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Forces Between Nationalism and Sectionalism in the 19th...
What events or trends contributed to the relationship between the forces of Nationalism and
During the course of American History, and especially after the War for Independence, Nationalism
and Sectionalism contributed and interacted with each other to shape the development of the United
States of America. These two ideologies are the inverse of one another. When sectionalism is strong,
nationalism is weak. When Nationalism is strong, sectionalism is weak. While sectionalism and
nationalism work off of each other, nationalism has always prevailed over sectionalism in history.
The inverse relationship and clash between the two forces can be seen through a number of different
events or trends in history such as, economical ... Show more content on ...
The new inventions allowed for the belief of Manifest Destiny to fill the heads of Americans.
Manifest Destiny was a phrase used by leaders and politicians in the 1840s to explain continental
expansion by the United States that revitalized a sense of "mission" or national destiny for
Americans. (PBS Organization n.d.) This idea established a great deal of Nationalism within the
Americans. It created the feeling that, together, Americans would expand and build up America out
Nationalism was strengthened greatly through economic improvements, and it could have also been
seen through some major political endeavors. The ratification of the constitution is one of the
earliest American events that established nationalism. The ratification showed that, through
compromise, Americans could agree on one basic set of rules and regulations for the unity of the
country. The American System, seen later in history, was also important to the force of nationalism
in the country. Henry Clay's "American System," devised in the burst of nationalism that followed
the War of 1812, remains one of the most historically significant examples of a government–
sponsored program to harmonize and balance the nation's agriculture, commerce, and industry. This
"System" consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts: a tariff to protect and promote American
industry; a
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq
The finale of the War of 1812 brought about a sense of false unity in the United States as many
citizens believed that they had won the war despite the fact that the war ended in a draw. This sense
of nationalism allowed for the growth of industrialization which led to the transportation and market
revolutions. However, the emergence of sectionalism following the Panic of 1819 was more a
impactful condition as issues concerning slavery, tariffs, and national banks were disagreed upon.
Moreover, the Era of Good Feeling was not an accurate label for this time period. Directly following
the War of 1812, the Treaty of Ghent was signed. This treaty did very little as it didn't consist of any
land exchanges or territorial makeovers. Instead, this ... Show more content on ...
However, their efforts to decrease inflation were too late and the unfortunate Panic of 1819
occurred. This panic decreased nationalistic views as the citizens had other things to focus on
besides the pride and unity of the country. This was the beginning of the period that gradually ended
the Era of Good Feelings. Part of the movement that lessened the sense of nationalism included
lessening the power of Congress. In essence, the government created congress not to lay a duty but
to regulate commerce (A). This document questions the power of congress which contributes to a
sectionalized society at this time. One important facet of a society that is premised on sectionalism
is an economy based on sectionalism. With the introduction of canals and roads in the mid
nineteenth century, it became easier to rely on intrastate commerce rather than interstate commerce.
The concept of commerce within the states led to drastic changes in political views. This is
evidenced in Document I. It is clear that the presidential election in 1820 was vastly different than
that of 1824. In 1824, the formation of more evident political parties diversified the national
political opinion. In 1820, James Monroe won every electoral vote aside from one. In 1824, Andrew
Jackson had 15 more electoral votes than did John Quincy Adams. Despite this, Adams won the
presidency through the
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Sectionalism Due to Western Expansion Essay
The Antebellum period from 1800 to 1850 marked a time of sectionalism in American history.
Furthermore, new territories gained during western expansion added to this conflict between
different sections of America. Southern states wanted new slave territories, while the North wanted
to contain the spread of slavery. While Western expansion contributed to growing sectional tensions
between the North and South from 1800–1820, sectionalism intensified significantly from 1820–
1850. Since the turn of the nineteenth century, Western territorial expansion started to increase a
sense of sectionalism throughout America. President Jefferson obtained the Louisiana purchase from
Napoleon in 1803, gaining unfamiliar territory West of the Mississippi ... Show more content on ...
Any state admitted into the Union bellow this line would decide the legality of slavery for their new
state, by popular sovereignty. This temporarily maintained the balance of slave states and free states
in the Union, while increasing sectionalism throughout America. Neither the North or South wanted
the other section to have more states favoring their own slavery ideals, in fear of biased
representation in the Senate. Furthermore, sectionalism was demonstrated by the fact that congress
felt the need to implement "The Gag rule"; This disallowed congress from discussing the issue of
slavery for the next thirty years (while only lasting a decade). Though members of the house tried to
pass the Wilmot proviso, which would ban slavery in newly acquired Mexican territories,
Southerners naturally opposed this. Disagreements over how to decide the newly acquired land's
position on slavery, further intensified sectionalism between the North and South. At one point the
South even tried to pass the Ostend Manifesto in an attempt to purchase Cuba from Spain, and admit
it into the Union as a slave state. Although this effort failed, it strongly represents the intense
sectionalism during the time: As an entire portion of the country acted autonomously to secure an
additional state to gain power over their Northern neighbors. Finally, the compromise of 1850 was
passed, declaring popular sovereignty as the determining factor of the position of slavery among the
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq Questions And Answers
How did economic policies after the War of 1812 reflect the nationalism of the period?
President James Madison enforced many economic policies that greatly reflected nationalism. The
economic policies included the creation of the second national bank which purpose was to provide a
stronger currency since the former currency was not always reliable and plentiful. Creating a
stronger currency would strengthen the national economy. Another example was the Tariff of 1816
that was issued to protect industries against foreign competition therefore strengthening the
economy. Also, the creation of internal improvements such as canals, roads and developments in
transportation would to improve commerce and economy. These efforts to strengthen the economy
and America in general shows that people were filled with nationalism and wanted to confirm that
America is the greatest nation.
What characterized the Era of Good Feelings?
After Thomas Jefferson left office, James Monroe succeeded him and served as president. James
Monroe's administration left America at peace and also the economy prospered. In Boston
Massachusetts a newspaper was published titled the "Era of Good Feelings" which characterizes
Monroe's success in creation a peaceful and a ... Show more content on ...
Maryland case in 1819. John Marshall led the case and it was against James McCulloch a clerk who
failed to attach his state revenue stamps to his banknotes. Marshall stated the "necessary and proper"
clause to sanction the powers of the federal government. Marshall proved that the federal
government has power over the states therefore strengthening the government and economy.
Marshall also declared that a state taxing the federal bank is unconstitutional, in turn saving the
national bank and the economy. The Gibbons vs. Oden case in 1824 helped establish national
supremacy in regulatory interstate commerce therefore improving the nations
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Dbq#2 Nationalism V. Sectionalism Essay
DBQ # 2 Nationalism v. Sectionalism "Era of Good Feelings" The years following the War of 1812
became known as the "era of good feelings". During this time you see the expansion of nationalism
within the United States. It started mainly in the 1816 shortly before Monroe took office, and lasted
until the end of his Presidency in the year of 1824. Before the "era of good feelings" there were
certain events taking place that will lead up to this era. The first of these is the acquired land of the
Louisiana Purchase from the French. Through this the United States was able to double its land. The
gained independence from this purchase was able to keep other countries father away from the US's
boundaries and was able to separate the ... Show more content on ...
The south began to rely on agriculture as their basis of economic growth. For this to be success,
slavery was an almost a natural need for the people of the south. Cotton began to grow as a cash
crop for the South. Cotton was dependent on many workers needed for it to exist, thus the need for
such a large amount of work force. Slavery in the late 1700's was beginning to die down and cotton
was paying the biggest price for it. Not until Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin did the issue
of slavery spark up again and cotton begins to thrive. In 1820 Missouri wished to be part of the
Union as a slave state. With there already being an equality of Slave states and Free states it caused
tension and sectionalism within the country; because of the edition of Missouri would cause an
unbalance of free and slave states. In hopes to resolve this conflict a compromise was reached
known as the Missouri Compromise. Through the Missouri Compromise Missouri was able to enter
as a slave state, while Maine was able to enter as a free state. However, as pointed out, it created a
line between slave states and Free states. Any state below Missouri was able to practice slavery, and
any state above was to be a Free State. Even John Quincy Adams led to the sectionalism, with his
supportive views of the Compromise. (Document F) He expressed views in the emancipation of
slavery as a
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Era Of Good Feelings
The years following the War of 1812 and the Treaty of Ghent (1815–1825) have often been
distinguished as the Era of Good Feelings. It refers to the American's victory in the War of 1812 and
is generally marked as a period in political history that reflected a sense of national purpose and a
desire for unity among Americans in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars. The period's nickname
suggests that Monroe's years in presidency were marked by a spirit of nationalism, optimism, and
goodwill. Although, the era of good feelings emerged with cultural and economic Nationalism along
with the fading of the Federalist Party, peaceful foreign policies, and the implantation of the Monroe
Doctrine, the perception of unity and harmony can be misleading ... Show more content on ...
Thomas Jefferson referred to the Missouri Compromise as the geographical line that would cause
more irritation in America every time an issue environmentally came about (6). Although the
Missouri compromise crated a new slave state in Missouri and a free one in Maine, this did not
totally resolve the conflicts about allowing slavery in certain parts of the nation. Jefferson feared
that the nation's perseverance would be affected due to this dividing line. Another contribution to the
growth of political sectionalism was that from 1820 to 1824, the nation disbanded into multiple
political groups (7). By the time the election of 1820 came to a close, James Monroe won most of
the electoral votes, which showed that the people politically agreed on one person to run their
nation. But overtime areas began to split into different groups; supporting different people with
different ideas. Therefore, the increase in sectionalism began to grow. With people having different
views politically, the period after the War of 1812 cannot be considered the Era of Good
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War Of 1812: The Era Of Good Feelings
Some say that the War of 1812 was the Era of Good Feelings. Is that true for everyone who lived in
the U.S. at the time? There were two sides to James Monroe's plans. Monroe had two type of people
groups that the people lived in. They were not necessarily tried badly, but unfair. The two parties
were the nationalism and sectionalism. The Era of Good Feelings brought separation in the people
group when James Monroe was elected as president.
James Monroe was elected the fifth president of the United States. When he decided to run for
president, he ran on the side of a Republican. Monroe was elected ran twice and had a great
challenge with those who ran against him. However, in the year of 1820 Monroe party had a great
turn. Monroe's party won
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq Essay
During the early 1800's, after the War of 1812 the "Era of Good Feelings" emerged, due to the
nation having relatively little political conflict over foreign diplomacy and policy, faded away into
harmony, during President Monroe's terms in 1816. As Well, there was virtually one political party
at the time– Democratic–Republican Party, thus, eliminating conflict with other political parties and
an increased sense of nationalism, mostly due to the Nations pride with there "Victory" against the
British in the War of 1812. Although nationalism helped to unite the country. Sectionalism was
dividing it, with the interests of ones region, rather, than a whole nation. The interests of the North,
South, and West were often in conflict over many controversial ... Show more content on ...
This economic crisis was caused by mostly the Congress's decisions and the Second National Bank.
Congress increased tariffs such as the Embargo Act, Non–Intercourse Act, and others that tax's
imports to reduce the competition and protect domestic manufacturers, but this decision hurt the
farmers in the south, that all goods was imported from other places, making increasing the price of
the exporting goods and making it more expensive for the Southerners (Doc A). Yet this brought
nationalism towards manufacturer in the northeast states of the U.S because it supported the nation
as a whole with manufacturer goods domestically rather then being imported and the tariffs was
made by the feudal government. The second reason was that Congress restore the National Bank
which lent loans for people to purchase land in the west due to the McCulloch v. Maryland trial
(Doc D). This also shows that the Federal government remains above all state based legislatures and
courts, thus promoting nationalism. However, when the bank tightened its credit policy and
demanded loans to be paid back, it caused foreclosures, widespread economic deficits and causing
the Panic of 1819. The grand need of a better transportation was in grand need for the transportation
was seen by John C. Calhoun in Congress of to distribute, manufacturer, and receive raw material
for goods, in a fast and reelable time. As well he seen as a disunity from the nation. He wanted to
unite the U.S by making a system of roads and canals to blend the county (Doc B). This was very
beneficial to the government where it increased production of good in the northern states and
distribute food crops like wheat and corn from northwest states to other. This as well is nationalism
mostly because its unites the the country and its was very popular with many of the people for the
new roads like the National road and canals ,and, faster transpiration
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Sectionalism In The Early 1800s
The ideas of nationalism and sectionalism in the early 1800s played a large role in the presidential
elections leading up to the Civil War. Nationalism is when the population of a nation has love for
their country put their country first. Sectionalism is when the population identifies more with the
ideals of their region more than they identify with the nation as a whole. Please two ideas would
become the basis of the Missouri compromise, the Monroe doctrine, and this establishment of new
political parties in the United States during the early 1800s. The conflict between the ideas of
nationalism and sectionalism came in part from the practice of slavery. In the Missouri Compromise
is a key example of this the Missouri compromise Set boundaries
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Major Issues That Divided The Nation In The 19th Century
The major issues that divided the nation in the early days of the 19th century were territorial and
economic growth. Economically, the developing nation was incorporating internal improvements
such as roads and waterways which were important to the movement of goods and people. As
American grew threatened by the Indians as well as the Spanish and English. The political parties
i.e. the Republicans and Democratic had different views on each of these matters and how they
should be handle. The end of the War of 1812 brought the end to the Federalist political party and
the evolution of the Republican party. The Republicans adopted ideas such as a national bank and
other issues leading to differences in opinion. The differences
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Sectionalism Versus Nationalism and the Era of Good Feelings
After the war of 1812, there was a strong sense of nationalism since the young United States had
won a war against the powerful British Army. However, the loss of thousands of southern slaves and
the British embargo led both the north and the south to lament over the cost of the war. The time
period from 1815 – 1825 that some historians call the era of good feelings was not as positive a time
period as the title implies; factions ran rampant on the verge of causing an implosion for our
country's political system. The United States began to dissatisfy some of its citizens and so the
concerns of sectionalism, or the split of the country began to arise. There was a continuous riff
between the south and the north over a few issues, ... Show more content on ...
Another display of this was when the southern states wanted to add Missouri as a slave state,
according to document F, the north only would agree if the north was able to add Maine as a free
state, continuing to imply that the north and south would always disagree and be on other sides of an
issue. Unfortunately this came about since the fall of the Whig political party, the Democratic–
Republicans had all the power so the states decided on presidents based on state interests rather than
party interests. According to document I, this worked in the beginning as Monroe was almost
universally accepted, but the next election led to major division of desired presidents and so limited
the appeal and power of such president. In conclusion, sectionalist ideas began to spread around the
country and potentially could have run the country into the ground. The country did hold manage to
hold together due to the nationalism that came about as a result of the war with Britain. According to
document C, there was a feeling of immense patriotism and nationalism on the Independence Day
celebration as it reminded people of the two wars they had won against Britain. In 1820, according
to document I, the majority of the states (all except Arkansas) voted for James Monroe clearly
putting him in a position of respect from a large portion of the country. The natives that were killed
also may have led to some nationalism as the southerners were less afraid of
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq
As the War of 1812 came to a close, feelings of intense nationalism rose within the United States.
This sudden uproar of pride was known as "The Era of Good Feelings". Eventually, this term
became known as the time of James Monroe's presidency. While, Monroe's presidency brought
about feelings of optimism and patriotism, they did not last long. These harmonious feelings of
nationalism were overcome by heated debates over the imposition of tariffs, and disagreements over
the national bank, internal improvements and public land sales. "The Era of Good Feelings" may
have been had a widespread feeling of nationalism at first, however these were transitory due to its
conflicting ideas which eventually lead to sectionalism. During the War of 1812, The United States
fought against the ... Show more content on ...
These feelings of nationalism were depicted in various forms including artwork, which displayed
patriotic characters victorious to their enemy (Doc A). Other forms of nationalistic pride include the
Monroe Doctrine. First stated by James Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine, stated that any efforts by
European nations to colonize land in America would be viewed as hostile acts of aggression (Doc
F). During his first inaugural address in 1817, James Monroe stressed that although The United
States was facing a difficult time and extraordinary events, had flourished remarkably well (Doc C).
In 1824, Henry Clay proposed his idea of an "American System". At the time Clay believed
America's industry was decaying and needed an economic reform. His initiative to fix this issue
became known as "the American System". This system envisioned a protective tariff, a national
bank, and federal subsidies to fund for projects such as internal improvements. Clay strongly
believed that in order to have an effective and economically profitable nation, protection from
foreigners had to be a crucial aspect (Doc
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The Era of Good Feeling Dbq
The Era of Good Feeling "The Era of Good Feeling" was a time of increased nationalism and
prosperity for the nation. This of course is not completely true, debates over many important issues
created a crack in the outward appearance of harmony during President Monroe's two terms. These
issues include sectionalism, foreign policy of isolationism and the rights of states vs. the rights of
the federal government. During Monroe's two terms, sectionalism, an excessive regard for sectional
or local interest, increased greatly. This increase in sectionalism is due to acts like the Tariff of 1816.
A tell tale sign that the Tariff of 1816 was going to cause sectionalism was that in the U.S. House of
Representatives, the ... Show more content on ...
Another issue that created a crack in the outward appearance of harmony during "The Era of Good
Feeling" was President Monroe's foreign policy of isolationism. In the Monroe doctrine, President
Monroe states, "we should consider any attempt on their [European powers'] part to extent their
system to any portion of the hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety". This statement
makes the United States seem like a protector of Latin nations. However, the United States was not
looking to protect Latin nations from European powers; the United States was looking to protect
itself from European acts of aggression. This misconstrued view that the United States was the
protector of Latin nations helps people buy into the false belief that "The Era of Good Feeling"
really was a time of harmony in the United States. Another issue that made a crack in the outward
appearance of harmony during "The Era of Good Feeling" was the debate over the rights of states
vs. the federal government. This issue comes up with the proposal of many internal improvement
plans. Plans to build roads that were to be federally funded were vetoed by supporters of states'
rights because they believed this power was out of the scope of the federal government. The passing
of internal improvement bills would've positively impact the U.S. but debates over state and national
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Sectionalism In The 19th Century
During the Age of Jackson, America was still trying to find it's definite identity. America was
making progress, but they were not where they wanted to be yet. The sense of optimism and
ongoing expansion during the early 19th century that helped to bring America together for a period
both contributed to a time of happiness and breakthroughs in which America is trying to be defined
as a happy and thriving nation. The rise of democracy coupled with the the gradual political process,
both magnify the degree to which America was still trying to find themselves politically. The rise of
sectionalism and decline of nationalism point to the once wavering aura of togetherness and
separateness and now complete dominance of sectionalism. These ... Show more content on ...
All of these things being said, nationalism is the result of these changes and feel–good moments.
Togetherness separates America from the rest of the world during the Era of Good Feelings to help
portray America as a new thriving nation moving up. America wasn't the only nation "thriving". The
Industrial Revolution in Europe (1750s––1840s) make the booming nations in Europe. Yet, America
thrives at the expense of being a very young nation that's gaining steam and doing it together. The
steamboat linked with the canal system helped to bring about hope and optimism and elevate
America into the world spotlight and helped a gradual transition from being a weak and non–self–
reliant nation.
In addition to expansion, a Jacksonian democracy with protective trade strategies played a big part
in ensuring uniqueness in America. In the U.S. in the early 1800s, people who voted were white
men, landowning, and quite wealthy––all stemming from Jeffersonian democracy. Jackson being a
common man himself changed the idea of what the regular voter looks like. He allowed non–elitist,
non–land–owning white men to vote. But at the same time, he knew what that would look like in the
national and international spotlight. Jackson didn't search for uniqueness in male suffrage, but in a
way he did. He allowed male voting rights not trying to look unique on the international level, but
he knew a change needed to be made in who got to vote despite looking different from most
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James Monroe's Beliefs During The Era Of Good Feelings
The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Britain over British seizures of
American ships, British aid to Native American tribes, and the American desire to restore confidence
in the republican experiment. Two years after the Treaty of Ghent was signed in 1814, James
Monroe was elected as the fifth president of the United States. During his presidency, the term "Era
of Good Feelings" was coined. This phrase referred to the peace and prosperity of the United States
between 1817 and 1824. During the Era of Good Feelings, there was an increase in nationalism and
sectionalism. These beliefs developed concurrently due to the unification of Americans through a
strong, independent economy, the spread of nationalistic literature, art, ... Show more content on ...
Besides authors like Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper who wrote books based in
America, there were also poets and distinguished individuals who spread the idea of unity. For
example, a poet named Joseph Rodman Drake wrote a poem titled "The American Flag" in 1819
(Document 2). His poem was a tribute to the American flag and to the principles which America was
founded on, such as freedom. "The American Flag" was similar to other poems and literature at that
time in that it made Americans proud of their country. Before the Era of Good Feelings, there were
not many books or poems that were about America, nonetheless about American pride and
nationalism. Drake's poem helped nationalism rise because it allowed the beliefs of pride and unity
to spread around the nation. Speech was another important method in the spread of nationalism.
Stephen Decatur was an American naval officer who helped lead a major military victory against the
Barbary Pirates. After the victory, he gave a patriotic toast that highlighted his pride for America.
(Document 1) In the toast, Decatur stated that America would be right in any foreign affair, no
matter the situation. This statement in 1819 showed Decatur's unwavering loyalty and support to the
United States. Decatur's statement about the United States helped increase nationalism because it
showed that
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Nationalism Dbq Essay
How did our country get here today? Were we always united in our decisions? At this point in time,
the early 19th century, the U.S. had just bought Texas and California from Spain after the territories
had gained their independence from Mexico. The U.S. believed that it was their destiny to inhabit
the new territories. This is called Manifest Destiny. This caused nationalism, or the feeling of pride
or loyalty to a nation. Many events brought the United States together with nationalism and
separated it by sectionalism.
One event that created nationalism was the Battle of New Orleans. This was the last battle of the
War of 1812, even though it occurred after the Treaty of Ghent was signed. The United States won
this battle against the British and had gained a new war hero, Andrew Jackson. Document 4 supports
this because the Battle of New Orleans inspired the Star Spangled ... Show more content on ...
These tariffs essentially split the U.S. into three sections, the North, the South, and the West. They
all had different views on the tariffs such as, the North really liked them. Having the tariffs on
European goods, meant the North, who were the manufacturers, would gain a lot more profit from
people wanting to buy their goods for cheaper than the European goods. On the other side, the South
really did not like the tariffs. The Europeans tended to buy their goods, and in order for that to keep
on happening, the South had to pay the tariffs and buy the more expensive European goods. Finally,
the West didn't really care about the tariffs. They just wanted roads and canals in their area, since it
was only inhabited recently. Document 6 supports this because in the picture it shows southerners as
skinny and poor and the northerners are depicted as well–off and wealthy. This is like this because,
the Southerners were having to pay more, becoming poorer, and the Northerners were gaining more
profit, becoming
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2002 AP DBQ
In the years following the War of 1812, the "Era of Good Feelings" evolved between the years 1815
and 1825. In the first half of this period, there was a strong sense of nationalism throughout the
United States. However, political changes and economic differences between the states warped this
nationalism into the sectionalism that divided the country into north, south and west regions.
Celebrations of unity within the United States soon turned into disagreements concerning
representation within the government and the differences within the national government caused by
the emergence of different Republican factions. States distanced themselves from working
collectively in a united economy. They were largely concerned with ... Show more content on ...
For example, there was a high tariff placed on foreign goods. This was beneficial for the north
because it increased the chances of Americans purchasing the goods produced in their factories.
However, this was disadvantageous for the south. Since slaves were viewed as objects, imported
slaves were considered imported goods and were sold with high tariffs attached to them. The three
regions were becoming more sectionalist because they were becoming increasing concerned with
problems facing their own area, and not the country as a whole. The sectionalism that emerged
during this time period did so within a short period of time. This is easy to see in the election maps
of 1820 and 1824. Within these four years, the United States went from being uniformly supportive
of one candidate (Monroe in 1820), to having support for several candidates. While much of the
south was in support of Andrew Jackson, the first president who did not have a formal education and
supported the "common man", much of the north backed John Q. Adams, the eventual winner. These
maps illustrate the regional differences that eventually led to the lack of a majority vote.
Sectionalism became quite prominent with the emergence of different factions within the
Republican Party and eventually the creation of new parties. Each region was sectionalist in that
they voted for the candidate who would be the best advocate for their area, rather than leader for
their country.
The unification of the
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The Era Of Good Feelings
The Era of Good Feelings was a time period after the War of 1812. It was referred to as the Era of
Good Feelings because there was increased nationalism among the American People. Although there
was increased nationalism, the accuracy of the title "The Era of Good Feelings" has been questioned
because there was a lot of sectionalism and division in this time period. People were divided over
the Supreme court decisions of John Marshall, the Missouri Compromise and the protective tariffs
placed on foreign goods. "The Era of Good Feelings" is an inaccurate title for this period in
American history because although many people were united on the thought that they were
American, they were divided on the thought of what being an American meant.
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DBQ Nationalism And Sectionalism
Nicole Vindollo Mrs. Segal US History I/Pd. 9 23 March 2015 The Era of Good Feeling: The
Effects and Consequences of Nationalism and Sectionalism In 1815, shortly before the start of
James Monroe's presidency and after the War of 1812, a historical period known as the "Era of Good
Feeling" commenced in America. However, though the name of this age alone insinuated a time of
unity and prosperity within the nation, sectionalism became an unequivocal dilemma that seeped
through the government's attempts in promoting nationalism, and ultimately divided the country.
The Era of Good Feeling was a time where only one political party reigned, sense of unity prevailed,
and ... Show more content on ...
These developments in transportation allowed for easier distribution of goods, thus benefitting them
as well. However, the protective tariff prevented the South's economy from growing, thus leading to
an evident economic gap between the North and the South, as the former's economy started to boom
due to the increase in manufacturing. John Randolph argued, "The agriculturalists bear the whole
brunt of the war and taxation, and remain poor, while the others run in the ring of pleasure and fatten
upon them" (Document 1). The transportation on the other hand, was unwanted by the South due to
the vast plantations that the road and canal systems would interrupt. As economic, social, and
political differences between the country began to be more evident, the government struggled even
more to keep the country as one. In late 1819, Missouri requested for admission into the union as a
slave state. However, the issue between factions of proslavery and antislavery already created high
tension within the Congress, and would worsen if Missouri was accepted as a slave state. Congress
found solution in admitting Maine as a free state in order to prevent the delicate balance between the
two sections from being destroyed.The Missouri Compromise also created an imaginary line across
the Louisiana Territory as
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The period after the war of 1812 was the "Era of Good Feeling" which was interrupted by the issue
of slavery and tariffs dividing the area of sectionalism. In the sense that a strong nationalism
emerged into the Americans, however we have to take sectionalism and the event such as the panic
of 1819 into consideration. The main cause of nationalism during 1815 and 1825 was the fact that
the United States was becoming a much stronger nation there manufacturing the rapid northern
industrialization of America favored by government officials over the south as well as disputes over
slavery and bank of the US gave rise to sentiments of sectionalism while Andrew Jackson rise led to
nationalism. Nationalism was inspired by the desire to unify with ... Show more content on ...
Nationalism had its moment but it didn't really contribute to greater or more important historical
events like sectionalism had. It was only because of the difference of opinions and arguing that
made people decide for themselves if it was wrong or right. These opinions led to changes in reform
which simply leads to static society. The events that transpired during "era of good feeling" was
involve in a much larger event in American history, civil war / sectionalism led to many reform
movements like education , temperance, and abolitionism jail and better treat for those who are
mentally insane. Because of split society is the reason that so many of these people took shape and
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Nationalism And Sectionalism In The 1800s
In the early 1800s, the North began to industrialize and the South relied more heavily on growing
cotton. At the same time, a rising sense of nationalism pulled people from different regions together.
Nationalism is a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward your country. Sectionalism was
when people had a feeling of pride in a small region or part of a nation. The War of 1812 sent a
wave of nationalist feeling through the United States. Representative Henry Clay, from Kentucky,
was a strong nationalist. After the war, President James Madison supported Clay's plan to strengthen
the country and unify its different regions. Nationalism and Sectionalism were present during the
early 1800s. The people who carried out Nationalism had pride in their whole nation and the people
who carried out Sectionalism had pride in part of a nation but, not the nation as a whole. Nationalists
based their actions off trying to benefit the whole nation, the idea of nationalism was created to
increase revenue in America. Sectionalism became a problem because Americans either saw
themselves as southerners or northerners and the country became very divided. Sectionalism was
one of the major reasons that the civil war began because of the divide between the south and the
north. Sectional sentiments challenged nationalism, but the latter remained strong among the
American people. Nationalism also prevailed due to the ideologies and actions of the country's
leaders in the executive and
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Essay on Dbq- "Era of Good Feelings"
During the early 1800's France and Britain were at war and for many years America remained
neutral. But, Great Britain began seizing American ships and impressing the Americans into the
British Navy. In addition, Great Britain was supplying the Native Americans in North America with
guns and, as a result America declared war on Britain in 1812. The phrase "Era of Good Feelings"
was used to describe the administrations of Munroe in 1816 but the validity of this phrase is
questioned. Many people might believe that the period after the war of 1812 was an "Era of Good
Feelings" because of the nation's gain of nationalism and expansion of the country, but it was not
because of growing sectionalism and state issues. After the War of 1812, ... Show more content on ...
This tariff was created to protect American factories in the north and was a tax placed on imported
goods. But the south was highly upset because they felt that this tariff only supported the north and
they had to pay it also. Document F also sheds light on sectionalism because Jefferson talks about a
geographic line that fills him with terror, also known as the 36,30 line created by Henry Clay. This
line determined if the upcoming states from the Louisiana Territory would have slavery or not. The
issue of slavery was a major player in the growth of sectionalism between the north and the south.
Moreover, the government had problems with the states. Maryland wanted to tax the national bank
which led to the case of McCulloch v. Maryland that was sent to the Supreme Court (Document
D).Similarly are the revolts seen in Document G which resulted in throwing 50–60 leaders from
South Carolina in jail but there were still prisoners stating that there are enough people to carry the
work into execution. Overall, the America had too much problems on their hands to be going
through an "Era of Good Feelings". All in all, the period after the War of 1812 may seem to be an
"Era of Good Feelings" because of nationalism and westward expansion, but in fact it was not
because of increasing sectionalism and state issues. As a result of winning the War of 1812 against
Great Britain,
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Era of Good Feeling Dbq Essays
The period after the War of 1812 during the presidency of James Monroe is often referred to as the
"era of good feelings" because of a feeling of nationalism, a feeling of pride and national unity. The
end of the Federalist Party also provided the nation with a feeling of nationalism, for there was no
political opposition toward the Republicans. This title, however, may not be the most accurate label
for this particular time period, for this time period marked the beginnings of sectionalism, with
heated debates over tariffs, the National Bank, and most importantly, over slavery. After the War of
1812 a Nationalistic spark ran throughout much of the United States. A primary factor in this
emergence of Nationalism was due to the ... Show more content on ...
Those who had moved westward toward the frontier also did not entirely approve of the national
bank, for they looked far a way of easy credit, which was in the form of state banks. The
westernmost and southernmost states were entirely based on agriculture, while the states toward the
north–east coast were based on an industrial economy. The Protective Tariff of 1816 caused
disagreements between these two sections of the United States, for the Tariff unfairly benefitted the
manufacturers of the North–East. Most importantly, with regards to sectionalism, were the many
disputes involving slavery. As Anna Hayes from South Carolina asserts, in her letter to her cousin,
the situation in South Carolina was just as bad "if not superior to the scenes acted in St. Domingo."
South Carolina was currently experiencing slave revolts at that time. These slave revolts brought up
the question of whether or not slavery was correct which caused mush sectionalism between
different regions of the United States. John Randolph, who also apposed the Tariff of 1816,
mentioned that a simple geographical line – the Missouri Compromise– was not enough to
completely silence the controversy of slavery. The label of "The Era of Good Feelings" is not the
most accurate title for this period. Although there was an increase in nationalistic ideals, such as the
betterment of the union through internal improvements, sectionalism lied beneath the
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Dbq Era of Good Feeling Ap Us History Essay
The period after the war of 1812 was labeled "The Era of Good Feeling" by historians. Some people
believe that this is an accurate label of this time period, but others disagree. Due to the emergence of
sectionalism– concern with local interests, and nationalism– patriotic feelings and self pride, people
had mixed feelings about this time period. Many people felt that times were high, and that
nationalism and sectionalism could only bolster the union, while others thought that it was
sectionalism and nationalism that caused disunion. Some of the documents used in this essay
support the claim that the period after 1812 was an era of good feelings. Other documents will
oppose this claim with proof from their own perspectives. Document B ... Show more content on ...
(Doc. D). The case says that it would be difficult to sustain this proposition. Anna Hayes Johnson of
South Carolina wrote to her cousin in North Carolina complaining about the "unhappy business
which has filled with consternation all our city" and how nothing can save them. She writes that
fifty to sixty percent of the leaders are in jail, and twenty of them have been convicted and
sentenced. (Doc. G). The people living during this time period do not seem to think as highly of it as
the people discussed in the previous paragraph did. Documents E and I both portray different
feelings about this era. Document H is a political map that exemplifies sectionalism perfectly.
During the presidential election of 1820, James Monroe won every vote but one, but in 1824, the
votes were split up between four different candidates, and the results were just as varied. Each state
had its own mind and voted for who they felt was right, and not just as one union. Document E is a
density map that shows how populated each square mile of land was in 1820. Much of the land had
less than two inhabitants per square mile, and the people living there felt that they shouldn't be taxed
the same as somewhere where there were ninety or more inhabitants like in the northeast. This is a
prime example of people who did not think this was "The Era of Good Feeling." "The Era of Good
Feeling" is a label given to the time period
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Era Of Good Feelings Essay
The "Era of Good Feelings" was a traditional name given to the years of James Monroe's
presidency, following the end of the War of 1812. Events such as the Louisiana Purchase, which
nearly doubled the size of American land and proved the Federalist party didn't have much as they
opposed the purchase, and fighting against the Barbary Pirates which gained the American navy
respect made people in America proud to be there and led up to the "good feelings." The time was
mostly characterized by an increase of nationalistic spirits as the Republican party become the single
party in the United States after Monroe won against Rufus King, his Federalist opponent in the 1816
election. Nationalism would have a large influence on many features of American culture and
economics; however, there were also many tensions growing during this time as well. There was
much discourse over issues such as the national bank, tariffs, and internal improvements. The
Republican party was the sole party at the time, it was also dividing, with many supporting what
was once Federalist policies. Sectional differences over slavery and states rights would also have a
major impact on politics and economics, with greater importance than the results of nationalistic
Nationalism became a part of society through many different cultural areas. Gilbert Stuart, Charles
Willson Peale, and John Trumball painted revolutionary heroes. Parson Mason Weems wrote a
fictitious biography of George Washington.
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Sectionalism In The Late 1800s
In the years of 1800–1840, U.S. Foreign Policy united and divided Americans. By 1803, the
purchase of Louisiana from France was the beginning of a continental nation of the U.S with the
settlement of lands beyond the Appalachian Mountains. In the early 19th century, lead in social and
international relation changes while keeping a continuity. The continuities and changes included the
social growth of sectionalism and nationalism as well as foreign relations between Native
Americans and Americans. Socially, the Second Great Awakening distinguished American from
other nations where freedom and religion after led, however, sectionalism carried continually
throughout the whole period. In terms of international relations, the Indian Removal Act gave new
land to white settlement and would also increase economic progress, however, isolationism involved
in European alliances and wars. ... Show more content on ...
The Second Great Awakening emphasizes on the ability of individuals to change their lives caused a
wide variety of reforms. It changed the idea over schooling, theology, and how women were treated.
The church began to appreciate women more and were becoming more equal as women were given
roled in faith. However, sectionalism and nationalism grew throughout the Americas. It inspired the
reforms like women's rights movement and abolition, and also led to the people voting on slavery
where popular sovereignty was allowed, which led to the Kansas–Nebraska Act. After the War of
1812, Americans had a strong sense of pride or nationalism after their win. This continued
throughout the period. The main reason for this continuity was that it demonstrated America's will to
defend, earning the young nation newfound respect from
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq
In the Hartford Convention of 1815, several northern states gathered to discuss an attempt to secede
from the nation. However, the plan failed miserably, and without Alexander Hamilton, officially
marked the death of the Federalist Party. Because of the end of the Federalist Party, and many other
factors such as westward expansion and increased nationalism, many considered it to be an "Era of
Good Feelings", since there was no political opposition. However, through national unity,
sectionalism, and state's rights, the accuracy of the title the "Era of Good Feelings" isn't so credible.
To begin with, nationalism had a crucial role in undermining the concept of the "Era of Good
Feelings." The "Era of Good Feelings" followed the time period in ... Show more content on ...
During the trial of McCulloch v. Maryland, Maryland believed it had the power to tax the national
bank, as stated in 1819, based off the "elastic" clause (Document C). However, Chief Justice John
Marshall denied Maryland the right to tax the bank and destroyed the ideal of implied powers. This
was a major blow to state's rights as they believed that since they make up the government, they
should be able to review actions from the federal government. Upon Marshall's decision, state's
rights weakened and the federal government grew stronger. Next, an illustration of population
density in the year 1820 is shown (Document E). The diagram shows more dense areas in the
northern states. This in turn, would lead to a larger amount of representatives from the northern
states, a ratio that was not proportional to the amount in the southern states. Due to this unequal
representation ratio, many states in the south lost a great deal of power in congress. Yet again,
several states took a blow in their ability to remain heard in the government as they simply do not
have as many representatives as the North. These two examples of state's rights illustrate the flaws
in naming this time period the "Era of Good
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Examples Of Sectionalism In The United States
Sectionalism and Nationalism In the United States of America Did you know what nationalism or
Sectionalism is? Well ill tell you! Sectionalism is when people in a country feel loyalty or pride to a
certain section of their country. Nationalism is when the people of a certain country feel pride and or
loyalty to their country as a whole. In the early 1800's, the U.S. was divided by sectionalism, but
was also united by nationalism. The Missouri Compromise is a good example of nationalism. The
Missouri Compromise stated that Missouri would enter the union as a slave state and that slavery
would be prohibited above the 30 degree 30' latitude. This compromise essentially split the country
into two parts; pro–slavery south and a anti–slavery
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Nationalism and Sectionalism in America During the Late...
America was founded by multiple states, from different regions and subsequently different styles of
life, which made the possibility of their union unstable and uncertain. But, because they were united
by a common goal– to break free of Britain's despotic sovereignty– the American colonies were able
to win their independence from Britain and become the United States of America. This dichotomy
between the states' different styles of life and their shared goal laid the foundation for the forces of
nationalism and sectionalism in the US. The two opposing forces worked hand–in–hand to
manipulate Americans' views of one another and the American political and economic systems,
though the force of sectionalism outweighed the force of nationalism ... Show more content on ...
However, the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War, increased sectionalism in the US because it did
not resolve the impressment of American sailors, which was one of the main causes of the war.
Overall, the War of 1812 was a huge proponent of nationalism in the US, and that nationalistic
feeling carried over into the Era of Good Feelings, bringing about a shift in politics as well as
Americans' national identity.
The Era of Good Feelings was a product of and contributed to the force of nationalism in America,
characterized by many changes in America's politics and internal affairs. The Federalist Party
disintegrated because of the widespread criticism of the Hartford Convention during and after the
War of 1812, making the Democratic–Republican Party the only political party. This meant that the
old party animosities and tension would disappear, and there would be less political sectionalism in
the government. The Democratic–Republicans underwent changes as well, like their party policies.
The party became focused on obtaining a monopoly of government patronage, using fundraisers and
events to gain support from the people. During this era, there was an increase in internal
improvements, as seen with the American System, an economic plan that consisted of three parts.
The first part was a tariff that would protect and promote American industry, known as the "Tariff of
Abominations" by the Southern states, who were inconvenienced by the tariff. The
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq Analysis
There had been a war between Britain and America, it was known as the War of 1812. This war was
the turning point of America because it had soon led the nation to an "Era of Good Feelings." The
"Era of Good Feelings" is an ironic name because during this time period (1815–1825), it promoted
both sectionalism and nationalism. Although some felt strongly for one way, there were some people
who were in the middle and not exactly which sure they agreed with most. Nationalism is the
unification of a country, and it shows how the country, and how it shouldn't be split up." We are
under the most imperious obligation to counteract every tendency to disunion (doc B)." Although
the country is split into states no matter what, they will do whatever ... Show more content on ...
"The agriculturists bear the whole brunt of the war and taxation, and remain poor, while the others
run in the rings of pleasure, and fatten upon them (doc A)." This shows that even financially there
was a split because the manufacturers in the North were enjoying their life, while those in the South
were struggling because they were the ones helping with the damage that was made from the war.
Another way the nation was split up was through their states and how the population had varied in
the states. Document E shows that although the state had ranges of population, there were are states
that obviously have more than others, meaning the North has way more than the South. Lastly, in
Document I the states had been split in a way they view politics. In 1820, it's evident how they were
unified with voting, but come 1824 the votes had been scattered. The reason being was because of
the different opinions on slavery. The southern region was primarily pro–slavery while the north was
anti–slavery. Come the time of the voting, Andrew Jackson, a candidate from that the South had
wanted to win, had won. Their vote was honestly on whoever would allow them to keep slaves,
which was
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The Era Of Good Feeling Essay
Following the death of the Federalist political party, and after entering a time of political unity, the
United States entered what historians refer to as the "Era of Good Feeling". This era began after the
War of 1812, a war between America and Britain, and the Napoleonic Wars, a series of wars taken
place in the seas near France, ended. The Federalist party was dissolving at the end of the war, and
was completely dissolved when Monroe came into office as president in 1817. At the start of this
era, there was primarily a one–party political system, the Democratic–Republicans, and there was a
rise of nationalism, hence the era received the title "Good Feeling". Socially, this nationalism was
felt throughout the entire nation, specifically directly following the war, in 1815–1817.
Economically, however, the issues of state sovereignty led to the rise of sectionalism, not deserving
of the title "Good Feeling". Furthermore, politically, America at this time began to split into the
second party system. While at the start almost everyone was Republican, sectionalism arose during
this era, and ultimately led to the ending of the good feelings entirely. Overall, the time between
1815 and 1825 is undeserving of its name, "The Era of Good Feeling," and sectionalism played a
larger role in the United States at this time then nationalism did. Socially, the the title "good feeling"
is an accurate representation of the nationalism people were feeling at the time following the War of
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq
The Era of Good Feelings
The War of 1812 was between the British and the United States that was influenced by the war
hawks in the country and the outrage Great Britain caused in America. Their impressment of sailors,
refusal to withdraw soldiers from America and trade with the Native Americans all led to the cry for
war from America. After the War of 1812, The United States entered a time that came to be known
as the Era of Good Feelings. This era began with the inauguration of James Monroe as the 5th
president of the United States. With president Monroe in office, the country entered a time where
only one political party existed. It received this label in part of the lack of political tension at the
time, and the similarities in the beliefs ... Show more content on ...
It is one of the central reasons it became the era of good feelings as political differences could not
cause turmoil between the country. IN the 1820 James Monroe was nearly unanimously elected to
the presidency by the people. This period of political solidarity did not last long, however. The
purpose of document 7 is to show that the country went from being one in political ideals to being
completely split as shown in the election of 1824. In the document we see the sectionalism coming
into play. Some believe that this could not have been an era of good feelings due to the emergence
of sectionalism at this time. Document 1 makes a strong argument for the presence of sectionalism.
However, John Randolph, a delegate from Virginia, is discussing the south's disapproval for the
tariff of 1816. He himself would be profiting if the tariff did not exist causing his motives for this
document to be selfish and not a fair representation of the rest of society. Sectionalism does not take
place until the 1824 election which led to the end of the era of good feelings in history. From this
point in history forward, sectionalism takes a huge role in the role, and influence of the
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Sectionalism In The 19th Century
Henry Clay once wrote: "I know of no South, no North, no East, no West to which I owe my
allegiance. The Union is my country." (Pearson) He was referring to sense of Nationalism, a feeling
that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country. Nationalism is desire to consider the
greater good of the country. When specific geographic areas put their own needs and beliefs over the
entire country, sectionalism is born. Sectionalism is an identification with a geographic section and
the cultural, social, economic, and political interests of that section. (Sectionalism Facts)
Sectionalism is a loyalty to a section, rather than the country as a whole. Sectionalism can be traced
back to the Manifest Destiny which is an opinion that the ... Show more content on
Southerners relied on slaves to produce the cotton and considered those slaves as property, but
Northerners felt that slavery was in violation of the Constitutional right to liberty,the pursuit of
happiness, and equal rights. As the country expanded west and more states were added, there were
more issues with sectionalism. When Missouri requested statehood, they wanted to be admitted as a
slave state. If they had been allowed to join, the free states would have been outnumbered. Maine
also wanted to become a free state. To keep the balance of the nation, Henry Clay suggested the
Missouri Compromise that both states be admitted at the same time to keep the balance. (Cornell, p.
214) This action continued to keep the country divided based upon the regional attitudes of slavery,
however, it did relieve the tension of what would happen if there wasn't a balance anymore. The
Compromise of 1850 included the Fugitive Slave Law which also was an act of sectionalism.
(Cornell, p. 347) Under this law, runaway slaves could not be free if they escaped to the North, but
rather they must be returned to their owners. This law created more tension between the North and
South because a Northerner could be held accountable for harboring a fugitive if they helped a slave
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How Accurate Was the Term "Era of Good Feelings" in the...
In the 1800's following the war of 1812, the term commonly applied to that era in the United States
was known as the "era of good feelings". While the United States was growing in several different
aspects, such as politically, socially and economically, and changing as a country, there are several
key factors that denote this term, and nullify its meaning. While the changes were significant, and
the United States evolved at an exponential rate after the war of 1812, the accuracy of the term "era
of good feelings" is way off, and the United States was anything but experiencing an "era of good
Following the war of 1812, growth occurred primarily economically, politically, and socially for the
United States. These changes ... Show more content on ...
Although this was increase throughout the United States, this economical situation occurred
primarily in the North, and much less in the south. In the south, the economic increase was much
different. Because of the large amounts of plantations and farms in the south, new land was needed
so that the crops that had dried up the soil could continue to grow and the economy can continue to
benefit. This growth in land and economy indicates that the economic benefit in the south came
from crops and agricultural might, rather than industrial. These differences help identify that the "era
of good feelings" and the nationalism that is implied is incorrect and inaccurate, as people have
more of a connection towards the land that they make their money on, which implies sectionalism.
Politically, the "era of good feelings" was extremely off. Even before the war of 1812, there had
always been a major difference in the political parties and systems of the government. A major
difference in this coming from extremely opposing ideologies of the parties and the lack of unity
between the two. The difference between the parties is also present in Document C, which shows
two different party tents during the fourth of july. Whilst the people are generally happy, the party
tents show that the difference is quite evident, and
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq
The finale of the War of 1812 brought about a sense of false unity in the United States as many
citizens believed that they had won the war despite the fact that the war ended in a draw. This sense
of nationalism allowed for the growth of industrialization which led to the transportation and market
revolutions. However, the emergence of sectionalism following the Panic of 1819 was more a
impactful condition as issues concerning slavery, tariffs, and national banks were disagreed upon.
Moreover, the Era of Good Feeling was not an accurate label for this time period. Directly following
the War of 1812, the Treaty of Ghent was signed. This treaty did very little as it didn't consist of any
land exchanges or territorial makeovers. Instead, this ... Show more content on ...
However, their efforts to decrease inflation were too late and the unfortunate Panic of 1819
occurred. This panic decreased nationalistic views as the citizens had other things to focus on
besides the pride and unity of the country. This was the beginning of the period that gradually ended
the Era of Good Feelings. Part of the movement that lessened the sense of nationalism included
lessening the power of Congress. In essence, the government created congress not to lay a duty but
to regulate commerce (A). This document questions the power of congress which contributes to a
sectionalized society at this time. One important facet of a society that is premised on sectionalism
is an economy based on sectionalism. With the introduction of canals and roads in the mid
nineteenth century, it became easier to rely on intrastate commerce rather than interstate commerce.
The concept of commerce within the states led to drastic changes in political views. This is
evidenced in Document I. It is clear that the presidential election in 1820 was vastly different than
that of 1824. In 1824, the formation of more evident political parties diversified the national
political opinion. In 1820, James Monroe won every electoral vote aside from one. In 1824, Andrew
Jackson had 15 more electoral votes than did John Quincy Adams. Despite this, Adams won the
presidency through the
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Nationalism And Sectionalism
History essay What would have happen if america never went through any problems? Now you may
be thinking america has always been great. Well that's not the case. We wouldn't have become a
more stronger independent country if we never had to solve problems. During the time of the early
1800s many different events were happening to contribute to America's situation of nationalism and
sectionalism. One example of nationalism is the war of 1812. This war showed nationalism because
they went against great britain the greatest naval power in the world, at the time, and won. So it
gained a lot of national also ended the impressment of american sailors. One example of
sectionalism is shown in document one and it is basically saying america
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq
The Era of Good Feelings, which is the term used to describe James Monroe's two terms in office,
led to the growth of the United States. Under James Madison's presidency, the war of 1812 occurred,
which led to an era of increased nationalism and progress as seen by many historians, and it was to a
large degree. But at the same time, the issues of slavery arose and sectionalism increased, which also
played a significant role during the Era of Good Feelings. Both nationalism and sectionalism
affected the United States economically, for needs such as internal improvements and politically, for
the growth of the democratic–republicans. However, out of the two, nationalism was of greater
importance, during this era because it was the growing factor ... Show more content on ...
The Northern and Southern states began to feel divided because of their regional differences. The
main reason for their regional differences was of slavery. When Missouri requested for statehood in
1820 as a slave state, it caused trouble between the north and south because it would it tip the
balance of the senate in the South's favor because there was eleven free states and eleven slave states
in the senate. As a compromise, Henry Clay proposed that Missouri enter as a slave state, Maine
enters as a free state, and prohibit slavery in the Louisiana Territory above the 36˚30'. The Missouri
Compromise greatly increased sectionalism in the South. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams
supported the compromise, but he expressed that it only fixed the issue temporarily because slavery
isn't a resolvable issue unless the whole union is free of slavery. Adams implies to himself in his
diary that he knows in the future that slavery would further separate the north and south but for now
it maintained peace in the union (Document 5). Document 6 agrees with Document 5 because
Thomas Jefferson says that increased compromise and putting off the issue of slavery will only
increase sectionalism because it will lead to deeper hatred between the North and South. But the
document shows bias as well because Jefferson is a slave owner himself and knows slavery is wrong
but he
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The Civil War Essay
The Civil War In this meeting of the Southern Historical Association great emphasis has been placed
upon a re–examination of numerous phases of our history relating to the Civil War. While several
papers have dealt with certain forces which helped bring about the Civil War, none has attempted a
general synthesis of causes. This synthesis has been the task assumed by the retiring president of the
Before attempting to say what were the causes of the American Civil War, first let me say what were
not the causes of this war. Perhaps the most beautiful, the most poetic, the most eloquent statement
of what the Civil War was not fought for is Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. That address will live as
long as Americans retain their ... Show more content on ...
A systematic study of both northern and southern opinion as expressed in their newspapers,
speeches, diaries, and private letters, gives irrefutable evidence in support of this assertion. Their
ideology was democratic and identical. However, theoretical adherence to the democratic principles,
as veil we know all too well in these days of plutocratic influences in our political life, is not
sufficient evidence that democratic government exists. I believe that I shall not be challenged in the
assertion that the economic structure of a section or a nation is the foundation upon which its
political structure must rest. For this reason, therefore, it will be necessary to know what the
economic foundations of these sections were. Was the economic structure of the North such as to
support a political democracy in fact as well as in form? And was the economic structure of the
South such as to permit the existence of free government? Time does not permit an extended
treatment of this subject; it will be possible only to point out certain conclusions based upon recent
research. By utilizing the county tax books and the unpublished census reports a group of us
conducting a cooperative undertaking have been able to obtain a reasonably accurate and specific
picture of wealth structure of the antebellum South, and to some extent that of the other sections. We
have paid particular
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Difference Between Nationalism And Sectionalism
Nicole Aldana Professor Nelson HIS 131–4201 17 April 2017 Balancing Nationalism and
Sectionalism (1815–1840) In the early nineteenth century, the North began to industrialize with new
types of machinery and technology, and the South heavily depended on the production of cotton due
to its high profit and demand. During this time, the act of nationalism and sectionalism created
issues amongst the population. According to the document "Nationalism and Sectionalism,"
nationalism is "a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward your country" (1). Sectionalism
is "loyalty to the interest of your own region or section of the country, rather than to the nation as a
whole" (Nationalism and Sectionalism 4). In other words, nationalism ... Show more content on ...
Alongside the American System, Representative John C. Calhoun of South Carolina also suggested
better transportation systems. He believed that these systems would link cities and make a nation
more united and larger, and larger meant stronger. In 1817, he cheered, "'let us bind the Republic
together with a perfect system of roads and canals'" (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). For the next
couple years, more roads and canals were being constructed. In 1806, Congress funded a road that
stretched from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, Virginia. In 1841, the road extended into
Illinois and became the nation's main east–west route (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). The road
was named the National Road. Additionally, with the building of canals, water transportation
improved. From 1825 to 1850, the period was called the Age of Canals. In 1825, the Erie Canal was
finished, and it linked the waters of Lake Erie. As the document discloses, the Erie Canal "created a
water route between New York City and Buffalo, New York. The canal opened the upper Ohio
Valley and the Great Lakes region to settlement and trade" (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). The
Erie Canal allowed the Great Lakes to transport their farm products to flow east, and the people and
manufactured goods would flow from the east to the west (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). Since
trade was regulated from New York City, it made New York City the country's largest city. The
source states, "between 1820 and 1830, its population swelled from less than 124,000 to more than
200,000" (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). Furthermore, in the 1830s, the nation began to use
steam–powered trains, trains powered by a steam engine of coal, oil, or wood, for transportation.
This type of transportation was built to be faster and more convenient for the people. Initially,
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Forces Between Nationalism And Sectionalism In The 19Th...

  • 1. Forces Between Nationalism and Sectionalism in the 19th... What events or trends contributed to the relationship between the forces of Nationalism and Sectionalism? During the course of American History, and especially after the War for Independence, Nationalism and Sectionalism contributed and interacted with each other to shape the development of the United States of America. These two ideologies are the inverse of one another. When sectionalism is strong, nationalism is weak. When Nationalism is strong, sectionalism is weak. While sectionalism and nationalism work off of each other, nationalism has always prevailed over sectionalism in history. The inverse relationship and clash between the two forces can be seen through a number of different events or trends in history such as, economical ... Show more content on ... The new inventions allowed for the belief of Manifest Destiny to fill the heads of Americans. Manifest Destiny was a phrase used by leaders and politicians in the 1840s to explain continental expansion by the United States that revitalized a sense of "mission" or national destiny for Americans. (PBS Organization n.d.) This idea established a great deal of Nationalism within the Americans. It created the feeling that, together, Americans would expand and build up America out West. Nationalism was strengthened greatly through economic improvements, and it could have also been seen through some major political endeavors. The ratification of the constitution is one of the earliest American events that established nationalism. The ratification showed that, through compromise, Americans could agree on one basic set of rules and regulations for the unity of the country. The American System, seen later in history, was also important to the force of nationalism in the country. Henry Clay's "American System," devised in the burst of nationalism that followed the War of 1812, remains one of the most historically significant examples of a government– sponsored program to harmonize and balance the nation's agriculture, commerce, and industry. This "System" consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts: a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq The finale of the War of 1812 brought about a sense of false unity in the United States as many citizens believed that they had won the war despite the fact that the war ended in a draw. This sense of nationalism allowed for the growth of industrialization which led to the transportation and market revolutions. However, the emergence of sectionalism following the Panic of 1819 was more a impactful condition as issues concerning slavery, tariffs, and national banks were disagreed upon. Moreover, the Era of Good Feeling was not an accurate label for this time period. Directly following the War of 1812, the Treaty of Ghent was signed. This treaty did very little as it didn't consist of any land exchanges or territorial makeovers. Instead, this ... Show more content on ... However, their efforts to decrease inflation were too late and the unfortunate Panic of 1819 occurred. This panic decreased nationalistic views as the citizens had other things to focus on besides the pride and unity of the country. This was the beginning of the period that gradually ended the Era of Good Feelings. Part of the movement that lessened the sense of nationalism included lessening the power of Congress. In essence, the government created congress not to lay a duty but to regulate commerce (A). This document questions the power of congress which contributes to a sectionalized society at this time. One important facet of a society that is premised on sectionalism is an economy based on sectionalism. With the introduction of canals and roads in the mid nineteenth century, it became easier to rely on intrastate commerce rather than interstate commerce. The concept of commerce within the states led to drastic changes in political views. This is evidenced in Document I. It is clear that the presidential election in 1820 was vastly different than that of 1824. In 1824, the formation of more evident political parties diversified the national political opinion. In 1820, James Monroe won every electoral vote aside from one. In 1824, Andrew Jackson had 15 more electoral votes than did John Quincy Adams. Despite this, Adams won the presidency through the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Sectionalism Due to Western Expansion Essay The Antebellum period from 1800 to 1850 marked a time of sectionalism in American history. Furthermore, new territories gained during western expansion added to this conflict between different sections of America. Southern states wanted new slave territories, while the North wanted to contain the spread of slavery. While Western expansion contributed to growing sectional tensions between the North and South from 1800–1820, sectionalism intensified significantly from 1820– 1850. Since the turn of the nineteenth century, Western territorial expansion started to increase a sense of sectionalism throughout America. President Jefferson obtained the Louisiana purchase from Napoleon in 1803, gaining unfamiliar territory West of the Mississippi ... Show more content on ... Any state admitted into the Union bellow this line would decide the legality of slavery for their new state, by popular sovereignty. This temporarily maintained the balance of slave states and free states in the Union, while increasing sectionalism throughout America. Neither the North or South wanted the other section to have more states favoring their own slavery ideals, in fear of biased representation in the Senate. Furthermore, sectionalism was demonstrated by the fact that congress felt the need to implement "The Gag rule"; This disallowed congress from discussing the issue of slavery for the next thirty years (while only lasting a decade). Though members of the house tried to pass the Wilmot proviso, which would ban slavery in newly acquired Mexican territories, Southerners naturally opposed this. Disagreements over how to decide the newly acquired land's position on slavery, further intensified sectionalism between the North and South. At one point the South even tried to pass the Ostend Manifesto in an attempt to purchase Cuba from Spain, and admit it into the Union as a slave state. Although this effort failed, it strongly represents the intense sectionalism during the time: As an entire portion of the country acted autonomously to secure an additional state to gain power over their Northern neighbors. Finally, the compromise of 1850 was passed, declaring popular sovereignty as the determining factor of the position of slavery among the land ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq Questions And Answers How did economic policies after the War of 1812 reflect the nationalism of the period? President James Madison enforced many economic policies that greatly reflected nationalism. The economic policies included the creation of the second national bank which purpose was to provide a stronger currency since the former currency was not always reliable and plentiful. Creating a stronger currency would strengthen the national economy. Another example was the Tariff of 1816 that was issued to protect industries against foreign competition therefore strengthening the economy. Also, the creation of internal improvements such as canals, roads and developments in transportation would to improve commerce and economy. These efforts to strengthen the economy and America in general shows that people were filled with nationalism and wanted to confirm that America is the greatest nation. What characterized the Era of Good Feelings? After Thomas Jefferson left office, James Monroe succeeded him and served as president. James Monroe's administration left America at peace and also the economy prospered. In Boston Massachusetts a newspaper was published titled the "Era of Good Feelings" which characterizes Monroe's success in creation a peaceful and a ... Show more content on ... Maryland case in 1819. John Marshall led the case and it was against James McCulloch a clerk who failed to attach his state revenue stamps to his banknotes. Marshall stated the "necessary and proper" clause to sanction the powers of the federal government. Marshall proved that the federal government has power over the states therefore strengthening the government and economy. Marshall also declared that a state taxing the federal bank is unconstitutional, in turn saving the national bank and the economy. The Gibbons vs. Oden case in 1824 helped establish national supremacy in regulatory interstate commerce therefore improving the nations ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Dbq#2 Nationalism V. Sectionalism Essay DBQ # 2 Nationalism v. Sectionalism "Era of Good Feelings" The years following the War of 1812 became known as the "era of good feelings". During this time you see the expansion of nationalism within the United States. It started mainly in the 1816 shortly before Monroe took office, and lasted until the end of his Presidency in the year of 1824. Before the "era of good feelings" there were certain events taking place that will lead up to this era. The first of these is the acquired land of the Louisiana Purchase from the French. Through this the United States was able to double its land. The gained independence from this purchase was able to keep other countries father away from the US's boundaries and was able to separate the ... Show more content on ... The south began to rely on agriculture as their basis of economic growth. For this to be success, slavery was an almost a natural need for the people of the south. Cotton began to grow as a cash crop for the South. Cotton was dependent on many workers needed for it to exist, thus the need for such a large amount of work force. Slavery in the late 1700's was beginning to die down and cotton was paying the biggest price for it. Not until Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin did the issue of slavery spark up again and cotton begins to thrive. In 1820 Missouri wished to be part of the Union as a slave state. With there already being an equality of Slave states and Free states it caused tension and sectionalism within the country; because of the edition of Missouri would cause an unbalance of free and slave states. In hopes to resolve this conflict a compromise was reached known as the Missouri Compromise. Through the Missouri Compromise Missouri was able to enter as a slave state, while Maine was able to enter as a free state. However, as pointed out, it created a line between slave states and Free states. Any state below Missouri was able to practice slavery, and any state above was to be a Free State. Even John Quincy Adams led to the sectionalism, with his supportive views of the Compromise. (Document F) He expressed views in the emancipation of slavery as a ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Era Of Good Feelings The years following the War of 1812 and the Treaty of Ghent (1815–1825) have often been distinguished as the Era of Good Feelings. It refers to the American's victory in the War of 1812 and is generally marked as a period in political history that reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars. The period's nickname suggests that Monroe's years in presidency were marked by a spirit of nationalism, optimism, and goodwill. Although, the era of good feelings emerged with cultural and economic Nationalism along with the fading of the Federalist Party, peaceful foreign policies, and the implantation of the Monroe Doctrine, the perception of unity and harmony can be misleading ... Show more content on ... Thomas Jefferson referred to the Missouri Compromise as the geographical line that would cause more irritation in America every time an issue environmentally came about (6). Although the Missouri compromise crated a new slave state in Missouri and a free one in Maine, this did not totally resolve the conflicts about allowing slavery in certain parts of the nation. Jefferson feared that the nation's perseverance would be affected due to this dividing line. Another contribution to the growth of political sectionalism was that from 1820 to 1824, the nation disbanded into multiple political groups (7). By the time the election of 1820 came to a close, James Monroe won most of the electoral votes, which showed that the people politically agreed on one person to run their nation. But overtime areas began to split into different groups; supporting different people with different ideas. Therefore, the increase in sectionalism began to grow. With people having different views politically, the period after the War of 1812 cannot be considered the Era of Good ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. War Of 1812: The Era Of Good Feelings Some say that the War of 1812 was the Era of Good Feelings. Is that true for everyone who lived in the U.S. at the time? There were two sides to James Monroe's plans. Monroe had two type of people groups that the people lived in. They were not necessarily tried badly, but unfair. The two parties were the nationalism and sectionalism. The Era of Good Feelings brought separation in the people group when James Monroe was elected as president. James Monroe was elected the fifth president of the United States. When he decided to run for president, he ran on the side of a Republican. Monroe was elected ran twice and had a great challenge with those who ran against him. However, in the year of 1820 Monroe party had a great turn. Monroe's party won ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq Essay During the early 1800's, after the War of 1812 the "Era of Good Feelings" emerged, due to the nation having relatively little political conflict over foreign diplomacy and policy, faded away into harmony, during President Monroe's terms in 1816. As Well, there was virtually one political party at the time– Democratic–Republican Party, thus, eliminating conflict with other political parties and an increased sense of nationalism, mostly due to the Nations pride with there "Victory" against the British in the War of 1812. Although nationalism helped to unite the country. Sectionalism was dividing it, with the interests of ones region, rather, than a whole nation. The interests of the North, South, and West were often in conflict over many controversial ... Show more content on ... This economic crisis was caused by mostly the Congress's decisions and the Second National Bank. Congress increased tariffs such as the Embargo Act, Non–Intercourse Act, and others that tax's imports to reduce the competition and protect domestic manufacturers, but this decision hurt the farmers in the south, that all goods was imported from other places, making increasing the price of the exporting goods and making it more expensive for the Southerners (Doc A). Yet this brought nationalism towards manufacturer in the northeast states of the U.S because it supported the nation as a whole with manufacturer goods domestically rather then being imported and the tariffs was made by the feudal government. The second reason was that Congress restore the National Bank which lent loans for people to purchase land in the west due to the McCulloch v. Maryland trial (Doc D). This also shows that the Federal government remains above all state based legislatures and courts, thus promoting nationalism. However, when the bank tightened its credit policy and demanded loans to be paid back, it caused foreclosures, widespread economic deficits and causing the Panic of 1819. The grand need of a better transportation was in grand need for the transportation was seen by John C. Calhoun in Congress of to distribute, manufacturer, and receive raw material for goods, in a fast and reelable time. As well he seen as a disunity from the nation. He wanted to unite the U.S by making a system of roads and canals to blend the county (Doc B). This was very beneficial to the government where it increased production of good in the northern states and distribute food crops like wheat and corn from northwest states to other. This as well is nationalism mostly because its unites the the country and its was very popular with many of the people for the new roads like the National road and canals ,and, faster transpiration ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Sectionalism In The Early 1800s The ideas of nationalism and sectionalism in the early 1800s played a large role in the presidential elections leading up to the Civil War. Nationalism is when the population of a nation has love for their country put their country first. Sectionalism is when the population identifies more with the ideals of their region more than they identify with the nation as a whole. Please two ideas would become the basis of the Missouri compromise, the Monroe doctrine, and this establishment of new political parties in the United States during the early 1800s. The conflict between the ideas of nationalism and sectionalism came in part from the practice of slavery. In the Missouri Compromise is a key example of this the Missouri compromise Set boundaries ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Major Issues That Divided The Nation In The 19th Century The major issues that divided the nation in the early days of the 19th century were territorial and economic growth. Economically, the developing nation was incorporating internal improvements such as roads and waterways which were important to the movement of goods and people. As American grew threatened by the Indians as well as the Spanish and English. The political parties i.e. the Republicans and Democratic had different views on each of these matters and how they should be handle. The end of the War of 1812 brought the end to the Federalist political party and the evolution of the Republican party. The Republicans adopted ideas such as a national bank and other issues leading to differences in opinion. The differences ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Sectionalism Versus Nationalism and the Era of Good Feelings After the war of 1812, there was a strong sense of nationalism since the young United States had won a war against the powerful British Army. However, the loss of thousands of southern slaves and the British embargo led both the north and the south to lament over the cost of the war. The time period from 1815 – 1825 that some historians call the era of good feelings was not as positive a time period as the title implies; factions ran rampant on the verge of causing an implosion for our country's political system. The United States began to dissatisfy some of its citizens and so the concerns of sectionalism, or the split of the country began to arise. There was a continuous riff between the south and the north over a few issues, ... Show more content on ... Another display of this was when the southern states wanted to add Missouri as a slave state, according to document F, the north only would agree if the north was able to add Maine as a free state, continuing to imply that the north and south would always disagree and be on other sides of an issue. Unfortunately this came about since the fall of the Whig political party, the Democratic– Republicans had all the power so the states decided on presidents based on state interests rather than party interests. According to document I, this worked in the beginning as Monroe was almost universally accepted, but the next election led to major division of desired presidents and so limited the appeal and power of such president. In conclusion, sectionalist ideas began to spread around the country and potentially could have run the country into the ground. The country did hold manage to hold together due to the nationalism that came about as a result of the war with Britain. According to document C, there was a feeling of immense patriotism and nationalism on the Independence Day celebration as it reminded people of the two wars they had won against Britain. In 1820, according to document I, the majority of the states (all except Arkansas) voted for James Monroe clearly putting him in a position of respect from a large portion of the country. The natives that were killed also may have led to some nationalism as the southerners were less afraid of ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq As the War of 1812 came to a close, feelings of intense nationalism rose within the United States. This sudden uproar of pride was known as "The Era of Good Feelings". Eventually, this term became known as the time of James Monroe's presidency. While, Monroe's presidency brought about feelings of optimism and patriotism, they did not last long. These harmonious feelings of nationalism were overcome by heated debates over the imposition of tariffs, and disagreements over the national bank, internal improvements and public land sales. "The Era of Good Feelings" may have been had a widespread feeling of nationalism at first, however these were transitory due to its conflicting ideas which eventually lead to sectionalism. During the War of 1812, The United States fought against the ... Show more content on ... These feelings of nationalism were depicted in various forms including artwork, which displayed patriotic characters victorious to their enemy (Doc A). Other forms of nationalistic pride include the Monroe Doctrine. First stated by James Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine, stated that any efforts by European nations to colonize land in America would be viewed as hostile acts of aggression (Doc F). During his first inaugural address in 1817, James Monroe stressed that although The United States was facing a difficult time and extraordinary events, had flourished remarkably well (Doc C). In 1824, Henry Clay proposed his idea of an "American System". At the time Clay believed America's industry was decaying and needed an economic reform. His initiative to fix this issue became known as "the American System". This system envisioned a protective tariff, a national bank, and federal subsidies to fund for projects such as internal improvements. Clay strongly believed that in order to have an effective and economically profitable nation, protection from foreigners had to be a crucial aspect (Doc ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Era of Good Feeling Dbq The Era of Good Feeling "The Era of Good Feeling" was a time of increased nationalism and prosperity for the nation. This of course is not completely true, debates over many important issues created a crack in the outward appearance of harmony during President Monroe's two terms. These issues include sectionalism, foreign policy of isolationism and the rights of states vs. the rights of the federal government. During Monroe's two terms, sectionalism, an excessive regard for sectional or local interest, increased greatly. This increase in sectionalism is due to acts like the Tariff of 1816. A tell tale sign that the Tariff of 1816 was going to cause sectionalism was that in the U.S. House of Representatives, the ... Show more content on ... Another issue that created a crack in the outward appearance of harmony during "The Era of Good Feeling" was President Monroe's foreign policy of isolationism. In the Monroe doctrine, President Monroe states, "we should consider any attempt on their [European powers'] part to extent their system to any portion of the hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety". This statement makes the United States seem like a protector of Latin nations. However, the United States was not looking to protect Latin nations from European powers; the United States was looking to protect itself from European acts of aggression. This misconstrued view that the United States was the protector of Latin nations helps people buy into the false belief that "The Era of Good Feeling" really was a time of harmony in the United States. Another issue that made a crack in the outward appearance of harmony during "The Era of Good Feeling" was the debate over the rights of states vs. the federal government. This issue comes up with the proposal of many internal improvement plans. Plans to build roads that were to be federally funded were vetoed by supporters of states' rights because they believed this power was out of the scope of the federal government. The passing of internal improvement bills would've positively impact the U.S. but debates over state and national rights ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Sectionalism In The 19th Century During the Age of Jackson, America was still trying to find it's definite identity. America was making progress, but they were not where they wanted to be yet. The sense of optimism and ongoing expansion during the early 19th century that helped to bring America together for a period both contributed to a time of happiness and breakthroughs in which America is trying to be defined as a happy and thriving nation. The rise of democracy coupled with the the gradual political process, both magnify the degree to which America was still trying to find themselves politically. The rise of sectionalism and decline of nationalism point to the once wavering aura of togetherness and separateness and now complete dominance of sectionalism. These ... Show more content on ... All of these things being said, nationalism is the result of these changes and feel–good moments. Togetherness separates America from the rest of the world during the Era of Good Feelings to help portray America as a new thriving nation moving up. America wasn't the only nation "thriving". The Industrial Revolution in Europe (1750s––1840s) make the booming nations in Europe. Yet, America thrives at the expense of being a very young nation that's gaining steam and doing it together. The steamboat linked with the canal system helped to bring about hope and optimism and elevate America into the world spotlight and helped a gradual transition from being a weak and non–self– reliant nation. In addition to expansion, a Jacksonian democracy with protective trade strategies played a big part in ensuring uniqueness in America. In the U.S. in the early 1800s, people who voted were white men, landowning, and quite wealthy––all stemming from Jeffersonian democracy. Jackson being a common man himself changed the idea of what the regular voter looks like. He allowed non–elitist, non–land–owning white men to vote. But at the same time, he knew what that would look like in the national and international spotlight. Jackson didn't search for uniqueness in male suffrage, but in a way he did. He allowed male voting rights not trying to look unique on the international level, but he knew a change needed to be made in who got to vote despite looking different from most ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. James Monroe's Beliefs During The Era Of Good Feelings The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Britain over British seizures of American ships, British aid to Native American tribes, and the American desire to restore confidence in the republican experiment. Two years after the Treaty of Ghent was signed in 1814, James Monroe was elected as the fifth president of the United States. During his presidency, the term "Era of Good Feelings" was coined. This phrase referred to the peace and prosperity of the United States between 1817 and 1824. During the Era of Good Feelings, there was an increase in nationalism and sectionalism. These beliefs developed concurrently due to the unification of Americans through a strong, independent economy, the spread of nationalistic literature, art, ... Show more content on ... Besides authors like Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper who wrote books based in America, there were also poets and distinguished individuals who spread the idea of unity. For example, a poet named Joseph Rodman Drake wrote a poem titled "The American Flag" in 1819 (Document 2). His poem was a tribute to the American flag and to the principles which America was founded on, such as freedom. "The American Flag" was similar to other poems and literature at that time in that it made Americans proud of their country. Before the Era of Good Feelings, there were not many books or poems that were about America, nonetheless about American pride and nationalism. Drake's poem helped nationalism rise because it allowed the beliefs of pride and unity to spread around the nation. Speech was another important method in the spread of nationalism. Stephen Decatur was an American naval officer who helped lead a major military victory against the Barbary Pirates. After the victory, he gave a patriotic toast that highlighted his pride for America. (Document 1) In the toast, Decatur stated that America would be right in any foreign affair, no matter the situation. This statement in 1819 showed Decatur's unwavering loyalty and support to the United States. Decatur's statement about the United States helped increase nationalism because it showed that ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Nationalism Dbq Essay How did our country get here today? Were we always united in our decisions? At this point in time, the early 19th century, the U.S. had just bought Texas and California from Spain after the territories had gained their independence from Mexico. The U.S. believed that it was their destiny to inhabit the new territories. This is called Manifest Destiny. This caused nationalism, or the feeling of pride or loyalty to a nation. Many events brought the United States together with nationalism and separated it by sectionalism. One event that created nationalism was the Battle of New Orleans. This was the last battle of the War of 1812, even though it occurred after the Treaty of Ghent was signed. The United States won this battle against the British and had gained a new war hero, Andrew Jackson. Document 4 supports this because the Battle of New Orleans inspired the Star Spangled ... Show more content on ... These tariffs essentially split the U.S. into three sections, the North, the South, and the West. They all had different views on the tariffs such as, the North really liked them. Having the tariffs on European goods, meant the North, who were the manufacturers, would gain a lot more profit from people wanting to buy their goods for cheaper than the European goods. On the other side, the South really did not like the tariffs. The Europeans tended to buy their goods, and in order for that to keep on happening, the South had to pay the tariffs and buy the more expensive European goods. Finally, the West didn't really care about the tariffs. They just wanted roads and canals in their area, since it was only inhabited recently. Document 6 supports this because in the picture it shows southerners as skinny and poor and the northerners are depicted as well–off and wealthy. This is like this because, the Southerners were having to pay more, becoming poorer, and the Northerners were gaining more profit, becoming ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. 2002 APUSH DBQ 2002 AP DBQ In the years following the War of 1812, the "Era of Good Feelings" evolved between the years 1815 and 1825. In the first half of this period, there was a strong sense of nationalism throughout the United States. However, political changes and economic differences between the states warped this nationalism into the sectionalism that divided the country into north, south and west regions. Celebrations of unity within the United States soon turned into disagreements concerning representation within the government and the differences within the national government caused by the emergence of different Republican factions. States distanced themselves from working collectively in a united economy. They were largely concerned with ... Show more content on ... For example, there was a high tariff placed on foreign goods. This was beneficial for the north because it increased the chances of Americans purchasing the goods produced in their factories. However, this was disadvantageous for the south. Since slaves were viewed as objects, imported slaves were considered imported goods and were sold with high tariffs attached to them. The three regions were becoming more sectionalist because they were becoming increasing concerned with problems facing their own area, and not the country as a whole. The sectionalism that emerged during this time period did so within a short period of time. This is easy to see in the election maps of 1820 and 1824. Within these four years, the United States went from being uniformly supportive of one candidate (Monroe in 1820), to having support for several candidates. While much of the south was in support of Andrew Jackson, the first president who did not have a formal education and supported the "common man", much of the north backed John Q. Adams, the eventual winner. These maps illustrate the regional differences that eventually led to the lack of a majority vote. Sectionalism became quite prominent with the emergence of different factions within the Republican Party and eventually the creation of new parties. Each region was sectionalist in that they voted for the candidate who would be the best advocate for their area, rather than leader for their country. The unification of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Era Of Good Feelings The Era of Good Feelings was a time period after the War of 1812. It was referred to as the Era of Good Feelings because there was increased nationalism among the American People. Although there was increased nationalism, the accuracy of the title "The Era of Good Feelings" has been questioned because there was a lot of sectionalism and division in this time period. People were divided over the Supreme court decisions of John Marshall, the Missouri Compromise and the protective tariffs placed on foreign goods. "The Era of Good Feelings" is an inaccurate title for this period in American history because although many people were united on the thought that they were American, they were divided on the thought of what being an American meant. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. DBQ Nationalism And Sectionalism Nicole Vindollo Mrs. Segal US History I/Pd. 9 23 March 2015 The Era of Good Feeling: The Effects and Consequences of Nationalism and Sectionalism In 1815, shortly before the start of James Monroe's presidency and after the War of 1812, a historical period known as the "Era of Good Feeling" commenced in America. However, though the name of this age alone insinuated a time of unity and prosperity within the nation, sectionalism became an unequivocal dilemma that seeped through the government's attempts in promoting nationalism, and ultimately divided the country. The Era of Good Feeling was a time where only one political party reigned, sense of unity prevailed, and ... Show more content on ... These developments in transportation allowed for easier distribution of goods, thus benefitting them as well. However, the protective tariff prevented the South's economy from growing, thus leading to an evident economic gap between the North and the South, as the former's economy started to boom due to the increase in manufacturing. John Randolph argued, "The agriculturalists bear the whole brunt of the war and taxation, and remain poor, while the others run in the ring of pleasure and fatten upon them" (Document 1). The transportation on the other hand, was unwanted by the South due to the vast plantations that the road and canal systems would interrupt. As economic, social, and political differences between the country began to be more evident, the government struggled even more to keep the country as one. In late 1819, Missouri requested for admission into the union as a slave state. However, the issue between factions of proslavery and antislavery already created high tension within the Congress, and would worsen if Missouri was accepted as a slave state. Congress found solution in admitting Maine as a free state in order to prevent the delicate balance between the two sections from being destroyed.The Missouri Compromise also created an imaginary line across the Louisiana Territory as ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Sectionalism The period after the war of 1812 was the "Era of Good Feeling" which was interrupted by the issue of slavery and tariffs dividing the area of sectionalism. In the sense that a strong nationalism emerged into the Americans, however we have to take sectionalism and the event such as the panic of 1819 into consideration. The main cause of nationalism during 1815 and 1825 was the fact that the United States was becoming a much stronger nation there manufacturing the rapid northern industrialization of America favored by government officials over the south as well as disputes over slavery and bank of the US gave rise to sentiments of sectionalism while Andrew Jackson rise led to nationalism. Nationalism was inspired by the desire to unify with ... Show more content on ... Nationalism had its moment but it didn't really contribute to greater or more important historical events like sectionalism had. It was only because of the difference of opinions and arguing that made people decide for themselves if it was wrong or right. These opinions led to changes in reform which simply leads to static society. The events that transpired during "era of good feeling" was involve in a much larger event in American history, civil war / sectionalism led to many reform movements like education , temperance, and abolitionism jail and better treat for those who are mentally insane. Because of split society is the reason that so many of these people took shape and revolutionized ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Nationalism And Sectionalism In The 1800s In the early 1800s, the North began to industrialize and the South relied more heavily on growing cotton. At the same time, a rising sense of nationalism pulled people from different regions together. Nationalism is a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward your country. Sectionalism was when people had a feeling of pride in a small region or part of a nation. The War of 1812 sent a wave of nationalist feeling through the United States. Representative Henry Clay, from Kentucky, was a strong nationalist. After the war, President James Madison supported Clay's plan to strengthen the country and unify its different regions. Nationalism and Sectionalism were present during the early 1800s. The people who carried out Nationalism had pride in their whole nation and the people who carried out Sectionalism had pride in part of a nation but, not the nation as a whole. Nationalists based their actions off trying to benefit the whole nation, the idea of nationalism was created to increase revenue in America. Sectionalism became a problem because Americans either saw themselves as southerners or northerners and the country became very divided. Sectionalism was one of the major reasons that the civil war began because of the divide between the south and the north. Sectional sentiments challenged nationalism, but the latter remained strong among the American people. Nationalism also prevailed due to the ideologies and actions of the country's leaders in the executive and ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Essay on Dbq- "Era of Good Feelings" During the early 1800's France and Britain were at war and for many years America remained neutral. But, Great Britain began seizing American ships and impressing the Americans into the British Navy. In addition, Great Britain was supplying the Native Americans in North America with guns and, as a result America declared war on Britain in 1812. The phrase "Era of Good Feelings" was used to describe the administrations of Munroe in 1816 but the validity of this phrase is questioned. Many people might believe that the period after the war of 1812 was an "Era of Good Feelings" because of the nation's gain of nationalism and expansion of the country, but it was not because of growing sectionalism and state issues. After the War of 1812, ... Show more content on ... This tariff was created to protect American factories in the north and was a tax placed on imported goods. But the south was highly upset because they felt that this tariff only supported the north and they had to pay it also. Document F also sheds light on sectionalism because Jefferson talks about a geographic line that fills him with terror, also known as the 36,30 line created by Henry Clay. This line determined if the upcoming states from the Louisiana Territory would have slavery or not. The issue of slavery was a major player in the growth of sectionalism between the north and the south. Moreover, the government had problems with the states. Maryland wanted to tax the national bank which led to the case of McCulloch v. Maryland that was sent to the Supreme Court (Document D).Similarly are the revolts seen in Document G which resulted in throwing 50–60 leaders from South Carolina in jail but there were still prisoners stating that there are enough people to carry the work into execution. Overall, the America had too much problems on their hands to be going through an "Era of Good Feelings". All in all, the period after the War of 1812 may seem to be an "Era of Good Feelings" because of nationalism and westward expansion, but in fact it was not because of increasing sectionalism and state issues. As a result of winning the War of 1812 against Great Britain, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Era of Good Feeling Dbq Essays The period after the War of 1812 during the presidency of James Monroe is often referred to as the "era of good feelings" because of a feeling of nationalism, a feeling of pride and national unity. The end of the Federalist Party also provided the nation with a feeling of nationalism, for there was no political opposition toward the Republicans. This title, however, may not be the most accurate label for this particular time period, for this time period marked the beginnings of sectionalism, with heated debates over tariffs, the National Bank, and most importantly, over slavery. After the War of 1812 a Nationalistic spark ran throughout much of the United States. A primary factor in this emergence of Nationalism was due to the ... Show more content on ... Those who had moved westward toward the frontier also did not entirely approve of the national bank, for they looked far a way of easy credit, which was in the form of state banks. The westernmost and southernmost states were entirely based on agriculture, while the states toward the north–east coast were based on an industrial economy. The Protective Tariff of 1816 caused disagreements between these two sections of the United States, for the Tariff unfairly benefitted the manufacturers of the North–East. Most importantly, with regards to sectionalism, were the many disputes involving slavery. As Anna Hayes from South Carolina asserts, in her letter to her cousin, the situation in South Carolina was just as bad "if not superior to the scenes acted in St. Domingo." South Carolina was currently experiencing slave revolts at that time. These slave revolts brought up the question of whether or not slavery was correct which caused mush sectionalism between different regions of the United States. John Randolph, who also apposed the Tariff of 1816, mentioned that a simple geographical line – the Missouri Compromise– was not enough to completely silence the controversy of slavery. The label of "The Era of Good Feelings" is not the most accurate title for this period. Although there was an increase in nationalistic ideals, such as the betterment of the union through internal improvements, sectionalism lied beneath the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Dbq Era of Good Feeling Ap Us History Essay The period after the war of 1812 was labeled "The Era of Good Feeling" by historians. Some people believe that this is an accurate label of this time period, but others disagree. Due to the emergence of sectionalism– concern with local interests, and nationalism– patriotic feelings and self pride, people had mixed feelings about this time period. Many people felt that times were high, and that nationalism and sectionalism could only bolster the union, while others thought that it was sectionalism and nationalism that caused disunion. Some of the documents used in this essay support the claim that the period after 1812 was an era of good feelings. Other documents will oppose this claim with proof from their own perspectives. Document B ... Show more content on ... (Doc. D). The case says that it would be difficult to sustain this proposition. Anna Hayes Johnson of South Carolina wrote to her cousin in North Carolina complaining about the "unhappy business which has filled with consternation all our city" and how nothing can save them. She writes that fifty to sixty percent of the leaders are in jail, and twenty of them have been convicted and sentenced. (Doc. G). The people living during this time period do not seem to think as highly of it as the people discussed in the previous paragraph did. Documents E and I both portray different feelings about this era. Document H is a political map that exemplifies sectionalism perfectly. During the presidential election of 1820, James Monroe won every vote but one, but in 1824, the votes were split up between four different candidates, and the results were just as varied. Each state had its own mind and voted for who they felt was right, and not just as one union. Document E is a density map that shows how populated each square mile of land was in 1820. Much of the land had less than two inhabitants per square mile, and the people living there felt that they shouldn't be taxed the same as somewhere where there were ninety or more inhabitants like in the northeast. This is a prime example of people who did not think this was "The Era of Good Feeling." "The Era of Good Feeling" is a label given to the time period ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Era Of Good Feelings Essay The "Era of Good Feelings" was a traditional name given to the years of James Monroe's presidency, following the end of the War of 1812. Events such as the Louisiana Purchase, which nearly doubled the size of American land and proved the Federalist party didn't have much as they opposed the purchase, and fighting against the Barbary Pirates which gained the American navy respect made people in America proud to be there and led up to the "good feelings." The time was mostly characterized by an increase of nationalistic spirits as the Republican party become the single party in the United States after Monroe won against Rufus King, his Federalist opponent in the 1816 election. Nationalism would have a large influence on many features of American culture and economics; however, there were also many tensions growing during this time as well. There was much discourse over issues such as the national bank, tariffs, and internal improvements. The Republican party was the sole party at the time, it was also dividing, with many supporting what was once Federalist policies. Sectional differences over slavery and states rights would also have a major impact on politics and economics, with greater importance than the results of nationalistic influences. Nationalism became a part of society through many different cultural areas. Gilbert Stuart, Charles Willson Peale, and John Trumball painted revolutionary heroes. Parson Mason Weems wrote a fictitious biography of George Washington. ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Sectionalism In The Late 1800s In the years of 1800–1840, U.S. Foreign Policy united and divided Americans. By 1803, the purchase of Louisiana from France was the beginning of a continental nation of the U.S with the settlement of lands beyond the Appalachian Mountains. In the early 19th century, lead in social and international relation changes while keeping a continuity. The continuities and changes included the social growth of sectionalism and nationalism as well as foreign relations between Native Americans and Americans. Socially, the Second Great Awakening distinguished American from other nations where freedom and religion after led, however, sectionalism carried continually throughout the whole period. In terms of international relations, the Indian Removal Act gave new land to white settlement and would also increase economic progress, however, isolationism involved in European alliances and wars. ... Show more content on ... The Second Great Awakening emphasizes on the ability of individuals to change their lives caused a wide variety of reforms. It changed the idea over schooling, theology, and how women were treated. The church began to appreciate women more and were becoming more equal as women were given roled in faith. However, sectionalism and nationalism grew throughout the Americas. It inspired the reforms like women's rights movement and abolition, and also led to the people voting on slavery where popular sovereignty was allowed, which led to the Kansas–Nebraska Act. After the War of 1812, Americans had a strong sense of pride or nationalism after their win. This continued throughout the period. The main reason for this continuity was that it demonstrated America's will to defend, earning the young nation newfound respect from ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq In the Hartford Convention of 1815, several northern states gathered to discuss an attempt to secede from the nation. However, the plan failed miserably, and without Alexander Hamilton, officially marked the death of the Federalist Party. Because of the end of the Federalist Party, and many other factors such as westward expansion and increased nationalism, many considered it to be an "Era of Good Feelings", since there was no political opposition. However, through national unity, sectionalism, and state's rights, the accuracy of the title the "Era of Good Feelings" isn't so credible. To begin with, nationalism had a crucial role in undermining the concept of the "Era of Good Feelings." The "Era of Good Feelings" followed the time period in ... Show more content on ... During the trial of McCulloch v. Maryland, Maryland believed it had the power to tax the national bank, as stated in 1819, based off the "elastic" clause (Document C). However, Chief Justice John Marshall denied Maryland the right to tax the bank and destroyed the ideal of implied powers. This was a major blow to state's rights as they believed that since they make up the government, they should be able to review actions from the federal government. Upon Marshall's decision, state's rights weakened and the federal government grew stronger. Next, an illustration of population density in the year 1820 is shown (Document E). The diagram shows more dense areas in the northern states. This in turn, would lead to a larger amount of representatives from the northern states, a ratio that was not proportional to the amount in the southern states. Due to this unequal representation ratio, many states in the south lost a great deal of power in congress. Yet again, several states took a blow in their ability to remain heard in the government as they simply do not have as many representatives as the North. These two examples of state's rights illustrate the flaws in naming this time period the "Era of Good ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Examples Of Sectionalism In The United States Sectionalism and Nationalism In the United States of America Did you know what nationalism or Sectionalism is? Well ill tell you! Sectionalism is when people in a country feel loyalty or pride to a certain section of their country. Nationalism is when the people of a certain country feel pride and or loyalty to their country as a whole. In the early 1800's, the U.S. was divided by sectionalism, but was also united by nationalism. The Missouri Compromise is a good example of nationalism. The Missouri Compromise stated that Missouri would enter the union as a slave state and that slavery would be prohibited above the 30 degree 30' latitude. This compromise essentially split the country into two parts; pro–slavery south and a anti–slavery ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Nationalism and Sectionalism in America During the Late... America was founded by multiple states, from different regions and subsequently different styles of life, which made the possibility of their union unstable and uncertain. But, because they were united by a common goal– to break free of Britain's despotic sovereignty– the American colonies were able to win their independence from Britain and become the United States of America. This dichotomy between the states' different styles of life and their shared goal laid the foundation for the forces of nationalism and sectionalism in the US. The two opposing forces worked hand–in–hand to manipulate Americans' views of one another and the American political and economic systems, though the force of sectionalism outweighed the force of nationalism ... Show more content on ... However, the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War, increased sectionalism in the US because it did not resolve the impressment of American sailors, which was one of the main causes of the war. Overall, the War of 1812 was a huge proponent of nationalism in the US, and that nationalistic feeling carried over into the Era of Good Feelings, bringing about a shift in politics as well as Americans' national identity. The Era of Good Feelings was a product of and contributed to the force of nationalism in America, characterized by many changes in America's politics and internal affairs. The Federalist Party disintegrated because of the widespread criticism of the Hartford Convention during and after the War of 1812, making the Democratic–Republican Party the only political party. This meant that the old party animosities and tension would disappear, and there would be less political sectionalism in the government. The Democratic–Republicans underwent changes as well, like their party policies. The party became focused on obtaining a monopoly of government patronage, using fundraisers and events to gain support from the people. During this era, there was an increase in internal improvements, as seen with the American System, an economic plan that consisted of three parts. The first part was a tariff that would protect and promote American industry, known as the "Tariff of Abominations" by the Southern states, who were inconvenienced by the tariff. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq Analysis There had been a war between Britain and America, it was known as the War of 1812. This war was the turning point of America because it had soon led the nation to an "Era of Good Feelings." The "Era of Good Feelings" is an ironic name because during this time period (1815–1825), it promoted both sectionalism and nationalism. Although some felt strongly for one way, there were some people who were in the middle and not exactly which sure they agreed with most. Nationalism is the unification of a country, and it shows how the country, and how it shouldn't be split up." We are under the most imperious obligation to counteract every tendency to disunion (doc B)." Although the country is split into states no matter what, they will do whatever ... Show more content on ... "The agriculturists bear the whole brunt of the war and taxation, and remain poor, while the others run in the rings of pleasure, and fatten upon them (doc A)." This shows that even financially there was a split because the manufacturers in the North were enjoying their life, while those in the South were struggling because they were the ones helping with the damage that was made from the war. Another way the nation was split up was through their states and how the population had varied in the states. Document E shows that although the state had ranges of population, there were are states that obviously have more than others, meaning the North has way more than the South. Lastly, in Document I the states had been split in a way they view politics. In 1820, it's evident how they were unified with voting, but come 1824 the votes had been scattered. The reason being was because of the different opinions on slavery. The southern region was primarily pro–slavery while the north was anti–slavery. Come the time of the voting, Andrew Jackson, a candidate from that the South had wanted to win, had won. Their vote was honestly on whoever would allow them to keep slaves, which was ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Era Of Good Feeling Essay Following the death of the Federalist political party, and after entering a time of political unity, the United States entered what historians refer to as the "Era of Good Feeling". This era began after the War of 1812, a war between America and Britain, and the Napoleonic Wars, a series of wars taken place in the seas near France, ended. The Federalist party was dissolving at the end of the war, and was completely dissolved when Monroe came into office as president in 1817. At the start of this era, there was primarily a one–party political system, the Democratic–Republicans, and there was a rise of nationalism, hence the era received the title "Good Feeling". Socially, this nationalism was felt throughout the entire nation, specifically directly following the war, in 1815–1817. Economically, however, the issues of state sovereignty led to the rise of sectionalism, not deserving of the title "Good Feeling". Furthermore, politically, America at this time began to split into the second party system. While at the start almost everyone was Republican, sectionalism arose during this era, and ultimately led to the ending of the good feelings entirely. Overall, the time between 1815 and 1825 is undeserving of its name, "The Era of Good Feeling," and sectionalism played a larger role in the United States at this time then nationalism did. Socially, the the title "good feeling" is an accurate representation of the nationalism people were feeling at the time following the War of ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq The Era of Good Feelings The War of 1812 was between the British and the United States that was influenced by the war hawks in the country and the outrage Great Britain caused in America. Their impressment of sailors, refusal to withdraw soldiers from America and trade with the Native Americans all led to the cry for war from America. After the War of 1812, The United States entered a time that came to be known as the Era of Good Feelings. This era began with the inauguration of James Monroe as the 5th president of the United States. With president Monroe in office, the country entered a time where only one political party existed. It received this label in part of the lack of political tension at the time, and the similarities in the beliefs ... Show more content on ... It is one of the central reasons it became the era of good feelings as political differences could not cause turmoil between the country. IN the 1820 James Monroe was nearly unanimously elected to the presidency by the people. This period of political solidarity did not last long, however. The purpose of document 7 is to show that the country went from being one in political ideals to being completely split as shown in the election of 1824. In the document we see the sectionalism coming into play. Some believe that this could not have been an era of good feelings due to the emergence of sectionalism at this time. Document 1 makes a strong argument for the presence of sectionalism. However, John Randolph, a delegate from Virginia, is discussing the south's disapproval for the tariff of 1816. He himself would be profiting if the tariff did not exist causing his motives for this document to be selfish and not a fair representation of the rest of society. Sectionalism does not take place until the 1824 election which led to the end of the era of good feelings in history. From this point in history forward, sectionalism takes a huge role in the role, and influence of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Sectionalism In The 19th Century Henry Clay once wrote: "I know of no South, no North, no East, no West to which I owe my allegiance. The Union is my country." (Pearson) He was referring to sense of Nationalism, a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country. Nationalism is desire to consider the greater good of the country. When specific geographic areas put their own needs and beliefs over the entire country, sectionalism is born. Sectionalism is an identification with a geographic section and the cultural, social, economic, and political interests of that section. (Sectionalism Facts) Sectionalism is a loyalty to a section, rather than the country as a whole. Sectionalism can be traced back to the Manifest Destiny which is an opinion that the ... Show more content on ... Southerners relied on slaves to produce the cotton and considered those slaves as property, but Northerners felt that slavery was in violation of the Constitutional right to liberty,the pursuit of happiness, and equal rights. As the country expanded west and more states were added, there were more issues with sectionalism. When Missouri requested statehood, they wanted to be admitted as a slave state. If they had been allowed to join, the free states would have been outnumbered. Maine also wanted to become a free state. To keep the balance of the nation, Henry Clay suggested the Missouri Compromise that both states be admitted at the same time to keep the balance. (Cornell, p. 214) This action continued to keep the country divided based upon the regional attitudes of slavery, however, it did relieve the tension of what would happen if there wasn't a balance anymore. The Compromise of 1850 included the Fugitive Slave Law which also was an act of sectionalism. (Cornell, p. 347) Under this law, runaway slaves could not be free if they escaped to the North, but rather they must be returned to their owners. This law created more tension between the North and South because a Northerner could be held accountable for harboring a fugitive if they helped a slave ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. How Accurate Was the Term "Era of Good Feelings" in the... In the 1800's following the war of 1812, the term commonly applied to that era in the United States was known as the "era of good feelings". While the United States was growing in several different aspects, such as politically, socially and economically, and changing as a country, there are several key factors that denote this term, and nullify its meaning. While the changes were significant, and the United States evolved at an exponential rate after the war of 1812, the accuracy of the term "era of good feelings" is way off, and the United States was anything but experiencing an "era of good feelings". Following the war of 1812, growth occurred primarily economically, politically, and socially for the United States. These changes ... Show more content on ... Although this was increase throughout the United States, this economical situation occurred primarily in the North, and much less in the south. In the south, the economic increase was much different. Because of the large amounts of plantations and farms in the south, new land was needed so that the crops that had dried up the soil could continue to grow and the economy can continue to benefit. This growth in land and economy indicates that the economic benefit in the south came from crops and agricultural might, rather than industrial. These differences help identify that the "era of good feelings" and the nationalism that is implied is incorrect and inaccurate, as people have more of a connection towards the land that they make their money on, which implies sectionalism. Politically, the "era of good feelings" was extremely off. Even before the war of 1812, there had always been a major difference in the political parties and systems of the government. A major difference in this coming from extremely opposing ideologies of the parties and the lack of unity between the two. The difference between the parties is also present in Document C, which shows two different party tents during the fourth of july. Whilst the people are generally happy, the party tents show that the difference is quite evident, and ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq The finale of the War of 1812 brought about a sense of false unity in the United States as many citizens believed that they had won the war despite the fact that the war ended in a draw. This sense of nationalism allowed for the growth of industrialization which led to the transportation and market revolutions. However, the emergence of sectionalism following the Panic of 1819 was more a impactful condition as issues concerning slavery, tariffs, and national banks were disagreed upon. Moreover, the Era of Good Feeling was not an accurate label for this time period. Directly following the War of 1812, the Treaty of Ghent was signed. This treaty did very little as it didn't consist of any land exchanges or territorial makeovers. Instead, this ... Show more content on ... However, their efforts to decrease inflation were too late and the unfortunate Panic of 1819 occurred. This panic decreased nationalistic views as the citizens had other things to focus on besides the pride and unity of the country. This was the beginning of the period that gradually ended the Era of Good Feelings. Part of the movement that lessened the sense of nationalism included lessening the power of Congress. In essence, the government created congress not to lay a duty but to regulate commerce (A). This document questions the power of congress which contributes to a sectionalized society at this time. One important facet of a society that is premised on sectionalism is an economy based on sectionalism. With the introduction of canals and roads in the mid nineteenth century, it became easier to rely on intrastate commerce rather than interstate commerce. The concept of commerce within the states led to drastic changes in political views. This is evidenced in Document I. It is clear that the presidential election in 1820 was vastly different than that of 1824. In 1824, the formation of more evident political parties diversified the national political opinion. In 1820, James Monroe won every electoral vote aside from one. In 1824, Andrew Jackson had 15 more electoral votes than did John Quincy Adams. Despite this, Adams won the presidency through the ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Nationalism And Sectionalism History essay What would have happen if america never went through any problems? Now you may be thinking america has always been great. Well that's not the case. We wouldn't have become a more stronger independent country if we never had to solve problems. During the time of the early 1800s many different events were happening to contribute to America's situation of nationalism and sectionalism. One example of nationalism is the war of 1812. This war showed nationalism because they went against great britain the greatest naval power in the world, at the time, and won. So it gained a lot of national also ended the impressment of american sailors. One example of sectionalism is shown in document one and it is basically saying america ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq The Era of Good Feelings, which is the term used to describe James Monroe's two terms in office, led to the growth of the United States. Under James Madison's presidency, the war of 1812 occurred, which led to an era of increased nationalism and progress as seen by many historians, and it was to a large degree. But at the same time, the issues of slavery arose and sectionalism increased, which also played a significant role during the Era of Good Feelings. Both nationalism and sectionalism affected the United States economically, for needs such as internal improvements and politically, for the growth of the democratic–republicans. However, out of the two, nationalism was of greater importance, during this era because it was the growing factor ... Show more content on ... The Northern and Southern states began to feel divided because of their regional differences. The main reason for their regional differences was of slavery. When Missouri requested for statehood in 1820 as a slave state, it caused trouble between the north and south because it would it tip the balance of the senate in the South's favor because there was eleven free states and eleven slave states in the senate. As a compromise, Henry Clay proposed that Missouri enter as a slave state, Maine enters as a free state, and prohibit slavery in the Louisiana Territory above the 36˚30'. The Missouri Compromise greatly increased sectionalism in the South. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams supported the compromise, but he expressed that it only fixed the issue temporarily because slavery isn't a resolvable issue unless the whole union is free of slavery. Adams implies to himself in his diary that he knows in the future that slavery would further separate the north and south but for now it maintained peace in the union (Document 5). Document 6 agrees with Document 5 because Thomas Jefferson says that increased compromise and putting off the issue of slavery will only increase sectionalism because it will lead to deeper hatred between the North and South. But the document shows bias as well because Jefferson is a slave owner himself and knows slavery is wrong but he ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Civil War Essay The Civil War In this meeting of the Southern Historical Association great emphasis has been placed upon a re–examination of numerous phases of our history relating to the Civil War. While several papers have dealt with certain forces which helped bring about the Civil War, none has attempted a general synthesis of causes. This synthesis has been the task assumed by the retiring president of the Association. Before attempting to say what were the causes of the American Civil War, first let me say what were not the causes of this war. Perhaps the most beautiful, the most poetic, the most eloquent statement of what the Civil War was not fought for is Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. That address will live as long as Americans retain their ... Show more content on ... A systematic study of both northern and southern opinion as expressed in their newspapers, speeches, diaries, and private letters, gives irrefutable evidence in support of this assertion. Their ideology was democratic and identical. However, theoretical adherence to the democratic principles, as veil we know all too well in these days of plutocratic influences in our political life, is not sufficient evidence that democratic government exists. I believe that I shall not be challenged in the assertion that the economic structure of a section or a nation is the foundation upon which its political structure must rest. For this reason, therefore, it will be necessary to know what the economic foundations of these sections were. Was the economic structure of the North such as to support a political democracy in fact as well as in form? And was the economic structure of the South such as to permit the existence of free government? Time does not permit an extended treatment of this subject; it will be possible only to point out certain conclusions based upon recent research. By utilizing the county tax books and the unpublished census reports a group of us conducting a cooperative undertaking have been able to obtain a reasonably accurate and specific picture of wealth structure of the antebellum South, and to some extent that of the other sections. We have paid particular ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Difference Between Nationalism And Sectionalism Nicole Aldana Professor Nelson HIS 131–4201 17 April 2017 Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism (1815–1840) In the early nineteenth century, the North began to industrialize with new types of machinery and technology, and the South heavily depended on the production of cotton due to its high profit and demand. During this time, the act of nationalism and sectionalism created issues amongst the population. According to the document "Nationalism and Sectionalism," nationalism is "a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward your country" (1). Sectionalism is "loyalty to the interest of your own region or section of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole" (Nationalism and Sectionalism 4). In other words, nationalism ... Show more content on ... Alongside the American System, Representative John C. Calhoun of South Carolina also suggested better transportation systems. He believed that these systems would link cities and make a nation more united and larger, and larger meant stronger. In 1817, he cheered, "'let us bind the Republic together with a perfect system of roads and canals'" (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). For the next couple years, more roads and canals were being constructed. In 1806, Congress funded a road that stretched from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, Virginia. In 1841, the road extended into Illinois and became the nation's main east–west route (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). The road was named the National Road. Additionally, with the building of canals, water transportation improved. From 1825 to 1850, the period was called the Age of Canals. In 1825, the Erie Canal was finished, and it linked the waters of Lake Erie. As the document discloses, the Erie Canal "created a water route between New York City and Buffalo, New York. The canal opened the upper Ohio Valley and the Great Lakes region to settlement and trade" (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). The Erie Canal allowed the Great Lakes to transport their farm products to flow east, and the people and manufactured goods would flow from the east to the west (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). Since trade was regulated from New York City, it made New York City the country's largest city. The source states, "between 1820 and 1830, its population swelled from less than 124,000 to more than 200,000" (Nationalism and Sectionalism 2). Furthermore, in the 1830s, the nation began to use steam–powered trains, trains powered by a steam engine of coal, oil, or wood, for transportation. This type of transportation was built to be faster and more convenient for the people. Initially, ... Get more on ...