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Meditation on the Presentation
Recommendation:    Please read the contents of one
of the 20 mysteries meditations before you start your
prayer. Some of these presentations (e.g. The Fifth
Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion) contains over 60
slides. With so much spiritual food that it is best to
read and contemplate on a few of the slides each
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Fourth Joyful Mystery
          The Presentation
When the day came to purify them
according to the law of Moses, the couple
brought him up to Jerusalem so that he
could be presented to the Lord, for it is
written in the law of the Lord, “Every first-
born male shall be consecrated to the Lord.”

 Fruit of the Mystery: Obedience
The Circumcision
Words of the Queen on
Obedience and
1.** The Circumcision
                                               (8th day)
                                         “From the very moment
                                         of his human conception,
                                         He becomes obedient in
                                         all things to the will of
                                         the Father. He submits
                                         himself to all the
                                         prescriptions of the Law:
                                         After 8 days, the
                                         circumcision and after 40
                                         days, the presentation in
                                         the Temple.” (Gobbi)
Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
1A. The Silence                          “This is a mystery of
                                         silence, of prayer, of
                                         offering and of personal
                                         Enter into the Temple of
                                         my Immaculate Heart. I
                                         am forming you to a deep
                                         silence. Silence in order
                                         to receive only the Word
                                         of God. Silence to live it.
                                         Thus you speak with
                                         your life. Life becomes
                                         your word.” (Gobbi)
Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
1B. The Sacrifices                       “The Son of God, with
         (8th day)                       immeasurable love, offered
                                         up to the eternal Father
                                         three sacrifices of so great
                                         value that each one would
                                         have been sufficient for the
                                         Redemption of a thousand
                                         worlds. 1.He assumed the
                                         condition of a sinner.
                                         2.The willingness to suffer
                                         the pains.
                                         3.The most ardent love with
                                         which He began shed his
                                         blood for the human race.
                                         (Mary of Agreda)
Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
1C. The Sacrifices                       Archangels Michael and Gabriel
         (8th day)                       said to Mary:
                                         This is the Name of your Son,
                                         which the blessed Trinity has
                                         given Him as the sign of
                                         salvation for the whole human
                                         race. But now He is to shed His
                                         Blood in receiving it, since it is
                                         that of the Saviour. This will be
                                         the beginning of His sufferings
                                         in obedience to His Father’s
                                         Will.” That night Jesus’ pain
                                         was so severe that He could not
                                         rest and He often cried. (Mary of

Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
   At the same time the Son of God, with immeasurable
    love, offered up to the eternal Father three sacrifices of so
    great value that each one would have been sufficient for
    the Redemption of a thousand worlds. The first was that
    He, being innocent and the Son of the true God,
    assumed the condition of a sinner (Phil. 2, 7) by
    subjecting Himself to a rite instituted as a remedy for
    original sin, and to a law not binding on Him (II Cor. 5,
    21). The second was his willingness to suffer the pains of
    circumcision, which He felt as a true and perfect man.
    The third was the most ardent love with which He began
    shed his blood for the human race, giving thanks to
    eternal Father for having given Him a human nature
    capable of suffering for his exaltation and glory.
      --------Mystical city of God. Mary of Agreda.
Words of the Queen to Mary of Agreda:
 “The saints in heaven, comprehending by the divine light
  these mysteries, are astonished at themselves for not
  having paid more attention to them during their life. And
  if they were capable of pain, they would be deeply grieved
  for their tardiness and carelessness in not having set
  proper value upon the works for the Redemption, and for
  failing in the imitation of Christ. All the angels and saints,
  by an insight hidden to mortals, wonder at the cruelty of
  human hearts against themselves and against Christ their
  Redeemer. Men have compassion neither for the
  sufferings of the Lord, nor for the sufferings they
  themselves stand in danger of incurring. When the
  foreknown, in unending bitterness shall recognize their
  dreadful forgetfulness and their indifference to the works
  of Christ.”
   “Cast out from thy faculties every image and
    affection toward human creatures and turn all the
    powers of thy heart and soul toward the mysteries
    and blessings of the Redemption. Occupy thyself
    wholly with them, ponder and weigh them, give
    thanks for them as if thou alone wert in existence,
    as if they had been wrought solely for thee, and
    singly for each human being in particular (Gal. 2,
    20). Thus thou wilt find life and the way of life,
    proceeding thus thou canst not err; but thou shalt
    find therein the light of thy eyes and true peace.”
2.*** Docility                    “I have asked you for the
                                  consecration to my
                                  Immaculate Heart to form
                                  all of you to that interior
                                  docility which is necessary
                                  for me in order that I may
                                  be able to work in each one
                                  of you, bringing you to a
                                  profound transformation.
                                  I am forming you to prayer
                                  which must always be
                                  carried out by you in union
                                  with me.” (Gobbi)
Mantegna, The circumcision, 1474. Uffizi, Florence.
Words of the Queen on Docility and abandonment
   “Beloved sons, when I appeal to you to become littler, it is
    to make you like my child, Jesus, through docile and
    perfect obedience to the divine will.
   Let yourselves be carried in my arms, as my tiniest babes,
    and I will make you perfectly docile to the will of the
   “Learn to abandon yourselves to me as little children and
    to let yourselves be guided with the simplicity, the
    confidence and the complete abandonment of children.
    This abandonment of yours is necessary to me, so that I
    can act in you and in your life.
   My motherly task is to transform you each day, so that you
    may accomplish perfectly the will of the Lord.”
“Allow yourselves to be nourished and formed by
me; to be led by me with docility; to be signed by me
with my motherly seal. I am imprinting my seal on
your forehead with the most holy sign of the Cross of
my Son Jesus. I am imprinting upon your hands my
seal which is the sign of the Holy Trinity.” (Gobbi)
Words of the Queen on White flakes of snow
 In the great desert in which you are living, in the
  immense sea of impurity which is submerging the
  world possessed by the Evil One, white flakes of
  snow are falling from my Immaculate Heart upon
  you, children consecrated to me, so that you may
  spread everywhere my fragrance from heaven and
  become signs and instruments of Divine Mercy in
  the world.
 “White flakes of snow are coming down from my
  Immaculate Heart upon you, so that you may bring
  everywhere the light of the divine Word and
  become instruments which make shine everywhere,
  in its greatest spendor, all the truth contained in
  the Gospel of my Son Jesus.
   White flakes of snow are coming down from my
    Immaculate Heart upon you, children consecrated
    to me, so that you may bring to all my motherly
    voice which leads you to hope and confidence.
    Thus you can take by the hand many of my poor
    children and cross together the bright thresholds of
    hope, with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart,
    the white snowflakes of Divine Mercy..” (Gobbi
    :To the priests)
The Presentation
Words of the Queen on
Humble Thanksgiving
Labours and sufferings
Your consecration
3.**Your Presentation
                        “My children, with
                        docility, let yourselves
                        be carried in my
                        motherly arms, and you
                        will see everywhere the
                        marvels of grace and
                        mercy of my
                        Immaculate Heart.
                        I am bringing you to the
                        Father. Expect and
                        receive everything as a
                        gift of love from the
                        Father.” (Gobbi)
Words of the Queen on Humble thanksgiving
 “My daughter, what thou must especially learn from this
  chapter is, that thou accustom thyself to humble
  thanksgiving for the benefits which thou receivest, since
  thou, among many generations, art so specially signalized
  by the riches of grace with which my Son and I visit thee
  without any merit of thine. I was wont to repeat many
  times this verse of David: "What shall I render the Lord
  for all the things that he hath rendered to me?" (Ps. 15, 12).
 In such sentiments I humiliated myself to the dust,
  esteeming myself altogether useless among creatures.
  Therefore, if thou knowest what I did as Mother of God,
  consider what then is thy obligation, since thou must with
  so much truth confess thyself unworthy and undeserving
  of all thou receivest, and so poorly furnished for giving
  thanks and for making payment. Thou must supply thy
  insufficiency and thy misery by offering up to the eternal
Words of the Queen on Labors and Sufferings
   “In addition to this offering is the resignation with which souls
    embrace and bear with equanimity and patience the labors and
    difficulties of mortal life. My most holy Son and I were eminent
    Masters in the practice of this doctrine. My Son began to teach it
    from the moment in which He was conceived in my womb. For
    already then He began to suffer, and as soon as He was born into
    the world He and I were banished by Herod into a desert, and his
    sufferings continued until He died on the Cross. I also labored to
    the end of my life, as thou wilt be informed more and more in the
    writing of this history.
   Since, therefore, We suffered so much for creatures and for their
    salvation, I desire thee to imitate Us in this conformity to the divine
    will as being his spouse and my daughter. Suffer with a
    magnanimous heart, and labor to increase the possessions of thy
    Lord and Master, namely, souls, which are so precious in his sight
    and which He has purchased with his life-blood. Never shouldst
    thou fly from labors, difficulties, bitterness and sorrows, if by any of
    them thou canst gain a soul for the Lord.”
4.*** Your consecration
                                        “Your act of consecration
                                        to my Immaculate Heart
                                        allows me to intervene in
                                        your life in order to direct
                                        it to the perfect fulfillment
                                        of the will of the Father.”
                                        “I am situated at your side
                                        at each moment of your
                                        day. Transform your day
                                        into an act of unceasing
                                        prayer. I want so much
                                        prayer of you!” (Gobbi)
Jan van Scorel. Presentation at the temple. 1524. Kunsthistorisches Musee. Vienna
   Saint Louis de Montfort's highly influential
    True Devotion to Mary synthesized many of the earlier saints'
    writings and teachings on Mary. De Montfort's approach of
    "total consecration to Jesus Christ through Mary" had a
    strong impact on Marian devotion both in popular piety and
    in the spirituality of religious orders. One of his well-known
    followers was Pope John Paul II of the 20th century.
    According to his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, the
    pontiff's personal motto Totus Tuus (Totally yours) was
    inspired by St. Louis' doctrine on the excellence of Marian
    devotion and total consecration. He quoted:
       "Since Mary is of all creatures the one most conformed to Jesus
        Christ, it follows that among all devotions that which most
        consecrates and conforms a soul to our Lord is devotion to Mary, his
        Holy Mother, and that the more a soul is consecrated to her
        the more will it be consecrated to Jesus Christ."
Words of the Queen on Your Consecration
 “Renew each day your consecration to my
  Immaculate Heart. Through this act, you make it
  possible for me to enter as a Mother, into your life
  and to dispose it for the perfect fulfillment of the
  design which the Lord has on each one of you.
  Thus you become my very own presence in the
 I ask you to offer me the fragrant and precious
  flower of your suffering. On the altar of my
  Immaculate Heart I want to offer all my children,
  in a perennial act of immolation and reparation,
  Only through the suffering of my littlest children
  can I hasten the time of the triumph of my
  Immaculate Heart in the world.” (Gobbi)
   “I am imprinting my seal on your forehead with
    the sign of the Cross my Son Jesus. I am opening
    the intellect to receive his divine word.
   I am imprinting upon your hands my seal which is
    the sign of the Holy Trinity. With the sign of the
    Father, your human activity becomes directed
    towards a perfect cooperation with the plans of his
    divine Providence which is today arranges all
    things for your good. With the sign of the Son,
    your actions become inserted into the mystery of
    redemption. With the sign of the Holy spirit,
    everything you do becomes open to his powerful
    force for sanctification.”          (Gobbi)
Words of the Queen on
Your offering

Your immolation

Live in the heart of the
5.***Your Offering “Offer your whole life to the
                      Lord: your body, your heart,
                      your soul, you mind, your
                      will, your freedom. You
                      become the chosen victims,
                      precious and pleasing to God.
                      I am asking for a spiritual
                      immolation made up of the
                      acceptance with love of every
                      circumstance of your life as a
                      fulfillment of the will of the
                      Heavenly Father. Do always
                      and only the divine will.”
5A. I offer you to the Trinity
                      “Beloved, let yourselves
                      be offered by me to the
                      perfect glory of the most
                      Holy Trinity.
                      Be the gift of my trust for
                      the Church. Be the gift
                      of my trust for all this
                      poor humanity. Help it to
                      return to God along the
                      road of prayer and
                      penance.” (Gobbi)
Words of the Queen on Your Offering
 “In the temple of my Immaculate Heart, I offer you to the

  glory of the Father, who takes delight in you. I lead you, at
  each moment of your life, to do his divine will with love
  docility and filial abandonment.
 I offer you to the glory of the Son, who pours out upon you

  the torrents of his divine mercy, to wipe away every
  shadow of evil and sin from your souls to make of you
  yourselves light for revelation to all the gentiles.
 I offer you to the glory of the Holy Spirit, who give
  Himself to you in inexhaustible abundance. I am
  obtaining for you his seven holy gifts which give you the
  courage and strength in the fulfillment of the mission
  which has been entrusted to you.” (Gobbi)
   I am forming you for the greater splendor of the
    Church. You become the help which it earnestly
   I am bringing you to the heroic witness to Christ
    and to his Gospel that you illumine with your light
    the deep darkness of these times of great apostasy,
    so that it may accomplish the task of the second
   In the hearts of all my little children, I take up my
    dwelling where I find my refuge to be consoled by
    your tender filial love and to obtain that great
    reparation which I has asked of you and of which I
    have need, in order to shorten the great sufferings
    of these, your days.” (Gobbi)
Words of the Queen on Your Immolation.
 “The hour of your immolation has come.
 On the altar of my Immaculate Heart, you are being
  immolated to the perfect glory of the Father. In you life,
  He arranges with love every least circumstance for your
  good. In you, in your life, in your peace, in your joy, the
  Heavenly Father is glorified.
 The Son is glorified when the Will of the Father is
  accomplished by all in a perfect way. His will is that you
  all be perfectly one in the Son, so as to be perfectly one
  with the Father.
 The Holy Spirit must be glorified. He is constantly being
  given to you by the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is
  glorified when, with his divine fire, He purifies you and
  transforms you, so that you may love, in Him and through
  Him, the Father and the Son.” (Gobbi)
   “Thus you live in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity.”
   You are called to be strong witnesses of the Truth. The
    hour of the great apostasy has come, and yours is the task
    of giving to all the splendor of the divine Truth. You are
    living the moments of the great perversion, during which
    humanity has become pagan, and worse than the times of
    the flood.
   You are being called to spread the light of holiness. Be
    torches ablaze with holiness and purity in the deep
    darkness of sin which has descended upon the world.
   You are being called to become strong witnesses of love in
    the hour of violence and hatred, of unbridled egotism and
    of war.
   I am ever close to you and I am leading you by the hand at
    each moment, as a mother leads her little children. I will
    be at your side, in an extraordinary way. (Gobbi)
Simeon’s prophesy

Words of the Queen on
Recognizing Christ

Sign of contradiction
6. Recognizing Christ “Let your minds be
                                              illumined to know
                                              how to always
                                              recognize Him under
                                              the fragile and
                                              painful features of
                                              the little, the poor, the
                                              sick, the dying, the
                                              sinners, the needy,
                                              the oppressed, the
                                              marginalized, the
                                              persecuted, and those
                                              far away.” (Gobbi)
How to pray with icons. By Myroslaw Tataryn
7. Simeon took into his arms the master of the entire
universe, and in his joy he exclaimed: “My eyes have seen
your saving deeds. Now you may let your servant go in
                                              “The Holy
                                              Spirit comes
                                              down upon a
                                              poor old man.
                                              A poor old
                                              man and a
                                              woman come
                                              to be the first
                                              to understand
                                              this great
8. Simeon’s Prophesy:             He will be a sign of contradiction.
                                  “You will be called today
                                  to be this sign of
                                  By your life which will be
                                  purely a living Gospel.
                                  By your word, which will
                                  repeat loudly the truth
                                  Jesus has revealed to you.
                                  By your witness, which
                                  must be a light and
                                  example for all the

                                  Church.” (Gobbi)
Rembrandt, The presentation in the Temple. 1628. Hamburg.
Words of the Queen on
 My heart is pierced
 My Immaculate heart

The 4th   mystery
 To St. Bridget of Sweden

Words of Jesus on
 The sorrowful heart of Mary
9.*** Our Lady of Sorrows
“My heart is bleeding, because
this humanity has not accepted
my repeated call to conversion,
to repentance, and a return to

I am inviting you to suffering.
I urge you to transform all your
suffering into a perfect gift of
love. You will carry your cross
with joy. Your suffering will
become sweet and it will lead
you to true peace of heart.”
9A. Our Lady of Sorrows
“I ask that they offer
their sufferings in a spirit
of reparation, of
purification and of
I personally and lovingly
take care to give
consolation in suffering
and, if it be in the will of
the Lord, to offer the gift
of healing.” (Gobbi)
9B. “and a sword shall pierce
   Thy heart.”
“My Immaculate Heart is being pierced
with numerous and painful thorns.”
“I am the mother of the transpierced
Therefore all your wounds are now
mine. I am close by you to close your
“I am the Mother of all sorrows and
tears are falling from my eyes. Do not
withdraw from the love of your
sorrowful Mother who wants to lead
you all to salvation.” (Gobbi)
Words of the Queen on My soul is pierced.
   “My soul is pierced by the pain of all this poor humanity,
    which has distanced itself from its Lord in order to follow
    the idols of pleasure and comfort, of pride and money, of
    hatred and impurity. How great is the danger into which it
    can fall, the danger of destroying itself by its own hands!
   My soul is pierced in seeing my Church prostrate beneath
    the weight of a most painful agony. Sin is seducing the
    minds and hearts of many of my children. Many are
    giving in to the allurements of pleasures and falling into
    slavery to Satan. The Church is now being called to live
    through the hours of its passion and its bloody
   My souls is pierced by many souls who are being lost and
    going each day into hell. Help me to save them. Help me
    with prayer, with suffering , with your love , with your
    faithfulness. I am asking you to multiply your cenacles of
    prayer, in the conclusive time of the great tribulation. In
    this way, you help me to save many of my poor children.
   My soul is pierced in seeing into what a dire situation this
    great country, in which you find yourself , has fallen. It
    has again become pagan, a victim of materialism, and of
    the mad search for pleasure. The law of God is more and
    more violated, and the gift of life is being daily attacked
    through the innumerable abortions which are being
    carried out. Cry out to all with a resolute voice to tell them
    of my immense sorrow. Announce without fear that the
    great chastisement has already begun, and that, to be
    saved , you must enter into the safe refuge of my
    Immaculate Heart.” (Gobbi.)
10.*** The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

                             “Teach souls to love the
                             Heart of My Mother pierced
                             by the very sorrow which
                             pierced Mine.
                             It is hearts that must be
                             changed. Recourse to My
                             Mother under this title I
                             wish for her universally, is
                             the last help I shall give
                             before the end of time.”
                                  ----Our Lord to Berthe Petit.

Picture discovered at the time of the 1918 armistice.
Words of the Blessed Virgin on the 4th Mystery to Mary
    of Agreda. The mystical city of God,
 “ My daughter, the doctrine and example contained in this
  mystery will teach thee to strive after the constancy and
  expansion of heart by which thou may prepare thyself to
  accept blessings and adversity, the sweet and the bitter,
  with equanimity.
 “ How persistently the human heart forgets that its
  Teacher and Master has first accepted sufferings, and has
  honoured and sanctified them in His own Person!”
 “ Seek ever to preserve inward peace.

 Full of trust in me, whenever tribulation comes over thee,
  fervently exclaim: “The Lord is my light and my salvation:
  whom shall I fear?”
Words of the Blessed Virgin to St. Bridget of Sweden:
“I did not need purification, like other women, because my
  Son who was born of me, made me clean. Nevertheless,
  that the Law and the prophecies might be fulfilled, I chose
  to live according to the Law. Nor did I live like worldly
  parents, but humbly conversed with the humble. Nor did I
  wish to show anything extraordinary in me, but loved
  whatever was humble.
On that day of the Purification my pain was increased. For
  though by divine inspiration I know that my Son was to
  suffer, yet this grief pierced my heart more keenly at
  Simeon’s words. And until I was assumed in body and
  soul to Heaven, this grief never left my heart, although it
  was tempered by the consolation of the Spirit of God. Let
  not, then, this grief leave thy heart, for without tribulation
  few would reach Heaven.”
Words of the Blessed Virgin to Fr. Gobbi
“Allow yourselves to be carried in my motherly arms,
  with humility, with docility and with meekness.
  These are the times of your full manifestation. The
  days of your public testimony have arrived.
   The hour has come when I want to be glorified in
  you before all the Church and the world.
Walk with me in the light of faith. You my beloved
  ones must, today be the Gospel alone, lived out and
  preached to the letter.
Walk with me in the light of love. Love the Father,
  the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Love with the very
  Heart of Jesus, all your brothers, especially the
  poorest, the sinners, those furthest away, the sick,
  the wounded, the stricken, the marginalized, the
  weak, the littlest.
Walk with me in the light of holiness. Walk along the
 road of disdain for the world and for yourselves, of
 unceasing prayer, of mortification of the senses, of
I am glorified in you when you are humble, poor ,
  little, pure and merciful.”
Words of the Queen on My Immaculate Heart
 “My Immaculate Heart will triumph over this
  ailing and materialistic humanity, bent on the mad
  search for pleasure and comfort, which has built a
  new civilization without God and has again
  become pagan, after almost two thousand years.
  The pagan society in which you live has denied its
  God in order to build the idols of pleasure and
  money, of pride and egotism, of amusement and
  impurity---constitutes for you a grave danger of
  betraying your Baptism.
 It is your refuge, in which you are defended
  against the wicked influence of this world. It is
  your refuge, which protects you from being
  contaminated by sin and impurity. (Gobbi)
   My Immaculate Heart is your refuge in which I
    gather you together, as in a new spiritual Cenacle,
    to obtain for you the gift of the Holy Spirit, which
    would transform you into apostles of the second
   It is you who must be the instruments of this
    general return. It is you who must be the apostles
    of this second evangelization.
   Be apostles of my Work. Go out from this cenacle
    and go everywhere in search of my children.
   I am with you and am lighting up for you the way
    along which you must go.
The ( National ) Rosary          For the Evangelization of
1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all
   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of
    hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in
    most need of thy mercy.”

2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of
   “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people
    and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means
    of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of
    Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.”

3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new
   “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the
   (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb.
    Look upon them continually with mercy and through your

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Joyful Mysteries 4: Presentation

  • 1. Meditation on the Presentation Recommendation: Please read the contents of one of the 20 mysteries meditations before you start your prayer. Some of these presentations (e.g. The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion) contains over 60 slides. With so much spiritual food that it is best to read and contemplate on a few of the slides each time. We welcome biblical scholars, theologians, lecturers and professors of theological institutions and seminaries and lay people around the world to contribute precious pictures and words to accompany specific scenes in the Rosary in Visual Art. You can contribute through the BLOG on our website.
  • 2. Fourth Joyful Mystery The Presentation When the day came to purify them according to the law of Moses, the couple brought him up to Jerusalem so that he could be presented to the Lord, for it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every first- born male shall be consecrated to the Lord.” Fruit of the Mystery: Obedience
  • 3. The Circumcision Words of the Queen on Obedience and docility
  • 4. 1.** The Circumcision (8th day) “From the very moment of his human conception, He becomes obedient in all things to the will of the Father. He submits himself to all the prescriptions of the Law: After 8 days, the circumcision and after 40 days, the presentation in the Temple.” (Gobbi) Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
  • 5. 1A. The Silence “This is a mystery of silence, of prayer, of offering and of personal immolation. Enter into the Temple of my Immaculate Heart. I am forming you to a deep silence. Silence in order to receive only the Word of God. Silence to live it. Thus you speak with your life. Life becomes your word.” (Gobbi) Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
  • 6. 1B. The Sacrifices “The Son of God, with (8th day) immeasurable love, offered up to the eternal Father three sacrifices of so great value that each one would have been sufficient for the Redemption of a thousand worlds. 1.He assumed the condition of a sinner. 2.The willingness to suffer the pains. 3.The most ardent love with which He began shed his blood for the human race. (Mary of Agreda) Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
  • 7. 1C. The Sacrifices Archangels Michael and Gabriel (8th day) said to Mary: This is the Name of your Son, which the blessed Trinity has given Him as the sign of salvation for the whole human race. But now He is to shed His Blood in receiving it, since it is that of the Saviour. This will be the beginning of His sufferings in obedience to His Father’s Will.” That night Jesus’ pain was so severe that He could not rest and He often cried. (Mary of Agreda). Micheal Pacher, The Circumcision of Christ, 1479. St. Wolfgang Church. Austria.
  • 8. At the same time the Son of God, with immeasurable love, offered up to the eternal Father three sacrifices of so great value that each one would have been sufficient for the Redemption of a thousand worlds. The first was that He, being innocent and the Son of the true God, assumed the condition of a sinner (Phil. 2, 7) by subjecting Himself to a rite instituted as a remedy for original sin, and to a law not binding on Him (II Cor. 5, 21). The second was his willingness to suffer the pains of circumcision, which He felt as a true and perfect man. The third was the most ardent love with which He began shed his blood for the human race, giving thanks to eternal Father for having given Him a human nature capable of suffering for his exaltation and glory. --------Mystical city of God. Mary of Agreda.
  • 9. Words of the Queen to Mary of Agreda:  “The saints in heaven, comprehending by the divine light these mysteries, are astonished at themselves for not having paid more attention to them during their life. And if they were capable of pain, they would be deeply grieved for their tardiness and carelessness in not having set proper value upon the works for the Redemption, and for failing in the imitation of Christ. All the angels and saints, by an insight hidden to mortals, wonder at the cruelty of human hearts against themselves and against Christ their Redeemer. Men have compassion neither for the sufferings of the Lord, nor for the sufferings they themselves stand in danger of incurring. When the foreknown, in unending bitterness shall recognize their dreadful forgetfulness and their indifference to the works of Christ.”
  • 10. “Cast out from thy faculties every image and affection toward human creatures and turn all the powers of thy heart and soul toward the mysteries and blessings of the Redemption. Occupy thyself wholly with them, ponder and weigh them, give thanks for them as if thou alone wert in existence, as if they had been wrought solely for thee, and singly for each human being in particular (Gal. 2, 20). Thus thou wilt find life and the way of life, proceeding thus thou canst not err; but thou shalt find therein the light of thy eyes and true peace.”
  • 11. 2.*** Docility “I have asked you for the consecration to my Immaculate Heart to form all of you to that interior docility which is necessary for me in order that I may be able to work in each one of you, bringing you to a profound transformation. I am forming you to prayer which must always be carried out by you in union with me.” (Gobbi) Mantegna, The circumcision, 1474. Uffizi, Florence.
  • 12. Words of the Queen on Docility and abandonment  “Beloved sons, when I appeal to you to become littler, it is to make you like my child, Jesus, through docile and perfect obedience to the divine will.  Let yourselves be carried in my arms, as my tiniest babes, and I will make you perfectly docile to the will of the Father.”  “Learn to abandon yourselves to me as little children and to let yourselves be guided with the simplicity, the confidence and the complete abandonment of children. This abandonment of yours is necessary to me, so that I can act in you and in your life.  My motherly task is to transform you each day, so that you may accomplish perfectly the will of the Lord.”
  • 13. “Allow yourselves to be nourished and formed by me; to be led by me with docility; to be signed by me with my motherly seal. I am imprinting my seal on your forehead with the most holy sign of the Cross of my Son Jesus. I am imprinting upon your hands my seal which is the sign of the Holy Trinity.” (Gobbi)
  • 14. Words of the Queen on White flakes of snow  In the great desert in which you are living, in the immense sea of impurity which is submerging the world possessed by the Evil One, white flakes of snow are falling from my Immaculate Heart upon you, children consecrated to me, so that you may spread everywhere my fragrance from heaven and become signs and instruments of Divine Mercy in the world.  “White flakes of snow are coming down from my Immaculate Heart upon you, so that you may bring everywhere the light of the divine Word and become instruments which make shine everywhere, in its greatest spendor, all the truth contained in the Gospel of my Son Jesus.
  • 15. White flakes of snow are coming down from my Immaculate Heart upon you, children consecrated to me, so that you may bring to all my motherly voice which leads you to hope and confidence. Thus you can take by the hand many of my poor children and cross together the bright thresholds of hope, with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, the white snowflakes of Divine Mercy..” (Gobbi :To the priests)
  • 16. The Presentation Words of the Queen on Humble Thanksgiving Labours and sufferings Your consecration
  • 17. 3.**Your Presentation “My children, with docility, let yourselves be carried in my motherly arms, and you will see everywhere the marvels of grace and mercy of my Immaculate Heart. I am bringing you to the Father. Expect and receive everything as a gift of love from the Father.” (Gobbi)
  • 18. Words of the Queen on Humble thanksgiving  “My daughter, what thou must especially learn from this chapter is, that thou accustom thyself to humble thanksgiving for the benefits which thou receivest, since thou, among many generations, art so specially signalized by the riches of grace with which my Son and I visit thee without any merit of thine. I was wont to repeat many times this verse of David: "What shall I render the Lord for all the things that he hath rendered to me?" (Ps. 15, 12).  In such sentiments I humiliated myself to the dust, esteeming myself altogether useless among creatures. Therefore, if thou knowest what I did as Mother of God, consider what then is thy obligation, since thou must with so much truth confess thyself unworthy and undeserving of all thou receivest, and so poorly furnished for giving thanks and for making payment. Thou must supply thy insufficiency and thy misery by offering up to the eternal Father.”
  • 19. Words of the Queen on Labors and Sufferings  “In addition to this offering is the resignation with which souls embrace and bear with equanimity and patience the labors and difficulties of mortal life. My most holy Son and I were eminent Masters in the practice of this doctrine. My Son began to teach it from the moment in which He was conceived in my womb. For already then He began to suffer, and as soon as He was born into the world He and I were banished by Herod into a desert, and his sufferings continued until He died on the Cross. I also labored to the end of my life, as thou wilt be informed more and more in the writing of this history.  Since, therefore, We suffered so much for creatures and for their salvation, I desire thee to imitate Us in this conformity to the divine will as being his spouse and my daughter. Suffer with a magnanimous heart, and labor to increase the possessions of thy Lord and Master, namely, souls, which are so precious in his sight and which He has purchased with his life-blood. Never shouldst thou fly from labors, difficulties, bitterness and sorrows, if by any of them thou canst gain a soul for the Lord.”
  • 20. 4.*** Your consecration “Your act of consecration to my Immaculate Heart allows me to intervene in your life in order to direct it to the perfect fulfillment of the will of the Father.” “I am situated at your side at each moment of your day. Transform your day into an act of unceasing prayer. I want so much prayer of you!” (Gobbi) Jan van Scorel. Presentation at the temple. 1524. Kunsthistorisches Musee. Vienna
  • 21. Saint Louis de Montfort's highly influential True Devotion to Mary synthesized many of the earlier saints' writings and teachings on Mary. De Montfort's approach of "total consecration to Jesus Christ through Mary" had a strong impact on Marian devotion both in popular piety and in the spirituality of religious orders. One of his well-known followers was Pope John Paul II of the 20th century. According to his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, the pontiff's personal motto Totus Tuus (Totally yours) was inspired by St. Louis' doctrine on the excellence of Marian devotion and total consecration. He quoted:  "Since Mary is of all creatures the one most conformed to Jesus Christ, it follows that among all devotions that which most consecrates and conforms a soul to our Lord is devotion to Mary, his Holy Mother, and that the more a soul is consecrated to her the more will it be consecrated to Jesus Christ."
  • 22. Words of the Queen on Your Consecration  “Renew each day your consecration to my Immaculate Heart. Through this act, you make it possible for me to enter as a Mother, into your life and to dispose it for the perfect fulfillment of the design which the Lord has on each one of you. Thus you become my very own presence in the world.  I ask you to offer me the fragrant and precious flower of your suffering. On the altar of my Immaculate Heart I want to offer all my children, in a perennial act of immolation and reparation, Only through the suffering of my littlest children can I hasten the time of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world.” (Gobbi)
  • 23. “I am imprinting my seal on your forehead with the sign of the Cross my Son Jesus. I am opening the intellect to receive his divine word.  I am imprinting upon your hands my seal which is the sign of the Holy Trinity. With the sign of the Father, your human activity becomes directed towards a perfect cooperation with the plans of his divine Providence which is today arranges all things for your good. With the sign of the Son, your actions become inserted into the mystery of redemption. With the sign of the Holy spirit, everything you do becomes open to his powerful force for sanctification.” (Gobbi)
  • 24. Words of the Queen on Your offering Your immolation Live in the heart of the Trinity
  • 25. 5.***Your Offering “Offer your whole life to the Lord: your body, your heart, your soul, you mind, your will, your freedom. You become the chosen victims, precious and pleasing to God. I am asking for a spiritual immolation made up of the acceptance with love of every circumstance of your life as a fulfillment of the will of the Heavenly Father. Do always and only the divine will.” (Gobbi)
  • 26. 5A. I offer you to the Trinity “Beloved, let yourselves be offered by me to the perfect glory of the most Holy Trinity. Be the gift of my trust for the Church. Be the gift of my trust for all this poor humanity. Help it to return to God along the road of prayer and penance.” (Gobbi)
  • 27. Words of the Queen on Your Offering  “In the temple of my Immaculate Heart, I offer you to the glory of the Father, who takes delight in you. I lead you, at each moment of your life, to do his divine will with love docility and filial abandonment.  I offer you to the glory of the Son, who pours out upon you the torrents of his divine mercy, to wipe away every shadow of evil and sin from your souls to make of you yourselves light for revelation to all the gentiles.  I offer you to the glory of the Holy Spirit, who give Himself to you in inexhaustible abundance. I am obtaining for you his seven holy gifts which give you the courage and strength in the fulfillment of the mission which has been entrusted to you.” (Gobbi)
  • 28. I am forming you for the greater splendor of the Church. You become the help which it earnestly awaits.  I am bringing you to the heroic witness to Christ and to his Gospel that you illumine with your light the deep darkness of these times of great apostasy, so that it may accomplish the task of the second evangelization.  In the hearts of all my little children, I take up my dwelling where I find my refuge to be consoled by your tender filial love and to obtain that great reparation which I has asked of you and of which I have need, in order to shorten the great sufferings of these, your days.” (Gobbi)
  • 29. Words of the Queen on Your Immolation.  “The hour of your immolation has come.  On the altar of my Immaculate Heart, you are being immolated to the perfect glory of the Father. In you life, He arranges with love every least circumstance for your good. In you, in your life, in your peace, in your joy, the Heavenly Father is glorified.  The Son is glorified when the Will of the Father is accomplished by all in a perfect way. His will is that you all be perfectly one in the Son, so as to be perfectly one with the Father.  The Holy Spirit must be glorified. He is constantly being given to you by the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is glorified when, with his divine fire, He purifies you and transforms you, so that you may love, in Him and through Him, the Father and the Son.” (Gobbi)
  • 30. “Thus you live in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity.”  You are called to be strong witnesses of the Truth. The hour of the great apostasy has come, and yours is the task of giving to all the splendor of the divine Truth. You are living the moments of the great perversion, during which humanity has become pagan, and worse than the times of the flood.  You are being called to spread the light of holiness. Be torches ablaze with holiness and purity in the deep darkness of sin which has descended upon the world.  You are being called to become strong witnesses of love in the hour of violence and hatred, of unbridled egotism and of war.  I am ever close to you and I am leading you by the hand at each moment, as a mother leads her little children. I will be at your side, in an extraordinary way. (Gobbi)
  • 31. Simeon’s prophesy Words of the Queen on Recognizing Christ Sign of contradiction
  • 32. 6. Recognizing Christ “Let your minds be illumined to know how to always recognize Him under the fragile and painful features of the little, the poor, the sick, the dying, the sinners, the needy, the oppressed, the marginalized, the persecuted, and those far away.” (Gobbi) How to pray with icons. By Myroslaw Tataryn
  • 33. 7. Simeon took into his arms the master of the entire universe, and in his joy he exclaimed: “My eyes have seen your saving deeds. Now you may let your servant go in peace.” “The Holy Spirit comes down upon a poor old man. A poor old man and a woman come to be the first to understand this great mystery.” (Gobbi)
  • 34. 8. Simeon’s Prophesy: He will be a sign of contradiction. “You will be called today to be this sign of contradiction. By your life which will be purely a living Gospel. By your word, which will repeat loudly the truth Jesus has revealed to you. By your witness, which must be a light and example for all the . Church.” (Gobbi) Rembrandt, The presentation in the Temple. 1628. Hamburg.
  • 35. Words of the Queen on  My heart is pierced  My Immaculate heart The 4th mystery  To St. Bridget of Sweden Words of Jesus on  The sorrowful heart of Mary
  • 36. 9.*** Our Lady of Sorrows “My heart is bleeding, because this humanity has not accepted my repeated call to conversion, to repentance, and a return to God. I am inviting you to suffering. I urge you to transform all your suffering into a perfect gift of love. You will carry your cross with joy. Your suffering will become sweet and it will lead you to true peace of heart.” (Gobbi)
  • 37. 9A. Our Lady of Sorrows “I ask that they offer their sufferings in a spirit of reparation, of purification and of sanctification. I personally and lovingly take care to give consolation in suffering and, if it be in the will of the Lord, to offer the gift of healing.” (Gobbi)
  • 38. 9B. “and a sword shall pierce Thy heart.” “My Immaculate Heart is being pierced with numerous and painful thorns.” “I am the mother of the transpierced soul! Therefore all your wounds are now mine. I am close by you to close your wounds.” “I am the Mother of all sorrows and tears are falling from my eyes. Do not withdraw from the love of your sorrowful Mother who wants to lead you all to salvation.” (Gobbi)
  • 39. Words of the Queen on My soul is pierced.  “My soul is pierced by the pain of all this poor humanity, which has distanced itself from its Lord in order to follow the idols of pleasure and comfort, of pride and money, of hatred and impurity. How great is the danger into which it can fall, the danger of destroying itself by its own hands!  My soul is pierced in seeing my Church prostrate beneath the weight of a most painful agony. Sin is seducing the minds and hearts of many of my children. Many are giving in to the allurements of pleasures and falling into slavery to Satan. The Church is now being called to live through the hours of its passion and its bloody immolation.”
  • 40. My souls is pierced by many souls who are being lost and going each day into hell. Help me to save them. Help me with prayer, with suffering , with your love , with your faithfulness. I am asking you to multiply your cenacles of prayer, in the conclusive time of the great tribulation. In this way, you help me to save many of my poor children.  My soul is pierced in seeing into what a dire situation this great country, in which you find yourself , has fallen. It has again become pagan, a victim of materialism, and of the mad search for pleasure. The law of God is more and more violated, and the gift of life is being daily attacked through the innumerable abortions which are being carried out. Cry out to all with a resolute voice to tell them of my immense sorrow. Announce without fear that the great chastisement has already begun, and that, to be saved , you must enter into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.” (Gobbi.)
  • 41. 10.*** The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary “Teach souls to love the Heart of My Mother pierced by the very sorrow which pierced Mine. It is hearts that must be changed. Recourse to My Mother under this title I wish for her universally, is the last help I shall give before the end of time.” ----Our Lord to Berthe Petit. Picture discovered at the time of the 1918 armistice.
  • 42. Words of the Blessed Virgin on the 4th Mystery to Mary of Agreda. The mystical city of God,  “ My daughter, the doctrine and example contained in this mystery will teach thee to strive after the constancy and expansion of heart by which thou may prepare thyself to accept blessings and adversity, the sweet and the bitter, with equanimity.  “ How persistently the human heart forgets that its Teacher and Master has first accepted sufferings, and has honoured and sanctified them in His own Person!”  “ Seek ever to preserve inward peace. Full of trust in me, whenever tribulation comes over thee, fervently exclaim: “The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear?”
  • 43. Words of the Blessed Virgin to St. Bridget of Sweden: “I did not need purification, like other women, because my Son who was born of me, made me clean. Nevertheless, that the Law and the prophecies might be fulfilled, I chose to live according to the Law. Nor did I live like worldly parents, but humbly conversed with the humble. Nor did I wish to show anything extraordinary in me, but loved whatever was humble. On that day of the Purification my pain was increased. For though by divine inspiration I know that my Son was to suffer, yet this grief pierced my heart more keenly at Simeon’s words. And until I was assumed in body and soul to Heaven, this grief never left my heart, although it was tempered by the consolation of the Spirit of God. Let not, then, this grief leave thy heart, for without tribulation few would reach Heaven.”
  • 44. Words of the Blessed Virgin to Fr. Gobbi “Allow yourselves to be carried in my motherly arms, with humility, with docility and with meekness. These are the times of your full manifestation. The days of your public testimony have arrived. The hour has come when I want to be glorified in you before all the Church and the world. Walk with me in the light of faith. You my beloved ones must, today be the Gospel alone, lived out and preached to the letter. Walk with me in the light of love. Love the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Love with the very Heart of Jesus, all your brothers, especially the poorest, the sinners, those furthest away, the sick, the wounded, the stricken, the marginalized, the weak, the littlest.
  • 45. Walk with me in the light of holiness. Walk along the road of disdain for the world and for yourselves, of unceasing prayer, of mortification of the senses, of penance. I am glorified in you when you are humble, poor , little, pure and merciful.”
  • 46. Words of the Queen on My Immaculate Heart  “My Immaculate Heart will triumph over this ailing and materialistic humanity, bent on the mad search for pleasure and comfort, which has built a new civilization without God and has again become pagan, after almost two thousand years. The pagan society in which you live has denied its God in order to build the idols of pleasure and money, of pride and egotism, of amusement and impurity---constitutes for you a grave danger of betraying your Baptism.  It is your refuge, in which you are defended against the wicked influence of this world. It is your refuge, which protects you from being contaminated by sin and impurity. (Gobbi)
  • 47. My Immaculate Heart is your refuge in which I gather you together, as in a new spiritual Cenacle, to obtain for you the gift of the Holy Spirit, which would transform you into apostles of the second evangelization.  It is you who must be the instruments of this general return. It is you who must be the apostles of this second evangelization.  Be apostles of my Work. Go out from this cenacle and go everywhere in search of my children.  I am with you and am lighting up for you the way along which you must go.
  • 48. The ( National ) Rosary For the Evangelization of (Nations) 1. Fatima Prayer: To Eucharistic Jesus, source of all evangelization. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of thy mercy.” 2. Invocation of the Holy Spirit: Principal agent of evangelization. “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of the (National) people and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” 3. Prayer to Our Lady of ( Nation ): Star of the new evangelization. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of (Nation), come and present the (National) people to Jesus, the fruit of thy womb. Look upon them continually with mercy and through your