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September 4
 Introduction…………………………………………….2
 What we call gender, what we call sex…….3
 Mirror………………………………………………………5
 Labeling…………………………………………………...6
 Tube paste challenge………………………………..7
 Toys and gender……………………………………….8
 Money pocket (PBL workshop)………………….9
 Leaded fantasy…………………………………………10
 Country presentation……………………………….11
 Movie night………………………………………………11
This short Manuel is the result of work during the internship at The Pestalozzi Children's Village. First of
all I want to say thank you for Susan, Nina and Cha for space, support, understanding and amazing
moments during the last two weeks. Also I want to say thank you to Pestalozzi children foundation on
this unique opportunity. Together we created great learning experience for children and supervisors
from Belorussia during their exchange program in Switzerland.
This document refers on activities which I prepared and which we implemented during the course time.
Some of activities such as: Tube paste challenge, Toys and gender, Money pocket (PBL workshop); I
designed particularly for this course and I will be glad if you continue to use them.
"Prototyping is the conversation you have with your ideas."
Tom Wujec
“Woman rights are human rights”
Hillary Clinton
Workshop: What we call gender, what we call sex?
Classroom experience - proposal:
a) PINK ROOM for BOYS - Madomi + additional classroom (2 groups in Madomi , 2 groups in
additional classroom)
b) BLUE ROOM for GIRLS – Momo + additional classroom (2 groups in Momo, 2 groups in additional
* one table with 5 chairs per group, 2 tables in Madomi and so on. On every table will be picture
according to topic with instruction (English and Belarusian).
Groups - proposal:
a) In front of school after warm up we will pass two boxes – PINK and BLUE. In PINK box will be
next animals on small papers (cat, fox, panda, and mouse). In BLUE box will be next animals on
small papers (dog, tiger, lion, and horse). 5 papers per each animal. Girls can choose only
animals from BLUE box, boys can choose animals only from PINK box. On the end we will have 8
b) Instruction – Guys we will work in small team according to your animal. You have to answer on
simple question which wait for you on tables – on your place for work. Find your animal tribe
and follow supervisors and trainers. Every Supervisor and trainer have one animal on A4 paper.
They will show where your place for work is.
Group task:
a) Cat – boys will draw a WOMAN (vice versa for girls: dog will draw a MAN)
b) Fox – boys will make a list of things associated with idea of being a WOMAN in intimate
relationship. Question: What characterized woman as mother, sister, daughter, girlfriend, friend?
10 things – one thing per paper (vice versa for girls: lion)
c) Panda – boys will answer on question: What means being a Woman according to outlook. List
10 things which characterized woman according to her outlook. (vice versa for girls: tiger)
d) Mouse – boys will answer on question: Think about woman abilities. What woman can do
(which jobs general and in the house, think about sport and so on)? (vice versa for girls: horse)
To understand the differences
between sex and gender and
reflect on the ways that men and
women are expected to act.
Materials required:
Flipchart paper and markers.
Recommended time:
1 hour
Group has challenge with language,
don’t understand English.
Translation is very slowly and you
can lose point. Solution – divide in
small groups (maximum 5 persons
per group). Clear questions with
posters who are associated with
Number of participants:
Until 40.
1) 30 things for what means be a WOMAN and 30 things for what means be a MAN
2) Pictures – WOMAN and MAN
1) Two columns on the wall in the first column write “man.” In the second column write “woman.”
Put associated things below.
2) Ask question: What MAN has WOMAN doesn’t have? Vice versa for WOMAN (write on the
green paper. Put associated things below.
3) Exchange the titles of the columns putting “woman” in the place of “man” and vice versa. Ask
the participants if the characteristics mentioned for men could also be attributed to women and
vice versa.
 What does it mean to be a man? What does it mean to be a woman?
 What is a man’s role in an intimate relationship? What is a woman’s role?
 How does a man express his emotions? Is this different from how a woman expresses her
emotions? Why do you think that it is different?
 Are our perceptions about the roles of men and women affected by what your family and
friends think? How?
 Do the media have an effect on gender norms?
Throughout our lives, we receive messages from family, media, and society about how we should act as
men and how we should relate to women and to other men.
It is important to understand that although there are differences between men and women, many of
these differences are constructed by society, and are not part of our nature or biological make-up. Even
so, these differences can have fundamental impacts on men’s and women’s daily lives and relationships.
For example, a man is often expected to always be strong and dominant in his relationships with others,
including with his intimate partners. At the same time, a woman is often expected to be submissive to a
man’s authority. Many of these rigid gender stereotypes have consequences for both men and women,
as you will be discussing throughout these sessions.
As you become more aware of how some gender stereotypes can negatively impact both men and
women, you can think constructively about how to challenge them and promote more positive gender
roles and relations in your lives and communities.
 Sex – refers to the biological attributes and characteristics that identify a person as male or
 Sexuality – refers to the expression of our feelings, thoughts and behaviors as men or women.
It includes our feelings of attractiveness, being in love and our behaviors in intimate
 Gender – refers to the socially constructed differences and inequalities between men and
women (for example, how they should dress and behave). These ideas and expectations are
learned through families, friends, religious and cultural institutions, schools, workplaces and the
Animals: download
Posters: download
Introduction activity: Mirror
1) Ask the participants make line according to colour of their hair. When participants make a line
pleased them that every second person makes step forward. Turn and get into pairs. Each pair
should then decide which one of them will be the “person” and which will be the “mirror’.
Explain that, within each pair, the “mirror” must imitate every movement done by the “person”.
Give them 2-3 minutes to do this.
2) Ask each pair to switch roles and to repeat the process. But person now has rally power. What
“person” say “mirror” has to do. Person now give orders.
Short discussion:
What happen? How you feel as a person? How you feel as a mirror? When you think about your
community who has the biggest power?
- Between how they use power during the activity (usual participants are less more violent) and
clear examples: media, teachers, parents, friends and so on.
- Role models in media
- How they use power in relationship with your young brother or sister, friends, family. (TIME FOR
- With how we will use power as directors or politician
To increase awareness about the
existence of power in
relationships and in community.
Make connection with between
power and discimination
Recommended time:
30 min
Workshop: Labeling
1) Please group to seat on chairs, relax and close eyes. Play some cool music.
2) Emphasize that is for this activity very important to be silence. Communication is not aloud.
3) Write different tags and put them in people’s forehead. On the bag put white empty paper.
Then ask them stand up and to treat persons according to next labels (participants will get up,
walking around through the classroom and write on the white paper what they think about
person according to the label): 1. Prostitute, 2. Teacher, 3. Doctor, 4. Child with handicap,
5. Director of bank, 6. Cleaver, 7. Housewife, 8. Gay, 9. Stupid, 10. Rapper
4) Solo moment. When group finished, pleased students to read what is written on the bag – for
5) Split them in the pairs and ask them to share how they feel
6) World caffe – 40min (4 station – translator on every station explain what other wrote)
- Station 1 - Why do people label others?
- Station 2 - How is labelling connected with the power?
- Station 3 - How can you avoid labelling others?
- Station 4 - How can you encourage other young people to not label others?
Labels and stereotypes affect people as individuals as well as their relationships with others. It is
important to think critically about how you treat people and the way that people treat you and how you
can “unlearn” some of the ways that you interact with others. For example, how to not:
- Be judgmental of someone before you get to know them;
- Use labels or negative nicknames;
- Discriminate based on sex, religion, ethnicity, or socioeconomic class;
- Make someone in the family and/or community a scapegoat;
It is important to make sure that
none of the participants become
aggressive or offended by any of
the labels used.
To recognize how labeling
people can limit individual
potential and affect
relationships.All pstudents
understand how “power” affect
our behavior.
Recommended time:
1 hour
Materials required:
Labels x 40. White papers x 40.
Number of participants:
Until 40.
- Be inflexible in your attitudes;
- Show indifference, silence, or spite.
The feeling of belonging to a group and being accepted for who we are, are fundamental for learning
and for developing our individual and collective potential. As you move forward with these sessions and
with your daily lives, you should actively try to move beyond labels and be more open-minded in how
you relate to others.
***Play video – LOVE HAS NO LABELS on the end.
Labels: blue, , red, green
Closing activity: Tube paste challenge
1. Be sure that every participant has Tube Paste
2. Pleased them to sit down on the flour and to put Tube Paste in plate in front of them
3. Pleased participants to squeeze Tube Paste in a plate
4. Calmly ask participants to slowly bring back paste into the Tube
1. Was interesting to bring back paste into the tube? Why?
2. How can you relate this process with labelling?
"You will remember this plate of toothpaste for the rest of your life. Your words have the power of life
or death. As you go into middle school, you are about to see just how much weight your words carry.
You are going to have the opportunity to use your words to hurt, demean, slander and wound others.
all participants understand how
are powerful their words
Recommended time:
Materials required:
Tube paste, Plate, Napkins
You are also going to have the opportunity to use your words to heal, encourage, inspire and love others.
You will occasionally make the wrong choice; I
can think of three times this week I have used my own words carelessly and caused harm. Just like this
toothpaste, once the words leave your mouth, you can't take them back. Use your words carefully,
Breonna. When others are misusing their words, guard your words. Make the choice every morning that
life-giving words will come out of your mouth. Decide tonight that you are going to be a life-giver in
middle school. Be known for your gentleness and compassion. Use your life to give life to a world that so
desperately needs it. You will never, ever regret choosing kindness." Amy Beth Gardner
Amy Beth Gardner - challenge
Workshop: Toys and gender
1. Divide group in teams (5 persons per team)
2. Instruction - you will finally use yours mobile phones. Please search (write on
table), find category toys and find the best present for your young brother or sister for 20 dollars!
Imagine they have only 5 years. You have to show your choice.
3. Presentation – every group have to present and to explain why they choose that toy.
4. Watching video – Topic: How toys influenced gender roles?
5. Toys and Gender – Questions (individually) 15minutes
Judith Elaine Blakemore, a psychology professor at Indiana University-Purdue University in Fort Wayne,
Indiana, and Jeffrey Trawick-Smith, professor at Eastern Connecticut State University in Willmantic,
- All participants understand
how toys undesratnd gender
- All participants develop critical
point of view according to toys
Recommended time:
Group of 5 maximum
Materials required:
Internet, Paper with
questions, Pencils
Number of participants:
Until 40
Connecticut, evaluated popular toys on the market to identify gender typing. The duo found toys
marketed for boys, including guns and soldiers, focused on fighting and aggression. The message for girls
centered on appearance, including toy jewelry, costumes and play makeup. Other male messages,
according to Blakemore and Trawick-Smith, included competition, excitement and an element of danger,
but female signals focused on domestic skills. The researchers also found that toys with moderate
gender typing for boys tend to encourage academic, artistic and musical skills, while toys with the same
moderate gender typing for girls didn't encourage developing any of these traits.
Video: download
Question: download
Workshop: Money pocket - #equalpay
Entry event – preaparation classroom
a) One important thing – boys and girls have to see each other. Therefore they have to do this
activity in SAME place/classroom
b) Divide classroom using a rope. On one side for boys, another for girls.
c) Put 20 chairs on one side and 20 chairs on another
d) Same “number” of windows for every group
e) Prepare water, soup, towels for cleaning
Entry event steps:
1) Clean mass and if you finish in 20 minutes I will give you reward – your money pocket for today
2) Make two columns – boys and girls. Reward for boys 4 piece of chocolate. Reward for girl is one
piece of chocolate. Important: communication with boys – bravo! You did great job, this is for
you, I hope so this is enough. Communication with girls - Please next time clean better, you have
to work faster, I think is not enough clean. Did you clean everything?
3) Watching video - #equalfuture
4) Facts – for this part I used some statistic data according to equal pay (my friends made research
and is not allowed to use that without asking)
5) Short discussion (just one question) - Why woman receive less money than boys for the same
Driving question:
- *How can Pesstalozzi promote equal pay on Facebook?
+ Clear examples – in this case about facebook campaign, Net, Materials, Clothes, Chart paper, Markers
Space for work
Posters: download and Video – equal future: download
Workshop: Leaded fantasy
1) Introduce activity and emphasize that we are not here to change your mind! We are here
because of understanding. We just want to offer opportunity to you to understand people who
are “different”
2) Play some nice music
3) Introduce that is for this activity very important to be silence.
4) Ask participants to close their eyes and try to fit in the role from the story.
5) Read the story from the resource sheet.
6) After reading a story, lead the discussion based on the questions
1) How did you feel, as heterosexual person in homosexual world?
2) Can this be a realistic situation?
3) What do you think; do homosexuals feel like you did in the story?
4) Why is it difficult for homosexuals to live in environment such as ours?
5) Is it really important what your sexual orientation is?
6) What can we do to stop discrimination and homophobia?
Story: download
To make participants identify
with a person who is a homo-
sexual, and to make them more
sensitive and to influence on
their attitudes related to
Country presentation
Serbia was presented trough for “station”, every station cover different topic:
1. Did you know? (facts about Serbia) PPT
2. If 100 people live in Serbia PPT
3. Serbia land coloured with life (geography/land) (video)
4. Food (video)
Movie night
We played Tagged movie. A short drama that traces the repercussions for a group of three high school
friends who blog a rumour about a rival student. Cyberbullying, sexting, filmed fights and police
involvement ensue, will these friends avoid being tagged forever? Aimed at teenagers 14 years and over,
Tagged is designed to start conversations to help young people understand how their online actions can
all too easily have real life consequences. The Australian Communications and Media Authority
developed the Tagged script, drawing on its own research study, as well as seeking input from young
people in the target audience.
Deniz Hoti
Executive director Connecting people
Mobile: +41 76 483 78 39
email: denizht@hotmail
Empower student at Pestalozzi Children's Foundation
Kinderdorfstrasse 20, 9043 Trogen / Switzerland

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Gender based Workshops

  • 2. 1 Contents:  Introduction…………………………………………….2  What we call gender, what we call sex…….3  Mirror………………………………………………………5  Labeling…………………………………………………...6  Tube paste challenge………………………………..7  Toys and gender……………………………………….8  Money pocket (PBL workshop)………………….9  Leaded fantasy…………………………………………10  Country presentation……………………………….11  Movie night………………………………………………11
  • 3. 2 Introduction This short Manuel is the result of work during the internship at The Pestalozzi Children's Village. First of all I want to say thank you for Susan, Nina and Cha for space, support, understanding and amazing moments during the last two weeks. Also I want to say thank you to Pestalozzi children foundation on this unique opportunity. Together we created great learning experience for children and supervisors from Belorussia during their exchange program in Switzerland. This document refers on activities which I prepared and which we implemented during the course time. Some of activities such as: Tube paste challenge, Toys and gender, Money pocket (PBL workshop); I designed particularly for this course and I will be glad if you continue to use them. "Prototyping is the conversation you have with your ideas." Tom Wujec “Woman rights are human rights” Hillary Clinton
  • 4. 3 Workshop: What we call gender, what we call sex? . Classroom experience - proposal: a) PINK ROOM for BOYS - Madomi + additional classroom (2 groups in Madomi , 2 groups in additional classroom) b) BLUE ROOM for GIRLS – Momo + additional classroom (2 groups in Momo, 2 groups in additional classroom) * one table with 5 chairs per group, 2 tables in Madomi and so on. On every table will be picture according to topic with instruction (English and Belarusian). Groups - proposal: a) In front of school after warm up we will pass two boxes – PINK and BLUE. In PINK box will be next animals on small papers (cat, fox, panda, and mouse). In BLUE box will be next animals on small papers (dog, tiger, lion, and horse). 5 papers per each animal. Girls can choose only animals from BLUE box, boys can choose animals only from PINK box. On the end we will have 8 groups. b) Instruction – Guys we will work in small team according to your animal. You have to answer on simple question which wait for you on tables – on your place for work. Find your animal tribe and follow supervisors and trainers. Every Supervisor and trainer have one animal on A4 paper. They will show where your place for work is. Group task: a) Cat – boys will draw a WOMAN (vice versa for girls: dog will draw a MAN) b) Fox – boys will make a list of things associated with idea of being a WOMAN in intimate relationship. Question: What characterized woman as mother, sister, daughter, girlfriend, friend? 10 things – one thing per paper (vice versa for girls: lion) c) Panda – boys will answer on question: What means being a Woman according to outlook. List 10 things which characterized woman according to her outlook. (vice versa for girls: tiger) d) Mouse – boys will answer on question: Think about woman abilities. What woman can do (which jobs general and in the house, think about sport and so on)? (vice versa for girls: horse) Objective: To understand the differences between sex and gender and reflect on the ways that men and women are expected to act. Materials required: Flipchart paper and markers. Recommended time: 1 hour Notes: Group has challenge with language, don’t understand English. Translation is very slowly and you can lose point. Solution – divide in small groups (maximum 5 persons per group). Clear questions with posters who are associated with topic. Number of participants: Until 40.
  • 5. 4 Output: 1) 30 things for what means be a WOMAN and 30 things for what means be a MAN 2) Pictures – WOMAN and MAN Procedure: 1) Two columns on the wall in the first column write “man.” In the second column write “woman.” Put associated things below. 2) Ask question: What MAN has WOMAN doesn’t have? Vice versa for WOMAN (write on the green paper. Put associated things below. 3) Exchange the titles of the columns putting “woman” in the place of “man” and vice versa. Ask the participants if the characteristics mentioned for men could also be attributed to women and vice versa. Discussion:  What does it mean to be a man? What does it mean to be a woman?  What is a man’s role in an intimate relationship? What is a woman’s role?  How does a man express his emotions? Is this different from how a woman expresses her emotions? Why do you think that it is different?  Are our perceptions about the roles of men and women affected by what your family and friends think? How?  Do the media have an effect on gender norms? Closing: Throughout our lives, we receive messages from family, media, and society about how we should act as men and how we should relate to women and to other men. It is important to understand that although there are differences between men and women, many of these differences are constructed by society, and are not part of our nature or biological make-up. Even so, these differences can have fundamental impacts on men’s and women’s daily lives and relationships. For example, a man is often expected to always be strong and dominant in his relationships with others, including with his intimate partners. At the same time, a woman is often expected to be submissive to a man’s authority. Many of these rigid gender stereotypes have consequences for both men and women, as you will be discussing throughout these sessions. As you become more aware of how some gender stereotypes can negatively impact both men and women, you can think constructively about how to challenge them and promote more positive gender roles and relations in your lives and communities. Resources Terms:  Sex – refers to the biological attributes and characteristics that identify a person as male or female
  • 6. 5  Sexuality – refers to the expression of our feelings, thoughts and behaviors as men or women. It includes our feelings of attractiveness, being in love and our behaviors in intimate relationships.  Gender – refers to the socially constructed differences and inequalities between men and women (for example, how they should dress and behave). These ideas and expectations are learned through families, friends, religious and cultural institutions, schools, workplaces and the media. Animals: download Posters: download Introduction activity: Mirror Procedure: 1) Ask the participants make line according to colour of their hair. When participants make a line pleased them that every second person makes step forward. Turn and get into pairs. Each pair should then decide which one of them will be the “person” and which will be the “mirror’. Explain that, within each pair, the “mirror” must imitate every movement done by the “person”. Give them 2-3 minutes to do this. 2) Ask each pair to switch roles and to repeat the process. But person now has rally power. What “person” say “mirror” has to do. Person now give orders. Short discussion: What happen? How you feel as a person? How you feel as a mirror? When you think about your community who has the biggest power? Closing: Connection: - Between how they use power during the activity (usual participants are less more violent) and clear examples: media, teachers, parents, friends and so on. - Role models in media - How they use power in relationship with your young brother or sister, friends, family. (TIME FOR PERSONAL STORY OF TRAINER) - With how we will use power as directors or politician Objective: To increase awareness about the existence of power in relationships and in community. Notes: Make connection with between power and discimination Recommended time: 30 min
  • 7. 6 Workshop: Labeling Procedure: 1) Please group to seat on chairs, relax and close eyes. Play some cool music. 2) Emphasize that is for this activity very important to be silence. Communication is not aloud. 3) Write different tags and put them in people’s forehead. On the bag put white empty paper. Then ask them stand up and to treat persons according to next labels (participants will get up, walking around through the classroom and write on the white paper what they think about person according to the label): 1. Prostitute, 2. Teacher, 3. Doctor, 4. Child with handicap, 5. Director of bank, 6. Cleaver, 7. Housewife, 8. Gay, 9. Stupid, 10. Rapper 4) Solo moment. When group finished, pleased students to read what is written on the bag – for themselves 5) Split them in the pairs and ask them to share how they feel 6) World caffe – 40min (4 station – translator on every station explain what other wrote) - Station 1 - Why do people label others? - Station 2 - How is labelling connected with the power? - Station 3 - How can you avoid labelling others? - Station 4 - How can you encourage other young people to not label others? Closing: Labels and stereotypes affect people as individuals as well as their relationships with others. It is important to think critically about how you treat people and the way that people treat you and how you can “unlearn” some of the ways that you interact with others. For example, how to not: - Be judgmental of someone before you get to know them; - Use labels or negative nicknames; - Discriminate based on sex, religion, ethnicity, or socioeconomic class; - Make someone in the family and/or community a scapegoat; Notes: It is important to make sure that none of the participants become aggressive or offended by any of the labels used. Objective: To recognize how labeling people can limit individual potential and affect relationships.All pstudents understand how “power” affect our behavior. Recommended time: 1 hour Materials required: Labels x 40. White papers x 40. Markers. Number of participants: Until 40.
  • 8. 7 - Be inflexible in your attitudes; - Show indifference, silence, or spite. The feeling of belonging to a group and being accepted for who we are, are fundamental for learning and for developing our individual and collective potential. As you move forward with these sessions and with your daily lives, you should actively try to move beyond labels and be more open-minded in how you relate to others. ***Play video – LOVE HAS NO LABELS on the end. Resources Labels: blue, , red, green Closing activity: Tube paste challenge Procedure: 1. Be sure that every participant has Tube Paste 2. Pleased them to sit down on the flour and to put Tube Paste in plate in front of them 3. Pleased participants to squeeze Tube Paste in a plate 4. Calmly ask participants to slowly bring back paste into the Tube Discussion: 1. Was interesting to bring back paste into the tube? Why? 2. How can you relate this process with labelling? Closing: "You will remember this plate of toothpaste for the rest of your life. Your words have the power of life or death. As you go into middle school, you are about to see just how much weight your words carry. You are going to have the opportunity to use your words to hurt, demean, slander and wound others. Objective: all participants understand how are powerful their words Recommended time: 15min Materials required: Tube paste, Plate, Napkins
  • 9. 8 You are also going to have the opportunity to use your words to heal, encourage, inspire and love others. You will occasionally make the wrong choice; I can think of three times this week I have used my own words carelessly and caused harm. Just like this toothpaste, once the words leave your mouth, you can't take them back. Use your words carefully, Breonna. When others are misusing their words, guard your words. Make the choice every morning that life-giving words will come out of your mouth. Decide tonight that you are going to be a life-giver in middle school. Be known for your gentleness and compassion. Use your life to give life to a world that so desperately needs it. You will never, ever regret choosing kindness." Amy Beth Gardner Resources Amy Beth Gardner - challenge Workshop: Toys and gender Procedure: 1. Divide group in teams (5 persons per team) 2. Instruction - you will finally use yours mobile phones. Please search (write on table), find category toys and find the best present for your young brother or sister for 20 dollars! Imagine they have only 5 years. You have to show your choice. 3. Presentation – every group have to present and to explain why they choose that toy. 4. Watching video – Topic: How toys influenced gender roles? 5. Toys and Gender – Questions (individually) 15minutes 6. Closing: Judith Elaine Blakemore, a psychology professor at Indiana University-Purdue University in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Jeffrey Trawick-Smith, professor at Eastern Connecticut State University in Willmantic, Objective: - All participants understand how toys undesratnd gender roles - All participants develop critical point of view according to toys industry Recommended time: 1h Notes: Group of 5 maximum Materials required: Internet, Paper with questions, Pencils Number of participants: Until 40
  • 10. 9 Connecticut, evaluated popular toys on the market to identify gender typing. The duo found toys marketed for boys, including guns and soldiers, focused on fighting and aggression. The message for girls centered on appearance, including toy jewelry, costumes and play makeup. Other male messages, according to Blakemore and Trawick-Smith, included competition, excitement and an element of danger, but female signals focused on domestic skills. The researchers also found that toys with moderate gender typing for boys tend to encourage academic, artistic and musical skills, while toys with the same moderate gender typing for girls didn't encourage developing any of these traits. Resources Video: download Question: download Workshop: Money pocket - #equalpay Entry event – preaparation classroom a) One important thing – boys and girls have to see each other. Therefore they have to do this activity in SAME place/classroom b) Divide classroom using a rope. On one side for boys, another for girls. c) Put 20 chairs on one side and 20 chairs on another d) Same “number” of windows for every group e) Prepare water, soup, towels for cleaning f) SAME JOB = SAME PAY Entry event steps: 1) Clean mass and if you finish in 20 minutes I will give you reward – your money pocket for today 2) Make two columns – boys and girls. Reward for boys 4 piece of chocolate. Reward for girl is one piece of chocolate. Important: communication with boys – bravo! You did great job, this is for you, I hope so this is enough. Communication with girls - Please next time clean better, you have to work faster, I think is not enough clean. Did you clean everything? 3) Watching video - #equalfuture 4) Facts – for this part I used some statistic data according to equal pay (my friends made research and is not allowed to use that without asking) 5) Short discussion (just one question) - Why woman receive less money than boys for the same jobs? Driving question: - *How can Pesstalozzi promote equal pay on Facebook? Support: + Clear examples – in this case about facebook campaign, Net, Materials, Clothes, Chart paper, Markers Space for work Resources Posters: download and Video – equal future: download
  • 11. 10 Workshop: Leaded fantasy Procedure: 1) Introduce activity and emphasize that we are not here to change your mind! We are here because of understanding. We just want to offer opportunity to you to understand people who are “different” 2) Play some nice music 3) Introduce that is for this activity very important to be silence. 4) Ask participants to close their eyes and try to fit in the role from the story. 5) Read the story from the resource sheet. 6) After reading a story, lead the discussion based on the questions Discussion: 1) How did you feel, as heterosexual person in homosexual world? 2) Can this be a realistic situation? 3) What do you think; do homosexuals feel like you did in the story? 4) Why is it difficult for homosexuals to live in environment such as ours? 5) Is it really important what your sexual orientation is? 6) What can we do to stop discrimination and homophobia? Resources Story: download Objective: To make participants identify with a person who is a homo- sexual, and to make them more sensitive and to influence on their attitudes related to homophobia.
  • 12. 11 Country presentation Serbia was presented trough for “station”, every station cover different topic: 1. Did you know? (facts about Serbia) PPT 2. If 100 people live in Serbia PPT 3. Serbia land coloured with life (geography/land) (video) 4. Food (video) Movie night We played Tagged movie. A short drama that traces the repercussions for a group of three high school friends who blog a rumour about a rival student. Cyberbullying, sexting, filmed fights and police involvement ensue, will these friends avoid being tagged forever? Aimed at teenagers 14 years and over, Tagged is designed to start conversations to help young people understand how their online actions can all too easily have real life consequences. The Australian Communications and Media Authority developed the Tagged script, drawing on its own research study, as well as seeking input from young people in the target audience. Tagged Deniz Hoti Executive director Connecting people Mobile: +41 76 483 78 39 email: denizht@hotmail Empower student at Pestalozzi Children's Foundation Kinderdorfstrasse 20, 9043 Trogen / Switzerland