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Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
Class SalaryModel from ModelBase
Class SalaryController From ControllerBase
Class SalaryView From ViewBase
oLanguage = new SalaryLanguageEnglish
Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController
return oPage.scriptfuncajax("myadd",oController.cMainURL+
Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage
return [
[ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[2], "textbox", "name",
oController.oModel.Name, oPage.stylewidth("100%") ],
[ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[3], "textbox", "salary",
oController.oModel.Salary, oPage.stylewidth("50%") ]
Class SalaryLanguageEnglish
cTitle = "Salary Table"
cBack = "back"
aColumnsTitles = ["ID","Name","Salary"]
cOptions = "Options"
cSearch = "Search"
comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"]
cAddRecord = "Add Record"
cEditRecord = "Edit Record"
cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!"
aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"]
cPage = "Page"
cOf = "of"
cRecordsCount = "Records Count"
cSave = "Save"
temp = new page
cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight()
cNoRecords = "No records!"
Screen Shot:
47.21. CRUD Example using MVC 395
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
47.22 Users registration and Login
We have the users classes (Model, View & Controller) to deal with the users data like username & email.
The next code is stored in ex25_users.ring
Class UsersModel from ModelBase
cSearchColumn = "username"
Class UsersController From ControllerBase
47.22. Users registration and Login 396
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
aColumnsNames = ["id","username","email"]
Func UpdateRecord = aPageVars[cRecID]
oModel.updatecolumn("username", aPageVars[:username] )
oModel.updatecolumn("email", aPageVars[:email] )
Class UsersView from ViewBase
oLanguage = new UsersLanguageEnglish
Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController
return oPage.scriptfunc("myadd",oPage.scriptredirection("ex26.ring"))
Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage
return [
Class UsersLanguageEnglish
cTitle = "Users Table"
cBack = "back"
aColumnsTitles = ["ID","User Name","Email"]
cOptions = "Options"
cSearch = "Search"
comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"]
cAddRecord = "Add Record"
cEditRecord = "Edit Record"
cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!"
aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"]
cPage = "Page"
cOf = "of"
cRecordsCount = "Records Count"
cSave = "Save"
temp = new page
cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight()
cNoRecords = "No records!"
In the file ex25.ring we load ex25_users.ring then create an object from UsersController class.
Using the created object, we call the routing method.
#!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
Import System.Web
website = "ex25.ring"
New UsersController { Routing() }
Screen Shot:
47.22. Users registration and Login 397
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
See the next code for the registration page
#!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Import System.Web
website = "ex26.ring"
new page {
text( "Register")
divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ])
link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")])
divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","160") + stylegradient(52) ])
tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") +
stylewidth("90%") ])
cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)])
text("User Name")
cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ])
textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")])
cellstart([ :Style = styleheight(30)])
textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"])
47.22. Users registration and Login 398
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
textbox([:name = "email" , :style = stylewidth("100%")])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
submit([:value = "Register" ])
Screen Shot:
The Registration response
#!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
47.22. Users registration and Login 399
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
Import System.Web
oUser = new UsersModel
if oUser.findwith("username",aPageVars["username"])
new page {
text("The user name is already registered")
if oUser.findwith("email",aPageVars["email"])
new page {
text("This email is already registered")
aPageVars["salt"] = str2hex(RandBytes(32))
aPageVars["pwhash"] = sha256(aPagevars["password"]+aPageVars["salt"])
aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32))
new page {
text("New User Created!")
text("User Name : " + aPageVars["username"])
See the next code for the Login page
#!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Import System.Web
website = "ex28.ring"
new page {
text( "Login")
divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ])
link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")])
divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","130") + stylegradient(52) ])
tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") +
stylewidth("90%") ])
cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)])
text("User Name")
cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ])
textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")])
47.22. Users registration and Login 400
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30) ])
submit([:value = "Login" ])
Screen Shot:
The response page
#!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
Import System.Web
47.22. Users registration and Login 401
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
oUser = new UsersModel
lResult = oUser.FindWith("username",aPageVars["username"])
new page {
if lResult
if sha256(aPagevars["password"]+oUser.Salt) = oUser.pwhash
text ("Correct Password!")
aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32))
text ("Bad password!")
text("Bad User Name!")
The next code for checking if the user needs to login or not
#!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
Import System.Web
oUser = new UsersModel
lResult = oUser.FindWith("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"])
new page {
if lResult
text("User Name : " + oUser.username )
text("Please Login First!")
47.23 Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes
In this section we will see some code from datalib.ring
The next code presents the Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes
Import System.Web
Class Database
cServer = "localhost"
cUserName = "root"
cPassword = "root"
cDatabase = "mahdb"
Func Connect
47.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 402
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
con = mysql_init()
mysql_connect(con, cServer, cUserName, cPassWord,cDatabase)
Func Disconnect
Func Query cQuery
Func QueryResult
return mysql_result(con)
Func QueryResultWithColumns
# return columns names + query result
return mysql_result2(con)
Func QueryValue
aResult = mysql_result(con)
if islist(aResult) and len(aResult) >= 1
aResult = aResult[1]
if len(aResult) >= 1
return aResult[1]
return 0
Func EscapeString x
if isstring(x)
return MySQL_Escape_String(con,x)
return MySQL_Escape_String(con,string(x))
con = NULL
Class ModelBase from Database
cTableName = ""
cSearchColumn = "name"
aColumns = []
aQueryResult = []
ID = 0
# set table name from class name
classname = lower(classname(self))
if right(classname,5) = :model
cTablename = left(classname,len(classname)-5)
Func Insert
cValues = ""
for x in aColumns
cValues += "'" + EscapeString(aPageVars[x]) + "',"
47.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 403
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
cValues = left(cValues,len(cValues)-1) # remove last comma
cColumns = ""
for x in aColumns
cColumns += x + ","
cColumns = left(cColumns,len(cColumns)-1)
query("insert into " + cTableName + "("+cColumns+") values (" +
cValues + ")" )
Func Update nID
cStr = ""
for x in aColumns
cStr += x + " = '" + EscapeString(aPageVars[x]) + "' , "
# the space after comma is necessary
cStr = left(cStr,len(cStr)-2)
query("update " + cTableName + " set " + cStr + " where id = " + nID )
Func UpdateColumn cColumn,cValue
query("update " + cTableName + " set " + cColumn + " = '" +
EscapeString(cValue) + "' where id = " + self.ID )
Func Count cValue
query("SELECT count(*) FROM " + cTableName +
" where "+cSearchColumn+" like '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "%'")
return queryValue()
Func Read nStart,nRecordsPerPage
query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName+" limit " + EscapeString(nStart) + "," +
EscapeString(nRecordsPerPage) )
aQueryResult = queryResult()
Func Search cValue,nStart,nRecordsPerPage
query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName+" where "+cSearchColumn+" like '" +
EscapeString(cValue) + "%'" +
" limit " + EscapeString(nStart) + "," + EscapeString(nRecordsPerPage) )
aQueryResult = queryResult()
Func Find nID
query("select * from " + cTableName + " where id = " + EscapeString(nID) )
aResult = queryResult()[1]
# move the result from the array to the object attributes
ID = nID
cCode = ""
for x = 2 to len(aResult)
cCode += aColumns[x-1] + " = hex2str('" + str2hex(aResult[x]) + "')" + nl
Func FindWith cColumn,cValue
47.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 404

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The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 43 of 181

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 Class SalaryModel from ModelBase Class SalaryController From ControllerBase Class SalaryView From ViewBase oLanguage = new SalaryLanguageEnglish Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController return oPage.scriptfuncajax("myadd",oController.cMainURL+ oController.cOperation+"=add","mysubpage") Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage return [ [ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[2], "textbox", "name", oController.oModel.Name, oPage.stylewidth("100%") ], [ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[3], "textbox", "salary", oController.oModel.Salary, oPage.stylewidth("50%") ] ] Class SalaryLanguageEnglish cTitle = "Salary Table" cBack = "back" aColumnsTitles = ["ID","Name","Salary"] cOptions = "Options" cSearch = "Search" comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"] cAddRecord = "Add Record" cEditRecord = "Edit Record" cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!" aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"] cPage = "Page" cOf = "of" cRecordsCount = "Records Count" cSave = "Save" temp = new page cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight() cNoRecords = "No records!" Screen Shot: 47.21. CRUD Example using MVC 395
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 47.22 Users registration and Login We have the users classes (Model, View & Controller) to deal with the users data like username & email. The next code is stored in ex25_users.ring Class UsersModel from ModelBase cSearchColumn = "username" Class UsersController From ControllerBase 47.22. Users registration and Login 396
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 aColumnsNames = ["id","username","email"] Func UpdateRecord = aPageVars[cRecID] oModel.updatecolumn("username", aPageVars[:username] ) oModel.updatecolumn("email", aPageVars[:email] ) oView.UpdateView(self) Class UsersView from ViewBase oLanguage = new UsersLanguageEnglish Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController return oPage.scriptfunc("myadd",oPage.scriptredirection("ex26.ring")) Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage return [ [oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[2],"textbox","username", oController.oModel.UserName,oPage.stylewidth("100%")], [oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[3],"textbox","email", oController.oModel.Email,oPage.stylewidth("50%")] ] Class UsersLanguageEnglish cTitle = "Users Table" cBack = "back" aColumnsTitles = ["ID","User Name","Email"] cOptions = "Options" cSearch = "Search" comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"] cAddRecord = "Add Record" cEditRecord = "Edit Record" cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!" aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"] cPage = "Page" cOf = "of" cRecordsCount = "Records Count" cSave = "Save" temp = new page cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight() cNoRecords = "No records!" In the file ex25.ring we load ex25_users.ring then create an object from UsersController class. Using the created object, we call the routing method. #!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" Import System.Web website = "ex25.ring" New UsersController { Routing() } Screen Shot: 47.22. Users registration and Login 397
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 See the next code for the registration page #!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Import System.Web website = "ex26.ring" new page { boxstart() text( "Register") newline() boxend() divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ]) link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")]) newline() divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","160") + stylegradient(52) ]) formpost("ex27.ring") tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") + stylewidth("90%") ]) rowstart([]) cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)]) text("User Name") cellend() cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ]) textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")]) cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :Style = styleheight(30)]) text("Password") cellend() cellstart([]) textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"]) 47.22. Users registration and Login 398
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) text("Email") cellend() cellstart([]) textbox([:name = "email" , :style = stylewidth("100%")]) cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) cellend() cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) submit([:value = "Register" ]) cellend() rowend() tableend() formend() divend() divend() } Screen Shot: The Registration response #!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" 47.22. Users registration and Login 399
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 Import System.Web oUser = new UsersModel oUser.Connect() if oUser.findwith("username",aPageVars["username"]) new page { text("The user name is already registered") } return ok if oUser.findwith("email",aPageVars["email"]) new page { text("This email is already registered") } return ok aPageVars["salt"] = str2hex(RandBytes(32)) aPageVars["pwhash"] = sha256(aPagevars["password"]+aPageVars["salt"]) aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32)) oUser.Insert() new page { cookie("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) text("New User Created!") newline() text("User Name : " + aPageVars["username"]) newline() } oUser.Disconnect() See the next code for the Login page #!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Import System.Web website = "ex28.ring" new page { boxstart() text( "Login") newline() boxend() divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ]) link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")]) newline() divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","130") + stylegradient(52) ]) formpost("ex29.ring") tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") + stylewidth("90%") ]) rowstart([]) cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)]) text("User Name") cellend() cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ]) textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")]) cellend() 47.22. Users registration and Login 400
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) text("Password") cellend() cellstart([]) textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"]) cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30) ]) cellend() cellstart([]) submit([:value = "Login" ]) cellend() rowend() tableend() formend() divend() divend() } Screen Shot: The response page #!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" Import System.Web 47.22. Users registration and Login 401
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 oUser = new UsersModel oUser.Connect() lResult = oUser.FindWith("username",aPageVars["username"]) new page { if lResult if sha256(aPagevars["password"]+oUser.Salt) = oUser.pwhash text ("Correct Password!") aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32)) oUser.UpdateColumn("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) cookie("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) else text ("Bad password!") ok else text("Bad User Name!") ok } oUser.Disconnect() The next code for checking if the user needs to login or not #!c:ringbinring.exe -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" Import System.Web oUser = new UsersModel oUser.Connect() lResult = oUser.FindWith("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) new page { if lResult text("User Name : " + oUser.username ) else text("Please Login First!") ok } oUser.Disconnect() 47.23 Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes In this section we will see some code from datalib.ring The next code presents the Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes Import System.Web Class Database cServer = "localhost" cUserName = "root" cPassword = "root" cDatabase = "mahdb" Func Connect 47.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 402
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 con = mysql_init() mysql_connect(con, cServer, cUserName, cPassWord,cDatabase) Func Disconnect mysql_close(con) Func Query cQuery mysql_query(con,cQuery) Func QueryResult return mysql_result(con) Func QueryResultWithColumns # return columns names + query result return mysql_result2(con) Func QueryValue aResult = mysql_result(con) if islist(aResult) and len(aResult) >= 1 aResult = aResult[1] if len(aResult) >= 1 return aResult[1] ok ok return 0 Func EscapeString x if isstring(x) return MySQL_Escape_String(con,x) else return MySQL_Escape_String(con,string(x)) ok Private con = NULL Class ModelBase from Database cTableName = "" cSearchColumn = "name" aColumns = [] aQueryResult = [] ID = 0 # set table name from class name classname = lower(classname(self)) if right(classname,5) = :model cTablename = left(classname,len(classname)-5) ok Func Insert cValues = "" for x in aColumns cValues += "'" + EscapeString(aPageVars[x]) + "'," 47.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 403
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 Next cValues = left(cValues,len(cValues)-1) # remove last comma cColumns = "" for x in aColumns cColumns += x + "," next cColumns = left(cColumns,len(cColumns)-1) query("insert into " + cTableName + "("+cColumns+") values (" + cValues + ")" ) Func Update nID cStr = "" for x in aColumns cStr += x + " = '" + EscapeString(aPageVars[x]) + "' , " # the space after comma is necessary Next cStr = left(cStr,len(cStr)-2) query("update " + cTableName + " set " + cStr + " where id = " + nID ) Func UpdateColumn cColumn,cValue query("update " + cTableName + " set " + cColumn + " = '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "' where id = " + self.ID ) Func Count cValue query("SELECT count(*) FROM " + cTableName + " where "+cSearchColumn+" like '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "%'") return queryValue() Func Read nStart,nRecordsPerPage query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName+" limit " + EscapeString(nStart) + "," + EscapeString(nRecordsPerPage) ) aQueryResult = queryResult() Func Search cValue,nStart,nRecordsPerPage query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName+" where "+cSearchColumn+" like '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "%'" + " limit " + EscapeString(nStart) + "," + EscapeString(nRecordsPerPage) ) aQueryResult = queryResult() Func Find nID query("select * from " + cTableName + " where id = " + EscapeString(nID) ) aResult = queryResult()[1] # move the result from the array to the object attributes ID = nID cCode = "" for x = 2 to len(aResult) cCode += aColumns[x-1] + " = hex2str('" + str2hex(aResult[x]) + "')" + nl next eval(cCode) Func FindWith cColumn,cValue 47.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 404