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S t u d e n t A f f a i r s :
Student Affairs: Is a profession of educators who work outside of classrooms and sometimes in-
side the classroom at colleges and universities; often experiential learning is a focus of student affairs
professionals. Experiential learning is “hands-on” based education that gives students the opportunity
to have real world and community knowledge. There are many positions that student affairs practition-
ers can hold such as career counselor, student life specialist, and academic advisor. A variety of pro-
grams with learning outcomes are facilitated and created by student affairs staff on college and univer-
sity campuses. There is a wide array of theorists and research that practitioners utilize (Kuh, 1993).
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Name of Student: ________________________________________
Name of Supervisor: ________________________________________
R e v i e w D a t e s :
Fa l l D a t e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W i n t e r D a t e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No matter what major the graduate assistant is, developing transferable skills sets in student affairs will
open up career opportunities. This is the why the graduate assistant is responsible for creating learning
outcomes with their supervisor. Student development and professional development for the graduate
assistant is an essential aspect of this position. At the Leadership and Volunteer Center, the graduate as-
sistant will create learning goals with their supervisor (Emily DeLano). Not every skill below needs to be
addressed. The graduate assistant should pick 1-2 goals per semester. The supervisor will pick 2 goals
per semester. At the end of the semester, the G.A. and supervisor will review goals. The supervisor will
evaluate the graduate assistant’s growth. The supervisor will ask, “How can I support you more to reach
your goals?” and “What can I do better as a supervisor?”
Objectives Related to Areas of Competency – designed to assist the GA in planning structured strat-
egies which will result in building these essential student affairs competencies.
Graduate Student
Create your own learning outcome
Communication/Marketing Skills
Theoretical Frameworks
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Transitions/Wellness
Objective: To encourage the GA’s ability to make the successful transition to graduate student, while maintaining a balance be-
tween work and personal life through the practice of healthy behaviors and lifestyles.
___The GA will gain an understanding of successful strategies and techniques for dealing with stress.
___The GA will make it a priority to balance coursework, assistantship responsibilities, and a personal
life in a way that is healthy for him or her.
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Make Your Own Learning Outcome
Objective: To encourage the GA to create their own learning outcome and advocate for their own personal and professional
development. The work must be focused on the office of Leadership and Volunteer Center. The supervisor must approve.
__Other____________________Coordinate OU Day of Service__________________________
Partner with athletics to have athletes come to OU Day of Service. Market, recruit students, and
find great non-profits to come to campus. Make sure all students have enough service work and
meaningful service work at OU Day of Service. Create great relationships with other offices to
market OU Day of Service. (OU Day of Service is November, 13, 2013, 9am-9pm)
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Administration
Objective: To assist the GA in the development of effective skills in human resource management (selection, supervision, train-
ing and development of personnel); strategic planning; short-range and long-range planning; projection; fiscal management and budg-
eting (resource use and allocation); time management, delegation, and task supervision; facilities management; the discipline process;
and policy management and interpretation. The ability to assess daily activities from a legal perspective as well as understanding and
applying knowledge of legal issues to one’s work environment and relationships.
___The GA will demonstrate an ability to contribute to staffing various project teams, work groups and committees within
the university environment.
___The GA will demonstrate an effective use of supervision models when supervising others.
___The GA will demonstrate an ability to interpret and apply university and office policies to the management of her/her
student affairs unit.
___The GA will establish short range and long-range goals for self.
___For the programs s/he is responsible for, the GA will establish short range and long-range goals.
___The GA will demonstrate an ability to plan programs, to coordinate programs and to provide an evaluation of programs.
___The GA will develop an understanding of legal issues that affect student affairs practice.
___Other ______________________________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Communication/Marketing Skills
Objective: The GA will increase his or her communication skills. Written and non-verbal skills are essential for student
affairs practitioners.
___The GA will be able to deal positively with the public, students, and other staff members.
___The GA will display effective verbal interpersonal communication skills.
___The GA will display effective non-verbal interpersonal communication skills.
___The GA will demonstrate an ability to network and develop relationships with appropriate offices, members, and con-
stituent groups.
___The GA will demonstrate an ability to create printed materials: brochures, posters, hand-outs
___The GA will demonstrate competency in public speaking.
___The GA will demonstrate competency in making presentations.
___The GA will demonstrate competency in teaching constituents, peers, and other professionals issues that are relevant
to the assistantship and student affairs.
___The GA will learn and use effective interview techniques.
___The GA will be able to demonstrate the skills required to advise groups and/or individuals in academic, personal and/
or group dynamics.
___The GA will develop basic counseling skills, such as active listening and providing feedback, to students with whom
he/she works.
___The GA will demonstrate skills in crisis management and problem solving.
___The GA will demonstrate skills in managing conflict.
___The GA will be able to demonstrate effective consultation skills in his/her interaction with members of the faculty,
student body, and with their colleagues.
Supervisor’s Comments: Fall/Winter
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Theoretical Foundations
Objective: To encourage the development of GA’s skills in foundational theories related to the profession of college student
personnel including a knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles of student development and student learning theo-
ries and organizational theories, and the ability to apply theory to improve student affairs practice.
___The GA will demonstrate an awareness of student developmental theory and ability to apply developmental theory into
the activities of the Graduate Assistantship. This can be done by studying the graduate student resource binder:
1)-Reviewing and learning from the student development handout that includes all the major theorists
2)-Learning about LEAP and High Impact Practices.
3)-Learning about research on student subpopulations (NTS, First-Generation, African American students, Millennial Students) (books are in Emily’s office)
4)-Learning about Legal Issues in Student Affairs (book in Emily’s Office)
5) Learning about Advising Philosophies and Research (Visit NACADA website)
6) Read and Study Current Issues Research Articles
___The GA will demonstrate an awareness of organizational theory . (Read in Resource Binder)
___The GA will demonstrate knowledge of the ethical and legal principles related to confidentiality (Understand FERPA).
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Technology
Objective: To encourage the development of GA’s understanding of current and emerging technologies that impact stu-
dent learning, behavior and engagement. This also includes the ethical use of such technologies, the provision of student services
and developmental programming, the administration of student affairs functions and communications, and procuring and manag-
ing resources (software and hardware) that give shape to technology in student affairs.
___The GA will demonstrate knowledge of various computer software and machinery, i.e. word processing, spreadsheet,
e-mail, and Internet.
___The GA will demonstrate an ability to operate office business machines, i.e., copy machines, fax, internet browsers,
___The GA will demonstrate the ethical use of technology in his/her practice.
___Other ______________________________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Assessment/Learning Outcomes
Objective: The graduate assistant will understand how to assess different programs and campus initiatives. The GA will
understand the need for assessment and the future it creates.
___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of the development and implementation of learning
___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of the essential components of a unit self-study.
___The GA will align learning outcomes with every student program.
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Diversity/Inclusion
Objective: To encourage the development of GA’s skills in diversity and inclusion to include an understanding and valuing of
diverse groups and views, civic engagement and social responsibility, as well as recognizing the importance of language and culture
in pursuit of creating and maintaining more pluralistic and multicultural campuses. An awareness of one’s own assumptions, biases
and values and an understanding of the worldview of others. The ability to work and relate effectively with persons from diverse
backgrounds. Developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques for supporting institutional equity and inclusion.
___The GA will present and share information related to issues of interculturalism, diversity and inclusion to constituents,
peers, and other members of the GVSU community.
___The GA will develop working relationships with constituents and other professionals from diverse backgrounds.
___The GA will incorporate interculturalism and inclusion into his/her activities as a graduate assistant.
___The GA will understand microaggressions and understand how to address them.
___The GA will understand the diverse non-profits in the Metro-Detroit Area and understand their cultures.
___The GA will reflect on personal stereotypes, knowledge and awareness of cultural differences.
___The GA will develop skills to both understand and regard others whose backgrounds and experiences are different
from his/her own.
___The GA will gain an understanding of intervention strategies and techniques that support institutional equity and in-
___Other ______________________________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Sustainability
Objective: To increase the GA’s knowledge on sustainability. This includes educating self, educating students, and influ-
encing institutional change that promotes healthy environments, social justice, and strong economies.
___The GA will gain an understanding of sustainability through the “Triple Bottom Line” lens of environmental steward-
ship, economic prosperity, and social responsibility.
___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of successful strategies to reduce waste, conserve energy, and save water.
___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of holistic systems oriented thinking and approaches.
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Research
Objective: To encourage the development of GA’s skills in the design and implementation of quantitative and qualitative
methods focused on student learning and satisfaction, organizational issues and improvement, professional development and train-
ing, student development, and other emergent issues. Includes the ability to understand and contribute to the professional litera-
ture relevant to the field.
___The GA will implement new research ideas: focus groups, surveys, pre/post tests, data analysis, and other research
___ The GA will demonstrate an ability to understand, utilize and implement research related to the student affairs pro-
fession and other related duties.
___The GA will understand where to find valid research on service learning and leadership.
___The GA will be published in a student affairs clearinghouse.
___The GA will read the resource manual’s research section and implement key concepts of research findings in day to
day work with students.
___Other ______________________________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Ethics
Objective: The graduate assistant will align their ethical views with Oakland University’s professional policies.
___The GA will learn Oakland’s ethical principles and align with Oakland’s views.
___The GA will develop an understanding and appreciation of ethical principles in the student affairs
___The GA will demonstrate ethical behavior as a graduate student and student affairs professional.
___ Other_______________________________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Leadership
Objective: The Graduate Assistant will understand and implement leadership theory into their everyday work. The grad-
uate assistant will help plan leadership events/activities. The graduate assistant will develop a leadership philosophy and practice
“Everyday Leadership.”
___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of leadership development theory: Service Leadership, Situational Leader-
ship, Democratic/Participative Leadership, Laissez-Faire, Autocratic, Transactional, Transformational.
___The GA will demonstrate leadership in practice: no gossiping about co-workers, diligent work ethic, not making ex-
cuses, showing a locus of control, positive attitude, self-efficacy, managing time correctly at work, coming to work on
time and leaving at the right time, putting students’ needs before your own, advocating for students, and coming to
one’s supervisor if an issue is occurring or if support is needed.
“Individuals with a high internal locus of control believe that events in their life derive primarily from their own actions; for example,
if a person with an internal locus of control does not perform as well as they wanted to on a test, they would blame it on lack of
preparedness on their part. If they performed well on a test, they would attribute this to ability to study.”
___The GA will read one text from Emily’s book selection on Leadership: MLK, Gandhi, The Defining Decade, Every-
day Leadership, Principle-Centered Leadership. The GA will explain during a one-on-one with his or her supervisor
what he or she learned.
__X__The GA will plan leadership-oriented programs with learning outcomes
___Other ______________________________________________________________________
1) Facilitate Leadership ExplOUration Series. Oversee every aspect of the series: marketing, find-
ing interactive speakers, and recruiting students to come. Create an environment where stu-
dents desire to come and learn leadership skills for every day life. Make it clear to students that
this series is marketable for one’s resume and these are great trainings for increasing one’s
leadership competencies. Increase enrollment. Enrollment Goal 20-30 students per session.
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Graduate Assistant
Learning Contract
Competency: Ethics
Objective: The GA will understand multiple views on ethics and implement ethics into student affairs.
___The GA will learn Oakland’s ethical principles and align with Oakland’s views.
___The GA will develop an understanding and appreciation of ethical principles in the student affairs
___The GA will demonstrate ethical behavior as a graduate student and student affairs professional.
___ Other_______________________________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Comments:
Fall Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
Winter Semester:
____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed

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GA learning contract pdf

  • 1. S t u d e n t A f f a i r s : Student Affairs: Is a profession of educators who work outside of classrooms and sometimes in- side the classroom at colleges and universities; often experiential learning is a focus of student affairs professionals. Experiential learning is “hands-on” based education that gives students the opportunity to have real world and community knowledge. There are many positions that student affairs practition- ers can hold such as career counselor, student life specialist, and academic advisor. A variety of pro- grams with learning outcomes are facilitated and created by student affairs staff on college and univer- sity campuses. There is a wide array of theorists and research that practitioners utilize (Kuh, 1993). Graduate Assistant Learning Contract
  • 2. Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Name of Student: ________________________________________ Name of Supervisor: ________________________________________ R e v i e w D a t e s : Fa l l D a t e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W i n t e r D a t e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No matter what major the graduate assistant is, developing transferable skills sets in student affairs will open up career opportunities. This is the why the graduate assistant is responsible for creating learning outcomes with their supervisor. Student development and professional development for the graduate assistant is an essential aspect of this position. At the Leadership and Volunteer Center, the graduate as- sistant will create learning goals with their supervisor (Emily DeLano). Not every skill below needs to be addressed. The graduate assistant should pick 1-2 goals per semester. The supervisor will pick 2 goals per semester. At the end of the semester, the G.A. and supervisor will review goals. The supervisor will evaluate the graduate assistant’s growth. The supervisor will ask, “How can I support you more to reach your goals?” and “What can I do better as a supervisor?” Objectives Related to Areas of Competency – designed to assist the GA in planning structured strat- egies which will result in building these essential student affairs competencies. Graduate Student Competencies: Administration Assessment/Outcomes Ethics Create your own learning outcome Transition/Wellness Technology Communication/Marketing Skills Diversity/Inclusion Leadership Sustainability Research Theoretical Frameworks Sustainability Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Transitions/Wellness Objective: To encourage the GA’s ability to make the successful transition to graduate student, while maintaining a balance be- tween work and personal life through the practice of healthy behaviors and lifestyles. ___The GA will gain an understanding of successful strategies and techniques for dealing with stress. ___The GA will make it a priority to balance coursework, assistantship responsibilities, and a personal life in a way that is healthy for him or her. ___Other___________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
  • 3. Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Make Your Own Learning Outcome Objective: To encourage the GA to create their own learning outcome and advocate for their own personal and professional development. The work must be focused on the office of Leadership and Volunteer Center. The supervisor must approve. __Other____________________Coordinate OU Day of Service__________________________ ___Other______________________________________________________________________ ___Other______________________________________________________________________ ___Other______________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Partner with athletics to have athletes come to OU Day of Service. Market, recruit students, and find great non-profits to come to campus. Make sure all students have enough service work and meaningful service work at OU Day of Service. Create great relationships with other offices to market OU Day of Service. (OU Day of Service is November, 13, 2013, 9am-9pm) Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Administration Objective: To assist the GA in the development of effective skills in human resource management (selection, supervision, train- ing and development of personnel); strategic planning; short-range and long-range planning; projection; fiscal management and budg- eting (resource use and allocation); time management, delegation, and task supervision; facilities management; the discipline process; and policy management and interpretation. The ability to assess daily activities from a legal perspective as well as understanding and applying knowledge of legal issues to one’s work environment and relationships. ___The GA will demonstrate an ability to contribute to staffing various project teams, work groups and committees within the university environment. ___The GA will demonstrate an effective use of supervision models when supervising others. ___The GA will demonstrate an ability to interpret and apply university and office policies to the management of her/her student affairs unit. ___The GA will establish short range and long-range goals for self. ___For the programs s/he is responsible for, the GA will establish short range and long-range goals. ___The GA will demonstrate an ability to plan programs, to coordinate programs and to provide an evaluation of programs. ___The GA will develop an understanding of legal issues that affect student affairs practice. ___Other ______________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
  • 4. Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Communication/Marketing Skills Objective: The GA will increase his or her communication skills. Written and non-verbal skills are essential for student affairs practitioners. ___The GA will be able to deal positively with the public, students, and other staff members. ___The GA will display effective verbal interpersonal communication skills. ___The GA will display effective non-verbal interpersonal communication skills. ___The GA will demonstrate an ability to network and develop relationships with appropriate offices, members, and con- stituent groups. ___The GA will demonstrate an ability to create printed materials: brochures, posters, hand-outs ___The GA will demonstrate competency in public speaking. ___The GA will demonstrate competency in making presentations. ___The GA will demonstrate competency in teaching constituents, peers, and other professionals issues that are relevant to the assistantship and student affairs. ___The GA will learn and use effective interview techniques. ___The GA will be able to demonstrate the skills required to advise groups and/or individuals in academic, personal and/ or group dynamics. ___The GA will develop basic counseling skills, such as active listening and providing feedback, to students with whom he/she works. ___The GA will demonstrate skills in crisis management and problem solving. ___The GA will demonstrate skills in managing conflict. ___The GA will be able to demonstrate effective consultation skills in his/her interaction with members of the faculty, student body, and with their colleagues. ___Other___________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall/Winter ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Theoretical Foundations Objective: To encourage the development of GA’s skills in foundational theories related to the profession of college student personnel including a knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles of student development and student learning theo- ries and organizational theories, and the ability to apply theory to improve student affairs practice. ___The GA will demonstrate an awareness of student developmental theory and ability to apply developmental theory into the activities of the Graduate Assistantship. This can be done by studying the graduate student resource binder: 1)-Reviewing and learning from the student development handout that includes all the major theorists 2)-Learning about LEAP and High Impact Practices. 3)-Learning about research on student subpopulations (NTS, First-Generation, African American students, Millennial Students) (books are in Emily’s office) 4)-Learning about Legal Issues in Student Affairs (book in Emily’s Office) 5) Learning about Advising Philosophies and Research (Visit NACADA website) 6) Read and Study Current Issues Research Articles ___The GA will demonstrate an awareness of organizational theory . (Read in Resource Binder) ___The GA will demonstrate knowledge of the ethical and legal principles related to confidentiality (Understand FERPA). Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
  • 5. Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Technology Objective: To encourage the development of GA’s understanding of current and emerging technologies that impact stu- dent learning, behavior and engagement. This also includes the ethical use of such technologies, the provision of student services and developmental programming, the administration of student affairs functions and communications, and procuring and manag- ing resources (software and hardware) that give shape to technology in student affairs. ___The GA will demonstrate knowledge of various computer software and machinery, i.e. word processing, spreadsheet, e-mail, and Internet. ___The GA will demonstrate an ability to operate office business machines, i.e., copy machines, fax, internet browsers, etc. ___The GA will demonstrate the ethical use of technology in his/her practice. ___Other ______________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Assessment/Learning Outcomes Objective: The graduate assistant will understand how to assess different programs and campus initiatives. The GA will understand the need for assessment and the future it creates. ___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of the development and implementation of learning outcomes. ___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of the essential components of a unit self-study. ___The GA will align learning outcomes with every student program. ___Other_________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
  • 6. Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Diversity/Inclusion Objective: To encourage the development of GA’s skills in diversity and inclusion to include an understanding and valuing of diverse groups and views, civic engagement and social responsibility, as well as recognizing the importance of language and culture in pursuit of creating and maintaining more pluralistic and multicultural campuses. An awareness of one’s own assumptions, biases and values and an understanding of the worldview of others. The ability to work and relate effectively with persons from diverse backgrounds. Developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques for supporting institutional equity and inclusion. ___The GA will present and share information related to issues of interculturalism, diversity and inclusion to constituents, peers, and other members of the GVSU community. ___The GA will develop working relationships with constituents and other professionals from diverse backgrounds. ___The GA will incorporate interculturalism and inclusion into his/her activities as a graduate assistant. ___The GA will understand microaggressions and understand how to address them. ___The GA will understand the diverse non-profits in the Metro-Detroit Area and understand their cultures. ___The GA will reflect on personal stereotypes, knowledge and awareness of cultural differences. ___The GA will develop skills to both understand and regard others whose backgrounds and experiences are different from his/her own. ___The GA will gain an understanding of intervention strategies and techniques that support institutional equity and in- clusion. ___Other ______________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Sustainability Objective: To increase the GA’s knowledge on sustainability. This includes educating self, educating students, and influ- encing institutional change that promotes healthy environments, social justice, and strong economies. ___The GA will gain an understanding of sustainability through the “Triple Bottom Line” lens of environmental steward- ship, economic prosperity, and social responsibility. ___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of successful strategies to reduce waste, conserve energy, and save water. ___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of holistic systems oriented thinking and approaches. Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
  • 7. Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Research Objective: To encourage the development of GA’s skills in the design and implementation of quantitative and qualitative methods focused on student learning and satisfaction, organizational issues and improvement, professional development and train- ing, student development, and other emergent issues. Includes the ability to understand and contribute to the professional litera- ture relevant to the field. ___The GA will implement new research ideas: focus groups, surveys, pre/post tests, data analysis, and other research formats. ___ The GA will demonstrate an ability to understand, utilize and implement research related to the student affairs pro- fession and other related duties. ___The GA will understand where to find valid research on service learning and leadership. ___The GA will be published in a student affairs clearinghouse. ___The GA will read the resource manual’s research section and implement key concepts of research findings in day to day work with students. ___Other ______________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Ethics Objective: The graduate assistant will align their ethical views with Oakland University’s professional policies. ___The GA will learn Oakland’s ethical principles and align with Oakland’s views. ___The GA will develop an understanding and appreciation of ethical principles in the student affairs profession. ___The GA will demonstrate ethical behavior as a graduate student and student affairs professional. ___ Other_______________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed
  • 8. Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Leadership Objective: The Graduate Assistant will understand and implement leadership theory into their everyday work. The grad- uate assistant will help plan leadership events/activities. The graduate assistant will develop a leadership philosophy and practice “Everyday Leadership.” ___The GA will demonstrate an understanding of leadership development theory: Service Leadership, Situational Leader- ship, Democratic/Participative Leadership, Laissez-Faire, Autocratic, Transactional, Transformational. ___The GA will demonstrate leadership in practice: no gossiping about co-workers, diligent work ethic, not making ex- cuses, showing a locus of control, positive attitude, self-efficacy, managing time correctly at work, coming to work on time and leaving at the right time, putting students’ needs before your own, advocating for students, and coming to one’s supervisor if an issue is occurring or if support is needed. “Individuals with a high internal locus of control believe that events in their life derive primarily from their own actions; for example, if a person with an internal locus of control does not perform as well as they wanted to on a test, they would blame it on lack of preparedness on their part. If they performed well on a test, they would attribute this to ability to study.” ___The GA will read one text from Emily’s book selection on Leadership: MLK, Gandhi, The Defining Decade, Every- day Leadership, Principle-Centered Leadership. The GA will explain during a one-on-one with his or her supervisor what he or she learned. __X__The GA will plan leadership-oriented programs with learning outcomes ___Other ______________________________________________________________________ Methodology: 1) Facilitate Leadership ExplOUration Series. Oversee every aspect of the series: marketing, find- ing interactive speakers, and recruiting students to come. Create an environment where stu- dents desire to come and learn leadership skills for every day life. Make it clear to students that this series is marketable for one’s resume and these are great trainings for increasing one’s leadership competencies. Increase enrollment. Enrollment Goal 20-30 students per session. Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Graduate Assistant Learning Contract Competency: Ethics Objective: The GA will understand multiple views on ethics and implement ethics into student affairs. ___The GA will learn Oakland’s ethical principles and align with Oakland’s views. ___The GA will develop an understanding and appreciation of ethical principles in the student affairs profession. ___The GA will demonstrate ethical behavior as a graduate student and student affairs professional. ___ Other_______________________________________________________________________ Methodology: Supervisor’s Comments: Fall Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed Winter Semester: ____Below Level ____Shows Progress ____At Expected Level ____Not Addressed