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More than a marketing channel:
CMOs and the mobile imperative


  Local-based services           QR codes       Personal emails   GPS
  Social networking              Web browsing   Blogs             Video
  WiFi                   ©TNS   2012 wallet
                                 Mobile         Online purchase   E-tailers

                    Acknowledgements							04

                    Introduction: the mobile imperative						06

                    Overview: the game changer						12

                    Changing face of the mobile brand						   16

                    Mobilising the path to purchase 						    26

                    A new way to pay					                     36

                    Leveraging mobile loyalty							44

                    Executive summary							48

                    About the author							50

2   © 2012 TNS                                     3
1                    Acknowledgements
                     Many thanks to MaryLee Sachs for conducting these interviews
                     and to all our contributors:

                     Jack Armstrong                            Mike Hogan	
                     BASF                                      GameStop 	
                     Chief Marketing Officer                   Chief Marketing Officer

                     Paul Berney                               Mike Hornigold	
                     Mobile Marketing Association              The Coca Cola Company 	
                     CMO & Managing Director EMEA              Director of Emerging Shopper Technologies,
                                                               Global Shopper Development
                     Laurence Bresh
                     Visit Britain                             Lauri Kien Kotcher
                     Global Marketing Director                 Godiva 	
                                                               Chief Marketing Officer
                     Doug Busk	
                     The Coca Cola Company                     Nicolas Maurer	
                     Mobile Brand Strategy,                    Beiersdorf 	
                     Global Connections                        Chief Marketing Officer

                     Hugh Chambers	                            Tricia Nichols	
                     British Olympic Association               Gap	
                     Chief Commercial Officer                  Global Lead Consumer Engagement,
                                                               Media Strategy & Brand Partnerships
                     Wendy Clark	
                     The Coca Cola Company 	                   Simon Sproule	
                     SVP Integrated Marketing & Capabilities   Nissan 	
                                                               CVP, Global Marketing Communications
                     Jim Gurke	
                     Getty Images 	                            Joanna Wang	
                     Chief Marketing Officer                   L’Oreal 	
                                                               CMO, Greater China

4   © 2012 TNS                                                                       5

Introduction: the
mobile imperative
                                   Significant opportunities emerge
                                   when a brand is invited into
                                   a consumer’s mobile world.
                                   However to gain entry (and to
                                   remain relevant enough to stay
                                   there) a brand must continue
                                   to deliver against one or more
                                   of the core consumer needs
                                   that mobile is particularly well
                                   suited to addressing: Experience,
                                   Independence, Convenience,
                                   Relevance and Reassurance.
                                   (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study)
6   © 2012 TNS                                          7
                    the mobile imperative

                                                                     for CMOs. Achieving it requires an
                       Simon Sproule,                                integrated response from across their
                       CVP Global Marketing Communications, Nissan   businesses, embracing mobile as a key
                       “What mobile represents to us                 element of their business model rather
                       now is a business imperative. It’s            than simply another marketing channel.
                       no longer a kind of, ‘oh we should
                       do something’, now it’s ‘we must              In this report we look at the response of
                       do something.’ And now it must                CMOs worldwide to the challenges and
                       be part of how we go to market                opportunities that mobile represents.
                       and how we execute all of our                 Our conversations with them reveal a
                       communications.”                              strong sense of opportunity, an urgent
                                                                     need for experimentation and learning
                                                                     and an inherent optimism regarding
                    The TNS Mobile Life study for 2012               mobile’s potential. They also show how
                    proves that the home-screens of mobile           the demands of mobile are broadening
                    devices are becoming one of the most             the roles of CMOs themselves. For
                    valuable pieces of real estate in the            leading brands, crafting a compelling
                    battle for consumer hearts, minds and            mobile proposition is rapidly becoming
                    share of wallet. The stakes are high,            a business imperative rather than simply
                    given mobile’s potential to undermine            a marketing challenge. Focus is already
                    traditional sources of brand and retailer        shifting from stand-alone marketing
                    power and the competitive advantage              solutions and native apps to the
                    for those able to leverage it effectively.       optimisation of core web platforms,
                    Crafting a brand proposition that can            and the role of mobile as a broader
                    earn them a regular role on consumers’           business enabler.
                    phones is rapidly becoming a priority

8   © 2012 TNS                                                                                   9
Local-based services
 Social networking
 WiFi                                                A
 QR codes
 Web browsing
 Mobile wallet
 Personal emails
 Online purchase

10               © 2012 TNS       11
3                    Overview:
                     the game changer

                        Tricia Nichols,
                        Global Lead of Consumer Engagement, Media Strategy & Brand Partnerships, Gap

                        “We see mobile as the future of our business. It’s a tool of convergence that
                        not only helps us bring bricks and mortar and e-commerce closer together, it
                        becomes a tool to connect consumers with our brand and stores in a deeper
                        way, adding value to the Gap experience.”

                     Across our CMO interviews, a number                                 It’s early days – and there
                     of key themes consistently emerge as to                             is still a long way to go
                     how businesses are looking to develop
                                                                              For some businesses, mobile is already
                     the mobile opportunity:
                                                                              seen as the number one digital channel
                              Mobile is a step-change                         and touchpoint, but for many, delivery
                              opportunity                                     on mobile’s great promise remains a long
                                                                              way from being realised. Consumers
                     More than another digital channel or
                                                                              may be giving mobile a central role
                     device, there is universal agreement
                     amongst CMOs that mobile is a genuine                    in their lives, but their experience of
                     step-change opportunity for their                        brands’ mobile offerings is often one
                     business. Mobile offers a direct, intimate               of frustration. Businesses are in a
                     connection with individuals, it can move                 learning phase when it comes to mobile.
                     unbanked consumers out of the cash-                      However, the competitive nature of the
                     only economy and into the mainstream,                    mobile space means they cannot afford
                     and it enables brands that previously                    to wait to learn the lessons before rolling
                     relied on retail distribution to connect                 out solutions.
                     directly with customers.

12   © 2012 TNS                                                                                        13
the game changer

         Watching and waiting                 are. Meeting this expectation requires
         is not an option                     new thinking throughout the business –
                                              not just in engaging consumers,
Experimentation is central to our             but in delivering every element of the
CMOs’ approach to mobile, with a firm         customer experience.
emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ across
marketing and business operations.            In the following chapters we will look at
This confirms that the mobile                 how these themes are shaping CMOs’
opportunity is in its early days – but also   response to mobile throughout the path
testifies to the sense of urgency that        to purchase, from reach and engagement
CMOs feel. Consumers are demanding            (where mobile is already a well-
solutions and experiences that fit their      established feature of brand marketing
own fast-evolving mobile habits. CMOs         plans) to shopper marketing, mobile
have decided that the best approach is        payments, distribution relationships and
to trial mobile solutions and explore in      loyalty, where the capacity of mobile is
real-time what they can deliver for their     only beginning to be explored.
business and its customers.

         Mobile is far more than               Paul Berney,
                                               CMO & Managing Director EMEA
         a marketing channel                   Mobile Marketing Association.

Like online before it, mobile started life     “Understanding how far and how
in the marketing department before             fast to deploy a mobile strategy is
filtering upstream to innovation and           one of the biggest challenges facing
product development, and downstream            all brands today. The reality is that
to shopper marketing, retailing,               consumer adoption of the mobile
relationship management and loyalty.           channel is moving at a faster pace
The big difference is the speed at which       than marketing activity and brands
this broadening of its role has taken
                                               need to move to close this gap”.
place. Consumers expect the brands in
their lives to be as mobile-ready as they

14                                                                      © 2012 TNS   15
4                                   The rich interactive experience
                                    of today’s mobile technologies
                                    is empowering millions and
                                    enabling more highly-personalised
                                    experience of the real world.
                                    This makes mobile of crucial
                                    importance to businesses across

Changing face
                                    every category. So understanding
                                    consumer mobile behaviour and

of the mobile brand                 formulating a mobile strategy
                                    is now a business imperative.
                                    Significant opportunities become
                                    available when a brand is ‘invited’
                                    into a consumer’s mobile world.
                                    However to gain entry, and to
                                    remain relevant enough to stay
                                    there, a brand must continue
                                    to deliver against one or more
                                    of the core consumer needs
                                    TNS MobileLife has identified:
                                    Experience, Independence,
                                    Convenience, Relevance and
                                    (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study)
16   © 2012 TNS                                        17
Changing face of the mobile brand

                                                                      General marketing, specialist agencies
                        Simon Sproule,                                Many CMOs see the interplay of mobile
                        CVP Global Marketing Communications, Nissan   and TV media consumption as evidence
                        “Mobile has emerged faster than               of the need to integrate mobile activity
                        most marketers believed possible.             with broader brand campaigns and
                        Frankly, I think we’re now in                 manage the mobile channel from
                        catch-up mode because it has                  within a central marketing function.
                        moved faster than many brands                 However, the fast-evolving nature of
                        expected it to.”                              mobile technology and the challenges
                                                                      of developing creative for small screens
                                                                      have ensured continuing demand
                     Mobile’s role in brand marketing is well         for specialist mobile agencies. These
                     established but already evolving. CMOs           specialists have thus far resisted a trend
                     treat mobile as a natural extension of           amongst CMOs to trim digital agency
                     brand marketing campaigns, albeit                rosters and consolidate work into full-
                     one often currently executed through             service shops.
                     specialist agencies. However, larger
                                                                      Such specialist knowledge remains
                     strategic questions are starting to
                                                                      sought-after largely because of the
                     emerge about the most effective mobile
                                                                      executional challenges that mobile poses:
                     platforms for brands. A debate is
                                                                      a smaller creative canvas, uncertain reach
                     brewing over the relative importance of
                                                                      for mobile video, and the difficulties of
                     stand-alone apps and mobile-optimised
                                                                      adapting creative from other channels.
                     websites, with many brands turning to
                                                                      However, a more fundamental question
                     established social media platforms as an
                                                                      facing CMOs is the issue of which brand
                     alternative to building an effective mobile
                                                                      platforms should be prioritised when it
                                                                      comes to engaging consumers in the
                                                                      mobile space.

18   © 2012 TNS                                                                              19
Changing face of the mobile brand

Branded apps versus optimised                          mobile web-optimised content. Few           The device-deployed app still has           those of Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin,
for mobile-web                                         marketers deny the reality of the           potential. The ability to draw more         Google Wallet, Foursquare, Pinterest
                                                       branded app junk-yard, the long tail        extensively on smartphones’ native          and YouTube.
  Alex Schleifer,                                      of the app stores, where thousands of       capabilities such as location, video,
  General Manager, Media Lab, SAY Media                carefully developed and well resourced      photos and contacts offers a clear             Tricia Nichols,
                                                       apps go to die after enjoying less than     route to deeper consumer engagement            Global Lead of Consumer Engagement, Media
  “People’s behaviours are definitely                                                              and value. For the CMO though, apps            Strategy & Brand Partnerships, Gap
                                                       a thousand downloads each. Even the
  changing. We just feel it’s best                                                                 must be aligned to a core brand idea
                                                       most compelling branded app needs                                                          “We believe in an integrated
  to invest in the mobile browser                                                                  in order to warrant multinational scale
                                                       awareness in order to reach critical                                                       approach. So the marriage of
  first, and the app stores later. It’s                                                            investment. Brands with an obvious role
                                                       mass – and many do not enjoy the                                                           mobile to other platforms is very,
  all-inclusive and mostly system                                                                  on mobile devices or which have rich
                                                       integrated marketing support required                                                      very powerful in our eyes.”
  agnostic. It also feels a little                                                                 content available, may find themselves
                                                       to achieve this.
  strange that we should go back to                                                                better-suited to an app-based approach.
  a model where everything needs                                                                   For others, dedicated apps may play a       The interplay of social and mobile
                                                       Increasingly influential voices make the                                                in particular, provides CMOs with a
  to be installed. The browser is a                                                                role in particular, integrated campaigns.
                                                       case for the mobile browser as a more                                                   means of reaching mass audiences
  pretty perfect content delivery                                                                  As a rule though, CMOs see apps as a
                                                       effective and efficient platform than the                                               instantaneously. The Mobile Life study
  platform. Apps have a place, and                                                                 need that requires proving rather than
                                                       branded app. However, the challenge of                                                  points to the inseparable nature of
  they’ve completely changed the                                                                   an assumed solution from the outset.
                                                       optimising existing websites represents                                                 mobile and social worldwide – and the
  software landscape, we just don’t
                                                       a significant investment in time and        Platform partnerships and the age           perception amongst CMOs is that mobile
  believe everything should be
                                                       budget. Responsive web design, which        of mobile ‘+’ social                        has treated social to a course of steroids.
  an app.”1
                                                       detects the type of device used to access   Platform partnerships are emerging as

   as quoted by Justin Ellis,, 10 July
                                                       a website and serves a mobile version       a major area of focus for CMOs – and
  2012 Moving Mobile – ReadWriteWeb choose
  responsive design over native iPhone app             when appropriate, is still in the early     a solution that can provide breathing
                                                       stages of development for most. Smaller     space whilst owned digital platforms
Only recently seen as ‘must-haves’,                    and nimbler businesses have been able       are optimised for mobile. Many refer to
apps are increasingly viewed by CMOs                   to take a more aggressive position in       the potential for improving reach in the      of consumers with mobile Internet
needing to earn their place alongside                  this area.                                  mobile space through partnering with          access check their social networking
                                                                                                   pre-existing mobile platforms such as         sites via their mobile every day.

20                                                                          © 2012 TNS                                                                                 21
Changing face of the mobile brand

The focus on social ‘+’ mobile is strongest                                            What does a mobilised consumer              marketers aware of the potential risk
amongst brands targeting younger              Jim Gurke,                               experience look like?                       of undermining brands in the process).
                                              CMO, Getty Images
consumer segments, which over-index                                                    In addition to the challenges of            However, our interviewees attested
heavily on both social and mobile             “Mobile has forced many marketers        executing within the mobile space,          to the value of tactical approaches,
activity. Brand marketers looking to          to consider social more as               CMOs express a need for greater             using the technology to deliver more
reach and engage this group speak             a legitimate and effective channel.”     understanding of the drivers behind         personalised customer experiences
of very deliberate attempts to avoid                                                   consumers’ relationships with their         rather than simply to offer bargains.
separating mobile and social, due to                                                   mobiles and the right brand expression
the risk of creating inconsistency and                                                 for this smaller canvas. The ability to     Mobile brand marketing
missed opportunities.                                                                  leverage mobile’s capacity for more         in the balance
                                                                                       personalised and resonant brand             Mobile has firmly established itself as
Social ‘+’ mobile of course, represents far                                            experiences depends on a deeper             a brand marketing channel in its own
more than a handy solution to mobile                                                   understanding of what people actually       right. However, CMOs demand that it
marketing’s current dilemmas or a                                                      want from their phone – and from            take on a broader role for brands. Their
means of increasing reach over branded                                                 the platforms available on it. This is an   attention is shifting from branded apps,
apps. The marriage of social media with                                                area where rapid learning is required,      mobile display ads and mobile search
mobile’s always-on, real-time capabilities                                             with even potential partners such as        to optimising core digital platforms and
creates a wealth of new possibilities when                                             Facebook playing catch-up when it           integrating mobile with social media for
it comes to brand-consumer relationships.                                              comes to understanding how best to          mass-reach personalised experiences.
                                                                                       operate in the mobile space.                Selective investment in branded apps
                                                                                                                                   still has a role to play but far from being
                                                                                       Greater insight is demanded by those        a starting point for mobile marketing,
                                                                                       grappling with a strategy for location-     these are now considered valuable only
                                                                                       based services. For now, location-based     when they align clearly with a broader
                                                                                       messaging remains primarily focused         brand or business proposition.
                                                                                       on discounts and offers (with many

22                                                              © 2012 TNS                                                                           23
           price checker
 Amazon price checker encourages
 consumers to visit bricks and mortar
 stores to try products before finding
 them cheaper on Amazon and
 buying on their mobile. Consumers
 scan the barcode, take a photo or
 use voice to find the Amazon price                                     The North Face
 for the product they are looking at in-                    Outdoor clothing brand The North Face adds value through a trail finding app
 store. Amazon encourages shoppers                          which provides a mobile trail guide and the ability to record and share the
 to share prices they find to support                       experience on the go. Users can search for hikes by proximity, activity type,
 the company in ensuring they can’t                         distance and user ratings. They can then record and share their journey and
 be beaten on price.                                        add tips and photos.

24                                  © 2012 TNS                                                                       25
5                                  Today’s consumers can respond to
                                   a TV ad without interrupting their
                                   viewing experience, conducting
                                   product research from their sofa
                                   using their mobile; they can
                                   search for and redeem vouchers
                                   and offers using their phone,
                                   receive location-based, relevant
                                   deals that trigger purchase
                                   behaviour, and compare prices
                                   and product reviews in-store.
                                   (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study)

Mobilising the
path to purchase
26   © 2012 TNS                                         27
Mobilising the path to purchase

                                                                  revolution, the introduction of mobile
                        Mike Hogan,                               significantly increases the capability
                        Chief Marketing Officer, GameStop
                                                                  of digital to impact shopper journeys,
                        “It’s not like there’s a mobile           and opens up the possibility of direct
                        consumer and a non-mobile                 communication with customers in ways
                        consumer. It’s the same person            not possible before.
                        we’re reaching but at different
                        points in time. So the question           Existing web analytics platforms already
                        is where are they in the path to          provide CMOs with some insight as to
                        purchase and what are their needs         when mobile is used in the purchase
                        at that moment?”                          journey – and how this correlates to
                                                                  different need states. However, more
                                                                  work is needed to map and understand
                     The mobile phone is the most disruptive      these correlations, and enable businesses
                     force yet unleashed on the once relatively   to respond accordingly. Businesses with
                     linear path to purchase. Its always-on       online and bricks and mortar stores, for
                     availability is transforming predictable     example, often see mobile account for
                     consumer journeys into dizzying snakes-      a high share of visits but a low share of
                     and-ladder routines. At any point and in     sales. New methods of measurement
                     any situation, consumers can use digital     may be required to help identify the
                     media to leap forward rapidly in the         points in the purchase journey at which
                     journey or re-consider and divert. For       mobile is most influential, and to identify
                     FMCG brands, which remained relatively       how mobile is driving purchases that are
                     untouched by the PC-based Internet           completed through other channels.

28   © 2012 TNS                                                                           29
Mobilising the path to purchase

                                                 apps, instigating conversion through the
  Joanna Wang,                                   mobile itself, online via PC, or in-store.
  CMO, China, L’Oreal

  “Mobile will have transformative               As we move along the path to purchase,
  effect on the path to purchase for             the value of mobile search becomes
  the beauty category. Because the               apparent, particularly for brands with
  category is often a consulting service,        restricted distribution and low visibility
  it’s not like a simple ‘easy know-how’         on shelves. The precision afforded
                                                                                                            In-store solutions:
  category. You need service; you need           by location-based mobile messaging
                                                                                                            mobile at the business end
  consultation – for example beauty              provides a bridge for brands to overcome
                                                                                                            Consumers want to take the
  consultants in the retail environment.         traditional drawbacks by communicating
                                                                                                            risk out of decision-making by
  Mobile can help us replicate that              with consumers directly and mapping
  personal, consultative experience.”
                                                                                                            assuring themselves of the value
                                                 a route to their products.
                                                                                                            of the products they buy using
                                                 However, location-based messaging also                     trusted and often independent,
The pre-store phase
                                                 creates dilemmas for CMOs, as illustrated                  sources. In developed markets,
Mobile’s influence in the pre-store phase
                                                 by mobile couponing, a tactic given                        34% of consumers who use their
of the path to purchase encompasses
                                                 new life by the platform. Whilst seen by                   mobile in the path to purchase
lifestyle apps with demand-generation
                                                 some as an ideal technique for driving                     do so to compare prices and
features, location-based search that can
                                                 conversions, couponing is viewed by                        18% scan product barcodes
guide shoppers to products which have
                                                 others in less beneficial terms:                           to get more information.
limited distribution or visibility, and mobile
                                                 a race to the bottom that can undermine                    In emerging markets, with
couponing, an area in which CMOs see
                                                 brands and raises serious questions                        typically lower smartphone
significant opportunity but also potential
                                                 over incrementality. For many brands,                      penetration, the numbers are
brand risks.
                                                 more nuanced CRM-based solutions are                       smaller but still significant:
Food and drink brands have explored the          required that move away from broadcast                     25% of those who use their
early stages of the purchase journey with        couponing and tailor messages according                    phone during the path to
considerable effect to generate demand           to loyalty scheme information, customer                    purchase do so to compare prices.
and add value through lifestyle and recipe       profiles and purchase history.                             (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study)

30                                                                      © 2012 TNS                                        31
Mobilising the path to purchase

                                             and mortar retailers seeking to leverage           and price information, and making it          The issues involved are sometimes
  Tricia Nichols,                            control of the retail environment and              easier and faster for consumers to close      technical, sometimes tactical. Shopper
  Global Lead of Consumer Engagement,                                                                                                         frustration can result from slow in-store
  Media Strategy & Brand Partnerships, Gap
                                             non-retail owning brands targeting                 a deal.
                                             a direct relationship with consumers                                                             connectivity resulting in long waits for
  “The mobile device is the dominant
                                             in-store. In a potentially competitive             Thus far, the needs of both brands and        additional, internet-served product
  computation device…ultimately
                                             situation, several CMOs speak of end-              consumers in this area remain largely         information, or from that information
  a computer in everyone’s pocket.
                                             to-end solutions, with mobile following            unmet – and CMOs freely admit that            arriving in a format that is not effectively
  To unlock of all this content as
                                             up initial geo-targeting with geo-fencing          the correct solutions in terms of mobile      optimised for the customer’s mobile
  part of the consumer experience is
                                             capabilities that trigger automatic mobile         platforms and overall strategy are far        device. Equally though, it can result from
  invaluable. Bringing the consumer
                                             messaging when shoppers approach                   from clear; it is indeed early days. QR       brands and retailers serving information
  closer to purchase is the nirvana.”
                                             the store, and shelf-level engagement              codes have been frequently discussed          that does not relate well enough to
                                             that guides them towards a completed               as a means of directing consumers to          in-store shopper needs: lifestyle content
In-store solutions:                          purchase.                                          brand-provided product information.           rather than deal or price information, for
mobile at the business end                                                                      However QR codes have not enjoyed             example. Ensuring that a mobile strategy
Once consumers enter the store                Mike Hornigold,                                   widespread enough adoption either on          can adapt to deliver the right information
environment, the focus shifts from brand      Director of Emerging Shopper
                                                                                                the part of brands or consumers – and         at the right time and in the right place is
                                              Technologies, The Coca-Cola Company
marketing and demand generation to                                                              their moment now appears to have              a key objective for CMOs.
improving shopper experiences, and            “The shopper is looking for two
                                                                                                passed. Image-scan camera technologies
reducing in-store friction. It is in this     things, save me time or save me
                                                                                                and personalised push-based solutions
environment that CMOs most stress the         money. Those are probably the                                                                     Mike Hornigold,
                                                                                                such as Blippar now look likely to
requirement to align business operations      two main triggers for them.”                                                                      Director of Emerging Shopper
                                                                                                supersede them.                                 Technologies, The Coca-Cola Company
as a whole around a mobile offering.
                                                                                                                                                “I think what we are discovering is
And it is in this environment that the       Shoppers of the digital and mobile age             Key to any in-store mobile solution is that     that we are in very early stages of
strongest emphasis is found on the need      are accustomed to having the right                 it should reduce rather than increase the       the game. And with that we are
to learn by doing – and to do so quickly.    information available at the right time.           friction involved in a shopper completing       actually probably experiencing more
                                             Providing it has become a major focus of           a purchase. However, many CMOs are              shopper frustration than shopper
Those handing mobile a key role in the       CMO plans for mobile, with the focus on            acutely aware of shopper frustration with       benefit at this point in time.”
in-store environment include both bricks     delivering reassurance through product             their mobile experiences.

32                                                                       © 2012 TNS                                                                             33
Mobilising the path to purchase

One school of solutions takes a simpler,        From employee-focused solutions to the
and in a sense more traditional, approach       need to tackle issues such as in-store
by leveraging mobile technology to              connectivity, the demands of shopper
empower and inform in-store assistants          marketing require an integrated response
and sales teams. The approach here is           from across business operations.
on increasing employees’ capabilities in        They also necessitate a willingness to
customer service and trusting them as           experiment. When seeking to create
the primary channel when it comes to            new in-store experiences, CMOs have
how best to sell to customers. Several          consistently opted for a test-learn-
CMOs report significant improvements            scale approach, turning pilot stores                     Gap socialises the
in shopper satisfaction and time spent          into petri dishes for a new form of                      in-store experience
completing a purchase as a result of            shopper interaction. Brands such as         Gap has previously partnered with
arming staff with mobiles and tablets,          Coca-Cola and L’Oreal must do so in         Roqbot, which enables any venue to
enabling them to check inventory and            association with retail partners, whilst    crowd-source the music being played.
product information and credibly answer         store-owning brands have more control
customer queries on areas such as               over their own experimentation. With
competitor pricing.                             such control comes challenges however,
                                                as the difficulties and costs of running
                                                                                              Eliot Van Buskirk,
     Tricia Nichols,                            concurrent tests can restrict the all-        Evolver.FM, Roqbot Crowdsources In-Store
     Global Lead of Consumer Engagement,        important speed of learning.
     Media Strategy & Brand Partnerships, Gap
                                                                                              “The system changes the music based on the time of day, the musical taste of
     “It’s really rather simple – ultimately                                                  shoppers who check in to the store using the Roqbot iPhone or Android app,
     it’s about enabling smarter, more                                                        and customers’ song requests. Every person who checks in using the Roqbot
     informed employees and smarter,                                                          app alters the music programming with their Facebook Likes and Profile listings,
     happier customers.”                                                             scrobbles, Pandora bookmarks, and/or the music on their smartphone.”

34                                                                  © 2012 TNS                                                                            35
6                    The TNS Mobile Life study for
                     2012 reveals that that 45 percent
                                                         the single most important driver
                                                         of this behaviour. And it is on
                     of the world’s phone owners         this consumer need that many
                     are either interested in making     of our interviewees businesses
                     payments using their phone or       are looking to capitalise.
                     doing so already. Convenience is    (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study)

A new
way to pay
36   © 2012 TNS                                                               37
A new way to pay

                     Mobile payments provide CMOs with              despite alternative solutions from the
                     several avenues to drive growth for            likes of PayPal, Square, Facebook, Visa,
                     their business, with three in particular       Apple and American Express. Businesses
                     emerging from our interview: as a              report positive signs, including higher-
                     differentiator within developed markets,       than-expected interaction rates, but in
                     as a means of increasing the accessibility     such early days there is a consistent sense
                     of services to new audiences, and as           of ‘not knowing what good looks like’
                     an opportunity for brands previously           just yet.
                     dependent on third-party retailers to
                     open a direct commercial relationship          The need for in-store training and
                     with their consumers.                          communications to support the mobile
                                                                    payment offer is becoming increasingly
                     Experimentation is key to exploring the        clear. The smartest mobile payment
                     mobile payments opportunity for brands.        platform in the world can only deliver
                     With current usage levels for mobile           a positive customer experience when it
                     payments still low, external research and      is clearly communicated to customers
                     insights are not readily available and ‘best   and supported by employees with a
                     practice’ remains a long way off. Brands       full understanding of the solution.
                     have decided that the only viable solution     Integration with business operations is
                     is to launch services first, ask questions     therefore essential to success.
                     later, and then tailor the services based
                     on the results that their experimental         Mobile payments represent a global
                     offerings deliver.                             opportunity – and for multinational
                                                                    brands, extending access to products
                     Amongst our interviewees Google Wallet         to those without conventional
                     emerged as one of the primary testing          banking facilities is a major part of
                     vehicles for in-store mobile payments,         that opportunity. Taking full advantage

38   © 2012 TNS                                                                               39
A new way to pay

requires trials that reach beyond
conventional smartphone platforms and
embrace mechanisms such as WAP, SMS                   My Coke
and the USSD messaging platform used                  Rewards
in many emerging markets. The
unbanked represent the single largest       My Coke Rewards shows how
opportunity for growth for many             brands that have been dependent
multinationals; however, activating them    on retailers can leverage mobile to
through mobile payments and mobile          create direct relationships with their
banking is a long-term goal rather          customers. It allows consumers to
than a quick win. GSMA initiatives to       earn points at checkout and then
extend access to mobile finance services    redeem these points in-store as an
in partnership with operators and           alternative to paying using credit
banks could have a key role to play         of debit cards. It’s a way for the
in developing this opportunity.             shopper to save time and money,
                                            and for Coke to enjoy more of
The growing intersection of social and      a direct relationship with them.
mobile also has a role to play in the
mobile payment space. CMOs talk of
preparing for socially enabled mobile
wallets, which could enable sharing
of coupons and retail promotions.
As social becomes more deeply
embedded in mobile commerce,
CMOs expect to glean another valuable
layer of intelligence in terms of shopper

                                                                                      Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study:
40                                                             © 2012 TNS                                41
A new way to pay

Smartphone ownership is at the point                               purchase journey to a greater extent
of exploding across a broad range of                               than has been seen in more developed
emerging markets as consumers’ ability                             regions. Brands that act now to develop
to pay now exceeds the average handset                             effective mobile strategies in emerging
cost. These handsets will accelerate                               markets could gain a significant first
existing mobile trends in these markets                            mover advantage.
and may well disrupt the traditional                               (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study)

     The smart phone tipping point
           Price of original iPhone

                                             Price of HTC Desire

                                       301                                 308          Price of BlackBerry Torch
                                                                                              Huawei handset

       Willing to pay for next phone
       In-market price of phones

42                                                                                           © 2012 TNS   43
7                    Leveraging mobile loyalty


                                  My Starbuck
                      Starbucks has been using mobile as a central component of its My Starbucks
                      Rewards scheme for some time. In addition to mobile payments, the app works
                      hard to drive loyalty by housing members’ rewards information, points and
                      coupons as well as a personalised Drinks Builder.

44   © 2012 TNS                                                                     45
Leveraging mobile loyalty

The concept of a personalised, potentially    Save time + Save Money + Reduce
social, mobile wallet highlights the          Angst (friction) = ‘happy’ and more
growing importance of mobile-powered          loyal customers
loyalty and CRM schemes to CMOs’
overall mobile visions. Extended, mobile-     So loyalty schemes are seen as the
powered loyalty schemes are emerging          key to unlocking mobile’s potential
as the anchor for many different strands      as a broader business enabler. Mobile
of mobile activity, ensuring that any         loyalty provides new forms of direct-to-
communication through consumers’              customer relationships and an effective
most personal device is appropriate,          framework for delivering targeted offers
relevant and meaningful.                      and promotions that can avoid the risk
                                              of cannibalising sales.
It’s mobile loyalty marketing that could
well drive uptake of newer technologies
like NFC, arguably able to have greater         Mike Hogan,
impact than the current more top-of-            Chief Marketing Officer, GameStop

mind partnership many expect between                                                                             Apple’s mobile
NFC and mobile payments. And Apple’s            “The holy grail for us is that a                                 wallet solution
Passbook will no doubt drive greater            customer can walk into our store
adoption by brands of time and location         and we know who they are,                             Apple’s mobile wallet solution (Passbook) provides further evidence of the
targeting capabilities (See more details in     probably based upon their being                       growing significance of mobile loyalty schemes and their appeal to shoppers. It
the breakout below/opposite.)                   a loyalty programme member, and                       brings together ticketing, coupons and loyalty program information in one place,
                                                recognise them through their mobile                   allowing users to scan and redeem them at the point of sale. It’s also time, date and
And it’s important to remember that             device. We can then use their                         location-specific, surfacing the right program details or information and coupons
more personalised content and services          mobile as the vehicle by which we                     at the right time. That Apple has initially opted for a loyalty-based solution rather
via mobile, faster and more frictionless        communicate with them in a highly                     than a payments-focused mobile wallet, demonstrates the value the company
payments mobile payment experiences             personalised way.”                                    sees in ‘mobile-enhanced loyalty’ prior to its fully-fledged mobile wallet platform.
play well to the equation that often leads
to increased loyalty and commitment:

46                                                                           © 2012 TNS                                                                                47
8                    Executive summary

                     Our CMOs express considerable               Although CMOs consistently caution
                     optimism about the role that mobile         that mobile business models are in their
                     will play in the future growth of their     early days, key elements of a strategy
                     businesses. There is a strong sense         are beginning to emerge. Integration
                     however, that businesses are only at        of marketing with broader business
                     the start of a long road – and that they    operations, particularly employees and
                     must be prepared to travel it quickly.      the in-store environment, is essential
                     The adoption of mobile services by          to success. Mobile payments provide
                     consumers has been extremely rapid –        a vital growth opportunity as a means
                     and the expectation is that businesses      of differentiating brands in developed
                     should mobilise their offerings equally     markets and increasing access to
                     quickly.                                    products in emerging ones. And new
                                                                 forms of mobile loyalty scheme have a
                     A test-learn-scale approach is central to   vital role to play in creating a tailored,
                     CMOs’ responses, with pilot schemes         personal experience, delivering relevant,
                     establishing the potential for mobile to    precise messaging, and providing a
                     increase engagement and reduce friction     natural focal point for the many different
                     throughout the path to purchase. These      strands of a mobile strategy.
                     pilots are providing valuable insight
                     as to how consumers will respond to
                     mobile services that would have been
                     unimaginable a few short years ago.

48   © 2012 TNS                                                                         49
9                    About this report

                     This report is based on one-to-one
                     interviews with Chief Marketing
                     Officers (CMOs) from a range of                 About
                     international organisations                     the author
                                                              Simon Falconer
                     About Mobile Life                        As Global Platform Director
                     Mobile Life is an annual investigation   for TNS Connect, Simon leads
                     into the behaviours, motivations         technology platform innovation
                     and priorities of the world’s mobile     and development for TNS’ Global
                     phone users. Now in its seventh          practices which help clients drive
                                                              growth through market entry,
                     year, Mobile Life is the most
                                                              innovation, brand switching and
                     comprehensive view of how the            customer experience management.
                     world’s consumers are using their        He joined TNS in June 2011.
                     phones today and the opportunities
                     this presents for brands.                With 12 years’ experience in B2B
                                                              and product marketing roles for
                                                              digital businesses and business
                     Based on 48,000 conversations in
                                                              functions, Simon’s expertise is
                     58 countries, Mobile Life is designed    centred on putting technology to
                     to capture the entire population of      work for marketing and insight/
                     mobile users in each market.             information consultancy. Prior to
                                                              TNS he was with Microsoft as Head
                                                              of Business Planning for the EMEA
                                                              Online Services division.

50   © 2012 TNS                                                                51
About this report

About TNS
TNS advises clients on specific growth               You may
strategies around new market entry,                  be interested in...
innovation, brand switching and
                                             How mobile raises the bar for
stakeholder management, based
                                             brand communications >
on long-established expertise and
                                             The impact of digital on growth
market-leading solutions. With a
                                             strategies >
presence in over 80 countries, TNS
                                             Winners and losers on the digital
has more conversations with the
                                             path to purchase >
world’s consumers than anyone else
and understands individual human
behaviours and attitudes across every
cultural, economic and political region of
the world.
                                                     Get in touch
TNS is part of Kantar, one of the            If you would like to talk to us about
world’s largest insight, information and     anything you have read in this report,
consultancy groups.                          please get in touch via
Please visit for more      or via Twitter @tns_global

52                                                               © 2012 TNS   53

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More than a marketing channel

  • 1. More than a marketing channel: CMOs and the mobile imperative A Local-based services QR codes Personal emails GPS Social networking Web browsing Blogs Video WiFi ©TNS 2012 wallet Mobile Online purchase E-tailers Applications
  • 2. Contents 1 Acknowledgements 04 2 Introduction: the mobile imperative 06 3 Overview: the game changer 12 4 Changing face of the mobile brand 16 5 Mobilising the path to purchase 26 6 A new way to pay 36 7 Leveraging mobile loyalty 44 8 Executive summary 48 9 About the author 50 2 © 2012 TNS 3
  • 3. 08 1 Acknowledgements Many thanks to MaryLee Sachs for conducting these interviews and to all our contributors: Jack Armstrong Mike Hogan BASF GameStop Chief Marketing Officer Chief Marketing Officer Paul Berney Mike Hornigold Mobile Marketing Association The Coca Cola Company CMO & Managing Director EMEA Director of Emerging Shopper Technologies, Global Shopper Development Laurence Bresh Visit Britain Lauri Kien Kotcher Global Marketing Director Godiva Chief Marketing Officer Doug Busk The Coca Cola Company Nicolas Maurer Mobile Brand Strategy, Beiersdorf Global Connections Chief Marketing Officer Hugh Chambers Tricia Nichols British Olympic Association Gap Chief Commercial Officer Global Lead Consumer Engagement, Media Strategy & Brand Partnerships Wendy Clark The Coca Cola Company Simon Sproule SVP Integrated Marketing & Capabilities Nissan CVP, Global Marketing Communications Jim Gurke Getty Images Joanna Wang Chief Marketing Officer L’Oreal CMO, Greater China 4 © 2012 TNS 5
  • 4. 2 Introduction: the mobile imperative Significant opportunities emerge when a brand is invited into a consumer’s mobile world. However to gain entry (and to remain relevant enough to stay there) a brand must continue to deliver against one or more of the core consumer needs that mobile is particularly well suited to addressing: Experience, Independence, Convenience, Relevance and Reassurance. (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study) 6 © 2012 TNS 7
  • 5. Introduction: the mobile imperative for CMOs. Achieving it requires an Simon Sproule, integrated response from across their CVP Global Marketing Communications, Nissan businesses, embracing mobile as a key “What mobile represents to us element of their business model rather now is a business imperative. It’s than simply another marketing channel. no longer a kind of, ‘oh we should do something’, now it’s ‘we must In this report we look at the response of do something.’ And now it must CMOs worldwide to the challenges and be part of how we go to market opportunities that mobile represents. and how we execute all of our Our conversations with them reveal a communications.” strong sense of opportunity, an urgent need for experimentation and learning and an inherent optimism regarding The TNS Mobile Life study for 2012 mobile’s potential. They also show how proves that the home-screens of mobile the demands of mobile are broadening devices are becoming one of the most the roles of CMOs themselves. For valuable pieces of real estate in the leading brands, crafting a compelling battle for consumer hearts, minds and mobile proposition is rapidly becoming share of wallet. The stakes are high, a business imperative rather than simply given mobile’s potential to undermine a marketing challenge. Focus is already traditional sources of brand and retailer shifting from stand-alone marketing power and the competitive advantage solutions and native apps to the for those able to leverage it effectively. optimisation of core web platforms, Crafting a brand proposition that can and the role of mobile as a broader earn them a regular role on consumers’ business enabler. phones is rapidly becoming a priority 8 © 2012 TNS 9
  • 6. Local-based services Social networking WiFi A Applications QR codes Web browsing Mobile wallet Personal emails Blogs Online purchase GPS Video E-tailers 10 © 2012 TNS 11
  • 7. 3 Overview: the game changer Tricia Nichols, Global Lead of Consumer Engagement, Media Strategy & Brand Partnerships, Gap “We see mobile as the future of our business. It’s a tool of convergence that not only helps us bring bricks and mortar and e-commerce closer together, it becomes a tool to connect consumers with our brand and stores in a deeper way, adding value to the Gap experience.” Across our CMO interviews, a number It’s early days – and there of key themes consistently emerge as to is still a long way to go how businesses are looking to develop For some businesses, mobile is already the mobile opportunity: seen as the number one digital channel Mobile is a step-change and touchpoint, but for many, delivery opportunity on mobile’s great promise remains a long way from being realised. Consumers More than another digital channel or may be giving mobile a central role device, there is universal agreement amongst CMOs that mobile is a genuine in their lives, but their experience of step-change opportunity for their brands’ mobile offerings is often one business. Mobile offers a direct, intimate of frustration. Businesses are in a connection with individuals, it can move learning phase when it comes to mobile. unbanked consumers out of the cash- However, the competitive nature of the only economy and into the mainstream, mobile space means they cannot afford and it enables brands that previously to wait to learn the lessons before rolling relied on retail distribution to connect out solutions. directly with customers. 12 © 2012 TNS 13
  • 8. Overview: the game changer Watching and waiting are. Meeting this expectation requires is not an option new thinking throughout the business – not just in engaging consumers, Experimentation is central to our but in delivering every element of the CMOs’ approach to mobile, with a firm customer experience. emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ across marketing and business operations. In the following chapters we will look at This confirms that the mobile how these themes are shaping CMOs’ opportunity is in its early days – but also response to mobile throughout the path testifies to the sense of urgency that to purchase, from reach and engagement CMOs feel. Consumers are demanding (where mobile is already a well- solutions and experiences that fit their established feature of brand marketing own fast-evolving mobile habits. CMOs plans) to shopper marketing, mobile have decided that the best approach is payments, distribution relationships and to trial mobile solutions and explore in loyalty, where the capacity of mobile is real-time what they can deliver for their only beginning to be explored. business and its customers. Mobile is far more than Paul Berney, CMO & Managing Director EMEA a marketing channel Mobile Marketing Association. Like online before it, mobile started life “Understanding how far and how in the marketing department before fast to deploy a mobile strategy is filtering upstream to innovation and one of the biggest challenges facing product development, and downstream all brands today. The reality is that to shopper marketing, retailing, consumer adoption of the mobile relationship management and loyalty. channel is moving at a faster pace The big difference is the speed at which than marketing activity and brands this broadening of its role has taken need to move to close this gap”. place. Consumers expect the brands in their lives to be as mobile-ready as they 14 © 2012 TNS 15
  • 9. 4 The rich interactive experience of today’s mobile technologies is empowering millions and enabling more highly-personalised experience of the real world. This makes mobile of crucial importance to businesses across Changing face every category. So understanding consumer mobile behaviour and of the mobile brand formulating a mobile strategy is now a business imperative. Significant opportunities become available when a brand is ‘invited’ into a consumer’s mobile world. However to gain entry, and to remain relevant enough to stay there, a brand must continue to deliver against one or more of the core consumer needs TNS MobileLife has identified: Experience, Independence, Convenience, Relevance and Reassurance. (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study) 16 © 2012 TNS 17
  • 10. Changing face of the mobile brand General marketing, specialist agencies Simon Sproule, Many CMOs see the interplay of mobile CVP Global Marketing Communications, Nissan and TV media consumption as evidence “Mobile has emerged faster than of the need to integrate mobile activity most marketers believed possible. with broader brand campaigns and Frankly, I think we’re now in manage the mobile channel from catch-up mode because it has within a central marketing function. moved faster than many brands However, the fast-evolving nature of expected it to.” mobile technology and the challenges of developing creative for small screens have ensured continuing demand Mobile’s role in brand marketing is well for specialist mobile agencies. These established but already evolving. CMOs specialists have thus far resisted a trend treat mobile as a natural extension of amongst CMOs to trim digital agency brand marketing campaigns, albeit rosters and consolidate work into full- one often currently executed through service shops. specialist agencies. However, larger Such specialist knowledge remains strategic questions are starting to sought-after largely because of the emerge about the most effective mobile executional challenges that mobile poses: platforms for brands. A debate is a smaller creative canvas, uncertain reach brewing over the relative importance of for mobile video, and the difficulties of stand-alone apps and mobile-optimised adapting creative from other channels. websites, with many brands turning to However, a more fundamental question established social media platforms as an facing CMOs is the issue of which brand alternative to building an effective mobile platforms should be prioritised when it presence. comes to engaging consumers in the mobile space. 18 © 2012 TNS 19
  • 11. Changing face of the mobile brand Branded apps versus optimised mobile web-optimised content. Few The device-deployed app still has those of Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, for mobile-web marketers deny the reality of the potential. The ability to draw more Google Wallet, Foursquare, Pinterest branded app junk-yard, the long tail extensively on smartphones’ native and YouTube. Alex Schleifer, of the app stores, where thousands of capabilities such as location, video, General Manager, Media Lab, SAY Media carefully developed and well resourced photos and contacts offers a clear Tricia Nichols, apps go to die after enjoying less than route to deeper consumer engagement Global Lead of Consumer Engagement, Media “People’s behaviours are definitely and value. For the CMO though, apps Strategy & Brand Partnerships, Gap a thousand downloads each. Even the changing. We just feel it’s best must be aligned to a core brand idea most compelling branded app needs “We believe in an integrated to invest in the mobile browser in order to warrant multinational scale awareness in order to reach critical approach. So the marriage of first, and the app stores later. It’s investment. Brands with an obvious role mass – and many do not enjoy the mobile to other platforms is very, all-inclusive and mostly system on mobile devices or which have rich integrated marketing support required very powerful in our eyes.” agnostic. It also feels a little content available, may find themselves to achieve this. strange that we should go back to better-suited to an app-based approach. a model where everything needs For others, dedicated apps may play a The interplay of social and mobile Increasingly influential voices make the in particular, provides CMOs with a to be installed. The browser is a role in particular, integrated campaigns. case for the mobile browser as a more means of reaching mass audiences pretty perfect content delivery As a rule though, CMOs see apps as a effective and efficient platform than the instantaneously. The Mobile Life study platform. Apps have a place, and need that requires proving rather than branded app. However, the challenge of points to the inseparable nature of they’ve completely changed the an assumed solution from the outset. optimising existing websites represents mobile and social worldwide – and the software landscape, we just don’t a significant investment in time and Platform partnerships and the age perception amongst CMOs is that mobile believe everything should be budget. Responsive web design, which of mobile ‘+’ social has treated social to a course of steroids. an app.”1 detects the type of device used to access Platform partnerships are emerging as 40% 1 as quoted by Justin Ellis,, 10 July a website and serves a mobile version a major area of focus for CMOs – and 2012 Moving Mobile – ReadWriteWeb choose responsive design over native iPhone app when appropriate, is still in the early a solution that can provide breathing stages of development for most. Smaller space whilst owned digital platforms Only recently seen as ‘must-haves’, and nimbler businesses have been able are optimised for mobile. Many refer to apps are increasingly viewed by CMOs to take a more aggressive position in the potential for improving reach in the of consumers with mobile Internet needing to earn their place alongside this area. mobile space through partnering with access check their social networking pre-existing mobile platforms such as sites via their mobile every day. 20 © 2012 TNS 21
  • 12. Changing face of the mobile brand The focus on social ‘+’ mobile is strongest What does a mobilised consumer marketers aware of the potential risk amongst brands targeting younger Jim Gurke, experience look like? of undermining brands in the process). CMO, Getty Images consumer segments, which over-index In addition to the challenges of However, our interviewees attested heavily on both social and mobile “Mobile has forced many marketers executing within the mobile space, to the value of tactical approaches, activity. Brand marketers looking to to consider social more as CMOs express a need for greater using the technology to deliver more reach and engage this group speak a legitimate and effective channel.” understanding of the drivers behind personalised customer experiences of very deliberate attempts to avoid consumers’ relationships with their rather than simply to offer bargains. separating mobile and social, due to mobiles and the right brand expression the risk of creating inconsistency and for this smaller canvas. The ability to Mobile brand marketing missed opportunities. leverage mobile’s capacity for more in the balance personalised and resonant brand Mobile has firmly established itself as Social ‘+’ mobile of course, represents far experiences depends on a deeper a brand marketing channel in its own more than a handy solution to mobile understanding of what people actually right. However, CMOs demand that it marketing’s current dilemmas or a want from their phone – and from take on a broader role for brands. Their means of increasing reach over branded the platforms available on it. This is an attention is shifting from branded apps, apps. The marriage of social media with area where rapid learning is required, mobile display ads and mobile search mobile’s always-on, real-time capabilities with even potential partners such as to optimising core digital platforms and creates a wealth of new possibilities when Facebook playing catch-up when it integrating mobile with social media for it comes to brand-consumer relationships. comes to understanding how best to mass-reach personalised experiences. operate in the mobile space. Selective investment in branded apps still has a role to play but far from being Greater insight is demanded by those a starting point for mobile marketing, grappling with a strategy for location- these are now considered valuable only based services. For now, location-based when they align clearly with a broader messaging remains primarily focused brand or business proposition. on discounts and offers (with many 22 © 2012 TNS 23
  • 13. Amazon price checker Amazon price checker encourages consumers to visit bricks and mortar stores to try products before finding them cheaper on Amazon and buying on their mobile. Consumers scan the barcode, take a photo or use voice to find the Amazon price The North Face for the product they are looking at in- Outdoor clothing brand The North Face adds value through a trail finding app store. Amazon encourages shoppers which provides a mobile trail guide and the ability to record and share the to share prices they find to support experience on the go. Users can search for hikes by proximity, activity type, the company in ensuring they can’t distance and user ratings. They can then record and share their journey and be beaten on price. add tips and photos. 24 © 2012 TNS 25
  • 14. 5 Today’s consumers can respond to a TV ad without interrupting their viewing experience, conducting product research from their sofa using their mobile; they can search for and redeem vouchers and offers using their phone, receive location-based, relevant deals that trigger purchase behaviour, and compare prices and product reviews in-store. (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study) Mobilising the path to purchase 26 © 2012 TNS 27
  • 15. Mobilising the path to purchase revolution, the introduction of mobile Mike Hogan, significantly increases the capability Chief Marketing Officer, GameStop of digital to impact shopper journeys, “It’s not like there’s a mobile and opens up the possibility of direct consumer and a non-mobile communication with customers in ways consumer. It’s the same person not possible before. we’re reaching but at different points in time. So the question Existing web analytics platforms already is where are they in the path to provide CMOs with some insight as to purchase and what are their needs when mobile is used in the purchase at that moment?” journey – and how this correlates to different need states. However, more work is needed to map and understand The mobile phone is the most disruptive these correlations, and enable businesses force yet unleashed on the once relatively to respond accordingly. Businesses with linear path to purchase. Its always-on online and bricks and mortar stores, for availability is transforming predictable example, often see mobile account for consumer journeys into dizzying snakes- a high share of visits but a low share of and-ladder routines. At any point and in sales. New methods of measurement any situation, consumers can use digital may be required to help identify the media to leap forward rapidly in the points in the purchase journey at which journey or re-consider and divert. For mobile is most influential, and to identify FMCG brands, which remained relatively how mobile is driving purchases that are untouched by the PC-based Internet completed through other channels. 28 © 2012 TNS 29
  • 16. Mobilising the path to purchase apps, instigating conversion through the Joanna Wang, mobile itself, online via PC, or in-store. CMO, China, L’Oreal “Mobile will have transformative As we move along the path to purchase, effect on the path to purchase for the value of mobile search becomes the beauty category. Because the apparent, particularly for brands with category is often a consulting service, restricted distribution and low visibility it’s not like a simple ‘easy know-how’ on shelves. The precision afforded In-store solutions: category. You need service; you need by location-based mobile messaging mobile at the business end consultation – for example beauty provides a bridge for brands to overcome Consumers want to take the consultants in the retail environment. traditional drawbacks by communicating risk out of decision-making by Mobile can help us replicate that with consumers directly and mapping personal, consultative experience.” assuring themselves of the value a route to their products. of the products they buy using However, location-based messaging also trusted and often independent, The pre-store phase creates dilemmas for CMOs, as illustrated sources. In developed markets, Mobile’s influence in the pre-store phase by mobile couponing, a tactic given 34% of consumers who use their of the path to purchase encompasses new life by the platform. Whilst seen by mobile in the path to purchase lifestyle apps with demand-generation some as an ideal technique for driving do so to compare prices and features, location-based search that can conversions, couponing is viewed by 18% scan product barcodes guide shoppers to products which have others in less beneficial terms: to get more information. limited distribution or visibility, and mobile a race to the bottom that can undermine In emerging markets, with couponing, an area in which CMOs see brands and raises serious questions typically lower smartphone significant opportunity but also potential over incrementality. For many brands, penetration, the numbers are brand risks. more nuanced CRM-based solutions are smaller but still significant: Food and drink brands have explored the required that move away from broadcast 25% of those who use their early stages of the purchase journey with couponing and tailor messages according phone during the path to considerable effect to generate demand to loyalty scheme information, customer purchase do so to compare prices. and add value through lifestyle and recipe profiles and purchase history. (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study) 30 © 2012 TNS 31
  • 17. Mobilising the path to purchase and mortar retailers seeking to leverage and price information, and making it The issues involved are sometimes Tricia Nichols, control of the retail environment and easier and faster for consumers to close technical, sometimes tactical. Shopper Global Lead of Consumer Engagement, frustration can result from slow in-store Media Strategy & Brand Partnerships, Gap non-retail owning brands targeting a deal. a direct relationship with consumers connectivity resulting in long waits for “The mobile device is the dominant in-store. In a potentially competitive Thus far, the needs of both brands and additional, internet-served product computation device…ultimately situation, several CMOs speak of end- consumers in this area remain largely information, or from that information a computer in everyone’s pocket. to-end solutions, with mobile following unmet – and CMOs freely admit that arriving in a format that is not effectively To unlock of all this content as up initial geo-targeting with geo-fencing the correct solutions in terms of mobile optimised for the customer’s mobile part of the consumer experience is capabilities that trigger automatic mobile platforms and overall strategy are far device. Equally though, it can result from invaluable. Bringing the consumer messaging when shoppers approach from clear; it is indeed early days. QR brands and retailers serving information closer to purchase is the nirvana.” the store, and shelf-level engagement codes have been frequently discussed that does not relate well enough to that guides them towards a completed as a means of directing consumers to in-store shopper needs: lifestyle content In-store solutions: purchase. brand-provided product information. rather than deal or price information, for mobile at the business end However QR codes have not enjoyed example. Ensuring that a mobile strategy Once consumers enter the store Mike Hornigold, widespread enough adoption either on can adapt to deliver the right information environment, the focus shifts from brand Director of Emerging Shopper the part of brands or consumers – and at the right time and in the right place is Technologies, The Coca-Cola Company marketing and demand generation to their moment now appears to have a key objective for CMOs. improving shopper experiences, and “The shopper is looking for two passed. Image-scan camera technologies reducing in-store friction. It is in this things, save me time or save me and personalised push-based solutions environment that CMOs most stress the money. Those are probably the Mike Hornigold, such as Blippar now look likely to requirement to align business operations two main triggers for them.” Director of Emerging Shopper supersede them. Technologies, The Coca-Cola Company as a whole around a mobile offering. “I think what we are discovering is And it is in this environment that the Shoppers of the digital and mobile age Key to any in-store mobile solution is that that we are in very early stages of strongest emphasis is found on the need are accustomed to having the right it should reduce rather than increase the the game. And with that we are to learn by doing – and to do so quickly. information available at the right time. friction involved in a shopper completing actually probably experiencing more Providing it has become a major focus of a purchase. However, many CMOs are shopper frustration than shopper Those handing mobile a key role in the CMO plans for mobile, with the focus on acutely aware of shopper frustration with benefit at this point in time.” in-store environment include both bricks delivering reassurance through product their mobile experiences. 32 © 2012 TNS 33
  • 18. Mobilising the path to purchase One school of solutions takes a simpler, From employee-focused solutions to the and in a sense more traditional, approach need to tackle issues such as in-store by leveraging mobile technology to connectivity, the demands of shopper empower and inform in-store assistants marketing require an integrated response and sales teams. The approach here is from across business operations. on increasing employees’ capabilities in They also necessitate a willingness to customer service and trusting them as experiment. When seeking to create the primary channel when it comes to new in-store experiences, CMOs have how best to sell to customers. Several consistently opted for a test-learn- CMOs report significant improvements scale approach, turning pilot stores Gap socialises the in shopper satisfaction and time spent into petri dishes for a new form of in-store experience completing a purchase as a result of shopper interaction. Brands such as Gap has previously partnered with arming staff with mobiles and tablets, Coca-Cola and L’Oreal must do so in Roqbot, which enables any venue to enabling them to check inventory and association with retail partners, whilst crowd-source the music being played. product information and credibly answer store-owning brands have more control customer queries on areas such as over their own experimentation. With competitor pricing. such control comes challenges however, as the difficulties and costs of running Eliot Van Buskirk, Tricia Nichols, concurrent tests can restrict the all- Evolver.FM, Roqbot Crowdsources In-Store Global Lead of Consumer Engagement, important speed of learning. Media Strategy & Brand Partnerships, Gap “The system changes the music based on the time of day, the musical taste of “It’s really rather simple – ultimately shoppers who check in to the store using the Roqbot iPhone or Android app, it’s about enabling smarter, more and customers’ song requests. Every person who checks in using the Roqbot informed employees and smarter, app alters the music programming with their Facebook Likes and Profile listings, happier customers.” scrobbles, Pandora bookmarks, and/or the music on their smartphone.” 34 © 2012 TNS 35
  • 19. 6 The TNS Mobile Life study for 2012 reveals that that 45 percent the single most important driver of this behaviour. And it is on of the world’s phone owners this consumer need that many are either interested in making of our interviewees businesses payments using their phone or are looking to capitalise. doing so already. Convenience is (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study) A new way to pay 36 © 2012 TNS 37
  • 20. A new way to pay Mobile payments provide CMOs with despite alternative solutions from the several avenues to drive growth for likes of PayPal, Square, Facebook, Visa, their business, with three in particular Apple and American Express. Businesses emerging from our interview: as a report positive signs, including higher- differentiator within developed markets, than-expected interaction rates, but in as a means of increasing the accessibility such early days there is a consistent sense of services to new audiences, and as of ‘not knowing what good looks like’ an opportunity for brands previously just yet. dependent on third-party retailers to open a direct commercial relationship The need for in-store training and with their consumers. communications to support the mobile payment offer is becoming increasingly Experimentation is key to exploring the clear. The smartest mobile payment mobile payments opportunity for brands. platform in the world can only deliver With current usage levels for mobile a positive customer experience when it payments still low, external research and is clearly communicated to customers insights are not readily available and ‘best and supported by employees with a practice’ remains a long way off. Brands full understanding of the solution. have decided that the only viable solution Integration with business operations is is to launch services first, ask questions therefore essential to success. later, and then tailor the services based on the results that their experimental Mobile payments represent a global offerings deliver. opportunity – and for multinational brands, extending access to products Amongst our interviewees Google Wallet to those without conventional emerged as one of the primary testing banking facilities is a major part of vehicles for in-store mobile payments, that opportunity. Taking full advantage 38 © 2012 TNS 39
  • 21. A new way to pay requires trials that reach beyond conventional smartphone platforms and embrace mechanisms such as WAP, SMS My Coke and the USSD messaging platform used Rewards in many emerging markets. The unbanked represent the single largest My Coke Rewards shows how opportunity for growth for many brands that have been dependent multinationals; however, activating them on retailers can leverage mobile to through mobile payments and mobile create direct relationships with their banking is a long-term goal rather customers. It allows consumers to than a quick win. GSMA initiatives to earn points at checkout and then extend access to mobile finance services redeem these points in-store as an in partnership with operators and alternative to paying using credit banks could have a key role to play of debit cards. It’s a way for the in developing this opportunity. shopper to save time and money, and for Coke to enjoy more of The growing intersection of social and a direct relationship with them. mobile also has a role to play in the mobile payment space. CMOs talk of preparing for socially enabled mobile wallets, which could enable sharing of coupons and retail promotions. As social becomes more deeply embedded in mobile commerce, CMOs expect to glean another valuable layer of intelligence in terms of shopper behaviours. Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study: 40 © 2012 TNS 41
  • 22. A new way to pay Smartphone ownership is at the point purchase journey to a greater extent of exploding across a broad range of than has been seen in more developed emerging markets as consumers’ ability regions. Brands that act now to develop to pay now exceeds the average handset effective mobile strategies in emerging cost. These handsets will accelerate markets could gain a significant first existing mobile trends in these markets mover advantage. and may well disrupt the traditional (Key finding from TNS Mobile Life study) The smart phone tipping point China Price of original iPhone Price of HTC Desire 301 308 Price of BlackBerry Torch 287 Huawei handset Willing to pay for next phone In-market price of phones 42 © 2012 TNS 43
  • 23. 7 Leveraging mobile loyalty A My Starbuck Rewards Starbucks has been using mobile as a central component of its My Starbucks Rewards scheme for some time. In addition to mobile payments, the app works hard to drive loyalty by housing members’ rewards information, points and coupons as well as a personalised Drinks Builder. 44 © 2012 TNS 45
  • 24. Leveraging mobile loyalty The concept of a personalised, potentially Save time + Save Money + Reduce social, mobile wallet highlights the Angst (friction) = ‘happy’ and more growing importance of mobile-powered loyal customers loyalty and CRM schemes to CMOs’ overall mobile visions. Extended, mobile- So loyalty schemes are seen as the powered loyalty schemes are emerging key to unlocking mobile’s potential as the anchor for many different strands as a broader business enabler. Mobile of mobile activity, ensuring that any loyalty provides new forms of direct-to- communication through consumers’ customer relationships and an effective most personal device is appropriate, framework for delivering targeted offers relevant and meaningful. and promotions that can avoid the risk of cannibalising sales. It’s mobile loyalty marketing that could well drive uptake of newer technologies like NFC, arguably able to have greater Mike Hogan, impact than the current more top-of- Chief Marketing Officer, GameStop mind partnership many expect between Apple’s mobile NFC and mobile payments. And Apple’s “The holy grail for us is that a wallet solution Passbook will no doubt drive greater customer can walk into our store adoption by brands of time and location and we know who they are, Apple’s mobile wallet solution (Passbook) provides further evidence of the targeting capabilities (See more details in probably based upon their being growing significance of mobile loyalty schemes and their appeal to shoppers. It the breakout below/opposite.) a loyalty programme member, and brings together ticketing, coupons and loyalty program information in one place, recognise them through their mobile allowing users to scan and redeem them at the point of sale. It’s also time, date and And it’s important to remember that device. We can then use their location-specific, surfacing the right program details or information and coupons more personalised content and services mobile as the vehicle by which we at the right time. That Apple has initially opted for a loyalty-based solution rather via mobile, faster and more frictionless communicate with them in a highly than a payments-focused mobile wallet, demonstrates the value the company payments mobile payment experiences personalised way.” sees in ‘mobile-enhanced loyalty’ prior to its fully-fledged mobile wallet platform. play well to the equation that often leads to increased loyalty and commitment: 46 © 2012 TNS 47
  • 25. 8 Executive summary Our CMOs express considerable Although CMOs consistently caution optimism about the role that mobile that mobile business models are in their will play in the future growth of their early days, key elements of a strategy businesses. There is a strong sense are beginning to emerge. Integration however, that businesses are only at of marketing with broader business the start of a long road – and that they operations, particularly employees and must be prepared to travel it quickly. the in-store environment, is essential The adoption of mobile services by to success. Mobile payments provide consumers has been extremely rapid – a vital growth opportunity as a means and the expectation is that businesses of differentiating brands in developed should mobilise their offerings equally markets and increasing access to quickly. products in emerging ones. And new forms of mobile loyalty scheme have a A test-learn-scale approach is central to vital role to play in creating a tailored, CMOs’ responses, with pilot schemes personal experience, delivering relevant, establishing the potential for mobile to precise messaging, and providing a increase engagement and reduce friction natural focal point for the many different throughout the path to purchase. These strands of a mobile strategy. pilots are providing valuable insight as to how consumers will respond to mobile services that would have been unimaginable a few short years ago. 48 © 2012 TNS 49
  • 26. 9 About this report This report is based on one-to-one interviews with Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) from a range of About international organisations the author Simon Falconer About Mobile Life As Global Platform Director Mobile Life is an annual investigation for TNS Connect, Simon leads into the behaviours, motivations technology platform innovation and priorities of the world’s mobile and development for TNS’ Global phone users. Now in its seventh practices which help clients drive growth through market entry, year, Mobile Life is the most innovation, brand switching and comprehensive view of how the customer experience management. world’s consumers are using their He joined TNS in June 2011. phones today and the opportunities this presents for brands. With 12 years’ experience in B2B and product marketing roles for digital businesses and business Based on 48,000 conversations in functions, Simon’s expertise is 58 countries, Mobile Life is designed centred on putting technology to to capture the entire population of work for marketing and insight/ mobile users in each market. information consultancy. Prior to TNS he was with Microsoft as Head of Business Planning for the EMEA Online Services division. 50 © 2012 TNS 51
  • 27. About this report About TNS TNS advises clients on specific growth You may strategies around new market entry, be interested in... innovation, brand switching and How mobile raises the bar for stakeholder management, based brand communications > on long-established expertise and The impact of digital on growth market-leading solutions. With a strategies > presence in over 80 countries, TNS Winners and losers on the digital has more conversations with the path to purchase > world’s consumers than anyone else and understands individual human behaviours and attitudes across every cultural, economic and political region of the world. Get in touch TNS is part of Kantar, one of the If you would like to talk to us about world’s largest insight, information and anything you have read in this report, consultancy groups. please get in touch via Please visit for more or via Twitter @tns_global information. 52 © 2012 TNS 53