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Begin the Cenacle by
recitation of the Holy Rosary with Mary,

Our Lady of all Nations
For the New Evangelization
        of Nations
O Lord, Take from us all lukewarmness in meditation
and all dullness in prayer. Give us fervour and
delight in thinking of you, and the grace to work for
the things we pray for.               (St. Thomas More)
                Pray the Creed.
Cenacle with Mary
 The Cenacle is Group prayer,
 with Mary and all angels and saints,

 using the Rosary,

 to invoke the descent of the Holy Spirit
    (a second Pentecost),
 for a second evangelization of
 continents and nations.
     (Asia, Africa, Russia, China, India, etc)
            Pray the Our Father
The Cenacle
       Pray with 3 virtues
       1. Faith
       2. Hope
       3. Love.
  2    Pray with 3 choirs
  1    1. Angels
       2. Saints
       3. Confraternity
         of the Rosary
       To invoke the
       descent of the Holy                      1 2 3
       Spirit upon nations
The prayer of the Rosary is no longer a monologue or a dialogue,
First Joyful Mystery
      The Annunciation
and when the angel had come to
her, he said, “Hail, full of grace, the
Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou
among women.”
Fruit of the Mystery: Humility
1. “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.”
“Do you know why God did this? Because I had
believed in Him and because I had humbled myself.”
---The blessed Virgin spoke to St. Elizabeth of Schoenau.

Leonardo Da Vinci. 1452-1519. The Annunciation. Uffizi. Florence. Italy
2. The blessed
                                                    virgin is often
                                                    depicted as
                                                    fetching water
                                                    with a pitcher, as
                                                    she prepares
                                                    herself to be the
                                                    “container” of
                                                    Water plays a
                                                    symbolic role.
                                                    Jesus said
                                                    “Those who
                                                    drink the living
                                                    waters will never
                                                    suffer spiritual
Twelve century mosaic, Basilica of San Marco. Venice.
3. Trust in Mary                        The Church has great
                                              trust in her. For it must
                                              be recognized that
The archangel holds a lily                    before anyone else it
which signifies Mary’s                        was God himself, the
                                              Eternal Father who
                                              entrusted himself to
                                              the Virgin of Nazareth,
                                              giving her His own Son
                                              in the mystery of the
                                              (Pope John Paul II)
                 The Madonna bows her
                 head and places a hand
                                              She became the Arc of
                 on her chest, a gesture of   the Covenant, the
                                              tabernacle of the Most
 Master of St. Verdiana, The Annunciation,
1410. Paul Getty Museum. Los Angeles.         High.
4.*** Seek the will of God
                      “Happy is the soul, to
                      which the Most High
                      manifests his holy and
                      perfect will; but more
                      happy and blessed is
                      he, who puts into
                      execution, what he
                      has learned.”
                      (Mary of Agreda)

                      Francesco Alberni. Annunciation..
                      Hermitage museum. St. Petersburg.
5. Hear the delicate voice of the Lord
                           “I wish to see thee very
                           attentive, and very quick and
                           diligent in following it up in
                           deed. In order to hear this
                           most delicate and spiritual
                           voice of the Lord it is
                           necessary that the creature
                           live entirely according to the
                           spirit. Listen, my daughter,
                           and incline thy ear; free
                           thyself from all visible
                           things.” (Mary of Agreda)
Rubens, The Annunciation, Rubens House. Antwerp
6.*** Say “Yes”   “In many ways God shows
      to God      to mortals the highways
                  and pathways of eternal
                  life: by the Gospels, by the
                  Sacraments and laws of the
                  holy Church, by the
                  writings and examples of
                  the saints, and by the
                  obedience due its ministers.
                  Whenever by any of these
                  means thou hast come to
                  the knowledge of the will
                  of God, I desire thee to
                  assume the wings of
                  humility and obedience,
                  and, hasten to execute it.”
                  (Mary of Agreda)
7. As obedient servant
                         “He intimates his
                         perfect will to them in a
                         supernatural manner.
                         God is always sweet in
                         commanding, just in
                         his commands,
                         powerful in giving the
                         necessary help,
                         quick in disposing
                         circumstances so that
                         He can be obeyed.”
                         (Mary of Agreda)
8. The Holy Spirit will come upon thee
The Rosary is genuine “training in holiness” in the “School of Mary”. She
teaches by obtaining for us the gifts of the Holy Spirit.---Pope John Paul II

                                                       “I teach you
                                                       how to live; I
                                                       form you in a
                                                       practical way
                                                       to live with me.
                                                       Live in daily
                                                       communion of
                                                       life and of love
                                                       with me.” (Gobbi)
                                                       Mary is vital to
                                                       our spiritual
Nicolas Poussin 1657. National Gallery. London.        growth.
9. “Let it be to me….”
                         Mary’s words “Let it be to
                         me” indicates not a
                         passive acceptance but an
                         active embracing and a
                         desire for God’s will in her
                         life. His plan for our lives is
                         always the best for us, and
                         corresponds to our heart’s
                         deepest longings.
                         Mary’s “Yes” serves as a
                         model of faith for all
                         believers. (Pope John Paul II)

                          Orazio Gentileschi. Annunciation
                          1623. Turin Galleria Sabanda.
10.** An angel appear to St. Joseph in a
dream              “I invite you to strengthen
                       your bonds with your
                       guardian angels. They
                       have the tasks of being a
                       light upon your path,
                       a defence for your life,
                       and of waging together
                       with you the same battle.”
                       Saints intercede.
                       Angels intervene.
Gian Giacomo Barbelli, Joseph’s Dream. 1660.
The ( National ) Rosary          For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of
    hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most
    need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people
    and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means
    of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
    Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.”

3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
   “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
   (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
    Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization
   of Nations                   (Abridged version)
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the
   fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven,
   especially those in most need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National)
   people and enkindle in them the fire of your love!
   Come by means of the powerful intercession of
   the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved
  Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
Second Joyful Mystery
        The Visitation

 Elizabeth was filled with the Holy
 Spirit and cried out in a loud voice:
 “Blessed are you among women,
 and blessed art the fruit of thy

Fruit of the Mystery: Love of Neighbour
1. Mary rose up and went with all haste to a city of Juda, in
the hill country. “I am in a hurry because the times have
arrived. Souls are daily being lost in greater numbers. I want
to save them through an extraordinary intervention of my
maternal love. I need your help and your love.” (Gobbi)
                                                You thought
                                                of others
                                                rather than
                                                Help us to be
                                                selfless too,
                                                and to put
                                                other’s need
                                                before our
Joseph von Fuehrich, Mary’s walk across the mountains, 1841.
2** Mary took a 4 day journey, travelling 80 miles south in the hilly country.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of
those who bring good news. (Isaiah 52.7)
                                     “Oh, in your
                                                     days, how
                                                     beautiful are the
                                                     feet of those who
                                                     announce peace,
                                                     and spread the
                                                     good news of
                                                     salvation. You
                                                     must be the
                                                     vigilant sentinels
                                                     on mountains.”
Giotto, The visitation.                              (Gobbi)
3.* The Greeting:     There entering in, she gave
Elizabeth greeting.
                          “As I visited Elizabeth
                          out of love, I wish to
                          visit you out of love. I
                          wish to come into
                          your situation
                          whatever it may be: to
                          be present with you
                          and to pray with you
                          and for you.”
                          “I am at your side
                          when you pray.”
4. The Leap for joy
                                No sooner had Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting
                               than the child leaped in her womb for joy.
                                    God, when the infant John
                                    leapt in Elizabeth’s womb
                                    in recognition of Christ’s
                                    divinity, You miraculously
                                    showed us that the
                                    sanctity of life begins
                                    before birth. It was an
                                    unborn child who first
                                    paid homage to Our Lord.
                                    Help our society to
                                    recognize the sanctity of
                                    lives of the unborn
Joseph Strub   The Visitation. 1505. Madrid      children.
5. Elizabeth’s Exultation Elizabeth was filled with the
Holy spirit and cried out in a loud voice: blessed art thou among women.

                                            Whenever we pray
                                            the rosary our
                                            Heavenly Mother is
                                            at our side, praying
                                            with us and for us.
                                            We should also jump
                                            with joy and say to
                                            ourselves: “How
                                            have I deserved to
                                            be thus visited by
                                            the Mother of my
Domenico Ghirlandaio, The visitation, 1491. Musee du Louvre. Paris.
6.** Bring Christ
     to others
“Speak always by
your life. Let your
life be your word.”

“Preach the Gospel
at all times, and if
necessary use
(St. Francis of Assisi)
7.**Turn praise to God
                                      Mary, when Elizabeth
                                      praise you, calling you
                                      “blessed among all
                                      woman”, you turned
                                      your praise toward
                                      God immediately. In
                                      your humility, you saw
                                      that you were but a
                                      mirror of God’s own
                                      glory. Help us always
                                      to recognize Him as the
                                      source of our own gifts
                                      and blessings.
Visitation on glass window. Holy Rosary Church. Minneapolis. MN.
8.*       • Every time the Son of
      .   God comes to us in the
          “poverty” of the
          sacramental signs of
          bread and wine, the
          seeds of the new history
          wherein “the mighty are
          put down” and “the lowly
          are exalted” takes root in
          the world.
          • The Eucharist has been
          given to us so that
          our life, like that of Mary,
          may become completely
          a Magnificat!
          (Pope John Paul II )
9.**St. John’s privilege Mary had been with her for about
three months, until John the Baptist was born. One of the privileges of
the Baptist is to have been first held by Mary, Mother of God.
                                          Dear blessed Mother,
                                          help me to share
                                          Christ with others
                                          less privileged
                                          spiritually. Whenever
                                          I keep my faith in
                                          Christ to myself,
                                          please remind me to
                                          share, at least
                                          through the charity of
Rogier van der Weyden, St. John the Baptist . 1450. Gemalde-galerie. Berlin.
10.** Miracle in your Life.

“My children, never doubt
that God can work a miracle
in your life even if things
seem impossible: all things
are possible with God. Trust
Offer this mystery to the
Heavenly Father that He
will also work a miracle of
grace in your life.” (Gobbi)
The ( National ) Rosary          For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of
    hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most
    need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people
    and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means
    of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
    Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.”

3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
   “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
   (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
    Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization
   of Nations                   (Abridged version)
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the
   fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven,
   especially those in most need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National)
   people and enkindle in them the fire of your love!
   Come by means of the powerful intercession of
   the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved
  Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
Third Joyful Mystery
       The Birth of Jesus
She gave birth to her first-born
son and wrapped him in
swaddling clothes and laid him in
a manger, for there was no room
for them in the inn.
Fruit of the Mystery:
            Spirit of Poverty
1.* THE CENSUS:               “Follow me along the way of
incessant prayer, so that it may become a colloquy of love, of
trust, and of filial abandonment to the plan of salvation of
the Lord.” (Gobbi)

                                                         The spirit of
                                                         prayer is the
                                                         greatest gift
                                                         we can offer
                                                         to a broken
                                                         (St. Seraphim)

 Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The Census at Bethlehem. 1566. Brussels Museum
2.*** Road to Bethlehem (means “House of
                         Bread” in Hebrew)

                       “You must tread the
                       same road as your
                       heavenly Mother:
                       that of intimate
                       union with God, of
                       detachment from all
                       creatures, and of
                       perfect service to
                       the Lord.” (Gobbi)
3. No Room In the Inn:         “Since I bear
Humanity had no place for Him. Him in my womb
                                            let us give thanks
                                            for having
                                            disposed events
                                            in this way. Let
                                            us lovingly
                                            embrace poverty.
                                            Let us go gladly
                                            wherever the
                                            Lord shall guide
 Joseph von Fuehrich, No room in the inn.
                                            us.“ (Mary of Agreda)
4. The Silent Night   “When I gazed at His
                      beauty, I realized that I was
                      not worthy of such a Son.
                      When I looked at the places
                      where the nails would be
                      driven into His hands and
                      feet, my eyes filled with
                      tears and my heart was torn
                      with grief!
                      I knew that it was His will
                      and that it would be for the
                      good, and I made my whole
                      will conform to His. Thus
                      my happiness was ever
                      mixed with sorrow.”
                      Our Lady spoke to St. Bridget of Sweden.
5.**The Holy Night
“This is the night
which has conquered
all darkness forever.
The life of every man
takes on a new
meaning: Do not be
afraid, God is with
He asks for your gift
of love.” (Gobbi)
Philippe de Champaigne, The nativity,
1643. Lille, Musee des Beaux-Arts.
6. “ ..and peace on earth to men of good will.”
                                          “His name is
                                          peace: Peace
                                          between God
                                          and man, and
                                          peace among
                                          all men----
                                          because you
                                          are all children
                                          of God, true
                                          brother of
                                          Jesus and of
                                          each other.”
Rembrandt 1666-1669 The angels appearing to the shepherds
7. Encounter with   “Prepare yourselves
   Jesus.           with me for the coming
                    of Jesus, which is
                    realized each day in the
                    mystery of his real
                    Eucharistic presence
                    and under the human
                    clothing of every person
                    whom you meet. This
                    daily encounter with
                    Jesus must become for
                    you a joyous and
                    perennial Nativity.”
8.****Poverty and Humility
                                       “No one should despise
                                       the humility and poverty
                                       which the Lord loved and
                                       chose for Himself as the
                                       very means of teaching
                                       the Way of Eternal Life.
                                       Few are those who stop to
                                       consider this truth and as
                                       a result, only the few reap
                                       the fruit of these
                                       mysteries.” (Mary of Agreda)
Anton Raffael Mengs. Adoration of the Shepherds. Museo del Prado. Madrid.
9.*** Adoration of the Shepherds
“Of all the human race, those who merited to be the first to
see the Christ Child were the poor, humble, and devout
shepherds.”                                “The Lord
                                                  works only by
                                                  means of
                                                  littleness and
                                                  The mercy of
                                                  the Lord
                                                  manifest itself
                                                  only by means
                                                  of poverty and
                                                  misery.” (Gobbi)
Murillo, The Adoration of the Shepherds. 1650. Museo del Prado. Madrid.
10.*** Adoration of            “Thy ceaseless offer,
       the Magi                however, must be
                               Love, which is the
                               continual Prayer,
                               which is the incense;
                               and the patient
                               acceptance of labors
                               and true
                               which is the myrrh.”
                                (Mary of Agreda)
Rubens, Adoration of the Magi, Museum of Louvre. Paris
The ( National ) Rosary          For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of
    hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most
    need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people
    and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means
    of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
    Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.”

3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
   “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
   (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
    Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization
   of Nations                   (Abridged version)
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the
   fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven,
   especially those in most need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National)
   people and enkindle in them the fire of your love!
   Come by means of the powerful intercession of
   the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved
  Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
Fourth Joyful Mystery
        The Presentation
 When the day came to purify them
according to the law of Moses, the
couple brought him up to Jerusalem so
that he could be presented to the Lord,
for it is written in the law of the Lord,
“Every first-born male shall be
consecrated to the Lord.”
Fruit of the Mystery: Obedience
1. The Sacrifices                        “The Son of God, with
         (8th day)                       immeasurable love, offered
                                         up to the eternal Father
                                         three sacrifices of so great
                                         value that each one would
                                         have been sufficient for the
                                         Redemption of a thousand
                                         worlds. 1.He assumed the
                                         condition of a sinner.
                                         2.The willingness to suffer
                                         the pains.
                                         3.The most ardent love with
                                         which He began shed his
                                         blood for the human race.
                                         (Mary of Agreda)
Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
2.*** Docility                    “I have asked you for the
                                  consecration to my
                                  Immaculate Heart to form
                                  all of you to that interior
                                  docility which is necessary
                                  for me in order that I may
                                  be able to work in each one
                                  of you, bringing you to a
                                  profound transformation.
                                  I am forming you to prayer
                                  which must always be
                                  carried out by you in union
                                  with me.” (Gobbi)
Mantegna, The circumcision, 1474. Uffizi, Florence.
3.**Your Presentation
                        “My children, with
                        docility, let yourselves
                        be carried in my
                        motherly arms, and you
                        will see everywhere the
                        marvels of grace and
                        mercy of my
                        Immaculate Heart.
                        I am bringing you to the
                        Father. Expect and
                        receive everything as a
                        gift of love from the
                        Father.” (Gobbi)
4.*** Your Thanksgiving
                                        “Accustom thyself to humble
                                        thanksgiving for the benefits
                                        which thou receivest, since
                                        thou, among many
                                        generations, art so specially
                                        signalized by the riches of
                                        grace with which my Son and
                                        I visit thee without any merit
                                        of thine. I was wont to repeat
                                        many times this verse of
                                        David: "What shall I render
                                        the Lord for all the things that
                                        he hath rendered to me?"
                                        (Ps. 15, 12). (Mary of Agreda)
Jan van Scorel. Presentation at the temple. 1524. Kunsthistorisches Musee. Vienna
5.***Your Offering: labours and sufferings
                   “We suffered so much for
                   creatures and for their salvation, I
                   desire thee to imitate Us in this
                   conformity to the divine will.
                   Suffer with a magnanimous heart,
                   and labor to increase the
                   possessions of thy Lord and
                   Master, namely, souls, which are
                   so precious in his sight and which
                   He has purchased with his life-
                   blood. Never shouldst thou fly
                   from labors, difficulties, bitterness
                   and sorrows, if by any of them
                   thou canst gain a soul for the
                   Lord.” (Mary of Agreda)
6. Recognizing Christ “Let your minds be
                                              illumined to know
                                              how to always
                                              recognize Him under
                                              the fragile and
                                              painful features of
                                              the little, the poor, the
                                              sick, the dying, the
                                              sinners, the needy,
                                              the oppressed, the
                                              marginalized, the
                                              persecuted, and those
                                              far away.” (Gobbi)
How to pray with icons. By Myroslaw Tataryn
7. Simeon took into his arms the master of the entire
universe, and in his joy he exclaimed: My eyes have seen
your saving deeds. Now you may let your servant go in peace

                                              “The Holy
                                              Spirit comes
                                              down upon a
                                              poor old man.
                                              A poor old
                                              man and a
                                              woman come
                                              to be the first
                                              to understand
                                              this great
8. Simeon’s Prophesy:             He will be a sign of contradiction.
                                  “You will be called today
                                  to be this sign of
                                  By your life which will be
                                  purely a living Gospel.
                                  By your word, which will
                                  repeat loudly the truth
                                  Jesus has revealed to you.
                                  By your witness, which
                                  must be a light and
                                  example for all the

                                  Church.” (Gobbi)
Rembrandt, The presentation in the Temple. 1628. Hamburg.
9.*** Our Lady of   “ The doctrine contained in this
                    mystery will teach thee to strive
                    after the constancy and
                    expansion of heart by which
                    thou may prepare thyself to
                    accept blessings and adversity,
                    the sweet and the bitter, with
                    How persistently the human
                    heart forgets that its Teacher
                    and Master has first accepted
                    sufferings, and has honoured
                    and sanctified them in His own
                    Seek ever to preserve inward
                    peace.” (Mary of Agreda)
10.*** The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

                             “Teach souls to love the
                             Heart of My Mother pierced
                             by the very sorrow which
                             pierced Mine.
                             It is hearts that must be
                             changed. Recourse to My
                             Mother under this title I
                             wish for her universally, is
                             the last help I shall give
                             before the end of time.”
                                  ----Our Lord to Berthe Petit.

Picture discovered at the time of the 1918 armistice.
The ( National ) Rosary          For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of
    hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most
    need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people
    and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means
    of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
    Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.”

3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
   “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
   (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
    Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization
   of Nations                   (Abridged version)
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the
   fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven,
   especially those in most need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National)
   people and enkindle in them the fire of your love!
   Come by means of the powerful intercession of
   the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved
  Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
The Fifth Joyful Mystery
           The Holy Family and the Finding
                of Jesus in the Temple
They came upon him in the temple sitting in the
midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking
them questions. All who heard him were amazed.

Fruit of the mystery: Joy in Finding Jesus
   A critical contemporary issue: the family, the primary cell
    of the society, is increasingly menaced by forces of
    disintegration on both the ideological and practical planes.
    The revival of the Rosary in Christian families will be an
    effective aid to countering the devastating effects of this
    crisis of our age. -----Pope John Paul II.
1. Infancy of Jesus
                                               Remarkable resemblance between
                                               Mary and Anne to emphasized the
                                               strong ties between mother and

Leonardo da Vinci, The virgin and Child, St. Anne & St. John. 1500 London National Gallery
2.**The Flight to Egypt “My daughter, while
                                         journeying at the command
                                         of the Lord from one country
                                         to another, my heart was
                                         never troubled nor my spirit
                                         cast down; for I always held
                                         myself prepared to fulfill
                                         entirely the will of God.
                                         For in obeying the Lord
                                         no further reason is
                                         necessary than that the
                                         Lord Creator so
                                         commands and disposes.”
                                             (Mary of Agreda)
Fra Bartolommeo, The Rest During the Flight to Egypt
with St. John, 1509, Paul Getty Museum. Los Angeles.
3. The Holy Family
                                    “Seeing the household
                                    of Nazareth, we learn
                                    the original truth of the
                                    family according to
                                    God’s plan.”
                                    (Pope John Paul II)
                                    “Pray for the unity and
                                    strengthening of
                                    Christian families, that
                                    they will truly bring the
                                    kingdom of God to this
Murillo, The two trinities, 1675.
4. He deserves to be known and extolled by all nations and
all generations of men, since the Lord has wrought such
things with no other man and to none has He shown such
love. (Mary of Agreda)

                                                         St. Andre Bessette

                                                         St. Joseph Oratory. Montreal.
Gerrit van Honthorst, The Childhood of Christ, 1620. St. Petersburg, Hermitage
5. Imitate Saint Joseph
                   “Let the humble care and
                   watchfulness of my spouse
                   saint Joseph,
                   his submission to divine
                   direction and his esteem for
                   heavenly enlightenment,
                   serve thee as an example.
                   Let the consciousness of thy
                   faults serve thee as a motive
                   to submit in all humility to
                   the work of God.”
                   (Mary of Agreda)
6.** The Search for Jesus
                                          Our Lord did not spare
                                          even his holy Mother all
                                          kinds of sorrows and
                                          troubles. The cross is
                                          God’s precious treasure
                                          given to his Elect.

                                          Let us ask for the grace
                                          to never lose Jesus. Let
                                          us make Jesus the
                                          center of our lives.
                                          Whoever has God has
                                          Jesus is at the center of the picture.
Pinturicchio, The Dispute in the Temple, 1510, Spello, Church of Santa Maria,
7. Finding Jesus in the temple
                           “The Lord absented
                           Himself from me in
                           order that, seeking Him
                           in sorrow and tears, I
                           might find Him again in
                           joy. I desire that thou
                           imitate me in this
                           mystery and seek Him
                           with such earnestness,
                           as to be consumed with
                           a continual longing
                           until thou holdst him
                           and canst lose Him no
                           more.” (Mary of Agreda)
8. Lord, give us the gift of true wisdom.
“The height of perversity opposed to the order of the Creator, is that
mortals in this transitory and short life rejoice in visible things as if
they were their last end, while they ought on the contrary, to make use
of creatures to gain, not to lose, the highest Good. Do thou, therefore,
my dearest, be mindful of this dangerous human folly. (Mary of Agreda)
9.        “My son, why hast thou treat us so? Think what anguish
          of mind Thy father and I have endured, searching for thee?”
“Your Mother wants you whole and entire at every moment with her. At every moment
you must be just as I would have you be; you must do just what I would have you do.”

Holman Hunt, Finding of Jesus in the Temple. 1854.
10. My Father’s House

The Children’s Bible. Hermes House.
The ( National ) Rosary          For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of
    hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most
    need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people
    and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means
    of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
    Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.”

3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
   “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
   (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
    Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
The ( National ) Rosary            For the Evangelization
   of Nations                   (Abridged version)
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the
   fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven,
   especially those in most need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National)
   people and enkindle in them the fire of your love!
   Come by means of the powerful intercession of
   the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved
  Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart (condensed version)
“ Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, we who belong to
   the Marian Movement, consecrate ourselves in a
   special way to Your Immaculate Heart. We also
   consecrate our motherland (Nation) to your
   Immaculate Heart. We intend to live with you, through
   you and for you, all the obligations assumed by our
   Baptismal consecration to bring about in ourselves
   that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the
   Gospel, that we may be available only to do always
   the will of the Father.       Allow us to dwell in the
   garden of your Immaculate Heart . Lead us to a
   spiritual renewal with prayer and penance, with the
   daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, the fervent
   celebration and adoration of the Holy Eucharist, the
   practice of Christian virtues, and in the works of the
   apostolate .
    Help us to be the disciples of the Marian Movement
   to multiply everywhere Cenacles of prayer made with
   you for the evangelization of the world, and the Divine
   Mercy prayer , for the salvation of the world. Help us
   to do everything with you in a spirit of humility, prayer
Finally pray one Our
Father, one Hail Mary, and
one Glory be, to the Holy
Father’s intention.

End of the Cenacle
Please visit our website
rosary in visual art:

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Joyful mysteries. Picture-Text

  • 1. Begin the Cenacle by recitation of the Holy Rosary with Mary, Our Lady of all Nations For the New Evangelization of Nations O Lord, Take from us all lukewarmness in meditation and all dullness in prayer. Give us fervour and delight in thinking of you, and the grace to work for the things we pray for. (St. Thomas More) Pray the Creed.
  • 2. Cenacle with Mary  The Cenacle is Group prayer,  with Mary and all angels and saints,  using the Rosary,  to invoke the descent of the Holy Spirit (a second Pentecost),  for a second evangelization of continents and nations. (Asia, Africa, Russia, China, India, etc) Pray the Our Father
  • 3. The Cenacle Pray with 3 virtues 1. Faith 2. Hope 3 3. Love. 2 Pray with 3 choirs 1 1. Angels 2. Saints 3. Confraternity of the Rosary To invoke the descent of the Holy 1 2 3 Spirit upon nations The prayer of the Rosary is no longer a monologue or a dialogue, but a chorus, a TRUE COMMUNION OF ANGELS AND SAINTS
  • 4. First Joyful Mystery The Annunciation and when the angel had come to her, he said, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women.” Fruit of the Mystery: Humility
  • 5. 1. “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” “Do you know why God did this? Because I had believed in Him and because I had humbled myself.” ---The blessed Virgin spoke to St. Elizabeth of Schoenau. Leonardo Da Vinci. 1452-1519. The Annunciation. Uffizi. Florence. Italy
  • 6. 2. The blessed virgin is often depicted as fetching water with a pitcher, as she prepares herself to be the “container” of Jesus. Water plays a powerful symbolic role. Jesus said “Those who drink the living waters will never suffer spiritual thirst.” Twelve century mosaic, Basilica of San Marco. Venice.
  • 7. 3. Trust in Mary The Church has great trust in her. For it must be recognized that The archangel holds a lily before anyone else it which signifies Mary’s was God himself, the virginity. Eternal Father who entrusted himself to the Virgin of Nazareth, giving her His own Son in the mystery of the Incarnation. (Pope John Paul II) The Madonna bows her head and places a hand She became the Arc of on her chest, a gesture of the Covenant, the submission. tabernacle of the Most Master of St. Verdiana, The Annunciation, 1410. Paul Getty Museum. Los Angeles. High.
  • 8. 4.*** Seek the will of God “Happy is the soul, to which the Most High manifests his holy and perfect will; but more happy and blessed is he, who puts into execution, what he has learned.” (Mary of Agreda) Francesco Alberni. Annunciation.. Hermitage museum. St. Petersburg.
  • 9. 5. Hear the delicate voice of the Lord “I wish to see thee very attentive, and very quick and diligent in following it up in deed. In order to hear this most delicate and spiritual voice of the Lord it is necessary that the creature live entirely according to the spirit. Listen, my daughter, and incline thy ear; free thyself from all visible things.” (Mary of Agreda) Rubens, The Annunciation, Rubens House. Antwerp
  • 10. 6.*** Say “Yes” “In many ways God shows to God to mortals the highways and pathways of eternal life: by the Gospels, by the Sacraments and laws of the holy Church, by the writings and examples of the saints, and by the obedience due its ministers. Whenever by any of these means thou hast come to the knowledge of the will of God, I desire thee to assume the wings of humility and obedience, and, hasten to execute it.” (Mary of Agreda)
  • 11. 7. As obedient servant “He intimates his perfect will to them in a supernatural manner. God is always sweet in commanding, just in his commands, powerful in giving the necessary help, quick in disposing circumstances so that He can be obeyed.” (Mary of Agreda)
  • 12. 8. The Holy Spirit will come upon thee The Rosary is genuine “training in holiness” in the “School of Mary”. She teaches by obtaining for us the gifts of the Holy Spirit.---Pope John Paul II “I teach you how to live; I form you in a practical way to live with me. Live in daily communion of life and of love with me.” (Gobbi) Mary is vital to our spiritual Nicolas Poussin 1657. National Gallery. London. growth.
  • 13. 9. “Let it be to me….” Mary’s words “Let it be to me” indicates not a passive acceptance but an active embracing and a desire for God’s will in her life. His plan for our lives is always the best for us, and corresponds to our heart’s deepest longings. Mary’s “Yes” serves as a model of faith for all believers. (Pope John Paul II) Orazio Gentileschi. Annunciation 1623. Turin Galleria Sabanda.
  • 14. 10.** An angel appear to St. Joseph in a dream “I invite you to strengthen your bonds with your guardian angels. They have the tasks of being a light upon your path, a defence for your life, and of waging together with you the same battle.” (Gobbi) Saints intercede. Angels intervene. Gian Giacomo Barbelli, Joseph’s Dream. 1660.
  • 15. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  • 16. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of Nations (Abridged version) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
  • 17. Second Joyful Mystery The Visitation Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out in a loud voice: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed art the fruit of thy womb.” Fruit of the Mystery: Love of Neighbour
  • 18. 1. Mary rose up and went with all haste to a city of Juda, in the hill country. “I am in a hurry because the times have arrived. Souls are daily being lost in greater numbers. I want to save them through an extraordinary intervention of my maternal love. I need your help and your love.” (Gobbi) You thought of others rather than yourself. Help us to be selfless too, and to put other’s need before our own. Joseph von Fuehrich, Mary’s walk across the mountains, 1841.
  • 19. 2** Mary took a 4 day journey, travelling 80 miles south in the hilly country. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news. (Isaiah 52.7) “Oh, in your days, how beautiful are the feet of those who announce peace, and spread the good news of salvation. You must be the vigilant sentinels on mountains.” Giotto, The visitation. (Gobbi)
  • 20. 3.* The Greeting: There entering in, she gave Elizabeth greeting. “As I visited Elizabeth out of love, I wish to visit you out of love. I wish to come into your situation whatever it may be: to be present with you and to pray with you and for you.” “I am at your side when you pray.”
  • 21. 4. The Leap for joy No sooner had Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting than the child leaped in her womb for joy. God, when the infant John leapt in Elizabeth’s womb in recognition of Christ’s divinity, You miraculously showed us that the sanctity of life begins before birth. It was an unborn child who first paid homage to Our Lord. Help our society to recognize the sanctity of lives of the unborn Joseph Strub The Visitation. 1505. Madrid children.
  • 22. 5. Elizabeth’s Exultation Elizabeth was filled with the Holy spirit and cried out in a loud voice: blessed art thou among women. Whenever we pray the rosary our Heavenly Mother is at our side, praying with us and for us. We should also jump with joy and say to ourselves: “How have I deserved to be thus visited by the Mother of my Lord?” Domenico Ghirlandaio, The visitation, 1491. Musee du Louvre. Paris.
  • 23. 6.** Bring Christ to others “Speak always by your life. Let your life be your word.” (Gobbi) “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words.” (St. Francis of Assisi)
  • 24. 7.**Turn praise to God Mary, when Elizabeth praise you, calling you “blessed among all woman”, you turned your praise toward God immediately. In your humility, you saw that you were but a mirror of God’s own glory. Help us always to recognize Him as the source of our own gifts and blessings. Visitation on glass window. Holy Rosary Church. Minneapolis. MN.
  • 25. 8.* • Every time the Son of . God comes to us in the “ “poverty” of the sacramental signs of bread and wine, the seeds of the new history wherein “the mighty are put down” and “the lowly are exalted” takes root in the world. • The Eucharist has been given to us so that our life, like that of Mary, may become completely a Magnificat! (Pope John Paul II )
  • 26. 9.**St. John’s privilege Mary had been with her for about three months, until John the Baptist was born. One of the privileges of the Baptist is to have been first held by Mary, Mother of God. Dear blessed Mother, help me to share Christ with others less privileged spiritually. Whenever I keep my faith in Christ to myself, please remind me to share, at least through the charity of prayer. Rogier van der Weyden, St. John the Baptist . 1450. Gemalde-galerie. Berlin.
  • 27. 10.** Miracle in your Life. “My children, never doubt that God can work a miracle in your life even if things seem impossible: all things are possible with God. Trust Him. Offer this mystery to the Heavenly Father that He will also work a miracle of grace in your life.” (Gobbi)
  • 28. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  • 29. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of Nations (Abridged version) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
  • 30. Third Joyful Mystery The Birth of Jesus She gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, for there was no room for them in the inn. Fruit of the Mystery: Spirit of Poverty
  • 31. 1.* THE CENSUS: “Follow me along the way of incessant prayer, so that it may become a colloquy of love, of trust, and of filial abandonment to the plan of salvation of the Lord.” (Gobbi) The spirit of constant prayer is the greatest gift we can offer to a broken world. (St. Seraphim) Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The Census at Bethlehem. 1566. Brussels Museum
  • 32. 2.*** Road to Bethlehem (means “House of Bread” in Hebrew) “You must tread the same road as your heavenly Mother: that of intimate union with God, of detachment from all creatures, and of perfect service to the Lord.” (Gobbi)
  • 33. 3. No Room In the Inn: “Since I bear Humanity had no place for Him. Him in my womb let us give thanks for having disposed events in this way. Let us lovingly embrace poverty. Let us go gladly wherever the Lord shall guide Joseph von Fuehrich, No room in the inn. us.“ (Mary of Agreda)
  • 34. 4. The Silent Night “When I gazed at His beauty, I realized that I was not worthy of such a Son. When I looked at the places where the nails would be driven into His hands and feet, my eyes filled with tears and my heart was torn with grief! I knew that it was His will and that it would be for the good, and I made my whole will conform to His. Thus my happiness was ever mixed with sorrow.” Our Lady spoke to St. Bridget of Sweden.
  • 35. 5.**The Holy Night “This is the night which has conquered all darkness forever. The life of every man takes on a new meaning: Do not be afraid, God is with you! He asks for your gift of love.” (Gobbi) Philippe de Champaigne, The nativity, 1643. Lille, Musee des Beaux-Arts.
  • 36. 6. “ ..and peace on earth to men of good will.” “His name is peace: Peace between God and man, and peace among all men---- because you are all children of God, true brother of Jesus and of each other.” (Gobbi) Rembrandt 1666-1669 The angels appearing to the shepherds
  • 37. 7. Encounter with “Prepare yourselves Jesus. with me for the coming of Jesus, which is . realized each day in the mystery of his real Eucharistic presence and under the human clothing of every person whom you meet. This daily encounter with Jesus must become for you a joyous and perennial Nativity.” (Gobbi)
  • 38. 8.****Poverty and Humility “No one should despise the humility and poverty which the Lord loved and chose for Himself as the very means of teaching the Way of Eternal Life. Few are those who stop to consider this truth and as a result, only the few reap the fruit of these mysteries.” (Mary of Agreda) Anton Raffael Mengs. Adoration of the Shepherds. Museo del Prado. Madrid.
  • 39. 9.*** Adoration of the Shepherds “Of all the human race, those who merited to be the first to see the Christ Child were the poor, humble, and devout shepherds.” “The Lord works only by means of littleness and weakness. The mercy of the Lord manifest itself only by means of poverty and misery.” (Gobbi) Murillo, The Adoration of the Shepherds. 1650. Museo del Prado. Madrid.
  • 40. 10.*** Adoration of “Thy ceaseless offer, the Magi however, must be Love, which is the gold; continual Prayer, which is the incense; and the patient acceptance of labors and true Mortifications, which is the myrrh.” (Mary of Agreda) Rubens, Adoration of the Magi, Museum of Louvre. Paris
  • 41. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  • 42. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of Nations (Abridged version) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
  • 43. Fourth Joyful Mystery The Presentation When the day came to purify them according to the law of Moses, the couple brought him up to Jerusalem so that he could be presented to the Lord, for it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every first-born male shall be consecrated to the Lord.” Fruit of the Mystery: Obedience
  • 44. 1. The Sacrifices “The Son of God, with (8th day) immeasurable love, offered up to the eternal Father three sacrifices of so great value that each one would have been sufficient for the Redemption of a thousand worlds. 1.He assumed the condition of a sinner. 2.The willingness to suffer the pains. 3.The most ardent love with which He began shed his blood for the human race. (Mary of Agreda) Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
  • 45. 2.*** Docility “I have asked you for the consecration to my Immaculate Heart to form all of you to that interior docility which is necessary for me in order that I may be able to work in each one of you, bringing you to a profound transformation. I am forming you to prayer which must always be carried out by you in union with me.” (Gobbi) Mantegna, The circumcision, 1474. Uffizi, Florence.
  • 46. 3.**Your Presentation “My children, with docility, let yourselves be carried in my motherly arms, and you will see everywhere the marvels of grace and mercy of my Immaculate Heart. I am bringing you to the Father. Expect and receive everything as a gift of love from the Father.” (Gobbi)
  • 47. 4.*** Your Thanksgiving “Accustom thyself to humble thanksgiving for the benefits which thou receivest, since thou, among many generations, art so specially signalized by the riches of grace with which my Son and I visit thee without any merit of thine. I was wont to repeat many times this verse of David: "What shall I render the Lord for all the things that he hath rendered to me?" (Ps. 15, 12). (Mary of Agreda) Jan van Scorel. Presentation at the temple. 1524. Kunsthistorisches Musee. Vienna
  • 48. 5.***Your Offering: labours and sufferings “We suffered so much for creatures and for their salvation, I desire thee to imitate Us in this conformity to the divine will. Suffer with a magnanimous heart, and labor to increase the possessions of thy Lord and Master, namely, souls, which are so precious in his sight and which He has purchased with his life- blood. Never shouldst thou fly from labors, difficulties, bitterness and sorrows, if by any of them thou canst gain a soul for the Lord.” (Mary of Agreda)
  • 49. 6. Recognizing Christ “Let your minds be illumined to know how to always recognize Him under the fragile and painful features of the little, the poor, the sick, the dying, the sinners, the needy, the oppressed, the marginalized, the persecuted, and those far away.” (Gobbi) How to pray with icons. By Myroslaw Tataryn
  • 50. 7. Simeon took into his arms the master of the entire universe, and in his joy he exclaimed: My eyes have seen your saving deeds. Now you may let your servant go in peace “The Holy Spirit comes down upon a poor old man. A poor old man and a woman come to be the first to understand this great mystery.” (Gobbi)
  • 51. 8. Simeon’s Prophesy: He will be a sign of contradiction. “You will be called today to be this sign of contradiction. By your life which will be purely a living Gospel. By your word, which will repeat loudly the truth Jesus has revealed to you. By your witness, which must be a light and example for all the . Church.” (Gobbi) Rembrandt, The presentation in the Temple. 1628. Hamburg.
  • 52. 9.*** Our Lady of “ The doctrine contained in this mystery will teach thee to strive Sorrows after the constancy and expansion of heart by which thou may prepare thyself to accept blessings and adversity, the sweet and the bitter, with equanimity. How persistently the human heart forgets that its Teacher and Master has first accepted sufferings, and has honoured and sanctified them in His own Person!” Seek ever to preserve inward peace.” (Mary of Agreda)
  • 53. 10.*** The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary “Teach souls to love the Heart of My Mother pierced by the very sorrow which pierced Mine. It is hearts that must be changed. Recourse to My Mother under this title I wish for her universally, is the last help I shall give before the end of time.” ----Our Lord to Berthe Petit. Picture discovered at the time of the 1918 armistice.
  • 54. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  • 55. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of Nations (Abridged version) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
  • 56. The Fifth Joyful Mystery The Holy Family and the Finding of Jesus in the Temple They came upon him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed. Fruit of the mystery: Joy in Finding Jesus Piety  A critical contemporary issue: the family, the primary cell of the society, is increasingly menaced by forces of disintegration on both the ideological and practical planes. The revival of the Rosary in Christian families will be an effective aid to countering the devastating effects of this crisis of our age. -----Pope John Paul II.
  • 57. 1. Infancy of Jesus Remarkable resemblance between Mary and Anne to emphasized the strong ties between mother and daughter. Quebec. Leonardo da Vinci, The virgin and Child, St. Anne & St. John. 1500 London National Gallery
  • 58. 2.**The Flight to Egypt “My daughter, while journeying at the command of the Lord from one country to another, my heart was never troubled nor my spirit cast down; for I always held myself prepared to fulfill entirely the will of God. For in obeying the Lord no further reason is necessary than that the Lord Creator so commands and disposes.” (Mary of Agreda) Fra Bartolommeo, The Rest During the Flight to Egypt with St. John, 1509, Paul Getty Museum. Los Angeles.
  • 59. 3. The Holy Family “Seeing the household of Nazareth, we learn the original truth of the family according to God’s plan.” (Pope John Paul II) “Pray for the unity and strengthening of Christian families, that they will truly bring the kingdom of God to this Murillo, The two trinities, 1675. earth.”
  • 60. 4. He deserves to be known and extolled by all nations and all generations of men, since the Lord has wrought such things with no other man and to none has He shown such love. (Mary of Agreda) St. Andre Bessette St. Joseph Oratory. Montreal. Gerrit van Honthorst, The Childhood of Christ, 1620. St. Petersburg, Hermitage
  • 61. 5. Imitate Saint Joseph “Let the humble care and watchfulness of my spouse saint Joseph, his submission to divine direction and his esteem for heavenly enlightenment, serve thee as an example. Let the consciousness of thy faults serve thee as a motive to submit in all humility to the work of God.” (Mary of Agreda)
  • 62. 6.** The Search for Jesus Our Lord did not spare even his holy Mother all kinds of sorrows and troubles. The cross is God’s precious treasure given to his Elect. Let us ask for the grace . to never lose Jesus. Let us make Jesus the center of our lives. Whoever has God has everything. Jesus is at the center of the picture. Pinturicchio, The Dispute in the Temple, 1510, Spello, Church of Santa Maria,
  • 63. 7. Finding Jesus in the temple “The Lord absented Himself from me in order that, seeking Him in sorrow and tears, I might find Him again in joy. I desire that thou imitate me in this mystery and seek Him with such earnestness, as to be consumed with a continual longing until thou holdst him and canst lose Him no more.” (Mary of Agreda)
  • 64. 8. Lord, give us the gift of true wisdom. “The height of perversity opposed to the order of the Creator, is that mortals in this transitory and short life rejoice in visible things as if they were their last end, while they ought on the contrary, to make use of creatures to gain, not to lose, the highest Good. Do thou, therefore, my dearest, be mindful of this dangerous human folly. (Mary of Agreda)
  • 65. 9. “My son, why hast thou treat us so? Think what anguish of mind Thy father and I have endured, searching for thee?” “Your Mother wants you whole and entire at every moment with her. At every moment you must be just as I would have you be; you must do just what I would have you do.” (Gobbi) Holman Hunt, Finding of Jesus in the Temple. 1854.
  • 66. 10. My Father’s House The Children’s Bible. Hermes House.
  • 67. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your
  • 68. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of Nations (Abridged version) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar
  • 69. Consecration to the Immaculate Heart (condensed version) “ Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, we who belong to the Marian Movement, consecrate ourselves in a special way to Your Immaculate Heart. We also consecrate our motherland (Nation) to your Immaculate Heart. We intend to live with you, through you and for you, all the obligations assumed by our Baptismal consecration to bring about in ourselves that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the Gospel, that we may be available only to do always the will of the Father. Allow us to dwell in the garden of your Immaculate Heart . Lead us to a spiritual renewal with prayer and penance, with the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, the fervent celebration and adoration of the Holy Eucharist, the practice of Christian virtues, and in the works of the apostolate . Help us to be the disciples of the Marian Movement to multiply everywhere Cenacles of prayer made with you for the evangelization of the world, and the Divine Mercy prayer , for the salvation of the world. Help us to do everything with you in a spirit of humility, prayer
  • 70. Finally pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be, to the Holy Father’s intention. End of the Cenacle
  • 71. Please visit our website rosary in visual art: