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Functional programming
techniques in real-world
07. 04. 2017
Andras Papp
Tech Lead @

truly personalised
250,000+ campaigns / month

10+ billion messages /month

2+ billion end users
The tale of Prince Scalarot
The abandoned castle
of Princess Monada
The three trials
How should I change specific
values of a complex immutable
data structure?
Question 1
Unified profile of a customer
Unified Profile 

Campaign names

lastEvents = LastEvents(

click = LastEvent(campaign = Campaign(id = 100), "iPhone")



purchases = PurchaseInfo(

last = Some(SinglePurchase(

campaign = Campaign(id = 101), quantity = 2




lastEvents = LastEvents(

click = LastEvent(campaign = Campaign(id = 100), “iPhone")


purchases = PurchaseInfo(

last = Some(SinglePurchase(

campaign = Campaign(id = 100), quantity = 2



Campaign(id = 100)
id = 100,
name = "Abandoned Shopping Cart Campaign”

Immutable domain entities
Always creating a copy:
val campaignWithName = campaign.copy(
name = "Abandoned Shopping Cart Campaign”
… and we have only updated ONE campaign

lastEvents = contactProfile.lastEvents.copy(

send = contactProfile.lastEvents.send.copy(

campaign = replaceCampaignWithName(campaignNames)




Type of the object to update is O

Type of the field to update is V
case class Lens[O, V] (

get: O => V,

set: (O, V) => O

Example lens instance
val campaignNameLens = Lens[Campaign, String](

get =,

set = (campaign, name) => campaign.copy(name = name)


val campaign = Campaign(id = 1, name = "old name")

campaignNameLens.set(campaign, "new name")
// Campaign(1, "new name")
Composing lenses
def compose[Outer, Inner, Value](

outer: Lens[Outer, Inner],

inner: Lens[Inner, Value]

) = Lens[Outer, Value](

get = outer.get andThen inner.get,

set = (obj, value) => outer.set(


inner.set(outer.get(obj), value)


Composing lenses
val lastSendEvent = LastEvent(
campaign = Campaign(id = 100, name = “"),
device = “iPhone"

val lastEventCampaignLens = Lens[LastEvent, Campaign](

get = _.campaign,

set = (lastEvent, campaign) =>
lastEvent.copy(campaign = campaign)

val campaignNameLens = Lens[Campaign, String](

get =,

set = (campaign, name) =>
campaign.copy(name = name)

val lastEventCampaignNameLens = compose(
lastEventCampaignLens, campaignNameLens)

lastEventCampaignNameLens.set(lastSendEvent, "Campaign Name")
Lens implementations



Solution of Sir Lensalot
Using composed lenses

lastEvents = LastEvents(

click = LastEvent(campaign = Campaign(id = 100), “iPhone")


purchases = PurchaseInfo(

last = Some(SinglePurchase(

campaign = Campaign(id = 100), quantity = 2



val clickCampaignLens = 

>> 'lastEvents
>> 'click
>> ‘campaign

val lastPurchaseLens =

>> 'purchases
>> ‘last
Solving the problem
Define lenses using shapeless
def modifyBy(lens: Lens[ContactProfile, Campaign]) = 

(contactProfile: ContactProfile) => 


val contactProfileWithCampaignNames =

modifyBy(clickCampaignLens) andThen

Solving the problem
How can I convert between a third
party library’s representation and
my case classes in a generic way?
Question 2
def executeQuery(query: Query): Future[List[TableRow]] =

queryResult(query).map { result =>

if (result.getTotalRows.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {


} else {




Google BigQuery API
Running a query job in BigQuery results
in a list of TableRow objects
case class ClickEvent(campaignId: Int, eventTime: DateTime,
deviceName: String, customerId: Int, messageId: Int)

def loadClicks(contact: Contact): Future[List[ClickEvent]] = {


tableRow => {

val cells = tableRow.getF


campaignId = cells.get(0).getV.toString.toInt
eventTime = new DateTime(cells.get(1).getV.toString.toLong),
deviceName = cells.get(1).getV.toString




TableRow - model
We would like to work with our models
Solution of Sir General
Using generic programming
def executeQuery[T](query: Query): Future[List[T]] = {

queryResult(query).map { result =>

if (result.getTotalRows.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {


} else {[T])




def loadClicks(contact: Contact): Future[List[ClickEvent]] = 

executeQuery[ClickEvent](createQuery(contact, clickTable))
Aim for a generic solution
Step 1: Move mapping
to type classes
trait BigQueryFormat[T] {

def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow): T


implicit val clickEventFormat = new BigQueryFormat[ClickEvent] {

def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {

val cells = tableRow.getF


campaignId = cells.get(0).getV.toString.toInt,

eventTime = new DateTime(cells.get(1).getV.toString.toLong),

deviceName = cells.get(2).getV.toString



BigQueryFormat type class
BigQueryFormat trait and one simplified
concrete instance for ClickEvent
object syntax {

implicit class RichTableRow(val row: TableRow)
extends AnyVal {

def as[T]
(implicit format: BigQueryFormat[T]): T =

Add ‘as’ function to TableRow
"create ClickEvent case class from TableRow" in {

val tableRow = new TableRow()

val now =


new TableCell().setV(1),

new TableCell().setV(now.getMillis),

new TableCell().setV("iPhone")

).asJava)[ClickEvent] shouldEqual
ClickEvent(1, now, "iPhone")

Test it!
Convert a test TableRow to a case class
with our syntax: ’as’
What have we
Step 2: Get rid of all
the mapping code
Sir General
visited the
The plan
Type class for cell values
trait BigQueryValue[T] {

def fromValue(v: AnyRef): T


implicit object stringPrimitive extends BigQueryValue[String] {

def fromValue(v: AnyRef) = v.toString


implicit object intPrimitive extends BigQueryValue[Int] {

def fromValue(v: AnyRef) = v.toString.toInt


implicit object BoolPrimitive extends BigQueryValue[Boolean] {

def fromValue(v: AnyRef) = v.toString.toBoolean


implicit object DatePrimitive extends BigQueryValue[DateTime] {

def fromValue(v: AnyRef) = new DateTime(v.toString.toLong)

BigQueryFormat for HList
General representation
ClickEvent(1, now, "iPhone")

1 :: now :: "iPhone" :: HNil
implicit object hNilBigQueryFormat
extends BigQueryFormat[HNil] {
def fromTableRow(m: TableRow) = HNil

BigQueryFormat for HList
Convert to the members of the HList
recursively, ultimately to HNil
implicit def hListBigQueryFormat[Head, Tail <: HList](

implicit valueFormatter: BigQueryValue[Head],

tailFormatter: BigQueryFormat[Tail]

): BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] = {

new BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] {

def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {

val tableCells = tableRow.getF.toList

val cellValue = tableCells.head.getV

val resolvedValue = valueFormatter.fromValue(cellValue)


val tail = tailFormatter.fromTableRow(tableRow)

resolvedValue :: tail



BigQueryFormat for HList
But what about HList?
implicit def hListBigQueryFormat[Head, Tail <: HList](

implicit valueFormatter: BigQueryValue[Head],

tailFormatter: BigQueryFormat[Tail]

): BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] = {

new BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] {

def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {

val tableCells = tableRow.getF.toList

val cellValue = tableCells.head.getV

val resolvedValue = valueFormatter.fromValue(cellValue)


val tail = tailFormatter.fromTableRow(tableRow)

resolvedValue :: tail



BigQueryFormat for HList
implicit def hListBigQueryFormat[Head, Tail <: HList](

implicit valueFormatter: BigQueryValue[Head],

tailFormatter: BigQueryFormat[Tail]

): BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] = {

new BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] {

def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {

val tableCells = tableRow.getF.toList

val cellValue = tableCells.head.getV

val resolvedValue = valueFormatter.fromValue(cellValue)


val tail = tailFormatter.fromTableRow(tableRow)

resolvedValue :: tail



BigQueryFormat for HList
What is happening?
Generic BigQueryFormat
Generic type class instance

BigQueryFormat for generic

Create HList representation

Convert to expected type
Generic BigQueryFormat
implicit def genericBigQueryFormat[T, Repr](

implicit gen: Generic.Aux[T, Repr],

reprFormatter: BigQueryFormat[Repr]

): BigQueryFormat[T] = {

new BigQueryFormat[T] {

def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {

val repr = reprFormatter.fromTableRow(tableRow)




What is Aux?
Nice job!
We can remove all the concrete type
class instances for our model classes!
Related topics
Support ADTs

Field names of case classes

Handle conversion errors
Our library is open source!

Contribution is welcome!
How can I write pure functions
if I have to do a bunch of IO
Question 3
Microservices do a lot of API calls

There is a data store involved in most

An IO operation depends on the result
of another IO operation
A sample side-
effecting function
A sample side-effecting
def create(customerId: Int,

fieldsToUse: List[ContactField],

contactApiClient: ContactFieldApi

): Future[List[FieldItem]] = {

for {

existingFields <- contactApiClient.list(customerId).map(

fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)

newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests, contactApiClient)

} yield newFields


private def createNewFields(

fieldRequests: List[CreateFieldRequest],

contactApiClient: ContactFieldApi

): Future[List[FieldItem]] = {

Future.sequence( => {





A sample side-effecting
def create(customerId: Int,

fieldsToUse: List[ContactField],

contactApiClient: ContactFieldApi

): Future[List[FieldItem]] = {

for {

existingFields <- contactApiClient.list(customerId).map(

fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)

newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests, contactApiClient)

} yield newFields


private def createNewFields(

fieldRequests: List[CreateFieldRequest],

contactApiClient: ContactFieldApi

): Future[List[FieldItem]] = {

Future.sequence( => {





Issues with this approach
Hard to unit test

Dependency management

Business logic & the environment

Future on the interface

Future in function body
Solution of Sir Effectus
Using type classes
Type classes again!
Let’s create a type class for type classes!
RestIO type class
trait RestIO[F[_]] {

def listFields(customerId: Int): F[List[FieldItem]]

def createField(payload: CreateFieldRequest): F[CreateFieldResponse]


object RestIO {

object syntax {

def listFields[F[_]](customerId: Int)(implicit ev: RestIO[F]) =

def createField[F[_]](payload: CreateFieldRequest)
(implicit ev: RestIO[F]) =

Instance for Future
object ClientInstance {

implicit val suiteClientInstance = new RestIO[Future]

val contactApiClient = ContactFieldApi()

def listFields(customerId: Int)
: Future[List[FieldItem]] =


def createField(payload: CreateFieldRequest)
: Future[CreateFieldResponse] =
contactApiClient.createField(customerId, payload)
Changes in client code
[error] value map is not a member of type parameter F[List[FieldItem]]
import RestIO.syntax._

def create[F[_]: RestIO](

customerId: Int, 

fieldsToUse: List[ContactField]

): F[List[FieldItem]] = {

for {

existingFields <- listFields(customerId)

fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)

newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests)

} yield newFields

The interface is generic for the type class

Client class dependency is removed
Does it work?
[error] value map is not a member of type parameter F[List[FieldItem]]
import RestIO.syntax._

def create[F[_]: RestIO](

customerId: Int, 

fieldsToUse: List[ContactField]

): F[List[FieldItem]] = {

for {

existingFields <- listFields(customerId)

fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)

newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests)

} yield newFields

Monad to the rescue!
[error] value map is not a member of type parameter F[List[FieldItem]]
import cats._
import RestIO.syntax._

def create[F[_]: RestIO: Monad](

customerId: Int, 

fieldsToUse: List[ContactField]

): F[List[FieldItem]] = {

for {

existingFields <- listFields(customerId)

fieldRequests =
FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)

newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests)

} yield newFields

Let’s use cats!
Changes in client code
[error] value map is not a member of type parameter F[List[FieldItem]]
private def createNewFields[F[_]: RestIO: Monad](

customerId: Int,

fieldRequests: List[CreateFieldRequest]

): F[List[FieldItem]] = { => {




Got rid of Future.sequence
new instance of RestIO for testing

simple stub

Id monad
Let’s create an instance for
trait FakeRestIO {

val expectedFieldListResponse
: Map[Int, List[FieldItem]] = Map()

implicit val fakeClientInstance = new RestIO[Id] {

override def createField(payload: CreateFieldRequest)
: Id[CreateFieldResponse] = {



A sample test case
"create segment with new custom field" in new FakeRestIO {

override val expectedFieldListResponse = Map(

customerId -> List(

FieldItem(101, Some("Custom Email"))



val fieldsToUse = List(

ContactField("Custom Field"),

ContactField("Custom Email")


override val expectedCreateFieldResponse = Map(

CreateFieldRequest("Custom Field") ->

val expectedNewField = List(
FieldItem(1001, Some("Custom Field”))
create(customerId, fieldsToUse) shouldBe expectedNewField

More generic

Business logic has no side effects

Testing without Future

Dependency management by the
Learn more about type

Learn more about shapeless
Thank You!

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Functional programming techniques in real-world microservices

  • 1. Functional programming techniques in real-world microservices 07. 04. 2017
  • 3. THE B2C MARKETING CLOUD truly personalised interactions 250,000+ campaigns / month 10+ billion messages /month 2+ billion end users
  • 4. The tale of Prince Scalarot
  • 5. The abandoned castle of Princess Monada
  • 7. How should I change specific values of a complex immutable data structure? Question 1
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Unified profile of a customer BigQuery Unified Profile 
 Service Products Campaign names … Events
  • 11.
  • 12. ContactProfile(
 lastEvents = LastEvents(
 click = LastEvent(campaign = Campaign(id = 100), "iPhone")
 purchases = PurchaseInfo(
 last = Some(SinglePurchase(
 campaign = Campaign(id = 101), quantity = 2
 )) …
 ) … …
  • 13. ContactProfile(
 lastEvents = LastEvents(
 click = LastEvent(campaign = Campaign(id = 100), “iPhone") …
 purchases = PurchaseInfo(
 last = Some(SinglePurchase(
 campaign = Campaign(id = 100), quantity = 2
 )) …
 ) … …
  • 14. Transformation Campaign(id = 100) Campaign( id = 100, name = "Abandoned Shopping Cart Campaign”
  • 15. Immutable domain entities Always creating a copy: val campaignWithName = campaign.copy( name = "Abandoned Shopping Cart Campaign” )
  • 16. Copyception … and we have only updated ONE campaign contactProfile.copy(
 lastEvents = contactProfile.lastEvents.copy(
 send = contactProfile.lastEvents.send.copy(
 campaign = replaceCampaignWithName(campaignNames)
  • 17. Lens Type of the object to update is O Type of the field to update is V case class Lens[O, V] (
 get: O => V,
 set: (O, V) => O
  • 18. Example lens instance val campaignNameLens = Lens[Campaign, String](
 get =,
 set = (campaign, name) => campaign.copy(name = name)
 val campaign = Campaign(id = 1, name = "old name")
 campaignNameLens.set(campaign, "new name") // Campaign(1, "new name")
  • 19. Composing lenses def compose[Outer, Inner, Value](
 outer: Lens[Outer, Inner],
 inner: Lens[Inner, Value]
 ) = Lens[Outer, Value]( 
 get = outer.get andThen inner.get,
 set = (obj, value) => outer.set(
 inner.set(outer.get(obj), value)
  • 20. Composing lenses val lastSendEvent = LastEvent( campaign = Campaign(id = 100, name = “"), device = “iPhone" )
 val lastEventCampaignLens = Lens[LastEvent, Campaign](
 get = _.campaign,
 set = (lastEvent, campaign) => lastEvent.copy(campaign = campaign) )
 val campaignNameLens = Lens[Campaign, String](
 get =,
 set = (campaign, name) => campaign.copy(name = name) ) 
 val lastEventCampaignNameLens = compose( lastEventCampaignLens, campaignNameLens) 
 lastEventCampaignNameLens.set(lastSendEvent, "Campaign Name")
  • 22. Solution of Sir Lensalot Using composed lenses
  • 23. ContactProfile(
 lastEvents = LastEvents(
 click = LastEvent(campaign = Campaign(id = 100), “iPhone") …
 purchases = PurchaseInfo(
 last = Some(SinglePurchase(
 campaign = Campaign(id = 100), quantity = 2
 )) …
 ) … …
  • 24. val clickCampaignLens = 
 lens[ContactProfile] >> 'lastEvents >> 'click >> ‘campaign 
 val lastPurchaseLens =
 lens[ContactProfile] >> 'purchases >> ‘last Solving the problem Define lenses using shapeless
  • 25. def modifyBy(lens: Lens[ContactProfile, Campaign]) = 
 (contactProfile: ContactProfile) => 
 lens.modify(contactProfile) (replaceCampaignWithName(campaignNames)) 
 val contactProfileWithCampaignNames =
 ( modifyBy(clickCampaignLens) andThen
 modifyBy(lastPurchaseLens) )(contactProfile) Solving the problem
  • 26.
  • 27. How can I convert between a third party library’s representation and my case classes in a generic way? Question 2
  • 28.
  • 29. def executeQuery(query: Query): Future[List[TableRow]] = {
 queryResult(query).map { result =>
 if (result.getTotalRows.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
 } else {
 } Google BigQuery API Running a query job in BigQuery results in a list of TableRow objects
  • 30. case class ClickEvent(campaignId: Int, eventTime: DateTime, deviceName: String, customerId: Int, messageId: Int) 
 def loadClicks(contact: Contact): Future[List[ClickEvent]] = {
 tableRow => {
 val cells = tableRow.getF
 campaignId = cells.get(0).getV.toString.toInt eventTime = new DateTime(cells.get(1).getV.toString.toLong), deviceName = cells.get(1).getV.toString
 } TableRow - model We would like to work with our models
  • 31. Solution of Sir General Using generic programming
  • 32. def executeQuery[T](query: Query): Future[List[T]] = {
 queryResult(query).map { result =>
 if (result.getTotalRows.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
 } else {[T])
 def loadClicks(contact: Contact): Future[List[ClickEvent]] = 
 executeQuery[ClickEvent](createQuery(contact, clickTable)) Aim for a generic solution
  • 33. Step 1: Move mapping to type classes
  • 34. trait BigQueryFormat[T] {
 def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow): T
 implicit val clickEventFormat = new BigQueryFormat[ClickEvent] {
 def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {
 val cells = tableRow.getF
 campaignId = cells.get(0).getV.toString.toInt,
 eventTime = new DateTime(cells.get(1).getV.toString.toLong),
 deviceName = cells.get(2).getV.toString
 } BigQueryFormat type class BigQueryFormat trait and one simplified concrete instance for ClickEvent
  • 35. object syntax {
 implicit class RichTableRow(val row: TableRow) extends AnyVal { 
 def as[T] (implicit format: BigQueryFormat[T]): T = format.fromTableRow(row) }
 } Syntax Add ‘as’ function to TableRow
  • 36. "create ClickEvent case class from TableRow" in {
 val tableRow = new TableRow()
 val now =
 new TableCell().setV(1),
 new TableCell().setV(now.getMillis),
 new TableCell().setV("iPhone")
 ).asJava)[ClickEvent] shouldEqual ClickEvent(1, now, "iPhone")
 } Test it! Convert a test TableRow to a case class with our syntax: ’as’
  • 38. Step 2: Get rid of all the mapping code
  • 41. Type class for cell values trait BigQueryValue[T] {
 def fromValue(v: AnyRef): T
 implicit object stringPrimitive extends BigQueryValue[String] {
 def fromValue(v: AnyRef) = v.toString
 implicit object intPrimitive extends BigQueryValue[Int] {
 def fromValue(v: AnyRef) = v.toString.toInt
 implicit object BoolPrimitive extends BigQueryValue[Boolean] {
 def fromValue(v: AnyRef) = v.toString.toBoolean
 implicit object DatePrimitive extends BigQueryValue[DateTime] {
 def fromValue(v: AnyRef) = new DateTime(v.toString.toLong)
 } …
  • 42. BigQueryFormat for HList General representation ClickEvent(1, now, "iPhone")
 1 :: now :: "iPhone" :: HNil
  • 43. implicit object hNilBigQueryFormat extends BigQueryFormat[HNil] { def fromTableRow(m: TableRow) = HNil
 } BigQueryFormat for HList Convert to the members of the HList recursively, ultimately to HNil
  • 44. implicit def hListBigQueryFormat[Head, Tail <: HList](
 implicit valueFormatter: BigQueryValue[Head],
 tailFormatter: BigQueryFormat[Tail]
 ): BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] = {
 new BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] {
 def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {
 val tableCells = tableRow.getF.toList
 val cellValue = tableCells.head.getV
 val resolvedValue = valueFormatter.fromValue(cellValue)
 val tail = tailFormatter.fromTableRow(tableRow)
 resolvedValue :: tail
 } BigQueryFormat for HList But what about HList?
  • 45. implicit def hListBigQueryFormat[Head, Tail <: HList](
 implicit valueFormatter: BigQueryValue[Head],
 tailFormatter: BigQueryFormat[Tail]
 ): BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] = {
 new BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] {
 def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {
 val tableCells = tableRow.getF.toList
 val cellValue = tableCells.head.getV
 val resolvedValue = valueFormatter.fromValue(cellValue)
 val tail = tailFormatter.fromTableRow(tableRow)
 resolvedValue :: tail
 } BigQueryFormat for HList
  • 46. implicit def hListBigQueryFormat[Head, Tail <: HList](
 implicit valueFormatter: BigQueryValue[Head],
 tailFormatter: BigQueryFormat[Tail]
 ): BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] = {
 new BigQueryFormat[Head :: Tail] {
 def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {
 val tableCells = tableRow.getF.toList
 val cellValue = tableCells.head.getV
 val resolvedValue = valueFormatter.fromValue(cellValue)
 val tail = tailFormatter.fromTableRow(tableRow)
 resolvedValue :: tail
 } BigQueryFormat for HList What is happening?
  • 47. Generic BigQueryFormat Generic type class instance BigQueryFormat for generic representation Create HList representation Convert to expected type
  • 48. Generic BigQueryFormat implicit def genericBigQueryFormat[T, Repr](
 implicit gen: Generic.Aux[T, Repr],
 reprFormatter: BigQueryFormat[Repr]
 ): BigQueryFormat[T] = {
 new BigQueryFormat[T] {
 def fromTableRow(tableRow: TableRow) = {
 val repr = reprFormatter.fromTableRow(tableRow)
 } What is Aux?
  • 49. Nice job! We can remove all the concrete type class instances for our model classes!
  • 50. Related topics Support ADTs Field names of case classes Handle conversion errors
  • 51. Our library is open source! googlecloud-shapeless Contribution is welcome!
  • 52.
  • 53. How can I write pure functions if I have to do a bunch of IO operations? Question 3
  • 54.
  • 55. Overview Microservices do a lot of API calls There is a data store involved in most cases An IO operation depends on the result of another IO operation
  • 57. A sample side-effecting function def create(customerId: Int,
 fieldsToUse: List[ContactField],
 contactApiClient: ContactFieldApi
 ): Future[List[FieldItem]] = {
 for {
 existingFields <- contactApiClient.list(customerId).map(
 fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)
 newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests, contactApiClient)
 } yield newFields
 private def createNewFields(
 fieldRequests: List[CreateFieldRequest],
 contactApiClient: ContactFieldApi
 ): Future[List[FieldItem]] = {
 Future.sequence( => {
  • 58. A sample side-effecting function def create(customerId: Int,
 fieldsToUse: List[ContactField],
 contactApiClient: ContactFieldApi
 ): Future[List[FieldItem]] = {
 for {
 existingFields <- contactApiClient.list(customerId).map(
 fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)
 newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests, contactApiClient)
 } yield newFields
 private def createNewFields(
 fieldRequests: List[CreateFieldRequest],
 contactApiClient: ContactFieldApi
 ): Future[List[FieldItem]] = {
 Future.sequence( => {
  • 59. Issues with this approach Hard to unit test Dependency management complications Business logic & the environment Future on the interface Future in function body
  • 60. Solution of Sir Effectus Using type classes
  • 61. Type classes again! Let’s create a type class for type classes!
  • 62. RestIO type class trait RestIO[F[_]] {
 def listFields(customerId: Int): F[List[FieldItem]]
 def createField(payload: CreateFieldRequest): F[CreateFieldResponse]
 object RestIO {
 object syntax {
 def listFields[F[_]](customerId: Int)(implicit ev: RestIO[F]) = ev.listFields(customerId) 
 def createField[F[_]](payload: CreateFieldRequest) (implicit ev: RestIO[F]) = ev.createField(payload)
 } }
  • 63. Instance for Future object ClientInstance {
 implicit val suiteClientInstance = new RestIO[Future] {
 val contactApiClient = ContactFieldApi()
 def listFields(customerId: Int) : Future[List[FieldItem]] =
 def createField(payload: CreateFieldRequest) : Future[CreateFieldResponse] = contactApiClient.createField(customerId, payload) } }
  • 64. Changes in client code [error] value map is not a member of type parameter F[List[FieldItem]] import RestIO.syntax._
 def create[F[_]: RestIO](
 customerId: Int, 
 fieldsToUse: List[ContactField]
 ): F[List[FieldItem]] = {
 for {
 existingFields <- listFields(customerId)
 fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)
 newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests)
 } yield newFields
 } The interface is generic for the type class Client class dependency is removed
  • 65. Does it work? [error] value map is not a member of type parameter F[List[FieldItem]] import RestIO.syntax._
 def create[F[_]: RestIO](
 customerId: Int, 
 fieldsToUse: List[ContactField]
 ): F[List[FieldItem]] = {
 for {
 existingFields <- listFields(customerId)
 fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)
 newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests)
 } yield newFields
  • 66. Monad to the rescue! [error] value map is not a member of type parameter F[List[FieldItem]] import cats._ import RestIO.syntax._
 def create[F[_]: RestIO: Monad](
 customerId: Int, 
 fieldsToUse: List[ContactField]
 ): F[List[FieldItem]] = {
 for {
 existingFields <- listFields(customerId)
 fieldRequests = FieldPayload.create(existingFields, fieldsToUse)
 newFields <- createNewFields(fieldRequests)
 } yield newFields
 } Let’s use cats!
  • 67. Changes in client code [error] value map is not a member of type parameter F[List[FieldItem]] private def createNewFields[F[_]: RestIO: Monad](
 customerId: Int,
 fieldRequests: List[CreateFieldRequest]
 ): F[List[FieldItem]] = { => {
 } Got rid of Future.sequence
  • 68. Testing new instance of RestIO for testing simple stub Id monad
  • 69. Let’s create an instance for testing! trait FakeRestIO {
 val expectedFieldListResponse : Map[Int, List[FieldItem]] = Map() … 
 implicit val fakeClientInstance = new RestIO[Id] {
 override def createField(payload: CreateFieldRequest) : Id[CreateFieldResponse] = { expectedCreateFieldResponse(payload)
 } …
  • 70. A sample test case "create segment with new custom field" in new FakeRestIO {
 override val expectedFieldListResponse = Map(
 customerId -> List(
 FieldItem(101, Some("Custom Email"))
 val fieldsToUse = List(
 ContactField("Custom Field"),
 ContactField("Custom Email")
 override val expectedCreateFieldResponse = Map(
 CreateFieldRequest("Custom Field") -> CreateFieldResponse(1001) )
 val expectedNewField = List( FieldItem(1001, Some("Custom Field”)) ) create(customerId, fieldsToUse) shouldBe expectedNewField
  • 71. Conclusions More generic Business logic has no side effects Testing without Future Dependency management by the compiler
  • 72.
  • 73. Learn more about type classes typeclassesforthemasses Hablapps
  • 74. Learn more about shapeless shapeless-guide