SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Chloe Ross
Existing product: Company logo/ Film Opening
I have a chosen this specific clip so I
can look at company logos, colour
scheme, lighting, tone, sound
effects and soundtrack can be used
to create a stunning scene within an
amount of minutes which I can use
to apply to my own product.
Font and effects
With the Warner bros logo at the start of
the movie opening, the colour of it is a
steel grey. Depending on the genre of the
movie Warner Bros changes the style of
their logo, because it’s a steel grey we
know it’s going to be a dark film, it can
also give off a sense of horror as well.
When the other logos show they’re all the
same colour as the warner bros logo
which shows the tone of the movie will
stay the same through out. The logos also
fade in time with the music and shows the
pace of the music as it matches with it.
The soundtrack in the opening scene plays
throughout the entire opening. It starts off
as a slow tune as the logos are introduce and
we come into the first shot, then as the kid
runs and flash backs start the music keeps in
time with the different shots and gradually
gets louder as the focus of the scene is about
to happen conveying to the viewers that
something bad is about to happen. Then as
the parents are shot the soundtrack moves
from just instruments to someone singing
along with it emphasising the emotion the
scene has and the affect it has on the kid. As
the scene moves the singing stops and music
quietens but then starts slowly again when
the camera moves to the dying bodies of the
As the logo fades into the shot you can see leaves floating
into the scene, the orange/brown colour of the leaves and them
floating suggests that the scene setting is set in autumn time. As
the Warner bros logo fades away the entertainment company’s
logo fades in as well as the DC comics logo to advertise and credit
the companies who have worked on this film. As more leaves fall
and the logos fade the camera zooms out of the darkness that
was a coffin and shows an actual shot of the scene. The
transitions between the logos and scene sets the tone and pace
of the opening scene, as the transitions are slow and the pace of
the leaves falling isn’t ruff but instead gentle and is in time with
the sound of the wind and music.
How dialogue is used to open the scene
The opening dialogue starts just after the Logos fade,
and just before the opening scene appears which gets
the viewers full attention on the dialogue and what is
being said. The tone of voice used and the pace he is
talking all matches in time with the music in the
background and the pace in which the scene
transitions. In the dialogue he says “ How things fall.
Things on Earth. And what falls… is fallen.” This can
refer to the leaves falling in the scene as well as
autumn which is the time the scene occurs is also
referred to as ‘fall’ although the main reference is him
referring to his parents death the leaves can represent
them falling.
Atmosphere created by sound effects
In the opening scene you can hear the wind blowing the
leaves and the sound of the leaves flickering, above that you
can hear piano music which immediately sets the mood of the
scene as slightly melancholy. As the scene moves on and it
flashes back to his parents walking the streets the piano music
remains constant and gets deeper, which conveys to the
viewer that a tragedy is about to take place, and maintaining
the same effect if had at the very beginning of the scene but
by it getting deeper makes the scene more emotionally
moving to watch.
In the flashback scene as the family is walking down the street
their path is lit by the movie theatres sign as well as the posters
placed along the wall, the lights illuminate the family and show
how happy they are, it also contrasts to when the scene flashes
back to the kid running in the woods the area is grey and there’s
no light or happiness shown in the scene compared to in the
flashback. As they continue to walk away from the theatre they
enter a much more grim area which shows the true cities form.
When the person pulls the trigger on the gun and the bullet falls
it flashes forward to the kid falling along with the bullet down
the hole, then as the mum is killed and falls it finally flashes to
the kid landing down in the hole this shows that when his
parents fell he fell with them and is visually represented through
constant flash backs throughout the scene.
Throughout the opening scene it maintains the
tone of melancholy and misery as the lighting
and the colours used represent those mood
styles. As the opening scene draws in the
setting looks grey and the only colour that isn’t
grey or black is the colour of the leaves that
have a reddish tint to them to represent blood
being spilt as they’re at funeral. The opening
scene of the movie sets the tone of the entire
film, making the viewer know what type of
movie they’re watching and it isn’t a happy or
joyful one. The only hint of joy in that scene is
in the flash back where the family is happy
walking out of the theatres, but through the
background music you can tell that it wont last
long as the scene moves asway from the light
and into the darkness.
Existing Product: Company Logo
Why I have chosen to look at company logos?
I’ve chosen to look at company logos, so when I make my product I can have an idea about the design of the
logo, such as colour schemes that fits in with the genre of my trailer, as well as how I can present the logo in my
product to make it look visually interesting to the audience. As well as that I need to plan whereabouts I will
place my logo in my trailer along with how I can transition it to move to different scenes in my trailer.
Audience Appeal
Company logos can appeal to the audience based on their reputation, such as with Warner bros it’s a well
known entertainment company known for making good movies. When you see that logo at the beginning of a
film then you can assume that it’s going to be a well made movie. Also the colouring of the logo helps convey
to the audience the genre of film they’re watching such as if it was dark and grey then they’re watching a dark
film. If it’s colourful then they can assume they’re watching a happy film.
Summary (overview)
I’ve found that having a logo included in a trailer or movie can help set the tone of it and the way it’s viewed
and fades can set the pace of a movie as well. Using sound and background music can also help with this as
well as colours used in a scene and the way it’s shot and transitioned. The emotions you make the viewer feel is
all based on the sounds and cinematography of the film and how to make it so the viewer feels a certain way
about a scene.
Existing product: TrailerProduct
I have chosen to look at this trailer so I
can look at the different techniques it
uses such as transitions, audio, camera
angles and how it can create suspense
in such a shot amount of time. By
looking at this I can apply what I have
learnt to my own project and
experiment with the different
The length of this trailer is 2 minutes
and 28 seconds long, in that short
amount of time it’s managed to convey
the horror elements and build up
tension while leaving a sense of mystery
towards it such as who is the entity that
is haunting the house? The length is
managed so it doesn’t give away too
much of the movie but at the same time
it gives of the basic plot of it. It also
leads the audience to wanting to know
more about it which makes them want
to see the movie.
The main location used in the trailer is
the house in which the strange
occurrences is happening , This shows
that the focus of the movie is going to
be on that house and the family that live
there. The other location seen in the
trailer is the university Ed and Lorraine
are teaching in which can only be seen in
the first few seconds of the trailer,
which shows that not much will take
place there but it shows a bit of
background towards the two main
characters and their lives. The rest of the
trailer is just the house and the area
around it.
In the first scene of the trailer they’ve filmed it with a hand
held camera to give the sense that it’s home footage, The
light in the scene is shined directly on the guy and that
seems to be the only bit of light given in that scene. This
could indicate that the guy in the scene represents the
light in the movie and is the one that’s trying to get rid of
the evil by spreading that light, as it represents the good in
the film. In the first part of the trailer as the characters are
introduced the lighting is bright but as the trailer moves on
and the women says that there’s something going on in
the house the light gets dimmer than it was. This could
show at the beginning the evil wasn’t introduced but now
it is throughout the trailer the light isn’t as bright as it once
Mise en scene
The clothing worn in the trailer indicates that the film isn’t set
in present day, the cotton and old fashioned style of the
characters clothing as well as the hairstyles worn shows that
it’s set either the 60’s or 70’s. The way the house is styled
with the old fashioned furniture and the state of the decor is
associated with the typical horror movie genre so the setting
and props already give away the genre of the movie. The use
of putting up pictures of the family around the house shows
that they’re close as a family along with the warm colours of
clothing they wear which shows that happiness, which
contrasts with the evil that they will put up with. The props
such as the piano and the clock gives of a horror vibe and
makes the viewer nervous when they watch as it helps create
the sense of horror.
Audience Appeal
All throughout the trailer it gives of a sense of suspense
and mystery towards the movie, it makes the viewer
question who is haunting them and why. Leaving the
audience wanting to know more about the movie. It
targets the audience who love horror and wants to get
spooked and by the trailer everything is horror oriented.
As it also says that it’s based of a true story this intrigues
the viewer even more knowing that it’s actually happened
and it makes them want to know the story, also saying it’s
based of a true story scares the viewer even more
knowing that it’s real and not fiction contributes to the
trailers horror elements.
Sound Effects and how they are used in the trailer
The sounds used in the trailer helps create suspense in the scenes, such as
when the clock is ticking that’s the only sound you can hear and with each
clock tick the camera transitions from the clock to the child sleeping
which puts the audience on edge. Then as the clock stops ticking and
there’s only silence that’s when you know something is going to happen.
The use of the clock tick and scene switches builds up the scare that’s
going to happen and you know with each clock tick something bad is
going to happen. The dialogue used in the trailer such as “there’s
something horrible happening in my house” and the whispering of “look
what she made me do” adds more horror to the trailer and frightens the
audience. The sound effects of the smashing of the pictures and the
screaming also helps creates a horror atmosphere as well.
The song at the beginning of the trailer is quite a
happy song to show at the moment nothing is
wrong, but just as the Mum states “There’s
something horrible happening in my house” the
sound track immediately cuts dead. This indicates
that something bad is going to happen and like at
the beginning of the trailer it’s no longer quite as
joyful as it begins to show it’s true horror elements.
The rest of the trailer is filled with eerie sounds and
dialogue from the character which helps create the
suspense in the trailer without the soundtrack.
Existing product: Conjuring Trailer
Why I have chosen to look at this trailer?
I have chosen to look at the conjuring trailer because I wanted to see how they were able to create suspense
and keep the audience engaged throughout the trailer that makes them want to see the movie. I also wanted
to see how they used audio to help make it horror atmospheric as well as how they used props and clothing to
convey that the genre was horror as well. I think looking at all this will help me with my project as I now
understand how they created tension and kept the audience engaged throughout the trailer which is what I
want to do.
Audience Appeal
The trailer appeals to the audience because throughout it, it maintains all the horror elements and it creates
scenes in it which puts the audience on edge with them not knowing what is going to happen next. It also
leaves them curious to the story of the movie as they want to know what’s going to happen in it and makes
them want to see the movie.
All through the trailer it kept the viewer engaged with it, the audio they used helped create suspense for a
scene and builds it up as well as the transitions between shots helps scare the viewer as they don’t know
what's going to appear next. Also the props and clothing helps establish when the movie is set and it relates to
a typical horror with the décor and antiques used in the shots.
Existing Product: PosterProduct
I have chosen to look at this poster
so I can look at the design styles,
fonts and colours used to create it.
As well as how the poster can convey
the movies genre and style through
its design. Looking at all this I can
apply the same techniques used to
create this poster to my own.
The font style used for the main title of the movie
is quite retro and looks like something you would
see in a 80’s action movie. This shows the
audience that movie is an action movie and as
some of the letters are split in half to make it look
like the aesthetic of a road. The colour of the title
and the style of it also resembles that of
something you would see on a road as well. This
helps show to the audience that the movie is
based on cars and driving.
Colour scheme
The main colour in the poster is pink, the sky is pink, the
tint in the sunglasses are pink and even the car has a slight
pinkness in it. The connotations of pink mainly references
love so the poster is hinting at that the movie could have
some romance in it, which shows its not only a action
movie but also a romance as well. The red in the poster
also suggests that there is danger and action in the movie,
and the red and blue lines on the road that is in front of the
car also suggests it’s a film to do with criminals as blue and
red represent the police and as the car looks like it’s driving
away from the red and blue indicates it’s trying to escape
the police. The red in the poster which represents violence
and danger and the pink in the poster that represents love
and innocence contradicts with each other and it could
represent the battle the main character has between the
two in the movie.
Art Style
The way the poster is layed out is so your
attention is on the car on the road, this is so
the audience knows the main theme of the
movie is based on getaway cars as the car looks
to be speeding away from the police. The way
the poster is set up with the characters in place
and the almost pop art style of it gives it kind of
a comedic vibe making it look less serious than
it seems, hinting that the movie will also have
comedic vibes to it. The images of the cast and
the way they’re posed and positioned tells you
a bit about them. Baby who is wearing the
sunglasses and earphones is bigger than
everyone in the poster indicating that he’s the
main character, the look of the three
characters at the bottom makes them look like
thugs and them holding guns shows that
they’re the criminals in the movie. The girl who
is closest to baby in the movie looks innocent
from the style of clothing and the lack of
weaponry showing that she could be Baby’s
love interest in the movie. Then the guy who is
also wearing sunglasses looks like some kind of
boss based on the suit and tie and the more
upper class look he has compared to the rest.
The director of the film, Edgar wright, is a
very well known director so putting his name
on the top of the film title is a way to market
the movie to the audience. Along with the
actors names Ansel Elgort and Kevin Spacey
as well as Lily James are fairly well known in
the movie industry and having their names on
the poster as well as their faces helps sell the
movie to the audience as well. Also it’s
important to include the actors names so they
have credit in the movie and the poster.
At the bottom of the tile of the movie it has
the slogan “All you need is one killer track”
this has a meaning of two things in the film
as it could b referring to a killer track in
which you race on, but also as it shows in
the poser the main character is wearing ear
phones so the slogan could also be referring
to a killer track as in a music track as that
will also be a main thing in the movie as
Existing product: Poster
Why I have chosen to look at this poster?
I have chosen to look at the baby driver poster as the design of it and the use of colours gives away the genre of the
movie, also the way it’s styled and the images of the characters gives a hint about them and what the movie is about. I
want to make a poster for my project in the same way that Baby driver is styled, using the colours to convey the genre
and the slogan to have more than one meaning to it to show the audience that it’s a film worth watching.
Audience Appeal
The poster appeals by the use of colours and the way the characters are designed makes the poster stand out, and if
you walked by it you would double look at it. Also with the features on the poster such as the guns and car shows that
it’s an action so it appeals to the audience that like action movies and as the movie is an original and the director is well
knows as are some of the cast it markets the movie by having their names on it to sell it to them.
The style of the poster is quite retro with the font of the title as well as how the characters are set up on the poster,
showing that they’re targeting the poster more at the older audience. The way they’ve used the colours as well it
doesn’t make the poster look bland but as the colours contrast with each other it makes it look more eye catching.
Summary (overview)
The way the poster has positioned everything with the car, the characters and the title is really well done, also the small
details in it such as the red and blue lines in front of the car give off subtle hints towards the movie and the way they’ve
designed the whole thing shows the audience the different genres the movie covers. I hope for my poster to take some
of the techniques use to create this poster and apply it to mine and to give hints through it as well.
Existing Product: Poster 2
I have chosen to look at the conjuring
poster, to see how it can show the
genre of horror from the different
types of colours, fonts and images it
uses. Looking at a horror poster like
this will give me ideas and techniques
to use for my poster.
Art Style
Just by looking at the poster it all conveys the
genre of horror, The noose that is hanging
from a tree symbolises death, it’s also a sin to
kill yourself which is what the noose is hinting
at so it’s insinuating that the main theme is
supernatural hauntings with hints of religious
themes in the movie. The main image of the
poster is all realistic which makes it even
eerier to look at. Many horrors are set in
secluded areas the house seems to be isolated
with only a field surrounding it, old isolated
houses are often used in horror movies as
they represent hauntings and gives of creepy
vibes to the audience. Just below the tree and
the noose there’s a shadow of what seems to
be a person which conveys that, that is the
person who hung themselves and it shows
that they’re spirit is still there by the shadow.
The fog surrounding the area gives of a sense
of mystery and foreboding to the poster
making it more horror like.
The font of the title is quite dark and
bold making it one of the main themes in
the poster to stand out so the audience
knows what the movie is called just by
first glance. At the top of the title it
states “from the director of Saw and
Insidious” the way they’ve put in bold
the titles of the other horrors the
director has directed, makes it stand out
more and gives it more attention by
showing that this movie will be scary and
good based of the director who’s already
made some iconic horror movies.
Colour scheme
The main colours in the poster are grey,
white and black. Above the house you can
see a bit of light shining on it and driving
away the fog, this could represent that the
Warrens are going to be that light that’s gets
rid of the darkness. The grey fog, gives of a
sense of mystery to the film indicating that
somethings there but you don’t know what.
At the bottom of the title it says “Based on the true
case files of the warrens” saying it’s based of a true
story makes the movie even more scarier knowing
that this has actually happened, It also makes the
audience more curious about the film and more
intrigued to watch it.
At the top of the of the poster it
mentions the director, however not by
name instead by films. They did this so
people are most likely to recognise the
success of the movie that he directed
rather than the name of the director
making them want to watch it more.
Underneath the title is says based of
the case files of the Warrens who are
ghost hunters and deal with
paranormal activity, saying it’s based of
a true story makes the audience want
to watch it even more.
Existing Product: Poster 2
Why I have chosen to look at this poster?
I have chosen to look at the conjuring poster so I can see how they use colours, images, and fonts to make the genre of
horror appear through the poster. By looking at all these aspects I’ve found that to convey horror to the audience they
mainly use colours such as grey and black, they also include images that makes people uncomfortable such as the
noose, and images that just by looking at them they give off a eerie vibe. By looking at all this I can apply what I have
leant from the poster and use it on my own as I am also making a horror poster.
Audience Appeal
The poster appeals to the audience as it all gives off a horror vibe based of the images and colours used in the poster
attracts people who love horror movies. It also says based of a true story, by putting this in the poster it makes the
movie even scarier and it intrigues people more into wanting to watch it. They also mention the directors movies in the
poster so if people are a fan of them it makes people want to watch this movie also.
The way they’ve set out the poster, with it looking isolated and the fog and grey sky makes the whole poster look eerie
and compelling to people with it making them want to know more about it. By it not even showing people in the poster
also makes it look haunting and mysterious as you can tell it’s something supernatural occurring and makes it more
Overall the poster accomplished what it was set out to do which is to convey the horror genre through the poster all
the while making it look mysterious. For my poster I was hoping to do the same and to convey the horror and eeriness
of the movie through the poster just like the Conjuring poster has done with its film.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
• All the products I have researched I have found that they all manage to convey their genre of movie, whether it’s
a horror, comedy or an action movie through their marketing they show their audience what type of movie it will
be. With the opening scene of Batman vs Superman just by the logo shown it shows that it’s going to be a dark
movie based on the design and colours they use. Then with the Conjuring trailer, the way they have set the
different shots and the mise en scene in the trailer gives off horror vibes straight away, just by the first few
seconds of the trailer you can tell it’s a horror due to the way its filmed by a hand held camera. I found the poster
also has some common features even if there movie style are complete opposites I found that they both use
colour schemes to depict the genre of movie as well as throwing in subtle hints about the movie as well. Such as
with the Baby driver poster it uses hints of red and blue to symbolise the police and the pink can show some
romance in the movie. Then with the Conjuring it has specs of white hovering over the house to show that the
light is trying to get rid of the darkness which the light can symbolise the Warrens.
What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
• I’ve learnt that colour is important to use when trying to show the genre of film so I’ll use similar colours to those
used in the conjuring such as grey and black. With my logo I need to make it stand out but also make it show the
genre of my trailer like it did with Batman vs Superman. In my poster I need to make the images look quite eerie
as well as including credits like it had done with Baby driver and I will also include a slogan that refers to the
movie such as Baby driver had “ All you need is one killer track” I could do something like that but make it scary
and eerie. With my trailer I need to build suspense like it did with the Conjuring trailer so I need to use sound to
help build it up as well as long shots to maintain it, I also need to transition shots quite fast to show an action
scene in my trailer as well like the conjuring did with the photos and everything falling off the wall.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: For my first question I asked my audience their age is so if they had a similar
age range I know where to target my project at. I found that most of my audience are 17
years old and a couple are a couple of years above that.
• What this says about my audience: Because most of my audience are older teenagers it
gives me an idea about what they would like in a movie, as well as what their interests are.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I was going to make my product more
mature, and add aspects in it such as more violent scenes and mature language so it can
appeal and fit with the age range of my audience.
Audience research
• Observation: For my second question I asked my audience what they’re gender was, I found that
most of my audience was female with 55.56% and 44.44% of them being male.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that the majority of my audience is female,
which means I need to include aspects of my trailer that will appeal to them but also because
there’s quite a few males in my audience I need to appeal to them both equally so they both
enjoy it.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Although the majority of my audience are
female, because I’m making a horror I plan to appeal to both genders but I wanted to get an idea
of who I was more aiming at with my audience.
Audience research
• Observation: For my third question I asked my audience what sub-genre of horror they
preferred I gave them the option of slasher, psychological, thriller, fantasy and action and
adventure. I found that the majority of my audience preferred psychological horror.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience likes psychological horrors,
so a film that has a good plot and makes you think throughout it instead it just being pure
• How will your product appeal to this audience: For my horror genre I now plan on doing it
psychological as that’s what my audience prefers. I plan on writing a good plot so throughout
my trailer it will leave them questioning what's happening and make them intrigued and try to
appeal to them
Audience research
• Observation: For my fourth question I asked how many characters my audience would expect
a horror movie to follow. I found that the majority of the audience said 3 and a few said 4.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience doesn’t want to watch a
movie that’s packed with loads of characters, they would rather watch it focusing on only a
• How will your product appeal to this audience: For my trailer I plan to have around 3
characters featuring in it, instead having loads it will just focus on them 3 main characters like
my audience wants.
Audience research
• Observation: For my fifth question I asked my audience how much gore they expected to see
in a horror movie, the majority said they expected to see quite a bit of gore.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience, when they watch horror
movies they expect to see quite a bit violence and gore as no one has voted that they would
expect to see none I need to feature quite a bit of gore in my trailer.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: For my trailer, I plan on including some
scenes with violence in so I can show to my audience that if it was a horror movie it would be
quite violent and gory
Audience research
• Observation: For my sixth question I asked my audience if they expected to see
supernatural elements in a horror movie, the majority of the audience said yes.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that when my audience watches a
horror movie they expect to see some supernatural elements in the movie. Which I
probably what my audience finds scary about the horror.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Because most of my audience expects to
see some supernatural elements in a horror movie, I plan to include something similar in my
trailer. However because I’m going for a psychological horror I might do it so they expect it to
be about supernatural occurrences but it’s something different.
Audience research
• Observation: For my seventh question I asked my audience if they like major character
deaths, I found that the majority said that they did like major character deaths.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that they like to watch movies that
probably don’t have a happy ending if they like major character deaths. Especially in a
horror movie.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Because my audience likes major
character deaths and that probably resulting in not a great happy ending. In my trailer I
will hint at it not ending well for the protagonist.
Audience research
• Observation: For my eighth question I asked my audience who there favourite horror movie
director was, most people said James Wan and Stephen King and a couple didn’t know any.
• What this says about my audience: This shows if my audience likes a specific director then
they like the way that they make their horror movies, and the way it’s filmed as well as the
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Because my audience is split between
different directors I plan to see how they film there horrors as well as the difference between
the movies they make and I plan to apply that to my trailer and use some of the techniques
they use in there movies.
Audience research
• Observation: For my ninth question I asked my audience what they’re favourite horror movie
was, I got quite a few different answers the ones that were repeated were sinister and IT.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience don’t have the same taste in
horrors as they all like different ones however the horrors they did pick, all have supernatural
occurrences in them.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Because my audience has chosen horrors that
all have supernatural features in, I know that’s what my audience likes. So I will include some
supernatural elements in my trailer as I think it will appeal to my audience.
Audience research
• Observation: For my last question I asked my audience if they like the antagonist to have character
or be more supernatural and the majority said they’d rather the antagonist to have character.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience prefers for the villain in the movie
to have a backstory and a motive to why they’re antagonising the protagonist instead of just it
being about some haunting in a house.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: For my antagonist in my trailer I plan on giving them
a motive and make them one of the central characters for my trailer. This will appeal to the
audience because I’m making my villain have some character rather than them just being there
without an explanation or a story behind it.
Interview 1 : (Wendy Robertson)
Question 1: “What makes a horror movie scary for you? “
Answer 1: “ Jump scares are probably the thing that scares me most in a horror because you’re not
expecting it to happen. “
Question 2: “If you watched a trailer of a horror movie, what aspects of it would make you want to see
it at the cinema? “
Answer 2: “The plot mainly for me, because if I saw a trailer and the plot looked overdone or just very
plain then I probably wouldn’t go see it. But if the plot looked interesting and I wanted to know more
then I would go see it at the cinema. “
Question 3: “What’s the main feature in horror movie that annoys you or has been done so many
times? “
Answer 3: “When the main character is dumb in the movie, it really annoys me and when you’re
shouting at the TV for the character to ‘not open that door’ or ‘don’t go in that room’ when they don’t
have any common sense it just frustrates me. “
Interview 1
• Observation: From my questions I found that my audience like jumps scares,
because to them that’s what scares them most, they like horrors for the plot and
not just to get scared and they want the main character to have common sense
and not be dumb.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience wants to see a
good movie and they don’t want to see it just for horror elements but rather for
the plot of the movie.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I plan to write an interesting plot
for my trailer so hopefully it would intrigue my audience enough to watch it, and I
plan for my character to be quite smart in my trailer so they won’t have to worry
about them not having any common sense.
Interview 2:(Toni Powell)
Question 1: “What makes a horror movie scary for you? “
Answer 1: “Probably like the villain in it such as Pennywise I find him really scary, but also when it
builds up tension and you’re waiting for something to happen and you know something bad is
going to happen and it still scares you. “
Question 2: “If you watched a trailer of a horror movie, what aspects of it would make you want
to see it at the cinema? “
Answer 2: “If it looks scary and I know I’m going to get scared by it, it depends on the amount of
scares or intense scenes it has in the trailer I suppose.“
Question 3: “What’s the main feature in horror movie that annoys you or has been done so many
times? “
Answer 3: “I guess like haunted house movies, it’s not very original and sometimes it’s just the
same plot over and over again, it just gets boring to watch. “
Interview 2
• Observation: I found that for my audience they find the villain scary in a
horror movie and they like built up tension. They also said they would go
see the actual movie if they found the trailer scary because then they
know the movie will be scary, and they don’t like haunted house movies
because they think it’s over done.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that they like to be mainly
scared in a horror movie but they don’t like things in horrors that have
been done so many times because it becomes boring to them.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I plan to make my trailer
quite scary, I will include a few jump scares because then if I was making a
movie then hopefully if they found the trailer scary enough then they
would want to see the movie of it.
1. Chloe, Ross (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on
2. Wendy Robertson, Toni Powell (2020) Target Audience Interviews
(conducted on 7/04/20)
3. Warner bros pictures. (2016). Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice -
Opening Scene. [Online Video]. 3 July 2016. Available from: [Accessed:
2nd April 2020]
4. Warner bros pictures. (2013). The conjuring - official main trailer. [Online
Video]. 2 April 2013. Available from: [Accessed: 2nd April

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  • 2. Existing product: Company logo/ Film Opening Product I have a chosen this specific clip so I can look at company logos, colour scheme, lighting, tone, sound effects and soundtrack can be used to create a stunning scene within an amount of minutes which I can use to apply to my own product. Font and effects With the Warner bros logo at the start of the movie opening, the colour of it is a steel grey. Depending on the genre of the movie Warner Bros changes the style of their logo, because it’s a steel grey we know it’s going to be a dark film, it can also give off a sense of horror as well. When the other logos show they’re all the same colour as the warner bros logo which shows the tone of the movie will stay the same through out. The logos also fade in time with the music and shows the pace of the music as it matches with it. Ost The soundtrack in the opening scene plays throughout the entire opening. It starts off as a slow tune as the logos are introduce and we come into the first shot, then as the kid runs and flash backs start the music keeps in time with the different shots and gradually gets louder as the focus of the scene is about to happen conveying to the viewers that something bad is about to happen. Then as the parents are shot the soundtrack moves from just instruments to someone singing along with it emphasising the emotion the scene has and the affect it has on the kid. As the scene moves the singing stops and music quietens but then starts slowly again when the camera moves to the dying bodies of the Transition As the logo fades into the shot you can see leaves floating into the scene, the orange/brown colour of the leaves and them floating suggests that the scene setting is set in autumn time. As the Warner bros logo fades away the entertainment company’s logo fades in as well as the DC comics logo to advertise and credit the companies who have worked on this film. As more leaves fall and the logos fade the camera zooms out of the darkness that was a coffin and shows an actual shot of the scene. The transitions between the logos and scene sets the tone and pace of the opening scene, as the transitions are slow and the pace of the leaves falling isn’t ruff but instead gentle and is in time with the sound of the wind and music. How dialogue is used to open the scene The opening dialogue starts just after the Logos fade, and just before the opening scene appears which gets the viewers full attention on the dialogue and what is being said. The tone of voice used and the pace he is talking all matches in time with the music in the background and the pace in which the scene transitions. In the dialogue he says “ How things fall. Things on Earth. And what falls… is fallen.” This can refer to the leaves falling in the scene as well as autumn which is the time the scene occurs is also referred to as ‘fall’ although the main reference is him referring to his parents death the leaves can represent them falling. Atmosphere created by sound effects In the opening scene you can hear the wind blowing the leaves and the sound of the leaves flickering, above that you can hear piano music which immediately sets the mood of the scene as slightly melancholy. As the scene moves on and it flashes back to his parents walking the streets the piano music remains constant and gets deeper, which conveys to the viewer that a tragedy is about to take place, and maintaining the same effect if had at the very beginning of the scene but by it getting deeper makes the scene more emotionally moving to watch. Cinematography In the flashback scene as the family is walking down the street their path is lit by the movie theatres sign as well as the posters placed along the wall, the lights illuminate the family and show how happy they are, it also contrasts to when the scene flashes back to the kid running in the woods the area is grey and there’s no light or happiness shown in the scene compared to in the flashback. As they continue to walk away from the theatre they enter a much more grim area which shows the true cities form. When the person pulls the trigger on the gun and the bullet falls it flashes forward to the kid falling along with the bullet down the hole, then as the mum is killed and falls it finally flashes to the kid landing down in the hole this shows that when his parents fell he fell with them and is visually represented through constant flash backs throughout the scene. Tone Throughout the opening scene it maintains the tone of melancholy and misery as the lighting and the colours used represent those mood styles. As the opening scene draws in the setting looks grey and the only colour that isn’t grey or black is the colour of the leaves that have a reddish tint to them to represent blood being spilt as they’re at funeral. The opening scene of the movie sets the tone of the entire film, making the viewer know what type of movie they’re watching and it isn’t a happy or joyful one. The only hint of joy in that scene is in the flash back where the family is happy walking out of the theatres, but through the background music you can tell that it wont last long as the scene moves asway from the light and into the darkness. me_continue=44&v=WrhK08pCqhk& feature=emb_title
  • 3. Existing Product: Company Logo Why I have chosen to look at company logos? I’ve chosen to look at company logos, so when I make my product I can have an idea about the design of the logo, such as colour schemes that fits in with the genre of my trailer, as well as how I can present the logo in my product to make it look visually interesting to the audience. As well as that I need to plan whereabouts I will place my logo in my trailer along with how I can transition it to move to different scenes in my trailer. Audience Appeal Company logos can appeal to the audience based on their reputation, such as with Warner bros it’s a well known entertainment company known for making good movies. When you see that logo at the beginning of a film then you can assume that it’s going to be a well made movie. Also the colouring of the logo helps convey to the audience the genre of film they’re watching such as if it was dark and grey then they’re watching a dark film. If it’s colourful then they can assume they’re watching a happy film. Summary (overview) I’ve found that having a logo included in a trailer or movie can help set the tone of it and the way it’s viewed and fades can set the pace of a movie as well. Using sound and background music can also help with this as well as colours used in a scene and the way it’s shot and transitioned. The emotions you make the viewer feel is all based on the sounds and cinematography of the film and how to make it so the viewer feels a certain way about a scene.
  • 4. Existing product: TrailerProduct I have chosen to look at this trailer so I can look at the different techniques it uses such as transitions, audio, camera angles and how it can create suspense in such a shot amount of time. By looking at this I can apply what I have learnt to my own project and experiment with the different techniques. Length The length of this trailer is 2 minutes and 28 seconds long, in that short amount of time it’s managed to convey the horror elements and build up tension while leaving a sense of mystery towards it such as who is the entity that is haunting the house? The length is managed so it doesn’t give away too much of the movie but at the same time it gives of the basic plot of it. It also leads the audience to wanting to know more about it which makes them want to see the movie. Location The main location used in the trailer is the house in which the strange occurrences is happening , This shows that the focus of the movie is going to be on that house and the family that live there. The other location seen in the trailer is the university Ed and Lorraine are teaching in which can only be seen in the first few seconds of the trailer, which shows that not much will take place there but it shows a bit of background towards the two main characters and their lives. The rest of the trailer is just the house and the area around it. Lighting In the first scene of the trailer they’ve filmed it with a hand held camera to give the sense that it’s home footage, The light in the scene is shined directly on the guy and that seems to be the only bit of light given in that scene. This could indicate that the guy in the scene represents the light in the movie and is the one that’s trying to get rid of the evil by spreading that light, as it represents the good in the film. In the first part of the trailer as the characters are introduced the lighting is bright but as the trailer moves on and the women says that there’s something going on in the house the light gets dimmer than it was. This could show at the beginning the evil wasn’t introduced but now it is throughout the trailer the light isn’t as bright as it once was. Mise en scene The clothing worn in the trailer indicates that the film isn’t set in present day, the cotton and old fashioned style of the characters clothing as well as the hairstyles worn shows that it’s set either the 60’s or 70’s. The way the house is styled with the old fashioned furniture and the state of the decor is associated with the typical horror movie genre so the setting and props already give away the genre of the movie. The use of putting up pictures of the family around the house shows that they’re close as a family along with the warm colours of clothing they wear which shows that happiness, which contrasts with the evil that they will put up with. The props such as the piano and the clock gives of a horror vibe and makes the viewer nervous when they watch as it helps create the sense of horror. Audience Appeal All throughout the trailer it gives of a sense of suspense and mystery towards the movie, it makes the viewer question who is haunting them and why. Leaving the audience wanting to know more about the movie. It targets the audience who love horror and wants to get spooked and by the trailer everything is horror oriented. As it also says that it’s based of a true story this intrigues the viewer even more knowing that it’s actually happened and it makes them want to know the story, also saying it’s based of a true story scares the viewer even more knowing that it’s real and not fiction contributes to the trailers horror elements. Sound Effects and how they are used in the trailer The sounds used in the trailer helps create suspense in the scenes, such as when the clock is ticking that’s the only sound you can hear and with each clock tick the camera transitions from the clock to the child sleeping which puts the audience on edge. Then as the clock stops ticking and there’s only silence that’s when you know something is going to happen. The use of the clock tick and scene switches builds up the scare that’s going to happen and you know with each clock tick something bad is going to happen. The dialogue used in the trailer such as “there’s something horrible happening in my house” and the whispering of “look what she made me do” adds more horror to the trailer and frightens the audience. The sound effects of the smashing of the pictures and the screaming also helps creates a horror atmosphere as well. TST The song at the beginning of the trailer is quite a happy song to show at the moment nothing is wrong, but just as the Mum states “There’s something horrible happening in my house” the sound track immediately cuts dead. This indicates that something bad is going to happen and like at the beginning of the trailer it’s no longer quite as joyful as it begins to show it’s true horror elements. The rest of the trailer is filled with eerie sounds and dialogue from the character which helps create the suspense in the trailer without the soundtrack. TZ41q5o
  • 5. Existing product: Conjuring Trailer Why I have chosen to look at this trailer? I have chosen to look at the conjuring trailer because I wanted to see how they were able to create suspense and keep the audience engaged throughout the trailer that makes them want to see the movie. I also wanted to see how they used audio to help make it horror atmospheric as well as how they used props and clothing to convey that the genre was horror as well. I think looking at all this will help me with my project as I now understand how they created tension and kept the audience engaged throughout the trailer which is what I want to do. Audience Appeal The trailer appeals to the audience because throughout it, it maintains all the horror elements and it creates scenes in it which puts the audience on edge with them not knowing what is going to happen next. It also leaves them curious to the story of the movie as they want to know what’s going to happen in it and makes them want to see the movie. Summary All through the trailer it kept the viewer engaged with it, the audio they used helped create suspense for a scene and builds it up as well as the transitions between shots helps scare the viewer as they don’t know what's going to appear next. Also the props and clothing helps establish when the movie is set and it relates to a typical horror with the décor and antiques used in the shots.
  • 6. Existing Product: PosterProduct I have chosen to look at this poster so I can look at the design styles, fonts and colours used to create it. As well as how the poster can convey the movies genre and style through its design. Looking at all this I can apply the same techniques used to create this poster to my own. Fonts The font style used for the main title of the movie is quite retro and looks like something you would see in a 80’s action movie. This shows the audience that movie is an action movie and as some of the letters are split in half to make it look like the aesthetic of a road. The colour of the title and the style of it also resembles that of something you would see on a road as well. This helps show to the audience that the movie is based on cars and driving. Colour scheme The main colour in the poster is pink, the sky is pink, the tint in the sunglasses are pink and even the car has a slight pinkness in it. The connotations of pink mainly references love so the poster is hinting at that the movie could have some romance in it, which shows its not only a action movie but also a romance as well. The red in the poster also suggests that there is danger and action in the movie, and the red and blue lines on the road that is in front of the car also suggests it’s a film to do with criminals as blue and red represent the police and as the car looks like it’s driving away from the red and blue indicates it’s trying to escape the police. The red in the poster which represents violence and danger and the pink in the poster that represents love and innocence contradicts with each other and it could represent the battle the main character has between the two in the movie. Art Style The way the poster is layed out is so your attention is on the car on the road, this is so the audience knows the main theme of the movie is based on getaway cars as the car looks to be speeding away from the police. The way the poster is set up with the characters in place and the almost pop art style of it gives it kind of a comedic vibe making it look less serious than it seems, hinting that the movie will also have comedic vibes to it. The images of the cast and the way they’re posed and positioned tells you a bit about them. Baby who is wearing the sunglasses and earphones is bigger than everyone in the poster indicating that he’s the main character, the look of the three characters at the bottom makes them look like thugs and them holding guns shows that they’re the criminals in the movie. The girl who is closest to baby in the movie looks innocent from the style of clothing and the lack of weaponry showing that she could be Baby’s love interest in the movie. Then the guy who is also wearing sunglasses looks like some kind of boss based on the suit and tie and the more upper class look he has compared to the rest. Credits The director of the film, Edgar wright, is a very well known director so putting his name on the top of the film title is a way to market the movie to the audience. Along with the actors names Ansel Elgort and Kevin Spacey as well as Lily James are fairly well known in the movie industry and having their names on the poster as well as their faces helps sell the movie to the audience as well. Also it’s important to include the actors names so they have credit in the movie and the poster. Slogan At the bottom of the tile of the movie it has the slogan “All you need is one killer track” this has a meaning of two things in the film as it could b referring to a killer track in which you race on, but also as it shows in the poser the main character is wearing ear phones so the slogan could also be referring to a killer track as in a music track as that will also be a main thing in the movie as well.
  • 7. Existing product: Poster Why I have chosen to look at this poster? I have chosen to look at the baby driver poster as the design of it and the use of colours gives away the genre of the movie, also the way it’s styled and the images of the characters gives a hint about them and what the movie is about. I want to make a poster for my project in the same way that Baby driver is styled, using the colours to convey the genre and the slogan to have more than one meaning to it to show the audience that it’s a film worth watching. Audience Appeal The poster appeals by the use of colours and the way the characters are designed makes the poster stand out, and if you walked by it you would double look at it. Also with the features on the poster such as the guns and car shows that it’s an action so it appeals to the audience that like action movies and as the movie is an original and the director is well knows as are some of the cast it markets the movie by having their names on it to sell it to them. Style The style of the poster is quite retro with the font of the title as well as how the characters are set up on the poster, showing that they’re targeting the poster more at the older audience. The way they’ve used the colours as well it doesn’t make the poster look bland but as the colours contrast with each other it makes it look more eye catching. Summary (overview) The way the poster has positioned everything with the car, the characters and the title is really well done, also the small details in it such as the red and blue lines in front of the car give off subtle hints towards the movie and the way they’ve designed the whole thing shows the audience the different genres the movie covers. I hope for my poster to take some of the techniques use to create this poster and apply it to mine and to give hints through it as well.
  • 8. Existing Product: Poster 2 Product I have chosen to look at the conjuring poster, to see how it can show the genre of horror from the different types of colours, fonts and images it uses. Looking at a horror poster like this will give me ideas and techniques to use for my poster. Art Style Just by looking at the poster it all conveys the genre of horror, The noose that is hanging from a tree symbolises death, it’s also a sin to kill yourself which is what the noose is hinting at so it’s insinuating that the main theme is supernatural hauntings with hints of religious themes in the movie. The main image of the poster is all realistic which makes it even eerier to look at. Many horrors are set in secluded areas the house seems to be isolated with only a field surrounding it, old isolated houses are often used in horror movies as they represent hauntings and gives of creepy vibes to the audience. Just below the tree and the noose there’s a shadow of what seems to be a person which conveys that, that is the person who hung themselves and it shows that they’re spirit is still there by the shadow. The fog surrounding the area gives of a sense of mystery and foreboding to the poster making it more horror like. Fonts The font of the title is quite dark and bold making it one of the main themes in the poster to stand out so the audience knows what the movie is called just by first glance. At the top of the title it states “from the director of Saw and Insidious” the way they’ve put in bold the titles of the other horrors the director has directed, makes it stand out more and gives it more attention by showing that this movie will be scary and good based of the director who’s already made some iconic horror movies. Colour scheme The main colours in the poster are grey, white and black. Above the house you can see a bit of light shining on it and driving away the fog, this could represent that the Warrens are going to be that light that’s gets rid of the darkness. The grey fog, gives of a sense of mystery to the film indicating that somethings there but you don’t know what. Slogan At the bottom of the title it says “Based on the true case files of the warrens” saying it’s based of a true story makes the movie even more scarier knowing that this has actually happened, It also makes the audience more curious about the film and more intrigued to watch it. Credits At the top of the of the poster it mentions the director, however not by name instead by films. They did this so people are most likely to recognise the success of the movie that he directed rather than the name of the director making them want to watch it more. Underneath the title is says based of the case files of the Warrens who are ghost hunters and deal with paranormal activity, saying it’s based of a true story makes the audience want to watch it even more.
  • 9. Existing Product: Poster 2 Why I have chosen to look at this poster? I have chosen to look at the conjuring poster so I can see how they use colours, images, and fonts to make the genre of horror appear through the poster. By looking at all these aspects I’ve found that to convey horror to the audience they mainly use colours such as grey and black, they also include images that makes people uncomfortable such as the noose, and images that just by looking at them they give off a eerie vibe. By looking at all this I can apply what I have leant from the poster and use it on my own as I am also making a horror poster. Audience Appeal The poster appeals to the audience as it all gives off a horror vibe based of the images and colours used in the poster attracts people who love horror movies. It also says based of a true story, by putting this in the poster it makes the movie even scarier and it intrigues people more into wanting to watch it. They also mention the directors movies in the poster so if people are a fan of them it makes people want to watch this movie also. Style The way they’ve set out the poster, with it looking isolated and the fog and grey sky makes the whole poster look eerie and compelling to people with it making them want to know more about it. By it not even showing people in the poster also makes it look haunting and mysterious as you can tell it’s something supernatural occurring and makes it more sinister. Summary Overall the poster accomplished what it was set out to do which is to convey the horror genre through the poster all the while making it look mysterious. For my poster I was hoping to do the same and to convey the horror and eeriness of the movie through the poster just like the Conjuring poster has done with its film.
  • 10. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? • All the products I have researched I have found that they all manage to convey their genre of movie, whether it’s a horror, comedy or an action movie through their marketing they show their audience what type of movie it will be. With the opening scene of Batman vs Superman just by the logo shown it shows that it’s going to be a dark movie based on the design and colours they use. Then with the Conjuring trailer, the way they have set the different shots and the mise en scene in the trailer gives off horror vibes straight away, just by the first few seconds of the trailer you can tell it’s a horror due to the way its filmed by a hand held camera. I found the poster also has some common features even if there movie style are complete opposites I found that they both use colour schemes to depict the genre of movie as well as throwing in subtle hints about the movie as well. Such as with the Baby driver poster it uses hints of red and blue to symbolise the police and the pink can show some romance in the movie. Then with the Conjuring it has specs of white hovering over the house to show that the light is trying to get rid of the darkness which the light can symbolise the Warrens. What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • I’ve learnt that colour is important to use when trying to show the genre of film so I’ll use similar colours to those used in the conjuring such as grey and black. With my logo I need to make it stand out but also make it show the genre of my trailer like it did with Batman vs Superman. In my poster I need to make the images look quite eerie as well as including credits like it had done with Baby driver and I will also include a slogan that refers to the movie such as Baby driver had “ All you need is one killer track” I could do something like that but make it scary and eerie. With my trailer I need to build suspense like it did with the Conjuring trailer so I need to use sound to help build it up as well as long shots to maintain it, I also need to transition shots quite fast to show an action scene in my trailer as well like the conjuring did with the photos and everything falling off the wall.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: For my first question I asked my audience their age is so if they had a similar age range I know where to target my project at. I found that most of my audience are 17 years old and a couple are a couple of years above that. • What this says about my audience: Because most of my audience are older teenagers it gives me an idea about what they would like in a movie, as well as what their interests are. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I was going to make my product more mature, and add aspects in it such as more violent scenes and mature language so it can appeal and fit with the age range of my audience.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: For my second question I asked my audience what they’re gender was, I found that most of my audience was female with 55.56% and 44.44% of them being male. • What this says about my audience: This shows that the majority of my audience is female, which means I need to include aspects of my trailer that will appeal to them but also because there’s quite a few males in my audience I need to appeal to them both equally so they both enjoy it. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Although the majority of my audience are female, because I’m making a horror I plan to appeal to both genders but I wanted to get an idea of who I was more aiming at with my audience.
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: For my third question I asked my audience what sub-genre of horror they preferred I gave them the option of slasher, psychological, thriller, fantasy and action and adventure. I found that the majority of my audience preferred psychological horror. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience likes psychological horrors, so a film that has a good plot and makes you think throughout it instead it just being pure horror. • How will your product appeal to this audience: For my horror genre I now plan on doing it psychological as that’s what my audience prefers. I plan on writing a good plot so throughout my trailer it will leave them questioning what's happening and make them intrigued and try to appeal to them
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: For my fourth question I asked how many characters my audience would expect a horror movie to follow. I found that the majority of the audience said 3 and a few said 4. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience doesn’t want to watch a movie that’s packed with loads of characters, they would rather watch it focusing on only a few. • How will your product appeal to this audience: For my trailer I plan to have around 3 characters featuring in it, instead having loads it will just focus on them 3 main characters like my audience wants.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: For my fifth question I asked my audience how much gore they expected to see in a horror movie, the majority said they expected to see quite a bit of gore. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience, when they watch horror movies they expect to see quite a bit violence and gore as no one has voted that they would expect to see none I need to feature quite a bit of gore in my trailer. • How will your product appeal to this audience: For my trailer, I plan on including some scenes with violence in so I can show to my audience that if it was a horror movie it would be quite violent and gory
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: For my sixth question I asked my audience if they expected to see supernatural elements in a horror movie, the majority of the audience said yes. • What this says about my audience: This shows that when my audience watches a horror movie they expect to see some supernatural elements in the movie. Which I probably what my audience finds scary about the horror. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Because most of my audience expects to see some supernatural elements in a horror movie, I plan to include something similar in my trailer. However because I’m going for a psychological horror I might do it so they expect it to be about supernatural occurrences but it’s something different.
  • 18. Audience research • Observation: For my seventh question I asked my audience if they like major character deaths, I found that the majority said that they did like major character deaths. • What this says about my audience: This shows that they like to watch movies that probably don’t have a happy ending if they like major character deaths. Especially in a horror movie. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Because my audience likes major character deaths and that probably resulting in not a great happy ending. In my trailer I will hint at it not ending well for the protagonist.
  • 19. Audience research • Observation: For my eighth question I asked my audience who there favourite horror movie director was, most people said James Wan and Stephen King and a couple didn’t know any. • What this says about my audience: This shows if my audience likes a specific director then they like the way that they make their horror movies, and the way it’s filmed as well as the plot. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Because my audience is split between different directors I plan to see how they film there horrors as well as the difference between the movies they make and I plan to apply that to my trailer and use some of the techniques they use in there movies.
  • 20. Audience research • Observation: For my ninth question I asked my audience what they’re favourite horror movie was, I got quite a few different answers the ones that were repeated were sinister and IT. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience don’t have the same taste in horrors as they all like different ones however the horrors they did pick, all have supernatural occurrences in them. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Because my audience has chosen horrors that all have supernatural features in, I know that’s what my audience likes. So I will include some supernatural elements in my trailer as I think it will appeal to my audience.
  • 21. Audience research • Observation: For my last question I asked my audience if they like the antagonist to have character or be more supernatural and the majority said they’d rather the antagonist to have character. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience prefers for the villain in the movie to have a backstory and a motive to why they’re antagonising the protagonist instead of just it being about some haunting in a house. • How will your product appeal to this audience: For my antagonist in my trailer I plan on giving them a motive and make them one of the central characters for my trailer. This will appeal to the audience because I’m making my villain have some character rather than them just being there without an explanation or a story behind it.
  • 23. Interview 1 : (Wendy Robertson) Question 1: “What makes a horror movie scary for you? “ Answer 1: “ Jump scares are probably the thing that scares me most in a horror because you’re not expecting it to happen. “ Question 2: “If you watched a trailer of a horror movie, what aspects of it would make you want to see it at the cinema? “ Answer 2: “The plot mainly for me, because if I saw a trailer and the plot looked overdone or just very plain then I probably wouldn’t go see it. But if the plot looked interesting and I wanted to know more then I would go see it at the cinema. “ Question 3: “What’s the main feature in horror movie that annoys you or has been done so many times? “ Answer 3: “When the main character is dumb in the movie, it really annoys me and when you’re shouting at the TV for the character to ‘not open that door’ or ‘don’t go in that room’ when they don’t have any common sense it just frustrates me. “
  • 24. Interview 1 • Observation: From my questions I found that my audience like jumps scares, because to them that’s what scares them most, they like horrors for the plot and not just to get scared and they want the main character to have common sense and not be dumb. • What this says about my audience: This shows that my audience wants to see a good movie and they don’t want to see it just for horror elements but rather for the plot of the movie. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I plan to write an interesting plot for my trailer so hopefully it would intrigue my audience enough to watch it, and I plan for my character to be quite smart in my trailer so they won’t have to worry about them not having any common sense.
  • 25. Interview 2:(Toni Powell) Question 1: “What makes a horror movie scary for you? “ Answer 1: “Probably like the villain in it such as Pennywise I find him really scary, but also when it builds up tension and you’re waiting for something to happen and you know something bad is going to happen and it still scares you. “ Question 2: “If you watched a trailer of a horror movie, what aspects of it would make you want to see it at the cinema? “ Answer 2: “If it looks scary and I know I’m going to get scared by it, it depends on the amount of scares or intense scenes it has in the trailer I suppose.“ Question 3: “What’s the main feature in horror movie that annoys you or has been done so many times? “ Answer 3: “I guess like haunted house movies, it’s not very original and sometimes it’s just the same plot over and over again, it just gets boring to watch. “
  • 26. Interview 2 • Observation: I found that for my audience they find the villain scary in a horror movie and they like built up tension. They also said they would go see the actual movie if they found the trailer scary because then they know the movie will be scary, and they don’t like haunted house movies because they think it’s over done. • What this says about my audience: This shows that they like to be mainly scared in a horror movie but they don’t like things in horrors that have been done so many times because it becomes boring to them. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I plan to make my trailer quite scary, I will include a few jump scares because then if I was making a movie then hopefully if they found the trailer scary enough then they would want to see the movie of it.
  • 28. Bibliography 1. Chloe, Ross (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 3/04/20) 2. Wendy Robertson, Toni Powell (2020) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 7/04/20) 3. Warner bros pictures. (2016). Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Opening Scene. [Online Video]. 3 July 2016. Available from: [Accessed: 2nd April 2020] 4. Warner bros pictures. (2013). The conjuring - official main trailer. [Online Video]. 2 April 2013. Available from: [Accessed: 2nd April 2020].

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.