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Meditations on the Holy Spirit
   Recommendation: Please read the contents of one
    of the 20 mysteries meditations before you start
    your prayer. Some of these presentations (e.g. The
    Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion) contains
    over 60 slides. With so much spiritual food that it
    is best to read and contemplate on a few of the
    slides each time.
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    lecturers and professors of theological institutions
    and seminaries and lay people around the world to
    contribute precious pictures and words to
    accompany specific scenes in the Rosary in Visual
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Third Glorious Mystery
      Descent of the Holy Spirit

   All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They
 began to express themselves in foreign
 tongues and made bold proclamation as the
 Spirit prompted them.

Fruit of the Mystery: Love of God & Charity
1. Mary
Mother of   the first
Star of the New
1.**** Mother of Evangelization.

                                    “In the CENACLE
                                    with the apostles, I
                                    have participated as
                                    Mother in the birth
                                    of the Church.
                                    My motherly task is
                                    that of leading the
                                    Church along the
                                    way of its

Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France .
1A. Mother of Evangelization.
                                    Mary is at the Heart of
                                    the Church on the
                                    morning of the
                                    Pentecost. Mary, the
                                    Mother of the Church
                                    leads the apostles in
                                    prayer. Many of the
                                    apostles are confused
                                    and frightened. But
                                    Mary is calm and
                                    recollected, and her
                                    conduct comforts them.
                                    She reminds them,
                                    and us ----to pray.
Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France .
1B. Mother of the Evangelization.
                                  Vatican II describes
                                  Mary’s prayer at the
                                  Pentecost as a petition
                                  for the whole Church to
                                  receive the Holy Spirit.
                                  With Mary’s ‘Yes’ at the
                                  Annunciation, the Holy
                                  Spirit conceived the
                                  body of Christ in her
                                  womb. With Mary’s
                                  prayerful intercession at
                                  Pentecost, the same
                                  Spirit descend upon the
                                  apostles to form the
                                  Mystical Body of Christ,
                                  the Church.
Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France .
Details on the event of the Pentecost
as revealed by Our Lady to Mary of Agreda.
   When the days of Pentecost were about to be fulfilled
    (Act 2, 1), (which happened fifty days after the
    Resurrection of the Lord our Redeemer), the most
    blessed Mother saw, how in heaven the humanity (John
    14, 26) of the Word conferred with the eternal Father
    concerning the promised sending of the divine Paraclete
    to the Apostles,. He besought his Father also, that,
    besides bringing grace and the invisible gifts the Holy
    Ghost appear in the world in visible form.
   On Pentecost morning the blessed Virgin Mary exhorted
    the Apostles, the disciples and the pious women,
    numbering about one hundred and twenty, to pray more
    fervently and renew their hopes, since the hour was at
    hand in which they were to be visited by the divine Spirit
    from on high.
   At the third hour (nine o'clock), when all of them were
    gathered around their heavenly Mistress and engaged in
    fervent prayer, the air resounded with a tremendous
    thunder and the blowing of a violent wind mixed with the
    brightness of fire or lightning, all centering upon the
    house of the Cenacle. The house was enveloped in light
    and the divine fire was poured out over all of that holy
    gathering (Acts 2, 2). Over the head of each of the
    hundred and twenty persons appeared a tongue of that
    same fire, in which the Holy Ghost had come, filling
    each one with divine influences and heavenly gifts and
    causing at one and the same time the most diverse and
    contrary effects in the Cenacle and in the whole of
    Jerusalem, according to the diversity of the persons
   The purest Lady was transformed and exalted in
    God; for She saw intuitively and clearly the Holy
    Ghost, and for a short time enjoyed the beatific
    vision of the Divinity. Of his gifts and divine
    influences She by Herself received more than all
    the rest of the saints. Her glory for that space of
    time, exceeded that of the angels and of the
   The Apostles, as saint Luke says (Acts 2, 11), were also
    replenished and filled with the holy Ghost; for they
    received a wonderful increase of justifying grace of a
    most exalted degree. The twelve Apostles were
    confirmed in this sanctifying grace and were never to
    lose it. In all of them, according to each one's condition
    were infused the habits of the seven gifts: Wisdom,
    Understanding, Science, Piety, Counsel, Fortitude and
    Fear. In this magnificent blessing, as new as it was
    admirable in the world, the twelve Apostles were created
    fit ministers of the new Testament and founders of the
    evangelical Church for the whole world: for this new
    grace and blessing communicated to them a divine
    strength most efficacious and sweet, which inclined them
    to practice the most heroic virtue and the highest
    sanctity. Thus strengthened they prayed, they labored
    willingly and accomplished the most difficult and
    arduous tasks, engaging in their labors not with sorrow
    or from necessity, but with the greatest joy and alacrity.
   In all the rest of the disciples and the faithful, who received the
    Holy Ghost in the Cenacle, the Most High wrought proportionally
    and respectively the same effects, except that they were not
    confirmed in grace like the Apostles. According to the disposition
    of each the gifts of grace were communicated in greater or less
    abundance in view of the ministry they were to hold in the holy
    Church. The same proportion was maintained in regard to the
    Apostles; yet saint Peter and saint John were more singularly
    favored on account of the high offices assigned to them: the one to
    govern the Church as its head, and the other to attend upon and
    serve the Queen and Mistress of heaven and of earth, most holy
    Mary. The house itself was filled with wonderful light and
    splendor. and overflowed and communicated itself also to others
    outside of the Cenacle; for it caused diverse and various effects of
    the Holy Spirit among the inhabitants of Jerusalem and its vicinity.
    All those, who with some piety had compassioned our Savior Jesus
    in his Passion and Death, deprecating his most bitter torments and
    reverencing his sacred Person, were interiorly visited with new
    light and grace, which disposed them afterwards to accept the
    doctrine of the Apostles. Others of the just who were in Jerusalem
    outside of the Cenacle, also felt great interior consolations, by
    which they were moved and predisposed by new effects of grace
    wrought in each one proportionately by the Holy Ghost.
   Not less wonderful, although more hidden, were some contrary
    effects produced on that day by the Holy Ghost in Jerusalem. By
    the dreadful thunders and violent commotion of the atmosphere
    and the lightnings accompanying his advent, He disturbed and
    terrified the enemies of the Lord in that city, each one according to
    his own malice and perfidy. This chastisement was particularly
    evident in those who had actively concurred in procuring the death
    of Christ, and who had signalized themselves in their rabid fury
    against Him. All these fell to the ground on their faces and
    remained thus for three hours. Those that had scourged the Lord
    were suddenly choked in their own blood, which shot forth from
    their veins in punishment for shedding that of the Master. The
    audacious servant, who had buffeted the Lord, not only suddenly
    died, but was hurled into hell body and soul. Others of the Jews,
    although they did not die, were chastised with intense pains and
    abominable sicknesses. These disorders, consequent upon
    shedding the blood of Christ, descended to their posterity and
    even to this day continue to afflict their children with most horrible
    impurities. This chastisement became notorious in Jerusalem,
    although the priests and pharisees diligently sought to cover it up,
    just as they had tried to conceal the Resurrection of the Savior. As
    these events, however, were not so important, neither the Apostles
    nor the Evangelists wrote about them.
1C. Mother of the Second Evangelization.
                       “I am the Mother of
                       the second
                       evangelization. I am
                       guiding you as a star
                       along the bright way
                       of fidelity to Christ
                       and to the Gospel. My
                       motherly task is that
                       of forming you into
                       apostles of the second
Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France .
The Holy Spirit,
Principle agent of

Changes our hearts and
Opens our minds
2.**** The Holy Spirit is the “Principal
agent of Evangelization”.
                    The Holy Spirit filled the
                    Apostles with Truth and
                    Love. They were infused the
                    Seven gifts of the Holy
                    Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge,
                    Understanding, Piety, Fear,
                    Counsel, and Fortitude.
                    By this blessing, the Twelve
                    were transformed into truly
                    apostolic founders and
                    This event marks the birth
                    of the Church.
2A. The Holy Spirit changes our hearts.

                  The Ten Commandments written
                  on stone is not enough as the
                  Israelite constantly failed to keep
                  it. The new law is written by the
                  Holy Spirit in the hearts of
                  believers, prompting them to love
                  as Christ loved, turning them
                  away from sin, and giving them
                  the power to fulfill the law, which
                  they could not keep on their own.
                  (Rom. 8:1-4; CCC 733)

                  “God has sent the Spirit of his
                  Son into our hearts, crying,
                  ‘Abba! Father!’ (Gal 4:6)
2B. The Holy Spirit changes our hearts

                  “A new heart I will give you, and a
                  new spirit I will put within you;
                  and I will take out of your flesh
                  the heart of stone and give you a
                  heart of flesh. And I will put my
                  spirit within you, and cause you
                  to walk in my statutes.”
                  (Ez. 36: 26-27)

                  “I will put my law within them and
                  I will write it upon their hearts; I
                  will be their God, and they shall
                  be my people.”
                                (Jer. 31: 31-33)
2C. The Holy spirit opens our minds
                The Holy Spirit prepares
                men and goes out to
                them with his grace, in
                order to draw them to
                The Spirit manifests the
                risen Lord to them,
                recalls his word to them
                and opens their minds to
                the understanding of his
                Death and Resurrection.
2E. The Holy Spirit is the “Principal
agent of Evangelization”.
                   The twelve Apostles were made
                   fit ministers of the new
                   Testament and founders of the
                   evangelical Church for the
                   whole world. A divine
                   strength most efficacious and
                   sweet, inclined them to practice
                   the most heroic virtue and the
                   highest sanctity. They prayed,
                   they labored, and accomplished
                   the most difficult and arduous
                   tasks, engaging in their labors
                   with the greatest joy and
2D. The Holy Spirit is the “Principal
agent of Evangelization”. my immaculate Heart
                    the Holy Spirit communicates
                    himself to you in an ever more
                    munificent manner. He breathes
                    upon you with love, transforming
                    you into sparks of fire, flames of
                    grace, stars of sanctity and zeal
                    for renewing the firmament of
                    the Church.
                    He communicates Himself to you
                    with his seven holy gifts, and
                    makes you suitable instruments
                    for the conversion of the world.”
3.** Evangelization is the work of the
   Holy Spirit.     “Only the Spirit of Love can
                      renew the Church and the
                      whole world. Only the Spirit
                      of Love can prepare hearts,
                      souls, the Church and all
                      humanity to receive Jesus
                      who will return to you in
                      glory. The Holy Spirit has
                      the task of transforming all
                      humanity and renewing the
                      earth. You are living in the
                      time of the Holy Spirit.”
3A. Evangelization is the work of the
  Holy Spirit.   “Only the spirit of Love can
                     renew the Church and the
                     whole world. Only the spirit
                     of the Lord can overcome
                     the power of the huge Red
                     Dragon. The huge Red
                     Dragon is Marxist atheism
                     which has succeeded in
                     building up a new
                     civilization without God,
                     materialistic, egoistic,
                     hedonistic and cold.”
3B. You must be      We can be witnesses of Christ
                     only if we allows ourselves to
holy missionaries.   be led by the Holy Spirit who is
                     ‘the principal agent of
                     evangelization’ and ‘the
                     Principal agent of mission’.
                     You must be holy and you must
                     be missionaries, since we can
                     never separate holiness from
                     mission. Do not be afraid to
                     become holy missionaries like
                     St. Francis Xavier who travelled
                     through the Far East, or like St.
                     Therese of the Child Jesus
                     who was a missionary even
                     though she never left the
                     Carmelite convent.
                     (Pope Benedict XVI)
3C. Missionary fruitfulness depends on prayer.
                     “If we are to understand the
                     mission of the Church, we must
                     go back to the Upper Room.
                     This icon of the nascent Church
                     should be a constant source of
                     inspiration for every Christian.

                     Apostolic and missionary
                     fruitfulness is not principally
                     due to programs and pastoral
                     methods that are cleverly drawn
                     up and efficient, but is the result
                     of the community`s constant
                     (Pope Benedict XVI)
  The second I will mention is the power of the
   Holy Spirit. If we want to re-evangelize our
   secularized countries, we must go through a
   Pentecost experience. Only after Pentecost were
   the apostles able to preach Jesus with such power.
------Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the papal
   “In the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, the miraculous
    event of the Second Pentecost must now be accomplished, implored
    and expected by you.
   Tongues of divine fire will bring heat and life to a humanity which
    has now become cold from egotism and hatred, from violence and
   Tongues of fire will come down to enlighten and sanctify the
    Church, and will heal Her of every malady, will purify Her of every
    stain and every infidelity.
   Tongues of fire will come down upon you all, my poor children, so
    ensnared and seduced by Satan.
   The Holy Spirit will work the new miracle of universal
    transformation in the heart and the life of all: sinners will be
    converted, the weak will find support; the sick will receive healing,
    those far away will return to the house of the Father; those
    separated and divided will attain full unity.
   Tongues of fire of the Spirit of Love will renew the whole world,
    which will become completely transformed by the greatest
    manifestation of Divine Mercy.” (Gobbi)
Purify us
“Through interior suffering and by means of trials, the Church will be
led to its divine splendor. It will be healed of the wounds of error and
cured of the leprosy of sin. Through the power of fire and of blood, the
whole world will also be renewed.” (Gobbi)
Purify us
“Pray to the Father that the fire of the Spirit will purify you from all
traces of sin. The Holy Spirit will come down as fire which will burn
and transform everything, sanctify and renew the earth, and lead all
souls to holiness and grace. Only the Spirit of Love can renew the
whole world.” (Gobbi)
Listen to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, You dwell within us.
Help us to listen to You as You
guide us on the Way to Heaven.
Help us to see and appreciate
Your work in the Church.

Deliver us from falsehood and
Dispel our ignorance.

Open our sinful lips and teach us
how and what to pray for.
Cenacle with Mary
for the New Evangelization
 Our Lady’s invitation to the
 whole Church to enter into
 Cenacle to bring about a New
 Pentecost. “Come, Holy Spirit.”
4.**** Invitation to CENACLE with Mary
                      “I invite the whole church
                      to gather together in a
                      continuous prayer made
                      with me and through me, in
                      order to obtain the gift of a
                      new and second Pentecost
                      for the Church and for all
                      My Immaculate Heart must
                      now become the new and
                      spiritual CENACLE in
                      which you must all gather
                      together to obtain the gift
                      of the Second Pentecost.”
4A. Invitation to CENACLE with Mary

                     “Come, O Holy Spirit,

                     •Renew the whole Church,
                     •Renew the face of the
                     •Make us courageous
                     witnesses of the gospel,
                     •Renew the life of all those
                     who have been baptised,
                     •Open the way for hearts to
                     the understanding of the
                     truth.” (Gobbi)
4B. “Come Holy Spirit!
Come and transform the hearts
of all your people!
Come quickly, so we may at
long last “see” the new heavens
and new earth: where men can
live together as in a large
family; where the wound of
egoism, hatred, impurity,
injustice may be healed.”
The new era will be able to come
only as a gift of the Holy Spirit,
not as the work of man. It is
necessary to ask for this gift
through a continual and trusting
prayer.” (Gobbi)
4C. “It is necessary that the second
                                      Pentecost come quickly. I renew
                                      today the invitation to all the Church
                                      to enter into the CENACLE which
                                      the heavenly Mother has prepared
                                      for you for the final times. You are
                                      able to enter through the act of
                                      consecration to my Immaculate
                                      Heart. I request that this
                                      consecration, asked by me with such
                                      anxious insistence, be made by the
                                      bishop, the priests the religious and
                                      the faithful. Let it be made by all in
                                      order to shorten the time of the great
                                      trial which has now arrived.” (Gobbi)

Henri and Antoine Cibille. 17th century, Pentecost . Pays d’Ussel France.
5.** The Second Pentecost
                   “You have now entered into
                   the times of the second
                   Pentecost. For this reason,
                   it is necessary that these
                   CENACLES of prayer
                   carried out with me and by
                   means of me, be multiplied
                   in every part of the world.

                   I ask that all the Church be
                   gathered together in the
                   spiritual CENACLE of my
                   Immaculate Heart.” (Gobbi)
   “A new and universal effusion of the Holy Spirit is
    necessary to arrive at the new times, so longed for.
    It is necessary that the Second Pentecost come
    quickly. It can come to pass only in the spiritual
    cenacle of my Immaculate Heart.
   I renew today the invitation to all the Church to
    enter into the cenacle which the heavenly Mother
    has prepared for you for the final times. You are
    able to enter through the act of consecration to my
    Immaculate Heart.
   I request that this consecration, asked by me with
    such anxious insistence, be made by the bishop,
    the priests, the religious and the faithful.
   The triumph of my Immaculate Heart will coincide with
    the great prodigy of the Second Pentecost.
   A new fire will come down from heaven and will purify all
    humanity, which has again become pagan. Thus sinners
    will come back to grace and holiness; the straying to the
    road of righteousness; those far away to the house of the
    Father, the sick to complete healing; the wicked
    collaborators of Satan will be defeated and condemned for
   Unite yourselves to me, my little children, in invoking
    today the gift of the Holy Spirit. Let your prayer be
    habitual, repeated frequently, because it has been taught
    to you and demanded of you by your heavenly Mother:
    “Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful
    intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-
    beloved Spouse.” (Gobbi)
6.** Come, Holy Spirit--Mary’s specific words
                    “My Immaculate Heart is the
                    golden door through which
                    the Holy Spirit passes to
                    come to you and bring you to
                    the Second Pentecost.
                    And so I invite you to repeat
                    often: “Come, Holy Spirit,
                    come by means of the
                    powerful intercession of the
                    Immaculate Heart of Mary,
                    your well-beloved Spouse.”
6A. Come, Holy Spirit
                 “My powerful function as mediatrix
                 between you and my Son is above
                 all exercised in obtaining for you in
                 superabundance, the Spirit of Love.
                 My immaculate Heart is the golden
                 doorway through which the Holy
                 Spirit passes to reach you.
                 And so I invite you to repeat often:
                 ‘Come, Holy Spirit, come by means
                 of the powerful intercession of
                 the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your
                 well-beloved Spouse.’
                 The Holy Spirit, invoked by means of
                 me, has communicated Himself to
                 you with his seven holy gifts.
                 Let it become your habitual prayer.”
   “I obtain for you the gift of the Holy Spirit, who descends
    upon this, your cenacle, as He descended upon the
    Cenacle of Jerusalem. It is the Holy Spirit who transforms
    you, who changes your heart and gives wisdom to your
    mind, so that you may be today a light burning on a
    mountaintop in these times of great darkness.
   Go out from this cenacle in peace and joy. I am always
    with you. Spread my light everywhere so that the dew of
    Divine mercy may reach all.”
   My plan is to lead all my children along the road of perfect
    imitation of Jesus that He may live again in them. My plan
    is to prepare hearts and souls to receive the Holy Spirit.
    My plan is to point out to all my children the way of faith
    and of hope, of love and of purity, of goodness and of
    holiness.” (Gobbi)
7. Cenacle with Mary to invoke the
descent of the Holy Spirit upon nations
                        “Come Holy Spirit!
                        Come and transform the
                        hearts of all your people!
                        The new era will come only
                        as a gift of the Holy Spirit,
                        not as the work of man.”
                        Popes Benedict, John Paul
                        II and Paul VI have called
                        repeatedly for a new out-
                        pouring of the Holy Spirit
                        on the People of God. We
                        need a golden age of the
                        Holy spirit for the second
                        Evangelization of nations.
8. We pray for
                                                 the world
                                              There is an old
                                              man at the centre
                                              of the Icon who
                                              symbolizes the
                                              world. He reminds
                                              us that we do not
                                              pray for ourselves
                                              alone, but for the
                                              entire world.
                                              Our prayer helps
                                              to transform not
                                              only ourselves, but
                                              also our friends,
                                              neighbours, and
                                              the world.
How to pray with icons. By Myroslaw Tataryn
Words of the Queen on
Be my Apostles
9. Be my Apostles
“Be my apostles, in spreading
everywhere the one and only
light of Christ.
Be my apostles, in spreading
my light and in leading
everyone into the refuge of
my Immaculate Heart.

Fight with prayer and
penance. Let the Rosary be
your victorious weapon.”
10.**** Apostles of these last times:
                                       “Go out from this
                                       cenacle, renewed by
                                       the Holy Spirit, as
                                       courageous apostles
                                       of the second
                                       evangelization to
                                       which I am calling
                                       you. Go to every
                                       part of the world to
                                       carry the light of
                                       Christ. I am always
                                       with you and
                                       guiding you.”
 Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308. Siena.   (Gobbi)
10A. Apostles of these last times
                                      “You must be the
                                      apostles of these last
                                      times. Go out
                                      everywhere and
                                      proclaim with strength
                                      and courage the
                                      Gospel of Jesus. Walk
                                      along the path of
                                      contempt for the world
                                      and for yourselves.
                                      Cause the rays of light
                                      of your faith, of your
                                      holiness and of your
                                      love to come down
                                      upon the world. I am
                                      with you.      (Gobbi)
Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308. Siena.
   “I am the Mother of the second evangelization. I
    am guiding you as a star along the bright way of
    fidelity to Christ and to his Gospel. You need to
    return to a belief in the Gospel of Jesus. You must
    announce it to all in the strength of its integrity.
    Preach it with the same clarity with which my Son
    Jesus announced it to you.
   My mother task is that of forming you into apostles
    of the second evangelization. I invite you beloved
    sons, to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate
    Heart in order to be formed and guided by me.
    Moved by the power of the Holy Spirit, which your
    heavenly Mother is obtaining for you, go and
    preach to every creature---be converted; believe in
    the Gospel.” (Gobbi)
   “You are being called to be the instruments of the
    triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. I
    have obtained for you a special outpouring of the
    Holy spirit. I have worked deeply in your hearts
    and in your souls, to make you fit to carry out my
    great plan of love and mercy.
   My times, and yours, have arrived. Show
    yourselves to all as the apostles of these last times.
    Your light must shine ever more brightly in the
    great darkness.
   Let your love be a sign of my motherly presence , a
    soothing balm on the wounds of these times of
    yours, a heavenly dew for the suffering Church.
   “I have a great design upon you. This design of
    mine has been revealed to you in every detail. It
    must now appear to the Church and to humanity in
    all its splendor, because these are the times of your
    maturity and of your public witness.
   As apostles of the last times, you must announce
    with courage all the truths of the Catholic faith .
    You must follow Jesus along the road of disdain
    for the world and for yourselves, of humility,
    prayer, poverty, silence, mortification, charity and
    a more profound union with God. You are
    unknown and despised by the world and by those
    who surround you. This suffering is necessary for
    the fecundity of your very mission.
   “As apostles of the last times, you must now
    illumine the earth with the light of Christ. You
    have the duty of carrying out the second
    evangelization. Evangelize the Church. Evangelize
    humanity which has again become pagan after
    almost two thousand years. Evangelize all men,
    who has become victims of errors, of evil, and of
    sin. Evangelize the peoples and the nations of the
   Allow the Holy Spirit to mould you with his sweet
    and powerful action of love. Only thus can you be
    ready for the great plan which awaits you.”
   You form the new heart of the new Church.
   “Now I am asking you to become the apostles of the new
    era. There awaits you the task of rebuilding the Church.
    Give to all the light of Christ and of his Gospel.
   There awaits you the task of evangelizing this poor
    humanity. Take them up in your arms, these straying
    children of mine, and carry them all into the safe
    sheepfold of my Immaculate Heart.
   There awaits you the task of causing the sweet balm of my
    motherly tenderness to come down upon so many open
    and bleeding wounds. You must be an expression of my
    love and my motherly concern. Love all with the strength
    of your heart and with the light which is given you by your
    heavenly Mother.
   If you carry out this task which I am entrusting to you
    today, you become truly the apostles of the new era.
   “The moment of your public witness has come. Show
    yourselves to all as my little sons, as the apostles formed by
    me for the great task of the new evangelization which is
    awaiting you. I am calling you all to be apostles of the
    second evangelization. I am entrusting to each one of you
    my motherly mandate : go and evangelize.
   Go to every part of this great nation of yours. Go into
    every place, even the most distant and out-of-the way.
   Go to all my children, especially those furthest away, to
    the sinners, to the poor, to those who are victims of evil, of
    vice, of egoism, of hatred, of impurity.
   Evangelize this poor humanity, which has again become
    pagan after nearly two thousands years. Let the idols be
    destroyed, the idols of pleasure, money, pride, impurity,
    atheism, unbridled egoism, hatred and violence.
   “Come out of your hiding, my beloved sons, and go
    everywhere to enlighten the earth with the sole
    light of Christ. Your times have arrived. Do not be
    afraid if you are unknown to the world, if your are
    despised, rejected and persecuted. I am always with
    you. Show yourselves to all as my beloved sons, the
    apostles of these last times. Walk along the road of
    contempt for the world and for yourselves, of
    humility and littleness, of love and purity.
   Love always; judge no one.
   Set out upon all the roads of the world, in search
    of my poor straying children, the poor, the sick, the
    abandoned, the oppressed. Carry them all into the
    safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
   “Evangelize the suffering and divided Church. Let the
    Gospel of Jesus, preached and lived to the letter, become
    the only light.
   Evangelize all men, preaching that the reign of God is at
    hand. The moment of the second coming of Jesus is
    drawing close. Throw open the doors to Jesus Christ who
    is coming!
   Preach the need for prayer and penance, for courageous
    practice of all the virtues, for the adoration and reparation
    offered to Jesus present in the Eucharist. Spread
    everywhere the cenacles of prayer which I have been
    asking of you. Above all, spread everywhere the family
   Do not be afraid. I am with you always and I am leading
    you along this bright path.
   “My Immaculate Heart will Triumph over this
    ailing and materialistic humanity. Go and preach
    the necessity of prayer and penance, of conversion
    and return to the Lord. It is you who must be the
    instruments of this general return. It is you who
    must be the apostles of this second evangelization.
   My Immaculate Heart will triumph over this
    suffering and divided Church. It is you who must
    be this instruments of the interior renewal of all
    the Church, you who are called to be the new
    heart of the new Church.
   I have granted to all the grace of a change of
    heart, and a transformation of life. I am with you
    and I will cause you to feel my motherly presence
    in an extraordinary way.” (Gobbi)
For the Salvation of the World.
   “I unite myself with your prayer. In these times of
    yours, the prayer of my priests is necessary to me
    for the salvation of the world. As a Mother, I call
    you to meet with each other. I help you to get to
    know one another, I urge you to love one another.
    It is thus that I am able to realize in each one of
    you the plan for the triumph of my Immaculate
    Heart, for the salvation of the world.
   For the salvation of the world, I am making you
    precious instruments of Divine Mercy.
   Carry in your arms the little ones, the poor, the weak.
    Walk with the feet of your heavenly Mother to seek out
    those who are farthest away, to help those who are
    marginalized and abandoned.
   For the salvation of the world, I want to make of you the
    new heart of the new Church. Be in the Church my very
    presence. Love with my Heart your holy Mother Church,
    who is suffering and carrying such a great and heavy
   I have obtained in abundance the gifts of the Holy spirit,
    who has worked in you a transformation of heart and of
    life. You will soon come to understand how important
    these days have been for you. I give you the grace of living
    in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity, where you heavenly
    Mother has her habitual dwelling place.”
The happy beginning
and the golden age
of the evangelical
.. all were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in foreign
10.   tongues and made bold proclamations, as the Spirit prompted them.
“The whole world awaits your announcement with ardent hope. You
are the apostles of this second evangelization. Preach to all peoples
that Christ is the one and only Lord, your saviour and redeemer.”

The Children’s Illustrated Bible. Hermes House
“You are surprised that, in spite of all this, only three thousand were
converted by the first sermon of the Apostle among all that great
multitude then in Jerusalem. It should cause a greater surprise that in
our times so few are converted to the way of eternal life, as the Gospel
is more widespread, its preaching is frequent, its ministers numerous,
the light of the Church clearer and the knowledge of the divine
mysteries more definite. With all this men are blinder, the hearts more
hardened, pride more inflated, avarice more bold, and all the vices are
practiced without fear of God and without consideration.” (Mary of

The Children’s Illustrated Bible. Hermes House
   On account of the visible and open signs, by which the
    Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles, the whole city
    of Jerusalem with its inhabitants was stirred to wonder.
    When the news of the astounding events at the house of
    the Cenacle spread about, the multitude of the people
    gathered in crowds to know more of the happenings
    (Acts 2, 6). On that day was being celebrated one of the
    paschs or feasts of the Jews; and as well on this account,
    as on account of the special dispensation of heaven, the
    city was crowded with foreigners and strangers from all
    parts of the world.
    They all left the house of the Cenacle and, placing
    themselves before the multitudes, began to preach the
    mysteries of the faith and of eternal life. Though until
    then they had been so shy and seclusive, they now
    stepped forth with unhesitating boldness and poured
    forth burning words, that like a flashing fire penetrated to
    the souls of their hearers.
   All the Apostles, on account of the plenitude of science
    and of gifts gratuitously received, were able to speak in
    the languages of all nations, because that was necessary
    for the preaching of the Gospel, This miracle the Lord
    wrought at the time in order that they might be
    understood and believed by those different nations, and
    in order that saint Peter might not be obliged to repeat in
    the different languages of those present, what he
    preached to them concerning the mysteries of faith. He
    preached only once and all heard and understood him,
    each in his own language, and so it happened also with
    the other Apostles.
    What saint Luke says about their speaking different
    languages, must be understood as meaning, that the
    Apostles were then and there able to understand them.
   The three thousand, who were converted by the first
    sermon of saint Peter, were from all the nations then
    gathered in Jerusalem, so that forthwith all nations,
    without excluding any, might partake of the fruits of the
    Redemption, all might be gathered to the Church, and all
    might experience the grace of the Holy Spirit; for the
    holy Church was to be composed of all nations and
   The tenderest Mother remained prostrate with her face
    upon the ground during the whole time, tearfully praying
    for the conversion of all that subjected themselves to the
    faith of the Savior, and for all the rest, if they should
    consent to cooperate with the helps and the graces of the
    Lord. The most holy Mary sent many of her
    accompanying angels with holy inspirations,
    encouraging the sacred Apostles and giving them
    strength to inquire and to manifest more explicitly the
    hidden mysteries of the humanity and Divinity of Christ
    our Redeemer. The angels fulfilled all the commands of
   The Apostle saint Peter spoke to the recently converted and said to
    them: "My brethren, and servants of the Most High, this is the
    Mother of our Redeemer and Master, Jesus Christ, whose faith you
    have received in acknowledging Him as true God and man. She
    has given Him the human form, conceiving Him in her womb,
    and She bore Him, remaining a Virgin before, during and after his
    birth. Receive Her as your Mother, our Refuge and Intercessor, for
    through Her you and we shall receive light, direction, and release
    from our sins and miseries."
   The privilege of conferring great interior blessings and of giving
    light to those who looked upon Her with pious veneration, was
    renewed and extended in Her time when She was at the right hand
    of her divine Son in heaven. As all of those faithful partook of these
    blessings in the presence of their Queen, they prostrated
    themselves at her feet and with tears besought her assistance and
    blessing. But the humble and prudent Queen evaded this latter,
    because of the presence of the Apostles, who were priests, and of
    saint Peter, the Vicar of Christ. Then this Apostle said to Her
    "Lady, do not refuse to these faithful what they piously ask for the
    consolation their souls." The blessed Mary obeyed the head of the
    Church and in humble serenity of a Queen She gave her blessing
    to the newly converted.
As they perceived how obediently She had yielded to saint Peter, they
  turned to him and begged him to ask Her not to send them away
  without some word of encouragement. Saint Peter though he
  considered this favor very proper for the souls who had been born
  again to Christ by his preaching and that of the other Apostles,
  nevertheless, aware that the Mother of Wisdom knew well what
  was to be done, presumed to say no more than these words;
  "Lady, listen to the petitions of thy servants and children." Then
  the great Lady obeyed and said to the converts: "My dearest
  brethren in the Lord, give thanks and praise with your whole
  hearts to the Almighty God, because from among all men He has
  called and drawn you to the sure path of eternal life in the
  knowledge of the holy faith you have received. Be firm in your
  confession of it from all your hearts and in hearing and believing
  all that the law of grace contains as preached and ordained by its
  true Teacher Jesus, my Son and your Redeemer. Be eager to hear
  and obey his Apostles, who teach and instruct you, so that you
  may be signed and marked by Baptism in the character of children
  of the Most High. I offer myself as your handmaid to assist you in
  all that serves toward your consolation, and I shall ask Him to look
  upon you as a kind Father and to manifest to you the true joy of
  his countenance, communicating to you also his grace."
  The Apostles and disciples from that day on continued without
intermission their preaching and their miracles, and through the entire
octave they instructed not only the three thousand, who had
been converted on Pentecost day, but multitudes of others, who day
by day accepted the faith. Since they came from all parts of the world,
they conversed and spoke with each one in his own language; for
they spoke in various languages from that time on. This grace was
given not only to the Apostles, although it was more complete and
noticeable in them; also the disciples and all the one hundred and
twenty, who were in the Cenacle at the time, and also the holy
women, who received the Holy Ghost, were thus favored. This was
really necessary at the time on account of the great multitudes, who
came to the faith. Many after having heard them, went to Magdalen
and her companions, who catechized, instructed and converted them
and others that came at the report of the miracles they performed.
For this gift was also conferred on the women, who, by the
imposition of hands, cured all the sicknesses, gave sight to the blind,
tongue to the mute, motion to the lame, and life to many of the dead.
These and other wonders were principally wrought by the Apostles,
nevertheless both their miracles and those of the women excited the
wonder and astonishment of all Jerusalem; so that nothing else was
talked about except the prodigies and the preaching of the Apostles
   This was the happy beginning and the golden age
    of the evangelical Church, where the rushing of
    the stream rejoiced the city of God (Ps. 45, 5) and
    the current of grace and the gifts of the Holy
    Ghost fertilized this new paradise recently planted
    by the hands of the Savior Jesus, while in its midst
    stood the tree of life, most holy Mary. Then was
    faith alive, hope firm, charity ardent, sincerity
    pure, humility true, justice most equitable, when
    the faithful neither knew avarice nor followed
    vanity, when they trod under foot vain pomp,
    were free from covetousness, pride, ambition,
    which later prevailed among the professors of the
    faith, who while confessing themselves followers
    of Christ, denied Him in their works.
   It will be possible in this third part to describe only a minute
    portion of the wonderful and great works accomplished by the
    mighty Queen in the primitive Church; but from those which I will
    describe, and from her life in this world after the Ascension, much
    can be inferred. For She did not rest or lose one moment or
    occasion of conferring some singular favor either upon the whole
    Church or some of its members. For She consumed Herself either
    in praying and beseeching her divine Son, without ever
    experiencing a refusal; or in exhorting, instructing, counseling,
    and, as Treasurer and Dispenser of the divine favors, distributing
    graces in diverse manners among the children of the Gospel.
    Among the hidden mysteries, which were made known to me
    concerning this power of the blessed Mary, was also this, that in
    those first ages, during which She lived in the holy Church, the
    number of the damned was proportionately very small; and that,
    comparatively, in those few years a greater number were saved
    than in many succeeding ages.
   It is true we have not the happiness of seeing Her, conversing with
    Her and listening to Her with bodily senses; and in this respect
    those first children of the Church were more fortunate. But let us
    all remember, that in the heavenly knowledge and charity of this
    most loving Mother we were all present to Her, also during those
    times (Vol. III, 78); for She saw and knew us all in the order and
    succession in which we were be born in the Church; and She
    prayed and interceded for us no less than for those who lived in her
    times. Nor is She at present less powerful in heaven, than She was
    then upon earth; nor less our Mother, than of those first children;
    and She held us as her own, just as well them. But alas! that our
    faith and our fervor and devotion should be so very different! Not
    She has changed, nor is her love less ardent, nor would we
    experience less of her intercession and protection, if in troubled
    times we would hasten to her with the same sentiments of humility
    and fervor, asking for her prayers and trustfully relying upon Her
    for help, as was the case with those devoted Christians in the first
    beginning. Without a doubt the whole Catholic Church would then
    immediately experience the same assistance of the Queen
    throughout the whole world.
   Many of those new faithful, highly impressed with her greatness by
    their conversation with the heavenly Mistress, returned to present
    to Her jewels and the richest gifts; especially the women despoiled
    themselves of fineries to lay them at her feet. But She would
    receive or permit none of these gifts. She secretly inspired the
    minds of the givers to bring them to the Apostles, in order that
    they might be equitably and justly distributed in charity among the
    most poor and needy of the faithful. The poor and the sick She
    received with ineffable kindness, and many of them she cured of
    inveterate and long-standing infirmities. Through the hands of
    saint John She supplied many secret wants, never omitting the
    least point of virtue. As the Apostles and disciples were engaged all
    day in preaching the faith and in converting those that came, the
    great Queen busied Herself in preparing their food and attending
    to their comfort; and at stated times She served the priests on her
    knees and with incredible humility and reverence asked to kiss
    their hands. This She observed especially with the Apostles,
    knowing and beholding their souls confirmed in grace, endowed
    with all that the Holy Ghost had wrought in them and exalted by
    their dignity of being the high priests and the founders of the
    Church (Eph. 2, 20). Sometimes She saw them clothed in great
    splendor, which elicited from Her increased reverence and
 On the Predestination of Souls

 Attitude most pleasing to God

 New union with God and inner
 Coming of the Holy Spirit in our
   WORDS OF THE QUEEN on the Predestination of
    Souls. (The Virgin Mary speaks to Sister Mary of Agreda, Spain.)
   “My daughter, in what thou hast come to know of the events related
    in this chapter, thou wilt find a great deal that points to the mystery
    of the predestination of souls. Be convinced that, since the
    Redemption was so overflowing and copious, it was sufficient for
    the salvation of all men (Rom. 5, 20). The divine truth was made
    known to all, whoever heard its preaching or who saw the effects of
    the coming of the Godman into the world. Besides the outward
    preaching and knowledge of the remedy, all received interior
    inspirations and helps in order to seek and accept the means. You
    are surprised that, in spite of all this, only three thousand were
    converted by the first sermon of the Apostle among all that great
    multitude then in Jerusalem. It should cause a greater surprise that
    in our times so few are converted to the way of eternal life, as the
    Gospel is more widespread, its preaching is frequent, its ministers
    numerous, the light of the Church clearer and the knowledge of the
    divine mysteries more definite. With all this men are blinder, the
    hearts more hardened, pride more inflated, avarice more bold, and
    all the vices are practiced without fear of God and without
   In this most perverse and unhappy state mortals
    cannot complain of the most high and equitable
    providence of the Lord, who offers to all and every
    one his fatherly mercy, and points out to them both
    the way of life and the way of death; so that if any
    man hardens his heart, God can permit it in
    strictest justice. The reprobate will have none but
    themselves to blame, if afterwards, when there is
    no more time, they shall be uselessly dismayed with
    what in opportune time they could and should have
    known. If in the short and transient life, which is
    given to them in order to merit the eternal, they
    close their eyes and ears to the truth and to the
    light, and if they listen to the demon, giving
    themselves up to all the promptings of his malice;
    if they thus abuse the goodness and clemency of
    the Lord, what can they then allege as their
   If they do not know how to pardon an injury and for the
    slightest offense meditate the direst vengeance; if, for the
    sake of increasing their property, they pervert the entire
    order of reason and of natural brotherhood; if for a
    passing delight they forget the eternal pains, and if, in
    addition to all this, they despise the warnings, helps and
    admonitions sent to them by God to inspire them with the
    fear of perdition and induce them to avoid it, how shall
    they afterwards find fault with the divine clemency? Let
    then mortals, who have sinned against God, undeceive
    themselves: without penance there shall be no grace,
    without reform no pardon, without pardon no glory. But
    just as these are not conceded to those that are unworthy,
    so they are also never denied to those that are worthy; nor
    is ever the mercy of God withheld from any one who seeks
    to obtain it.”
At a meeting of the Apostles and disciples, when the subject
  of money was being discussed, Peter and John asked the
  Blessed Virgin to describe to them the attitude that would
  be most pleasing to her Son, and She said:
“My masters and brethren, many times during His
 life our true Teacher, my divine Son, told me that
 one of the important purposes of His coming into
 the world was to uplift poverty and to teach it to
 mortals who have a horror of it. In His
 conversation, His teachings and His holy life, He
 made me understand that the holiness and
 perfection which He had come to teach were to be
 based on the most perfect voluntary poverty and
 contempt of money. I am therefore of the opinion
 that we should all detach our hearts from the love
 of money and of wealth.”Mary of Agreda. Mystical city of
Words of the Blessed Virgin on New Union with
 God and Inner Peace
            (to Venerable Mother Mary of Agreda)
“My daughter, the Divine Spirit in coming for the first time
upon the Apostles, intended it as a pledge and proof that He
would confer the same favour on the rest of the children of
the Church, and that He was ready to communicate His Gifts
to all who would dispose themselves to receive them.
Blessed is the soul who longs for this grace which enkindles,
enlightens, and consumes all that is earthly and carnal and
raises it up to a new union with God .
As your true and loving Mother, I want you to have this
happiness, and therefore I again urge you to prepare your
heart by trying to maintain an unshatterable inner peace
and calm, no matter what happens to you.”
   WORDS OF THE QUEEN on Coming of the Holy spirit in our Times
    (The Virgin Mary speaks to Sister Mary of Agreda, Spain.)
   “My daughter, so great was the love, by which He sought to draw
    them to Himself, that, in order to make them sharers of his divine
    perfections, He sent them first the Son, who is wisdom (John 3, 16)
    and afterwards the holy Ghost, who is love, so that all might be
    enriched in the manner in which they were capable. The divine
    Spirit, intended it as a pledge and testimony, that He would confer
    the same favor on the rest of the children of the Church, and that
    He was ready to communicate his gifts to all who would dispose
    themselves to receive them. Also in our times He comes to many just
    souls, although not so openly. The interior effects and gifts are all of
    the same nature, acting according to the disposition and state of the
    one who receives them.
   Blessed is the soul which sighs and aspires after this blessing and
    seeks to participate in this divine fire which enkindles, enlightens
    and consumes all that is terrestrial and carnal, which purifies and
    raises it up to new existence and a new union with God himself.
   As your true and loving Mother, I want you to have this happiness,
    and therefore I again urge you to prepare your heart by trying to
    maintain an unshatterable inner peace and calm, no matter what
    happens to you.”
The ( National ) Rosary          For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of
    hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in
    most need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people
    and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means
    of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
    Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.”

3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
   “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
   (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
    Look upon them continually with mercy and through your

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Glorious Mysteries 3: Holy Spirit

  • 1. Meditations on the Holy Spirit  Recommendation: Please read the contents of one of the 20 mysteries meditations before you start your prayer. Some of these presentations (e.g. The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion) contains over 60 slides. With so much spiritual food that it is best to read and contemplate on a few of the slides each time.  We welcome biblical scholars, theologians, lecturers and professors of theological institutions and seminaries and lay people around the world to contribute precious pictures and words to accompany specific scenes in the Rosary in Visual Art. You can contribute through the BLOG on our website.
  • 2. Third Glorious Mystery Descent of the Holy Spirit All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to express themselves in foreign tongues and made bold proclamation as the Spirit prompted them. Fruit of the Mystery: Love of God & Charity
  • 3. 1. Mary Mother of the first Evangelization Star of the New Evangelization
  • 4. 1.**** Mother of Evangelization. “In the CENACLE with the apostles, I have participated as Mother in the birth of the Church. My motherly task is that of leading the Church along the way of its Evangelization.” (Gobbi) Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France .
  • 5. 1A. Mother of Evangelization. Mary is at the Heart of the Church on the morning of the Pentecost. Mary, the Mother of the Church leads the apostles in prayer. Many of the apostles are confused and frightened. But Mary is calm and recollected, and her conduct comforts them. She reminds them, and us ----to pray. Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France .
  • 6. 1B. Mother of the Evangelization. Vatican II describes Mary’s prayer at the Pentecost as a petition for the whole Church to receive the Holy Spirit. With Mary’s ‘Yes’ at the Annunciation, the Holy Spirit conceived the body of Christ in her womb. With Mary’s prayerful intercession at Pentecost, the same Spirit descend upon the apostles to form the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France .
  • 7. Details on the event of the Pentecost as revealed by Our Lady to Mary of Agreda.  When the days of Pentecost were about to be fulfilled (Act 2, 1), (which happened fifty days after the Resurrection of the Lord our Redeemer), the most blessed Mother saw, how in heaven the humanity (John 14, 26) of the Word conferred with the eternal Father concerning the promised sending of the divine Paraclete to the Apostles,. He besought his Father also, that, besides bringing grace and the invisible gifts the Holy Ghost appear in the world in visible form.  On Pentecost morning the blessed Virgin Mary exhorted the Apostles, the disciples and the pious women, numbering about one hundred and twenty, to pray more fervently and renew their hopes, since the hour was at hand in which they were to be visited by the divine Spirit from on high.
  • 8. At the third hour (nine o'clock), when all of them were gathered around their heavenly Mistress and engaged in fervent prayer, the air resounded with a tremendous thunder and the blowing of a violent wind mixed with the brightness of fire or lightning, all centering upon the house of the Cenacle. The house was enveloped in light and the divine fire was poured out over all of that holy gathering (Acts 2, 2). Over the head of each of the hundred and twenty persons appeared a tongue of that same fire, in which the Holy Ghost had come, filling each one with divine influences and heavenly gifts and causing at one and the same time the most diverse and contrary effects in the Cenacle and in the whole of Jerusalem, according to the diversity of the persons affected.
  • 9. The purest Lady was transformed and exalted in God; for She saw intuitively and clearly the Holy Ghost, and for a short time enjoyed the beatific vision of the Divinity. Of his gifts and divine influences She by Herself received more than all the rest of the saints. Her glory for that space of time, exceeded that of the angels and of the blessed.
  • 10. The Apostles, as saint Luke says (Acts 2, 11), were also replenished and filled with the holy Ghost; for they received a wonderful increase of justifying grace of a most exalted degree. The twelve Apostles were confirmed in this sanctifying grace and were never to lose it. In all of them, according to each one's condition were infused the habits of the seven gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Science, Piety, Counsel, Fortitude and Fear. In this magnificent blessing, as new as it was admirable in the world, the twelve Apostles were created fit ministers of the new Testament and founders of the evangelical Church for the whole world: for this new grace and blessing communicated to them a divine strength most efficacious and sweet, which inclined them to practice the most heroic virtue and the highest sanctity. Thus strengthened they prayed, they labored willingly and accomplished the most difficult and arduous tasks, engaging in their labors not with sorrow or from necessity, but with the greatest joy and alacrity.
  • 11. In all the rest of the disciples and the faithful, who received the Holy Ghost in the Cenacle, the Most High wrought proportionally and respectively the same effects, except that they were not confirmed in grace like the Apostles. According to the disposition of each the gifts of grace were communicated in greater or less abundance in view of the ministry they were to hold in the holy Church. The same proportion was maintained in regard to the Apostles; yet saint Peter and saint John were more singularly favored on account of the high offices assigned to them: the one to govern the Church as its head, and the other to attend upon and serve the Queen and Mistress of heaven and of earth, most holy Mary. The house itself was filled with wonderful light and splendor. and overflowed and communicated itself also to others outside of the Cenacle; for it caused diverse and various effects of the Holy Spirit among the inhabitants of Jerusalem and its vicinity. All those, who with some piety had compassioned our Savior Jesus in his Passion and Death, deprecating his most bitter torments and reverencing his sacred Person, were interiorly visited with new light and grace, which disposed them afterwards to accept the doctrine of the Apostles. Others of the just who were in Jerusalem outside of the Cenacle, also felt great interior consolations, by which they were moved and predisposed by new effects of grace wrought in each one proportionately by the Holy Ghost.
  • 12. Not less wonderful, although more hidden, were some contrary effects produced on that day by the Holy Ghost in Jerusalem. By the dreadful thunders and violent commotion of the atmosphere and the lightnings accompanying his advent, He disturbed and terrified the enemies of the Lord in that city, each one according to his own malice and perfidy. This chastisement was particularly evident in those who had actively concurred in procuring the death of Christ, and who had signalized themselves in their rabid fury against Him. All these fell to the ground on their faces and remained thus for three hours. Those that had scourged the Lord were suddenly choked in their own blood, which shot forth from their veins in punishment for shedding that of the Master. The audacious servant, who had buffeted the Lord, not only suddenly died, but was hurled into hell body and soul. Others of the Jews, although they did not die, were chastised with intense pains and abominable sicknesses. These disorders, consequent upon shedding the blood of Christ, descended to their posterity and even to this day continue to afflict their children with most horrible impurities. This chastisement became notorious in Jerusalem, although the priests and pharisees diligently sought to cover it up, just as they had tried to conceal the Resurrection of the Savior. As these events, however, were not so important, neither the Apostles nor the Evangelists wrote about them.
  • 13. 1C. Mother of the Second Evangelization. “I am the Mother of the second evangelization. I am guiding you as a star along the bright way of fidelity to Christ and to the Gospel. My motherly task is that of forming you into apostles of the second evangelization.” (Gobbi) Mosaic of the Pentecost, Rosary Basilica. Lourdes, France .
  • 14.
  • 15. The Holy Spirit, Principle agent of Evangelization: Changes our hearts and Opens our minds
  • 16. 2.**** The Holy Spirit is the “Principal agent of Evangelization”. The Holy Spirit filled the Apostles with Truth and Love. They were infused the Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Piety, Fear, Counsel, and Fortitude. By this blessing, the Twelve were transformed into truly apostolic founders and missionaries. This event marks the birth of the Church.
  • 17. 2A. The Holy Spirit changes our hearts. The Ten Commandments written on stone is not enough as the Israelite constantly failed to keep it. The new law is written by the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers, prompting them to love as Christ loved, turning them away from sin, and giving them the power to fulfill the law, which they could not keep on their own. (Rom. 8:1-4; CCC 733) “God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’ (Gal 4:6)
  • 18. 2B. The Holy Spirit changes our hearts “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes.” (Ez. 36: 26-27) “I will put my law within them and I will write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (Jer. 31: 31-33)
  • 19. 2C. The Holy spirit opens our minds The Holy Spirit prepares men and goes out to them with his grace, in order to draw them to Christ. The Spirit manifests the risen Lord to them, recalls his word to them and opens their minds to the understanding of his Death and Resurrection. (Catechism)
  • 20. 2E. The Holy Spirit is the “Principal agent of Evangelization”. The twelve Apostles were made fit ministers of the new Testament and founders of the evangelical Church for the whole world. A divine strength most efficacious and sweet, inclined them to practice the most heroic virtue and the highest sanctity. They prayed, they labored, and accomplished the most difficult and arduous tasks, engaging in their labors with the greatest joy and
  • 21. 2D. The Holy Spirit is the “Principal agent of Evangelization”. my immaculate Heart “In the Holy Spirit communicates himself to you in an ever more munificent manner. He breathes upon you with love, transforming you into sparks of fire, flames of grace, stars of sanctity and zeal for renewing the firmament of the Church. He communicates Himself to you with his seven holy gifts, and makes you suitable instruments for the conversion of the world.” (Gobbi)
  • 22. 3.** Evangelization is the work of the Holy Spirit. “Only the Spirit of Love can renew the Church and the whole world. Only the Spirit of Love can prepare hearts, souls, the Church and all humanity to receive Jesus who will return to you in glory. The Holy Spirit has the task of transforming all humanity and renewing the earth. You are living in the time of the Holy Spirit.”
  • 23. 3A. Evangelization is the work of the Holy Spirit. “Only the spirit of Love can renew the Church and the whole world. Only the spirit of the Lord can overcome the power of the huge Red Dragon. The huge Red Dragon is Marxist atheism which has succeeded in building up a new civilization without God, materialistic, egoistic, hedonistic and cold.” (Gobbi)
  • 24. 3B. You must be We can be witnesses of Christ only if we allows ourselves to holy missionaries. be led by the Holy Spirit who is ‘the principal agent of evangelization’ and ‘the Principal agent of mission’. You must be holy and you must be missionaries, since we can never separate holiness from mission. Do not be afraid to become holy missionaries like St. Francis Xavier who travelled through the Far East, or like St. Therese of the Child Jesus who was a missionary even though she never left the Carmelite convent. (Pope Benedict XVI)
  • 25. 3C. Missionary fruitfulness depends on prayer. “If we are to understand the mission of the Church, we must go back to the Upper Room. This icon of the nascent Church should be a constant source of inspiration for every Christian. Apostolic and missionary fruitfulness is not principally due to programs and pastoral methods that are cleverly drawn up and efficient, but is the result of the community`s constant prayer.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
  • 26.  The second I will mention is the power of the Holy Spirit. If we want to re-evangelize our secularized countries, we must go through a Pentecost experience. Only after Pentecost were the apostles able to preach Jesus with such power. ------Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the papal household.
  • 27. “In the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart, the miraculous event of the Second Pentecost must now be accomplished, implored and expected by you.  Tongues of divine fire will bring heat and life to a humanity which has now become cold from egotism and hatred, from violence and wars.  Tongues of fire will come down to enlighten and sanctify the Church, and will heal Her of every malady, will purify Her of every stain and every infidelity.  Tongues of fire will come down upon you all, my poor children, so ensnared and seduced by Satan.  The Holy Spirit will work the new miracle of universal transformation in the heart and the life of all: sinners will be converted, the weak will find support; the sick will receive healing, those far away will return to the house of the Father; those separated and divided will attain full unity.  Tongues of fire of the Spirit of Love will renew the whole world, which will become completely transformed by the greatest manifestation of Divine Mercy.” (Gobbi)
  • 28. Purify us “Through interior suffering and by means of trials, the Church will be led to its divine splendor. It will be healed of the wounds of error and cured of the leprosy of sin. Through the power of fire and of blood, the whole world will also be renewed.” (Gobbi)
  • 29. Purify us “Pray to the Father that the fire of the Spirit will purify you from all traces of sin. The Holy Spirit will come down as fire which will burn and transform everything, sanctify and renew the earth, and lead all souls to holiness and grace. Only the Spirit of Love can renew the whole world.” (Gobbi)
  • 30. Listen to the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, You dwell within us. Help us to listen to You as You guide us on the Way to Heaven. Help us to see and appreciate Your work in the Church. Deliver us from falsehood and Dispel our ignorance. Open our sinful lips and teach us how and what to pray for.
  • 31. Cenacle with Mary for the New Evangelization  Our Lady’s invitation to the whole Church to enter into Cenacle to bring about a New Pentecost. “Come, Holy Spirit.”
  • 32. 4.**** Invitation to CENACLE with Mary “I invite the whole church to gather together in a continuous prayer made with me and through me, in order to obtain the gift of a new and second Pentecost for the Church and for all humanity.” My Immaculate Heart must now become the new and spiritual CENACLE in which you must all gather together to obtain the gift of the Second Pentecost.” (Gobbi)
  • 33. 4A. Invitation to CENACLE with Mary “Come, O Holy Spirit, •Renew the whole Church, •Renew the face of the earth, •Make us courageous witnesses of the gospel, •Renew the life of all those who have been baptised, •Open the way for hearts to the understanding of the truth.” (Gobbi)
  • 34. 4B. “Come Holy Spirit! Come and transform the hearts of all your people! Come quickly, so we may at long last “see” the new heavens and new earth: where men can live together as in a large family; where the wound of egoism, hatred, impurity, injustice may be healed.” The new era will be able to come only as a gift of the Holy Spirit, not as the work of man. It is necessary to ask for this gift through a continual and trusting prayer.” (Gobbi)
  • 35. 4C. “It is necessary that the second Pentecost come quickly. I renew today the invitation to all the Church to enter into the CENACLE which the heavenly Mother has prepared for you for the final times. You are able to enter through the act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart. I request that this consecration, asked by me with such anxious insistence, be made by the bishop, the priests the religious and the faithful. Let it be made by all in order to shorten the time of the great trial which has now arrived.” (Gobbi) Henri and Antoine Cibille. 17th century, Pentecost . Pays d’Ussel France.
  • 36. 5.** The Second Pentecost “You have now entered into the times of the second Pentecost. For this reason, it is necessary that these CENACLES of prayer carried out with me and by means of me, be multiplied in every part of the world. I ask that all the Church be gathered together in the spiritual CENACLE of my Immaculate Heart.” (Gobbi)
  • 37. “A new and universal effusion of the Holy Spirit is necessary to arrive at the new times, so longed for. It is necessary that the Second Pentecost come quickly. It can come to pass only in the spiritual cenacle of my Immaculate Heart.  I renew today the invitation to all the Church to enter into the cenacle which the heavenly Mother has prepared for you for the final times. You are able to enter through the act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart.  I request that this consecration, asked by me with such anxious insistence, be made by the bishop, the priests, the religious and the faithful.
  • 38. The triumph of my Immaculate Heart will coincide with the great prodigy of the Second Pentecost.  A new fire will come down from heaven and will purify all humanity, which has again become pagan. Thus sinners will come back to grace and holiness; the straying to the road of righteousness; those far away to the house of the Father, the sick to complete healing; the wicked collaborators of Satan will be defeated and condemned for ever.  Unite yourselves to me, my little children, in invoking today the gift of the Holy Spirit. Let your prayer be habitual, repeated frequently, because it has been taught to you and demanded of you by your heavenly Mother: “Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well- beloved Spouse.” (Gobbi)
  • 39. 6.** Come, Holy Spirit--Mary’s specific words “My Immaculate Heart is the golden door through which the Holy Spirit passes to come to you and bring you to the Second Pentecost. And so I invite you to repeat often: “Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” (Gobbi)
  • 40. 6A. Come, Holy Spirit “My powerful function as mediatrix between you and my Son is above all exercised in obtaining for you in superabundance, the Spirit of Love. My immaculate Heart is the golden doorway through which the Holy Spirit passes to reach you. And so I invite you to repeat often: ‘Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.’ The Holy Spirit, invoked by means of me, has communicated Himself to you with his seven holy gifts. Let it become your habitual prayer.” (Gobbi)
  • 41. “I obtain for you the gift of the Holy Spirit, who descends upon this, your cenacle, as He descended upon the Cenacle of Jerusalem. It is the Holy Spirit who transforms you, who changes your heart and gives wisdom to your mind, so that you may be today a light burning on a mountaintop in these times of great darkness.  Go out from this cenacle in peace and joy. I am always with you. Spread my light everywhere so that the dew of Divine mercy may reach all.”  My plan is to lead all my children along the road of perfect imitation of Jesus that He may live again in them. My plan is to prepare hearts and souls to receive the Holy Spirit. My plan is to point out to all my children the way of faith and of hope, of love and of purity, of goodness and of holiness.” (Gobbi)
  • 42. 7. Cenacle with Mary to invoke the descent of the Holy Spirit upon nations “Come Holy Spirit! Come and transform the hearts of all your people! The new era will come only as a gift of the Holy Spirit, not as the work of man.” (Gobbi) Popes Benedict, John Paul II and Paul VI have called repeatedly for a new out- pouring of the Holy Spirit on the People of God. We need a golden age of the Holy spirit for the second Evangelization of nations.
  • 43. 8. We pray for the world There is an old man at the centre of the Icon who symbolizes the world. He reminds us that we do not pray for ourselves alone, but for the entire world. Our prayer helps to transform not only ourselves, but also our friends, neighbours, and the world. How to pray with icons. By Myroslaw Tataryn
  • 44. Words of the Queen on Be my Apostles
  • 45. 9. Be my Apostles “Be my apostles, in spreading everywhere the one and only light of Christ. Be my apostles, in spreading my light and in leading everyone into the refuge of my Immaculate Heart. Fight with prayer and penance. Let the Rosary be your victorious weapon.” (Gobbi)
  • 46. 10.**** Apostles of these last times: “Go out from this cenacle, renewed by the Holy Spirit, as courageous apostles of the second evangelization to which I am calling you. Go to every part of the world to carry the light of Christ. I am always with you and guiding you.” Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308. Siena. (Gobbi)
  • 47. 10A. Apostles of these last times “You must be the apostles of these last times. Go out everywhere and proclaim with strength and courage the Gospel of Jesus. Walk along the path of contempt for the world and for yourselves. Cause the rays of light of your faith, of your holiness and of your love to come down upon the world. I am with you. (Gobbi) Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308. Siena.
  • 48. “I am the Mother of the second evangelization. I am guiding you as a star along the bright way of fidelity to Christ and to his Gospel. You need to return to a belief in the Gospel of Jesus. You must announce it to all in the strength of its integrity. Preach it with the same clarity with which my Son Jesus announced it to you.  My mother task is that of forming you into apostles of the second evangelization. I invite you beloved sons, to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart in order to be formed and guided by me. Moved by the power of the Holy Spirit, which your heavenly Mother is obtaining for you, go and preach to every creature---be converted; believe in the Gospel.” (Gobbi)
  • 49. “You are being called to be the instruments of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. I have obtained for you a special outpouring of the Holy spirit. I have worked deeply in your hearts and in your souls, to make you fit to carry out my great plan of love and mercy.  My times, and yours, have arrived. Show yourselves to all as the apostles of these last times. Your light must shine ever more brightly in the great darkness.  Let your love be a sign of my motherly presence , a soothing balm on the wounds of these times of yours, a heavenly dew for the suffering Church.
  • 50. “I have a great design upon you. This design of mine has been revealed to you in every detail. It must now appear to the Church and to humanity in all its splendor, because these are the times of your maturity and of your public witness.  As apostles of the last times, you must announce with courage all the truths of the Catholic faith . You must follow Jesus along the road of disdain for the world and for yourselves, of humility, prayer, poverty, silence, mortification, charity and a more profound union with God. You are unknown and despised by the world and by those who surround you. This suffering is necessary for the fecundity of your very mission.
  • 51. “As apostles of the last times, you must now illumine the earth with the light of Christ. You have the duty of carrying out the second evangelization. Evangelize the Church. Evangelize humanity which has again become pagan after almost two thousand years. Evangelize all men, who has become victims of errors, of evil, and of sin. Evangelize the peoples and the nations of the earth.  Allow the Holy Spirit to mould you with his sweet and powerful action of love. Only thus can you be ready for the great plan which awaits you.”  You form the new heart of the new Church.
  • 52. “Now I am asking you to become the apostles of the new era. There awaits you the task of rebuilding the Church. Give to all the light of Christ and of his Gospel.  There awaits you the task of evangelizing this poor humanity. Take them up in your arms, these straying children of mine, and carry them all into the safe sheepfold of my Immaculate Heart.  There awaits you the task of causing the sweet balm of my motherly tenderness to come down upon so many open and bleeding wounds. You must be an expression of my love and my motherly concern. Love all with the strength of your heart and with the light which is given you by your heavenly Mother.  If you carry out this task which I am entrusting to you today, you become truly the apostles of the new era.
  • 53. “The moment of your public witness has come. Show yourselves to all as my little sons, as the apostles formed by me for the great task of the new evangelization which is awaiting you. I am calling you all to be apostles of the second evangelization. I am entrusting to each one of you my motherly mandate : go and evangelize.  Go to every part of this great nation of yours. Go into every place, even the most distant and out-of-the way.  Go to all my children, especially those furthest away, to the sinners, to the poor, to those who are victims of evil, of vice, of egoism, of hatred, of impurity.  Evangelize this poor humanity, which has again become pagan after nearly two thousands years. Let the idols be destroyed, the idols of pleasure, money, pride, impurity, atheism, unbridled egoism, hatred and violence.
  • 54. “Come out of your hiding, my beloved sons, and go everywhere to enlighten the earth with the sole light of Christ. Your times have arrived. Do not be afraid if you are unknown to the world, if your are despised, rejected and persecuted. I am always with you. Show yourselves to all as my beloved sons, the apostles of these last times. Walk along the road of contempt for the world and for yourselves, of humility and littleness, of love and purity.  Love always; judge no one.  Set out upon all the roads of the world, in search of my poor straying children, the poor, the sick, the abandoned, the oppressed. Carry them all into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
  • 55. “Evangelize the suffering and divided Church. Let the Gospel of Jesus, preached and lived to the letter, become the only light.  Evangelize all men, preaching that the reign of God is at hand. The moment of the second coming of Jesus is drawing close. Throw open the doors to Jesus Christ who is coming!  Preach the need for prayer and penance, for courageous practice of all the virtues, for the adoration and reparation offered to Jesus present in the Eucharist. Spread everywhere the cenacles of prayer which I have been asking of you. Above all, spread everywhere the family cenacles.  Do not be afraid. I am with you always and I am leading you along this bright path.
  • 56. “My Immaculate Heart will Triumph over this ailing and materialistic humanity. Go and preach the necessity of prayer and penance, of conversion and return to the Lord. It is you who must be the instruments of this general return. It is you who must be the apostles of this second evangelization.  My Immaculate Heart will triumph over this suffering and divided Church. It is you who must be this instruments of the interior renewal of all the Church, you who are called to be the new heart of the new Church.  I have granted to all the grace of a change of heart, and a transformation of life. I am with you and I will cause you to feel my motherly presence in an extraordinary way.” (Gobbi)
  • 57. For the Salvation of the World.  “I unite myself with your prayer. In these times of yours, the prayer of my priests is necessary to me for the salvation of the world. As a Mother, I call you to meet with each other. I help you to get to know one another, I urge you to love one another. It is thus that I am able to realize in each one of you the plan for the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, for the salvation of the world.  For the salvation of the world, I am making you precious instruments of Divine Mercy.
  • 58. Carry in your arms the little ones, the poor, the weak. Walk with the feet of your heavenly Mother to seek out those who are farthest away, to help those who are marginalized and abandoned.  For the salvation of the world, I want to make of you the new heart of the new Church. Be in the Church my very presence. Love with my Heart your holy Mother Church, who is suffering and carrying such a great and heavy cross.  I have obtained in abundance the gifts of the Holy spirit, who has worked in you a transformation of heart and of life. You will soon come to understand how important these days have been for you. I give you the grace of living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity, where you heavenly Mother has her habitual dwelling place.”
  • 59. The happy beginning and the golden age of the evangelical Church
  • 60. .. all were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in foreign 10. tongues and made bold proclamations, as the Spirit prompted them. “The whole world awaits your announcement with ardent hope. You are the apostles of this second evangelization. Preach to all peoples that Christ is the one and only Lord, your saviour and redeemer.” (Gobbi) The Children’s Illustrated Bible. Hermes House
  • 61. “You are surprised that, in spite of all this, only three thousand were . converted by the first sermon of the Apostle among all that great multitude then in Jerusalem. It should cause a greater surprise that in our times so few are converted to the way of eternal life, as the Gospel is more widespread, its preaching is frequent, its ministers numerous, the light of the Church clearer and the knowledge of the divine mysteries more definite. With all this men are blinder, the hearts more hardened, pride more inflated, avarice more bold, and all the vices are practiced without fear of God and without consideration.” (Mary of Agreda) The Children’s Illustrated Bible. Hermes House
  • 62. On account of the visible and open signs, by which the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles, the whole city of Jerusalem with its inhabitants was stirred to wonder. When the news of the astounding events at the house of the Cenacle spread about, the multitude of the people gathered in crowds to know more of the happenings (Acts 2, 6). On that day was being celebrated one of the paschs or feasts of the Jews; and as well on this account, as on account of the special dispensation of heaven, the city was crowded with foreigners and strangers from all parts of the world.  They all left the house of the Cenacle and, placing themselves before the multitudes, began to preach the mysteries of the faith and of eternal life. Though until then they had been so shy and seclusive, they now stepped forth with unhesitating boldness and poured forth burning words, that like a flashing fire penetrated to the souls of their hearers.
  • 63. All the Apostles, on account of the plenitude of science and of gifts gratuitously received, were able to speak in the languages of all nations, because that was necessary for the preaching of the Gospel, This miracle the Lord wrought at the time in order that they might be understood and believed by those different nations, and in order that saint Peter might not be obliged to repeat in the different languages of those present, what he preached to them concerning the mysteries of faith. He preached only once and all heard and understood him, each in his own language, and so it happened also with the other Apostles.  What saint Luke says about their speaking different languages, must be understood as meaning, that the Apostles were then and there able to understand them.
  • 64. The three thousand, who were converted by the first sermon of saint Peter, were from all the nations then gathered in Jerusalem, so that forthwith all nations, without excluding any, might partake of the fruits of the Redemption, all might be gathered to the Church, and all might experience the grace of the Holy Spirit; for the holy Church was to be composed of all nations and tribes.  The tenderest Mother remained prostrate with her face upon the ground during the whole time, tearfully praying for the conversion of all that subjected themselves to the faith of the Savior, and for all the rest, if they should consent to cooperate with the helps and the graces of the Lord. The most holy Mary sent many of her accompanying angels with holy inspirations, encouraging the sacred Apostles and giving them strength to inquire and to manifest more explicitly the hidden mysteries of the humanity and Divinity of Christ our Redeemer. The angels fulfilled all the commands of
  • 65. The Apostle saint Peter spoke to the recently converted and said to them: "My brethren, and servants of the Most High, this is the Mother of our Redeemer and Master, Jesus Christ, whose faith you have received in acknowledging Him as true God and man. She has given Him the human form, conceiving Him in her womb, and She bore Him, remaining a Virgin before, during and after his birth. Receive Her as your Mother, our Refuge and Intercessor, for through Her you and we shall receive light, direction, and release from our sins and miseries."  The privilege of conferring great interior blessings and of giving light to those who looked upon Her with pious veneration, was renewed and extended in Her time when She was at the right hand of her divine Son in heaven. As all of those faithful partook of these blessings in the presence of their Queen, they prostrated themselves at her feet and with tears besought her assistance and blessing. But the humble and prudent Queen evaded this latter, because of the presence of the Apostles, who were priests, and of saint Peter, the Vicar of Christ. Then this Apostle said to Her "Lady, do not refuse to these faithful what they piously ask for the consolation their souls." The blessed Mary obeyed the head of the Church and in humble serenity of a Queen She gave her blessing to the newly converted.
  • 66. As they perceived how obediently She had yielded to saint Peter, they turned to him and begged him to ask Her not to send them away without some word of encouragement. Saint Peter though he considered this favor very proper for the souls who had been born again to Christ by his preaching and that of the other Apostles, nevertheless, aware that the Mother of Wisdom knew well what was to be done, presumed to say no more than these words; "Lady, listen to the petitions of thy servants and children." Then the great Lady obeyed and said to the converts: "My dearest brethren in the Lord, give thanks and praise with your whole hearts to the Almighty God, because from among all men He has called and drawn you to the sure path of eternal life in the knowledge of the holy faith you have received. Be firm in your confession of it from all your hearts and in hearing and believing all that the law of grace contains as preached and ordained by its true Teacher Jesus, my Son and your Redeemer. Be eager to hear and obey his Apostles, who teach and instruct you, so that you may be signed and marked by Baptism in the character of children of the Most High. I offer myself as your handmaid to assist you in all that serves toward your consolation, and I shall ask Him to look upon you as a kind Father and to manifest to you the true joy of his countenance, communicating to you also his grace."
  • 67.  The Apostles and disciples from that day on continued without intermission their preaching and their miracles, and through the entire octave they instructed not only the three thousand, who had been converted on Pentecost day, but multitudes of others, who day by day accepted the faith. Since they came from all parts of the world, they conversed and spoke with each one in his own language; for they spoke in various languages from that time on. This grace was given not only to the Apostles, although it was more complete and noticeable in them; also the disciples and all the one hundred and twenty, who were in the Cenacle at the time, and also the holy women, who received the Holy Ghost, were thus favored. This was really necessary at the time on account of the great multitudes, who came to the faith. Many after having heard them, went to Magdalen and her companions, who catechized, instructed and converted them and others that came at the report of the miracles they performed. For this gift was also conferred on the women, who, by the imposition of hands, cured all the sicknesses, gave sight to the blind, tongue to the mute, motion to the lame, and life to many of the dead. These and other wonders were principally wrought by the Apostles, nevertheless both their miracles and those of the women excited the wonder and astonishment of all Jerusalem; so that nothing else was talked about except the prodigies and the preaching of the Apostles
  • 68. This was the happy beginning and the golden age of the evangelical Church, where the rushing of the stream rejoiced the city of God (Ps. 45, 5) and the current of grace and the gifts of the Holy Ghost fertilized this new paradise recently planted by the hands of the Savior Jesus, while in its midst stood the tree of life, most holy Mary. Then was faith alive, hope firm, charity ardent, sincerity pure, humility true, justice most equitable, when the faithful neither knew avarice nor followed vanity, when they trod under foot vain pomp, were free from covetousness, pride, ambition, which later prevailed among the professors of the faith, who while confessing themselves followers of Christ, denied Him in their works.
  • 69. It will be possible in this third part to describe only a minute portion of the wonderful and great works accomplished by the mighty Queen in the primitive Church; but from those which I will describe, and from her life in this world after the Ascension, much can be inferred. For She did not rest or lose one moment or occasion of conferring some singular favor either upon the whole Church or some of its members. For She consumed Herself either in praying and beseeching her divine Son, without ever experiencing a refusal; or in exhorting, instructing, counseling, and, as Treasurer and Dispenser of the divine favors, distributing graces in diverse manners among the children of the Gospel. Among the hidden mysteries, which were made known to me concerning this power of the blessed Mary, was also this, that in those first ages, during which She lived in the holy Church, the number of the damned was proportionately very small; and that, comparatively, in those few years a greater number were saved than in many succeeding ages.
  • 70. It is true we have not the happiness of seeing Her, conversing with Her and listening to Her with bodily senses; and in this respect those first children of the Church were more fortunate. But let us all remember, that in the heavenly knowledge and charity of this most loving Mother we were all present to Her, also during those times (Vol. III, 78); for She saw and knew us all in the order and succession in which we were be born in the Church; and She prayed and interceded for us no less than for those who lived in her times. Nor is She at present less powerful in heaven, than She was then upon earth; nor less our Mother, than of those first children; and She held us as her own, just as well them. But alas! that our faith and our fervor and devotion should be so very different! Not She has changed, nor is her love less ardent, nor would we experience less of her intercession and protection, if in troubled times we would hasten to her with the same sentiments of humility and fervor, asking for her prayers and trustfully relying upon Her for help, as was the case with those devoted Christians in the first beginning. Without a doubt the whole Catholic Church would then immediately experience the same assistance of the Queen throughout the whole world.
  • 71. Many of those new faithful, highly impressed with her greatness by their conversation with the heavenly Mistress, returned to present to Her jewels and the richest gifts; especially the women despoiled themselves of fineries to lay them at her feet. But She would receive or permit none of these gifts. She secretly inspired the minds of the givers to bring them to the Apostles, in order that they might be equitably and justly distributed in charity among the most poor and needy of the faithful. The poor and the sick She received with ineffable kindness, and many of them she cured of inveterate and long-standing infirmities. Through the hands of saint John She supplied many secret wants, never omitting the least point of virtue. As the Apostles and disciples were engaged all day in preaching the faith and in converting those that came, the great Queen busied Herself in preparing their food and attending to their comfort; and at stated times She served the priests on her knees and with incredible humility and reverence asked to kiss their hands. This She observed especially with the Apostles, knowing and beholding their souls confirmed in grace, endowed with all that the Holy Ghost had wrought in them and exalted by their dignity of being the high priests and the founders of the Church (Eph. 2, 20). Sometimes She saw them clothed in great splendor, which elicited from Her increased reverence and veneration.
  • 72. WORDS OF THE QUEEN  On the Predestination of Souls  Attitude most pleasing to God  New union with God and inner peace  Coming of the Holy Spirit in our time
  • 73. WORDS OF THE QUEEN on the Predestination of Souls. (The Virgin Mary speaks to Sister Mary of Agreda, Spain.)  “My daughter, in what thou hast come to know of the events related in this chapter, thou wilt find a great deal that points to the mystery of the predestination of souls. Be convinced that, since the Redemption was so overflowing and copious, it was sufficient for the salvation of all men (Rom. 5, 20). The divine truth was made known to all, whoever heard its preaching or who saw the effects of the coming of the Godman into the world. Besides the outward preaching and knowledge of the remedy, all received interior inspirations and helps in order to seek and accept the means. You are surprised that, in spite of all this, only three thousand were converted by the first sermon of the Apostle among all that great multitude then in Jerusalem. It should cause a greater surprise that in our times so few are converted to the way of eternal life, as the Gospel is more widespread, its preaching is frequent, its ministers numerous, the light of the Church clearer and the knowledge of the divine mysteries more definite. With all this men are blinder, the hearts more hardened, pride more inflated, avarice more bold, and all the vices are practiced without fear of God and without consideration.”
  • 74. In this most perverse and unhappy state mortals cannot complain of the most high and equitable providence of the Lord, who offers to all and every one his fatherly mercy, and points out to them both the way of life and the way of death; so that if any man hardens his heart, God can permit it in strictest justice. The reprobate will have none but themselves to blame, if afterwards, when there is no more time, they shall be uselessly dismayed with what in opportune time they could and should have known. If in the short and transient life, which is given to them in order to merit the eternal, they close their eyes and ears to the truth and to the light, and if they listen to the demon, giving themselves up to all the promptings of his malice; if they thus abuse the goodness and clemency of the Lord, what can they then allege as their
  • 75. If they do not know how to pardon an injury and for the slightest offense meditate the direst vengeance; if, for the sake of increasing their property, they pervert the entire order of reason and of natural brotherhood; if for a passing delight they forget the eternal pains, and if, in addition to all this, they despise the warnings, helps and admonitions sent to them by God to inspire them with the fear of perdition and induce them to avoid it, how shall they afterwards find fault with the divine clemency? Let then mortals, who have sinned against God, undeceive themselves: without penance there shall be no grace, without reform no pardon, without pardon no glory. But just as these are not conceded to those that are unworthy, so they are also never denied to those that are worthy; nor is ever the mercy of God withheld from any one who seeks to obtain it.”
  • 76. At a meeting of the Apostles and disciples, when the subject of money was being discussed, Peter and John asked the Blessed Virgin to describe to them the attitude that would be most pleasing to her Son, and She said: “My masters and brethren, many times during His life our true Teacher, my divine Son, told me that one of the important purposes of His coming into the world was to uplift poverty and to teach it to mortals who have a horror of it. In His conversation, His teachings and His holy life, He made me understand that the holiness and perfection which He had come to teach were to be based on the most perfect voluntary poverty and contempt of money. I am therefore of the opinion that we should all detach our hearts from the love of money and of wealth.”Mary of Agreda. Mystical city of
  • 77. Words of the Blessed Virgin on New Union with God and Inner Peace (to Venerable Mother Mary of Agreda) “My daughter, the Divine Spirit in coming for the first time upon the Apostles, intended it as a pledge and proof that He would confer the same favour on the rest of the children of the Church, and that He was ready to communicate His Gifts to all who would dispose themselves to receive them. Blessed is the soul who longs for this grace which enkindles, enlightens, and consumes all that is earthly and carnal and raises it up to a new union with God . As your true and loving Mother, I want you to have this happiness, and therefore I again urge you to prepare your heart by trying to maintain an unshatterable inner peace and calm, no matter what happens to you.”
  • 78. WORDS OF THE QUEEN on Coming of the Holy spirit in our Times (The Virgin Mary speaks to Sister Mary of Agreda, Spain.)  “My daughter, so great was the love, by which He sought to draw them to Himself, that, in order to make them sharers of his divine perfections, He sent them first the Son, who is wisdom (John 3, 16) and afterwards the holy Ghost, who is love, so that all might be enriched in the manner in which they were capable. The divine Spirit, intended it as a pledge and testimony, that He would confer the same favor on the rest of the children of the Church, and that He was ready to communicate his gifts to all who would dispose themselves to receive them. Also in our times He comes to many just souls, although not so openly. The interior effects and gifts are all of the same nature, acting according to the disposition and state of the one who receives them.  Blessed is the soul which sighs and aspires after this blessing and seeks to participate in this divine fire which enkindles, enlightens and consumes all that is terrestrial and carnal, which purifies and raises it up to new existence and a new union with God himself.  As your true and loving Mother, I want you to have this happiness, and therefore I again urge you to prepare your heart by trying to maintain an unshatterable inner peace and calm, no matter what happens to you.”
  • 79. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your