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Essay On Animism
Animism derives from the Latin word anima which means soul, spirit, life or breath (Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) International, n.d.).
Animism is the belief that non–living objects have souls (life) and those natural phenomena possess supernatural or magical power. Animism
encompasses the beliefs that there is no separation between the spiritual and physical or material world. Animism believes that natural physical
entities which include animals, plants, and even inanimate objects such as forest, mountains, rivers or village and phenomena possess a spiritual
essence. Most Animists even be certain that human beings are spiritual at their core and they will become spirits too in the spirit world upon their
physical death (Davis, 2011). The power of the spirits infuses everything. Therefore, the term "animism" can be summed up by "belief in spiritual
beings". It can also be summarized as "all that exists lives" and, sometimes, "all that lives is holy" (Taylor, 2005).
Animism is usually applied to any religious beliefs that recognize spirits or a spirit world inherent in the physical world (Overseas Missionary
Fellowship (OMF) International, n.d.). Spiritual beings are everywhere and they shape all that happens. The basic of animism is that the spirit world is
stronger than humans. The spirit world controls everything in more content...
Animism often grows out of primal religions and mixed with one or more world religions. This occurs when there is an advent of a world religion in an
area where animistic religions are already practiced. With the introduction of world religion in an area, it may seem like predominate, however its
tenets and practices are usually followed alongside with folk customs based on spirit belief (Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) International,
n.d.). The Karen people are one of the societies that still practiced the traditional belief of animism until today besides the world
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The Motion Of An Object Essay
Introduction The motion of an object is related to its position and the time it takes to get to another position. The displacement of this object is
quantified by final position (xf) – initial position (xi). This change in position can also be denoted as О”x. An object's displacement is also related to
its speed. The velocity (v) of the object can be found by dividing the displacement О”x by the overall time О”t that occurred (NAMS Faculty, 2016,
p.36). v = О”x/ О”t Velocity can be measured as either an average or instantaneous. Average velocity does not give us information about the object's
motion since it is only the total distance divided by the total time. On the other hand, instantaneous velocity is the speed at one instant in time. Next, the
acceleration (a) of an object is the change in velocity (О”t) divided by the time (О”t) that change occurred. ((NAMS Faculty, 2016, p.36–37). a = О”v
/ О”t The purpose of this lab was to investigate the speed of an object when in the absence and then the presence of a force. At the end of this lab, we
have understood distance versus time graphs but collecting data and putting it into an Excel sheet. We learned how to operate a linear air track to
measure speed, and we investigated straight line motion with constant velocity and acceleration ((NAMS Faculty, 2016, p.36–38). Our hypothesis for
the first experiment was that, if the walker walked with a constant speed, then the position versus time graph would show a linear curve with a
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My Object Analysis
My Object This heart is a recreation of the heart that Sam Border gave to Emily Bell in my book. Sam goes to her house in the middle of the night
and leaves the heart there, he had spent hours making it just for her. He knows that he cannot give it to her in the morning because his father might find
out, and then he would move away. His father didn't like connections with people, not even with family. Sam made his heart out of sticks he found in
his backyard, as did I, because he can't afford to buy something nice for her.
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The Plot against People Essay
The Plot against People
Have you ever thought that the possibility exists that inanimate objects are in fact "plotting against people" in an effort to make our lives even more
difficult than they actually are? In "The Plot against People," Russell Baker, a newspaper columnist and humorist, adopts a wry view of the world in
which he gives inanimate objects mischievous aims. As a class assignment, I was called upon to write my own version in the style of Baker.
How often is it that we are late for work or school because we could not find our keys? On how many occasions have we humans been locked out of
our dorms or houses and yet have our keys remain warm and cozy inside?
These events are not isolated to one group of humans or more content...
The reason for their uprising is still unknown, but their numbers are strong; to every one person, there are about three keys. As Baker explains in The
Plot against People, "Many inanimate objects, of course, find it extremely difficult to break down. Therefore, they have had to evolve a different
technique for resisting man. They get lost."
Keys have power and they know it. We have all been through a time in our lives when we were trapped in our own homes because our keys were
conveniently missing. Trapped in our own homes! Feelings of frustration and anger quickly build up, but meanwhile our keys stay tucked away in a
dark cozy corner and snicker. They are at this point, where they want to be, in control and powerful. Russell Baker was right. Keys "frequently travel
through six or seven rooms to find hiding space under a couch."
Our keys take pleasure in putting humans in embarrassing situations. They derive a certain degree of joy from it. They enjoy seeing us walk out of a
room with just a towel wrapped around us and not being in our hands but, instead, lying between the warm covers. There, they wait for the sound of the
slammed door and our frightful shriek.
One of the most distressing events is having your keys locked in your car while you stand helpless and cold on the outside. This experience is not only
nerve–racking, but also costly, since, most times, a locksmith may have to be called in to get you back into your car.
Keys have
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Do Objects Only Have A Utilitarian Function Essay
Do Objects Only Have a Utilitarian Function? I once heard an incognito old man on television saying "the value of the object is not limited to his
market value or its utilitarian function". Objects can have a great importance for human because they can stick with us throughout our lives and evocate
memories. Even though objects are defined before all as what man can built from the raw material that he knew how to transform. Each object is
defined by the function that each human assign to it, useful as a tool, decorative or perfectly as a gadget. Meanwhile, these objects have been fabricated
to be permanently in service of human to make their life easier, they also help by their multiple functionality. Sometimes these objects can have very more content...
When I was younger, my mother used to send me a lot of things from the United States of America. Some of those things were very useful, some of
them where less useful, but the all depended of how important I considered them. It could have been just a basic object that no children really
care about, but to me it was meaning the world. As it could have been something every children wanted, but had no importance in my eyes. I
remember this black and painted Eastpak bag that my mother sent me years ago when I was 10. She sent me the bag at a moment it was very
trending. The day I received the bag, I was first surprise, and then happy. Happy not only because the bag was beautiful, but also because I was
proud to be able to tell and show to my friends what my mother bought for me. It was important because it meant that even if we are not leaving in
the same country, she thinks about me all the time. That object came at the right time, right moment, when all the kids wanted that bag and it was
beautiful and fun. Although I used the book bag only for a year, I kept it with me for a long time of about 5 or 6 years. Thinking I might use it or
maybe I was too afraid and superstitious to throw the bag
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Solid Objects Essay
Children find it easier to name new solid objects as opposed to new nonsolid objects as stated by Perry et al. (2013). Generating names for solid
objects mostly depends on the shape but that cannot be attributed to nonsolid objects with no shape. For nonsolid object children rely mostly on the
material of the object. Children receive most of their information for nonsolid object names during mealtimes while sitting in a highchair. This leads to
the question of whether context and exploration plays a role in learning new names. To test how seating context (highchair or table), naming (name or
no–name) and exploration (playing with food) affect how children learn new nonsolid object names Perry et al. (2013) presented 72 toddlers, 16 months more content...
In a New York Times article titled To Smoosh Peas Is to Learn author Perri Klass gives an overview of the scholarly article written by Perry et al.
(2013) titled Highchair philosophers: the impact of seating context–dependent exploration on children's naming biases. Klass (2013) does a good job
giving a general overview of the empirical article and its results. She includes some of the findings of the research article as well as delving, however
briefly, into what the findings of the study detailed in the paper, mean. There are a few areas, nevertheless, in which the newspaper article is lacking
and the results are selectively picked to more fully interest the intended audience.
From the title of the newspaper article the reader can infer that the topic for the article is about children playing with their food and the benefits that
come from that action. This is Klass' (2013) main point throughout the article. The messier the child the better they learn. She puts great emphasis on
the finding within the Perry et al. (2013) article she is citing that children who are messy eaters are better at novel noun generalization (NNG), having
biases for similarity in material when naming nonsolid objects. When reading the Klass (2013) article the reader is left with the conclusion that
children should be allowed to play with
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Comparing Objects In A Simple Heart And Overcoat
Throughout both Flaubert's "A Simple Heart" and Gogol's "Overcoat" the use of objects that are non–human allow people to be more open with their
surroundings. In Flaubert's "A Simple Heart" the main character FГ©licitГ© has lived life with the people who she had the strongest connection to
die and leave her to be seemingly alone, eventually, she inherits a parrot named Loulou. Loulou becomes a bridge for FГ©licitГ©'s feelings to be
shown and provides her a bridge for her happiness to blossom while also giving her more faith and eventually seeing a parrot like Loulou after she
passed away. In Gogol's "Overcoat," the main character Akaky finds solace after he purchased a new overcoat. The overcoat that Akaky purchased
allowed him to be more friendly
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Object's Thing-Personal Narrative
Object's Thing–ness I've always looked at different objects and never connected to them. It wasn't until I had received a keyboard that I realized that an
object could become something more valuable then just inanimate. A piano has become this sentimental thing to me. Playing the piano with my mother
has formed a strong bond between us. Every time I play the piano, it makes the bond between my mother and I stronger. Playing and listening to the
piano is a comforting outlet. The music is relaxing. It also has taught me something new. Learning to play the piano takes time and practice. You have to
learn about its functions to understand how it works. A piano is considered a musical instrument. Nothing special to it besides that fact that it
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Circular Object Research Paper
Place a wooden board with a length of about two meters horizontally. Measure one meter along the board and mark the location. Raise the marked
location anywhere from 5 to 10 cm and use a clamp to hold the board still at that height. Grab your first object, record its mass and radius from the
axis of rotation, and put it on the marked location. Have one person start the timer when you release the object from rest at the top and record the
time it takes for it to reach the bottom. Make sure no slipping occurs and the object follows a linear path downward. Do at least three trails for every
object. You should have four different circular
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Reflection Essay : What I Have Learned In Physics
What did I learn in physics this year? Physics reveals how our surroundings operate or don't operate. I learned how a microwave oven uses rays with a
smaller wavelength than a lightbulb. One thing I learned about physics is that it's all based on math. Having a math disability puts me at a disadvantage
against all other students. I understand material better especially if the lesson is taught to me one–on–one and I also don't have a very good memory
which doesn't allow me to remember material as fast and easier as others. Let me start off with I know about physics. What I have learned about
physics is that this subject is the study of the physical properties that surround us. Physics is how things move and what makes them move. For
example, measurements such as velocity and acceleration and how they are used in physics is a major piece of the class. Also, physicists study the
forces of gravity, electrical currents, and other numerous forces that hold everything together. Physics is also the study of very large things and very
small things. Scientists study the stars, planets, and all other galaxies made up of matter. They also study the smaller pieces of matter such as atoms
and electrons. During this year, I have learned the study of sound, light, and waves. We also studied the energy, heat, and radioactivity amongst
objects. Physics not only helps us understand how objects move, but also how they change form, go from hot to cold, and what they are made of. One
example of what we learned this year is the motion of an object. Motion can be portrayed as using displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, time,
and speed. We had focused on the lesson of Newton's first law: an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same
speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force.
Physics is all about ideas, all about how the universe works and its hidden properties. These ideas help you predict what will happen with matter and
its energy to move and change. You do have to make measurements and you do have to use mathematical equations to find your final answer and what
will happen. Somebody with a good understanding of physics has an idea of how a car will
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Example Of Interactivity In Inanimate Alice
Interactivity can be defined as when one or two users can perform action on the website that they are on. A more specific definition provided by,
Techopedia, is "the communication process that takes place between humans and computer software." (1). There are many examples of interactivity,
some which may not be as obvious as others. Playing video games, flash websites, and even using objects on your computer such as the mouse and
keyboard are examples of interactivity. The Electronic Literature Collection that I chose to discuss is Inanimate Alice. When I clicked on the website
link, it brought me straight to interactivity. I was directed to use my mouse to use arrows to scroll the episode. As I was scrolling through the episode,
there were
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Descriptive Essay : Inanimate Object
Intro of inanimate object. Rommel was known for going against german command and not killing allied commandos as well as sharing water
with pow in the african desert. Rommel was one of the few German High Command who didn't participate in war crimes, and is still highly
regarded in Germany. Rommel was a smart person who was on the wrong side of history. Before Rommel rose to fame in France and North Africa
during the late 1930s and early 1940s he was a soldier in world war 1. Rommel joined the army in 1910. In 1911 he went to officer school. When
WW1 broke out in 1914 he was sent to fight. During the war he ranked up quickly due to his known bravery on the battlefield. When he ran out of
ammunition he charged three French more content...
Very rarely during the entire invasion did anyone know where he was including German high command. And due to his close proximity to the front
lines he would very hard to find or contact. He sometimes would even cut all communications with German High Command until after the battle was
over when he would then tell them what happened because, he thought that the German High Command didn't know anything about tank warfare.
After France he was sent to North Africa to try and help the Italians which had retreated all the way back to Libya due to the British. He immediately
took control of the troops in North Africa and attacked. It caught the British completely off guard and forced them to retreat to Tobruk. Because of
this he earned the nickname The Desert Fox for his ability to trick and outsmart his enemies. He was at the same time promoted to Field Marshal
making him the youngest Field Marshal in history. One of his biggest wins was when he dug holes in a u–shape and put 88mm anti–aircraft guns in the
holes so that only the gun had a very low profile and only the barrel peaked out. He then covered the guns with tents making them look like small
sand dunes. He had a couple light tanks do a false attack on the british. The british seeing just a couple tanks took the bait and chased after the light
tanks. The light tanks drove into the U of guns and the 88mm guns open fired at point blank at the now surrounded
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Personal Narrative: My Objects
I found my objects in a variety of locations around town. The first object I discovered was number 16, the hand sanitizer. I was walking across the
school parking lot when I noticed the bottle in front of me and immediately thought of my project. The next object was found later that day while I
was dropping my sister off at Starbucks. Lying in front of me was a Coors Light beer can that had been run over multiple times. The next object was
found while I went on a walk with my dad around his neighborhood to hunt for discarded objects. This area is kept in pristine condition, so it was
difficult to locate any objects. However, we did find a piece of a shingle near a house that was being worked on. We spent about twenty minutes
walking around and bonding on this trash more content...
to look for trash around the block. This area is much more trashy, but the trash is not as valuable. One interesting item we found was the cool whip
container lid. My mom and I spent around 45 minutes laughing at all of the trashy people in the neighborhood. We were having so much fun that
we decided to move our trash hunting escapades downtown. My mom has a close friend who lives right around the corner from the Farmer's
Market, so we met her and her son near the Farmer's Market. I had the brilliant idea of looking near the railroad tracks because not many people walk
in this area and there is a fence that can collect trash. It was in this area that we found the majority of the objects for this project. We spent around 15
minutes walking near the tracks before I decided that I had found enough trash for the
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Essay on Inanimate Object
Nina Ferrer Professor Susan Chapman English 111 21 February 2013 The darkness is slowly scaring me making me feel overwhelmed. I can't see
anything. I feel suffocated and musty with all these boxes stocked next to me and on top of me. I've been here for so long and I feel so hopeless
and useless. Then suddenly a bright light shines on me and I finally feel free from this very comfortless home. I wish someone would open this lid
on top of me so I can breath in fresh air. But here I am staying strong and just patiently waiting. Then suddenly, I am lifted, opened, and place on top
of a flat surface. I feel so nervous. I am hearing human voices. My wish is granted. It is my time, and I am free! My thoughts are running, I wonder if more content...
My owner finally takes his feet out and puts me on the bed and walks away. Patiently waiting, the little boy comes in rushing, full of energy, and I can
see him changing into basketball shorts and putting socks on. Then a sudden whip–lash, he grabs me and he slips his feet inside super fast. He's
running now, I can feel myself being stepped on, and I am also stepping on dirty floor. He runs outside, and this is my first time stepping on
concrete, I hope I don't get creased or stepped on by other shoes. I am so nervous I can barely catch my breath. I can feel sweat and moist already
surround my soles. We finally arrive at the park. I see my fellow basketball shoes all looking very sharp, but I believe nothing can compare to me I
am the best, and I am here to make sure I protect my owners ankles and feet and to help him play better, and give him extra boost to hop and jump.
As my owner is running, I see the ball being dribbled in front of me. As scared as I am as of now, I have to face this. This is my job. My owner and
I just jumped. And before I knew it I was back on the ground. Here I am still keeping up and running. I've gotten stepped on so many times. I am
exhausted. I'm moving left to right, and running back and fourth a full court so fast. I just want. I have so many scratches and dirt on me from all the
other shoes. I hope my owner finishes playing already. Before I can take one final breath, he suddenly
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As children grow and develop, the way the experience the world around them also develops. Animism is giving life like qualities to inanimate
objects. We see animism everyday, but we often do not realize that is what we are seeing. An example of animism is a child thinking that his or her
toys has to go to sleep when he or she does. Egocentrism is another trait or behavior that is often seen in young children. This concept refers to a child's
inability to think or reason like another individual; simply put, they are only about to think like themselves. Egocentric children may seem to be
self–centered, but the fact is they have not developed to ability to think outside of their own box. An example of egocentrism can be seen in the way a
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Object Relation Essay
In accordance with Object Relations theory, Tom's reaction can also be explained by reviewing his background. Tom is the eldest son, with two
younger sisters to highly successful and educated parents. He climbs that he succeeded in in school and sports, felt independent, and had a couple close
friends. Within this theory, the "relationships between people, in particular within afamily. A basic tenet is that we are driven to form relationships
with others and that failure to form successful early relationships leads to later problems." (GoodTherapy) Young children internalize representations of
their reality. Such as how when he would be left home alone or with a babysitter he would show signs of anger and crying. According to this theory,
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Personification: Story Of Inanimate Object
How can you use personification to tell the story of this inanimate object? Write a summary of this object's life below! For this project the item
that I chose to write a story about was the american dollar bill for my project. The American dollar was born in the united states of America. The
location they are built in are two different bureaus within the department of treasury. A Bureaus is an office or department for transacting particular
business. The materials that 1 dollar is made out a fake type of "paper". it is not really paper from trees but it is a special type of paper called crane
paper. There are over 65 steps in making 1 dollar but I will only list the most important. it is made out of 75 percent cotton and 25 percent linen.
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In F. Scott Fitzgerald's epic novel The Great Gatsby, he explores inanimate objects to represent reality in the novel through the main protagonist Gatsby.
These inanimate objects are seen through Gatsby's optimistic future, the pursuit of the American Dream, and social rank of the characters. One of the
most significant objects that's important is the green dock light at the end of Daisy's house. Jay Gatsby lives in his dream where he imagines himself
and Daisy together. But he never seems to achieve that goal. The green light is used in the novel as the failure of Daisy and Gatsby's future. Gatsby is
so optimistic about his future with Daisy, he felt that in order to achieve the American Dream he needs to successful win Daisy'slove. Daisy
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Essay On Animism

  • 1. Essay On Animism Animism derives from the Latin word anima which means soul, spirit, life or breath (Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) International, n.d.). Animism is the belief that non–living objects have souls (life) and those natural phenomena possess supernatural or magical power. Animism encompasses the beliefs that there is no separation between the spiritual and physical or material world. Animism believes that natural physical entities which include animals, plants, and even inanimate objects such as forest, mountains, rivers or village and phenomena possess a spiritual essence. Most Animists even be certain that human beings are spiritual at their core and they will become spirits too in the spirit world upon their physical death (Davis, 2011). The power of the spirits infuses everything. Therefore, the term "animism" can be summed up by "belief in spiritual beings". It can also be summarized as "all that exists lives" and, sometimes, "all that lives is holy" (Taylor, 2005). Animism is usually applied to any religious beliefs that recognize spirits or a spirit world inherent in the physical world (Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) International, n.d.). Spiritual beings are everywhere and they shape all that happens. The basic of animism is that the spirit world is stronger than humans. The spirit world controls everything in more content... Animism often grows out of primal religions and mixed with one or more world religions. This occurs when there is an advent of a world religion in an area where animistic religions are already practiced. With the introduction of world religion in an area, it may seem like predominate, however its tenets and practices are usually followed alongside with folk customs based on spirit belief (Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) International, n.d.). The Karen people are one of the societies that still practiced the traditional belief of animism until today besides the world Get more content on
  • 2. The Motion Of An Object Essay Introduction The motion of an object is related to its position and the time it takes to get to another position. The displacement of this object is quantified by final position (xf) – initial position (xi). This change in position can also be denoted as О”x. An object's displacement is also related to its speed. The velocity (v) of the object can be found by dividing the displacement О”x by the overall time О”t that occurred (NAMS Faculty, 2016, p.36). v = О”x/ О”t Velocity can be measured as either an average or instantaneous. Average velocity does not give us information about the object's motion since it is only the total distance divided by the total time. On the other hand, instantaneous velocity is the speed at one instant in time. Next, the acceleration (a) of an object is the change in velocity (О”t) divided by the time (О”t) that change occurred. ((NAMS Faculty, 2016, p.36–37). a = О”v / О”t The purpose of this lab was to investigate the speed of an object when in the absence and then the presence of a force. At the end of this lab, we have understood distance versus time graphs but collecting data and putting it into an Excel sheet. We learned how to operate a linear air track to measure speed, and we investigated straight line motion with constant velocity and acceleration ((NAMS Faculty, 2016, p.36–38). Our hypothesis for the first experiment was that, if the walker walked with a constant speed, then the position versus time graph would show a linear curve with a Get more content on
  • 3. My Object Analysis My Object This heart is a recreation of the heart that Sam Border gave to Emily Bell in my book. Sam goes to her house in the middle of the night and leaves the heart there, he had spent hours making it just for her. He knows that he cannot give it to her in the morning because his father might find out, and then he would move away. His father didn't like connections with people, not even with family. Sam made his heart out of sticks he found in his backyard, as did I, because he can't afford to buy something nice for her. Get more content on
  • 4. The Plot against People Essay The Plot against People Have you ever thought that the possibility exists that inanimate objects are in fact "plotting against people" in an effort to make our lives even more difficult than they actually are? In "The Plot against People," Russell Baker, a newspaper columnist and humorist, adopts a wry view of the world in which he gives inanimate objects mischievous aims. As a class assignment, I was called upon to write my own version in the style of Baker. How often is it that we are late for work or school because we could not find our keys? On how many occasions have we humans been locked out of our dorms or houses and yet have our keys remain warm and cozy inside? These events are not isolated to one group of humans or more content... The reason for their uprising is still unknown, but their numbers are strong; to every one person, there are about three keys. As Baker explains in The Plot against People, "Many inanimate objects, of course, find it extremely difficult to break down. Therefore, they have had to evolve a different technique for resisting man. They get lost." Keys have power and they know it. We have all been through a time in our lives when we were trapped in our own homes because our keys were conveniently missing. Trapped in our own homes! Feelings of frustration and anger quickly build up, but meanwhile our keys stay tucked away in a dark cozy corner and snicker. They are at this point, where they want to be, in control and powerful. Russell Baker was right. Keys "frequently travel through six or seven rooms to find hiding space under a couch." Our keys take pleasure in putting humans in embarrassing situations. They derive a certain degree of joy from it. They enjoy seeing us walk out of a room with just a towel wrapped around us and not being in our hands but, instead, lying between the warm covers. There, they wait for the sound of the slammed door and our frightful shriek. One of the most distressing events is having your keys locked in your car while you stand helpless and cold on the outside. This experience is not only nerve–racking, but also costly, since, most times, a locksmith may have to be called in to get you back into your car.
  • 5. Keys have Get more content on
  • 6. Do Objects Only Have A Utilitarian Function Essay Do Objects Only Have a Utilitarian Function? I once heard an incognito old man on television saying "the value of the object is not limited to his market value or its utilitarian function". Objects can have a great importance for human because they can stick with us throughout our lives and evocate memories. Even though objects are defined before all as what man can built from the raw material that he knew how to transform. Each object is defined by the function that each human assign to it, useful as a tool, decorative or perfectly as a gadget. Meanwhile, these objects have been fabricated to be permanently in service of human to make their life easier, they also help by their multiple functionality. Sometimes these objects can have very more content... When I was younger, my mother used to send me a lot of things from the United States of America. Some of those things were very useful, some of them where less useful, but the all depended of how important I considered them. It could have been just a basic object that no children really care about, but to me it was meaning the world. As it could have been something every children wanted, but had no importance in my eyes. I remember this black and painted Eastpak bag that my mother sent me years ago when I was 10. She sent me the bag at a moment it was very trending. The day I received the bag, I was first surprise, and then happy. Happy not only because the bag was beautiful, but also because I was proud to be able to tell and show to my friends what my mother bought for me. It was important because it meant that even if we are not leaving in the same country, she thinks about me all the time. That object came at the right time, right moment, when all the kids wanted that bag and it was beautiful and fun. Although I used the book bag only for a year, I kept it with me for a long time of about 5 or 6 years. Thinking I might use it or maybe I was too afraid and superstitious to throw the bag Get more content on
  • 7. Solid Objects Essay Children find it easier to name new solid objects as opposed to new nonsolid objects as stated by Perry et al. (2013). Generating names for solid objects mostly depends on the shape but that cannot be attributed to nonsolid objects with no shape. For nonsolid object children rely mostly on the material of the object. Children receive most of their information for nonsolid object names during mealtimes while sitting in a highchair. This leads to the question of whether context and exploration plays a role in learning new names. To test how seating context (highchair or table), naming (name or no–name) and exploration (playing with food) affect how children learn new nonsolid object names Perry et al. (2013) presented 72 toddlers, 16 months more content... In a New York Times article titled To Smoosh Peas Is to Learn author Perri Klass gives an overview of the scholarly article written by Perry et al. (2013) titled Highchair philosophers: the impact of seating context–dependent exploration on children's naming biases. Klass (2013) does a good job giving a general overview of the empirical article and its results. She includes some of the findings of the research article as well as delving, however briefly, into what the findings of the study detailed in the paper, mean. There are a few areas, nevertheless, in which the newspaper article is lacking and the results are selectively picked to more fully interest the intended audience. From the title of the newspaper article the reader can infer that the topic for the article is about children playing with their food and the benefits that come from that action. This is Klass' (2013) main point throughout the article. The messier the child the better they learn. She puts great emphasis on the finding within the Perry et al. (2013) article she is citing that children who are messy eaters are better at novel noun generalization (NNG), having biases for similarity in material when naming nonsolid objects. When reading the Klass (2013) article the reader is left with the conclusion that children should be allowed to play with Get more content on
  • 8. Comparing Objects In A Simple Heart And Overcoat Throughout both Flaubert's "A Simple Heart" and Gogol's "Overcoat" the use of objects that are non–human allow people to be more open with their surroundings. In Flaubert's "A Simple Heart" the main character FГ©licitГ© has lived life with the people who she had the strongest connection to die and leave her to be seemingly alone, eventually, she inherits a parrot named Loulou. Loulou becomes a bridge for FГ©licitГ©'s feelings to be shown and provides her a bridge for her happiness to blossom while also giving her more faith and eventually seeing a parrot like Loulou after she passed away. In Gogol's "Overcoat," the main character Akaky finds solace after he purchased a new overcoat. The overcoat that Akaky purchased allowed him to be more friendly Get more content on
  • 9. Object's Thing-Personal Narrative Object's Thing–ness I've always looked at different objects and never connected to them. It wasn't until I had received a keyboard that I realized that an object could become something more valuable then just inanimate. A piano has become this sentimental thing to me. Playing the piano with my mother has formed a strong bond between us. Every time I play the piano, it makes the bond between my mother and I stronger. Playing and listening to the piano is a comforting outlet. The music is relaxing. It also has taught me something new. Learning to play the piano takes time and practice. You have to learn about its functions to understand how it works. A piano is considered a musical instrument. Nothing special to it besides that fact that it Get more content on
  • 10. Circular Object Research Paper Place a wooden board with a length of about two meters horizontally. Measure one meter along the board and mark the location. Raise the marked location anywhere from 5 to 10 cm and use a clamp to hold the board still at that height. Grab your first object, record its mass and radius from the axis of rotation, and put it on the marked location. Have one person start the timer when you release the object from rest at the top and record the time it takes for it to reach the bottom. Make sure no slipping occurs and the object follows a linear path downward. Do at least three trails for every object. You should have four different circular Get more content on
  • 11. Reflection Essay : What I Have Learned In Physics What did I learn in physics this year? Physics reveals how our surroundings operate or don't operate. I learned how a microwave oven uses rays with a smaller wavelength than a lightbulb. One thing I learned about physics is that it's all based on math. Having a math disability puts me at a disadvantage against all other students. I understand material better especially if the lesson is taught to me one–on–one and I also don't have a very good memory which doesn't allow me to remember material as fast and easier as others. Let me start off with I know about physics. What I have learned about physics is that this subject is the study of the physical properties that surround us. Physics is how things move and what makes them move. For example, measurements such as velocity and acceleration and how they are used in physics is a major piece of the class. Also, physicists study the forces of gravity, electrical currents, and other numerous forces that hold everything together. Physics is also the study of very large things and very small things. Scientists study the stars, planets, and all other galaxies made up of matter. They also study the smaller pieces of matter such as atoms and electrons. During this year, I have learned the study of sound, light, and waves. We also studied the energy, heat, and radioactivity amongst objects. Physics not only helps us understand how objects move, but also how they change form, go from hot to cold, and what they are made of. One example of what we learned this year is the motion of an object. Motion can be portrayed as using displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, time, and speed. We had focused on the lesson of Newton's first law: an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force. Physics is all about ideas, all about how the universe works and its hidden properties. These ideas help you predict what will happen with matter and its energy to move and change. You do have to make measurements and you do have to use mathematical equations to find your final answer and what will happen. Somebody with a good understanding of physics has an idea of how a car will Get more content on
  • 12. Example Of Interactivity In Inanimate Alice Interactivity can be defined as when one or two users can perform action on the website that they are on. A more specific definition provided by, Techopedia, is "the communication process that takes place between humans and computer software." (1). There are many examples of interactivity, some which may not be as obvious as others. Playing video games, flash websites, and even using objects on your computer such as the mouse and keyboard are examples of interactivity. The Electronic Literature Collection that I chose to discuss is Inanimate Alice. When I clicked on the website link, it brought me straight to interactivity. I was directed to use my mouse to use arrows to scroll the episode. As I was scrolling through the episode, there were Get more content on
  • 13. Descriptive Essay : Inanimate Object Intro of inanimate object. Rommel was known for going against german command and not killing allied commandos as well as sharing water with pow in the african desert. Rommel was one of the few German High Command who didn't participate in war crimes, and is still highly regarded in Germany. Rommel was a smart person who was on the wrong side of history. Before Rommel rose to fame in France and North Africa during the late 1930s and early 1940s he was a soldier in world war 1. Rommel joined the army in 1910. In 1911 he went to officer school. When WW1 broke out in 1914 he was sent to fight. During the war he ranked up quickly due to his known bravery on the battlefield. When he ran out of ammunition he charged three French more content... Very rarely during the entire invasion did anyone know where he was including German high command. And due to his close proximity to the front lines he would very hard to find or contact. He sometimes would even cut all communications with German High Command until after the battle was over when he would then tell them what happened because, he thought that the German High Command didn't know anything about tank warfare. After France he was sent to North Africa to try and help the Italians which had retreated all the way back to Libya due to the British. He immediately took control of the troops in North Africa and attacked. It caught the British completely off guard and forced them to retreat to Tobruk. Because of this he earned the nickname The Desert Fox for his ability to trick and outsmart his enemies. He was at the same time promoted to Field Marshal making him the youngest Field Marshal in history. One of his biggest wins was when he dug holes in a u–shape and put 88mm anti–aircraft guns in the holes so that only the gun had a very low profile and only the barrel peaked out. He then covered the guns with tents making them look like small sand dunes. He had a couple light tanks do a false attack on the british. The british seeing just a couple tanks took the bait and chased after the light tanks. The light tanks drove into the U of guns and the 88mm guns open fired at point blank at the now surrounded Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Narrative: My Objects I found my objects in a variety of locations around town. The first object I discovered was number 16, the hand sanitizer. I was walking across the school parking lot when I noticed the bottle in front of me and immediately thought of my project. The next object was found later that day while I was dropping my sister off at Starbucks. Lying in front of me was a Coors Light beer can that had been run over multiple times. The next object was found while I went on a walk with my dad around his neighborhood to hunt for discarded objects. This area is kept in pristine condition, so it was difficult to locate any objects. However, we did find a piece of a shingle near a house that was being worked on. We spent about twenty minutes walking around and bonding on this trash more content... to look for trash around the block. This area is much more trashy, but the trash is not as valuable. One interesting item we found was the cool whip container lid. My mom and I spent around 45 minutes laughing at all of the trashy people in the neighborhood. We were having so much fun that we decided to move our trash hunting escapades downtown. My mom has a close friend who lives right around the corner from the Farmer's Market, so we met her and her son near the Farmer's Market. I had the brilliant idea of looking near the railroad tracks because not many people walk in this area and there is a fence that can collect trash. It was in this area that we found the majority of the objects for this project. We spent around 15 minutes walking near the tracks before I decided that I had found enough trash for the Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Inanimate Object Nina Ferrer Professor Susan Chapman English 111 21 February 2013 The darkness is slowly scaring me making me feel overwhelmed. I can't see anything. I feel suffocated and musty with all these boxes stocked next to me and on top of me. I've been here for so long and I feel so hopeless and useless. Then suddenly a bright light shines on me and I finally feel free from this very comfortless home. I wish someone would open this lid on top of me so I can breath in fresh air. But here I am staying strong and just patiently waiting. Then suddenly, I am lifted, opened, and place on top of a flat surface. I feel so nervous. I am hearing human voices. My wish is granted. It is my time, and I am free! My thoughts are running, I wonder if more content... My owner finally takes his feet out and puts me on the bed and walks away. Patiently waiting, the little boy comes in rushing, full of energy, and I can see him changing into basketball shorts and putting socks on. Then a sudden whip–lash, he grabs me and he slips his feet inside super fast. He's running now, I can feel myself being stepped on, and I am also stepping on dirty floor. He runs outside, and this is my first time stepping on concrete, I hope I don't get creased or stepped on by other shoes. I am so nervous I can barely catch my breath. I can feel sweat and moist already surround my soles. We finally arrive at the park. I see my fellow basketball shoes all looking very sharp, but I believe nothing can compare to me I am the best, and I am here to make sure I protect my owners ankles and feet and to help him play better, and give him extra boost to hop and jump. As my owner is running, I see the ball being dribbled in front of me. As scared as I am as of now, I have to face this. This is my job. My owner and I just jumped. And before I knew it I was back on the ground. Here I am still keeping up and running. I've gotten stepped on so many times. I am exhausted. I'm moving left to right, and running back and fourth a full court so fast. I just want. I have so many scratches and dirt on me from all the other shoes. I hope my owner finishes playing already. Before I can take one final breath, he suddenly Get more content on
  • 16. As children grow and develop, the way the experience the world around them also develops. Animism is giving life like qualities to inanimate objects. We see animism everyday, but we often do not realize that is what we are seeing. An example of animism is a child thinking that his or her toys has to go to sleep when he or she does. Egocentrism is another trait or behavior that is often seen in young children. This concept refers to a child's inability to think or reason like another individual; simply put, they are only about to think like themselves. Egocentric children may seem to be self–centered, but the fact is they have not developed to ability to think outside of their own box. An example of egocentrism can be seen in the way a child Get more content on
  • 17. Object Relation Essay In accordance with Object Relations theory, Tom's reaction can also be explained by reviewing his background. Tom is the eldest son, with two younger sisters to highly successful and educated parents. He climbs that he succeeded in in school and sports, felt independent, and had a couple close friends. Within this theory, the "relationships between people, in particular within afamily. A basic tenet is that we are driven to form relationships with others and that failure to form successful early relationships leads to later problems." (GoodTherapy) Young children internalize representations of their reality. Such as how when he would be left home alone or with a babysitter he would show signs of anger and crying. According to this theory, Get more content on
  • 18. Personification: Story Of Inanimate Object How can you use personification to tell the story of this inanimate object? Write a summary of this object's life below! For this project the item that I chose to write a story about was the american dollar bill for my project. The American dollar was born in the united states of America. The location they are built in are two different bureaus within the department of treasury. A Bureaus is an office or department for transacting particular business. The materials that 1 dollar is made out a fake type of "paper". it is not really paper from trees but it is a special type of paper called crane paper. There are over 65 steps in making 1 dollar but I will only list the most important. it is made out of 75 percent cotton and 25 percent linen. Get more content on
  • 19. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's epic novel The Great Gatsby, he explores inanimate objects to represent reality in the novel through the main protagonist Gatsby. These inanimate objects are seen through Gatsby's optimistic future, the pursuit of the American Dream, and social rank of the characters. One of the most significant objects that's important is the green dock light at the end of Daisy's house. Jay Gatsby lives in his dream where he imagines himself and Daisy together. But he never seems to achieve that goal. The green light is used in the novel as the failure of Daisy and Gatsby's future. Gatsby is so optimistic about his future with Daisy, he felt that in order to achieve the American Dream he needs to successful win Daisy'slove. Daisy Get more content on