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Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
textbox([:name = "email" , :style = stylewidth("100%")])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
submit([:value = "Register" ])
Screen Shot:
The Registration response
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
53.22. Users registration and Login 498
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Import System.Web
oUser = new UsersModel
if oUser.findwith("username",aPageVars["username"])
new page {
text("The user name is already registered")
if oUser.findwith("email",aPageVars["email"])
new page {
text("This email is already registered")
aPageVars["salt"] = str2hex(RandBytes(32))
aPageVars["pwhash"] = sha256(aPagevars["password"]+aPageVars["salt"])
aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32))
new page {
text("New User Created!")
text("User Name : " + aPageVars["username"])
See the next code for the Login page
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Import System.Web
website = "ex28.ring"
new page {
text( "Login")
divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ])
link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")])
divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","130") + stylegradient(52) ])
tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") +
stylewidth("90%") ])
cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)])
text("User Name")
cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ])
textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")])
53.22. Users registration and Login 499
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)])
textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"])
cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30) ])
submit([:value = "Login" ])
Screen Shot:
The response page
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
Import System.Web
53.22. Users registration and Login 500
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
oUser = new UsersModel
lResult = oUser.FindWith("username",aPageVars["username"])
new page {
if lResult
if sha256(aPagevars["password"]+oUser.Salt) = oUser.pwhash
text ("Correct Password!")
aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32))
text ("Bad password!")
text("Bad User Name!")
The next code for checking if the user needs to login or not
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Load "ex25_users.ring"
Import System.Web
oUser = new UsersModel
lResult = oUser.FindWith("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"])
new page {
if lResult
text("User Name : " + oUser.username )
text("Please Login First!")
53.23 Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes
In this section we will see some code from datalib.ring
The next code presents the Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes
Import System.Web
Class Database
cServer = "localhost"
cUserName = "root"
cPassword = "root"
cDatabase = "mahdb"
Func Connect
53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 501
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
con = mysql_init()
mysql_connect(con, cServer, cUserName, cPassWord,cDatabase)
Func Disconnect
Func Query cQuery
Func QueryResult
return mysql_result(con)
Func QueryResultWithColumns
# return columns names + query result
return mysql_result2(con)
Func QueryValue
aResult = mysql_result(con)
if islist(aResult) and len(aResult) >= 1
aResult = aResult[1]
if len(aResult) >= 1
return aResult[1]
return 0
Func EscapeString x
if isstring(x)
return MySQL_Escape_String(con,x)
return MySQL_Escape_String(con,string(x))
con = NULL
Class ModelBase from Database
cTableName = ""
cSearchColumn = "name"
aColumns = []
aQueryResult = []
ID = 0
# set table name from class name
classname = lower(classname(self))
if right(classname,5) = :model
cTablename = left(classname,len(classname)-5)
Func Insert
cValues = ""
for x in aColumns
cValues += "'" + EscapeString(aPageVars[x]) + "',"
53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 502
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
cValues = left(cValues,len(cValues)-1) # remove last comma
cColumns = ""
for x in aColumns
cColumns += x + ","
cColumns = left(cColumns,len(cColumns)-1)
query("insert into " + cTableName + "("+cColumns+") values (" +
cValues + ")" )
Func Update nID
cStr = ""
for x in aColumns
cStr += x + " = '" + EscapeString(aPageVars[x]) + "' , "
# the space after comma is necessary
cStr = left(cStr,len(cStr)-2)
query("update " + cTableName + " set " + cStr + " where id = " + nID )
Func UpdateColumn cColumn,cValue
query("update " + cTableName + " set " + cColumn + " = '" +
EscapeString(cValue) + "' where id = " + self.ID )
Func Count cValue
query("SELECT count(*) FROM " + cTableName +
" where "+cSearchColumn+" like '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "%'")
return queryValue()
Func Read nStart,nRecordsPerPage
query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName+" limit " + EscapeString(nStart) + "," +
EscapeString(nRecordsPerPage) )
aQueryResult = queryResult()
Func Search cValue,nStart,nRecordsPerPage
query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName+" where "+cSearchColumn+" like '" +
EscapeString(cValue) + "%'" +
" limit " + EscapeString(nStart) + "," + EscapeString(nRecordsPerPage) )
aQueryResult = queryResult()
Func Find nID
query("select * from " + cTableName + " where id = " + EscapeString(nID) )
aResult = queryResult()[1]
# move the result from the array to the object attributes
ID = nID
cCode = ""
for x = 2 to len(aResult)
cCode += aColumns[x-1] + " = hex2str('" + str2hex(aResult[x]) + "')" + nl
Func FindWith cColumn,cValue
53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 503
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
query("select * from " + cTableName + " where "+cColumn+" = '" +
EscapeString(cValue) + "'" )
aResult = queryResult()
if len(aResult) > 0
aResult = aResult[1]
return 0
# move the result from the array to the object attributes
ID = aResult[1]
cCode = ""
for x = 2 to len(aResult)
cCode += aColumns[x-1] + " = hex2str('" + str2hex(aResult[x]) + "')" + nl
return 1
Func Delete ID
query("delete from " + cTableName + " where id = " + EscapeString(ID) )
Func Clear
cCode = ""
for x in aColumns
cCode += x + ' = ""' + nl
Func LoadModel
# create the columns array
query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName + " limit 0,1")
aQueryResult = QueryResultWithColumns()[1]
for x = 2 to len(aQueryResult)
aColumns + lower(trim(aQueryResult[x]))
# create attribute for each column
for x in aColumns
Func Connect
if nLoadModel = 0
nLoadModel = 1
nLoadModel = 0
Class ControllerBase
53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 504
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
nRecordsPerPage = 5
nRecordsCount = 0
nPagesCount = 0
nActivePage = 0
# Dynamic creation of oView = new tablenameView and oModel = new tablename.Model
classname = lower(classname(self))
if right(classname,10) = :controller
tablename = left(classname,len(classname)-10)
cCode = "oView = new " + tablename+"View" + nl
cCode += "oModel = new " + tablename+"Model" + nl
cSearchName = "searchname"
cPart = "part"
cPageError = "The page number is not correct"
cLast = "last"
cOperation = "operation"
cRecID = "recid"
aColumnsNames = ["id"]
for t in oModel.aColumns
aColumnsNames + t
cMainURL = website + "?"
func Routing
switch aPageVars[cOperation]
on NULL showtable()
on :add addrecord()
on :save saverecord()
on :delete deleterecord()
on :edit editrecord()
on :update updaterecord()
func ShowTable
nRecordsCount = oModel.Count( aPageVars[cSearchName] )
nPagesCount = ceil(nRecordsCount / nRecordsPerPage)
if aPageVars[cPart] = cLast
aPageVars[cPart] = string(nPagesCount)
nActivePage = number(aPageVars[cPart])
if nActivePage = 0 nActivePage = 1 ok
if ( nActivePage > nPagesCount ) and nRecordsCount > 0
53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 505
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
nStart = (nActivePage-1)*nRecordsPerPage
if aPageVars[cSearchName] = NULL
oModel.Read( nStart,nRecordsPerPage )
oModel.Search( aPageVars[cSearchName],nStart,nRecordsPerPage )
func AddRecord
oView.FormViewAdd(Self,:save,false) # false mean don't include record id
func SaveRecord
func EditRecord
oModel.Find( aPageVars[cRecID] )
oView.FormViewEdit(Self,:update,true) # true mean include record id
func UpdateRecord
oModel.update( aPageVars[cRecID] )
func DeleteRecord
oModel.Delete( aPageVars[cRecID] )
func braceend
53.24 WebLib API
In this section we will see the web library functions, classes and methods.
Function Parameters Description
LoadVars None Save the request parameters and cookies to aPageVars List
WebPage None Create new object from the WebPage Class
BootStrapWebPage None Create new object from the BootStrapWebPage Class
HTMLSpecialChars cString Encode Special characters to HTML equivalent
Template cFile,oObject Execute Ring Code in cFile after accessing oObject using {}
Alert cMessage Generate HTML Web Page that display cMessage using JavaScript Alert()
HTML2PDF cString Generate and Display PDF File from HTML String (cString)
The Package System.Web contains the next classes
53.24. WebLib API 506
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Class Name Description
Application Contains methods for Encoding, Decoding, Cookies & More.
Page Contains methods to generate HTML pages.
ScriptFunctions Contains methods to generate some JavaScript Functions.
StyleFunctions Contains methods to generate CSS.
PageBuffer Generate HTML Page in memory (don’t print the output).
HTML2PDF Generate PDF File from HTML code.
BootStrapPage Using BootStrap Library.
WebPage Generate page using objects for each element.
HtmlPage Like WebPage but doesn’t print the output to stdout.
BootStrapWebPage Generate page using objects, using BootStrap Library.
ObjsBase Parent Class for page objects.
NewObjectsFunctions Methods to create new objects in the page or element.
H1 Wraps HTML H1.
H2 Wraps HTML H2.
H3 Wraps HTML H3.
H4 Wraps HTML H4.
H5 Wraps HTML H5.
H6 Wraps HTML H6.
P Wraps HTML P.
Link Wraps HTML link.
NewLine Wraps HTML NewLine.
Div Wraps HTML Div.
Form Wraps HTML Form.
Input Wraps HTML Input.
TextArea Wraps HTML TextArea.
Select Wraps HTML Select.
Option Wraps HTML Option.
Image Wraps HTML Image.
Table Wraps HTML Table.
Audio Wraps HTML Audio.
Video Wraps HTML Video.
Nav Wraps HTML Nav.
Span Wraps HTML Span.
Button Wraps HTML Button.
53.24. WebLib API 507

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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 54 of 212

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) text("Email") cellend() cellstart([]) textbox([:name = "email" , :style = stylewidth("100%")]) cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) cellend() cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) submit([:value = "Register" ]) cellend() rowend() tableend() formend() divend() divend() } Screen Shot: The Registration response #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" 53.22. Users registration and Login 498
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Import System.Web oUser = new UsersModel oUser.Connect() if oUser.findwith("username",aPageVars["username"]) new page { text("The user name is already registered") } return ok if oUser.findwith("email",aPageVars["email"]) new page { text("This email is already registered") } return ok aPageVars["salt"] = str2hex(RandBytes(32)) aPageVars["pwhash"] = sha256(aPagevars["password"]+aPageVars["salt"]) aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32)) oUser.Insert() new page { cookie("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) text("New User Created!") newline() text("User Name : " + aPageVars["username"]) newline() } oUser.Disconnect() See the next code for the Login page #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Import System.Web website = "ex28.ring" new page { boxstart() text( "Login") newline() boxend() divstart([:style = stylegradient(6) + stylesize("100%","95%") ]) link([ :url = website, :title = "back" , :style = stylecolor("white")]) newline() divstart([ :style= styledivcenter("500","130") + stylegradient(52) ]) formpost("ex29.ring") tablestart([ :Style = stylemarginleft("2%") + stylemargintop("2%") + stylewidth("90%") ]) rowstart([]) cellstart([:style = stylewidth("20%") + styleheight(30)]) text("User Name") cellend() cellstart([ :style = stylewidth("80%") ]) textbox([:name = "username", :style = stylewidth("100%")]) cellend() 53.22. Users registration and Login 499
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30)]) text("Password") cellend() cellstart([]) textbox([:name = "password" , :type = "password"]) cellend() rowend() rowstart([]) cellstart([ :style = styleheight(30) ]) cellend() cellstart([]) submit([:value = "Login" ]) cellend() rowend() tableend() formend() divend() divend() } Screen Shot: The response page #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" Import System.Web 53.22. Users registration and Login 500
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 oUser = new UsersModel oUser.Connect() lResult = oUser.FindWith("username",aPageVars["username"]) new page { if lResult if sha256(aPagevars["password"]+oUser.Salt) = oUser.pwhash text ("Correct Password!") aPageVars["sessionid"] = str2hex(randbytes(32)) oUser.UpdateColumn("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) cookie("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) else text ("Bad password!") ok else text("Bad User Name!") ok } oUser.Disconnect() The next code for checking if the user needs to login or not #!ring -cgi Load "weblib.ring" Load "datalib.ring" Load "ex25_users.ring" Import System.Web oUser = new UsersModel oUser.Connect() lResult = oUser.FindWith("sessionid",aPageVars["sessionid"]) new page { if lResult text("User Name : " + oUser.username ) else text("Please Login First!") ok } oUser.Disconnect() 53.23 Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes In this section we will see some code from datalib.ring The next code presents the Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes Import System.Web Class Database cServer = "localhost" cUserName = "root" cPassword = "root" cDatabase = "mahdb" Func Connect 53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 501
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 con = mysql_init() mysql_connect(con, cServer, cUserName, cPassWord,cDatabase) Func Disconnect mysql_close(con) Func Query cQuery mysql_query(con,cQuery) Func QueryResult return mysql_result(con) Func QueryResultWithColumns # return columns names + query result return mysql_result2(con) Func QueryValue aResult = mysql_result(con) if islist(aResult) and len(aResult) >= 1 aResult = aResult[1] if len(aResult) >= 1 return aResult[1] ok ok return 0 Func EscapeString x if isstring(x) return MySQL_Escape_String(con,x) else return MySQL_Escape_String(con,string(x)) ok Private con = NULL Class ModelBase from Database cTableName = "" cSearchColumn = "name" aColumns = [] aQueryResult = [] ID = 0 # set table name from class name classname = lower(classname(self)) if right(classname,5) = :model cTablename = left(classname,len(classname)-5) ok Func Insert cValues = "" for x in aColumns cValues += "'" + EscapeString(aPageVars[x]) + "'," 53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 502
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Next cValues = left(cValues,len(cValues)-1) # remove last comma cColumns = "" for x in aColumns cColumns += x + "," next cColumns = left(cColumns,len(cColumns)-1) query("insert into " + cTableName + "("+cColumns+") values (" + cValues + ")" ) Func Update nID cStr = "" for x in aColumns cStr += x + " = '" + EscapeString(aPageVars[x]) + "' , " # the space after comma is necessary Next cStr = left(cStr,len(cStr)-2) query("update " + cTableName + " set " + cStr + " where id = " + nID ) Func UpdateColumn cColumn,cValue query("update " + cTableName + " set " + cColumn + " = '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "' where id = " + self.ID ) Func Count cValue query("SELECT count(*) FROM " + cTableName + " where "+cSearchColumn+" like '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "%'") return queryValue() Func Read nStart,nRecordsPerPage query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName+" limit " + EscapeString(nStart) + "," + EscapeString(nRecordsPerPage) ) aQueryResult = queryResult() Func Search cValue,nStart,nRecordsPerPage query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName+" where "+cSearchColumn+" like '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "%'" + " limit " + EscapeString(nStart) + "," + EscapeString(nRecordsPerPage) ) aQueryResult = queryResult() Func Find nID query("select * from " + cTableName + " where id = " + EscapeString(nID) ) aResult = queryResult()[1] # move the result from the array to the object attributes ID = nID cCode = "" for x = 2 to len(aResult) cCode += aColumns[x-1] + " = hex2str('" + str2hex(aResult[x]) + "')" + nl next eval(cCode) Func FindWith cColumn,cValue 53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 503
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 query("select * from " + cTableName + " where "+cColumn+" = '" + EscapeString(cValue) + "'" ) aResult = queryResult() if len(aResult) > 0 aResult = aResult[1] else return 0 ok # move the result from the array to the object attributes ID = aResult[1] cCode = "" for x = 2 to len(aResult) cCode += aColumns[x-1] + " = hex2str('" + str2hex(aResult[x]) + "')" + nl next eval(cCode) return 1 Func Delete ID query("delete from " + cTableName + " where id = " + EscapeString(ID) ) Func Clear cCode = "" for x in aColumns cCode += x + ' = ""' + nl next eval(cCode) Func LoadModel # create the columns array query("SELECT * FROM "+ cTableName + " limit 0,1") aQueryResult = QueryResultWithColumns()[1] for x = 2 to len(aQueryResult) aColumns + lower(trim(aQueryResult[x])) next # create attribute for each column for x in aColumns addattribute(self,x) next Func Connect Super.Connect() if nLoadModel = 0 nLoadModel = 1 LoadModel() ok private nLoadModel = 0 Class ControllerBase 53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 504
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 nRecordsPerPage = 5 nRecordsCount = 0 nPagesCount = 0 nActivePage = 0 # Dynamic creation of oView = new tablenameView and oModel = new tablename.Model classname = lower(classname(self)) if right(classname,10) = :controller tablename = left(classname,len(classname)-10) cCode = "oView = new " + tablename+"View" + nl cCode += "oModel = new " + tablename+"Model" + nl eval(cCode) oModel.connect() ok cSearchName = "searchname" cPart = "part" cPageError = "The page number is not correct" cLast = "last" cOperation = "operation" cRecID = "recid" aColumnsNames = ["id"] for t in oModel.aColumns aColumnsNames + t next cMainURL = website + "?" func Routing switch aPageVars[cOperation] on NULL showtable() on :add addrecord() on :save saverecord() on :delete deleterecord() on :edit editrecord() on :update updaterecord() off func ShowTable nRecordsCount = oModel.Count( aPageVars[cSearchName] ) nPagesCount = ceil(nRecordsCount / nRecordsPerPage) if aPageVars[cPart] = cLast aPageVars[cPart] = string(nPagesCount) ok nActivePage = number(aPageVars[cPart]) if nActivePage = 0 nActivePage = 1 ok if ( nActivePage > nPagesCount ) and nRecordsCount > 0 ErrorMsg(cPageError) return ok 53.23. Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes 505
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 nStart = (nActivePage-1)*nRecordsPerPage if aPageVars[cSearchName] = NULL oModel.Read( nStart,nRecordsPerPage ) else oModel.Search( aPageVars[cSearchName],nStart,nRecordsPerPage ) ok oView.GridView(self) func AddRecord oModel.clear() oView.FormViewAdd(Self,:save,false) # false mean don't include record id func SaveRecord oModel.Insert() oView.SaveView(self) func EditRecord oModel.Find( aPageVars[cRecID] ) oView.FormViewEdit(Self,:update,true) # true mean include record id func UpdateRecord oModel.update( aPageVars[cRecID] ) oView.UpdateView(self) func DeleteRecord oModel.Delete( aPageVars[cRecID] ) oView.DeleteView() func braceend oModel.Disconnect() 53.24 WebLib API In this section we will see the web library functions, classes and methods. Function Parameters Description LoadVars None Save the request parameters and cookies to aPageVars List WebPage None Create new object from the WebPage Class BootStrapWebPage None Create new object from the BootStrapWebPage Class HTMLSpecialChars cString Encode Special characters to HTML equivalent Template cFile,oObject Execute Ring Code in cFile after accessing oObject using {} Alert cMessage Generate HTML Web Page that display cMessage using JavaScript Alert() HTML2PDF cString Generate and Display PDF File from HTML String (cString) The Package System.Web contains the next classes 53.24. WebLib API 506
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Class Name Description Application Contains methods for Encoding, Decoding, Cookies & More. Page Contains methods to generate HTML pages. ScriptFunctions Contains methods to generate some JavaScript Functions. StyleFunctions Contains methods to generate CSS. PageBuffer Generate HTML Page in memory (don’t print the output). HTML2PDF Generate PDF File from HTML code. BootStrapPage Using BootStrap Library. WebPage Generate page using objects for each element. HtmlPage Like WebPage but doesn’t print the output to stdout. BootStrapWebPage Generate page using objects, using BootStrap Library. ObjsBase Parent Class for page objects. NewObjectsFunctions Methods to create new objects in the page or element. H1 Wraps HTML H1. H2 Wraps HTML H2. H3 Wraps HTML H3. H4 Wraps HTML H4. H5 Wraps HTML H5. H6 Wraps HTML H6. P Wraps HTML P. Link Wraps HTML link. NewLine Wraps HTML NewLine. Div Wraps HTML Div. Form Wraps HTML Form. Input Wraps HTML Input. TextArea Wraps HTML TextArea. Select Wraps HTML Select. Option Wraps HTML Option. Image Wraps HTML Image. UL Wraps HTML UL. LI Wraps HTML LI. Table Wraps HTML Table. TR Wraps HTML TR. TD Wraps HTML TD. TH Wraps HTML TH. Audio Wraps HTML Audio. Video Wraps HTML Video. Nav Wraps HTML Nav. Span Wraps HTML Span. Button Wraps HTML Button. 53.24. WebLib API 507