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Mexican American War
1. How did American life during the period of the Age of the Common Man reflect both the
influence of the frontier and the impact of newer rationalistic concepts? (Think inventions, religion,
peace, prosperity, literature, art, education, etc) 2. Briefly define (no more than 1 paragraph each,
some are a sentence or two): –The Mexican American War: The Mexican–American war was a fight
for lad between the Untied States and Mexico where the United States defeated Mexico and gained
over five hundred thousand miles of land. The land in known as the Southwest and makes up a vast
majority of the United States. A major contributor to the war was the American belief of Manifest
Destiny and showed how the United States wanted to extend their ... Show more content on ...
So whenever the Union added a state the Confederacy wanted to add a slave state. This went back
and forth until the Civil War began. The Union earned their income with industry and making many
necessities, where the South relied heavily on tobacco, cotton, and the most problematic slavery.
The South also wanted 3/5 of every slave to count as a man and be used to represent the state in
Congressional matters. The Union would not agree with this what so ever and completely shut this
idea down. The South had a lower population, had a small railroad system, did not produce much
steel or iron, had less wealth, less valuable exports, less factories, but had the majority of all
farmland in the United States. The education difference was a major difference too. The Northerners
were more educated and had a much more to offer educationally. In the South they solely relied on
the farm and what type of product it was producing. Even though the South did not have everything
the North did, they were content and were not in the mood for any change at all. ( 4.
Distinguish between the Lincoln Reconstruction Plan, the Johnson Reconstruction Plan, and the
Congressional Reconstruction Plan, which do you think should have been applied? Explain fully.
The Lincoln Reconstruction Plan was to be as swift as possible and consisted of three main points a
general forgiveness would be given to everyone in the South who would take an oath of loyalty to
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The American Of The Mexican American War
The Mexican–American War was a gruesome and bloody battle involving the two major powers
between the Americans and the Mexicans. The first major power was the annexation of Texas and
the second power is the protection along with the acquisition of the territory. States provinces such
as California, Texas and New Mexico is inherited by Mexico from Spain. Mexico government was
weakened and practically bankrupt after the war and was unable to take control of their territories.
Before the war started, there are many causes for the war but what and how did the war start. It all
began when Hernán Cortés first conquers central Mexico. In Mexico, Spain establishes a colonial
government. The colony of Jamestown, Virginia, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and San Antonio, Texas
founded around the early 1600s to 1700s. The United States thirteen colonies declared independence
from Britain in 1776 and five years later British surrenders to the United States at Yorktown. The
United States purchases vast lands of the west of Mississippi from Napoleon also known as the
Louisiana Purchase. Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the western North America. On the year
of 1810, the speech Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gave triggered the beginning of Mexico's fight for
independence from Spain. The Adams–Onis treaty signed by Spain and the United States establishes
the boundary of Mexico and the United States also giving Florida to the United States. The Missouri
Compromise was passed and approved by the
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The War Of The American Civil War
A Civil War is a battle between the same citizens in a country. The American Civil War was fought
from 1861 to 1865 to determine the independence for the Confederacy or the survival of the Union.
By the time Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1861, in the mist of 34 states, the constant
disagreement caused seven Southern slave states to their independence from the United States and
formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, generally known as the South, grew to
include eleven states. The states that remained devoted to the US were known as the Union or the
North. The number one question that is never completely understood about the Civil War is what
caused the war. There were multiple events that led to the groundbreaking, bloody, and political war.
In the 19th century there was a popular doctrine or belief that the westward expansion of the United
States not only could happen, but that it was destined to stretch from coast to coast. For awhile, the
nation's leaders were unable to resolve the divisive issue of slavery. This belief was called Manifest
Destiny and it eventually provided a larger stage for the growing conflict over slavery in America. In
1820, politicians debated whether or not slavery would be legal in western territories and this caused
a great deal of dispute. While the South utilized slavery to sustain its culture and grow cotton on
plantations, the North was more industrialzed and prospered during the Industrial
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The War Of The American War
In June 1775, Congress ordered General George Washington to take command of the Continental
Army besieging the British in Boston. Despite having little practical experience in managing large,
conventional armies, Washington proved to be a capable and resilient leader of the American
military forces during the war. While he lost more battles than he won, George Washington
employed a winning strategy that included signal victories at the Battle of Trenton in 1776 and
Yorktown in 1781 . Washington's greatest wartime legacy was his decision to surrender his
commission to Congress, affirming the principle of civilian control of the military in the new United
States.The revolutionary war was a result of the conflicts between the original ... Show more content
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The mother country became weary and revoked the act, then placed the stamp act upon them. The
colonist had little control over this and had to accept it. The Stamp act is an extra tax placed upon all
printed legal or commercial documents. Over the next 5 years many new laws were placed upon the
colonies to squeeze any money they could to pay for the war and just to be richer in general. On
March 5th 1770 the Boston Massacre commenced it was a bloody war against the colonists and the
soldiers placed in their towns to basically control them . A town meeting was called demanding the
removal of the British and the trial of Captain Preston and his men for murder. At the trial, John
Adams and Josiah Quincy II defended the British, leading to their release. Later, two of the British
soldiers were found guilty of manslaughter. The Boston Massacre was a signal event leading to the
Revolutionary War. It led directly to the Royal Governor evacuating the occupying army from the
town of Boston. It would soon bring the revolution to armed rebellion throughout the colonies .
George Washington born February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County Virginia. He was born in to a
family of farmers with his father, Augustine Washington, and his mother, Mary Ball. When George
was six his family moved to one of their farms in Potomac. When young George was 11 his father
began ill and died, over the next few years George would spend his life traveling to
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The American Civil War
The American Civil War, also known as the Civil War, lasted from 1861 to 1865. The war was to
determine the survival of the union, or independence for the confederate states. Some would argue
that slavery was the principle cause of the war. After much research, I believe the war started
because of the misunderstandings, and conflicts between the North and South. Slavery, however,
was one of the main purposes. The North and South had economic and social differences causing
many disagreements. They argued about state and federal rights, expansion of slave states, the
Abolition Movement, and the election of Abraham Lincoln. The economic and social differences
between the North and South made many people discontent. In the North the Federalists favored a
strong federal government. The Federalists were ran by George Washington, Alexander Hamilton,
and John Adams. Their economic policy favored trade and manufacturing. The ideal citizen was the
small businessmen. As for foreign policy, they favored Great Britain. In the South, Republicans
favored a weak federal government, but strong states. The Republicans were ran by Thomas
Jefferson and James Madison. Their economic policy favored agriculture. The ideal citizen would be
small farmers, and they favored France when it came to foreign policy. The industrial sector driven
economy of the North was much better than the agriculture driven economy of the South (Naik 1).
The South wanted Slavery for their plantations, and the North
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American War And The American Civil War
In the beginning when America was uniting and trying to form its official government the northern
states and the southern states had already different greatly from each other. The North was
industrializing and working on expanding west and the South was booming with farming and its
famous cash crop. The North wanted to abolish slavery and the South did not. Since the North and
South had so many differences and could not keep a steady compromise, heavy tensions arose
between the North and the South which then caused the Southern states of America to decide to
leave the American Union and create their own Southern Confederacy. This tore our nation apart.
The American Civil War had begun and the very people that were once neighbors had each ... Show
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For example, farming was the main source of income for the Confederate states. The main southern
chief crop which came to be known as King Cotton, accounted for 57% of all U.S. exports ("Civil
War"). However, in order to produce these large amounts of cotton, the southern Confederate states
depended heavily on slave labor. Since cotton production began to dominate and fuel the southern
economy, the South felt that they did not need to industrialize like their northern neighbors did. This
caused the South to manufacture very little goods and caused them to purchase manufactured goods
from the industrialized North or to purchase imported goods from overseas.
Unlike the Confederate South, the North decided to not utilize slave labor like the South did because
their economy did not call for farming that required large amounts of labor for rapid production. The
Union also decided to not utilize slave labor because slave labor was against many of the
northerner's morals. Since the North was industrialized and they manufactured goods, they had to
compete with other manufactures overseas. To demolish competition from the imported goods from
overseas, the northerners demanded high tariffs on the imported goods so that more people will buy
the manufactured goods from the North instead of the now more expensive imported goods from
overseas. The
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The Spanish American War : The Justification Of The...
The Spanish American war started in 1898 and was a fight for Cuba's independence which resulted
in 379 American casualties in combat. The Spanish American War was justified because of the
Monroe Doctrine, Correspondence between the United States and Spain, and the Platt Amendment,
which were all created to protect American morals and freedom. The Monroe Doctrine helps justify
the Spanish American War because it states America's ground and opinion. President of the United
States, James Monroe, gave a speech to Congress in which he states: "... the rights and interests of
the United States are involved, that American continents, by the free and independent condition
which they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future
colonization by any European powers... " "...we should consider any attempt on their part to extend
their system to any portion of this hemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and safety." These quotes
mean that the United States considers any country attacking with the intent of ruling over
independent and/or ally countries, as disturbing their peace and safety. So when Spain took hold
over the American allied Cuba, the United States had to immediately step in to right a wrong. Since
America stated their ground 75 years before the war began, Spain and any other countries looking to
conquer in the hemisphere knew very well not to attack America or any country it considered an
ally. The correspondence between the U.S and
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Mexican American War And The Mexican War
The Mexican American war better known as the Mexican war, was a conflict between The united
states of America and Mexico. from 1846 to 1848. It followed in the wake of the 1845 US
annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory, despite the 1836 Texas
revolution. After its independence in 1821 and brief experiment with monarchy, Mexico became a
republic in 1824, characterized by considerable instability, so that when war broke out in 1846,
Mexico was ill–prepared for this conflict. The war with the United States followed in the wake of
decades of Indian raids in the sparsely settled north of Mexico, which prompted the Mexican
government to sponsor American migration to the Mexican province of Texas to act as a buffer.
Americans and some Mexicans revolted against the Mexican government in the 1836 Texas
Revolution, creating a republic not recognized by Mexico, which still claimed it as its national
territory. The 1845 expansion of US territory with its annexation of Texas escalated the dispute
between the United States and Mexico to open war. In 1844 James K. Polk, the newly–elected
president, made a proposition to the Mexican government to purchase the disputed lands between
the Nueces River and the Rio Grande. When that offer was rejected, troops from the United States
commanded by Major General Zachary Taylor were moved into the disputed territory of Coahuila.
These troops were then attacked by Mexican troops, killing 12 American troops and taking 52
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The War Of The American Civil War
When the American Civil War began in the spring of 1861, those flocking to enlistment stations in
states both north and south chiefly defined their cause as one of preservation. From Maine to
Minnesota, young men joined up to preserve the Union. From Virginia to Texas, their future foes on
the battlefield enlisted to preserve a social order, a social order at its core built on the institution of
slavery and racial superiority . Secession had not been framed by prominent Southerners like Robert
Toombs as a defensive measure to retain the fruits of the revolution against King George, a fight
against those who sought to "intrique insurrection with all its nameless horrors." (Toombs Speech)
On January 1, 1863, when Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation went into effect the war became a
revolution. The Union, the soldiers in blue fought to preserve could no longer exist. On every mile
of soil, they would return to the Stars and Stripes from that moment on, the fabric of society would
be irrevocably changed. In May of 1865, with the abolition of slavery engrained into the
Constitution with the passage of the 13th Amendment, the Confederate armies of Lee and Johnston
disbanded, and Lincoln dead of an assassin's bullet; this change was the only certainty the torn
fabric of the newly reunited states was left to be resown. Andrew Johnson and Southern Democrats
believed the revolution of 1863 had gone far enough. Radical Republicans and African–Americans
sought instead to bring it to
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The Mexican-American War
The war against the United states and Mexico began on April 25, 1846, just as Mexican troops
attacked mounted American troops. Although, Mexico never officially declared war against the U.S.
President James K. Polk believed in "manifest destiny" and that America need to across the pacific
ocean. The Mexican–American war was the only war that was fought mainly on foreign grounds.
Mexico being militarily unprepared for war lost losing one third of its territory to the U.S. On the
other hand the U.S. dominated the seas and its economy surpassed Mexico. Mexico was having
problems within its country and was not unified at the moment of the war, resulting in not only
fighting the Americans but fighting themselves too.
The public eye and the media had a lot to do with the war too. Newspapers were being published at
a certain printer and delivered to a certain place. Mexico needed all the help it could get so
newspapers did a good job keeping the people updated Mexico used that to shape the peoples'
opinion. As for the U.S. newspapers and the media helped conquer more ... Show more content on ...
Regardless of all the American victories Mexico never gave up until the end on February 2,1848.
The outcome of the war would affect both the United States and Mexico economically and change
their lifestyle.The United States lost 75 million dollars during the war. Not so long after the war the
United States discovered gold in California. For Mexico that meant losing one third of its territory
and thousands of its civilians along with its soldiers. It also left tens of thousands of widows,
orphans, and cripples. The war left Mexico with many problems causing chaos and eventually
leading to another civil war. All these problems and tragedies are bad but it's nothing compared to
the psychological distress the Mexicans were left with. Not only did it leave psychological distress
but the war crushed their honor and
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American Revolutionary War : The Battle Of The War
American Revolutionary War
The American Revolutionary War was a war fought between the British Empire and Continental
Army over America's Independence After the French and Indian War. Due to the money lost in the
war, England taxed the colonists heavy through acts such as the Stamp Act and Intolerable Acts.
This lead to events such as the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre which only angered both
sides more. The first battle of the war was Lexington and Concord. A major battle of the war was
The Battle of Bunker Hill. Although the Americans lost New York, George Washington was
successful at defeating the Hessians at Trenton on Christmas Day. The battles of Brandywine and
Germantown were fought over the American capital, Philadelphia. After the battle of Saratoga,
France and Spain joined the American side. The war was won after the British surrendered at The
Battle of Yorktown
American Civil War
The American Civil War was a war between the Confederate States and the Union. After Lincoln
was elected most of the slave states seceded and created the confederacy. The war started when the
Confederacy attacked Fort Sumter. The Union won the war. Lincoln wanted to welcome the SOuth
back into the Union with open arms, but after he was assassinated, reconstruction treated the South
poorly, causing economic struggl.e
World War I
World War I started when Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in
support of Serbian power. The Austria–Hungarians
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The Mexican-American War
The battle of Mexico and America What if for a very long time you had two friends who would not
get along because they could not have what they wanted? The Mexican–American war was one of
the most insane battles in history. The battle of the 2 countries was between a military unprepared
Mexico and a expanding United States. James K. Polk, an expansionist–minded U.S. president had a
vision of expanding the United States to the west, known as the Manifest Destiny. Although the
United States was against Mexico may be viewed as controversial, the war was just due to Mexico
not being able to control Texas, Texas having no say in any government actions, and Violence in
America. Mexico was not able to control Texas, creating pathways for America.
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The Mexican American War : Causes Of The Mexican American War
Southern desire to spread slavery went a long way in causing in the Mexican American war, this
desire, along with expansion and power, were the main motivators of this fight. The South had
wanted to spread its slavery empire westward into Texas through the annexation. Desire was a major
factor in the decision to fight for Texas as during this time, a large amount of support was rallied
behind the deciding forces. Expansion had meant that slavery would continue spreading westward,
and these slaveholders were keen on achieving this goal. Power that came with the acquisition of
Texas and the spread of the practice of slavery further motivated pro–annexationists to fight in a
war. The following combined elements: desire, expansion, and power, drove slavery supporters so
far as to go to war with Mexico in 1846. The Southerners desire for the spread of slavery played an
integral part in the orchestration of the Mexican American War. As William Henry Harrison's
replacement, John Tyler caused a mess, and then urged for the annexation of Texas. After the
success of the Webster–Ashburton treaty, he used the political momentum to led a campaign in 1843
with the help of Duff Green, a slavery supporter, to vilify Great Britain for their attempts in
abolishing slavery in Texas. Then, in 1844 he attempted to secretly get a treaty ratified by the Senate
which would've quietly annexed Texas to the United States. In The War in Texas, written in 1836 by
Benjamin Lundy, Lundy stated
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The War Of The American Civil War
Image Over the course of four years, what would later be called the bloodiest time in U.S. History,
approximately 625,000 lives were taken during the American Civil War. Although the individuals
who fought and died in both the North and South were arguably against each other politically,
economically, socially, and emotionally one main point lost to them was that they had common
ground in being a part of a newly formed nation in America. It can be argued that conflict arises in
all parts of human nature and with America supporting a population of young men with newly found
power and influence after the ratification of the U. S. Constitution it perhaps should not be such a
shock that so many lives were lost to not only to war, but disease as emotions of the North and
South divided people and stood them against one another. As we look back over history and
conflicts as they arise among populations, one central theme of war is the possession of resources
from which profit can be made. The areas of the North and South were not immune to this trend and
as the divided issue of slavery became more prominent, conflict grew. Between the years of 1854 to
1856, Kansas and events therein played a vital role in the outbreak of civil war. By 1854,
Republicans of the North sought to end the forward movement of slavery while the Democrats in the
South supported the advancement of slavery west and farther south, thus supporting the Kansas–
Nebraska Act, as it went along with their political
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The Mexican-American War
The Mexican–American war was a war fought over the annexation of Texas and where the
Mexican–American border should be placed. The war sparked conflict over many other issues such
as slavery, the justification of the war, and even formed the foundation of what would later come as
the Civil War.
Many people argued the topic of slavery in the Mexican–American war. There was a question of
whether or not slavery should be legal in areas won by the United States. Northern states were
opposed to legalizing slavery in the new territories, while the southern states supported the
legalization of slavery in the new territories. Slavery also played a role in the arguments over
manifest destiny. Southerners argued that military action should be pursued because gaining more
states had the potential to have more territory that allowed slavery. The annexation of Texas was
caused partly ... Show more content on ...
Many people of the whig party, such as Abraham Lincoln, feel that the war was pointless and could
not be justified. He felt that James K. Polk had manipulated people into supporting the war. Others
thought that the war was inevitable. They thought that Mexico had fired the first shots, which caused
to go to war. The thought that the fact that they did not start the war would justify the Mexican–
American war. Professor David Weber says, "California was the real goal in the far west–to have
harbors on the Pacific and make ourselves a continental empire. We were not terribly interested in
New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada, all of which belonged to Mexico as well, but
those territories needed to be conquered if we were eventually to connect the Atlantic to the Pacific
by railroad, which was already a dream" (n.d.). "Army officials, such as Second Lt. Ulysses S.
Grant, charged that the U.S. unfairly used its superior military might to take land from Mexico"
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The War Of The American War
Soon the Confederate States of America became a rebellion called the Confederacy that included 13
southern states. President Lincoln would not stand for this as his special message to congress on
July 4, 1861 stated, "It was with the deepest regret that the Executive found the duty of employing
the war–power, in defense of the government, forced upon him." (Harris 2007) South Carolina firing
on Fort Sumter was the opening salvo of the Civil War. Both the North and South believed in their
causes, and both sides thought the war would be over after a few months. Both sides were wrong.
Bloody battles such as, Antietam, Bull Run, and Shiloh made it clear that this war would drag on for
a long time. The Union of the north was particularly frustrated by their inabi lity to defeat the
confederates. It was during the third year of the conflict, that president Lincoln offered his
emancipation proclamation, thus freeing all the slaves. This proclamation opened the door for
abolitionists and equal rights groups of the North who had been pushing for arming freed Blacks to
fight on the union side.
Massachusetts Governor, John A. Andrews, became the first to call for African Americans to
assemble as an actual fighting unit. Over 1000 men enlisted in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment.
They came from mostly surrounding states, from runaway slaves and a few native Massachusetts
blacks, whether they were a free or a runaway slave. With such a "never been tried' endeavor, it was
a total work
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The American Civil War
The American civil war was the second most important war to Americans. The war was about a lot
of things but mostly the end slavery. It was also called the War Between the States. It war between
the southern and the northern states. Slavery was use for a lot of things it was use in the industrial
revolution it was used for farming in the south. In the north were trade and import and export good.
African's were the most of the population of slaves. People thought slavery was a good thing. The
masters would whip them if they didn't do what they were told nor did a bad job at it. The master
would tell the slaves they have it better the Jesus did when he was tortured. People would bring
religion to everything. The president during the time was the great Abraham Lincoln. He was born
in Kentucky. There was to teams the confederation and the union. The confederation was the south.
The union was the north. The union had many people because there was draft and the slave were
free in the north and would be able to join the army so they did in the north and the south. In New
York there was a riot caused by the draft. Many people didn't like that they could join that wasn't
part of the compromise. Every state in the north seceded and four states didn't join the union or the
confederation. One fact that is every surprising Kentucky never voted for President Lincoln for both
terms. The greatest battle of the civil war was the battle of Bull Run. The most famous battle was the
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The Civil War And The American War
The question of what caused the Civil War is debatable because there are several events that may
have influenced the war such as the Western Expansion, Manifest Destiny and the Mexican–
American War. The war also stems from slavery, the North and South basically fought over whether
or not slavery should be permitted. Another point that may have influenced the Civil War is the
economic and social structure of the country, which also falls under slavery because the South main
source of income was slavery and the North completely opposed this viewpoint, even though they
did not believe blacks and whites as equals. Another point that may have provoked the Civil War is
state rights because each state would have and the right to decide if they wanted to prohibit Slavery
or not. Both Johnson and Zinn had interesting views Western Expansion, Manifest Destiny and the
Mexican–American War as it relates to the Civil War and they both had similar points on each topic.
However, Johnson stated that Americans wanted more land and they were not satisfied after the
Louisiana Purchase. This is where the Manifest Destiny came about to continue the expansion of
America. The term Manifest Destiny was coined by John L. O'Sullivan and in the document John L.
O'Sullivan, Manifest Destiny (1845) he explained the importance of the expansion. O 'Sullivan
stated that Texas was a part of the union and it should not be seen just as geographical space and
more than just a country but a way to fulfil the
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The Mexico-American War
The Mexico–American war resulted directly in the death of 13,000 Americans. But, has effected
hundreds of millions, as through this war, a new America was conceived– and the due date was May
9, 1865– the end of the civil war. The Mexico–American war had a mammoth effect on the domestic
policies of America because it made lying and taking justified with success and unproven
speculations, promoted sectionalism, and provided the federal government extended territory to
govern. The Mexico–American war is similar to Salem witch trials. Americans justified their desire
for expansion, specifically California, with the belief that God's desire was for the United States to
expand and take over Mexican territory. The Salem witch trials involved prospected ... Show more
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With technological advances the war could have been even more deadly and dividing. Worse, a
delayed civil war is synonymous with a delayed united America. This would dramatically effect all
American policies, because a united nation is at the epitome of all American policies. This war
tipped the scale, making the sectionalism unbearable. The Sectionalism that linked to the civil war
was promoted because the simple question: Where should slavery be expanded to in the conquered
territory? This proves that sectionalism and expansion were related.
This issue over the conquered territory and their eventual statehood changed American policy.
Eventually, the conquered territories became states. At that point, the federal government
represented a larger territory. Representing a larger territory mean that more ideas and viewpoint
need to be considered before making decisions. Also, people will specifically represent these states
in congress. Many legislation that effects our daily life would be altered if this territory was not
conquered. The Mexico–American war created many precedents that changed American domestic
policies. Because of the Mexico– American war, the process initiating the inevitable civil war was
expedited, a large territory of land was added, sectionalism was promoted, and people were willing
to believe unproven ideas to gain a greater
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The Mexican American War: The War In Mexico
The Mexican American War was somewhat of a small kept war that was initially started as a
territory claim that turned into a political game. It involved the United States, Mexico, and the
Native Americans (Indians). The Mexican government was a bit unstable at the time in which
allowed for easy maneuvering of any opposition. The United States was run by POTUS James K.
Polk. General Zackary Taylor was the one in charge of looking to the Texas territory to establish an
American presence. The territories in question were also habited by Native American Indians.
General Taylor new of the Mexican opposition but had no idea of the numbers of the Indians that
also occupied the land.
The main objective from the United States in 1846 was to gain the territory north of the Rio Grande.
The Mexican government was not in favor of giving up the land, and was actually in combat with
the Native Americans for the same land as well. ... Show more content on ...
Just as General Taylor was having Congress make a motion for the Unites States to take over the
territory, the Mexican General Santa Anna and his army killed Americans in Texas soil. This was the
turning point and what started the war in the eyes of the Americans. How could Mexico be so
heartless and kill American troops on what was considered American soil to Americans? The war
lasted 2 years, and ended with the ratification of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 ending the
Mexican American War. Mexico was paid 15 million dollars, but was not the only thing that was
costly to America. In real numbers the war cost America 97 million dollars, and 13,000 American
lives. With that America gained the territory, but also the slavery counts that haunted the land. Not
all Americans were in favor, but the deed was done. America now incorporated the land North of the
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The War Of The American Civil War
There were many events that led to the cause of one of America's most devastating war, the
American Civil War. The American Civil War was an unfortunate war that cost more than the lives
of six hundred thousand people. Events such as the Missouri Compromise, Kansas Nebraska Act,
Dred Scott Decision, and the Election of Abraham Lincoln resulted in the four yearlong battles
between the Northern and Southern states due to social and economic differences on the idea of
In the 19th century, America described their westward expansion as the Manifest Destiny. The topic
of slavery was still at a dispute in America. The Southern States, whose economies were heavily
dependent on agriculture, needed slave labor for the mass production of ... Show more content on ...
Many people were satisfied with the Missouri Compromise keeping the stability of the Northern and
Southern States, until the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 nullified it. In the early 1850s, settlers
wanted to move into the area of Nebraska, which was just a territory. Stephen A. Douglas wanted to
be president, and so needed to help out the economy of his state by building a railroad across the
country expanding westward. Douglas had a strong belief of the Manifest Destiny, and "hoped to
organize federal lands west of Missouri as past of his program for economic development". Douglas
needed the Louisiana Purchase to be organized into territories in order to have northern rail route
run through the province. In 1854, he proposed a piece of legislation, the Kansas Nebraska Act. The
bill created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Steven Douglas however decided to open up
these territories to popular sovereignty. This however contravened with the Missouri Compromise,
as both Kansas and Nebraska were located above the 36° 30′ N latitude where slavery was
Although there were many disputes with this bill, it eventually passed in May of 1854. Northern
Democrats, Whigs, and Free Soilers were furious as they saw Congress being controlled by the pro–
slavery South that supported the Kansas Nebraska Act. The passing of Kansas Nebraska
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The War Of The American Civil War
Historians have disputed over the vast majority of causes of the American Civil War for ages. While
some explanations may appear easier to pinpoint, the primary underlying catalyst to the start of the
war was the controversy over slavery. Though the northern and southern regions of the United States
fostered contrasting views on a range of issues, they shared the common perspective of promoting
Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the prevalent attitude that induced Americans to expand
from coast to coast. This inclination sparked western expansion which prompted many internal
conflicts. Though neither the north nor the south claimed slavery was the motive for the Civil War,
this peculiar institution was the primary root of the nation's eruption. The controversy for slavery's
existence in the new western territories varied among the north and the south. Both of the regions
were motivated politically and economically to either eliminate or expand slavery in the western
territories. Each of the northern states shared the uniform objective of stabilizing the union which
consisted of 11 free states in 1850. Since the north became much more industrialized, slaves were no
longer imperative to northern economic prosperity. However, the southern economy still heavily
relied on slave labor. The northern states were exceptionally threatened by slave labor because it
could potentially monopolize employment in the new western states. On the contrary, southern
states supported the
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The War With Mexican American War
The war with Mexico is long remembered as an episode, and by no means is it an unimportant one.
With the events that led up to its happening, from the Manifest Destiny to the disputes on territory, it
has severely marked the United States. American historians regard the Mexican–American war as
"the foulest blot on our national honor". ( Unethical actions were taken gain Mexican
territory. Polk and his hunger for land drove him to find some devious way to fight a war with
Mexico. His belligerent attitude in regard to this war was the "foulest blot on our national honor."
However, as one studies the events that led to it, was it an unprovoked act of aggression? Or did the
US unjustifiably lure Mexico into one of the bloodiest wars on American soil?
The O'Sullivan article on Manifest Destiny sparked an initial interest amongst the American people.
The idea that it was the United States' destiny to expand across the continent became an ardent hope.
America had a strong Christian belief that God had intended this for the country. The need for more
land became vital as an increasing amount of immigrants flocked to the country each year. As the
US gained more land, they steadily began to approach the western part of the continent. At the time,
the United States was half of what it is now. The other half was owned by a country that would soon
be forced into a two year war.
Mexico was once a country half the size of the US. It stretched, as one could say, from coast to
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The American Civil War
The American Civil War was one of the major events in history that helped develop America to what
it is today. Many people think that the American Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery
alone, but in reality it was caused by many disagreements and events between the northern free
states and southern slave states that occurred prior to the war. Monetary alterations were one of the
main reasons the North and South had many conflicts and differences in beliefs. The Civil War was
an inevitable event for the South due to economic, political, and social reasons. One of the crucial
reasons the South was fated to fight the Civil War was the economy. The reason for this is because
the economy of the South was based on agriculture, while the economy of the North was based on
industrialization. This in turn resulted in different economic values and beliefs between the two.
Since the American government favored the northern beliefs it caused tension between the South
which later resulted in disputes between each other. A major issue that formed among the two was
the conflict of tariffs. Tariffs developed into an increasing issue when the northern manufactures
pushed for higher tariffs constantly for protection due to the large scale dumping of British goods in
America that occurred after the War of 1812. This slowly angered the southerners which inevitably
led to what is known as the Nullification Crisis. This was caused when the state of South Carolina,
led by John C. Calhoun,
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The Mexican American War
One of the most iconic wars during the 1800th was the Mexican–American War, where the United
States and Mexico were having a dispute between both countries borders. During this time Mexico
had just gain independence from Spain and them were now their own country. Throughout all of
this, Mexico believed that the Nueces river was the border between them and the United States
while the U.S believed that it was the Rio Grande that was the border between both countries.
Unlike them trying to argue what river divided the country, a time when much of the country had
strong feelings of manifest destiny. The United States believed that it was gods chosen people to
inherit North America land. The United states offer Mexico 30 million dollars in exchange ... Show
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To recognize that the Americans had planted in their brains their "manifest destiny" to dominate the
continents and they felt that it was their right to own the land and pass their idealism. The war was a
huge loss for Mexico and considering that it gives a huge stereotype to the U.S for being greedy and
the idea that they can take anything they want by force. In the end, Mexico had the right to respond
when the U.S invaded them, they defended their territory and stoop up for glory even thou they lost
part of the country. We can all say that perhaps the war could have been taken differently and the
U.S should have just respected Mexico's right to own their
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The American Civil War
The American Civil War, also known as the State's War, was a conflict that arose mostly from the
issue of slavery, but deep down was due to economic differences between the North and the South.
The South seceded from the North and created their own self–government due to their belief in the
lack of state's rights versus the federal government and what they saw as a weakness in the Articles
of Confederation. While the Confederacy of the United States depended on slave labor for their
economy in regards to plantation farming of cotton, tobacco and rice, the Union, whom represented
the United States of America, was a booming manufacturing industry due to railroads and
machinery that allowed them to easily surpass the output of the South's ... Show more content on ...
This even expanded to violence on the U.S. Senate when Congressman Preston Brooks attacked
Senator Charles Sumner over the head for accusing the South of violence.
Eventually, popular sovereignty would be cited for new territories added that would give the new
land the right to approve of slavery or not. While under the new Constitution that cited the Articles
of Confederation, many believed that the federal government had too much control over the states.
The South particularly, felt that their independence was being taken away and they should have to
right to accept federal acts or not. Particularly after congress passed a high protective tariff that
would benefit them and hurt the South. The tariff was to increase the cost of British textiles, which
the South greatly leaned against because they sold all their cotton to mills in England. The North
was producing the same products as the South and wished the pass this "unfair taxation" so that the
Southerners would have to buy goods from them. In opposition of this, was John C. Calhoun who
felt that the compromise betrayed the South. Because of the booming industry in the North, they
held a numerical majority. He called for the right of "nullification", which would give states the
ability to rule a federal
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The American Civil War And The Vietnam War
"Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the
strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to
war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave
of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events." – Sir Winston Churchill. Throughout history, men have
fought battles to protect and serve for their country. Some men become injured at war and others
don 't get to live on to tell their stories. We are all thankful of those who are able to live on and tell
their stories to the common people about their experiences. Two intriguing Wars are the American
Civil War and the Vietnam War. They both deal with the long challenging fights between the North
and the South regions within each country. The Civil War and the Vietnam War were never declared
wars but still managed to divide nations and families. During these wars, many people died
defending their land. Two very different war veterans are truly remarkable for the duties they have
performed. Robert Edward Lee; the general in chief of the Civil war, and Gary James Walker; a
veteran of the Vietnam War have interesting stories from their active military days. The American
Civil war was fought between the Southern and the Northern States during 1861 and 1865. The war
was between seven southern slave states, known as the Confederate States of America, and the states
from the North
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The Mexican-American War
New Mexico was just a dry desert owned by Mexico. The people in New Mexico were treated badly
and not given the food, water, or money needed to survive. New Mexico was stopped from
expanding and becoming something great. The, what is now a great state, used to just be a poorly
populated desert. The Mexican–American War was hope for the people of New Mexico. The war
could save them, the war could give New Mexico the freedom that it wanted and deserved. The
Mexican American War gave hope to New Mexico and changed New Mexico forever.
The Mexican–American War was a tremendous war that started on April 25, 1846 and ended on
February 2, 1848. The war greatly affected both Mexico and the United States. The war affected
Mexico greatly because, ... Show more content on ...
Mexico had a very unstable government at the time. This means that the leaders and laws of Mexico
were changing over and over. In fact at one point, there were over 30 new leaders of Mexico in 25
years. Mexico's economy was also horrible at the time and money was not very easy to come by.
Mexico's Government was short with money as well. Mexico barely had the time and money to care
for itself. It was obviously not in a good enough state to care for New Mexico as well. In result,
New Mexico was isolated from expanding and from the rest of Mexico. Mexico was not
remembered again until the Mexican–American
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American Civil War
Experiences of the American Civil War (1861–1865): Honor, Duty and Death Introduction The
following pages are an essay on the cause of the American Civil War (1861–1865) and the effects
that the war had upon the soldiers, women and African Americans of the North and the South. In this
essay I will write about the following topics and present a view of how the war was witnessed by
these different groups of people. In regards to the soldiers of the North and the South, I will answer
the following questions: What was the enthusiasm of the soldiers from the North and the South
before the war? What was their perspective after the fighting had started? How did the soldiers of
the invading armies treat the civil population? The horrors of ... Show more content on ...
The soldier's perspectives on the length of the war were influenced by the motivation to protect their
way of life. In describing the sentiments of Union and Confederate soldiers we can use some
examples that are in letters sent home by the soldiers. One Kentucky confederate wrote, "I choose to
fight for southern rights and southern liberty against the vandals of the North who were determined
to destroy slavery"[vi]. Another opinion by a Wisconsin Union soldier states his reasons for fighting
in the war, " I have no heart in this war if the slaves cannot go free"[vii]Both the North and the
South believed to be fighting to preserve the society that was prevalent in the respective regions of
the United States. The South was trying to protect the institution of slavery and their society. The
North, at the start of the war, only had the intention to overcome the succession, but they later
realized that it could only do this by destroying slavery[viii]. When it became apparent to the
soldiers on the battlefield that the war would not end quickly, the tone of enthusiasm changed. An
example of the change in attitude can be obtained from the following passage that was written by
the Union soldier Jno R. McClure to his sister in 1862 "I will tell you what I think and that is the
north will never whip the south as long as there is a man left in the south. They fight like wild
devles. Ever man seems to determine to loose the last
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The War Of The American Civil War Essay
When the American Civil War broke out amongst the divided entities that encumbered the United
States during the 19th century an explosion of turmoil and struggle reigned free throughout the
nation. Furthermore, with the strife of the Civil War came a barrage of changes that wracked much
of the infant nation to its core. Traveling from end to end of the United States the effects of
American Civil War became the precedent for the future of the nation. The war, for its influence on
the people of the U.S, became a symbol for a turning point in American history. Cemented in that
history is a conception of the war that has remained over the many years since its culmination. The
idea that the Civil War was a war of rules and regulations and therefore is synonymous with the
notion of battles being fought with troops lining either side of an open field and exchanging fire
until one stood no more. Often this interpretation of the war is used to personify the idea of
glorification of the ferocity of battles, paying homage to brave soldiers who fought in them, and
telling of the birth of a refined nation through insurmountable suffering and evoke an attitude of awe
towards the scale of conflict the Civil War provided. However there are some whose accounts allow
us to look at the American Civil War in a different light, a light that paints a different picture of
battles for those caught amongst the struggle but yet still envelop similar attitudes towards the war.
This different style
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American Revolutionary War
A motivating force behind the revolution was the American embrace of a political ideology called
"republicanism", which was dominant in the colonies by 1775. The "country party" in Britain,
whose critique of British government emphasized that corruption was to be feared, influenced
American politicians. The commitment of most Americans to republican values and to their rights,
helped bring about the American Revolution, as Britain was increasingly seen as hopelessly corrupt
and hostile to American interests; it seemed to threaten to the established liberties that Americans
enjoyed. The greatest threat to liberty was depicted as corruption. The colonists associated it with
luxury and, especially, inherited aristocracy, which they condemned. ... Show more content on ...
The Americans were totally unaware that the British would try to cross the creek in separate places.
Washington backtracked to Chester, Pennsylvania. A British pursuit was stopped by a rearguard unit;
therefore, Howe could not occupy the abandoned capital until September 26. British deaths totaled
to about 600 and American losses were 900 dead and wounded, along with 400 taken prisoner. After
Howe 's victory at Brandywine, his army camped at Germantown, Pennsylvania. Washington
planned a surprise attack against the redcoats at sunrise. He broke the army into four separate
columns for battle. The American soldiers marched to Germantown by two roads, with General
Sullivan to the right and General Greene to the left. Washington, along with General Wayne, joined
Sulliven and caused the British to fall back. Some hundred men ran and hid in the Chew house, a
large stone building, and returned fire from the second story. Instead of by–passing the building,
Colonel Knox believed that they should destroy the house with the redcoats in it. Knox 's fired
cannons at the home, which merely bounced back at them. The fog and smoke caused massive
confusion for several others of Washington 's columns. All of a sudden two American divisions
collided and fired upon each other. More and more mishaps followed, and finally Washington ' men
retreated. In June of 1775 in Charlestown the British were awaken from their sleep. The British were
totally unaware of the fact
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The American Civil War: The Bloodiest War
On April 12, 1861 decades of building tensions between the northern and southern United States
erupted into the American Civil War. The war began when Confederates attacked Union soldiers at
fort Sumter, South Carolina. This happened because the north did not believe in slavery, but the
south did. The north went against slavery, but the confederates believed that slavery was good for
money because they saved money by not paying the slaves. The election of Abraham Lincoln as
president in 1860 caused seven southern states to move from the Union to form the Confederate
States of America; four more states joined them after the Civil War began. Some people said that
everything leading up to 1860 led to the civil war and everything that happened after it was because
of the civil war. The Civil War was also known as The War Between the States. This war was so
intense that it put neighbor against neighbor and even sometimes brother against brother. In 1865,
when confederates surrendered the Civil War proved to be the bloodiest, costliest (at that time), and
most accomplishing war ever fought on our very own soil. Though the Civil war did lead to the
death of over 600,000 soldiers, I believe it was worth it. The Civil war is considered the bloodiest
war in history because at least 618,000 Americans died in this war, and some experts believe the
numbers reached well into the 700,000s. At any number these casualties exceeded the nation's loss
in all its other wars. The battle of
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The American Civil War, Wars, And Rumors Of Wars
The American Civil War
Wars, Wars and rumors of wars!!!! Everyone knows the United States has had its fair share of wars.
Let me start by giving you a brief list of wars the United States has participated in according to
Wikipedia. Both "Barbary Wars (1801–1805, 1815–1816), Wars of 1812, Mexican–American War
(1846–48), American Civil War (1861–65), Indian War (1865–91), Spanish–American War( 1898),
Philippine–American War (1899–1902) Border War(Mexican Revolutionary)1910–1919, World War
I (1917–18), World War II( 1941–45), Cold War (1947–1991), Korean War( 1950–53), Vietnam War
(1964–1975), Persian Gulf War (1990–91), and of course the War on Terrorism (2001–present)."
And that's just the major wars. Out of all of these wars the one that I will discuss is the American
Civil War. First, I will enlighten you on why I chose the American Civil War. Next, I will expound
upon the reason that commenced the American Civil War. Last, I will inform you on what the after–
effects were from the American Civil War. The American Civil War just might be one of the most
historic and significant wars for the United States of America's history. Some might say well what
about the American Revolutionary War? Well then let me help you distinguish the difference
between American Revolutionary War and the American Civil War. The American Revolutionary
War was the battle between Great Britain and thirteen of its North American colonies, which had
proclaimed themselves the independent United
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The War Of The American Civil War
Abraham Lincoln once stated "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and
lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln is a hero for the
citizens of America because his determination and courage to ending slavery even if it meant war
caused peace in this nation. Slavery was the vital cause of the American Civil War. The north and
the south both had their differences on how to run the country. People in the North believed in unity
and that slavery should not exist because "all men are created equally." On the other hand, the South
believed in continuing slavery. People tried to talk it out and come to a middle ground after both
sides compromising, however that didn't work and caused war. Ideological differences were a vital
role to making the American Civil War an inevitable event.
The American Civil War took place from 1861–1865 was an inevitable event in the American
history. More than 640,000 people were killed and millions more were injured during this massive
war. The civil war was between the northern and the southern states where its most leading cause
was slavery. Along with that, economic, political and social ideologies caused the civil war. The
northern states, also known as the union, were more successful and antislavery compare to the
southern confederates states. The northern states were more populated, had more industries, and
believed in the Declaration of Independence statement that "all men are
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The American Civil War
The American Civil War was one of the most devastating wars in America's history. The war did not
only divide the country, but it also divided families. There were a lot of things that led to the Civil
War but, I believe the primary source of the North/South conflict that led to the Civil War was the
issue over Free states vs. Slave states. The three political acts that helped this source of conflict led
to the Civil War was The Missouri Compromise, The Compromise of 1850, and The Kansas–
Nebraska Act.
Before you can get into the issue of Free states vs. Slave states you have to know why there was
slavery in the south and why there wasn't any in the north. The reason why the southern states had
slavery was because of the agricultural economy the south had at the time. The most profitable crop
in the south was cotton. According to a book called Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A
History Of The American Civil War by Jeffrey Hummel, it states, "Cotton was the American
economy's leading sector, consisting half of all exports. For ambitious white Southerners, the
primary avenue to greater wealth and status remained slave ownership." There was slavery in the
south, because there was more profit in it. A white plantation owner would rather have, slaves
because he would not have to pay them any wages for their work.
The reason why the northern states didn't have slavery, because in their economy there was no use
for it. The economy the northern states used was an
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The War Of The American Civil War
Slavery may have been established as the catalyst of the American Civil War, but the beginning of
the dispute began in the time of the Revolution with a weak decentralized government under the
Articles of Confederation. Later gained momentum as territorial expansion set Americans against
each other on debating whether the new states should be slave states or free states, it questioned the
power of the Federal government regarding state rights, and brought about instability in the unity of
the United States as a nation. The conflict of the American Civil War began with states' rights being
taken away and flourished with the decision on whether slavery should spread westward, or be
equally distributed not only in the Louisiana Purchase territory, but in the rest of the westward
The American Revolution gave birth to two groups, those who argued for greater state rights and
those who thought the government was too weak and decentralized. The thirteen states created a
loose confederation with a weak feral government under the Articles of Confederation. This
weakness that was expressed in the Articles caused the leaders of the time to come together and
create the United States Constitution. Strong supporters of state rights like Thomas Jefferson, felt
that the proposed constitution ignored state rights. This brought about the idea of nullification, but
the federal government denied it. When nullification failed and the states felts like they were not
being respected,
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The American Revolutionary War
The topic of revolution is extremely subjective. What may appear as an insurrection to some might
not be as extreme to others. When talking about the American Revolutionary War, however, the
answer is clear. While the War certainly brought about change within the United States, it wasn't
necessarily very revolutionary. The most important aspects of the colonies, such as ideas about
government, various types of societal equality, slavery and freed blacks, and the rights of women
remained for the most part, unaffected. The theories and ideas about government that initially gave
the war a purpose were definitely revolutionary. One notable instance of proposed governmental
ideology can be found in The Declaration of Independence. "We hold these truths to be self–evident:
that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights;
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments
are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" (Doc. B).
This passage clearly states that this new form of politics would give everybody, regardless of
personal variables, a method of living comfortably and happily, and most importantly, free. This
seems all well and good, however, these "truths" were never really recognized. "I know the
superiority of the present government. In theory it is certainly superior; but in practice it is not so.
This can arise from... want of
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The War Of The American Civil War
The American Civil War is known to most as the bloodiest war anyone has ever witnessed. It
claimed the life of thousands of Americans and animosity that was built up over several years prior
to it can be to blame. Most people think that slavery was the cause of this battle, and although
slavery did play a part, it was not the main cause. The biggest roles played in the American Civil
War were states' rights, unfair bills, feelings of inferiority and threats to economy.
The tension started during the time that the north attempted to pass a tariff that the south saw as an
abomination. The Tariff of 1828 was passed, many South Carolinians became angry because of the
unfair high tax that they would have to pay and the lack of benefit it paid to the southern economy.
Because of this, South Carolina nullified it. After many debates and threats received to leave the
union, President Jackson had to pass a bill named, the Force Bill. This bill was written to force the
South Carolinians to pay the tariff in order to fix the issue. The South did not like the idea. After this
settled, the south was still left with issues. (Lecture, Twenty–Eight; "The Age of Jackson I").
Even though slavery was not the main cause of the Civil War, it did play a very important role. With
the rise of abolitionist, people who focused on the abolishment of slavery in the south, slaves were
seen as a part of the economy and abolishment of slavery would be a major blow to the southern
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American War Dbq
1. Although the war began in Massachusetts in 1775, it shifted south to the middle states, with a
year. After 1779 the South became the primary theatre. Why did this geographic pattern develop,
what was its significance, and why did the United States eventually win? As the British prowled the
east coastline of America, the colonist became intimidated because the English army was much
stronger than theirs (Nash et al., 2008). France joined the battle to fight against the powers of Britain
shortly after the settlers had a successful win in New York. It became critical for the Americans to
develop a steady congress if they were going defeat Britain, but during that time of development
they neglected the army, so Washington was given power to ... Show more content on ...
Recount the rationales behind African Americans joining or opting out of the American war of
independence. During the Revolution, the British viewed the African American's in the South as
numbers to add to their side of the war and also as a group of individuals to manipulate in warfare
(Nash et al., 2008). On the other hand, the American's viewed the slaves as vulnerable and
dangerous. With so much speak of liberty and freedom during the revolution, the African American's
began to petition against the lives they were living as slaves and fought to have their own liberties.
The royal governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, responded to the cries of the slaves and proclaimed
that any who were willing to fight in the war with the British army were free to leave their masters.
Therefore, to achieve their own revolution, many of the African Americans chose to fight in the
army, but many of those never did achieve freedom. Those who chose not to fight with the British,
instead decided to flee during the commotion of the war. Some fled to the North where there were
rumors of freedom, while others escaped to the southern interiors to seek asylum with the Native
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Mexican American War

  • 1. Mexican American War 1. How did American life during the period of the Age of the Common Man reflect both the influence of the frontier and the impact of newer rationalistic concepts? (Think inventions, religion, peace, prosperity, literature, art, education, etc) 2. Briefly define (no more than 1 paragraph each, some are a sentence or two): –The Mexican American War: The Mexican–American war was a fight for lad between the Untied States and Mexico where the United States defeated Mexico and gained over five hundred thousand miles of land. The land in known as the Southwest and makes up a vast majority of the United States. A major contributor to the war was the American belief of Manifest Destiny and showed how the United States wanted to extend their ... Show more content on ... So whenever the Union added a state the Confederacy wanted to add a slave state. This went back and forth until the Civil War began. The Union earned their income with industry and making many necessities, where the South relied heavily on tobacco, cotton, and the most problematic slavery. The South also wanted 3/5 of every slave to count as a man and be used to represent the state in Congressional matters. The Union would not agree with this what so ever and completely shut this idea down. The South had a lower population, had a small railroad system, did not produce much steel or iron, had less wealth, less valuable exports, less factories, but had the majority of all farmland in the United States. The education difference was a major difference too. The Northerners were more educated and had a much more to offer educationally. In the South they solely relied on the farm and what type of product it was producing. Even though the South did not have everything the North did, they were content and were not in the mood for any change at all. ( 4. Distinguish between the Lincoln Reconstruction Plan, the Johnson Reconstruction Plan, and the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, which do you think should have been applied? Explain fully. The Lincoln Reconstruction Plan was to be as swift as possible and consisted of three main points a general forgiveness would be given to everyone in the South who would take an oath of loyalty to ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The American Of The Mexican American War The Mexican–American War was a gruesome and bloody battle involving the two major powers between the Americans and the Mexicans. The first major power was the annexation of Texas and the second power is the protection along with the acquisition of the territory. States provinces such as California, Texas and New Mexico is inherited by Mexico from Spain. Mexico government was weakened and practically bankrupt after the war and was unable to take control of their territories. Before the war started, there are many causes for the war but what and how did the war start. It all began when Hernán Cortés first conquers central Mexico. In Mexico, Spain establishes a colonial government. The colony of Jamestown, Virginia, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and San Antonio, Texas founded around the early 1600s to 1700s. The United States thirteen colonies declared independence from Britain in 1776 and five years later British surrenders to the United States at Yorktown. The United States purchases vast lands of the west of Mississippi from Napoleon also known as the Louisiana Purchase. Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the western North America. On the year of 1810, the speech Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gave triggered the beginning of Mexico's fight for independence from Spain. The Adams–Onis treaty signed by Spain and the United States establishes the boundary of Mexico and the United States also giving Florida to the United States. The Missouri Compromise was passed and approved by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The War Of The American Civil War A Civil War is a battle between the same citizens in a country. The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the independence for the Confederacy or the survival of the Union. By the time Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1861, in the mist of 34 states, the constant disagreement caused seven Southern slave states to their independence from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, generally known as the South, grew to include eleven states. The states that remained devoted to the US were known as the Union or the North. The number one question that is never completely understood about the Civil War is what caused the war. There were multiple events that led to the groundbreaking, bloody, and political war. In the 19th century there was a popular doctrine or belief that the westward expansion of the United States not only could happen, but that it was destined to stretch from coast to coast. For awhile, the nation's leaders were unable to resolve the divisive issue of slavery. This belief was called Manifest Destiny and it eventually provided a larger stage for the growing conflict over slavery in America. In 1820, politicians debated whether or not slavery would be legal in western territories and this caused a great deal of dispute. While the South utilized slavery to sustain its culture and grow cotton on plantations, the North was more industrialzed and prospered during the Industrial ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The War Of The American War In June 1775, Congress ordered General George Washington to take command of the Continental Army besieging the British in Boston. Despite having little practical experience in managing large, conventional armies, Washington proved to be a capable and resilient leader of the American military forces during the war. While he lost more battles than he won, George Washington employed a winning strategy that included signal victories at the Battle of Trenton in 1776 and Yorktown in 1781 . Washington's greatest wartime legacy was his decision to surrender his commission to Congress, affirming the principle of civilian control of the military in the new United States.The revolutionary war was a result of the conflicts between the original ... Show more content on ... The mother country became weary and revoked the act, then placed the stamp act upon them. The colonist had little control over this and had to accept it. The Stamp act is an extra tax placed upon all printed legal or commercial documents. Over the next 5 years many new laws were placed upon the colonies to squeeze any money they could to pay for the war and just to be richer in general. On March 5th 1770 the Boston Massacre commenced it was a bloody war against the colonists and the soldiers placed in their towns to basically control them . A town meeting was called demanding the removal of the British and the trial of Captain Preston and his men for murder. At the trial, John Adams and Josiah Quincy II defended the British, leading to their release. Later, two of the British soldiers were found guilty of manslaughter. The Boston Massacre was a signal event leading to the Revolutionary War. It led directly to the Royal Governor evacuating the occupying army from the town of Boston. It would soon bring the revolution to armed rebellion throughout the colonies . George Washington born February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County Virginia. He was born in to a family of farmers with his father, Augustine Washington, and his mother, Mary Ball. When George was six his family moved to one of their farms in Potomac. When young George was 11 his father began ill and died, over the next few years George would spend his life traveling to ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The American Civil War The American Civil War, also known as the Civil War, lasted from 1861 to 1865. The war was to determine the survival of the union, or independence for the confederate states. Some would argue that slavery was the principle cause of the war. After much research, I believe the war started because of the misunderstandings, and conflicts between the North and South. Slavery, however, was one of the main purposes. The North and South had economic and social differences causing many disagreements. They argued about state and federal rights, expansion of slave states, the Abolition Movement, and the election of Abraham Lincoln. The economic and social differences between the North and South made many people discontent. In the North the Federalists favored a strong federal government. The Federalists were ran by George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams. Their economic policy favored trade and manufacturing. The ideal citizen was the small businessmen. As for foreign policy, they favored Great Britain. In the South, Republicans favored a weak federal government, but strong states. The Republicans were ran by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Their economic policy favored agriculture. The ideal citizen would be small farmers, and they favored France when it came to foreign policy. The industrial sector driven economy of the North was much better than the agriculture driven economy of the South (Naik 1). The South wanted Slavery for their plantations, and the North ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. American War And The American Civil War In the beginning when America was uniting and trying to form its official government the northern states and the southern states had already different greatly from each other. The North was industrializing and working on expanding west and the South was booming with farming and its famous cash crop. The North wanted to abolish slavery and the South did not. Since the North and South had so many differences and could not keep a steady compromise, heavy tensions arose between the North and the South which then caused the Southern states of America to decide to leave the American Union and create their own Southern Confederacy. This tore our nation apart. The American Civil War had begun and the very people that were once neighbors had each ... Show more content on ... For example, farming was the main source of income for the Confederate states. The main southern chief crop which came to be known as King Cotton, accounted for 57% of all U.S. exports ("Civil War"). However, in order to produce these large amounts of cotton, the southern Confederate states depended heavily on slave labor. Since cotton production began to dominate and fuel the southern economy, the South felt that they did not need to industrialize like their northern neighbors did. This caused the South to manufacture very little goods and caused them to purchase manufactured goods from the industrialized North or to purchase imported goods from overseas. Unlike the Confederate South, the North decided to not utilize slave labor like the South did because their economy did not call for farming that required large amounts of labor for rapid production. The Union also decided to not utilize slave labor because slave labor was against many of the northerner's morals. Since the North was industrialized and they manufactured goods, they had to compete with other manufactures overseas. To demolish competition from the imported goods from overseas, the northerners demanded high tariffs on the imported goods so that more people will buy the manufactured goods from the North instead of the now more expensive imported goods from overseas. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Spanish American War : The Justification Of The... The Spanish American war started in 1898 and was a fight for Cuba's independence which resulted in 379 American casualties in combat. The Spanish American War was justified because of the Monroe Doctrine, Correspondence between the United States and Spain, and the Platt Amendment, which were all created to protect American morals and freedom. The Monroe Doctrine helps justify the Spanish American War because it states America's ground and opinion. President of the United States, James Monroe, gave a speech to Congress in which he states: "... the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers... " "...we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and safety." These quotes mean that the United States considers any country attacking with the intent of ruling over independent and/or ally countries, as disturbing their peace and safety. So when Spain took hold over the American allied Cuba, the United States had to immediately step in to right a wrong. Since America stated their ground 75 years before the war began, Spain and any other countries looking to conquer in the hemisphere knew very well not to attack America or any country it considered an ally. The correspondence between the U.S and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Mexican American War And The Mexican War The Mexican American war better known as the Mexican war, was a conflict between The united states of America and Mexico. from 1846 to 1848. It followed in the wake of the 1845 US annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory, despite the 1836 Texas revolution. After its independence in 1821 and brief experiment with monarchy, Mexico became a republic in 1824, characterized by considerable instability, so that when war broke out in 1846, Mexico was ill–prepared for this conflict. The war with the United States followed in the wake of decades of Indian raids in the sparsely settled north of Mexico, which prompted the Mexican government to sponsor American migration to the Mexican province of Texas to act as a buffer. Americans and some Mexicans revolted against the Mexican government in the 1836 Texas Revolution, creating a republic not recognized by Mexico, which still claimed it as its national territory. The 1845 expansion of US territory with its annexation of Texas escalated the dispute between the United States and Mexico to open war. In 1844 James K. Polk, the newly–elected president, made a proposition to the Mexican government to purchase the disputed lands between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande. When that offer was rejected, troops from the United States commanded by Major General Zachary Taylor were moved into the disputed territory of Coahuila. These troops were then attacked by Mexican troops, killing 12 American troops and taking 52 ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The War Of The American Civil War When the American Civil War began in the spring of 1861, those flocking to enlistment stations in states both north and south chiefly defined their cause as one of preservation. From Maine to Minnesota, young men joined up to preserve the Union. From Virginia to Texas, their future foes on the battlefield enlisted to preserve a social order, a social order at its core built on the institution of slavery and racial superiority . Secession had not been framed by prominent Southerners like Robert Toombs as a defensive measure to retain the fruits of the revolution against King George, a fight against those who sought to "intrique insurrection with all its nameless horrors." (Toombs Speech) On January 1, 1863, when Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation went into effect the war became a revolution. The Union, the soldiers in blue fought to preserve could no longer exist. On every mile of soil, they would return to the Stars and Stripes from that moment on, the fabric of society would be irrevocably changed. In May of 1865, with the abolition of slavery engrained into the Constitution with the passage of the 13th Amendment, the Confederate armies of Lee and Johnston disbanded, and Lincoln dead of an assassin's bullet; this change was the only certainty the torn fabric of the newly reunited states was left to be resown. Andrew Johnson and Southern Democrats believed the revolution of 1863 had gone far enough. Radical Republicans and African–Americans sought instead to bring it to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Mexican-American War The war against the United states and Mexico began on April 25, 1846, just as Mexican troops attacked mounted American troops. Although, Mexico never officially declared war against the U.S. President James K. Polk believed in "manifest destiny" and that America need to across the pacific ocean. The Mexican–American war was the only war that was fought mainly on foreign grounds. Mexico being militarily unprepared for war lost losing one third of its territory to the U.S. On the other hand the U.S. dominated the seas and its economy surpassed Mexico. Mexico was having problems within its country and was not unified at the moment of the war, resulting in not only fighting the Americans but fighting themselves too. The public eye and the media had a lot to do with the war too. Newspapers were being published at a certain printer and delivered to a certain place. Mexico needed all the help it could get so newspapers did a good job keeping the people updated Mexico used that to shape the peoples' opinion. As for the U.S. newspapers and the media helped conquer more ... Show more content on ... Regardless of all the American victories Mexico never gave up until the end on February 2,1848. The outcome of the war would affect both the United States and Mexico economically and change their lifestyle.The United States lost 75 million dollars during the war. Not so long after the war the United States discovered gold in California. For Mexico that meant losing one third of its territory and thousands of its civilians along with its soldiers. It also left tens of thousands of widows, orphans, and cripples. The war left Mexico with many problems causing chaos and eventually leading to another civil war. All these problems and tragedies are bad but it's nothing compared to the psychological distress the Mexicans were left with. Not only did it leave psychological distress but the war crushed their honor and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. American Revolutionary War : The Battle Of The War Conflict American Revolutionary War The American Revolutionary War was a war fought between the British Empire and Continental Army over America's Independence After the French and Indian War. Due to the money lost in the war, England taxed the colonists heavy through acts such as the Stamp Act and Intolerable Acts. This lead to events such as the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre which only angered both sides more. The first battle of the war was Lexington and Concord. A major battle of the war was The Battle of Bunker Hill. Although the Americans lost New York, George Washington was successful at defeating the Hessians at Trenton on Christmas Day. The battles of Brandywine and Germantown were fought over the American capital, Philadelphia. After the battle of Saratoga, France and Spain joined the American side. The war was won after the British surrendered at The Battle of Yorktown American Civil War The American Civil War was a war between the Confederate States and the Union. After Lincoln was elected most of the slave states seceded and created the confederacy. The war started when the Confederacy attacked Fort Sumter. The Union won the war. Lincoln wanted to welcome the SOuth back into the Union with open arms, but after he was assassinated, reconstruction treated the South poorly, causing economic struggl.e World War I World War I started when Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in support of Serbian power. The Austria–Hungarians ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Mexican-American War The battle of Mexico and America What if for a very long time you had two friends who would not get along because they could not have what they wanted? The Mexican–American war was one of the most insane battles in history. The battle of the 2 countries was between a military unprepared Mexico and a expanding United States. James K. Polk, an expansionist–minded U.S. president had a vision of expanding the United States to the west, known as the Manifest Destiny. Although the United States was against Mexico may be viewed as controversial, the war was just due to Mexico not being able to control Texas, Texas having no say in any government actions, and Violence in America. Mexico was not able to control Texas, creating pathways for America. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Mexican American War : Causes Of The Mexican American War Southern desire to spread slavery went a long way in causing in the Mexican American war, this desire, along with expansion and power, were the main motivators of this fight. The South had wanted to spread its slavery empire westward into Texas through the annexation. Desire was a major factor in the decision to fight for Texas as during this time, a large amount of support was rallied behind the deciding forces. Expansion had meant that slavery would continue spreading westward, and these slaveholders were keen on achieving this goal. Power that came with the acquisition of Texas and the spread of the practice of slavery further motivated pro–annexationists to fight in a war. The following combined elements: desire, expansion, and power, drove slavery supporters so far as to go to war with Mexico in 1846. The Southerners desire for the spread of slavery played an integral part in the orchestration of the Mexican American War. As William Henry Harrison's replacement, John Tyler caused a mess, and then urged for the annexation of Texas. After the success of the Webster–Ashburton treaty, he used the political momentum to led a campaign in 1843 with the help of Duff Green, a slavery supporter, to vilify Great Britain for their attempts in abolishing slavery in Texas. Then, in 1844 he attempted to secretly get a treaty ratified by the Senate which would've quietly annexed Texas to the United States. In The War in Texas, written in 1836 by Benjamin Lundy, Lundy stated ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The War Of The American Civil War Image Over the course of four years, what would later be called the bloodiest time in U.S. History, approximately 625,000 lives were taken during the American Civil War. Although the individuals who fought and died in both the North and South were arguably against each other politically, economically, socially, and emotionally one main point lost to them was that they had common ground in being a part of a newly formed nation in America. It can be argued that conflict arises in all parts of human nature and with America supporting a population of young men with newly found power and influence after the ratification of the U. S. Constitution it perhaps should not be such a shock that so many lives were lost to not only to war, but disease as emotions of the North and South divided people and stood them against one another. As we look back over history and conflicts as they arise among populations, one central theme of war is the possession of resources from which profit can be made. The areas of the North and South were not immune to this trend and as the divided issue of slavery became more prominent, conflict grew. Between the years of 1854 to 1856, Kansas and events therein played a vital role in the outbreak of civil war. By 1854, Republicans of the North sought to end the forward movement of slavery while the Democrats in the South supported the advancement of slavery west and farther south, thus supporting the Kansas– Nebraska Act, as it went along with their political ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Mexican-American War The Mexican–American war was a war fought over the annexation of Texas and where the Mexican–American border should be placed. The war sparked conflict over many other issues such as slavery, the justification of the war, and even formed the foundation of what would later come as the Civil War. Many people argued the topic of slavery in the Mexican–American war. There was a question of whether or not slavery should be legal in areas won by the United States. Northern states were opposed to legalizing slavery in the new territories, while the southern states supported the legalization of slavery in the new territories. Slavery also played a role in the arguments over manifest destiny. Southerners argued that military action should be pursued because gaining more states had the potential to have more territory that allowed slavery. The annexation of Texas was caused partly ... Show more content on ... Many people of the whig party, such as Abraham Lincoln, feel that the war was pointless and could not be justified. He felt that James K. Polk had manipulated people into supporting the war. Others thought that the war was inevitable. They thought that Mexico had fired the first shots, which caused to go to war. The thought that the fact that they did not start the war would justify the Mexican– American war. Professor David Weber says, "California was the real goal in the far west–to have harbors on the Pacific and make ourselves a continental empire. We were not terribly interested in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada, all of which belonged to Mexico as well, but those territories needed to be conquered if we were eventually to connect the Atlantic to the Pacific by railroad, which was already a dream" (n.d.). "Army officials, such as Second Lt. Ulysses S. Grant, charged that the U.S. unfairly used its superior military might to take land from Mexico" ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The War Of The American War Soon the Confederate States of America became a rebellion called the Confederacy that included 13 southern states. President Lincoln would not stand for this as his special message to congress on July 4, 1861 stated, "It was with the deepest regret that the Executive found the duty of employing the war–power, in defense of the government, forced upon him." (Harris 2007) South Carolina firing on Fort Sumter was the opening salvo of the Civil War. Both the North and South believed in their causes, and both sides thought the war would be over after a few months. Both sides were wrong. Bloody battles such as, Antietam, Bull Run, and Shiloh made it clear that this war would drag on for a long time. The Union of the north was particularly frustrated by their inabi lity to defeat the confederates. It was during the third year of the conflict, that president Lincoln offered his emancipation proclamation, thus freeing all the slaves. This proclamation opened the door for abolitionists and equal rights groups of the North who had been pushing for arming freed Blacks to fight on the union side. Massachusetts Governor, John A. Andrews, became the first to call for African Americans to assemble as an actual fighting unit. Over 1000 men enlisted in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. They came from mostly surrounding states, from runaway slaves and a few native Massachusetts blacks, whether they were a free or a runaway slave. With such a "never been tried' endeavor, it was a total work ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The American Civil War The American civil war was the second most important war to Americans. The war was about a lot of things but mostly the end slavery. It was also called the War Between the States. It war between the southern and the northern states. Slavery was use for a lot of things it was use in the industrial revolution it was used for farming in the south. In the north were trade and import and export good. African's were the most of the population of slaves. People thought slavery was a good thing. The masters would whip them if they didn't do what they were told nor did a bad job at it. The master would tell the slaves they have it better the Jesus did when he was tortured. People would bring religion to everything. The president during the time was the great Abraham Lincoln. He was born in Kentucky. There was to teams the confederation and the union. The confederation was the south. The union was the north. The union had many people because there was draft and the slave were free in the north and would be able to join the army so they did in the north and the south. In New York there was a riot caused by the draft. Many people didn't like that they could join that wasn't part of the compromise. Every state in the north seceded and four states didn't join the union or the confederation. One fact that is every surprising Kentucky never voted for President Lincoln for both terms. The greatest battle of the civil war was the battle of Bull Run. The most famous battle was the battle ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Civil War And The American War The question of what caused the Civil War is debatable because there are several events that may have influenced the war such as the Western Expansion, Manifest Destiny and the Mexican– American War. The war also stems from slavery, the North and South basically fought over whether or not slavery should be permitted. Another point that may have influenced the Civil War is the economic and social structure of the country, which also falls under slavery because the South main source of income was slavery and the North completely opposed this viewpoint, even though they did not believe blacks and whites as equals. Another point that may have provoked the Civil War is state rights because each state would have and the right to decide if they wanted to prohibit Slavery or not. Both Johnson and Zinn had interesting views Western Expansion, Manifest Destiny and the Mexican–American War as it relates to the Civil War and they both had similar points on each topic. However, Johnson stated that Americans wanted more land and they were not satisfied after the Louisiana Purchase. This is where the Manifest Destiny came about to continue the expansion of America. The term Manifest Destiny was coined by John L. O'Sullivan and in the document John L. O'Sullivan, Manifest Destiny (1845) he explained the importance of the expansion. O 'Sullivan stated that Texas was a part of the union and it should not be seen just as geographical space and more than just a country but a way to fulfil the ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Mexico-American War The Mexico–American war resulted directly in the death of 13,000 Americans. But, has effected hundreds of millions, as through this war, a new America was conceived– and the due date was May 9, 1865– the end of the civil war. The Mexico–American war had a mammoth effect on the domestic policies of America because it made lying and taking justified with success and unproven speculations, promoted sectionalism, and provided the federal government extended territory to govern. The Mexico–American war is similar to Salem witch trials. Americans justified their desire for expansion, specifically California, with the belief that God's desire was for the United States to expand and take over Mexican territory. The Salem witch trials involved prospected ... Show more content on ... With technological advances the war could have been even more deadly and dividing. Worse, a delayed civil war is synonymous with a delayed united America. This would dramatically effect all American policies, because a united nation is at the epitome of all American policies. This war tipped the scale, making the sectionalism unbearable. The Sectionalism that linked to the civil war was promoted because the simple question: Where should slavery be expanded to in the conquered territory? This proves that sectionalism and expansion were related. This issue over the conquered territory and their eventual statehood changed American policy. Eventually, the conquered territories became states. At that point, the federal government represented a larger territory. Representing a larger territory mean that more ideas and viewpoint need to be considered before making decisions. Also, people will specifically represent these states in congress. Many legislation that effects our daily life would be altered if this territory was not conquered. The Mexico–American war created many precedents that changed American domestic policies. Because of the Mexico– American war, the process initiating the inevitable civil war was expedited, a large territory of land was added, sectionalism was promoted, and people were willing to believe unproven ideas to gain a greater ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Mexican American War: The War In Mexico The Mexican American War was somewhat of a small kept war that was initially started as a territory claim that turned into a political game. It involved the United States, Mexico, and the Native Americans (Indians). The Mexican government was a bit unstable at the time in which allowed for easy maneuvering of any opposition. The United States was run by POTUS James K. Polk. General Zackary Taylor was the one in charge of looking to the Texas territory to establish an American presence. The territories in question were also habited by Native American Indians. General Taylor new of the Mexican opposition but had no idea of the numbers of the Indians that also occupied the land. The main objective from the United States in 1846 was to gain the territory north of the Rio Grande. The Mexican government was not in favor of giving up the land, and was actually in combat with the Native Americans for the same land as well. ... Show more content on ... Just as General Taylor was having Congress make a motion for the Unites States to take over the territory, the Mexican General Santa Anna and his army killed Americans in Texas soil. This was the turning point and what started the war in the eyes of the Americans. How could Mexico be so heartless and kill American troops on what was considered American soil to Americans? The war lasted 2 years, and ended with the ratification of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 ending the Mexican American War. Mexico was paid 15 million dollars, but was not the only thing that was costly to America. In real numbers the war cost America 97 million dollars, and 13,000 American lives. With that America gained the territory, but also the slavery counts that haunted the land. Not all Americans were in favor, but the deed was done. America now incorporated the land North of the Rio ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The War Of The American Civil War There were many events that led to the cause of one of America's most devastating war, the American Civil War. The American Civil War was an unfortunate war that cost more than the lives of six hundred thousand people. Events such as the Missouri Compromise, Kansas Nebraska Act, Dred Scott Decision, and the Election of Abraham Lincoln resulted in the four yearlong battles between the Northern and Southern states due to social and economic differences on the idea of slavery. In the 19th century, America described their westward expansion as the Manifest Destiny. The topic of slavery was still at a dispute in America. The Southern States, whose economies were heavily dependent on agriculture, needed slave labor for the mass production of ... Show more content on ... Many people were satisfied with the Missouri Compromise keeping the stability of the Northern and Southern States, until the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 nullified it. In the early 1850s, settlers wanted to move into the area of Nebraska, which was just a territory. Stephen A. Douglas wanted to be president, and so needed to help out the economy of his state by building a railroad across the country expanding westward. Douglas had a strong belief of the Manifest Destiny, and "hoped to organize federal lands west of Missouri as past of his program for economic development". Douglas needed the Louisiana Purchase to be organized into territories in order to have northern rail route run through the province. In 1854, he proposed a piece of legislation, the Kansas Nebraska Act. The bill created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Steven Douglas however decided to open up these territories to popular sovereignty. This however contravened with the Missouri Compromise, as both Kansas and Nebraska were located above the 36° 30′ N latitude where slavery was forbidden. Although there were many disputes with this bill, it eventually passed in May of 1854. Northern Democrats, Whigs, and Free Soilers were furious as they saw Congress being controlled by the pro– slavery South that supported the Kansas Nebraska Act. The passing of Kansas Nebraska ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The War Of The American Civil War Historians have disputed over the vast majority of causes of the American Civil War for ages. While some explanations may appear easier to pinpoint, the primary underlying catalyst to the start of the war was the controversy over slavery. Though the northern and southern regions of the United States fostered contrasting views on a range of issues, they shared the common perspective of promoting Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the prevalent attitude that induced Americans to expand from coast to coast. This inclination sparked western expansion which prompted many internal conflicts. Though neither the north nor the south claimed slavery was the motive for the Civil War, this peculiar institution was the primary root of the nation's eruption. The controversy for slavery's existence in the new western territories varied among the north and the south. Both of the regions were motivated politically and economically to either eliminate or expand slavery in the western territories. Each of the northern states shared the uniform objective of stabilizing the union which consisted of 11 free states in 1850. Since the north became much more industrialized, slaves were no longer imperative to northern economic prosperity. However, the southern economy still heavily relied on slave labor. The northern states were exceptionally threatened by slave labor because it could potentially monopolize employment in the new western states. On the contrary, southern states supported the ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The War With Mexican American War The war with Mexico is long remembered as an episode, and by no means is it an unimportant one. With the events that led up to its happening, from the Manifest Destiny to the disputes on territory, it has severely marked the United States. American historians regard the Mexican–American war as "the foulest blot on our national honor". ( Unethical actions were taken gain Mexican territory. Polk and his hunger for land drove him to find some devious way to fight a war with Mexico. His belligerent attitude in regard to this war was the "foulest blot on our national honor." However, as one studies the events that led to it, was it an unprovoked act of aggression? Or did the US unjustifiably lure Mexico into one of the bloodiest wars on American soil? The O'Sullivan article on Manifest Destiny sparked an initial interest amongst the American people. The idea that it was the United States' destiny to expand across the continent became an ardent hope. America had a strong Christian belief that God had intended this for the country. The need for more land became vital as an increasing amount of immigrants flocked to the country each year. As the US gained more land, they steadily began to approach the western part of the continent. At the time, the United States was half of what it is now. The other half was owned by a country that would soon be forced into a two year war. Mexico was once a country half the size of the US. It stretched, as one could say, from coast to ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The American Civil War The American Civil War was one of the major events in history that helped develop America to what it is today. Many people think that the American Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery alone, but in reality it was caused by many disagreements and events between the northern free states and southern slave states that occurred prior to the war. Monetary alterations were one of the main reasons the North and South had many conflicts and differences in beliefs. The Civil War was an inevitable event for the South due to economic, political, and social reasons. One of the crucial reasons the South was fated to fight the Civil War was the economy. The reason for this is because the economy of the South was based on agriculture, while the economy of the North was based on industrialization. This in turn resulted in different economic values and beliefs between the two. Since the American government favored the northern beliefs it caused tension between the South which later resulted in disputes between each other. A major issue that formed among the two was the conflict of tariffs. Tariffs developed into an increasing issue when the northern manufactures pushed for higher tariffs constantly for protection due to the large scale dumping of British goods in America that occurred after the War of 1812. This slowly angered the southerners which inevitably led to what is known as the Nullification Crisis. This was caused when the state of South Carolina, led by John C. Calhoun, ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Mexican American War One of the most iconic wars during the 1800th was the Mexican–American War, where the United States and Mexico were having a dispute between both countries borders. During this time Mexico had just gain independence from Spain and them were now their own country. Throughout all of this, Mexico believed that the Nueces river was the border between them and the United States while the U.S believed that it was the Rio Grande that was the border between both countries. Unlike them trying to argue what river divided the country, a time when much of the country had strong feelings of manifest destiny. The United States believed that it was gods chosen people to inherit North America land. The United states offer Mexico 30 million dollars in exchange ... Show more content on ... To recognize that the Americans had planted in their brains their "manifest destiny" to dominate the continents and they felt that it was their right to own the land and pass their idealism. The war was a huge loss for Mexico and considering that it gives a huge stereotype to the U.S for being greedy and the idea that they can take anything they want by force. In the end, Mexico had the right to respond when the U.S invaded them, they defended their territory and stoop up for glory even thou they lost part of the country. We can all say that perhaps the war could have been taken differently and the U.S should have just respected Mexico's right to own their ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The American Civil War The American Civil War, also known as the State's War, was a conflict that arose mostly from the issue of slavery, but deep down was due to economic differences between the North and the South. The South seceded from the North and created their own self–government due to their belief in the lack of state's rights versus the federal government and what they saw as a weakness in the Articles of Confederation. While the Confederacy of the United States depended on slave labor for their economy in regards to plantation farming of cotton, tobacco and rice, the Union, whom represented the United States of America, was a booming manufacturing industry due to railroads and machinery that allowed them to easily surpass the output of the South's ... Show more content on ... This even expanded to violence on the U.S. Senate when Congressman Preston Brooks attacked Senator Charles Sumner over the head for accusing the South of violence. Eventually, popular sovereignty would be cited for new territories added that would give the new land the right to approve of slavery or not. While under the new Constitution that cited the Articles of Confederation, many believed that the federal government had too much control over the states. The South particularly, felt that their independence was being taken away and they should have to right to accept federal acts or not. Particularly after congress passed a high protective tariff that would benefit them and hurt the South. The tariff was to increase the cost of British textiles, which the South greatly leaned against because they sold all their cotton to mills in England. The North was producing the same products as the South and wished the pass this "unfair taxation" so that the Southerners would have to buy goods from them. In opposition of this, was John C. Calhoun who felt that the compromise betrayed the South. Because of the booming industry in the North, they held a numerical majority. He called for the right of "nullification", which would give states the ability to rule a federal ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The American Civil War And The Vietnam War "Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events." – Sir Winston Churchill. Throughout history, men have fought battles to protect and serve for their country. Some men become injured at war and others don 't get to live on to tell their stories. We are all thankful of those who are able to live on and tell their stories to the common people about their experiences. Two intriguing Wars are the American Civil War and the Vietnam War. They both deal with the long challenging fights between the North and the South regions within each country. The Civil War and the Vietnam War were never declared wars but still managed to divide nations and families. During these wars, many people died defending their land. Two very different war veterans are truly remarkable for the duties they have performed. Robert Edward Lee; the general in chief of the Civil war, and Gary James Walker; a veteran of the Vietnam War have interesting stories from their active military days. The American Civil war was fought between the Southern and the Northern States during 1861 and 1865. The war was between seven southern slave states, known as the Confederate States of America, and the states from the North ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The Mexican-American War New Mexico was just a dry desert owned by Mexico. The people in New Mexico were treated badly and not given the food, water, or money needed to survive. New Mexico was stopped from expanding and becoming something great. The, what is now a great state, used to just be a poorly populated desert. The Mexican–American War was hope for the people of New Mexico. The war could save them, the war could give New Mexico the freedom that it wanted and deserved. The Mexican American War gave hope to New Mexico and changed New Mexico forever. The Mexican–American War was a tremendous war that started on April 25, 1846 and ended on February 2, 1848. The war greatly affected both Mexico and the United States. The war affected Mexico greatly because, ... Show more content on ... Mexico had a very unstable government at the time. This means that the leaders and laws of Mexico were changing over and over. In fact at one point, there were over 30 new leaders of Mexico in 25 years. Mexico's economy was also horrible at the time and money was not very easy to come by. Mexico's Government was short with money as well. Mexico barely had the time and money to care for itself. It was obviously not in a good enough state to care for New Mexico as well. In result, New Mexico was isolated from expanding and from the rest of Mexico. Mexico was not remembered again until the Mexican–American ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. American Civil War Experiences of the American Civil War (1861–1865): Honor, Duty and Death Introduction The following pages are an essay on the cause of the American Civil War (1861–1865) and the effects that the war had upon the soldiers, women and African Americans of the North and the South. In this essay I will write about the following topics and present a view of how the war was witnessed by these different groups of people. In regards to the soldiers of the North and the South, I will answer the following questions: What was the enthusiasm of the soldiers from the North and the South before the war? What was their perspective after the fighting had started? How did the soldiers of the invading armies treat the civil population? The horrors of ... Show more content on ... The soldier's perspectives on the length of the war were influenced by the motivation to protect their way of life. In describing the sentiments of Union and Confederate soldiers we can use some examples that are in letters sent home by the soldiers. One Kentucky confederate wrote, "I choose to fight for southern rights and southern liberty against the vandals of the North who were determined to destroy slavery"[vi]. Another opinion by a Wisconsin Union soldier states his reasons for fighting in the war, " I have no heart in this war if the slaves cannot go free"[vii]Both the North and the South believed to be fighting to preserve the society that was prevalent in the respective regions of the United States. The South was trying to protect the institution of slavery and their society. The North, at the start of the war, only had the intention to overcome the succession, but they later realized that it could only do this by destroying slavery[viii]. When it became apparent to the soldiers on the battlefield that the war would not end quickly, the tone of enthusiasm changed. An example of the change in attitude can be obtained from the following passage that was written by the Union soldier Jno R. McClure to his sister in 1862 "I will tell you what I think and that is the north will never whip the south as long as there is a man left in the south. They fight like wild devles. Ever man seems to determine to loose the last ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The War Of The American Civil War Essay When the American Civil War broke out amongst the divided entities that encumbered the United States during the 19th century an explosion of turmoil and struggle reigned free throughout the nation. Furthermore, with the strife of the Civil War came a barrage of changes that wracked much of the infant nation to its core. Traveling from end to end of the United States the effects of American Civil War became the precedent for the future of the nation. The war, for its influence on the people of the U.S, became a symbol for a turning point in American history. Cemented in that history is a conception of the war that has remained over the many years since its culmination. The idea that the Civil War was a war of rules and regulations and therefore is synonymous with the notion of battles being fought with troops lining either side of an open field and exchanging fire until one stood no more. Often this interpretation of the war is used to personify the idea of glorification of the ferocity of battles, paying homage to brave soldiers who fought in them, and telling of the birth of a refined nation through insurmountable suffering and evoke an attitude of awe towards the scale of conflict the Civil War provided. However there are some whose accounts allow us to look at the American Civil War in a different light, a light that paints a different picture of battles for those caught amongst the struggle but yet still envelop similar attitudes towards the war. This different style ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. American Revolutionary War A motivating force behind the revolution was the American embrace of a political ideology called "republicanism", which was dominant in the colonies by 1775. The "country party" in Britain, whose critique of British government emphasized that corruption was to be feared, influenced American politicians. The commitment of most Americans to republican values and to their rights, helped bring about the American Revolution, as Britain was increasingly seen as hopelessly corrupt and hostile to American interests; it seemed to threaten to the established liberties that Americans enjoyed. The greatest threat to liberty was depicted as corruption. The colonists associated it with luxury and, especially, inherited aristocracy, which they condemned. ... Show more content on ... The Americans were totally unaware that the British would try to cross the creek in separate places. Washington backtracked to Chester, Pennsylvania. A British pursuit was stopped by a rearguard unit; therefore, Howe could not occupy the abandoned capital until September 26. British deaths totaled to about 600 and American losses were 900 dead and wounded, along with 400 taken prisoner. After Howe 's victory at Brandywine, his army camped at Germantown, Pennsylvania. Washington planned a surprise attack against the redcoats at sunrise. He broke the army into four separate columns for battle. The American soldiers marched to Germantown by two roads, with General Sullivan to the right and General Greene to the left. Washington, along with General Wayne, joined Sulliven and caused the British to fall back. Some hundred men ran and hid in the Chew house, a large stone building, and returned fire from the second story. Instead of by–passing the building, Colonel Knox believed that they should destroy the house with the redcoats in it. Knox 's fired cannons at the home, which merely bounced back at them. The fog and smoke caused massive confusion for several others of Washington 's columns. All of a sudden two American divisions collided and fired upon each other. More and more mishaps followed, and finally Washington ' men retreated. In June of 1775 in Charlestown the British were awaken from their sleep. The British were totally unaware of the fact ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The American Civil War: The Bloodiest War On April 12, 1861 decades of building tensions between the northern and southern United States erupted into the American Civil War. The war began when Confederates attacked Union soldiers at fort Sumter, South Carolina. This happened because the north did not believe in slavery, but the south did. The north went against slavery, but the confederates believed that slavery was good for money because they saved money by not paying the slaves. The election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860 caused seven southern states to move from the Union to form the Confederate States of America; four more states joined them after the Civil War began. Some people said that everything leading up to 1860 led to the civil war and everything that happened after it was because of the civil war. The Civil War was also known as The War Between the States. This war was so intense that it put neighbor against neighbor and even sometimes brother against brother. In 1865, when confederates surrendered the Civil War proved to be the bloodiest, costliest (at that time), and most accomplishing war ever fought on our very own soil. Though the Civil war did lead to the death of over 600,000 soldiers, I believe it was worth it. The Civil war is considered the bloodiest war in history because at least 618,000 Americans died in this war, and some experts believe the numbers reached well into the 700,000s. At any number these casualties exceeded the nation's loss in all its other wars. The battle of ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The American Civil War, Wars, And Rumors Of Wars The American Civil War Wars, Wars and rumors of wars!!!! Everyone knows the United States has had its fair share of wars. Let me start by giving you a brief list of wars the United States has participated in according to Wikipedia. Both "Barbary Wars (1801–1805, 1815–1816), Wars of 1812, Mexican–American War (1846–48), American Civil War (1861–65), Indian War (1865–91), Spanish–American War( 1898), Philippine–American War (1899–1902) Border War(Mexican Revolutionary)1910–1919, World War I (1917–18), World War II( 1941–45), Cold War (1947–1991), Korean War( 1950–53), Vietnam War (1964–1975), Persian Gulf War (1990–91), and of course the War on Terrorism (2001–present)." And that's just the major wars. Out of all of these wars the one that I will discuss is the American Civil War. First, I will enlighten you on why I chose the American Civil War. Next, I will expound upon the reason that commenced the American Civil War. Last, I will inform you on what the after– effects were from the American Civil War. The American Civil War just might be one of the most historic and significant wars for the United States of America's history. Some might say well what about the American Revolutionary War? Well then let me help you distinguish the difference between American Revolutionary War and the American Civil War. The American Revolutionary War was the battle between Great Britain and thirteen of its North American colonies, which had proclaimed themselves the independent United ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The War Of The American Civil War Abraham Lincoln once stated "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln is a hero for the citizens of America because his determination and courage to ending slavery even if it meant war caused peace in this nation. Slavery was the vital cause of the American Civil War. The north and the south both had their differences on how to run the country. People in the North believed in unity and that slavery should not exist because "all men are created equally." On the other hand, the South believed in continuing slavery. People tried to talk it out and come to a middle ground after both sides compromising, however that didn't work and caused war. Ideological differences were a vital role to making the American Civil War an inevitable event. The American Civil War took place from 1861–1865 was an inevitable event in the American history. More than 640,000 people were killed and millions more were injured during this massive war. The civil war was between the northern and the southern states where its most leading cause was slavery. Along with that, economic, political and social ideologies caused the civil war. The northern states, also known as the union, were more successful and antislavery compare to the southern confederates states. The northern states were more populated, had more industries, and believed in the Declaration of Independence statement that "all men are ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The American Civil War The American Civil War was one of the most devastating wars in America's history. The war did not only divide the country, but it also divided families. There were a lot of things that led to the Civil War but, I believe the primary source of the North/South conflict that led to the Civil War was the issue over Free states vs. Slave states. The three political acts that helped this source of conflict led to the Civil War was The Missouri Compromise, The Compromise of 1850, and The Kansas– Nebraska Act. Before you can get into the issue of Free states vs. Slave states you have to know why there was slavery in the south and why there wasn't any in the north. The reason why the southern states had slavery was because of the agricultural economy the south had at the time. The most profitable crop in the south was cotton. According to a book called Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History Of The American Civil War by Jeffrey Hummel, it states, "Cotton was the American economy's leading sector, consisting half of all exports. For ambitious white Southerners, the primary avenue to greater wealth and status remained slave ownership." There was slavery in the south, because there was more profit in it. A white plantation owner would rather have, slaves because he would not have to pay them any wages for their work. The reason why the northern states didn't have slavery, because in their economy there was no use for it. The economy the northern states used was an ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. The War Of The American Civil War Slavery may have been established as the catalyst of the American Civil War, but the beginning of the dispute began in the time of the Revolution with a weak decentralized government under the Articles of Confederation. Later gained momentum as territorial expansion set Americans against each other on debating whether the new states should be slave states or free states, it questioned the power of the Federal government regarding state rights, and brought about instability in the unity of the United States as a nation. The conflict of the American Civil War began with states' rights being taken away and flourished with the decision on whether slavery should spread westward, or be equally distributed not only in the Louisiana Purchase territory, but in the rest of the westward territory. The American Revolution gave birth to two groups, those who argued for greater state rights and those who thought the government was too weak and decentralized. The thirteen states created a loose confederation with a weak feral government under the Articles of Confederation. This weakness that was expressed in the Articles caused the leaders of the time to come together and create the United States Constitution. Strong supporters of state rights like Thomas Jefferson, felt that the proposed constitution ignored state rights. This brought about the idea of nullification, but the federal government denied it. When nullification failed and the states felts like they were not being respected, ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The American Revolutionary War The topic of revolution is extremely subjective. What may appear as an insurrection to some might not be as extreme to others. When talking about the American Revolutionary War, however, the answer is clear. While the War certainly brought about change within the United States, it wasn't necessarily very revolutionary. The most important aspects of the colonies, such as ideas about government, various types of societal equality, slavery and freed blacks, and the rights of women remained for the most part, unaffected. The theories and ideas about government that initially gave the war a purpose were definitely revolutionary. One notable instance of proposed governmental ideology can be found in The Declaration of Independence. "We hold these truths to be self–evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" (Doc. B). This passage clearly states that this new form of politics would give everybody, regardless of personal variables, a method of living comfortably and happily, and most importantly, free. This seems all well and good, however, these "truths" were never really recognized. "I know the superiority of the present government. In theory it is certainly superior; but in practice it is not so. This can arise from... want of ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. The War Of The American Civil War The American Civil War is known to most as the bloodiest war anyone has ever witnessed. It claimed the life of thousands of Americans and animosity that was built up over several years prior to it can be to blame. Most people think that slavery was the cause of this battle, and although slavery did play a part, it was not the main cause. The biggest roles played in the American Civil War were states' rights, unfair bills, feelings of inferiority and threats to economy. The tension started during the time that the north attempted to pass a tariff that the south saw as an abomination. The Tariff of 1828 was passed, many South Carolinians became angry because of the unfair high tax that they would have to pay and the lack of benefit it paid to the southern economy. Because of this, South Carolina nullified it. After many debates and threats received to leave the union, President Jackson had to pass a bill named, the Force Bill. This bill was written to force the South Carolinians to pay the tariff in order to fix the issue. The South did not like the idea. After this settled, the south was still left with issues. (Lecture, Twenty–Eight; "The Age of Jackson I"). Even though slavery was not the main cause of the Civil War, it did play a very important role. With the rise of abolitionist, people who focused on the abolishment of slavery in the south, slaves were seen as a part of the economy and abolishment of slavery would be a major blow to the southern economy. ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. American War Dbq 1. Although the war began in Massachusetts in 1775, it shifted south to the middle states, with a year. After 1779 the South became the primary theatre. Why did this geographic pattern develop, what was its significance, and why did the United States eventually win? As the British prowled the east coastline of America, the colonist became intimidated because the English army was much stronger than theirs (Nash et al., 2008). France joined the battle to fight against the powers of Britain shortly after the settlers had a successful win in New York. It became critical for the Americans to develop a steady congress if they were going defeat Britain, but during that time of development they neglected the army, so Washington was given power to ... Show more content on ... Recount the rationales behind African Americans joining or opting out of the American war of independence. During the Revolution, the British viewed the African American's in the South as numbers to add to their side of the war and also as a group of individuals to manipulate in warfare (Nash et al., 2008). On the other hand, the American's viewed the slaves as vulnerable and dangerous. With so much speak of liberty and freedom during the revolution, the African American's began to petition against the lives they were living as slaves and fought to have their own liberties. The royal governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, responded to the cries of the slaves and proclaimed that any who were willing to fight in the war with the British army were free to leave their masters. Therefore, to achieve their own revolution, many of the African Americans chose to fight in the army, but many of those never did achieve freedom. Those who chose not to fight with the British, instead decided to flee during the commotion of the war. Some fled to the North where there were rumors of freedom, while others escaped to the southern interiors to seek asylum with the Native ... Get more on ...