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Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
In the Renaissance, the first time
there is a nameless literature,
calculated mass democratic pa
reader. It is published, as a rule, in
the cheap popular editions,
equipped with woodcuts. Its
distributors were mostly peddlers,
are carried books with various
small goods in the villages and
cities. The authors of these works
are unknown.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Folk literature was diverse in
genre and ideological and
thematically. She knew stories
about animals (about Reynard the
fox), schwanks, ballads and
songs. But the most prominent
place in her occupy large
narrative works, similar in form
to the medieval romances - so-
called people of the book.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
They are very different in content. These
include transcriptions of all sorts of
medieval legends, tales and so on. D. To
this cycle belongs "Beautiful Melusine"
(1456), "Beautiful Magelona" (1535) "Holy
Genofefa" et al., Later became very
popular in Germany the era of
romanticism. Along with such works
appear recycling folk heroic epic ("The
Legend of Siegfried Horn"). But there
were quite original book - the fruit of a
genuine folk art. Among them, the best
known acquired 'Til Eylenshpigel ","
Shildbyurgery "," History of Dr Johann
Faust. "
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
In this books, people ridiculed the
oppressors, expressed love for life,
to joke, to realize their dreams of a
world in which truth and beauty
prevail. Engels noted that people's
books have extraordinary poetic
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
DR.JOHANNFAUSTEN Book of Doctor Faustus different seriousness,
dramatic content. The protagonist of her - a man
inquiring mind seeking to break the chains of
church dogma and scholasticism, highly
appreciating the true knowledge, loving life with
all its joys and sinful temptations.
Faust - a historical person. He lived in the first
half of the XVI century., Advertised himself as a
skillful doctor, magician and palmist, but was
more known as a charlatan, enjoys superstition
cleverly parodies. Life Faust as well as Thiel
Eylenshpigelya, became overgrown with tall
tales. He began to attribute the accomplishment
of "miracles", is widely known in the Middle
Ages. As a result, there was the legend of Faust,
who was allegedly in order to satisfy their
curiosity and worldly attractions sold his soul to
the devil.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
In 1587 in Frankfurt am Main in the print shop
of Johann Spies came out a printed version of
the legend - "The History of Dr Johann Faust,
the famous magician and Warlock» (Historia
von Dr. Johann Fausten, dem weitbeschreyten
Zauberer und Schwartzkünstler). The author
is unknown. Many pages are written by the
publisher, Lutheran, hate antiquity,
humanism, science. It belongs to Faust clearly
negative, seeing the source of his error and
tragedy in the deification of reason, forgotten
Scripture and faith.
The book consists of three parts. In the first
two with the help of Mephistopheles, Faust
meets his thirst for knowledge, get acquainted
with the universe, down to hell. In the third
part, Faust makes a series of miraculous tricks.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
When the day of reckoning approached, the hero
of the book shows cowardice. He repented of all
his sins, turns to fellow students with a speech
full of Christian humility:
"Do not allow the society to bad people knock you out
of the way, as it happened and took place with me.
Attend church diligently and hard, fight with the devil
and win his firm faith in Christ and godly behavior. "
But the imagination of readers Faust conquered
not repentance, and his audacious desire to know
everything, all to grasp with the help of science
and magic. It was so bold seeker he entered the
world literature (Marleau, Lessing, Klinger et al.),
And especially in Goethe's immortal tragedy.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
TYLUILENSPIEGEL Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele
apparently began for the first time in
XIV c., around real-life personality,
known for his wit and mischievous
Then all witty antics, replicas, answers
accumulated in people's memory for
many centuries, began to ascribe to one
So there was a collective image of the
national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah
Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding
priests, nobles, merchants - anyone
who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
published "Interesting book about
Thiele Eylenshpigele (Ein Kurlzweilig
lesen von Dyl Ulenspiegel). Til all are
assigned the severity of medieval wit, all
the pranks pranksters and social
Protestants recorded in Schwanks in
other works democratic literature.
So, he heals all critically ill and teaches a
donkey to read a known method Amis
priest; exactly the same as one paints a
picture for the Count of Hesse, which
can be seen only legitimate.
Til fooling people resorted to deception
not only out of selfish motives, but
because of the irresistible desire to give
vent to his extraordinary intellectual
energy. It has a kind of artistry. He has
accumulated folk cheerfulness, love of a
joke, belief in the triumph of justice. It
was in this capacity Thiel entered the
literature, particularly in the wonderful
novel by Charles de Coster's "The Legend
of Till Eulenspiegel and Lamme
Gudzake" (1867), where the hero of folk
tales became an active fighter Eighty
Years' War, the national symbol of
freedom and optimism.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
In a fun, humorous way is also
sustained book «Die
The subject of ridicule here
serves only burghers, his desire
to move away from public
affairs, and live only for its
domestic interests.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Once shildbyurgery (residents Nameplates)
reputed sages. They eagerly invited
advisers in different states. But as a result,
life in the most Schilde froze.
Rebellious woman demanded the return of
their husbands at home, and to avoid
further invitation to serve in the outlandish
edge shildbyurgery "began to flee from the
mind of the great folly." They pretended to
be fools, and stayed that way.
There is no end of their fool's errand.
Residents of the town hall built
Nameplates, forgetting to cut through the
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
To correct the mistake, they began to
carry light in sacks and buckets, but light
on this no more. Then they decided to
sow salt, having achieved a special
permission of the emperor. They
strangled cow raising her whole world on
the wall where the grass grew. To get rid
of the cat, shildbyurgery decided to burn
it along with the barn, where he lived.
This decision was taken after the wisest of
them at first for a long time sweating in
the House for the sweating and then
pored into the ward korpeniya. The fire
burned down the village and residents
Nameplates scattered around the world.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Therefore, stupidity is not saved
shildbyurgerov and became the source of their
misery. The book ridiculed philistine ideals,
leading to a disastrous turn off people from
intelligent life. Appreciation 'Shildbyurgeram
"and other popular comic books of the XVI
century. He gave Engels:
"Few peoples can find such a collection. This wit,
this natural conception and execution, good-natured
humor, always accompanied by a caustic sneer that
it does not become too angry, striking comic
positions - all this, in truth, could outdo a
significant part of our literature. Who of
contemporary authors would be enough is enough
imagination to create a book like "Shildbyurgery."
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Folklore in the Renaissance was
represented not only the narrative,
but also lyrical genres. Lyric poetry
- the constant companion of
humanity at all stages of its
historical existence. It reflects the
soul of the people in the days of
sorrow and joy, it is a mirror of the
national consciousness. His
attitude to society and nature, their
dreams about the future, a world of
joyful folk singers expressed
primarily in the song, which is
passed from generation to
generation, existing primarily in
the oral tradition.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
It is clearly sound social motives,
people protest against the
powerless, miserable life, his
desire for freedom.
Moral turpitude titled nobleman,
the knight - a favorite villain folk
poetry. By contrast, the simple
neznatny people often drawn as
the ideal of moral purity,
generosity, responsiveness.
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Indicative in this respect, the song "Herr
von Falkenstein». The images it created
on the principle of antithesis. On one
side of the illustrious Count, dissolute,
indifferent to the suffering of others, on
the other - a peasant girl, a model of
fidelity in love, whose persistence has
touched the heart of even the cruel
tyrant. She relentlessly on duty in the
tower, which sharpened her cute
Sie ging den Turm wohl um und wieder um,
den Turm wollt sie aufschließen:
Und wenn die Nacht ein Jahr lang wär,
keine Stund tät mich verdrießen!
Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape
for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for
his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk
poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's
memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So
there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial,
peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests,
nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the
misfortune of the people.
Love, capable of heroic sacrifices - a
common theme in folk song.
In the ballad "Royal Children" king's
daughter learned of the death of her
lover, her bulge of the earth on a date
through the rugged Strait catches in the
In general, folk poetry with all the
abundance of sad, tragic motifs
optimistic. It is strong dream about the
future, about the occurrence of happy
История немецкой литературы,
Н. А. Гуляев, И. П. Шибанов, В. С.
Буняев, Н. Т. Лопырев, Е. М.
Мандель: учебник для студентов
факультетов и институтов
иностранных языков, "Высшая
школа«: М., 1975 г.

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German folklore \ Немецкий фольклор

  • 3. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. In the Renaissance, the first time there is a nameless literature, calculated mass democratic pa reader. It is published, as a rule, in the cheap popular editions, equipped with woodcuts. Its distributors were mostly peddlers, are carried books with various small goods in the villages and cities. The authors of these works are unknown. ABOUTGERMANFOLKLORE
  • 4. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. Folk literature was diverse in genre and ideological and thematically. She knew stories about animals (about Reynard the fox), schwanks, ballads and songs. But the most prominent place in her occupy large narrative works, similar in form to the medieval romances - so- called people of the book.
  • 5. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. They are very different in content. These include transcriptions of all sorts of medieval legends, tales and so on. D. To this cycle belongs "Beautiful Melusine" (1456), "Beautiful Magelona" (1535) "Holy Genofefa" et al., Later became very popular in Germany the era of romanticism. Along with such works appear recycling folk heroic epic ("The Legend of Siegfried Horn"). But there were quite original book - the fruit of a genuine folk art. Among them, the best known acquired 'Til Eylenshpigel "," Shildbyurgery "," History of Dr Johann Faust. "
  • 6. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. In this books, people ridiculed the oppressors, expressed love for life, to joke, to realize their dreams of a world in which truth and beauty prevail. Engels noted that people's books have extraordinary poetic charm. BACK
  • 7. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. DR.JOHANNFAUSTEN Book of Doctor Faustus different seriousness, dramatic content. The protagonist of her - a man inquiring mind seeking to break the chains of church dogma and scholasticism, highly appreciating the true knowledge, loving life with all its joys and sinful temptations. Faust - a historical person. He lived in the first half of the XVI century., Advertised himself as a skillful doctor, magician and palmist, but was more known as a charlatan, enjoys superstition cleverly parodies. Life Faust as well as Thiel Eylenshpigelya, became overgrown with tall tales. He began to attribute the accomplishment of "miracles", is widely known in the Middle Ages. As a result, there was the legend of Faust, who was allegedly in order to satisfy their curiosity and worldly attractions sold his soul to the devil.
  • 8. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. In 1587 in Frankfurt am Main in the print shop of Johann Spies came out a printed version of the legend - "The History of Dr Johann Faust, the famous magician and Warlock» (Historia von Dr. Johann Fausten, dem weitbeschreyten Zauberer und Schwartzkünstler). The author is unknown. Many pages are written by the publisher, Lutheran, hate antiquity, humanism, science. It belongs to Faust clearly negative, seeing the source of his error and tragedy in the deification of reason, forgotten Scripture and faith. The book consists of three parts. In the first two with the help of Mephistopheles, Faust meets his thirst for knowledge, get acquainted with the universe, down to hell. In the third part, Faust makes a series of miraculous tricks. THEHISTORYOFDRJOHANNFAUST, THEFAMOUSMAGICIANANDWARLOCK
  • 9. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. When the day of reckoning approached, the hero of the book shows cowardice. He repented of all his sins, turns to fellow students with a speech full of Christian humility: "Do not allow the society to bad people knock you out of the way, as it happened and took place with me. Attend church diligently and hard, fight with the devil and win his firm faith in Christ and godly behavior. " But the imagination of readers Faust conquered not repentance, and his audacious desire to know everything, all to grasp with the help of science and magic. It was so bold seeker he entered the world literature (Marleau, Lessing, Klinger et al.), And especially in Goethe's immortal tragedy. BACK
  • 10. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. TYLUILENSPIEGEL Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began for the first time in XIV c., around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then all witty antics, replicas, answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people.
  • 11. EINKURLZWEILIGLESENVONDYLULENSPIEGEL In 1515, at the High German dialect published "Interesting book about Thiele Eylenshpigele (Ein Kurlzweilig lesen von Dyl Ulenspiegel). Til all are assigned the severity of medieval wit, all the pranks pranksters and social Protestants recorded in Schwanks in other works democratic literature. So, he heals all critically ill and teaches a donkey to read a known method Amis priest; exactly the same as one paints a picture for the Count of Hesse, which can be seen only legitimate.
  • 12. Til fooling people resorted to deception not only out of selfish motives, but because of the irresistible desire to give vent to his extraordinary intellectual energy. It has a kind of artistry. He has accumulated folk cheerfulness, love of a joke, belief in the triumph of justice. It was in this capacity Thiel entered the literature, particularly in the wonderful novel by Charles de Coster's "The Legend of Till Eulenspiegel and Lamme Gudzake" (1867), where the hero of folk tales became an active fighter Eighty Years' War, the national symbol of freedom and optimism. THELEGENDOFTILLEULENSPIEGELANDLAMMEGUDZAKE BACK
  • 13. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. In a fun, humorous way is also sustained book «Die Schildbürger». The subject of ridicule here serves only burghers, his desire to move away from public affairs, and live only for its domestic interests. DIESCHILDBÜRGER
  • 14. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. Once shildbyurgery (residents Nameplates) reputed sages. They eagerly invited advisers in different states. But as a result, life in the most Schilde froze. Rebellious woman demanded the return of their husbands at home, and to avoid further invitation to serve in the outlandish edge shildbyurgery "began to flee from the mind of the great folly." They pretended to be fools, and stayed that way. There is no end of their fool's errand. Residents of the town hall built Nameplates, forgetting to cut through the window.
  • 15.
  • 16. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people.
  • 17. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people.
  • 18. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. To correct the mistake, they began to carry light in sacks and buckets, but light on this no more. Then they decided to sow salt, having achieved a special permission of the emperor. They strangled cow raising her whole world on the wall where the grass grew. To get rid of the cat, shildbyurgery decided to burn it along with the barn, where he lived. This decision was taken after the wisest of them at first for a long time sweating in the House for the sweating and then pored into the ward korpeniya. The fire burned down the village and residents Nameplates scattered around the world.
  • 19. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people.
  • 20. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. Therefore, stupidity is not saved shildbyurgerov and became the source of their misery. The book ridiculed philistine ideals, leading to a disastrous turn off people from intelligent life. Appreciation 'Shildbyurgeram "and other popular comic books of the XVI century. He gave Engels: "Few peoples can find such a collection. This wit, this natural conception and execution, good-natured humor, always accompanied by a caustic sneer that it does not become too angry, striking comic positions - all this, in truth, could outdo a significant part of our literature. Who of contemporary authors would be enough is enough imagination to create a book like "Shildbyurgery." BACK
  • 21. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. POETRY Folklore in the Renaissance was represented not only the narrative, but also lyrical genres. Lyric poetry - the constant companion of humanity at all stages of its historical existence. It reflects the soul of the people in the days of sorrow and joy, it is a mirror of the national consciousness. His attitude to society and nature, their dreams about the future, a world of joyful folk singers expressed primarily in the song, which is passed from generation to generation, existing primarily in the oral tradition.
  • 22. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. It is clearly sound social motives, people protest against the powerless, miserable life, his desire for freedom. Moral turpitude titled nobleman, the knight - a favorite villain folk poetry. By contrast, the simple neznatny people often drawn as the ideal of moral purity, generosity, responsiveness.
  • 23. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. Indicative in this respect, the song "Herr von Falkenstein». The images it created on the principle of antithesis. On one side of the illustrious Count, dissolute, indifferent to the suffering of others, on the other - a peasant girl, a model of fidelity in love, whose persistence has touched the heart of even the cruel tyrant. She relentlessly on duty in the tower, which sharpened her cute Falkenstein: Sie ging den Turm wohl um und wieder um, den Turm wollt sie aufschließen: Und wenn die Nacht ein Jahr lang wär, keine Stund tät mich verdrießen! HERRVONFALKENSTEIN
  • 24. Stories about Thiele Eylenshpigele apparently began to take shape for the first time in XIV c., Around real-life personality, known for his wit and mischievous antics. Then, as is usually observed in folk poetry, all witty antics replica answers accumulated in people's memory for many centuries, began to ascribe to one hero. So there was a collective image of the national buffoon, jovial, peasant pariah Thiel Eylenshpigelya, boldly deriding priests, nobles, merchants - anyone who is building their prosperity on the misfortune of the people. Love, capable of heroic sacrifices - a common theme in folk song. In the ballad "Royal Children" king's daughter learned of the death of her lover, her bulge of the earth on a date through the rugged Strait catches in the sea. In general, folk poetry with all the abundance of sad, tragic motifs optimistic. It is strong dream about the future, about the occurrence of happy days. ROYALCHILDREN BACK
  • 25. RESOURCES История немецкой литературы, Н. А. Гуляев, И. П. Шибанов, В. С. Буняев, Н. Т. Лопырев, Е. М. Мандель: учебник для студентов факультетов и институтов иностранных языков, "Высшая школа«: М., 1975 г. BACK