Lyndhurst Mansion designed in 1838 by Alexander Jackson Davis
(1803–1892) and The Rose Hill Plantation House built in 1860 by Edward Brickell White (1806–1882) are two examples that embody the picturesque
Gothic Revival. Alexander Jackson Davis was one of America's leading figure in American architecture. Davis designed state capitals, colleges,
several hospitals, a prison, and a number of houses which ranged from humble gatekeeper's lodges to elaborate country villas ("Donoghue, John
Cornelius.") He introduced and developed new ideas and forms and was inspired by many styles from the past, including ancient Egypt, classical
forms of Greece, and picturesque medieval England. In the 1830's, Davis became best known for his work in the picturesque style, relating the houses
to their landscape settings and opening up the
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Why Gothic Is So Popular Essay
What is gothic. Gothic to me stands for the scary, spooky, and ominous things. Gothic architecture for example has the large cathedrals and the
gargoyles on the sides of the buildings that are very spooky and ominous looking. In gothic literature they use the dark things that we as humans fear
but also are fascinated by it, that's why gothic literature is so popular. In the writing authors will talk about death, the Devil, monsters like the famous
Frankenstein or Count Dracula. Gothic literature is usually melodramatic and have a sense of dread or mystery around the story, that will usually take
place around a dark, scary house
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Gothic Short Stories
John pulled up to the rocky crooked edged driveway, he left his family in the car to check the house out. He came to an old brick mansion with
green dull vines like sinister snakes along the sides of the outside wall. John saw the door open automatically, his bones were rattling in his body
as if they were shouting to each other. He walked up the stairs that lead in the house as they screamed to him, it was like a girl dying painfully. He
stepped into the house cautiously. A laugh appeared in the hallway. It was a deep laugh as if it was echoing throughout your ears. Footsteps came
towards him slowly. They were moving so sluggishly you could barely here the floorboards creaking. John's face was as pale as a ghost. You could
hear his hearts
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Gothic Literature Elements Essay
Edgar Allen Poe was a popular author of gothic literature. Gothic Literature is a genre of writing that is dark or strange. There are eight elements
of gothic literature. There has to be at least one of the eight elements for a piece of writing to be considered gothic. In "The Masque of the Red
Death" three of the elements are a tyrannical male, a metonymy of gloom and horror, and supernatural elements. The first element used was a
tyrannical male. All throughout Prince Prospero's kingdom, his people are dying from a horrible plague known as "The Red Death". Around every
corner, people are dying or already dead, covered in the infamous scarlet red blood that is the most obvious sign of the red death, and all the prince
could do was sit more content...
As it drew closer to midnight, a mysterious figure appeared in the crowd. No one had seen this guest before and they were all quite alarmed by his
sudden arrival. "Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revelers at opne threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing
the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave
cerements and corpselike mask which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form." pr. 11 As the guests attempted to
capture the stranger, they realize that the clothing and mask are being worn by no human or object, and the red death had slipped it's way into the
castle. There is no reasonable explaination for the mysterious figure that walked through the party and then just disappeared like an eerie mist, leaving
the reader to assume that it was supernatural. There are many elements of gothic literature in "The Masque of the Red Death". The three elements
mentioned before are a tyrannical male, a metonymy of gloom and horror and supernatural elements. The tyrannical male, Prince Prospero, deserted the
people of his kingdom when they needed him the most. The ebony clock that chimed every hour, on the hour, symbolized how much time the guests
had left. The mysterious, disappearing figure entered and exited the party like a phantom. "The Masque of the Red Death" is an
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Gothic Literature Essay
Gothic Literature Comparative Essay In the movie 'Coraline ' and the texts 'The Red Room', 'The Yellow Wallpaper"' and 'Northanger Abbey', there
are many aspects of gothic literature present, gothic literature is used to create mystery and a sense of something odd to come. Coraline is a movie
about a young girl who discovers a parallel universe in the new house she moved into, The Red Room is about a supposedly haunted room,
Northanger Abbey is about a girl who is spending some time in an old Abbey, she begins to imagine everything is much more interesting and out of the
ordinary than what it actually is, lastly The Yellow Wallpaper is the story of a woman locked in the upstairs room of her summerhouse. Many stories in
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Lastly in Northanger Abbey the female character Catherine is shown to be extremely obsessed with gothic literature "she rejoiced in the happier
circumstances attending her entrance within walls so solemn! She had nothing to dread from midnight assassins or drunken gallants." she finds herself
making what most people would take as normal everyday occurrences and twisting them into a gothic fantasy, that is until reality comes along and
pulls her back down to earth. In conclusion gothic literature is seen throughout all of the texts and the film mentioned and all techniques such as
setting, obsessions and strange characters are all typical assets found in most gothic literature. Gothic literature is used to create mystery and to keep
the reader interested; it is a very effectively used form of literature used in many old fashioned and modern pieces to add a very distinctive atmosphere
to the story
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Gothic Theme Essay examples
Conflict within One' Self Personal internal battles exist every day whether it is mentally, emotionally, spiritually or even physically. Within each
person, typical temptations dwell deep inside. Some of these temptations can be very active or remain dormant until precise events trigger them. The
intricacy of a person's inner struggle fights between a moral and corrupt side. Naturally, undesirable temptations ascend from the lower qualities of
people and bare individuals to develop even more immoral ambitions. Overtime, those temptations could worsen and became more severe, in which the
person develops a lack of self–control with major inflictions and regrets. A clash between good and evil, hero and tyrant is a basic foundation
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Stevenson makes clarification with giving the dark evil character as an alternative personality of Dr. Jekyll which is Mr. Hyde. Stevenson begins
to peruse the case of a respected doctor who becomes associated with Mr. Hyde. The unusual, mysterious circumstance is the fact that the two men
is the same person. "The doctor experiments in his own laboratory trying to divide effort to improve the quality his own life" (Hedlund). The
reading explains the struggles and mental state of Dr. Jekyll. Hence, although I had now two characters as well as two appearances, one was
wholly evil, and the other was still old Henry Jekyll, the incongruous compound of whose reformation and improvement I had already learned to
despair. The movement was thus wholly toward the worse (Stevenson 102). Stevenson creates a revelation of stimulating themes. The writer cleverly
creates a feeling of suspense, unknown, and mystery. Mr. Hyde in the opening of Mr. Enfield's accounts, there is the eerie, catastrophic scene of the
trampling of a young girl in the middle of the night. This is the first encounter of where the gothic element of a distress woman or a woman
threatened by a powerful tyrannical male, is first installed to the reader. After the trampling, Mr. Hyde is told to pay money to the family. Out of
nowhere, a check is signed by a very gallant, up standing citizen. Eventually, the check is revealed to belonging to Dr. Jekyll, and also come to acquire
that Dr.
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Gothic Elements In Gothic Literature

  • 1. Gothic Elements In Gothic Literature Gothic Essay #1 Gothic literature's roots are in the architecture of the dark ages. The buildings were made to intimidate oncoming enemies, because of this it presents the perfect setting for eerie literature such as the Horace Walpole's Castle of Otranto. Whilst reading gothic literature fear is to be expected, because the nature of gothic is grim( Hutchins). Fear as we know is an emotion that is triggered by one of these three reactions: physical threats, sources of poison and signs of disease("Psychology"). The Castle of Otranto like most gothic literature, dances from one of the three contributors to fear, to another(Walpole). After several decades of studying the human brain, scientists have discovered,that something known as the more content... Horace Walpole the author to Castle of Otranto along with many other writers, wrote a woman as the prey of the story (Walpole). Princess Matilda was under attack by the terrible Hippolita "Take care of the lady Isabella, every murmur struck her with new terror" (Walpole). No matter the gender or species the same system of the amygdala is triggered ("Psychology"). The stereotypes surrounding our culture have made it more common for a women to feel certain emotions such as fear in comparison to a man; but in actuality fear is a survival mechanism that will bring both genders and species to do unhinged things and feel immense, overwrought emotion("Psychology"). Walpole uses the vocabulary of gothic literature to describe both the men and women of the storys high emotions, "but we are frightened out of our wits" (Walpole). The vocabulary of gothic is not only used to describes someone's emotions it is also used to set the scene, " shocked with these lamentable sounds" (Walpole). As a whole our society has a deep fear of the supernatural. Some unexplainable events can cause a ripple effect that result in anxious feelings("Psychology"). When one hears about unexplainable events, that is enough to draw them into an fearful state of mind("Psychology"). The Castle of Otranto is ridden with supernatural events; the main one is when a giant is Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Gothic Horror Story The rain was deafening. I peered around through the rain, desperately searching for some shelter, I was drowning out here. The trouble was, I wasn't in the best part of town, and in fact it was more than a little dodgy. I know this is my home turf but even I had to be careful. At least I seemed to be the only one out here on such an awful night. The rain was so powerfully loud I couldn't hear should anyone try and creep up on me. I also couldn't see very far with the rain so heavy and of course there were no street lights, they'd been broken long ago. The one place I knew I could safely enter was the church, so I dashed. At last I arrived, unmolested except for the rain, at the hefty decaying doors of the church. I pushed more content... For once I felt the sudden need to be near other people, so I headed for the door quickly. The street was deserted. Strewn across the road were all my belongings. Why were they here and not in my cardboard box where I slept in Well Street? Who had done this? Were they thieves? Not that I had much to steal. I began gathering everything up. My blankets had been shredded. There were dents in things, bits pulled off other things and generally messed with. Even the things that used to be usefully were destroyed. Why would anyone even bother to do this? As I looked at my surroundings I began to feel a little disorientated. The ground seemed to move. Then I felt distinctly uneasy. Was he back? At a distance I thought I could see people so I hurried in their direction but they never seemed to get nearer. At once, I was then surrounded by them! No faces! They've got no faces! I closed my eyes and when I opened them the people were gone. I suddenly felt as if I was being watched. I glanced around furtively and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a lion! I screamed but it was gone. As I again looked around I thought I could see dozens of pairs of eyes behind every window staring at me malevolently. I turned and ran. Breathlessly, I re–entered the church and slammed the door behind me. And there he was again. Panic surged through me as I was held in his Get more content on
  • 3. Gothic Art is concerned with the painting, sculpture, architecture, and music characteristic of the second of two great international eras that flourished in western and central Europe during the Middle Ages. Architecture was the most important and original art form during the Gothic period. The principal structural characteristics of Gothic architecture arose out of medieval masons' efforts to solve the problems associated with supporting heavy masonry ceiling vaults over wide spans. The problem was that the heavy stonework of the traditional arched barrel vault and the groin vault exerted a tremendous downward and outward pressure that tended to push the walls upon which the vault rested outward, thus collapsing them. A building's more content... In the 12th century larger windows produced novel lighting effects, not lighter churches. The stained glass of the period was heavily colored and remained so well into the 13th century. One of the earliest buildings in which these techniques were introduced in a highly sophisticated architectural plan was the abbey of Saint–Denis , Paris . The East End was rebuilt about 1135–44, and, although the upper parts of the choir and apse were later changed, the ambulatory and chapels belong to this phase. The proportions are not large, but the skill and precision have given the abbey its traditional claim to the title "first Gothic building." One of the most influential buildings was Chartres cathedral (present church mainly built after 1194). There, the architect abandoned entirely the use of the tribune gallery, but, instead of increasing the size of the arcade, he managed, by a highly individual type of flying buttress, to increase the size of the clerestory, or the upper part of the wall with windows for lighting the central space. This idea was followed in a number of important buildings, such as the 13th–century Reims and Amiens cathedrals. The conception that the content of a great church should be dominated by large areas of glazing set in the upper parts was influential in the 13th century. The decorative features of these great churches were, on the whole, simple. In the second half of the 12th century it became fashionable to "bind" the interior Get more content on
  • 4. The Female Gothic Moers's coinage contributes to the cleavage of the Gothic into male and female. This gendering of this tradition displays the incompatibility between male and female writers who "employ two distinct sets of literary conventions" (Anne Williams 100). Although female gothic shares many of the literary aspects of the male genre, it not only strives to challenge them but also to encumber them with ideas related to women which conveniently leaves the reader with a positive image of female novelists and their vigorous potency to create a their own tradition that conveys their fears and anxieties of incarceration within the private space of domesticity and within the female body. I will go beyond that arguing that Female Gothic differs from the Male formula "both more content... These critics maintain that while male novelists "tended towards a plot of masculine transgression of social taboos, exemplified by Matthew Lewis's The Monk," female writers create their own gothic plot revolving around the story of a "persecuted heroine in flight from a villainous father and in search of an absent mother" (2). The traditional male gothic novel is based on "the standard Bildungsroman" in which a "satanic revolutionary superman" moves towards the accomplishment of his "personhood and individuation" (Maggie Kilgour 37). Its narrative structure is linear, motivated by the liberation of the defiant male protagonist who refuses to conform to the social conventions that oppress him. However, eighteenth–century women writers create a different gothic plotline that suggests "the re–establishment of conventional life" (38). Based on a circular pattern, the traditional female storyline foregrounds a restoration of the normalized social norms that oppress the victimized heroine. It Get more content on
  • 5. Essay for Gothic Genre "How do your texts relate to the characteristics of the Gothic Genre?" The Gothic literature movement began in the late 19th century and was a derivative of the Romantic Movement. Writers of the Gothic Genre were focused on drawing on the emotions of the reader and creating an atmosphere of suspense, mystery, terror and dread. The writers also emphasized the supernatural, and how horror can be present in many everyday situations. Gothic texts also place emphasis on emotions such as agitation, hysteria, mystery, venerability, suspense and panic. Many Gothic texts are based in places that are decaying, deserted, abandoned, isolated or that have a have a history of death, war and family feuds. The short story The Adventure of the more content... The use of non–diegetic sound (3:18– 3:26 minutes) enhances the feeling of suspense and somewhat prepares the viewer for another series of events that with the non–diegetic sound have a high chance of being horrific. The impact of mise en scene (3:53) provides the viewer with a sense of panic. As this is viewed through the eyes of a doll the shadow on the background of the dolls develops a slight feeling of hysteria this is created by the darkness and shadowing of the image. The short film Alma relates to the characteristics of the Gothic Genre as it develops the viewers feelings of fear, desertion, panic and hysteria. The short story The Adventure of The Speckled band and the short film Alma relate to the characteristics of the Gothic Genre primarily through the use of both film and poetic techniques. Therefore range of emotions and sounds in both texts build a strong relationship to the Gothic Get more content on
  • 6. Examples Of Gothic Short Stories I walked in the weird kitchen and stood beside Nancy and grined and she beamed back at me. When nancy smiled at me she also started to laugh for a long time. When I went up stairs I found a frightening room that said keep out and of course I walked in it to look around and saw Mr mulholland and Mr temple dead so I panicked. When I started to scream she heard me and found me in the secret room. I started to run but I fell and she caught me. I heard police sirens outside and tried making all the noise I could before she locked me downstairs in the smelly basement. Their was no way out except for a window so I took a wooden chair and broke the window. When nancy came to check on me I was gone. I got outside in the cold before I found Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Gothic Literature Gothic Literature is characterized by elements such as fear, horror, death, and gloom. Most in which is portrayed in "The Picture of Dorian Gray." How do we know gothic is 'gothic' though? Sometimes it is characterized by the setting other times by the supernatural manifestations. There are many ways to discover wether it gothic literature or not, taking "The Picture of Dorian Gray," for example. The setting is one of the key elements in a gothic tale. In the book it describes Dorian's living quarters as a mansion. While reading you discover that Dorian hides his self portrait under lock and key in an old schoolroom located in his attic. This attic in Dorian's mansion doesn't only hold the portrait of his soul, but also is a place of death. Get more content on
  • 8. Romanesque and Gothic Architecture The 11th to 15th centuries saw a great surge of the Christian Church within Europe which was emphasized by the persuasiveness of the Crusades. The growing population of the Church increased the demand for the increased presence in architectural monuments and during the Romanesque and Gothic periods, a great cathedral construction boom occurred across Europe. The Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles were distinctive in not only the massiveness of the Romanesque monuments and the introduction of the cruciform plan but also for the introduction of the Gothic era art within the Cathedrals which included the inclusion of art the radiating Rose Window,column figures and the gargoyle among more content... The growing importance of the Roman Catholic Church during the 11th and 12th centuries during which the first of the Crusades began called for the building of grand churches, cathedrals. The 11th to 13th centuries were considered the era of the cathedral construction boom which began in the Romanesque period and lasted well into the Gothic period. Several of the cathedrals construction latest over the course of one or even two centuries. The Cathedral of Chartres started in 1063 and ended approximately in 1260, almost two hundred years later. Because of this, cathedral sites became more than just a place for religious education as generations of architects, masons and builders in addition to all of the merchants, tradesmen and villages which accommodate the building of such cathedrals remained close to the site. Cathedral schools were also opened to educate each new generation of architects who would work on the next stages of construction. The enormity of the Cathedral of Chartres gave way for a better acoustic. The Cathedral of Chartres and the Monastery Church of Cluny soon became the envy of bishops and kings and in the 12th century northern France was grasped by a cathedral construction boom which in the 13th century swept across the border into England and Germany. During the end of the 12th century, several new and innovative art forms Get more content on
  • 9. Some are born into the sweet delight of life filled with hope and happiness, while others are destined to live a prolonged night, consumed with agony and despair.[Hook] Gothic Literature is largely influenced by the life the author utilizing the genre has lived. Edgar Allan Poe had one of the most profound impacts on Gothic literature, one that many would replicate. Poe was born to a father he never knew, and a mother who died when he was three years of age. He never had children and was only married once, which results in the death of his wife, Virginia Clemm, from tuberculosis. On the other hand, Ray Bradbury, who was born into a loving family and had a blissful childhood. Later in his life, he had four healthy daughters with a wife, Marguerite "Maggie" McClure. He also came to know success and fame in his career as an author after constructing the novels The Martian Chronicles(1950) and Fahrenheit 451(1953). It is evident that both of these writers lived different lives decades apart. Bradbury], whose was filled with prosperity and joy, along with Poe, whose life was consumed with darkness, agony, and despair. One common thread that ties these writers together is the use of Gothic writing. Although this is true, many wonder how Bradbury harnesses the capability to use such elements, to create a vivid environment where darkness prevails.[Discussion] The Gothic genre is incorporated in Ray Bradbury's work, mostly deriving from Edgar Allan Poe's dark and haunted mind, due to the significant difference in the quality of their lives.[Thesis] First, it is important to dive into Edgar Allan Poe's past, and explore the circle of death and pain that surrounded him, which influences his writing a tremendous amount. Next, to comprehend the use of Gothic elements in Bradbury's literature it is critical to analyze the quality of his life, which exposes the influences of Poe. Finally, the works of Poe are evident in Bradbury's literature through clear examples of the horrific Gothic settings and actions.[Essay Map] To begin, it is most important to analyze the depressing, dark, and haunted past that followed Poe until his last days, in order to understand his twisted literature. In his earliest beginning, Poe was the Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On The Gothic Genre The gothic or more commonly known "horror" genre has been around since the late 1700s. It is a piece of fantasy that is defined by elements of fear, horror, death and gloom. It can also include romantic themes such as nature, individuality, and high emotion. I want to explore the conventions of this genre and the effect it has on the audience, how people's fears have changed and how the way they have been presented on the screen has changed over time. Film and cinematography has a very significant effect on viewers because of its social and emotional implications and its influence on the way we see reality. The three time periods I chose to research were the 1930s, the 1970s and present day. The 30s is often referred to as the golden age of more content... The first pieces of gothic fiction that were constructed were novels and literature pieces by writers from the 1700s. A tale called "The Castle of Otranto" was the first official story to be classified under the gothic genre. It was published in 1764 by Horace Walpole. It was a tale about the fictional "Prince of Otranto" falling hopelessly in love with the woman destined to marry his son and heir to the throne. During the beginning of the novel, Otranto's son gets crushed to death by a helmet of a statue of the previous Prince of Otranto. The novel sees everything in and including the walls of the castle become supernaturally alive, until all wicked actions and behaviour was destroyed. People in the 18th century who were reading this text felt deceived and that they had been wronged when they found out the novel was a fragment of someone's imagination, and in fact fiction. This was because the stories presented in this time had all been real and portrayed as non fiction, this was the first time a piece of literature, that wasn't a poem, was fictional. Later, in the 1790s some novelists rediscovered some of the themes and elements that were present in "The Castle of Otranto". One novel produced in 1794 was "The Mysteries of Udolpho" written by Ann Radcliffe. The tale was based upon a dignified villain who threatens the heroine Emily with an unimaginable Get more content on
  • 11. Gothic Novel Essay Gothic Novel's origin and its Repertoire element Gothic novel literary defined as an English genre of fiction which came into action and became popular in 18th to early 19th century, widely characterized by atmosphere of horror, fear, death, gloom, darkness ,mystery and romantic elements ,such as nature individuality and high emotions. The term gothic actually originated as to criticise the architecture and art of that period which was dark, decaying and dismal. The term was embraced by artist and was implemented in fictional literature because of the similarity that was found in both cases such as darkness and gloominess. Mid of 18th century is considered to be the origin of gothic fiction in writing Horace Walpole as a genre in more content... Industrialization gave birth to huge gap between rich and poor and middle class emerged. Culture was moving relentlessly onward and upward. Population of England changed drastically form 2 million to 9 million due to migration in Victorian England for work and living. The most crucial fact arises here that is, if Victorian England was its zenith of development, science and innovation than what made Victorian writer to write about ghost concurrently writing on themes like poverty, development and class consciousness in Victorian England. It was known as age of materialism. Victorian people were technologically advanced scientific and rational people but why they spent so much of time in telling each other ghost stories and they were really fascinated by ghost stories. May be science had to do something with the Victorian writer them of writing about ghost. In sea of inventions in Victorian era, three scientific inventions from which we can relate why Victorian were interested into gothic elements. Firstly, photography in which Victorian were very interested, if we look at Victorian era photograph, people have to hold their same pose for long time exposer time could be 5 minutes, and if someone walks slowly in background, photograph shows that as a ghostly image, this made Victorian to think about ghost . Secondly, the scientific invention of telegraph and its Morse code that makes tap–tap sound were compared by the people that ghost began to make tapping Get more content on
  • 12. Gothic Elements Of Gothic Literature Gothic Literature Essay Gothic literature can be defined as writing that employs dark and picturesque scenery, startling and melodramatic narrative devices, and an overall atmosphere of exoticism, mystery, and dread. The gothic world is dark and can contain evil, dark and mysteries. The short stories "A Rose for Emily" written by William Faulkner, "The Black Cat" written by Edgar Allen Poe, "Prey" written by Richard Matheson, "The Feather Pillow", written by Horacio Quiroga and the novel "The Night Circus" written by Erin Morgenstern all represent several gothic elements. Isolation or entrapment is a gothic element that is found in "The Night Circus", "A Rose for Emily" and "The Feather Pillow ". Violence or revenge is a gothic element that is well represented by the short stories "The Black Cat", "Prey" and the novel "The Night Circus". The narrators use these types of gothic elements to prove that if you stay away from people around you or force others to isolate themselves from the world and act evil towards others, it will lead to your own catastrophe. In the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, Miss Emily stays locked in her house guarding a morbid secret. That happened after her dad dies and her boyfriend skips town. One example of isolation foreshadowing Emily's own desolation. The narrator expresses her loneliness as "After her father's death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at an" (Faulkner/ ). The main Get more content on
  • 13. Example Of Gothic Creative Writing Gothic Creative Writing Piece: Once upon a time in the dark gloomy household of the Kelly family lived John (Father), Mary (Mother) and Jimmy (Son). Jimmy is 16 years old and is an only child. His parents are very over protective and struggle to accept he is growing up and not letting him go out and enjoy life. This family has just recently lost their sister and grandparents in tragic car crash leaving 45 people dead. They are facing being sued over dangerous driving and mounting a curb causing them to run down and kill 42 other people. The stress level for all of them have hit the roof, and are to starting to fight between themselves while people protest outside their house. Everyday this problem was starting to get worse and starting to affect his social life and it's got to stop, his parents aren't letting him out of the house nor letting friends in and this is effecting his ability to go to school. Justice, justice is what they want and that's what they need if his family has done the wrong thing then so be it. Our family has suffered enough especially the ones who haven't done anything wrong and are being punished for the stupid actions of our family members who were killed. "I don't think mum and dad get it that I'm sick and tired of the people chanting and throwing things at our house all I want is to move houses or even live in the dark empty forest away from all this shit so I can get on with my once happy life". As Jimmy goes to talk to his parents his best mate Get more content on
  • 14. Architecture has always been an integral part of society and its culture. It not only defines the space of the community that it participates in but it also shapes the community's place in history. During the 19th century, Gothic Revival became a rapidly growing architectural movement. The Gothic Revival styles sought to revive medieval Gothic architecture, in contrast to the neoclassical styles prevalent at the time. A new group of architects began popularizing picturesque styles and started taking inspiration from nature. A style was built more honestly using natures own colors and materials, blending the architecture harmoniously into its surrounding. The Lyndhurst Mansion designed in 1838 by Alexander Jackson Davis (1803–1892) and The Rose Hill Plantation House built in 1860 by Edward Brickell White (1806–1882) are two examples that embody the picturesque Gothic Revival. Alexander Jackson Davis was one of America's leading figure in American architecture. Davis designed state capitals, colleges, several hospitals, a prison, and a number of houses which ranged from humble gatekeeper's lodges to elaborate country villas ("Donoghue, John Cornelius.") He introduced and developed new ideas and forms and was inspired by many styles from the past, including ancient Egypt, classical forms of Greece, and picturesque medieval England. In the 1830's, Davis became best known for his work in the picturesque style, relating the houses to their landscape settings and opening up the Get more content on
  • 15. Why Gothic Is So Popular Essay What is gothic. Gothic to me stands for the scary, spooky, and ominous things. Gothic architecture for example has the large cathedrals and the gargoyles on the sides of the buildings that are very spooky and ominous looking. In gothic literature they use the dark things that we as humans fear but also are fascinated by it, that's why gothic literature is so popular. In the writing authors will talk about death, the Devil, monsters like the famous Frankenstein or Count Dracula. Gothic literature is usually melodramatic and have a sense of dread or mystery around the story, that will usually take place around a dark, scary house Get more content on
  • 16. Gothic Short Stories John pulled up to the rocky crooked edged driveway, he left his family in the car to check the house out. He came to an old brick mansion with green dull vines like sinister snakes along the sides of the outside wall. John saw the door open automatically, his bones were rattling in his body as if they were shouting to each other. He walked up the stairs that lead in the house as they screamed to him, it was like a girl dying painfully. He stepped into the house cautiously. A laugh appeared in the hallway. It was a deep laugh as if it was echoing throughout your ears. Footsteps came towards him slowly. They were moving so sluggishly you could barely here the floorboards creaking. John's face was as pale as a ghost. You could hear his hearts Get more content on
  • 17. Gothic Literature Elements Essay Edgar Allen Poe was a popular author of gothic literature. Gothic Literature is a genre of writing that is dark or strange. There are eight elements of gothic literature. There has to be at least one of the eight elements for a piece of writing to be considered gothic. In "The Masque of the Red Death" three of the elements are a tyrannical male, a metonymy of gloom and horror, and supernatural elements. The first element used was a tyrannical male. All throughout Prince Prospero's kingdom, his people are dying from a horrible plague known as "The Red Death". Around every corner, people are dying or already dead, covered in the infamous scarlet red blood that is the most obvious sign of the red death, and all the prince could do was sit more content... As it drew closer to midnight, a mysterious figure appeared in the crowd. No one had seen this guest before and they were all quite alarmed by his sudden arrival. "Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revelers at opne threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave cerements and corpselike mask which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form." pr. 11 As the guests attempted to capture the stranger, they realize that the clothing and mask are being worn by no human or object, and the red death had slipped it's way into the castle. There is no reasonable explaination for the mysterious figure that walked through the party and then just disappeared like an eerie mist, leaving the reader to assume that it was supernatural. There are many elements of gothic literature in "The Masque of the Red Death". The three elements mentioned before are a tyrannical male, a metonymy of gloom and horror and supernatural elements. The tyrannical male, Prince Prospero, deserted the people of his kingdom when they needed him the most. The ebony clock that chimed every hour, on the hour, symbolized how much time the guests had left. The mysterious, disappearing figure entered and exited the party like a phantom. "The Masque of the Red Death" is an Get more content on
  • 18. Gothic Literature Essay Gothic Literature Comparative Essay In the movie 'Coraline ' and the texts 'The Red Room', 'The Yellow Wallpaper"' and 'Northanger Abbey', there are many aspects of gothic literature present, gothic literature is used to create mystery and a sense of something odd to come. Coraline is a movie about a young girl who discovers a parallel universe in the new house she moved into, The Red Room is about a supposedly haunted room, Northanger Abbey is about a girl who is spending some time in an old Abbey, she begins to imagine everything is much more interesting and out of the ordinary than what it actually is, lastly The Yellow Wallpaper is the story of a woman locked in the upstairs room of her summerhouse. Many stories in the more content... Lastly in Northanger Abbey the female character Catherine is shown to be extremely obsessed with gothic literature "she rejoiced in the happier circumstances attending her entrance within walls so solemn! She had nothing to dread from midnight assassins or drunken gallants." she finds herself making what most people would take as normal everyday occurrences and twisting them into a gothic fantasy, that is until reality comes along and pulls her back down to earth. In conclusion gothic literature is seen throughout all of the texts and the film mentioned and all techniques such as setting, obsessions and strange characters are all typical assets found in most gothic literature. Gothic literature is used to create mystery and to keep the reader interested; it is a very effectively used form of literature used in many old fashioned and modern pieces to add a very distinctive atmosphere to the story Get more content on
  • 19. Gothic Theme Essay examples Conflict within One' Self Personal internal battles exist every day whether it is mentally, emotionally, spiritually or even physically. Within each person, typical temptations dwell deep inside. Some of these temptations can be very active or remain dormant until precise events trigger them. The intricacy of a person's inner struggle fights between a moral and corrupt side. Naturally, undesirable temptations ascend from the lower qualities of people and bare individuals to develop even more immoral ambitions. Overtime, those temptations could worsen and became more severe, in which the person develops a lack of self–control with major inflictions and regrets. A clash between good and evil, hero and tyrant is a basic foundation more content... Stevenson makes clarification with giving the dark evil character as an alternative personality of Dr. Jekyll which is Mr. Hyde. Stevenson begins to peruse the case of a respected doctor who becomes associated with Mr. Hyde. The unusual, mysterious circumstance is the fact that the two men is the same person. "The doctor experiments in his own laboratory trying to divide effort to improve the quality his own life" (Hedlund). The reading explains the struggles and mental state of Dr. Jekyll. Hence, although I had now two characters as well as two appearances, one was wholly evil, and the other was still old Henry Jekyll, the incongruous compound of whose reformation and improvement I had already learned to despair. The movement was thus wholly toward the worse (Stevenson 102). Stevenson creates a revelation of stimulating themes. The writer cleverly creates a feeling of suspense, unknown, and mystery. Mr. Hyde in the opening of Mr. Enfield's accounts, there is the eerie, catastrophic scene of the trampling of a young girl in the middle of the night. This is the first encounter of where the gothic element of a distress woman or a woman threatened by a powerful tyrannical male, is first installed to the reader. After the trampling, Mr. Hyde is told to pay money to the family. Out of nowhere, a check is signed by a very gallant, up standing citizen. Eventually, the check is revealed to belonging to Dr. Jekyll, and also come to acquire that Dr. Get more content on