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A	data	paper	is	a	searchable	metadata	document,	
describing	a	par2cular	dataset	or	a	group	of	
datasets,	published	in	the	form	of	a	peer-reviewed	
ar2cle	in	a	scholarly	journal.	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
The	primary	purpose	of	a	data	paper	is	to	describe	
data	and	the	circumstances	of	their	collec2on,	
rather	than	to	report	hypotheses	and	conclusions.		
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
A	data	paper	is	a	mean	of	bringing	credit	and	
recogni4on	to	all	those	involved	in	data	publica2on	
and	to	alert	the	scien2fic	community	to	the	existence	
of	biodiversity	datasets	and	the	value	they	can	bring	
to	par2cular	research	projects;	
and	as	a	mechanism	for	quality	assessment	and	
control	of	data	accessible	through	GBIF	and	other	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
What is a dataset?
A	dataset	is	understood	here	as	a	digital	collec2on	
of	logically	connected	facts	
(observa4ons,	descrip4ons	or	measurements).	
Typically	structured	in	tabular	form	as	a	set	of	
records,	with	each	record	comprising	a	set	of	fields,	
and	recorded	in	one	or	more	computer	data	files	
that	together	comprise	a	data	package.		
Penev	L,	Mietchen	D,	Chavan	V,	Hagedorn	G,	Remsen	D,	Smith	V,	ShoPon	D	(2011).	PensoT	Data	Publishing	
Policies	and	Guidelines	for	Biodiversity	Data.	PensoT	Publishers,	hPp://	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Penev	L,	Mietchen	D,	Chavan	V,	Hagedorn	G,	Remsen	D,	Smith	V,	ShoPon	D	(2011).	PensoT	Data	Publishing	
Policies	and	Guidelines	for	Biodiversity	Data.	PensoT	Publishers,	hPp://	
There	is	a	dis2nc2on	between	‘sta$c	data’		
some2mes	called	‘dead	datasets’	and	‘curated’	data	
or	‘living’	datasets.	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
discrete	collec2on	of	data	underlying	a	paper	
collec2on	of	data	related	to	monitoring	ac2vi2es	
discrete	collec2on	of	data	related	to	distribu4on	of	species	
discrete	collec2on	of	data	underlying	a	specific	research	
discrete	collec2on	of	data	related	to	a	collec4on	of	specimens	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
a	data	package	is	the	‘file’	containing	the	actual	data	and	
metadata	and	a	descriptor	file	
GBIF	prefers	Darwin	Core	Archives	(DwC-A)	as	a	format	for	publishing	Data	
Darwin	Core	Archive	(DwC-A)	is	a	Biodiversity	informa2cs	data	standard	
that	makes	use	of	the	Darwin	Core	terms	to	produce	a	single,	self-
contained	dataset	for	species	occurrence	or	checklist	data.	Essen2ally	it	is	
a	set	of	text	(CSV)	files	with	a	simple	descriptor	(meta.xml)	to	inform	
others	how	your	files	are	organized.	The	format	is	defined	in	the	Darwin	
Core	Text	Guidelines.	It	is	the	preferred	format	for	publishing	data	to	
the	GBIF	network.	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Why publish data?
data	produced	using	public	funds	should	be	regarded	as	a	common	good,	and	
should	be	openly	published	and	made	available	for	inspec2on,	interpreta2on	and	
re-use	by	third	par2es.	
Open	data	increases	transparency	and	the	overall	quality	of	science;	
Published	datasets	can	be	re-analyzed	and	verified	by	others;	
Published	data	can	be	cited	and	re-used	in	the	future,	either	alone	or	in	associa2on	
with	other	data;	
Data	can	be	integrated	with	other	datasets	across	both	space	and	2me;	
Data	integra2on	increases	recogni4on	and	opportuni4es	for	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Duplica2on	of	data-collec2ng	efforts	and	associated	costs	will	be	reduced;	
Published	data	can	be	indexed	and	made	discoverable,	browsable	and	searchable	
through	internet	services	(e.g.	Web	search	engines)	or	more	specific	infrastructures	
(e.g.,	GBIF	for	biodiversity	data);	
Collec2on	managers	can	trace	usage	and	cita4ons	of	digi2zed	data	from	their	
Data	creators,	and	their	ins2tu2ons	and	funding	agencies,	can	be	credited	for	their	
work	of	data	crea2on	and	publica2on	through	the	conven2onal	channels	of	scholarly	
cita2on;	priority	and	authorship	is	achieved	in	the	same	way	as	with	a	publica2on	of	a	
research	paper;	
Open	data	increases	the	poten2al	for	interdisciplinary	research,	and	for	re-use	
in	new	contexts	not	envisaged	by	the	data	creator;	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Datasets	and	their	metadata,	and	any	related	Data	Papers,	may	be	inter-linked	
into	Research	Objects,	to	expedite	and	mutually	extend	their	dissemina2on,	
to	the	benefit	of	the	authors,	other	scien2sts	in	their	fields,	and	society	at	large;	
Published	data	may	be	structured	as‚	Linked	Data‘,		and	so	creates	new	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
•  All	rights	reserved	à	Data	unusable	
•  Open	Data	Commons	Public	Domain	Dedica2on	and	
License	(PDDL)	–	(CC0)	
•  Crea2ve	Commons	APribu2on-NoDerivs	(CC	BY-ND)	
•  Crea2ve	Commons	APribu2on-NonCommercial	(
•  Crea2ve	Commons	APribu2on-ShareAlike	(CC	BY-SA)	
or	Open	Data	Commons	Open	Database	License	
•  Crea2ve	Commons	APribu2on	(CC	BY)	or	Open	Data	
Commons	APribu2on	License	(ODC-By)	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Why publish data
Improve	the	usability	of	your	published	data!	
Receive	credit	through	indexing	and	cita2on	of	the	published	paper.	
Increase	the	visibility	and	credibility	of	the	data	resources	you	publish.	
Track	more	effec2vely	the	usage	and	cita2ons	of	the	data	you	publish.	
Receive	feedback	on	your	dataset.	
Increase	your	network.	
Get	more	out	of	you	data.	
Improve	the	quality	of	your		dataset.	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Metadata,	literally	“data	about	data”	are	an	essen2al	component	
of	a	data	management	system,	describing	such	aspects	as	the	
“what,	where,	when,	who	and	how”	pertaining	to	a	resource.		
In	the	GBIF	context,	resources	are	datasets,	loosely	defined	as	
collec2ons	of	related	data,	the	granularity	of	which	is	determined	
by	the	data	custodian.	Metadata	can	occur	in	several	levels	of	
completeness.	In	general,	metadata	should	allow	a	prospec2ve	end	
user	of	data	to:	
1.	iden2fy/discover	its	existence,	
2.	learn	how	to	access	or	acquire	the	data,	
3.	understand	its	fitness-for-use,	and	
4.	learn	how	to	transfer	(obtain	a	copy	of)	the	data.	
5.	learn	how	the	data	should	be	used	
GBIF	(2011).	GBIF	Metadata	Profile,	Reference	Guide,	Feb	2011,	(contributed	by	O	Tuama,	E.,	Braak,	K.,	Copenhagen:	Global	
Biodiversity	Informa2on	Facility,19	pp.	Accessible	at	hPp://		
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
GBIF metadata
The	GBIF	Metadata	Profile	is	primarily	based	on	the	Ecological	Metadata	
Language	(EML).	
The	GBIF	profile	u2lizes	a	subset	of	EML	and	extends	it	to	include	addi2onal	
requirements	that	are	not	accommodated	in	the	EML	specifica2on.	The	
following	tables	provide	short	descrip2ons	of	the	profile	elements,	and	where	
relevant,	links	to	more	complete	EML	descrip2ons.		
-  hPp://	
-  hPps://	
The	GBIF	Metadata	Profile	(GMP)	was	developed	in	order	to	standardize	how	
resources	get	described	at	the	dataset	level	in	the	GBIF	Data	Portal	
This	profile	can	be	transformed	to	other	common	metadata	formats	such	as	
the	ISO	19139	metadata	profile.	
The	elements	used	in	IPT	are	a	subset	of	the	complete	GBIF	metadata	profile	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
IPT metadata based on GBIF metadata profile
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
•	Dataset	(Resource)	
•	Project	
•	People	and	Organisa2ons	
•	Keyword	Set	(General	Keywords)	
•	Coverage	
o	Taxonomic	Coverage	
o	Geographic	Coverage	
o	Temporal	Coverage	
•	Methods	
•	Intellectual	Property	Rights	
•	Addi2onal	Metadata	+	NCD	(Natural	Collec2ons	
Descrip2ons	Data)
Element	 Descrip4on	
2tle	 A	descrip2on	of	the	
resource	that	is	being	
documented	that	is	long	
enough	to	
differen2ate	it	from	other	
similar	resources.	
descrip2on	 A	brief	overview	of	the	
resource	that	is	being	
metadata	language	 The	language	in	which	the	
metadata	document	is	wriPen.	
type	 The	type	of	resource.	
subtype	 Specimen	or	observa2ons	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Element	 Descrip4on	
resource	contact	 The	resource	contact	is	the	
person	or	organisa2on	that	
should	be	contacted	to	get	
more	informa2on	about	the	
resource,	that	curates	the	
resource	or	to	whom	puta2ve	
problems	with	the	resource	or	
its	data	should	be	addressed	
resource	creator	 The	resource	creator	is	the	
person	or	organisa2on	
responsible	for	the	original	
crea2on	of	the	resource	
metadata	provider	 The	metadata	provider	is	the	
person	or	organisa2on	
responsible	for	producing	the	
resource	metadata.	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Element	 Descrip4on	
geographicDescrip2on	 short	text	descrip2on	of	a	
dataset's	geographic	areal	
westBoundingCoordinate	 field	covering	the	W	margin	
of	a	bounding	box.	
eastBoundingCoordinate	 field	covering	the	E	margin	
of	a	bounding	box.	
northBoundingCoordinate	 field	covering	the	N	margin	
of	a	bounding	box.	
southBoundingCoordinate	 field	covering	the	S	margin	
of	a	bounding	box.	
descrip2on	 Short	descrip2on	of	the	
geographical	coverage	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Element	 Descrip4on	
Taxonomic	coverage	
A	descrip2on	of	the	range	of	
taxa	addressed	in	the	data	set	
or	collec2on.	
Add	several	taxa	
Add	Scien2fic	Name;	
Common	Name;	Rank	
Add	taxa	in	metadata	up	
to	lowest	shared	rank.	
Element	 Descrip4on	
Start	date	 =	beginDate	
End	data	 =	endDate	
Element	 Descrip4on	
Thesaurus/vocabulary	 n/a	
Keyword	list	 Keywords	separated	by	“,”	
Element	 Descrip4on	
Resource	contact	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Element	 Descrip4on	
2tle	 Title	of	the	project	
Personnel	first	name	
funding	 Reference	to	funding	
Study	area	Descrip2on	 	à	geographic	coverage	
Design	descrip2on	 Project	abstract	&	design	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Element	 Descrip4on	
Study	extent	 Sampling	area	(specific)	and	
sampling	frequency	
Sampling	descrip2on	
Quality	control	 Valida2on	and	quality	
control	ac2ons	performed	
on	the	dataset	
Step	descrip2on	 Procedures	followed	to	
produce	a	data	object	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Element	 Descrip4on	
Cita2on	iden2fier	 URI	or	doi	
Resource	cita2on	 cita2on	
Element	 Descrip4on	
Collec2on	Name	
Parent	collec2on	iden2fier	
Preserva2on	method	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
Element	 Descrip4on	
Resource	homepage	 URL	
Add	new	external	link	
Element	 Descrip4on	
Hierarchy	level	 dataset	
Date	published	
Purpose	(Ra2onale)	
IP	rights	
Addi2onal	informa2on	
Slides modified from Dimitri Brosens, data paper workshop in Trondheim October 2015
GBIF BIFA mentoring, Day 5b Data paper, July 2016

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