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Gemini Trailer


   Stayed the same             Changes / Improvements
Scene: 1

                    What happening: This shot of the logo of our
                    company. The logo will fade in ad out again.

                    Camera angle/movement: N/A

                    Special effects: Fading In and Fading out

                    Sound: Fade in of the Lilly sing a nursery rhyme.

                    Why? The reason why we decided to include
                    our logo was because were wanted to establish
                    that our company created this trailer. It also
                    shows our how professional we wanted our
                    trailer to look. We research a lot into trailer that
                    were already created by big film companies.

Scene: 2

                                 What happening: This shot will be the setting of
                                 the whole film. The aim of this shot is to show
                                 the audience where the film is set, what sort of
                                 location it is in and the time period.

                                 Camera angle/movement: the angle of this shot
                                 will be a long/wide shot of the house and the
                                 movement of the camera will be shaky at the
                                 beginning and then still through out the rest of
                                 the shot.

I felt that wee needed to        Special effects: when this shot enter it will be
change this scene because        shaky to create the effect that the audience are
when we looked at the footage    tuning into the story.
it didn’t come out as we
wanted it so we decided to use   Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue
the still photos we took which   throughout this shot. And the background tune
was actually meant for are       will be introduced with a fade in between scene
location report.                 1 and 2
Scene: 3

                                         What happening: In this scene the
                                         daughter is looking shared while reading a
                                         book and with a teddy in her lap. Her eyes
                                         will be looking at the door in the room.
                                         She will be acting scared and threatened
                                         by the foot steps she is hearing. This scene
                                         was change to have the girl sitting on her

                                         Camera angle/movement: Cut in with her
                                         facial expressions and cut outs of the door
                                         in the next shot. The camera will be a long
The reason why we changed this           shot with some close ups.
scene was because when we were I
was planning the framing of the          Special effects: Darkening the scene
scene I was not clear on the size of
the area we were working with. I did     Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue
have a bit of an idea from jess but it   through out this clip as well as the
was not until we got to the location     background sound.
that we could make the right
Scene: was originally 5 but now 4

                                             What happening: The shadow of the foot steps
                                             will appear at the bottom of the door, from right
                                             to left. The foot steps will pause in the middle of
                                             the door for a second and the carry on to the

                                             Camera angle/movement: the camera will be a
                                             wide shot of the door and stationary.

                                             Special effects: Fade in

                                             Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue
                                             through out this clip as well as the background

In this scene we mostly stock to everything that we wanted to achieve of this it just in post-
production which we change the position of the scene in the trailer because it looked butted
in right after the girl on her bed. We didn't find foot steps which we like for the sound effect
do we just continues with the nursery rhyme.
Scene: was originally 3 but now 5

                                           What happening: Shot of door

                                           Camera angle/movement: The camera will be
                                           stationary and will be a wide shot of the door.

                                           Special effects: dark lighting in the room. White
                                           light around the door especially emphasized at
                                           the bottom of the door.

                                           Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue
                                           through out this clip as well as the background
When we took this photo we wanted          sound.
create a light effect around the edge of
the door with footsteps at the bottom
blocking some of the light.
Unfortunately we found it really hard
to achieve what we wanted for the
photo so we just decided to dull the
image out
Scene: N/A

                                       What happening: Black scene.

                                       Camera angle/movement: none.

                                       Special effects: none.

                                       Sound: background music, and foot steps as
                                       special effects.

Deleted Scene
Was felt that when we were editing that this
scene was not necessary for multiple reasons
because it the two door scenes were pretty dark
be for so the fade out of them made it look like
there was a black out already also it made the
whole trailer longer which we didn’t need.
Scene: 4

What happening: This shot will be of the good
twin looking scared because she will have just
seen the shadow of the footsteps at the bottom
of the door.

Camera angle/movement: The camera will be
stationary and the shot will be a close up of the
girls face.

Special effects: none.

Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue
through out this clip as well as the background
Scene: 5

What happening: The shadow of the foot steps
will appear at the bottom of the door, from right
to left. The foot steps will pause in the middle of
the door for a second and the carry on to the

Camera angle/movement: the camera will be a
wide shot of the door and stationary.

Special effects: dark lighting in the room. White
light around the door especially emphasized at
the bottom of the door.

Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue
through out this clip as well as the background
Scene: 8

                                       What happening: Black scene.

                                       Camera angle/movement: none.

                                       Special effects: none.

                                       Sound: Narration and background sound

Deleted Scene
Was felt that when we were editing that this
scene was not necessary for multiple reasons
because it the two door scenes were pretty dark
be for so the fade out of them made it look like
there was a black out already also it made the
whole trailer longer which we didn’t need.
We add an extra scene in the trailer while we
were editing because I felt that the trailer didn’t
show the audience enough of the story line to
even grasp an idea of what the film might be
When I discussed this with my group we came up
with the idea of adding a short and simple
sentence in front of a still image. Our idea
developed into adding white text in front of a
dark cemetery image, in the font of a child's
Scene: 7

                                     What happening: This will be a scene with the
                                     daughter playing with her twin in the living

                                     Camera angle/movement: The camera will be
                                     at a slight low angle and will be mid shot of the
                                     two characters.

                                     Special effects: none.

                                     Sound: Narration, background sound and some
                                     sounds of the two kids talking and toy sounds.

This scene we decided to extent in
the editing process because we
found that it was really effective
and scary. We added a reference to
one of the classic horror film
Scene: 8

                      What happening: Black scene.

                      Camera angle/movement: none.

                      Special effects: none.

                      Sound: Narration and background sound

To create a scary tension building effect on the
While we were filming we came up with the ide of adding
an extra scene leading up to the mother arrival into the
living room there are four shot within this scene while
they are form four different angle which are; long
shot, panning, close up and over there shoulder. We
thought that these different angle would show the
journey in an interesting and unusual way. The shot all
cut in and out of one another to show our editing
Scene: 10

                                       What happening: In this scene the mother will
                                       be looking in to the living room where the
                                       daughter is playing by herself. There will also be
                                       a over the shoulder shot of the mother to show
                                       the audience what she is looking at. When the
                                       mother turns away in the second part of this
                                       shot the daughter will be shown with the twin.

                                       Camera angle/movement: The camera will be a
                                       long shot to start with then cut closer to an over
                                       the shoulder. Cut in and cut outs will be used to
                                       show the whole situation
We didn’t include the scene of the
bad twin talking to the good twin in
                                       Special effects: none.
the living room because when we
were filming we found it very hard
                                       Sound: Narration, background sound and
and time consuming to get the shot
                                       daughter talking to herself.
set up right and how we wanted it to
turn out. So when we were editing
we made the decision to not include
the part of the scene.
Scene: 11

                                  What happening: This is the front view of when
                                  the mother is looking at the daughter playing by
                                  her self in the living room.

                                  Camera angle/movement: Mid shot

                                  Special effects: none.

                                  Sound: background sound and daughter talking
                                  to herself a little bit louder as it is from the
                                  daughter point of view.

In this scene we just added the
mother speaking to the twin         At this point the narration has
saying “what is going on?”          stop and the background music
                                    is still on going throughout the
There is a short clip that we added in right after
what the mother said. The shot is a continuation
of scene ten with the over the should shot of the
mother looking at the daughter
We add an extra scene in the trailer while we
were editing because I felt that the trailer didn’t
show the audience enough of the story line to
even grasp an idea of what the film might be
When I discussed this with my group we came up
with the idea of adding a short and simple
sentence in front of a still image. Our idea
developed into adding white text in front of a
dark cemetery image, in the font of a child's
Scene: 12

                                      What happening: Black scene.

                                      Camera angle/movement: none.

                                      Special effects: none.

                                      Sound: Background sound and some tension
                                      building sound effect.

Deleted Scene
Was felt that when we were editing that this
scene was not necessary for multiple reasons
one of the reasons were it made the whole
trailer longer which we didn’t need.
Scene: 13

What happening: The daughter is talking to the
twin and wringing in her diary in this scene.

Camera angle/movement: over the shoulder
with come cut ins of the twin and the pen

Special effects: tension building and zooming in
to shot.

Sound: background sound and daughter talking
to twin.
We added another scene of the mother asking
who the good twin was talking too while leads on
to a close up shot of the twin answering the
mother. We felt that it would accompany the
trailer really well as it added more suspense and
Scene: 14

What happening: Daughter looks up while her
mother is asking her a question.

Camera angle/movement: Close up/ mid shot
and camera is stationary.

Special effects: none.

Sound: Mother asking daughter who she is
talking too. Daughter responds with the twins
name. No back ground music of narration.
While filming we thought of another idea which would
scare the audience while watching the trailer. We later
dubbed on the sound effect of the doors slamming while
that camera was panning around the room.
Scene: 15

                                        What happening: This will be a long shot of the
                                        room while the two twins are talking and the
                                        good one is writing in her diary.

                                        Camera angle/movement: Long shot of

                                        Special effects: none.

                                        Sound: Background sound and daughter talking
                                        to twin.

Deleted Scene
Was felt that when we were editing that this scene was not
necessary for multiple reasons one of the reasons were it
made the whole trailer longer which we didn’t need. We
decided to film the clip differently once we got to Jessica’s
house because we felt it would work better. Instead we
decided to just have the bad twin in the clip.
Scene: 15

                                         What happening: This is when the mother is
                                         walking past the bedroom and sees that the
                                         daughter is talking to herself again.

                                         Camera angle/movement: Tracking to the left
                                         and a full body shot of the mother.

                                         Special effects: none

                                         Sound: Light footsteps from mother and
                                         background music.

Deleted Scene/ NEW
Was felt that when we were editing that this scene was not necessary for multiple
reasons one of the reasons were it made the whole trailer longer which we didn’t need.
Also we realised the clip was not relevant to what we wanted to achieve so we took the
whole clip out and tried to the same this in the clip leading up to the mother entering the
living room.
Scene: 17

                                      What happening: Mother response to
                                      daughters comment (shocked)

                                      Camera angle/movement: Close up and

                                      Special effects: None

                                      Sound: Background sounds building tension.

Deleted Scene
Was felt that when we were editing that this
scene was not necessary for multiple reasons
one of the reasons were it made the whole
trailer longer which we didn’t need.
Scene: 18

What happening: Black scene.

Camera angle/movement: none.

Special effects: none.

Sound: Background sounds building tension.
Scene: 19

                                        What happening: Mother walking past
                                        daughter room and see diary. She comes in and
                                        puts it up.

                                        Camera angle/movement: The scene will start
                                        of with a long shot of the bedroom there will be
                                        a cut in of the mother walking towards the

                                        Special effects: None.

                                        Sound: Background sounds building tension.
We still decided to film this clip but instead when we cam e
to the filming of this clip we found a different approach to
filming it which would create a more dramatic affect.
We decided to have the mother walk into the room into
the room and pick up the diary and leave. This leads on to
a scene of the mother walking on the landing were the
camera continues to move while she stands still.
Scene: 20

What happening: the burning of the dairy

Camera angle/movement: Close ups

Special effects: None

Sound: Background sounds building tension and
burning flames.
Scene: 21

What happening: Black scene.

Camera angle/movement: none.

Special effects: none.

Sound: Background sounds building tension and
flames fading out.
We add an extra scene in the trailer while we
were editing because I felt that the trailer didn’t
show the audience enough of the story line to
even grasp an idea of what the film might be
When I discussed this with my group we came up
with the idea of adding a short and simple
sentence in front of a still image. Our idea
developed into adding white text in front of a
dark cemetery image, in the font of a child's
Scene: 22

               What happening: Rewinding of whole trailer

               Camera angle/movement: N/A

               Special effects: None

               Sound: Rewinding sound effect.

In this scene we decided to only revers the main bit
on the trailer not the whole thing. Also we added
the home videos in throughout the revers instead of
all at the end.
Scene: 23

                                      What happening: Clips of when the little girl
                                      was younger. Home movie effect. In the scene
                                      the daughter will be playing on the swing with
                                      her mother and the twin will be in the
                                      background hiding.

                                      Camera angle/movement: Long shot

                                      Special effects: None

                                      Sound: Background sounds building tension and
                                      the sound of swings lightly.

This scene of the home videos which was indented for the end
ended up being placed through out the reversal of the trailer. We
also added some extra sound effect on top of the background sound
to create tension and suspense with in the audience.
Scene: 24

What happening: Black scene.

Camera angle/movement: none.

Special effects: none.

Sound: Silent
Scene: 25

What happening: Title appears

Camera angle/movement: N/A

Special effects: Fading in

Sound: Soft background sounds
Scene: 26

What happening: Date appears

Camera angle/movement: N/A

Special effects: Fading in

Sound: Soft background sounds at the end a
strong beat to end the trailer.

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Gemini trailer improvments and changes

  • 1. Gemini Trailer (CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS) By Vanessa Stayed the same Changes / Improvements
  • 2. Scene: 1 What happening: This shot of the logo of our company. The logo will fade in ad out again. Camera angle/movement: N/A Special effects: Fading In and Fading out Sound: Fade in of the Lilly sing a nursery rhyme. Why? The reason why we decided to include our logo was because were wanted to establish that our company created this trailer. It also shows our how professional we wanted our trailer to look. We research a lot into trailer that were already created by big film companies. NEW SCENE ADDED!!
  • 3. Scene: 2 What happening: This shot will be the setting of the whole film. The aim of this shot is to show the audience where the film is set, what sort of location it is in and the time period. Camera angle/movement: the angle of this shot will be a long/wide shot of the house and the movement of the camera will be shaky at the beginning and then still through out the rest of the shot. I felt that wee needed to Special effects: when this shot enter it will be change this scene because shaky to create the effect that the audience are when we looked at the footage tuning into the story. it didn’t come out as we wanted it so we decided to use Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue the still photos we took which throughout this shot. And the background tune was actually meant for are will be introduced with a fade in between scene location report. 1 and 2
  • 4. Scene: 3 What happening: In this scene the daughter is looking shared while reading a book and with a teddy in her lap. Her eyes will be looking at the door in the room. She will be acting scared and threatened by the foot steps she is hearing. This scene was change to have the girl sitting on her bed. Camera angle/movement: Cut in with her facial expressions and cut outs of the door in the next shot. The camera will be a long The reason why we changed this shot with some close ups. scene was because when we were I was planning the framing of the Special effects: Darkening the scene scene I was not clear on the size of the area we were working with. I did Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue have a bit of an idea from jess but it through out this clip as well as the was not until we got to the location background sound. that we could make the right decision.
  • 5. Scene: was originally 5 but now 4 What happening: The shadow of the foot steps will appear at the bottom of the door, from right to left. The foot steps will pause in the middle of the door for a second and the carry on to the left. Camera angle/movement: the camera will be a wide shot of the door and stationary. Special effects: Fade in Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue through out this clip as well as the background sound. In this scene we mostly stock to everything that we wanted to achieve of this it just in post- production which we change the position of the scene in the trailer because it looked butted in right after the girl on her bed. We didn't find foot steps which we like for the sound effect do we just continues with the nursery rhyme.
  • 6. Scene: was originally 3 but now 5 What happening: Shot of door Camera angle/movement: The camera will be stationary and will be a wide shot of the door. Special effects: dark lighting in the room. White light around the door especially emphasized at the bottom of the door. Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue through out this clip as well as the background When we took this photo we wanted sound. create a light effect around the edge of the door with footsteps at the bottom blocking some of the light. Unfortunately we found it really hard to achieve what we wanted for the photo so we just decided to dull the image out
  • 7. Scene: N/A What happening: Black scene. Camera angle/movement: none. Special effects: none. Sound: background music, and foot steps as special effects. Deleted Scene Was felt that when we were editing that this scene was not necessary for multiple reasons because it the two door scenes were pretty dark be for so the fade out of them made it look like there was a black out already also it made the whole trailer longer which we didn’t need.
  • 8. Scene: 4 What happening: This shot will be of the good twin looking scared because she will have just seen the shadow of the footsteps at the bottom of the door. Camera angle/movement: The camera will be stationary and the shot will be a close up of the girls face. Special effects: none. Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue through out this clip as well as the background sound.
  • 9. Scene: 5 What happening: The shadow of the foot steps will appear at the bottom of the door, from right to left. The foot steps will pause in the middle of the door for a second and the carry on to the left. Camera angle/movement: the camera will be a wide shot of the door and stationary. Special effects: dark lighting in the room. White light around the door especially emphasized at the bottom of the door. Sound: The nursery rhyme will continue through out this clip as well as the background sound.
  • 10. Scene: 8 What happening: Black scene. Camera angle/movement: none. Special effects: none. Sound: Narration and background sound Deleted Scene Was felt that when we were editing that this scene was not necessary for multiple reasons because it the two door scenes were pretty dark be for so the fade out of them made it look like there was a black out already also it made the whole trailer longer which we didn’t need.
  • 11. NEW SCENE We add an extra scene in the trailer while we were editing because I felt that the trailer didn’t show the audience enough of the story line to even grasp an idea of what the film might be about. When I discussed this with my group we came up with the idea of adding a short and simple sentence in front of a still image. Our idea developed into adding white text in front of a dark cemetery image, in the font of a child's handwriting.
  • 12. Scene: 7 What happening: This will be a scene with the daughter playing with her twin in the living room. Camera angle/movement: The camera will be at a slight low angle and will be mid shot of the two characters. Special effects: none. Sound: Narration, background sound and some sounds of the two kids talking and toy sounds. This scene we decided to extent in the editing process because we found that it was really effective and scary. We added a reference to one of the classic horror film trailers.
  • 13. Scene: 8 What happening: Black scene. Camera angle/movement: none. Special effects: none. Sound: Narration and background sound NEW SCENE To create a scary tension building effect on the audience
  • 14. NEW SCENE/S While we were filming we came up with the ide of adding an extra scene leading up to the mother arrival into the living room there are four shot within this scene while they are form four different angle which are; long shot, panning, close up and over there shoulder. We thought that these different angle would show the journey in an interesting and unusual way. The shot all cut in and out of one another to show our editing technique.
  • 15. Scene: 10 What happening: In this scene the mother will be looking in to the living room where the daughter is playing by herself. There will also be a over the shoulder shot of the mother to show the audience what she is looking at. When the mother turns away in the second part of this shot the daughter will be shown with the twin. Camera angle/movement: The camera will be a long shot to start with then cut closer to an over the shoulder. Cut in and cut outs will be used to show the whole situation We didn’t include the scene of the bad twin talking to the good twin in Special effects: none. the living room because when we were filming we found it very hard Sound: Narration, background sound and and time consuming to get the shot daughter talking to herself. set up right and how we wanted it to turn out. So when we were editing we made the decision to not include the part of the scene.
  • 16. Scene: 11 What happening: This is the front view of when the mother is looking at the daughter playing by her self in the living room. Camera angle/movement: Mid shot Special effects: none. Sound: background sound and daughter talking to herself a little bit louder as it is from the daughter point of view. In this scene we just added the mother speaking to the twin At this point the narration has saying “what is going on?” stop and the background music is still on going throughout the scenes.
  • 17. NEW SCENE There is a short clip that we added in right after what the mother said. The shot is a continuation of scene ten with the over the should shot of the mother looking at the daughter
  • 18. NEW SCENE We add an extra scene in the trailer while we were editing because I felt that the trailer didn’t show the audience enough of the story line to even grasp an idea of what the film might be about. When I discussed this with my group we came up with the idea of adding a short and simple sentence in front of a still image. Our idea developed into adding white text in front of a dark cemetery image, in the font of a child's handwriting.
  • 19. Scene: 12 What happening: Black scene. Camera angle/movement: none. Special effects: none. Sound: Background sound and some tension building sound effect. Deleted Scene Was felt that when we were editing that this scene was not necessary for multiple reasons one of the reasons were it made the whole trailer longer which we didn’t need.
  • 20. Scene: 13 What happening: The daughter is talking to the twin and wringing in her diary in this scene. Camera angle/movement: over the shoulder with come cut ins of the twin and the pen writing. Special effects: tension building and zooming in to shot. Sound: background sound and daughter talking to twin.
  • 21. NEW SCENE We added another scene of the mother asking who the good twin was talking too while leads on to a close up shot of the twin answering the mother. We felt that it would accompany the trailer really well as it added more suspense and interest.
  • 22. Scene: 14 What happening: Daughter looks up while her mother is asking her a question. Camera angle/movement: Close up/ mid shot and camera is stationary. Special effects: none. Sound: Mother asking daughter who she is talking too. Daughter responds with the twins name. No back ground music of narration.
  • 23. NEW SCENE/S While filming we thought of another idea which would scare the audience while watching the trailer. We later dubbed on the sound effect of the doors slamming while that camera was panning around the room.
  • 24. Scene: 15 What happening: This will be a long shot of the room while the two twins are talking and the good one is writing in her diary. Camera angle/movement: Long shot of bedroom. Special effects: none. Sound: Background sound and daughter talking to twin. Deleted Scene Was felt that when we were editing that this scene was not necessary for multiple reasons one of the reasons were it made the whole trailer longer which we didn’t need. We decided to film the clip differently once we got to Jessica’s house because we felt it would work better. Instead we decided to just have the bad twin in the clip.
  • 25. Scene: 15 What happening: This is when the mother is walking past the bedroom and sees that the daughter is talking to herself again. Camera angle/movement: Tracking to the left and a full body shot of the mother. Special effects: none Sound: Light footsteps from mother and background music. Deleted Scene/ NEW Was felt that when we were editing that this scene was not necessary for multiple reasons one of the reasons were it made the whole trailer longer which we didn’t need. Also we realised the clip was not relevant to what we wanted to achieve so we took the whole clip out and tried to the same this in the clip leading up to the mother entering the living room.
  • 26. Scene: 17 What happening: Mother response to daughters comment (shocked) Camera angle/movement: Close up and stationary Special effects: None Sound: Background sounds building tension. Deleted Scene Was felt that when we were editing that this scene was not necessary for multiple reasons one of the reasons were it made the whole trailer longer which we didn’t need.
  • 27. Scene: 18 What happening: Black scene. Camera angle/movement: none. Special effects: none. Sound: Background sounds building tension.
  • 28. Scene: 19 What happening: Mother walking past daughter room and see diary. She comes in and puts it up. Camera angle/movement: The scene will start of with a long shot of the bedroom there will be a cut in of the mother walking towards the diary. Special effects: None. Sound: Background sounds building tension. We still decided to film this clip but instead when we cam e to the filming of this clip we found a different approach to filming it which would create a more dramatic affect. We decided to have the mother walk into the room into the room and pick up the diary and leave. This leads on to a scene of the mother walking on the landing were the camera continues to move while she stands still.
  • 29. Scene: 20 What happening: the burning of the dairy Camera angle/movement: Close ups Special effects: None Sound: Background sounds building tension and burning flames.
  • 30. Scene: 21 What happening: Black scene. Camera angle/movement: none. Special effects: none. Sound: Background sounds building tension and flames fading out.
  • 31. NEW SCENE We add an extra scene in the trailer while we were editing because I felt that the trailer didn’t show the audience enough of the story line to even grasp an idea of what the film might be about. When I discussed this with my group we came up with the idea of adding a short and simple sentence in front of a still image. Our idea developed into adding white text in front of a dark cemetery image, in the font of a child's handwriting.
  • 32. Scene: 22 What happening: Rewinding of whole trailer Camera angle/movement: N/A Special effects: None Sound: Rewinding sound effect. In this scene we decided to only revers the main bit on the trailer not the whole thing. Also we added the home videos in throughout the revers instead of all at the end.
  • 33. Scene: 23 What happening: Clips of when the little girl was younger. Home movie effect. In the scene the daughter will be playing on the swing with her mother and the twin will be in the background hiding. Camera angle/movement: Long shot Special effects: None Sound: Background sounds building tension and the sound of swings lightly. CHANGED Scene This scene of the home videos which was indented for the end ended up being placed through out the reversal of the trailer. We also added some extra sound effect on top of the background sound to create tension and suspense with in the audience.
  • 34. Scene: 24 What happening: Black scene. Camera angle/movement: none. Special effects: none. Sound: Silent
  • 35. Scene: 25 What happening: Title appears Camera angle/movement: N/A Special effects: Fading in Sound: Soft background sounds
  • 36. Scene: 26 What happening: Date appears Camera angle/movement: N/A Special effects: Fading in Sound: Soft background sounds at the end a strong beat to end the trailer.