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BLUE PULSE:         Hannah Guerin
                    Jane Lien
Bluetooth@Fortune   Tara Tan
The Process: Our Thoughts

                 Q: What were the initial reactions to the project?
                 We had known that we would be working with youth. However, it came
                 as a surprise when we realized that we weren’t working with youth and
                 schools, but rather youth and an organization that helped reintegrate
                 prisoners back into society. Jane was shocked and imagined us going to
                 a prison. But, after the initial shock, she quickly came to appreciate the
                 project after learning more about the prison system and its complex and
                 seemingly unjust politics; the discussions helped her rethink some of her
                 initial prejudices. Meanwhile Tara had worked with Fortune before and
                 was excited to embark on a different perspective in designing specifically
                 for ATI clients, and Hannah, whom had known about Fortune through
                 Tara, was excited to collaborate with Fortune first-hand.

                 Q: What was the biggest challenge?
                 Time constraints were definitely a challenge as it made it hard to fully
                 embrace the society and its environment. We wished that we had more
                 time to spend talking to clients and getting to know them. Another
                 challenge was working to satisfy the various views amongst ourselves
                 and of the clients, and the different priorities of all the users, ranging
Name Surname 1
                 from the Fortune teachers, to the career-oriented ATI clients, and to the
Name Surname 2
                 more youthful ATI clients.
Name Surname 3
                 Q: Has it impacted each of you?
                 Yes. In our culture, people tend to stereotype and have a certain
                 perspective of people who have been incarcerated or arrested. It was
                 interesting to be able to talk to the clients and find that we relate to them
                 at many levels. Furthermore, learning about the prison system has helped
                 us to see it in a new way. It is frustrating to see that the current system is
                 ineffective, costly, and needs to be redesigned.

                 Q: What did you take away from the project?
                 Fortune Society is a great place! Working with the organization and its
                 clients was definitely an unforgettable experience. The work that Fortune
                 do is invaluable and we hope more people will hear about them, use their
                 services, and support them.
Brainstorming: Polarity Map

        We started brainstorming concepts around the word ‘engage’.
Using a polarity map we thought of ideas in the spheres of active/passive
and formal/informal. An active activity involves a client being on site and
physically participating in the activity. A passive activity is more like a
campaign where clients act merely as recipients. A formal activity requires
planning and a set time and place. On the other hand, an informal activity
happens more spontaneously and does not require extensive planning.

       On our first visit to Fortune we presented our four original ideas
which consisted of, “Dress for Success,” “The Expressions Room,” “I Saw
You Doing Good Card,” and “Designed Space for Interaction.”
Our Preliminary Concepts:
                                 Formal                                      Redesign of the Recreation Room

 Dress for Success was an idea           Designed Space for Interaction
 to encourage clients to dress-          was an idea to renovate Fortune’s             Redesigning the Recreation Room was an idea that we developed
 up for special occasions, such          spaces to encourage interaction      from our initial idea, “Designed Space for Interaction.” The basis of
 as class presentations and mock         between Fortune clients and          “Designed Space for Interaction” was to have a space that encouraged
 interviews.                             faculty.                             Fortune clients and faculty to interact with each other. From client
The concept                                                                   comments we realized that they enjoy the already existing recreation
                                                                              space, in particular the ping-pong table, but it is challenging to get Fortune
Text describing the concept                                                   to replace old equipment or purchase new ones. Our goal with this concept
                                                                              was to bring in new equipment and materials that they could use to interact
Repeat the following pages if necessary (one set for each concept).           with one another such as, computers, a television, communal seating, and

Passive                        ENGAGE                             Active

 The Expressions Room was an             I Saw You Doing Good was
 idea to create a room filled with       an idea for a campaign where
 materials clients could use to          clients and staff could reward
 express themselves, from musical        each other with “I saw you doing
 instruments, writing materials,         good” cards when they witnessed
 and video recording tools.              another Fortune member doing a
                                         good deed.

Our Preliminary Concepts:
Taking Responsibility
         This idea looks to create opportunities for the clients to step up and
assume responsibilities and hold accountability for their actions and paths.
From our interactions with the clients, we observed that clients did not
always hold through on their commitments; fundamentally, this would lead
to negative impacts for the community such as less event initiatives. Also,
we felt it important to empower the clients by motivating them to take on
challenges. For example, through open-ended class presentations, client’s
can select a topic of their interest and passion and pro-actively share it with
their peers.Although, it may not be the most ‘fun’ intervention for the Fortune
Society, we felt that if made mandatory, and initial reluctance was overcome,
it may stimulate better engagement from the clients, and give them more
opportunities to gain a sense of pride for their work.

         In proposing this idea to the clients, we gained two primary insights.
Firstly, many of the clients seemed to be very career-oriented and they were
highly interested in interventions that would be effective in getting them
paying jobs. Secondly, an interesting thought between mandatory and optional
was instigated; the general population were disinclined to more mandatory
events adding to their already tight schedules, but also, some identified that
making activities optional might be a good way to separate out those who are
genuinely interested and wanting to learn something from those who attend
and distract at the cost of the rest of the class.
Our Preliminary Concepts:
Becoming Effective Peers

         The idea behind “Being an Effective Peer” stemmed from the “I
Saw You Doing Good” concept where clients and staff could encourage
one another with a card when they saw someone doing a good deed. We
learned from the clients though that encouragement and thanks were
already being said and as one client puts it “to have someone say that to
you, is already a reward in itself.” We then decided to revise the idea.

         The “Being an Effective Peer” idea would have been a
collaboration between Fortune Society and The Gentleman Project
( Clients, staff, and volunteers from The
Gentleman Project would have buttons that could be passed out when
someone did a good deed for you. The campaign would also include a “wall
of good deeds” and encouraging quotes posted in places like bathroom
urinals. While the idea did not pass the feedback session intact, the idea
brought up the issue of communication at Fortune and we saw how humor
was well received by the clients.
Our Final Idea:
Blue Pulse: Bluetooth@Fortune

        After receiving feedback on “Redesigning the Recreation Room,”
”Becoming Effective Peers,” and “Taking Responsibility,” we went back to
the drawing board. From the three concepts, we identified communication
as a principle factor that could be improved at Fortune, and humor as
something that resonates well with clients.

        This led us to brainstorm about how we could improve
communication channels at Fortune. One client got us thinking when
he said posters were ineffective forms of communication - Posters are
not read, unless you put them somewhere that is in the way, “like on the
doorknob.” Another client added that it might be more effective to receive
texts messages directly to his cell phone.

         Merging key findings from the three concepts and feedback from
clients, we came up with the idea of using Bluetooth technology as a
form of communication. We have branded the Bluetooth messaging
system Blue Pulse; and the communication messages being sent called
Bluetooth Blasts.

        By making communication easier and more effective, clients
would be empowered to take responsibility and become more effective
peers by being more informed, and by having the ability to take initiative
to plan events and organize clubs themselves. Furthermore, humor could
also be used spontaneously with Bluetooth Blasts being sent by clients
themselves, or by Fortune.
Blue Pulse campaign branding

                                                                               The following spreads are user blueprints that depict the chronological experiences
                                                                               and interactions of the various users with Blue Pulse.

                                                                               We have identified two types of users: active and passive - both of which can be
                                                                               either Fortune staff or Fortune clients.

                                                                               An active user (sender) would be one who has a message that he/she would like
                                                                               to spread to the community through Blue Pulse. On the other hand, a passive user
                                                                               (recipient) would be those who accept to Bluetooth Blasts to their cell phones.

                                                                                           The system that we propose is simple: the sender fills out a Bluetooth
                                                                                   Blast form with their message and details, and hands it in to the Blue Pulse
                                                                                   Coordinator. The coordinator then inputs the message into the system using
                                                                                   a computer, and programs the message’s designated blast time and time
                                                                                   period. In order to avoid disrupting classes and meetings, Bluetooth Blasts
                                                                                   could be organized to only be sent out during breaks.
          Blue Pulse will be about an innovative communication experience
for the society. Communication is essential to any organization or community
                                                                                            Additionally, the Blue Pulse campaign would incorporate the idea
and therefore, we seek to impact the Fortune Society significantly through
                                                                                   of redesigning a space for interaction. Along with Bluetooth symbols in cell
the introduction and use of Bluetooth technology.
                                                                                   phone designated areas, there would also be blue furniture and wall décor.
                                                                                   In the entryway to the building, there would be a symbolic portal, to signify
                                                                                   to users that they are stepping into a Blue Pulse zone. These additions strive
                                                                                   to excite the clients about Blue Pulse and encourage them to take advantage
                                                                                   of this new form of communication.
Touch points (material
                                                                                                                                                                                         Bluetooth Blast

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Touch points

- FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THE ACTIVE/ SENDER USER                                                                                                                                          message forms

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    activity equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bluetooth Blast
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Writing utensils                       machine

                                                                                                                                interface line
                                                  Blue Pulse can be first
                                                  introduced at a Fortune

                                                                                                       Fortune’s clients’
                                                  meeting, where all clients

                                                  and staff are present. There

                                                  can be a demonstration of
                                                  the system and time for
                                                  Q&A.                                                                          interaction line
                                                                                                                                                                                        At receptionist desk, client

                                                  As Blue Pulse is in its                                                                                   Client wants to be active   fills in the Bluetooth Blast     Client hands                                Student

                                                                                                       Onstage (visible to
                                                  earlier adoptive stages,                                                                                  within Fortune Society                                       form to                                     organized

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the clients)
                                                                                                                                                                                        form, where he writes his

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (visible to
                                                  we propose that the
                                                                                                          the clients)
                                                                                                                                                            and takes initiative to     Blast message and details        receptionist.                               activity falls into
                                                  receptionists (Vilma                                                                                      plan desired event/         specifics, such as blast time.                                               place.
                                                                                                                                                            societal message.
                                                  and Farad) can pioneer
                                                                                 The Fortune Society

                                                                                                                                                                                        If client does not understand

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fortune Society
                                                  the project, and employ                                                                                                               system, receptionist would
                                                  the roles of Blue Pulse                                                       visibility line                                         answer all questions.                                                                              time
                                                  Coordinators. However,
                                                  as the system becomes
                                                                                                       Backstage (invisible

                                                                                                                                                                       Fortune creates                                                      Receptionist             Fortune
                                                  more intergrated in the                                                                                              forms, and has                                                       enters message           and student
                                                                                                         to the clients)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (invisible to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the clients)
                                                  society, Fortune may                                                                                                 them printed.                                                        into Bluetooth           organizer have
                                                  look to find volunteers                                                                                                                                                                   system and               collaborated on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            blasts it.               project logistics.
                                                  within their community
                                                  to be responsible for the
                                                  program.                                                                      internal interaction line
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bluetooth technology      Third party help
                                                                                                       Support processes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           company fixes up the      for respective

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           system.                   organized

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     activity (i.e.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bluetooth company also    YMCA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           provides continuous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           technical support.
Touch points (material
                                                                                                                                                                             entrance props


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Touch points
                                                                                                                                                                                                    cell phone

                                                                                                                                                                cell phone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 activity equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cell phone
                                                                                                                                                                              campaign props
                                                                                                                                    interface line
                                                      Blue Pulse can be first
                                                      introduced at a Fortune

                                                                                                           Fortune’s clients’
                                                      meeting, where all clients


                                                      and staff are present. There

                                                      can be a demonstration of
                                                      the system and time for
                                                      Q&A.                                                                          interaction line
                                                                                                                                                                Receptionist greets

                                                                                                                                                                                               Client activates        During breaks clients    Student
                                                      As Blue Pulse is in its

                                                                                                           Onstage (visible to
                                                                                                                                                                incoming client. Client        Bluetooth on his/ her   receive Bluetooth        organized
                                                      earlier adoptive stages,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the clients)
                                                                                                                                                                sees ‘Activate’ campaign       cell phone.             Blasts from Fortune.     activity falls into

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (visible to
                                                                                                              the clients)

                                                      we propose that the                                                                                       signs.                                                                          place.
                                                      receptionists (Vilma                                                                                                                     An ‘accept/ decline’    Client sees message
                                                                                                                                                                If client does not
                                                      and Farad) can pioneer                                                                                                                   message appears         about activity details
                                                                                     The Fortune Society

                                                                                                                                                                understand system,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Fortune Society
                                                                                                                                                                                               on their cell phone     (or Fortune updates).
                                                      the project, and employ                                                                                   receptionist would             screens.
                                                      the roles of Blue Pulse                                                       visibility line
                                                                                                                                                                answer all questions.                                                                                 time
                                                      Coordinators. However,
                                                      as the system becomes                                                                                                                                              Receptionist           Fortune
                                                                                                           Backstage (invisible

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         enters message         and student
                                                      more intergrated in the
                                                                                                             to the clients)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         into Bluetooth         organizer have

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (invisible to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the clients)
                                                      society, Fortune may                                                                                                                                               system and             collaborated
                                                      look to find volunteers                                                                                                                                            blasts it.             on further
                                                      within their community                                                                                                                                                                    organization.
                                                      to be responsible for the
                                                      program.                                                                      internal interaction line
                                                                                                           Support processes

                                                                                                                                                                Bluetooth technology                                                            Third party help

                                                                                                                                                                company fixes up the                                                            for respective

                                                                                                                                                                system.                                                                         organized
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                activity (i.e.
                                                                                                                                                                Bluetooth company also                                                          YMCA)
                                                                                                                                                                provides continuous
                                                                                                                                                                technical support.
The client perspective (storyboard)

                                                                                                                              Active users fill in a form
                                                                                                                              to submit the message they
                                                                                                                              would like to have Bluetooth
                                                                                                                              Blasted, and pass to Blue Pulse

Users walk in.             Pictograms and Blue Pulse        User receive a request to con-    Users captivated by their
                           Coordinator on site to explain   nect to the Blue Pulse network.   changed environment, and are
                           the system.                                                        interested in what Blue Pulse

                                                                                                                              Users go about their daily        Bluetooth Blast comes through        File transfers to the user’s   Bluetooth Blast file trans-   Waves others over to view
                                                                                                                              activities: chilling at break     on phone! The message is             phone.                         ferred!                       the message together, and talk
                                                                                                                              time.                             titled. If interested user accepts                                                                about the message content.
                                                                                                                                                                the file transfer.
Bluetooth Blast Message Examples

         Text messaging (SMS), though an option, would have
cost clients every time a message was received. Using a Bluetooth
system, on the other hand, would be free for recipients, and only
consist of a one-time cost to buy and install the technology to the
Fortune Society facility in Long Island City. We feel that Fortune
could likely seek sponsorship for this cost. The Bluetooth system
is currently being used in areas such as malls for advertisement
and tourist sites for site navigation tools.

         With Bluetooth, clients and staff can send messages
regarding upcoming community events, club information, birthday
announcements, humorous encouragement, amongst others.
Clients and staff can determine message content for Bluetooth
Blasts, and the Blue Pulse Coordinator at Fortune will ultimately
decide what messages are appropriate and the number of messages
                                                                        The Bluetooth communication
that will be blasted in a day.
                                                                        channels support various
                                                                        multimedia files, therefore
                                                                        messages can be sent as text,
                                                                        images, sound, and even movies.
The various touchpoints

 Clockwise, from top:
 Client’s cell phone + Blue Pulse
 Interface, Client filling in a
 Bluetooth Blast Message form,
 Pictogram brochure explaining
 the system, Redesigned Fortune
 Society entrance way, Redesigned
 Fortune leisure + cell phone
 designated area
Blue Pulse - Pictograms   Blue Pulse - Bluetooth Blast Form
Blue Pulse campaign (continued)

         Blue Pulse branding would be located in the entry
way (see picture below) in the form of a portal, giving people
passing through a visual sense of entering the “Blue Zone.” The
branding would also be evident in cell phone designated areas
(see right page) through blue room furnishings.
The Bluetooth technology system                                                    Bluetooth technology companies and our sources

                                              Software also provides tools to
                                              measure success rate. Fortune
                                              staff could analyze this data.

Input software
managed through a
computer.                                                                                   Proximity Media
- message title                                                                   
- message
- blast time period


 - a wireless bluetooth
   hardware with antenna
 - software for the computer
 - wire to attach hardware to                           Files supported:
   computer                                             - text
                                                        - still images
                                                        - animated images
        System abilities:
                                                        - audio
        - detects devices within radius of 350 feet
                                                        - video
        - no maintenence cost; comes with a
                                                        - Java applications
                                                        - vCard (Business cards)
                                                        - vCal (Calender events)
        Pricing: about $150 per unit

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Fortune Society: Service Design

  • 1.
  • 2. BLUE PULSE: Hannah Guerin Jane Lien Bluetooth@Fortune Tara Tan
  • 3. The Process: Our Thoughts Q: What were the initial reactions to the project? We had known that we would be working with youth. However, it came as a surprise when we realized that we weren’t working with youth and schools, but rather youth and an organization that helped reintegrate prisoners back into society. Jane was shocked and imagined us going to a prison. But, after the initial shock, she quickly came to appreciate the project after learning more about the prison system and its complex and seemingly unjust politics; the discussions helped her rethink some of her initial prejudices. Meanwhile Tara had worked with Fortune before and was excited to embark on a different perspective in designing specifically for ATI clients, and Hannah, whom had known about Fortune through Tara, was excited to collaborate with Fortune first-hand. Q: What was the biggest challenge? Time constraints were definitely a challenge as it made it hard to fully embrace the society and its environment. We wished that we had more time to spend talking to clients and getting to know them. Another Group challenge was working to satisfy the various views amongst ourselves and of the clients, and the different priorities of all the users, ranging Name Surname 1 from the Fortune teachers, to the career-oriented ATI clients, and to the Name Surname 2 more youthful ATI clients. Name Surname 3 Q: Has it impacted each of you? Yes. In our culture, people tend to stereotype and have a certain perspective of people who have been incarcerated or arrested. It was interesting to be able to talk to the clients and find that we relate to them at many levels. Furthermore, learning about the prison system has helped us to see it in a new way. It is frustrating to see that the current system is ineffective, costly, and needs to be redesigned. Q: What did you take away from the project? Fortune Society is a great place! Working with the organization and its clients was definitely an unforgettable experience. The work that Fortune do is invaluable and we hope more people will hear about them, use their services, and support them.
  • 4. Brainstorming: Polarity Map We started brainstorming concepts around the word ‘engage’. Using a polarity map we thought of ideas in the spheres of active/passive and formal/informal. An active activity involves a client being on site and physically participating in the activity. A passive activity is more like a campaign where clients act merely as recipients. A formal activity requires planning and a set time and place. On the other hand, an informal activity happens more spontaneously and does not require extensive planning. On our first visit to Fortune we presented our four original ideas which consisted of, “Dress for Success,” “The Expressions Room,” “I Saw You Doing Good Card,” and “Designed Space for Interaction.”
  • 5. Our Preliminary Concepts: Formal Redesign of the Recreation Room Dress for Success was an idea Designed Space for Interaction to encourage clients to dress- was an idea to renovate Fortune’s Redesigning the Recreation Room was an idea that we developed up for special occasions, such spaces to encourage interaction from our initial idea, “Designed Space for Interaction.” The basis of as class presentations and mock between Fortune clients and “Designed Space for Interaction” was to have a space that encouraged interviews. faculty. Fortune clients and faculty to interact with each other. From client The concept comments we realized that they enjoy the already existing recreation space, in particular the ping-pong table, but it is challenging to get Fortune Text describing the concept to replace old equipment or purchase new ones. Our goal with this concept was to bring in new equipment and materials that they could use to interact Repeat the following pages if necessary (one set for each concept). with one another such as, computers, a television, communal seating, and snacks. Passive ENGAGE Active The Expressions Room was an I Saw You Doing Good was idea to create a room filled with an idea for a campaign where materials clients could use to clients and staff could reward express themselves, from musical each other with “I saw you doing instruments, writing materials, good” cards when they witnessed and video recording tools. another Fortune member doing a good deed. Informal
  • 6. Our Preliminary Concepts: Taking Responsibility This idea looks to create opportunities for the clients to step up and assume responsibilities and hold accountability for their actions and paths. From our interactions with the clients, we observed that clients did not always hold through on their commitments; fundamentally, this would lead to negative impacts for the community such as less event initiatives. Also, we felt it important to empower the clients by motivating them to take on challenges. For example, through open-ended class presentations, client’s can select a topic of their interest and passion and pro-actively share it with their peers.Although, it may not be the most ‘fun’ intervention for the Fortune Society, we felt that if made mandatory, and initial reluctance was overcome, it may stimulate better engagement from the clients, and give them more opportunities to gain a sense of pride for their work. In proposing this idea to the clients, we gained two primary insights. Firstly, many of the clients seemed to be very career-oriented and they were highly interested in interventions that would be effective in getting them paying jobs. Secondly, an interesting thought between mandatory and optional was instigated; the general population were disinclined to more mandatory events adding to their already tight schedules, but also, some identified that making activities optional might be a good way to separate out those who are genuinely interested and wanting to learn something from those who attend and distract at the cost of the rest of the class.
  • 7. Our Preliminary Concepts: Becoming Effective Peers The idea behind “Being an Effective Peer” stemmed from the “I Saw You Doing Good” concept where clients and staff could encourage one another with a card when they saw someone doing a good deed. We learned from the clients though that encouragement and thanks were already being said and as one client puts it “to have someone say that to you, is already a reward in itself.” We then decided to revise the idea. The “Being an Effective Peer” idea would have been a collaboration between Fortune Society and The Gentleman Project ( Clients, staff, and volunteers from The Gentleman Project would have buttons that could be passed out when someone did a good deed for you. The campaign would also include a “wall of good deeds” and encouraging quotes posted in places like bathroom urinals. While the idea did not pass the feedback session intact, the idea brought up the issue of communication at Fortune and we saw how humor was well received by the clients.
  • 8. Our Final Idea: Blue Pulse: Bluetooth@Fortune After receiving feedback on “Redesigning the Recreation Room,” ”Becoming Effective Peers,” and “Taking Responsibility,” we went back to the drawing board. From the three concepts, we identified communication as a principle factor that could be improved at Fortune, and humor as something that resonates well with clients. This led us to brainstorm about how we could improve communication channels at Fortune. One client got us thinking when he said posters were ineffective forms of communication - Posters are not read, unless you put them somewhere that is in the way, “like on the doorknob.” Another client added that it might be more effective to receive texts messages directly to his cell phone. Merging key findings from the three concepts and feedback from clients, we came up with the idea of using Bluetooth technology as a form of communication. We have branded the Bluetooth messaging system Blue Pulse; and the communication messages being sent called Bluetooth Blasts. By making communication easier and more effective, clients would be empowered to take responsibility and become more effective peers by being more informed, and by having the ability to take initiative to plan events and organize clubs themselves. Furthermore, humor could also be used spontaneously with Bluetooth Blasts being sent by clients themselves, or by Fortune.
  • 9. Blue Pulse campaign branding The following spreads are user blueprints that depict the chronological experiences and interactions of the various users with Blue Pulse. We have identified two types of users: active and passive - both of which can be either Fortune staff or Fortune clients. An active user (sender) would be one who has a message that he/she would like to spread to the community through Blue Pulse. On the other hand, a passive user (recipient) would be those who accept to Bluetooth Blasts to their cell phones. The system that we propose is simple: the sender fills out a Bluetooth Blast form with their message and details, and hands it in to the Blue Pulse Coordinator. The coordinator then inputs the message into the system using a computer, and programs the message’s designated blast time and time period. In order to avoid disrupting classes and meetings, Bluetooth Blasts could be organized to only be sent out during breaks. Blue Pulse will be about an innovative communication experience for the society. Communication is essential to any organization or community Additionally, the Blue Pulse campaign would incorporate the idea and therefore, we seek to impact the Fortune Society significantly through of redesigning a space for interaction. Along with Bluetooth symbols in cell the introduction and use of Bluetooth technology. phone designated areas, there would also be blue furniture and wall décor. In the entryway to the building, there would be a symbolic portal, to signify to users that they are stepping into a Blue Pulse zone. These additions strive to excite the clients about Blue Pulse and encourage them to take advantage of this new form of communication.
  • 10. Touch points (material Bluetooth Blast Touch points evidences) evidences) - FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THE ACTIVE/ SENDER USER message forms (material activity equipment Bluetooth Blast Writing utensils machine interface line time Blue Pulse can be first introduced at a Fortune Fortune’s clients’ meeting, where all clients actions Active user’s and staff are present. There actions can be a demonstration of the system and time for Q&A. interaction line time At receptionist desk, client BLUEPRINT As Blue Pulse is in its Client wants to be active fills in the Bluetooth Blast Client hands Student Onstage (visible to earlier adoptive stages, within Fortune Society form to organized the clients) form, where he writes his (visible to Onstage we propose that the the clients) and takes initiative to Blast message and details receptionist. activity falls into receptionists (Vilma plan desired event/ specifics, such as blast time. place. societal message. and Farad) can pioneer The Fortune Society If client does not understand Fortune Society the project, and employ system, receptionist would the roles of Blue Pulse visibility line answer all questions. time Coordinators. However, as the system becomes Backstage (invisible Fortune creates Receptionist Fortune more intergrated in the forms, and has enters message and student to the clients) (invisible to the clients) Backstage society, Fortune may them printed. into Bluetooth organizer have look to find volunteers system and collaborated on blasts it. project logistics. within their community to be responsible for the program. internal interaction line time Bluetooth technology Third party help Support processes company fixes up the for respective processes (kitchen) Support system. organized Fortune) (outside activity (i.e. Bluetooth company also YMCA) provides continuous technical support.
  • 11. Touch points (material entrance props - FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THE PASSIVE/ RECIPIENT USER Touch points evidences) cell phone evidences) (material cell phone activity equipment cell phone campaign props interface line time Blue Pulse can be first introduced at a Fortune Fortune’s clients’ meeting, where all clients Passive actions user’s and staff are present. There actions can be a demonstration of the system and time for Q&A. interaction line time Receptionist greets BLUEPRINT Client activates During breaks clients Student As Blue Pulse is in its Onstage (visible to incoming client. Client Bluetooth on his/ her receive Bluetooth organized earlier adoptive stages, the clients) sees ‘Activate’ campaign cell phone. Blasts from Fortune. activity falls into (visible to the clients) Onstage we propose that the signs. place. receptionists (Vilma An ‘accept/ decline’ Client sees message If client does not and Farad) can pioneer message appears about activity details The Fortune Society understand system, Fortune Society on their cell phone (or Fortune updates). the project, and employ receptionist would screens. the roles of Blue Pulse visibility line answer all questions. time Coordinators. However, as the system becomes Receptionist Fortune Backstage (invisible enters message and student more intergrated in the to the clients) into Bluetooth organizer have (invisible to the clients) Backstage society, Fortune may system and collaborated look to find volunteers blasts it. on further within their community organization. to be responsible for the program. internal interaction line time Support processes Bluetooth technology Third party help processes (kitchen) Support company fixes up the for respective Fortune) (outside system. organized activity (i.e. Bluetooth company also YMCA) provides continuous technical support.
  • 12. The client perspective (storyboard) Active users fill in a form to submit the message they would like to have Bluetooth Blasted, and pass to Blue Pulse Coordinator. Users walk in. Pictograms and Blue Pulse User receive a request to con- Users captivated by their Coordinator on site to explain nect to the Blue Pulse network. changed environment, and are the system. interested in what Blue Pulse is. Users go about their daily Bluetooth Blast comes through File transfers to the user’s Bluetooth Blast file trans- Waves others over to view activities: chilling at break on phone! The message is phone. ferred! the message together, and talk time. titled. If interested user accepts about the message content. the file transfer.
  • 13. Bluetooth Blast Message Examples Text messaging (SMS), though an option, would have cost clients every time a message was received. Using a Bluetooth system, on the other hand, would be free for recipients, and only consist of a one-time cost to buy and install the technology to the Fortune Society facility in Long Island City. We feel that Fortune could likely seek sponsorship for this cost. The Bluetooth system is currently being used in areas such as malls for advertisement and tourist sites for site navigation tools. With Bluetooth, clients and staff can send messages regarding upcoming community events, club information, birthday announcements, humorous encouragement, amongst others. Clients and staff can determine message content for Bluetooth Blasts, and the Blue Pulse Coordinator at Fortune will ultimately decide what messages are appropriate and the number of messages The Bluetooth communication that will be blasted in a day. channels support various multimedia files, therefore messages can be sent as text, images, sound, and even movies.
  • 14. The various touchpoints Clockwise, from top: Client’s cell phone + Blue Pulse Interface, Client filling in a Bluetooth Blast Message form, Pictogram brochure explaining the system, Redesigned Fortune Society entrance way, Redesigned Fortune leisure + cell phone designated area
  • 15. Blue Pulse - Pictograms Blue Pulse - Bluetooth Blast Form
  • 16. Blue Pulse campaign (continued) Blue Pulse branding would be located in the entry way (see picture below) in the form of a portal, giving people passing through a visual sense of entering the “Blue Zone.” The branding would also be evident in cell phone designated areas (see right page) through blue room furnishings.
  • 17. The Bluetooth technology system Bluetooth technology companies and our sources Software also provides tools to measure success rate. Fortune staff could analyze this data. blueMAGNET Input software managed through a computer. Proximity Media - message title - message - blast time period BluetoothOn Equipment: - a wireless bluetooth hardware with antenna - software for the computer - wire to attach hardware to Files supported: computer - text - still images - animated images System abilities: - audio - detects devices within radius of 350 feet - video - no maintenence cost; comes with a - Java applications warranty - vCard (Business cards) - vCal (Calender events) Pricing: about $150 per unit