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Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
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Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
Hey Founders before your grand-kids are born make sure they end up a
super elite. Because it will suck to end up like a farmed sheep belonging
to a few wolf Sheppard.
In the past few years scientist have discovered the gene that is responsible for
skin tone. Which means it wouldn’t be long before people give their kids crayon
colors. The process is called, CRISPAR, which is a genetic engineering or
gene modification process. It simply extracts a gene that is responsible for skin
color and simply replaces it with a modified version into an embryo of any
creature which then turns, for example, a biological-natural Asian baby girl into
a green She-Hulk or any colored baby girl. Making it possible to create a
engineered-modified human or super elite.
In the next half a decade, we’d eventually all be living in an
exponentially-human-diverse-world and likely to face some complex social,
economic and ethical issues. Which will make life very interesting however
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
inevitably creating a very few more invisible and powerful Super Elites
also known as God Elites.
[“power elite”, whereby a precious chosen few are able to influence all spheres
of society and Governance”]
[“We also will have the gene editing tools to make her taller. Or stronger. Or
smarter. Or prettier. Or Athletic”]
Imagine a world where the Hell Boy skin color would be so fucking cool and
happens to be the new trending baby skin color of 2025. Imagine a human
genetically modified herself and gave herself a bull penis. I bet some women
would line up and pay for a great fucking bull ride.
Imagine the good and bad elites of today were able to extend their lives
by more than hundred years.
Imagine being completely immune to all deadly diseases and having the
ability to self heal fast.
Just a little serious for a moment. . . If you thought we have a divided
human race today and think we are fucked up, in a couple of years we’d
all be so fucking divided that identity politics will be so ineffective. There
will be more subcultures within groups who currently think they are
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
homogeneous. Honestly, I’m not sure if that “skin color changing” option is
in the pipeline now however I do know it is an inevitable future. And what is
also inevitable is for a few organized demographic of the population to
decide the rules for human behavior, biology and technological evolution.
The few super elites who for some fucked-up reason end up shaping the
lives of the many.
IMPORTANT: If you are considered to be in the circle of the social and
economic elite today, I would like for you to hold judgment and step away from
your privileged world. And if you are a regular modestly significant Joe or Jane
then realize this is not an attack on social & economic elites.
[“One of the biggest puzzles confronting political scientists from the time of
Machiavelli are the following: When do those in power abuse their stations for
their own benefit, and when do those in power elect to build systems of
governance that favor society over personal gain?”]
[“Robinson describes how at certain points elites will create institutions that are
particularly suited for a given environment. In some cases, this means that
elites will construct dynastic institutions, whereby their descendants will form
future generations of elites. In other cases, Robinson observes that elites will
design institutions that reproduce and change future elite classes. Therefore, if
one wants to understand institutions and institutional persistence, one must
consider the motives, coherency, and overall dynamics of the elite.”]
[“The powers of ordinary men are circumscribed by the everyday worlds in
which they live, yet even in these rounds of job, family, and neighborhood they
often seem driven by forces they can neither understand nor govern. 'Great
changes' are beyond their control, but affect their conduct and outlook none
the less. The very framework of modern society confines them to projects not
their own, but from every side, such changes now press upon the men and
women of the mass society, who accordingly feel that they are without purpose
in an epoch in which they are without power.”]---Book “The Power Elite”
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
Today, if you just observe your surroundings and your institutions, you will
notice that almost everyone and everything belongs to an hierarchy of power.
What’s common for most is that those on top assert control, influence, rules,
upon lesser powerful people through powerful tools such as money, food,
water, weapons, security, laws, sex, etc.. However to magnify the
effectiveness of their power they must go through an institution which
imposes rules and information on subjects.
Add to that,…the strong possibility the fate of many men, women, and children
is in some way shaped by their genes and their environment lives. The
neighborhoods, schools, occupations, lifestyle,place of worship, books, charity,
life events, thoughts, philosophies, family members, role models, etc... either
are guiding you towards a life of misery or life of prosperity.
Elite Politics around the world have grown ever more toxic. It’s more and more
centralization of power that seems to be stiffing human liberties, human joy
and human fairness, abusing technology.
The military departments in some establish civilization are growing into a
bureaucratic and self serving non-sense with growing desire to create enemies
so they can assert their personal policies or agenda.
FYI: [“Not all power, it is true, is anchored in and exercised by means of such
institutions, but only within and through them can power be more or less
continuous and important.”]
The rich, famous, intellectual, moral leaders are not immune to the flaws and
temptation of everything today. However they will do everything in their power
to avoid being vulnerable to biological, technological and economic volatility.
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
Before Tony Stark became Iron Man he was a mere mortal with resources
and connections. When he created the Iron Man suit and kept reiterating
it he became a God. A God able to use technological advances to match
the God of thunder, Thor.
That might be fictional today but the future of a world filled with Super
Elites is not far away. The question we all should be asking is who gets
to transition to a super elite and who doesn’t? Who gets the upgrades
and who gets left behind to wither?
[“Digitization has advanced in a series of accelerating waves that touch more
and more participants. As each one builds on and amplifies what has come
before, the waves are hitting in faster succession and with greater impact.
Today the focus is on connectivity, platforms, data, and software. These
spread faster than classic computing hardware due to their network effects and
the marginal cost economics associated with products and services in digital
rather than physical form. Together these technologies have set off a virtuous
cycle of innovation as they are combined and recombined in the form of new
products. As consumers see the benefits and are quicker to adopt, businesses
can take advantage of a built-in audience for yet more innovation.”] - McKinsey
Global Institute
[“Recent McKinsey research has estimated that nearly half of time-weighted
tasks performed by the workforce today can be automated by currently existing
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
technologies. It further suggests that at least 30 percent of the tasks performed
by roughly 60 percent of today’s occupations could be automated, which will
cause a large-scale redefinition of job roles and business processes.”]
Founders and to anyone reading this, the evolution change is coming.
For example being able to hack any human biology is bound to change
humanity. Having artificial intelligent systems and algorithm systems
guide our daily lives and in worst cases guide some of us to dead ends,
should be a concern for non-elites.
Having automation will make some people’s lives easier and make others
more complicated . Living with the fact that the wealthy, powerful or privileged
would be able extend their lives for hundreds of years is bound to create hell
on earth. Imagine if guys like Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, or a terrifying tyrant
were around a hundred plus more years. ..
If there were never the elites among the rest of us then we’d truly never know
what the human race could achieve. And if weren’t for a culture of achieving
the best and pushing the limits we’d never had billionaires, Michael Jordan,
Jack Ma, Drake, Jeff Bezos, etc. Our daily need to survive and thrive is what
makes some of us rise to the top.
Almost every species has this motive. However with time in this world you
realize that those at the top of the hill will do anything to deter threats to their
power, position, entitlements, and their survival.
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
I took a look at Enron, the former darling of American Wall Street. You
quickly realize that businesses built by elite assholes will do everything
to manipulate, abuse their leverage for selfish motives. Now imagine
when a super elite goes around selling a “trust me stories” however
behind every transaction are the few circle of people making a shit load
of money at the expense of the rest of the population.
Makes you wonder whether people enjoy being exploited? Life is so
interesting because in some shape or form each individual must choose or be
lowered into becoming in some shape a king or slave to others. Beneficial for
some population to stay weak? I’m reminded of how weed dealers would
sell to people even when they clearly know the user had permanently
neglected their self-hygiene or how casinos would welcome a addicted
gambler when they know they should intervene. Or when a financial adviser
tells you to buy stocks which may or may not make money so they can get
their commission. By will of force become elite or die trying? [“What really
binds the power elite to one another are their mutual interests, social networks,
and the adoption of elite ideology and values. The importance of social
networks cannot be overstated for it is in these powerful, yet informal,
networks that bonds are formed, elite values learned and heritage share. ”]
[“Members of the power elite attend the same private schools and universities,
join the same clubs and fraternities, belong to the same churches and charities,
and live in the same neighborhoods. They work and play together, and they
employ one another. (blanked) elites enjoy broad-based, informal social
networks that provide access to information and referrals that result in
preferential employment opportunities.” ]
Systematically excludes others? Excluding others. The game of
involuntarily or voluntarily segregating others helps to concentrate like us from
not like us. Which ends up creating one-dimensional-thinking, complacent,
arrogant, ignorance, indifference, misdirection, distraction, power
concentration in modern society, [This phenomenon, known as “homosocial
reproduction,” refers to the tendency of a homogenaic organization to
reproduce itself by continuously promoting the same types of individuals.]
Quick Definition Of Elite Class & Super Elite Class
[Social statuses:
•Within each social identity category, some people have greater access to
social power and privilege based on membership in their social group. •Often,
this group is called the advantaged group. •We call group who access to social
power is limited or denied, the targeted group. •When you hear students or
colleagues use the following terms in official paperwork or even in community
conversation: •Advantaged: agent, dominant, oppressor, privileged •Targeted:
target, subordinate, oppressed, disadvantaged ]
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
policies, laws, rules, norms, and customs enacted by organizations and social
institutions that disadvantage some social groups and advantage other social
groups (intentional and unintentional).]
[Societal/cultural: social norms, roles, rituals, language, music, and art that
reflect and reinforce the belief that one social group is superior to another
(intentional and unintentional).]
[...governing elites represented an essentially anti-democratic tendency in
society: instead of majorities ruling minorities, organized minorities in fact
continued to dominate unorganized majorities even in so-called democracies.]
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
FOR PART 1... Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites?
There’s nothing more terrifying to an elite class then to lose his / her status or
prestigious social and economic advantages. That’s why some can result to
unethical behavior because of that fear. Such as bribery, manipulation, lieying,
violence, cheating, intimidation,. For your information, power is usually
concentrated in this three primary insitituation. The global businesses,
governments, and military. What I call the money,home, stick. The seconday
power are the schools, churches, trade unions, associations, or other
organized instituations.
The past social elite were conceentrated in regions of the world. Today’s elite,
due to globalization, are transnational who with time grow distant from national
affection. They think global so their thoughts and actions are globally strategic.
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
Their peers are also global elites from diverse backgrounds and with diverse
agendas which help form their views of oppotunities and threats. Their informal
networks such as neighbourhoods, hotels, restaurants, sports events, arts,
charity, resorts, etc help to solidify the super elite circles.
Using gene editing to become a super elite?
There will come a moment when a tiny population have manage to edit their
genes or their babies genes to the point of escaping the call of death.
[“In conference halls around the world, geneticists and developmental
biologists have been gathering to discuss what once was
unthinkable-genetically engineering human embryos so that they, and their
children, and their children's children, are irrevocably changed. These experts
are talking with remarkable candour about using germ-line engineering to cure
fatal diseases or even to create designer babies that will be stronger, smarter,
or more resistant to infections.”]
Gene editing is the process by which genetic material can be added, removed
or altered anywhere in the code.
[“Most countries have not yet legislated on genetic modification in human
reproduction, but of those that have, all have banned it. The idea of using
Crispr-Cas9 for human reproduction is largely rejected in principle by the
medical research community. A team of scientists warned in Nature less than
two years ago that genetic manipulation of the germ line (sperm and egg cells)
by methods like Crispr-Cas9, even if focused initially on improving health,
“could start us down a path towards non-therapeutic genetic enhancement”.]
Media & Society Inpact of Super Elite?
The realities of every media network or enterprise is the fact there’s a person
or individuals who helped shaped the values and personality of media outlet.
Let’s use Fox News of News Corp for example. The key persona behind the
Fox media is a media mogul, named Rupert, who is not afraid to challege the
So what elite media organizations end up doing is simply legitimise and
support the establish beliefs that reins. They fortunately and unfortunately
wash eachothers hands.
Your circle of friends and associates does shape your evolution into super elite
status. The reality is that any human who find it ever more competive to
distinguish their ability will likely result to legitimate and non-legitimate tools for
the boost.
Access to information?
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
In an accelerating, increasingly complex information age, frictionless access to
both offline and online information is an advantage worth having. It’s the
quality, rarear the information super elites desire
Having formal & informail intelligence.
Which means simply having a great processing brain power will not be
adecute. It’s having the brain ability in seeing value in chaos to grasp bizzar
idealogies or subjects.
Having good attention and focus?
From your experience you’ve seen how hard it is drive and text at the same
time. HUmanity is either going to keep having short and shorter attention span
or better.
Your mediated information is ready?
The key to surviving and thriving in this game of life is not getting your
resources second hand.
Social media leverage game plan?
The world is filled with billions of people yet not many want to have a personal
brand and be a online social genious. Social
Avoiding suffering?
There’s an endless supply of human suffering. Imagine a world where we’ve
eradicate most forms of human discomfort. Having the knowledge and
resources to escape most human suffering.
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
Nothing frightens a super elite than a threat to his or her ability to
maintain stability. Even though super elites might become the next
generation of the human race they are still threatened by the
***The Content were from a different author and source.
1. Artificial intelligence [Why it’s bad: Machines with an extreme amount of
technology could be difficult to control. They may hoard resources to boost
their own intelligence, leaving little or nothing for humankind. That would be
very bad for us.]
2. Unknown consequences [What to be afraid of: That’s unclear. Lots of things
could go wrong that we aren’t even considering. Remember the Fermi paradox
— alien life likely exists but we’ve had no known contact. Perhaps intelligent
life always destroys itself — or something else does — before it can explore
the galaxy. This leaves us to guess at the causes that may have destroyed any
other intelligent life.]
3. Synthetic biology [The issue: A pathogen could be engineered to target
humans or a critical part of the ecosystem. If synthetic biology products
became a part of our economy, that adds a vulnerability, as they could become
an entry point for biowarfare or bioterrorism. ] In addition, imagine a person or
group has engineered a food product or bacterial to hurt certain people with a
certain genetic code.
4. Extreme climate change [Nightmare scenario: Famines, mass deaths,
social collapse and mass migration ignite global conflict. Civilization crumbles.]
5. Nanotechnology [How this goes badly: Self-replicating nanomachines could
be engineered to consume our environment, destroying humanity. Another
concern is whether nanotechnology can be used to build nuclear bombs.]
7. Major asteroid impact [Uh-oh: A large asteroid collision — something about
3 miles in size — would destroy an area the size of Holland. The impact would
trigger massive dust clouds, which would affect the climate and our food
supply, causing political instability. The good news is an asteroid this size hits
about once every 20 million years.]
8. Global pandemic [The concern: Infectious diseases can spread easily given
our advanced global transportation systems and the dense nature of human
populations. A new pandemic combining the incurability of Ebola, the
infectious nature of the common cold and the long incubation period of HIV
would have an extreme death toll.]
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
9. Super-volcano [Why this would be very bad: Aerosols and dust would be
shot into the upper atmosphere, cooling global temperatures. The effects
would be similar to a nuclear winter.]
10. Ecological collapse [The bad news: Species are going extinct at a faster
than historic rate. If the ecosystem collapses some human lifestyles may be
11. Global system collapse [The concern: The world’s economic and political
systems face systematic risks because of their intricate and interconnected
natures. The researchers say more work needs done to clarify what parts of
the system could collapse and destroy civilization. But they felt enough
research is out there to include it on the list.]
12. Bad global governance [The concern: Leaders don’t eliminate poverty, or
they build a totalitarian state. Current technology can make it easier to create a
totalitarian state.]
[A recent poll of Americans out today by the Pew Research Center shows that
in light of these new tools, Americans as a whole are still fairly concerned and
wary about the idea of permanently altering our genomes to enhance our
capabilities. The poll, which surveyed 4,700 Americans, narrowed in on three
specific advancements that are looming in our future: Gene-editing to alter our
genomes, brain chip implants, and the use of synthetic blood transfusions.]
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
***Founders Under 40™ Group (Unconventional Founders Community)
currently serves 1000+ diverse founders around the world. We welcome #founders #womenfounders
#founderscommunity #lgbtafounders #minorityfounders #whitefounders #hulkfounders.
We're always looking for more great #founders @fu40group to join our private community.***
**We have a 14 DAY Free Basic Trial for selected founders today.**
Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored
It is inevitable that we are likely to have humans adopting biological and
technological enhancement. So to the founders with the money,
resources, etc., do we try to intervene to make sure we have a fair and
just future or do we wait and see?
For example, imagine if your co-workers had implemented a device into their
brain that enables them to process information ten times faster than you,
wouldn’t you want the same advantages. The game of life is a game with
yourself. It’s a game that ask do you have what it takes to survive, thrive, and
There’s just so much advancement and change in technology and our social &
economic structures that’s eagerly disrupting modern civilization. The final
question is what has the industrial age, digital age taught us about change?
Because if we don’t learn from them the SE(Self-Enhacement) age could
create bigger have and have not gaps. Creating a world of Super Elites.
[For most of us, I suspect, the answer is no. Even if every kind of work is
abolished by automation, with robots raising our children, growing our
crops, and cleaning our teeth, there will be political decisions to be made
about what kind of society we want. In the world imagined by the UBI
tech elite, those decisions would inevitably be made by the people who
own the robots – in other words, them. At best, this might resemble a
benevolent dictatorship, where a small class of “wealth creators”
manufactures and maintains the machines that make it possible for
everybody else to lead workless lives. They’d give us an allowance to
live on, and keep the rest for themselves. ]

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Founders should we stop the rise of super elites

  • 1. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored “THE SUPER ELITES ARE COMING. DO WE STOP THEM? DO WE REGULATE THEM? DO WE FEAR THEM? DO WE USE THEM? DO WE JUST DIE? ” Founders,Should WeStopTheRise ofSuperElites? -FoundersUnder40™Group / Sponsored
  • 2. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored Founders,ShouldWeStopTheRiseofSuper Elites? Hey Founders before your grand-kids are born make sure they end up a super elite. Because it will suck to end up like a farmed sheep belonging to a few wolf Sheppard. In the past few years scientist have discovered the gene that is responsible for skin tone. Which means it wouldn’t be long before people give their kids crayon colors. The process is called, CRISPAR, which is a genetic engineering or gene modification process. It simply extracts a gene that is responsible for skin color and simply replaces it with a modified version into an embryo of any creature which then turns, for example, a biological-natural Asian baby girl into a green She-Hulk or any colored baby girl. Making it possible to create a engineered-modified human or super elite. In the next half a decade, we’d eventually all be living in an exponentially-human-diverse-world and likely to face some complex social, economic and ethical issues. Which will make life very interesting however
  • 3. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored inevitably creating a very few more invisible and powerful Super Elites also known as God Elites. [“power elite”, whereby a precious chosen few are able to influence all spheres of society and Governance”] [“We also will have the gene editing tools to make her taller. Or stronger. Or smarter. Or prettier. Or Athletic”] Imagine a world where the Hell Boy skin color would be so fucking cool and happens to be the new trending baby skin color of 2025. Imagine a human genetically modified herself and gave herself a bull penis. I bet some women would line up and pay for a great fucking bull ride. Imagine the good and bad elites of today were able to extend their lives by more than hundred years. Imagine being completely immune to all deadly diseases and having the ability to self heal fast. Just a little serious for a moment. . . If you thought we have a divided human race today and think we are fucked up, in a couple of years we’d all be so fucking divided that identity politics will be so ineffective. There will be more subcultures within groups who currently think they are
  • 4. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored homogeneous. Honestly, I’m not sure if that “skin color changing” option is in the pipeline now however I do know it is an inevitable future. And what is also inevitable is for a few organized demographic of the population to decide the rules for human behavior, biology and technological evolution. The few super elites who for some fucked-up reason end up shaping the lives of the many. IMPORTANT: If you are considered to be in the circle of the social and economic elite today, I would like for you to hold judgment and step away from your privileged world. And if you are a regular modestly significant Joe or Jane then realize this is not an attack on social & economic elites. [“One of the biggest puzzles confronting political scientists from the time of Machiavelli are the following: When do those in power abuse their stations for their own benefit, and when do those in power elect to build systems of governance that favor society over personal gain?”] [“Robinson describes how at certain points elites will create institutions that are particularly suited for a given environment. In some cases, this means that elites will construct dynastic institutions, whereby their descendants will form future generations of elites. In other cases, Robinson observes that elites will design institutions that reproduce and change future elite classes. Therefore, if one wants to understand institutions and institutional persistence, one must consider the motives, coherency, and overall dynamics of the elite.”] [“The powers of ordinary men are circumscribed by the everyday worlds in which they live, yet even in these rounds of job, family, and neighborhood they often seem driven by forces they can neither understand nor govern. 'Great changes' are beyond their control, but affect their conduct and outlook none the less. The very framework of modern society confines them to projects not their own, but from every side, such changes now press upon the men and women of the mass society, who accordingly feel that they are without purpose in an epoch in which they are without power.”]---Book “The Power Elite”
  • 5. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored TODAY'S ELITES . . . Today, if you just observe your surroundings and your institutions, you will notice that almost everyone and everything belongs to an hierarchy of power. What’s common for most is that those on top assert control, influence, rules, upon lesser powerful people through powerful tools such as money, food, water, weapons, security, laws, sex, etc.. However to magnify the effectiveness of their power they must go through an institution which imposes rules and information on subjects. Add to that,…the strong possibility the fate of many men, women, and children is in some way shaped by their genes and their environment lives. The neighborhoods, schools, occupations, lifestyle,place of worship, books, charity, life events, thoughts, philosophies, family members, role models, etc... either are guiding you towards a life of misery or life of prosperity. Elite Politics around the world have grown ever more toxic. It’s more and more centralization of power that seems to be stiffing human liberties, human joy and human fairness, abusing technology. The military departments in some establish civilization are growing into a bureaucratic and self serving non-sense with growing desire to create enemies so they can assert their personal policies or agenda. FYI: [“Not all power, it is true, is anchored in and exercised by means of such institutions, but only within and through them can power be more or less continuous and important.”] The rich, famous, intellectual, moral leaders are not immune to the flaws and temptation of everything today. However they will do everything in their power to avoid being vulnerable to biological, technological and economic volatility.
  • 6. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored WHO TRANSITIONS TO A SUPER ELITE?….. Before Tony Stark became Iron Man he was a mere mortal with resources and connections. When he created the Iron Man suit and kept reiterating it he became a God. A God able to use technological advances to match the God of thunder, Thor. That might be fictional today but the future of a world filled with Super Elites is not far away. The question we all should be asking is who gets to transition to a super elite and who doesn’t? Who gets the upgrades and who gets left behind to wither? [“Digitization has advanced in a series of accelerating waves that touch more and more participants. As each one builds on and amplifies what has come before, the waves are hitting in faster succession and with greater impact. Today the focus is on connectivity, platforms, data, and software. These spread faster than classic computing hardware due to their network effects and the marginal cost economics associated with products and services in digital rather than physical form. Together these technologies have set off a virtuous cycle of innovation as they are combined and recombined in the form of new products. As consumers see the benefits and are quicker to adopt, businesses can take advantage of a built-in audience for yet more innovation.”] - McKinsey Global Institute [“Recent McKinsey research has estimated that nearly half of time-weighted tasks performed by the workforce today can be automated by currently existing
  • 7. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored technologies. It further suggests that at least 30 percent of the tasks performed by roughly 60 percent of today’s occupations could be automated, which will cause a large-scale redefinition of job roles and business processes.”] Founders and to anyone reading this, the evolution change is coming. For example being able to hack any human biology is bound to change humanity. Having artificial intelligent systems and algorithm systems guide our daily lives and in worst cases guide some of us to dead ends, should be a concern for non-elites. Having automation will make some people’s lives easier and make others more complicated . Living with the fact that the wealthy, powerful or privileged would be able extend their lives for hundreds of years is bound to create hell on earth. Imagine if guys like Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, or a terrifying tyrant were around a hundred plus more years. .. THE GAMES THAT HELP MAKE YOU BECOME SUPER ELITE. . . If there were never the elites among the rest of us then we’d truly never know what the human race could achieve. And if weren’t for a culture of achieving the best and pushing the limits we’d never had billionaires, Michael Jordan, Jack Ma, Drake, Jeff Bezos, etc. Our daily need to survive and thrive is what makes some of us rise to the top. Almost every species has this motive. However with time in this world you realize that those at the top of the hill will do anything to deter threats to their power, position, entitlements, and their survival.
  • 8. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored I took a look at Enron, the former darling of American Wall Street. You quickly realize that businesses built by elite assholes will do everything to manipulate, abuse their leverage for selfish motives. Now imagine when a super elite goes around selling a “trust me stories” however behind every transaction are the few circle of people making a shit load of money at the expense of the rest of the population. Makes you wonder whether people enjoy being exploited? Life is so interesting because in some shape or form each individual must choose or be lowered into becoming in some shape a king or slave to others. Beneficial for some population to stay weak? I’m reminded of how weed dealers would sell to people even when they clearly know the user had permanently neglected their self-hygiene or how casinos would welcome a addicted gambler when they know they should intervene. Or when a financial adviser tells you to buy stocks which may or may not make money so they can get their commission. By will of force become elite or die trying? [“What really binds the power elite to one another are their mutual interests, social networks, and the adoption of elite ideology and values. The importance of social networks cannot be overstated for it is in these powerful, yet informal, networks that bonds are formed, elite values learned and heritage share. ”] [“Members of the power elite attend the same private schools and universities, join the same clubs and fraternities, belong to the same churches and charities, and live in the same neighborhoods. They work and play together, and they employ one another. (blanked) elites enjoy broad-based, informal social networks that provide access to information and referrals that result in preferential employment opportunities.” ] Systematically excludes others? Excluding others. The game of involuntarily or voluntarily segregating others helps to concentrate like us from not like us. Which ends up creating one-dimensional-thinking, complacent, arrogant, ignorance, indifference, misdirection, distraction, power concentration in modern society, [This phenomenon, known as “homosocial reproduction,” refers to the tendency of a homogenaic organization to reproduce itself by continuously promoting the same types of individuals.] Quick Definition Of Elite Class & Super Elite Class [Social statuses: •Within each social identity category, some people have greater access to social power and privilege based on membership in their social group. •Often, this group is called the advantaged group. •We call group who access to social power is limited or denied, the targeted group. •When you hear students or colleagues use the following terms in official paperwork or even in community conversation: •Advantaged: agent, dominant, oppressor, privileged •Targeted: target, subordinate, oppressed, disadvantaged ] [Institution:
  • 9. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored policies, laws, rules, norms, and customs enacted by organizations and social institutions that disadvantage some social groups and advantage other social groups (intentional and unintentional).] [Societal/cultural: social norms, roles, rituals, language, music, and art that reflect and reinforce the belief that one social group is superior to another (intentional and unintentional).] [...governing elites represented an essentially anti-democratic tendency in society: instead of majorities ruling minorities, organized minorities in fact continued to dominate unorganized majorities even in so-called democracies.] PART 2 CONTINUES. . .
  • 10. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored Founders,ShouldWeStopTheRiseofSuper Elites?-Part2 FOR PART 1... Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? HOW THEY MAINTAIN SUPER ELITES and ELITE STATUS? There’s nothing more terrifying to an elite class then to lose his / her status or prestigious social and economic advantages. That’s why some can result to unethical behavior because of that fear. Such as bribery, manipulation, lieying, violence, cheating, intimidation,. For your information, power is usually concentrated in this three primary insitituation. The global businesses, governments, and military. What I call the money,home, stick. The seconday power are the schools, churches, trade unions, associations, or other organized instituations. The past social elite were conceentrated in regions of the world. Today’s elite, due to globalization, are transnational who with time grow distant from national affection. They think global so their thoughts and actions are globally strategic.
  • 11. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored Their peers are also global elites from diverse backgrounds and with diverse agendas which help form their views of oppotunities and threats. Their informal networks such as neighbourhoods, hotels, restaurants, sports events, arts, charity, resorts, etc help to solidify the super elite circles. Using gene editing to become a super elite? There will come a moment when a tiny population have manage to edit their genes or their babies genes to the point of escaping the call of death. [“In conference halls around the world, geneticists and developmental biologists have been gathering to discuss what once was unthinkable-genetically engineering human embryos so that they, and their children, and their children's children, are irrevocably changed. These experts are talking with remarkable candour about using germ-line engineering to cure fatal diseases or even to create designer babies that will be stronger, smarter, or more resistant to infections.”] Gene editing is the process by which genetic material can be added, removed or altered anywhere in the code. [“Most countries have not yet legislated on genetic modification in human reproduction, but of those that have, all have banned it. The idea of using Crispr-Cas9 for human reproduction is largely rejected in principle by the medical research community. A team of scientists warned in Nature less than two years ago that genetic manipulation of the germ line (sperm and egg cells) by methods like Crispr-Cas9, even if focused initially on improving health, “could start us down a path towards non-therapeutic genetic enhancement”.] Media & Society Inpact of Super Elite? The realities of every media network or enterprise is the fact there’s a person or individuals who helped shaped the values and personality of media outlet. Let’s use Fox News of News Corp for example. The key persona behind the Fox media is a media mogul, named Rupert, who is not afraid to challege the statusquoe. So what elite media organizations end up doing is simply legitimise and support the establish beliefs that reins. They fortunately and unfortunately wash eachothers hands. Belonging? Your circle of friends and associates does shape your evolution into super elite status. The reality is that any human who find it ever more competive to distinguish their ability will likely result to legitimate and non-legitimate tools for the boost. Access to information?
  • 12. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored In an accelerating, increasingly complex information age, frictionless access to both offline and online information is an advantage worth having. It’s the quality, rarear the information super elites desire Having formal & informail intelligence. Which means simply having a great processing brain power will not be adecute. It’s having the brain ability in seeing value in chaos to grasp bizzar idealogies or subjects. Having good attention and focus? From your experience you’ve seen how hard it is drive and text at the same time. HUmanity is either going to keep having short and shorter attention span or better. Your mediated information is ready? The key to surviving and thriving in this game of life is not getting your resources second hand. Social media leverage game plan? The world is filled with billions of people yet not many want to have a personal brand and be a online social genious. Social Avoiding suffering? There’s an endless supply of human suffering. Imagine a world where we’ve eradicate most forms of human discomfort. Having the knowledge and resources to escape most human suffering.
  • 13. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored THE THREATS & OPPORTUNITIES TO ELITISM LIFE? Nothing frightens a super elite than a threat to his or her ability to maintain stability. Even though super elites might become the next generation of the human race they are still threatened by the uncontrollable. ***The Content were from a different author and source. 1. Artificial intelligence [Why it’s bad: Machines with an extreme amount of technology could be difficult to control. They may hoard resources to boost their own intelligence, leaving little or nothing for humankind. That would be very bad for us.] 2. Unknown consequences [What to be afraid of: That’s unclear. Lots of things could go wrong that we aren’t even considering. Remember the Fermi paradox — alien life likely exists but we’ve had no known contact. Perhaps intelligent life always destroys itself — or something else does — before it can explore the galaxy. This leaves us to guess at the causes that may have destroyed any other intelligent life.] 3. Synthetic biology [The issue: A pathogen could be engineered to target humans or a critical part of the ecosystem. If synthetic biology products became a part of our economy, that adds a vulnerability, as they could become an entry point for biowarfare or bioterrorism. ] In addition, imagine a person or group has engineered a food product or bacterial to hurt certain people with a certain genetic code. 4. Extreme climate change [Nightmare scenario: Famines, mass deaths, social collapse and mass migration ignite global conflict. Civilization crumbles.] 5. Nanotechnology [How this goes badly: Self-replicating nanomachines could be engineered to consume our environment, destroying humanity. Another concern is whether nanotechnology can be used to build nuclear bombs.] 7. Major asteroid impact [Uh-oh: A large asteroid collision — something about 3 miles in size — would destroy an area the size of Holland. The impact would trigger massive dust clouds, which would affect the climate and our food supply, causing political instability. The good news is an asteroid this size hits about once every 20 million years.] 8. Global pandemic [The concern: Infectious diseases can spread easily given our advanced global transportation systems and the dense nature of human populations. A new pandemic combining the incurability of Ebola, the infectious nature of the common cold and the long incubation period of HIV would have an extreme death toll.]
  • 14. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored 9. Super-volcano [Why this would be very bad: Aerosols and dust would be shot into the upper atmosphere, cooling global temperatures. The effects would be similar to a nuclear winter.] 10. Ecological collapse [The bad news: Species are going extinct at a faster than historic rate. If the ecosystem collapses some human lifestyles may be impossible.] 11. Global system collapse [The concern: The world’s economic and political systems face systematic risks because of their intricate and interconnected natures. The researchers say more work needs done to clarify what parts of the system could collapse and destroy civilization. But they felt enough research is out there to include it on the list.] 12. Bad global governance [The concern: Leaders don’t eliminate poverty, or they build a totalitarian state. Current technology can make it easier to create a totalitarian state.] [A recent poll of Americans out today by the Pew Research Center shows that in light of these new tools, Americans as a whole are still fairly concerned and wary about the idea of permanently altering our genomes to enhance our capabilities. The poll, which surveyed 4,700 Americans, narrowed in on three specific advancements that are looming in our future: Gene-editing to alter our genomes, brain chip implants, and the use of synthetic blood transfusions.]
  • 15. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored ***Founders Under 40™ Group (Unconventional Founders Community) currently serves 1000+ diverse founders around the world. We welcome #founders #womenfounders #founderscommunity #lgbtafounders #minorityfounders #whitefounders #hulkfounders. We're always looking for more great #founders @fu40group to join our private community.*** **We have a 14 DAY Free Basic Trial for selected founders today.** FOR MORE DETAIL ABOUT MEMBERSHIP, VISIT: HTTPS://WWW.FOUNDERSUNDER40.COM EMAIL: INFO[AT]FOUNDERSUNDER40[DOT]COM BE AROUND THE BEST DIVERSE GLOBAL FOUNDERS THAT WILL HELP YOU & YOUR BUSINESS GROW... ADVERTISEMENT & ACHIEVE.
  • 16. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. EMMANUEL “MANNY” OMIKUNLE SPONSOR: BJ MANNYST (BJMANNYST.COM + GREATESTFOUNDERS.COM Founders, Should We Stop The Rise of Super Elites? - Founders Under 40™ Group / Sponsored FINALWORDSABOUTAWORLDOFPOSSIBLESUPERELITES? It is inevitable that we are likely to have humans adopting biological and technological enhancement. So to the founders with the money, resources, etc., do we try to intervene to make sure we have a fair and just future or do we wait and see? For example, imagine if your co-workers had implemented a device into their brain that enables them to process information ten times faster than you, wouldn’t you want the same advantages. The game of life is a game with yourself. It’s a game that ask do you have what it takes to survive, thrive, and reproduce? There’s just so much advancement and change in technology and our social & economic structures that’s eagerly disrupting modern civilization. The final question is what has the industrial age, digital age taught us about change? Because if we don’t learn from them the SE(Self-Enhacement) age could create bigger have and have not gaps. Creating a world of Super Elites. [For most of us, I suspect, the answer is no. Even if every kind of work is abolished by automation, with robots raising our children, growing our crops, and cleaning our teeth, there will be political decisions to be made about what kind of society we want. In the world imagined by the UBI tech elite, those decisions would inevitably be made by the people who own the robots – in other words, them. At best, this might resemble a benevolent dictatorship, where a small class of “wealth creators” manufactures and maintains the machines that make it possible for everybody else to lead workless lives. They’d give us an allowance to live on, and keep the rest for themselves. ] IT IS INEVITABLE