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G324 Media Studies
Megan Healy
Question 1
• In what ways does your media product use,
develop, or challenge forms and
conventions of real media products?
Magazine influences
• Front page
• The front page of my magazine #Insight was inspired by numerous
magazines. At the beginning of the course, I found a magazine called
SCENE Birmingham on Issuu. What initially drew me to this magazine
was the huge masthead, the choice of typography and the choice of
colour. The boldness of the black font on the white background
attracted my attention and this was the result I wanted to achieve
from my own magazine. The fact that the region of the magazine was
stated within the masthead was a nice touch because it alerted the
reader immediately of the region they would be reading about. I felt
that this was a necessary element I needed to include in my own front
• Yet SCENE wasn't the only magazine that my attention was drawn to.
Shortly into the course, I found Time Out magazine, and was inspired
by the Steeve Coogan London edition.
products_3.html I felt that Time Out magazine looked so much more
effective. The use of a cover star on the front page rather than a
picture(s) of the city gives it a sense of individuality, and allows it to
inverse the stereotypes of a usual regional magazine. This uniqueness
was something I wanted to portray in #Insight. The cover stars lack of
direct mode of address made the magazine look mysterious and
inviting, making me want to buy it! This was what made me feel like
the use of a cover star rather than a picture of the city was right for
my magazine.
My front page
• So, after researching into SCENE and Time Out, I eventually began
to draft and construct #Insight. I used SCENE to inspire my
masthead style and position on the front page. I used Time Out to
inspire my main image and positioning of the anchorage text. By
using different elements of these two magazines #Insight was able
to stick to some typical forms and conventions, yet challenge
• One way #Insight conformed to the conventions was through the
use of a cover star, use of anchorage text, a date line and bar code.
• Yet it inversed the stereotypical conventions as I didn't stick to the
left third rule when positioning the masthead, and by using a
quote as my selling line, rather than a statement. Usually a cover
star fails to make direct mode address and has a very mysterious
facial expression but I ensured that my cover star made eye
contact with the reader and had a huge smile on her face, in order
to represent the exciting and welcoming vibe the city has to offer.
I also ignored the usual conventions of regional magazines by
actually using cover lines, something that SCENE and Time Out
both do not possess, in the same way I chose to exhibit my social
networking and digital elements of the magazine on the front
page, another asepct that isn't included in other regional
Magazine influences
• Contents page:
• After researching into many different regional magazines,
especially on Issuu. I came across Dluxe magazine whereby I
found this contents page.
• I was immediately attracted to the use of various images with
the page numbers presented on top of them. I noticed that the
pictures weren't of just different landmarks in the city, but a
wider spectrum of images were used such as people and cars.
• I also liked the way that this contents page didn't just display an
aray of stories randomnly bundled together, but the fact there
was structure, I thought if done correctly, my own magazine
could have the same structure and neatness about it just like
this one, allowing the reader to find the articles they are most
interested in more easily.
• I also appreciated how the colours were so basic on the
contents page and matched the front page of this edition of
Dluxe, it creates an element of symbiosis throughout the
• As I was so impressed with Dluxe, this was my main inspiration
for my contents page.
My contents page
• I wanted to create a level of symbiosis in my own magazine in the same way that Dluxe
magazine does. The magazine can then simply flow, all the way through.
• So I inversed the use of pure black and white colours usually found in contents pages.
To connect with my front page I continued using my house colour scheme black white
and orange. I separated the titles and the information by two separate colours, white
and orange so that the reader could move around the contents page easily.
• Yet, in the same way as Dluxe magazine I divided my contents page into sections in
columns, conforming to the usual conventions. This makes my magazine easier to
navigate around and presents it with a simpler layout.
• I displayed the information on the contents page in columns and this is something that
Dluxe does, and other contents pages do. This is another way I have conformed to the
usual conventions of a magazine.
• I also displayed various images of the city in the same way as Dluxe but positioned
mine in specific places on the contents page on purpose, i.e. as Selfridges is a big
shopping attraction in Birmingham I positioned this next to the fashion and beauty
section, and because Brindley Place is a huge attraction for tourists I displayed it next
to the arts and culture section.
• I added more pictures of the cover star on the contents page so that the readers were
aware she is the main feature in the magazine, no other magazines appear to do this.
• To create another element of symbiosis I issued a hashtag in front of the word
contents and this makes my magazine seem quite edgy, I added the selling line once
again into the contents page to assure the reader that it really is the "best guide to the
best time in Brum".
• I displayed the social networking logos on the contents page so that the readers know
they can reader more about these stories or get themselves involved on Facebook
and Twitter; showing the magazine is available on a wider spectrum. I inversed usual
conventions here because Dluxe shows no attempt to suggest their magazine can be
found on other platforms.
• All of my decisions for my contents page came from Dluxe magazine but also feedback
from my media class:
Magazine influences
• Double Page Spread:
• I used Google images when researching into double page
spreads. I found one double page spread which was an
interview with Rita Ora. I really liked this as the red title
engaged my attention, it almost looked like a danger or
warning sign, which was really attention grabbing! Yet the
article that was most influential for me was the Wild Child
• I was attracted to the medium close up because it shows
the models facial expression yet doesn't give too much
away. The use of different fonts on the DPS made it seem
engaging and quirky and I wanted to exhibit this feel within
my own DPS, ensuring that readers were not bored at all. It
stuck to a simple structure of the image on the left hand
side and the text on the right hand side and I appreciated
the simplicity of this. The model really seems like the focal
point on one page and the article is able to steal all the
attention on the right hand side. This not only looks
attractive, but is easier for the reader to follow. This DPS
sticks to the typical conventions and was set to inspire my
My double page spread
• I used the Wild Child DPS to really influence my decisions for my DPS.
• I used the idea of the main image being on the left hand page and also
the style of image being a medium close up, yet I inversed the usual
conventions of a mysterious facial expression and replaced this with a
mid-laughing shot. My model seems very relaxed and her personality
shines through in this shot. My image was chosen by my class mates
• I inversed usual forms of magazines by using various images on the
DPS, showing my model in different poses, making her seem exciting
and welcoming, this is unusual for a DPS as displayed by the Jay-Z DPS
and the Wild Child DPS.
• In the same way as the Wild Child DPS, I presented a short
introduction yet instead of having my title all on one page I displayed
it over the two pages making it burst with importance.
• I continued the same colour scheme from the front page and contents
page because this was the main feature inside the magazine therefore
it needed a flow.
• I chose to include a big P behind the article to further express the idea
of Pop World being so largely important in her life. It's orange not only
because it fits in with the colour scheme but because it's neutral and
doesn't appeal to just males or females.
• I've included the social networking addresses for further information
on this article which is a typical convention inside magazines but isn't
something I found in other DPS's.
Billboard influences
• I began to research into billboard advertisements on Google,
and decided that the best billboard to advertise a magazine
would be a roadside billboard, containing a quick short
• I started looking at billboards like the ones to the right...
• I noticed that they were both bright eye catching colours and
have a really short message that could be easily conveyed to
everyone passing by.
• I knew I then had to include images of the city, but of my
cover star too because a person on a road side billboard
would attract anyone passing by rather than just an image of
the bull ring for example. This led me to the idea of merging
the cover star in with the city.
My billboard
• After looking at these billboard advertisements, I
started using Paint.Net to merge my images together.
• Through adding layers I could edit the opacity of all of
the different images so that you could see them all,
finally my cover star was the image with the most
clarity and showed she must be the main feature.
• To create a connection between my magazine and my
first ancillary product, I kept my colour scheme the
same. I also reused my masthead, and kept it at the top
of the page, almost presenting my billboard in a
magazine format, especially as I put my selling line in
the middle of the billboard to attract attention, this acts
as the short message for my billboard just as "it's the
cola" did in the pepsi one.
• Yet, I inversed the usual conventions of regional
billboards because I contained my social networking
logos on the billboard showing that they can search into
the magazine on different platforms.
Radio advertisement influences
and decisions
• The first thing I had to do before even thinking about
the script or music for my radio advertisement was
to research into different kinds of radio
• This led me to understand that my advertisement of
a magazine should typically be around thirty seconds
long because I wanted to advertise a product easily,
and make clear points about it, I knew that my radio
advert had to completely simple
Radio advertisement influences
and decisions
• After researching how long my advertisement was going to be, I started listening
to adverts in that length of time on YouTube.
• I noticed that they all seemed to have background music with the dialogue over
the top.
• It is obvious that the background music needed some sort of connection to the
product I am advertising, so I started researching into backing tracks on the Free
Music Archive, narrowing the genres down to Soul, RnB and instrumental because
there would be a slight bass, yet a smooth, energetic beat too.
• After consulting my target audience I narrowed it down to a track by Velella
Velella named 3 to the 6 to the 0
• I could then import this into audacity and record my script.
Radio advertisement influences
and decisions
• I decided that to ensure the listeners knew my magazine was aimed at
males and females, there would be two voices on the script of my
advertisement one male and one female
• This would help advertise to the wider demographic, especially because
they took it in turns to say their lines, adding personality and equality to
the script
• I ensured that this lasted for thirty seconds and used audacity to make
sure of the correct pauses between each point, this would leave the
audience in suspense
• The different tones in the voices emphasise Birmingham's diverse city in
many different ways, enforcing the idea of it being a magazine about the
How have I attracted and
addressed the audience?
(Magazine)• Front page:
• On my front page I have aimed to attract my target audience through my cover
star. I think the facial expression of the cover star, more specifically the big smile
makes the reader feel at ease, making them feel welcomed into reading the
magazine, which inverses the typical conventions of a magazine whereby the
facial expression is usually quite reserved and mysterious. The fact that the cover
star is wearing a simple khaki green dress presents her as a normal Birmingham
girl, and the hoop earrings show her as having an element of fun and youth
about her. Again, this will leave the audience feeling comfortable, causing them
to want to read the magazine
• The colour scheme on the front page is very basic being black white and orange.
This doesn't just attract one gender, but both. It's very equal, meaning that both
genders feel that they can read the magazine.
• The cover lines also attract both males and females of all ages as I have ensured
they range from events in Birmingham, to landmarks, to a famous restaurant,
things that people ranging from 18-45 years of age will all be interested in.
Rather than me just talking about the hottest clubs and celebrities, I have
ensured the focus is all about Birmingham.
• The text is very clean cut and bold which will not specifically attract either
gender, I have ensured the text appeals to both.
• The selling line "the best guide for the best guide in Brum" really addresses the
reader because it's a quote, telling them this is where all the fun happens, they
will feel like the magazine is almost trying to talk to them.
How have I attracted and
addressed the audience?
• I ensured that the colour scheme would carry through to the
contents page so that males and females would both be
attracted by it. The simplicity and contrast between the orange
and black works well for the target audience all the way
through the spectrum.
• The use of pictures of Selfridges, Brindley Place, and the cover
star can appeal to both genders and all ages 18-45 because
they connect to the different genres within the contents page
i.e. fashion and beauty, arts and culture and nightlife and
entertainment, all images on the contents page have relevance
to the articles and will attract the reader before the text does.
• The contents dividers can attract the target audience because
they can easily find what they are looking for in the magazine
by simply scanning the contents page rather than studying it.
• The repetition of the selling line again addresses the audience,
almost by chatting to them, advising them that they will not
find a guide like this anywhere else.
How have I attracted and
addressed the audience?
• For my double page spread, I have attracted the audience by
using a really relaxed picture of the model whereby she is
laughing, they will be engaged because they will want to know
what she is so happy and excited about. Not to mention the
sort of collage of pictures also present on the DPS, this will
intrigue the reader into the personal life of the model as they
are can see her in this personal light.
• The personal quote from her will intrigue and interest readers
on what else she is discussing in the article.
• The layout of the columns in the article will attract the audience
because it's easy to navigate around the page.
• And finally, I have once again carried the colour scheme
through so it neither favours males or females.
How have I attracted and
addressed the audience?
• For my billboard advertisement, I decided to merge images
of Birmingham together to give it a sense of busyness and
excitement, representing it as the buzzing city that it is. This
will attract the audience because it shows Birmingham is an
interesting lively city.
• Yet the use of the image of the cover star will also attract
the readers because it shows that she is going to be the
main feature in the magazine, so they will want to get to
know more about her.
• However, the quote really does address the audience
because they feel like they are being personally told that
#Insight really is "the best guide for the best time in Brum"
• The social networking logos also address the audience
personally because it lets them know that they can find out
more about the magazine on these links, this gives them a
personal invitation into the world of #Insight.
How have I attracted and
addressed the audience? (Radio
• I have tried to address my audience as much as possible within my radio
advertisement by opening the advert through asking them a rhetorical question,
this will immediately engage their attention.
• I am speaking directly to the listeners throughout the advertisement by ensuring
that the intonation of both of the speakers voices change making it seem really
informal and chatty.
• I discuss what the magazine has to offer so that I can attract all ages of the target
audience, let them know the price and finish off by stating the magazine's selling
• The background music is energetic yet is not too overpowering, I have ensured
that the listeners can clearly hear everything said in the advertisement. The male
and female voice merge together at the end which emphasises a sense of unity
that the magazine is designed for both genders, attracting all members of the
Question two
• How effective is the combination of your
main product and ancillary texts?
The combination
• My magazines name and masthead is what
links my magazine and billboard together. I have
used the same font on the masthead for both
the magazine and the billboard, and the same
style and layout. This connects the two together
and gives them both the same brand image.
• I also included my masthead in the top left
corner of my contents page to give the
magazine a sense of continuity and to link all of
the products together.
• This is easy for my target audience to
understand that each product is connected.
• The name of my magazine #Insight has been
mentioned precisely five times within the radio
advert too, therefore tying all of the products
The combination
• I have also ensured that there is an element of
similarity between each of my products through the
choice of font.
• I used the font FAVA on the masthead and all of the
titles within my magazine, I also used FAVA for the
masthead on my billboard.
• I used the font Elementary SF for the cover lines on my
magazine, and Trebuchet MS for the selling line, dateline
and contents page information on my magazine. I
continued to use Trebuchet MS for the double page
spread and the selling line on the billboard. By using similar
fonts I was able to create symbiosis and a link between the
pages in my magazine but also a link to my billboard too.
• However, the connection between the fonts on my
magazine and billboard was not only for the reader/people
passing by to recognise, but there was a deeper meaning. I
used such a bold font for the masthead because I knew I
needed to grab the readers attention somehow, therefore
the bright white masthead in FAVA font would do this. The
bold statement that the masthead makes is similar to the
city, it's big and booming and busy.
• Through using the same fonts I could make a unique brand
• This link to my blog shows how I used elements of my
magazine within my billboard
The combination
• Another way I branded and combined my main product
and my ancillary billboard together was through choice
of colour.
• Within my magazine I had a black, white and orange
colour scheme continuously flowing, and I thought that I
could use the orange and white in my billboard too.
• You can see the clear connection through the colour
scheme, which creates a brand image and a high
consistency of symbiosis throughout the main product
and the ancillary product.
• In my first couple of drafts I left the billboard with a black
background however I then realised that to attract the
attention of people passing by, I must add some colour
to the background, which inspired my decision to merge
images of Birmingham altogether for the background on
the billboard, this combines with my magazine because
the images that I used are the images also featured on
my contents page, another way I combined my products
• In the same way, my cover star on my magazine
features in the contents page, the double page spread
and the billboard. This gives my products a combined
brand image.
The combination
• My radio advertisement is also combined within the regional magazine and
billboard. For my radio advertisement, I state each genre found in my
magazine in the script. Which also creates symbiosis because it connects
the radio advert to the main product, as these genres are stated on the front
page of the magazine .
• Additionally, I state the selling line in the radio advert too, which not only
connects to the selling line found on my front page of my magazine, but to
the billboard. So all three of my products have a connection to one another.
• I wanted my radio advert to have an exciting, lively and bouncy effect on the
reader, so I chose the track 3 to the 6 to the 0 by Velella Velella because it
connected to the usual connotations of the orange colour scheme, these
connotations range from enthusiasm, success and creativity.
• The colour orange is friendly to both genders as it's neither targeted at
males or females, this aspect of branding to both males and females is
demonstrated in the radio advert because there are two voices, one male
and one female. Therefore, this is another area of combination between the
three products.
How does theory fit into my work?
• Tessa Perkins says "stereotypes are false with an
element of truth but truth is hard to establish"
• I feel that this quote solely applies to my media products
because Birmingham is stereotyped for its industry,
culture and history, yet I have tried to display
Birmingham as modern and urban by presenting a young
girl on the front page promoting a popular club.
• I have tried to recreate this youthful emphasis throughout
the whole of my magazine by straying away from just
black and white and introducing the colour orange, a
bright youthful colour that represents Birmingham as an
exciting, fresh and welcoming city.
• Tessa Perkins would agree that the usual stereotype of
Birmingham is false, and would suggest that my
representation of Birmingham would be correct.
How does theory fit into my work?
• Ronald Barthes came up with the "enigma code" which can be
applied to any narrative and media text.
• Within my magazine, the selling line immediately creates a level of
mystery "the best guide for the best time in Brum", the readers will
wonder why this is the best guide, why is this magazine different
from any other? So the selling line is able to create suspense.
• Then, the anchorage text "queen of pop world" seems quite
ambiguous which will intrigue the readers.
• The reader can only rely on the short cover lines on the front page to
work out for themselves what the magazine should be about, and
the cover lines cover a wide variety of different aspects in
Birmingham, therefore the reader should be interested to know what
else there is to offer within the magazine.
• Barthes would agree that I have created the "enigma code" within
my magazine, by not giving too much away on the front page,
keeping the reader guessing.
Question 3
• What have you learnt from your audience
Audience feedback (Magazine)
• I started off on the media course initially not knowing who to target my magazine at. Therefore, I aimed to target
my audience through Survey Monkey by creating a questionnaire, asking questions such as: "which conventions
attract you to a magazine?", "what do you expect to find inside a regional magazine?", "what is your age group?",
and "how much would you expect to pay?"
• This questionnaire can be found at
• From this feedback, I knew what the most important conventions were to be on the front page of the magazine,
identified what age group my target audience was going to be, decided on a price, and gained some ideas for a
colour scheme. This helped me to begin the planning of my magazine.
• The answers can be found here:
• After analysing these answers, I found the right direction to go in.
• I then used social networking sites such as Twitter to work out which colour masthead to and although they initially
chose the colour blue, after analysing the colour connotations at a later date, I felt that the target audience advice
wasn't very helpful, and chose to go against their decisions. I learnt that target audience feedback isn't always
reliable on this front.
• Yet, I found that pitching my idea to my media class was extremely helpful. I learnt that I should start to create a
better element of symbiosis throughout the magazine, I learnt that I should broaden my target audience, and to
stray away from the current article and find a fresher idea. This feedback can be found in greater detail here:
• I was really grateful of this feedback and the criticisms I received were very constructive from my target audience
giving me direction for my magazine. It helped me to structure it in a more appealing way to my demographic as
these comments were from a variety of people aged 17, 18 and 19.
• I then used facebook messenger to ask a member of my target audience which image I should use on the front
page of my magazine, this was very helpful, because whichever image appealed to her was set to appeal to the
rest of my target audience as well:
• Finally, by people commenting on my blog posts, my target audience were able to help me choose the main image
for my DPS: and I did choose the image that
they preferred, therefore appealing to a wider audience
Audience feedback (Billboard)
• At the beginning of the course, alongside constructing my regional magazine, I
started gathering ideas for my initial billboard. I did this by asking questions on
Survey Monkey where members of my target audience could feed back to me their
opinion. This can be found here:
• However all ideas for this billboard were removed when I came closer to finish my
magazine, and could then think about creating a billboard with a greater similarity and
connection to my magazine.
• So after discussing my new idea of the photos becoming merged together with my
media teacher, I was able to receive feedback from him that my new idea may be
more applicable. This was reliable evidence because he is also a member of my
target audience.
• This was the final construction of my billboard:
• I could then pitch this new billboard to members of my media class, they said it
worked really well because of the connection it had to the magazine, the feedback I
received was that the billboard would really make an impression to people on the
roadside, and this was the look I was hoping for.
• After guidance and direction from my teacher and feedback from my class, I was able
to construct my billboard to appeal to my target audience.
Audience feedback (Radio advert)
• I asked for audience feedback on my radio advertisement through
my blog. One of my followers commented on a blog post where I
asked which piece of music to feature in the background of the
• I was very pleased to have such a lengthy piece of feedback. It
helped me understand in detail why Velella Velella's track 3 to the 6
to the 0 was so fitting in my radio advert.
• Another way I received target audience feedback on my radio advert
was through playing each track to the class, noticing which one
caused them to nod to the beat or respond in any other way to.
Velella Velella came out on top again.
• During a pitch to my media class, I recited my script and received
nothing but positive comments as they described the script as
persuasive and intriguing.
• This led me to put the script and music together on a programme
called audacity.
Question 4
• How did you use media technologies in
the construction and research, planning
and evaluation stages of the project?
Technologies used during research
and planning
• In order for me to record my progress and planning for my project I used the website
blogger. This was helpful because it acted as a step by step record of my whole
project, justifying each decision I made and where I posted each step I made forward.
Through blogger I could upload, hyperlink and embed different media texts to discuss
my project further.
• Blogger has been extremely helpful because it keeps every post in a chronological
order so you can easily find your posts and relate to them. This meant I could
frequently review and assess my time management to see if I was meeting deadlines
• Under each of my posts on my blog there is a comment section, and on a few
occasions, members of my target audience that follow my blog commented to offer
me guidance and direction within my project. I found this extremely helpful.
• I was able to draft posts and schedule posts on blogger which allowed me to write
down my thoughts and assess whether they were essential to my project at a later
• Blogger was easily accesible and a fantastic website to use when recording each
step of my journey. Not only was I able to keep track of my work, but it could be
viewed by my teacher and other class mates and followers. By recording my work on
blogger, it meant I could never lose it because there was always a copy of it on this
Technologies used during research
and planning
• I also used microsoft publisher during the
research and planning process of my project.
• This helped a lot when I needed to upload
screenshots of my drafting and planning, and
was a fantastic template whenever I needed to
annotate other magazines.
• Without the use of publisher I wouldn't have
been able to upload my project during the
drafting and planning stages because it is the
only software that enabled me to save
documents as JPEG files.
Technologies used during research
and planning
• Alongside blogger and microsoft publisher, I used websites such as youtube.
• On youtube I was able to listen to radio advertisements, whereby I gained
inspiration to create my own, I could also embed the youtube link and
upload it onto my blog.
• I also used a website called free music archive or FMA, this enabled me to
find music tracks that would be suitable for my radio advertisement and
download it completely for free because the music is not copyright.
• Another website I found to be particularly helpful during my project was
Issuu. Issuu was helpful as I could frequently search for other regional
magazines to inspire my own, the most significant magazines I found were
Dluxe, SCENE and Time Out. Without Issuu I may have been stuck for
inspiration. It was easy to use because you could simply type in the region
"Birmingham" and plenty of choices would come up.
• I used websites such as Google for inspiration for my billboard. I would
continuously research roadside billboards, and this helped me understand
the structure of billboards, because I could use Google images to compare
different roadside advertisements and plan my own when understanding the
key conventions.
Technologies used during the
construction of my magazine and
• To construct my magazine and billboard, the first thing I had to do was take
the photographs that would feature in both. Not only did I take pictures of
the cover star, but I took plenty of pictures of landmarks in Birmingham too
such as Selfridges, the Bull Ring and St Martin's Church. I took a variety of
different shots, with a fantastic quality camera so that I had plenty to choose
from and to consult my target audience with when deciding.
• After taking these images, I imported them into the software Paint.Net, to try
and sharpen them and edit them into the best quality possible, I found that
on some occasions, I had to use photoshop, especially on the pictures of
the cover star, to ensure that the background was all one smooth colour,
and to feather and smooth the edges. I used Paint.Net mostly when
constructing my billboard because I could add different layers and edit the
opacity of these layers, leading to the final image on my billboard.
• After using Paint.Net I would import these images into PagePlus, the
software that I could crop, cut out and add the text and content to my
magazine and billboard.
• Both of these softwares were easy to use and enabled me to export my
work in different ways such as JPEG and PDF files.
Technologies used during the
constructio of my radio
• For my radio advertisement I had to use a software called Audacity.
• Audacity was a simple software and was very easy to use.
• It enabled me to record the script, not just once, but twice so that I could
include more than one voice in there.
• I could also import the music which I downloaded from the FMA (Free Music
• I could play around with the radio advertisement by cutting out bits of the
track and script that I didn't need and add different layers, change the
volumes (so that the music didn't overpower the dialogue) and much more.
• After I completed my radio advert, I exported it as an MP3 file and it was all
• I enjoyed using audacity because it was very straight forward and easy to
follow, without this basic, yet fantastic software, I wouldn't have been able to
create my advert to this standard.
• I enjoyed the fact that all of my editing could be approached on one
Technology used during my
• For my evaluation I used microsoft
• This is a software I am familiar with so
found it incredibly easy to use.
• I liked the way I could use different
templates and designs to make the
evaluation more interesting and attractive.
• I am pleased with my evaluation from
using this software.
Progress from AS to A2
• It could be argued that my skills from AS to A2 media developed enormously. This
could be because at A2 I used more advanced photo editors, such as photoshop, and
different tools on Paint.Net and PagePlus that I didn't know about at AS.
• My AS project was to create a dance music magazine called MOVE. The name was
more or less based on the action you take when you hear dance music, you can't
help but move to the beat, therefore the was a connection between the name of the
magazine and the genre. At AS I didn't go out and do much photography, I took many
pictures of my music artist in the same sort of position, so I didn't really have a variety
to choose from. However, at A2 I took the opportunity to use a better quality camera
and took photos of not only my cover star but different areas in the region too, to
enhance my skills and broaden my range of images, therefore I had plenty to choose
• I found it a lot easier to take the photos at A2 because I had a clear outline of what I
wanted after the AS experience.
• I followed the usual codes and conventions of a music magazine at AS, yet
challegned the usual codes and conventions of a regional magazine at A2 because I
got more confident in the process and construction of magazines.
• I feel that at A2 my magazine has it's own unique brand image, whereas at AS, it was
neither here or there, you couldn't tell that it was a dance music magazine, this didn't
jump out at you. However, at A2 it's clearly obvious that with a first glance, you are
aware the magazine is about Birmingham.
• There's also a greater level of symbiosis between my magazine at A2.
Progress from AS to A2
• For my double page spread I have progressed from AS to A2 incredibly well.
• At AS there wasn't much thought put into the photography, it lacks any real
connection to the article, whereas at A2 the model's facial expression actually
expresses what the article is about.
• Also, I feel that there seems to be a better connection between the front, contents
and dps at A2 then there was at AS. This is because I have really thought about
the layout, that the reader will see the image more clearly and it will attract them
more if positioned on the left hand side, as when they turn the page this is what
they will see first. Also it looks quite effective having the title spread across two
pages rather than one because it reflects its true importance and dominance on
the page.
• I have added extra features on my A2 dps by including a range of images that are
better quality, the range of images gives the reader a better insight into the
personality of the model and makes them feel at ease. The large P behind the
article emphasies the importance and enthusiasm from the star. The features at
AS such as the columns, and the quote over the picture are typical conventions
but add no excitement.
• I feel that at A2 I have connected with the readers better by making them feel
more involved in the article.
Progress from AS to A2
• I find that naturally, I have progressed from AS to A2.
• At AS I simply created a music magazine front page, contents page and
double page spread. Whereas at A2 I not only created a regional magazine
front page, contents page and double page spread, but I had to create a
billboard advertisement and radio advertisement. So I created two new
products which I had no experience of.
• I was keen to get to grips with new software such as audacity because it
meant I could develop my radio advertising skills.
• It was also interesting to research into different areas of the media through
finding billboards and radio advertisements and using them as templates
and inspiration to create my own.
• At AS it was important that I branded my music magazine, but at A2 it was
increasingly important because I needed to create a brand that flowed
throughout my magazine and two further ancillary products, verbally and
• At A2 I feel that I have developed my coursework skills enormously and
have drastically improved from AS.
• I am very happy with my final products.

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G324 media studies evaluation 2

  • 2. Question 1 • In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 3. Magazine influences • Front page • The front page of my magazine #Insight was inspired by numerous magazines. At the beginning of the course, I found a magazine called SCENE Birmingham on Issuu. What initially drew me to this magazine was the huge masthead, the choice of typography and the choice of colour. The boldness of the black font on the white background attracted my attention and this was the result I wanted to achieve from my own magazine. The fact that the region of the magazine was stated within the masthead was a nice touch because it alerted the reader immediately of the region they would be reading about. I felt that this was a necessary element I needed to include in my own front page. • Yet SCENE wasn't the only magazine that my attention was drawn to. Shortly into the course, I found Time Out magazine, and was inspired by the Steeve Coogan London edition. products_3.html I felt that Time Out magazine looked so much more effective. The use of a cover star on the front page rather than a picture(s) of the city gives it a sense of individuality, and allows it to inverse the stereotypes of a usual regional magazine. This uniqueness was something I wanted to portray in #Insight. The cover stars lack of direct mode of address made the magazine look mysterious and inviting, making me want to buy it! This was what made me feel like the use of a cover star rather than a picture of the city was right for my magazine.
  • 4. My front page • So, after researching into SCENE and Time Out, I eventually began to draft and construct #Insight. I used SCENE to inspire my masthead style and position on the front page. I used Time Out to inspire my main image and positioning of the anchorage text. By using different elements of these two magazines #Insight was able to stick to some typical forms and conventions, yet challenge others. • One way #Insight conformed to the conventions was through the use of a cover star, use of anchorage text, a date line and bar code. • Yet it inversed the stereotypical conventions as I didn't stick to the left third rule when positioning the masthead, and by using a quote as my selling line, rather than a statement. Usually a cover star fails to make direct mode address and has a very mysterious facial expression but I ensured that my cover star made eye contact with the reader and had a huge smile on her face, in order to represent the exciting and welcoming vibe the city has to offer. I also ignored the usual conventions of regional magazines by actually using cover lines, something that SCENE and Time Out both do not possess, in the same way I chose to exhibit my social networking and digital elements of the magazine on the front page, another asepct that isn't included in other regional magazines.
  • 5. Magazine influences • Contents page: • After researching into many different regional magazines, especially on Issuu. I came across Dluxe magazine whereby I found this contents page. planning_16.html • I was immediately attracted to the use of various images with the page numbers presented on top of them. I noticed that the pictures weren't of just different landmarks in the city, but a wider spectrum of images were used such as people and cars. • I also liked the way that this contents page didn't just display an aray of stories randomnly bundled together, but the fact there was structure, I thought if done correctly, my own magazine could have the same structure and neatness about it just like this one, allowing the reader to find the articles they are most interested in more easily. • I also appreciated how the colours were so basic on the contents page and matched the front page of this edition of Dluxe, it creates an element of symbiosis throughout the magazine. • As I was so impressed with Dluxe, this was my main inspiration for my contents page.
  • 6. My contents page • I wanted to create a level of symbiosis in my own magazine in the same way that Dluxe magazine does. The magazine can then simply flow, all the way through. • So I inversed the use of pure black and white colours usually found in contents pages. To connect with my front page I continued using my house colour scheme black white and orange. I separated the titles and the information by two separate colours, white and orange so that the reader could move around the contents page easily. • Yet, in the same way as Dluxe magazine I divided my contents page into sections in columns, conforming to the usual conventions. This makes my magazine easier to navigate around and presents it with a simpler layout. • I displayed the information on the contents page in columns and this is something that Dluxe does, and other contents pages do. This is another way I have conformed to the usual conventions of a magazine. • I also displayed various images of the city in the same way as Dluxe but positioned mine in specific places on the contents page on purpose, i.e. as Selfridges is a big shopping attraction in Birmingham I positioned this next to the fashion and beauty section, and because Brindley Place is a huge attraction for tourists I displayed it next to the arts and culture section. • I added more pictures of the cover star on the contents page so that the readers were aware she is the main feature in the magazine, no other magazines appear to do this. • To create another element of symbiosis I issued a hashtag in front of the word contents and this makes my magazine seem quite edgy, I added the selling line once again into the contents page to assure the reader that it really is the "best guide to the best time in Brum". • I displayed the social networking logos on the contents page so that the readers know they can reader more about these stories or get themselves involved on Facebook and Twitter; showing the magazine is available on a wider spectrum. I inversed usual conventions here because Dluxe shows no attempt to suggest their magazine can be found on other platforms. • All of my decisions for my contents page came from Dluxe magazine but also feedback from my media class: planning_6.html
  • 7. Magazine influences • Double Page Spread: • I used Google images when researching into double page spreads. I found one double page spread which was an interview with Rita Ora. I really liked this as the red title engaged my attention, it almost looked like a danger or warning sign, which was really attention grabbing! Yet the article that was most influential for me was the Wild Child DPS. • I was attracted to the medium close up because it shows the models facial expression yet doesn't give too much away. The use of different fonts on the DPS made it seem engaging and quirky and I wanted to exhibit this feel within my own DPS, ensuring that readers were not bored at all. It stuck to a simple structure of the image on the left hand side and the text on the right hand side and I appreciated the simplicity of this. The model really seems like the focal point on one page and the article is able to steal all the attention on the right hand side. This not only looks attractive, but is easier for the reader to follow. This DPS sticks to the typical conventions and was set to inspire my DPS. • into-similar-products.html
  • 8. My double page spread • I used the Wild Child DPS to really influence my decisions for my DPS. • I used the idea of the main image being on the left hand page and also the style of image being a medium close up, yet I inversed the usual conventions of a mysterious facial expression and replaced this with a mid-laughing shot. My model seems very relaxed and her personality shines through in this shot. My image was chosen by my class mates • I inversed usual forms of magazines by using various images on the DPS, showing my model in different poses, making her seem exciting and welcoming, this is unusual for a DPS as displayed by the Jay-Z DPS and the Wild Child DPS. • In the same way as the Wild Child DPS, I presented a short introduction yet instead of having my title all on one page I displayed it over the two pages making it burst with importance. • I continued the same colour scheme from the front page and contents page because this was the main feature inside the magazine therefore it needed a flow. • I chose to include a big P behind the article to further express the idea of Pop World being so largely important in her life. It's orange not only because it fits in with the colour scheme but because it's neutral and doesn't appeal to just males or females. • I've included the social networking addresses for further information on this article which is a typical convention inside magazines but isn't something I found in other DPS's.
  • 9. Billboard influences • I began to research into billboard advertisements on Google, and decided that the best billboard to advertise a magazine would be a roadside billboard, containing a quick short message. • I started looking at billboards like the ones to the right... • I noticed that they were both bright eye catching colours and have a really short message that could be easily conveyed to everyone passing by. • I knew I then had to include images of the city, but of my cover star too because a person on a road side billboard would attract anyone passing by rather than just an image of the bull ring for example. This led me to the idea of merging the cover star in with the city. • similar-products_9.html
  • 10. My billboard • After looking at these billboard advertisements, I started using Paint.Net to merge my images together. • Through adding layers I could edit the opacity of all of the different images so that you could see them all, finally my cover star was the image with the most clarity and showed she must be the main feature. • To create a connection between my magazine and my first ancillary product, I kept my colour scheme the same. I also reused my masthead, and kept it at the top of the page, almost presenting my billboard in a magazine format, especially as I put my selling line in the middle of the billboard to attract attention, this acts as the short message for my billboard just as "it's the cola" did in the pepsi one. • Yet, I inversed the usual conventions of regional billboards because I contained my social networking logos on the billboard showing that they can search into the magazine on different platforms.
  • 11. Radio advertisement influences and decisions • The first thing I had to do before even thinking about the script or music for my radio advertisement was to research into different kinds of radio advertisements. ng-and-planning_15.html • This led me to understand that my advertisement of a magazine should typically be around thirty seconds long because I wanted to advertise a product easily, and make clear points about it, I knew that my radio advert had to completely simple
  • 12. Radio advertisement influences and decisions • After researching how long my advertisement was going to be, I started listening to adverts in that length of time on YouTube. • I noticed that they all seemed to have background music with the dialogue over the top. • It is obvious that the background music needed some sort of connection to the product I am advertising, so I started researching into backing tracks on the Free Music Archive, narrowing the genres down to Soul, RnB and instrumental because there would be a slight bass, yet a smooth, energetic beat too. • After consulting my target audience I narrowed it down to a track by Velella Velella named 3 to the 6 to the 0 • • I could then import this into audacity and record my script.
  • 13. Radio advertisement influences and decisions • I decided that to ensure the listeners knew my magazine was aimed at males and females, there would be two voices on the script of my advertisement one male and one female • This would help advertise to the wider demographic, especially because they took it in turns to say their lines, adding personality and equality to the script • I ensured that this lasted for thirty seconds and used audacity to make sure of the correct pauses between each point, this would leave the audience in suspense • The different tones in the voices emphasise Birmingham's diverse city in many different ways, enforcing the idea of it being a magazine about the region • planning_16.html
  • 14. How have I attracted and addressed the audience? (Magazine)• Front page: • On my front page I have aimed to attract my target audience through my cover star. I think the facial expression of the cover star, more specifically the big smile makes the reader feel at ease, making them feel welcomed into reading the magazine, which inverses the typical conventions of a magazine whereby the facial expression is usually quite reserved and mysterious. The fact that the cover star is wearing a simple khaki green dress presents her as a normal Birmingham girl, and the hoop earrings show her as having an element of fun and youth about her. Again, this will leave the audience feeling comfortable, causing them to want to read the magazine • The colour scheme on the front page is very basic being black white and orange. This doesn't just attract one gender, but both. It's very equal, meaning that both genders feel that they can read the magazine. • The cover lines also attract both males and females of all ages as I have ensured they range from events in Birmingham, to landmarks, to a famous restaurant, things that people ranging from 18-45 years of age will all be interested in. Rather than me just talking about the hottest clubs and celebrities, I have ensured the focus is all about Birmingham. • The text is very clean cut and bold which will not specifically attract either gender, I have ensured the text appeals to both. • The selling line "the best guide for the best guide in Brum" really addresses the reader because it's a quote, telling them this is where all the fun happens, they will feel like the magazine is almost trying to talk to them.
  • 15. How have I attracted and addressed the audience? (Magazine) • I ensured that the colour scheme would carry through to the contents page so that males and females would both be attracted by it. The simplicity and contrast between the orange and black works well for the target audience all the way through the spectrum. • The use of pictures of Selfridges, Brindley Place, and the cover star can appeal to both genders and all ages 18-45 because they connect to the different genres within the contents page i.e. fashion and beauty, arts and culture and nightlife and entertainment, all images on the contents page have relevance to the articles and will attract the reader before the text does. • The contents dividers can attract the target audience because they can easily find what they are looking for in the magazine by simply scanning the contents page rather than studying it. • The repetition of the selling line again addresses the audience, almost by chatting to them, advising them that they will not find a guide like this anywhere else.
  • 16. How have I attracted and addressed the audience? (Magazine) • For my double page spread, I have attracted the audience by using a really relaxed picture of the model whereby she is laughing, they will be engaged because they will want to know what she is so happy and excited about. Not to mention the sort of collage of pictures also present on the DPS, this will intrigue the reader into the personal life of the model as they are can see her in this personal light. • The personal quote from her will intrigue and interest readers on what else she is discussing in the article. • The layout of the columns in the article will attract the audience because it's easy to navigate around the page. • And finally, I have once again carried the colour scheme through so it neither favours males or females.
  • 17. How have I attracted and addressed the audience? (Billboard) • For my billboard advertisement, I decided to merge images of Birmingham together to give it a sense of busyness and excitement, representing it as the buzzing city that it is. This will attract the audience because it shows Birmingham is an interesting lively city. • Yet the use of the image of the cover star will also attract the readers because it shows that she is going to be the main feature in the magazine, so they will want to get to know more about her. • However, the quote really does address the audience because they feel like they are being personally told that #Insight really is "the best guide for the best time in Brum" • The social networking logos also address the audience personally because it lets them know that they can find out more about the magazine on these links, this gives them a personal invitation into the world of #Insight. • planningtarget-audience.html
  • 18. How have I attracted and addressed the audience? (Radio advertisement) • I have tried to address my audience as much as possible within my radio advertisement by opening the advert through asking them a rhetorical question, this will immediately engage their attention. • I am speaking directly to the listeners throughout the advertisement by ensuring that the intonation of both of the speakers voices change making it seem really informal and chatty. • I discuss what the magazine has to offer so that I can attract all ages of the target audience, let them know the price and finish off by stating the magazine's selling line. • The background music is energetic yet is not too overpowering, I have ensured that the listeners can clearly hear everything said in the advertisement. The male and female voice merge together at the end which emphasises a sense of unity that the magazine is designed for both genders, attracting all members of the audience. •
  • 19. Question two • How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • 20. The combination • My magazines name and masthead is what links my magazine and billboard together. I have used the same font on the masthead for both the magazine and the billboard, and the same style and layout. This connects the two together and gives them both the same brand image. • I also included my masthead in the top left corner of my contents page to give the magazine a sense of continuity and to link all of the products together. • This is easy for my target audience to understand that each product is connected. • The name of my magazine #Insight has been mentioned precisely five times within the radio advert too, therefore tying all of the products together.
  • 21. The combination • I have also ensured that there is an element of similarity between each of my products through the choice of font. • I used the font FAVA on the masthead and all of the titles within my magazine, I also used FAVA for the masthead on my billboard. • I used the font Elementary SF for the cover lines on my magazine, and Trebuchet MS for the selling line, dateline and contents page information on my magazine. I continued to use Trebuchet MS for the double page spread and the selling line on the billboard. By using similar fonts I was able to create symbiosis and a link between the pages in my magazine but also a link to my billboard too. • However, the connection between the fonts on my magazine and billboard was not only for the reader/people passing by to recognise, but there was a deeper meaning. I used such a bold font for the masthead because I knew I needed to grab the readers attention somehow, therefore the bright white masthead in FAVA font would do this. The bold statement that the masthead makes is similar to the city, it's big and booming and busy. • Through using the same fonts I could make a unique brand image. • This link to my blog shows how I used elements of my magazine within my billboard and-planning_5.html
  • 22. The combination • Another way I branded and combined my main product and my ancillary billboard together was through choice of colour. • Within my magazine I had a black, white and orange colour scheme continuously flowing, and I thought that I could use the orange and white in my billboard too. • You can see the clear connection through the colour scheme, which creates a brand image and a high consistency of symbiosis throughout the main product and the ancillary product. • In my first couple of drafts I left the billboard with a black background however I then realised that to attract the attention of people passing by, I must add some colour to the background, which inspired my decision to merge images of Birmingham altogether for the background on the billboard, this combines with my magazine because the images that I used are the images also featured on my contents page, another way I combined my products together. • In the same way, my cover star on my magazine features in the contents page, the double page spread and the billboard. This gives my products a combined brand image.
  • 23. The combination • My radio advertisement is also combined within the regional magazine and billboard. For my radio advertisement, I state each genre found in my magazine in the script. Which also creates symbiosis because it connects the radio advert to the main product, as these genres are stated on the front page of the magazine . • Additionally, I state the selling line in the radio advert too, which not only connects to the selling line found on my front page of my magazine, but to the billboard. So all three of my products have a connection to one another. • I wanted my radio advert to have an exciting, lively and bouncy effect on the reader, so I chose the track 3 to the 6 to the 0 by Velella Velella because it connected to the usual connotations of the orange colour scheme, these connotations range from enthusiasm, success and creativity. • The colour orange is friendly to both genders as it's neither targeted at males or females, this aspect of branding to both males and females is demonstrated in the radio advert because there are two voices, one male and one female. Therefore, this is another area of combination between the three products.
  • 24. How does theory fit into my work? • Tessa Perkins says "stereotypes are false with an element of truth but truth is hard to establish" • I feel that this quote solely applies to my media products because Birmingham is stereotyped for its industry, culture and history, yet I have tried to display Birmingham as modern and urban by presenting a young girl on the front page promoting a popular club. • I have tried to recreate this youthful emphasis throughout the whole of my magazine by straying away from just black and white and introducing the colour orange, a bright youthful colour that represents Birmingham as an exciting, fresh and welcoming city. • Tessa Perkins would agree that the usual stereotype of Birmingham is false, and would suggest that my representation of Birmingham would be correct.
  • 25. How does theory fit into my work? • Ronald Barthes came up with the "enigma code" which can be applied to any narrative and media text. • Within my magazine, the selling line immediately creates a level of mystery "the best guide for the best time in Brum", the readers will wonder why this is the best guide, why is this magazine different from any other? So the selling line is able to create suspense. • Then, the anchorage text "queen of pop world" seems quite ambiguous which will intrigue the readers. • The reader can only rely on the short cover lines on the front page to work out for themselves what the magazine should be about, and the cover lines cover a wide variety of different aspects in Birmingham, therefore the reader should be interested to know what else there is to offer within the magazine. • Barthes would agree that I have created the "enigma code" within my magazine, by not giving too much away on the front page, keeping the reader guessing.
  • 26. Question 3 • What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
  • 27. Audience feedback (Magazine) • I started off on the media course initially not knowing who to target my magazine at. Therefore, I aimed to target my audience through Survey Monkey by creating a questionnaire, asking questions such as: "which conventions attract you to a magazine?", "what do you expect to find inside a regional magazine?", "what is your age group?", and "how much would you expect to pay?" • This questionnaire can be found at • From this feedback, I knew what the most important conventions were to be on the front page of the magazine, identified what age group my target audience was going to be, decided on a price, and gained some ideas for a colour scheme. This helped me to begin the planning of my magazine. • The answers can be found here: • After analysing these answers, I found the right direction to go in. • I then used social networking sites such as Twitter to work out which colour masthead to and although they initially chose the colour blue, after analysing the colour connotations at a later date, I felt that the target audience advice wasn't very helpful, and chose to go against their decisions. I learnt that target audience feedback isn't always reliable on this front. • Yet, I found that pitching my idea to my media class was extremely helpful. I learnt that I should start to create a better element of symbiosis throughout the magazine, I learnt that I should broaden my target audience, and to stray away from the current article and find a fresher idea. This feedback can be found in greater detail here: • I was really grateful of this feedback and the criticisms I received were very constructive from my target audience giving me direction for my magazine. It helped me to structure it in a more appealing way to my demographic as these comments were from a variety of people aged 17, 18 and 19. • I then used facebook messenger to ask a member of my target audience which image I should use on the front page of my magazine, this was very helpful, because whichever image appealed to her was set to appeal to the rest of my target audience as well: • Finally, by people commenting on my blog posts, my target audience were able to help me choose the main image for my DPS: and I did choose the image that they preferred, therefore appealing to a wider audience
  • 28. Audience feedback (Billboard) • At the beginning of the course, alongside constructing my regional magazine, I started gathering ideas for my initial billboard. I did this by asking questions on Survey Monkey where members of my target audience could feed back to me their opinion. This can be found here: audience-drafting-and-planning_27.html • However all ideas for this billboard were removed when I came closer to finish my magazine, and could then think about creating a billboard with a greater similarity and connection to my magazine. • So after discussing my new idea of the photos becoming merged together with my media teacher, I was able to receive feedback from him that my new idea may be more applicable. This was reliable evidence because he is also a member of my target audience. • This was the final construction of my billboard: • I could then pitch this new billboard to members of my media class, they said it worked really well because of the connection it had to the magazine, the feedback I received was that the billboard would really make an impression to people on the roadside, and this was the look I was hoping for. • After guidance and direction from my teacher and feedback from my class, I was able to construct my billboard to appeal to my target audience.
  • 29. Audience feedback (Radio advert) • I asked for audience feedback on my radio advertisement through my blog. One of my followers commented on a blog post where I asked which piece of music to feature in the background of the advert: audience.html • I was very pleased to have such a lengthy piece of feedback. It helped me understand in detail why Velella Velella's track 3 to the 6 to the 0 was so fitting in my radio advert. • Another way I received target audience feedback on my radio advert was through playing each track to the class, noticing which one caused them to nod to the beat or respond in any other way to. Velella Velella came out on top again. • During a pitch to my media class, I recited my script and received nothing but positive comments as they described the script as persuasive and intriguing. • This led me to put the script and music together on a programme called audacity.
  • 30. Question 4 • How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages of the project?
  • 31. Technologies used during research and planning • In order for me to record my progress and planning for my project I used the website blogger. This was helpful because it acted as a step by step record of my whole project, justifying each decision I made and where I posted each step I made forward. Through blogger I could upload, hyperlink and embed different media texts to discuss my project further. • Blogger has been extremely helpful because it keeps every post in a chronological order so you can easily find your posts and relate to them. This meant I could frequently review and assess my time management to see if I was meeting deadlines etc. • Under each of my posts on my blog there is a comment section, and on a few occasions, members of my target audience that follow my blog commented to offer me guidance and direction within my project. I found this extremely helpful. • I was able to draft posts and schedule posts on blogger which allowed me to write down my thoughts and assess whether they were essential to my project at a later date. • Blogger was easily accesible and a fantastic website to use when recording each step of my journey. Not only was I able to keep track of my work, but it could be viewed by my teacher and other class mates and followers. By recording my work on blogger, it meant I could never lose it because there was always a copy of it on this platform.
  • 32. Technologies used during research and planning • I also used microsoft publisher during the research and planning process of my project. • This helped a lot when I needed to upload screenshots of my drafting and planning, and was a fantastic template whenever I needed to annotate other magazines. • Without the use of publisher I wouldn't have been able to upload my project during the drafting and planning stages because it is the only software that enabled me to save documents as JPEG files.
  • 33. Technologies used during research and planning • Alongside blogger and microsoft publisher, I used websites such as youtube. • On youtube I was able to listen to radio advertisements, whereby I gained inspiration to create my own, I could also embed the youtube link and upload it onto my blog. • I also used a website called free music archive or FMA, this enabled me to find music tracks that would be suitable for my radio advertisement and download it completely for free because the music is not copyright. • Another website I found to be particularly helpful during my project was Issuu. Issuu was helpful as I could frequently search for other regional magazines to inspire my own, the most significant magazines I found were Dluxe, SCENE and Time Out. Without Issuu I may have been stuck for inspiration. It was easy to use because you could simply type in the region "Birmingham" and plenty of choices would come up. • I used websites such as Google for inspiration for my billboard. I would continuously research roadside billboards, and this helped me understand the structure of billboards, because I could use Google images to compare different roadside advertisements and plan my own when understanding the key conventions.
  • 34. Technologies used during the construction of my magazine and billboard • To construct my magazine and billboard, the first thing I had to do was take the photographs that would feature in both. Not only did I take pictures of the cover star, but I took plenty of pictures of landmarks in Birmingham too such as Selfridges, the Bull Ring and St Martin's Church. I took a variety of different shots, with a fantastic quality camera so that I had plenty to choose from and to consult my target audience with when deciding. • After taking these images, I imported them into the software Paint.Net, to try and sharpen them and edit them into the best quality possible, I found that on some occasions, I had to use photoshop, especially on the pictures of the cover star, to ensure that the background was all one smooth colour, and to feather and smooth the edges. I used Paint.Net mostly when constructing my billboard because I could add different layers and edit the opacity of these layers, leading to the final image on my billboard. • After using Paint.Net I would import these images into PagePlus, the software that I could crop, cut out and add the text and content to my magazine and billboard. • Both of these softwares were easy to use and enabled me to export my work in different ways such as JPEG and PDF files.
  • 35. Technologies used during the constructio of my radio advertisement • For my radio advertisement I had to use a software called Audacity. • Audacity was a simple software and was very easy to use. • It enabled me to record the script, not just once, but twice so that I could include more than one voice in there. • I could also import the music which I downloaded from the FMA (Free Music Archive). • I could play around with the radio advertisement by cutting out bits of the track and script that I didn't need and add different layers, change the volumes (so that the music didn't overpower the dialogue) and much more. • After I completed my radio advert, I exported it as an MP3 file and it was all finished. • I enjoyed using audacity because it was very straight forward and easy to follow, without this basic, yet fantastic software, I wouldn't have been able to create my advert to this standard. • I enjoyed the fact that all of my editing could be approached on one software.
  • 36. Technology used during my evaluation • For my evaluation I used microsoft powerpoint. • This is a software I am familiar with so found it incredibly easy to use. • I liked the way I could use different templates and designs to make the evaluation more interesting and attractive. • I am pleased with my evaluation from using this software.
  • 37. Progress from AS to A2 • It could be argued that my skills from AS to A2 media developed enormously. This could be because at A2 I used more advanced photo editors, such as photoshop, and different tools on Paint.Net and PagePlus that I didn't know about at AS. • My AS project was to create a dance music magazine called MOVE. The name was more or less based on the action you take when you hear dance music, you can't help but move to the beat, therefore the was a connection between the name of the magazine and the genre. At AS I didn't go out and do much photography, I took many pictures of my music artist in the same sort of position, so I didn't really have a variety to choose from. However, at A2 I took the opportunity to use a better quality camera and took photos of not only my cover star but different areas in the region too, to enhance my skills and broaden my range of images, therefore I had plenty to choose from. • I found it a lot easier to take the photos at A2 because I had a clear outline of what I wanted after the AS experience. • I followed the usual codes and conventions of a music magazine at AS, yet challegned the usual codes and conventions of a regional magazine at A2 because I got more confident in the process and construction of magazines. • I feel that at A2 my magazine has it's own unique brand image, whereas at AS, it was neither here or there, you couldn't tell that it was a dance music magazine, this didn't jump out at you. However, at A2 it's clearly obvious that with a first glance, you are aware the magazine is about Birmingham. • There's also a greater level of symbiosis between my magazine at A2.
  • 38. AS A2
  • 39. Progress from AS to A2 • For my double page spread I have progressed from AS to A2 incredibly well. • At AS there wasn't much thought put into the photography, it lacks any real connection to the article, whereas at A2 the model's facial expression actually expresses what the article is about. • Also, I feel that there seems to be a better connection between the front, contents and dps at A2 then there was at AS. This is because I have really thought about the layout, that the reader will see the image more clearly and it will attract them more if positioned on the left hand side, as when they turn the page this is what they will see first. Also it looks quite effective having the title spread across two pages rather than one because it reflects its true importance and dominance on the page. • I have added extra features on my A2 dps by including a range of images that are better quality, the range of images gives the reader a better insight into the personality of the model and makes them feel at ease. The large P behind the article emphasies the importance and enthusiasm from the star. The features at AS such as the columns, and the quote over the picture are typical conventions but add no excitement. • I feel that at A2 I have connected with the readers better by making them feel more involved in the article.
  • 40. AS A2
  • 41. Progress from AS to A2 • I find that naturally, I have progressed from AS to A2. • At AS I simply created a music magazine front page, contents page and double page spread. Whereas at A2 I not only created a regional magazine front page, contents page and double page spread, but I had to create a billboard advertisement and radio advertisement. So I created two new products which I had no experience of. • I was keen to get to grips with new software such as audacity because it meant I could develop my radio advertising skills. • It was also interesting to research into different areas of the media through finding billboards and radio advertisements and using them as templates and inspiration to create my own. • At AS it was important that I branded my music magazine, but at A2 it was increasingly important because I needed to create a brand that flowed throughout my magazine and two further ancillary products, verbally and visually. • At A2 I feel that I have developed my coursework skills enormously and have drastically improved from AS. • I am very happy with my final products.