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Introduction to Process Maturity
                          AAM Annual Conference

                                  April 27, 2008
                               Michael Edson
                   Director, Web and New Media Strategy
                           Smithsonian Institution

                                       From the session

                Good Projects Gone Bad
   Managing and Delivering Complex Technology Projects
            Michael Edson                                       Nik Honeysett
Director, Web and New Media Strategy                      Head of Administration
        Smithsonian Institution                            J. Paul Getty Museum
Table of Contents

    Abstract .....................................................................................................................................................................1

Projects in Trouble .........................................................................................................................................................2

    Technology management as core competency .........................................................................................................3

Process Maturity and Capability Maturity Model Integration .......................................................................................5

    Understanding different levels of capability maturity ..............................................................................................6

Using CMMI ...................................................................................................................................................................9

    First, figure out where you are ..................................................................................................................................9

    Ratchet up one level at a time ................................................................................................................................11

    Don’t try to skip levels .............................................................................................................................................11

    Don’t slip back .........................................................................................................................................................12

    Pick projects appropriate for your level ..................................................................................................................13

    Assign responsibility and measure measure measure ............................................................................................13

Some Practical Ways to increase process maturity .....................................................................................................14

    Classic mistakes avoidance......................................................................................................................................14

    Transparency through standardized reporting .......................................................................................................21

    Governance Structure .............................................................................................................................................23

Consequences and phenomena ..................................................................................................................................24

    Web 2.0: Lightweight Development Frameworks ...................................................................................................24

    Governance and Control .........................................................................................................................................26

    Capability mismatch ................................................................................................................................................24

Real World Examples ...................................................................................................................................................27

    Capability Mismatch: Smithsonian Multimedia Guide ............................................................................................27

    Lightweight Software Development: SAAM’s Eye Level Blog .................................................................................29

    Matching goals to capacity and maturity: SAAM “Findability” project ...................................................................30

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................................31

Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Museum Web and New Media software projects offer tantalizing rewards, but the road to success can
be paved with uncertainty and risk. To small organizations these risks can be overwhelming, and even
large organizations with seemingly limitless resources can flounder in ways that profoundly affect staff
morale, public impact, the health and fitness of our partners in the vendor community, and our own
bottom lines. Something seems to happen between the inception of projects, when optimism and
beneficial outcomes seem clear and attainable, and somewhere down the road when schedules,
budgets, and outcomes go off course. What is it? And what can we do to gain control?

This paper, created for the 2008 annual conference of the American Association of Museums, describes
some common ways that technology projects get into trouble. It examines a proven project-process
framework called the Capability Maturity Model and how that model can provide insight and guidance
to museum leaders and project participants, and it tells how to improve real-world processes that
contribute to project success. The paper includes three brief case studies and a call-to-action which
argues that museum leaders should make technology stewardship an urgent priority.

The intended audience is people who are interested in understanding and improving how museum-
technology gets done. The paper’s primary focus is Web and New Media software projects, but the core
ideas are applicable to projects of all kinds.

A note on style and formatting
I decided write this paper, instead of just creating PowerPoint slides, to force myself to delve deeper
into these ideas, tie them together, and give them a home on the Web where others can find them, use
them, critique them, and improve them. I’m not a trained academic writer and I haven’t benefited from
editorial assistance, so I ask for the reader’s forgiveness for the errors in consistency and style that they
will certainly find. I suppose my paper-writing process maturity is “evolving”—a joke that will be funnier
when you’ve reached the final page.

Projects in Trouble
Back in the 1980’s the Federal Government had a problem. Software projects were failing—expensively,
painfully, publicly failing.

The US General Services Administration in a report titled “Mission-Critical Systems: Defense Attempting
to Address Major Software Challenges” 1 observed:

        As systems become increasingly complex, successful software development
        becomes increasingly difficult. Most major system developments are fraught with
        cost, schedule, and performance shortfalls. We have repeatedly reported on costs
        rising by millions of dollars, schedule delays of not months but years, and
        multibillion-dollar systems that don’t perform as envisioned.

The problem wasn’t just that the government couldn’t complete software projects on time or on
budget, or that it couldn’t predict which projects it was currently working on would succeed or fail—
though these were both significant and severe problems—but most worrisome from my perspective is
that it couldn’t figure out which new projects it was capable of doing in the future. If a business case or
museum mission justifies an investment in technology that justification is based on the assumption that
the technology can be competently implemented. If instead the assumption is that project execution is a
crap shoot, the business case and benefit-to-mission arguments crumble and managers are stuck,
unable to move forward (because of the risk of failure) and unable to not move forward because
business and mission needs still call.

The pace of change in foundational technologies and assumptions (or dreams) about what could be
done with software makes it very difficult for managers to know what skills, competencies, and
capacities they need to ensure success.2 There’s little in most museum employees’ training or
experience to prepare them for making technology decisions, and there are few patterns to follow.
Unlike the building-construction and maintenance trades, software engineering is a relatively new
profession in museums and doesn’t benefit from generations of established practice, training,
certification, standards, and lessons learned through trial-and-error. One wouldn’t try to run a museum
building without a building manager and building engineer—your insurance company would probably
cancel your policy if you tried, yet few people would raise a red flag if you ran a museum without the
equivalent technology expertise.

 General Accounting Office, 1992, IMTEC-93-13 Mission-Critical Systems: Defense Attempting to Address Major
Software Challenges, accessed 4/21/2008
 At the 2006 Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies in Government (Washington, DC. June 2006) CIO’s
confessed that they had given up multi-year planning because the pace of change in the industry was just too
great. (I attended and presented at this conference.)

Technology management as core competency
As a case-in-point, the AAM accreditation process requires museums to provide detailed information
about the operation and maintenance of physical facilities—including detailed documentation of
physical security, health and safety programs, grounds and land-management plans, and something
called an “RC-AAM Standard Facility Report for the museum’s buildings”—but there are no questions
about information-technology beyond a single item on “Internet-related interpretive activities.” It would
appear that a museum can become AAM certified without an exploration of its information-technology
operations, or at the very least that the process does not draw museums’ attention to IT best practices
in the same way that it does for buildings and grounds.3 I expect this sends a message to museum
leaders that that information technology is not significantly important to their long-term success.

But it is important—critically so. Even if you’re a small museum with fewer than ten employees,
somebody is involved in software development. They’re making Excel spreadsheets, Access databases,
collections of word documents and forms. Maybe they’ve got you involved in YouTube, Flickr, or
Facebook. And if you staff isn’t doing this, your visitors are. I’d be surprised to find an AMM member
museum that doesn’t have single technology initiative, and I’m sure that you could not find a museum
whose audiences were ambivalent about technology.

And museums can’t choose not to focus on technology. Witness the story of Doug Morris, Chair and CEO
of Universal Music Group, which I offer as a cautionary tale.

                           Doug Morris, Chair and CEO Universal Music Group (Photo: Getty Images)4

Mr. Morris, by all appearances, is a successful tycoon, running a $7 billion-a-year pop culture empire 5
and hobnobbing with the rich-and-famous—he would be recognizable and comfortable as a donor and

 Based on the AAM Accreditation Self-Study Questionnaire (2007) and the author’s recent experience with the
AAM Accreditation process.
4, accessed 4/26/2008
 Universal's CEO Once Called iPod Users Thieves. Now He's Giving Songs Away, Wired, 11/27/2007, accessed 4/21/2008

member on museum boards. (He was Director of the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame6.) Mr. Morris is also a
creative person: he wrote quot;Sweet Talkin' Guy for The Chiffons in 1966 and produced quot;Smokin' In the
Boys Roomquot; for Brownsville Station in 19737.

But at the helm of his $7 billion-a-year business Mr. Morris chose to opt-out of the technology business
in the 1990’s, just when digital music and the Internet went supernova. The awkward stumbling of the
music business in the last 15 years, the acrimony caused by the relentless pursuit of its customers, and a
cascade of technology failures, missed boats, and squandered opportunities was the result.

From a Wired Magazine interview:

          quot;There's no one in the record company that's a technologist,quot; Morris explains. quot;That's a
          misconception writers make all the time, that the record industry missed this. They
          didn't. They just didn't know what to do. It's like if you were suddenly asked to operate
          on your dog to remove his kidney. What would you do?quot;

          quot;We didn't know who to hire,quot; he says, becoming more agitated. quot;I wouldn't be able to
          recognize a good technology person — anyone with a good bullshit story would have
          gotten past me.8quot;

As New York Entertainment’s blog Vulture observed this about Mr. Morris’s confession:

          Even though we shouldn't be, we're actually a little shocked. We'd always assumed the
          labels had met with a team of technology experts in the late nineties and ignored their
          advice, but it turns out they never even got that far — they didn't even try!

New York Entertainment continues:

          Understanding the Internet certainly isn't easy — especially for an industry run by a
          bunch of technology-averse sexagenarians — but it's definitely not impossible. The
          original Napster hit its peak in 1999 — kids born since then have hacked into CIA
          computers. Surely it wouldn't have taken someone at Universal more than a month or
          two to learn enough about the Internet to know who to call to answer a few questions.
          They didn't even have any geeky interns?9

    Vivendi board bio accessed 4/21/2008
 Universal's CEO Once Called iPod Users Thieves. Now He's Giving Songs Away, Wired, 11/27/2007, accessed 4/21/2008
 Universal's CEO Once Called iPod Users Thieves. Now He's Giving Songs Away, Wired, 11/27/2007, accessed 4/21/2008
 Apropos of Nothing, New York Entertainment accessed 4/19/2008 .

So what’s the headline here? It’s that large and small businesses have a lot to gain from focusing on how
to get good and stay good at technology, nobody is immune from failure, and nobody gets to opt-out.
The irony is that many museums are drawn to complex technology initiatives and the risks of getting in
over their heads just as they reach the point where successful technology projects can have a positive

Process Maturity and Capability Maturity Model Integration
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), was developed by the Software Engineering Institute
(SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University ( in 1991 to help the Federal Government
understand the capabilities of its software vendors and deal proactively with the problem of out-of-
control software projects. It became and remains a best-practice software-development framework11
and its core ideas can help organizations of all kinds escape from, as Steve McConnell puts it in his
software development bible Rapid Development (Microsoft Press, 1996), the Gilligan’s Island cycle of
under-performing projects.

                              Figure 1. Use CMMI to help your team escape from Gilligan's Island

CMM posits that organizations, or groups or processes within organizations, function at one of five
levels of process maturity, with level 1 being the lowest or least mature level, and level 5 as the highest
or most mature level.12

  Edson, Michael, Data Access Strategy, in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2006:
Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2006 at
  Gartner Research: CMMI Remains the Standard for Software Process Frameworks. ID Number: G00156315.
Published 4/18/2008.
  The descriptions from this list are from Paulk, M., et al (1995). The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for
Improving the Software Process, New York: Addison-Wesley Professional, but the names of the five levels show the
updated terminology established by the Software Engineering Institute in 2003.

1. Initial – Processes, if they are defined at all, are ad hoc. Successes depend on individual
        heroics and are generally not repeatable.

        2. Managed – Basic project management practices are established and the discipline is in place
        to repeat earlier successes with similar projects.

        3. Defined – Processes are documented and standardized and all projects use approved, tailored
        versions of the standard processes.

        4. Quantitatively Managed – The performance of processes and the quality of end-products are
        managed with quantitative measurement and analysis.

        5. Optimizing – Continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback from the
        process and from piloting innovative ideas.

                                         Capability Maturity Model

                                                                     5. Optimizing

                                                                  4. Quantitatively Managed

                                                             3. Defined

                                                      2. Managed

                                                1. Initial

                                Figure 2. The five levels of the Capability Maturity Model

The five levels should be understood as a kind of staircase, lowest maturity on the bottom and highest
on the top, with each level serving as the foundation for the level above (figure 1).

Understanding different levels of capability maturity
Paulk et. al. in The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process (New York:
Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995) lay out a very useful chart that helps bring into focus how the model
relates to our own organizations and what our work worlds would look like if capability and maturity
were improved. (See Table 1.)

Typical in the low-maturity column (Level 1) are phrases like

        success depends on individual heroics


        few stable processes exist or are used

Typical in the high-maturity column are phrases like
strong sense of teamwork exists across the organization


        everyone is involved in process improvement

I myself, have worked on more than a few projects that functioned at level 1. At level 1, not much is
written down, nobody is sure who is doing what or who “owns” various parts of the project, nobody can
really tell what the schedule is or whether you are on schedule or running late, meetings are held but
nobody takes notes or records actionable assignments, and products are often only partially finished,
with lots of surprises and defects discovered at the last minute before “completion.”

This isn’t to say that you can’t have successes at level 1. I worked for a museum that produced several
award-winning technology projects this way, but the successes were built on individual heroics and the
effort almost killed them. (Just after winning awards for a major Web site this organization spent over
two years trying to complete what was to have been a six-month redesign.) Functioning at this maturity
level certainly diminished their willingness to stay together as a team or build on their success, and it
bread a distrust of technology-content initiatives in general that made it difficult to get buy-in for urgent
and necessary new projects.

Table 1. Implications of advancing through CMM levels. Which columns best describe your organization? (This table was very slightly modified to
enhance clarity for non-software professionals.)

                 Level 1.                           Level 2.                         Level 3.                       Level 4.                         Level 5.

                 Success depends on                 Success depends on               Project groups work            Strong sense of teamwork         Strong sense of teamwork
                 individual heroics                 individuals                      together, perhaps as an        exists within each project       exists across the
                                                                                     integrated team                                                 organization.
                 “Fire fighting” is a way of life   Commitments are
                                                    understood and managed           Training is planned and                                         Everyone is involved in
                 Relationships between                                               provided according to roles                                     process improvement
                 disciplines are                    People are trained
                 uncoordinated, perhaps even

                 Few stable processes exist or      At the individual project        Integrated management and      Processes are quantitatively     Processes are continuously
                 are used                           level, documented and stable     engineering (how things get    understood and stabilized        and systematically improved.
                                                    estimating, planning and         built) processes are used
                 “Just do it!”                                                                                      Sources of individual            Common sources of
                                                    commitment processes are         across the organization
                                                                                                                    problems are understood and      problems are understood and
                                                                                     Problems are anticipated and   eliminated                       eliminated
                                                    Problems are recognized and      prevented, or their impacts
                                                    corrected as they occur          are minimized

                 Data collection and analysis       Planning and management          Data are collected and used    Data definition and collection   Data are used to evaluate
                 are ad hoc                         data used by individual          in all defined processes       are standardized across the      and select process
                                                    projects                                                        organization                     improvements
                                                                                     Data are systematically
                                                                                     shared across projects         Data are used to understand
                                                                                                                    work processes quantitatively
                                                                                                                    and stabilize them

                 Introduction of new                Technology supports              New technologies are           New technologies are             New technologies are
                 technology is risky                established, stable activities   evaluated on a qualitative     evaluated on a quantitative      proactively pursued and
                                                                                     basis                          basis                            deployed

Using CMMI
Using the CMMI can be a relatively informal process that involves understanding and applying process-
improvement best practices to your organization. Or, it can be a formal process that involves extensive
training, creation of a process improvement infrastructure, appraisals, and more.

To avoid confusing people who are familiar with heavy-duty process-improvement efforts I must draw a
distinction between the formal CMMI process defined by the Software Engineering Institute and what
I’m talking about here. In this paper I argue that many organizations can benefit from what CMMI has to
offer, but I am not advocating a full-fledged CMMI program which typically involves formal assessment
teams, rigid interpretations of CMMI, a great deal of work: these kinds of efforts don’t deliver good
return-on-investment for organizations at emerging maturity levels.13 What I advocate is a kind of
CMMI-Lite in which organizations borrow the most useful aspects of CMMI without becoming overly
bound to the formal doctrine. As Gartner, Inc. says, “Organizations should use CMM as a guidebook, not
a ‘cookbook.’ Results-based improvement should be the key.”14

First, figure out where you are
Unless you’re working with a formal CMM assessment team the first step to understanding and
improving your capability maturity is to look at Table 1 and identify the statements that best describe
how your team does work. You don’t have to think across every kind of project your organization does:
pick one or two projects or activities that you think would benefit from some improvement. Note that
it’s not uncommon for organizations to have some processes that are very mature and some that are
very immature. CMMI orthodoxy recognizes this and encourages a methodology of continuous
improvement at varying levels of maturity.

You may find it useful to modify table 1 or the overarching CMMI levels of maturity listed above and to
cast them in terms that better describe your organization, or your project.

 Phone interview with Sanjeev Sharma, CMM specialist and IT Manager Safety & Mission Assurance, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. 3/11/08
  Gartner Research, CMMI Remains the Standard for Software Process Frameworks. Article ID #G00156315,
4/16/2008. The exact quote is “Internal development organizations should use CMMI as a guidebook, not a
‘cookbook.’ Results-based improvement should be the key.”

Capability Maturity Model

                                     Figure out                        5. Optimizing
                                     where you
                                     are?                           4. Quantitatively Managed

                                                               3. Defined

                                                        2. Managed

                                                  1. Initial

                            Figure 3. Figure out where you are on the Capability Maturity Model

For example, in 2006 I modified the out-of-the-box CMM level definitions to be more meaningful to a
data-strategy project at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.15 The definitions shown below helped
me understand the roadmap and projects that were needed to get us from where we were (level 2) to
where we wanted to be (levels 3 and 4).

        Level 1 – Limited data federation; often with redundant and inconsistent data. Data strategy is
        not even on the organizational radar.

        Level 2 – Limited data consolidation; documenting redundancies and inconsistencies. Some
        isolated departments are trying to raise awareness and initiate projects.

        Level 3 – Data integration initiated; new ‘disintegration’ is discouraged. Multi-departmental
        teams begin working on policies and procedures to advance a data strategy.

        Level 4 – Data integration widely adapted; ‘disintegration’ is penalized. All projects in the
        organization adhere to data integration policies and managers are held accountable for

If you conclude that you’re at a low level of maturity, you’re not alone. Gartner research finds that most
organizational software development teams function at Level 1 or Level 2, “which means that, at best,
they have some reasonably good project management practices,” and less than 25% of teams function
at level 3 or higher (Hotle, 'Just Enough Process' for Applications). Taken at face value, this means that
most software development efforts can be expected to produce inconsistent results with little control of
budget and timelines. Though this is appauling, the good news is that basic process improvement
initiatives could have a dramatic effect on the productivity and predictability of a great many software

  Edson M., Data Access Strategy, in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2006: Proceedings,
Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2006 at I’m not sure why I described four levels instead
of five.

Ratchet up one level at a time
If you’re at level 1, what small steps can you take to get to level 2? The Software Engineering Institute
says that you can get from level 1 to level 2 just by establishing sound project management practices
(CMMI for Acquisition, 2007). Such practices might include activities such as tracking and communicating
project status, measuring effort and outcomes, or ensuring roles-and-responsibilities are adequately

                                         Capability Maturity Model

                                                                     5. Optimizing
                                    Ratchet up
                                    gradually                     4. Quantitatively Managed
                                    over time
                                                             3. Defined

                                                      2. Managed

                                                1. Initial

                                Figure 4. Improve maturity gradually, one level at a time

These process-improvement efforts don’t need to take a lot of time and effort. Matt Hotle of Gartner
says that he very seldom sees an basic process improvement effort that takes more than a couple of
weeks” (interview with the author, 4/24/08).

The Software Engineering Institute notes that improvements that move a group from level 1 to level 2
may depend on “heroics” of individual staff members until the concepts of process improvements are
more widely understood and supported (CMMI for Acquisition, 2007).

Don’t try to skip levels
It’s very tempting to try to skip from low levels of maturity to high ones without going through the
intermediate steps. For example, if your organization really wants to use new technologies on the
cutting edge, but your current state is that the “introduction of new technology is risky” (Level 1 from
Table 1) then you would be well served to work first on ratcheting your technology adoption capabilities
up to level 2, “technology supports established, stable activities” and see how that goes.

Capability Maturity Model

                                       Don’t skip steps                   5. Optimizing

                                                                       4. Quantitatively Managed

                                                                  3. Defined

                                                           2. Managed

                                                     1. Initial

                                      Figure 5. Avoid the temptation to skip steps. It’s risky.

Trying to leapfrog from level 1 to level 4 or five doesn’t give your organization time to establish the core
competencies needed to succeed at high levels of expected performance. The Software Engineering
Institute (SEI) says “Because each maturity level forms a necessary foundation for the next level, trying
to skip maturity levels is usually counterproductive.” (CMMI Project Team, 2007.) The SEI further notes
that “processes without the proper foundation may fail at the point they are needed most—under
stress.” John P. Kotter, in the Harvard Business Review notes that “Skipping steps creates only an illusion
of speed and never produces a satisfying result.” (Kotter, 1995)

Don’t slip back
A recent book on evolution16 stated that Charles Darwin’s greatest contribution was not that he thought
up modification with descent (natural selection), but that his research and writing tied the idea down so
firmly so that it could never drift away. There’s an important lesson here for process improvement: try
to ensure that whatever improvements you do make to software development processes become
codified and formalized so that as staff and managers come and go and teams adapt and change your
hard won progress doesn’t atrophy. Remember that every level is a foundation for the one that comes

     I read this somewhere recently but have not been able to track down the citation!

Capability Maturity Model

                                                                          5. Optimizing

                                       Don’t slip back!                4. Quantitatively Managed

                                                                  3. Defined

                                                           2. Managed

                                                     1. Initial

                                  Figure 6. Solidify gains in maturity so that they're permanent.

Pick projects appropriate for your level
This is related to “don’t skip steps” pattern, but is more focused on tailoring what you need to get done
with what you’re capable of doing. Usually, at lower levels of maturity this means breaking ambitious
visions into smaller, less costly, and less risky sub-projects that together, achieve the vision. This
approach is harmonious with a lot of recent thinking, particularly in Web application development, there
are significant beneficial consequences for organizations at all levels of maturity. (More on this later.)

                                              Capability Maturity Model
                                       Pick projects
                                       Appropriate                        5. Optimizing
                                       For your
                                                                       4. Quantitatively Managed
                                                                  3. Defined

                                                           2. Managed

                                                     1. Initial

                                       Figure 7. Pick projects appropriate for your current
                                                     capability maturity level

Assign responsibility and measure measure measure
Matt Hotle, Gartner’s CMMI expert, states that assigning responsibility for process improvement
initiatives is one of the most important highest-value steps an organization can take.17 Gartner strongly
asserts that assigning responsibility for process improvement and measuring efforts are the most critical

     Phone interview with the author, 4/24/2008

Of measurement, Hotle writes

       Application people are generally terrible with measurement. This actually may be a
       kind statement, because we believe that fewer than 20% of application
       organizations have a usable measurement system. From a governance perspective,
       it's a sin to have a set of processes that have been defined, but have no feedback
       loop to understand whether the processes are doing well. (The 'Seven Deadly Sins'
       of Application Governance. ID Number: G00155896, 2008)

So what should you measure at lower levels of maturity? For typical museum Web
development projects, start by measuring staff-hour projections, actual staff-hours spent,
defects (bugs and errors), and the movement of content through development, review, and
approval processes.

Some Practical Ways to increase process maturity
Classic mistakes avoidance
Steve McConnell, in his classic book Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules (Microsoft
Press, 1996) uses the concept of Classic Mistakes to help software developers avoid commonly
encountered, and repeated, errors. Classic Mistakes identify things that often go wrong with People,
Processes, and Technology and they are often related to immature work processes. Avoiding Classic
Mistakes is one of the best ways to move towards successful technology development.

The following list of classic mistakes is adapted from Adapted from Rapid Development (McConnell,

Classic mistakes enumerated
   •   Process-Oriented Mistakes

           –   Lack of project management plan
               Failure to define, up front, what project management practices will be used

           –   Failure to follow-through on project management plan
               Good plan at start of project but not followed and implemented day-to-day

           –   Failure to define requirements up front
               Team fails to define, in writing, what is to be delivered.

           –   Failure to accurately estimate time and resources
               Related to requirements gathering

           –   Micro Management
               … by project sponsors or managers.

           –   Failure to define roles and responsibilities
               Who is responsible for what?

           –   Failure to develop creative brief
               Lack of codified creative direction leads to stress with sponsors and partners. Related to

           –   Failure to empower creative team
               creative team hobbled by unclear sponsorship.

           –   Failure to maintain project visibility
               Related to lack of project management plan

           –   Wishful thinking
               Related to lack of requirements gathering, estimation

           –   Overly optimistic schedules
               Related to wishful thinking, failure to estimate accurately

           –   Insufficient risk management
               Known and obvious risks are not accounted for in management plan

           –   Wasted time upstream
               Most projects waste time in beginning of project

           –   insufficient quality assurance
               Failure to produce and follow a test plan. (Stems from failure to define requirements in advance.)

           –   Feature Creep
               Related to lack of management controls

           –   Insufficient management controls
               Project metrics lacking, deliverables unclear, visibility poor

           –   Failure to produce a design
“Design” in the architecture and requirements sense, not graphic design.

        –   Gold-plating requirements
            Unrealistic desire to have all bells & whistles

        –   Ineffective management of contractors
            Related to requirements gathering, management plan.

•   People Oriented Mistakes

        –   Friction within team
            Unaddressed problem relationships within team lower productivity and morale for entire project

        –   Friction with customers/partners
            #2 complaint of software development teams

        –   Weak personnel
            #1 complaint of software development teams

        –   Reliance on heroics to complete a project
            This is related to wishful thinking and lack of requirements, management controls, etc.

        –   Unrealistic expectations
            “We can just code like hell and get this done.” Related to lack of requirements, management
            controls, etc

        –   Lack of effective project sponsorship
            Ambiguous or inconsistent direction/participation from sponsors

        –   Lack of stakeholder buy-in
            Ramming a project down a stakeholder’s throat. Related to sponsorship.

        –   Lack of user input
            Failure to maintain relationship with customers

•   Technology Oriented Mistakes

        –   Switching tools or technologies in the middle of a project
            False promise of productivity or performance improvements often derail projects

        –   Lack of content or source-code control
            Developers/authors overwrite each others documents.

        –   Silver-bullet syndrome
            too much faith put in benefits of new technology and not enough thought put into how well they
            would do in your organization

        –   Overestimated savings from new tools or methods
            Organizations seldom improve in giant leaps

In 2004 I surveyed an experienced, award-winning project team about which classic mistakes they felt
were likely to occur during a software project we were initiating. The results were sobering, team
members identified 26 classic mistakes that they thought had a 1:3 or greater chance of occurring
during the course of the project. As a result, the top ten most-likely classic mistakes, and how to avoid
them, were described in the project’s management plan.

Table 2. Top-ten Classic Mistakes, from a 2004 project management plan

Rank                      Classic Mistake                    Action to Take
         Probability of

                          Lack of content or source-
1        68%                                                 Implement source-code control practices
                          code control

                          Failure to produce a design        Produce a design, Ex Post Facto, starting week of
2        60%
                          document                           August 25th

                          Lack of project management
3        60%                                                 Project plan v 1.0 completed August 20th

                          Failure to maintain project
4        60%                                                 Project visibility addressed in project plan.

5        60%              Feature Creep                      Produce a design. Prioritize feature set.

6        58%              Wasted time upstream               The cow is already out of the barn on this one!

                          Reliance on heroics to             Define roles and responsibilities. Emphasize
7        57%
                                                             accurate estimation. Implement management
                          complete a project
                                                             controls to track progress and anticipate delays.

                                                             Address proactively with team members and
8        53%              Friction within team

                          Failure to accurately estimate     Related to lack of design. Having a project
9        53%
                                                             management plan should help. Managers must
                          time and resources
                                                             ensure staff accurately defines and estimates tasks.

                          Failure to define requirements
10       50%                                                 create requirements doc Ex Post Facto.
                          up front

Use Spiral Project Plans
If you’re not familiar with any particular project management frameworks then you might want to start
with a Spiral Project Plan. Spiral project plans are described by Steve McConnell as an iterative project-
management approach that is particularly appropriate for times when you’re not exactly sure of scope

and functionality when you start a project. (This is often the case with small-scale Web development

Spiral project plans are organized around loops of increasing effort and complexity. Initial loops are
brief: subsequent loops last longer, take more effort, and have more impact. Each loop includes
activities where requirements are described and analyzed, some tangible product is created, results are
evaluated, decisions are made, and the next loop is planned. In early loops the products created may be
simple purpose statements or paper prototypes that are tested quickly on sample users. Later loops may
involve significant blocks of code and functionality that are tested with automated test scripts or in
usability labs, or, the project may transition into some other project-management framework
(McConnell, 1996).

                                               Spiral Project Plan

                                              Then                    Design


                                     Figure 8. Spiral Project Plan, sometimes called
                                     “the cinnamon roll” because of the distinctive
                                                    shape of the spiral

The beauty of spiral project plans is apparent in three ways. First, it provides a flexible lightweight
process that practically any team of adults can implement. It doesn’t take a Project Management
Institute certified engineer to work this way. Second, teams can use this process structure projects at
their earliest moments of planning, way before funds are committed and programmers are hired, when
rational processes can have their greatest effect. Third and finnally, they provide a mechanism for reality
checks at the end of each loop where stakeholders can provide input on whether the project is still
aligned with goals. This enables teams to make adjustments before outcomes are set in concrete.

Roles and Responsibilities
Most tasks that fail to get done, fail because of unclear or non-existent ownership, and friction within
projects is frequently caused by ambiguous responsibilities. Conversely, tasks that have clear owners are
likely to get done. One of my favorite techniques for improving basic project management
improvements is to get project teams to define roles-and-responsibilities formally, before work begins in

I developed the following list of role definitions to clarify roles-and-responsibilities for Web projects at
the Smithsonian.

Excerpt from Roles and Responsibilities Definition (Edson, Smithsonian)

    •   Managerial Roles

             –   Sponsor

                     •     Internal client(s) for whom we’re producing the project. Defines goals. Supervises
                           Project Owner and provides resources and direction to Project Owner and team.
                           Provides “head above the trees” perspective of overall effort.

             –   Project Owner

                     •     Responsible for,

                               •   high level organization and execution of project.
                               •   requirements analysis
                               •   creative brief
                               •   interface with project sponsors
                               •   team selection
                               •   high-level definition project lifecycle
                               •   monitoring and periodic reviews of content/functionality over entire project
                               •   Usually reports to the Project Management Team

Sample Roles and Responsibilities Template

Role and Responsibility Assignments
Roles are assigned to individuals for the purpose of a) ensuring that all roles have someone to play them, and b) to
promote clarity for the purpose of project management. Many team members will have more than one role. In
general, individuals are encouraged to participate/collaborate/contribute beyond their strict role assignments! (Table
is partially filled out as an example.)

                                                                                                           (add team members as
                                               Team Members


                                   Project Owner
                                                              X         X
      Managerial Roles

                                   Quality Control

      Content Production Roles


                                   Graphical User

      Technical Production Roles

                                   Web Server

Transparency through standardized reporting
Many projects are only transparent at their inception and completion. The goal of standardized
reporting is to give managers and participants insight into project status and direction so they can make
decisions and manage.

Some examples of simple project reporting methods are shown below.

Example 1, a weekly project status PowerPoint file for general consumption by stakeholders. This
template was filled out weekly by the project manager. The PowerPoint format encouraged brevity and
focus on the most important points.

Figure 9. Two slides showing project status for a Website redesign project

Example 2, a bi- weekly status for parallel projects. This Microsoft Word template was used by 14 senior
managers to report on the status of their projects for the reopening of the Smithsonian American Art
Museum in 2006. Each manager had their own document in a network folder and individual documents
were rolled-up into a “master” document (using Word’s linking feature) for a bi-weekly progress-review

Figure 10. Bi-weekly status reports

Example 3, weekly meeting minutes emphasizing assignments and decisions made. I used this type of
report for a network installation project. Note the use of the term “Action Required” to call attention to
specific assignments. The creation and tracking of Action Items is a highly effective process
improvement. These reports were typed in Microsoft Word’s Outline view as the meeting progressed.
Reports were distributed to team members and uploaded to a project extranet site.

                     Figure 11. Weekly meeting minutes emphasizing actions required and decisions made

Governance Structure
Many organizations lack a formal and uniformly understood mechanism for gathering input on proposed
technology projects and determining which should be submitted for consideration and approval by
senior decision makers. It doesn’t take a lot of process to be effective in this area— “just enough” as
Gartner says. At the Smithsonian American Art Museum, I instituted a simple Web site proposal form
that asked people initiating projects to answer basic questions about the goals and processes.

This process had several beneficial outcomes. First, it ensured that everyone involved in a project agreed
on a project’s scope and assumptions before it began. Second, it forced stakeholders to discuss
priorities, content, direction, and timing before resources were committed. Third, it elevated the
discussion of previously under-valued processes such as roles-and-responsibilities and maintenance
lifecycles. And finally, it provided a single, transparent gateway for all recommendations going to the
Director. Was the process perfect? No. But it was “just enough” process to allow Web-development
projects to begin to be managed, rather than ad-hoc.

Sample Document: Web-site proposal form.


The purpose of this form is to provide an overview of proposed objectives and production/maintenance lifecycles
for new Web content. This form requires information needed to support the editorial decision-making process. A
completed form serves as a contract between project sponsors, team members, and SAAM decision makers.


This section is written with the project manager/project leader in mind

    1.    Somebody generates an idea and you take ownership of it: you are the project leader. You discuss the
          idea with potential partners, team members, and SAAM management. You define a project and walk it
          through the approval process.
    2.    You discuss the idea/project at the SAAM Web Weekly, and (optionally) at the SAAM Web Quarterly.
    3.    If the idea passes through informal discussions you formalize the creative and management aspects of the
          project and fill out this form.
    4.    You present the project and this form to the SAAM Web Quarterly and lead a discussion. You can review
          simple projects via e-mail: more complex projects require a meeting of the Web Quarterly and may
          require several meetings.
    5.    The SAAM Web Quarterly approves the idea (or engages you in an iterative process of questions,
          comments and review) and makes a recommendation to the Director.
    6.    The Director approves the idea.
    7.    You begin the next stages of planning and execution.
    From this point on project management is handled at a detailed level by a Project Management Plan.

What kinds of projects should use this process?
It is hard to describe this categorically. We’ll be using common sense case-by-case.

Web Site Proposal Form

1.  Who will be leading this idea though the approval process?
          2.  Who will be the project sponsor?
          3.  Who will be the project owner?
          4.  What other project “roles” are defined?
          5.  What is the title of the idea?
          6.  Please give an overview of the idea as you would pitch it to the Director and the Web Quarterly.
          7.  What deadlines are associated with this idea?
          8.  What partners (internal or external) will be involved?
          9.  Please describe the 3-year lifecycle of this idea.
10.           What staff resources will be required for the 3-year lifecycle?
          11. What financial resources will be required for the 3-year lifecycle?
          12. What technological resources will be required for the 3-year lifecycle?

      Consequences and phenomena
      Three consequences and phenomena related to the pursuit of process-improvements for museum-
      technology projects are worth noting. They are capability mismatches, the difficulties of getting buy-in
      for governance and control efforts, and what “lightweight” Web 2.0 software development practices
      have to offer museums.

      Capability mismatch
      Capability mismatch describes a situation in which different groups on a project have incompatible
      processes or radically different levels of process maturity. For example, capability mismatches often
      occur when small to medium sized museums with few defined processes and not much project
      management expertise or hire accomplished outside technology companies. Successful technology
      companies tend to be very process and results oriented and often have staff with formal training and
      advanced certification in project management, software development, measurement and analysis, and
      business-process engineering. These people speak a different language than most museum teams,
      which is not to say that they are always right, but the disconnect between intuitive decision-making
      cultures and structured business cultures can cause problems.

      Capability mismatches aren’t found only in internal-external relationships. Mismatches are also found
      between work groups within museums. In mature organizations it would be the responsibility of a
      Project Management Office (PMO) to establish standard practices and resolve mismatches, but museum
      technology projects seldom benefit from this kind of function.

Capability Maturity Mismatch
                                      When you and your vendor have different capability
                                     maturity levels there can be a disruptive shearing effect
                                                       on project processes

                        Figure 12. Capability maturity mismatches create a disruptive shearing effect

In a mismatched engagement, technology vendors working with museum clients often see behavior on
the museum side such as

       conflicting institutional voices/opinions (client doesn’t speak with one voice)
       adversarial relationships (“I don’t feel like we’re on the same team”)
       wrong people in key positions
       unrealistic expectations
       content-approval deadlines are not met
       undefined decision-making processes
       little or no measurement of key performance indicators
       insufficient staffing for the task at hand
       completed projects are not maintained after delivery

I have interviewed vendors of all sizes to gain insight into this phenomenon. Most say the thing they
want most from their museum clients are unified decision making processes and a willingness for senior
managers to “hear what’s realistic and act accordingly” when confronted with evidence of flawed
internal processes or unrealistic expectations.

I have seen more than one museum technology project struggle, under-perform, or fail because of
capability mismatches, and this is an area where vendors and clients need to help each other out.

                                          Capability Maturity Mismatch
                                     Museum                              Vendor
                                     Low Maturity                        Low Maturity
                                                     The blind leading the blind

                                     Low Maturity                        High Maturity
                                                     Common: most organizations select industry leaders

                                     High Maturity                        Low Maturity
                                                      Rare, except when there are non-business factors
                                                      (like pleasing a VIP)

                      Figure 13. Mismatches are caused by differences in the way groups approach work

Governance and Control
Many work groups and departments balk at the idea of new rules, procedures, controls, or governance
structures being imposed on them. As one museum professional I interviewed put it: “Museums workers
often have a kind of entrenched eccentricity that treats all efforts to institute standard procedures as
infringements on creativity.” (Anonymous interview, 4/27/2008.) And museums are not alone. Matt
Hotle writes “Most [software] development organizations seem to have a clear avoidance mechanism
when it comes to ‘process.’ However, using a ‘just enough’ approach to processes enables an
organization's behaviors to match its goals. ( 'Just Enough Process' for Applications, 2007.)

Gartner’s “just enough” approach encourages managers to keep rules and governance to the absolute
minimum required to help get products completed the “right” way, and I have found that use of the
“just enough” phrase itself sends a positive and soothing message to concerned stakeholders.
Governance and control efforts need internal marketing and wise stewardship to get buy-in and
acceptance, but ultimately governance and control will be accepted by teams when they see that the
new rules and procedures benefit their work, reduce errors and rework, and free them up to perform
more creative and rewarding tasks. Most wisdom on this topic asserts that a light hand, “more carrots:
fewer sticks” (positive incentives rather than the threat of punishment) is the most successful way to
bring governance structures into an organization.

Web 2.0: Lightweight Development Frameworks
The way Websites are built and improved has changed dramatically in the last few years, and these
changes are good for small organizations wanting to have a greater impact online. In the client-server or
mainframe computing era, software applications were meticulously planned in excruciating detail
months or years ahead of delivery and the final software product worked for the task it was designed for
(or not) and that was more-or-less the end of the story. If requirements changed or new opportunities
arose not much could be done in the short-term, and end-users had little or no opportunity to add or
change the product’s functionality to suit their own distinctive needs. Making software this way
required large teams working at high levels of process maturity to make a product. It made Microsoft
rich in the 80’s and 90’s, but there are new models now.

 There’s a phenomenal amount of hope and hype around the term Web 2.0, which is typically associated
with social networking Web sites, tagging, and user-created content. But publisher Tim O’Reilly sees
something deeper going on here in the way that these kinds of sites are being developed. In his
manifesto on the subject, What is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next
Generation of Software,18 O’Reilly describes how powerful, effective, and wildly profitable Web
applications can (and should) be built using lightweight, rapid-development processes and continuous
improvement and innovation fueled by interaction with (and contributions by) customers. In contrast

18, accessed 4/27/2008

with previous practices, these sites go public with basic functionality and are constantly modified,
adjusted, and expanded according to what works and what doesn’t.

O’Reilly writes,

        Cal Henderson, the lead developer of Flickr, recently revealed that they deploy new
        builds up to every half hour. This is clearly a radically different development model!
        While not all web applications are developed in as extreme a style as Flickr, almost
        all web applications have a development cycle that is radically unlike anything from
        the PC or client-server era. It is for this reason that a recent ZDnet editorial
        concluded that Microsoft won't be able to beat Google: quot;Microsoft's business model
        depends on everyone upgrading their computing environment every two to three
        years. Google's depends on everyone exploring what's new in their computing
        environment every day.quot;

I wouldn’t argue that Google doesn’t require mature software development processes—quite the
contrary in fact—but lightweight framework models do demonstrate that valuable software can be built
in small, manageable pieces by small manageable teams. The acceptance and mainstreaming of free and
open source software further lowers the barriers to entry: a team of two or three developers can
produce flexible and high-quality Web applications in small iterative steps at low cost and low risk. (Or,
museums can opt-out of software development altogether and adapt the same blog, wiki, tagging, and
file-sharing software that’s available to the general public right now. )

A full discussion of the Web 2.0 platform is beyond the scope of this paper, but Tim O’Reilly’s article is
required reading for anybody thinking seriously about the future of software development.

Real World Examples
The following brief case studies give concrete examples of how process maturity and an understanding
of capability maturity models can affect the direction and outcome of projects.

Capability Mismatch: Handheld Multimedia Guide

In 2004 the Smithsonian issued a request for proposals (RFP) for a pilot project for multimedia handheld
tours at six museums, with the hope that the successful system would eventually be extended to all
Smithsonian museums. (Four Smithsonian museums were in the process of implementing their own
handheld-guide pilot projects or had just completed them.)

A press release described the to-be functionality of the device,

        Visitors to the Smithsonian will have the option to rent a lightweight, wireless
        handheld device that is the heart of the SIguide solution. With the SIguide handheld
        device, Smithsonian patrons will be able to take preset tours or customized tours
that match their interests; view multimedia content such as documents, photos, and
        audio and video clips; locate and be directed to exhibits, landmarks or other
        members of their group; communicate with someone or everyone in their group;
        create a schedule of activities and receive reminders when events are due to begin;
        save content, messages, sketches and notes to a scrapbook they subsequently can
        access via the Web; and much more.19

The RFP stipulated that the Smithsonian would contribute content and staff-hours to the project, but no
capital funds: development costs would be borne by the vendor and recouped by sharing revenue from
device rentals. Technical specifications and requirements were assembled from needs and wish-lists
submitted by participating Smithsonian museums. The project had executive-level sponsorship and high
visibility throughout the Institution.

The contract was awarded to a small startup with a compelling vision. Company founders demonstrated
a history of successful involvement in museum content/technology deployments, but no track record
delivering the technology required by this project on this scale. The technology specification included
installing multiple wireless networks; developing a system of automated kiosks to distribute, charge, and
synchronize the inventory of handheld devices; a complex database infrastructure; integration with e-
commerce and customer databases; and “wireless positioning” technology to relate the moment-to-
moment location of each handheld device with maps of artifacts and related content.

Process Maturity
To buffer the project from risk, the awardee created a project management office (PMO) through a sub-
contract with a local technology company with a highly mature project management group. The intent
of the PMO was to provide a system of checks and balances that could match the realities of day-to-day
execution and decision making with the idealized vision of the project. However, there was a significant
capability mismatch between the startup’s culture and that of the PMO and after several weeks the
awardee disbanded the PMO (with the Smithsonian’s approval). No similarly mature project-
management expertise was established to replace that which was lost.

Technology development was not vetted through previously defined processes but was fast-tracked.
(Part of the rationale for this was, perhaps, the fact that the Smithsonian did not have capital
investments at risk.) Furthermore, project success was contingent on the on-time delivery and
satisfactory performance of several critical assumptions about a) the accuracy and performance of the
wireless positioning system, b) the performance and reliability of the automated kiosks, c) revenue
projections, and d) operating costs. These assumptions were not rigorously tested and risk-mitigation or
contingency plans, if they existed, were not well known.

   Press release, labeled as coming from the Smithsonian,, accessed
4/26/2008. Also see From the Secretary: Guiding Light at, accessed 4/26/2008

Outcome and Lessons Learned
This was a complex project and a full description of its promise and flaws is beyond the scope of this
paper and the knowledge of its author. But it’s important to try to learn from what went wrong and two
process-maturity mistakes are apparent. Ineffective process controls allowed stakeholders to define a
project that was beyond the process maturity level of both the vendor and the Institution, and the lack
of a PMO (caused by a capability mismatch) allowed early warning signs to go unnoticed or insufficiently
addressed. Given the Smithsonian’s highly mature content-creation processes and the recognizably
bleeding-edge nature of this project’s technology and business models, a better approach might have
been to gradually increase investments in successful museum-based pilot projects to test theories about
audience acceptance, technology, and operations in a more controlled manner. This kind of evolutionary
roadmap has been tried successfully at several other institutions.

Lightweight Software Development: SAAM’s Eye Level Blog
In May of 2005 Smithsonian American Art Museum’s (SAAM’s) New Media Initiatives department
proposed creating a blog for SAAM’s reopening, which was fourteen months away. The New Media
team knew they needed to establish a new Web site to support the outreach goals of reopening and
build buzz leading up to opening day, but the museum’s normal content-creation teams were pinned-
down with day-to-day tasks pertaining to the bricks-and-mortar museum reopening and money was
tight. In addition, museum managers realized that high-visibility projects (such as Web and kiosk
applications for the Luce Foundation Center for American Art) would leave little capacity for complex
software and content development efforts.

Process Maturity
The blog was identified as an achievable objective specifically because it required a low level of process
maturity, had a very small budget impact, and had a low risk of failure (and not enormous consequences
if it did.) Through a structured governance process the project’s goals, risks, roles-and-responsibilities,
and project management methodology was articulated and reviewed. Some project stakeholders were
uncomfortable with unknowns in the content-creation and editorial process, so the project was
approved for a trial-run in which the blog site available on a password-protected page available only to
SAAM employees. After a short period running internally, stakeholders became comfortable with
production processes and the blog was approved for external publication.

Lessons Learned
This approach was effective for SAAM.

Matching goals to capacity and maturity: SAAM “Findability” project

The creation of new Web sites for the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s (SAAM’s) reopening in 2006
also created problems with navigation, branding, and information architecture. Rather than initiate a
redesign, SAAM chose to take an iterative approach to Web site improvement by focusing on findability
(making SAAM’s Web content easier to find) and structuring work so that results would be achieved
through a series of short, low-risk sub projects (rather than one large, monolithic project as SAAM had
done in the past).

Process Maturity
SAAM was extremely focused on conducting a controlled and managed development process that
avoided the pitfalls and distractions of traditional Web redesign projects. The SAAM Web team was
aware of capability and maturity weaknesses and did not have great confidence in its capacity to
manage a large Web redesign. The team was more comfortable and experienced with smaller projects
of two or three month duration so the RFP it issued explicitly required vendors to structure work into
short sub-projects and use processes similar to the Spiral Project Plan. (See text box below.)

        Excerpt from RFP


       Proposed work plans shall be designed to achieve desired results through a series of contained,
       low-risk sub-projects (as opposed to a monolithic, all-or-nothing methodology). Methodologies
       should include continuous testing, measurement, assessment, and refinement. As the saying
       goes, “teach us to fish” rather than build us some fancy boats and go away. This is especially
       important if parts of the work plan include community-building or visitor-created content.

In addition, the RFP that intentionally avoided the term “redesign” and instead focused attention on
making measureable improvements to end-user perceptions of findability, including the performance of
search engines, information architecture, labeling, and overall usability—but only if those facets could
be tied back to findability. Use of the word “redesign” was discouraged in project meetings, documents,
and discussion.

Lessons Learned
The project has not concluded and the outcomes are not clear.

The road to effienent development town.

Redrawn from Rapid Development, Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press, 1996

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—. 2006. CMMI for Development, Version 1.2. Pittsburgh : Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie
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—. 2007. The Little Big Application Organization: How a Big Organization Can Still Remain Small. ID
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—. 2008. The 'Seven Deadly Sins' of Application Governance. ID Number: G00155896. s.l. : Gartner, Inc.,

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Keen, Andrew. 2007. The Cult of the Amateur: How today's internet is killing our culture. New York :
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Kopcho, Joanne and Hottle, Matthew. 2008. CMMI Remains the Standard for Software Process
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  • 1. Introduction to Process Maturity AAM Annual Conference April 27, 2008 Michael Edson Director, Web and New Media Strategy Smithsonian Institution From the session Good Projects Gone Bad Managing and Delivering Complex Technology Projects Michael Edson Nik Honeysett Director, Web and New Media Strategy Head of Administration Smithsonian Institution J. Paul Getty Museum
  • 2. Table of Contents Abstract .....................................................................................................................................................................1 Projects in Trouble .........................................................................................................................................................2 Technology management as core competency .........................................................................................................3 Process Maturity and Capability Maturity Model Integration .......................................................................................5 Understanding different levels of capability maturity ..............................................................................................6 Using CMMI ...................................................................................................................................................................9 First, figure out where you are ..................................................................................................................................9 Ratchet up one level at a time ................................................................................................................................11 Don’t try to skip levels .............................................................................................................................................11 Don’t slip back .........................................................................................................................................................12 Pick projects appropriate for your level ..................................................................................................................13 Assign responsibility and measure measure measure ............................................................................................13 Some Practical Ways to increase process maturity .....................................................................................................14 Classic mistakes avoidance......................................................................................................................................14 Transparency through standardized reporting .......................................................................................................21 Governance Structure .............................................................................................................................................23 Consequences and phenomena ..................................................................................................................................24 Web 2.0: Lightweight Development Frameworks ...................................................................................................24 Governance and Control .........................................................................................................................................26 Capability mismatch ................................................................................................................................................24 Real World Examples ...................................................................................................................................................27 Capability Mismatch: Smithsonian Multimedia Guide ............................................................................................27 Lightweight Software Development: SAAM’s Eye Level Blog .................................................................................29 Matching goals to capacity and maturity: SAAM “Findability” project ...................................................................30 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................................31 Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
  • 3. Abstract Museum Web and New Media software projects offer tantalizing rewards, but the road to success can be paved with uncertainty and risk. To small organizations these risks can be overwhelming, and even large organizations with seemingly limitless resources can flounder in ways that profoundly affect staff morale, public impact, the health and fitness of our partners in the vendor community, and our own bottom lines. Something seems to happen between the inception of projects, when optimism and beneficial outcomes seem clear and attainable, and somewhere down the road when schedules, budgets, and outcomes go off course. What is it? And what can we do to gain control? This paper, created for the 2008 annual conference of the American Association of Museums, describes some common ways that technology projects get into trouble. It examines a proven project-process framework called the Capability Maturity Model and how that model can provide insight and guidance to museum leaders and project participants, and it tells how to improve real-world processes that contribute to project success. The paper includes three brief case studies and a call-to-action which argues that museum leaders should make technology stewardship an urgent priority. The intended audience is people who are interested in understanding and improving how museum- technology gets done. The paper’s primary focus is Web and New Media software projects, but the core ideas are applicable to projects of all kinds. A note on style and formatting I decided write this paper, instead of just creating PowerPoint slides, to force myself to delve deeper into these ideas, tie them together, and give them a home on the Web where others can find them, use them, critique them, and improve them. I’m not a trained academic writer and I haven’t benefited from editorial assistance, so I ask for the reader’s forgiveness for the errors in consistency and style that they will certainly find. I suppose my paper-writing process maturity is “evolving”—a joke that will be funnier when you’ve reached the final page. 1
  • 4. Projects in Trouble Back in the 1980’s the Federal Government had a problem. Software projects were failing—expensively, painfully, publicly failing. The US General Services Administration in a report titled “Mission-Critical Systems: Defense Attempting to Address Major Software Challenges” 1 observed: As systems become increasingly complex, successful software development becomes increasingly difficult. Most major system developments are fraught with cost, schedule, and performance shortfalls. We have repeatedly reported on costs rising by millions of dollars, schedule delays of not months but years, and multibillion-dollar systems that don’t perform as envisioned. The problem wasn’t just that the government couldn’t complete software projects on time or on budget, or that it couldn’t predict which projects it was currently working on would succeed or fail— though these were both significant and severe problems—but most worrisome from my perspective is that it couldn’t figure out which new projects it was capable of doing in the future. If a business case or museum mission justifies an investment in technology that justification is based on the assumption that the technology can be competently implemented. If instead the assumption is that project execution is a crap shoot, the business case and benefit-to-mission arguments crumble and managers are stuck, unable to move forward (because of the risk of failure) and unable to not move forward because business and mission needs still call. The pace of change in foundational technologies and assumptions (or dreams) about what could be done with software makes it very difficult for managers to know what skills, competencies, and capacities they need to ensure success.2 There’s little in most museum employees’ training or experience to prepare them for making technology decisions, and there are few patterns to follow. Unlike the building-construction and maintenance trades, software engineering is a relatively new profession in museums and doesn’t benefit from generations of established practice, training, certification, standards, and lessons learned through trial-and-error. One wouldn’t try to run a museum building without a building manager and building engineer—your insurance company would probably cancel your policy if you tried, yet few people would raise a red flag if you ran a museum without the equivalent technology expertise. 1 General Accounting Office, 1992, IMTEC-93-13 Mission-Critical Systems: Defense Attempting to Address Major Software Challenges, accessed 4/21/2008 2 At the 2006 Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies in Government (Washington, DC. June 2006) CIO’s confessed that they had given up multi-year planning because the pace of change in the industry was just too great. (I attended and presented at this conference.) 2
  • 5. Technology management as core competency As a case-in-point, the AAM accreditation process requires museums to provide detailed information about the operation and maintenance of physical facilities—including detailed documentation of physical security, health and safety programs, grounds and land-management plans, and something called an “RC-AAM Standard Facility Report for the museum’s buildings”—but there are no questions about information-technology beyond a single item on “Internet-related interpretive activities.” It would appear that a museum can become AAM certified without an exploration of its information-technology operations, or at the very least that the process does not draw museums’ attention to IT best practices in the same way that it does for buildings and grounds.3 I expect this sends a message to museum leaders that that information technology is not significantly important to their long-term success. But it is important—critically so. Even if you’re a small museum with fewer than ten employees, somebody is involved in software development. They’re making Excel spreadsheets, Access databases, collections of word documents and forms. Maybe they’ve got you involved in YouTube, Flickr, or Facebook. And if you staff isn’t doing this, your visitors are. I’d be surprised to find an AMM member museum that doesn’t have single technology initiative, and I’m sure that you could not find a museum whose audiences were ambivalent about technology. And museums can’t choose not to focus on technology. Witness the story of Doug Morris, Chair and CEO of Universal Music Group, which I offer as a cautionary tale. Doug Morris, Chair and CEO Universal Music Group (Photo: Getty Images)4 Mr. Morris, by all appearances, is a successful tycoon, running a $7 billion-a-year pop culture empire 5 and hobnobbing with the rich-and-famous—he would be recognizable and comfortable as a donor and 3 Based on the AAM Accreditation Self-Study Questionnaire (2007) and the author’s recent experience with the AAM Accreditation process. 4, accessed 4/26/2008 5 Universal's CEO Once Called iPod Users Thieves. Now He's Giving Songs Away, Wired, 11/27/2007, accessed 4/21/2008 3
  • 6. member on museum boards. (He was Director of the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame6.) Mr. Morris is also a creative person: he wrote quot;Sweet Talkin' Guy for The Chiffons in 1966 and produced quot;Smokin' In the Boys Roomquot; for Brownsville Station in 19737. But at the helm of his $7 billion-a-year business Mr. Morris chose to opt-out of the technology business in the 1990’s, just when digital music and the Internet went supernova. The awkward stumbling of the music business in the last 15 years, the acrimony caused by the relentless pursuit of its customers, and a cascade of technology failures, missed boats, and squandered opportunities was the result. From a Wired Magazine interview: quot;There's no one in the record company that's a technologist,quot; Morris explains. quot;That's a misconception writers make all the time, that the record industry missed this. They didn't. They just didn't know what to do. It's like if you were suddenly asked to operate on your dog to remove his kidney. What would you do?quot; quot;We didn't know who to hire,quot; he says, becoming more agitated. quot;I wouldn't be able to recognize a good technology person — anyone with a good bullshit story would have gotten past me.8quot; As New York Entertainment’s blog Vulture observed this about Mr. Morris’s confession: Even though we shouldn't be, we're actually a little shocked. We'd always assumed the labels had met with a team of technology experts in the late nineties and ignored their advice, but it turns out they never even got that far — they didn't even try! New York Entertainment continues: Understanding the Internet certainly isn't easy — especially for an industry run by a bunch of technology-averse sexagenarians — but it's definitely not impossible. The original Napster hit its peak in 1999 — kids born since then have hacked into CIA computers. Surely it wouldn't have taken someone at Universal more than a month or two to learn enough about the Internet to know who to call to answer a few questions. They didn't even have any geeky interns?9 6 Vivendi board bio accessed 4/21/2008 7 Universal's CEO Once Called iPod Users Thieves. Now He's Giving Songs Away, Wired, 11/27/2007, accessed 4/21/2008 8 Universal's CEO Once Called iPod Users Thieves. Now He's Giving Songs Away, Wired, 11/27/2007, accessed 4/21/2008 9 Apropos of Nothing, New York Entertainment accessed 4/19/2008 . 4
  • 7. So what’s the headline here? It’s that large and small businesses have a lot to gain from focusing on how to get good and stay good at technology, nobody is immune from failure, and nobody gets to opt-out. The irony is that many museums are drawn to complex technology initiatives and the risks of getting in over their heads just as they reach the point where successful technology projects can have a positive impact.10 Process Maturity and Capability Maturity Model Integration Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University ( in 1991 to help the Federal Government understand the capabilities of its software vendors and deal proactively with the problem of out-of- control software projects. It became and remains a best-practice software-development framework11 and its core ideas can help organizations of all kinds escape from, as Steve McConnell puts it in his software development bible Rapid Development (Microsoft Press, 1996), the Gilligan’s Island cycle of under-performing projects. Figure 1. Use CMMI to help your team escape from Gilligan's Island CMM posits that organizations, or groups or processes within organizations, function at one of five levels of process maturity, with level 1 being the lowest or least mature level, and level 5 as the highest or most mature level.12 10 Edson, Michael, Data Access Strategy, in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2006: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2006 at 11 Gartner Research: CMMI Remains the Standard for Software Process Frameworks. ID Number: G00156315. Published 4/18/2008. 12 The descriptions from this list are from Paulk, M., et al (1995). The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process, New York: Addison-Wesley Professional, but the names of the five levels show the updated terminology established by the Software Engineering Institute in 2003. 5
  • 8. 1. Initial – Processes, if they are defined at all, are ad hoc. Successes depend on individual heroics and are generally not repeatable. 2. Managed – Basic project management practices are established and the discipline is in place to repeat earlier successes with similar projects. 3. Defined – Processes are documented and standardized and all projects use approved, tailored versions of the standard processes. 4. Quantitatively Managed – The performance of processes and the quality of end-products are managed with quantitative measurement and analysis. 5. Optimizing – Continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback from the process and from piloting innovative ideas. Capability Maturity Model 5. Optimizing 4. Quantitatively Managed 3. Defined 2. Managed 1. Initial Figure 2. The five levels of the Capability Maturity Model The five levels should be understood as a kind of staircase, lowest maturity on the bottom and highest on the top, with each level serving as the foundation for the level above (figure 1). Understanding different levels of capability maturity Paulk et. al. in The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process (New York: Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995) lay out a very useful chart that helps bring into focus how the model relates to our own organizations and what our work worlds would look like if capability and maturity were improved. (See Table 1.) Typical in the low-maturity column (Level 1) are phrases like success depends on individual heroics and, few stable processes exist or are used Typical in the high-maturity column are phrases like 6
  • 9. strong sense of teamwork exists across the organization and, everyone is involved in process improvement I myself, have worked on more than a few projects that functioned at level 1. At level 1, not much is written down, nobody is sure who is doing what or who “owns” various parts of the project, nobody can really tell what the schedule is or whether you are on schedule or running late, meetings are held but nobody takes notes or records actionable assignments, and products are often only partially finished, with lots of surprises and defects discovered at the last minute before “completion.” This isn’t to say that you can’t have successes at level 1. I worked for a museum that produced several award-winning technology projects this way, but the successes were built on individual heroics and the effort almost killed them. (Just after winning awards for a major Web site this organization spent over two years trying to complete what was to have been a six-month redesign.) Functioning at this maturity level certainly diminished their willingness to stay together as a team or build on their success, and it bread a distrust of technology-content initiatives in general that made it difficult to get buy-in for urgent and necessary new projects. 7
  • 10. Table 1. Implications of advancing through CMM levels. Which columns best describe your organization? (This table was very slightly modified to enhance clarity for non-software professionals.) Level 1. Level 2. Level 3. Level 4. Level 5. Success depends on Success depends on Project groups work Strong sense of teamwork Strong sense of teamwork People individual heroics individuals together, perhaps as an exists within each project exists across the integrated team organization. “Fire fighting” is a way of life Commitments are understood and managed Training is planned and Everyone is involved in Relationships between provided according to roles process improvement disciplines are People are trained uncoordinated, perhaps even adversarial Few stable processes exist or At the individual project Integrated management and Processes are quantitatively Processes are continuously Processes are used level, documented and stable engineering (how things get understood and stabilized and systematically improved. estimating, planning and built) processes are used “Just do it!” Sources of individual Common sources of commitment processes are across the organization problems are understood and problems are understood and used Problems are anticipated and eliminated eliminated Problems are recognized and prevented, or their impacts corrected as they occur are minimized Data collection and analysis Planning and management Data are collected and used Data definition and collection Data are used to evaluate Measurement are ad hoc data used by individual in all defined processes are standardized across the and select process projects organization improvements Data are systematically shared across projects Data are used to understand work processes quantitatively and stabilize them Introduction of new Technology supports New technologies are New technologies are New technologies are Technology technology is risky established, stable activities evaluated on a qualitative evaluated on a quantitative proactively pursued and basis basis deployed 8
  • 11. Using CMMI Using the CMMI can be a relatively informal process that involves understanding and applying process- improvement best practices to your organization. Or, it can be a formal process that involves extensive training, creation of a process improvement infrastructure, appraisals, and more. To avoid confusing people who are familiar with heavy-duty process-improvement efforts I must draw a distinction between the formal CMMI process defined by the Software Engineering Institute and what I’m talking about here. In this paper I argue that many organizations can benefit from what CMMI has to offer, but I am not advocating a full-fledged CMMI program which typically involves formal assessment teams, rigid interpretations of CMMI, a great deal of work: these kinds of efforts don’t deliver good return-on-investment for organizations at emerging maturity levels.13 What I advocate is a kind of CMMI-Lite in which organizations borrow the most useful aspects of CMMI without becoming overly bound to the formal doctrine. As Gartner, Inc. says, “Organizations should use CMM as a guidebook, not a ‘cookbook.’ Results-based improvement should be the key.”14 First, figure out where you are Unless you’re working with a formal CMM assessment team the first step to understanding and improving your capability maturity is to look at Table 1 and identify the statements that best describe how your team does work. You don’t have to think across every kind of project your organization does: pick one or two projects or activities that you think would benefit from some improvement. Note that it’s not uncommon for organizations to have some processes that are very mature and some that are very immature. CMMI orthodoxy recognizes this and encourages a methodology of continuous improvement at varying levels of maturity. You may find it useful to modify table 1 or the overarching CMMI levels of maturity listed above and to cast them in terms that better describe your organization, or your project. 13 Phone interview with Sanjeev Sharma, CMM specialist and IT Manager Safety & Mission Assurance, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. 3/11/08 14 Gartner Research, CMMI Remains the Standard for Software Process Frameworks. Article ID #G00156315, 4/16/2008. The exact quote is “Internal development organizations should use CMMI as a guidebook, not a ‘cookbook.’ Results-based improvement should be the key.” 9
  • 12. Capability Maturity Model Figure out 5. Optimizing where you are? 4. Quantitatively Managed 3. Defined 2. Managed 1. Initial Figure 3. Figure out where you are on the Capability Maturity Model For example, in 2006 I modified the out-of-the-box CMM level definitions to be more meaningful to a data-strategy project at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.15 The definitions shown below helped me understand the roadmap and projects that were needed to get us from where we were (level 2) to where we wanted to be (levels 3 and 4). Level 1 – Limited data federation; often with redundant and inconsistent data. Data strategy is not even on the organizational radar. Level 2 – Limited data consolidation; documenting redundancies and inconsistencies. Some isolated departments are trying to raise awareness and initiate projects. Level 3 – Data integration initiated; new ‘disintegration’ is discouraged. Multi-departmental teams begin working on policies and procedures to advance a data strategy. Level 4 – Data integration widely adapted; ‘disintegration’ is penalized. All projects in the organization adhere to data integration policies and managers are held accountable for variances. If you conclude that you’re at a low level of maturity, you’re not alone. Gartner research finds that most organizational software development teams function at Level 1 or Level 2, “which means that, at best, they have some reasonably good project management practices,” and less than 25% of teams function at level 3 or higher (Hotle, 'Just Enough Process' for Applications). Taken at face value, this means that most software development efforts can be expected to produce inconsistent results with little control of budget and timelines. Though this is appauling, the good news is that basic process improvement initiatives could have a dramatic effect on the productivity and predictability of a great many software projects. 15 Edson M., Data Access Strategy, in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2006: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2006 at I’m not sure why I described four levels instead of five. 10
  • 13. Ratchet up one level at a time If you’re at level 1, what small steps can you take to get to level 2? The Software Engineering Institute says that you can get from level 1 to level 2 just by establishing sound project management practices (CMMI for Acquisition, 2007). Such practices might include activities such as tracking and communicating project status, measuring effort and outcomes, or ensuring roles-and-responsibilities are adequately defined. Capability Maturity Model 5. Optimizing Ratchet up gradually 4. Quantitatively Managed over time 3. Defined 2. Managed 1. Initial Figure 4. Improve maturity gradually, one level at a time These process-improvement efforts don’t need to take a lot of time and effort. Matt Hotle of Gartner says that he very seldom sees an basic process improvement effort that takes more than a couple of weeks” (interview with the author, 4/24/08). The Software Engineering Institute notes that improvements that move a group from level 1 to level 2 may depend on “heroics” of individual staff members until the concepts of process improvements are more widely understood and supported (CMMI for Acquisition, 2007). Don’t try to skip levels It’s very tempting to try to skip from low levels of maturity to high ones without going through the intermediate steps. For example, if your organization really wants to use new technologies on the cutting edge, but your current state is that the “introduction of new technology is risky” (Level 1 from Table 1) then you would be well served to work first on ratcheting your technology adoption capabilities up to level 2, “technology supports established, stable activities” and see how that goes. 11
  • 14. Capability Maturity Model Don’t skip steps 5. Optimizing 4. Quantitatively Managed 3. Defined 2. Managed 1. Initial Figure 5. Avoid the temptation to skip steps. It’s risky. Trying to leapfrog from level 1 to level 4 or five doesn’t give your organization time to establish the core competencies needed to succeed at high levels of expected performance. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) says “Because each maturity level forms a necessary foundation for the next level, trying to skip maturity levels is usually counterproductive.” (CMMI Project Team, 2007.) The SEI further notes that “processes without the proper foundation may fail at the point they are needed most—under stress.” John P. Kotter, in the Harvard Business Review notes that “Skipping steps creates only an illusion of speed and never produces a satisfying result.” (Kotter, 1995) Don’t slip back A recent book on evolution16 stated that Charles Darwin’s greatest contribution was not that he thought up modification with descent (natural selection), but that his research and writing tied the idea down so firmly so that it could never drift away. There’s an important lesson here for process improvement: try to ensure that whatever improvements you do make to software development processes become codified and formalized so that as staff and managers come and go and teams adapt and change your hard won progress doesn’t atrophy. Remember that every level is a foundation for the one that comes next. 16 I read this somewhere recently but have not been able to track down the citation! 12
  • 15. Capability Maturity Model 5. Optimizing Don’t slip back! 4. Quantitatively Managed 3. Defined 2. Managed 1. Initial Figure 6. Solidify gains in maturity so that they're permanent. Pick projects appropriate for your level This is related to “don’t skip steps” pattern, but is more focused on tailoring what you need to get done with what you’re capable of doing. Usually, at lower levels of maturity this means breaking ambitious visions into smaller, less costly, and less risky sub-projects that together, achieve the vision. This approach is harmonious with a lot of recent thinking, particularly in Web application development, there are significant beneficial consequences for organizations at all levels of maturity. (More on this later.) Capability Maturity Model Pick projects Appropriate 5. Optimizing For your 4. Quantitatively Managed level 3. Defined 2. Managed 1. Initial Figure 7. Pick projects appropriate for your current capability maturity level Assign responsibility and measure measure measure Matt Hotle, Gartner’s CMMI expert, states that assigning responsibility for process improvement initiatives is one of the most important highest-value steps an organization can take.17 Gartner strongly asserts that assigning responsibility for process improvement and measuring efforts are the most critical steps. 17 Phone interview with the author, 4/24/2008 13
  • 16. Of measurement, Hotle writes Application people are generally terrible with measurement. This actually may be a kind statement, because we believe that fewer than 20% of application organizations have a usable measurement system. From a governance perspective, it's a sin to have a set of processes that have been defined, but have no feedback loop to understand whether the processes are doing well. (The 'Seven Deadly Sins' of Application Governance. ID Number: G00155896, 2008) So what should you measure at lower levels of maturity? For typical museum Web development projects, start by measuring staff-hour projections, actual staff-hours spent, defects (bugs and errors), and the movement of content through development, review, and approval processes. Some Practical Ways to increase process maturity Classic mistakes avoidance Steve McConnell, in his classic book Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules (Microsoft Press, 1996) uses the concept of Classic Mistakes to help software developers avoid commonly encountered, and repeated, errors. Classic Mistakes identify things that often go wrong with People, Processes, and Technology and they are often related to immature work processes. Avoiding Classic Mistakes is one of the best ways to move towards successful technology development. The following list of classic mistakes is adapted from Adapted from Rapid Development (McConnell, 1996.) 14
  • 17. Classic mistakes enumerated • Process-Oriented Mistakes – Lack of project management plan Failure to define, up front, what project management practices will be used – Failure to follow-through on project management plan Good plan at start of project but not followed and implemented day-to-day – Failure to define requirements up front Team fails to define, in writing, what is to be delivered. – Failure to accurately estimate time and resources Related to requirements gathering – Micro Management … by project sponsors or managers. – Failure to define roles and responsibilities Who is responsible for what? – Failure to develop creative brief Lack of codified creative direction leads to stress with sponsors and partners. Related to requirements. – Failure to empower creative team creative team hobbled by unclear sponsorship. – Failure to maintain project visibility Related to lack of project management plan – Wishful thinking Related to lack of requirements gathering, estimation – Overly optimistic schedules Related to wishful thinking, failure to estimate accurately – Insufficient risk management Known and obvious risks are not accounted for in management plan – Wasted time upstream Most projects waste time in beginning of project – insufficient quality assurance Failure to produce and follow a test plan. (Stems from failure to define requirements in advance.) – Feature Creep Related to lack of management controls – Insufficient management controls Project metrics lacking, deliverables unclear, visibility poor – Failure to produce a design 15
  • 18. “Design” in the architecture and requirements sense, not graphic design. – Gold-plating requirements Unrealistic desire to have all bells & whistles – Ineffective management of contractors Related to requirements gathering, management plan. • People Oriented Mistakes – Friction within team Unaddressed problem relationships within team lower productivity and morale for entire project team – Friction with customers/partners #2 complaint of software development teams – Weak personnel #1 complaint of software development teams – Reliance on heroics to complete a project This is related to wishful thinking and lack of requirements, management controls, etc. – Unrealistic expectations “We can just code like hell and get this done.” Related to lack of requirements, management controls, etc – Lack of effective project sponsorship Ambiguous or inconsistent direction/participation from sponsors – Lack of stakeholder buy-in Ramming a project down a stakeholder’s throat. Related to sponsorship. – Lack of user input Failure to maintain relationship with customers • Technology Oriented Mistakes – Switching tools or technologies in the middle of a project False promise of productivity or performance improvements often derail projects – Lack of content or source-code control Developers/authors overwrite each others documents. – Silver-bullet syndrome too much faith put in benefits of new technology and not enough thought put into how well they would do in your organization – Overestimated savings from new tools or methods Organizations seldom improve in giant leaps 16
  • 19. In 2004 I surveyed an experienced, award-winning project team about which classic mistakes they felt were likely to occur during a software project we were initiating. The results were sobering, team members identified 26 classic mistakes that they thought had a 1:3 or greater chance of occurring during the course of the project. As a result, the top ten most-likely classic mistakes, and how to avoid them, were described in the project’s management plan. Table 2. Top-ten Classic Mistakes, from a 2004 project management plan Estimated Rank Classic Mistake Action to Take Probability of Occurrence Lack of content or source- 1 68% Implement source-code control practices code control Failure to produce a design Produce a design, Ex Post Facto, starting week of 2 60% document August 25th Lack of project management 3 60% Project plan v 1.0 completed August 20th plan Failure to maintain project 4 60% Project visibility addressed in project plan. visibility 5 60% Feature Creep Produce a design. Prioritize feature set. 6 58% Wasted time upstream The cow is already out of the barn on this one! Reliance on heroics to Define roles and responsibilities. Emphasize 7 57% accurate estimation. Implement management complete a project controls to track progress and anticipate delays. Address proactively with team members and 8 53% Friction within team management. Failure to accurately estimate Related to lack of design. Having a project 9 53% management plan should help. Managers must time and resources ensure staff accurately defines and estimates tasks. Failure to define requirements 10 50% create requirements doc Ex Post Facto. up front Use Spiral Project Plans If you’re not familiar with any particular project management frameworks then you might want to start with a Spiral Project Plan. Spiral project plans are described by Steve McConnell as an iterative project- management approach that is particularly appropriate for times when you’re not exactly sure of scope 17
  • 20. and functionality when you start a project. (This is often the case with small-scale Web development projects.) Spiral project plans are organized around loops of increasing effort and complexity. Initial loops are brief: subsequent loops last longer, take more effort, and have more impact. Each loop includes activities where requirements are described and analyzed, some tangible product is created, results are evaluated, decisions are made, and the next loop is planned. In early loops the products created may be simple purpose statements or paper prototypes that are tested quickly on sample users. Later loops may involve significant blocks of code and functionality that are tested with automated test scripts or in usability labs, or, the project may transition into some other project-management framework (McConnell, 1996). Spiral Project Plan Evaluate Then Design plan next loop START Test Build Figure 8. Spiral Project Plan, sometimes called “the cinnamon roll” because of the distinctive shape of the spiral The beauty of spiral project plans is apparent in three ways. First, it provides a flexible lightweight process that practically any team of adults can implement. It doesn’t take a Project Management Institute certified engineer to work this way. Second, teams can use this process structure projects at their earliest moments of planning, way before funds are committed and programmers are hired, when rational processes can have their greatest effect. Third and finnally, they provide a mechanism for reality checks at the end of each loop where stakeholders can provide input on whether the project is still aligned with goals. This enables teams to make adjustments before outcomes are set in concrete. Roles and Responsibilities Most tasks that fail to get done, fail because of unclear or non-existent ownership, and friction within projects is frequently caused by ambiguous responsibilities. Conversely, tasks that have clear owners are likely to get done. One of my favorite techniques for improving basic project management improvements is to get project teams to define roles-and-responsibilities formally, before work begins in earnest. I developed the following list of role definitions to clarify roles-and-responsibilities for Web projects at the Smithsonian. 18
  • 21. Excerpt from Roles and Responsibilities Definition (Edson, Smithsonian) • Managerial Roles – Sponsor • Internal client(s) for whom we’re producing the project. Defines goals. Supervises Project Owner and provides resources and direction to Project Owner and team. Provides “head above the trees” perspective of overall effort. – Project Owner • Responsible for, • high level organization and execution of project. • requirements analysis • creative brief • interface with project sponsors • team selection • high-level definition project lifecycle • monitoring and periodic reviews of content/functionality over entire project lifecycle • Usually reports to the Project Management Team 19
  • 22. Sample Roles and Responsibilities Template Role and Responsibility Assignments Roles are assigned to individuals for the purpose of a) ensuring that all roles have someone to play them, and b) to promote clarity for the purpose of project management. Many team members will have more than one role. In general, individuals are encouraged to participate/collaborate/contribute beyond their strict role assignments! (Table is partially filled out as an example.) (add team members as Team Members appropriate) Dennis Cathy Amy Bob Sponsor X Project Owner X Project Management X X Team Project X Managerial Roles Manager Technical X Director Quality Control Manager Partner Content Provider Creative Director Lead Content Production Roles Writer/Editor Creative Producer Writer/Editor Graphics Producer Graphic Designer Graphical User Interface Designer Information Architect Software Analyst Programmer Database Technical Production Roles Designer Image Production System Architect Web Server Administrator 20
  • 23. Transparency through standardized reporting Many projects are only transparent at their inception and completion. The goal of standardized reporting is to give managers and participants insight into project status and direction so they can make decisions and manage. Some examples of simple project reporting methods are shown below. Example 1, a weekly project status PowerPoint file for general consumption by stakeholders. This template was filled out weekly by the project manager. The PowerPoint format encouraged brevity and focus on the most important points. Figure 9. Two slides showing project status for a Website redesign project Example 2, a bi- weekly status for parallel projects. This Microsoft Word template was used by 14 senior managers to report on the status of their projects for the reopening of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in 2006. Each manager had their own document in a network folder and individual documents were rolled-up into a “master” document (using Word’s linking feature) for a bi-weekly progress-review meeting. 21
  • 24. Figure 10. Bi-weekly status reports Example 3, weekly meeting minutes emphasizing assignments and decisions made. I used this type of report for a network installation project. Note the use of the term “Action Required” to call attention to specific assignments. The creation and tracking of Action Items is a highly effective process improvement. These reports were typed in Microsoft Word’s Outline view as the meeting progressed. Reports were distributed to team members and uploaded to a project extranet site. Figure 11. Weekly meeting minutes emphasizing actions required and decisions made 22
  • 25. Governance Structure Many organizations lack a formal and uniformly understood mechanism for gathering input on proposed technology projects and determining which should be submitted for consideration and approval by senior decision makers. It doesn’t take a lot of process to be effective in this area— “just enough” as Gartner says. At the Smithsonian American Art Museum, I instituted a simple Web site proposal form that asked people initiating projects to answer basic questions about the goals and processes. This process had several beneficial outcomes. First, it ensured that everyone involved in a project agreed on a project’s scope and assumptions before it began. Second, it forced stakeholders to discuss priorities, content, direction, and timing before resources were committed. Third, it elevated the discussion of previously under-valued processes such as roles-and-responsibilities and maintenance lifecycles. And finally, it provided a single, transparent gateway for all recommendations going to the Director. Was the process perfect? No. But it was “just enough” process to allow Web-development projects to begin to be managed, rather than ad-hoc. Sample Document: Web-site proposal form. Purpose The purpose of this form is to provide an overview of proposed objectives and production/maintenance lifecycles for new Web content. This form requires information needed to support the editorial decision-making process. A completed form serves as a contract between project sponsors, team members, and SAAM decision makers. Process This section is written with the project manager/project leader in mind 1. Somebody generates an idea and you take ownership of it: you are the project leader. You discuss the idea with potential partners, team members, and SAAM management. You define a project and walk it through the approval process. 2. You discuss the idea/project at the SAAM Web Weekly, and (optionally) at the SAAM Web Quarterly. 3. If the idea passes through informal discussions you formalize the creative and management aspects of the project and fill out this form. 4. You present the project and this form to the SAAM Web Quarterly and lead a discussion. You can review simple projects via e-mail: more complex projects require a meeting of the Web Quarterly and may require several meetings. 5. The SAAM Web Quarterly approves the idea (or engages you in an iterative process of questions, comments and review) and makes a recommendation to the Director. 6. The Director approves the idea. 7. You begin the next stages of planning and execution. From this point on project management is handled at a detailed level by a Project Management Plan. What kinds of projects should use this process? It is hard to describe this categorically. We’ll be using common sense case-by-case. Web Site Proposal Form 23
  • 26. 1. Who will be leading this idea though the approval process? 2. Who will be the project sponsor? 3. Who will be the project owner? 4. What other project “roles” are defined? 5. What is the title of the idea? 6. Please give an overview of the idea as you would pitch it to the Director and the Web Quarterly. 7. What deadlines are associated with this idea? 8. What partners (internal or external) will be involved? 9. Please describe the 3-year lifecycle of this idea. 10. What staff resources will be required for the 3-year lifecycle? 11. What financial resources will be required for the 3-year lifecycle? 12. What technological resources will be required for the 3-year lifecycle? Consequences and phenomena Three consequences and phenomena related to the pursuit of process-improvements for museum- technology projects are worth noting. They are capability mismatches, the difficulties of getting buy-in for governance and control efforts, and what “lightweight” Web 2.0 software development practices have to offer museums. Capability mismatch Capability mismatch describes a situation in which different groups on a project have incompatible processes or radically different levels of process maturity. For example, capability mismatches often occur when small to medium sized museums with few defined processes and not much project management expertise or hire accomplished outside technology companies. Successful technology companies tend to be very process and results oriented and often have staff with formal training and advanced certification in project management, software development, measurement and analysis, and business-process engineering. These people speak a different language than most museum teams, which is not to say that they are always right, but the disconnect between intuitive decision-making cultures and structured business cultures can cause problems. Capability mismatches aren’t found only in internal-external relationships. Mismatches are also found between work groups within museums. In mature organizations it would be the responsibility of a Project Management Office (PMO) to establish standard practices and resolve mismatches, but museum technology projects seldom benefit from this kind of function. 24
  • 27. Capability Maturity Mismatch When you and your vendor have different capability maturity levels there can be a disruptive shearing effect on project processes Figure 12. Capability maturity mismatches create a disruptive shearing effect In a mismatched engagement, technology vendors working with museum clients often see behavior on the museum side such as conflicting institutional voices/opinions (client doesn’t speak with one voice) adversarial relationships (“I don’t feel like we’re on the same team”) wrong people in key positions unrealistic expectations content-approval deadlines are not met undefined decision-making processes little or no measurement of key performance indicators insufficient staffing for the task at hand completed projects are not maintained after delivery I have interviewed vendors of all sizes to gain insight into this phenomenon. Most say the thing they want most from their museum clients are unified decision making processes and a willingness for senior managers to “hear what’s realistic and act accordingly” when confronted with evidence of flawed internal processes or unrealistic expectations. I have seen more than one museum technology project struggle, under-perform, or fail because of capability mismatches, and this is an area where vendors and clients need to help each other out. Capability Maturity Mismatch Museum Vendor Low Maturity Low Maturity The blind leading the blind Low Maturity High Maturity Common: most organizations select industry leaders High Maturity Low Maturity Rare, except when there are non-business factors (like pleasing a VIP) Figure 13. Mismatches are caused by differences in the way groups approach work 25
  • 28. Governance and Control Many work groups and departments balk at the idea of new rules, procedures, controls, or governance structures being imposed on them. As one museum professional I interviewed put it: “Museums workers often have a kind of entrenched eccentricity that treats all efforts to institute standard procedures as infringements on creativity.” (Anonymous interview, 4/27/2008.) And museums are not alone. Matt Hotle writes “Most [software] development organizations seem to have a clear avoidance mechanism when it comes to ‘process.’ However, using a ‘just enough’ approach to processes enables an organization's behaviors to match its goals. ( 'Just Enough Process' for Applications, 2007.) Gartner’s “just enough” approach encourages managers to keep rules and governance to the absolute minimum required to help get products completed the “right” way, and I have found that use of the “just enough” phrase itself sends a positive and soothing message to concerned stakeholders. Governance and control efforts need internal marketing and wise stewardship to get buy-in and acceptance, but ultimately governance and control will be accepted by teams when they see that the new rules and procedures benefit their work, reduce errors and rework, and free them up to perform more creative and rewarding tasks. Most wisdom on this topic asserts that a light hand, “more carrots: fewer sticks” (positive incentives rather than the threat of punishment) is the most successful way to bring governance structures into an organization. Web 2.0: Lightweight Development Frameworks The way Websites are built and improved has changed dramatically in the last few years, and these changes are good for small organizations wanting to have a greater impact online. In the client-server or mainframe computing era, software applications were meticulously planned in excruciating detail months or years ahead of delivery and the final software product worked for the task it was designed for (or not) and that was more-or-less the end of the story. If requirements changed or new opportunities arose not much could be done in the short-term, and end-users had little or no opportunity to add or change the product’s functionality to suit their own distinctive needs. Making software this way required large teams working at high levels of process maturity to make a product. It made Microsoft rich in the 80’s and 90’s, but there are new models now. There’s a phenomenal amount of hope and hype around the term Web 2.0, which is typically associated with social networking Web sites, tagging, and user-created content. But publisher Tim O’Reilly sees something deeper going on here in the way that these kinds of sites are being developed. In his manifesto on the subject, What is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software,18 O’Reilly describes how powerful, effective, and wildly profitable Web applications can (and should) be built using lightweight, rapid-development processes and continuous improvement and innovation fueled by interaction with (and contributions by) customers. In contrast 18, accessed 4/27/2008 26
  • 29. with previous practices, these sites go public with basic functionality and are constantly modified, adjusted, and expanded according to what works and what doesn’t. O’Reilly writes, Cal Henderson, the lead developer of Flickr, recently revealed that they deploy new builds up to every half hour. This is clearly a radically different development model! While not all web applications are developed in as extreme a style as Flickr, almost all web applications have a development cycle that is radically unlike anything from the PC or client-server era. It is for this reason that a recent ZDnet editorial concluded that Microsoft won't be able to beat Google: quot;Microsoft's business model depends on everyone upgrading their computing environment every two to three years. Google's depends on everyone exploring what's new in their computing environment every day.quot; I wouldn’t argue that Google doesn’t require mature software development processes—quite the contrary in fact—but lightweight framework models do demonstrate that valuable software can be built in small, manageable pieces by small manageable teams. The acceptance and mainstreaming of free and open source software further lowers the barriers to entry: a team of two or three developers can produce flexible and high-quality Web applications in small iterative steps at low cost and low risk. (Or, museums can opt-out of software development altogether and adapt the same blog, wiki, tagging, and file-sharing software that’s available to the general public right now. ) A full discussion of the Web 2.0 platform is beyond the scope of this paper, but Tim O’Reilly’s article is required reading for anybody thinking seriously about the future of software development. Real World Examples The following brief case studies give concrete examples of how process maturity and an understanding of capability maturity models can affect the direction and outcome of projects. Capability Mismatch: Handheld Multimedia Guide Overview In 2004 the Smithsonian issued a request for proposals (RFP) for a pilot project for multimedia handheld tours at six museums, with the hope that the successful system would eventually be extended to all Smithsonian museums. (Four Smithsonian museums were in the process of implementing their own handheld-guide pilot projects or had just completed them.) A press release described the to-be functionality of the device, Visitors to the Smithsonian will have the option to rent a lightweight, wireless handheld device that is the heart of the SIguide solution. With the SIguide handheld device, Smithsonian patrons will be able to take preset tours or customized tours 27
  • 30. that match their interests; view multimedia content such as documents, photos, and audio and video clips; locate and be directed to exhibits, landmarks or other members of their group; communicate with someone or everyone in their group; create a schedule of activities and receive reminders when events are due to begin; save content, messages, sketches and notes to a scrapbook they subsequently can access via the Web; and much more.19 The RFP stipulated that the Smithsonian would contribute content and staff-hours to the project, but no capital funds: development costs would be borne by the vendor and recouped by sharing revenue from device rentals. Technical specifications and requirements were assembled from needs and wish-lists submitted by participating Smithsonian museums. The project had executive-level sponsorship and high visibility throughout the Institution. The contract was awarded to a small startup with a compelling vision. Company founders demonstrated a history of successful involvement in museum content/technology deployments, but no track record delivering the technology required by this project on this scale. The technology specification included installing multiple wireless networks; developing a system of automated kiosks to distribute, charge, and synchronize the inventory of handheld devices; a complex database infrastructure; integration with e- commerce and customer databases; and “wireless positioning” technology to relate the moment-to- moment location of each handheld device with maps of artifacts and related content. Process Maturity To buffer the project from risk, the awardee created a project management office (PMO) through a sub- contract with a local technology company with a highly mature project management group. The intent of the PMO was to provide a system of checks and balances that could match the realities of day-to-day execution and decision making with the idealized vision of the project. However, there was a significant capability mismatch between the startup’s culture and that of the PMO and after several weeks the awardee disbanded the PMO (with the Smithsonian’s approval). No similarly mature project- management expertise was established to replace that which was lost. Technology development was not vetted through previously defined processes but was fast-tracked. (Part of the rationale for this was, perhaps, the fact that the Smithsonian did not have capital investments at risk.) Furthermore, project success was contingent on the on-time delivery and satisfactory performance of several critical assumptions about a) the accuracy and performance of the wireless positioning system, b) the performance and reliability of the automated kiosks, c) revenue projections, and d) operating costs. These assumptions were not rigorously tested and risk-mitigation or contingency plans, if they existed, were not well known. 19 Press release, labeled as coming from the Smithsonian,, accessed 4/26/2008. Also see From the Secretary: Guiding Light at, accessed 4/26/2008 28
  • 31. Outcome and Lessons Learned This was a complex project and a full description of its promise and flaws is beyond the scope of this paper and the knowledge of its author. But it’s important to try to learn from what went wrong and two process-maturity mistakes are apparent. Ineffective process controls allowed stakeholders to define a project that was beyond the process maturity level of both the vendor and the Institution, and the lack of a PMO (caused by a capability mismatch) allowed early warning signs to go unnoticed or insufficiently addressed. Given the Smithsonian’s highly mature content-creation processes and the recognizably bleeding-edge nature of this project’s technology and business models, a better approach might have been to gradually increase investments in successful museum-based pilot projects to test theories about audience acceptance, technology, and operations in a more controlled manner. This kind of evolutionary roadmap has been tried successfully at several other institutions. Lightweight Software Development: SAAM’s Eye Level Blog Overview In May of 2005 Smithsonian American Art Museum’s (SAAM’s) New Media Initiatives department proposed creating a blog for SAAM’s reopening, which was fourteen months away. The New Media team knew they needed to establish a new Web site to support the outreach goals of reopening and build buzz leading up to opening day, but the museum’s normal content-creation teams were pinned- down with day-to-day tasks pertaining to the bricks-and-mortar museum reopening and money was tight. In addition, museum managers realized that high-visibility projects (such as Web and kiosk applications for the Luce Foundation Center for American Art) would leave little capacity for complex software and content development efforts. Process Maturity The blog was identified as an achievable objective specifically because it required a low level of process maturity, had a very small budget impact, and had a low risk of failure (and not enormous consequences if it did.) Through a structured governance process the project’s goals, risks, roles-and-responsibilities, and project management methodology was articulated and reviewed. Some project stakeholders were uncomfortable with unknowns in the content-creation and editorial process, so the project was approved for a trial-run in which the blog site available on a password-protected page available only to SAAM employees. After a short period running internally, stakeholders became comfortable with production processes and the blog was approved for external publication. Lessons Learned This approach was effective for SAAM. 29
  • 32. Matching goals to capacity and maturity: SAAM “Findability” project Overview The creation of new Web sites for the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s (SAAM’s) reopening in 2006 also created problems with navigation, branding, and information architecture. Rather than initiate a redesign, SAAM chose to take an iterative approach to Web site improvement by focusing on findability (making SAAM’s Web content easier to find) and structuring work so that results would be achieved through a series of short, low-risk sub projects (rather than one large, monolithic project as SAAM had done in the past). Process Maturity SAAM was extremely focused on conducting a controlled and managed development process that avoided the pitfalls and distractions of traditional Web redesign projects. The SAAM Web team was aware of capability and maturity weaknesses and did not have great confidence in its capacity to manage a large Web redesign. The team was more comfortable and experienced with smaller projects of two or three month duration so the RFP it issued explicitly required vendors to structure work into short sub-projects and use processes similar to the Spiral Project Plan. (See text box below.) Excerpt from RFP C.1.2. STRUCTURE WORK TO REDUCE RISK Proposed work plans shall be designed to achieve desired results through a series of contained, low-risk sub-projects (as opposed to a monolithic, all-or-nothing methodology). Methodologies should include continuous testing, measurement, assessment, and refinement. As the saying goes, “teach us to fish” rather than build us some fancy boats and go away. This is especially important if parts of the work plan include community-building or visitor-created content. In addition, the RFP that intentionally avoided the term “redesign” and instead focused attention on making measureable improvements to end-user perceptions of findability, including the performance of search engines, information architecture, labeling, and overall usability—but only if those facets could be tied back to findability. Use of the word “redesign” was discouraged in project meetings, documents, and discussion. Lessons Learned The project has not concluded and the outcomes are not clear. 30
  • 33. Conclusion The road to effienent development town. Redrawn from Rapid Development, Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press, 1996 31
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