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Chinese art Essay
Chinese Art
The Chinese culture is a very interesting topic to learn about. They have many beliefs, customs and traditions that make them unique. Art was very
important to the Chinese culture. It was a way to express or symbolize emotions. The Chinese display many different styles as well as techniques to
express who they truly are and believe.
Art began in China in stone structures. Large carvings were carried out by families rather than one particular person. Throughout the years, Chinese art
has evolved into carvings, weavings, ceramics, wall paintings, silk paintings, sculpture, and a technique known as origami. The International Exhibition
of Chinese Art which opened more content...
Also, a vast collection of silk paintings were unfortunately burned. Many Chinese paintings, fortunately, are in fact preserved. The exhibition at
Burlington House held a selection of the treasures that China had to offer. There is a wide variety of old Chinese paintings but some are not certain as
to the date created and authorship. Also, in the British Museum is a painting attributed to Ku K'ai–chin which represents the design of the period of the
Chin Dynasty. Chinese paintings were and still are today, of great importance.
Ceramics of the Chinese culture displayed the finest works of
3. craftsmanship. Pottery was a procurable material for the Chinese and showed the changing phases of thought. Architecture and sculpture are difficult
to access and have perished with the lapse of years. Early art must be studied but some ceramics are too destructible to illustrate the spirit of their time.
Chinese sculpture has come a long way over the years. The sculpting of the human form was not of great importance to the Chinese. Their greatest
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My Assumptions About China And Chinese Culture
Introduction Doing business in China may require more patience and understanding the culture before adventuring in taking a foreign assignment.
There are several factors that need to be looked at before taking the assignment, knowledge, skills, and culture understanding, knowing how to negotiate
and knowing when to except the idea. There are traditions and customs that China has that have to be known before anyone conducting business in
China needs to know. China is based on an old system of proper manners and etiquette when doing business. Doing business in China you need to know
their customs and know how to communicate effectively but there are more things that need to be looked at such as political differences, building trust
and respecting Chinese culture. As part of this paper I will answer several questions about my assumptions about China, adjusting my behavior on a
business trip to China, Chinese managers running a business in the United States and if I would be less interested in taking a foreign assignment.
Has the presentation challenged any assumptions you had about china and the Chinese people? Yes, I think the assumptions are how the media has
described China and how they are promoting self interest over the company they work for and how forward they are and how they will just pop in
without any appointments. The one thing that stood out is how, managers unanimously indicated that speed of decision making and execution in China
is extraordinary
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Characteristics Of Chinese Culture
Chinese culture is rare, diverse, and one of the oldest in the world. Chinese culture is ancient, originating thousands of years ago, and has been true to
its ancient roots while concurrently remaining dynamic through many generations. Today, China is a nation with a Communist political structure, and
a promptly changing economy that is altering the face of the nation. China's cultural diversity is phenomenal, due to the existence of over 50 unique
ethnic groups, and today the nation's cultural identity is a proud culmination of these groups. Their influences have blended inseparably into a national
and cultural identity that plays a major role in our modern, globalized world. Chinese culture has contributed an invaluable amount to human society, in
the form of tradition, art, writing, and countless other examples.
According to Kim Ann Zimmerman, Culture is defined as "the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything
from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts" (Zimmerman, 2015, para. 1). There can be countless characteristics of culture, but five
basic characteristics that define a culture are that it is learned, shared, integrated, dynamic, and based on symbols (nowaczyk). "Learned" means that
culture has to be taught to an individual, no one is born with a sense of their culture. "Shared" means that culture is common to its members, and allows
them to act in socially appropriate ways with one another.
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The Culture Of A Chinese Culture
Chinese companies belongs to the family corporate culture type, it has a person oriented culture. The ethnics of the person are more important than
the task he or she takes. The leader makes decision and dominates. Malagasy culture is more based on laws and regulations. A Chinese values survey
is developed by Hofstede and Bond(1980) to explore cultural values in 22 Asian and western countries from the Chinese social values. In this survey,
Confucian dynamism which refer to "the acceptance of legitimacy of hierarchy and valuing of perseverance and thrift, all without undue emphasis on
tradition and social obligations which could impede business initiative" (Franke, Hostede and Bond 1991, p.167 quoted in Lin & Ho 2009). It is found
out to boost the performance of national economics. Confucianism is one of the foundation of Chinese culture, which shape the way of competing and
managing human resource (Lin & Ho 2009). This human oriented theory, can be applied to themanagement of business organizations and human
resource management. This character is also valued in Malagasy culture. These characters are important for a healthy business environment although
they may take on a different form. Due to the effect of China 's long–term planned economy and traditional culture, managers advocate, moralize,
emphasize the process from cultivation oneself to pacify others, pursue stability and fear change, don 't take risk, thus it hard for them to catch
unanticipated opportunities ,
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The Importance Of Chinese Culture
The country I would like to teach in would be in China, specifically Shenzhen. Chinese culture is vast and unique and has been changed through many
factors throughout history. Mainland China is a beautiful place right next to to the equally beautiful Hong Kong. Shenzhen itself has been influenced
by western culture just like Hong Kong has, but with its roots in the mainland, it still maintains its policies and traditions. It's culture can be considered
a hybrid of both Mainland and Hong Kong China due to proximity.
In China, there's the culture you see on the surface and the culture you see below the surface. There are many real world lifestyle differences that
can be perceived and even more that must be experienced. When moving to China, you will first encounter surface level cultural differences, some
of which being population density and dress expectations. Population in China is vastly different and much denser than the U.S. or most places in
the world for that matter. "China has over 160 cities with a population of over 1 million" as stated by the University of Missouri, Kansas City. In
China, dressing is much different as well, clothing styles that would be considered the norm in America can be considered taboo in China. In the U.S.
showing some skin is perfectly acceptable due to the general agreement body confidence is good. But if you wear something revealing (e.g. a crop
top), it comes with a very negative connotation, people asssuming your in a lucrative
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A Brief Introduction for Chinese Culture
A brief introduction for Chinese culture
Cultural background
China, as one of the four homes of the world's earliest civilization, has a recorded history of nearly 4,000 years. Through centuries of migration,
merging and development, it has formed a distinctive system of language, writing, philosophy, art and political organization, which came to be
recognized as Chinese culture.
It originated from Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasty, which was known as slave culture period. Xia culture represented the early Chinese culture and Zhou
culture contributed to the form of more than 2000 years of feudalism culture in China. The May 4th Movement of 1919 was also an important date
because it symbolized that it entered into more content...
This means that Chinese, in general, is a collective society that strives for harmony and group belonging, whether to family, friends, work, or country.
The Chinese are more willing to suppress their own feelings and needs for the good of the group. This value has been passed down the Chinese
culture from folklores where martyrs sacrificed their lives for their community or country ever since the dynastical eras 5,000 years ago.
The arrival of western cultural value stroke Chinese traditional culture values and helped to discard some backward or bad parts of traditional values.
Moreover, it also brought something new such as freedom, charity, democracy and etc.
Cultural norms
–saving face and losing face
'Fcae' stands for one's position in a certain social group. It's related to honor, good reputation or respect. Consequently, loss of face is not simply a
form of embarrassment. Saving face is another concept. Chinese people respect a person who is friendly and who carefully avoids hurting the feelings
of others. Loud, untactful or boisterous behavior is usually regarded as very poor taste.
– greeting
When meeting for the first time, a handshake is the most common greeting. In order to express some special esteem, to those elderly people or
government officials, a slight bow might be given.
When visiting a family it is appropriate to
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Essay on The Culture and History of China
Over the last 3000 years, China has had many inspirational leaders who have greatly influenced China's economy, literature, and philosophy. Not only
have each one of China's historical and contemporary leaders had an impact on China as a nation, but many of their ideas have flourished throughout
literature which has allowed other countries around the world to attain those ideas and learn from them. One of China's great leaders whose ideas,
theories and philosophical ponderings have had a great impact on China's ancient and modern day societies is Master Confucius. Confucius has
inspired the literature of modern and ancient China through important books which are still being read by Chinese authors today. Moreover, Confucius
has more content...
When the people of China were amazed by his well written and idealistic books, the words spread of Confucius' great works of literature, which meant
that more people would begin following Confucius. In one of his novels titled "The Classic of History," Confucius not only discusses from a literal
standpoint about the history of China, but he also discusses the religious and philosophical aspect of Chinese history. This brought many priests and
religious leaders from all around China to follow and understand the literature of Confucius. From a modern standpoint, the ancient and influential
Confucian literature is still being read and more modern Chinese writers such as Sung–Yat–Sen, Liang Sou–Ming, Chin Yue–Ling still followed the
ideas of Confucius' writing. They believed that the ideas of the Confucian texts were very inspirational and influential as they began to use his style
of writing as well as the basis of his ideas to start their writing. It is remarkable how the writing of a man who lived over 3000 years ago can still be
inspiring people today in China to cherish literature and be amazed by his books.
Confucius has had many major impacts on the philosophy of ancient and modern China which are shown through his significant theories and ideas. His
ideas are what define the philosophy of ancient China as they introduce a new philosophical perspective to people. Confucius' impact on Chinese
philosophy began when he
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Chinese Culture Essay
–––––– American Born Chinese Children under Chinese Culture
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, socialization is "the process of learning interpersonal and interactional skills that are in conformity
with the values of one's society" (American Heritage). It is a process of learning culture. During socialization, children will acquire attitudes, norms,
values, behaviors, personalities, etc. within agencies of socialization, which were described as "Agencies of socialization are structured groups or
contexts within which significant processes of socialization occur." according to the sociology terminology (Gidden 1). Socialization always begins
very early in life. It starts from childhood and continues more content...
According to Huabin Chen and William Lan, cultural and historical background will influence people's behavior. TheChinese culture is more
family–oriented. The family or society takes priority over values of the individuals. Chinese people have very strong family loyalty and
cohesiveness (Chen 2). In China, Children at a very early age will be trained to be more responsible to the family. They become more likely to obey
and respect their parents; otherwise, they will feel guilty of disgracing their families. What happens to Chinese immigrant families in USA? In the
Youth Radio website, an ABC was interviewed and expressed her own feeling regarding to the identity. Christina, a teen ABC said: "What do you do
when American values clash with the values of your family? If you please your parents, you're unhappy, but if you don't please them, they're unhappy.
You can't win." (Kwong 1). There are a lot of different norms, values, life styles, beliefs and language between theChinese culture and American
culture. So, many teen ABC's always suffer the conflict from the Chinese traditional immigrant families as well as from American society. Also, one
teen ABC told in Youth Radio that, "My parents don't really need to tell me what they want from me...I've instilled their Chinese values in myself. But
my mind and heart are both Chinese and American, no labels necessary." (Kwong 1).
Meanwhile, parents' expectations will deeply influence
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Chinese Culture
Dara Murphy 112519063 Chinese Culture Essay: There are many different aspects to Chinese culture that make it so broad and interesting. I will be
focusing mainly on the more modern features to the culture and how it has changed from the traditional culture. Chinese culture is one of the oldest
cultures out there today. I personally find the culture as a whole very interesting and intriguing and I extremely enjoyed learning about the ancient
culture that is still ever so prominent today. It consists of many old traditions that have been carried forward into the twenty– first century. Customs and
traditions do vary as your travel through the many town villages and also through the twenty– two provinces. Some of the more
It varies from year to year. The year just gone 2012 is celebrated on the twenty– third of January, this year however it will be held on the tenth of
February. With every year there is an animal sign to go with it. 2012 was the year of the dragon; this coming year would be the year of the snake.
A different animal represents each year. There are twelve animals in total and they rotate around. I am the ear of the rooster. As the New Year
comes a new animal is selected to symbolize the year ahead. The Chinese New Year is a very superstitious time for the Chinese people. The are
very aware of "bad spirits" each year they but colorful prints on their front doors of the God Zhangkui this is for the protection for the next year
from bad an devil spirits. Another way they drive off evil spirits is to light fireworks. The Chinese people as a whole are very superstitious. When
buying presents you have to be quite careful because unknowingly you could insult them when really you are just presenting a gift to them, other
times they might not accept them. It is a known fact not to buy a clock for a Chinese person. Although it was meant as a pleasant gesture in the
Chinese culture a clock represents death. If presented with a clock, the Chinese people will actually give the price of the clock back to in a way
cancel out the superstition. A green hat is also a symbol of a bad present. It signifies that you will have an affair and it's a present you do not give to
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Chinese Culture
China and its' Culture The older and the more I grow up the more I realize how different cultures are around the world. Based on geography and and
size many different things can vary. One culture that sticks out to me and was something that for me is very unusual is the Chinese culture. Based on
one's his or hers ancestors people in China differentiate their culture in language, population, religion, and food. To begin, language is something
that differentiates us and for China they all speak chinese. There are seven main groups of dialect which each have their own variations. Mandarin
dialect is spoken by about 71.5 percent of the population, then the Wu which is 8.5 percent, the Yue which is also known as the Cantonese and is
spoken by about 5 percent. Then is the Xiang and the amount of people who speak it is 4.8 percent, Min is 4.1 percent, and Hakka is 3.7 percent,
and lastly, is Gan and only 2.4 percent speak it. Standard Chinese which as I mentioned above is Mandarin, is based on the Beijing dialect and as from
the amount of population that speaks it you can see that it would be the national language. In schools and things this is the language that is taught but
based on where in China you live it can vary. Language variations are more common in areas like central and southern China. When looking more into
actually how their language looks it is quite interesting. They use characters and little marks, thoughts, or principles. They use what is called the
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Essay on Chinese Culture Traditions
The dictionary defines "culture" as "the behavior and beliefs characteristics of a
particular social, ethnic, or age group". I am Chinese–American also known as ABC,
American Born Chinese. I speak Cantonese and English. My parents are both from China.
I was born in Manhattan, New York, and raised in New York. There are many different
things from my culture that are different from other culture's. Many people with different
culture's have different foods, holidays, and religions, which makes us all special and
different in our own ways. The Chinese culture has many special characteristics which are
very interesting for people to learn, and delicious food to try.
Some types of common Chinese food are rice, more content...
Chinese New Yearis a big holiday in Chinese history. This holiday is when
children receive red packets with money inside from married and elders. Many children
like this holiday because it is where children receive money besides on their birthdays.
Chinese New Year has been a tradition for many years. Chinese New Year is determined
by the Chinese New Year calendar and therefore it is also called the Lunar New Year. This
holiday can last for up to weeks. During this holiday your home may be filled with
friends and relatives visits. New clothes are worn to show a new year. The color red, in
Chinese New Year is very important it is used in most decorations. The color red
symbolizes happiness.
Many people may not have tried "Dim sum" before. Dim sum is where a variety of steamed, cooked foods such as spare ribs, shrimp dumplings,
chicken feet and etc. They also serve desserts and fruits. Tea is a main part of dim sum. Chinese people believed that (bolay) tea can help you in your
digestion system. Dim sum is served usually in the mornings until two o'clock. Many families get together during Dim sum, along with holidays such
as Chinese New Year's, birthdays, etc. As for many Chinese people during theMid–Autumn festival, Moon cakes are eaten. Moon cakes are round or
rectangular shaped, with different designs on top. Inside there is a thick filling that have many different flavors such as lotus seed
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Chinese Culture vs. Western and American Culture There are many different aspects on Ancient Chinese culture that differ from Western and American
culture. Many things such as education, marriage, and community type can be different from what we have in our Western civilization. Although
Chinese culture has evolved through many, many years some ancient traditions still uphold. There are a wide variety of differences between the
Chinese and Western cultures forms of art and literature. One example of this is the importance of architecture inChina. While the Chinese build large
and extravagant buildings, the history of the architecture and the buildings themselves are relatively unimportant to them. There is hard to find any more content...
This is because most things are done electronically in western culture. Neat handwriting is nearly an unnecessary trait because so much is now typed
instead of handwritten. Poetry even in its truest form in the western cultures is all typed and published into informal books or online. The Chinese
culture would greatly frown upon this. The Chinese view it as an art of its own. It's so important to them in fact that poets and writers are distinct by
their handwriting and calligraphy abilities. "There is hardly anyone is Europe so well informed or so perceptive that he can say for certain whether a
given specimen of writing is, or clearly is not, by, say Chao Meng–fu or Tung Ch'i Ch'ang and done with his own hand" (Speiser 18).He goes on by
saying, "Calligraphy is one great category of art that remains almost a closed book for the US" (Speiser 18). The difference is likely due to language
and written language differences. While the words on a page in Western cultures have very little symbolism, and are just letters in coordination with an
object or idea; Chinese written language is based on full words and objects and ideas. In Chinese culture there is no combination of letters, there is only
elegant symbols that are written out to portray meaning or represent an object. This gives the Chinese an advantage in their artistic freedom on how
they wish to write something, that Western cultures do not have.
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Chinese Literature And Culture Of China
Chinese Literature and Culture Literature has a very important role to play in society and in the lives of all the people. It is an immeasurable realm
and its influence is far beyond the reaches of people and one's own comprehension of mind. It is such an enormous expanse that one would begin to
articulate some form of response. Chinese literature, to many westerners, has not been easily accessible as it had remained hidden in the higher strata
of the society "shi da fu (士大夫)" in Chinese culture. In the long history of China, each dynasty has carried down magnificent and brilliant work
that is considered a treasure and holds a significant amount of contribution in passing the legacy of the profound series of events and works done by
them. Chinese literature is interwoven with its own reigning cultural tradition, its own tastes, values and its own theoretical system (Bond, 1996). It
has its own way of reflecting the high spirit it possesses in the form of art and its social climate by encompassing a variety of forms and a series of
genres such as fictions, dramas, poetries, astrology and essays. Much of the Chinese literature, culture and philosophy were developed during the rule
of Zhou dynasty. In a chronological order, Chinese culture can be classified on the basis of four main periods: Classical literature, Modern Chinese
literature, Contemporary Chinese literature and the present–age Chinese literature.
Classical Chinese literature is referred to an earlier period
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Chinese Culture Essay example
Throughout China's encased history it has developed much differently than western parts of the world. Chinese culture varies greatly compared to ours.
These great differences between eastern culture and western culture make China a very interesting place. Some of the vast differences include
literature, social structure, and government. The greatest difference is
Chinese philosophy and way of thinking. China has developed a strict system of tradition that has given China great advantages and disadvantages. This
is shown in
Chinese literature. Tradition in China is a set of unwritten laws. This is why China turned its eyes from the outside world and looked in. China found
everything it needed in
Tradition (4). The strong traditions more content...
The traditions gave one a feeling of not the individual but the whole as a group.
People grew up knowing their part in the world and strive to do that well. They learn to acknowledge their emperor as the
"Son of Heaven" (4). Everything someone does, is done for their county, and their duty in life. Chinese literature shows that when
everything is done for tradition and the individual is not priority, many people get forced into a hard and unfair lifestyle. This is shown in the movie
"Raise the Red Lantern" when the tradition made the lives of four wives strict and dependent on the master and whom he chose each night.
Their lives were so strict on tradition that one of the wives lost her life because that is what tradition said should happen if she broke a rule (1). In
other cases nothing could be learned or changed because of the restriction of tradition.
Such was in the movie "The Forbidden City." In this movie it also showed how the customs of the concubines and unics were very
constricting to their lives (3). In the book "Six
Records of a Floating Life" tradition creates the impracticality of a test for magistrates that is purely literary but decides the head of a certain
area of land (2). In China tradition and customs has done a lot but has hindered the life of many of its people. Finally after thousands of years, the
withdrawn China was being seen by the western world.
Soon after, European explorers slowly started
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Ancient Chinese Culture Essay example
While the fertile banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, and Indus rivers were giving rise to thriving civilizations in the Middle East and India, the same was
happening along the banks of the Yellow River in China. A civilization arose untouched by the outside world in parallel to those of Mesopotamia,
Harappa, and Mohenjo–Daro. The Yellow River civilization not only mirrored the advances made in the other two civilizations but also contributed
unique ones of their own.
Due to China's geographical location – high mountains of the Tibetan Plateau to the west and vast deserts of the Gobi to the north – communication
with the West and South Asia was difficult. Nomadic horsemen to the north referred to as "barbarians" began raiding China more content...
The Chinese language is unlike the languages of Eurasia, which were created by cross–fertilization from trade and military conquests. China continues
to use a logographic system today– bearing a very strong resemblance to the writing of three thousand years ago – as opposed to alphabets. Being one
of the oldest continually used writing systems has its benefits. Chinese scholars are able to comprehend their own ancient texts with more ease than
other civilizations. The Chinese writing system was standardized during the Qin dynasty and eventually adopted by their neighbors– Japan and Korea.
Writing facilitated the development of a bureaucratic state and literacy was restricted to the class of elite. The early Chinese books were made of
cumbersome strips of bamboo. Silk was substituted as writing material in 2nd century B.C.E. A breakthrough in Chinese literature came with the
invention of paper in 2nd century A.D. The creation of paper gave rise to the production of books. Chinese history is resplendent with great literary
works such as the Book of Songs – the earliest collection of Chinese poetry – and the Book of Documents – one of the earliest of the "Confucian"
classics. The method of printing whole pages from wooden blocks was discovered under the Tang dynasty (618 – 906). It was perfected and widely
used by the 10th century. Books could be made cheaply and more people had access to texts. All these inventions
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Chinese Cuisine
Chinese Cuisine – The Food of China
China's food is very unique and traditional. Grains are the main food in China. Rice is the favorite grain among the people in the South. In the
north, people prefer wheat, which they make in to bread and noodles. Corn millet, and sorghum are also eaten. Vegetables, especially cabbage and
Tofu rank second in Chinese diet. Roasted sweet potatoes are a popular snack eaten by the Chinese. Pork and poultry are the favorite meats in China.
The people also like eggs, fish, fruit, and shellfish. Chop Suey originated in China. Chop sticks and soup spoons are served as the only utensils at a
Chinese meal. Tea is the traditional Chinese beverage. Ice–cream has gained popularity in China. more content...
Food in China is mostly stir–fried rapidly in oil at a very high temperature. Fujian Cuisine is famous for delicately cooked fish and crabs for soups and
for flavorings such as soy–sauce.
Breakfast in China may be rice porridge, chicken noodle soup, or deep fried pastries that taste like donuts. In China the people's favorite lunch time
foods include eggrolls, and dumplings filled with meat or shrimp. A typical Chinese dinner includes vegetables with bits of meat or seafood, soup, and
rice and noodles.
A Chinese cuisine has definite rules for the appropriate combining of the ingredients into dishes, and dishes in to an appropriate meal. A typical home
meal for no special purpose might include boiled rice, soup, steamed fish, and stir–fried pork with vegitables. Each dish is in a separate category. 1. The
cooking method 2. Appearance 3. Texture. Main ingredients are all different. Asian individual dishes, flavors, textures and ingredients should
complement and harmonize each other, rather than being the same. Food must strike attention in good cuisine cooking. Chef Martin Yan is the best of
Asian Chefs. He has his own TV show called "Yan Can
Cook" which now airs in 70 countries for the past 19 years. He recently took a trip to Boston to have a cooking duel with a French chef named Jacky
Robert. In Boston Yan turned similar sets of ingredients into
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Essay about China
The World is forever in debt to China for its innovations. Ancient China was extreme advance and many of its discoveries are still in use today. This is
what Robert
Temple, the author of The Genius of China 3000 years of science, discovery and invention. The book is based on 11 main parts of Chinese innovation.
Within these 11 categories, there are 3 main parts that contain the most significant inventions. Robert
Temple concentrates the bulk of his examples in these three categories, agriculture, domestic and industrial technology , and engineering. Temple's
examples were not limited to these fields of innovation. The Chinese excelled in many other areas, including mathematics, warfare and transportation,
to name a few. more content...
But then, no one else could have done so at the time, since iron existed nowhere else but in China.
The Chinese invented the chain pump in the first century AD The chain pump allows water to the pumped from lower to higher elevations. The
chain pumps were used for draining and pumping in civil engineering, but what is more important is it was used for irrigation. Irrigation allows for
greater and more intense farming, thus resulting in a better crop yield. With the greater crop yields larger populations can be supported. The chain
pump was exported to all parts of the world by way of visiting ambassadors and dignitaries. The first European chain pump appeared in the sixteenth
century, and was a direct copy of the Chinese version.
The second area of great Chinese achievement is in domestic and industrial technology. The most recognized Chineseinvention is in the field of
domestic and industrial technology, paper. Paper was invented around the second century BC and was used as clothing. One might not believe that
paper could be used as clothing, but the paper made at that time used thicker and tougher paper fibers. Not only was paper used for clothing, it was
also used for military body armor. The Chinese found out that pleated sheets of paper could stop the penetration of arrows. The paper armor was
standard issue with Chinese land and sea units. Paper's writing property was not
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How Chinese Culture Has Changed Over The Years
Chinese culture is truly one of the great civilization our world has come across. It boasts a vast geographic expanse, over 4000 years of written
history, as well as a rich and profound traditional society. Many aspects of Chinese civilization can be traced back many centuries. It is so diverse and
unique, yet harmoniously blended, and presents itself a priceless benefit to the world.
One of the integral parts of Chinese culture that was not thoroughly discussed in class is the role Chinese women played in ancient traditional society
and how it has transformed in the many historical changes is the way of life in china. I aim to speak on women in ancient times, women at the end of
feudal society as well as the role of women in present day China.
I chose this topic because I view women as the backbone to the development or a nation, therefore the Chinese woman is paramount in one of the
world's great civilizations. The role of women in Chinese culture has changed over the years. When we consider the position that women held in
ancient Chinese society we find that they have come a long way to be where they are today.
The family structure has traditionally been the basic unit of Chinese society, where women have long been given the task of the continuation of the
society 's core values, in their roles as wives and mothers. While the expected values have evolved with time, from the imperial period to the
Communist revolution to the modern day, this responsibility for women has
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Essay On Chinese Culture
"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people." Mahatma Gandhi. A person's culture is a big part of person's day to day life,
it sets shared attitudes, values and goals. It decided what we wear, eat and do; how we walk, how we talk. Culture is one word that defines how we
live our life whether we notice it or not. As an RN's or any medical professional we are responsible for understanding and respecting our patients and
their beliefs. Asian American culture has many traditions, and beliefs that are very important to consider for all medical professionals.
During the health care interview it beneficial for medical personal to be aware of cultural beliefs and practice, health benefits, diet specifics, death and more content...
Chinese patient will not look straight into person's eye as it is sign of disrespect. Nurse should keep in mind when giving instruction to avoid looking
into patient eye.
Psychosomatic Integration where patient will convert mental illness into physical symptom. Chinese patient will incorporate psychological condition
into physiological problems and treated as one.
Respect to Authority. Patient will not verbalize any doubts in medical treatment in front of the medical personnel, but they don't agree they will not be
compliant with treatment. This could puzzle medical person thinking that patient is not compliant with any treatment rather than looking for a different
treatment. In addition, in sign of respect to medical personal Chinese patient will nod when listening, this can confuse a nurse and give an idea that
patient understand. Nurse has to verify that patient understand what is going on and not just nodding out of respect.
Chinese believe that decision should be made by the oldest male figure in the family. Such as a father, husband, or the oldest son in the family.
Mental Health problem is considered shameful. Patient will not admit to having a problem and they will just ignore the doctor's treatment and refuse
In Chinese culture medication are taken as a last resort, and will only be taken until the symptoms go away and stop after. If patients don't see any
symptoms they will
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Chinese Art Essay

  • 1. Chinese art Essay Chinese Art The Chinese culture is a very interesting topic to learn about. They have many beliefs, customs and traditions that make them unique. Art was very important to the Chinese culture. It was a way to express or symbolize emotions. The Chinese display many different styles as well as techniques to express who they truly are and believe. Art began in China in stone structures. Large carvings were carried out by families rather than one particular person. Throughout the years, Chinese art has evolved into carvings, weavings, ceramics, wall paintings, silk paintings, sculpture, and a technique known as origami. The International Exhibition of Chinese Art which opened more content... Also, a vast collection of silk paintings were unfortunately burned. Many Chinese paintings, fortunately, are in fact preserved. The exhibition at Burlington House held a selection of the treasures that China had to offer. There is a wide variety of old Chinese paintings but some are not certain as to the date created and authorship. Also, in the British Museum is a painting attributed to Ku K'ai–chin which represents the design of the period of the Chin Dynasty. Chinese paintings were and still are today, of great importance. Ceramics of the Chinese culture displayed the finest works of 3. craftsmanship. Pottery was a procurable material for the Chinese and showed the changing phases of thought. Architecture and sculpture are difficult to access and have perished with the lapse of years. Early art must be studied but some ceramics are too destructible to illustrate the spirit of their time. Chinese sculpture has come a long way over the years. The sculpting of the human form was not of great importance to the Chinese. Their greatest sculptures Get more content on
  • 2. My Assumptions About China And Chinese Culture Introduction Doing business in China may require more patience and understanding the culture before adventuring in taking a foreign assignment. There are several factors that need to be looked at before taking the assignment, knowledge, skills, and culture understanding, knowing how to negotiate and knowing when to except the idea. There are traditions and customs that China has that have to be known before anyone conducting business in China needs to know. China is based on an old system of proper manners and etiquette when doing business. Doing business in China you need to know their customs and know how to communicate effectively but there are more things that need to be looked at such as political differences, building trust and respecting Chinese culture. As part of this paper I will answer several questions about my assumptions about China, adjusting my behavior on a business trip to China, Chinese managers running a business in the United States and if I would be less interested in taking a foreign assignment. Has the presentation challenged any assumptions you had about china and the Chinese people? Yes, I think the assumptions are how the media has described China and how they are promoting self interest over the company they work for and how forward they are and how they will just pop in without any appointments. The one thing that stood out is how, managers unanimously indicated that speed of decision making and execution in China is extraordinary Get more content on
  • 3. Characteristics Of Chinese Culture Chinese culture is rare, diverse, and one of the oldest in the world. Chinese culture is ancient, originating thousands of years ago, and has been true to its ancient roots while concurrently remaining dynamic through many generations. Today, China is a nation with a Communist political structure, and a promptly changing economy that is altering the face of the nation. China's cultural diversity is phenomenal, due to the existence of over 50 unique ethnic groups, and today the nation's cultural identity is a proud culmination of these groups. Their influences have blended inseparably into a national and cultural identity that plays a major role in our modern, globalized world. Chinese culture has contributed an invaluable amount to human society, in the form of tradition, art, writing, and countless other examples. According to Kim Ann Zimmerman, Culture is defined as "the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts" (Zimmerman, 2015, para. 1). There can be countless characteristics of culture, but five basic characteristics that define a culture are that it is learned, shared, integrated, dynamic, and based on symbols (nowaczyk). "Learned" means that culture has to be taught to an individual, no one is born with a sense of their culture. "Shared" means that culture is common to its members, and allows them to act in socially appropriate ways with one another. Get more content on
  • 4. The Culture Of A Chinese Culture Chinese companies belongs to the family corporate culture type, it has a person oriented culture. The ethnics of the person are more important than the task he or she takes. The leader makes decision and dominates. Malagasy culture is more based on laws and regulations. A Chinese values survey is developed by Hofstede and Bond(1980) to explore cultural values in 22 Asian and western countries from the Chinese social values. In this survey, Confucian dynamism which refer to "the acceptance of legitimacy of hierarchy and valuing of perseverance and thrift, all without undue emphasis on tradition and social obligations which could impede business initiative" (Franke, Hostede and Bond 1991, p.167 quoted in Lin & Ho 2009). It is found out to boost the performance of national economics. Confucianism is one of the foundation of Chinese culture, which shape the way of competing and managing human resource (Lin & Ho 2009). This human oriented theory, can be applied to themanagement of business organizations and human resource management. This character is also valued in Malagasy culture. These characters are important for a healthy business environment although they may take on a different form. Due to the effect of China 's long–term planned economy and traditional culture, managers advocate, moralize, emphasize the process from cultivation oneself to pacify others, pursue stability and fear change, don 't take risk, thus it hard for them to catch unanticipated opportunities , Get more content on
  • 5. The Importance Of Chinese Culture The country I would like to teach in would be in China, specifically Shenzhen. Chinese culture is vast and unique and has been changed through many factors throughout history. Mainland China is a beautiful place right next to to the equally beautiful Hong Kong. Shenzhen itself has been influenced by western culture just like Hong Kong has, but with its roots in the mainland, it still maintains its policies and traditions. It's culture can be considered a hybrid of both Mainland and Hong Kong China due to proximity. In China, there's the culture you see on the surface and the culture you see below the surface. There are many real world lifestyle differences that can be perceived and even more that must be experienced. When moving to China, you will first encounter surface level cultural differences, some of which being population density and dress expectations. Population in China is vastly different and much denser than the U.S. or most places in the world for that matter. "China has over 160 cities with a population of over 1 million" as stated by the University of Missouri, Kansas City. In China, dressing is much different as well, clothing styles that would be considered the norm in America can be considered taboo in China. In the U.S. showing some skin is perfectly acceptable due to the general agreement body confidence is good. But if you wear something revealing (e.g. a crop top), it comes with a very negative connotation, people asssuming your in a lucrative Get more content on
  • 6. A Brief Introduction for Chinese Culture A brief introduction for Chinese culture Cultural background China, as one of the four homes of the world's earliest civilization, has a recorded history of nearly 4,000 years. Through centuries of migration, merging and development, it has formed a distinctive system of language, writing, philosophy, art and political organization, which came to be recognized as Chinese culture. It originated from Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasty, which was known as slave culture period. Xia culture represented the early Chinese culture and Zhou culture contributed to the form of more than 2000 years of feudalism culture in China. The May 4th Movement of 1919 was also an important date because it symbolized that it entered into more content... –collectivism This means that Chinese, in general, is a collective society that strives for harmony and group belonging, whether to family, friends, work, or country. The Chinese are more willing to suppress their own feelings and needs for the good of the group. This value has been passed down the Chinese culture from folklores where martyrs sacrificed their lives for their community or country ever since the dynastical eras 5,000 years ago. The arrival of western cultural value stroke Chinese traditional culture values and helped to discard some backward or bad parts of traditional values. Moreover, it also brought something new such as freedom, charity, democracy and etc. Cultural norms –saving face and losing face 'Fcae' stands for one's position in a certain social group. It's related to honor, good reputation or respect. Consequently, loss of face is not simply a form of embarrassment. Saving face is another concept. Chinese people respect a person who is friendly and who carefully avoids hurting the feelings of others. Loud, untactful or boisterous behavior is usually regarded as very poor taste. – greeting When meeting for the first time, a handshake is the most common greeting. In order to express some special esteem, to those elderly people or government officials, a slight bow might be given. –gift
  • 7. When visiting a family it is appropriate to Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on The Culture and History of China Over the last 3000 years, China has had many inspirational leaders who have greatly influenced China's economy, literature, and philosophy. Not only have each one of China's historical and contemporary leaders had an impact on China as a nation, but many of their ideas have flourished throughout literature which has allowed other countries around the world to attain those ideas and learn from them. One of China's great leaders whose ideas, theories and philosophical ponderings have had a great impact on China's ancient and modern day societies is Master Confucius. Confucius has inspired the literature of modern and ancient China through important books which are still being read by Chinese authors today. Moreover, Confucius has more content... When the people of China were amazed by his well written and idealistic books, the words spread of Confucius' great works of literature, which meant that more people would begin following Confucius. In one of his novels titled "The Classic of History," Confucius not only discusses from a literal standpoint about the history of China, but he also discusses the religious and philosophical aspect of Chinese history. This brought many priests and religious leaders from all around China to follow and understand the literature of Confucius. From a modern standpoint, the ancient and influential Confucian literature is still being read and more modern Chinese writers such as Sung–Yat–Sen, Liang Sou–Ming, Chin Yue–Ling still followed the ideas of Confucius' writing. They believed that the ideas of the Confucian texts were very inspirational and influential as they began to use his style of writing as well as the basis of his ideas to start their writing. It is remarkable how the writing of a man who lived over 3000 years ago can still be inspiring people today in China to cherish literature and be amazed by his books. Confucius has had many major impacts on the philosophy of ancient and modern China which are shown through his significant theories and ideas. His ideas are what define the philosophy of ancient China as they introduce a new philosophical perspective to people. Confucius' impact on Chinese philosophy began when he Get more content on
  • 9. Chinese Culture Essay Socialization –––––– American Born Chinese Children under Chinese Culture According to the American Heritage Dictionary, socialization is "the process of learning interpersonal and interactional skills that are in conformity with the values of one's society" (American Heritage). It is a process of learning culture. During socialization, children will acquire attitudes, norms, values, behaviors, personalities, etc. within agencies of socialization, which were described as "Agencies of socialization are structured groups or contexts within which significant processes of socialization occur." according to the sociology terminology (Gidden 1). Socialization always begins very early in life. It starts from childhood and continues more content... According to Huabin Chen and William Lan, cultural and historical background will influence people's behavior. TheChinese culture is more family–oriented. The family or society takes priority over values of the individuals. Chinese people have very strong family loyalty and cohesiveness (Chen 2). In China, Children at a very early age will be trained to be more responsible to the family. They become more likely to obey and respect their parents; otherwise, they will feel guilty of disgracing their families. What happens to Chinese immigrant families in USA? In the Youth Radio website, an ABC was interviewed and expressed her own feeling regarding to the identity. Christina, a teen ABC said: "What do you do when American values clash with the values of your family? If you please your parents, you're unhappy, but if you don't please them, they're unhappy. You can't win." (Kwong 1). There are a lot of different norms, values, life styles, beliefs and language between theChinese culture and American culture. So, many teen ABC's always suffer the conflict from the Chinese traditional immigrant families as well as from American society. Also, one teen ABC told in Youth Radio that, "My parents don't really need to tell me what they want from me...I've instilled their Chinese values in myself. But my mind and heart are both Chinese and American, no labels necessary." (Kwong 1). Meanwhile, parents' expectations will deeply influence Get more content on
  • 10. Chinese Culture Dara Murphy 112519063 Chinese Culture Essay: There are many different aspects to Chinese culture that make it so broad and interesting. I will be focusing mainly on the more modern features to the culture and how it has changed from the traditional culture. Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures out there today. I personally find the culture as a whole very interesting and intriguing and I extremely enjoyed learning about the ancient culture that is still ever so prominent today. It consists of many old traditions that have been carried forward into the twenty– first century. Customs and traditions do vary as your travel through the many town villages and also through the twenty– two provinces. Some of the more content... It varies from year to year. The year just gone 2012 is celebrated on the twenty– third of January, this year however it will be held on the tenth of February. With every year there is an animal sign to go with it. 2012 was the year of the dragon; this coming year would be the year of the snake. A different animal represents each year. There are twelve animals in total and they rotate around. I am the ear of the rooster. As the New Year comes a new animal is selected to symbolize the year ahead. The Chinese New Year is a very superstitious time for the Chinese people. The are very aware of "bad spirits" each year they but colorful prints on their front doors of the God Zhangkui this is for the protection for the next year from bad an devil spirits. Another way they drive off evil spirits is to light fireworks. The Chinese people as a whole are very superstitious. When buying presents you have to be quite careful because unknowingly you could insult them when really you are just presenting a gift to them, other times they might not accept them. It is a known fact not to buy a clock for a Chinese person. Although it was meant as a pleasant gesture in the Chinese culture a clock represents death. If presented with a clock, the Chinese people will actually give the price of the clock back to in a way cancel out the superstition. A green hat is also a symbol of a bad present. It signifies that you will have an affair and it's a present you do not give to someone. Get more content on
  • 11. Chinese Culture China and its' Culture The older and the more I grow up the more I realize how different cultures are around the world. Based on geography and and size many different things can vary. One culture that sticks out to me and was something that for me is very unusual is the Chinese culture. Based on one's his or hers ancestors people in China differentiate their culture in language, population, religion, and food. To begin, language is something that differentiates us and for China they all speak chinese. There are seven main groups of dialect which each have their own variations. Mandarin dialect is spoken by about 71.5 percent of the population, then the Wu which is 8.5 percent, the Yue which is also known as the Cantonese and is spoken by about 5 percent. Then is the Xiang and the amount of people who speak it is 4.8 percent, Min is 4.1 percent, and Hakka is 3.7 percent, and lastly, is Gan and only 2.4 percent speak it. Standard Chinese which as I mentioned above is Mandarin, is based on the Beijing dialect and as from the amount of population that speaks it you can see that it would be the national language. In schools and things this is the language that is taught but based on where in China you live it can vary. Language variations are more common in areas like central and southern China. When looking more into actually how their language looks it is quite interesting. They use characters and little marks, thoughts, or principles. They use what is called the Romanized Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Chinese Culture Traditions The dictionary defines "culture" as "the behavior and beliefs characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group". I am Chinese–American also known as ABC, American Born Chinese. I speak Cantonese and English. My parents are both from China. I was born in Manhattan, New York, and raised in New York. There are many different things from my culture that are different from other culture's. Many people with different culture's have different foods, holidays, and religions, which makes us all special and different in our own ways. The Chinese culture has many special characteristics which are very interesting for people to learn, and delicious food to try. Some types of common Chinese food are rice, more content... Chinese New Yearis a big holiday in Chinese history. This holiday is when children receive red packets with money inside from married and elders. Many children like this holiday because it is where children receive money besides on their birthdays. Chinese New Year has been a tradition for many years. Chinese New Year is determined by the Chinese New Year calendar and therefore it is also called the Lunar New Year. This
  • 13. holiday can last for up to weeks. During this holiday your home may be filled with friends and relatives visits. New clothes are worn to show a new year. The color red, in Chinese New Year is very important it is used in most decorations. The color red symbolizes happiness. Many people may not have tried "Dim sum" before. Dim sum is where a variety of steamed, cooked foods such as spare ribs, shrimp dumplings, chicken feet and etc. They also serve desserts and fruits. Tea is a main part of dim sum. Chinese people believed that (bolay) tea can help you in your digestion system. Dim sum is served usually in the mornings until two o'clock. Many families get together during Dim sum, along with holidays such as Chinese New Year's, birthdays, etc. As for many Chinese people during theMid–Autumn festival, Moon cakes are eaten. Moon cakes are round or rectangular shaped, with different designs on top. Inside there is a thick filling that have many different flavors such as lotus seed Get more content on
  • 14. Chinese Culture vs. Western and American Culture There are many different aspects on Ancient Chinese culture that differ from Western and American culture. Many things such as education, marriage, and community type can be different from what we have in our Western civilization. Although Chinese culture has evolved through many, many years some ancient traditions still uphold. There are a wide variety of differences between the Chinese and Western cultures forms of art and literature. One example of this is the importance of architecture inChina. While the Chinese build large and extravagant buildings, the history of the architecture and the buildings themselves are relatively unimportant to them. There is hard to find any more content... This is because most things are done electronically in western culture. Neat handwriting is nearly an unnecessary trait because so much is now typed instead of handwritten. Poetry even in its truest form in the western cultures is all typed and published into informal books or online. The Chinese culture would greatly frown upon this. The Chinese view it as an art of its own. It's so important to them in fact that poets and writers are distinct by their handwriting and calligraphy abilities. "There is hardly anyone is Europe so well informed or so perceptive that he can say for certain whether a given specimen of writing is, or clearly is not, by, say Chao Meng–fu or Tung Ch'i Ch'ang and done with his own hand" (Speiser 18).He goes on by saying, "Calligraphy is one great category of art that remains almost a closed book for the US" (Speiser 18). The difference is likely due to language and written language differences. While the words on a page in Western cultures have very little symbolism, and are just letters in coordination with an object or idea; Chinese written language is based on full words and objects and ideas. In Chinese culture there is no combination of letters, there is only elegant symbols that are written out to portray meaning or represent an object. This gives the Chinese an advantage in their artistic freedom on how they wish to write something, that Western cultures do not have. Chinese Get more content on
  • 15. Chinese Literature And Culture Of China Chinese Literature and Culture Literature has a very important role to play in society and in the lives of all the people. It is an immeasurable realm and its influence is far beyond the reaches of people and one's own comprehension of mind. It is such an enormous expanse that one would begin to articulate some form of response. Chinese literature, to many westerners, has not been easily accessible as it had remained hidden in the higher strata of the society "shi da fu (士大夫)" in Chinese culture. In the long history of China, each dynasty has carried down magnificent and brilliant work that is considered a treasure and holds a significant amount of contribution in passing the legacy of the profound series of events and works done by them. Chinese literature is interwoven with its own reigning cultural tradition, its own tastes, values and its own theoretical system (Bond, 1996). It has its own way of reflecting the high spirit it possesses in the form of art and its social climate by encompassing a variety of forms and a series of genres such as fictions, dramas, poetries, astrology and essays. Much of the Chinese literature, culture and philosophy were developed during the rule of Zhou dynasty. In a chronological order, Chinese culture can be classified on the basis of four main periods: Classical literature, Modern Chinese literature, Contemporary Chinese literature and the present–age Chinese literature. Classical Chinese literature is referred to an earlier period Get more content on
  • 16. Chinese Culture Essay example Throughout China's encased history it has developed much differently than western parts of the world. Chinese culture varies greatly compared to ours. These great differences between eastern culture and western culture make China a very interesting place. Some of the vast differences include literature, social structure, and government. The greatest difference is Chinese philosophy and way of thinking. China has developed a strict system of tradition that has given China great advantages and disadvantages. This is shown in Chinese literature. Tradition in China is a set of unwritten laws. This is why China turned its eyes from the outside world and looked in. China found everything it needed in Tradition (4). The strong traditions more content... The traditions gave one a feeling of not the individual but the whole as a group. People grew up knowing their part in the world and strive to do that well. They learn to acknowledge their emperor as the "Son of Heaven" (4). Everything someone does, is done for their county, and their duty in life. Chinese literature shows that when everything is done for tradition and the individual is not priority, many people get forced into a hard and unfair lifestyle. This is shown in the movie "Raise the Red Lantern" when the tradition made the lives of four wives strict and dependent on the master and whom he chose each night. Their lives were so strict on tradition that one of the wives lost her life because that is what tradition said should happen if she broke a rule (1). In other cases nothing could be learned or changed because of the restriction of tradition. Such was in the movie "The Forbidden City." In this movie it also showed how the customs of the concubines and unics were very constricting to their lives (3). In the book "Six Records of a Floating Life" tradition creates the impracticality of a test for magistrates that is purely literary but decides the head of a certain area of land (2). In China tradition and customs has done a lot but has hindered the life of many of its people. Finally after thousands of years, the withdrawn China was being seen by the western world. Soon after, European explorers slowly started Get more content on
  • 17. Ancient Chinese Culture Essay example While the fertile banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, and Indus rivers were giving rise to thriving civilizations in the Middle East and India, the same was happening along the banks of the Yellow River in China. A civilization arose untouched by the outside world in parallel to those of Mesopotamia, Harappa, and Mohenjo–Daro. The Yellow River civilization not only mirrored the advances made in the other two civilizations but also contributed unique ones of their own. Due to China's geographical location – high mountains of the Tibetan Plateau to the west and vast deserts of the Gobi to the north – communication with the West and South Asia was difficult. Nomadic horsemen to the north referred to as "barbarians" began raiding China more content... The Chinese language is unlike the languages of Eurasia, which were created by cross–fertilization from trade and military conquests. China continues to use a logographic system today– bearing a very strong resemblance to the writing of three thousand years ago – as opposed to alphabets. Being one of the oldest continually used writing systems has its benefits. Chinese scholars are able to comprehend their own ancient texts with more ease than other civilizations. The Chinese writing system was standardized during the Qin dynasty and eventually adopted by their neighbors– Japan and Korea. Writing facilitated the development of a bureaucratic state and literacy was restricted to the class of elite. The early Chinese books were made of cumbersome strips of bamboo. Silk was substituted as writing material in 2nd century B.C.E. A breakthrough in Chinese literature came with the invention of paper in 2nd century A.D. The creation of paper gave rise to the production of books. Chinese history is resplendent with great literary works such as the Book of Songs – the earliest collection of Chinese poetry – and the Book of Documents – one of the earliest of the "Confucian" classics. The method of printing whole pages from wooden blocks was discovered under the Tang dynasty (618 – 906). It was perfected and widely used by the 10th century. Books could be made cheaply and more people had access to texts. All these inventions Get more content on
  • 18. Chinese Cuisine Chinese Cuisine – The Food of China China's food is very unique and traditional. Grains are the main food in China. Rice is the favorite grain among the people in the South. In the north, people prefer wheat, which they make in to bread and noodles. Corn millet, and sorghum are also eaten. Vegetables, especially cabbage and Tofu rank second in Chinese diet. Roasted sweet potatoes are a popular snack eaten by the Chinese. Pork and poultry are the favorite meats in China. The people also like eggs, fish, fruit, and shellfish. Chop Suey originated in China. Chop sticks and soup spoons are served as the only utensils at a Chinese meal. Tea is the traditional Chinese beverage. Ice–cream has gained popularity in China. more content... Food in China is mostly stir–fried rapidly in oil at a very high temperature. Fujian Cuisine is famous for delicately cooked fish and crabs for soups and for flavorings such as soy–sauce. Breakfast in China may be rice porridge, chicken noodle soup, or deep fried pastries that taste like donuts. In China the people's favorite lunch time foods include eggrolls, and dumplings filled with meat or shrimp. A typical Chinese dinner includes vegetables with bits of meat or seafood, soup, and rice and noodles. A Chinese cuisine has definite rules for the appropriate combining of the ingredients into dishes, and dishes in to an appropriate meal. A typical home meal for no special purpose might include boiled rice, soup, steamed fish, and stir–fried pork with vegitables. Each dish is in a separate category. 1. The cooking method 2. Appearance 3. Texture. Main ingredients are all different. Asian individual dishes, flavors, textures and ingredients should complement and harmonize each other, rather than being the same. Food must strike attention in good cuisine cooking. Chef Martin Yan is the best of Asian Chefs. He has his own TV show called "Yan Can Cook" which now airs in 70 countries for the past 19 years. He recently took a trip to Boston to have a cooking duel with a French chef named Jacky Robert. In Boston Yan turned similar sets of ingredients into Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about China The World is forever in debt to China for its innovations. Ancient China was extreme advance and many of its discoveries are still in use today. This is what Robert Temple, the author of The Genius of China 3000 years of science, discovery and invention. The book is based on 11 main parts of Chinese innovation. Within these 11 categories, there are 3 main parts that contain the most significant inventions. Robert Temple concentrates the bulk of his examples in these three categories, agriculture, domestic and industrial technology , and engineering. Temple's examples were not limited to these fields of innovation. The Chinese excelled in many other areas, including mathematics, warfare and transportation, to name a few. more content... But then, no one else could have done so at the time, since iron existed nowhere else but in China. The Chinese invented the chain pump in the first century AD The chain pump allows water to the pumped from lower to higher elevations. The chain pumps were used for draining and pumping in civil engineering, but what is more important is it was used for irrigation. Irrigation allows for greater and more intense farming, thus resulting in a better crop yield. With the greater crop yields larger populations can be supported. The chain pump was exported to all parts of the world by way of visiting ambassadors and dignitaries. The first European chain pump appeared in the sixteenth century, and was a direct copy of the Chinese version. The second area of great Chinese achievement is in domestic and industrial technology. The most recognized Chineseinvention is in the field of domestic and industrial technology, paper. Paper was invented around the second century BC and was used as clothing. One might not believe that paper could be used as clothing, but the paper made at that time used thicker and tougher paper fibers. Not only was paper used for clothing, it was also used for military body armor. The Chinese found out that pleated sheets of paper could stop the penetration of arrows. The paper armor was standard issue with Chinese land and sea units. Paper's writing property was not Get more content on
  • 20. How Chinese Culture Has Changed Over The Years Chinese culture is truly one of the great civilization our world has come across. It boasts a vast geographic expanse, over 4000 years of written history, as well as a rich and profound traditional society. Many aspects of Chinese civilization can be traced back many centuries. It is so diverse and unique, yet harmoniously blended, and presents itself a priceless benefit to the world. One of the integral parts of Chinese culture that was not thoroughly discussed in class is the role Chinese women played in ancient traditional society and how it has transformed in the many historical changes is the way of life in china. I aim to speak on women in ancient times, women at the end of feudal society as well as the role of women in present day China. I chose this topic because I view women as the backbone to the development or a nation, therefore the Chinese woman is paramount in one of the world's great civilizations. The role of women in Chinese culture has changed over the years. When we consider the position that women held in ancient Chinese society we find that they have come a long way to be where they are today. The family structure has traditionally been the basic unit of Chinese society, where women have long been given the task of the continuation of the society 's core values, in their roles as wives and mothers. While the expected values have evolved with time, from the imperial period to the Communist revolution to the modern day, this responsibility for women has Get more content on
  • 21. Essay On Chinese Culture "A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people." Mahatma Gandhi. A person's culture is a big part of person's day to day life, it sets shared attitudes, values and goals. It decided what we wear, eat and do; how we walk, how we talk. Culture is one word that defines how we live our life whether we notice it or not. As an RN's or any medical professional we are responsible for understanding and respecting our patients and their beliefs. Asian American culture has many traditions, and beliefs that are very important to consider for all medical professionals. During the health care interview it beneficial for medical personal to be aware of cultural beliefs and practice, health benefits, diet specifics, death and more content... Chinese patient will not look straight into person's eye as it is sign of disrespect. Nurse should keep in mind when giving instruction to avoid looking into patient eye. Psychosomatic Integration where patient will convert mental illness into physical symptom. Chinese patient will incorporate psychological condition into physiological problems and treated as one. Respect to Authority. Patient will not verbalize any doubts in medical treatment in front of the medical personnel, but they don't agree they will not be compliant with treatment. This could puzzle medical person thinking that patient is not compliant with any treatment rather than looking for a different treatment. In addition, in sign of respect to medical personal Chinese patient will nod when listening, this can confuse a nurse and give an idea that patient understand. Nurse has to verify that patient understand what is going on and not just nodding out of respect. Chinese believe that decision should be made by the oldest male figure in the family. Such as a father, husband, or the oldest son in the family. Mental Health problem is considered shameful. Patient will not admit to having a problem and they will just ignore the doctor's treatment and refuse medication. In Chinese culture medication are taken as a last resort, and will only be taken until the symptoms go away and stop after. If patients don't see any symptoms they will Get more content on