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Sebastian Gawelowicz, 2016
How pharma companies can engage through fun?
Gamification origin & meaning
Key gamification mechanics
Gamification use cases
Gamification in healthcare
Gamification enabelement process
Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 2
Media consumption trends
43% of email messages are read on mobile
of society have used an additional
screen within last 30 days while
watching TV - Nielsen
of users will spend 10 seconds or less
on a website to decide whether they will
use it or not – Microsoft Research
Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 4
Game facts
hours are spent every week on playing
videogames3 billion
this many gamers in the U.S. are spending
more than 40 hours a week playing games -
the equivalent of a full time job
5 million
an average person racks up 10,000 hours
of gaming by the age of 21 - 24 hours less
than they spend in a classroom for all of
middle and high school if they have perfect
Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 5
5 products. 5 minutes. Good luck.
Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement research indicates that:
of employees
worldwide are
not engaged at work
Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 7
Theodore Roosevelt once said…
“When you play, play hard.
When you work, don’t play at all.”
Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 8
Work vs. Games
Tasks repetitive, dull repetitive, fun
Feedback once a year constantly
Goals contradictory, vague clear
Path to Mastery unclear clear
Rules unclear, intransparent clear, transparent
Information too much and not enough right amount at the right time
forbidden, punished, don't talk
about it
expected, encouraged,
spectacular, brag about it
Status of Users hidden transparent, timely
Collaboration yes yes
Speed/Risk low high
Autonomy mid to low high
Obstacles accidental on purpose
Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 9
Sebastian Deterding, a user experience designer and
researcher said…
“The motivational power of video
game play for education lies not
so much in the technology – the
‘video game’ – but in the way
people approach and interact
with it – the ‘play.’”
• widely hailed as one of the worst games ever
• Developer given only five and a half weeks to
create it
• Atari had ordered 5 million copies of the game,
only 1.5 million were sold and many of those
returned by disgruntled customers.
• Truck-loads of cartridges were sent to a landfill
in New Mexico, a macabre memorial to the
eventual demise of Atari.
• The game contributed to its $536 million debt
and the subsequent North American video game
After all there are many really unsuccessful games out there
Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 12
The application of game-design
elements and game principles in
non-game contexts
to encourage users to engage in
desired behaviors.
Gamification is…
Gamification origin
Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 15
Gamification is so much more than just Points, Badges and
17Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Game Mechanics
Get inspired
Nadya Direkova, Game on: 16 design patterns for user engagement
19Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Where can gamification bring value?
1. Initiate activity
2. Maintain engagement
3. Increase engagement - # of interactions through recency,
frequency, duration.
4. Increase efficiency - reduce time and costs
5. Improve quality – same activity, better outcome.
… while having fun
21Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
I will go for a walk.1. Initiate activity
I will be going for a walk every week.2. Maintain engagement
I will go for a walk more often, spend more
time outside.
3. Increase engagement
I will take shortcuts and jog to be back
4. Increase efficiency
I will go for a walk with a friend.5. Improve quality
Consider taking a walk in a park…
Piano Stairs: 66% more of people use the stairs, if they
can produce music with it
23Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Encouraging signup form completion
24Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Bracelet monitoring washing activity has raised
handwashing compliance from 25% to 44%
One Israeli-based startup by the name
of Hyginex attempts to address hand
washing compliance by providing a
bracelet that monitors hand washing
activity and even provides
audio/haptic feedback to remind
doctors to wash their hands.
25Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
The Email Game – send more email, send it faster
26Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Target Checkout Game – improving checkout speed
and accuracy
• Solving a problem of long checkout
lines and service time
• Each transaction was rated on speed
and accuracy contributing to a total
• Feedback on performance for 10 last
transactions (Green/Yellow/Red)
accompanied by a system of beeps
and green lights to create positive
• Resulted in faster checkout time
and increased employee satisfaction
27Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
What are the most applicable gamification use case in
1. Patient engagement
2. Medical Education
3. Sales
4. Events
29Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Patient Engagement
Beyond the pill
• Patient adherence, engagement and
education platform
• Monitoring prescription fills for engaged
patients for accurate results
• Results:
– Increasing mean prescription fills rates by
54% across indications and demographic
– Materially decreased the mean interval
between refills for one group of diabetic
patients by 39%.
– Engagement rates for patients enrolled in
HealthPrize programs were equally
– One group of diabetic patients presented a
mean engagement rate of 5 logins per week
– Asthma/COPD patients were logging in
approximately 7.7 times per week on
– Average login rates for patients across all
programs was just over 4 times per week
31Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
MyFreshStart - Mylan
32Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Fit2Me – AstraZeneca
• Campaign for Type 2 diabetes
patients and caregivers
• Supporting diabetic patients within
food, activity, treatment and
utilizing digital coaches
• Results since October 15, 2014 :
– 1 million+ visitors within 6 months,
54% of which were repeat visitors
– Unique visitors were 163% of goal
(over 50% coming from mobile)
– Requests for AstraZeneca
Treatments were 4.2X baseline
– Email opens were 5X industry
33Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Monster Manor - Sanofi
• Gamified mobile application for
children with diabetes type 1
• Encouraging users to track their
glucose levels
• Integrated with glucose tracker
• Utilizing virtual goods, content
unlocking content, gifting, items
• Access for HCPs to monitor
glycaemic trends
34Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Go Meals - Sanofi
35Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Remembering is hard.
Forgetting is easy.
Medical Education – Septris – Stanford University
• Practical approach to early sepsis
identification and application of
evidence-based management (best
• Interactive case scenarios
37Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Product education with board games - Mylan
• Goal: effectively using iPad during
call with HCP
• Goal of the game: memorize
eDetailing content & product
• Rules:
– competition of 3 teams
– finding slide after randomize of
– explain goal of slide and key
Project owner: Sławomir Garbacki, Sales Force Training & Excellence Manager, Mylan
38Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Enhancing eLearning activities - Mylan
• Fun summary of eLearning – how
to use an iPad
• Example tasks:
– Create shortcut to mailbox
– Take a screenshot
– Send an email with attachments
– Visit App Store
– Answer questions around benefits of
– Take a selfie (used to create a movie
with all participants – summary
during Cycle meeting)
39Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Project owner: Sławomir Garbacki, Sales Force Training & Excellence Manager, Mylan
The Knowledge Guru – build your own learning game
40Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Motivating field force beyond
Gamification for salesforce
42Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
• Field visit report submissions
• Completing entire product detailing
• Training completion
• Answering HCP questions
• Email consent form submissions
• Planning visits in advance
• Adjusting targets
Gamification for salesforce
• Improve education
• Increase reporting quality
• Increase call frequency
• Increase detailing quality
• Increase coverage
• Increase digital engagement
43Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
“Let’s make the most of it since
we’re here anyway.”
Gamifying Events
45Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
• registering early for an event
• participating in discussions
• GPS check-in
• asking and answering questions
• contributing a solution to a problem
• taking photos, scanning codes
• social sharing
• visiting specific exhibitors
• visiting specific event destinations
• networking with other attendees
• participating in special events
• reading content
• downloading information
• submitting surveys & quizzes
Gamifying Events
• Increase attendance
• Increase engagement during
• Increase networking
• Increase engagement with
46Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Gamifying Events - Tools
• ,
47Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
It’s been done before. It works.
A comprehensive list of 90+ Gamification Cases with ROI Stats :
Think first. Then do.
Photo credit: Moyan Brenn
Gamification enablement process
1. Define Business Objectives, e.g.:
1. Increase employee productivity
2. Increase customer retention
3. Increase reporting quality
2. Delineate Target Behaviors
1. Submit field visit report
2. Visit a product website
3. Describe your players
1. Customer Journey
2. Personas
3. Motivation
4. Design Activity Cycles
1. Engagement Loops – Motivation->Action->Feedback
2. Progression Stairs – from rookie to pro, levels
5. Don’t Forget the Fun
1. Would people participate voluntarily? Even if no rewards are offered?
6. Deploy Appropriate tools
1. People
2. Technology
51Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Define Business
Objectives & Delineate
Target Behaviors
What do you want to accomplish and what users need to do
to help you achieve your goal?
53Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Cooooookies are awesome
Gamification is like cookies
54Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
but will not make everything taste better
55Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Must-have success factors
1. User Motivation
1. Gamification might help if a user knows he needs to change
behavior but has issues making that change
2. Gamification is means to increasing motivation, it will not solve
a problem of a bad product or too steep pricing.
2. Autonomy– can user choose which activity to pursue?
3. Data & Structure – can user actions be registered to be assigned
point value afterwards?
4. No conflict with existing motivation plans- are planned
activities going to collide with existing motivators?
5. Feedback – will user know the outcome of his/her activity once
6. Transparency– are the rules of participation clear and
transparent to a user?
56Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Describe your players
Customer Journey
58Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Different people find fun in different activities
Killers Achievers
• Killers are the least common group
• Majority of users are socializers
• Everyone has a combination of different characteristics, but can prefer a certain interaction
type more
59Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Player Types
60Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation
61Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Design activity cycles
Design game mechanics for each activity cycle
63Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Game Mechanics
• Status – a position in relation to other players.
• Access – to information, people, objects that other players don't have or
only few of them, e.g. early access to content, meeting with a CEO.
Important especially to explorer player type
• Power– over other players, objects, information, e.g. competition.
Important to killer player type.
• Stuff – rewards, things that players get that only few others get or no
others get, e.g. coupons, flight tickets redeemable from points. Stuff is
addictive and can decrease motivation over time when people do not engage
in activity unless rewarded.
Gabe Zichermann on SAPS:
65Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Use the mechanics wisely
A Meta-Analytic Review of Experiments Examining the Effects of Extrinsic Rewards on Intrinsic
Why Both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators Matter in Gamification
66Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Extrinsic motivation works
• Recent research (from Mekler et al. at the University of Basel)
clearly shows that the basic methods of gamification clearly work to
drive core behavior
• „Do points, levels and leaderboards harm intrinsic motivation?: an
empirical analysis of common gamification elements”
67Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Progress Wars is a parody of progress bars, achievements
and levels
68Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Cow Clicker is an example of pointsification: meaningless
point collection
69Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Extrinsic motivation doesn’t work when creativity and complex
work are needed. Consider intrinsic motivators instead
• Adding a variable of competition
for monetary reward creates a level
of stress that shuts down the
creative thinking and problem
solving areas of the brain
• Complex tasks require autonomy,
mastery and purpose.
• Reward but not based on the
70Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Sometimes no rewards is better
„- To naprawdę fantastyczne zawody. Wielka szkoda tylko,
że tak fatalnie są tam traktowani zawodnicy. Nie dość, że
spiker nie przedstawiał nas w ogóle, a przecież
startował tam między innymi rekordzista Europy i
medalista mistrzostw świata Radek Kawęcki, to do tego
prawie nie było publiczności. To jest żałosne. Wyglądało to
tak, jakby to były zwykłe podwórkowe zawody.”
- Nie chodzi mi dokładnie tylko o te zawody. Po
prostu akurat na nich puściły mi nerwy, kiedy po
dwóch dniach ciężkich startów czekałam w autobusie
godzinę na podróż i ten mój wysiłek został wyceniony na
200 złotych. Zrobiło mi się przykro. Już może lepiej
byłoby, żeby tej nagrody w ogóle nie było - dodała.
• Extrinsic rewards can be actually
• Status and feeling appreciated
matters most
71Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Don’t forget the fun
1. Would you engage with
this gamified system
2. Would you do it again?
Deploy appropriate
Gamification platforms
75Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Gamification enablement process
1. Define Business Objectives, e.g.:
1. Increase employee productivity
2. Increase customer retention
3. Increase reporting quality
2. Delineate Target Behaviors
1. Submit field visit report
2. Visit a product website
3. Describe your players
1. Customer Journey
2. Personas
3. Motivation
4. Design Activity Cycles
1. Engagement Loops – Motivation->Action->Feedback
2. Progression Stairs – from rookie to pro, levels
5. Don’t Forget the Fun
1. Would people participate voluntarily? Even if no rewards are offered?
6. Deploy Appropriate tools
1. People
2. Technology
76Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
More resources:
77Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
Stay in touch!
Contact Details
Sebastian Gawelowicz
Global Digital Marketing Professional
mobile: +48 504 498 732

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Gamification in healthcare & pharma

  • 1. Sebastian Gawelowicz, 2016 Gamification: How pharma companies can engage through fun?
  • 2. Agenda Introduction Gamification origin & meaning Key gamification mechanics Gamification use cases Gamification in healthcare Gamification enabelement process Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 4. Media consumption trends 43% of email messages are read on mobile devices 80% of society have used an additional screen within last 30 days while watching TV - Nielsen 98% of users will spend 10 seconds or less on a website to decide whether they will use it or not – Microsoft Research Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 4
  • 5. Game facts hours are spent every week on playing videogames3 billion this many gamers in the U.S. are spending more than 40 hours a week playing games - the equivalent of a full time job > 5 million an average person racks up 10,000 hours of gaming by the age of 21 - 24 hours less than they spend in a classroom for all of middle and high school if they have perfect attendance ≈ 10,000h Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 5
  • 6. 5 products. 5 minutes. Good luck.
  • 7. Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement research indicates that: 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged at work Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 7
  • 8. Theodore Roosevelt once said… “When you play, play hard. When you work, don’t play at all.” Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 8
  • 9. Work vs. Games ELEMENT WORK GAMES Tasks repetitive, dull repetitive, fun Feedback once a year constantly Goals contradictory, vague clear Path to Mastery unclear clear Rules unclear, intransparent clear, transparent Information too much and not enough right amount at the right time Failure forbidden, punished, don't talk about it expected, encouraged, spectacular, brag about it Status of Users hidden transparent, timely Collaboration yes yes Speed/Risk low high Autonomy mid to low high Obstacles accidental on purpose Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 9
  • 10.
  • 11. Sebastian Deterding, a user experience designer and researcher said… “The motivational power of video game play for education lies not so much in the technology – the ‘video game’ – but in the way people approach and interact with it – the ‘play.’”
  • 12. • widely hailed as one of the worst games ever made • Developer given only five and a half weeks to create it • Atari had ordered 5 million copies of the game, only 1.5 million were sold and many of those returned by disgruntled customers. • Truck-loads of cartridges were sent to a landfill in New Mexico, a macabre memorial to the eventual demise of Atari. • The game contributed to its $536 million debt and the subsequent North American video game crash After all there are many really unsuccessful games out there E.T. Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz 12
  • 14. The application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts to encourage users to engage in desired behaviors. Gamification is…
  • 17. Gamification is so much more than just Points, Badges and Leaderboards > 17Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 19. Get inspired Nadya Direkova, Game on: 16 design patterns for user engagement 19Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 21. Where can gamification bring value? 1. Initiate activity 2. Maintain engagement 3. Increase engagement - # of interactions through recency, frequency, duration. 4. Increase efficiency - reduce time and costs 5. Improve quality – same activity, better outcome. … while having fun 21Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 22. I will go for a walk.1. Initiate activity I will be going for a walk every week.2. Maintain engagement I will go for a walk more often, spend more time outside. 3. Increase engagement I will take shortcuts and jog to be back earlier. 4. Increase efficiency I will go for a walk with a friend.5. Improve quality Consider taking a walk in a park…
  • 23. Piano Stairs: 66% more of people use the stairs, if they can produce music with it 23Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 24. Encouraging signup form completion 24Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 25. Bracelet monitoring washing activity has raised handwashing compliance from 25% to 44% One Israeli-based startup by the name of Hyginex attempts to address hand washing compliance by providing a bracelet that monitors hand washing activity and even provides audio/haptic feedback to remind doctors to wash their hands. 25Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 26. The Email Game – send more email, send it faster 26Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 27. Target Checkout Game – improving checkout speed and accuracy • Solving a problem of long checkout lines and service time • Each transaction was rated on speed and accuracy contributing to a total score • Feedback on performance for 10 last transactions (Green/Yellow/Red) accompanied by a system of beeps and green lights to create positive reinforcement • Resulted in faster checkout time and increased employee satisfaction 27Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 29. What are the most applicable gamification use case in healthcare? 1. Patient engagement 2. Medical Education 3. Sales 4. Events 29Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 31. HealthPrize average-54-boast-unprecedented-engagement-levels/ • Patient adherence, engagement and education platform • Monitoring prescription fills for engaged patients for accurate results • Results: – Increasing mean prescription fills rates by 54% across indications and demographic – Materially decreased the mean interval between refills for one group of diabetic patients by 39%. – Engagement rates for patients enrolled in HealthPrize programs were equally outstanding. – One group of diabetic patients presented a mean engagement rate of 5 logins per week – Asthma/COPD patients were logging in approximately 7.7 times per week on average. – Average login rates for patients across all programs was just over 4 times per week 31Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 33. Fit2Me – AstraZeneca • Campaign for Type 2 diabetes patients and caregivers • Supporting diabetic patients within food, activity, treatment and utilizing digital coaches • Results since October 15, 2014 : – 1 million+ visitors within 6 months, 54% of which were repeat visitors – Unique visitors were 163% of goal (over 50% coming from mobile) – Requests for AstraZeneca Treatments were 4.2X baseline – Email opens were 5X industry benchmarks 33Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 34. Monster Manor - Sanofi er_mobile_diabetes_game_for_kids_511764 • Gamified mobile application for children with diabetes type 1 • Encouraging users to track their glucose levels • Integrated with glucose tracker • Utilizing virtual goods, content unlocking content, gifting, items collection • Access for HCPs to monitor glycaemic trends 34Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 35. Go Meals - Sanofi 35Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 37. Medical Education – Septris – Stanford University • Practical approach to early sepsis identification and application of evidence-based management (best practices) • Interactive case scenarios 37Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 38. Product education with board games - Mylan • Goal: effectively using iPad during call with HCP • Goal of the game: memorize eDetailing content & product information • Rules: – competition of 3 teams – finding slide after randomize of cube – explain goal of slide and key messages Project owner: Sławomir Garbacki, Sales Force Training & Excellence Manager, Mylan 38Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 39. Enhancing eLearning activities - Mylan • Fun summary of eLearning – how to use an iPad • Example tasks: – Create shortcut to mailbox – Take a screenshot – Send an email with attachments – Visit App Store – Answer questions around benefits of iPad’s – Take a selfie (used to create a movie with all participants – summary during Cycle meeting) 39Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz Project owner: Sławomir Garbacki, Sales Force Training & Excellence Manager, Mylan
  • 40. The Knowledge Guru – build your own learning game 40Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 41. Sales Motivating field force beyond competition
  • 42. Gamification for salesforce 42Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 43. • Field visit report submissions • Completing entire product detailing • Training completion • Answering HCP questions • Email consent form submissions • Planning visits in advance • Adjusting targets Gamification for salesforce • Improve education • Increase reporting quality • Increase call frequency • Increase detailing quality • Increase coverage • Increase digital engagement Behaviors:Objectives: 43Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 44. Events “Let’s make the most of it since we’re here anyway.”
  • 46. • registering early for an event • participating in discussions • GPS check-in • asking and answering questions • contributing a solution to a problem • taking photos, scanning codes • social sharing • visiting specific exhibitors • visiting specific event destinations • networking with other attendees • participating in special events • reading content • downloading information • submitting surveys & quizzes Gamifying Events • Increase attendance • Increase engagement during sessions • Increase networking • Increase engagement with exhibitors Behaviors:Objectives: 46Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 47. Gamifying Events - Tools • , • • • • • • • 47Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 49. It’s been done before. It works. A comprehensive list of 90+ Gamification Cases with ROI Stats : figures/
  • 50. Think first. Then do. Photo credit: Moyan Brenn
  • 51. Gamification enablement process 1. Define Business Objectives, e.g.: 1. Increase employee productivity 2. Increase customer retention 3. Increase reporting quality 2. Delineate Target Behaviors 1. Submit field visit report 2. Visit a product website 3. Describe your players 1. Customer Journey 2. Personas 3. Motivation 4. Design Activity Cycles 1. Engagement Loops – Motivation->Action->Feedback 2. Progression Stairs – from rookie to pro, levels 5. Don’t Forget the Fun 1. Would people participate voluntarily? Even if no rewards are offered? 6. Deploy Appropriate tools 1. People 2. Technology 51Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 52. Define Business Objectives & Delineate Target Behaviors
  • 53. What do you want to accomplish and what users need to do to help you achieve your goal? 53Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 54. Cooooookies are awesome Gamification is like cookies 54Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 55. but will not make everything taste better 55Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 56. Must-have success factors 1. User Motivation 1. Gamification might help if a user knows he needs to change behavior but has issues making that change 2. Gamification is means to increasing motivation, it will not solve a problem of a bad product or too steep pricing. 2. Autonomy– can user choose which activity to pursue? 3. Data & Structure – can user actions be registered to be assigned point value afterwards? 4. No conflict with existing motivation plans- are planned activities going to collide with existing motivators? 5. Feedback – will user know the outcome of his/her activity once completed? 6. Transparency– are the rules of participation clear and transparent to a user? 56Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 59. Different people find fun in different activities Killers Achievers ExplorersSocializers Interacting Acting WorldPeople • Killers are the least common group • Majority of users are socializers • Everyone has a combination of different characteristics, but can prefer a certain interaction type more 59Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 60. Player Types 60Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 61. Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation motivation.htm 61Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 63. Design game mechanics for each activity cycle Motivation ActionFeedback 63Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 65. SAPS • Status – a position in relation to other players. • Access – to information, people, objects that other players don't have or only few of them, e.g. early access to content, meeting with a CEO. Important especially to explorer player type • Power– over other players, objects, information, e.g. competition. Important to killer player type. • Stuff – rewards, things that players get that only few others get or no others get, e.g. coupons, flight tickets redeemable from points. Stuff is addictive and can decrease motivation over time when people do not engage in activity unless rewarded. Gabe Zichermann on SAPS: 65Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 66. Use the mechanics wisely A Meta-Analytic Review of Experiments Examining the Effects of Extrinsic Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation Why Both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators Matter in Gamification 66Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 67. Extrinsic motivation works • Recent research (from Mekler et al. at the University of Basel) clearly shows that the basic methods of gamification clearly work to drive core behavior • „Do points, levels and leaderboards harm intrinsic motivation?: an empirical analysis of common gamification elements” 67Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 68. Progress Wars is a parody of progress bars, achievements and levels 68Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 69. Cow Clicker is an example of pointsification: meaningless point collection 69Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 70. Extrinsic motivation doesn’t work when creativity and complex work are needed. Consider intrinsic motivators instead • Adding a variable of competition for monetary reward creates a level of stress that shuts down the creative thinking and problem solving areas of the brain • Complex tasks require autonomy, mastery and purpose. • Reward but not based on the outcome rewards-stifle-creativity-video&catid=4:blog&Itemid=251&lang=en 70Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 71. Sometimes no rewards is better „- To naprawdę fantastyczne zawody. Wielka szkoda tylko, że tak fatalnie są tam traktowani zawodnicy. Nie dość, że spiker nie przedstawiał nas w ogóle, a przecież startował tam między innymi rekordzista Europy i medalista mistrzostw świata Radek Kawęcki, to do tego prawie nie było publiczności. To jest żałosne. Wyglądało to tak, jakby to były zwykłe podwórkowe zawody.” - Nie chodzi mi dokładnie tylko o te zawody. Po prostu akurat na nich puściły mi nerwy, kiedy po dwóch dniach ciężkich startów czekałam w autobusie godzinę na podróż i ten mój wysiłek został wyceniony na 200 złotych. Zrobiło mi się przykro. Już może lepiej byłoby, żeby tej nagrody w ogóle nie było - dodała. • Extrinsic rewards can be actually demotivating • Status and feeling appreciated matters most 71Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 73. 1. Would you engage with this gamified system voluntarily? 2. Would you do it again?
  • 75. Gamification platforms • • • • • • • • • • • 75Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 76. Gamification enablement process 1. Define Business Objectives, e.g.: 1. Increase employee productivity 2. Increase customer retention 3. Increase reporting quality 2. Delineate Target Behaviors 1. Submit field visit report 2. Visit a product website 3. Describe your players 1. Customer Journey 2. Personas 3. Motivation 4. Design Activity Cycles 1. Engagement Loops – Motivation->Action->Feedback 2. Progression Stairs – from rookie to pro, levels 5. Don’t Forget the Fun 1. Would people participate voluntarily? Even if no rewards are offered? 6. Deploy Appropriate tools 1. People 2. Technology 76Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 77. More resources: • • • • • • • • 77Gamification in Pharma| Sebastian Gawelowicz
  • 78. Stay in touch! Contact Details 78 Sebastian Gawelowicz Global Digital Marketing Professional mobile: +48 504 498 732 email:

Editor's Notes

  3. The app, available on the web and for smartphones encourages users to make healthy choices with features for eating healthy, staying active and tracking blood glucose levels. GoMeals allows patients to see how their daily habits impact their diabetes. It also provides HCPs with the ability to see how their patient is actually doing. GoMeals uses game design elements providing users clear reports on “burnt calories”, intake from their meals, and glucose readings
  4. Sepsis strikes approximately 750,000 people in the US and is responsible for more than 215,000 deaths. Mortality remains high at 25-50% at a cost of $17 billion each year [1]. Septic states have become far too common; with unacceptable high mortality rates and lengthy hospitalizations, it is one of the most costly conditions to treat. This activity provides a practical approach to early sepsis identification and application of evidence-based management (best practice) and evidence-based guidelines. Interactive case scenarios will be used to put these principles into practice.
  6. Cow Clicker is a Facebook game about Facebook games. It’s partly a satire, and partly a playable theory of today’s social games, and partly an earnest example of that genre. You get a cow. You can click on it. In six hours, you can click it again. Clicking earns you clicks. You can buy custom “premium” cows through micropayments (the Cow Clicker currency is called “mooney”), and you can buy your way out of the time delay by spending it. You can publish feed stories about clicking your cow, and you can click friends’ cow clicks in their feed stories. Cow Clicker is Facebook games distilled to their essence.